Prebendaries: Consumpta-per-Mare

Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 1, St. Paul's, London. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1968.

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'Prebendaries: Consumpta-per-Mare', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 1, St. Paul's, London, ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1968), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Prebendaries: Consumpta-per-Mare', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 1, St. Paul's, London. Edited by Diana E Greenway (London, 1968), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Prebendaries: Consumpta-per-Mare". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 1, St. Paul's, London. Ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1968), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


See lists in Cats. I fo. 94v, II fo. 111/118v.

Robert [Losinga]

First preb. in cats., 'Robertus episcopus Hereford'. Does not occ. as can. Presum. to be identified with Robert Losinga, bp. of Hereford, cons. Dec. 1079, d. June 1095.

William Giffard

Occ. in cats. between Robert [Losinga] and Osbern, 'Willelmus Giffard episcopus Wint.'. Does not occ. as can. Occ. as chapl. of king William II 1091 (Regesta 1 no. 315), and chanc. [1094] (ibid. no. 349). Bp. of Winchester, nom. Aug. 1100, cons. Aug. 1107.


Occ. in cats. between William Giffard and Thurstan, 'Osbernus [Osbertus, Cat. II] capellanus regis'. Does not occ. as can. Presum. to be identified with Osbern, chapl. of king Henry I, who occ. 3 Sept. 1101 (Regesta 11 nos. 544, 548). Possibly brother of Ranulph Flambard, bp. of Durham (preb. of Totenhall) (cf. Chron. Monasterii de Abingdon, ed. J. Stevenson (Rolls ser. ii) 11 23, cited by Brooke, Composition p. 130 n. 18). ? Sheriff of Lincs. and Yorks. before 1107 (cf. Brooke, ibid. p. 124 n. 70).


Occ. in cats. between Osbern and Ranulph Patin, 'Turstinus archiepiscopus'. Does not occ. as can. Occ. as chapl. of king Henry I 1103-14 (Regesta 11 nos. 652-1075). Abp. of York, el. Aug. 1114, cons. Oct. 1119, d. Feb. 1140. Son of Anger and brother of Audoen, prebs. of Cantlers (see above, p. 36).

Ranulph Patin (fn. 2)

Occ. in cats. between Thurstan and Richard [ ?Foliot], 'Ranulfus Patin'. Occ. as can. [Apr. 1138 × 1150] (WD 4 fos. 20/24r-21/25v, pd. in Rep. p. 62a), (fn. 3) and 1148/9 (WD 4 fos. 27/31v-28/32r, pd. in Rep. p. 63a-b). Prob. to be identified with 'Rannulfus canonicus' who occ. several times between c. 1128 (Davis, London lands pp. 56-7), and 1150/1 (B.M., Harley MS. 6956 fo. 84v, from missing Liber F fo. 35).

Richard [?Foliot I] (fn. 4)

Occ. in cats. between Ranulph Patin and Gilbert Banastre, 'Ricardus archiepiscopus'. Certainly not to be identified with Richard of Dover, abp. of Canterbury (1174-84), who was Ben. monk. Presum. an error for 'Ricardus archidiaconus', and could be either Richard Ruffus I, archdcn. of Essex, or Richard Foliot I, archdcn. of Colchester and prob. also of Middlesex. Possibly to be identified with Richard Foliot, who evidently held an otherwise unident. preb. before he succeeded to preb. of Wenlocksbarn, after 1163 (see below p. 86).

Gilbert Banastre (fn. 5)

Occ. in cats. between Richard [?Foliot] and Alexander de Swereford, 'Ailebertus [Aylebertus, Cat. II] Banastre'. No such individual occ. as can. of St. Paul's, and cat. entry almost certainly an error for Gilbert Banastre, who occ. frequently. First certain occ. as can. 1183/4 (G.F.L. no. 403) and [July 1183 × Nov. 1184] (G.F.L. no. 404), but may occ. earlier, [c. 1180 × Sept. 1186] (Gibbs no. 243; cf. A/27/149). Occ. c. 1192 (D.S.R. II). Last certain occ. as can. 1215/16 (A/39/1369), but may occ. later, [c. 1214 × Sept. 1216] (Gibbs nos. 145, 254). (fn. 6)

M. Alexander de Swereford

Occ. in cats. between Gilbert Banastre and Silvester [?de Everdon], 'Alexander archidiaconus Salopesbir. [Saloppes', Cat. II]'. Archdcn. of Salop (Lichfield dioc.) by Nov. 1218, to Apr. 1232 or later. First certain occ. as can. 27 Nov. 1218 (cart. of St. Thomas of Acon: B.M., Cotton MS. Tib. C. v fo. 152r-v), but may occ. earlier, [Oct. 1217 × Jan. 1221] (A/16/1234, cal. in Rep. p. 17b). (fn. 7) Also treas. by Jan. 1232, to d. in Oct. 1246. Prob. transf. to unident. preb. before May 1245.

[?M.] Silvester [?de Everdon]

Occ. in cats. between Alexander de Swereford and William La Feite, 'Silvester archidiaconus Arcestrie'. Possibly an error for 'Cestrie', and to be identified with M. Silvester de Everdon, archdcn. of Chester, Jan. 1245-Oct. 1247. Does not certainly occ. as can., but occ. in connection with St. Paul's, 21 May 1245 (Hist. Church York 111 161-2). Bp. of Carlisle, el. between Aug. and Nov. 1246, cons. Oct. 1247.

William La Feite

Occ. in cats. between Silvester [?de Everdon] and William de Kilkenny, 'Willelmus la Affaite'. First occ. as can. 1243/4 (B.M., Harley MS. 6956 fo. 161r, from an original deed formerly in St. Paul's pyx 'H'). (fn. 8) Also occ. Nov. 1250 (Chron. Maj. v 190). Prob. transf. to preb. of Harleston [June 1252 × Sept. 1254].

M. William de Kilkenny

Occ. in cats. between William La Feite and Philip de Eya, 'Willelmus de Kinkenny' (Cat. I), 'Willelmus Kyrkenni' (Cat. II). Previously appd. to preb. of Caddington Major, but ordered to res. 13 Jan. 1254, and receive next vacant preb. (Reg. Innoc. IV no. 7688). Presum. received this preb. before Sept. 1254. Bp. of Ely, el. Sept. 1254, cons. Aug. 1255.

Philip de Eya

Occ. in cats. between William de Kilkenny and William Passemer, 'Philippus de Eya'. Occ. as can. 9 Aug. 1257 (Reg. Alex. IV no. 2173), but presum. transf. to preb. of Mora, before Aug. 1257.

M. William Passemer

Occ. in cats. between Philip de Eya and Thomas Eswy, 'Willelmus Passemer'. Does not occ. as can. until 1262, and had presum. transf. to preb. of Twiford before Aug. 1257. Occ. not called can. 31 July 1256 (St. Paul's almoner's cart.: Cambridge, St. John's College, MS. S. 25 fos. 61v-63r).

M. Thomas Eswy (fn. 9)

Occ. in cats. between William Passemer and John Renger, 'Thomas Eysswy [Asshewy, Cat. II]'. First occ. as can. [Apr. 1254 × Aug. 1257] (A/32/643). (fn. 10) Last occ. as can. 5 Oct. 1263 (A/33/719), and [Dec. 1262 × c. 1268] (A/25/339). (fn. 11) Also chanc. of St. Paul's, some time before d. by 1267/8.

John Renger

Occ. in cats. between Thomas Eswy and Simon de Stanbregg, 'Johannes Renger [Reynger, Cat. II]'. Occ. as can. once only, 11 Dec. 1262 (B.M., Harley MS. 6956 fo. 154v, from a letter of proxy formerly in St. Paul's pyx 'H'), but unless Thomas Eswy had transf. to another unident. preb., Renger could not have been preb. of Consumpta at this time.

Simon de Stanbregg

Occ. in cats. between John Renger and Philip de Willoughby, 'Simon de Stanbregg'. Presum. not yet can. 5 July 1273, when occ. as clk. of queen Eleanor (C.Ch.R. 11 410). First occ. among cans. 30 March 1277 (WD 19 fo. 16b). Last occ. as can. 16 Nov. 1285 (B.M., Harley MS. 6956 fo. 89v, from missing Liber F fo. 63). D. before Nov. 1292 (Hale p. 107).

Philip de Willoughby (fn. 12)

Occ. in cats. between Simon de Stanbregg and Gilbert de Strattone, 'Philippus de Wyleweby [Wileby, Cat. II]'. Presum. transf. from this preb. to preb. of Broomesbury between June and Sept. 1287.

M. Gilbert de Strattone

Occ. in cats. between Philip de Willoughby and John de Berewik, 'magister Gilbertus de Strattone' (Cat. I), 'Gilbertus de Strathone' (Cat. II). Instal. as can. between Sept. 1286 and Sept. 1287 (Hale p. 173). Last certain occ. 6 July 1292 (C.P.R. 1281-92 p. 499). Almost certainly the subdean of Lincoln who d. between Jan. and 11 March 1294 (Reg. Sutton IV 160, 174). (fn. 13)

John de Berewik

Occ. in cats. between Gilbert de Strattone and Richard de Brencheslee, 'Johannes de Berewik'. Occ. this preb. c. 1294 (Liber F valor). (fn. 14) D. by 6 July 1312 (C.P.R. 1307-13 p. 468).


  • 1. The land of the prebend, in Walton-on-the-Naze (Essex), is said to have been lost to the sea before 1066; see Newcourt 1 141, and cf. P. H. Reaney, The Place-Names of Essex (Cambridge, 1935) p. 355.
  • 2. See also G.F. p. 278.
  • 3. Temp. Ralph of Langford, dean (above p. 5), and Nicholas Crocemannus, can. (preb. of Oxgate, below p. 67).
  • 4. See also G.F. pp. 278-9.
  • 5. See also G.F. p. 279.
  • 6. Temp. Gilbert de Plesseto, archdcn. of London (above p. 10), and Alard de Burnham, dean (p. 6).
  • 7. Temp. Henry de Cornhill, chanc. (above p. 26), and William of Ste.-Mère-Eglise, bp. of London (p. 2).
  • 8. Temp. Ralph Eswy mayor, Adam de Basing and Hugh Blund sheriffs (Beaven 1 372).
  • 9. Cf. above p. 26 n. 7.
  • 10. Temp. Walter de Salerne, dean (above p. 7).
  • 11. Temp. Geoffrey de Fering, dean (above p. 7).
  • 12. Cf. above p. 29 n. 1.
  • 13. His successor as subdean, M. Henry of Benniworth, was coll. 15 March 1294 (Le Neve, Fasti 1300-1541 1 (1962) 4).
  • 14. See below App. II.