Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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'Index: K-Z', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651(London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
'Index: K-Z', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651(London, 1802), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
"Index: K-Z". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. (London, 1802), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
KELSALL, John, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 25 Sept.
Kemyes, Sir Charles, Petition on his behalf, read; Leave given him to come and prosecute his Composition; Time appointed for his Stay, 4 Sept.-Order for taking him into Custody, 18 Oct.-16 Dec.-For bailing him; the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall impowered to receive and dispose of Part of his Fine, 16 Nov.-Order for proceeding against him according to Law, 16 Dec.
Kent, Members to sign and send away Letters for quickening the bringing in the Assessments and Arrears of the Army, 23 Sept.-Petition of Clothiers, read, 6 Oct. Vide Trade- Order for dispersing the disbanded Forces-For disbanding the new-raised Forces, except as excepted-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. -Another appointed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, -Members have Leave to go into the Country to hasten the bringing in the Assessments-Committees Letter read; the Committee to be acquainted what is done upon the Ordinance touching settling the Militia of the whole Kingdom, and to be thanked, 16 Dec.-Petition of well-affected Inhabitants, read; Speaker's Answer.
Killingworth, the Committee of Warwickshire to take care of the Garison, 23 Oct.
King, Title to the Instructions for the Committee appointed to
treat with the King, read, and agreed to; returned from
Lords, with Amendments; Amendments agreed to; Order
for Ministers to go with them, agreed to by Lords, with an
Amendment; Amendment agreed to; Commissioners to have
Passes for a competent Number of Servants; King to be acquainted they cannot come at the time appointed; a Committee to prepare Letter to that Purpose; Letter read, and agreed
to; Speaker to sign it-Vote concerning the State of Freedom the King shall be in, explained-Draught of a Letter to
acquaint him with the Names of the Commissioners, reported,
read, and agreed to; Ordinance for authorizing the Committee of both Houses for the Treaty with the King, to treat accordingly, ordered 2 Sept. Read, and passed. Agreed to
by Lords-Governor's Letter touching his Parole; Declaration that it binds him to reside in the Isle of Wight
Twenty Days after the Treaty; Lords Concurrence to be desired; Vote to be sent to the Governor in a Letter, with
power to propose it to the King, and return his positive Answer; Governor to be thanked therein, 15 Nov. Letter reported, read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence to the Letter and Vote, signified-Names of Servants to the
King, read, and approved, 4 Sept. Order for paying 500 £.
for Coaches, and other Provisions for the Stable-500 £. for
Linen, and other necessary Accommodations for the Treaty
-6,000£. for defraying the King's Expences, and his Household's during the Treaty-3,000 £. for defraying the Com
missioners Expences. Agreed to by Lords-King's
Letter, desiring Ministers to be sent to him, communicated
by Lords, agreed to-Another Letter from him, with Lords
Order for a Blank Pass for Persons in Scotland to go to him;
Order disagreed to; Conference to be desired thereupon;
Managers appointed-Order for paying 2,000 £. to the Commissioners, to be issued out by their Direction in Proportion
according to the former Order-Speaker to grant Warrant
for pressing Waggons, & c. for them-Order for a Conference
touching the Blank Pass, repealed; a Committee to prepare
Answer to the King. Committees added; Answer reported, read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence signified;
Speakers of both Houses to sign it-Speaker delivers the Instructions, Commission, and Propositions, to the Commissioners-King's Letter, desiring a safe Conduct for Three
Gentlemen of Scotland to come to him; late Commissioners
there to report their Knowledge of them. Safe Conduct
refused to Two; a Committee to prepare Letter, with Reasons for the Refusal; Letter reported, read, and agreed to;
Lords Concurrence to the Letter and Votes, signified; Messenger appointed-A Committee to prepare Draught of a safe
Conduct for such Persons as shall be ordered by both Houses
to have safe Conducts to come out of Scotland to the King,
and return-Order for Letter of Thanks to the Commissioners, and to acquaint them what care House has taken
for supplying them with Money, and that their Papers are
under Consideration; Letter reported, read, and agreed to
-A Committee to consider the Clause in their Letter which
relates to the Declaration of both Kingdoms, and the Propositions concerning the Treaties-Commissioners Letter,
with an Account of their Proceedings, read; Declaration that
nothing shall be binding between the King and Parliament till
all is concluded in the Treaty. Sent to Lords.
Agreed to by them-Business of the Treaty to be debated only between Ten and Twelve o'Clock-King's Letter desiring a safe Conduct for a Person in Scotland; Lords
Order thereupon, agreed to-Commissioners Letter,
with a Paper containing Propositions touching the Church,
delivered to the King, and Two Papers expressing that they
had returned a Paper delivered to them by the King, and
their Reasons, read; their Proceedings approved; Letter of
Thanks ordered-King's Letter, and Paper inclosed, communicated by Lords, with Desire they may be returned,
read; Letter of Thanks to the Commissioners, reported, and
agreed to, with Amendments, in relation to the King's Letter and Paper inclosed; Lords Concurrence signified; Speakers of both Houses to sign it, 2 Oct.-Commissioners Letter,
with Papers inclosed, touching their Proceedings concerning
the Church and Militia, with King's Answer, read; previous
Question that the Answer concerning the Church is not satisfactory, Affirmative; Order for Letter to them to proceed
according to their former Instructions, and not to debate any
new Proposition, till this concerning Religion is settled.
Letter reported, read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence to
the Vote and Letter, to be desired-Commissioners Letter concerning providing Monies for the Expences of the
Treaty; Order for paying the Remainder of the Money assigned to that Service-Another Letter touching their Proceeding upon the Proposition concerning Ireland; King's
final Answer, and their Reply, read. The Committee
for Irish Affairs to consider what is fit more to be offered
thereupon, relating to the Disposal of Houses, & c.-A Commissioners Letter, with Papers inclosed, touching their Proceedings upon the Proposition for Payment of the public
Debts, touching Peers, & c. made since the Seal was surreptitiously conveyed away; King's Answer thereto, and Copy of
a Proposition presented to him, touching Delinquents, read,
-Lords Letter to them, to be signed by Speakers of both
Houses, read, and agreed to-Commissioners Letter,
with Papers inclosed, touching their Proceedings upon the
Proposition concerning Delinquents, and the Votes for pressing a full Answer to that concerning the Church-Declaration that neither Sundays nor Fast-days shall be accounted
any of the Forty Days limited for the Treaty; Vote to be
sent in a Letter to the Commissioners-Letter reported,
read, and agreed to-Commissioners Letter and Papers,
to be considered-Resolution touching Persons in the
First Branch of the Proposition concerning Delinquents;
Lords Concurrence to be desired. Message from Lords
acquainting House they had agreed, that only Seven Persons
should be excepted in the First Exception, and had voted
their Names; previous Question for adding more, Neg. -
King's Answer to the Proposition concerning Delinquents,
voted unsatisfactory; several Alterations made to the Proposition; House insist upon the rest; Day appointed for Delinquents to come in; Votes to be sent to the Commissioners,
and communicated to the King-Lords Concurrence
signified, 2 Nov. Names of Persons to be excepted; Resolutions touching Delinquents. Votes excepting Seven
Persons, returned from Lords, with Amendments-Conference desired by them thereupon, agreed to; Reporters appointed; Conference held. Reported; Ordinance from
Lords for banishing Three Lords, read, and rejected; House
adhere to their former Votes for excepting the Earl of Newcastle and Sir John Wintour-Question for presenting
more Names to the King to be excepted from Pardon, Neg.
8 Nov. Previous Question that Delinquents beyond Sea, except the Seven excepted, shall stand banished, Affirmative;
main Question, Neg. Resolution for removing all Persons
comprized in the First Branch, from the King's Council and
Presence; Lords Concurrence to be desired. Resolution
for banishing some Persons that have been in the late Engagement against the Parliament since 1st January 1647; Names
voted-Resolution touching the Compositions of these new
Delinquents; Lords Concurrence to be desired-Conference desired with Lords, touching the Delinquents to be excepted from Pardon, and those to be banished, agreed to;
Managers appointed; Conference held. Lords desired to
expedite their Answer; Conference desired by them, touching Two Persons to be excepted, agreed to. Held, and
reported; Question for concurring with Lords in excepting
Two Persons named by them in the stead of Two named by
House, Neg. Free Conference to be desired thereupon.
Desired, and agreed to; Managers appointed; free Conference held and reported-Commissioners Letter touching their Proceedings upon the Propositions concerning the
Church, nominating Officers, the City of London, the Great
Seal, and the Court of Wards, and the King's final Answer
thereto, read, and to be considered, 24 Oct. His Answer
touching the abolishing Bishops, voted unsatisfactory; a Committee to prepare, by way of Instructions to the Commissioners, the Particulars of this Dissatisfaction. Particulars
reported, read, and agreed to-His Answer, touching the
Sale of Bishops Lands, voted unsatisfactory; Instruction to be
prepared for the Commissioners to know the Particulars of his
Exceptions to the Proposition concerning the Church, and
reduce them to a Certainty-His Answer to the Proposition
concerning the public Use of the Directory, and taking away
the Common Prayer, wherein he desires to continue the Use
thereof for himself and Houshold, voted unsatisfactory; a
Committee to consider the Differences between the King's
Concessions, and the Desires of that Propositions-His Answers to the Propositions touching confirming the Articles of
the Christian Religion-Touching exempting the Queen and
her Family out of Acts for preventing the saying and hearing
Mass, severally voted unsatisfactory; Commissioners to press
the King to give his full Consent thereto-A Committee to
consider his Concessions to any Parts of the Propositions, and
reduce them into Bills. Order for their Meeting, and
making Report; further Power given them; Committees
added; all that come to have Voices.-Another Committee added; Order for presenting the Bills; Lawyers of the
House to attend; 10 Nov. Vide Parliament, Militia, Peers,
Treason, and Sunday-Votes touching King's Answer concerning the Church, returned from Lords, with Amendments; Amendments agreed to-Conference desired by Lords
upon the Vote concerning the Sale of Bishops Lands, agreed
to, 28 Oct. Reporters appointed; Conference held, and reported; House adhere to their former Vote; free Conference
desired thereupon; Managers appointed; free Conference
held; Lords Concurrence reported-Commissioners
Letters touching their Proceedings upon the late Vote and Instructions concerning the Church, 3 & 9 Nov. King's Answer touching Bishops and Church Government and Discipline, voted unsatisfactory-Touching laying aside the Common Prayer for himself and Family, voted satisfactory-
Touching his Intention to use another set Form, voted unsatisfactory-Touching an Act for preventing the saying or
hearing Mass, voted satisfactory-Touching his Desire not to
be further pressed, voted unsatisfactory; Commissioners to
press him to a full Consent to the Propositions concerning the
Church. Votes agreed to by Lords-King's Answer
to the late Proposition concerning it, in all the Parts except
wherein he has declared his Consent, voted unsatisfactory;
Lords Concurrence to be desired; Vote to be sent to the Commissioners-His Answer, touching the Covenant, voted
unsatisfactory; a Committee to draw it up in such Form as
may be proper for him to take it, 27 Oct.-instruction to be
prepared, and sent to the Commissioners to authorize them
to present the Catechisms to the King-Returned
from Lords, with an Amendment; Amendment agreed to-
Lords to be desired to expedite their Consent to the larger
Catechism, 3 Nov.-His Answer to the Proposition concerning Ireland-Concerning paying the public Debts, severally
voted satisfactory, 1 Nov. Lords Concurrence signified-His
Answer touching the Nomination of Officers, voted unsatisfactory-His Answer touching taking away the Court of
Wards, agreed to; Lords Concurrence signified-Resolution
for sending all the Votes to the Commissioners. A Committee to prepare Letter to convey them; Letter reported,
read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence to be desired-
Vote from Lords for continuing the Treaty Fourteen Days
longer. Agreed to; Speaker, by Letter, to acquaint the
Commissioners therewith-Ministers to have Pass to go to the
King-Commissioners authorized to agree among themselves
who shall come away; Number to be left; Quorum appointed-King's Answer to the Desires of both Houses for declaring against Lord Ormond's Proceedings in Ireland, voted
unsatisfactory; Lords Concurrence to be desired-Vote
from Lords touching the Commissioners coming away, agreed
to-Commissioners thanked, 9 Nov.-1 Dec.-Vote
for One of the Ministers to go to the King, recalled, 10
Nov.-King's Propositions, to be considered. Read, with
Lords Votes thereupon; a Committee to srume Answers to
Three of them. Answers reported, read, and agreed to;
Lords Concurrence signified-Letter from Lords to the Commissioners to be signed by both Speakers, read, and agreed to,
-Commissioners Letter of their Poceedings, with Papers inclosed, read; King's Answer to the Proposition concerning the
naming Officers, voted satisfactory-Time for continuing the
Treaty, inlarged; Member to prepare a Letter to give Commissioners Notice thereof-Lords Concurrence signified-Proposition touching settling a Peace between England and Scotland,
reported, read, and agreed to-Lords Concurrence signified-Order for sending all the Votes to the Commissioners; Letter from Lords to be signed by both Speakers, and
sent with them, read, and agreed to-Commissioners
Letter touching their Proceedings-Time for the Treaty,
further inlarged; Vote to be sent in a Letter to them, with
Power to acquaint the King therewith. Lords Concurrence signfied-Divers Papers touching the Commissioners Proceedings, presented; Question for considering the
King's Answers now, Neg. Day appointed for it, 1 Dec.-
Resolution for considering them; Question for bringing in
Candles, Neg. 2. Previous Question that King's Answers
are satisfactory, Neg. 4. That they are a Ground to proceed upon for the Settlement of the Peace of the Kingdom,
Affirmative; Lords Concurrence to be desired. Members
declare their Dissent thereto, 21 Dec.-29 Jan.-Resolutions that the Vote for revoking Votes against further Addresses to the King-That the Vote for a Treaty, were highly
dishonourable to the Proceedings of Parliament, and apparently destructive to the Good of the Kingdom; a Committee to see these Votes entered, 13 Dec.-Papers concerning
the Declaration for Non-address, and all Papers of that Nature, to be delivered to a Committee-Declaration expressing the Reasons for repealing several Votes, reported,
read, and re-committed, 6 Jan. Reported from Re-commitment, read by Parts, and agreed to; Order for printing and
dispersing it.
-, - Colonel Hammond's Letter, read Second time; his receiving the King's Engagement, approved-Vote touching
the King's being in the same State of Freedom as he was in at
Hampton Court, explained; the Committee of the Revenue
to provide Horses, & c. for his riding abroad-Order for securing his Person within Carisbrooke Castle, revoked-Orders
of both Houses concerning the present Safety and Security of
his Person, so far as they carry any Restraint within the Castle,
revoked, 2 Sept.-Letter from Carisbrooke Castle, with Copies of Letters signed by the Appointment of the General
Council of Officers, and Instructions to several Persons for
Safety of the Island and Care of the King's Person in Colonel
Hammond's Absence, read; a Committee to prepare Letter
to the General, acquainting him therewith, and that his Order
is contrary to the Resolution of both Houses; and to desire
him to recal it, and command Colonel Hammond to return
to his Charge, 29 Nov. General's and Colonel Hammond's
Letters, read-Letter from Carisbrooke Castle concerning the Removal of the King's Person out of the Isle of
Wight; another from the General, read; Candles ordered;
previous and main Questions that the Removal of the King
out of the Isle of Wight was without the Knowlege or Consent of this House, severally Affirmative, 4 Dec. Order for
the General to keep him in safe Custody-Letter from
Hurst Castle, read; the Committee of the Revenue to consider what is fit to be done in the Point of Charge and Servants to attend the King, and also in the Point of Safety;
Committees added as to this Purpose. Report; Allowance of 10 £. per Diem, and List of Servants, approved.
Lords Concurrence signified-The Committee of the Revenue to take Order for Satisfaction of Gentlemen attending
him-A Committee to consider how to proceed against
the King and other capital Offenders; all that come to have
Voices. Order for their meeting-For preparing
Ordinance concerning him. Ordinance touching the
King, read. Committed; all that come to have Voices. Ordinance to be reported; the Committee to present
Names of Commissioners-Ordinance reported, and
passed, 1 Jan. Sent to Lords-Resolution that the Commons in Parliament assembled do declare and adjudge, that by
the fundamental Laws of this Kingdom, it is Treason in the
King of England, for the Time being, to levy War against
the Parliament and Kingdom of England, 1 Jan. Sent to
Lords. A Committee to see how the Business stands in
the Lords House upon the Ordinance and Vote touching the
King; Report that the Vote was disagreed to, and the Ordinance read once, and cast out; a Committee to prepare Ordinance for erecting a High Court of Justice for Trial of the
King; Ordinance read twice, and committed; all that come
to have Voices; Resolution that the Commons in Parliament
assembled do declare and adjudge, that by the fundamental
Laws of this Kingdom, it is High Treason in the King of England, for the Time being, to levy War against the Parliament or Kingdom of England. Ordinance reported, and
to be ingrossed; no Copy thereof to be delivered forth. Order for presenting it ingrossed. Ordinance read, and passed;
Order for meeting of the Commissioners. Resolution that
it be enacted for Law, and have the Force of a Law, to be
endorsed upon the Act-Proclamation touching the Trial
to be made at the Old Exchange, and in Cheapside-Order for 1,000£. to defray the Charges of the Trial. Ordinance for that Purpose, read twice, and passed-Letter from the Governor of Windsor Castle, read; Order for
an Allowance of 15£. per Diem for the King and his Attendants; Governor to have the same Power to displace disaffected
Attendants as the Governor of the Isle of Wight had, 2 Jan.
-General to take speedy and effectual Care for close securing
the King's Person, and preventing Recourse to him-A
Committee to present Names of fit Persons to inventory and
preserve the Goods in the King's Houses; Ordinance for
that Purpose, ordered. Read twice, and committed,
-Dr. Juxon to have Leave to repair to the King, according
to his Desire, and continue as long as the King pleases, but
not to go to and from. To be under the same Restraint
as the King-Prince Elector's Letter, desiring to be permitted to visit the King, read, and agreed to-Duke of
Gloucester and Lady Elizabeth to have Liberty to visit him-
Record of the Judgment against the King, to be presented-
Act prohibiting the proclaiming any Person as King, without
the free Consent of the People in Parliament, signified by
Act or Ordinance for that Purpose, read twice, and committed. Reported; Title read twice, and agreed to; Act
passed; Order for printing and publishing it-For proclaiming
it by Sound of Trumpet in Cheapside, the Old Exchange,
and Westminster; the General, or some General Officer, to
take care it be done; a Committee to prepare Letter to the
Sheriffs, to publish and proclaim it in their several Counties;
Letter reported, read, and agreed to; Speaker to sign the
Letters, and several of the Acts, and send them to Mr. Solicitor, to be sent by the Post-Prince Elector has Leave to visit
the King.
Kingdom, House to consider such Expedients as shall be offered for settling the Peace and Government thereof, 16 & 18 Dec. A Committee to present some general Heads for a Settlement, -Order for their meeting, and presenting something; Committee added, 2 Jan.-Resolution that the Commons of England in Parliament assembled do declare, that the People are, under God, the Original of all just Power-That the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, being chosen by, and representing, the People, have the supreme Power in this Nation-That whatsoever is enacted or declared for Law by the Commons in Parliament assembled hath the Force of Law, and all the People of this Nation are concluded thereby, though the Consent of King or House of Peers be not had thereto; a Committee to prepare Declaration thereupon. Previous Question for desiring Lords Concurrence to the Votes, Neg. 18. Order for printing them-Resolution that the Name of any One single Person shall not be used in the Stile of Commissions under the Great Seal, Writs, or any other legal Proceedings, for the carrying on the Justice of the Kingdom, referred to the Committee on the Ordinance for settling Proceedings in the Courts of Justice, 9 Jan.
Kinge, Colonel Edward, Letter and Information, with a Paper
under his Hand, read; Order for summoning him to attend;
Letter, & c. referred to the Committee of the Army, 21
-, - Captain Thomas, Petition read; Order for paying him
20 £. in Part of his Arrears, 6 Jan.
King's Bench, Justices appointed, 12 Oct.
Knight, Arthur, King's Letter to the Sheriff for the Reprieve of his Sons, read; Business to be left to the Course of Justice, 25 Sept.
Kynaston, Edward, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 4 Sept.
A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.
KEBLE, Serjeant, 1648, Report that a Justice in the Kentish Circuit is sick; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal for him to go down; Act for that Purpose, read, and passed, 16 Mar.
Keele, John, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Kelsey, Lieutenant Colonel, 1651, appointed Governor of Dover Castle; the Council of State to give him a Commission, 13 May.
Kempe, Francis, 1650, Petition on his behalf; Order for a Pardon under the Great Seal, 9 Oct.
Kempson, Anthony, 1649, Letter that he is brought Prisoner to Plymouth; Order for removing him to Ilchester Gaol for High Treason; Sir Hardres Waller to take Order for a safe Convoy, 21 July.
Kemyes, Sir Charles, 1650, Petition read; previous and main Questions for referring it to the Commissioners at Goldsmiths Hall, severally Affirmative, 2 July.
Kendall, Robert, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
-, - William, appointed Captain of a Ship, 2 Mar. 1649
-26 Sept. 1650.
Kendall, 1649, Petition of Inhabitants, read, and referred to the Council of State, 24 Apr.
Kent, 1648, Persons in the late Insurrection disabled to act upon
any Ordinances for levying Monies in the County, 1 Feb.-
Petition of well-affected Inhabitants, referred to a Committee:
Petitioners thanked-Letter concerning the Forces, to be
read-General's Letter, touching paying and disbanding
the Forces under Sir Michael Livesay, and another, touching
Part of those Forces, read; keeping up the Forces, approved
-Order touching Money for disbanding all the Forces, except
a Company of Foot, and for Repayment of what Sir Michael
Livesay has undertaken to the County for taking off free
Quarter-The Council of State to consider how the Forces
may be disposed of for the Service of the Commonwealth;
Sir Michael Livesay thanked-Order for paying the Horse at
Dover equal with the Foot, to the time of disbanding-
Names of Delinquents in the late Rebellion in the County
discharged by the Deputy Lieutenants, paying nothing, or
inconsiderable Sums, read; a Committee to examine the
Powers of the Committee to compound, and by what Rules
they proceeded.
-, - 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission
under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.-Member sent to fetch in a
Petition of divers Inhabitants, 1 Feb.
-, - 1650, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission
under the Great Seal, 10 Jan.-To take out his Commission within Six Days, upon Pain of forfeiting 1,000 £.
6 Feb.
-, - Countess of. Vide Goodrich Castle.
Key, Richard, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for
passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
-, - John, 1650, appointed Alderman of Hall; Mayor to administer the Oath to him, 6 Sept.
Keysar, Captain, 1649, Business touching him, referred to the
Council of State, 24 Aug.
-, - 1650, appointed Commander of a Ship, 26 Sept.
Kilborne, Ralph, 1650, Question for putting him into a Pardon, Neg. 2 Oct.
Kildare, Countess of, 1649, Order for allowing her 5 £. per
Week, in respect of her Losses, 15 June. For continuing it
for Three Months.
-, - 1650, her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
Kilkenny. Vide Ireland.
Killegrew, Sir Peter, 1649, to have Pass to transport Two Nags Custom and Impost free, 31 Oct.
Killingworth Castle, 1649, the Council of State to consider of demolishing or keeping it up, 7 July.
King, 1648, Order for proclaiming the Act prohibiting the proclaiming any Person King in the Isle of Wight-Serjeant's
Return, touching proclaiming it, read; Order for 10s. to
each Trumpeter; the Committee of the Revenue to consider
of a Recompence to the Serjeant-Paper of divers Particulars
touching the late King's Body, his George, Diamond, and
Two Seals, reported; Questions for sending the Garter,
George, and Seals, to Charles Stuart his Son, severally Neg.
Particulars referred to a Committee, with Power to peruse
the late King's Papers, 31 Jan.-Report that they are disposed in a Room under several Doors, now locked up; the
Committee to present Particulars, 1 Feb. Guard for the
King's Person, to be continued-Report; Place for his
Funeral, approved-Leave given to the Duke of Richmond
and others to attend-The Duke to take Order for the Place,
Circumstance, and Manner, of the Interment; the Committee to provide 500 £. for defraying the Charges thereof-
Act for prohibiting the printing and publishing any Proceedings of the High Court of Justice for the Trial of the late
King, ordered, 3 Feb. Read twice, and committed. Act
for taking away the Kingship, ordered. To be presented-Read, 5 Mar. Committed. To be reported.
Reported, and to be ingrossed. Read Third time; Title
read twice, and to be ingrossed; Act passed, and to be printed;
Sheriff to proclaim it in the Palace Yard, Cheapside, and
the Old Exchange. Lord Mayor and Sheriff to attend at
the proclaiming in all Places where Proclamations are usually
made-Proceedings of the High Court of Justice, to
be presented, 9 & 16 Feb.-Order for taking down the late
King's Arms over the Speaker's Chair-Act for taking them
down out of the several Courts in Westminster, and all other
Places, and setting up the Arms of England in their stead,
ordered-A Committee to prepare Act for disposing of his
Goods and personal Estate-Order for inventorying,
appraising, and selling them; the Council of State to direct
what are fit to be reserved for the Use of the State-Commissioners, not Members, to be chosen, for inventorying, & c.
Money raised by the Sale to be employed towards Payment
of Debts contracted before the War, and to Persons not Delinquents, and for public Uses of the Commonwealth-First
30,000 £. to be paid to the Use of the Navy; Act to the Purpose of these Resolutions, ordered, 23 Mar.-Serjeant to seize
at the Press all Books printing or printed under the Name of
the late King, 16 Mar. House informed that the Press had
been seized; Business referred to the Committee of scandalous
-, - 1649, Lord Mayor to give Account touching proclaiming
the Act for abolishing the Kingly Office, 27 Mar. His Desire to be excused, reported; previous and main Questions for
summoning him to appear at the Bar, severally Affirmative;
Serjeant to carry the Order to him-Lord Mayor
heard, 2 Apr. Vide Reynaldson, Abraham-Order for proclaiming it renewed to the new Lord Mayor; Member to
give him Notice-Member to give Account touching it,
10 May-Report that Lord Mayor and Fifteen Aldermen
were at the proclaiming it; Two Aldermen to be summoned
to the Bar. Vide Soames, Sir Thomas, and Chambers, Alderman-Information against George Pryor. Vide Pryor,
George-Proceedings of the High Court of Justice, to be
presented, 30 Mar.-Proposition touching the Pictures and
Statues, referred to the Council of State, to take care therein
for the Benefit of the Commonwealth, 4 Apr.-Order revoked, 2 June-Act for inventorying, appraising, securing,
and Sale of the Goods and personal Estate of the late King,
Queen, and Prince, read twice, and committed, 12 Apr.
-Reported, and to be ingrossed; Trustee added, 2 June.
Read Third time-Passed, and to be printed, 4 July
-A Committee to consider how Obstructions in the Sale
of them may be removed, 3 Aug.-Order touching a
House for the Trustees, 5 Sept.-Late King's Seals to be
presented to House, to know what they will please to order
concerning them-The Council of State to take care of several Letters and Papers belonging to him, 21 July-Act for
taking down his Arms in all public Places, ordered, 3 Aug.
Regalia to be delivered to the Trustees; Order for melting
down the Gold and Silver, and selling the Jewels.
-, - 1650, Generals at Sea to take care the late King's Arms
be taken down in all Ships-Justices of Peace to take care
they be taken down and defaced in all Churches; Votes to
be printed, 9 Apr.-Report from the Council of State that
they are still remaining in several public Places in London, referred to the Committee of plundered Ministers, 27 Dec.-
Order for taking them down in all public Places, and setting
up the Arms of the Commonwealth in their Room; the
Charge to be paid out of Parish Rates; Sheriffs, Justices, & c.
to see the Order put in Execution, 5 Feb.-Proceedings of
the High Court of Justice upon his Trial, reported; read at
large; Act for his Trial, Precept for it, Charge, and Sentence against him, presented; Declaration that the Persons
intrusted have discharged their Trust with great Courage and
Fidelity, and that the Parliament approve their Proceedings,
and order them to be recorded, to remain among the Records of the Parliament-Resolution that they be ingrossed,
and recorded among them-That they be transmitted into
Chancery, to be kept there of Record, and sent from thence
to the other Courts at Westminster, and the Custos Rotulorum in each County, to be recorded there, 12 Dec.
-, - his Children, 1648, Report concerning them, to be made,
23 Feb.
-, - 1649, Earl of Northumberland's Letter touching them,
to be considered, 24 Apr. Read; Letter from Lady Elizabeth, read; Petition of their Servants appointed by Parliament; Order for paying Monies due for their Maintenance,
and Arrears of Servants Wages; previous Question that Lady
Elizabeth have Leave to go beyond Sea, Neg. Resolution for
settling 3,000 £. per Annum for Maintenance of the Duke of
Gloucester and her-For committing the Care and Tuition
of them to Sir Edward Harrington; the Council of State to
consider of Instructions for him; Earl of Northumberland to
be acquainted with these Votes. Sir Edward Harrington's
Desire to be excused, in respect of his Sickness, reported;
Business to be taken up-Lady Elizabeth's Letter,
read-Earl of Northumberland to deliver the Duke of Gloucester and her to the Care and Tuition of Lady Leicester,
upon the Allowance of 3,000£. per Annum; Commencement
thereof; Member to acquaint them with the Order, 24 May
-Their Letters read, and referred to the Committee of
the Revenue, 11 June-Lady Leicester to take care no other
Ceremony is used to them than to Noblemen's Children.
-, - 1650, upon Report from the Council that the public
Peace might be endangered by Occasion of them, Resolution for removing them forthwith beyond Sea; the Council to
consider of a fit Place, the manner of sending them, and a
Maintenance for them, 24 July-Report; House informed
that Lady Elizabeth is deceased; the Committee of the Revenue to give Order for her Interment, and for Mourning for
her Brother, and both their Servants-Resolution for allowing Henry 1,500 £. per Annum-For sending him to the University of Hedleburgh; the Council of State to see it done,
11 Sept.
-, - his Servants, 1648, their Petition, and General's Letter
relating thereto, referred to the Committee of the Revenue,
21 Mar.
-, - 1649, General's Letter, touching them, referred to a
Committee; Order that they suffer no Prejudice in the mean
time for not attending at Goldsmiths Hall, 26 May-Report concerning them, 18 July-List of domestic Servants
in the Chamber, rated at Two Parts of Three of their Wages
and Board Wages, and others included within Articles, reported, and re-committed-Trustees for Sale of Kings Goods
to consider of the Widows and Orphans of such as continued
with the Parliament, and died in the Parliament's Quarters-
List of such as have been paid Part of their Pensions, reported,
19 July. The Committee of the Revenue to pay 4,000£.
due to Labourers and Workmen in Scotland Yard; List recommitted-Act for relieving the poor Servants of the
late King, Queen, and Prince, to be read, 20 Nov,-A
Committee to consider the List of the most necessitous, 14
-, - 1650, Petition of several, read; Certificate of their Accounts; Order for paying their respective Debts, 15 Nov.
-, - 1651, Report of Sums due to Servants and Creditors,
with a Paper of Abatements, Omissions, and Respites; the
Committee to give Directions for Payment of the several Sums,
except the Abatements, & c. 22 July.
Kingdom, 1648, House to consider the Business of settling the general Government thereof, 1 Feb. House of Lords to be first considered. Previous Question for taking their Advice in the Exercise of the Legislative Power, Affirmative; main Question, Neg.-Resolution that the House of Peers in Parliament is useless and dangerous, and ought to be abolished; Act for that Purpose, ordered. Vide Lords, House of-Question that House be turned into a grand Committee, to debate the Business of Kingship, Neg.-Resolution that it has been found by Experience, and this House doth declare, That the Office of a King in this Nation, and to have the Power thereof in any single Person, is unnecessary, burthensome, and dangerous to the Liberty, Safety, and publick Interest, of the People of this Nation, and therefore ought to be abolished; Act for that Purpose, ordered, Vide King-Declaration that the fundamental Laws shall be maintained, and that Judges shall proceed according to them, reported, read, agreed to, and to be printed. Members to disperse it; Serjeant to proclaim it in Westminster Hall.
Kinsey, Richard, 1650, Petition read, 9 Oct. Another presented by Sheriffs, read; previous and main Questions for pardoning him, severally Affirmative; Order for passing the Pardon under the Great Seal-Act for pardoning him and Thomas Matthews, ordered-Read twice, and committed, 26 Dec.-Reported, and passed, 22 Jan.
Kirby, Captain Francis, 1650, appointed Commander of a Ship, 26 Sept.
Kirk, John, James, and Mary. Vide Jacob, Harmon.
Kirkby Kendall, 1650, Letter from thence; Choice of the Mayor, approved; Order for disabling Persons who have not taken the Engagement from being Aldermen, Burgesses, or Justices of Peace, 9 Oct.
Knight, Mr. desired to preach, 20 Apr. 1649-11 Sept. 1650
-Thanked, and to print his Sermons, 2 May, 1649-
10 Oct. 1650.
-, - Isaac, 1649, Petition read; Order for admitting him to
double upon Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 9 July.
-, - Major, 1649, Petition of his Troop, read, and referred
to the Committee of the Army, 26 Feb.
Kynaston, Edward, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
Kyrle, Colonel Robert, 1651, Bill for pardoning his Delinquency, ordered; Commissioners of the Great Seal to pass the Pardon, 2 July.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
LAKE, Lancelot, and Thomas. Vide Deincourt, Lord.
Lambeth House, Motion from the Trustees for Sale of Bishops Lands, touching the Records there; a Committee to consider of some Place of Security for them, that the House may be delivered up to the Purchasers, 30 Sept.-The Committee of Complaints to examine the Business touching the Purchase; Order against pulling it down in the mean time, 10 Nov.
Lamerton, Part of the Profits of the Impropriation to be employed towards the Maintenance of the Minister, 22 Nov.
Lancaster County, Committees Letter read, and referred to the
Gentlemen of the County, 25 Sept.-The Committee for
providing Money for the Forces to meet, and make Report,
17 Oct.-Order for disbanding all the Forces in the County;
General to be desired to see it done-For 4,000£. towards
paying them; Ordinance for that Purpose, ordered-Order
for paying 3,155£. 15 s. 10 d. for their Use; each Troop and
Company to chuse Persons to receive their Proportions; the
Committee of Accounts in Lancashire to audit and certify
their Accounts to the Committee of Accounts here; Order
touching Payment of their Arrears-A Committee to prepare
Ordinance for repealing the Ordinance of 29th August for the
County-Order for paying the 3,155£. 15s. 10d. payable in course to Lord Willoughby of Parham for the Use of
the Forces, 8 Nov.-General's Letter touching the Payment thereof, read, and sent to Lords, 23 Dec.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov.
Agreed to by Lords-Members have Leave to go into the
Country, and to be employed in hastening the bringing in the
Assessments for the Army-Order touching Security or
present Payment of the 4,000£.-Ordinance for repealing the Ordinance for settling the Militia of the County, ordered, 14 Dec. Read, and passed. House put Lords in
mind thereof. Conference desired by them thereupon,
agreed to. Reporters appointed; Conference held, and
reported-Business touching the 3,155£. 15 s. 10 d. referred
to a Committee.
-, - Duchy of, Attorney appointed, 12 Oct.
Landguard, Fort, Order for sending down such Ammunition as the Governor shall demand, and for paying for them, 13 Nov.
Langdale, Sir Marmaduke, to be excepted from Pardon, 6 Nov.
Langherne, Major General Rowland, previous and main Questions for banishing him, severally Affirmative, 10 Nov. Lords Concurrence signified. Vide Holland, Earl of- Resolution that the Vote concerning banishing him is destructive to the Peace and Quiet of the Kingdom, and derogatory to the Justice thereof, and to be revoked, 13 Dec.
Lauderdale, Lord, the Committee of the Militia to examine by what Authority Guards are placed over his Goods, and to remove them; Order for sequestering and disposing of them, 30 Sept.-Petition of his Lady and Daughter, sent from Lords, 4 Oct.-State of the Case touching the Goods, reported; House adhere to their former Vote; the Committee of the Militia to see them put into the Purchasers Hands.
Leach, George, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 4 Sept.
Lee, Mr. Complaint concerning his Sermon, referred to the Committee of Complaints, 16 Nov.
Leeds, Robert, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 28 Sept.
Legg, Colonel William, a Committee to consider the Grounds and Reason of his Restraint, 2 Sept.
Leicester County, Order for 3,000£. towards Maintenance of their Forces-Those at Pontefract to assist in the Business of Cumberland and Westmorland, 25 Sept.-Petition of wellaffected Inhabitants, read; Speaker's Answer, 2 Oct.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords-Members have Leave to go into the Country, and to be employed in hastening the Payment of the Assessments for the Army.
Leominster, Petition of Inhabitants, read; High Steward discharged; another appointed, 22 Nov.
Lewis, Cornet, 1648, Order for paying his Executors 200£. in full for his Arrears, and Monies lent by him, 18 Nov. Agreed to by Lords.
Lidcott, Colonel John, to be recommended to a Command in some good Ship for the Winter Guard, 3 Jan.
Lilbourne, Lieutenant Colonel John, Ordinance for Reparation to him, to be read, 4 Sept. Read; Questions for Commitment and passing, severally Neg. Order for paying him 3,000 £. for Reparation of Damages sustained by Colour of Two Sentences against him in the late Star-chamber; a Committee to prepare Ordinance for settling Lands on him and his Heirs to that Value-Order for paying him 300£. in Part of his Arrears-Ordinance for raising 3,000£. to be paid to him out of Delinquents Estates, read, 22 Nov.-Order for Second Reading, 16 Dec. Read, and passed. Sent to Lords. Returned, with Amendments; Amendments agreed to.
Lincoln County, House put Lords in mind of an Order concerning it; Order agreed to, 23 Sept.-Letter for hastening
the bringing in the Arrears of the Assessments for the Army,
reported, read, and agreed to; Members to sign and send
Copies thereof-Order for disbanding the supernumerary
Horse, except as excepted; agreed to by Lords, 21 Nov.
-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to
him. Agreed to by Lords-Members have Leave to
go into the County, and to be employed in hastening the
bringing in the Assessments for the Army-The Committee to lay an Assessment of 2,500£. upon the County, for
Relief of the Forces before Pontefract, 2 Jan. Act for that
Purpose, ordered.
-, - City, Former Assessment thereupon to be joined to the
Assessment set upon the County; the Committee of the Army
to see the City pay no more than their due Proportion; Ordinance for that Purpose, ordered, 21 Oct.
-, - Earl of. Vide Tattershall Castle.
Lingen, Henry, Resolution for banishing him, 10 Nov. Agreed to by Lords. Vide Holland, Earl of-Resolution voted destructive to the Peace and Quiet of the Kingdom, and derogatory to the Justice thereof, and to be revoked, 13 Dec.
Lisle, Lord, the Committee for Irish Affairs to state his Accounts, 24 Oct.
Lloyd, William, Order for his Discharge, 2 Oct.
London, Ordinance for inlisting Horse and Foot for the City, returned from Lords, with Amendments; previous Question for adhering to the Ordinance as sent up, Affirmative; a Committee to assign Reasons to be offered at a Conference, 2 Sept. -Petition of the City, to be read-Report that the City will give a positive Answer touching 10,000 £. intended for the Treaty. Proceedings of the Committee appointed to go thither, reported; another Committee to press the speedy providing 2,000 £. and the rest as soon as they can; Lord Mayor to be desired to call a Common Council. Report that 2,000 £. is ready; Order touching the Payment thereof. Vide King-Order touching the Payment of the Remainder; a Committee to hasten it-Ordinance for the Loan, securing, and Re-payment of the 10,000 £. read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired-Ordinance, with Blanks for Names of Persons to be authorized to receive and issue out the Money, read; Receiver nominated; Ordinance passed. Agreed to by Lords-Order for paying 4,000 £. Part of the remaining 8,000 £. Members to take care the Monies behind may be paid seasonably, 23 Sept.-24 Oct.- Order for issuing the Remainder, if any-Lord Mayor to be desired to call a Common Council; Member to acquaint him therewith; a Committee to propound to them a further Loan of 4,000 £. upon the Security given for the former, 3 Nov. Ordinance for Reimbursement and Re-payment thereof, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence signified-Desires of the City for 1,000 Chaldron of Coals from Newcastle, free from Charges, for the Benefit of the Poor, referred to the Committee of the Revenue, 6 Sept. State of the Grant, reported; 1,000 £. of the Arrears for the Assessments of the Army of the City, to be laid out for that Use-Ordinance for that Purpose, read, and passed, 2 Oct. Returned from Lords, with Amendments; Amendments disagreed to, -Lord Mayor, & c. to take care the Poor be provided with Coals at reasonable Rates, 30 Jan.-Petition of wellaffected Persons in and near London, read; the Committee of Complaints to examine the Matters of Fact mentioned therein, 11 Sept.-Names of Persons who owe Arrears of the Assessments for the Army, to be returned to a Committee-The Committee of Sequestrations to levy Monies in Arrears by several, 7 Oct. Order for summoning them to give Account of their Proceedings. Order for sequestering the Estates of all in Arrear-Petition of the Committee, to be read, 30 Oct.-6 Nov.-Order enabling the Committee to call the Collectors to Account, agreed to by Lords-General's Letter to Lord Mayor, & c. presented by a Sheriff, read, and to be returned; a Committee to prepare Letter to the General; Letter reported, read, and agreed to; City to have a Copy signed by Speaker-Order for them to provide forthwith 40,000 £. of the Arrears, upon Security of the said Arrears, 1 Dec.-A Committee to confer with the Common Council, and the Committee of the Militia, about the Security of the Parliament-Ordinance for putting Papists and Delinquents out of the Lines, and Twenty Miles distant, ordered, 4 Nov. -Lord General to be desired to prohibit them from coming or staying, and to secure such as disobey, 5 Jan.-Major General Skippon sent into the City to appease Tumults, 6 Dec. Thanked for stopping the City Guards from coming to the House; Militia to be thanked for their Service therein; Order for them to forbear sending any Guards-Ordinance touching the Elections of Lord Mayor, Aldermen, & c. read twice, and committed. Reported, passed, and to be printed. Agreed to by Lords-Additional Ordinance, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence signified- Petition of Lord Mayor, & c. touching the Elections of Officers, read, and referred to a Committee; Speaker's Answer. Report-Explanatory Ordinance, read twice, and committed; the Committee to consider Oaths to be taken by the Common Council-Report to be made, 3 Jan.- Order for proceeding to the Election of Common Council Men, 28 Dec.-For completing the Election of a Ward, 3 Jan.-Lord Mayor to be required to suspend the taking the usual Oaths-To send up the Book of Oaths to be taken by City Officers to the Committee of Oaths, when required, -Ordinance for authorizing the Common Council, elected according to a former Ordinance, to perform their Duty, and give Order for electing subordinate Officers, read, and passed -Order for leaving out Words in the Oath to be taken by them-Petition of the Common Council, with a Narrative of their Proceedings on the 13th Instant, read; Declaration that they ought to be entered among the Acts of Common Council; Petition, and Narrative, referred to a Committee; Speaker's Answer; Petition, Narrative, Vote thereupon, Speaker's Answer, to be printed-Petition of Inhabitants of Bread-street Ward, read, and referred to a Committee; Alderman to proceed to a new Election of Common Council Men-Act for removing Obstructions in Proceedings of the Common Council, read-Order for taking down the Chains, and securing them for the Wards to whom they belong, and for restoring those already taken down, to be sent to lord Mayor-Ordinance for settling the Militia, to be read, 6 Jan. Act for that Purpose, read; Clause added; Act passed-Petition of divers Inhabitants, read, and referred to a Committee; Petitioners thanked, 18 -Commission Officers, and others of the Militia, to act upon their Commissions-Petition of Inhabitants, in behalf of John Frye, read. Vide Frye, John.
Lords, House of. Vide Messages-A Committee to view their Journals, 2 & 9 Jan. Report.
Love, Captain, his Information of an Agreement between the Scots and Lord Inchiquin, to be read-Order for reporting his Accounts; House to consider his Arrears, Sufferings, and Services, 2 Sept.
Lovelace, Lord, the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to report touching him, and sequester his Estate; Order for disposing of Part thereof, 28 Nov.
Lowther, Sir Gerard, Order for paying him 500 £. sent to Lords, 2 Sept.
Lowthian, Colonel, Order for paying him 1,000 £. in part of his Arrears, 4 Oct. Agreed to by Lords.
Lucas, Sir Thomas, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 2 Oct.
Lucke, Monsieur de St. to have Pass to go into France, 11 Sept.
Lynn, John, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 25 Sept.
Lynn, Ordinance from Lords appointing a Comptroller of the Customs there, read, and passed, 17 Oct.
A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.
LAMBERT, Major General, 1648, Petition of his Forces,
With General's Letter, read; a Committee to state their
Accounts; his disbanding those in the North, approved; Order for Letter of Thanks, 10 Feb. Report touching the
stating their Accounts; Commissioners for Assessments in
Yorkshire to state them, and give Debentures for their Security.
-, - 1649, General's Letter touching him, read; Order for
settling 300 £. per Annum on him and his Heirs for ever; Act
for that Purpose, ordered, 27 Mar.-To be read, 17 Aug.
-21 Sept. Read twice, and committed.
-, - 1650, to be reported, 25 Apr.-Reported; Question
for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, 1 May.
-, - John, 1649, appointed Captain of a Ship, 2 Mar.
Lamprier, Clement, 1649, appointed Captain of a Ship, 2 Mar.
Lancaster County, 1648, Order for disbanding the Forces there,
and in Westmorland; a Committee to consider how they
may be disbanded, and disposed of for the Service of Ireland,
and how Money may be raised for that Purpose; Order for
drawing out such as may be useful for Ireland; Member to
assist herein, 10 Feb. Report touching the manner of satisfying their Arrears-A Committee to prepare Letter for an Estimate of the Losses and Damages sustained by the coming in
of the Scots, and by the Forces sent down for their Defence,
-Another Committee to consider of settling the Courts of
Justice, and the Assizes to be held there-High Sheriff appointed, pro hac vice-A Committee to prepare Act
for adjourning the Assizes, and avoiding Inconveniences that
may happen thereby, 2 Mar.
-, - 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 2 Apr.-Act for constituting Justices of Peace in the County, read, and passed-Petitition of Inhabitants, 2 May-Order for paying the Remainder
of the last Collection made for the Poor-Commissioners added for the Assessments of 90,000 £. per Mensem, 4 June
-26 Oct.-Two Barons of the Exchequer to consider
how to continue the Proceedings in the County as formerly,
15 June-Act for keeping an Assize in the Castle, read
twice, and committed. Reported, and passed-Commissioners of the Great Seal to appoint Justices of Peace
and Gaol Delivery-Act for altering the Seal, read twice,
and committed, 6 July. Reported, and passed-Seal delivered to the Commissioner-Order touching Payment
of 4,600£. for disbanding the Forces, revoked, 21 Aug.-
Order for paying 3,155 £. 15s. 10d. out of Lord Willoughby
of Parham's Estate, to stand; Residue to be charged on Goldsmiths Hall; referred to them to pay it, 4 Mar.-Order
for Satisfaction to the Soldiery and Ministry out of the Sequestrations of the County, 23 Jan.-For a Commission
under the Duchy Seal for Judges to go the next Assizes, 2 Feb.
-Act for keeping the Assizes at Lancaster, read, and passed,
6 Mar.
-, - 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Patent
under the Great Seal, 21 Nov.-For a Patent under the
Duchy Seal-Order for continuing Two Regiments
Three Months longer-For receiving Nine Troops of Horse
and Dragoons into Pay for the same time, to prevent and resist any Impression that may be made into those Parts, 4
-, - Duchy of, 1649, a Committee to prepare Act to enable the Court of Exchequer to levy Debts incurred therein,
26 Apr.-Attorney General's Resignation, accepted; another appointed-Act for altering the Seals of the Duchy Chamber at Westminster, read twice, and committed; Keeper appointed, 6 July. Act reported, and passed. Seal delivered to the Commissioner-Act constituting a Chancellor and Attorney General, read; Question for passing, Neg.
16 July-Another to the same Purport, read, and passed,
-Act touching the Arrear of the Duchy, read, and passed,
17 July.
-, - 1650, the Committee for regulating Laws to consider
what is fit to be done concerning the Duchy, 22 Nov.
-, - 1651, Act for continuing the Chancellor and Attorney,
read, and passed, 8 July.
Landguard Fort, 1651, Business concerning it, referred to the Council of State, 29 Apr.
Lane, Captain, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 6 Apr.
-2 Mar.
-, - Mr. 1651, discharged from being Recorder of Wickham,
18 July.
Lanerick, Lord, 1649, Case of his Debt, reported, and referred back to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, 22 May.
Langdale Sir Marmaduke, 1648, Resolution for banishing him, and consiseating his Estate, 14 Mar.
Langham, John, 1649, discharged from being Alderman; the City to proceed to a new Election, 7 Apr.
Langham, 1649, the Committee of plundered Ministers to place an able Minister there, 21 May.
Langherne, Major General, 1648, to be tried by a Court Martial, 14 Mar.
-, - 1649, Order for his Pardon aad Enlargement, 7 May.
Langley, Marten. Vide Stamford, Christopher.
-, - Sir William, 1650, Accusation and Examination touching him, referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, 15
Larder, Antony, 1649, his Information touching Frauds in Sir John Clotworthy's Accounts, 9 Feb. Vide Clotworthy, Sir John.
Lashford, Margaret, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
Lassells, Sir George, 1650, the Committee, of Obstructions to examine how the public Faith came to be given him for Goods plundered from him, with Power to examine all Matters of the like Nature; Committee added, 20 Dec.
Latham, Thomas, 1649, continued Deputy Steward of Westminster, 5 Feb.
Laware, Isabella, 1651, Petition read, and referred to the Committee on the Bill touching the Arrears of the Court of Wards; Order for staying all Proceedings against her in the Exchequer, 27 May.
Lawd, Thomas, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.
Laws, 1649, the Committee for regulating them to fit de die
in diem, 16 Aug.-4 Dec.-Committees added; Order
for making Report, 2 Nov.-Committee revived, 4 Dec.
-, - 1650, House to consider of regulating the Proceedings, and
of exorbitant Fees, 22 Oct.-Order for putting all the Books
and Proceedings in the English Tongue only-For writing
them in an ordinary legible Hand-A Committee to consider
of Delays and unnecessary Charges in Proceedings, how Juries
may be impartially returned, and what Laws are fit to be repealed-Another Committee to prepare Act for taking away
Days not Juridical.
-, - 1650, Act for turning the Books of Law, and all Proceedings, into English, ordered, 1 Nov. Read twice, and
committed. Previous Question for reporting it, Affirmative; Bill to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be transmitted
into Chancery-Report of Resolutions from the Committee for regulating Laws; Act for taking away the Fee
called Damna Clericorum, or Damage clear, ordered, 13
Dec.-Read twice; Petitions read; Questions for Commitment and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Act passed, and to be
printed, 17 Jan.
-, - 1651, Act for transferring the Translations of the Proceedings in Law to the Lords Commissioners, Master of the Rolls,
and chief Judges of the Upper Bench, Common Pleas, and
Exchequer, read twice, and committed, 4 Apr. Reported;
Title agreed to; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed,
and to be printed.
Laycock, Margaret, 1650, Order for paying her 3 £. out of the Box-money, 27 Feb.
Lagett, William. Vide Harris, William.
Lead. Vide Derby County.
-, - Ore. Vide Fullers Earth.
Leake, Nicolas, 1650, his Desires and Overtures, reported, 4 Apr. His Petition read. Vide Deincourt, Lord.
Leech, Mary, 1650, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Legg, Colonel William, 1649, Letter that he is brought Prisoner to Plymouth; Order for removing him to Exeter Gaol for High Treason; Sir Hardres Waller to take Order for a safe Convoy, 21 July.
Leicester County, 1648, Petition of well-affected Inhabitants,
read, and referred to a Committee; Petitioners thanked, 19
-, - 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission
under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.-Leave given him to go out
of the County, 28 Jan.
-, - 1650, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission
under the Great Seal, 21 Nov.-Order for receiving a Troop
of Horse into Pay for Three Months, 4 Mar.
-, - 1651, Sheriff has Leave to reside out of the County, 29
-, - Town, 1650, Petition of Mayor, & c. read, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions in the Sale of Feefarm Rents, 23 Apr.
Leigh, Lady Mary, 1649, Question for allowing her 3 £. per
Week, Neg. 16 July.
-, - 1650, her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
-, - Mr. 1650, desired to preach, 4 Mar. Question for thanking him, Neg. 14.
Leith. Vide Scotland.
Leman, William, 1650, appointed one of the Council of State 10 Feb.
Lenthall, Francis, 1651, Resolution for a Grant to him o 1,960£. in Satisfaction for so much, belonging to several Suitors, and stolen out of the Rolls Chapel, to be paid by him to them; Attorney General to prepare, and Commissioners of the Great Seal to pass it, 1 July.
Levant Company, 1650, Report touching them, to be made, 23 & 29 Oct. Report from the Council of Trade to the Council of State touching a Convoy into the Levant; Resolutions thereupon, 31 Oct. Vide Convoys-Complaint of the Governor, & c. against Henry Hide, 29 Jan. Vide Hide, Henry.
Lever, Richard. Vide Blowers, Alexander.
Leveson, Colonel Thomas, 1648, previous and main Questions
for banishing him, and confiscating his Estate severally Affirmative, 21 Mar.
-, - Sir Richard, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his
Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Nonpayment of his Arrears in the mean time, 2 May. Case
referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
-, - 1650, his Petition read, 7 Jan. Order for him to pay
the Remainder of his Fine.
-, - Sir James, 1649, Order for examining his Patent, 17
Leuson, Thomas, 1651, Petition read; Question for leaving
him out of the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, Neg. 23
-, - Dame Frances, 1651, Petition read, 23 Apr.
Lewis, George, 1650, Order for paying him 5£. out of the Box-money, 10 Jan.
Liberties, 1650, Act for discharging Lords and Bailiffs thereof from taking any Oath, passing any Account, or suing out any Quietus in any Office of the Court of Exchequer, read, 4 Sept. Order for Second Reading. Committed- Reported, and to be ingrossed, 10 Oct. Read Third time; Debate thereon adjourned-Resumed; Act passed, and to be printed, 7 Nov.
Lidcott, Colonel John, 1648, appointed Commander of a Ship; the Ship to be sent forth in the Summer's Fleet, 9 Feb.
Liddall, Sir Thomas, 1649, upon Report from the Commissioners for compounding, Order for delivering up Bonds entered into for securing his Fine for his Delinquency, 20 July.
Lilborne, George, 1650, Accusation and Examination touching
him, referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, 15 Apr.
-, - 1651, his Petition read; previous and main Questions
for referring it to the Commissioners for compounding, severally Affirmative, 4 July.
Lilbourne, Lieutenant Colonel John, 1649, Proceedings of the
Council of State concerning him and others, reported; Attorney
General to prosecute him, touching a Book, intituled, "The
Second Part of England's new Chains discovered;" his
Commitment, approved, 11 Apr. Petition on his behalf;
Resolution that the Petitioners have a sharp Reprehension; a
Committee to withdraw and prepare it; Report; Speaker
reprehends them; Reprehension to be printed and published,
-Attorney General to consult with the Council of State
how to proceed against him; they to appoint Counsel and
Solicitor-Petitions of Citizens on his behalf-Another
from Essex, 2 May-None to be admitted to see him, except
as excepted-Previous and main Questions for confining
him in a separate Apartment from other Prisoners, severally
Affirmative; previous Question for Allowance to him during
his close Confinement, Neg. 12. Lieutenant of the Tower
to take care he has necessary Provisions for his Subsistence,
-Leave given him to visit his sick Wife and Children, upon
Security to render himself again to the Tower, 18 July-
Petition of Citizens on his behalf, 16 Oct.-Proceedings upon
his Trial at Guildhall, reported-His Election to the
Office of Common Council Man, declared void, 26 Dec.
-, - 1650, his Petition read, 2 Apr.-Another to be
read, 22 June. Read, and referred to a Committee to consider of Satisfaction to him for Arrears of Money formerly ordered him-Report; Order for paying him 1,583£. 18s.
4d. Act for that Purpose, ordered, 16 July. To be presented. Read twice; Question for Commitment, Neg.
Order for Ingrossment. Act passed.
Lilburne, Colonel Robert, 1650, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 7 Nov.-Report; Order for paying him 1,000 £. out of his Discoveries, 18 Mar.
Lincoln County, 1649, Commissioners added for the Assessment
of 90,000 £. per Mensem, 23 May-15 June-24 July
-4 Feb.-Commissioners Letters read, and referred to the
Committee of the Army; Order for speedy bringing in the
Money, 24 July-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a
Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 12 Nov.
-, - 1651, upon Report from the Council of State, Act enabling the late Commissioners of the Militia to raise 1,800 £.
for Pay of Two Troops kept up in the County, ordered, 27
June-Read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act
passed, 10 July.
-, - City, 1649, Commissioner added for the Assessment of
90,000 £. per Mensem, 15 June-Petition of poor Freemen, read; Order for renewing a Lease for Forty Years for
their Relief, 4 Sept.-Act for preaching the Gospel, and
Maintenance of Ministers there, ordered, 15 Mar.
-, - Earl of. Vide Tattershall Castle.
Lindsey, Lord, 1649, Petition concerning his draining, tendered; Question for reading it, Neg. 8 May.
Lingen, Henry, 1650, Report from Goldsmiths Hall concerning him, to be made, 23 Aug.-His Petition to be read.
Linley, Thomas, 1649, Petition read; Liberty given him to take Advantage at Law against Mr. Cox-Order for paying him Money disbursed for Horse and Arms for the Parliament's Service, 9 July.
Lisle, Lord, 1649, State of his Accounts, reported; Accounts
allowed; Order for paying him 4,864£. 4s. 6d. as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 15 June-Appointed One of the Council
of State, 12 Feb.
-, - John, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 Feb.
-1648-12 Feb. 1649-7 Feb. 1650.
Lister, Thomas, 1649, Petition read; Order for paying him 3,000£. out of Composition-monies, 13 Sept.
Litchfield, 1649, Commissioners added for the Assessment of
90,000£. per Mensem, 23 May.
-, - 1651, Resolution for disposing of the Cathedral to set
the Poor on Work; previous Question for allotting 1,500£. for
the Poor of Staffordshire, Neg.-Resolution for allotting One
Moiety for them, and the other for the Poor of the Diocese
-Order for a Commission under the Great Seal to Justices
of the Peace to make the Distribution, 4 Apr.
Liverpoole, 1649, Report touching the Losses of the Town;
Order for 10,000£. out of certain Delinquents Estates, for
Satisfaction thereof; the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to
consider former Orders, and state the Matter of Fact touching
the Town, 7 May-Order for repairing the Garison, 30
Nov.-Proposition for that Purpose, reported; Order for
600£. for the Service, 2 Feb.
-, - 1649, new Writ, 28 Aug.
Lloyd, Anne, 1649, Question for reading her Petition, Neg. 21
-, - Richard, 1649, Petition read, 9 Oct.
-, - Owen, 1650, Order for inserting him in a Pardon, 2 Oct.
-For reprieving him, and staying Execution-Commissioners
to pass the Pardon under the Great Seal.
Loftus, Lady Dorothy, 1649, Order for allowing her 5£. per
Week, in regard of her Losses, 15 June.
-, - 1650, her Case referred to the Committee touching neoessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
-, - 1651, her Petition to be read, 13 Aug.
-, - Sir Adam, 1649, the Council of State to state the Business touching 4,000£. claimed by him, and the Loss of his Office, 15 June-Order for making Report, 10 & 21 Aug.
Report, referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs-
Order for paying him 200£. 9 July.
-, - Sir Arthur, 1649, Lord Lieutenant's Letter to Speaker,
and his Petition inclosed; the Council of State to consider
his Business, 10 Aug.
-, - 1650, Order for allowing his Wife and Children 4£. per
Week, for their present Relief, 22 June.
Logwood, 1649, the Committee of the Navy to consider touching the Business thereof, 13 Mar.
-, - 1650, Report touching restraining the Statutes against
the Importation thereof, 20 June.
London, 1648, Act for removing Obstructions in the Proceedings in the Court of Common Council, committed, 31 Jan.
-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 1 Feb. Read Third time;
Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed; Act passed, and
to be printed-Liberty given to a Judge of the Sheriffs
Court to constitute a Deputy, 6 Feb.-Additional Committees
to the Committee of the Militia, reported, and agreed to, 9
-The Oath to be taken by every Freeman of the City, read;
a Committee to consider what Alterations are fit to be made
therein, and present the Form of an Oath; Form of an Oath
to be taken by Freemen of Corporations, reported; Act for
administering it, read, passed, and to be printed; Members to
send it to their several Cities and Boroughs-Common
Council to consider how the Poor may be supplied with Corn
and Coal, 19 Mar.-Act for constituting Aldermen that have
been Sheriffs Justices of Peace, for Relief and Employment of
the Poor, and for Punishment of Vagrants, read twice, and
committed; all that come to have Voices.
-, - 1649, Lord Mayor to give Account touching proclaiming the Act for abolishing the Kingly Office, 27 Mar. His
Desire to be excused, reported; previous and main Questions
for summoning him to the Bar, severally Affirmative; Serjeant
to carry him the Order-Lord Mayor heard, 2 Apr.
Vide Reynaldson, Abraham-Order for proclaiming it, renewed to the new Lord Mayor; Member to give him Notice,
-Another Member to give Account touching it, 10 May.
Report that Lord Mayor and Fifteen Aldermen were present
at the proclaiming it; Two Aldermen to be summoned to the
Bar. Vide Soames, Sir Thomas, and Chambers, Alderman-
Information against George Pryor. Vide Pryor, George
-City to elect a Lord Mayor, in the room of the late
Mayor, disabled from bearing the Office; eldest Alderman in
the mean time to execute the Office; Ensigns of State to be
delivered to him, 2 Apr. Report that he is elected; Form of
the Oath to be administered to him, read, and referred to
One Member; reported, and agreed to, with Amendments;
Order for presenting him at the Bar for the Approbation of
House. Presented, and approved; Order for swearing
him; Speaker's Speech to him-Five Aldermen discharged;
City to proceed to new Election-Lord Mayor to be desired to call a Common Council; a Committee to treat with
them about a Loan of 120,000 £. for the Service of Ireland,
upon the Credit of the Assessment of 90,000£. per Mensem. Order for their going into the City; Committees
added; their Willingness to advance the Money, reported;
Thanks thereupon; the same Committee to meet the Committee of Common Council touching the present Advancement
thereof. Order for their meeting in the Afternoon;
Committees added. Issue of the Conference, reported-
Lord Mayor to put in Execution the Laws for preventing the
forestalling and engrossing of Corn and Coals-The Council of State to treat with the City, and Members of the several Halls, touching the Advance of Money for the present Relief of Ireland-Act for the Relief and Employment of the
Poor, and for Punishment of Vagrants reported, and recommitted-Reported from Re-commitment, and to
be ingrossed, 4 May. Passed, and to be printed-Petition of President and Governors for the Poor, read; Workhouse appointed; Order for 1,000£. to set them on Work, 6
June-Another Petition from them; Act for settling certain Houses upon the Corporation, read twice, and committed, 22 Aug.-Petition of President, & c. read-Act
reported, and re-committed, 14 Nov.-Reported from Recommitment, and to be ingrossed, 8 Mar. Read Third time;
Clause added; previous and main Questions for passing, severally Affirmative-Lord Mayor, & c. to be required to
pay 27,400 £. into Weavers Hall, for Satisfaction of Money
lent upon the public Faith, 8 May. A Committee to prepare
Instructions for the Disposal thereof-Major General Skippon to secure the City as he shall receive Orders from the Parliament or Council of State-City's Desires to solemnize
the Thanksgiving with the House, agreed to; Church approved; House accepts their Invitation to Dinner; thanks them
for their constant and great Affections to the Commonwealth,
-Lord Mayor, upon Reception of the Speaker, to deliver the Sword to him; the Council of State to give Directions
touching the sitting at Table, 6 June. Speaker's Report
concerning the Delivery of the Sword; Members to thank
Lord Mayor, & c. for their great Civilities; a Committee to
consider of some Mark of Favour and Respect to the City. Resolution for settling Richmond Park upon them and
their Successors; Act for that Purpose, ordered-Read
twice; Proviso for excepting Timber Trees, read twice, and
agreed to; Act passed; Order for recommending the Continuing the Keepers; a Committee to acquaint the City that
House passed the Act as a Mark of their Favour and Respect,
17 July-Previous and main Questions for declaring that
it was the Intention of the Parliament, that it should remain
as a Park, an Ornament to the City, and a Mark of Favour
from them, severally Affirmative, 14 Feb.-Petition of Citizens, reported from the Committee for Sale of Deans and
Chapters Lands, to be considered, 2 June. Letter from Lord
Mayor and others, read-Petition of Officers and Soldiers under the Command of the Militia, read; Order for
admitting them to double upon the Purchase of Deans and
Chapters Lands-The Council of State to take care the Arrears of the Assessments of 90,000 £. per Mensem be speedily
paid, 3 July-Upon Report from the Council of State, touching a Loan of 150,000£. upon the Credit of the Excise, for
the Service of Ireland, a Committee to treat with the City
about advancing it; Lord Mayor to be desired to call a Common Council; Power given them to treat with all Treasurers
of the public Receipts. Proposition of the Common Council. Committee revived; Order for their meeting with the
Committee of Common Council-Petition of Lord
Mayor, & c. read; previous and main Questions that it be
left to Alderman Wilson a Member, to serve as Sheriff, severally Affirmative; Declaration that it is an acceptable Service; Speaker's Answer-Lord Mayor Elect to be
presented to House, 2 Oct. Presented and approved-
Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Recorder, and Common Council,
to subscribe the Engagement; Lord Mayor to certify to Clerk
the Subscriptions and Names of those that refuse-
Lord Mayor and Common Council to hasten the bringing in
the several Assessments for the Army, 14 Nov.-Petition of
Lord Mayor, & c. to be read-Read, and to be considered by Heads; Speaker's Answer, 4 Dec.-Petition of
Merchants with Remonstrance annexed, read; Order touching the suppressing Pirates, and securing the Shipping at Sea-
Act for disabling several Persons to be elected Lord Mayor,
Aldermen, or other Officers of Trust, for a Year, read,
passed, and to be printed-Act touching the Election
of Questmen, Constables, and other inferior Officers, read,
passed, and to be printed-Petition of Lord Mayor, & c.
with Papers annexed, read; Elections of certain Persons to be
Common Council Men, declared void-Act prohibiting
all Delinquents to come or stay within London, or Twenty
Miles distant, read twice; Blanks filled up; Act committed,
-To be reported, 10 Jan. Reported, and re-committed-To be reported from Re-commitment, 9 & 23
Feb. Reported; Continuance thereof; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed-Previous
Question that the Concernment of Articles relating to the Act
be referred to the Commissioners for Articles, Affirmative;
main Question, Neg.-A Committee to prepare Declaration
for explaining the Act, 18 Mar. Declaration and Vote in
further Prosecution of the Act, reported; the Council of
State impowered to remove dangerous Persons-A
Committee to treat with Lord Mayor, & c. touching the best
Way to prevent Mischiefs from Powder, & c. lodged in private
Houses, 9 Jan.-Order for a Patent under the Great Seal for
a Collection for Relief of Sufferers by a late Accident in
Tower-street; the Committee at Haberdashers Hall to pay the
most Necessitous 200 £. forthwith-The Committee of
the Militia to remove Powder out of private Houses, 9 Feb.
-Petition of Lord Mayor, & c. read, and referred to the
Committee of Corporations; Member to acquaint Petitioners
therewith, 28 Jan.
-, - 1650, the Council of State impowered to remove dangerous Persons from London, and Places within Twenty Miles
thereof; 26 Mar.-Vote to be printed, 9 Apr.-Petition
of divers Citizens; Petitioners called in; Speaker demands
their Names; they avow the Petition; Petition read; Declaration that the Scope thereof is to bring Scandal and Reproach
upon the just and necessary Laws and Proceedings of the Parliament, to weaken the present Government, and raise new
Tumults in the Nation, read to them by Clerk; the Council
of State to examine the indirect Practices by which it was set
on Foot, the Manner how it was obtained, and by whom it
was done-Act for impowering the Militia to raise
Horse within the City and Liberties, ordered, 28 May-
Read twice; Continuance thereof; Number of Horse; Act
passed, 4 June-Ordinance impowering Major General Skippon to command the Forces within the City and Lines, to be
turned into an Act-Act for that Purpose, read twice,
passed, and to be printed-Act enabling Thomas Foote and
others to put in execution an Ordinance for raising 5,482 £.
16s. 6d. monthly, for the Charge of Fortifications and
Guards, and for getting the Arrears collected thereupon, read,
-Read Second time; Question for Ingrossment, Neg.
Act passed, and to be printed, 18 July-Petition of Lord
Mayor, & c. read, and to be considered; Speaker's Answer,
11 July. Petition referred to a Committee-All Licences
to Delinquents to come into London and the Lines, annulled;
none to be granted till 1st October next; Vote to be printed,
and published by Beat of Drum-Order from the
Council of State for seizing and securing Horses, upon Information of a dangerous Design against the Parliament, approved,
1 Aug.-Proceedings of the Militia in raising and maintaining Horse, approved; Order for continuing them, 24 Sept.
-Lord Mayor to be presented to House for their Approbation, 1 Oct. Presented, and approved; Speaker's Speech to
him-Order for paying the Treasurers of the Corporation
of the Poor 1,000 £. appointed to be paid by Act for their Relief,
-Act for continuing Two Acts touching the Election of
Common Council Men, and other subordinate Officers, read
twice; Questions for Commitment and Ingrossment, severally
Neg. Act passed, and to be printed, 18 Dec. Petition of
Lord Mayor, & c. read; Speaker's Answer-Petition of
Citizens, and Lord Mayor's Precept touching the Election of
a Common Council Man for Dowgate Ward, with a Postscript, read; previous Question that the whole Election is
void, Neg. Declaration that all Elections contrary to Act in
that behalf, are void-Petition of Lord Mayor, & c.
read, 13 Feb. To be considered-Act for removing Delinquents and Papists from London, and confining
them to their Habitations, according to the Substance of a
former Act for Six Months, ordered. Read twice; Continuance thereof; Questions for Commitment and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Act passed, and to be printed,
19 Mar.
-, - 1651, Petition of Lord Mayor, & c. read, and referred
to the Council of State, 11 Apr.-Another from them, and
the several Companies, read; the Committee of the Army to
examine how much of the 400,000 £. has been collected, and
received by the Petitioners, 26 June-Petition of wellaffected Persons who have lent near 200,000£. upon the public
Faith, read, and referred to the Committee of Indemnity, 24
July-Subject of a Message from the Council of State to
the Common Council, with their Proposal touching the
Militia; Committees added to the Committee of the Militia,
13 Aug.
Londonderry. Vide Ireland.
Lord's Day Vide Sunday.
Lords, House of, 1648, to be First considered in the Business of settling the general Government of the Kingdom, 2 Feb. -Previous Question for taking their Advice in the Exercise of the Legislative Power, Affirmative; main Question, Neg. Resolution that the House of Peers is useless and dangerous, and ought to be abolished; a Committee to prepare Act for that Purpose. Act to be presented-Read, 5 Mar. Committed. To be reported. Reported, and to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be printed-A Committee to consider how Persons committed by them may be discharged, and how Subjects may be at Liberty to proceed against them and their Servants for Debts, and how they may be made capable of electing or being elected as Knights or Burgesses, 6 Feb.-Another Committee to prepare Act for making their Persons liable to Payment of Debts, 7 Mar. -A Committee to consider of securing their Records, 6 Feb.-Act touching the Records, and for annexing the House enjoyed by their Clerk to the Clerk of the Parliament, read twice, and committed; the Committee to consider of a convenient Place for securing the Records of both Houses, and of the Clerk's Interest in the House, 19 Mar.
Love, Christopher, and Wife, 1651, Petitions read, 9 & 11 July. Other Petitions in his behalf, read; Questions for respiting his Execution-For banishing him severally Neg. Previous and main Questions for pardoning him, Neg.-Other Petitions in his behalf, read; Order for respiting his Execution till 15th August next; Speaker to issue Warrant to Sheriff for that Purpose,-His Petition read, 14 Aug.
Lovelace, Lord, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his
Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken in the
mean time of the Non-payment of his Arrears, 5 May. Case
referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
-, - 1651, Bill to sell Lands for paying the Remainder of
his Fine, to be read, 24 Apr.-Read twice, and committed,
29 July.
Lovell, William, 1648, to be sent for as a Delinquent, for rescuing a Prisoner in his Passage to Windsor Castle; Captain of the Guard to send a Party to assist Serjeant, 9 Sept. The Committee of Complaints to examine him.
Loughborough, Lord. Vide Hastings, Henry.
Lowden, Lord, 1650, Earl of Derby's Letter to him, read, 10 Sept.-Copies of Letters found in his Cabinet, read, and to be printed at the End of the Declaration for the public Thanksgiving.
Lowry, John, 1649, Petition read; Order for allowing him 300 £. in Satisfaction for his Losses, 17 July.
Lowther, Sir Gerard, 1649, Order for paying him 200 £. upon
Account, 15 May.
-, - 1650, Petition to be read, 22 June.
Ludlow, Colonel, appointed One of the Council of State, 14
Feb. 1648-12 Feb. 1649.
-, - Lieutenant General Edmund, 1650, a Committee to
examine and certify his Accounts, 19 July-Another Committee to state the Account touching his Arrears, 23 Oct.-
Account reported; 2,091 £. 11s. 1d. allowed as a Debt from
the State; Order for paying it-For discharging him from
Money, Plate, and Jewels, found buried in the Walls of
Wardour Castle, 13 Dec.
-, - Major William, 1650, Business touching Monies claimed
by him from Trustees for the Sale of Crown Lands, referred
to the Committee of Obstructions, 23 Oct.-His Petition
read; Order that no Prejudice shall grow to him or his
Family, if he die or miscarry in his Voyage to Ireland-For
paying him 100 £. upon Account, 20 Dec.
Lumley, John, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken in the mean time of the Non-payment of his Arrears, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
Lynn, 1648, Order for proclaiming the Mart in the Name and
by the Authority of the Parliament, 31 Jan.
-, - 1649, previous Question for referring if to a Committee,
to take a Review of the Surveyor and Searcher, Affirmative;
main Question, Neg. A Committee to examine and state the
whole Business; Place of the Checque to stand with a Blank
in the mean time, 24 July.
-, - 1649, new Writ, 22 June.
Lyon, John, 1650, Order for inserting him in a Pardon, 2 Oct.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
MABBOTT, Gilbert, Order for paying him 40 £. agreed to by Lords, 13 Sept.
Mackstock, the Committee of Warwickshire to take care of the Garison, 23 Oct.
Mallett, Sir Thomas, and Son, their Fines accepted; Ordinance for pardoning their Delinquencies, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 2 Oct.
Margaret's, Westminster, Petition of Churchwardens and Overseers, read; Order for bestowing all future Collections on Fast and Thanksgiving Days upon the poor and visited Persons in the Parish, 27 Sept.
Martins in the Fields, Petition of Churchwarden and Overseers, read; Order for bestowing all future Collections on Fast and Thanksgiving Days upon the poor and visited Persons in the Parish, 27 Sept.
Marshall, Mr. desired to preach, 11 Sept.
Marten, Colonel Henry, his Horse to be made up a full Regiment, 2 Feb.
Marvyn, Awdley, to be sent for as a Delinquent, 5 Jan. Business concerning him, referred to the General; Serjeant to deliver him over.
Matthewes, Humphry, Petition read; Order for admitting him to his Composition; the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to compound with him; Order touching the Disposal of his Fine, 25 Sept.
Maynard, Mr. Member to give him Notice to preach, 9 Sept.
Members have Leave to be absent, 4, 5, 13, 22 & 29 Sept.- 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 16 & 18 Oct.-1, 10, 11 & 27 Nov. -1 Dec.-Resolution for a Penalty upon Defaulters at the Call of the House; Question that it be 500 £. Neg. Resolution that it be 20 £. to be paid before they are admitted into the House, 5 Sept.-Their Cases to be reported- Several excused; Order for restoring their Fines, 18, 20 & 21 Oct.-Members to be injoined to attend constantly from Day to Day, 26 Sept.-One allowed to execute the Office of Bailiff of a Town; his Attendance to be dispensed with-Several injoined to go into the Country for the Service of the Parliament, 10 Oct.-Business concerning Offices held by Members, contrary to the self-denying Ordinance, to be considered-Previous Question for taking the same Course with Members not paying their Assessments, as with other Persons, Affirmative-The Committee touching Bribes, revived; Order for their sitting de die in diem, 1 Dec.-Information that divers Members coming to attend the House, were staid by Soldiers, Serjeant to go and require their Attendance; his Report; a Committee to confer with the General about their Discharge. They deliver Four Papers from the Conference; Letters from several Members signifying their Restraint. A Committee to inquire of General upon what Grounds they are restrained. His Answer reported; previous Question for renewing the Message, Affirmative; same Committee to renew it-Further Answer reported, and to be read, 4 Jan. Order for meeting of the Committee appointed to consider what is further fit to be done thereupon-Another Committee to inquire after the Printer and Publisher of a Pamphlet, intituled "A solemn Protestation of the imprisoned and secluded Members of the Commons House, & c." with Power to examine Members; Ordinance against the Paper, agreed to by Lords, 15 Dec.-Members declare their Dissent to a Vote, 21 Dec.- 29 Jan.-Members appointed to act in any Ordinance, wherein Lords, are joined, impowered and injoined to sit, execute, and act therein by themselves-Names of those added to several Committees, wherein the Lords have not joined, to be presented by Clerk, 3 Jan.-Member admitted to sit without taking the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance-Ordinance for repealing a Clause in an Act that no Person be admitted to sit till he has taken them, ordered-Member withdraws during a Debate-Suspended-All to be injoined to attend.
Merchant Adventurers, a Committee to treat with them about a Loan of 20,000 £. for the Navy, 5 Oct. Their Answer, and Petition, read; Offer accepted; the Committee to thank them, -Ordinance for repaying them, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence signified-Petition of Merchant Adventurers in the West, read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 12 Dec.
Messages from Lords, desiring they may offer something at a
Conference concerning Messages not answered, disagreed to,
in respect of the Generality of the Expressions; Member to
acquaint them therewith, 2 Sept.-Their Desire to impart
something at a Conference concerning some Obstructions in
Messages between the Two Houses, agreed to-Desiring
House to adjourn for a Week, agreed to-Conference
desired by Lords concerning an Alteration made in an Amendment to an Ordinance from them, agreed to; Reporters
appointed; Conference held, and reported.
-, - to Lords, desiring them to continue sitting, 13 Sept.
-14 Nov.-Acquainting them that House had ordered to
admit of no private Business for Fourteen Days-Desiring
a Committee of both Houses may be appointed to examine an
Abuse complained of by them in the Proceedings between
the Two Houses, 22 Nov.-Previous and main Questions for
calling in the Lords Messengers, severally Affirmative,
9 Jan.
Middlesex, Members to sign and send Letters for hastening the bringing in the Assessments and Arrears of the Army, 23 Sept. -To take care for bringing in the Assessments, 25 Nov.
Middleton, Mr. to attend the Committee of the Revenue, and give a positive Answer touching the Payment of Monies due from him to them, 6 Sept.
Mildmay, Sir Humphrey, Petition read; Residue of his Fine remitted, 18 Oct. Lords Concurrence signified.
Militia, Ordinance for settling the Militia of the whole Kingdom, to be reported, 9, 13, 19, 20, 25 & 28 Sept.-2 Oct. Reported; Question for dividing Coventry and Warwickshire, Neg. Previous Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Ordinance passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired. House put them in mind thereof-Act concerning the raising, settling, and maintaining, of the Militia and Forces by Sea and Land within the Kingdoms of England and Ireland, & c. read, 18 Nov.-Repealed; a Committee to prepare another to that Purpose, 14 Dec. The other read thrice, and passed; to be printed, and sent into the several Counties; Lords Concurrence signified-A Committee to prepare Ordinance for settling the Militia of the whole Kingdom. Ordinance to be read.
Minehead, and Pennagh, Letter concerning Two Ships of Value staid there, read; the Committee of the Navy to send Order for staying them, 16 Nov.
Ministers, Ordinance concerning the Impropriations of Bishops being employed for their Maintenance, sent to Lords, 5 Sept. -Days appointed for reading Ordinances for settling them in particular Churches, 11 Oct.-Committees added to the Committee of plundered Ministers, 6 Jan.-A Committee to consider how Monies may be raised for the Maintenance of the Ministry, and Advancement of Learning.
Minshull, Sir Richard, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 2 Oct.
Mitton, Colonel Thomas, Order for paying a Moiety of 5,000£. formerly assigned him, 4 Oct. Agreed to by Lords.
Moncke, Thomas, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, reported, and re-committed, 25 Sept.
Monmouth County, Members to sign and send Letters for quickening the Payment of the Assessments and Arrears of the Army, 23 Sept.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords.
Monroe, Major General, 1648, Letter that he is taken Prisoner; the Committee for Irish Affairs to take care for securing him, 28 Sept.-Colonel Moncke's Letter, with Reasons for sending him over, read; Order for his Commitment to the Tower for High Treason-For a Reward to the Person that brought him, 2 Oct. Lords Concurrence signified.
Montereul, Monsieur, Lords put House in mind of his Pass to go to the King, 2 Sept.
Montgomery, Colonel, Letter desiring he may have Liberty to transport 2,000 Scots Prisoners, read; the Committee of Prisoners to deliver them to him, 21 Oct.
Moore, Lady Alice. Vide Drogheda, Countess of.
-, - Charles, and John, Petition on their behalf, referred to
the Committee for poor distressed Protestants in Ireland, 22
Morgan, Colonel, Petition to be read, 9 Oct. Read.
Morris, Henry, Lords put House in mind of Order for conferring a Place upon him, 4 Nov.
Mostyn, Roger, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 19 Sept.
Moulton, Captain, Lord Admiral to be desired to appoint him to command in Chief in a sitting Ship for the Winter's Guard, 3 Jan.-The Committee of the Navy to advise with him about setting forth Two Ships-To pay Two Months Pay to the Seamen that are come in in his Ship-Sir George Aiskew to go with him.
Mountague, Walter, Lords Order for continuing his Liberty upon Bail, agreed to, with an Amendment, 21 Nov.
Mugford, Captain Edward, to have a Fifth Part of his Discoveries, 3 Jan.
Musdale, Mr. ordered into Custody for detaining Monies collected upon the Assessments, 7 Oct.
Musgrave, Captain, 1648. Vide Privileges.
A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.
MABBOTT, Gilbert, 1649, to be discharged from licensing Books and Pamphlets, 22 May.
Maces, 1648, a Committee to consider of a new Form of them,
17 Mar.
-, - 1649, several Forms reported, 13 Apr.-Mace to be
delivered to Serjeant; all to be made in the same Form, 6
June. Order for paying 137 £. 1s. 8d. to the Maker-The Committee of the Revenue to examine the Account,
and if mis-cast to pay the Remainder, 7 Aug.
Maddison, Sir Ralph, 1649, Order for allowing 4,000£. taken from him as a Debt upon the public Faith-For admitting him to double upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 16 June.
Magdalen College Oxon, 1649, previous Question for appointing a President, Affirmative; the Committee of the University
to see it done, 8 Jan.
-, - 1650, Order for making Report concerning the College, 6 Aug. Report; Power of nominating Fellows and
Demies, left to the President and Fellows.
-, - 1651, upon Report from the Council of State, Resolution for deferring the Election of Fellows and Demies; the
Council to give Notice thereof, 27 May.
Maidwell, Mr. 1650, his Proposal to discover a concealed Estate, upon being allowed a Moiety thereof, reported and agreed to; the Committee of the Navy to examine the Business upon Oath; Order touching the Disposal of the other Moiety, 29 Nov.
Malignants. Vide Delinquents.
Manby, George, 1649, Petition read; Act prohibiting Persons
for Fourteen Years to use his Invention for saving Fewel in
making Salt, brewing, & c. read, 4 Feb.
-, - 1650, committed; Petition referred; the Committee
impowered to hear Parties on both Sides, 30 Mar.-Act reported, and to be ingrossed, 22 Aug.-Read Third time;
Debate thereon adjourned, 6 Nov. Resumed; Act passed,
and to be printed.
Manchester, 1649, Petition of well-affected Inhabitants, read,
and referred to the Committee of Obstructions in the Sale of
Deans and Chapters Lands, 20 Dec.
-, - 1651, the Committee to state the Case touching the
Lands belonging to the Collegiate Church there, 3 Apr.-
The Committee for regulating the Universities to consider the
College, 22 May.
Mansell, Lieutenant John, 1650, Order for paying him 620 £. the Remainder of his Arrears-For paying him 70 £. for Duke Hamilton's Diet during his Imprisonment, 25 Feb.
Manwaring, Colonel. Vide Sancta Clara.
Mares, Edward, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
Margaret's, Westminster, 1650, Petition of Church Wardens, & c. read, 12 Mar.
Mariners, 1648, Order against transporting any till their Names
be delivered to the Master of Tilbury Fort, and Security
given not to act against the Parliament, 16 Mar.-To be
printed, 14 Apr.
-, - 1649, Petition of well-affected Mariners, to be read,
10 & 15 Aug. Read, and referred to the Committee of the
Navy-The Committee impowered to pay them Prizemoney, 19 Oct.-Act for impressing them, read, and passed,
2 Mar.-Act for recalling them from foreign Parts, and
preventing and redressing Injuries done to Merchants by Ships
of other Nations, read twice, and committed.
-, - 1650, reported; Proviso added; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Title read, and agreed to; Act passed, 13
Apr.-Act for impressing them, read twice; Questions for
Commitment and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Act passed, and
to be printed, 28 Feb.
Markham, Major Henry. Vide Twisleton, Colonel.
Marlborough, 1648, Mayor's Letter read, and with a Proclamation inclosed, to be sent to the Council of State, 19 Feb.
Marlow Bridge, 1649, Commissioners of the Great Seal to consider how Money may be raised for Repair thereof, 20 July.
Marque, Letters of, 1649, Act authorizing the Council of State to grant them, read twice, passed, and to be printed, 25 June.
Marriages. Vide Wills-1649, a Committee to prepare Act to
prevent clandestine Marriages, 18 July-Another Committee to prepare Act concerning Marriage, and take care touching the Age, Consent, and punishing clandestine Marriage,
22 Mar.
-, - 1650, Act for enabling Commissioners of the Great
Seal to send out Summons in Cases of pretended forcible Contracts and Marriages, and to hear and annul them, ordered,
1 Nov.-Read, 26 Dec.-Read Second time; Questions
for Commitment and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Act passed,
and to be printed-A Committee to prepare Act to prevent
Abuses in Marriages, 10 Jan.
Marriaw, Thomas, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Marshall, Mr. desired to preach, 6 Feb. 1648-2 Oct. 1649 -Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 2 Nov.
Marshals Court, 1649, new Seal for it, reported and agreed
to-A Committee to consider of the Jurisdiction of that and of
the Court of Verge, 10 May.
-, - 1651, Resolution for dissolving it from a certain
Day; Judge to retain the Profits formerly ordered him, 9
Mart, 1650, Act for general Commissions of Mart, read twice, and committed; all that come to have Voices, 13 Apr.
Marten, Colonel Henry, 1648, appointed One of the Council
of State, 14 Feb.
-, - 1649, Order for paying him 3,600 £. formerly advanced
for the State; Auditors to state his Accounts, 26 Apr.-
His Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 23 June-
Report; Resolution for settling Lands of 1,000 £. per Annum
upon him and his Heirs for ever; the Committee to consider
how the Money may be paid till the Lands are settled, 3 July
-Act for that purpose, read twice, and committed,
-To be reported, 14 Aug. Reported; Order for omitting several Messuages, & c.; the Committee to cause a Survey
to be taken upon Oath of the yearly Value of the Manor of
Ensham, and consider what other Lands, with that Manor,
will make up 1,000 £. per Annum, de claro-Act for
settling other Manors upon him and his Heirs, read twice,
and passed, 28 Sept.
Mary, St. Hill, 1649, Information against a Preacher there for stirring the People up to Secition, referred to the Council of State, 10 Apr.
Mary's, St. Island. Vide Silly Islands.
Masham, Sir William, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 Feb. 1648-12 Feb. 1649.
Mason, John, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for
passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
-, - Cornet Thomas, 1650, Report that his Debentures are
unsold; Order for admitting him to double upon the Purchase
of Deans and Chapters Lands, 31 July.
-, - Colonel Thomas, 1650, Order for paying him 500£.
in Part of his Arrears, 5 Dec.
Mass, 1650, Report from the Council of State touching a frequent Resort thereto, referred to the Committee of plundered Ministers, 27 Dec.
Massey, Colonel Edward, 1649, Resolution for sequestering his
Estate; the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to see it done, 25
-, - 1650, Order for discharging Deans and Chapters Lands
from 944£. 6s. 2d. with Interest to him, 3 Sept.-For discharging them from 1,000£. as payable to him, and assigned to
another-For discharging the State of the Debt.
-, - Robert, 1651, Petition read; Order for allowing him
a Fifth Part of his Discovery of a Delinquent's Estate, 4
Matthews, John, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
-, - Francis, 1650, Petition read, 9 Oct.-Another presented by Sheriffs, read; previous and main Questions for
pardoning him, severally Affirmative; Order for passing
the Pardon under the Great Seal. Vide Kinsey,
-, - Thomas. Vide Garland, Augustine.
-, - Robert, 1651, to be omitted out of the Bill for Sale
of Delinquents Estates, 25 Apr.
Maudsley, John, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Mauleverer, Dorcas, 1651, Petition to be read, 16 May. Read, with General's Letter touching her, and referred to the Committee of the Army.
Maundy, Thomas, 1649, Order for paying him 137 £. 1s. 8d. for making the new Mace, 11 June.
May, Adrian, 1649, upon General's Letter, to be admitted to
compound upon the Articles of Oxon, 18 June.
-, - Mr. 1650, Leave given him to go from his own House to
Colonel Norton's, and back again, 22 June.
Mayderson, Robert, 1649, Petition referred to the Committee for regulating the University of Cambridge, 4 May.
Mayo, Thomas, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
Mayors, 1650, Act against electing and swearing them on the Lord's Day, read twice; a Committee to withdraw, and amend it upon the Debate; Act reported, read twice, and to be ingrossed, 13 Sept.
Meal. Vide Corn.
Meal-men, 1650, Order for making Report concerning them, 5 June.
Melcombe Regis. Vide Weymouth.
Members, 1648, to be admitted, having disapproved a former
Vote, 2, 3, 8, 9, 22 & 28 Feb.-Reported from the Committee appointed to take their Dissents, 9, 17, 21, 22, & 28
Feb.-5 Mar.-No Advantage to be taken of several
Members that have not entered their Dissents, 28 Feb.-A
Committee to consider what shall be tendered by them for
Satisfaction, 5 Mar. Order for making Report-A
Member's Suspension taken off, 3 Feb.-Order for meeting of
the Committee appointed to consider the Matter touching absent Members-Members have Leave to go the Circuits-Have Leave to be absent, 24 Feb.-21 Mar.-
Commissioners of the Great Seal authorized to give the Oath
of a Justice of Peace to Members in Town, being in the
-, - 1649, Members admitted, having disapproved a former
Vote, 6, 16, 18, & 27 Apr.-7, 11, 14 & 22 May-
2, 4, 6, 13, 21 & 29 June-6 & 23 July-3 Aug.-
Time enlarged for several to give Satisfaction, 23 July-A
Committee to examine concerning Members imprisoned, or
under Restraint, 7 Apr.-Revived; Order for their meeting; Committee added, 20 June-Order for making Report, 21 July-A Committee to consider what Members
have not appeared since 11th January last, and present Names
of such as they think fit to be admitted, 31 May-Order
for making Report, 6 June. List reported; previous Question that no Member who hath not sat since that time shall
be admitted till he has acknowledged the just Authority of the
House in making the Act for erecting a High Court of Justice
for trying and judging the late King, Neg. 9. The Committee to sit every Morning till 30th Instant-Lords
elected as Members, admitted to fit, 19 Apr.-5 May-
18 Sept.-To be of all the Committees to which they were
formerly appointed-Members have Leave to be absent, 9 June-31 July-2 Aug.-Left to a Member
to serve as Sheriff of London, and declared to be an acceptable Service, 13 July-Left to others to serve as Mayors of
Corporations, 11 Sept.-30 Nov.-Member has Leave
to travel to Languedoc, and take with him a Horse, Custom
and Impost free, 23 July-Left to Members to give their Adswers to the City touching serving the Offices of Aldermen,
31 July-7 Dec.-Members to subscribe the Engagement, 11 Oct. Subscribe it; a Committee to see the Subscriptions of all who have not subscribed, and of all who shall
be elected, before they be admitted-None to sit till they have
subscribed it-House to consider what Members have
appeared according to Summons, 9 Nov.-Member voted
incapable of fitting during this Parliament, 4 Dec.-All
who do not attend at Nine o'Clock to pay 12d. to the Poor;
Serjeant to collect the Money, 23 Mar.
-, - 1650, Member committed to the Tower, 17 May-
Members have Leave to go out of the House, 25 & 26 June
-9 & 14 Aug.-To be called out of Westminster Hall,
26 June-Have Leave to be absent, 17 July-7 Aug.
-28 Feb.-Previous and main Questions for indemnifying Witnesses that give Testimony of Bribery in Members,
severally Affirmative-All Committees impowered to examine
them upon Oath, 2 Aug.-Members to attend the Muster
of the Militias, 18 Oct.-One to be examined before the
High Court of Justice, 18 Dec.-Order for paying 12d. to
the Poor by Members not attending at Nine o'Clock, taken
off-Arrears to be paid, 10 Jan.-A Committee to consider of Lodgings for Members in Whitehall, and removing all
unnecessary Persons from thence, 14 Feb.
-, - 1651, Report of Proceedings, re-committed, 2 May.
Further Report; Resolutions thereupon-Member voted
guilty of Bribery, and incapable of sitting in any Parliament,
or bearing any Office of Trust-Order for his Commitment
to the Tower, 25 June.
Mennes, Margaret, 1649, her Petition, and Commission to the Delegates to hear the Business, to be read, 9 & 14 Apr. Read, and referred to a Committee.
Mercery Wares, 1649. Vide Supply.
Merchant Adventurers, 1650, upon Report from the Council of
State, Order for Mr. Strickland to take the Subscriptions of
those at Rotterdam to the Engagement; such as refuse to be
disabled from holding any Office, or voting in the Elections
of others; the Council to see the Votes put in Execution, 27
June-Order for discharging Deans and Chapters Lands
from 13,804£. with Interest to them, 3 Sept.
-, - 1651, the Council of State to acquaint the Deputy
Governor with the good Acceptation of the Parliament, of the
Civilities performed by those at Rotterdam to their Ambassadors; Deputy Governor to communicate it to them, 2
Merchants, 1649, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 24 May-Engagement to be signed by them and their Agents; the Council of State to take care it be done, and require an Account thereof, and of such as refuse, 31 Oct.
Meredith, Sir Roger, 1649, Order for paying him 400£. upon Account, 7 July.
Merioneth County, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for
a Commission under the Great Seal, 13 Feb.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.
Mersey Island, 1650, upon Report from the Council of State, Order for putting the additional Foot upon the Establishment -For additional Pay to the Governor and Lieutenant; the Committee of the Army to give Warrant for paying them, 28 Feb.
Metcalf, Rachel, 1650, Order for inserting her into a Pardon, 2 Oct.
Michaels, Peter. Vide Courteen, Peter Bowden.
Middlesex, 1649, Commissioners for the 90,000£. per Mensem
to act with the Commissioners for Westminster, 14 May.
-, - 1650, Paper from Justices of Peace of the County,
read, and referred to the Council of Trade, 27 Nov.
Middleton, Henry, 1649, Order for paying his Arrears as Servant to the late King, out of his Discoveries, 19 July.
-, - 1650, his Letter read, 31 Dec.
Mildmay, Sir Henry, 1648, appointed One of the Council of
State, 14 Feb.
-, - 1649, Order for admitting him to double upon the
Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 19 July-Appointed
One of the Council of State, 12 Feb.
-, - 1650, like Appointment, 7 Feb.
-, - Captain, appointed Commander of a Ship, 16 Mar.
1648-25 June-2 Mar. 1649,-26 Sept. 1650.
-, - Lady Anne, 1650, Petition read, 9 Oct. Vide Kempe,
Milford Haven, 1649, Letter from thence, read, 13 Nov.
Militia, 1649, Act for settling the Militia of the whole Commonwealth, to be presented, 27 June-To be read, 18 &
21 Sept. Read twice, and committed.
-, - 1650, the Council of State to give Account of their
Proceedings touching the Militia, and prepare Act for additional Power to them, 9 Apr.-Bill for settling the Militia
of the Commonwealth, read twice, and committed, 28 May
- Order for meeting of the Committee, and fitting de die
in diem, 7 June-Act reported; previous and main Questions for settling the Proportions of Horse, Foot, and Dragoons, severally Affirmative; Act re-committed, 10 July.
Liberty given to speak against the Proportions; Proportion of
Horse, altered; a Committee to withdraw, and consider the
Bill upon the Debate, and bring in a Proviso touching the
Continuance thereof; Act reported, passed, and to be printed-The Council of State to consider of regulating
the Militia, 19 Sept.-18 Oct.-Act for continuing the
former Act till 1st May, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed-A Committee to
consider of Remedies for preventing and redressing Inconveniences by them, and prepare Act for that Purpose, 28 Jan.
- Revived; Order for their meeting, and fitting de die in
diem, 13 Feb.-Act to be presented, 18 Mar.
-, - 1651, Act declaring the Act for settling the Militia of
the Commonwealth does not extend to the Isle of Wight,
read twice; Continuance thereof; Questions for Commitment and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Act passed, 3 Apr.-
The Council of State to make use of Arms and Trophies belonging to the late Militia-Commissioners, & c. of the Militia to give them an Account of Monies undisposed of-To
pay it to them, 1 Aug.-Last Vote repealed-Act impowering several Persons nominated by the Council of State to be
of the Militia for the respective Counties, to put in Execution Powers granted by any former Act, & c. for raising Horse
and Foot, read twice; Clause for reviving former Commissions to Officers, added; Act passed, and to be printed-
Commissioners to seize Horses according to the Directions of
the Council of State; the Council to pay for them; Act for
that Purpose, ordered.
Miller, Mrs. Vide Stamford, Christopher.
Millington, Gilbert, 1651, his Case reported, 23 Apr. His Petition to be considered-Read; Order for admitting him to double upon the Sale of Delinquents Lands, and to have Pre-emption of a certain Parcel, 8 May.
Milner, Tempest. Vide Gethin, Maurice.
Miners. Vide Rutland, Earl of.
Ministers, 1649, a Committee to prepare Act prohibiting them
in praying and preaching to intermeddle with State-Affairs, 28
Mar.-Act read twice, and committed, 3 Apr. Reported,
and re-committed; previous and main Questions that it be
referred to the Committee to divide the Act into Two several
Instruments, severally Affirmative-Act reported; no
Member to be a Commissioner; Commissioners named; Clerk
appointed, 2 May-Order for Third Reading, 4 & 8 Aug.
-Resolution for settling 2,000 £. per Annum for Maintenance of the Ministry, and Encouragement of Learning; previous and main Questions for passing an Act thereupon, severally Affirmative; Act ordered, 18 Apr. Read twice, and
committed-To be reported, 1, 4 & 25 May. Reported, and to be ingrossed-Proviso added; several
rejected; Act passed, and to be printed, 8 June-Members
to present Names of Persons to be Commissioners in the several Counties to the Commissioners of the Great Seal, 1 &
15 Feb.-Latin Commission for them, reported, and read;
Resolution that they shall be in English; Clause to be added;
Commissioners of the Great Seal to prepare and issue them.
Commission read, and passed, with Amendments; Commissioners to issue them under the Great Seal into the several
Counties-Act for settling Tythes, First-fruits, Tenths, and
Impropriations, for preaching Ministers, and other pious Uses,
read, 20 Apr.-Act to enable the granting Institutions and
Inductions, upon legal Presentations, to fit and able Clerks
presented to Livings, read twice, and committed; the Committee to consider of regulating the Fees for them, 18 July
-Declaration concerning the Maintenance of the Ministry
and Church Government, read at large, afterwards by Parts;
Question for amending a Clause touching Tythes, Neg. 6
Aug. Question that the Clause touching Presbyterial Government be Part thereof, Neg.-A Committee to review the
Book and Ordinances for settling it, and present it, with
Amendments with respect to tender Consciences-A
Committee to prepare Act for appointing Commissioners in
the several Counties to chuse Persons to be made Ministers,
that scruple the present Form of Ordination-All to
take the Engagement-Order for revoking all Presentations
granted to ill-affected Ministers, 12 Oct.-A Committee to
consider how fit Men may be sent into the several Counties
to preach the Gospel, 20 Dec. All that come to have Voices;
Committee added-Commissioners of the Great Seal to
prepare a Commission for Discovery of the Values of the several Livings in the respective Counties; Members to present
Names of fit Persons to be Commissioners.
-, - 1650, Bill for settling the First-fruits and Tenths for
Maintenance of Ministers, to be reported, 26 Mar. Reported; Trustees appointed; a Committee to prepare Instructions for them; Bill to be ingrossed-Continuance
thereof; Proviso added; Bill passed, and to be printed, 5 Apr.
-The Committee of plundered Ministers to prepare Act or
Order for better Payment of Augmentations granted out of
impropriate Rectories, & c. 28 May. Act for that Purpose,
read twice, and committed; reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed-Petition of divers
Ministers sequestered out of their Livings, read-Act
for present investing Ministers in Benefices, and for better
Payment of First-fruits and Tenths, read, 16 Aug.-Another to the same Purport, read, 31 Dec.-Lord Mayor,
and the Militias of London, Westminster, & c. to give Account of Ministers who did not observe the Act for the last
Thanksgiving-The Council of State to present Names of
such Ministers as they shall find refractory, or dangerous in
disturbing the Peace of the Nation, or depraving the present
Government, 17 Oct.-Order for removing all who refuse
to subscribe the Engagement out of all Garisons, Cities, and
great Towns, 27 Nov.
Mint, 1648, a Committee to consider of regulating the Abuses
thereof, and present new Stamps for the Coin, 13 Feb.
-, - 1649. Vide Coin-List of Officers, presented; the Committee to consider who are fit to be continued, and who to be
displaced, 26 Apr.-The Council of State to consider the Indentures-Report; Master-worker presented by them,
10 May-Sir Robert Harley's Letter, declining the further
meddling with the making of Money, reported, and read;
Order for discharging him from his Office, and trying the
Pix at his Expence-Another appointed; the Council of State
to perfect the whole Business of the Mint touching his Indentures, and consider of a Salary for him. Report;
Order for allowing him 400 £. per Annum-Previous
and main Questions for a Bill to contain the Grant, severally
Affirmative-Report of several Officers and their Allowances,
approved, 6 July-Oath to be taken by the Master, reported,
read, and agreed to; the Committee of the Revenue to approve of his Security-The Council of State to displace
Officers who refuse to take out new Grants, and place others
in their stead, 10 Oct.-Officers to subscribe the Engagement.
Mitchell, John, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
Mitton, Colonel Thomas, 1649, the Committee of Accounts to
state his Accounts, 10 Aug.-His Petition read; Order for
Stay of Proceedings against him in the Exchequer-Question
for paying him 2,000 £. upon Account, Neg. Petition referred
to the Committee of the Navy, 13 Sept.
-, - 1651, his Certificate reported, and read, 8 May.
Molyn, Peter du, 1649, the Committee on the Bill for Maintenance of the Ministry to provide for the yearly Payment of 100£. to him for Life, 23 Apr.-Act for settling it on him, ordered, 2 May-Act for settling 100 £. per Annum apiece on him, Mr. Hartlipp, Peter Sterrey, Thomas Foxley, and John Owen, read twice, and committed, 8 June.
Moncke, Colonel, 1649, Letters and Papers sent to the Council of State, concerning his making a Peace with Owen Rowe O'Neale, and their Disapprobation thereof, reported, and read; Moncke examined thereupon; Question for approving of his Proceedings, Neg. Resolution for disapproving them; previous and main Questions for an Amendment, severally Affirmative; Speaker declares the Votes to him, 10 Aug.
Monmouth County, 1649, Commissioners added for the Assessment of 90,000£. per Mensem, 27 June.
-, - 1650, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
Montgomery County, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for
a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.
-, - Castle, 1649, State thereof reported; Lord Herbert's
Petition, with Certificates annexed, read; Order for totally
demolishing it-For Reparation to Lord Herbert; the Council of State to consider of the Charges and Damage, and dispose of the Materials, towards defraying them, 11 June.
Moore, Lady Alice. Vide Drogheda, Countess of.
-, - Samuel, 1649, Vote for leaving him out of the Commission of Peace, revoked, 14 Apr.
-, - Dorothy, 1649, Order for allowing her 3£. per Week
for Six Months, 9 July.
-, - 1650, her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
-, - Colonel John, 1651, Petition of his Administrator, in
behalf of his Children, with his Will annexed, read; the
Committee of Accounts to state his Accounts; impowered to
examine Witnesses upon Oath-Order for stating and paying
his Accounts due for the Service of Ireland-For paying his
Administrator Monies due upon his Discoveries, 23 July.
Mooton, Henry, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 2 Mar.
Mordant, Lady Sarah, 1649, Order for allowing her 3£. per Week for Six Months, 9 July.
Mordington, Lord, 1649, Petition read; a Committee to receive the Profits of his Sequestration till further Order, 28 Jan.
Moreton, Dr. 1648, Order for paying him 1,000£. towards the
Arrears of 800£. per Annum granted him, 2 Mar.
-, - 1650, his Petition read; Order for paying him 1,400£.
upon subscribing the Engagement, 26 Apr.
-, - 1651, another Petition read; Order for paying it out of
the Arrears of the late Bishoprick of Durham, which shall be
discovered, and were due before the Bishops Lands were vested
in Trustees, 18 June.
Morgan, William, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
-, - Captain Antony, 1649, his Business referred to the
Committee of Complaints, 4 May.
-, - 1651, admitted to proceed in his Suits, upon Certificate
that he had taken the Engagement in Ireland, 18 July.
-, - Mrs. 1650, her Case referred to the Committee touching Necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
-, - Dame Anne, 1650, Bill for naturalizing her and others,
ordered, 24 Dec. Read twice, and committed. Reported, and to be ingrossed,-Passed, 18 Feb.
-, - Thomas, 1651, Commissioners for compounding au
thorized to take off the Seizure from his Estate, and to suffer
the Trustees for Payment of Mr. Pymm's Debts to receive
the Profits thereof, 17 June-Leave given to speak against
the Order; the Commissioners to take the Accounts of the
Trustees, 23 July.
Morris, John. Vide Poyntz, and Stamford, Christopher.
Moss Troopers, 1649, Order for a Commission of Oyer and Terminer to try several taken in the North, 16 May.
Moulton, Captain, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 6 Apr.-His Account, touching Prize Goods, referred to the Committee of the Navy, with Power to allow or disallow it, 3 Jan.
Mounson, Lord Viscount, 1649, Petition read; Question for
allowing a Debt due for Arrears of Pension to his Lady, Neg.
19 July.
-, - Sir John, 1649, his Business upon Articles, to be
reported, 4 Sept.
-, - 1651, reported; his Fine accepted; Order for taking
off his Sequestration, 25 July.
Mountague, Walter, 1648, to have Liberty to go beyond Sea,
upon Security not to act against the Commonwealth,
12 Mar.
-, - 1649, Report from the Council of State that he is a
dangerous Person; Order for him to depart the Nation within
Ten Days, and not return upon Pain of Death and Confiscation of his Estate; Serjeant to give him or his Sureties Notice
thereof-Estates of such as conceal him, to be sequestered;
Votes to be printed, and set up in public Places; Serjeant to
see it done, 31 Aug.
Moyle, John, 1651, Petition read; Order for delivering up all Bonds and Specialties given by him to several Delinquents, 23 May.
Mugford, Captain Edward, 1649, Question whether he, having contracted for a Tenth of a Delinquent's Estate, ought to be admitted as a Witness, Neg. 18 Dec.
Mulgrave, Earl of, 1648, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 Feb.
Munson, Sir John, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee of Goldsmiths Hall.
Murders. Vide Robberies.
Murrey, Mrs. 1651, to return 200£. she received of Mr. Compton; Money to be employed for the Use of the maimed Soldiers, 25 June.
Musgrave, Sir Philip, 1648, Resolution for banishing him, and confiscating his Estate, 14 Mar.
Mynne, George, 1648, Order for calling in the Remainder of his Fine, 17 Mar.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
NAMPTWICH, Petition of Inhabitants, touching settling a Government in the Town, referred to the Committee of Indemnity, 2 Jan.
Navy, additional Ordinance for 50,000£. for Supply thereof, furnishing the public Stores, and paying some Lancashire Forces, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 2 Sept.-The Committee of the Navy to confer with the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall about Monies for the Use of the Navy-Commissioners Letter read; the Committee to confer with the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall how 40,000£. may be raised for victualling the Ships, paying Seamens Wages, and furnishing the Magazines. The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to sit constantly, and give their best Assistance for present Payment thereof-Ordinance for Lord Admiral to give Indemnity to Officers and Mariners in the revolted Ships, read, and committed, 13 Sept.-Letter giving Account that divers revolted Ships were reduced; Order for Letter of Thanks to the Admiral-For a Reward to the Messenger; the Committee at Derby House to take care for securing the Ships; Letter reported, read, and agreed to, 17 Nov. Lords Concurrence signified-Lord Admiral's Letter touching the State of the revolted Ships; he offers to Consideration to provide Monies for the Mariners that are come and coming in, and touching Two Months Gratuity to such as should effect the Reduction; the Committee of the Navy to confer with Commissioners of the Customs touching a Loan of 20,000£. 24 Nov. Vide Customs-Order for paying the Gratuity-For paying Thirty Masters and Masters Mates that went upon that Expedition as Masters and Masters Mates, 15 Dee.-A Committee to prepare Letter to prohibit the Sale of the Great Guns-The Committee at Derby House to consider what is fit to be done with the Fleet at Goree, 30 Sept.-Resolutions for a Winter Guard-For 2,785 Men-For Victuals, and other Provisions for them- For 50,000£. for the Navy-For applying the Surplusage of new Delinquents Fines in Anglesea and North Wales for the Service thereof-The Committee to treat with the Merchant Adventurers about the Loan of 20,000£. 5 Oct. Vide Merchant Adventurers-Report touching Monies belonging to the Navy, that have been employed for the Army; Order for Re-payment of Part out of Composition-monies assigned to the Army-Committees added, 13 Dec.-23 Jan. -Report touching the Want of Victuals and Money; Order for Money-The Committee to confer with Persons for a present Supply, 15 Dec.-Letter touching the Condition of the Navy, and for Supply of their Wants, reported-The Committee to consider of remedying Abuses in unwholesome Victuals, and find out the Offenders-To accept Two Bills of Exchange charged upon them-Money of the petty Customs, in Controversy between the Committee of the Navy and the Committee of the Revenue to be paid to the former, and the growing Profits for the future to go for the Use of the Navy-The Committee to treat with the Commissioners of the Customs about a Loan of 6,000£. Vide Customs-Order for Two Flesh Days in a Week- The Committee to inquire of the Admiral the Names of the Vice Admiral, Rear-admiral, and Commanders of Ships, 29 -List reported, and referred to the Committee of the Navy-The Committee to confer with Lord Admiral about Ships fit to go out for the Winter Guard, 3 Jan. Ships approved; the Committee to confer with Lord Admiral about them, and take care for speedy and effectual getting Money upon Propositions made by them-The Committee at Haberdashers Hall to confer with Persons to advance Money for the Navy. Committees added-Order for adding a Pink to the Winter's Guard-Ordinance for better ordering the Affairs of the Navy, and preventing Malignants, & c. from holding Offices, read twice, and committed; all that come to have Voices, 6 Jan. Ordinance reported, and re-committed. Reported from Re-commitment, and to be ingrossed. Order for Third Reading. Read; Order touching the Indorsement; Title agreed to; Act passed, and to be printed-Report from Goldsmiths Hall of Reasons why a Stop is made to the Payment of 40,000£. to the Navy. Order for them to pay the Remainder forthwith-Order for paying 300£. per Week formerly assigned to the Garisons in the Isle of Ely, for the Service of the Navy, 19 Jan.
Newcastle, Petition of Mayor, & c. read, 10 Oct.
-, - Earl of, Resolution for excepting him from Pardon,
6 Nov. Disagreed to by Lords. House adhere to their
Nicholson, Captain Lieutenant Edward, Order for paying his Widow 50 £. for Relief of herself and Family, and for his Interment, to be deducted out of his Arrears; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 2 Sept.
Nicolas, St. Order for paying 19 Weeks Arrears to the Garrisons in the Fort and Island-The Committee of the West to consider how 4,000 £. may be raised for the Soldiers-Order for sending down Ammunition, 27 Nov.
Nicoll, Antony, appointed Master of the Armoury in the Tower and Greenwich, during Life; Order for a Patent under the Great Seal, 1 Nov. Lords Concurrence signified.
Norfolk, a Committee to prepare Letters of Thanks to the County for their timely Supply of Money to the Army, 19 Sept.-Another to be sent to the Committee about securing a Ship and Goods cast away upon that Coast, and discharging the Gunner, 31 Oct.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords.-His Petition from Lords; Resolution that his Oaths be dispensed with, and that he have Leave to come out of the County, 9 Jan.
Northampton County, Letter touching hastening the Payment of
the Arrears of the Assessments for the Army, reported, read,
and agreed to; Members to copy, and send it down, 23 Sept.
-Order for disbanding the supernumerary Forces lately
raised, except as excepted, 23 Oct.-Order appointing
High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 23
Nov. Agreed to by Lords.-A Member to write into
the Country, and take care for bringing in the Assessments for
the Army.-Order for continuing Two Troops of
Horse for a Month, 12 Dec.-For continuing them Two
Months longer, and for their Pay.-Returned from
Lords, with Amendments, 9 Jan.-Petition of well-affected
Inhabitants, read, and referred to a Committee.
-, - Town, Ordinance for Maintenance of their Ministers,
ordered, 4 Oct. To be read.-Report concerning the
Town to be made.
Northern Counties, Letters from thence, and Reports thereupon, to be read, and reported, 21 Sept.-Letters subscribed at a general Meeting, with a Petition of Gentlemen of the Northern Counties, complaining of their sad Condition, and desiring a Commission of Oyer and Terminer for trying new Delinquents who brought more Miseries upon them, severally read, 6 Nov.-Divers Petitions and a Letter from thence, read; Order for them to have the new Sequestrations for paying their late raised Forces, and discharging other Engagements.-Ordinance for that Purpose, read twice, and committed; the Committee to present Commissioners Names to be added thereto, 8 Jan.
Northumberland, Conference desired by Lords touching Particulars received from thence, agreed to; Reporters appointed; Conference held, 2 Nov.-Order for Money for the Forces; a Committee to consider how it may be raised.
Norwich, Members to write down to take care for bringing in the Assessments for the Army, 25 Nov.-Order for sending down all Indictments, & c. delivered at the last Assizes, to be used upon Trials of the Mutineers and other Offenders the next Session of Oyer and Terminer, 1 Dec-Persons desired to go down and execute the Commission.-to advise with the Judges upon this Business-Clerk of the Assize to go and carry the Records with him, and discharge the Duty of his Place.-Petition of well-affected Inhabitants, read; Petitioners thanked.
Norwood, Charles, Order for bestowing 100£. upon him, 18 Nov.
Nottingham, County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a
Commission under the Great Seal, 23 Nov.-Another appointed by Lords, agreed to, 18 Dec.-Members to write
into the Country to take care for bringing in the Assessments
for the Army, 25 Nov-A Committee to confer with Colonel White touching the Payment of his Regiment of Horse,
and Free-quarter taken by them, and of the Musters, 9 Jan.
-Petition of well-affected Inhabitants to be read. Read;
Petitioners to be thanked.
-, - Earl of, Lords put House in Mind of his Petition
9 Sept.-13 & 19 Oct. Petition read; Question for referring it to a Committee, Neg. 19.
A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.
NAPPER, Lieutenant Colonel, 1649, a Committee to audit and state his Accounts, 10 May.
Naturalization, Bills of. Vide Morgan, Dame Anne, and
Jacob, Harmon.
-, - 1651, Bill for administering Oaths to Persons to be
naturalized, read twice, and committed, 20 May.
Navigation, 1651, Bill for Encouragement thereof, read, 5 Aug.
Navy, 1648, Time for Act touching the regulating the Officers
of the Navy and Customs inlarged, 31 Jan.-A Committee
to revise it, 1 Feb.-List of Ships and Number of Men for a
Summer's Guard, reported, and approved-Order for
adding 800 Men-for manning 30 Merchant Ships with
2,000 Men-15 of the Merchant Ships, with 1,000 Men, to
be forthwith sent to Sea.-Act for impressing Seamen, read
twice, and committed; the Committee to consider of Rewards to such as take any of the Enemy's Ships. Act reported, and re-committed. Reported from Re-commitment, and to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be printed; the
Council of State to take care it be sent to the several Ports.
Supplemental Act, read, and passed.-Names of Commanders, reported, and agreed to; except as excepted.-
Debate touching Commissioners to go with the Fleet, adjourned, 9 Feb. Their Names reported, and agreed to. Act
for granting them Power to execute martial Law at Sea, ordered. Read, and committed. Reported, and passed;
Orders touching the Salaries of the Commissioners and their
Secretary-for allowing them a Chaplain; the Committee of
the Navy to consider of his Salary, and the Salaries of other
Ministers. Order for adding Three Ships to the Summer's
Guard.-Act for 300£. per Week, formerly granted to
the Garrisons in the Isle of Ely, for the Use of the Navy,
read, and passed, 2 Feb. Committees added to the Committee
of the Navy.-The Committee to sit as often as Necessity requires.-The Council of State to consider of a
reasonable Increase of Salaries to Officers who faithfully perform their Duty; and of preventing the Imbezzlement of
Stores.-Report read; referred back to them to report
former Salaries, and the Increase now propounded distinctly, 5
Mar. Report of Proportions; the Council to reward them according to their Discretion-Laws and Ordinances for
the Sea, established for the better Government of the Fleet at
Sea, reported from the Council of State; read at large;
Title read, and agreed to, with Amendments; Laws read,
Article by Article, and passed 5 Mar.-Report of Want of
Stores for setting out the Fleet-Act to transfer the Salaries of
the Judges and others for the Use of the Navy, read, and
passed; the Committee impowered to borrow Monies upon
the Credit thereof. Names of Captains reported, and
approved.-Order for Money for the Navy.-Order
of the Council of State for regulating the Navy, reported, and
re-committed-Order for the Committee of Merchants for regulating the Navy to leave the Management thereof to the
Committee of the Navy-for the Commissioners with the Fleet
to employ such Artificers as they think fit. Severally
repealed-List of Persons recommended to be restored
to their Employments, agreed to.-List of the Fleet
for the Summer's Expedition, with an Account, where they are,
and when they will be ready-Estimate of the Charge thereof
-Of the Debts and Credits of the Navy-Resolutions of the
Council of State touching settling the Summer's Fleet, severally
reported, and approved-Resolution for taking an effectual
Course for a certain Supply of the Sums demanded-Order
for paying 10,000£. Part of the Money to be paid to the Isle
of Ely-For paying 8,000£. which should have been paid to
the Scots, for the Use of the Navy.
-, - 1649, upon Report from the Council of State, Order for
making Use of 10,000£. of the Composition Monies in South
Wales for present setting forth the Fleet, 30 Mar.-Another
Report from them, that there will need 24,000 £. for setting
forth Three Ships, 1 May.-State of the Credit and Debt of the
Navy, per Estimate March 1st, 1649; Order for admitting
Persons, to whom Money is due for Freight, to double upon
the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands-Commissioners of the Customs to give Credit to the Generals at Sea to
take in Provisions, to the Value of 11,000£. 14s.-Letter
from them, read; Relation of the State of the Fleet, and
the Enemy's Ships; Letter of Thanks, ordered-The
Council of State to give Order for sending the Remainder of
the Provisions for Six Months-To accept and pay Bills of
Exchange for Monies disbursed for that Service-To consider
Colonel Popham's Proposition touching sending a Ship to sea-
Touching building Five new Frigates-To consider of providing and disposing a Winter Guard, and of some Way for
settling a certain Establishment for a Summer and Winter
Guard-Order touching a Thanksgiving for the good Success
of the Fleet at Sea, 5 June. Vide Thanksgiving.-Estimate
of the Charge of the Navy for One whole Year, and so from
Year to Year, as long as the Service shall require so great
Fleets-Of the Charge for Six Months Service for a Winter
Guard, approved-Order for a speedy Settlement of 12,000£.
upon the Excise, for a certain Supply of any Deficiency in the
Customs of 283,000£. for the annual Expence of the Navy;
Act for that Purpose, ordered. Vide Excise.-The Committee of the Navy to further the setting forth the Winter's
Guard; the Council of State to present Lists of Ships and
Names of Officers. Presents them-Act for
taking the Accounts of the Officers of the Navy and Customs,
read twice, and committed, 3 Aug. Reported, and passed;
the Committee of the Navy to consider touching Auditors of
the Press.-Report; Auditors appointed, 14 Sept.-
Officers of the Navy, and of the several Yards, to take the
Engagement, 12 Oct.-Act for settling the Customs in Ireland, as in England, for the Benefit of the Navy, ordered, 2
Nov.-The Council of State to consider of the Ships appointed for the Winter Guard, with Power to increase the Number
and hasten their Preparation.-Estimate of the Summer
Guard, reported, 28 Dec.-Approved-The Council to give
other Names to some Ships-To sell those unserviceable-To
make One serviceable-To take care the Fleet be set forth
with Speed-The Committee of the Navy to consider the present State of the Customs, and how the Deficiencies thereof
may be supplied, for defraying the Charge of the Winter
Guard-Commissions to the Three Generals at Sea, to be
renewed; Act for that Purpose, ordered, 1 Jan. Read, and
passed.-Estimate of what Monies are due, and to be provided for the last Summer and Winter Guard, and for setting
forth and Maintenance of the next Summer's Fleet and Ships
appointed to the Southward-General's Letter, with a List of
the raising Officers Wages-The Council of State to give Gratuities to Officers-Order for 100,000 £. out of Fee-farm
Rents-Commissioners of the Excise to pay the Treasurer of
the Navy 8 £. per Cent. as well for such Part as has not been
borrowed, as for such as has been advanced by a former Order
-Order for paying him a Moiety of the Third Part of the additional Excise, 27 Feb.-List of Captains for the Summer
Fleet, reported, and read, 1 Mar. Approved-Letters from
the Navy Office, read-Merchants to send forth their Ships
according to Contract, under Commanders approved by State
-The Committee of the Navy to consider of Encouragement
to Volunteers-Order for building more Ships-The Committee to consider of Means for raising the Monies.-Report
touching an Increase of Wages to Workmen in the Yards,
agreed to; Commencement thereof.
-, - 1650, Order for making Report touching new Ships, and
raising Monies for that Service, 30 Mar.-Report, 4 Apr.
-Order for paying for Provisions for the Ships designed for
Lisbon.-Act for securing Money lent for the Navy and
Army, with Interest, read twice, passed, and to be printed,
15 May.-Order appointing a Treasurer upon giving good
Security-For a Salary for himself and Clerks, 16 July.-
Treasurer appointed; Order for a Patent under the Great
Seal, 10 Oct.-Estimate of the Charge of 20 Ships, with
3,000 Men, for Six Months, on the Coast of Portugal-Of
the Charge of 12 Ships, with 2,000 Men, on the same Coast
-Of the Charge of 40 Ships, with 4,200 Men, for Six
Months, as a Winter Guard, severally reported, 12 Sept.-
The last read; the Committee of the Navy to pay them, not
exceeding the Estimate-List of Ships and Commanders, read,
and approved-Proposal for better and cheaper victualling the Navy, reported, and referred to the Committee of the
Navy, 12 Oct.-Proposals, with the Committee's Queries
thereupon, and the Propounders Answers, reported, and
read; the Committee impowered to contract with them for
Sea Victuals, at 8d. per Diem for a Man at Sea, and at 7d.
for a Man in Harbour-The Committee to give Security for
the Payment of the Money-To contract as they think fit, in
the rest of the Particulars, 1 Nov.-Other Proposals read, and
referred; the Committee impowered to consider any that shall
be tendered. Report touching the Contract; Debate
thereupon, adjourned. Resumed; Articles of Agreement,
read; the Committee to proceed concerning this Contract upon former Rules, and make a final Contract to the best Advantage of the State; Commissioners of the Navy to subscribe it.-The Council of State to consider of the
Number of Men and Ships for the Winter Guard, 1 Nov.
-Estimate of the Charge of 30 Ships, with 5,550 Men, for
a standing Convoy-Of the Charge of 40 Ships, with 6,000
Men, for 13 Months; the Committee of the Navy to make
Provisions for each-Proposals of several Citizens concerning
victualling them; the Committee to consider them, and any
other Proposals offered, and the Abilities of the Persons propounding.-The Council of State to give Allowance of
Gratuities to Officers.-A Committee to offer to the
House Proposals for repairing and building Ships, and consider
of fit Places for harbouring and victualling them, 11 Feb.
Further Power given them.-Act for continuing the Generals at Sea for another Year, ordered. Read twice;
Questions for Commitment and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Act
passed, and to be printed.-The Council of State to consider what Ammunition, Arms, & c. are necessary for next
Summer's Fleet, 26 Feb.-Report; the Committee of the
Navy to make Provisions for the Dispatch thereof, 12 Mar.
-, - 1651, Estimate of the Navy for the ensuing Year-Of
the Debts of the Navy-Of building, rigging, and setting
forth Ten Frigates, Ordinance included-List of the Convoys,
severally reported-Proposition of several Persons, read, 29
May.-Report touching providing Money for the Navy;
Resolution for charging 100,000£. upon the Excise-60,000£.
upon Goldsmiths Hall; the Committee of the Navy impowered to borrow Monies, with Interest, upon the Credit
thereof, 10 July. Order touching the Payment of the Money
out of Goldsmiths Hall.
Needham, Mrs. 1650, Order for paying 500£. formerly given her out of her Discoveries, 7 June.
Needle Makers and Steel-wire Drawers, 1649, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 13 June.
Nelson, Bryan, 1650, Petition read; his Account referred to the Committee of Accounts; Order for paying him 500£. 13 Aug.
Nelthorpe, James, 1651, Petition read; Commissioners for compounding to contract with him for a Delinquent's Lands rented by him; Act for that Purpose, ordered, 8 Apr.-Contractors for Sale of Delinquents Lands to sell and convey them, 1 July.
Nevill, Henry, 1649, admitted to fit upon a new Election, 5 May.-Letter concerning him; previous Question for referring it to a Committee to examine the Information, Affirmative; main Question, Neg. 11 Oct.
Newberry, Captain Nicolas, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 2 Mar.
Newburgh, Lord. Vide Leveson, Sir James-1650, Intercepted Letter from him read; Order for sequestering his Office in Chancery; Commissioners of the Great Seal to state the Matter of Fact touching it, and nominate a fit Person to receive the Profits, 30 July.
Newcastle, 1648, a Committee to consider of a Supply of Stores,
& c. for the Garison, 16 Feb.-The Committee of the
Army to provide Victuals for them, 17 Mar.
-, - 1649, the Council of State to examine the Accounts
of the Garison, and consider what is necessary for Supplies
and Fortifications, 16 May. Sequestered Timber at Morpeth
to be disposed of for that Use.-The Committee of the
Army to deduct out of Sums to be paid to them 1,500 £. in
lieu of so much already paid, 20 July.-Governor's Letter
read; recommended to the Committee of the Navy to take
care the Assignments to them be duly paid, 18 Sept.-Petition of Mayor, & c. read, 22 Nov.
-, - 1650, upon Report from the Council of State, that
the General had drawn out Five Companies; Order for the
Governor to recruit his Regiment to the former Number,
13 Aug.
-, - 1651, Petition of Mayor, & c. read-Bill for altering the Market Day, read twice; Questions for Commitment
and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Commencement thereof;
Act passed, 18 June.
-, - Earl of, 1648, Resolution for banishing him, and
confiscating his Estate, 14 Mar.
Newfoundland, 1648, Order for a Convoy for the Fishery, 26 Feb.
Newgate, 1650, Pardon for 32 Prisoners in that Gaol, read; others to be inserted; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 2 Oct.
Newman, Henry, 1649, Petition to be read, 2 & 5 May.
-, - Joan, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 3 July.
News, 1649, Act against seditious and scandalous News, Rumors and Writings, read twice, and committed, 9 Aug.
Newsam, George, 1651, Order for passing his Pardon under the Great Seal, 13 June.
Newse, Mr. and Wife, 1650, their Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
Newton, John, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
Nichill Accounts, 1649, a Committee to consider of a Course for more easy passing them, 7 Nov.
Nicholls, Richard, and others, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 20 June.
Nimling, Richard. Vide Freeman, Paul.
Nitingale, John, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Nixon, Robert, appointed Captain of a Ship, 25 June, 1649 -26 Sept.-2 Mar 1650.
Noble, Roger, 1648, Pardon for him read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.
Noell, Thomas, 1649, Act constituting him Treasurer of Monies payable at Weavers Hall, read, and passed, 18 Sept.
Norfolk, 1648, Names of fit Persons to be Sheriffs, presented;
One appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great
Seal; former Sheriff discharged, 1 Feb.-Order for receiving a Troop of Horse into Pay for Three Months, 4 Mar.
-, - 1649, Commissioner added for the Assessment of 90,000£.
per Mensem, 4 July.-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a
Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.-House acquainted, that he is infirm in Body and Mind; previous and
main Questions for appointing another, severally Affirmative;
Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 13 Feb. Question for dispensing with his Residence in the County during
his Sherissalty, Neg. 26.-Act for erecting a Corporation for
the better regulating the Worsted Weavers, read twice, and
committed, 5 Feb. Committee added.
-, - 1650, Act to be reported, 28 May,-20 Aug. Petitions
relating thereto, read.-Act reported; Continuance
thereof; Petition of Woolcombers read; Act to be ingrossed,
29 Oct.-Time of electing Officers; Act passed, and to
be printed, 14 Nov. High Sheriff appointed; Order for a
Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.-Order for
him to sue forth his Commission, take the Oath, and take
upon him the Office upon pain of 1,000£. Commissioners of
the Great Seal to see the Vote put in Execution, 5 Dec.-
Letter from thence touching the Insurrection, read; Order
for a special Commission of Oyer and Terminer to try the
Offenders, 3 Dec.-Another Letter, and several Examinations touching it, to be made Use of by the Commissioners.-Another Letter, and other Examinations, read-Leave
given to debate touching the Manner of the Trials, notwithstanding the former Vote; Resolution for trying the Offenders
by a High Court of Justice. Act for constituting a High
Court of Justice there, and in several neighbouring Counties,
read twice; Questions for Commitment and Ingrossment,
severally Neg. Act passed, and to be printed; the Council of
State to see it put in speedy Execution, and provide all Necessaries for the Commissioners.-Order for a Pardon under
the Great Seal to Four Persons condemned; Sheriff to forbear
Execution, 17 Jan.
Northampton County, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for
a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 21 Nov.
-, - Town, 1649, Petition of well affected Inhabitants
touching their Charter, referred to a Committee, 22 Nov.
-, - Earl of, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, 16 July.
-, - 1650, State of his Case reported; Order for admitting him to his Composition; the Committee to compound
with him, 9 Apr.-Matter touching his Fine to be considered; the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to settle the Matter of Fact, 28 June.-Order for making Report, 21 Aug.
Report; previous and main Questions for sining him 20,000£.
-For sining him 16,000£. severally Neg. Resolution for
sining him 14,153£. 16s. 8d. Commissioners for compounding
to see it paid.
Northern Counties, 1648, a Committee to assign, pay, and
settle, an Establishment for the Forces there, 16 Feb.-Act
for disposing of the Composition-monies to the paying and disbanding the new raised Forces, reported, and passed, 2 Mar.
-, - 1649, Act for Justices of Peace there, ordered, 1
May. To be read.-Recommended to the Committee
of the Navy, to take care the Garisons be constantly paid, 18
Sept.-A Committee to prepare Act for Redress of their
Grievances, or consider of some other Way for their Relief,
20 Dec.-Act for preaching the Gospel, and Maintenance
of the Ministers and School-masters, ordered, 15 Feb. Read
twice, and committed.-Reported; Continuance thereof; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, 1 Mar.
-, - 1650, Act for Continuance thereof, read, and passed,
11 Apr.-The Council of State to prepare Letters to be sent
for raising a Reserve, to be upon the Borders, and for what
further Forces they think necessary, to be sent into Scotland;
Speaker to sign them, 13 Aug.-Upon Report from them,
Order for adding a Physician for the Northern Garisons to
Establishment, and touching his Pay and Arrears from the
Time of his Entertainment.-Advocate for the Forces to
be appointed; Order touching his Salary, 23 Oct.
Northumberland, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for
a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, Petition of divers Inhabitants to be considered,
28 Mar. Read; previous Question for referring it to a Committee, Neg. 29.-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a
Commission under the Great Seal, 21 Nov.
-, - Earl of, 1651, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, with Power to examine Persons upon Oath, 25 Apr.
-Order for making Report, 10 June.
Norwich, 1648, Petition of the Mayor, & c. read; Ordinance
for the Purpose therein, ordered, 2 Feb.-Act for regulating
the Elections of Officers, and preventing the electing of illaffected Persons, read twice, and committed. Reported,
and passed-Petition of the Walloon Church there, to be read,
7 Mar.
-, - 1649, Business touching an Insurrection there, referred
to the Committee of Complaints, 17 Apr.-Report; Persons ordered into Custody. Vide Tooley, Mr. and Utting,
John-Petition of Mayor, & c. read, 12 Sept. Power given
them to appoint a Watch; Act for that Purpose ordered.
-Another Petition from them, read; the Committee of
plundered Ministers to consider that Part relating to uniting
Parishes, and raising Maintenance for the godly Ministers, 20
Dec.-Act for that Purpose, read, 1 Feb. Committed.
-, - 1650, Order for a Commission of Peace for the Government within the Close of Christchurch and the Bishop's
Palace, 26 Mar.
Nottingham County, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for
a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.-Order for
receiving a Troop of Horse into Pay for Three Months, 4
-, - 1650, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - Earl of, 1649, Order for continuing his Pension, and
paying the Arrears, 21 May.
-, - 1650, the Commissioners for compounding, to give
Warrant to the Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall to pay Arrears
of Money payable in lieu of his Pension, and continue the Payment thereof, in the same Manner as formerly, 12 Nov.
Nye, Mr. 1650, desired to preach, 25 Oct.-Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 6 Nov.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
OATHS, a Committee to consider of all Oaths taken through the Kingdom, 28 Dec.-Oaths of Common Council Men and Trinity House, referred, 3 Jan.-Lord Mayor to send to them the Book of Oaths to be taken by the City Officers, when required.
Officers, Report from the Committee, to whom the late Petitions of reduced Officers were referred; Resolution, that those in the last Petitions be comprehended within the same Ordinances and Ways for Satisfaction as those in former Petitions-That 100,000£. be borrowed towards paying them; Residue of the Proposals re-committed, 5 Sept.-Committees added to the Committee for Reformadoes; all that come to have Voices. Order for making Report.-Lords put House in mind of reduced Field Officers and others in the Irish Service, 9 &. Their Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Army.-Report for the Northern Officers to be made. -Ordinance for them to be read, 25 Sept.-7 Oct.- Ordinance for Pay of 23,566£. 1 s. 1½d. in full Discharge of Arrears of certain Officers, read twice, and passed. Agreed to by Lords.-Information that divers are coming to Town in Expectation of Satisfaction for their Arrears; a Committee to prepare Declaration to prohibit them. Declaration read twice, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence signified; Order for printing it; Sheriffs to publish it.-Petition of Trustees of certain Officers and Soldiers. -Report concerning Dutch Officers, to be made.- Ordinance from Lords for some reduced Officers to have Satisfaction for their Arrears out of their Discoveries, read; Questions for Commitment and passing, severally Neg. 27 Nov.
Orders for furnishing the new Rooms belonging to the House, 20 Sept.-Against entertaining private Business for Fourteen Days.-For the constant Attendance of Members. -For shutting the Doors, and against Members going out, 3 & 4 Jan.-For all Members to attend on a certain Day.
Ordnance, the Committee for Stores to examine the State of the Business touching the Lieutenant, and what Title he has in the Office; and to consider the Stores in his Custody, 19 Jan.
Ormond, Earl of, Obstructions in Goldsmiths Hall in reference to him, to be considered, 19 Sept.-Petition of his Agent touching Assignment of Monies to him out of Goldsmiths Hall, and an Attachment laid thereupon, reported; the Committee at the Hall to hear his Counsel, and all who desire to be heard; Letter touching him, referred. Vide Ireland.
Osborne, Mr. Order for taking him into Custody, 2 Sept.
Overton, Colonel, his supplying the Siege of Scarborough, approved, 25 Sept.
Owen, Mr. desired to preach, 30 Dec.
Oxon County, Petition of well-affected Inhabitants, read, 30
Sept.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission
under the Great Seal, 23 Nov. Another appointed.
-Agreed to by Lords, 23 Dec.-Members to write into
the Country, and take care for bringing in the Assessments for
the Army, 25 Nov.
-, - City, Articles to be considered, 2 Sept.
-, - University, the Committee at Haberdashers Hall to assist
the Heads of Houses in putting in Execution an Ordinance for
paying to them all Rents due to any College-Order for delivering all Goods belonging to the University to Visitors appointed by Parliament, 21 Sept.
A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.
OATHS, 1648. Vide Great Seal, Judges, and London- Act for abolishing the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, read twice, and passed, 9 Feb. To be printed, and published; Members to send it to their respective Counties, & c.- Committee added to the Committee of Oaths.
Obdam, Lord of, 1651, has Leave to transport Six Horses, Custom and Impost free, 28 May.
Oblivion, 1649, Heads preparatory to an Act of Oblivion, reported; Resolution for bringing one in; Commencement thereof; a Committee to prepare the Act, 25 Apr.-Order for presenting it, 11 May.-General Pardon ordered, 27 June. -Pardon and Act read twice, and committed; all that come to have Voices, 5 July.
Oconnelly, Owen, 1649, Order for paying his Pension, and the Arrears thereof, 11 Apr.
Officers, 1648, General's Letter touching reduced Officers and
Soldiers, read, and referred to a Committee, 26 Feb.
-, - 1649, Act touching examining and stating their Accounts, read twice, and committed, 5 May.-Report touching Dutch Officers to be made. Made; Question for
considering it, Neg. 30.-Order for it, 20 June.-For
500£. to transport them, 6 July.-Petition of reduced
and maimed Officers and Soldiers, and of Widows of those
slain in the Parliament's Service, contained in Potter's, Wilcox's, and Sanderson's Lists, read; Order touching Money
for them, 26 May.-A Committee to consider how 9,000£.
may be distributed among them, 5 July. Report; Order for
the Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall to pay the Money to the
Treasurers for maimed Soldiers.-Officers and Soldiers
to be admitted to double upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands for their Arrears, 23 June.-Petition of reduced
Officers of Colonel Saunderson's late Regiment of Horse, read;
the Committee of Accounts to consider his List, 21 Aug.-
Order for making Report, 11 Oct. Report; Order for paying 900£. towards Satisfaction of their Arrears. Treasurer appointed.-Further Report re-committed, 15
Nov. State of their Accounts reported; Order for paying
them 6,000 £. in full Satisfaction of all Demands.-
Petition of 2,500 Persons included in Potter's List; List referred to the Committee of Accounts, 21 Aug.-Report
touching the Manner of paying them, 16 Oct.-Further
Report to be made, 2 Nov. Made, and re-committed: Petition referred.-Petition of many hundreds starving
Persons in Potter's List, read; Report of Monies due to the
Three Lists; Order for paying 6,000£. to Saunderson's List-
Auditors of the Accounts at Worcester House to state the
Accounts of each Person in Potter's List, and distribute 5,000£.
among them proportionally, deducting what they have received by weekly Pensions.-Their Representation
touching the List; Order touching paying them, 17 Jan.-
Petition of divers Officers under late Lord Fairfax, read, and
referred to the Committee for Obstructions in the Sale of
Deans and Chapters Lands, 6 Sept.-Report; Committees
Proceedings approved, 8 Nov.-Further Report; Liberty
given them to double upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters
Lands, in full Discharge of all Demands, 16 Feb.-The
Northern Committee to examine the Miscarriages and Truth
of the Case touching Monies charged upon Deans and Chapters
Lands for the Northern Officers; Execution of the Order
to be stayed in the mean time.-Petition of reduced
Officers read, and referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths
Hall, 7 Sept.-Act enabling divers reduced Officers and others,
subscribed to a Petition for making Discoveries to the public
Use, and towards their Satisfaction, read, 5 Oct. Order for
Second Reading.-Committed-No Persons clamouring
at the Door to receive any weekly Pension, 23 Nov.-The
Council of State to dispose of 35,590£. 7s. 6d. among certain reduced Officers and others, 4 Mar.
-, - 1650, Petition of Officers, for whose Satisfaction no Security is provided, read, 24 Apr.-Petition of Treasurers for
maimed Soldiers; Order authorizing them to receive 5,000£.
out of Goldsmiths Hall, towards the Payment of Potter's List,
and to pay them according to former Order.-Another
Petition from them; Order, authorizing them to distribute
the Remainder of the 5,000£. among such as have not received
any Part thereof, without Deduction of their Pensions, 9
May.-Treasurers Letter to be read. Read; Order for
paying them the 5,000£. forthwith; a Committee to state the
whole Business concerning the List.-Report; Order for
a Month's Pay to them, who will accept it in full Discharge of
all Arrears; Certificate of the Amount of One Month's Pay,
ordered, 6 June.-Order for discharging Deans and Chapters Lands from 2,536£. 16s. 1d. to the Scots Officers-
For discharging the State from the Debt, 4 Sept.-Act for
stating the Accounts of Officers above Fifty Miles from London, & c. read, 20 Dec.-Committed, 14 Jan.
-, - 1651, List of divers Officers, late under the Command
of Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, reported; Clerk to sign it; Order for paying what is due to them, 9 Apr.
Offices, public, 1648, a Committee to prepare Ordinance for
preventing disaffected Persons from being elected into any
Place or Office of Trust, 2 Feb.
-, - 1650, another Committee to consider which are burthensome to the Commonwealth, and how they make be taken
away or regulated, 27 June.
Okey, Colonel, 1649, Order for making up his Regiment of Dragoons 1,000 Men, 11 Sept.
-, - 1650, General's Letter read; Order for admitting them
into the Establishment, and for paying them, 29 Nov.
Oldale, Margaret, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 3 July.
Oldisworth, Michael, and Henry Parker, 1649, appointed Register of the Prerogative Court; Order for a Patent under the Great Seal, 18 July.
Olive, Michael, 1648, Pardon for him read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.
Orange, Prince of, 1648, Leave given him to transport Ten Horses into Holland, Custom and Impost free, 3 Feb.
Orders, 1648, touching the Meeting of the House, 12 Feb.
-Against debating any private Business for a Week.-
For shutting the Door.-Against Members going out
without Leave, 19 & 26 Feb.-7 & 8 Mar.-Against
entertaining private Business for a Fortnight.-For
Members to attend by Nine o'Clock, upon Forfeiture of
a Shilling.
-, - 1649, for repairing the Seats in the House-Against
new Motions after Ten o' Clock-Against entertaining
private Business for Fourteen Days, 2 Apr.-For Eight
Days, 2 & 25 July.-2 Aug.-20 Nov.-For a
Month; to be posted up at the Door, 6 Nov.-28 Dec.
-Against Members going out of the House, without
Leave, 6 Apr.-For apprehending Beggars and disorderly
Persons near the Parliament Doors or Westminster Hall, 17
Jan.-For entertaining no private Business till 1st March
next.-To be continued a Month longer, 1 Mar.-
For Members to attend by Nine o'clock.-
For clearing the outer Room, 26 June.-26 Dec.-For
a Screen for the Window of the House, 27 June.-For
Prayers every Day, 12 July.-For shutting the Door till
Twelve o'Clock, 1, 2, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 23 & 30 Aug.
-3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 24, 25 & 26 Sept.-
2, 3, 10, 12, 17 & 23 Oct.-For shutting it till One o'
Clock, 4, 18 & 20 Sept.-4 Oct.-Against entertaining
private Business for a Month, 6 Aug.-5 Sept.-1 Oct.
-For keeping Strangers out of the House-Against Committees sitting in the Speaker's Chamber, 20 Dec.
-, - 1651, against Members going out without Leave-For
injoining Secrecy to Members and Officers touching the Votes
of the Day, 11 Apr.-For clearing the outer Room, 11 & 25
-For shutting the Door.-For shutting it till Twelve
-, - 1649, a Committee to peruse all Orders, and see them
rightly entered, 25 May. Report to be made.
Ordnance, 1650, Lieutenant appointed; Act for that Purpose
ordered, 3 July. Vide Harrison, Colonel-A Committee to
take care that all military Stores be sufficiently provided and
furnished, 11 Feb.
-, - 1651, Order for 3,000£. for Supply thereof, 1 Apr.-
For Payment of the Money.
Ormond, Earl of, 1649, voted guilty of High Treason; Act for attainting him, ordered, 28 Mar.-Letters to him read; the Council of State to see them printed, with Observations, 2 Oct. Vide Ireland.
Orpe, John, 1649, voted guilty of a foul Practice and Combination in accusing Sir Jacob Garrett of Delinquency, and suborning false Testimony; Order for setting him in the Pillory Four times-For his Offence to be written in great Characters and set upon his Head-For fining him 200£.-For committing him to Newgate for Six Months, 2 Feb.
Orton, Elizabeth, 1650, Order for paying her 50£. out of the Box-money, 13 Aug.
Osbaldston, Lambert, 1649, Proviso on his Behalf added to an Act, 18 Sept. Vide Westminster College.
Overton, Richard, 1649, Proceedings of the Council of State touching him, reported; his Commitment approved; Attorney General to prosecute him in the Upper Bench touching a Book, intituled, "The Second Part of England's new Chains discovered," 11 Apr. Petition in his Behalf, read; Resolution that the Petitioners have a sharp Reprehension; a Committee to withdraw and prepare an Answer; Answer reported, and delivered by Speaker; to be printed.-Attorney General to consult with the Council of State about the Proceedings against him; they to appoint a Solicitor.- None to be admitted to see him, except as excepted, 9 May. Previous Question for consining him as a close Prisoner, Affirmative-For an Allowance to him during his close Imprisonment, Neg. 12. Lieutenant of the Tower to take care he has necessary Provisions for his Subsistence-Liberty of the Tower allowed him, 7 Sept.-Petition of Citizens on his behalf, 15 Oct.-His Petition; Question for reading it, Neg. 25.
Oviatt, Thomas, 1650, Business concerning him, referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 22 Oct.
Owen, Mr. desired to preach, 28 Feb. 1648-26 May-4
Feb. 1649-16 May-10 Sept.-4 Mar. 1650-
Thanked, and to print his Sermons, 27 Feb. 1648-20
Apr.-8 June 1649-12 June-10 Oct.-Question
for thanking him, Neg. 14 Mar. 1650.
-, - 1649, House approves of his going into Ireland with the
Lord Lieutenant-Order for allowing his Wife and Children
100£. per Annum, to be paid quarterly; the Committee at
Goldsmiths Hall to consider where it may be fixed to be paid,
14 June.
-, - Sir John, 1648. Vide Delinquents-His Petition read;
previous Question for considering it further, Affirmative;
main Question, Neg. 7 Mar.-Petition on his behalf; previous Question for reading it, Affirmative; previous and main
Questions for considering it further, severally Affirmative; Petition read again; Order for respiting his Execution, to be
sent to Lord President-To the Sheriffs.
-, - 1649, his Petition read; Order for his Pardon and Enlargement, 7 May.
-, - Sir Hugh, 1649, Report concerning him; Order for discharging his Sequestration and Delinquency upon the Articles
of Anglesea, 30 May-His Petition to be read, 9 July.
-, - John, 1649. Vide Molyn, Peter du.
Oxford, Wendy, 1651, previous and main Questions that he is guilty of Perjury and Subornation of Perjury, severally Affirmative; Order for fining him 500£.-For setting him twice in the Pillory-For committing him to Newgate for Three Months-For banishing him at the Expiration of that time; Sheriff to see the Judgment executed-Serjeant to apprehend him, 25 June.
Oxon County, 1649, Petition of well-affected Inhabitants, with
their Desires, read, and referred to a Committee; Petitioners
thanked, 6 Apr. Report; Petition referred to the Committee for regulating the University, with Power to examine an
Information touching Ministers endeavouring to stir up the
People-Commissioners added for the Assessment of
90,000£. per Mensem, 23 May-25 July-Order for
continuing Captain Smith's Troop of Horse for Six Months,
13 Sept.-For paying them, 25 Jan.-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7
Nov. Discharged; another appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal. Question for discharging
him, Neg.-Question for suspending the Collection of
the Assessments for the British Army for a Month, Neg. 18
-, - 1650, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission
under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - City, 1649, Petition of Mayor, & c. with their Desires,
referred to a Committee; Petitioners thanked, 6 Apr. Petition referred to the Committee for regulating the University,
with Power to hear both Parties-Commissioners
added for the Assessments of 90,000£. per Mensem, 24 July
-Report from the Council of State touching the late Insurrection there, read; Letters read; Captain Wagstaffe's
Relation of the whole Proceedings. Vide Wagstaffe, Captain
-Order for a Commission of Oyer and Terminer to try the
Mutineers; the Council of State to direct the Attorney General to proceed against them, to appoint Counsel and a Solicitor, and to prepare a Declaration to undeceive the People,
11 Sept.-General's Letter touching suppressing the Insurrection, and the Proceedings of the Court-martial, read;
Vote of Approbation; General to be thanked.
-, - University, 1649, Names of Four additional Visitors, reported, and agreed to-Letter touching setting up a Lecture,
read, and referred; the Committee for regulating the University to consider how such a Lecture may be settled, 23 May
-Impowered to nominate Visitors, 8 June.
Oyer and Terminer, 1649, Commissioners of the Great Seal to
issue standing Commissions into the several Counties for a
Year, and write to the Commissioners to be diligent in the
Execution thereof, 24 Oct.
-, - 1650, to issue special Commissions into the several Counties to try Offenders in the usual Form, 3 Dec.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
PAGAN, Peter, Order for his Discharge, upon having given Satisfaction for the Excise, 2 Jan.
Palatine, Prince Elector, Ordinance for explaining and amending the additional Ordinance for better raising 8,000£. for his Support, read twice, and committed, 20 Sept. Reported, and passed. Agreed to by Lords-His Letter read, and, with Papers inclosed, referred to a Committee, 23 Dec.-Another Letter for Leave to visit the King, read, and agreed to, 20 Jan.
Palmer, Geoffery, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 19 Sept.
Palmes, Sir Guy, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 4 Sept.
Pamphlets, Marshal of the Army to put Ordinance concerning scandalous Pamphlets in Execution; the Committee of the Army to enable him to proceed in that Service, 5 Jan.
Papists. Vide Delinquents-Commissioners of the Great Seal, and Judges, to consider how the Laws for convicting them may be effectually put in Execution, and how, upon Conviction, they may be secluded from this Town, 2 Nov.
Paradine, Mary, the Committee at Haberdashers Hall to distribute Money bequeathed by her Will to Soldiers Widows and Orphans, 20 Nov.
Parker, Robert, to be sent for as a Delinquent for rescuing a
Prisoner in his Passage to Windsor Castle; Captain of the
Guard to send a Party to assist Serjeant, 9 Sept. The Committee of Complaints to examine him.
-, - Thomas, the Committee of the Revenue to pay him
10£. in Satisfaction of his Charges for the Accommodation of
the Committees of this House, 30 Jan.
Parliament, Order for raising 2,000£. for Maintenance of the
Guards that attend the House; the Committee at Haberdashers
Hall to propound a Way for raising it-Order for assigning
1,200£. out of the Arrears of the Old Compositions in Yorkshire to that Service-Resolution for appointing a Provost Marshal for the Safeguard of the Parliament; Order touching the
Power to be given him, and touching his Salary, 13 Sept.-The
Committee at Haberdashers Hall to examine the Carriage of the
Wine Cooper to the Guards in the Meuse-A Committee to consider of Ways and Means for the Pay and Maintenance of the Horse Guards that attend the Parliament.
Order for 5,000£. for them out of Delinquents Estates; Ordinance for that Purpose, ordered-To be read, 4
Oct. Read twice, and committed; the Committee impowered to add Delinquents Names. Ordinance reported;
Proviso touching Delinquents of Essex, read, and rejected;
Ordinance passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired-Parties to whom Tickets thall be assigned for raising the
Money, to be admitted to double upon Purchase of Deans and
Chapters Lands; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 4 Nov.
The several Orders returned from Lords, with Amendments;
Amendments agreed to-The Committee at Derby House to
consider of a fit Allowance for Fire and Candle for them-
Order for a supplemental Security; Member to prepare Ordinance for that Purpose. Ordinance read, and passed,
Amended; Lords Concurrence signified-Order for paying them according to the Establishment upon Musters. Agreed to by Lords-Order for their Quarters
-For paying their Arrears; the Committee at Haberdashers
Hall, to assign the Quarters-Guards to be thanked, 2 Dec.
-Business of the Guards, to be considered; Major General Skippon to be desired to attend, 2 Nov.-A Committee to acquaint the Common Council that the Guards now
attending are most hired Men, and not Citizens, and that
the House cannot put their Security in them, and to confer
with the Common Council and Militia how the Parliament
may be better secured. Vide London-Lord General to
be desired to send a sufficient Guard. His Answer.
-, - Bill for justifying the Proceedings of the Parliament in
the late War, and declaring all Proclamations, & c. void, read
twice, and committed, 17 Nov.
Paston, Sir William, to have Pass for transporting a Stonehorse,
Custom and Impost free, 21 Sept.
-, - Clement, his Fine accepted; Order for a favourable
Composition; Certificate from the Committees of Norfolk
that he is sequestered only for Recusancy, with Desire that he
may be admitted to a Composition; Order for accepting
500£. for certain Parcels of Land by him compounded for,
being Part of the Two Third Parts of his Estate sequestered
for his Recusancy-For putting the Remainder of the Two
Thirds into Trustees Hands, 28 Sept.-Agreed to by Lords,
2 Oct.
Pawlett, Sir John, House declare their Intention of a former Order for him to enjoy his Estate-Order for restoring Money and Goods taken from him by any Order-Order touching selling his Timber for the Use of Lyme, suspended, 19 Sept. -Report touching him, to be made, 12 Jan. To be considered.
Payler, Mr. Ordinance for settling him and others in their Places in the Tower, returned from Lords, with Amendments; Amendments read, and referred to a Committee, 13 Sept.
Peake, Mr. his Accounts to be reported, 4 Sept. To be heard. Certificate read, and allowed; to be entered, and re-delivered; House allows the Account so certified to be a full Determination of the Account, and a Discharge of the Accountant-The Committee concerning him, revived; Committees added-Report; Order for paying him 4,281£. 18 s. 4½ d. 16 Oct. Agreed to by Lords- Explanatory Ordinance, 16 Nov. Agreed to by Lords. Order for Stay of Payment; a Committee to examine and state the Matter of Fact touching the obtaining the Order, 21 Dec.
Peers, Bill concerning Peers lately made or to be made, and for revoking all Honours and Titles conferred by the King without the Consent of Parliament, read, 18 Nov.
Pembroke County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a
Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords.
-, - Earl of, Ordinance appointing him Governor of
Windsor Castle, and Keeper of the Great Seal, read, and
passed, 19 Dec. Agreed to by Lords.
Pennington, Alderman Isaac, Ordinance for discharging him from a Debt due to Sir John Pennington, read, and passed, 21 Dec. Agreed to by Lords.
Peyton, Sir Thomas, Petition read; Order for admitting him to his Composition; the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to treat with him; Order touching the Disposal of his Composition-money, 19 Sept.-Order for the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to compound with him, revoked-For leaving him to the Committee of Kent-Question for taking off his Restraint, that he may prosecute his Composition, Neg. 9 Oct. Order for giving him Liberty upon Bail to prosecute it.
Phineas, Benjamin, ordered into Custody for detaining Monies collected upon the Assessments, 7 Oct.-Order for his Discharge, having perfected his Accounts, 16 Dec.
Pinckney, Leonard, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 26 Sept.
Plaxtell, Petition of Inhabitants, read; Order for a Brief for a Collection to build a Church, 9 Sept. Agreed to by Lords.
Plymouth, Report concerning it, to be made, 6 Sept.-Governor's Letter, with Copy of an Examination, and of his Letter to the Governor of Silly, read; his Proceedings, in reference, to that Governor, approved-The Committee of the West to consider of present furnishing 4,000 £. for the Town, and prepare Ordinance for that Purpose; Governor to be acquainted therewith-Another Letter from him; the Committee of the Army to make Assignments upon adjacent Hundreds for Pay of the Garison, 8 Nov.-His Remonstrance and Demands, read; the Committee of Devon to pay Twenty Horse to be under his Command.
Pontesract, Order for sending down Ammunition for the Siege of the Castle, 15 Nov.-For sending Cannons-A Committee impowered to raise voluntary Contributions for Relief of the Forces-Proceedings of other Committees for their Relief, approved; Order for Letter to acquaint them therewith, 20 Dec.-A Committee impowered to raise 2,500£. for their Relief; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 2 Jan.
Poole, Ordinance from Lords appointing a Head Searcher of the Port, 10 Oct.
Poor, Petition concerning them, to be considered, 2 Sept.
Portland Castle, Propositions and Desires from the Committee at Derby House for the Garison; General to be desired to send down Forces, 5 Oct.
Portsmouth, new Writ, 18 Nov.
-, - Petition of Officers and Soldiers of that and other
Garisons, read; Petitioners thanked; Petition referred to a
Committee, with Power to receive others of the like Nature,
17 Jan.
Post, Order for stopping it, 30 Jan.
Powell, Colonel, Order for paying his Debt of 1,000 £. with Interest, out of Sir John Stowell's Estate; Ordinance for that Purpose, ordered, 16 Oct.
Poyntz, John, and others, Petition to be read, 22 Nov. Read; a Committee to examine the Matter of Fact touching their Commitment by Lords for a pretended Forgery of an Act of Parliament-Committees added, 29 Jan.
Praveling, Monsieur de, to have Pass to go into France, 11 Sept.
Prestbury, Petition of Inhabitants; Order for an additional Maintenance of the Ministry in the Chapelries, 19 Sept.
Pretty, William, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 25 Sept.
Prideaux, Edmund, appointed Solicitor General, 12 Oct.- Ordinance for that Purpose, read, and passed, 24 Nov. Agreed to by Lords.
Prisoners, House to consider of those taken at Colchester-Order for making Report touching Scots Prisoners taken in the North, 2 Sept. Report; the Committee to take care for transporting them, first to the Plantations, and then to Venice-Gentlemen of Bristol to have Liberty to transport 500 -Mr. Jessop to be admitted to contract for Transportation of them-Order for discharging such as were compelled, upon their Engagement never to come into England or Ireland as Soldiers, without the Consent of Parliament-Gentlemen appointed to go down upon the Disposal of them. Quorum appointed; Order for allowing them 40 £. each, for their Pains and Charges-For Payment thereof-A Committee to prepare Letter to General to take off the Liberty granted to the Officers upon their Parole, and secure them, 9 Nov.-General to inquire how the Scots Prisoners have been disposed of, 6 Jan.-Persons charged with rescuing a Prisoner in his Passage to Windsor Castle, to be sent for as Delinquents, 9 Sept. The Committee of Complaints to examine them-Marshal of the Army to take care of Prisoners of War, and for Delinquency-The Committee of the Tower to examine the Business concerning the Escape of several from Peterborough House, 5 Jan.
Privileges, Information that Cycill, one of the Parliament's
Guards, was arrested, and that the Officer refused to set
him at Liberty; Examination referred to the Committee of
Complaints, with Power to discharge him, 25 Sept.-Mr.
Miles Corbett's Complaint; Sheppard to be sent for as a Delinquent; the same Committee to examine the Business, with
Power to secure Persons-Captain Musgrave's Words,
threatening Danger to the Speaker, referred to them, 3 Nov.
-, - Mrs. Jennings's Petition, referred, with Power to send
for Mr. Jennings, 30 Dec.-A Committee to know of Mr.
Prynne if he will own a scandalous Pamphlet, intituled, "A
"brief Memento to the present unparliamentary Juncto, & c."
5 Jan. His Answer reported, and to be considered. Resolution that he has thereby disowned the Authority of the
House; Order for taking him into Custody. His Answer
to Serjeant's Man, reported.
Prynne, Mr. Vide Privileges-Report concerning him, and his Petition to be read, 24 Oct.-State of Proceedings in the House concerning his Sufferings and Damages, referred to Dr. Bastwick's Committee.
Purefoy, Major Gamallel, the Sub-committee of Accounts at Coventry to state and certify his Accounts to the Committee of Accounts here; they to dispatch them, 2 Sept.
Pye, Sir Walter, to be discharged from being High Steward of Leominster, 22 Nov.
Pymm, Mr. Order for putting in Execution the Ordinance for paying his Debts; agreed to by Lords, 13 Sept.
A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.
PACKER, Captain, 1650, Order for bestowing on him 50£. to buy a Horse, 18 Mar.
Packington, Sir John, 1649, the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to consider of the Mitigation of his Fine, and of confirming to the Inhabitants of Aylesbury what he claims as Lord of the Manor, 9 May-Report; Order for settling his Estate upon them, and allowing him 2,670 £. out of his Fine, in lieu thereof-For a Grant under the Great Seal, 11 Dec.
Pacy, Captain James, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 2 Mar.
Painted Chamber, 1649, Order for furnishing it with Hangings, & c. 22 June.
Painter, Grace, 1650, Order for inserting her in a Pardon, 2 Oct.
Palatine, Prince Elector, 1648, his Letter, to be presented, 17
Feb. Read; Pass granted to go himself, and Retinue, first
sending their Names to Speaker, and to transport Thirty
Horses into Holland and Zealand, Custom and Impost free-
Report touching all Arrears of his Allowance; Order for
Payment thereof-Further Report concerning them;
Order for paying him 6,500£.-List of his Servants to go with
him, reported, and approved-Chaplain to have Liberty to
attend him for Four Months, without Prejudice to his Relation
in Oxford, as Master of a College-No other Person to be
permitted to go with him-His Desire to transport himself
and Retinue, reported; Order for a Ship and Convoy, 5
Mar.-Report of his Intention to begin his Journey; Members to attend him to Gravesend; Order for providing and
paying for Barges; Speaker, with other Members, to take
Leave of him.
-, - 1649, Order for paying Rents allotted him, 6 Apr.
Palmer, Edward. Vide Vaughan, John.
-, - Sir Roger, 1650, his Case reported, 25 Mar.
Pamphlets, 1648, a Committee to consider a Book, intituled,
" A Vindication of the Ministers of the Gospel, & c." to
examine the Authors, Subscribers, & c. and how Subscriptions
were obtained, with Power to receive Informations of such as
have preached or published seditiously the Proceedings in bringing the late King to Justice, 3 Feb.-Book intituled, "The
Agreement of the People, & c." referred to the Committee of
plundered Ministers, 21 Mar.
-, - 1649, Book intituled, "The Second Part of Eng"land's new Chains discovered," read, and voted false,
scandalous, seditious, mutinous, and tending to raise a new
War; Authors, & c. declared guilty of High Treason; referred to the Council of State to find them out; Vote to be
printed-General to find out whether they be any of the
Army, 27 Mar.-Petition of Anabaptists, disclaiming the
Book, read; Speaker's Answer; Petitioners have Leave to
print it-Another Petition, on behalf of Persons committed
to the Tower for owning the Book, read; Resolutions for
asking the Person presenting it Questions concerning the Book
and Petition, 2 Apr.-Proceedings of the Council of State
touching Lilbourne, Walwyn, Overton, and Prince, concerning the Book, approved. Vide Singulos-A Committee to prepare Declaration to discover the Designs of the
Contrivers of scandalous Books, and Promoters of divers Petitions-Licenser discharged, 22 May-A Committee to examine whether he has licensed any Book since, 6
Aug.-Act to prevent writing scandalous Books and Pamphlets, ordered 22 May-To be presented, 21 July-
6 Aug. Read twice, and committed-Reported, and
to be ingrossed, 14 Sept. Continuance thereof; Proviso
touching printing the Singing Psalms with the Bible, read;
Question for Second Reading, Neg. Act passed, and to be
printed-The Committee of Complaints to send for
the Author and Licenser of a Pamphlet, intituled, "The
"Moderate," with Power to commit them, 14 Aug.-
Printed Paper, intituled, "An Outcry of the young Men and
"Apprentices of London, & c." read; Order for a Commission of Oyer and Terminer to try the Contrivers, Promoters, & c. thereof, 11 Sept.-The Council of State to
discover the Authors, & c. of a Book intituled, "Anarchia
"Anglicana," and examine the whole Business, 24 Oct. Vide
Walker, Clement.
-, - 1650, Heads of a Book, called, "A single Eye,"
reported, a Committee to endeavour to find out the Author,
& c. 21 June-Order for their meeting, and sitting de die
in diem, 19 July. Report; Order for burning it by the
common Hangman-For delivering all Copies to Justices of
Peace, 27 Sept. Vide Clarkson, Laurence, and Rainesborough,
Papists. Vide Delinquents.
Pardon, general. Vide Oblivion.
Pardons, 1650, all to be drawn up in English, 13 Sept.
Parker, Nathanael, 1649, the Committee for Obstructions in
the Sale of Deans and Chapters Lands to consider touching
allowing Money due to him out of the Sale, 23 May-His
Petition read, and referred to the Committee upon the Act
for further Instructions to them, 20 July.
-, - Henry. Vide Oldisworth, Michael-1650, Petition
read, 5 Dec.
-, - Thomas, 1650, Order for inserting him in a Pardon,
2 Oct.
Parks. Vide Crown Lands.
Parliament, 1648, Act for repealing a Clause in Act for preventing Inconveniences by long Intermission of Parliaments,
read, and passed, 8 Feb.-A Committee to prepare Declaration of the Reasons of the Parliament's late Proceedings, and
Benefit redounding to the Nation thereby-Order for
presenting it, 7 Mar. Declaration read, and re-committed. Reported from Re-commitment, and agreed to; Order for printing it in English, Dutch, Latin, and French,
-For printing 2,000 Copies; Members to disperse them.
-, - 1649, Major General Skippon to suppress Tumults,
and secure the Peace of the Parliament, as he shall receive
Orders from them, or the Council of State, 11 May-House
to consider touching due Elections and equal Representatives,
1, 4 & 5 May. Previous and main Questions for considering it in a Committee of the whole House, severally Affirmative. Report; a select Committee to consider of settling
the Succession of future Parliaments, and regulating their
Elections, and to present Heads-Order for their
meeting, and sitting de die in diem, 11 Oct.-For making
Report, 3 Jan. Heads reported; Report debated by Parts;
previous and main Questions that the Number of Persons to
be elected shall be 400, severally Affirmative; Residue referred to a Committee of the whole House. Committee
sits, 16, 23, 28 & 30 Jan.-6 13, 20 & 27 Feb.-6,
13 & 20 Mar.-The Council of State to consider of the
most convenient Way to disperse Acts, Declarations, or Orders, with the least Charge, 17 Aug.-To prepare Declaration for vindicating the Proceedings of Parliament, 26 Sept.
Declaration reported, and read; Order for reading it in Parts. Read, passed, and to be printed; the Council to give
Order for dispersing it.
-, - 1650, the Committee of the whole House upon the
Heads of a Bill for future Parliaments, and for regulating Elections, sits, 26 Mar-3, 10, 17 & 24 Apr.-1, 8, 15,
22 & 29 May-5, 12 & 19 June-3, 10, 24 & 31 July
-7 & 14 Aug.-30 Oct.-6, 12, 20 & 27 Nov.-
4, 11, 18 & 25 Dec.-1 & 15 Jan.-26 Feb.-5 &
12 Mar.-The Committee to state the Proportions of the
Elections of the several Counties, and consider how the House
may be filled pursuant thereto, 23 Oct.-Order for paying
the Arrears of the Parliament Guard, 13 Aug.-Member
to present a Model of a Seal to be the Seal of the Parliament;
Inscription thereon, 16 Jan. Act for appointing a Seal to be
the Seal of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England,
read twice, passed, and to be printed; Speaker to seal it up
with his own Seal; Clerk to keep it among the Records of the
Parliament, and open it only when it shall be made use of by
their Order; Seal re-delivered to be amended.
-, - 1651, the Committee of the whole House upon the
Heads of a Bill for future Parliaments, and for regulating Elections, sits, 25 Mar.-16 & 30 Apr.-21 May-6 Aug.
-Order for adding Six Men to attend the Provost Marshal
for Six Months, and for their Pay-For additional Pay to the
Lieutenant Marshal for the same time, 4 Apr.-For continuing the Marshal's Men Two Months longer, with the additional Pay to the Marshal-For continuing the Provost
Marshal, with Six Men, for Six Months longer-Speaker to
appoint a Person to perform the Duty in his Absence, and
give him Allowance out of the Marshal's Pay, and to appoint
the Men to attend him, 16 May-Upon Report from the
Council of State, touching a Guard for the Parliament, Power
given them to issue Monies for encouraging and paying Persons that shall list themselves voluntarily for the Service and
Safety of the Commonwealth, 12 Aug.
Parree, Anne, 1650, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Parsons, Mr. 1648, to have Pass to go into Scotland, 9 Sept.
Order repealed.
-, - Sir William, 1649, Order for paying him 500£. upon
Account, 7 July-For allowing 200£. for his Funeral, and
transporting his Family into Ireland, 23 Feb.
Pary, Captain James, 1650, appointed Commander of a Ship, 26 Sept.
Passes, 1649, Order that none be granted till Persons engage not to act against the Commonwealth, to be printed, 14 Apr.
Patents, 1650, all for granting any Titles of Honour after the carrying away the Seal to Oxford, annulled; no Person to give them the Titles, nor they to take them upon them; Act for that Purpose, ordered, 3 Apr. Vide Peers.
Pawlett, Sir John, 1648, his Composition reported; Order for
remitting his Fine and Delinquency; Act for his suing out his
Pardon, ordered, 5 Mar.
-, - Lord, 1648, his Fine accepted; Act for his suing out his
Pardon, ordered, 5 Mar.
Peacock, Captain James, 1649, his Letter read, 8 May- Appointed Commander of a Ship, 25 June.
Pechell, Captain Richard, 1649, the Committee of the Revenue to pay him 100£. per Annum till that Sum is settled upon him and his Heirs, 9 July.
Peele de Foudray, 1650, securing thereof from Pirates, recommended to the Admiralty, 23 July.
Peers, 1650, Bill touching Honours conferred by the late King,
since the late Wars, to be read, 25 Dec.
-, - 1651, Bill for taking away Titles of Honour conferred on
Persons by the late King, after the Day of
be made null and void, read twice, and committed,
16 Apr.
Pierce, Captain John, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 25 June.
Pelham, Peregrine, 1649, Petition read; Leave given him to
appoint a Deputy, to officiate as Mayor of a Town, 9 Mar.
-, - 1650, Petition on behalf of his Creditors and Children,
read, and referred to a Committee; Order for paying 500£.
upon Account, for his Funeral, and for the Use of his Children, 27 Dec.
Pembroke County, 1650, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a
Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - Earl of, 1649, chosen Member for a County, to be
admitted into the House, 16 Apr.-His Petition read; the
Committee for Sale of Crown Lands to consider his Interest
and Title to Clarendon Park, 5 June-Members to attend
his Corpse out of Town, 4 Feb.
-, - present Earl of, 1649, Petition read, and referred to
the Committee on Act for Sale of Crown Lands, 7 Feb.-
Order appointing him Custos Rotulorum of Wilts and Derbyshire; recommended to Commissioners of the Great Seal to
settle the Offices upon him-Previous Question for nominating him One of the Council of State, Neg. 20-Order for
putting him in Possession of Durham House; the Committee
of the Revenue to repair it.
Pendennis, 1650, Business touching the Articles upon Surrender thereof, to be considered, 26 Mar. General's Letter; Officers Report to him, and Copy of a Letter to the Committee of Articles, severally read; previous Question for writing to Cornwall, to examine the Business upon Oath, and, after Examination, for acquainting the General with the Truth, Affirmative; main Question, Neg. Question for further proceeding thereupon, Neg. 28-Order for additional Forces in the Castle; the Committee of the Army to pay them after Muster, 10 May-Another Committee impowered to consider General's Letter touching the Articles, 29 Nov.
Penn, Captain William, appointed Commander of a Ship, 2
Mar. 1649-26 Sept. 1650.
-, - 1651, his Letter, with a List of Ships taken, read, and
referred to the Committee of the Navy, 13 May.
Pennagh. Vide Minehead.
Pennington, Alderman Isaac, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 Feb. 1648-11 Feb. 1649.
Penrose, Captain Thomas, appointed Commander of a Ship, 16 Mar. 1648-25 June 1649-26 Sept. 1650.
Penruddock, John, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his
Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the
Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case
referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
-, - Sir John, 1651, Petition read; Order for omitting
him out of the Bill of Sale for Delinquents Lands, 23 Apr.
Pensions, 1649, the Committee of the Revenue to present List of all Pensions, and suspend the Payment thereof, 8 May- Order for Suspension, explained, 1 & 29 June-Another Committee to consider what Pensions have been given by the Parliament, and which are fit to be continued, and which not, with Power to receive Informations of what have been paid, 19 Sept.-None to be paid to any Person till he has subscribed the Engagement, 12 Oct.
Pepper, 1649. Vide Supply.
Perrimond, Elizabeth, 1649, Pardon for her, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
Perry, Richard, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
Peters, Mr. 1648, desired to preach, 20 Dec.
-, - 1649, his Letter read, 18 Mar.
Petty, Edmund, 1651, appointed Recorder of Wickham, 18 July.
Pewterers Company, 1649, Petition of Master, & c. read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 2 Apr.
Peyto, Susan, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
Phipp, George, 1649, Order for paying a Debt due to him from the Marquis of Winton, out of the first Monies that shall be raised from his Estate, 2 July-Provisoes on his behalf, added to Acts, 14 Sept. Vide Jervois, Sir Thomas, and Wallop, Robert.
Pickering, Sir Gilbert, appointed One of the Council of State,
14 Feb. 1648-11 Feb. 1649-7 Feb. 1650.
-, - Colonel John, 1649, the Committee of Accounts to
take and state his Accounts, 12 Sept.
Piddock, Captain Richard, 1649, approved to command a Hoy, 6 Apr.
Piercy, Henry, 1651, to be inserted into the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands, 1 July.
Pindar, Sir Paul, 1650, the Committee of the Revenue to examine what Rent was reserved to him upon the Grant of the Alum-works, what Arrears were due when Liberty was given to all Persons to make Alum, and what is due to the State for the Materials in those Works, 18 Apr.
Pirates, 1649, Act for punishing them, read twice, and committed, 4 Apr.-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 4 Sept. Passed, and to be printed, -Letters concerning them, read; the Council of State to take care Ships lie at Sea to prevent Mischiefs from them, 6 Nov.-To prepare the Summer Guard for suppressing them, 14 Dec.
Pitson, James. Vide Smyth, John.
Pittock, Captain Richard, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 2 Mar.
Pix-money, 1649, Order for trying it, and returning a Jury for that Purpose; the Jury to prepare a Standard, 17 July- Act for trying it, read, and passed; the Council of State to prepare Standards, 7 Nov. Order for proceeding to the Trial -For new-making the Standards, -Act impowering the Council of State to administer an Oath to the Jury for making the Standards, read, and passed; Form of the Oath, 16- Report, that they had taken it; their Verdict; Order for delivering the Standards.
Plantations, foreign, 1649, Desires of the Council of State concerning them, reported, 21 July-Governors in England, and Officers under them, to subscribe the Engagement; the Council to see it done, 12 Oct.
Plot, 1650, Report from the Council of State touching emergent Dangers by Invasion from abroad, in hopes of Assistance here; previous and main Questions for impowering the Council to remove out of all Forts and Garisons Persons who refuse to take the Engagement, severally Affirmative, 11 Mar. Major General Lambert's Letter; Narrative of the Design discovered by several Papers taken with an Agent from the King of Scotts, read, and re-delivered; the Council to prepare and publish a Narrative of this Business, and consider of a Declaration to be set forth upon this Occasion-Power given them to send Major General Harrison into any Parts for the Safety of the State, and to present the Name of a fit Person to command during his Absence-To consider of something for sending Officers and Soldiers, whose time of Leave is elapsed, to their several Charges.
Plymouth, 1649, the Council of State to confer with Members for the Western Ports, touching £. formerly ordered for the Garison, and what more is necessary upon changing the Governor, 28 Mar.-Report; Order for 1,300£. to pay them off, 27 Apr.-The Council to appoint Receivers, 1 May-To consider of repairing, supplying, and settling the Garison, 26-Mayor's Letter read, 21 July-Petition of Officers formerly of the Garison, read, and referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, 7 Sept.
Pockert, A Mane, 1649, Petition read, 19 Oct.
Pocock, Mr. 1649, the Committee for maimed Soldiers to consider his Case, and what is fit to be done for his Relief, 5 July.
Pomfret, Rosamond, 1650, Order for inserting her in a Pardon, 2 Oct.
Pontefract, 1649, Letter, and Articles for Surrender of the Castle, read; Articles approved; Order for demolishing it, and disposing of the Proceed thereof-For a Reward to the Messenger-For Letter of Thanks to Major General Lambert, 27 Mar.-Speaker to grant Passes to Cavaliers there, who have his Passes to go beyond Sea, 5 May.
Pool, Major, 1651, Information concerning him, read; the Council of State to see his and his Sureties Bonds put in Suit, and that he be punished, 22 Apr.
Poole, 1649, the Committee of Obstructions to consider the Sums raised for the Service of the Town, and touching the admitting the Lenders to double upon the Act for Sale of Deans and Chapters Lands, 23 May-Person added for Waiter and Searcher in the Port-Order touching his Salary, 24 July.
Poor, 1648, a Committee to consider how to keep the Provisions at reasonable Rates for the Poor, and of making further Provision for them, 10 Feb.-Petition on their behalf,
read, with Presenters Representation annexed; Member to
give them Answer, 9 Mar.-Order for Justices to meet
monthly, and make Provision for them, and find out Ingrossers of Corn and Coals.
-, - 1649, a Committee to prepare Act for setting them on
Work, 4 May-Another Committee to peruse Acts touching them, and reduce them into One Body, 1 Mar.
-, - 1650, a Committee to prepare Act for setting them on
Work, 24 May-Another Committee to consider Laws in
Force concerning them, and present Act for setting them on
Work, 9 Oct-Report to be considered, 18 Feb.
Pope, Andrew, 1650, Order for Pardon for him under the Great Seal; Sheriff to forbear Execution, 17 Jan.
Popham, Colonel Alexander, 1648, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 Feb.
-, - 1649, his Debt of 4,511 £. 7s. 2d. allowed; a Committee to consider of the speediest Way for paying him, 26 Apr.
Order for their meeting, -Committees added, 2 May
-His Letters read, -His Relation of the State of
the Fleet at Sea, and of the Enemy's Ships, with some Desires from the Generals-His Propositions for setting Two
Ships to Sea, and building new Frigates, referred to the
Council of State-Thanked for his faithful and great Services,
5 June.
-, - 1650, his Letter read, 2 Oct.-Appointed one of the
Council of State, 11 Feb.
Porter, Ralph, 1650, Petition and Certificate touching him,
read; Order for reprieving him till next Assizes; Sheriff to
forbear Execution; Judges to present Certificate of the Matter of Fact, 12 Mar.
-, - 1651, Certificate read; previous and main Questions
for pardoning him, severally Affirmative; Order for passing it
under the Great Seal, 10 June. Previous Question for respiting the passing it, Neg. 11.
Ports, free, 1649, the Committee of the Navy to consider the Matter touching them, 21 Dec.
Portsmouth, 1648, Master Attendant appointed, 16 Feb.
-, - 1651, Report from the Council of State that he is
dead; another appointed, 11 July.
Portugal, 1649, Agent to that Court, appointed, 31 Jan. Vide
Vane, Charles.
-, - 1650, Colonel Blake's Letter, with Proceedings between the King of Portugal and the Parliament's General,
read, and referred to the Council of State; the Council to
prepare Letter to be sent to him; Speaker to sign it, 11 Apr.
-Another Letter from him and Colonel Popham; their
Paper sent to the King, and Resident's Letter to him, severally read; General's Proceedings approved; Letter of Thanks
ordered; Speaker to sign it-The Council of State to consider the whole Business-To send further Instructions to the
Generals-To consider of the speediest Way for freeing Merchants imprisoned there, 4 July-Another Letter from them,
containing a Narrative of their Proceedings, and an Account
of Nine Ships taken and sent to the Commissioners for Prizes;
Business to be considered, 11 Sept.-Letter, and Petition of
Portugal Merchants, read; Business referred to the Council
of State-Estimates of Twenty Ships, with 3,000 Men, for
Three Months-Of Twelve Ships, with 2,000 Men, for Four
Months on that Coast. Report touching continuing a
certain Number of Ships for the Service of Portugal-Estimates read; the Committee of the Navy to pay such Ships as
the Council shall give Warrant for, not exceeding the Estimates, -Colonel Deane's Letter, read; Order touching the Redemption of English Prisoners, and for using Prisoners here, as the well-affected are used in Portugal-Letter
from the Bay of Cadiz, read-Act for the Portugal Goods,
read twice, and committed, 6 Nov. Reported; Question
for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed; to be printed, and proclaimed at the Old Exchange-The Committee of the Navy
to take care of the Sale thereof, -Mr. Warren's Narrative of the State of Affairs there, reported from the Council
of State, 3 Dec.-Letter from a public Minister of Portugal,
read. Vide Guimaraes, Joas de-The Committee of
the Navy to prevent Deceit in the Sale of Linen and Sugars
from thence, 14 Jan.
Post-office, 1649, Paper concerning it, reported from the Council of State; Resolution that the Offices of Post-master are and ought to be in the sole Power and Disposal of the Parliament-The Council to consider the State of the Offices, 21 Mar.
Potter, Henry, 1651, his ingenuous Carriage reported from the High Court of Justice; his Petition read; Order for respiting his Execution till 15th August next, 31 July- Another Petition read, 14 Aug.
Povey, Sir Edward, 1649, Order for paying him 200£. out of the Ordinances for raising Money for Ireland, 9 July.
Poulton, Captain Thomas, 1649, Petition touching 200£. formerly ordered him, referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, 30 Aug.
Poundage. Vide Tonnage and Customs.
Powell, Major, 1648, Order for trying him by a Court-martial, 14 Mar.
-, - 1649, Order for his Pardon and Enlargement, 7 May.
-, - Thomas, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
-, - Bridget, 1649, Petition to be considered, 15 & 21 June
-2 July.
-, -John. Vide Nicholls, Richard.
-, - Major, 1649, Order for 20£. for his Burial, 24 Aug.
-, - Robert, 1649, Commission from the Bishop of Chalcedon to him, delivered to Attorney General, 21 Aug.-Report that he is apprehended; Order for a Reward to the
Officers that brought him up; the Council of State to give
the Attorney General Instructions for further Proceedings,
5 Oct.
-, - Mr. 1649, desired to preach, 4 Feb. Thanked, and to
print his Sermon.
Powis, Lord, 1650, Order for continuing his Pension till Midsummer, 24 Apr.
-, - 1651, his Petition read; his Pension to be continued
till further Order, and the Arrears to be paid from Midsummer,
3 Apr.
Poyntz, John, and others, 1648, the Committee on their Petition, revived, and to sit de die in diem, 23 Feb.
Prerogative Court, 1648, Order for altering the Seal after the
manner of the Great Seal, 7 Feb. Order touching the Inscription.
-, - 1649, Register discharged; another appointed, 18
Presentations, 1649, Act for admitting them, and granting Institutions and Inductions to Rectories, Parsonages, and Vicarages, read twice, and committed, 8 Feb.
Preston, John, 1651, Commissioners for compounding authorized to take off the Seizure from his Estate, 17 June-Leave given to speak against the Order; the Commissioners to take the Accounts of the Trustees to whom the Estate was granted, 23 July.
Price, Captain Richard, 1650, Order for paying him 500 £. in Part of his Arrears, 5 Dec.
Pride, Colonel Thomas, and others, 1649, Petition read, 9 Oct.
Prideaux, Edmund, 1649, appointed Attorney General to the
State; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 9 Apr.
Form of an Oath to be taken by him, read; and approved;
Commissioners of the Great Seal to administer it.
-, - 1650, appointed One of the Council of State, 10
Primers, 1650, the Committees of the Universities to consider
the new one, and suppress the old ones, 13 Nov.
-, - 1651, Order against using them in any School, 24
Prince, Thomas, 1649, Proceedings of the Council of State touching him, reported; his Commitment approved; Attorney General to prosecute him in the Upper Bench touching a Book intituled, "The Second Part of England's new Chains "discovered," 11 Apr. Petition on his Behalf; read; Resolution that the Petitioners have a sharp Reprehension; a Committee to withdraw, and prepare an Answer; Answer reported, and delivered by Speaker, and to be printed. Attorney General to consult with the Council of State about Proceedings against him; they to appoint a Solicitor, - None to be admitted to see him, except as excepted, 9 May. Previous Question for restraining him as a close Prisoner, Affirmative-For an Allowance during his Confinement, Neg. 12. Lieutenant of the Tower to take care he has necessary Provisions for his Subsistence. His Petition; Question for reading it, Neg. 25-Liberty of the Tower allowed him, 7 Sept.
Princes and States, foreign, 1649, Desires of the Council of State for Power to order Commissions under the Great Seal to such Ambassadors as they shall appoint to go to them, reported, 21 July-Recommended to them to think of fit Persons, 28 July-17 Dec.-Speaker to sign Letters prepared by them to be sent to foreign Princes and States, 25 Jan.-Report of Persons appointed to go to Spain and Portugal, and touching a Stile to be used in all foreign Negotiations. Considered; Resolution touching a Stile to be used to all foreign States, and in their Addresses to the Parliament, -Speaker to sign Credentials and safe Conducts for Agents; the Council of State to affix their Seal to them, 2 Feb.
Prisage. Vide Butlerage.
Prisoners, 1648, Order for disposing of those taken at Willoughby, 1 Feb.-Pardon for Eight, read, and agreed to;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, -A Committee to consider what English Prisoners are fit to be proceeded
against for Life, besides those triable by martial Law, and
what Prisoners are fit to be kept so or banished, 12 Mar.-
Order for Stay of all from being transported.
-, - 1649, the Council of State to give Order for discharging Prisoners detained in Silly and Jersey; Petition of
Prisoners Wives, in behalf of their Husbands, referred to
them-A Committee to prepare Ordinance concerning Irish
Prisoners, 4 May-Commissioners of the Great Seal to pass
Pardons for several, upon the Judges Certificates-Judges to
present Certificates for other Counties, 13 June-The Council of State to order the Discharge of Prisoners fit to receive
Favour, and submitting to the present Government.
-, - 1650, Letter touching the Scots Prisoners, read, and
to be printed, 8 Nov.
-, - 1651, Letter touching Scots Prisoners in Durham
Castle; Order for treating them as Prisoners of War, 5 Aug.
Privileges, 1648, a Committee to consider the Ordinance for
making Members Estates liable to Debts, 6 Feb.
-, - 1649, Privilege disallowed to Members, who refuse
to appear after Notice given by Commissioners of the Great
Seal of an Action commenced, 14 Apr. Vote to be printed,
and published, -Act touching explaining the Vote giving
Licence to proceed at Law against Members, read twice,
and committed, -Report concerning 6,000£. unaccounted for by Mr. Gell, Receiver of the Duchy of Lancaster; the Committee of the Revenue to proceed against him,
31 May-Warner's Petition, reflecting upon the Justice
and Proceedings of the House, and tending to scandalize a
Member, to be considered, 18 June-Sir James Harrington's Complaint; Elizabeth Atkins to be sent to the House of
Correction, 6 July-Captain Henry Smythe's Complaint;
Hunt, Hake, and Dudley, to be sent for as Delinquents, 14
Sept. Business referred to the Committee of Indemnity,
with Power to discharge them.
-, - 1650, Declaration that all Committees have Power to
secure Persons misbehaving before them, till the Parliament be
acquainted therewith, or they take other Order, 4 July.-
Information of a Breach of an Order of Parliament; Witnesses examined; Major Audley, Captain Cannon, and Captain Wilson, to be summoned to appear at Bar, and attend a
Committee, to be examined touching the Breach, 22 Jan.
They appear; their Appearance to be recorded. The
Committee impowered to examine upon Oath.-House
informed of a Book, intituled, "The Accuser shamed, or a
"Pair of Bellows to blow off the Dust cast upon John Fry,
"& c." Title read; the Committee of plundered Ministers to
state Exceptions against the Book, 31 Jan.-Exceptions
reported; Fry examined; the Committee to examine who
was the Author, 20 Feb. Examinations of Harris the
Printer and Strong, reported, and read; Fry's Answers to
the Exceptions; Resolution that he is the Author; First Exception read again; agreed to, and voted a Breach of Privilege-Second Exception voted erroneous, profane, and scandalous; Book to be burnt by the common Hangman; previous and main Questions for disabling Mr. Fry to fit during
this Parliament, severally Affirmative.
-, - 1651, the Committee touching Colonel Sidney revived with former Power, and to fit de Die in Diem, 28
Mar.-Business touching arresting Colonel James Temple,
referred to a Committee, 15 May.
Prizes, 1649, Act declaring the Grounds for making Prizes of
Goods and Ships taken at Sea, and for Encouragement of
Officers, Mariners, & c. read twice; Question for Commitment, Neg. Order for Ingrossment, 16 Apr. Act passed,
and to be printed.-Letter to be sent with the Act to
foreign Ambassadors, read, and agreed to, 7 May. Commissioners of the Great Seal to send a Writ to Lord Mayor to
proclaim the Act.-The Committee of the Navy to issue
Monies for buying Prizes fit for the Service of the State,
19 Oct.
-, - 1650, to require the Auditors and Collectors to give
them an Account of Prizes taken-To take care the Goods
be not imbezzled, 8 Nov.-Monies arising from thence to
be disposed for the Use of the Navy, 8 Jan.
Puckering, Jane, 1650, Petition read; Resolution thereupon, 1 Nov. Vide Marriages.
Puleston, Mr. Justice, 1650, Information against him referred to Commissioners of the Great Seal, 10 Sept.
Puresoy, Major Gamaliel, 1649, the Committee of Accounts to
take and state his Accounts, 12 Sept.
-, - 1650, his Petition read; Order for paying him his Arrears out of his Discoveries, 3 Sept.
-, - Colonel William, 1648, appointed One of the Council
of State, 14 Feb.
-, - 1649, his Petition read; Order for allowing him 1,000£.
for Reparation of his Losses, 13 Sept.-Appointed One of
the Council of State, 11 Feb.
-, - 1650, like Appointment, 7 Feb.
Purling, Major, 1651, the Council of State to consider of a Reward for his Services in taking Silly, 6 June.
Pygott, Samuel, Isaac, and Hannah. Vide Jacob, Harmon.
Pymm, Mr. 1651, Trustees for Payment of his Debts to receive the Rents and Profits of certain Delinquents Estates; a Committee to prepare Act to enable the Sale of Lands so estated on the Trustees for satisfying the Remainder of his Debts and Portions, 17 June.-Trustees to receive the Arrears of such Estates, 23 July.
Pyne, Colonel John, 1649, General's Desire that House would approve his Services, reported; Vote of Approbation; Letter of Thanks to him, ordered, 1 June-Certificate of his Accounts referred to the Committee of Accounts, 16 Aug.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
QUESTIONS, previous, Affirmative; viz. that King's
Answer to the Proposition concerning the Church is unsatisfactory, 11 Oct.-Touching the Course to be taken
with Members not paying their Assessments for the Army.
-For excepting a Person from Pardon, 7 Nov.-For banishing a Person.
-For nominating a Person to be Sheriff.
-For an Amendment to a Vote, 4 Dec.-Touching
King's Answer to the Proposals for a Peace.-For renewing a Message to Lord General.
-, -previous, Neg. viz. for ingrossing an Order, 3 Oct.-
For an Amendment to an Order from Lords,-For excepting Persons from Pardon, 6 & 7 Nov.-For nominating
a Person to be Sheriff.-For entering into a Debate, 1
Dec.-Touching King's Answer to the Proposals for a Peace.
-For desiring Lord Admiral to confer with the Committee
of the Navy.-For desiring Lords Concurrence to
Votes, 18 Jan.
A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.
QUESTIONS, previous, Affirmative, 1648; viz. for
taking off a Member's Suspension, 3 Feb.-For appointing
some Officers of the Army to be of the Council of State.-
For sending the Scots Commissioners home, by Land, with a
Guard.-For further considering Petitions, 7 Mar.-
For reading them-For granting a Petitioner's Desire-For
respiting the Execution of a Delinquent.-For lowering
the Interest of Money after a certain Day.-For repealing
a Vote, -For banishing a Delinquent.
-, - 1649, for summoning a Person to appear at Bar, 30
Mar.-For Second Reading of a Proviso, 2 Apr.-For dividing an Act into several Instruments.-For appointing a
Day to consider a Business.-For nominating a Person
Trustee for Sale of Deans and Chapters Lands.-For nominating a Person Commissioner of the Customs-For respiting a Vote from a Committee.-For re-committing
an Ordinance-For allowing the Earl of Rutland 1,500 £. for
demolishing his House, 8 May.-For restraining certain Persons as close Prisoners apart.-Touching the time for prosecuting Persons for Treason.-For referring a Business to
a Committee, 17 & 18 May.-24 June.-Touching
sequestering an Estate, 17 May.-Touching a House
to be employed for setting the Poor of London on Work,
6 June.-For referring a Business back to a Committee.-For continuing the Commissioners of Excise-For
impowering the Trustees for Deans and Chapters Lands
to sell at Eighteen Years Purchase,.-For laying aside
the further Consideration of a Petition.-For a Committee to withdraw, and prepare a Vote-For amending
a Clause from a Committee, 9 July.-For taking off an Imposition, 11 Sept.-For allowing a Person Twenty Shillings
per Week.-For conferring the Benefit of a Commission upon a Person, 9 Oct.-For dispensing with the Attendance of certain Members-For disposing of Compositionmonies for Maintenance of the Army and other public Uses.
-For an Assessment, 6 Nov.-For appointing a Committee,
9 Nov. & 25 Dec.-Touching the Sale of Crown Lands, 16
Oct.-For appointing a President of Munster-For disabling a
Member to fit during this Parliament, 4 Dec.-For sequestering a Delinquent's Estate.-For declaring the Election of
a Common Council Man void.-For appointing a President of a College, 8 Jan.-For agreeing to a Resolution of
a Committee.-For reading the Names of the Council of
State, 11 Feb.-For appointing several to be of the Council.-For appointing a Sheriff.-For declaring the Intention of an Act.-For bringing in an Act.-Touching
the Number of Commissioners for regulating Trade.-
For entertaining no new Business after Twelve o'Clock.-
For sequestering certain Estates, 23 Mar.
-, - 1650, for reprieving a condemned Criminal, 26 Mar.
-For selling Delinquents Lands under Ten Years Purchase,
in Possession, 6 Apr.-Touching the Governors of the Charterhouse-For referring a Business to the Council of State.
-For a weekly Allowance to a Person, 4 June.-For Second Reading of a Bill.-For referring a Petition,
2 July.-Touching the Qualification for Commissioners of
Excise.-Touching Proportions of raising Forces for the
Militia.-For adjourning till Afternoon-Touching the appointing Commissioners of Excise.-Touching the Punishment for a Second Offence against a Bill.-For granting
a Reprieve, 15 Aug.-Touching the Continuance of an Act
.-For appointing a Person Treasurer of the Navy, 10
Oct.-For pardoning Delinquents.-For reporting a
Bill, 15 Nov.-For admitting a Person to fit as a Member.-Touching the time of Delinquents Forfeitures, 28 Nov.
-9 Jan.-19 Feb.-For referring the Matter of a Petition to a Trial at Law, 5 Dec.-For paying a Person £. to
buy him a Horse.-Touching a monthly Sum for the Army
in Ireland.-For granting a safe Conduct to a foreign Minister.-For sending a public Minister to the United
Provinces, 21 Jan.-For sending a particular Person.-
For adjourning a Business, 7 Feb.-For ordering in a Bill,
19 Mar.
-, - 1651, for settling Lands upon a Person for Life-For
pressing 2,000 Soldiers, 25 Mar.-Touching Orders made
by Committees, 1 May.-For pardoning a Criminal, 10
June.-For sending Ships to reduce Barbadoes.-For declaring a Person guilty of Perjury and Subornation of Perjury.-For allowing a Person Money out of his Discovery.
-, -previous, Neg, 1648, viz. for a Person to be of the Council of
State, 14 Feb.-Touching the Quorum thereof.-
Touching clipped Money received by Collectors, 2 Mar.-
For adding a Proviso to an Act.
-, - 1649, for appointing a Person Treasurer at War, 17
Apr.-For nominating a Person a Trustee for Sale of Deans
and Chapters Lands.-For Leave to Lady Elizabeth to go
beyond Sea.-For allowing the Earl of Portland 2,000 £.
for demolishing his House, 8 May.-For an Allowance to
certain Prisoners.-For admitting Papists to compound,
4 July.-For prohibiting the Importation of French Linen,
23 Aug.-For adjourning a Debate, 10 Jan.-For appointing several Persons to be of the Council of State, 12 &
20 Feb.-Touching the Number of Commissioners for regulating Trade, 16 Mar.
-, - 1650, for admitting certain Sums to be doubled upon
the Sale of Delinquents Lands, 6 Apr.-For referring a Matter to a Committee.-For agreeing to the Resolutions
of a Committee, 22 May.-For referring a Petition to a
Committee.-For proceeding on Bills, 12 & 18 July.
-For an Amendment to a Bill.-Touching the Punishment of a Second Offence against a Bill.-Touching a
monthly Sum to the Army in Ireland, 19 Dec.-Touching
the Appointment of a Committee, 24 Jan.-For thanking
Ministers that preached before the House-For appointing a
Dean of Christchurch, 14 Mar.-Touching a Reward for apprehending a Delinquent.
-, - 1651, touching a Recompence to Discoverers of concealed Estates, 1 Apr.-For amending a Bill.-Touching Acts passed by the Council of State, 1 May.-Touching admitting a Person to double upon the Purchase of Delinquents Lands, 3 June.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
RAINSBOROUGH, Colonel; Lieutenant General Cromwell to make a strict Scrutiny of the Manner of his Murder, and certify it to the House-Order for paying his Widow what is due to him upon the public Faith, and all his Arrears-For paying her 1,000£. out of the Excise, with Interest, 3 Nov.-General's Letter concerning his Wife and Children, to be read, 18 Dec. Read; his Wife's Petition read, and referred to a Committee. Order for making Report. Report; Debt of 500£. for his Pay and Disbursements in the Irish Service, left to the Committee of Adventurers for the Sea Expedition for Satisfaction thereof-Order for allowing her 2,000 £. more in full Discharge of all Demands; Ordinance for that Purpose, ordered.-To be read, 16 Jan.
Rayner, Mr. thanked, and to print his Sermon, 27 Sept.
Reeve, Robert, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 4 Sept.
Retford, East, new Writ, 18 Nov.
Revenue, public, a Committee to examine all the Treasuries, and see how their Books stand, 21 Dec.-Another Committee to consider Anticipations thereupon, and prevent Obstructions in bringing in the several Revenues, 1 Jan. Order for their meeting, and making Report.
Rich, Colonel, his Letter read, 8 Sept.
Robert, Hugh, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 2 Oct.
Rolfe, Major Edmund; Keeper of the Gatehouse to bring him to Bar, 2 Sept. Brings him; Order for his Discharge; Keeper to take notice that he be discharged accordingly. -Order for paying him 150£. out of the Eastern Association. Order for paying it out of the Pay due to Major Gibbs.
Rolle, Henry, Ordinance appointing him Chief Justice of the King's Bench under the Great Seal, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence signified, 4 Nov. Order for him to deliver up his Patent as one of the Justices of that Court.
Rosseter, Colonel Edward, Order for paying him 2,000£. upon Account, 18 Nov. Agreed to by Lords.
Rushworth, John, Order for 50£. to buy him Horses, sent to Lords, 2 Sept.
Rutland County, additional Committees to all the Committees, 29 Sept.-Agreed to by Lords, 2 Oct.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords.-Members to write into the Country, and take care to bring in the Assessments for the Army. -Sheriff has Leave to come to London; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 21 Dec.
Rye, Letter from thence read; Captors to enjoy the Vessel and Goods taken by them to their own Use; Prisoners to have their Liberty upon restoring Two Vessels, & c. belonging to the Town lately taken by them; House approves of the taking the Ship, and thanks the Captors; Order for a Reward to the Master of the Bark that took it, 16 Oct.
A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.
RADLEY, Sir Henry, 1649, his Case, as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
Rainsborough, Colonel, 1648, Money to be paid in his Cause,
without Deduction for Free-quarter, 13 Feb.
-, - 1649, Order for making Report concerning his
Widow's Business, 27 Mar.-Act for Relief of her and
Children, ordered, 6 June. To be presented. Read
twice, and passed.-Money due to her to be charged
upon a Delinquent's Estate, 20 July.
-, - 1650, Act for settling Lands on her and Son, to
be read, 22 May.-Read twice, and committed-Order for
paying her 100£. at Michaelmas, and 200 £. per Annum till
the Act be passed, 22 June.
-, - Major, 1650, his Carriage reported; Order for
disabling him from being Justice of Peace, 27 Sept.
Raleigh, Carew, 1650, Petition concerning him read; Order
for his Attendance, 16 May. Attends; asks Pardon for passionate Words spoken at a Committee; Chairman reports the
Passages; other Committees make a Narrative of the Proceedings; Order for committing him to the Tower; Sentence
pronounced. His Petition; Order for his Discharge, and
Re-admission into the House.
-, - 1651, His Case reported; Petition of the Countess of
Bristol, & c. read; previous and main Questions for settling
Lands of 50£. per Annum, late belonging to the Earl of
Bristol, upon him for Life, in Satisfaction of an Annuity of
400 £. per Annum, payable to him out of the Exchequer,
severally Affirmative; Act for that Purpose, ordered, 25 Mar.
-Read twice, and committed, 1 July.
Ramsden, Mr. 1650, discharged from being Alderman of Hull, 6 Sept.
Ramsey, David, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Trustees for Sale of late King's Goods, 19 July.
Randall, John, 1649, Letter from him and others, read, 16 Oct.
Ranelagh, Lady, 1649, Order for continuing and paying her
Allowance of 4£. per Week, 15 June.
-, - 1650, Report concerning her, 25 Mar.-Order for continuing her Allowance to Midsummer, 23 Apr. Amended.
-, -Order for continuing it Three Months longer, 22 June.
-, -Her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous
Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
-, - 1651, her Petition read; Order for allowing her 4£.
per Week for Six Months, with the Arrears since the Determination of her former Pension, 20 May.
-, - Lord, 1650, Letter touching him to be read, 22
Ranters, 1650, a Committee to consider of some Way for suppressing their abominable Practices, 14 June. Report; the Committee impowered to secure, and commit Persons-To prepare Act for suppressing these abominable Opinions and Practices, and to make the Offence capital. Act read Question for rejecting it, Neg. previous and main Questions for Second Reading, severally Affirmative; Bill committed.-Reported; Clauses added; further Debate thereupon adjourned, 5 July. Resumed; previous Question for an Amendment, Neg. 12. A Committee to withdraw, and pen a Clause touching the Punishment of the Second Offence; Clause reported; Act to be ingrossed.-Passed, and to be printed, 9 Aug.-The Committee revived, and to con sider Informations touching them, 8 Nov.
Rates, Book of. Vide Poundage.
Rawleigh, George, 1649, his Case, as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
Rebenwen, Edward, 1649, his Letter read, and referred to the Council of State, 4 Apr.
Recognizances, 1651, Order for discharging all Recognizances, Fines, and Amerciaments, and Process upon them, before 30th January 1648, to be printed, certified into Chancery, and transmitted into the Exchequer, 27 May.
Recoveries, Common. Vide Infants.
Recusants, Popish. Vide Delinquents-1649, Barons of the
Exchequer, with the Committee of the Revenue, to consider
how their Arrears may be collected, 26 Apr.
-, - 1650, Abstract of the yearly Values of the Estates of
Papists that are Delinquents, and Two Third Parts of Papists
under Sequestration, as certified from several Counties, 17
Reeve, Captain James, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 2 Mar.
Refiners, 1649, Complaint from them, Gold-wire Drawers, and Gilt-wire Drawers, referred to the Committee of the Excise, 7 Nov.
Register, Public, 1649, Act for registering all Matters of Record, to be read, 5 Feb. Read.
-, - 1650, Order for Second Reading, 25 Oct.-1 &
22 Nov.
-, - 1651, like Order, 20 May.
Revenue, Publick, 1648, the Committee formerly called the Committee of the King's Revenue, to be called the Committee of
the Public Revenue, 1 Feb.-Their Desire touching the
Custom-house Books ended 25th December last, and that
certain Exchequer Writs and Process should be sealed with the
Old Exchequer Seal, agreed to.-A Committee to consider some Way for Improvement of the Public Revenue.
-, - 1649, Order for making Report touching bringing all
the Monies into One Treasury, 4 Mar.
-, - 1650, Bill for that Purpose, read twice; Debate thereon
adjourned; Form of a Commission for managing the Public
Treasury, read, 16 Apr. Read Second time; Debate on the
Bill resumed; Form and Bill committed.-Bill to be
reported, 20 June.-The Council of State to report a full
and clear State of the whole Treasury of the Commonwealth,
26 Feb.
Reynaldson, Abraham, 1649, discharged from being Lord Mayor
of London for refusing to proclaim Act for abolishing the
kingly Government; Order for committing him to the Tower
-For fining him 2,000 £. Sentence pronounced, 2 Apr.-To
be discharged from being Alderman; City to proceed to a new
-, - 1650, Order touching the Distribution of his Fine,
12 Mar.
Reynolds, Colonel, 1648, Order for paying his Regiment by
Assignment from the Committee of the Army, 17 Feb.-
General to be desired to grant Commissions to him and his
-, - 1650, his Proposition touching raising a Troop of Horse
reported, and referred back to the Council of State, 29 Aug.
-, - Robert, 1650, appointed Solicitor General to the Commonwealth; Order for a Patent under the Great Seal, 6 June.
-, -Appointed one of the Council of State, 10 Feb.
Rich, Colonel, 1649, Order for paying his Arrears, 7 Mar.
-, - Lord, 1651, Petition referred to the Committee touching Infants suffering Common Recoveries, 13 June. Report;
Resolution for enabling the Judges of the Common Pleas to
admit him to suffer one.
Richmond Park. Vide London.
Ricraft, Josiah. Vide Jacob, Harmon.
Riddell, Sir Thomas, 1650, the Council of State to prevent his
going into the North, 15 Nov.
-, - 1651, Order for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale
of Delinquents Lands, 1 July.
Ridgeway, Robert, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 21 Feb.
Rigby, Alexander. Vide Warburton, Peter,
Ringe, Robert, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
Robberies, 1649, recommended to General to secure the Highways from Robberies, and apprehend the Thieves-The Council of State to consider of an effectual Way to prevent Robberies, Murders, and Outrages, 24 Oct.-Order for a Reward to Persons who apprehend Offenders-A Committee to withdraw, and pen Votes touching such as shall discover their Accomplices; Report; Act for preventing Robberies, Burglaries, and other such Mischiefs, ordered, 8 Nov.
Roberts, Mr. 1650, Business concerning him referred to the Council of War, 18 Dec.
Robins, Isabella, 1648, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.
Robinson, Colonel William, 1649, his Account allowed; Order
touching the Payment thereof, 12 June.
-, - 1651, his Certificate reported; Liberty given him to
double upon the Purchase of Delinquents Estates, and to have
the Pre-emption in the Purchase of one, 8 May.
-, - Henry, 1650, appointed Secretary to the Commissioners
of Excise, 18 June.
-, - John, 1650, upon Report from the Committee of the
Navy, Resolution that he be admitted to compound for the late
Archbishop of Canterbury's Estate, which neither is nor has
been under Sequestration, at One Third of the clear Value
of what he shall discover within a limited Time; Persons that
discover it within the same time, to receive no Prejudice from
their former Concealment, 28 Aug.-The Committee of the
Navy impowered to give Warrant to search Houses, & c. in
the Presence of some of them, and to make good the Damages
at his Charge, and examine upon Oath, 6 Sept.-Time
for making Discoveries enlarged-Commissioners for compounding to proceed against Persons who conceal any Part,
16 Oct.
-, - Luke, 1651, Act enabling him to commence an Action
against Sir Hugh Cholmley, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, 8 Apr.
Rogers, Mr. 1649, Order for making Report touching the
taking off his Sequestration, and touching his Wife's Delinquency; Lord Chief Baron to deliver Papers concerning the
Business to the Chairman, 18 Oct.
-, - Hugh, 1650, previous and main Questions for admitting him to sit as a Member, severally Affirmative, 20
-, - John, 1650, appointed Alderman of Hull, 5 Feb.
Rolfe, Major Edmund, 1648, Order for paying him and Thomas Bourman Monies raised by the Fines of the late Mutineers in the Isle of Wight, 14 Mar.
Rolle, Lord Chief Justice, appointed one of the Council of State, 14 Feb. 1648-11 Feb. 1649.
Rolls, 1648, Commissioners of the Great Seal to prepare a Commission for Speaker to be Master of the Rolls, and hear Causes in Chancery; Judges to be required to meet him at the Rolls, 7 Feb.
Rookesby, Major, 1650, Order for paying his Wife 100 £. for the present Relief of herself and Children-For settling 200£. per Annum upon them; Act for that Purpose ordered, 11 Sept.
Roper, Lancelot, 1650, appointed Alderman of Hull, 5 Feb.
-, - Mary, 1650, her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
Ross, 1649. Vide Ireland.
Rosse, Thomas. Vide Harris, William.
Rosseter, Colonel Edward, 1649, Order for stating the Accounts of his Regiment, and certifying them to the Committee of Accounts, 12 Sept.
Rosworme, Colonel John, Vide Jacob, Harmon.
Rowe, Colonel Owen, 1649, Petition and Certificate read, and
referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 6 Sept.-Report; his Debt allowed; Order for admitting him to double
upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 10 Oct.
-, - Francis, 1650, Order for allowing his Widow 20 s. per
Week, 22 June.
-, - Thomas, 1650, Order for inserting him in a Pardon,
2 Oct.
Rowland, Samuel, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Rowse, Simon, 1649, Pardon for him approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
Rudyard, Sir Benjamin, 1651, Certificate touching arresting him for a Debt of Mr. Pymm's, read; Order for his Discharge -For Leave to the Plaintiff to issue out a Writ, 13 June, Amended.
Rupert, Prince, 1649, Letter from the Hague to him, subscribed Charles R. read, 14 Aug.
Russell, James, 1648, Letter from him and others, read, 23
-, - Captain, 1650, Order for receiving his Troop into
Pay for Three Months, 4 Mar.
-, - Mary. Vide Jacob, Harmon.
Russia, 1649, the Council of State to prepare a Letter to the Emperor touching the Continuance of the Trade; Speaker to sign it, 11 Jan.
Rutland, 1649, Committees added for the Assessment of 90,000£.
per Mensem, 23 May.-High Sheriff appointed; Order for
a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.
-, - Earl of. Vide Belvoir Castle-1649, his Petition read;
Order prohibiting the Miners to disturb his Possession in Hadden,
28 Mar.-Referred to the Chief Justice and Chief Baron to
settle the Difference, 30 May.-Their Certificates and his
Petition, read; the Justices of Assize for the County, to determine the Business, 25 June.-Miners Representation read;
his Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 22 Aug.
-Order for making Report, 7 Sept. Report re-committed to the Committee to consider of a fit Person to be Barmaster.-Report; previous and main Questions, that
Thomas Saunders do execute the Office, so far as it is judicial,
for Six Months, severally Affirmative, 4 Oct.
Ryme, John. Vide Stamford, Christopher.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
SALOP County; Members to sign and send Copies of a Letter for quickening the bringing in the Assessments and Arrears for the Army, 23 Sept.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords-Members to write into the Country, and take care for bringing in the Assessments for the Army.
Saltash, Mr. Ordinance from Lords for him, 14 Nov.
Sampson, a Ship from Bristol, Report concerning it, to be made, 11 Sept.
Sandown Castle, the Committee at Derby House to write to the Committee of Kent and Colonel Rich, to attend Lord Admiral, and consider the Defects of it, the Charge of repairing and maintaining it, and of an Establishment for the Maintenance thereof, 8 Sept.-Matter referred to the Committee of Kent and Colonel Rich, 24 Nov.
Sarke, Isle of, Report concerning it, to be made, 31 Oct.
Scarborough, Order for Shipping to block it up by Sea; and for sending Forces to carry on the Siege of the Castle, 4 Sept.- Letter concerning taking the Town, with a List of Prisoners, read-Order for securing and trying them-For a Reward to the Messenger-For sending Ammunition-Lord Admiral to be acquainted with the State of the Siege before the Castle, and desired to send down Shipping-Order for sending down Ammunition, 15 Nov.-A Committee impowered to raise voluntary Contributions for Relief of the Forces-Proceedings of other Committees for their Relief, approved; Letter to acquaint them therewith, ordered, 20 Dec. -Letter touching the Surrender of the Castle, and Articles thereupon, read-General to send home the Forces that came out of the Castle-To appoint a Commander-Order for a Reward to the Messenger. Severally agreed to by Lords.
Scotland. Vide Prisoners-Letter and Papers touching the late Invasion of the Scots, and the Invitations thereto, referred to a Committee, with Power to send to the Committee at Derby House for Letters with them, 5 Sept.-The Committee of the Revenue to satisfy Bills of Exchange charged upon them by the Parliament's late Commissioners sent thither, -Letter from the Committee of Estates, with an inclosed Letter of Credence of Sir John Chiesley; former to be communicated to Lords, with Desire to return the Original; the Committee at Derby House to receive what Sir John has to deliver-Letter from the Commissioners of the Kirk, 26 Oct. -Order for making Report of what Sir John Chiesley has communicated, 2 Nov.-Letter from the Committee of Estates, read, and to be communicated to Lords; Order for printing it; Lords Concurrence to be desired-The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to state the matter of Fact touching Monies that were to be paid to the Scots, and the particular Assignments thereof-Resolution for sending Commissioners into Scotland to keep up a good Correspondence between the Two Nations; a Committee to present Names of fit Persons, and Instructions for them, 17 Jan.-Letters from the Committee of Estates, to be considered. Read, and referred to a Committee; the Committee to consider of fit Persons to be sent to the Scots Parliament, and prepare an Answer thereto-To examine whether the Letters are printed, and by whose Direction.
Scroope, Sir Gervas, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 19 Sept.
Scudamore, Lord Viscount, and Son, their Fines accepted; Ordinance for pardoning their Delinquencies, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 19 Sept.
Sedgewick, Mr. desired to preach, 25 Oct.-Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 29 Nov.
Serjeant, Order for repaying him 483£. 5s. disbursed for the Service of the House, 9 Oct.-Person to attend during his Sickness, 21 Dec.-The Committee of the Tower to consider of a fit Place to keep his Prisoners, 5 Jan.-Order for paying him 200£. per Annum for Necessaries for the House.
Serjeants at Law, Commissioners of the Great Seal report the Names of several to be made; Order for Writs for calling them, 12 Oct. Lords Concurrence signified-Message desiring their Feast may be put off, and another Serjeant be called, agreed to-Another Message desiring Four others may be called, agreed, to . Another nominated by House; Order for Writs for calling them, agreed to by Lords-Order touching Precedence in swearing them, 13 Nov.-Message from Lords concerning the Ring delivered by them to be sent to the King.
Seymour, Mrs. the Committee at Haberdashers Hall to state the Business touching her Money, 6 Jan.
Shepeard, Nicolas, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 4 Sept.
Sheriffs, Members for the several Counties to present Names of fit Persons to be Sheriffs, 30 Oct.-Nomination of them, to be considered, 13 Nov. Several nominated. Agreed to by Lords, with Amendments-Sheriffs to execute their Offices without taking the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, 15 Jan.
Sidney, Colonel Algernoon, Ordinance from Lords appointing him Lieutenant of Dover Castle, read, and agreed to, 13 Oct.
Silly, Isle of, Copy of the Governor of Plymouth's Letter to the Governor thereof, read; his Proceedings approved, 13 Sept.-Letters from thence, read; Order for exchanging the Prisoners in the Isle-For paying One of them 100£. for his present Relief, and towards his Expences, 7 Oct.
Skippon, Major General, Ordinance concerning him, to be reported, 24 Oct.
Skynner, Captain, Order for trying him and other Pirates taken with him, by the Court of Admiralty, 28 Nov.
Sleaford, William, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 19 Sept.
Smith, Sebastian. Vide Poyntz, John.
Smithby, Thomas, his Debt allowed; Ordinance for Payment thereof, ordered, 30 Dec.-Read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 15 Jan.
Smyth, John, of Small Combes-Court, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pordoning his Delinquency, read, and passed;
Lords Concurrence to be desired, 19 Sept.
-, - John, of Oxon, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence
to be desired, 26 Sept.
Soldiers, maimed, the Committee of the Army to confer with Major Husbands, whether they want Surgeons-Those cured to be placed in the Hospitals in Kent, and have the Preference, 8 Sept.-Order for an additional Allowance of £. per Week to those in the Savoy-Ordinance for an additional Allowance of 120£. per Week for wounded Soldiers and Widows, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, -Petition of Treasurers, with Particulars annexed, read, and referred to the Committee for maimed Soldiers; the Committee to take effectual Course for Redress of Grievances and Obstructions mentioned therein, 9 Nov.-Order for a Collection in the House for the Wives and Widows of poor Soldiers, 8 Dec.-General's Letter touching sick and maimed Soldiers; Order for 400£. to buy Bedding, & c. 6 Jan.
Solicitor General, appointed, 12 Oct.
Somerset County, Members to sign and send Copies of Letters, for quickening the bringing in the Assessments and Arrears of the Army, 23 Sept.-Order for disbanding the new-raised Forces; the Committee to pay their Arrears, deducting for free Quarter, 23 Oct.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords, -Members to write into the Country, and take care for bringing in the Assessments for the Army, -Petition of well-affected Inhabitants concerning Justice, Safety, and Religion, read; Petitioners thanked, 21 Dec.-Member to prepare Letter to encourage the Association made in the County -Commander of the associated Forces, appointed.
Southampton County, Members to send Letters into the Country
for quickening the bringing in the Assessments and Arrears of
the Army, 23 Sept.-Order for disbanding the new-raised
Forces; the Committee of the County to pay their Arrears,
deducting for free Quarter, 23 Oct.-25 Nov.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov.
Another appointed by Lords, agreed to, -Another
appointed in his stead; Lords Concurrence to be desired,
1 Jan.
-, - Town, Order for sending down Arms and Ammunition, 25 Sept.-For disbanding the new-raised Men,
25 Nov.
-, - Earl of, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning
his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be
desired, 28 Sept.
Southwark, Petition of divers Inhabitants, read, and referred to a Committee, 18 Jan.
Speaker. Vide Privileges-Gives a casting Vote, 9 Oct.
Spencer, Richard, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 19 Sept.
Spicer, Nicolas, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 4 Sept.
Spiller, Sir Henry, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read; Question for Commitment, Neg. Ordinance passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 20 Sept.
Sprye, Mary, Order for paying her 50£. in Part of her Husband's Arrears, 18 Nov.
Stafford County, Order for Money for the Horse, sent to Lords, 2 Sept.-Member to write Letters into the Country to quicken the bringing in the Assessments and Arrears of the Army, -Other Members to write and take care for bringing the Assessments for the Army, 25 Nov.
Stage-plays, Sheriffs to put in Execution the Ordinances for suppressing them; Members to deliver the Order to them, 4 Nov.
Standish, Edward, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 19 Sept.
Steyning, new Writ, 20 Sept.
Stoke, Order for preserving Elms there for a Land-mark, and for Satisfaction to the Owner, 3 Jan.
Storey, James, his Petition read; Ordinance from Lords for discharging him and Edward Chard from a Contract for the Manor House of Ford, and Park, and all Penalties thereupon, read; Question for Second Reading, Neg. Ordinance rejected, 17 Oct.
Stowell, Sir John, Mr. Sollicitor to examine how the Business against him goes on this Term, 16 Oct.
Strickland, Mr. ordered to go upon his former Negotiation with the States General and Provincial, 13 Sept.-His Letter referred to the Committee of the Navy to discharge a Ship bound for Amsterdam, driven upon the Coast of Wales, and staid by Parliament, 12 Dec.-Leave given to transport Two Horses, Custom and Impost free, -His Letter read; Order for a Letter of Thanks, 6 Jan.-Another read; Order for allowing him 600£. per Annum, paying the Arrears of his former Allowance, and for quarterly Payments for the future.
Suffolk, Members to sign and send Letter for quickening the bringing in the Assessments and Arrears of the Army, 23 Sept. -Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords, -Member to write into the Country, and take care for bringing in the Assessments for the Army.
Sunday, Bill for better Observation thereof, read, 18 Nov.
Supernumeraries, the Committee at Derby House to consider what is fit to be done with those in several Counties that are not of the general Army, and have been raised upon the late Alarms and the Scots Invasion, 4 Oct. Order for making Report, & -For adding Lancashire; Gentlemen of the County to attend the Committee. Orders for disbanding them in several Counties.
-, - Order for the Book of Rates, sent to Lords, 2 Jan.-A
Committee to consider how 300,000£. may be raised for the
Navy, and other public Services.
Ordinances of Supply.
-, - Ordinance for continuing the Assessments for the Army
Six Months longer, after the Determination of the Ordinance
now in Force, ordered, 19 Sept. Read, and passed; Lords
Concurrence to be desired.
-, - Ordinance for raising 100,000£. for Pay of Arrears to
the reduced Officers mentioned therein, read, 30 Sept.-
Committed to a Committee of the whole House, 9 Oct. The
Committee sits.
-, - Ordinance for charging 50,000£. upon Goldsmiths Hall,
5 Oct.
Surry, Ordinance for disposing of the new Sequestrations in the County, returned from Lords, with Amendments; Amendments read, and committed, 9 Sept. The Committee revived; Order for their meeting,-Amendments reported, read, and agreed to, 18 Oct.-Members to sign and send Letters into the Country for quickening the bringing in the Assessments and Arrears of the Army, 23 Sept.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords, -Members to write into the Country, and take care for bringing in the Assessments for the Army.
Sussex, Members to sign and send down Letters for quickening the bringing in the Assessments and Arrears of the Army, 23 Sept.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords, -Members to write into the Country, and take care for bringing in the Assessments for the Army.
Swan Frigate, to be victualled and kept out, 28 Sept.
A. 1648, 1649, 1650 & 1651.
SABBATH-BREAKING, 1649, Attorney General to prepare a Proclamation for more effectual putting in Execution the Laws against Sabbath-breaking, Swearing, Cursing, Drunkenness, and Whoredom; the Commissioners of the Great Seal to give Order for printing a convenient Number, and to issue them out to the Sheriffs, & c. to proclaim them in common Form, 2 Nov.
Sackville College, 1650, Petition of poor People there, read, and referred to a Committee, with Power to compose the Differences, 31 May-All that come to have Voices, 20 June.
Sadler, Adjutant General, 1649, Order for paying him 150£. upon Account, 10 Aug.
Sadowski, alias Sedescue, George. Vide Jacob, Harmon.
Salisbury, Earl of, 1650, Report touching him, to be made, 13 Apr.-His Petition, with the State of his Case concerning the Office of Keeper of Theobalds and Cheshunt Parks, and his Interest therein, reported; Business referred to a Committee, 15. Report re-committed; Lawyers to be injoined to attend the Committee; all that come to have Voices, -Order for making Report, 8 May. Report; his Petition read; Resolution that the Grant of Herbage and Pennage of the Parks are to be taken as incident to the Custody, and not as a distinct Interest; Petition referred to the Committee of Obstructions in the Sale of Crown Lands.
Salop County, 1648, a Committee to prepare Letter to the Commissioners for the Assessments for 600,000£. to make Estimate of the Losses and Damages sustained by the coming in of the Scots, and by the Forces sent down for their Defence, 13 Feb.-Commissioners for the Assessments for the Army, added, 18 Mar.
Saltstonstall, Sir Richard, 1650, Petition read, 5 Dec.
Salt, 1649. Vide Supply.
-, - and Grindstones, 1649, Business concerning them, referred
to the Council of State, 16 May.
-, - Petre, 1648, the Council of State to take care the Salt
Petre Works be continued; Act for that Purpose, ordered,
10 Mar.
-, - 1649, Act touching making Salt Petre and Gun-powder,
read, and rejected, 28 May-The Council of State to consider of providing Salt Petre for the Use of the Commonwealth, 10 July.
Saltery Wares, 1649. Vide Supply.
Salvietti, Amerigo, 1651, his Credentials, and Letter to Speaker, read; Day appointed for giving him Audience by a Committee; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint him therewith, 15 May. The Committee appointed; his Credentials to be delivered to them; their Proceedings, with his civil Deportment, and Speech, reported; Speech read twice; the Council of State to give him Audience when they think fit; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint him therewith.
Salwey, Humphry, 1651, Petition read; Order for paying his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, 300£. per Annum out of the Profits of the Office of Remembrancer of the Exchequer for Seven Years after his Death, towards Payment of his Debts-The Reversion granted to a Person upon those Conditions, 15 July.
Samford, Mary, 1649, Report touching her entering into a
Combination to make Sir Jacob Garrett a Delinquent, referred back; Order for her Commitment to Newgate in the
mean time, 2 Feb.
-, - 1650, Report that she was the first Mover and most vigorous Prosecutor; Order for whipping her from Newgate
to the Old Exchange, and committing her to Bridewell to
hard Labour for Three Months; Sheriffs to see the Sentence
executed, 13 Aug.
Samuel, Arthur, 1649, Proviso for securing his Debt upon the Sale of Deans and Chapters Lands, rejected; a Committee to examine and state the Matter of Fact, 30 Apr.-Order for their meeting, and making Report, 7 May-His Petition referred to the Committee of the Army to examine how much of his Debt remains unpaid, 26 June.
Sancta Clara, a Ship, 1649, the Council of State to consider the Matter of Fact touching it, and what is sit to be done thereupon, 5 Dec. Order for making Report, 29 Jan.- Report; Order for the Delegates to proceed upon the Appeal of Colonel Manwaring and Partners; the Committee of the Navy to provide 50,000£. to be paid to whom it shall appear due, 9 Feb.
Sanderson, Colonel, 1649, Report touching the Pay of his Regiment, to be made, 11 Oct. Made; Resolution for paying
them 900£. towards their Satisfaction.
-, - Lieutenant Nicolas, 1650, Petition read; Order for
paying him the Moiety of his Discoveries, 4 Mar.
Sandown Castle, 1648, the Council of State to consider thereof, and of an Estimate for repairing the Breaches and supplying Defects, and where Monies may be raised to supply them, 13 Mar.-Report; the Committee of the Revenue to pay Monies already disbursed for that Service, and the Council of State to give Order for making it defensible, and fit for Soldiers to lodge in, 23 May.
Sarum, New, 1649, a Committee to consider of doubling Monies advanced by the City upon the Act for Sale of Deans and Chapter's Lands, 23 May-Mayor's Proceedings in pursuing and re-taking Prisoners, approved; Thanks thereupon; Sheriff to defray the Expences, 23 Nov.-Mayor's Letter, with Book inclosed, intituled, "The Doctrine of the Fourth "Commandment deformed by Popery, reformed, & c." read; Letter of Thanks, ordered; Book referred to the Committee for plundered Ministers, 1 Mar. Matter of Fact, and several Examinations, reported; Book voted erroneous, scandalous, and prophane; Order for burning it by the Marshal- For apprehending and imprisoning the Author-For punishing the Printer and Publisher.
Saxton, Joseph. Vide Heywood, Richard.
Scarborough, 1648, Order for respiting the Excise during the Siege, 14 Mar.
Scawen, Lieutenant Colonel, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
Schaph, Lord Gerard, 1650, Order for an honourable Reception of him as Commissioner from the Provincial States of
Holland and West Friesland, 21 May. His Letter read, with
a Translation of his Letters of Credence; Declaration that
the Parliament expects his Addresses to be made agreeable to
the Form directed by them; Vote to be delivered to him.
Report of Delivery,-His Letter to Speaker, read, and
englished; Day appointed for giving him Audience; previous
Question for referring to a Committee to consider of the Manner of receiving him, Neg. 7 June. Manner thereof; he
presents his Credentials; delivers his Speech by Word of
Mouth; Speaker to report his Desires. Copy thereof in
French and English, read; a Committee to withdraw, and
prepare Answer; Answer reported, and read; Addition
thereto, read; Day appointed for giving it; Master of the
Ceremonies to acquaint him therewith. Answer from
the Council of State, reported, read twice, and agreed to,
with Amendments; Clerk to attest it; Speaker delivers an
Answer by Word of Mouth, and afterwards in Writing,
signed by the Clerk.
-, - 1651, Paper delivered by him to the Council of State,
read; the Council to consider what just Satisfaction is to be
demanded for Affronts offered to the Ambassadors of the
Commonwealth, and their Retinue, 29 Apr. Vide Strickland,
School, 1650, Act for disabling all Delinquents to keep Schools, ordered, 9 Oct.
Scobell, Henry. Vide Clerk of House.
Scotland, 1648, Answer to Scots Commissioners Papers, reported,
and to be read, 2 Feb. Read, and referred to a Committee, Order for making Report. Declaration in Answer
thereto, reported; read Paragraph by Paragraph, and
agreed to; Order for printing and publishing it. Title
read, and agreed to-Commissioners Letter, with a
Paper inclosed, subscribed by them, read; a Committee to
withdraw, and word a Vote on the Sense of the House upon
the Paper; Declaration thereupon, reported; Order for sending a Duplicate to the Parliament and Kingdom of Scotland,
to know whether they will own it; the Council of State to
take care of sending it; Declaration and Order, to be printed
and published-Order for setting a Guard upon the Commissioners Lodgings; none to be admitted to them but for their
Supply of Necessaries. Report that they are at the Fort
under Guard; previous and main Questions for sending them
into Scotland with a Guard by Land, severally Affirmative;
the Council of State to give Order for speedy Execution
thereof, and prepare a Letter to be sent to the Scots Parliament, -Parliament's Letter, wherein was inclosed a
Duplicate of the Commissioners Paper, read; Letter and
Duplicate referred to the Council of State, 14 Mar.
-, - 1649, Draught of a Letter to be sent to the President of
the Scots Parliament, reported, read, and agreed to; Speaker
to sign it; the Council of State to see it sent, 22 May-
Their Answer read; the Council to consider how the Parliament's Demands may be prosecuted, and they vindicated from
the Aspersions in the Letter, 2 July. Report; Resolution
that it lays an Incapacity of prosecuting the former Demands
by Treaty, -Declaration concerning the late Endeavours in
a peaceable Way to remove all Misunderstandings between the
Two Nations, reported, read twice, passed, and to be printed;
the Council of State to see it done-Part of a Book,
intitu'ed, "A Remonstrance and Declaration of the general
"Assembly of the Curch of Scotland," read; the Committee of Complaints to examine the Business, and send for
the Printer, 14 Aug.-Order for continuing the Restraint
of the Payment of 50,000£. to the Scots, 24 Oct.
-, - 1650, Letter from Edinburgh, read, and referred to the
Council of State, and they are required, by all Ways and
Means they shall think fit, to prevent Invasions from abroad,
and preserve the Peace of the Nation from all Tumults and
Insurrections, 9 Apr.-Report; Debate thereon adjourned,
11 June. Resumed; Resolution that the General and Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland be commanded to go upon this Northern
Expedition; the Council of State to acquaint the General
therewith; Order for a Commission to him. Commission reported, read twice, and agreed to; their Readiness reported; all Commissions to continue in Force till the General
shall renew or alter them, -His Letter read; his Desire
to be excused, reported; a Committee to attend him, and let
him know the Parliament's good Acceptation of his Services,
and that they are persuaded of his continued Fidelity and Affection to the Commonwealth. His Thanks reported, -Referred to the Council of State touching Carriages to
be make Use of for the Army, 14 June. Upon Report from
them, Resolutions for appointing a Commissary for Victual,
with an Assistant and Two Clerks, and touching their Establishment-For adding Three Waggons to the Train for Lord
Lieutenant's Use-For raising a Regiment of Foot for him,
under such Officers as he shall appoint-Touching Pay for
them, -Report from the Council of State, that an Invasion cannot be prevented but by marching an Army into Scotland; Declaration setting forth the Justice and Necessity of
such an Expedition, read twice; Resolutions that it is just and
necessary for the Army of England to march into Scotland-
That they march forthwith; Declaration read again by Parts,
and agreed to, with Amendments; Scots Commissioners Paper of 24th February, 1648; Parliament's Declaration thereupon; their Letter to the Scots Parliament, 23d May, and
Scots Parliament's Answer, to be printed and published, with
the Declaration; the Council of State to see it done-To consider whether the Parliament's Declaration, 14th June, 1649,
be fit to be printed with it-To see the Vote for speedy
marching of the Army put in Execution, and stop all Correspondence and Commerce with Scotland, -Upon Report
from them, Order for allowing Lord General Twenty Corporals of the Field, and taking them upon the Establishment,
-Order for adding Forty, 5 Feb-Act to prohibit
all Commerce and Traffick with Scotland, ordered, 16 July.
Read twice, and committed. Order for meeting of the
Committee, and making Report, -Act reported, and
re-committed, 1 Aug. Reported from Re-commitment; Proviso added; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and
to be printed; the Council to take care it is published by
Beat of Drum; Order for certifying it into Chancery, -
Lord General's Declaration upou the March of the Army
into Scotland, read, and to be printed, 19 July-Letters
from the Army, read; a Committee to withdraw, and make
Extract of what are fit to be published; their Report, Three
Letters, and Extract of several, to be printed and published,
6 Aug.-Upon Report from the Committee of the Army; Order for 70,000£. out of Goldsmiths Hall, -Upon Report
from the Council of State, Order for allowing a Commissary
for Victuals for the marching Army, with an Assistant and
Two Clerks-For paying them according to the Establishment for Ireland; the Council to nominate him, -Report touching their Salaries, agreed to, 26 Sept.-Order for
10,000£. for a Magazine of Victuals-6,000£. to be charged
upon Haberdashers Hall-The Council to consider how the
other 4,000£. may be provided, 23 Aug.-Act and Declaration touching a Pamphlet, intituled, "A Declaration by the
"King's Majesty to his Subjects of Scotland, England, and
"Ireland," read at large, and then by Parts; Act passed, and
to be printed; the Council of State to see it put in Execution
-To consider of an Answer to the Declaration, -Answer reported, read at large, and then by Parts; Debate
thereon adjourned, 17 Sept. Resumed; Declaration agreed
to, with Amendments, and to be printed, -Lord General's Letter, with List of Officers taken at Dunbar, read, and
to be printed; the Council of State to prepare Letter of
Thanks to him; Speaker to sign it-Order for the Colours
taken there and at Preston to be hung up in Westminster Hall
-for Medals to be prepared for the Soldiery-for a Reward
to the Messengers-For providing Necessaries for the Army-
for a Thanksgiving, 10 Sept. Vide Thanksgiving-Other
Letters from Dunbar, read, -Desires in Lord General's
Letter, read; Ministers to go forthwith into Scotland, -
Another Letter from him, read, and returned to the Council
of State, -Relation of the State of the Army, -Answer of the Treasurers at War to a Proposition of the Council, together with an Account therewith presented, read; the
Committee of the Army to confer with the Commissioners for
compounding and others about the best Way of opening and
quickening that Receipt; Resolution for raising 400,000£. by
an Assessment-Touching the Proportion-The Times of
Payment. Vide Fee-farm Rents-Lord General's
Letter, read, and, except the Clause touching Monies, referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 4 Oct.-Report
from the Council of State touching the sending corrupt Bread
to the Army; Attorney General to prosecute the Offenders,
and proceed upon all Informations given him touching Deceits
in Provisions for the Army and Navy, -No Proceedings
to be had in any Courts of Justice against Persons in the
Army in Scotland, 18 Oct. Act for that Purpose, read twice,
-General's Letter reported from the Council of State,
-Act prohibiting all Persons to assist the Scots with Victuals, Arms, or Ammunition, read Second time; Question
for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed, 6 Nov.
-Letter touching the Customs of Goods to Scotland, read;
the Committee of the Navy to prevent these Obstructions.
-General's Letter touching taking off the Customs and
Excise, read, 24 Dec.-Order for all Officers and Soldiers
to repair to the Army-For setting apart Money for the extraordinary Charge of the War, 22 Nov.-For sending
Backs, Breasts, and Pots.-Report from the Council
of State touching Billet-Money, additional Pay and Allowance
of led Horses for Officers, to be considered, 3 Dec.-Considered; Resolution for continuing them Three Months,
-For continuing them Three Months longer, 15 Jan.
-For continuing them to 26th Instant; the Council of
State to give Account of the Business before that time,
6 Feb.-Their Report; Order for continuing them Three
Months longer from the Expiration of the former Order
21 Mar.-Order that no Captain leave his Charge without
his Field Officer's Leave, to be printed, 6 Dec.-General's Letters, with Papers of Intelligence, read, -Another
read, -Another touching the Surrender of Edinburgh Castle, with several Papers inclosed of Passages between him and
the Governor, and the Articles of Surrender, with List of
Arms, Ordnance, & c. therein, read, and to be printed; Order
for a Reward to the Messenger-For a Thanksgiving. Vide
Thanksgiving.-Register of all the Colours taken from the
Scots presented; Order for a Reward to the Presenter, 1 Jan.
- General's Letters read; One referred to the Council of State
.-Act for continuing the Committee of the Army and Treasurers at War, read twice; Questions for Commitment and
Ingrossment, severally Neg. Act passed, and to be printed
.-Proceedings of Members sent to the Army, reported;
Thanks thereupon-The Council of State to consider of fit
Persons to be sent as Commissioners, and of Instructions for
them.-Upon Report from the Council of State, Order
for making up Colonel Fenwick's Regiment 1,600 Men for
the Security of Edinburgh Castle and Leith, 12 Mar.-The
Council to prepare Declaration for all Officers and Soldiers to
repair to the Army. Declaration reported, and read;
the Council to take care they be sent.
-, - 1651, General's Letter to the President of the Council
of State, read, 1 Apr.-Another touching Augmentations to
the Apothecaries and Surgeons, referred to the Committee of
the Army, . Report touching additional Pay to them, agreed
to-Resolution for an Addition to the Judge Advocate's Pay
.-To commence from the time he went into Scotland,
26 June.-General's Letter read; Part touching the freeing
Goods sold for the State's Use, agreed to-Part concerning
the Excise and Customs on Salt confiscated to the State, and
Coals, & c. sent thither, referred to the Committee of the
Customs and Navy-Part concerning Commissioners to be
sent, referred to the Council of State-Last Part concerning
Hospitals, referred to the Committee on Bill for regulating them,
15 Apr.-Bill for Continuance of the Committee of the
Army and Treasurers at War, read twice; Questions for
Commitment and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Bill passed,
and to be printed-Question for sending 150 Horses out of the
Militias for Draught Horses for the Army, Neg. 18.-General's Letter read.-Necessary Establishment for Edinburgh Castle and Leith, reported, and agreed to, 9 May.-
Order touching their Pay, 1 Aug.-Order for continuing
Billet Money, additional Pay, and Led Horses; the Council of
State to consider how this Charge may be retrenched.-
Order for continuing them Three Months longer, 23 July.
-Letters from Edinburgh, read, 30 May.-Others from
Lord General, read, 10 & 26 June.-Order for adding
General's Life-guard to the Establishment, and for their Pay,
23 July.-General's Letter; Order for Letter of Thanks to
him, with Intimation of Thanks to the rest of the Officers-
For a Reward to the Messenger-For a Thanksgiving.
Vide Thanksgiving.-General's and other Letters read-
Upon Report from the Council of State, Liberty given them to
add 4,000 Men to the Establishment for Three Months-Order
for paying them, 1 Aug.-Estimate of the Charge reported;
Order for 20,000£. for their Pay.-Estimate of all the
Forces for Seven Months Fourteen Days, reported; Resolution
thereupon. Vide Supply.-General's Letter read.-
Another read, and returned to the Council of State.-Report from them touching the Entrance of the Scots Army into
England, referred to Members that are of the Council to present Act, as to such Particulars as are necessary, and not provided for.
Scott, Thomas, appointed one of the Council of State, 14 Feb.
1648-12 Feb. 1649-7 Feb. 1650.
-, - Stephen, 1649, Pardon for him approved; Order for
passing it under the Great Seal, 6 Mar.
-, - Captain Thomas, 1649, a Committee to audit and state
his Accounts, 10 May.-Order for making Report, 25 June.
-, - Lovell, 1649, to be admitted to double upon the Purchase
of Deans and Chapters Lands, 25 June.
Screw Mills, 1650, a Committee to prepare Act for preventing Mischiefs thereby, and by other Instruments for breaking open Doors and Houses, 10 Jan.
Scroope, Sir Gervas, 1650, to be admitted to pay the Remainder of his Composition, without Penalty, 30 July.
Scutt, Mr. 1649, to be admitted to double upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 2 June.
Seals of Courts, & c. 1648, Orders touching the Subscriptions of several; a Committee to take care of altering them 10 Feb. Alterations reported. The Committee of the Revenue to defray the Expences. Vide Courts of Justice.
Sedgewick, Stephen, 1649, Petition read, 9 Oct.
Serjeant, 1648, a Committee to consider of a Salary for him,
15 Feb.
-, - 1649 new Mace to be delivered to him, 6 June.-
Report touching his Fees and Salary; Resolution for allowing
him 500£. per Annum, and 200£. per Annum for his Servants;
Order for a Patent under the Geat Seal; Table of his Fees
read, and in part agreed to; Residue re-committed, 30 Aug.
-, - 1650, Person appointed to attend during his Sickness,
22 Jan.
-, - 1651, like Order, 2 May.
Serjeants at Law, 1649, Commissioners of the Great Seal to
consider of fit Persons to be Serjeants, 9 May.
-, - Inn, 1649, Act touching it, read; Contractor for the
Sale of Deans and Chapters Lands, to forbear contracting for
the Sale of the Inn-Order for removing all ill-affected Persons
out of their Chambers, 19 Oct.
Serles, John, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
Settle, 1651, Letters from thence read, and returned to the Council of State, 14 Aug.
Sewers, 1648, a Committee to consider of fit Persons to be in
the Commissions; Commissioners of the Great Seal not to put
in any, except recommended by them, 8 Feb.
-, - 1649, Alterations and Omissions of the Commissions, reported, read, and agreed to, 2 Apr.-Commissioners of the
Great Seal impowered to grant Commissions, 29 June.
Seymour, Mr. 1648, the Council of War to consider his Case,
and dispose of him, 31 Jan.
-, - Edward, 1648, the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, to
state the Business touching the Review of his Composition,
12 Mar.
Shadford, Mr. 1650, Accusation and Examination touching him, referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, 15 Apr.
Shadwell, Thomas, 1649, Petition read, 24 July.
Shastoe, Captain, 1651, Business concerning him and Captain Rugge, referred to the Committee of the Revenue, 8 May. Vide Holy Island.
Shambrooke, Colonel, 1649, a Committee to state his Accounts, and pay Two Thirds of what is due; Liberty given him to come in for the Remainder by way of doubling upon Deans and Chapters Lands, 9 July.
Sharpe, Antony, 1648, appointed Commander of a Frigate
17 Mar.
-, - Captain, 1649, Order for disbanding his Troop,
5 May.
Shaw, Gregory, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Shepherdson, Captain, 1649, Order for disbanding his Troop, 5 May.
Shepperd, Mar. 1648, Vide Privileges.
Sherborne Hospital, 1650, Master appointed, 2 July.-Visitor appointed, 5.
Sheriffs, 1648, Form of an Oath to be taken by them, reported; a Committee to prepare Letter to them to take it at
the next Assizes; Commissioners of the Great Seal to grant
them Commissions, and send them with Letters from the
Speaker, requiring them to execute their Offices, 14 Feb.
Form of the Oath read, and agreed to-Order for them to
pay Monies levied by Process, & c. into the Exchequer-Act
for more easy passing their Accounts, read twice, and committed; Reported, passed, and to be printed.-Form of
Dedimus to take their Oaths, read, and agreed to.-Act
enabling them and other Officers of Justice to proceed in the
Execution of their Offices till their Commissions come to
them, read, passed, and to be printed.
-, - 1649, Business touching the Sheriffs to be considered;
Members to present Names of fit Persons to be Sheriffs for each
County, 24 & 31 Oct.-Sheriffs appointed-The Engagement to be added to their Oath-a Committee to consider with
the Barons of the Exchequer of some Course for more easy
passing their Accounts, 7 Nov.-Act for them to appoint Deputies to receive the Commands of the Parliament and Council
of State, and they to make Returns thereof, read twice, and
-, - 1650, reported, passed, and to be printed, 11 July.-
Day appointed for nominating Sheriffs; Members to present
Names of fit Persons, 29 Oct.-Sheriffs appointed, 7 Nov.
-A Committee to consider of easing their Burdens.
Sherwood, Thomas, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
Shilborne, Colonel, 1651, Order for stating the Account of his Arrears; the Committee of the Army to consider how 500£. may be paid to his Widow for Relief of herself and Children, 2 May.
Shrewsbury, 1651, Petition of Mayor, & c. read, 4 Apr.
Shuttleworth, Colonel Nicholas, 1648, Report from the Council
of State, that there should be Addition of Money for disbanding
his Forces, 6 Mar.
-, - 1649, Order for paying them, 1,200£.-Such as disobey
to lose the Benefit thereof, 9 Apr.
Sidney, Colonel Algernoon, 1649, a Committee to audit and state
his Accounts, 10 May.-Report; Account allowed; Order
for paying him, 1,809£. 13s. 8d. 13 Oct.
-, - 1650, his Petition read, and referred to a Committee;
Order for Stay of Proceedings, by the Court Martial, 14 Jan.
Information of a Breach of the Order. Vide Privileges.
-, - 1651, Order for restoring his Goods and Horses, 28
Silly, Isle of, 1651, Ambassadors to the States General to demand upon what Grounds Van Trump's Fleet is set forth, in Reference to that Island-The Council of State to prevent Prejudice to the Commonwealth thereby, 1 Apr.-Letters concerning that and Trescoe Island, read, 6 June.-Other Letters, with the Articles of Surrender of St. Maries and Agnes, and List of Officers, & c. belonging to Sir John Grenville, read; Relation of the Proceedings of the Ships and Forces there, and the Manner of taking them-Information concerning the Deficiencies of Provisions in the Ships, referred to the Council of State.-Governor recommended by them; Power given them to chuse a Governor, and authorize him to take the Charge-Articles of Surrender confirmed.- Establishment for the Garison, reported, and agreed to, with an Amendment; Order for paying them-Articles to be transmitted to the Commissioners for compounding 11 July.
Simson, Mr. 1650, desired to preach, 4 Mar. Previous Question for thanking him, Neg. 14.
Sion College, 1648, Charter thereof to be presented, 6 Mar.
-, - 1651, the Committee for regulating the Universities to
consider the College, 22 May.
Skippon, Major General, 1648, appointed One of the Council
of State, 14 Feb.
-, - 1649, Act for paying him 2,000£. read twice, and
committed; the Committee to take care it be paid in part of
his Arrears, 19 June.-Act reported, and to be ingrossed, 20
July.-A Committee to find out Lands of the clear yearly
Value of 1,000£. to be settled upon him, 19 June.-Revived; Order for meeting and sitting de die in diem, 1 Mar.
-, -Previous and main Questions for appointing him One of
the Council of State, severaly Affirmative, 12 Feb.-The
Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to pay him 1,000£. out of
Lands formerly appointed to the Prince Elector, 1 Mar.
-, - 1650, a Committee to set out Lands of the clear yearly
Value of 1,000£. to be settled on him and his Heirs, 6 Apr.
-Order for paying 1,000£. per Annum half yearly, till an
Act for settling that Sum on him and his Heirs be passed, 30
May.-Act read twice, and committed, 31 Dec.-Resolution for appointing him One of the Council of State, 7 Feb.
-, - 1651, Act for settling 1,000£. per Annum on him and
his Heirs, reported, and to be ingorssed, 1 July. Passed.
-Ordinance impowering him to command all the Forces in
the City, to be turned into an Act, 12 June. Vide London.
-, - Mary. Vide Morgan, Dame Anne.
Slater, Robert, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Slaughter, Thomas, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
Slingsby, Colonel Walter, 1650, to be tried by the High Court of Justice, 28 June. Vide Stowell, Sir John.
Smith, Solomon, 1648, Petition against him read; Petitioners
to have Liberty to proceed at Law, 15 Feb.
-, - Nicolas. Vide Nicholls, Richard.
-, - Henry, 1649, Certificate of his Accounts; Account
allowed; Liberty given him to double upon the Purchase of
Deans and Chapters Lands, 31 Aug.
-, - Doctor Sebastian, 1649, Petition read, 18 Sept. Order
for allowing him 60£. per Annum for Life.
-, - Edward, 1649, Pardon for him approved; Order for
passing it under the Great Seal, 6 Mar.
-, - Major Thomas, 1650, the Committee of the Army to
examine his Accounts; the Committee of Accounts upon their
Allowance to pass them, he dying before he was sworn, 12
-, - Captain John, 1651, Petition read, and referred to the
Committee of maimed Soldiers, 9 May.
Smithby, Mr. 1650, Petition to be read, 22 June.-Anothe
read; Certificate of his Accounts reported, 15 Nov.
-, - 1651, General's Letter touching him and his Petition,
read; Order for paying him 2,000£. 17 July.
Smyth, Francis, 1649, State of the Business between him and
Richard Alford, reported; Alford's Petition read; the Committee of Indemnity to hear and determine the Business;
Order for Stay of Execution in the mean time, 12 June.
-, - Maurice, 1649, Question for pardoning him, Neg.
13 June.
-, - John and others, 1649, Petition read, and referred to
the Committee of Indemnity, 17 July.
-, - Jane, 1649, Pardon for her approved; Order for passing
it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
-, - Ralph, 1649, Certificate that he has discovered several
Clippers and Coiners; Order for pardoning him under the
Great Seal, 9 Mar.
-, - Lieutenant Colonel, 1650, Petition of his Widow, to
be read, 22 June.
-, - Captain, 1650, upon Report from the Council of State
touching Designs in several Counties against the Commonwealth; Order for taking his Regiment upon the Establishment,
and paying them accordingly, 13 Aug.
-, -John, 1650, Petition read; Certificate of his Accounts;
Order for paying 337£. 8d. 15 Nov.
-, - Widow, 1650, Order for paying her 50 £. out of the Boxmoney, for the Use of her Children, 6 Feb.
Soames, Sir Thomas, 1649, to be summoned to the Bar for not appearing at the proclaiming Act to abolish the kingly Office, 31 May.-Examined thereupon; Order disabling him from sitting during this Parliament-For discharging him from being Alderman, and bearing any Office of Trust, 1 June.
Soap, 1650, the Committee of Excise to examine the Excise
upon Soap, and the Materials thereof, 24 Sept.
-, - 1650, Petition read; Business concerning Sir Basil Brook,
and the Soap Business, referred to a Committee; Petition
referred, 29 May.
Soldiers, 1648, Petition of maimed Soldiers in the Savoy and
Ely House, read; Order for 3,000£. for them-For paying
the Residue of their Arrears at 120£. weekly, and for constant
Payment for the future, 3 Feb. The 3,000 £. to be raised
upon the Credit of Money transferred to the Use of the
Navy, 6.-The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to pay it
forthwith, notwithstanding Anticipations; the Committee
of the Revenue to repay them, 5 Mar. Members sent to
expedite the Payment.-Petition of maimed Soldiers in
the Hospitals in and about London, and of the Widows and
Orphans of Soldiers slain, read, and referred to a Committee,
13 Feb.
-, - 1649, Petition of poor distressed Widows, read; a
Committee to consider of the State of the Hospitals, and how
Provision may be made for them and their Children, 14 May.
-Report; Order for an additional Allowance of 260£.
per Week, to be charged upon the Excise and Goldsmiths
Hall-For paying the Arrears of 100£. per Week, formerly
charged upon Guildhall, out of that Treasury; the Committee to send for the Treasurers, and examine the State of
their Receipts and Payments, and consider what may be
further charged upon that Receipt, 8 June.-To confer with
the Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall and the Excise about giving
Relief pursuant thereto-Petition of maimed Soldiers in the
Savoy, read.-A Committee to take the Accounts of the
Treasurers for them upon Oath, 5 July.-Act for Relief of
maimed Soldiers in Scotland and Ireland, read.-Certificate of the Accounts of the Soldiery, reported, and approved; the Committee to give out Debentures-Act for the
Salaries and Allowance to the Auditors of their Accounts,
read, and passed, 21 Aug.-Petition of those in the Savoy
and Ely House, read; Order for paying them 1,100£. out of
Guildhall, revoked; Order for paying it out of Goldsmiths
Hall or Guildhall, as shall first happen, 7 Sept.-For paying
it out of Goldsmiths Hall.-Petition of maimed Soldiers
and distressed Widows, read, and referred to the Committee
of the Army.-A Committee to prepare Bill for stating
their Accounts, 20 Nov.-Petition of 300 maimed Soldiers
and distressed Widows, with Certificate annexed, referred to
the Committee of the Army, 15 Feb.
-, - 1650, the Committee for them to bear the Expences of
Eighty going to the Bath, 19 Apr. Order for 500£. out of
Excise for that Use.-Petitions of maimed Soldiers in
Ely House, read, and referred to the Committee for Hospitals,
4 Mar.
-, - 1651, the Committee to consider of Provision for them
and their Wives, and for the Widows of those slain, and examine how Monies collected for their Relief have been disposed of, 15 Apr.-Petition of 100 maimed Soldiers, referred
to the Committee for them, with Power to issue Warrant for
500£. for supporting of such as are necessarily to go to Bath
.-Treasurers to pay the Money-Bill for Relief of
Widows and Children of Soldiers slain, and of sick and
maimed Soldiers, to be read, 1 May. Read twice, and committed.-Order for Medicaments and other Provisions
for those in Ely House and other Hospitals, 19 June.
Sollicitor General, 1649, Commissioners of the Great Seal to
consider of a fit Person for that Office, 9 May.
-, - 1651, Master of the Rolls impowered to determine the
Difference between him and Henry and Richard Darley,
23 Apr.
Sollicitors, 1649, ill-affected, to be removed out of the Inns of Court and Chancery, 19 Oct.
Somerset County, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a
Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, Report from the Council of State touching
raising and paying a Regiment of Horse to be Part of the Militia; Order impowering Colonel Popham to raise them; the
Council to grant him a Commission; Part of the Report
touching Money to be considered, 10 May.-High Sheriff
appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7
Nov.-Members for the County to consider of additional
Commissioners for the Assessments, 17 Dec.
-, - House, 1649, to be reserved for the Use of the Commonwealth, 30 June.
-, - Sir John, 1651, to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of
Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
Sourton, Robert, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.
Southampton County, 1648, Committees added, 7 Mar.
-, - 1649, Committees Letter read, 13 June.-Committees added for the Assessment of 90,000 £. per Mensem, 23
June-24 July-4 Feb.-High Sheriff appointed;
Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.-
Committee added to all the Committees-Question for suspending the Collection of Assessments for the British Army
for a Month, Neg. 18 Feb.
-, - 1650, Member sent down to settle the Militia, 22 Aug.
-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under
the Great Seal, 7 Nov.-Member sent down for the Service of the Commonwealth, 19 Feb.
-, - Earl of, 1650, Leave given him to travel from Stratton
to Titchfield and back again, for Three Months, 6 Apr.-
Time inlarged, 22 June.
Southcott, Lady, 1649, Petition to be read, 26 Oct.
-, - 1650, Order for paying her 300 £. out of her Discoveries, 7 June.
Southwark, 1648, a Committee to prepare Ordinance for settling
the Militia, 2 Feb. Order for their meeting, and sitting de
die in diem.
-, - 1649, Act to be presented, 11 May.-Read twice;
Commissioners added; Act passed, and to be printed, 19
July.-Petition of Inhabitants read; Order for them to pay
the Eighth Part of future Assessments for Surrey, 30 Mar.
-Provost Marshal appointed, with Power to seize Malignants and disaffected Persons, 25 May.-Petition of the
Inhabitants of the Borough and neighbouring Parishes, referred
to a Committee, 4 Dec.-The Committee of the Militia to
remove Powder out of private Houses, 9 Feb.-Act for preaching the Gospel, and Maintenance of Ministers, ordered.
-, - 1650, Proceedings of the Militia in raising and maintaining Horse, approved; Order for continuing them,
24 Sept.
-, - 1651, Act touching the Militia, read, 12 Aug. Vide
Spain, 1649, Agent to that Kingdom appointed, 29 Jan. Order for a Commission under the Great Seal. Vide Ascham,
-, - 1650, Copy of the King's Letter to Admiral Robert
Blake, read, 24 Dec.-Resolution for sending Ambassadors
into Spain; the Council of State to present fit Persons 25 Feb.
Spalding, 1651, Petition of Tenants of the Manor, read, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 1 May.
Spanish Ambassador, 1649, his Paper touching 50,000£. taken by a Parliament Ship, and Petition of Persons interested, reported from the Council of State; Business referred to them, 5 Apr.-Vide Gardenas, Alphonso de.
Sparke, Samuel and William, 1650, Pardon for them, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Speaker, 1648, gives a casting Vote, 8 Mar.
-, - 1649, Act for settling the Rectory or Parsonage House
of Burford, and some of the Glebe Lands upon him and his
Heirs, committed, 26 Apr.-Reported, and to be ingrossed,
4 May. Passed; Purchase-money to be paid to the Treasurers for Bishops Lands.-To stile himself Speaker of the
Parliament of England in his Letters to foreign States.
-, - 1650, gives a casting Vote, 28 Mar.-2 May.-
3 July.-with House, to attend the Muster of the Militias,
18 Oct.
Spicer, Dorothy, 1650, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 3 July.
-, - William, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 21 Feb.
Spices, 1649, Act for transporting them ungarbled, read twice, and committed, 7 Aug.-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 4 Oct. Passed.
Spirits, 1649. Vide Supply.
Spooner, Colonel, 1649, a Committee to state his Accounts, and
pay Two Thirds of what is due to him; Liberty given him to
come in for the Remainder by way of doubling upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 9 July.
-, - Philip, 1651, Order for a Pardon for him under the
Great Seal, 13 June.
Spottiswood, Lady, 1649, Order for allowing her 40s. per Week
for Six Months, 9 July.
-, - 1650, For continuing it till Midsummer, 23 Apr. Order
amended.-Her Case referred to the Committee touching
necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
Stafford, County, 1648, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a
Commission under the Great Seal, 21 Feb.-Petition of
well-affected Inhabitants, read, 21 Mar.
-, - 1649, Another Petition of well-affected Inhabitants,
read; Petitioners thanked, 2 May.-Petition of late disbanded Officers, to be read, 5 Oct.-High Sheriff appointed;
Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.
Stainer, James, 1650, his Proposals for Importation of foreign Bullion, reported from the Council of State, 8 Jan.
Stamford, 1649, Act for preaching the Gospel, and Maintenance
of Ministers there, ordered, 15 Mar.
-, - 1650, Petition of Aldermen, & c. concerning renewing
their Charter, read, and referred to the Committee for
Corporations, 11 Dec.
-, - Earl of, 1650, his Case reported; Petition read; Order
for paying him the Arrears of 1,500 £. per Annum, formerly
appointed him, till Lady-day next, 8 May.
Stamford, Christopher, and others, 1649, Petition read, and
referred to a Committee, 20 June.
-, - 1650, Act for settling Lands on them in Satisfaction of
their Damages sustained by the late King's Party, read twice;
Question for Commitment, Neg. 22 June.-A Committee to
consider of a Compensation to them.
-, - James, 1650, Order for paying his Widow, 10£. out of
the Box-money, for Relief of herself and Children, 4 Sept.
Standard, old, 1648, Order for taking it down, 2 Mar.
Stanmer, Joan, 1650, Order for inserting her in a Pardon, 2 Oct.
Stapeley, Antony, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 Feb. 1648-12 Feb. 1649.
Starchamber. Vide Tobacco.
Starkey, Philip, 1649, Order of 8th March, 1647, upon his Petition, amended, 17 Apr.
States, foreign. Vide Princes.
Statutes, 1648, Order touching the Inscription for the Seal of
them, 10 Feb.
-, - 1650, a Committee to consider what Statutes and Ordinances are fit to be repealed or continued, and how they may
be reduced into a more compendious Way, with Power to
advise with Judges and other Persons, 21 June.
Stedman, Mary. Vide Thompson, James.
Steel-wire Drawers, 1649, Petition read, 13 June. Vide Needlemakers.
Steele, William, 1649, to be admitted to practise within the Bar, and freed from his Readings, 16 Aug.
Stephens, John, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 3 July.
-, -William, 1649, appointed Judge of the Admiralty;
Order for a Patent under the Great Seal, 16 Aug.
-, - Henry, 1650, Petition read, 20 Dec.
-, - Major Richard, 1650, Petition read; Order for paying
him 600£. in Part of his Arrears, 20 Dec.
Stephens, Coleman-street, 1649, Petition of Inhabitants read, and referred to the Committee of plundered Ministers; previous and main Questions for a Committee to withdraw, and prepare a Vote, upon the Debate, severally Affirmative; Resolution reported, and agreed to, with Amendment; Order for paying them, 9 July.
Storry, Peter. Vide Molyn, Peter du.
-, - Mr. 1649, desired to preach, 2 Oct.-Thanked, and
to print his Sermon, 2 Nov.
Stonehouse, Sir James, 1650, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 15 Aug.-Another Petition read; the Committee to receive Information from the Commissioners for compounding; Order for Stay of selling his personal Estate, & c. 14 Mar.
Stones, William, 1649, Pardon for him approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
Stores, military. Vide Ordnance.
-, - 1651, Act for selling decayed Vessels, & c. read; the
Council of State to order the Commissioners of the Navy to
sell all unserviceable Stores, 25 July.
Stowell, Sir John, 1648, to be proceeded against for Life, 14
-, - 1650, to be tried by the High Court of Justice-Act appointing the Trial of him, David Jenkins, Colonel Walter
Slingsby, Browne Bushell, Colonel Gerard, and William Davenant, ordered, 28 June.-Read twice, and committed,
5 July. Reported, passed, and to be printed, 9.-Member to be examined before the Court in his Case, 18 Dec.
-, - 1651, Letter and Result of the Court upon his Business,
read, 1 May.-Another Letter and Certificate read, 10
June. Resolution that he stand in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates.
Strafford, John, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
Stratford, Layton. Vide Walthamstow.
Strickland, Walter, 1648, his Letters and Petition of Dutch
Merchants of the Intercourse, referred to the Council of State,
6 Mar.-Another Letter from him, read.
-, - 1649, his Proceedings in Holland reported from the
Council of State; Order for them to take special Care of the
Prosecution of this Business for the Advantage of the Commonwealth; Mr. Strickland to be thanked, 31 Oct.-His
Letter read, 25 Dec.-Another read, and referred to the
Council of State, 26 Jan.
-, - 1650, another read, and returned to them, 16 May.
-Another read; Order for an honourable Reception of a
Commissioner from the Province of Holland. Vide
Schaph, Lord Gerard.-Another Letter read, and referred
to the Council of State, 4 June.-Another, with Extracts
of Letters inclosed, read, and returned to them.-Another read, and returned to them, 4 July.-Mr. Strickland
thanked for his good Services, 1 Aug.-Leave given him to visit
Lord Gerard Schaph; Order for him to make Relation concerning the Affairs of Holland. Makes it; the Council
of State to consider of defraying his Charges, and recompensing his Services; Speaker gives him the hearty Thanks of
the House.-Resolution for appointing him Ambassador
Extraordinary to the Assembly of the United Provinces; previous and main Questions for appointing Lord Chief Justice
St. John, severally Affirmative; the Council of State to consider of dispatching them, and of Instructions; Commission,
and Letter, to be sent with them, 23 Jan.-Lord St. John's
Petition; House adhere to their former Vote; Account of the
Charge of the Ambassage reported; the Council to provide all
Necessaries.-Instructions, Letter to the States General, and Commission to the Ambassadors, reported, read, and
agreed to; Commission to be passed under the Great Seal;
Instructions and Credentials to be fair written, signed, and
sealed by Speaker with the Parliament Seal, 14 Feb. Ambassadors to attend to receive their Commission, & c. . Manner of receiving them; Instructions, & c. delivered. The Council of State to give them Instructions from time
to time.-Resolution for appointing him One of the
Council of State, 10 Feb.
-, - 1651, Ambassadors Letters to Speaker and the Council
of State, read; their Proceedings approved; Order for a
Letter of Encouragement and Approbation; Speaker to sign
and seal it; the Council to give them Instructions, to demand
upon what Grounds Van Trumpe's Fleet is set forth, in reference to the Isle of Silly, 1 Apr.-Seven Papers concerning
the Ambassadors, reported; their Proceedings upon an Affront
offered them, and the Council's Order for their Return, approved; the Council to give them what further Orders they
think fit; Papers re-delivered.-Ambassadors Letter, with
an inclosed Paper from the States General, read.-The
Council's Letters to them, with their Answers, and several
Transactions between them, reported, read, and re-delivered-
Mr. Thurlow's Narrative of the State of Affairs in Holland, of
the Proceedings of the Ambassadors, and of their Safety;
Orders of the Council, and Ambassadors Proceedings thereupon, approved; the Council to order them to continue there
for such a limited time as they shall think fit; Votes to be under Secrecy for Twenty Days, and not entered.-Extract of Ambassadors Letter, with Papers inclosed, reported,
6 June.-Report of their Return; Day appointed for them
to give an Account of their Negociation-the Council of State
on the same Day to report touching the Transactions of the
Ambassy.-Ambassadors give an Account; their Proceedings approved; Thanks thereupon; Gentlemen that attended them thanked; Proceedings of the Treaty to be entered
in a Book by themselves; none except Members to see them,
without Leave of the House; Matter of the Report, and the
several Papers, referred to the Council of State, 2 July.
Stringer, George, 1649, Order for making Report touching his
Wife and Children, 10 Oct.
-, - 1650, Report; Debt of 160£. 18s. allowed; Order for
paying it out of her Discoveries, 7 June.
Strong, Mr. desired to preach, 6 July, 1649-16 May- 13 Sept. 1650.-Thanked, and to print his Sermons, 26 July 1649-14 June-9 Oct. 1650.
Studdolph, William, 1649, upon General's Letter to be admitted to compound upon the Articles of Oxon, 18 June.
Stuart, Charles, late King's eldest Son, 1648; Questions for
sending the late King's Diamond Garter, George, and Seals,
to him, severally Neg. 31 Jan.-Act for making it High
Treason to promote his Title, ordered, 19 Feb.-Resolution that he be banished, and his Estate confiscated, 14 Mar.
-, - 1649, Report from the Council of State touching Correspondence with him and his Party, referred to them to prepare Act for preventing these Mischiefs, 30 Nov.
-, - 1651, Act read twice; Continuance thereof; Act
passed; to be printed, and published in the several Counties,
12 Aug.
-, -James, late King's Son, 1648, Resolution that he be
banished, and his Estate confiscated, 14 Mar.
Sudeley Castle. Vide Chandos, Lord.
Suffolk, 1648, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission
under the Great Seal, 7 Feb.
-, - 1649, like Order, 7 Nov.-Commissioner added for
the monthly Assessment, 28 Dec.
-, - 1650, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission
under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.-To take upon him the Execution of his Office within Ten Days, upon pain of forfeiting
1,000£. 17 Jan.-Order for a special Commission of Oyer
and Terminer under the Great Seal, to try Offenders in the
County, 3 Dec.
Sugar Candy, 1649. Vide Supply.
Sugars, 1649. Vide Supply.-Petition of Merchants and Refiners, read, 19 Dec.
Sunday, 1649, the Committee of plundered Ministers to peruse
Acts and Ordinances touching the Day, and prepare Act
for better and more due Observation thereof, 1 Mar. Act to
be presented. Read twice, and committed.
-, - 1650, Reported, and to be ingrossed, 12 Apr. Passed,
and to be printed.-Order for printing a competent
Number to supply every Parish; the Council of State to take
care they are sent, 16 May.
-, - 1648, Order for the Book of Rates sent to Lords, 2
Jan.-A Committee to consider how 300,000£. may be raised
for the Navy and other public Services.-Resolution for
raising 120,000£. per Mensem, for maintaining the Forces in
England and Ireland-For adding 10,000£. to the 60,000£.
per Mensem for the Payment of the Forces in England, and
20,000£. per Mensem for those in Ireland-For levying
90,000£. by way of Tax, towards the 120,000£.-For Six
Months Charge on each County, to be according to the Proportion in former Ordinances; a Committee to consider of an
equal Rule for Goods and Lands, 8 Mar. Residue to be
raised by the Sale of Fee-farm Rents; a Committee to consider how they may be sold, and prepare Act for that Purpose.-The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to consider of
raising 300,000£. for the Use of the Commonwealth, 12
Dec.-Order for their meeting and making Report, 8 Jan.
-, - 1650, Resolution for an Assessment for Six Months for the
Armies in England and Ireland; Commencement thereof;
90,000£. per Mensem for the First Three Months, and 60,000£.
for the last; previous and main Questions for the Proportions
of each County to be as in the last Bill, severally Affirmative;
Bill ordered, 2 May. Vide infra.-A Committee to consider how present Monies may be advanced upon any visible
Securities; Certificate from the Trustees for Deans and Chapters Lands, referred, 28 Aug.-Abstract of the State of the
several Treasuries-Of the State of the Charge of the Army
and Navy, reported; Resolution for raising 50,000£. by
doubling upon Deans and Chapters Lands-Further Report of
the Value of their Land contracted for-Of the whole Value
thereof already offered to Sale; Resolution for selling Glebe Lands
lately belonging to them; Act for that Purpose ordered-Resolution for Sale of Fee-farm Rents reserved upon Grants of
Rectories impropriate, and paid to them; Act for that Purpose
ordered, 3 Sept. Vide infra.-Resolution for raising 300,000£.
upon Deans and Chapters Lands, 4.-For raising 400,000£.
proportionally upon the several Counties; Act for that Purpose ordered.-For raising in lieu thereof 120,000£.
per Mensem upon the several Counties; according to the Proportions of 90,000£. per Mensem; Commencement thereof; the Committee of the Army to consider of the Pay of
the Army in the mean time, 18 Oct.-The Council of
State to report a full Account of the State of the whole Treasury of the Commonwealth, 26 Feb.-Report; Debate
thereon adjourned, 18 Mar. Resumed; previous and main
Questions for Bill to renew the Assessment of 12,000£. per
Mensem, severally Affirmative; Residue of the Report for
regulating the Treasuries, the Bill touching Issues and Receipts, to be considered in a Committee of the whole House. Committee sits.
-, - 1651, Committee sits, 27 Mar.-2 Apr.-Resolutions for charging 200,000£. upon the Sale of Fee-farm
Rents-100,000£. upon the grand Excise-83,396l. 2s. 6d.
upon Goldsmith's Hall, for Pay of the Armies in England,
Scotland, and Ireland, 6 Aug.
Acts of Supply.
-, - 1648, Act for raising 90,000£. per Mensem, for Six
Months, for the Forces in England and Ireland, ordered, 8
Mar. Read twice; Question for continuing the former Proportions, Neg. the Committee of the Army to consider of
them. Report of Proportions for the last Three Months;
previous and main Questions for considering them in a Committee of the whole House, severally Affirmative. Resolutions for an Abatement in several Counties; the Power of the
grand Committee on the Bill, discharged; the Committee of
the Army to insert Commissioners Names, and fill up Blanks;
Clause for assessing the Proportion by a Pound Rate, ordered.
-, - 1649, Act reported; Order for an Abatement in several
Counties-Questions for a Proviso to except the Civilians in
Doctors Commons-For exempting Gresham College, severally Neg. the Committee of the Army to peruse the Act
and Alterations, and prepare them for Ingrossment, 30 Mar.
-Words to be added; Justices of Counties where there is
Deficiency of Names, to be nominated Commissioners, 6 Apr.
Question for Alteration in the Rate set upon Rutlandshire,
Neg. Order for omitting a Name; Act passed.-Ordinance for adding other Commissioners in the several Counties,
ordered; Commissioners for Hants named, 2 May. Act read,
and passed; Commissioners for Middlesex and Westminster to
act together.-Act for continuing the Assessment Three
Months longer, ordered, 26 July.-Read twice; Question
for Commitment, Neg. Act passed; Commissioner left out;
others added, 1 Aug. Act to be printed.
-, - 1648, a Committee to prepare Act for Sale of Fee-farm
Rents, 9 Mar. Act to be presented.
-, - 1649, read twice, and committed; the Committee to
consider of Persons to be Trustees, and for how many Years
Purchase they shall be sold, 3 Apr.-Committees added; State
of the Arrears to be reported.-Another Act for Sale
of Fee-farm Rents, read; Questions for Second Reading-
For the Order for the Committee to name Trustees to stand,
severally Neg. 16 Feb.-Order for their meeting, and sitting
de die in diem, and for bringing in the former Bill, with
Amendments. Act reported, and re-committed;
further Power given to the Committee.-Act reported
from Re-commitment; Contractors appointed; their Salaries;
Debate adjourned, 5 Mar. Resumed; previous Question for
agreeing with the Committee touching the Purchase, Affirmative. Act to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be printed. To be proclaimed.
-, - 1649, Act for an Imposition of One Peny per Gallon on
Salt not made within the Commonwealth, read twice, passed,
and to be printed, 12 June.
-, - 1649, Act for an Assessment of 90,000£. per Mensem,
for Three Months, and of 60,000£. for the next Three
Months, ordered, 6 Nov. To be read. Read.
Resolution touching the Rates; Act committed; the Committee to consider how those beyond Sea may be double taxed,
and of Obstructions to bringing in College Rents. Act
reported; Proviso added; others rejected; Act to be ingrossed. Commissioners Names to be inserted; Proviso
added; others rejected; Act passed, and to be printed-Sums
charged hereby, not to be drawn into Precedent-Order for
sending a competent Number of Letters to hasten the Execution of the Act into the several Counties, 7 Dec.
-, - 1649, Act for Payment of Excise and Customs upon
Tobacco imported from America, ordered, 13 Mar.
-, - 1650, Act for an Imposition on Coals for building
Ships, read, 4 Apr. Order for Second Reading.
-, - 1650, Act for an Assessment of 90,000£. per Mensem,
for Three Months, and of 60,000£. per Mensem, for next
Three Months, for Maintenance of the Armies in England
and Ireland, ordered, 2 May. Read; Members to take the
Names, and consider whether any other Persons are fit to be
added. Order for Second Reading. Read; Question that the Proviso touching the Exemption of the Universities do stand, Neg. Proviso ordered; Bill to be ingrossed
. Proviso added; another rejected; Act passed, and to be
printed; the Committee of the Army to take care a competent
Number be sent into the several Counties.
-, - 1650, Act for raising 400,000£. upon the several
Counties proportionably, ordered, 25 Sept.-To be read,
3 Oct. To be laid aside
-, - 1650, Act for Customs and Excise upon Tobacco imported from New England, read twice, and passed, 20 June.
-, - 1650, Act for Sale of Manors, Rectories, Glebe Lands,
and Fee-farm Rents, issuing out of the Manors, & c. ordered,
3 Sept.-Read twice, and committed; the Committee to
prepare Clause touching settling the Charges of pious and
charitable Uses upon Tythes and Impropriations, 1 Oct. Act
reported; Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed; Bill to
be ingrossed. Read Third time; Provisoes added; Debate adjourned. Resumed; other Provisoes added; Act
passed, and to be printed; the Committee to take care of disposing of the Money to be borrowed thereupon.-Paper
of Particulars in the Act necessary to be explained, read; a
Committee to prepare additional Act. Additional Act read
twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed; both to
be printed.
-, - 1650, Act for raising 120,000£. per Mensem, for
Maintenance of the Armies in England and Ireland, read, 29
Oct.-Order for Second Reading, 8 Nov. Bill committed; Order touching the Proportion upon Warwickshire
and Coventry; Commissioner added; Letter from Kent read,
and referred. Bill reported; Title read twice, and
agreed to; Bill to be ingrossed. Passed; Committees
-, - 1650, additional Act for Sale of Fee-farm Rents, and
for doubling thereupon, read twice and committed, 28 Jan.
-, -Reported; Blank filled up; Resolution touching the
Sum to be doubled; Bill to be ingrossed, 4 Feb. Proviso
added; Act passed, and to be printed. Draught of a Letter
to be sent into the several Counties touching Liberty to double
upon Purchase, read, and agreed to; Trustees to write, and
Sheriffs to publish them.
-, - 1650, Act for an Imposition on Coals towards building
and maintaining Shipping, read twice, and committed, 7 Mar.
Reported, and to be ingrossed.
-, - 1651, Order for Third Reading, 27 Mar. Continuance thereof; Proviso rejected; Act passed.
-, - 1650, Act for renewing the Assessment of 120,000£.
per Mensem till 29th September, ordered, 29 Mar.
-, - 1651, to be read, 3 Apr. Read twice, and committed; the Committee to give Account of the Grounds
thereof in the Preamble. Act to be reported. Reported; Ireland to be named before Scotland; a Committee
to pen the Preamble according to the Debate; Preamble reported; Petitions read; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act
passed, and to be printed-Names of additional Commissioners
reported; Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed; Act to
be amended; Committees added-Act enabling the Committee of the Army to put the Act in Execution, ordered.
Surry, 1648, Petition of well-affected Inhabitants, read, and
referred to a Committee; Petitioners thanked, 1 Feb.
-, - 1649, Commissioners added for the Assessments of
90,000£. per Mensem, 10 Apr.-25 July.-High
Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great
Seal, 7 Nov.-Order for discharging him; Members to
present Names of fit Persons to be Sheriff; Names presented;
Another appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great
Seal, 13 Feb.
-, - 1650, High Sheriff appointed for the Remainder of this
Year, and for the Year ensuing; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 6 Sept.-Act to enable the Committee
to raise Money for building a Gaol and House of Correction,
ordered, 7 Nov.-Act for purchasing a House for a Common Gaol, read twice, and committed, 12 Mar.
-, - 1651, Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act
passed, 18 Apr.-A Commissioner for the Assessment of
120,000£. per Mensem, discharged, 17 Apr.
Sussex, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission
under the Great Seal, 23 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.
Sutton's Hospital. Vide Charterhouse.
Swallowe, Robert, 1651, his Letter read, and returned to the Council of State, 14 Aug.
Swearing and cursing. Vide Sabbath-breaking-1649, a Committee to consider of further Penalties upon Offenders for Suppression thereof, 2 Nov.-To confer thereupon with Persons appointed by the City, 4 Dec.- Additional Act for
more severe punishing Offenders, read twice, and committed,
8 Feb.
-, - 1650, to be reported, 31 May.-Reported, and
re-committed, 14 June. Reported from Re-commitment,
and to be ingrossed. Passed; to be certified into Chancery, and published by Sheriffs; Order for printing a competent Number for that Purpose.
Sydenham, Sir Ralph, 1649, his Case, as to the Mitigation of
his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the
Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 12 May.
Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
-, - Sir Edward, 1649, upon General's Letter, to be admitted to compound upon the Articles of Oxon, 18 June.
-, - Colonel, 1650, his Letter read, and referred to the
Council of State, 13 Dec.
Sykes, Richard, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
Syler, Colonel Edmund, 1650, his Paper concerning Captain Welby, reported, 24 Oct. Vide Welby, Captain.
Symonds, Captain John, 1650, Order for allowing his Widow
20s. per Week for her present Relief, 22 June.
-, - Mrs. 1650, Order for paying her 5£. out of the Boxmoney, 14 Aug.
Syms, Thomas, 1648, Order for staying in the Sheriff's Hands Money be obtained by a Judgment at Law, 1 Feb.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
TATTERSHALL, Castle, Conference desired by Lords concerning it, agreed to, 2 Sept. Reporters appointed; Conference held.
Taunton, Presentment of the grand Inquest, presented, and read; Justice of Assize thanked for his good Service in the Circuit, 10 Oct.
Taylor, Matthias. Vide Christchurch Cambridge.
-, - Robert, ordered into Custody for detaining Monies collected upon the Assessments, 7 Oct.
Temple, Colonel Edmund, Lords put House in mind of his Petition; his Losses, Sufferings, and Services, to be considered-
His Informations touching an Agreement between the Scots
and Lord Inchiquin, to be read. Vide Ireland-Copy of an
Account of his Arrears, approved; Order for paying him
1,000£. in Part thereof; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 2
Sept.-General's Letter touching his Business, to be read,
17 Nov.
-, - Dr. desired to preach, 27 Sept. Excused.
-, - Colonel Purbeck, General's Letter in his behalf, and
Paper inclosed, read; Order for paying him forthwith 500£.
formerly assigned him in Part of his Arrears, 28 Nov.
Term, Order for adjourning next Term; Ordinance for that Purpose, ordered, read twice, passed, and to be printed; Members to send it to the Sheriffs of the several Counties, 16 Jan. Ordinance amended, -Order from Lords for Adjournment of the Term, -Act for enabling the Commoners, Commissioners of the Great Seal, to issue Writs for Adjournment of Part thereof, read, and passed.
Thanksgiving, Preacher appointed, 8 Sept.-Order for a Thanksgiving within the Lines, for regaining Carricksergus and Belfast; Lord Mayor to give the Ministers Notice, -Order for a Thanksgiving within the Lines for reducing Anglesea, 4 Oct.-Order that a Commemoration be solemnized, of the great Blessing of God, in the Deliverance of this Kingdom from the Hellish Gunpowder Treason; Notice to be given to the Ministers within the Lines, 2 Nov.
Thelwall, Daniel, Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, reported from Re-commitment, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 11 Sept.
Thomas and Margaret, a Ship, Letter about staying and seizing it, with Examinations of several Persons inclosed, read; Order for a Month's Pay to the Mariners that brought it in- For employing it for the Winter's Guard-For repaying the Governor of Dartmouth Monies disbursed by him in that Service, 29 Jan.
Thoroll, Thomas, his Petition specially recommended by Lords, referred to the Members for Surry, with Power to nominate a fit Person to be High Sheriff, 18 Dec.
Thynne, Sir Henry Frederick, his Petition, and Lords Order for him to come to Town, agreed to, 13 Oct.
Tobacco, Petition touching the Licences for Sale thereof, read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy; the Committee to consider touching Wine Licences and Fines in the Starchamber and High Commission Court, 21 Nov.
Tolkin, John, the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to state his Fine, 11 Sept.
Toll, Thomas, Ordinance from Lords, appointing him Comptroller of the Customs at Lynn, read, and committed, 17 Oct.
Tolson, Mr. Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 18 Sept.
Tournier, Timothy, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 28 Sept.
Tower, the Committee for it to sit constantly, and advise with the Lieutenant for the Safety thereof, 9 Nov.-Order for disbanding the Tower Regiment.
Townsend, William, to be sent for as a Delinquent, for rescuing a Prisoner in his Passage to Windsor Cast. Captain of the Guard to send a Party to assist Serjeant, 9 Sept. The Committee of Complaints to examine him.
Trade, a Committee to consider the Decay thereof in general, and propound Remedies, 6 Oct.-Act for settling Commissioners as a standing Committee for ordering and regulating Trade, ordered, 11 Jan.
Treason, Bill for explaining and preventing Misinterpretations of Statutes concerning it, and concerning Subjects aiding the King in the late Wars, for the better settling and securing the Kingdom's Peace, and Subjects Lives, and Estates, read, 18 Nov.
Tredwell, Richard, and others, Order for paying them 500£. with Interest, out of the Assessments of 20,000£. per Mensem for Ireland-For paying them 311£. 5s. out of the British Assessments, 6 Sept. Severally discharged-Order for paying the whole out of the old Ordinances for Assessments for Ireland.
Tythes, Member to prepare Ordinance for continuing the additional Ordinance for Payment thereof Twelve Months longer, 10 Oct. Ordinance read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired.
A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.
TANNNER, Thomas, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Tannett, Elizabeth, 1650, Order for inserting her in a Pardon, 2 Oct.
Tattershall Castle, 1649, Report from the Council of State touching Satisfaction to the Earl of Lincoln for demolishing it; Demolition thereof, referred back, 20 June.
Taunton, 1649, a Committee to distribute Composition-money formerly given to the Town; Report of Resolution for granting them, 10,000£. towards repairing the Town; Vote for adding 2,000£.; a Committee to prepare Act for satisfying 5,000£. the Residue of the 10,000£. and this 2,000£. Addition, 6 Sept.
Taylor, Antony. Vide Cutler, William-1650, Pardon for him,
read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great
Seal, 21 Feb.
-, - Captain John, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship,
2 Mar.
Teasdale, Thomas, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
Tempest, Sir Richard, 1650, the Council of State to prevent his going into the North, 15 Nov.
Temple, Colonel Edmund, 1649, a Committee to audit and
state his Accounts, 10 May.
-, - 1650, House to consider him, 26 Sept.
-, - Sir Peter, and Lady, 1649, Petition to be read, 24 Apr.
-Read with Petitions of his Creditors, and referred to a
Committee, 29 May.
-, - 1650, Bill to enable him to sell Lands for Payment of
Debts, to be read, 6 & 18 June.
-, - Colonel James, 1649, Petition concerning Money taken
in a Dutch Ship, to be considered, 14 June. Order for him
to retain Part of the Money in his Hands, towards fortifying
and repairing the Blockhouses at Tilbury Fort; Captors to
be recompensed; Order for Stay of Proceedings against the
Searchers, 20-Question for injoining him to attend the
Service of the House, Neg. 23 July.
-, - Peter, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Leicester; Order for paying him 1,500£. upon
Account, 21 July.
-, - John, 1650, Order for inserting him in a Pardon,
2 Oct.
Tenants, 1649, a Committee to prepare Instructions to impower the Commissioners in the several Counties to relieve them from Oppressions of Landlords for their adhering to the Parliament, 27 June.
Term, 1648, previous Question for adjourning the Residue
thereof, Affirmative; Act for that Purpose, ordered, 1 Feb.
Read twice, and committed; reported, passed, and to be
-, - 1649, a Committee to consider the Days in every Term
which are not juridical, 2 Nov.
Terry, Richard, and Henry, 1649, Pardon for them, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
Thanksgiving, 1649, Order for a Thanksgiving for the Success
of the Forces in suppressing the late Rebellion; a Committee
to prepare Act to declare the Grounds thereof, 26 May-
Preachers appointed, 26 May-14 Aug.-2 Oct.-
Thanked, and to print their Sermons, 8 June-28 Aug.-
2 Nov.-Thanks to be given for the Success of the Fleet;
a Committee to withdraw, and pen an Order to be sent to
the Ministers within the Lines; Order reported, read, agreed
to, and to be printed; Lord Mayor to send it to them,
5 June-Order for a Thanksgiving for a Victory over
the Irish Rebels; a Committee to withdraw, and prepare Declaration of the Grounds, and therein make an Extract of
the Victory out of the Letters, and a Narrative; same Committee to prepare Act for due Observation thereof, 14 Aug.
Declaration and Narrative, read, passed, and to be printed;
Serjeant to send a competent Number to Sheriffs; Order for
an Allowance to his Men; Sheriffs to disperse them to the
several Ministers within their Counties, 16. Specially recommended to the Committee of the Revenue to consider of
an Allowance for carrying them, -Order for a Thanksgiving for Successes at Drogheda; a Committee to prepare
Declaration of the Grounds thereof, 2 Oct. Act reported,
read twice, passed, and to be printed; 12,000 of them to be
dispersed by the Sheriffs.
-, - 1650, Order for a Thanksgiving for a Victory over
the Irish Rebels in Ulster; Act for that Purpose, ordered, 9
July. Read twice, passed, and to be printed, with a List of
Officers taken, and the Commissions to the Titular Bishops;
Act to be transmitted into Chancery, and proclaimed by the
Sheriffs in their several Counties. Order for sending it
by the Post, -Preachers appointed, 9 July-10 & 13
Sept.-31 Dec.-Thanked, and to print their Sermons,
30 July-9 Oct.-31 Jan.-Order for a Thanksgiving for the Surrender of Waterford, Duncannon, and Catherlo;
Member to prepare Act containing the Grounds thereof, 27
Aug. Act reported, read, and passed; Order for printing
12,000 of them; the Council of State to take care they be
dispersed, -Order for a Thanksgiving for a Victory at
Dunbar; Lord Mayor, & c. to take care the Churches be
Ministers, and the Day duly observed; a Committee to prepare a Narrative of the Victory, and Act for appointing the Day, 10 Sept. Act to be reported. Reported, read twice, passed, and to be printed; the Council
of State to send it to the Sheriffs; they to disperse it, -
Account of Ministers neglecting to observe the Act, ordered,
9 Oct. Vide Ministers-Order for a Thanksgiving for late
great Victories by Sea and Land; a Committee to prepare
Declaration and Act for that Purpose, 31 Dec.-Narrative reported; Act read twice; Question for Ingrossment,
Neg. Act passed, and to be printed; the Council of State to
take care it be sent to the Ministers in the several Counties, 3
-, - 1651, Order for a Thanksgiving within the Lines
for Successes in Scotland, to be printed; Lord Mayor, & c.
to give the Ministers timely Notice, 25 July-Order for a
Thanksgiving within the Lines for Successes in Ireland;
Lord Mayor, & c. to give the Ministers timely Notice, 13
Thelwall, Peter, 1648, Petition read, and referred to the Council of State, 16 Mar.
Theobalds House and Park, 1649, Question for reserving them for the Use of the Commonwealth, Neg. 30 June.
Thieves, 1650, Order for a Reward for apprehending them, to be printed, 10 Jan.
Thomas, Frances, 1650, her Petition, with Major General
Ligonier's Answer to an Order of Lords, read, 20 Dec.
-, - Mrs. 1650, Order for paying her 5£. out of the Boxmoney, 13 Aug.
-, - William, 1651, his Information against the Contractors
for Sale of the late King's Goods, referred to a Committee;
List touching his Servants, referred, 18 Apr.
Thomas's Hospital. Vide Christ's Hospital.
Thomond, Earl of, 1649, his Petition, and Lord Lieutenant's
Letter touching him, read, and referred to a Committee, 15
Aug.-Order for making Report, 4 Sept.
-, - 1650, Report, 12 June-His Petition read; Order
for allowing 2,812£. to be a Debt of the Commonwealth;
previous and main Questions for paying 500£. in Part, out
of Goldsmiths Hall-For allowing him 20£. per Week for Five
Weeks, severally Affirmative; Residue to be paid out of the
Rebels Lands in Ireland, 23 July.
Thompson, William, 1649, Person taken by him, and discharged
upon his Parole, not to render himself again-A Committee
to prepare Proclamation to declare him and all his Adherents
Rebels; Letter to be sent to General to suppress them, read,
and agreed to, 11 May-General's Letters read.
Order for a Commission of Oyer and Terminer to try the
Rebels; the Council of State, Lord Mayor, Justices of the
Peace, and Committees of the Militias of London, & c. to apprehend within their Liberties Persons who were in the late
Rebellion; Attorney General to prepare Proclamation for apprehending them in the several Counties, -Officers, and
Lieutenant General Cromwell, thanked; Order for a Thanksgiving-Members to thank the General, -His Acceptance
thereof, reported, 1 June.
-, - James, and others, 1649, Petition to be read, 18 June.
Read; the Committee of Leicestershire to hear and determine
the Business, or certify the State thereof to House; Copy
of the Order and the Petition to be delivered to Sir Edward
Moseley, that he may attend them.
-, - Maurice, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 9 July.
-, - Captain Thomas, appointed Commander of a Ship, 2
Mar. 1649-26 Sept. 1650.
-, - Colonel, 1650, his Proposition referred to the Committee of the Navy, 22 Aug.
-, - Colonel Janus, 1651. Vide Privileges.
-, - Major Samuel, 1651, Petition read, 1 Apr.
Thornehagh, Colonel Francis, 1648, Petition of his Widow,
read; Order touching stating and auditing his Accounts; the
Northern Committee to present to House some Part of the
Earl of Northumberland's Lands not engaged, for Satisfaction
of his Arrears, 12 Mar.
-, - 1649, Business concerning him, to be reported; Petition of his Widow, read, and referred to a Committee, 9
July-Account and Certificate of his Arrears, reported, read,
and referred to the Committee of Accounts, -Report;
Act for paying 2,341£. 14s. 7d. to his Widow, read twice,
and passed-Another Act for paying her 358£. 8s. read-The
Committee of the Army to pay his Arrears since he came
into the Establishment-Former Ordinance for paying him
1,030£. referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to consider how Recompence may be made to his Widow of that
Sum, 17 Aug.
-, - 1650, Order for paying her what Monies shall be
found due to him, 4 Mar.
Thorneton, Captain Henry. Vide Hawes, William-1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, with Power to refer it to the Committee of Accounts, 4 Sept.
Thornhill, Richard, 1651, Petition read, 8 May.
Thorowgood, Captain, 1649, appointed Commander of a Frigate, 4 May.
Thorpe, Serjeant, 1648, Order for paying him 200£. to defray
his Charges in the Northern Circuit, 17 Feb.-For his Commission to be with a non obstante.
-, - 1649, thanked for his Services in the Circuit, 14 Apr.
Throckmorton, Colonel, 1648, to present his Accounts, 31 Jan.
-, - 1649, Order for paying his Arrears out of his Discoveries, 5 May.
Thwaytes, Thomas, 1650, Question for reprieving him till next Sessions, Neg. 1 May-Order for inserting him in a Pardon, 2 Oct. His Petition read; Order for banishing him; Sheriffs to see it put in Execution.
Tilbury Fort, 1650, upon Report from the Council of State, Governor appointed, with 10s. per Diem for his Pay, 26 Sept.
Timber, 1648, Care thereof in Parks, & c. referred to the Council of State, with Power to appoint proper Officers, and order
Falls at due Seasons, 22 Feb.-Previous and main Questions for impowering them to sell Trees unfit for the Navy,
severally Affirmative, 23 Mar.
-, - 1649, previous and main Questions for suspending the
Power of the Committee of the Revenue to cut Timber in
any Forest belonging to the Commonwealth, severally Affirmative; Order for them to revoke all Warrants issued for
cutting-For suspending the Power of the Committee for Irish
Affairs, 1 Jan.
Tin Ore. Vide Fullers Earth.
Tinck, Joseph, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
Tinmouth, 1648, a Committee to consider of Supply of Stores,
& c. for the Garison, 16 Feb.-The Committee of the Army
to provide Victuals, 17 Mar.
-, - 1649, the Council of State to examine their Accounts,
and what is necessary for Supplies and Fortifications, 16 May.
Sequestered Timber at Morpeth to be disposed of for that Use.
Tirringham, Lady Margaret, 1649, Petition to be considered, 14 June. Read, and referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs.
Tison, Giles. Vide Courteen, Peter Bowdeen.
Titchborne, Sir Henry, 1649, Petition read; Order for paying him 200£. upon Account, 7 July.
Titles. Vide Peers.
Tobacco, 1649. Vide Supply-Act to prohibit planting it in England, ordered, 13 Mar.
Tobacco-pipe Clay. Vide Fullers Earth.
Tonage and Poundage, 1649. Vide Customs-Act to transmit into the Chancery and Exchequer, Orders concerning them, with the Book of Rates, read, and passed, 9 May.
Tooley, John, 1649, voted a Delinquent for promoting a Riot in Norwich; Order for taking him into Custody, 12 Sept. Information that he is at the Door; Resolution for fining him 1,000£. Fine to be estreated into the Exchequer-To be given for the public Use of the Town-Order for his Commitment to the Fleet for Three Months-For disabling him to bear any Office in the Commonwealth, 9 Oct.
Toovey, Richard, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Tothill, Colonel, 1648, Report of a Contract for his Regiment to be sent into Ireland; the Council of State to perfect it, 6 Mar.
Tovey, Major William, 1651, Petition read, 1 Apr.
Tower, 1649, the Committee for it revived, and to take care
for the Regulation thereof, 18 Apr.-Lieutenant and Commander of the Forces to prevent all Confluence of People thither,
9 May-Lieutenant, and Officers under him, to subscribe
the Engagement, 12 Oct.
-, - 1651, upon Report from the Council of State, Keeper
and Clerk of the Records appointed; Order for House and
Salary for the Clerk-Touching his Fees-For him to make
a perfect Calendar of the Records, 6 Aug.
-, - Hamlets, 1648, a Committee to prepare Ordinance for
settling the Militia thereof, 2 Feb. Order for their meeting
and sitting de die in diem.
-, - 1649, Act read twice, and committed; the Committee
impowered to add or alter Names, 10 May. Act to be reported. Reported, and to be ingrossed, -Mistakes
in Commissioners, Names, to be rectified, 27 June-Petition of Inhabitants, read; the Committee of the Militia to
remove Powder out of private Houses, 9 Feb.
-, - 1650, Order for a Brief for a Collection in the City
and Liberties, for Relief of Sufferers by Fire on 9th February
last, 17 May-Proceedings of the Militia in raising and
maintaining Horse, approved; Order for continuing them,
24 Sept.
-, - 1651, Act touching the Militia, read, 12 Aug. Vide
Townson, Thomas, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.
Trade, 1650, Act for settling Commissioners as a standing Committee for ordering and regulating Trade, to be reported, 25
Apr.-8 May-14 June. Reported; previous Question
for appointing certain Persons, Neg. Others appointed; Act
to be ingrossed. Read Third time; Debate thereon adjourned, -Resumed; Commissioner appointed; Act
passed, and to be printed, 1 Aug.
-, - 1651, Persons added to the Council of Trade-Order for
such as have not subscribed the Engagement to subscribe it
before they sit again, 11 Apr.
Trafford, Anne, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
Treason, 1649, Act declaring what Offences are Treason, read twice, and committed, 1 May. Reported; Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed; Act read Clause by Clause, and agreed to; previous and main Questions that Persons be prosecuted within a Year, severally Affirmative; Act passed; Order for proclaiming it in all the Counties-For sending the General a Copy.
Tredder, Thomas, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Tresco Island. Vide Silly.
Trevor, Sir John, 1650, appointed One of the Council of State, 10 Feb.
Trickey, John, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.
Trinity House, 1648, a Committee, with the elder Brethren, to
have the same Power as the Master and elder Brethren formerly had, and to examine what Oath is taken by the Members; Secretary appointed, 23 Feb.-Order for delivering
the Records to Persons named in that Order, 9 Mar.
-, - 1649, Committees added, 5 Sept.
-, - 1650, the Council of State to consider of a Charter of
Incorporation of the Trinity House, and what Powers are fit
to be granted therein, and hear Parties interested, 23 Apr.
Tumults, 1649, the Council of State to appoint Persons in every
County, with Power to suppress them, 22 Sept.
-, - 1651, like Order, 1 July.
Turner, Richard. Vide Gethin, Maurice.
Tuscany, Duke of, 1651, his and his Agent's Letters, read, 15 May. Vide Salvietti, Amerigo.
Twesell, William. Vide Cutler, William.
Twisden, Sir Roger, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Nonpayment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
Twisleton, Colonel, 1649, the Committee of the Army to state the Business of his Regiment, and of Major Henry Markham while he was in it, 26 Feb.
Twisse, Dr. 1649, Order for paying his Children 1,000£. formerly given them, and charged upon the grand Excise, out of their Discoveries, 1 Mar.
Tymmeron, Paul, 1648, a Committee to examine the Business of
his Debt, with Power to satisfy it, 15 Feb.
-, - 1650, Report; Order for paying him 1,200£. 14
Tythes, 1649, previous and main Questions for appointing a
Day to consider them, severally Affirmative, 17 Apr. Vide
-, - 1650, Act for Payment thereof, and of other Duties,
ordered, 27 Feb.
-, - 1651, read twice, 30 Apr.-Committed, 1 May.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
VALENCIA, Lord Viscount, Order for paying him the Remainder of 500£. formerly assigned him, 17 Nov.
Vane, Sir Henry, junior, his Accounts to be reported, 4 Sept. To be heard. Certificate read, and approved; the Committee to proceed with further Accounts; Certificate to be entered, and re-delivered; read, and entered; House allows the Account so certified to be a full Determination thereof, and the Discharge of the Accountant,-Appointed One of the Council of State, 14 Feb.
Upnor Castle, Order for disbanding the new-raised Men there, 25 Nov.
Usbands, Mr. House put Lords in mind of an Order for Money for him, 7 & 11 Oct.-His Petition touching a Debt of 719£. 6d. Order for paying him 200£. in Part, and the Residue by quarterly Payments, 30 Jan.
Utkington, the Committee of Indemnity to examine touching Deeds, & c. taken out of the House, with Power to restore them, 2 Oct.
A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.
VAGRANTS, 1648. Vide London.
-, - 1649, Justices to punish them, 8 Nov.
Valliss, Captain Thomas, 1650, appointed Commander of a Ship, 26 Sept.
Vandeputt, Peter, 1650, his Propositions touching the Importation of foreign Bullion, reported from the Council of State, 8 Jan.
Vane, Sir Henry, junior, 1649, his Petition to be read, 20
June. Read; the Committee of the Navy to consider how
the Office of Treasurer may be managed for the future, and
of a fit Salary and Compensation to the Petitioner for his
Right therein, -Order for making Report, 11 July.
Report; Order for settling Lands of 1,200£. per Annum upon
him and his Heirs for ever; Commencement of the Profits;
Act for that Purpose, read twice, and committed. Reported, and to be ingrossed. Passed, -His Petition,
with Order of the Commissioners for compounding, read;
Order thereupon, 25 July-Appointed One of the Council
of State, 7 Feb.
-, - Sir Walter, 1649, to have Pass to go into Holland, and
Liberty to transport Six Horses, Custom and Impost free, 7
-, - 1651, Declaration that notwithstanding a Letter and Suspicion concerning him he is at Liberty to return, 2 July.
-, - Charles, 1649, appointed Agent to Portugal; Order for a
Commission under the Great Seal, 31 Jan.
-, - 1650, his Letter read, 11 Apr.-Another, with Five
Papers inclosed, read; and referred to the Council of State, 4
June-Another read; House accepts his good Services;
the Council to consider him in reference thereto; his Narrative of his own and the Generals Proceedings with the King
of Portugal, 4 July.
Vaughan, Edward, a Member, 1649, the Committee at Haberdashers Hall to send for him, and examine a Complaint
against him, 18 Apr.
-, - John, 1649, Business concerning him and Edmund
Palmer, referred to the Committee of the Navy, with Power
to determine it, and give Satisfaction, 13 June.
-, - Colonel John, 1649, to be re-taken into Custody for
neglecting to take out the Order for his Discharge, 28 Aug.
Ven, Colonel, 1650, Order for paying his Widow 697£. 1s.-
The Committee of the Army to consider how Monies disbursed by him, and formerly ordered, may be paid; and of a
Recompence for his faithful Services, 3 July.
-, - 1651, Report touching paying his Widow the Remainder
of 4,000£. ordered to him; Order thereupon, 9 May.
Venninge, Mr. 1649, desired to preach, 20 Apr.-Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 2 May.
Vermuden, Sir Cornelius, 1649, Petition read, 19 Oct.
Vessey, Captain John, 1650, appointed Commander of a Ship, 26 Sept.
Victuals, 1649, Act for abating the Price thereof, to be read, 3 & 4 Apr. Read twice, and committed; all that come to have Voices. To be reported. Reported, and recommitted.
Vintners Company, 1648, Petition of Master, & c. read, and
referred to the Committee of Indemnity, 1 Feb.
-, - 1649, another Petition read, 18 Dec.
Virginia, Vide Barbadoes.
Vixon, Captain, 1648, appointed Commander of a Ship, 16 Mar.
Ulster. Vide Ireland.
Universities, 1649, Officers and Graduates to subscribe the Engagement, 12 Oct.-The Committee for them to consider
how Heads of Houses may be settled; Act for that Purpose,
ordered, 8 Jan.-Petition of well-affected Ministers and
Students, read; Part thereof referred to the Committee of the
Universities, 8 Mar.
-, - 1650, the Committee to examine what Members
thereof have not subscribed the Engagement, with Power to
displace them, and place others in their Rooms, 21 June-
To be injoined to proceed therein effectually, and give an
Account to the House, 16 Aug.-The Committee to nominate
Vice-chancellors, -Committees added, 19 Sept.
-, - 1651, other Commitees added, 9 Apr.-22 May.
Volunteers, 1651, Act for encouraging and indemnifying them, read twice, and committed; the Committee impowered to name a Committee in the Bill, 6 Sept. Act to be reported. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed; Committees added.
Upper Bench, 1648, Order for continuing the Seal a Fortnight
longer, 9 Mar. Act for altering it, read, and passed.
-, - 1649, Act for altering the Seal of the Nisi Prius, read,
and passed, 10 May-Clerk of the Crown, appointed, 1
June-Coroner appointed.
Upton, Arthur, and Thomas Boone, 1649, their Debt reported, and allowed-Order for paying it, 1 May-Revoked -Order for charging it on the Revenue-For admitting them to double upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 2 June.
Usbands, Mr. 1649, Order for paying him 200£. upon
Account, 1 June.
-, - 1650, Order for paying him 617£. 15s. 6d.-For a
Committee to consider and state his Accounts, 26 Nov. Committee appointed.
Uses, charitable, 1648, Form of a Commission for them;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 9 Mar.
-, - 1649, Commissioners of the Great Seal impowered to
grant Commissions for them, 29 June.
Usher, Dr. 1649, Order for continuing his Pension Six Months longer, 2 July-For paying it from 5th October last, and continuing it for Six Months next coming.
Usury, 1649, Act concerning it, to be read, 27 Apr.
Utting, John, 1649, voted a Delinquent for promoting a Riot in Norwich; Order for taking him into Custody, 12 Sept. -Information that he is at the Door; Resolution for fining him 500£.; Fine to be estreated into the Exchequer-To be given for the public Use of the Town-Order for his Commitment to the Fleet for Three Months-For disabling him to bear any Office in the Commonwealth, 9 Oct.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
WALES, South, Committees Letter for an Assessment for
maintaining the Forces, read, 19 Sept.-Members to
write down Letters for bringing in the Assessments for the
Army, 25 Nov.-Ordinance enabling the Commissioners
to proceed upon sequestering Delinquents Estates, ordered,
1 Jan.
-, - North, Members to write Letters for bringing in the
Assessments for the Army, 25 Nov.
-, - Prince of, his Summons to Lord Admiral, and Answer
thereto, read, and to be communicated to Lords, 2 Sept.
Walker, George, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 28 Sept.
Wall, Mr. Report concerning him, to be made, 17 Oct.
Waller, Thomas, Ordinance from Lords, appointing him Judge of the Isle of Ely, to be read, 4 Nov.-Order appointing him Steward and Judge. Agreed to by Lords.
Walmer Castle, Lord Admiral's Letter read; the Committee at Derby House to send Letters to the Committee of Kent and Colonel Rich to confer with Lord Admiral about the Defects thereof, and the Charge of repairing and maintaining it, and to consider of an Establishment, 8 Sept.-Business referred to the Committee of Kent and Colonel Rich, 24 Nov.
Walter, David, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 11 Sept.
Warcupp, Samuel, Petition concerning Money disbursed for Prisoners in his Custody; Order for paying him 500£. 4 Sept.
Warminster, Petition of well-affected Inhabitants, read, and referred to the Committee of plundered Ministers, with Power to hear Parties, 2 Oct.
Warwick County, Members to sign and send Letters for hastening the Payment of the Assessments and Arrears of the Army,
23 Sept.-The Committee to disband the new-raised supernumerary Forces, and pay them, deducting for free Quarter,
23 Oct.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Disagreed to by Lords; House adhere to their Vote, -Another appointed; Lords Concurrence signified, 13 Dec.
-, - Earl of, his Letter, and Letter from the Commissioners
with him, read-Prince's Summons to him, and his Answer,
read, and to be communicated to Lords, 2 Sept.-His Letter
to the Committee at Derby House, communicated by Lords,
read, and to be printed; Order for Letter of Thanks-His
Power for indemnifying the revolted Mariners, to be continued Forty Days longer, -His Letter, with List of the
Fleet, communicated by Lords, -Report from the Committee at Derby House, with Papers from him and the Prince,
communicated by them-Order from Lords for granting him
the Custody of Hide Park, read, and agreed to, -His
Letter, communicated by Lords, to be considered, 13 Oct.
-Another, with Paper inclosed, read, and referred to the
Committee of the Navy, 12 Dec.-Previous Question for desiring him to come and confer with them concerning the
Affairs of the Navy, Neg. 14.
Watson, Thomas, desired to preach, 29 Nov.
Weavers Company, Petition of the Commonalty, read; Order for making Report concerning the Company, 26 Dec. Business to be heard, -Report; Petition of Bailiffs, read; Business re-committed, with Power to call before them both Parties, and present Ordinance for settling the Government and Peace of the Company, -Act for them, to be read, 17 Jan. Act for electing a Bailiff and other Officers, read.
Weldon, Colonel Ralph, Order for paying him 100£. formerly
assigned out of the Sequestrations in Kent, 13 Sept.
-, - Colonel Antony, his Remonstrance touching Mischiefs
arising from the Transportation of Forces; Order for paying
him 500£. 24 Oct.-Order for paying him 600£. for
which he stands engaged to the Inhabitants of Plymouth, revoked, 1 Jan.
Well Hospital, Petition of Master, & c. specially recommended by Lords, 23 Sept.-They put House in mind thereof; Petition to be read, 4 Nov.
Westlow, new Writ, 18 Nov.
Westminster, Members to take care for bringing in the Assessments for the Army, 25 Nov.-Petition of well-affected Inhabitants, read; Petitioners thanked, 16 Dec.-Justices of Peace to take care the Poor are provided with Coals at reasonable Rates, 30 Jan.
Westmoreland, Order for Part of the Leicestershire Forces to march thither, 25 Sept.
Weymouth, Governor's Letter to the Committee at Derby House, and their Propositions touching that Garison and Melcombe Regis, read; General to be desired to send down Forces, 5 Oct.
Wheeler, John, to be recommended to the Committee of the
Revenue, for Receiver of the First-fruits, 2 Sept.
-, - William, to be sent for as a Delinquent, for rescuing a
Prisoner in his Passage to Windsor Castle; Captain of the
Guard to send a Party to assist Serjeant, 9 Sept. The Committee of Complaints to examine him.
Whitchcoat Colonel Christopher, Ordinance for selling Trees in the Duke of Buckingham's Woods, to the Value of 3,000£. to pay him 1,500£. in Satisfaction of the same Sum formerly assigned him, and for disposing of the Residue towards the Pay of Horse in Bucks, ordered, 2 Jan. Order for that Purpose.
White, John, his Petition from Lords, with Certificates annexed, read; Petitioner to be recommended to the Committee of the Revenue, for some Place of Attendance upon the
King, 6 Sept.
-, - Saunders, to be sent for as a Delinquent, for rescuing a
Prisoner in his Passage to Windsor Castle; Captain of the
Guard to send a Party to assist Serjeant, 9 Sept. The Committee of Complaints to examine him.
-, - Nathanael, Order for paying him 356£. 16s. 2d. with
Interest, due to his Father, 21 Sept.
-, - Colonel, Business touching disbanding his Regiment, to
be considered, 6 Nov.
Whitelock, Bulstrode, appointed Attorney of the Duchy, 12 Oct.
Whittacre, Laurence, to have Liberty to lay his Judgment upon Mr. Denham's Lands, under Sequestration, for a Debt of 1,000£. 9 Nov. Lords Concurrence signified.
Wight, Isle of, Governor's Desires, concerning Shipping for the Guard thereof, referred to the Committee of the Navy-The Committee at Derby House to confer with the General and Committee of the Army about his Desires for Horse and Foot, 2 Sept.-Order for paying Two new Companies 8£. per Week, -For disbanding them, 25 Nov.-Governor's Letter, with General's Letter requiring his speedy Repair to him, read; a Committee to prepare Letter to the Governor to attend his Charge, and another to the General to acquaint him therewith; Letters reported, read, and agreed to, with Amendments; Lords Concurrence signified-Lord Admiral to be desired to send Ships with Directions to obey Governor's Orders, -Order appointing Ships, taken off, 14 Dec. -Particulars of Stores wanting, reported; Order for sending them, 19 Jan.-For stating the Accounts of the Two Companies to be disbanded, and for full Payment of their Arrears-For continuing the weekly Pay of the Supernumeraries.
Wigorne County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 27 Nov.
Wilde, Serjeant, thanked for his good Service in a Circuit, 10 Oct.-Thanks House for appointing him Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and takes his Leave-House thank him for his faithful and good Services upon all public Occasions, 14 Nov.
Wilkinson, Captain, his Accounts to be reported, 6 Sept. His Business to be heard; Order for paying him 600£. in Satisfaction of his Losses, and of his Charge in raising Forces. agreed to by Lords.
Willoughby, Sir Francis, Order for paying him 500£. sent to
Lords, 2 Sept.
-, - Lord, of Parham, Question for banishing him, Neg.
10 Nov.
-, - Lord Francis, Certificate of the Payment of 1,000£.
in Part of his Arrears, reported, 6 Jan.
Wilson, Mr. Petition to be read, 21 Sept.-11 Oct.
-, -Henry, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his
Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 28 Sept.
Wilts, Members to sign and send down Letters for hastening the Payment of the Assessments and Arrears to the Army, 23 Sept. -Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords, -Members to write into the County, and take care for bringing in the Assessments for the Army.
Windsor, Business concerning the Castle, to be considered, 25
& 28 Sept.-Ordinance appointing a Governor thereof,
and Keeper of the great Park, read, and passed, 19 Dec.
Agreed to by Lords, -Order for allowing 5£. per Diem
for Coals and Candles for the Garison, 2 Jan.
-, - Lord, Report, and Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, re-committed, 2 Oct.
Winton, Marquis of, previous Question for excepting him from Pardon, Neg. 7 Nov.
Wintour, Sir John, Order for excepting him from Pardon, 7 Nov. Disagreed to by Lords. House adhere to their Vote, -The Committee of Sequestrations to report upon what Grounds his Sequestration was taken off.
Wiseman, Samuel. Vide Blowers, Alexander.
Wither, Major George, Petition read; Order for paying him Interest for 700£. disbursed for the State-For paying him 300£. for Interest he has paid for the Money; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 25 Dec.
Wolrich, Sir Thomas, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 4 Sept.
Worcester County, Members to sign and send Letters for hastening the Payment of the Assessments and Arrears of the Army, 23 Sept.-Order for disbanding all the Forces except Forty Horse, 9 Nov.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him. Agreed to by Lords, -Members to write down and take care for bringing in the Assessments for the Army.
Writs, Stile to be used therein, reported; Order for altering
them, 23 Jan.
-, - new, viz. For Steyning, 20 Sept.-Chippenham, 11 Nov.
Westlow, Droitwich, East Retford, Canterbury, and Portsmouth.
Wrottesley, Sir Walter, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 11 Sept.
A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651
WADDON cum Membris, 1650, Order against selling Timber in the Manor, 26 Sept.
Wade, William, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs; Order for paying what is due to him, 9 July.
Waggoners, 1650, Report concerning them, referred to a Committee, 17 May-Their Report, 6 June.
-, - 1651, Question that there is sufficient Ground to
charge the State with further Pay to them, Neg. 24 July.
Wagstaffe, Captain, 1649, the Council of State to consider his Charges with respect to suppressing the Mutineers at Oxon, 11 Sept.
Waite, Colonel Thomas, 1650, Account of what Money he has received in Part of 2,010£. formerly ordered him; his Petition read; Certificate touching the Value of Lands he holds in Lease from the Duke of Bucks; Order for him to have the Pre-emption of them, and for allowing him the Remainder of his Debt in Part of Purchase-money, 31 July.
Wakeman, Robert, 1648, appointed Under Searcher in the Port of London, 5 Feb.
Wales, 1648, Act for altering the Judicial Seal for Three Counties, read, and passed; Judges to bring up the Seals for other
Counties to be altered, 6 Feb.-Act for altering them, read,
and passed, 5 & 10 Mar.
-, - 1649, other Acts for altering them, read, and passed,
1 & 10 May-11 June-12 July-Act for preaching
the Gospel there, ordered, 17 Jan. Act for that Purpose,
and for relieving some Grievances, read twice, and committed, -Reported, with the Names of Commissioners and
Ministers to be inserted; Commissioners added; Act to be ingrossed, 5 Feb. Passed, and to be printed; the Committee
to prepare Instructions for the Commissioners.
-, - South, 1648, House approves of continuing Colonel
Philip Jones's Regiment there, 2 Feb.-The Committee of
the Army, and Commissioners for Sequestrations, to consider
of taking off the Sequestrations of the poorer Sort. Impowered to prepare Act for that Purpose, -Patent for constituting a Justice, read, and agreed to, -Act for admitting the Counties to a general Composition, read twice, and
committed; Person to be added, as excepted; Act reported,
and passed, -General to be desired to grant Commissions
to Volunteers.
-, - 1649, Petition of Inhabitants read; referred to General to secure those Parts; Petitioners thanked, 16 July
-Attorney General appointed, -The Committee of
the Revenue to give Judges that go the Circuit what further
Allowance they think fit, 22 Feb.
-, - 1650, humble Representation of the Inhabitants, read,
and to be printed; Speaker's Answer, 20 June.
-, - North, 1649, Judges appointed to go the Circuit; Order for further Allowance to them, 15 June-The Committee of the Revenue to give them what further Allowance
they think fit, 22 Feb.-Act for Sequestrations, ordered,
27 June-Act for admitting the Six Counties to an equal
Composition, read twice, and committed; the Committee to
present Names of Commissioners, 4 Aug. Act to be reported. Reported; Proviso touching late Archbishop of York,
read, and laid aside; Act passed, and to be printed,
-Attorney General appointed, 20 July.
-, - 1650, the Committee of the Army to take care to get
in the Composition-monies, 9 July.
Walford, Edward, 1649, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 7 Sept.-Act for settling the Messuage and Tenement over Worcester House Gate upon him and his Heirs, read twice; Order for continuing him in Possession, and allowing him 300£. out of Monies raised by Sale thereof, 18 Feb.
Walker, Dr. 1649, appointed Judge of the Admiralty; Commissioners of the Great Seal to issue Warrant for a Patent and
to pass it, 12 June. Order vacated.
-, - John, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
-, - Clement, 1649, Order for taking him into Custody-
For seizing his Papers; Serjeant impowered to break open
Doors, 24 Oct.-Attorney General to proceed against him
upon a Book, intituled, "Anarchia Anglicana"-Order
for his Commitment to the Tower for High Treason,
13 Nov.
Wall, William, 1650, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Indemnity, 7 Nov.
Walled Towns. Vide Garisons.
Waller, Mr. 1648, Ordinance appointing him Judge of the Isle
of Ely, repealed.-Another to that Purpose, ordered, 23 Feb.
-, - Sir Hardres, 1650, upon Report from the Council of
State, Order for continuing him in a Farm of the Earl of
Ormond's without paying Rent to the Commonwealth,
27 June.
Wallop, Robert, 1648, appointed One of the Council of
State, 14 Feb.
-, - 1649, his Petition read; a Committee to consider of
Reparation to him out of the Marquis of Winton's Estate,
25 July.-Report touching his Losses in the late War; Act
towards Reparation thereof, read twice, and committed,
5 Sept. To be reported. Reported; Proviso in
behalf of Governor Phipp, added; Act passed.
Walmer Castle, 1648, the Council of State to consider of the Survey taken thereof, and the Estimate for Repairs, 12 Mar.
Walthamstow, 1649, Examination of the Riots there, and Proceedings therein at Stratford Langton, referred to the Council of State, 24 Oct.
Walwyn, William, 1649, Proceedings of the Council of State touching him, reported; his Commitment approved; Attorney General to prosecute him in the Upper Beuch touching a Book, intituled, "The Second Part of England's Chains dis"covered," 11 Apr. Petition on his behalf read; Resolution that Petitioners have a sharp Reprehension; a Committee to withdraw and prepare Answer; Answer reported; delivered by Speaker, and to be printed. Attorney General to consult with the Council of State about Proceedings against him; they to appoint a Solicitor.-None to be admitted to see him, except as excepted, 9 May. Previous Questions for restraining him as a close Prisoner, Affirmative -For an Allowance during his close Confinement, Neg. 12. Lieutenant of the Tower to take care he has necessary Provisions for his Subsistence. His Petition; Question for reading it, Neg. 25-Liberty of the Tower allowed him, 7 Sept.
Warburton, Peter, 1649, Commissioners of the Great Seal to issue Writs for calling him, Richard Oake, and Alexander Rigby, to the Degree of Serjeants; Act for issuing Writs returnable immediately, ordered, 1 June. Read, and passed. Forms of the Writ and Oath to be taken by them, read, and agreed to.
Warcupp, Edmund, 1649, Petition read; the Committee at Haberdashers Hall to take his Discoveries of Under-compositions, and reward him for his Service in attending the Duke of York, 24 May.
Ward, William, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Wards, 1650, Act enabling Grantees of their Lands to pass their
Grants under the Great Seal, and enjoy those passed before
25th February, read twice, and committed, 7 May.
-, - Court of, 1649, a Committee to consider how Deeds remaining there may be delivered to the right Owners, 26 May.
-Committees added, 14 July.-Barons of the Exchequer to give Order for the Delivery, 13 Nov.
-, - 1650, Order for transferring the Records into the Court
of Exchequer, to be under the Care of Mr. Salwey, 14 Mar.
-, - 1651, the Committee on the Bill touching the Arrears
of the Court, revived; Petition referred, 27 May.
Warner, George, 1648. Vide Privileges.
-, - George, 1649, Petition read; referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to make him Allowance in his Composition, notwithstanding the Lapse of Time, 20 Nov.-The
Committee not to proceed upon the Petition, but only upon
the Order.
-, - 1650, Report; Resolution thereupon, 31 Aug.
Warren, Mr. desired to preach, 28 Feb. 1648-Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 20 Apr. 1649.
Warwick County, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a
Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.
-, - Earl of, 1648, upon Report from the Council of State,
Act for repeal of the Ordinance constituting him Lord High
Admiral, and for constituting Commissioners of the Admiralty,
ordered, 20 Feb. Read twice, and committed; Resolution
for settling the Power of the Admiralty in the Council of State. Act read Third time; Title read thrice, and agreed to;
Act passed.-His Petition read; previous Question for
considering it further, Affirmative; main Question, Neg.
7 Mar.
Waterford, 1650. Vide Ireland.
Watermen, 1648, Copy of their Petition for a personal Treaty with the late King, to be sent to the High Court of Justice, 17 Feb.
Watkins, Sir David, 1651, Case of a Debt due to him from the Earl of Winchester, with Certificates annexed, read; his Petition read; previous Question for admitting him to double the unsubscribed Part upon Purchase of Delinquents Lands, Neg. 3 June.
Wauton, Valentine, appointed One of the Council of State,
14 Feb. 1648-12 Feb. 1649-7 Feb. 1650.
-, -Colonel, 1650, his Account allowed; the Committee
of the Army to issue a Debenture to him, and Trustees for Sale
of Crown Lands to allow it upon a Purchase, 6 Nov.-His
Letter reported from the Council of State, and read, 3 Dec.
Weaver, Peter, 1649, a Committee to consider of Reparation
for his Losses and Imprisonment out of the Earl of Winton's
Estate, 25 July.-Report, 5 Sept.
-, - Mr. 1649, Petition referred to the Committee on the
Bill touching Writs of Error, 11 Dec.
Weavers Company, 1648, Act for electing a Bailiff and other
Officers, committed; all that come to have Voices, 1 Feb.
Act reported, and to be ingrossed. Petition of the Livery
of the Company at London, read; Act passed.-Possession of the Hall, and all other Things belonging to the
Company, to be delivered to the new Master and Wardens,
9 Mar.-Petition of Bailiffs, & c. to be read.
-, - 1649, referred to a Committee, 6 Apr.
-, - Hall, 1650, Orders for Repayment of Monies to the
Committee there, 2 Apr. One amended.
Weedon, Simon. Vide Hardwicke, Colonel John.
Welby, Captain, 1650, Papers concerning him, and Letter, with Paper inclosed, touching Hairebread, Browne, Budges, and Hopkins, read, and referred to a Committee, 24 Oct. Order for their meeting and sitting de die in diem.
Weld, Thomas. Vide Gateside.
Weldon, Peter, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.
-, - Colonel Antony, 1648, Petition read, 19 Mar. Vide
Alcoran, Turkish.
-, - Colonel Ralph, 1649, Petition read, 28 Mar.
Welland River, 1650, Petition of Aldermen, & c. of Stamford, read; Order for paying 1,500£. out of their Discoveries towards making it navigable; Commissioners for compounding to receive the Discoveries, and pay the Money, 11 Dec.
Wells, Walter, 1649, to be admitted to come in for 150£. due to him upon Deans and Chapters Lands, by way of doubling, 9 July.
Wentworth, Sir George, 1649, his Case, as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 12 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
West India Islands. Vide Eleutherian Islands.
Westbrook, John. Vide Smyth, John.
Westminster, 1648, A Committee to prepare Ordinance for
settling the Militia, 2 Feb. Order for their Meeting, and
sitting de die in diem. Act for that Purpose read twice;
Question for Commitment, Neg. Previous Question for adding
a Proviso touching the Continuance, Neg. Proviso added;
Act passed, and to be printed.-The Committee of the
Militia to make use of Worcester House.-Petition of
well-affected Inhabitants, read, and referred to the Committee of Complaints; Member to give them Notice thereof;
the Committee revived; Order for their sitting de die in diem;
Committees added.
-, - 1649, Commissioners added for the Assessment of
90,000£. per Mensem, 18 Apr.-The Committee of the
Militia to secure the Peace of the City and Parliament, as they
shall receive Directions from them or the Council of State;
the Forces of the Army in and about London to assist them,
11 May.-Commissioners for the Assessment of 90,000£. per
Mensem to act with the Commissioners for Middlesex,
-Provost Marshal appointed, with Power to seize Malignants and disaffected Persons.-Power given him to suppress all tumultuous Meetings; Constables, & c. to assist-
Order touching the Continuance of his Office-For a Salary
of 100£. per Annum, and Twelve Men at 1s. per diem
each; the Committee of the Revenue to pay his Salary, and
consider whether it be proper to allow him more Men,
6 June.-Petition of Inhabitants to be read, 29 Jan.-
Petition for settling the Civil Government, read, and referred
to the Committee of Corporations-Bailiff and Deputy Stewand continued, 5 Feb.-The Committee of the Militia to
remove Powder out of private Houses.-Petition of
Frenchmen Inhabitants to be read, 22 Feb.-1 Mar.-Petition of Inhabitants read, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions in the Sale of Deans and Chapters Lands-Order
to forbear selling the Royalty of Westminster.
-, - 1650, Act for settling the Militia, ordered, 9 Apr.
-to be read, 10 & 28 May.-Read; Continuance
thereof; Act passed, 7 June-Act enabling the Committee of the Militia to raise Horse, read twice; Question for
Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed with the
former, 18 July.-Their Proceedings thereupon approved;
Order for continuing the Horse, 24 Sept.
-, - 1651, Act for reviving and continuing the Acts for
settling the Militias of Westminster, Southwark, and the
Tower Hamlets, read twice; a Committee to withdraw and
amend it-New Act read twice; Questions for Commitment
and Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed, 12 Aug.
-, -College, 1649, Committees added to the Committee
for the College, 2 Apr.-24 May.-Quorum reduced, 16
June.-Order for making Report. Report touching the
yearly Charge of the School and Almshouse, read, with Particulars of Rents belonging to the Deanery to be settled thereupon; a Committee to prepare, and consider of Provisions
for repairing and maintaining the Church and Officers continued there, 19 June.-Act for Maintenance of the
School, read twice, and committed; the Committee to present Names of Governors, and consider of a Schedule of
Rents desired to be settled on the College, 21 Aug.-Act
to be reported, 13 Sept. Reported; Names of the Governors
read, and agreed to; Provisoes on behalf of Lambert Osbaldston, read, and laid aside; Proviso added; Act to be ingrossed. Order for Third Reading. Governors
Names to be inserted; Act passed.-Masters, Fellows,
Schoolmasters, and Scholars, to subscribe the Engagement,
12 Oct.
-, -Palace, 1649, to be reserved for the Use of the State,
30 June.
Westmoreland, 1648, the Committee of the Army to prepare Letter for an Estimate of the Loss and Damage sustained by the coming in of the Scots, and by the Forces sent for their Defence, 13 Feb.-Members for the County to present Names of sit Persons to be Sheriff.
Weston, Benjamin, 1649, Act for him to be read, 21 Sept.-
Read twice, 19 Oct. Debate thereon adjourned.
-, -Anne, 1649, Pardon for her approved; Order for
passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
Westwood, Nicolas, 1650, Order for respiting his Execution, 25 July.-Judge's Letter and Certificate of the Cause of condemning him, read; Order for his Execution, 21 Aug.
Wexford, 1649. Vide Ireland.
Wey, River, 1650, Bill for making it navigable from Guildford
to Weybridge, read twice, 26 Dec.-Committed; Petitions
read, and referred, 26 Feb.
-, -1651, Bill reported; Provisoes added; Bill to be ingrossed,
22 May.-Passed, and to be printed, 26 June.
Weymouth, 1649, Governor's Petition read; the Council of State to consider what is to be done with the Prisoners mentioned therein, and what to be paid for his Charges, and to pay the Money, 28 Nov.
Whalley, Charles, 1649, his Case, as to the Mitigation of his
Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken in the mean
time of the Non-payment of his Arrears, 5 May. Case to be
referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.-His
Petition; Order for discharging him from all Imputation of
Delinquency-For taking off the Remainder of his Fine, and
delivering up his Bond-For making him capable of any Office of Trust-Former Order for an Allowance to him for transporting Money into Ireland; and Consideration of his past
Services, referred to the Council of State, 30 June.
-, -Colonel, 1651, Order for adding him to the Establishment, and paying him as Commissary General, 26 June.-
His Letter read, and returned to the Council of State, 14
Wheatley, Captain William, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 6 Apr.
Wheeler, Captain Abraham, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 25 June.
Whetston, Elizabeth, 1650, Order for inserting her in a Pardon, 2 Oct.
Whicker, Mr. 1649, Petition touching a Moiety of a Searcher's Place at Gravesend, referred to the Committee of the Navy and Customs, 24 July.-Another read, and referred, 19 Feb.
White, Lieutenant Colonel, 1650, a Committee to state and
certify his Accounts; his Widow to be paid what is due out
of her Discoveries, 23 Apr.
-, -John, 1650, Order for inserting him in a Pardon,
2 Oct.
-, -John, 1650, his Petition and General's Letter touching
him, read; Commissioners at Goldsmiths Hall to examine the
Truth of the Petition, and pay him a Moiety of his Discoveries till he has received 400 £. towards Satisfaction of his
Losses, 29 Nov.
Whitehall, 1648, House to be reserved for the Use of the State, 30 June.
Whitehurst, Elizabeth, 1649, Pardon for her approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
Whitelocke, Bulstrode, 1648, appointed One of the Council of
State, 14 Feb.-Order for paying him his Salary due last
Term as Commissioner of the Great Seal.
-, -1649, appointed One of the Council of State, 12 Feb.
-, -1650, like Appointment, 7 Feb.
Whitewell, Edmund and Laurence. Vide Hardwicke, Colonel John.
Whittlewood, Forest, 1649, Report touching selling Wood there; Sale approved, 19 Feb.
Whitton, William, 1649, Pardon for him approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 6 Mar.
Whoredom, Vide Sabbath breaking.
Whorwood, Mrs. 1650, to pay 600 £. received for procuring the Order for Sir Robert Banistre's Discharge; Money to be employed for the Use of maimed Soldiers, 25 June.
Wickham, 1651, Recorder discharged; another appointed, 18 July.
Widdrington, Sir Thomas, 1650, appointed One of the Council
of State, 10 Feb.
-, -Lady Mary, 1651, Petition read, 8 May.
Widowes, Dorothy, 1650, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Wigges, Freeze, 1650, Order for inserting him in a Pardon, 2 Oct.
Wight, Isle of, 1649, Commissioners added for the Assessment
of 90,000 £. per Mensem, 23 June.-18 Feb.-Upon
Report from the Council of State, Order for charging 500 £.
upon the public Revenue for Repair of the Castles and Forts,
2 Feb.
-, -1650, Order for additional Forces; the Committee of
the Army to pay them, 10 May.-Commissioners added
for the Assessment of 120,000 £. 29 Nov.
-, -1651, Act declaring the Act for settling the Militia of
the Commonwealth does not extend thither, read twice; Continuance thereof; Questions for Commitment and Ingrossment,
severally Neg. Act passed, 3 Apr.
Wightwick, Samuel, 1650, Petition read, and referred to the Committee for regulating Proceedings in Law, 17 Jan.
Wilcox, Mr. 1650, Order for paying what is due to him out of
his Discoveries, 8 Aug.
-, -Mrs. 1650, her Case referred to the Committee touching
necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
Wilde, Lord Chief Baron, 1648, appointed One of the Council
of State, 14 Feb.-His Letter read, and referred to the
Council, 21 Mar.
-, -1649, appointed One of the Council of State, 12 Feb.
Wildman, Major John, 1649, Petition read; previous and main
Questions for referring the Validity of his Claim to the Office
of Register of the Prerogative Court to a Trial at Law, severally Affirmative, 5 Dec.
-, -1651, his Petition read, 23 July.
Wilkins, Mr. 1648, has Leave to wait on the Prince Elector as Chaplain, without Prejudice to his Wardenship of Wadham College, 5 Mar.
Williams, Margaret, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed
to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
-, -Sir Trevor, 1649, Petition to be read, 20 July. Read;
Order for discharging his Sequestration.
-, -Sir Abraham, 1651, Petition read, 13 May.
Willoughby, William, 1648, appointed Master Attendant at
Portsmouth, 16 Feb.
-, -Colonel Thomas, 1649, his Business touching doubling
upon Deans and Chapters Lands, to be considered, 10 & 14
Aug.-His Petition, with Account of his Arrears, referred to
the Committee of Accounts.
-, -1650, another Petition read; Order for paying him
904£. 8s. 4d. out of his Discoveries, 3 Sept.
-, -1651, another Petition read; previous and main Questions for allowing him 500 £. out of his Discoveries, severally
Affirmative, 27 June.-The Council of State to examine
the Accounts of Monies laid out by him for Defence of the
Thames in the late Insurrections in Kent and Sussex, 11
-, -Lord of Parham, 1649, previous and main Questions
for sequestering his Estate, severally Affirmative; the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to see it done, 25 Dec.
-, -Lady, 1649, the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to allow her a Fifth Part of her Husband's sequestered Estate, for
Maintenance of herself and Children, 25 Dec.
-, -Elizabeth, 1650, Order for continuing her weekly
Allowance Three Months longer, 22 June.
Willowes, Thomas, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Wilts, 1649, Act for establishing several Courts in the Counties for Probate thereof, and for Administrations, Marriages, Divorces, & c. read, and rejected-A Committee to prepare another to the same Purpose; previous Question for referring the Business of Tythes to them, Affirmative; main Question, Neg. 18 May. Act to be presented.-Committee revived, and to sit de die in diem; Committees added; Members to present Names of sit Persons for Execution of the Offices of Probate of Wills within the Counties, 18 July.-Act read, 4 Aug.-Order for Second Reading, 3 Jan. Committed.
Wilmore, Henry, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 21 Feb.
Wilson, Rowland, 1648, appointed One of the Council of
State, 14 Feb.
-, -1649, his Accounts, as Mustermaster General of the
Forces in Warwickshire and Coventry, to be considered, 31
May.-Order for paying him 100 £. in full Satisfaction of
his Arrears-Question for allowing 2,000 £. in Recompence
for the Loss of his Office in the Court of Wards, Neg. the
Committee for the Court to consider of Satisfaction to him,
18 June.-Appointed One of the Council of State, 12
-, -Captain, 1650. Vide Privileges.
Wilts, 1649, Commissioners added for the Assessment of 90,000£.
per Mensem, 24 July.-4 Feb.-High Sheriff appointed;
Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.-
Leave given him to go out of the County, 28 Jan.-Petition
of well-affected Inhabitants, desiring the Propagation of the
Gospel, read, and referred to a Committee.-The
Committee to prepare Act for that Purpose, 15 Feb.
-, -1650, Act to be reported, 5 June. Reported, and recommitted; the Committee revived, and to sit de die in diem.
Wiltshire, Richard, 1650, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 19 Feb.
Winchester, 1649, the Council of State to consider how the Castle
may be demolished, and Satisfaction made to Sir William
Waller, 11 June.-Act constituting a Mayor, & c. read
twice, and passed, 13 Sept.-Act for preaching the Gospel,
and Maintenance of Ministers, ordered, 15 Mar.
-, -College, 1649, Act, declaring the Act for abolishing
Deans and Chapters, does not extend thereto, read, and
passed-The Committee for regulating the Universities, to
nominate a Visitor, 29 May.-Master, Fellows, Schoolmaster, and Scholars, to subscribe the Engagement, 12
-, - Marquis of, 1648, Question that he be proceeded
against for Life, Neg. Order for keeping him in Prison-For
excepting him from any Composition, 14 Mar.
Windham, Sir Hugh, 1649, Letter that he is brought Prisoner
to Plymouth; Order for removing him to Pendennis Castle
for High Treason; Sir Hardres Waller to take Order for a safe
Convoy, 21 July.
-, -William, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 21 Feb.
Windsor, 1649, Castle and Little Park to be reserved for the
Use of the Commonwealth, 30 June.
-, -1650, Order touching the Payment of the Remainder
of 1,500£. allowed for Repair of the Castle, 14 June.
Wines, 1649. Vide Supply.
Winslow cum Membris, 1650, Order against selling Timber in the Manor, 26 Sept.
Winson, John, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 3 July.
Wintour, Sir John, 1648, Resolution that he be banished, and
his Estate confiscate, 14 Mar.
-, -1649, Report from the Council of State, that he is a
dangerous Person; his Petition read; the Council to apprehend, and proceed against him according to Law; Estates of
Persons that conceal him to be sequestered, 31 Aug.
Wiredrawers, 1648, Petition to be read, 21 Mar.
Wither, Major George, 1650, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Pensions, 19 Sept.-Order for making Report, 1 Jan. Report; Order for continuing 1,681 £. 15s. upon the Security of the Excise, and for Payment thereof- For settling 150£. per Annum upon him and his Heirs, in full Satisfaction of all other Demands; Act for that Purpose, ordered.
Witheridge, Edward, 1650, Letter from Plymouth, with the Examination of him upon Oath, read, 15 Oct.
Witherington, Sir William, 1648, Resolution that he be banished, and his Estate confiscate, 14 Mar.
Withipoole, Sir Henry, 1648, has Leave to transport Two Horses, Custom and Impost free, 24 Mar.
Wogan, Colonel Thomas, 1648, Order for paying him Part of
his Arrears, 5 Mar.
-, -1651, Petition read; Order for paying him 360£. 19s.
9d. upon Account, 30 Apr.
Wollaston, Hannah. Vide Gethin, Maurice.
Wolstonholme, Sir John, 1649, Petition read, 5 July.-General's
Letter requesting his Composition might be remitted, read,
and agreed to; Order for discharging his Sequestration.
-, -1650, Order for him to pay his Fifth and Twentieth
Parts, 11 Apr.
Wood, Captain Walter, appointed Commander of a Ship, 25
June, 1649-26 Sept. 1650.
-, -Richard, 1650, appointed Alderman of Hull, 5 Feb.
Woolfe, Lieutenant Colonel, 1650, his Widow's Petition, read; Order for allowing her 20s. per Week for her present Relief, 22 June.
Wools and Fullers Earth, 1649, Commissioners of the Navy impowered to restrain Persons from transporting them, 19 Sept.
Woolwich, 1649, Report touching the Augmentation of Wages
to the Rope-makers and Labourers, upon certain Conditions,
agreed to, 19 Oct.
-, -1650, House approves of Money given to the Poor and
Shipwrights, 19 Apr.
Worcester County, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a
Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, -1650, like Order, 7 Nov.
-, -City, 1650, upon Report from the Council of State,
Order for making it untenable, 19 Mar.
-, -Earl of, 1648, Resolution that he be banished, and his
Estate confiscate, 14 Mar.
-, -1649, Petition of his Daughters read; Order for them
to receive the Fifth Part of his Estate, formerly allotted them,
9 July.
-, -House, 1650, Order for the Soldiers to lodge there
every Night for securing the Treasury, 10 Jan.-The
Council of State to dispose of the House and Gardens, 11
Worfteman, Sir John, 1649, General's Letter touching him and Sir Thomas Harrison, to be read, 22 June.
Worrall, Robert. Vide Freeman, Paul.
-, -Mary, 1650, Order for inserting her in a Pardon, 2
Worsley, Thomas, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to;
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
-, -Benjamin, 1649, appointed Secretary to the Commissioners for regulating Trade, 16 Mar.
-, - Richard. Vide Moore, Colonel John.
Worsted Weavers, 1649, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 14 July.
Wren, Doctor Mathew, 1648, Question that he be proceeded
against for Life, Neg.-Order for keeping him in Prison-
For excepting him from any Composition, 14 Mar.
-, -Stephen, 1650, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 19 Feb.
Wright, Elizabeth. Vide Tredwell, Richard.
-, - Henry, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to,
Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
Writ, 1648, Form of a Writ for Election of a Knight, read, and agreed to, 8 Mar.
Writs, 1648, a Committee to prepare Ordinance authorizing
the sealing Writs taken out last Term, 9 Feb.-Forms of
several reported, and agreed to; Order for passing them under
the Great Seal.
-, -new; viz. for Berks, 16 Feb. 1648-For Carlisle, 12
Apr.-Abingdon, 18 June-Haslemere and Lynn,-
Brecon County, -Liverpoole, 28 Aug. 1649.
-, - of Error, 1649, Act for preventing Inconveniences by
granting them, read, 4 Dec. Committed; the Committee impowered to present other Bills for rectifying other Proceedings
in Law; Petition referred, -Act to be reported, 31
Jan.-Reported; Question that Clause touching Orders in
Courts of Equity be Part of the Bill, Neg. Bill to be ingrossed,
4 Feb.-Continuance thereof; Act passed, and to be
printed, 11 Mar.
Wyard, Robert, 1650, his Letter read; the Council of State to consider of a Reward to him, 9 Aug.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
YARD, Gilbert, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence
to be desired, 11 Sept.
-, -Edward, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his
Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 11 Sept.
Yarmouth, General's Letter touching securing the Road and Harbour; Order for building a Castle; the Committee of the Eastern Association to consider how Money may be raised, 25 Sept.
York County, Letter from thence read; Order for maintaining
the new Militia out of Delinquents Estates; Ordinance for
raising 12,000£. for their Maintenance, ordered; Order for
adding 1,000£. for Maintenance of the Militia of the City, 13
Sept. Ordinance read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be
desired.-Committees impowered to appoint a President
and Council of War for trying Soldiers by martial Law, 2
Oct. Lords Concurrence signified.-Petition of wellaffected Inhabitants, read. General's Letter, and Report
from the Committee at Derby House, touching disbanding the
Forces; Order for disbanding those new raised; Question for
desiring Lords Concurrence, Neg. Order appointing High
Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to
by Lords, -Committees Letter to be read, -Order for
disbanding the Militia; a Committee to see it done-New
Sequestrations to go towards disbanding them, and discharging
the public Engagements of the County, 26 Dec. Severally
agreed to by Lords.
-, -City, Petition from the Committee of the Militia; Order touching the Maintenance of them, 13 Sept. Vide York
A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.
YARMOUTH, 1650, Letters from thence, with Papers
inclosed, read, 15 Apr.
-, - 1651, Petition of Inhabitants, read, and referred to
the Committee of Indemnity, with Power to determine the
Business, 10 July.-Act for propagating the Gospel, and
Maintenance of Ministers there, ordered.
Yates, Lieutenant, 1650, Petition read; Order for inserting him in a Pardon, 2 Oct.
Yonge, Ellis, 1651, Reversion of the Office of Remembrancer of the Exchequer granted him upon paying his Predecessor's Executors, & c. 200£. per Annum for Seven years, 15 July.
York County, 1648, a Committee to prepare Letter to the Commissioners of Assessments to make Estimate of the Losses and
Damages sustained by the Coming in of the Scots, and by the
Forces sent down for their Defence, 13 Feb.
-, -1649, Resolution and Presentment of the Two Grand Inquests, read, and to be printed, with a Letter from the Gentlemen of the County-Act appointing Commissioners to displace
ignorant, scandalous, and malignant Ministers, and place
godly Men in their rooms, ordered, 27 Mar.-List of
Money due to Persons, who lent it for maintaining the War
against the Parliament; the Committee at Haberdashers Hall
to compound with them, and call in any other Persons engaged in the like manner, and compound with them, 16
June.-Commissioners added for the Assessment of 90,000 £.
per Mensem, 4 July.-Petition of Grand Jury concerning
settling Courts of Judicature in the County, and General's
Letter, read; Petition referred to a Committee.-Act for
disposing of the Sequestrations of the new Delinquents towards
disbanding the Forces to be read.-Read twice, 1 Aug.
-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under
the Great Seal, 26 Oct.-A Committee to prepare an Act
for Redress of the Inhabitants Grievances, or consider of some
other Way for their Relief, 20 Dec.
-, -1650, Act for propagating the Gospel in the County, ordered, 19 Apr.-To be read, 11 May. Read .-
Committed, 7 June.-The Committee revived, and to
make the Bill general, 12 Mar. Vide Gospel.-Commissioners Letter, with Paper inclosed, 24 Oct. Vide Welby, Captain.-Letter from the Commissioners for Assessments, read,
and referred to the Committee of the Army; Gentlemen of
the County to assist them, 7 Jan.
-, -City 1648, General's Letter touching the Excisemen, to
be read 28 Feb.-Read; Order for discharging a Bond for
500£. taken up by the Lord Mayor, & c. of the Sub-commissioners, for the Service of the Parliament, 2 Mar.
-, -1649, Articles to be considered, 11 June.-Letter from
thence read; the Council of State to take care the Actors in
the Abuse therein mentioned be punished, and the Business
settled for the security of the Country, 16 July.
Young, Captain Antony, appointed Commander of Ship, 25
June, 1649-26 Sept. 1650.
-, -1651, his Letter read, 13 May.
Younge, Edward, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 3 July.
24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.
ZELANDIA, a Ship; the Committee of the Navy to state the Business concerning it, 6 Jan.
Zouch, Ashby de la, the Garison to be slighted, and made untenable, 25 Nov.
A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.
ZACHARY, Captain Robert, 1650, Order for paying his Widow 500£. 4 Mar.
Zelandia, a Ship, 1648, the Committee of the Navy to hear and determine the Business concerning it, 3 Feb.