Churchwardens' accounts: 1490-1

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1490-1', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1490-1', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1490-1". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

[a.d. 1490–1.]

(fn. 1) Thomas Hunt Ano 1491.
Ioh'n Mylton

The names of dettoures leffte vnpaide by herry kello & Thomas hunt, as it apperyth in þe ffoote of theyr Accompt.

(fn. 2) Sir Davy, prest, vj s ix d of olde. (fn. 2)
Wylliam dye, pastiller xiij s iiij d
Item, of olde xx s
+ Wylliam wilkenson, cooke, v s. Resseyued v s.
Item, of olde xv d
Ioh'n harrys, waterman, v s. Resseyued iij s iiij d, rest xx d.
Galies sonn ij s
+ Robert Grapeles, v s. Resseyued v s.
The Gardiner next to Richard a kechen iiij s iiij d
The tayllour next the garden gate iiij s
Ioh'n harris wif, gardyner iij s
Item, of olde, xviij d.
Ioh'n Mowce, clarke xx s
Thomas Mowce, capper viij s
Maistres Browne, x s. Resseyued x s.
Birlynges wif, xiij s iiij d. Resseyued vj s viij d, rest vj s viij d.
harry vavesour xv s iiij d
(fn. 3) Ioh'n Milton & Richard chelmersho, x s. (fn. 3) Resseyued vij s, rest iij s. (fn. 3) Resseyued iij s. (fn. 3)
Nycholas welles xvj d
Robert graples xij d
Nycholas thornley iij s
Richard wollmonger ix d

A Remembraunce of o Brass pott Resseyued of William turtyll', patynmaker, for vj s viij d.

(fn. 4) + Ihesus.

This is the Accoumptes of vs, Thomas hunte and Ioh'n Milton, wardens of the Rentes and goodes belongyng to the chirch'e of Seynte maryhill' in london, ffor a hole yere, ffrom the ffeste of Seynte Mychaell tharchangell' ano domini (fn. 5) 1490, vnto þe saide ffeste of Seynte mychaell' in the yer of owr lorde 1491.

ffirst, we charge vs with the olde dettes that we haue Resseyued within the yer of this Accoumpte, that is to wyt:—

Of William Wilkynson v s
Of Ioh'n harris iij s iiij d
Of Robert Graples v s
Of Maistres Browne x s
Of Ioh'n Milton & Richard chelmersho vij s, Item iij s
Of Byrlynges wif vj s viij d
Summa, xxxvij s. Summa, xl s.

(fn. 6) + Ihesus.

Item, we charge vs with the Rentes belongyng as wele to the chirche as to the chauntryes.

cherche, j yers. The Chirch' Rentes, Summa xv l'i xj s vj d
Nasynges chauntrye, Summa ix l'i viij d
Roose Wrytell', Summa vj l'i xiij s iiij d
Richard Gosslynn, Summa viij l'i xvj s
Ioh'n Causton, Summa xviij l'i iiij s iiij d
Ioh'n Bedaham, Summa xiij l'i vj s viij d
Mr William Caumbrige x l'i
Summa totalis, iiijxx j li xij s vj d.

Item, we charge vs with' the clarkes wages Resseyued by iij quarteres of the yer, þat is to wit:—

At Cristmas Summa, xxxiij s iiij d
At Anunciacion of owr ladye Summa, xxxj s vij d
At Midsomer Summa, xxx s iiij d
At Mighelmas Summa, xxix s xj d
Summa, vj l'i v s ij d.

Item, ffor the Beamelighte at the saide termes:—

At Cristmas Summa, iiij s iij d
At thanunciacion of owr ladye Summa, iiij s vij d
At Midsomer Summa, iiij s j d
At Mighelmas Summa, iiij s
Summa, xvj s xj d.
(fn. 7) Item, we charge vs with the monye that we Resseyued at ester ffor the pascall' in the saide yer. Summa, xiij s viij d ob.
Item, we charge vs with certen Casueltees Resseyued within the saide yer for knylles, pyttes and bequestes, & for certen lyttes:—
ffirst, of Mr horne for ijo tapers at þe terment of sir Ioh'n colyn vj d
Item, for the burying of o portyngaler iij s
Item, for the pytt & knyll' of Sir Ioh'n philip v s iiij d
Item, for the knyll' of lames walker, barbour at þe bull' iij s iiij d
Item, of maister Smarte for ijo tapers at þe terment of his wives iiij d
Item, Resseyued for o lode Rag xvj d, & for iij quarter tyle xiiij d. Summa ij s vj d
Item, Resseyued of Thomas colyns for berying of o child in the pardon chirch'yard. Summa ij s
Item, Resseyued of Ioh'n halhed for þe burying of o child ij s
Item, for the Burying of Mr Rivell' in the Revestre [Amounts not given.]
Item, of the bequest of Mr Revell' in his testament, toward the newe werke and þe makyng of þe steple.
Summa, xix s.
Summa totalis of this Resseyued of this Accoumpte, lxxxxij l'i vij s iij d ob.

(fn. 8) + Ihesus.

Here ffoloweth' the paymentes as wele of that that belongith' to the chirch' as to þe chauntres Chirch' costes.
ffirst, paide to þe parson of Seynt georges & to Robert ffitherberd, warden of the saide chirch', for o quyterent goyng [oute] of the tenementes of Ioh'n weston for o hole yer at Mighelmas last passide. Summa, xx s.
Paide to the abbot of Waltham, for quytrent goyng oute of the tenementes of Ioh'n weston for o hole yer past at Ester. Summa, xxxviij s.
Paide to the prio ur of Christchurch', in london, for quytrent goyng oute of the tenementes of Ioh'n weston for a hole yer at Ester last past. Sum ma, iij s.

Obittes kepte at the costes of þe chirch.

Paide for the kepyng of the obit of Ioh'n weston the xix day of Aprell', to the prestes & clarkes. Summa, iij s iij d.
Item, for the obyt of Mr Ioh'n Bradmer, kepte the xix daye of nouember, to the prestes & clarkes. Summa, iij s.
Paide to Sir Ioh'n plommer ffor the kepyng of the Morowmas for o hole yer at Mighelmas last past, xx s.
Paide to Mr Ioh'n Redye ffor the Rehersyng of the names [of the] ffounderes of the chauntryes in þe bederoll' ffor o hole yer at Mighelmas, xvj d.
Summa, iiij l'i viij s vij d.

(fn. 9) + Ihesus.

The Costis of ijo clarkes and of ijo Childern in this yere.

Paide to William Edmondes, clark, ffor o hole yere at the ffest of Seynt Mychaell' last passid & endid. Summa liij s iiij d
Paide to Alexander wursley ffor o hole yeres wages, ffynyschid at the ffest of Seynt Michaell' last past. Summa xxxiij s iiij d

The ijo childern.

Paide to Thomas Bynghe, ffor iij quarter of o yer, that is to wit, ffor Cristmas, Ester & mydsomer. Summa v s
Item, for iije payer schoes ffor the tyme xij d
Item, for the makyng of o gowne viij d
Paide to Robert ffor the tyme of his Abydyng here almost iij quarter. Summa iiij s vj d
Item, for iij payer schoes ffor hym xv d
Item, for the makyng of o payer hosen iiij d
Item, for his borde, to William hall' for xiiij wekes vij s
Summa, v l'i vj s v d.

The Costes in the Queer.

Paide ffor iij dossen talough' candell', iij s.
Item, for a lampe, j d.
Item, for holme & yve, ij d.
Item, for palmes, obleyes & flowres for palmesondey, vij d.
Item, for o quarter Coles anenst ester, v d ob.
Item, to paris for bromes & for makyng clene of the guttures, ij d.
Item, for settyng vp of the sepulcre & for nayllis, ij d ob.
Item, for his labour on good ffridey & Ester even, vij d.
Item, for Birch' at Midsomer, iiij d.
Item, ffor Roose garlondes, and off wodroffe ffor Corpus Christi day, & to iiij torch'berers, & ffor Seynt barnabe daye, ix d ob.
Item, ffor the Scowryng of your laten desk standardes candilstickes, laten bolles and þe Crownes of þe Canape anenst owre lady day, Ester & Cristmas, iiij s.
Summa, x s iiij d ob..

(fn. 10) + Ihesus.

Payde for the lynyng and makynge of the newe Canape of velvet that Maistres plommer yave, anenst Ester last passid, ij s ij d.
Item, for the ffrenge therto, xv d.
Item, to hew clarke ffor the mendyng of the white Copes and of the vestimentes, and for mendyng of the best blu copes ix d.
Item, for o Rope ffor the Sanctus bell' vj d, & for the halywater stycke.
Summa, iiij s viij d.

Paide to the prestes and clarkes in drynk at pryncipall' ffestes, that is to wyt:—

on christmas day, in brede, ale & wyne, iiij d.
Item, on xije dey, iij d ob..
Item, on palmesondey, vj d.
Item, on holye thursdey, iij d ob..
Item, Corpus Christi dey, v d.
Item, on Seynt barnabe even, iiij d.
Item, on Seynt barnabe daye, in wyne & ale and yoven amonges syngeres, iij s iiij d.
Item, on owr lady day assumpcion, iiij d ob..
Summa, v s x d ob..
Paide ffor mendyng of ij keyes to the sowth dorr of the chirch', ij d.
Item, for bryngyng home of o brass pott, j d.
Item, for makyng of a caussey in the grete chirchyard, & for iij lodes gravell' therto occupied, xviij d.
Item, for mendyng of o hole in the wall' in [sout ?] hend in the chirchyard, of breke, v d.
Summa Summa, iiij s ij d.
Item, that I paide for the makyng of a Rentall' and of such detts as Remayned þe last yer. Summa, ij s.
Summa, vj l'i xj s vj d.

(fn. 11) + Ihesus.

Exspences ffor the proffit of the chirch.

Payde ffor botehir, goyng to my lorde of Sarum being in ffletestrete for Sir William Palmer, and in wyne spente on Maister page and other of the parisch, xiij d.
Item, to weston, mercer, for v quayers of the new booke that Sir William palmer wrote. Summa, x s.
Item, spent at the tavern in wyne, iij d.
Paide when Mr alderman with' other companye of the parysch went to Mr Richard page, in exspences as Botehir, Meate & drynke & other thinges, xxvj s viij d.
Paide to William Iames, Sompnour, for sompnyng of iij tenauntes that owed monye to the chyrch, x d.
Summa, xxxviij s x d.

Expences in wex & to þe wexchaundler.

Paide to Roger Midilton, wexchaundler, ffor the makyng of the beamelyghte, pascall' and of other lyghttes spent in the chyrch' within this yer. Summa, x s.
paide to Mr smerte for di. c poleyn wex, xxix s.
Summa, xxxix s.
The Saide Roger oweth' to the chirch' ij ll' wex.

(fn. 12) + Ihesus.

Reparacions on the Chirch' rentes.

Paide to Christouer kechen, carpenter, ffor workmanschip in William hallis howse ffor borde and tymber as it apperith' mor pleynlye by a byll'. Summa, xxiij s.
Item, to a laborer beying ther ijo deyes, x d.
Item, to carying awaye of the Rubrush, xiij d.
Summa, xxiiij s xj d.
Paide to a Carpenter for workyng di. o daye and to a laborer in Sir Ioh'n philip chaumber, vj d ob.
Item, for xxix ffoote of Borde, viij d.
Item, for di. c naylles, ij d ob..
Summa, xvij d.
Paide for reparacions on sir Davy chamber ffor di. ml' breke, ij s vj d.
Item, for a lode sonde, vj d.
Item, for ijo lodes lyme, ij s.
Item, a lode lomb, iiij d.
Item, to a tyler and o dawber & a laborer ffor ij dayes werke, iij s.
Summa, viij s iiij d.
Summa, v l'i xij s vj d. (fn. 13)

(fn. 14) + Ihesus.

The Costis & paymentes of Nasynges chauntry.

Paide to the abbot of Waltham ffor quytrent of a hole yere, goyng out of the tenementes of Ioh'n nasynges at the ffest of Seynt Mighell' last past. Summa, xxij s.
Paide to Sir Ioh'n Tillisley, prest, to syng for the saide Ioh'n nasynge ffor a hole yer at Mighelmas. [Summa], vj l'i xiij s iiij d.


Paide to a carpenter for workmanschipp halff o dey in bynkes house, iiij d.
Item, for xxiij ffoote of Elmyn borde, vj d.
Item, for di. c v peny nayle, ij d ob..
Summa, xij d ob..
Summa totalis, vij l'i xvj s iiij d.

The Costes and paymentes of Roose Wrytelles chauntre.

Paide to Sir William Boyes, prest, to syng ffor the saide Roose Writell' ffor o hole yer at Mighelmas last passid. Summa, vj l'i xiij s iiij d.
A remembraunce that the charge of her chauntry is but iiij l'i, and therffor her chauntry and Ioh'n weston chauntry wolde be kynyte togeder.

(fn. 15) + Ihesus.

The charges & costes of Richard gosslyn chauntry.

Paide to the abbes of kylborne ffor o quytrent goyng out of the tenementes of gosslyn in fauster lane ffor a hole yer at Mighelmas last passid. Summa, vj d.
Paide ffor kepyng of the obyt of Mr Richard gosslyn the ffyrst day of december last passid. Summa, iij s ij d.
Paide to Sir william Stokes, prest, that syngith for the saide Richard gosslyn for a hole yer at Mighelmas. Summa, vj l'i xiij s iiij d.

The Reparacion of gosslynn chauntry.

Paide ffor naylles c iiij peny nl' iiij d for to amend withall' a steyer in Mr lewes house, ffesiscian.
Item, to a mason werkyng in Mr lewes howse, ffesissian—
Item, for lyme, sande & breke. Summa, xvj d.
Item, for makyng clene of house that Mastres Browne dwellith' in, xij d.
Item, for the amendyng of a Seage and a brekewall' in maister lewes, ffesiscian, house, vij d.
Paide to William Mott, plommer, ffor werkmanschip of certen Sesterns & pipes of leede that was done in ffauster lane the last yer. Summa, vj s, per a byll'.
Item, we aske allowaunce of Maistre Browne house iij s iiij d, ffor that house was wonte to be lett for xiij s iiij d and nowe it is lett for x s, and we ar chargid affter the hole rent, which is xiij s iiij d.
Summa, vij l'i ix s vij d. (fn. 16)
Summa, xxj l'i xix s iij d ob.

(fn. 17) + Ihesus.

The charge & costes of causton chauntre.

Paide to the Bretherhed of owr lady & Seynt Thomas, ffoundid within the chirch' of Seynt Magnus, in london, ffor o quytrent goyng out of Ioh'n ffishes house, grocer, for a hole yer at Ester last passid. Summa, vj s.
Paide to the Maistirs of the Brigehous, ffor o quyterent goyng out of Ioh'n ffishis house for a hole yer at Mighelmas last passid. Summa, xiij s iiij d.
Paide to the priour of christchurch', in london, ffor quyterent goyng oute of the tenementes and gardens beside the Meneris at tourhill' for a hole yer at Ester last passid. Summa, iij s iiij d.
Paide for the Obyt of Ioh'n causton, kepte the ffirst day of August last passid. Summa, iij s iiij d.
Paide to Sir Davye, prest, to syng for the saide Ioh'n causton an hole yer at Mighelmas last passid, with iij s ix d housrent and all'. Summa, vj l'i xvij s j d


Paide to Robert downyng of Maidstone for iij quarter pale borde, ij s x d.
Item, to Ioh'n pers for c quarter pale bordes, iij s ix d.
Item, for carying to the boote, vij d.
Item, for the ffreyte of þe same pale, xx d.
Item, for cariage to the tourhill', iiij d.
Item, for wharffage of the same, ob.
Item, for cariage of postes & Reyllis to þe garden, iiij d.
Item, to carpenteres & laborers for vij dayes, iiij s.
Item, to William paris for o day & di. in palyng at the goodman prenes garden, vj d.
Item, for nayllis, ij d.
Item, for makyng clene of the Aleyes, ij d.
Item, to Byrd, carpenter, for stolpes & Reylles, viij s iij d.
Summa, xxij s vij d ob.
Summa, ix l'i vij s iiij d ob..

(fn. 18) + Ihesus.

The Costes & paymentes of Bedaham chauntrye.

Paide for the obyt of Ioh'n Behaham, kepte the xix day of Maye last past, as wele to prestes, clarkes, pore peple, as to the chirchwardens. Summa, xiij s iiij d.
Paide to Sir Ioh'n plommer, prest, to syng for the saide Ioh'n Bedaham for a hole yer at Mighelmas last passid. Summa, vj l'i xiij s iiij d.
Paide to iij pore men of this parisch', that is to wit, William paris, Reignold Bull' and to Ioh'n toplady, euery sondey in this yer, xij d. Summa, lij s.
Paide ffor oyle spente in the lampe within the Queer in the tyme of this accoumpte x galon, price the galon xij d (fn. 19) and ij d mor in All'. (fn. 19) Summa, x s ij d.
Paide to Gabriell' de vrs toward the Reparacions of the grete tenemente in Botolph lane for an hole yer at Mighelmas last passid. Summa, liij s iiij d.
Summa, xiij l'i ij s ij d.
Summa, xxij l'i ix s vj d ob..

(fn. 20) + Ihesus.

The Charge and costes of Mr Caumbriges Chauntry.

Paide to the abbot of Barmondsey ffor a quyterent goyng out of Mr Caumbriges tenementes at the stockes, ffor o hole yer at Mighelmas last passid. Summa, vj s.
Paide ffor his obyt, kepte the xviij day of August last passid, to prestes, clarkes, pore ffolkes in brede & ale. To the Mayer Mr I. Mathew and to Mr Coote & Mr pemberton, schryves, and to the Swerdberer. Summa, xxviij s.
Paide to Sir Ioh'n Stede ffor his wages to syng for Maister Caumbrige o hole [yere] at Mighelmas, vj li xiij s iiij d.


Paide to paris ffor settyng of stulpis and ledgis & nayllis at Reynyssforth house, v d.
Item, for v c nayllis to halles house, ij s j d.
Item, for a lock & o keye to Cryckes hall' dorre, y d.
Item, to Mott, plommer, ffor a cestern of leede and for mendyng of a grete pipe of lede, for sowder & werkmanschypp of the same, xiij s iiij d.
Item, repeyred a chympney in byrlynges house, to a mason & his laborer, o day & di. xv d.
Item, ijo sackes lyme, iiij d.
Summa totalis, xvij s x d.
Summa, ix l'i v s ij d.
(fn. 21) Item, we aske allowaunce of potacion money that we yeve vnto the tenauntes in Resseyuyng of your Rentes, v s.
Item, for engrosyng and makyng vp of this Accoumpte. Summa, vj s viij d.
Summa totalis paide, lxx l'i xviij s iij d.
Rest due to the chirch'. Summa, xxij l'i ix s ob.

Whereof ther is owyng this yer in detteres handes:—

Wylliam dye, pastiller xxvj s viij d
Ioh'n westus viij s pleges
Wylliam paris iij s viij d
+ Thomas Bynkes xx d
Ioh'n Neele iiij s
Richard Abell' xl s
Robert graples xv s
Ioh'n huntsfeld vj s
Thomas Rechford iiij s
Courtman xiij s iiij d
Villiam harrison wif iij s
Ioh'n Smyth, haberdascher xx s
Ioh'n Mowce, clark xxvj s viij d
Thomas Mowce viij s
Richard Chelmersho v s
The Wardens of Seynt botolphus ij s vj d
Robert odiham iij s iiij d
Summa in detters, ix l'i x s x d
Rest in monye, xij l'i xv s ij d ob.
Item, iij s.
Summa totalis, xij l'i xviij s ij d ob.
for Milton.

(fn. 22) + Ihesus.

Thies be olde dettes.

Villiam dye, pastiller xxxiij s iiij d
Villiam wilkenson xv d
Ioh'n harris, waterman xx d
Watkyn Galies Sonn ij s
The gardiner at tourhill' iiij s iiij d
The Tayllour next þe gate iiij s
Ioh'n harris wif iiij s vj d
Ioh'n Mowce, clark xx s
Thomas Mowce viij s
Birlynges wif vj s viij d
harry vavesour xv s iiij d casueltes
+ Ioh'n Milton & Richard Chelmersho iij s
Nycholas welles xvj d
Robert graples xij d
Nycholas thornley iij s
Richard wollmonger ix d
Summa, v l'i x s ij d.

Mr Ioh'n Smert promysed that the cloth' of golde of Maister marowes schall' come to the chirch', afor Mr parson with certen of the parisch the day of makyng of this accompte.

(fn. 23) iiijxx xv li. xix s viij d


  • 1. leaf 74.
  • 2. Scratched out.
  • 3. This is an interesting line, written evidently on three different occasions:—3–4, 4–5, 5–6 as each sum was owing and paid.
  • 4. leaf 75.
  • 5. '1489' scratched out.
  • 6. leaf 75, back.
  • 7. leaf 76.
  • 8. leaf 77.
  • 9. leaf 77, back.
  • 10. leaf 78.
  • 11. leaf 78, back.
  • 12. leaf 79.
  • 13. 6. 17. 7 in corner.
  • 14. leaf 79, back.
  • 15. leaf 80.
  • 16. '12 7' in margin.
  • 17. leaf 80, back.
  • 18. leaf 81.
  • 19. Added later.
  • 20. leaf 81, back.
  • 21. leaf 82.
  • 22. leaf 82, back.
  • 23. leaf 83, back, at foot.