Churchwardens' accounts: 1522-3

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1522-3', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1522-3', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1522-3". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

[a.d. 1522–3.

Robert Avery Wardens.
Iohn Wall

Chantry Accounts.

Church Rents.

Quitrents and Payments.]

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(fn. 1) Item, paid for brede, Drynk and ffire at þe Newe sessing of þe clarkes bill' vj d ob.
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(fn. 2) Item, paid for Newe Revyng of a Surples & a newe band iiij d
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(fn. 3) Item, paid to Ioh'n Woulff for payntyng of the blake altercloth' and the ffronte of the same belongyng to Seint Stephens alter withe the wavys of gold. Summa ij s
Item, on Seint Barnabis day for v dossen of Roose garlondis for the crossis and for the queer. Summa ij s iiij d
Item, for a galon of gascon wyne sent to Ioh'n Edyalles to the kynges chappell for theyre dyner xij d
Item, paid to Griffith' for a Reward for hym and his children xx d
Item, paid to Roger Mason for childrens dyner at his howse xx d
Item, paid on Seint Barnabis day, at the Sonn Taverne, after Evynsong, for Drynke for the kynges chappell and for the Clerkis of the Towne, the Summa of xxj d
* * * * *
Item, paid to Richard hynde for laboryng on the Church' and for Carriage of Bourdis and hay that (fn. 4) was vndir the ledis of the chirche, and for swepyng of all the chirche ledis v d
* * * * *
Item, paid to ser Richard Ellys, the Morowe Mas preist, for candell' to sey his seruyce for kepyng the Mas iiij d
* * * * *
(fn. 5) Item, paid to the Orgonmaker for the ouersigh't of the Orgons þis yere xij d
Item, paid for wood to the plomer for sowdryng of ij gratis in the steple and for sowdryng the ledis on the North' Ile ij d
* * * * *
Item, paid for iij ll' of Sowder for the same gratis and for the Sowthe Ile, the ll' v d. Summa xv d
* * * * *
Item, paid for a Deske with a fote that stondith' at þe Orgons xij d
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Item, paid for ledgeing of the Orgons benethe by the grounde iiij d
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Item, paid for a key for a chest in the vpper vestry that the lynnen clothis lyeth' in iij d
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Item, paid for makyng of ij Rochettes for children iij d
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Item, paid for Sowdryng of the fote of a senser and for mendyng the fote of a chales iiij d
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Item, paid for iij lamp Glassis for the Churche ij d
* * * * *

(fn. 6) Casuell Resceitis this yere.

Rec' for the Buryall' of Ioh'n Colens in the Chirche xiij s iiij d
Rec' for the Buryall of William holyngwourthis childe ij s
Rec' for the Buryall of a Straunger in the great chirch'yerd xij d
Rec' of the wyffe of Ioh'n Colens for gravestone for her husband v s
Rec' of Thomas Duklyng for the Buryall of his Childe ij s
Rec' for Breke sold owte of þe howse that partrich' holdith' iij s viij d
Rec' for the Buryall of a straunger in the greate chirch'yerd viij d
Rec' for the Buryall of a childe of Stephyn Saundersons ij s
Rec' for the Buryall of a preist in þe pardon chircheyerd ij s
Rec' for the Buryall of Robert hikman in Seint Anns chappell xiij s iiij d
Rec' for the Buryall of Roger Chaloners childe ij s
Rec' of the Masturs of the parissh' for money gadred of þe almes xviij s j d ob.
Summa of thes Receites iij l'i v s j d ob..


Item, paid of the Almes money, for xxv quarters of Colys for þe poure people xj s v d ob.
So the Receites is more then the paymenttes, liij s viij d.

(fn. 7) Clarkys wagis and Beameligh't.

Rec' for Clerkis wagis this yere as apperith' by the Rowle ix l'i xvij d
Rec' for pascall Money and Bemeligh't this yere xiij s iiij d
Summa Rec' ix l'i xiiij s ix d.


Item, paid to Roger Mason, Clerke, for his wages for a hole yere vij l'i xx d
Item, paid to William Wylde for his wages for a hole yere xx s
Item, paid to Thomas Smyth', Sexten, for his hole yere wages iij l'i vj s viij d
Summa of theis paymenttes xj l'i viij s iiij d.
So the charges is more then the Receites, xxxiij s vij d.

[Wax Reckoning. Allowances. Rehearsal.]

(fn. 8) Memorandum: the xxiij day of Ienuary in the yere of our lord god ml vc xxiijti, and in the xvth yere of the Rayng of kyng henre the viijth, hit was a Greed, and be a Vestry Ordeyned by thes persons ffoloyng. That is to say, the woursshipfull' Mr Alen percy, parson of the Churche of Seint Mary at hill, Mr Robert Aldernes, William Roche, Ioh'n Russell, Ioh'n Austhorp, Andrew Evyngar, Thomas Duklyng, Ioh'n Woulff, Thomas Clayton, Robert Ryvell, Robert Game, Ioh'n Potter, Ioh'n Wall, Robert Averey, and Ioh'n Ideall', with other moo, for the Buryall' of euery person, Man, woman or childe. And as here aftir ffoloyth':—

First, for euery person, Man, woman or Childe that shal be Buryed in any of the ij chapelles of Seint Stephyn and Seint Katheryn shall pay for the grounde of theire buryall' in any of the said chappelles xiij s iiij d
Item, yf any Man, woman or Childe that shal be Buryed withowte the quere dore of any of the said Chappelles of Seint Stephyn and Seint Katheryn vnto the west side of the Ile goyng South' and North' shall pay for theire buryall' in that place x s
Item, yff any Man, woman or Childe that shal be Buryed in the church' from the Cros Ile to the west ende of the churche shall pay for the grounde of theire Buryall there in þat place vj s viij d

For the Clarkis Dutie.

Item, it is Condesendid & agreed by the said persons aboue Rehersid, that the Mr Clerk shall haue for the Grownde brekyng in any of the said Chappelles for any Buryall for Man, woman or Childe iij s iiij d
Item, it is by the said persons aboue Named agreed that the said Clarke shall haue for the Buryall' of euery Man, woman or childe from the quere doris vnto the west side of the Ile goyng South' and North', for brekyng the Grounde in þat place ii s vj d
Item, it is agreed by the persons aboue Named that the Clerke shall haue for makyng a pitt or buryall place from the Cros Ile to the west ende of the Churche, for Man, woman or Childe xx d
(fn. 9) Memorandum: that at the day of the Acompte of this Queyre, that Ioh'n Ideall' is Suretie for the Summa of iij s iiij d, the whiche Thomas Duklyng promysed to the Byeng of the payer of Newe Orgons iij s iiij d
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Thomas Harman.

Memorandum: that of xlix l'i xix d in money brough't in by henre Edmond of london, salter, which' was left in the custody of the Church' of Seint Mary at hill for the behoffe of Thomas Harman the Sonn of William Harman; That there was paid in þe said Church of Seint Mary at hill, & delyuered þe ixth day of ffebruarii anno ml vc xxij & in þe xiiijth yere of kyng henre þe viijth, vnto the said Thomas Harman & henre Edmond in þe presence of þes persons—Mr William Alen, Curat; William Roche, Ioh'n Austhorp, Stephyn Saunderson, Thomas Duklyng, Ioh'n Woulff and Ioh'n Wall', in money, the summa of xx l'i
* * * * *

(fn. 10) Memorandum: that hit is agreed and condecendid that there shal be (fn. 11) this yere veuers and ouerseers for the Renttes of the chirch' and of the chauntr[e]s thes persons foloyng, that is to say, Ioh'n Austhorp & Ioh'n Woulff, for all such' reparacions as shal be done this yere in any place belongyng to the chirch'.


  • 1. leaf 482, back.
  • 2. leaf 483.
  • 3. leaf 483, back.
  • 4. MS. 'thas.'
  • 5. leaf 484.
  • 6. leaf 485.
  • 7. leaf 485, back.
  • 8. leaf 487, back.
  • 9. leaf 488.
  • 10. leaf 489.
  • 11. MS. 'shalle.'