Churchwardens' accounts: 1523-4

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1523-4', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1523-4', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1523-4". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.

[a.d. 1523–4.

Iohn Edyall Wardens.
Robert Averey

Obit List.

Quitrent List.

A Memorandum.

Chantry Accounts.

Church Rents. Payments.]

* * * * *
(fn. 1) paid to Ioh'n North'folke for a Rewarde for kepyng the quere and the Orgons all the xijc days in Cristemas vj s viij d
* * * * *
paid for iiij ymners and a processioner, noted, for þe clerkes in þe quere vj s viij d
* * * * *
(fn. 2) paid for makyng clene of a chambre in the Abbottes yn for to be a skole howse for North'folkes children and for hauyng away of Strawe and Rubbussh' owte of that howse, the Summa of vj d
paid for Russhis for that Chambre for Strawyng iij d
* * * * *
paid for Ryngyng of Mestres porttes knyll with the Greate bell vj d
* * * * *
paid for makyng of xij Surplices ffor men, the pece vj d. Summa vj s
paid for makyng of xij Surplices for Children, þe pece v d. Summa (fn. 3) v s
paid for makyng of iijc Children Surplices, of the which' Surplices Mr Clayton gaue the clothe of them; paid for makyng xv d
paid for iiij holywatur sprynklys for the churche vj d
paid to sir Richard Ellys for candell for syngyng þe ffirst mas ij d
* * * * *
paid for makyng clene of both' þe chirchyerdes ayenst þat day [palm sonday] iij d
paid to Mr Austhorp of the Obbet of Mestres Noneley x s
paid for brede and Drynke spent vppon the Orgon maker and other of the parisshe in the tyme of the Amendyng of the Orgons xj d
paid to the Orgon maker by þe mynde of Mr person for mendyng the Orgons iij s iiij d
* * * * *
paid for the Costes of William Smyth', Condukte, for settyng a childe at Waltham xij d
* * * * *
paid to Iohn Woulff for Shauyng & payntyng of iiij Baner Stavis, the which' Stavys wer gevyn by Robert Ryvell iiij s
* * * * *
(fn. 4) paid for Garlondis for the Crossis and the quere and for other Straungers that did bere Copis on corpus cristi day xxj d
paid for beryng of viij Torches that day with þe Sacrament viij d
* * * * *
paid to North'folke and his compeny & þe children when that Mr parson gave to them a playng weke to make mery iij s iiij d
* * * * *
paid for Milke and Rattisbane for the Rattes in the chirch' j d ob.
paid for bromys for the chirch' & Grece for the belles iij d
paid to the Ryngers on our lady day for Ryngyng viij d
paid for a basket for the Chirch' for the Duste ij d
* * * * *
paid for vj ll' of Rope for the lamp, the ll' j d quarter.
Summa vij d ob.
* * * * *
paid for ij yerdys of wykur matt for þe childrens fete xvj d
paid for vj Round Mattes of wykers for the Clerkes xv d
to a ffounder for mendyng the Branche in the Roodelofte and for makyng of ij Newe Armes for þat branch', of viij ll'. Summa (fn. 5) iiij s v d
* * * * *
(fn. 6) paid to Antony Syluer for vj dossen & di. of candell for the chirch' vj s vj d
* * * * *
paid for xv fote of Boourde occupyed in Mestres Rochis Maydens pewe for benches and other thynges v d
paid for Reysyng of Mr Roches pewe and for a Newe dore to the same pewe and for Stuff and wourkmanship of the same ij s iiij d
paid for wourkmanship of Mr Roches Maydens pewe and for Settyng vpp of a pewe in Seint Annys chappell iiij d
* * * * *
paid for a peyre of Garnattes for Mr Roches pewe dore iiij d
paid for a long Deske for the quere iij s
* * * * *
paid to the Raker for his yeres wages for the chirch' xvj d
paid to Balaham, lamerton and Adam, that was graunted to them for blowyng the Orgons and tendyng to the chirch' euery sonday, to haue ij d, that is to say, from the xth day of Septembre vnto the xviij day of Decembre. Summa xv Sondays, euery sonday ij d. Summa ij s vj d
paid for Brede, Ale and wyne for the queer at dyuers high't festis in the yere and for the Kynges chappell xiij s x d; of the whiche Receued of Mr parson vj s xj d, And so Restith' to the chirches cost vj s xj d
* * * * *
paid for mendyng of the Dayly Cros & Burnysshing therof ij s
* * * * *

(fn. 7) Casuell' Receptis this yere.

Receued for the Buryall of a Straunger in þe Greate chirch'yerd viij d
Receued for the Buryall of Mr Roches soon in the Chirch' vj s viij d
Receued for the Buryall of Symond vavasours Doughter in þe pardon chirchyerd ij s
Receued for the Buryall of Mestres port in Seint Stephins chappell & þe knyll xx s
Receued for the Buryall of Stephyn Saunderson in Seint Stephyns chapell xiij s iiij d
Receued for the Buryall of Ioh'n Wall in the chirch' & for his knyll xiij s iiij d
Receued for the Buryall of a Man owte of the ffreor at Billingesgate ij s
Receued for the Buryall of Ioh'n Austhorp in þe pardon chirchyerd ij s
Receued for the Buryall of Ioh'n Birdes childe in the pardon chirch'yerd ij s
Receued for the Buryall of Robert Austhorpis childe in the pardon chirch'yerd ij s
Receued for the Buryall of Richard Stauner in the body of the chirch' vj s viij d
Receued for the Buryall of Roger Chaloners childe in the pardon chirch'yerd ij s
Receued for thatt was Gadred by þe wyffis on hokmonday xij s iiij d ob.
Receued of Mr Roche of the v l'i that he lentt to the chirche as apperith' in the last ende of þe Acompte afore wretyn. Summa ij s v d
Summa of theis Receptis iiij l'i vij s v d ob.

(fn. 8) Clerkys wagis and Beameligh't.

Receued for Clerkys wagis this yere as Apperith' by the Rowle viij l'i xiiij s iiij d
Receued for pascall money and Beamligh't this yere xij s
Summa, ix l'i vj s iiij d.


paid to Roger Mason, Clerk, for his wagis for a hole yere vij l'i vj s viij d
paid to Thomas, Sexten, for halff a yeres wages ended at our lady day xxxiij s iiij d
paid to Augustyn, Sexten, for di. a yeres wages ended at our lady day xxvj s viij d
paid to Ioh'n North'folke, condukt, for iij quarters wages besidis Mr parsons wages xxx s
paid to William Wylde for his wages for a hole yere xx s (fn. 9)
Summa, xij l'i xvj s viij d.
So the charges is more then the Receptes iij l'i x s iiij d.

[Wax Reckoning. Allowances. Rehearsal, etc.]

* * * * *
(fn. 10) paid, more, to William Wylde for wryting of a New Inventory iij s vij d
* * * * *

(fn. 11) Memorandum: the xiij day of ffebruarii Anno ml ccccc xxiiijts, and in the xvj yere of the Rayng of kyng henre the viijth, that there is owyng vnto Thomas harman by the chirch' of seint Mary at hill, the Summa off viij l'i x s, to be paid at the ffest of puryficacion of our lady in the yere of our lord god ml ccccc xxv. And then and at that day the said Thomas and the Church' of Seint Mary at hill shal be clere content & paid of all summaes of Money the whiche [the] said Thomas had in the custody of the chirch' before this day.

Memorandum: in the yere of our lord god ml vc xxiiijts, And in the xvj yere of kyng henry the viijth, that Richard Broke, Thomas Dod, Ioh'n Good and Richard Tompson, wardens of the ffraternyte or Guylde of Seint Christofur holden and kepte in the Church' of Seint Mary at hill, by Byllingesgate in london, made ther Acompte before the Righ't woursshipfull Mr percy, parson of the said Chirch' and oþer the worsshipfull of the parisshe. And where hit Apperid by ther Acompt brough't, that their Receptes þat they had Receued this yere mounte to þe Summa of v l'i xvj s viij d ob.. Whereof they payd, as Apperid by certen parcelles, for dyuers charge þis yere the Summa of iiij l'i xviij s iij d ob. And so ther Restith' by this A-Compte & all charges paid, þe summa of xviij s v d. And so

There R[em]ayneth' in ther box with' the Rest of this Acompte and with' that money that was in ther box before this Acompt Summa iij l'i viij s.


  • 1. leaf 497.
  • 2. leaf 497, back.
  • 3. Forty-eight 'elles' of linen cloth and twenty-six of 'Brode' cloth for Surplices bought separately.
  • 4. leaf 498.
  • 5. '2. 6' inserted between lines.
  • 6. leaf 498, back.
  • 7. leaf 499.
  • 8. leaf 499, back.
  • 9. 12–16–8 in margin.
  • 10. leaf 501.
  • 11. leaf 501, back.