Churchwardens' accounts: 1489-90

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1489-90', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1489-90', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1489-90". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.

[a.d. 1489–90.]

(fn. 1) Herry Kello anno xiiijc lxxxixc
Thomas Hunt

(fn. 2) lij l'i iiij s pardon.

xxxj s iiij d (fn. 2)

(fn. 3) + Ihesus.

Thies be the names of the dettures leffte the last yer in the tyme of Ioh'n deraham & herry Kello:—

ffirst, Ioh'n harrys, watirman iij s iiij d Resseyued iij s iiij d
A. Gardyner, next to Richard a kechen iiij s iiij d, of old " iiij s iiij d
Richard a kechen iiij s " iiij s
The Breweres Sister iiij s " "
Ioh'n harrys wif, gardyner xviij d
Thomas Mowce, hewrer viij s " viij s
Ioh'n Mowce, clarke vj s viij d " vj s viij d
William dye, pastiller xiij s iiij d " xiij s iiij d
Sir Davy, prest vj s ix d
Barett, browderer iij s iiij d " iij s iiij d
William Curtyll', patynmaker vj s viij d " o bras pott in the Revestre
Roger Midelton, wex chaundler, in wex, xlviij ll'.

Besides this ther is of olde dettes in the tyme of Robert Rouxby & I. deraham:—

Nycholas Welles xvj d
Robert Grapeles xij d
William Wilkynson xv d
Richard a kechen iiij d
Alexaunder Worsley v s
Ioh'n herrys wif, gardyner xviij d
William dye, pastiller xiij s iiij d

All ther was owyng in þe tyme of I. halhed & R. Rouxby:—

Nycholas thornley iij s
William dye, pastyller vj s viij d
Richard, wollmonger ix d
Ioh'n Milton + Richard Chelmysho xxvj s

(fn. 4) Ihesus.

This is the Accoumpte of vs, harry Kello and Thomas hunte, wardeynes of the Rentys & goodes belongyng to the chirch' of Seynt mary at hyll'; charged frome the ffeste of Seynte Mychaell' tharchangell' ano ml' cccclxxxix vnto þe saide ffest of Seynte Michaell' ano xiiij clxxxxe. That is to wyt, ffor an hole yer.

ffirst, we charge vs with the dettes that we haue Resseyued leffte of the last yer in the tyme of Ioh'n deraham & herry Kello:—

That is to wit, of Ioh'n harrys, watirman iij s iiij d
Item, of the gardiner next vnto Richard a kechen iiij s iiij d
Item, of Richard a kechen iiij s
Item, of the Brewers Sister iiij s
Item, of Ioh'n Mowce, clark vj s viij d
Item, of Thomas Mowce, capper viij s
Item, of William dye, pastiller xiij s iiij d
Item, of Barett, Browderer iij s iiij d
Item, of William Cortyll', a Brass pott: it is in þe Revestre.
Summa, xlvij s

Item, we charge vs with the Rentalles, as wele the Chirches as the Chauntryes':—

cherche, 1 yere: ffirst, the chirch' Rentes xv l'i xj s vj d
Nasynges Chauntrye ix l'i viij d Summa,
Roose Wrytell' vj l'i xiij s iiij d lxxxj l'i
Richard Gosslynn Summa, viij l'i xvj s xij s vj d
Ioh'n Causton Summa, xviij l'i iiij s iiij d
Ioh'n Bedaham Summa, xiij l'i vj s viij d
Maister William Caumbrige x l'i
Summa lxxxj l'i xij s vj d.

(fn. 5) + Ihesus.

Item, we charge vs with the clarkes wages Resseyued by iiije quarteres of the yer, that is to wyt:—

At the ffest of cristmas xxx s v d Summa, vj l'i xiij s ij d
At the ffest of owr lady xxxiij s vj d
At the ffest of Midsomer xxxv s
At the ffest of Seynt Michaell' xxxiiij s iij d
Item, ffor the Beame lyghte, at the saide termes:—
At Cristmas v s xj d Summa, xxij s x d
At þe fest of Annunciacion v s vij d
At Midsommer v s x d
At Mighelmas v s vj d
Item, we charge vs with the monye that we resseyued for the pascall' at Ester in the same yer. Summa, xij s vj d.
Item, we charge vs with certeyn Casueltees Resseyued within this saide yer and for certen lyghttes:—
ffirst, Resseyued of Mr horne for ijo taperes at the terment of Sir I. colyns vj d
Item, of a man that discessid at Billingisgate xij d
Item, of Thomas Colyns, for a childe lying in þe pardon chirchyard ij s
Item, of Ioh'n halhed, for a childe lying ther ij s
Item, of herry Edmond, for his wiffe ij s
Item, of Robart Staunsor, for his man ij s
Item, of William Overey, for his wif lying in the chirch' xiij s iiij d
Item, of Richard Cloce, ffor a childe ij s
Item, of Ioh'n ducklyng, ffor a childe ij s
Item, of harry vavesour, ffor a childe
Item, for his wiff Sister lying in the chirch'
Item, of Thomas Andrew, for a childe ij s
Item, of Mr Ioh'n smerte, for ijo taperes iiij d
Summa, xxix s ij d.
Summa totalis of the hole charge iiijxx xiij l'i xvij s ij d.
93. 17. 2

(fn. 6) + Ihesus.

Her ffoloweth' the discharge.

Quytrentes of the chirch'.

ffirst, paide to the parson of Seynt georges & to Robert ffitzherberde, warden of the saide chirch' beside pudding lane, for o quytrent goyng out of the tenementes of Ioh'n Weston for an hole yer at myghelmas last past. Summa, xx s.

Paide to the abbot of Waltham ffor quyterente goyng oute of the tenementes of Ioh'n Weston for an hole yer past at Mighelmas. Summa, xxxviij s.

Paide to the priour of christchirch', in london, for quyterente goyng out of tenementes of Ioh'n Weston ffor an hole yer past at Ester. Summa, iij s.

Obites kepte at þe Chirch' costes.

Paide for the kepyng of the obyte of Mr Ioh'n Bradmer, the xix day of nouember, to þe prestes & clarkes in brede & ale & ffor the offeryng. Summa, iij s iiij d.
Weston. Paide ffor the obyte of Ioh'n Weston, kepte the xix day of Aprell', to the prestes & clarkes. Summa, iij s ix d.
Paide to Sir Ioh'n Plommer for kepyng of the morowe masse for an hole yer. Summa, xx s.
(fn. 7) iiij l'i viij s j d. (fn. 7)

(fn. 8) + Ihesus.

The clarkes wages, with þe costes of ijo childern.

ffirst, paide to William Edmondes, clarke, ffor his yeres wages at Mighelmas last past. Summa liij s iiij d
Item, to Alexaunder worsley ffor an hole yeres wages xxxiij s iiij d
paide to Ioh'n Caumpnel, clarke, for o quarter, cristmas vij s
paide to Ioh'n Browne, clarke, for halff o quarter wages from Midsomer to owre lady day v s j d
Item, paide to ijo childern ffor theyr wages of o quarter from Midsomer to Mighelmas, to þem both iij s iiij d

The Costes of their ffyndyng.

ffirst, paide for a newe doblet of canvas for Robert, xvj d.
Item, for o peyer hosen, xix d.
Item, for iiij peyer schone, xvj d.
Item, for clowtyng of ijo peyer, iiijd.
Item, for ijo schertes, xv d.
Item, for o capp, x d.
Item, for o yard of black & o yard blanket, xviij d.
Item, for iij quarter of j ell' canvas, ij d quarter for o doblet for Robert.
Item, for ij yardes quarter of blue, price vj s.
Item, for iiij yardes di. white ffreese, price ij s iij d.
Summa, xvj s vij d quarter.
Item, spent vppon bynge for ij peyer schone, viij d.
Item, for clowtyng of o peyer, ij d.
Item, for ij schertes, xiiij d.
Item, for o peyer hosen, xx d.
Item, for a capp, ix d.
Item, for o yard black & o yard blanket, xviij d.
Item, for iij quarter of j ell' canvas, ij d quarter.
Item, for ij yardes di. quarter blue, v s viij d.
Item, for iiij yardes white ffreese, ij s.
Summa, xiij s x d quarter.
Item, spent vppon bower at his scole, j d.
Item, paide for þe makyng of o Russet gowne for Robert viij d
and for ij new gownnes of blu for Robert & bynge, and for the makyng of ijo newe doblettes iij s iiij d
Summa [...]

(fn. 9) + Ihesus.

Exspences within the queer & þe chirch.

ffirst, paide ffor ij dossen viij ll' candill', price ij s viij d.
Item, for holme & yve anenst Cristmas, j d.
Item, to William paris for swepyng of the chirch', ij d.
Item, for paper, ij d.
Item, to þe clarkes for goode ale, o lb..
Item, for wyne & ale on Candilmas day, iiij d ob.
Item, for palmes, vj d.
Item, for o quarter Cooles, v d.
Item, to the Raker ffor hauyng awaye of the Rubrisch' of the chirch', vj d.
Item, for nayllis for þe Sepulere, j d.
Item, for a poole to swepe the chirch' Roffe, price iiij d.
Item, for wachchyng of the sepulcre, to paris, vj d.
Item, for scouryng of all' the laten ayenst ester, ij s ij d ob..
Item, to the queer on ester daye, in brede & ale, j d ob..
Item, on Corpus Christi daye for Roose garlandes & for beryng of iiij torches, xij d.
Item, for ale & brede the same daye, ij d ob.
Item, on Seynt barnabe daye, for Roos garlandes, ffor ale & brede, and to the Clarkes, ij s viij d.
Item, to William paris, ij d.
Item, for byrch'e at Midsomer, ij d.
Item, for waschyng of the clarkes sirplus, ij d.
Item, for ale & brede on owre lady daye, the assumpcion, iij d.
Item, to þe Ryngers, ij d.
Item, on alhalowen day ffor wyne, ale, & brede for the queer, v d ob.
Item, to ijo childern that went on procession on Seynt barnabe daye & on corpus christi daye, iiij d.
Item, to Mr Ioh'n Redy ffor rehersyng of the bederoll', viij d.
Item, to sir Ioh'n tillisley for a key to his almery in the queer, iiij d.
Item, paide for ale & wyne spent on Cristmas daye, newyeres daye, xijth day, and on palmesondey, xj d.
Item, for mendyng of ijo Crewettes, ij d.
Item, for a keye to þe vestrye dorr, & a keye to the sowthe dore, & for a plate to þe same, & o keye for a tyll' in þe queer, ij s vj d.

(fn. 10) + Ihesus.

The Wex chaundler.

Paide to Roger Medylton for the makyng of the beamelyghte befor the Roode, waying iij quarter xxj ll'.
Item, for the makyng of the Rownde taperes, waying xliiij ll'.
Item, iiije torchis waying iij quarter iiij ll'.
Summa, in new wex ij c xiij ll': price of the makyng & all', xlvj s viij d.
Paide in olde wex that remayned in this handes of the last yeres, Summa, xlviij ll'.
Item, delyuerd in olde wex this er, Summa, iij quarter xxij ll'.
Summa, totalis in olde wex, c quarter xiiij ll'.
And ther Remeyneth in the wexchaundeleres handes, in wex, Summa, v ll'.

Reparacion of the Chirch' Rentes.

Paide to a dawber and his laborer ffor o dayes werk in Richard Chelmyssho house. Summa, xiij d.
Item, for o lode lombe, iiij d.
Item, for mendyng of a locke at William halles, ij d.
Item, for ij c lathes spent in Richard ioynners house, viij d.
Item, for m (fn. 11) tyle occupied in diuers places, v s iij d.
paide to a carpenter,
Summa, vij s vj d.

(fn. 12) + Ihesus.

Reparacions of certeyn vestymentes and of coopes belongyng to þe queer.

Paide for the makyng of o childes cope, of cloth of golde & the orpharis of blu velveut xij d
Item, for the makyng of o childes cope, of blu Reye and the orphares of white cloth of golde xij d
Item, for mendyng of a canapye to bear ouer the sacrament on corpus Christi daye vj d
Item, for mendyng of a chesible & a decon, of blu baudkyn of ffyne golde, price xij d
Item, for mendyng of a cope of blew Raye, and the orpharas of grene bawdekyn vj d
Item, ffor a pece of silke lace for the cheasible, & decon, of blu baudkyng, waying ounce & o quarter, price xvij d ob.
Item, for mendyng of a blew Raye coope, the orpharas purpull' and reede sylke chekred vj d
Item, for makyng of a cope of grene Raye, with an orpharas of chekerd werke, price xij d
Item, for cere clothe for þe orpharas to þe same cope iiij d
Item, for makyng of a cope of grene Raye with an orpharas of blewe raye, price xij d
Item, for iije peses of threde laces to þe same ijo copes xij d
Item, for mendyng of iiije baner clothes of steyned werke vj d
Item, for makyng of o coope of blew velveut, the orpharas of rede velveut, price xvj d
Item, for a pece silke lace, waying j ounce & quarter to the same xvij d ob.
Item, for mendyng of the sonnes in þe orpharas of the same coope and of the sonnys in the bodye xvj d
Item, for Cere clothe to the orpharas, the hode & the moose of the saide coope viij d

(fn. 12) + Ihesus.

Item, for makyng of a cope of blew velveut, poudred with sterres & mones, orphareys of rede velveut xvj d
Item, for mendyng of the sterres & mones of the orpharas and bodye of the same cope xviij d
Item, for a pece silke lace weying o ounce quarter xvij d
Item, for o pece threde lace, price iiij d
Item, for Cere clothe to the orphareyes of þe same viij d
Item, for blew bokeram to the same copes iij s
Item, for mendyng of a coope of blu velveut poudred with mones & sterres, orpharised with nedle werke x d
Item, for mendyng of ijo copes of black velvet orpharised with nedle werke xvj d
Summa, xxv s.
Summa totalis of the charge of þe chirch', xvj l'i ij s j d ob.

(fn. 13) + Ihesus.

The Costis & paymentes of Nasinges chauntrye.

Paide to the abbot of Waltham ffor quyterent, goyng oute of the tenementes of nasynges for a hole yer at Mighelmas last past. Summa, xxij s.
Paide to Sir Ioh'n Tyllysley to syng ffor the saide Ioh'n Nasyng ffor a hole yer at Mighelmas, vj l'i xiij s iiij d.
Paide in Reparacions to a carpenter for o dayes werke in mendyng of o steyer at Robert Barcroftes, viij d.
Item, for c vj peny nayle v d
Item, for c v peny nayle iiij d
Item, for ij bolttes, iiij plates & ijo staples v d
Item, for di. c v peny nayle ij d
Paide to a dawber and his man for ij dayes labour in the clarkes house and other smale tenementes therbye, and for o lode lomb ij s vj d
Paide ffor makyng of the pament befor Richard abelles dorr, conteynnyng iije teysse, price xxj d
Item, for ijo lodes sannde, price x d
Summa of Nasynges chauntrye, viij l'i ij s v d.

(fn. 14) + Ihesus.

The Costis of Roose wrytelles chauntrye.

Paide to Sir William Boyes, preste, that syngith for Roos Wrytell', for a hole yer at Mighelmas last past. Summa vj l'i xiij s iiij d

The Costes of Richard gosslynn chauntrye.

Paide to the abbes of kylbourne for o quyterent goyng owte of the tenementes of Richard gosslynn in ffauster lane, for o yer at Mighelmas last past vj d
Paide ffor kepyng of the obyte of Mr Richard gosslynn the ffirst day of december last past. Summa iiij s viij d
Paide to Sir william Stokes ffor his salarye synggyng ffor the saide Mr gosslynn for a hole yer at Mighelmas last past. Summa vj l'i xiij s iiij d
Item, we aske allowaunce of iij s iiij d of Maistres Brownes chambre that we er chargyd with more than we Resseyued, for sche payeth but x s o yer, and it is sett at xiij s iiij d o yer, so we lese iij s iiij d

(fn. 15) + Ihesus.

Gosslyn chauntrye.

Paide in Reparacions in maistres Brownes house, to a dawber & his man ffor o dayes labour xiij d
Item, for 1 c lath' [iiij d ?]
Item, for a lode lomb iiij d
Item, for iiij c lath' naylles, price iij d
paide to a dawber and his laborer ffor o dayes werke in maister lewes house xiij d
Item, for c lathes, hart vj d
Paide ffor ij armes ffor the whele of the well' in ffauster lane viij d
Item, for plankes to make the brynk of the well' viij d
Item, for a ponchon that the barell' rynneth in iiij d
Item, for a quarter to steye it withall' ij d
Item, for iij dayes werke & di. of Thomas hochyns ij s iiij d
Summa [not given].
paide to Thomas Mondes, yrmonger, ffor nayll'es xvij d
paide to a dawber & his man another tyme werkyng in the house of Maistres browne o deye xiij d
Item, for naylles & lomb vij d
paide to William Mott, plommer, ffor mendyng of a guttur in maistres brownes house and of another gutter in yong Mowces house, in sowder & all' ij s viij d
Summa of Gosslynn chauntry vij l'i xv s iiij d

(fn. 16) + Ihesus.

The costes of Ioh'n Causton Chauntrye.

Vacacion of the house that Richard a kechen late occupied, by o quarter at Mighelmas last past ij s
Vacacyon of the house next to Richard a kechen, o quarter ij s


Paide to the Bretherhede of owre ladye and Seynt Thomas within the chirch' of Seynt Magnus, for o quitrent goyng owt of Ioh'n ffischis house ffor o hole yer at ester last vj s
Paide to the maistyrs of the Brigehouse for quytrent goyng out of Ioh'n ffischis house for a hole yer at Mighelmas last past. Summa xiij s iiij d
Paide to the priour of christchirch', in london, for quyterent goyng oute of the tenementes and gardyns beside the menerys at the tourhyll' ffor o hole yere at Ester last past. Summa v s

(fn. 17) + Ihesus.

Causton chauntrye.

Paide for kepyng of the obyte of Ioh'n causton the ffirst day of august last past, to prestes, clarkes, to the Ryngers, and for brede & ale iiij s ij d
Paide to Sir Davy ffor his Salerye to syng for the saide Ioh'n Causton ffor a hole yere at Mighelmas last past. Summa vj l'i xiij s iiij d
Paide ffor mendyng of a vestyment belongyng to the saide chauntrye xvj d
Item, for the halowyng of o vestyment vj d


Paide to a carpenter ffor o dayes labour in the Rentes of towrhill', for mendyng of the garden gate and the garden dorre. Summa viij d
Item, for naylles vij d
Item, for mendyng of o locke and for ij newe keyes at tourhyll' x d
paide to Mr smarte for a newe garden dorre vj d
Paide to a Carpenter werkyng ijo dayes in harry Kello howse in mendyng of dorres & wyndowes xvj d
Item, for xxxiij ffoote quarter borde, price xij d
Item, for o quarter and for iiije leggis ix d
payde to William Mott, plommer, ffor
paide to William paris ffor mendyng of diuers thynges at the gardens at towrhill' vij d
Summa of caustons chauntrye, viij l'i xiij s xj d

(fn. 18) + Ihesus.

The costes of Ioh'n Bedahams chauntrye.

Paide ffor the kepyng of Ioh'n Bedahams obyte, kepte the xix day of maye last past, to prestes & clarkes in brede & ale and to poore people vj s viij d
Paide to Sir Ioh'n plommer ffor his salery to syng for the saide Ioh'n bedaham ffor a hole yer at the ffest of Seynt Michaell' tharkangell' last past vj l'i xiij s iiij d
Paide to vs, the chirchwardens, of the bequest of the saide Ioh'n bedaham vj s viij d
Paide to iije pore men of this parisch, that is to wit— to William paris, Reyngnolde Bull' and to Richard Sylke, euery sondey, opece, iiij d, þat is xij d. Summa lij s
Paide ffor oyle spente in the lampe within the yer of this Accoumpte. Summa, viij galon di. at xij d o g'. Summa viij s vj d
paide to gabryell' de vrs towarde the reparacions of the saide grete tenemente in botolph lane, ffor an hole yer past, at Mighelmas. Summa liij s iiij d
paide for mendyng of o vestyment of grene bord Alexaunder and for the lace to þe same x d
Summa, xiij l'i xvj d.

(fn. 19) + Ihesus.

The Costis of Maister Caumbrige chauntrye.

Paide to the abbot of Bermondsay ffor quytrent goyng out of Maister Cambriges tenementes at the stockes by o hole yer at Mighelmas last past vj s
Paide to Sir Ioh'n Philip ffor his salerye ffor a hole yer at Mighelmas last past. Summa vj l'i xiij s iiij d
Paide ffor kepyng of the obyte of Mr William Caumbryge, kepte the xviij dey of August last past, to the prestes, clarkes, to pore ffolkes, in brede & ale. To the Mayer, Mr William White, and to Mr William Capell' & to Ioh'n Broke, schreves, and to the swerdeberer. Summa xxviij s iiij d

Reparacions on þe gabyllende at Stockes.

Paide to Christouer, carpenter, for vj quarters of tymber xij d
Item, for viij c xxxvj ffoote quarter borde spent on the gableende and on pentes & wyndowes, price xxj s iiij d
Item, for ijo ledgis ffor diuers wyndowes iij d
Item, for viij ffoote di. tymber for o trapp dorr xvij d
Item, for di. c xv ffoote of planche borde of ooke ffor the same dorr, pris xxj d
Item, to ijo carpenteres, ther werkyng viij dayes & di. at xvj d o dayc. Summa xj s iiij d
Paide to a Smyth' ffor o peyer garnettes for the saide seller dorr at stockes, waying xv ll' di., price ij s vj d
Paide to a dawber and his laborer ffor o dayes werke in Cryckes house and for ij lodes lomb xxj d

(fn. 20) + Ihesus.

Costes of Mr Caumbriges Chauntrye.

Paide for iiij c di. v penye nayle
Item, for iiij c di. iiij penye nayle. Summa ij s viij d
Item, payde to Crycke for naylles spent ther x d
Item, to Thomas Mondes, yrmonger, for lath' & naylles spent ther xij d
Summa, v l'i xiij s vj d.
Item, we aske allowaunce of potacion monye that we yeve to your tenauntes in Resseyuyng of your Rentes. Summa v s
Item, for engrosyng and makyng vp of this Accoumpte. Summa Summa vj s viij d
Summa totalis paide, lxxj l'i xiij s vij d ob.
Rest clere to the chyrch', xxij l'i iij s vj d ob. (fn. 21)

(fn. 22) + Ihesus.

Whereof ther is in dettures handes


+ Syr Davy, prest, ffor his chaumber iiij s vj d
William dye, pastiller, for this hole yer xiij s iiij d at Mighelmas.


(fn. 23) William paris, ioynner, for o quarter iij s viij d (fn. 23)
William Wilkynson, cooke, for di. o yer v s Resseyued v s
Ioh'n harrys, watirman, for iij quarter v s Resseyued iij s iiij d
Galies sonn for o quarter ij s
(fn. 23) Richard Abell' for o quarter x s (fn. 23)


Robert Graples o quarter v s Resseyued v s
The Gardyner next to ffader kechen oweth for di. o yer & iiij d of olde. Summa iiij s iiij d
The Tayllour next to the garden gate oweth for di. o yer iiij s
Ioh'n harrys wif, gardyner, oweth for o hole yer in owr tyme. Summa iij s


Ioh'n Mowce, clarke, for iij quarter xx s
Thomas Mowce, capper, for di. o yer viij s
Maistres Browne, wydew, for o yer x s Resseyued x s
(fn. 23) Barett, browderer, for o quarter xiij s iiij d (fn. 23)


Byrlynges wif, widew, for o quarter xiij s iiij d
Summa totalis in detteres of owr tyme iiij l'i xvij s vj d
rest clere xvij l'i vj s ob.
Item, Resseyued of Ioh'n amylton xvj s
Summa rest xviij l'i ij s ob.
harry vavesour oweth for a leystow in the chirch' for his sister xiij s iiij d
Item, for his childe ij s

(fn. 24) + Ihesus.

Thies be the detturs that ben owyng of olde:—

Ioh'n Harris wif, gardyner xviij d
Sir Davy, prest vj s ix d
William turtyll, patynmaker, vj s viij d. Resseyued, a bras pott per h' kello.
Nycholas Welles xvj d
Robert Graples xij d
William Wilkenson xv d
paid. Richard a Kechen iiij d
William dye, pastiller xx s
Nycholas Thornley iij s
Richard Wollmonger ix d
+ Ioh'n Milton & Richard Chelmersho xxvj s. Resseyued xvj s: before Resseyued vij s.
Roger Midelton, wexchaundler, oweth in wex (fn. 25) iiij ll (fn. 25) v ll'.
(fn. 26) Rest in detters handes in the tyme of Ioh'n halhed & R. Rouxbye, xiiij s vij d. Resseyued, vij s vj d.
Rest Rouxby & Ioh'n deraham, l s j d.

(fn. 27) + Ihesus.

Memorandum: that the xx day of Ianuarii, Anno ml cccc lxxxx, at the assemble of certeyn of the parisch of seynte Marye at hyll', was agreed, beffore Mr Wylliam wilde, person, & Mr Remyngton, Alderman, that the saide Mr Remyngton haue grauntid to make a hole arch All thies persons haue grauntid this.
Ioh'n Smarte, to make a hole arch
William prene, to make a hole arch or di. one harry kello, to make [a hole arch ?]
Ioh'n ducklyng & Sir Iohn plommer, a hole arch

Ioh'n halhed haue grauntid xl s, vppon Condycion that all' the parysch wyl be contrybutarye to the same, after theyre power, þat maye bere.

Ioh'n a mylton this yer xl s
Ioh'n Mascall' this yer xl s
Robert odiham this yer xx s
Ioh'n deraham this yer xl s

Thomas hunte will geve as Mr Alderman will set hym.

Robert Rouxbye this yer vj s viij d & iij s iiij d o quarter.

Mr William wylde, at his pleasure.


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  • 2. In corner.
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