Index: A-J

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'Index: A-J', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651(London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Index: A-J', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651(London, 1802), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Index: A-J". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. (London, 1802), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.


24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.

ABINGDON, Business concerning it, to be considered, 25 Sept.

Accounts, Order for sitting of the Committee; Quorum appointed, 4 Oct. Order for making Report.

Acts, Act for repealing several, read, 29 Jan. Committed.

Adjournment, Resolution to adjourn a Week; Conference desired by Lords thereupon, agreed to; Reporters appointed; Conference held, and reported; Resolution annulled, 17 Oct. -Without doing Business, 24 & 25 Jan.-Till Afternoon.

Admiral, Lord. Vide Warwick, Earl of.

Admiralty, Declaration and Order touching the Judges thereof, and Delegates proceeding upon Causes comprehended within the Ordinance for settling the Admiralty, to be published as the Declaration and Order of House only-Declaratory Order that Causes begun within the Time limited be not interrupted by Prohibitions, though not determined within the limited Time, 23 Sept.-Resolution for allowing the Judges 400 £. per Annum; Ordinance for that Purpose, read; Proviso against their taking Fees, added; Ordinance passed- Agreed to by Lords, 2 Oct.

Aldborough, Choice of a Member to be Bailiff of the Town, approved; his Attendance to be dispensed with, 28 Sept.- Petition from Lords to make it a Market Town; Order for a Writ ad quod damnum, 27 Nov.

Aldriche, Colonel, Auditors at Worcester House to cast up his Accounts; Accounts to be sent to them, 28 Dec.

Allen, Lieutenant Colonel Edward, Order for paying him 500 £. 13 Sept. Agreed to by Lords.

Anderson, Stephen, Business concerning his Fine and Composition, to be considered, 19 Sept. Fine reported; the Committee to accept the Moiety, and prepare Ordinance for that Purpose.
-, - Robert, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 25 Sept.

Anglesea, Isle of, Order for victualling and setting forth Two small Vessels for reducing it, 2 Oct.-For a Thanksgiving for the Reduction thereof. Vide Thanksgiving-For a Letter of Thanks to the Officers; the Committee at Derby House to take care for settling and securing it, -Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 25 Nov.

Appleby, Letter concerning the Surrender thereof, and Articles, with List of Officers taken, read; Articles read again, and approved; the Committee of the Northern Association to consider what is fit to be done with it; Order for a Reward to the Messenger; Lords Concurrence to be desired-Order for removing the Arms, & c. to Lancaster Castle, 17 Oct.

Armstrong, Major, Persons charged with rescuing him in his Passage to Windsor Castle-Order for sending for them as Delinquents; Petition of Informants, read, 9 Sept.-The Committee of Complaints to examine them.

Army. Vide Fairfax, Lord.

Arthur, Mr. thanked, and to print his Sermon, 27 Sept.

Arundel, Earl of, his Fine accepted; Order for Disposal thereof, and discharging him of his 5th and 20th Parts; Lords Concurrence to be desired; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, ordered, 24 Nov.

Ashe, Mr. has Leave to transport Two Horses to Antwerp, 12 Dec.

Ashton, Colonel Ralph, the Committee at Derby House to grant him a Commission to be Major General of the Lancashire Forces; Order for adding 40 s. per Diem to his Pay, 25 Sept. -His Letter read, 17 Oct. Vide Appleby.
-, - Thomas, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 2 Oct.

Assessments. Vide Supply-The Committee of the Army to prepare Letter for hastening the Pay of the Assessments for the Army, 13 Sept. Letter reported, read, and re-committed. Reported from Re-commitment, read, and agreed to; Order for sending it into several Counties-Arrears to be paid within a Time limited, 18 Oct.

Atkins, Baron, Lords put House in mind of Ordinance for removing him to the Common Pleas, 13 & 17 Oct.

Atkinson, Gilbert, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 19 Sept.
-, - Thomas, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 25 Sept.

Auditors, Report concerning them, to be made, 21 Oct.

Augiear, Monsieur Renaud, Order for paying him 100 £. towards defraying his extraordinary Charges, 6 Sept.

A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.

ABBOTT, Richard, 1648, Petition read; Order appointing him Receiver of the public Revenue for Middlesex, Essex, Hertfordshire, and London, upon the usual Security; Ordinance for that Purpose, ordered, 12 Mar.
-, - Mr. 1649, his Delinquency reported; Order for sequestering his Place of Register of the Prerogative Court; Persons appointed to receive the Profits by way of Sequestration; Order for a Patent for them, 18 July.

Abercromy, Mrs. 1650, Order for allowing her 40 s. per Week for Six Months, 4 June-Her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.

Abingdon, 1649, new Writ, 18 June.

Abjuration, 1648, a Committee to consider of a Form of an Oath of Abjuration of all foreign Jurisdictions, instead of the Oath of Supremacy; Act for administering it, ordered, 28 Feb.

Ablyn, Jacob, 1651, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 9 May.

Accounts, 1648, a Committee to prepare Act for taking the general Accounts of the Commonwealth, 23 Feb. Act read twice, and committed, 2 Mar.
-, - 1649, Reported, and re-committed; the Committee to consider former Ordinances touching Accounts, and nominate fit Persons to be employed in that Service, 8 May.- The Committee of Accounts to allow the Certificates of the several Sub-committees in their respective Counties, 20 July -Act for receiving and taking the Accounts of the Commissioners, to be read, 2 Aug. Read twice, and committed-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 21 Sept.-Read Third time; Debate thereon, adjourned, 5 Oct. Resumed; Commissioners appointed; Question for an Amendment, Neg. Treasurers appointed; Proviso touching Accounts to be taken in the Exchequer, added; Act passed, and to be printed-Act for making George Crompton Treasurer, in the room of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Crompton, ordered, read, and passed.
-, - 1650, Order for making Report touching removing Obstructions in taking the Accounts, 14 May-4 June.

Acton, Anne, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Acts, 1649, Council of State to present Things fit to be considered and passed before Adjournment, 11 June. Order for making Report. Report touching Acts, to be passed; further Report touching the Things, to be prepared during the Recess-A Committee to select Acts fit to be passed. Report-All Acts to be ingrossed and inrolled, 18 Sept.-Stile used therein to be altered, 12 Oct.

Adams, Thomas, 1649, discharged from being Alderman of London; City to proceed to a new Election, 7 Apr.

Adjournment, 1650, till Afternoon, 25 June-Previous and main Questions for adjourning till Afternoon, severally Affirmative, 18 July-Adjournment without doing Business, 5 Nov.

Administrations. Vide Wills.

Admiralty, 1648, One Seal not to be altered; the other to be altered, 10 Feb.-Judges Commissions to be according to the Form of other Judges Commissions; Member to examine them with the Original.-Order for passing them under the Great Seal-Act for repealing the Ordinance and Letters Patent for constituting the Earl of Warwick Lord High Admiral, and for settling the Power of the Admiralty in the Council of State authorized by Parliament, ordered. Read twice, and committed; reported, and to be ingrossed. Passed.
-, - 1649, Act impowering the Court and Judges to proceed to Sentence, notwithstanding Prohibitions to the contrary, read twice, and committed, 12 Apr. Reported, and passed-Judges to sit Three times a Week-Order appointing a Judge, in the room of One deceased, 12 June. Vacated-Act for appointing a Judge, and settling a Salary on him, read twice; Question for Commitment, and passing, severally Neg. 25-Judge appointed, 16 Aug.-Judges and Officers of the Court to subscribe the Engagement, 12 Oct.-Order for paying the Secretary the usual Salary, 1 Jan.
-, - 1650, a Committee to consider of the Power of the Admiralty and Navy, and how the Office and Affairs thereof may be carried on for the future, 13 Feb.
-, - 1651, Report from the Council of State touching the continuing the Court and Salary of the Judges; Act for Continuance thereof from 12th April, 1651, read twice; Questions for Commitment and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Act passed, and to be printed, 2 Apr.-Report touching the settling the Admiralty, and Affairs of the Navy; Act for settling the Powers and Authorities of the Lord High Admiral of England in Commissioners, read twice; Questions for Commitment, Ingrossment, and passing, severally Neg.- Resolution for continuing the Powers in the Council of State; Act for that Purpose, read twice, and laid aside-Another read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, 26 June.

Adultery, Vide Incest.

Agnes Island. Vide Silly.

Aileworth, William, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Aiskew, Sir George, 1649, Petition read; and recommended to the Committee of the Navy, 9 July-Leave given him to come and contract for the Inheritance of Deans and Chapters Lands Thirty Days after his Return from the Summer's Service; no Contracts to be made for them in the mean time, 8 Aug.-Lieutenant General Jones's Request touching continuing Sir George in his Command, referred to the Council of State.
-, - 1650, his Petition read, and referred to the Committee on Act for making the Wey navigable, 26 Feb.
-, - Lady, 1651, Petition read, 22 May.

Albans, St. 1651, Act for propagating the Gospel, and Maintenance of a Minister, ordered, 24 July.

Albert, Thomas, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Alcoran, Turkish, 1648, Letter informing it was in the Press, read; Serjeant to seize the Press and Papers, and bring the Printer in Custody, 19 Mar. Speaker acquaints House the Printer is apprehended, and Books seized; the Council of State to examine the Matter, with Power to discharge the Printer, and suppress the Books.

Aldborough, 1649, Order for a Grant of weekly Market there to Gilbert Parker and his Heirs-For passing it under the Great Seal, 24 Oct.

Ale. Vide Beer.

Alexander, Michael Benjamin, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Commissioners of the Great Seal, 20 June.

Alford, Richard. Vide Smyth, Francis.

Algiers. Vide Captives.

Alimony, 1649, Consideration thereof, referred to a Committee, 23 May-Commissioners of the Great Seal to hear and determine all Cases concerning it, 22 June.

Alkeen, Elizabeth, 1649. Vide Privileges-The Council of State to bestow a House and Maintenance upon her for Life, 2 June.

Allegiance, Oath of. Vide Oaths.

Allen, Francis, 1649, Petition read, and, with Certificates, referred to the Committee of Obstructions in the Sale of Deans and Chapters Lands, 6 Sept.
-, - Lieutenant John, 1651, Order for reprieving him till 11th May next; Sheriff to forbear Execution; Judges to certify the State of his Case, 11 Apr.-His Petition, and Judges Certificate, read, 8 May.

Ambassadors, 1651, Act prohibiting them to take any Pension, Reward, Gift or Honorary, from any foreign State or Prince, read twice, and committed, 7 Aug.
-, - foreign, 1649, Report from the Council of State, touching the Reception of them; Council to see the Particulars provided, 18 Mar.
-, - 1650, a Committee to consider touching the manner of giving them Audience, 27 Dec.-Report, 1 Jan.
-, - 1651, Report from the Council of State, of the Grounds for securing several; Order for them to proceed in the Business, 7 May.

Ambleside, 1649, Petition of Inhabitants and others, read; Order for Grant of Fairs and Markets there; Commissioners of the Great Seal to issue a Warrant ad quod damnum, 20 June.

Amerciaments. Vide Fines and Recognizances.

Ammunition. Vide Arms.

Anderson, Lady, 1650, her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.

Andover, 1650, Debate touching it, adjourned, 5 June.

Andrews, Thomas, 1648, Letter from him and others read, 23 Feb.
-, - Eusebius, 1650, Proceedings in his Trial and Sentence, reported; his Petition read; Act for beheading him for Treason, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, 20 Aug.
-, - Robert, 1650, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Indemnity, 23 Aug.

Anglesea, Isle of, 1649, upon Report from the Council of State; Act for the Compositions of Delinquents there, ordered, 5 May-Petition of well-affected Inhabitants, read, and referred to a Committee-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 13 Feb.

Ansdale, James, 1649, to be admitted to double upon Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 7 May.

Antigua. Vide Barbadoes.

Appeals. Vide Wills.

Apsley, Sir Allen, 1649, State of the Case between him and the late King's Creditors, to be reported, 17, 20 & 21 July- 4 Sept. Reported; a Committee to prepare Act for the Security of the Tenants of the Manor of Clitheroe, and of him and other Creditors of the late King.
-, - 1650, Act to be reported, 28 May-4 June. Read twice, and committed-His Petition to be read- Act reported, and to be ingrossed, 23 July. Passed.

Arms, 1651. Act prohibiting the disposing of them, Ordinance, and Ammunition, without Licence, or to wear Arms, and to prevent tumultuous Meetings and disorderly Actions, read twice, and passed; to be printed, and proclaimed in the several Counties, 13 Aug.

Army, 1650. Vide Fairfax, Lord, and Scotland-Lord Fairfax lays down his Commission; Major General Harrison appointed Commander in Chief of the Forces left in England, 21 June-Upon Report from the Council of State, Order for receiving Three Troops of Dragoons, & c. into the Establishment for Three Months; the Committee of the Army to take care of paying them, 2 July-Order for continuing them Three Months longer, 24 Dec.-For a Reserve of Forces sufficient for the Safety of the Commonwealth.
-, -1651, Order for adding a Clerk and Gunner to the Establishment, 4 Apr.-For taking into Pay 3,000 Horse and 1,000 Dragoons, out of the several Militias, for Three Months; the Council of State to see the Vote put in Execution-Order for taking Two Deputy Muster-masters and Two Marshalmen into Pay for Three Months, 11 July-Estimate of the Army in England for Seven Months Fourteen Days, reported; Order for Money for them, 6 Aug.

Armyne, Sir William, 1651, the Council of State, and all Committees to forbear sitting the Day his Corpse is carried out of Town, 1 May.

Arrowsmith, Dr. 1649, Petition referred to Committee for regulating the University of Cambridge, 4 May.

Arthington, Mr. 1649, a Committee to examine the Truth of a Debt pretended to be due to him from Henry Jermyn, and prepare Act for his Satisfaction out of Jermyn's Estate, 14 Aug.-Order for paying his Wife 5£. out of the Box-money-Previous and main Questions for allowing her 20 s. per Week, upon Account, for Six Months, severally Affirmative, 19 Sept.
-, - 1650, Report touching the Debt; Act for satisfying it, with Interest, read; Question for Second Reading, Neg. Act rejected-Order for giving his Wife 20£. out of the Boxmoney; the Commissioners at Goldsmiths Hall to examine the Truth of the Debt, and pay what shall appear due, before Mr. Jermyn's Sequestration be discharged, 19 July.

Articles, 1649, a Committee to consider of Delinquents who have not Articles upon Surrender of Garisons performed to them, 5 May. Vide Delinquents.

Artificers, 1649, Order for settling their Wages, for their better Relief and Subsistence in these dear Times, 6 Apr.

Arundel, 1649, Petition of Mayor, & c. referred to the Committee of Corporations, 19 Mar.

Arundell, John, 1650, Question that he stand in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates to have his Estate sold, Neg. Previous Question that he be fined 10,000£. Affirmative; main Question, Neg. Resolution for fining him and his Son 10,000£. for their Delinquencies, 21 Mar.

Asaph, 1649, Commissioners of the Great Seal, and Attorney General, to consider of granting Fairs and Markets there, 20 June-Order for Patent under the Great Seal for a weekly Market, and Four Fairs in a Year, 24 Oct.

Ascham, Antony. Vide Warcuppe, Edmund-1649, appointed Agent to Spain; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 31 Jan.-Commission read, and agreed to, with Amendments; Speaker to sign his Credentials and safe Conduct; Council of State to affix their Seal to them, 2 Feb.
-, - 1650, his Letter read, 2 May-Letter concerning his Death, read, and referred to the Council of State, 21 June. Report; Order for Letter to the King of Spain to demand Justice upon the Murderers; Speaker to sign it.

Ashcroft, William, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Ashley, Captain Henry, 1650, upon Report from the High Court of Justice; Order for reprieving him, and for a Pardon under the Great Seal; Sheriff to forbear Execution in the mean time, 13 June.

Aske, Richard. Vide Warburton, Peter.
-, - James, 1649, to have Pass to go into Flanders, and transport Two Horses, 8 Nov.

Assessments, 1649, the Council of State, with the Committee of the Army, to put in Execution all Ordinances and Acts concerning them, 14 Nov.
-, - 1650, Draught of Letter to be sent into the several Counties, for timely collecting and bringing in the Assessments for the Army, read, and agreed to; Order for sending them; Speaker to sign them, 4 June-Draught of another Letter for raising the Assessment of 120,000£. per mensem, read, and agreed to; Speaker to sign them, 13 Dec.
-, - 1651, like Letter ordered, 16 Apr. Read, and agreed to; Speaker to sign it-Commissioners of the Great Seal to issue Commissions for speedy collecting the Assessments of 400,000 £. 26 June.

Assurances, 1648, Form of a Commission concerning those used among Merchants; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 9 Mar.

Aston, Edward, 1651, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Atkins, Serjeant Edward, 1649, appointed a Justice of the Common Pleas; Order for a Patent under the Great Seal, 19 Oct.
-, - Alice, 1650, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 2 Oct.

Atkinson, Christopher, and others, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Indemnity, 24 Oct.

Attorney General, 1649, Order appointing an Attorney General of the State, 9 Apr. Form of an Oath to be taken by him, read, and agreed to; Commissioners of the Great Seal to administer it.

Attornies, 1649, Order for removing those ill-affected out of the Inns of Court and Chancery, 19 Oct.

Audley, Major, 1650. Vide Privileges.

Augier, Monsieur Renaud, 1648, Order for paying the Arrears of his Allowance, and his extraordinary Charges, 5 Feb.

Aukland, North, 1650, Order for a Writ ad quod damnum, touching a Fair to be kept there, 14 Mar.

Aulnage, 1649, Order for making Report concerning it, 23 May.

Austen, William, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Axtell, Colonel, 1649, his Accounts reported, 22 June.

Aylesbury. Vide Packington, Sir John-1649, Petition of Inhabitants, read; Part concerning the Corporation, referred to a Committee, 28 Nov.

Aylett, Dr. 1649, a Committee to inquire what Persons have been instituted and inducted by him since the taking away of Bishops, with Power to remove them, 18 July.

Ayloff, Sir Benjamin, 1649, Petition referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, 16 Apr.
-, - Thomas, 1649, Petition referred to the Committee of Accounts, 21 June.

24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.

BABINGTON, Sarah, her Petition recommended by Lords, read; nothing done thereupon, 20 Sept.

Barker, Mr. desired to preach, 27 Sept.-Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 25 Oct.

Barrington, Henry, Petition read; Order for paying him 1,000£. towards Reparation of his Losses, 21 Sept.

Barry, Sir James, Order for paying him 200£. sent to Lords, 5 Sept.

Barwis, John, to be sent for as a Delinquent, for rescuing a Prisoner in his Passage to Windsor Castle; Captain of the Guard to send a Party to assist Serjeant, 9 Sept. The Committee of Complaints to examine him.

Bastwick, Dr. his Petition from Lords, with special Recommendation; Ordinance concerning him, to be read; 20 Oct. Ordinance for Reparation of his Sufferings and Damages, read twice, and committed; Order for paying him 500£. with Interest. Quorum appointed-Committees added, 1 Nov. The Committee impowered to raise the Reparations out of the Estates of those who on 22d February and 2d March, 1640, the House voted should give them.

Batten, Captain William, Lord Admiral's Letter and Indemnity to him, Captain Elias Jordan, and Captain Robert Dare, referred to the Committee of the Navy, 29 Dec.

Bedford County, Members to send down Letters for hastening the Payment of the Assessments and Arrears to the Army, 25 Sept.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords-Members to be employed to take care for bringing in the Assessments for the Army.

Bence, Alexander, Choice of him to be Bailiff of a Town, approved; his Attendance on House to be dispensed with, 28 Sept.-Leave given him to come up and attend, 25 Nov.

Berks, Members to send down Letters to hasten the Payment of the Assessments and Arrears to the Army, 25 Sept.-Petition of Inhabitants, to be read, 22 Nov.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal. Agreed to by Lords-Members to be employed to take care for bringing in the Assessments for the Army.

Berwick, Lieutenant General Cromwell's Letter, touching the Surrender thereof, and Forces he had, and would put in; Order for paying them-For a Reward to the Messenger; Lords Concurrence to be desired-For sending Arms and Ammunition from Newcastle; and replacing them, 7 Oct.- Consideration of the Garison, and Letters concerning it, referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, 8 Nov.

Bethan, Francis, appointed Provost Marshal for the Safety of the Parliament, 13 Sept. Lords Concurrence signified-Order touching his Pay, 4 Nov.

Binge, Henry, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 2 Oct.

Binlos, Sir Robert, has Leave to go into France, and transport Two Horses Custom and Impost free, 14 Dec.

Birch, Colonel John, Order for paying him 1,550£. in Part of his Arrears, 18 Oct.-Appointing him High Steward of Leominster, 22 Nov.

Bishop, Sir Thomas, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 28 Sept.

Bishops, Order for removing Obstructions in the Sale of their Estates, sent to Lords, 5 Sept.-Returned, with an Amendment; Amendment agreed to, 10 Nov.-Petition of Contractors for additional Ordinance to supply Defects in a former, read-Ordinance enabling them to purchase Lands towards their Salaries, read twice, and passed, 19 Sept. House put Lords in mind thereof; Ordinance returned, with Amendments-Amendments agreed to; Committee of House appointed to join with a Committee of Lords, 21 Nov.- Committees added, 19 Dec.-Petition of Trustees, to be read, 21 Sept. Day appointed for presenting it. Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions-Ordinance authorizing Thomas Noell to accept, receive, and pass, such Bills or Receipts as shall be vouched by the Register Accountant for the Payment of the last Moiety of the Purchase-money, read twice, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 28 Dec.-Ordinance entered, 3 Jan. -Petition of Trustees, read; Letters Patents for Purchasers amended, or for further Security to them-Committees added to the Committee of Obstructions.

Blackwell, John, Petition read; Order for discharging him from any Penalty for not proceeding in the Purchase of the Manor of Lambeth Wyke, 19 Sept. Agreed to by Lords.

Blairs, Mr. to be admitted into the Assembly; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 26 Oct.

Blake, Captain George, to have a Fifth Part of his Discoveries, 3 Jan.

Blowers, Alexander, House approves of Colonel Moore's apprehending him, Richard Lever, and Samuel Wiseman, for suffering Prisoners committed to their Charge to escape; Power given him to secure them till further Order, 23 Dec.

Bois, Sir John, Question for banishing him, Neg. 10 Nov.

Bolingbrooke Castle, Order for slighting and making it untenable, 25 Nov.

Bolsover Castle, Order for slighting it, and disbanding the newraised Forces, 23 Oct.

Bond, Mr. thanked, and to print his Sermon, 8 Sept.-Desired to preach, 18 Dec.

Booth, William, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 11 Sept.

Brampton Bryan, Ordinance for repairing the Church, to be read, 16 Oct.-28 Nov.

Brecon County, the Committee of the County to disband the Sunumeraries; Order to be sent to them, 22 Nov. Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal. Agreed to by Lords.

Bristol, Report concerning some People there, to be considered, 2 Sept.-The Committee of the Army to examine to whom the Money for preserving the City from Plunder was paid, and how it was disposed of-Petition of Mayor, & c. read; Order for Augmentation of Pay to their Ministers-A Committee to prepare Ordinance for an equal Rate upon the Inhabitants, for that Purpose, 2 Oct.

Brocklesby, Anne, Order for paying her a Debt due from a Delinquent, out of his Estate, 3 Jan.

Brooke, Lady, Order for paying her 4,000 £. out of Sir Edward Bishop's Fine, repealed-Order for paying her 2,000£. with Interest for the Whole, out of his Rents, till he proceed effectually to his Composition, 20 Sept. Amended; Lords Concurrence to be desired.
-, - Arthur, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 2 Oct.

Brookes, Mr. desired to preach, 29 Nov.-Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 30 Dec.

Buckingham County, Member to send Letters for hastening the Payment of the Assessments and Arrears to the Army, 23 Sept.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 23 Nov. Another appointed by Lords, agreed to-Members to be employed to take care for bringing in the Assessments for the Army.
-, - Duke of, Order for selling his Goods, and disposing of the Proceed thereof, 23 Sept.

Bullock, Mr. the Committee of Indemnity impowered to hear the Cause between him and Mr Carless, 27 Nov.

Burton, Mr. State of the Proceedings in House concerning his Sufferings and Damages, referred to Dr. Bastwick's Committee, 31 Oct.

Butler, Henry, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 4 Sept.
-, - Colonel Hugh, Petition read; Order for admitting him to his Composition, upon the Articles of Pembroke, 9 Oct.

A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.

BABINGTON, Mrs. 1650, her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.

Bacon, Antony, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.

Badiley, Richard, 1649, appointed Captain of a Ship, 25 June.

Bagley, Charles, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Baker, Mr. 1649, to deliver Papers in his Custody to the Council of State, 21 July.

Baldock, 1651, Order for a Writ ad quod damnum, for holding a weekly Market there, 23 July.

Baldwin, John, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 21 Jan.

Ball, Andrew, 1649, appointed Captain of a Ship, 25 June.
-, - Thomas, 1650, Order for paying him 500£. in Part of his Arrears, 5 Dec.

Ballishamon, 1649. Vide Ireland.

Balston, Catherine, 1650, Petition read; Order for allowing her 20s. per Week for a Year, till her Husband's Arrears are paid, 20 Dec.

Barbadoes, 1650, Act prohibiting Trade and Commerce with Barbadoes, Antigua, Virginia, and Bermudas, read twice, and committed, 27 Sept.-Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed-Serjeant to summon Persons to bring in all Patents concerning those Islands -Council to order the Generals at Sea to stay all Ships trading thither-List of Ships and Men for the Reduction thereof, reported from them, and referred to the Committee of the Navy; Order touching paying such as shall be employed, 3 Oct.-For Money for setting forth the Ships. Serjeant's Report touching proclaiming the Act-The Committee of the Navy impowered to contract for Provisions necessary for the Expedition-Number of Ships, Extraordinaries on Board, and Arms, reported, and agreed to; the Council of State to dispatch them, and give Instructions, 22 Jan.
-, - 1651, State of the Fact concerning the Fleet, reported; Petition of Merchants, and Papers mentioned in the Report, read; previous and main Questions that the Council send a competent Number of Ships thither, severally Affirmative, 19 June.

Barber, Grace, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Indemnity, 9 July.

Barkstead, Colonel John, 1650, upon Report from the Council of State, Order for adding Officers and Men to his Regiment, and for paying them, 15 May-Upon further Report, Order for allowing Four Gunners and Twelve Matrosses, 6 June -For continuing the additional Men Four Months longer -His Petition read; Commissioners of Accounts to state his Accounts, without Deduction for free Quarter while he was Governor of Reading-To allow him 20s. per Diem during that Time, 24 Sept.-Order touching the Payment of his Regiment, 8 Jan.

Barlow, John, 1649, Petition read, 5 Oct. Vide Horton, Colonel.

Barnesley, William, Henry, Susan, and Catharine. Vide Jacob, Harmon.

Barrington, Mary. Vide Jacob, Harmon.

Barry, Sir James, 1649, Order for paying him 200£. upon Account, 7 July.

Bartholomew's Hospital. Vide Christ's Hospital.

Bartlett, John, 1649, Order for paying him 20£. 9 July.

Barton, William, 1650, Petition read; Ministers to peruse Rous's Psalms since reviewed by him, with Power to license the Printing thereof, 27 Sept.
-, - Nathanael, 1650, his Letter referred to the Council of State, 29 Oct.

Basill, William, 1649, Order for Patent under the Great Seal, appointing him Attorney General of Ireland, 13 July-His Letter read, and to be printed, 25 Dec.

Bassett, William, 1649, his Case, as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall-His Petition read; Order for paying One Moiety of his Fine, the other respited, 23 Aug.
-, - 1651, his Fine accepted; Order for discharging his Sequestration, upon Payment thereof within the times limited, 25 Mar.

Batten, Captain William, 1649, Information and Examination touching him, read; the removing him, and placing another Governor in Holy Island, approved; Business concerning him referred to the General, 16 May.

Bayes, John, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Baynes, Colonel Jeremy, 1649, to be re-taken into Custody, having neglected to take out the Order for his Discharge, 28 Aug.

Beake, Robert, 1649, Order touching paying his Company, 10 Apr.

Beamont, Dame Mary, 1649, Order for allowing her 20 s. per Week for her present Subsistence, 13 Sept.

Beauchampe, Thomas, 649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Beck, Susan, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
-, - Samuel, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Beckett, Nevill, 1650, to be recommended to the Governors of the Charterhouse, for a Place-Order for paying him 10 £. 29 May-For paying him 5 £. out of the Box-money, 13 Aug. -22 Nov.
-, - Thomas, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Beckwith, Captain Thomas, 1649, Council of State to give Order touching his Children endeavoured to be conveyed beyond Sea, 30 Jan.

Bedford County, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.-Commissioners for the Assessments of 120,000 £. added.
-, - 1650, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - Town, 1649, Commissioners for the Assessment of 90,000 £. per Mensem, added, 28 June-25 July-Petition of well-affected Freemen touching the Charter, referred to a Committee, 28 Nov.
-, - 1651, Commissioner for the monthly Assessment, added, 18 Apr.
-, - Level, 1649, Ordinance for draining it, reported; previous and main Questions for Re-commitment, severally Affirmative, 8 May. Ordinance reported from Re-commitment; Petitions read. Ordinance passed, and to be printed-Order for printing 500 more, 23 Oct.
-, - 1650, Petition of Adventurers and Participants, to be read, 23 May. Read; previous Question for referring it to a Committee, Neg 29.

Beecher, Colonel, 1648, to be recommended to General for an Employment, 19 Mar.
-, - 1649, a Committee to audit and state his Accounts- The Committee of the Revenue to pay Money formerly ordered him-To pay him for his Attendance upon Lord Goringe and Sir John Owen till they were discharged, 10 May.
-, - Quartermaster, 1649, Order for paying him 150 £. upon Account, 10 Aug.

Beer, and Ale, 1649, Act prohibiting to brew for Sale any above the Price of 10 s. per Barrel, read, 31 Aug.-Committed, 5 Sept. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed-Act for collecting the Excise thereupon, read twice, and committed, 9 Feb.-Act for collecting the Excise upon Beer and Ale brewed in private Families, read twice; Question for Commitment, Neg. Order for Ingrossment. Act read Third time, and referred back to the same Committee-Commissioners Certificate, read; Proposition for better regulating the Excise thereupon, referred, 12 Mar.
-, - 1650, Act passed, and to be printed; Committee appointed, 28 Mar.-Act for punishing the excessive Prices of Beer and Ale, to be read, 18 Oct. Read-Order for Second Reading, 12 Nov.

Beke, Henry, 1649, Report of his Losses and Sufferings in his Sheriffalty; his Petition read; Order for admitting him to double upon Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 9 July.

Belfast, 1649. Vide Ireland.

Belison, Monsieur de, 1648, to have Pass to go into France, and transport Six Horses Custom and Impost free, 11 Sept.

Belasyse, Sir Richard, 1650, Accusation and Examination touching him, referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, 15 Apr.

Belleur, Samuel, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Belvoir Castle, 1649, Report from the Council of State touching demolishing it; House to consider of some Recompence to the Earl of Rutland, 1 May. Previous Question for allowing him 2,000 £. Neg. Previous and main Questions for allowing him 1,500 £. severally Affirmative; Order for demolishing it-Order touching the Payment of the Money, 11 June.

Benham, Thomas, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Bennett, Thomasine, 1649, Order for allowing her 8 s per Week from the time of her Husband's Death, 7 Sept.
-, - 1650, Order for an additional Allowance of 22s. per Week-For bestowing 50£. a-piece upon her Eight Children, the Money to be paid to her upon Security, 22 June.
-, - 1651, Order for paying her 200£. in Satisfaction thereof, 2 May.
-, - Colonel, 1650, upon Report from the Council of State, Order for continuing his Regiment Four Months longer, 24 Sept.-For continuing it Three Months longer, 24 Dec. -4 Mar.
-, - 1651, Order for continuing it Three Months longer, 11 July.

Bentley, Margaret, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Benyon, Alice and George, 1650, Petition read, 25 Apr.

Beringer, Richard, 1649, Petition read; Order for taking off a Fine imposed upon him by the Justices of Assize, 7 Nov.

Berks County, 1649, new Writ, 19 Feb.
-, - 1649, Committees added to all the Committees, 22 June -High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.-Question for suspending the Collection of the Assessments for the British Army for a Month, Neg. 18 Feb.-Committees added to the Committee of Sequestrations, 4 Mar.
-, - 1650, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.

Bermudas. Vide Barbadoes.

Bernard, Serjeant Robert, 1649, appointed Steward and Judge of the Court of Pleas in the Isle of Ely, 22 June.

Berry, William, 1650, Business concerning him, referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 22 Oct.

Berwick, 1648, a Committee to prepare Letter to the Commissioners for the Assessments for an Estimate of the Losses and Damages sustained by the coming-in of the Scots, and the Forces sent down for their Assistance, 13 Feb.-Another Committee to consider of a Supply of Stores, & c. for the Garison-The Committee of the Army to provide Victuals for them, 17 Mar.
-, - 1649, Order for Monies for them, to be disposed of as the Governor of Newcastle shall think fit, 13 Apr.-The Council of State to examine their Accounts, and what Provisions and Stores are there, and what are necessary for their Supplies, and for the Fortifications, 16 May. Sequestered Timber at Morpeth to be disposed of for that Use- Report concerning Reparations of the Garisons; Sum approved, 28 Jan. Order for Payment, 28 Jan.-26 Feb. -Petition of Mayor, & c. read; Order for continuing their Privileges according to their Charter, 28 Jan.
-, - 1651, upon Report from the Council of State, that General had drawn out Five Companies, Order for the Governor to recruit his Regiment to the former Number, 13 Aug.

Bethlem Hospital. Vide Christ's Hospital.

Billing, Thomas, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.

Bills, 1651, none to be presented, opened, or read, without a Brief, 2 May.

Birbeck, Captain John, 1651, Petition read, 1 Apr.

Birch, Colonel Thomas, 1649, to be admitted upon a new Election, 23 Oct.-His Proposition for raising Money to repair the Garison of Liverpoole, reported; Order for 600 £. out of Lord Derby's Copyhold Estates; his Petition to be read, 2 Feb.
-, - 1650, another Petition to be read, 29 Nov.-Read, with a Transcript and Certificate of his Accounts; Accounts allowed; Order for admitting him to double upon the Purchase of Delinquents Lands, 3 Dec.

Bishops, 1649, Act for better Sale of the Remainder of their Lands, read, and rejected-The Committee of Obstructions to consider of indirect Dealings, and remove all Obstructions; Committees added, 4 May. Order for making Report-Order touching the Allowances of Trustees and other Officers-Declaration that Richard Venner was included therein, 18 Sept.-Contractors to put their Powers in speedy Execution-Country Committees to sequester Lands of Persons in Arrear-The Committee of Obstructions to consider of Ways and Means for speedy bringing in the Arrears, 16 June-Act for removing Obstructions, read twice; Committees added to the Committee therein; Act passed-Names of Persons in Arrear upon the First and Second Payment, ordered-Act for admitting Purchasers to pay the whole Purchase-money by Weavers Hall Bills, read twice, and passed; to be printed, 28 Aug.-Act for taking off the Charges of Officers for Sale of the Lands, and transmitting their Employments to such as serve in the Sale of Deans and Chapters Lands, ordered, 2 Nov.

Black, Daniel, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Blackbone Hundred, 1649, Petition of well-affected Inhabitants, read, and referred to the Council of State; Petitioners to be thanked, 4 Apr.

Blackmore, Major John, 1650, Petition read; Order for paying 200 £. formerly given him out of his Discoveries, 11 Sept.

Blackwell, Captain, 1648, Order for stating his Accounts, and paying the Remainder of his Debt, 19 Mar.
-, - 1650, his Petition read; Certificate of his Accounts, reported; Order for paying him 2,798 £. 1s. 2d. 15 Nov.- Question for Leave to him to transport 2,500 £. in foreign Coin and Bullion, Neg. 12 Mar.

Blake, Colonel Robert, 1649, his Letters read, 19 & 25 June -Upon a Letter from Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, left to him to quit his Command at Sea, and accept an Employment in the Army; the Council of State to assist him in raising a Regiment, 2 Oct.-A Committee to state his Accounts, 6 Nov.
-, - 1650, his Letter read, 18 Dec. -Another, with Copies of several Letters and Transactions between him and the King of Spain, read. Vide Cardenas-His Proceedings approved; Letter of Thanks, ordered-Commissioners of Accounts to examine, state, and certify, his Accounts, 8 Jan.-His Relation of the safe Arrival of Part of the Fleet; thanked for his great and faithful Services-Order for giving him 1,000 £. as a particular Mark of Favour-For present Payment thereof, 13 Feb.

Blakiston, George, 1649, his Petition, and Certificate of the Committee at Newcastle, read; Order for paying him 500 £. for Reparation of his Losses and Sufferings, 6 June.
-, - John, 1649, Order for paying 3,000 £. to his Widow and Children, for Reparation of his Losses and Sufferings; Act for that Purpose ordered, 6 June. Read twice, and committed; the Committee impowered to name Trustees for the Children-Act to be reported, 23 July-15 Aug. Reported, and passed.
-, - 1650, Order for Payment of the Money, 24 Apr. Blaney, Lady, 1649, Order for continuing and paying her Allowance of 200£. per Annum, with the Arrears, 15 June.
-, -1650, Report concerning her, 25 Mar.-Order for continuing her Allowance till Midsummer, 23 Apr. Amended-Order for continuing it Three Months longer, 22 June-Her Case referred to the Committee for necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
-, -Mary, 1649, Order for continuing and paying her Allowance of 50£. per Annum, with the Arrears, 15 June.
-, - 1650, her Case referred to the Committee for necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
-, -Mrs. 1650, her Case referred to the Committee for necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.

Blasphemy, 1650, the Committee to whom the Ordinance against it is referred, to meet from time to time, and present something to the House, 20 Sept.

Blundell, Lady Sarah, 1649, Order for allowing her 3£. per Week, for Six Months, 9 July.
-, - 1650, for continuing it Three Months longer, and paying the Arrears, 22 June.
-, - Richard, 1649, his Letter read, 5 Sept.

Blunt, Colonel Thomas, 1649, General's Letter, recommending him to be Lieutenant of the Ordnance, read, 6 June.

Bodevile, Anne, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Complaints, 7 May-Report to be considered, 14 & 15 June.
-, -1650, Order for paying her 500 £. per Annum, in lieu of the Fifth of her Husband's sequestered Estate, 12 June.
-, -John, 1651, Petition read; Resolution that he stand in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 8 May.

Bogan, Richard, Esther, and Magdalen. Vide Jacob, Harmon.

Bohemia, Queen of, 1649, Report touching the Arrears of her Pension; Order for discontinuing it, 8 May.

Bolsover Castle, 1649, the Council of State to consider of demolishing it, 27 Mar.

Bommell, a Dutch Ship, 1649, Order for discharging it, though it shall be adjudged a Prize; Captors to be gratified otherwise, 14 Sept.-Inventory and Appraisement thereof, reported; the Committee of the Navy to consider what belongs to the Captors, and see them satisfied, 1 Jan.

Bond, Mr. desired to preach, 6 July-26 Oct. 1649- 9 July, 1650-Thanked, and to print his Sermons, 26 July -6 Nov. 1649-30 July, 1650.
-, -John, 1650, his Examination reported; Order for his Discharge, 1 Apr.
-, - Nicholas, 1650, his Petition, and Certificate of his Accounts, read; Order for paying him 332£. 5s. 15 Nov.
-, -Dennis, appointed one of the Council of State, 14 Feb. 1648-12 Feb. 1649-7 Feb. 1650.

Boone, Thomas. Vide Upton, Arthur.

Boothby, Colonel William, 1650, Petition to be read, 3 Sept. Read; Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed; Petition referred to a Committee; Order for suspending his Sequestration, and continuing the Security.

Boothby, 1651 the Committee revived; Order for their fitting, and making Report, 23 July.

Borlace, Lady, 1649, State of her Accounts, reported; Order for allowing her 4£. per Week, 15 June.
-, - 1650, previous and main Questions for allowing her 4£. per Week for Six Months, severally Affirmative, 4 June- Her Case referred to the Committee for necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
-, - 1651, Question for reading her Petition, Neg. 5 Aug. Bosvile, Colonel Godfrey, 1649, the Committee of Accounts to audit his Accounts; Order for paying him what is due out of his Discoveries of concealed Delinquents Estates, 5 May -The Committee to certify them, 13 June-Order for paying him out of any concealed public Monies, 21 Aug.
-, -1650, Order for paying him out of his Discoveries, 3 July.

Botting, James, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Boulton, Alice. Vide Nicholls, Richard.

Bourchier, Sir John, 1650, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 12 July.
-, -1650, his Case reported, with Certificate of Trustees for Sale of Crown Lands, 30 July-The Committee of Obstructions to consider his Right in Westmore, Parcel of the Forest of Gualters-Appointed One of the Council of State, 10 Feb.

Bourman, Thomas. Vide Rolfe, Major.

Bourne, Major Nehemiah, appointed Captain of a Ship, 25 June-2 Mar. 1649-26 Sept. 1650.

Bowden, Captain James, 1649, to be offered in Exchange for Captain Hatsell, 28 Mar.

Bowen, John, 1649, appointed Captain of a Ship, 25 June.

Bowes, Nicolas, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Box, Henry, 1650, Petition read; Question for referring it to a Committee, Neg. 10 July.

Box-money, 1649, Serjeant to dispose of it among necessitous Persons, 21 Sept.

Bradocks, Richard. Vide Jenoa, John.

Bradshaw, Serjeant John, 1648, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 Feb.
-, -1649, his Merits to be considered, 1, 6 & 12 June. Considered; Order for paying him 1,000 £. towards his Charges in the Service of the State-For speedy Payment thereof- Resolution for settling 1,000 £. per Annum upon him and his Heirs; a Committee to find out Lands to that Value, and prepare Act for that purpose-Act read, 20 July. Committed. Committees added-Act to be reported, 14 Aug. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed -Act constituting him Chancellor, and Bartholomew Hall Attorney General of the Duchy and County of Lancaster, read; Question for passing, Neg. 16 July-Another to the same Purport, read twice, and passed-Previous and main Questions for appointing him One of the Council of State, severally Affirmative, 12 Feb.
-, -1650, Act constituting him Chancellor, & c. read; Continuance thereof; Act passed, 18 July-Appointed One of the Council of State, 7 Feb.
-, -1651, another Act, constituting him Chancellor, & c. read; Continuance thereof; Act passed, 8 July.
-, - John, 1649, appointed Attorney General of North Wales, 20 July.
-, - Richard, 1649, appointed Agent at Hamburgh; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 31 Jan.
-, - 1650, Speaker to issue Warrant to the Commissioners to grant it, 3 Apr.-His Letter, and Proposals to the Senate there, read, and returned to the Council of State, 21 May.

Brandley, Captain William, appointed Commander of a Ship, 25 June-2 Mar. 1649-26 Sept. 1650.
-, -1649, the Council of State to consider of rewarding him and Captain Ferne for their Service, in gaining Carling Fort, 2 Oct.

Bray, Captain, 1648, examined, touching a Book, intituled, "An Appeal against the Lord Fairfax, General, & c." Book voted scandalous to the General and Council of War, and tending to stir up Sedition in the People and Mutiny in the Army; Order for his Commitment to Windsor Castle-For Serjeant to send him thither, 19 Mar.

Brayley, Nicolas, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Brecon County, 1649, Commissioners for the Assessment of 90,000£. per Mensem, added, 27 June-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 22 Nov.
-, -1650, like Order, 7 Nov.
-, -1649, new Writ, 27 June.

Brereton, Sir William, 1650, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Indemnity, 27 Nov.
-, - Lord, 1651, his Case referred to the Committee touching Infants to be enabled to suffer common Recoveries, 17 June.

Brewers, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Excise, 14 Aug.

Brickhill, Richard, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Bridewell. Vide Christ's Hospital.

Bridge, William, 1650, Order for settling 100£. per Annum upon him; the Committee of the Universities to see it done, 30 July.

Bridger, Captain, 1649, Order for bestowing 100£. upon him for his Services, and 50£. to buy a Horse, 16 May.

Bridges, Mr. 1650, desired to preach, 9 July. Thanked, and to print his Sermon.
-, - Thomas. Vide Welby, Captain.

Bridgewater, 1650, Letter from Mayor, & c. their displacing late Mayor, and others, for refusing to subscribe the Engagement, approved-Election of a new Mayor approved, and confirmed; Order for Letter of Thanks; Speaker to sign it, 2 May.

Briefs, 1650, Debate touching granting them, adjourned, 5 June.

Brindley, Margaret, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Briscoe, Mr. 1649, the Committee of plundered Ministers to consider his Suspension and Maintenance, with Power to give Redress, 2 Aug.

Bristoe, Francis, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 3 July.

Bristol, 1649, Commissioners for the Assessments, added, 4 Feb. -Act for preaching the Gospel, and Maintenance of Ministers there, read twice, and committed-To be reported, 8 Mar. Reported, and to be ingrossed.
-, -1650, passed, and to be printed, 29 Mar.

Brocklesly, Anne, 1648, Order for paying her forthwith 100£. due from a Delinquent, 10 Feb.

Broghill, Lord, 1649, Order for paying him 500£. upon Account, 7 July-For paying him 200£. for Transportation of his Lady into Ireland, 4 Dec.-His Letter read; Order for granting him the Custody of a Delinquent's Estate-The Council of State to write to Lord Lieutenant for that Purpose, 8 Jan.
-, -1650, his Letter, with another inclosed, read, 28 May -His Letter to Lord Thomond, read, 20 June-Resolution for settling Lands of 1,000£. per Annum on him and his Heirs.
-, -1651, another Letter from him, read; Act to be presented, 1 July.

Bromfield, Colonel Lawrence, 1649, to be retaken into Custody, having neglected to take out the Order for his Discharge, 28 Aug.

Brookes, Mr. desired to preach, 29 Nov. 1648-13 Sept. 1650-Thanked, and to print his Sermons, 30 Dec. 1648 -9 Oct. 1650.

Broome, William, 1650, to be set in the Pillory twice, and lose his Ears, for forging Warrants, and counterfeiting Bills of Exchange, whereby he procured Money out of the public Treasuries; to be committed to the House of Correction to hard Labour for a Year; Sheriff to see the Sentence executed; the Committee of the Army to take Possession of his Goods, and Persons who have them in their Custody to deliver them to the Committee; Persons who have any of the Money thus fraudulently procured, to pay it to the Treasurers at War, 1 Apr.

Broughton, Andrew, 1649, appointed Clerk of the Crown in the upper Bench, 1 June. Order for a Grant under the Great Seal-For a Grant of the Offices of Coroner and Attorney of the Keepers of the Liberties of England.

Browne, Major General, 1649, previous and main Questions for disabling him to sit during this Parliament, severally Affirmative, 4 Dec.
-, -1650, Order for discharging Deans and Chapters Lands from 5,000£. with Interest to him, formerly transferred thereon -For discharging them from 4,000£. formerly charged upon them, 4 Sept.
-, - Captain, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 6 Apr.
-, - Sheriff, 1649, Informations touching his engaging with the Scots and the Earl of Holland, referred to a Committee, 7 Apr.
-, -Mr. 1649, a Committee to consider of Satisfaction to him for his Place of Clerk of the late House of Peers, 14 May. Order for making Report-Report; Order for allowing him 3,000£.; the Committee to consider how it may be satisfied, 16 July-Act for allowing the Money out of Delinquents Estates, read; Question for Second Reading now, Neg. 12 Sept.
-, -1650, Order for Second Reading, 18 June. Read; Questions for Commitment and passing, severally Neg.-Order for him to deliver over by Inventory the Records of the late House of Peers to Clerk of the Parliament-A Committee to consider of a Compensation to him.
-, -1650, revived; Order for their meeting, 12 Dec. For making Report.
-, - Elizabeth, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
-, - Richard, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
-, - Daniel, 1650, Order for inserting him into a Pardon- For passing it under the Great Seal, 2 Oct.
-, - John. Vide Welby, Captain-1650, Petition read; previous and main Questions for referring it to the Commissioners for Compounding to examine the Truth of his Debt, with Power to charge it with Interest upon Haberdashers Hall, 6 Mar.

Brownell, John, 1649, upon Report from the Council of State; the Committee of Warwickshire impowered to levy Monies for paying the Arrears of his Company, and to continue their Pay, 10 Apr.

Brudenell, Lord, 1651, Petition read; Question that be stand in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, Neg. Petition referred to the Commissioners for Compounding, 8 July.

Bryan, Philippa, 1649, Order for paying her£. out of the Box-money, 27 June.

Buck, Jeremy, 1650, Bill for melting down Iron with Stone Coal and other Coal without charking, and for granting him the Benefit of the Invention for Seven Years, read, 26 Dec. Committed, 22 Jan.-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 27 Feb.
-, - 1651, read Third time; previous Question for an Amendment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed, 2 Apr.

Buckdell, James, 1650, appointed Captain of a Ship, 26 Sept.

Buckingham County, 1648, Representation of divers Inhabitants, of the Grounds of their Bondage and Slavery, with their humble Desires, read, 14 Feb.
-, -1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.-Leave given him to reside out of the County, 28 Jan.
-, - 1650, Order touching the Payment of the Remainder of 1,500£. allowed for the Pay of the Horse, 14 June- High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, -1651, Commissioners for the Assessment of 120,000£. per Mensem, added, 18 Apr.

Bullion, foreign, 1650, Proposals for Importation thereof, and a Remonstrance from the Merchants Strangers, reported from the Council of State; Act touching importing foreign Bullion, read twice, and committed, 8 Jan. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed.

Bullock, Edward, 1650, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Indemnity, 7 Nov.

Bulstrode, Colonel, 1648, to present his Accounts, 31 Jan.
-, - 1649, his Petition read: State of his Accounts, reported and allowed; Order for public Faith to him for Part- For admitting him to double the Remainder upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 23 June.

Bunce, James, 1649, to be discharged from being Alderman; the City to proceed to a new Election, 7 Apr.-Order for sequestering his Estate; the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to see it done, 25 Dec.

Burgaine, Peter, 1648, Petition against Solomon Smith, 15 Feb. Vide Smith, Solomon.

Burton, Caleb, 1650, Report touching his Accounts; Order for paying him 2,628£. 4s. 1d. out of Monies due in the time of Captain Temple's being Collector, 31 July.

Bushell, Browne, 1648, Order for trying him by a Court Martial, 14 Mar.
-, - 1650, Order for trying him by the High Court of Justice, 28 June. Vide Stowell, Sir John.
-, - 1651, his Petition read; Question for agreeing thereto, Neg. 27 Mar.

Butler, Thomas, 1650, to be recommended to the Committee of the Universities, 28 June.
-, - Lieutenant Thomas, 1651, Petition read; Order for paying his Pension of 40£. per Annum, and the Arrears thereof, 2 Apr.

Butlerage, and Prisage, 1649, a Committee to consider the Business thereof, with Power to send for and hear Persons concerned, 20 Dec.
-, - 1650, the Committee of the Navy, to be added, 6 Aug. Butter, 1649, Act prohibiting the weighing it with unwarrantable Weights, and for marking the Firkins, read twice, and committed, 2 July-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 7 Mar. Passed; to be printed, and proclaimed.

Button, Sir William, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken in the mean time, of the Non-payment of his Arrears, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.

Byram, Dr. 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken in the mean time, of the Non-payment of his Arrears, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.

24 Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.

CAMBRIDGE County, Letter for hastening the Payment of the Assessments and Arrears of the Army, read, and agreed to; Members to send it down, 25 Sept.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords-Members to be employed to take care for bringing in the Assessments.
-, - Earl of, Resolution for fining him 10,000£. and keeping him close Prisoner till paid; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 10 Nov. Order for removing him from Ashby de la Zouch to Windsor Castle; General to take care he be brought and delivered into safe Custody-Resolution for fining him revoked, and he left to Justice, 13 Dec.

Candles, Question for bringing them in, Neg. 6 Nov.-2 Dec. Order for it.

Canterbury, new Writ, 18 Nov.

Capell, Lord, Articles of Impeachment against him, to be reported, 25 Sept.-Resolution for banishing him, 10 Nov. Disagreed to by Lords. House adhere to their Vote. Vide Holland, Earl of-Vote for banishing him, declared destructive to the Peace, and derogatory to the Justice of the Kingdom, 13 Dec.

Cardigan County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords.

Carill, Mr. thanked, and to print his Sermon, 8 Sept.

Carisbrooke Castle. Vide Wight, Isle of.

Carlile, Laurence, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 4 Sept.

Carlisle, Ordinances from Lords appointing a Customer of the Port, 23 Sept.-13 Oct.-Lieutenant General Cromwell's Letter, that he had received Order for the Delivery thereof, and sent a Person to receive it, 7 Oct.-Another Letter, relating the Delivery; Order for Rewards to the Messengers-Consideration of the Garison, and Letters concerning it, referred to the Committee at Derby House, 8 Nov. Order for Money for them; a Committee to consider how it may be raised.

Carmarthen County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords.

Carmichael, Sir James, King's Letter, desiring a safe Conduct for him and his Servants to come and return, read; late Commissioners into Scotland to report their Knowledge of him, 20 Sept. Safe Conduct granted; Lords Concurrence signified.
-, - Sir Daniel, employed by the Committee of Estates of Scotland to go to the King, to have a Pass, 30 Oct.

Carnegy, Lord, King's Letter, desiring a safe Conduct for him and his Servants to come and return, read; late Commissioners into Scotland to report their Knowledge of him, 20 Sept. Question for granting it, Neg. A Committee to prepare Letter, with Reasons for the Refusal; Letter reported, read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence to the Letter and Vote signified.

Carpenter, Mr. Order for paying him 20£. sent to Lords, 2 Sept.

Cecill, Mr. to have Warrant to go to his Father in the Isle of Wight, 28 Sept.

Chaloner, Henry, Order for his Discharge, 28 Sept.

Chamberlayne, Dr. Peter, Ordinance from Lords for granting him the sole making his Baths and Bath-stones for Fourteen Years, read twice, and committed, 22 Sept.
-, - Richard, Order from Lords for him to come to London, 10 Oct.

Chambers, Mr. Order for making Report concerning him, 17 Oct.

Chambre, Calcott, Order for satisfying Persons who dug in and about his House for Treasure said to be hidden there, and for securing the House from Damage, 18 Oct.

Charnocke, Mr. Order from Lords, appointing him Head Searcher in the Port of Poole, 10 Oct. They put House in mind thereof.

Chester County, Vote appointing High Sheriff, discharged; Members to present Names of fit Persons, 23 Nov.-Members to be employed to take care for bringing in the Assessment for the Army.

Chippenham, new Writ, 11 Nov.

Cholmley, Sir Henry, 1648, his and his Officers Proceedings, in pursuing the Enemy into other Counties, approved; Order for bestowing 200£. upon them to buy Horses, 29 Sept.- His Letter, concerning the Command in Chief of the Forces at the Siege of Pontefract, read; Letter, and whole Business, referred to the General to settle it, and preserve Sir Henry's Honour, and take care the Business be carried on against the Enemy, 20 Oct.-Letter to the General, read, and agreed to, with Amendments. General's Answer; Letter to be sent to Sir Henry, to require him to obey the General's Command.

Christchurch, Cambridge, 1648, Petition of several Students, referred to the Vice-chancellor, and Two senior Doctors, 19 Jan. To Two other Doctors, instead of the Seniors.

Christian, Captain, the Committee at Derby House to consider of his Exchange, 30 Oct.

Church Government, Lords put House in mind of the Order for printing, and the Title of the lesser Catechism; Order and Title, read, and agreed to, with a Proviso, touching the Continuance, 22 Sept. Proviso agreed to by Lords.

Circourt, Monsieur, Lords put House in mind of his Pass to go to the King, 2 & 13 Sept.

Circuits, Commissioners of the Great Seal to appoint Assistants to the Judges in the Norfolk Circuit, 23 Sept.

Clarke, Ruffin, to be sent for as a Delinquent, for rescuing a Prisoner in his Passage to Windsor Castle; Captain of the Guard to send a Party to assist Serjeant, 9 Sept. The Committee of Complaints to examine him.
-, - John, State of the Business touching him, reported; Order for discharging him from his Surety and Imprisonment, 3 Jan.
-, - Captain Robert, the Committee of the Navy to order him a better Ship, 28 Sept.

Clement Danes, Petition of Inhabitants concerning Dr. Dukeson, read, 11 Oct. Vide Dukeson, Dr.

Clerk of the House, his Letter touching leaving the Disposal of his Office to the House; Assistant appointed; a Committee to take Account from him where the Records of the House are, to inventory them, and present the Inventory, with Names of fit Persons for one to be elected Clerk, 1 Jan.- One appointed; former Patent to be called in; Order for him to attend the Committee appointed to take care of the Records; Petition referred to them; the Committee to fit up a Room for keeping them, and consider of all incident Charges. Order for his Attendance; a Committee to prepare Letter for that Purpose; Speaker to sign it-Order prohibiting him to suffer any Person to peruse the Journals, or take Copies thereof, till resolved by House.
-, -Assistant appointed; Order for him to continue his Service here in that Employment, 5 Jan.

Cleveland, Earl of, his Petition, and Lords Order for bailing him, with his Physician's Certificate, read; Order agreed to, with an Amendment, 6 Sept.-Order from Lords for continuing his Time for going abroad Three Months longer, upon his former Bail, agreed to, 13 Dec.

Clotworthy, Sir John, his Accounts reported, and allowed; Order for paying him 2,000£. with Interest, out of the Ordinance for 20,000£. per Mensem for Ireland-For paying him 1,145£. with Interest, out of the British Assessments-The Committee for Irish Affairs to cast up his Account for personal Pay from 21st December, 1641, to 2d December, 1644; Account and Order to be printed, 6 Sept. Order for the 2,000£. discharged; fresh Order for paying it out of the Ordinances for weekly Assessments for Ireland.

Cockayne, Mr. desired to preach, 17 Nov.-18 Dec. Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 29 Nov.
-, - Charles, his Petition from Lords, referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, 27 Nov.

Coin, Order to prevent transporting, washing, or clipping it, 22 Sept. Agreed to by Lords.

Coke, Richard, Informations against him and Gilbert Clerke, referred to the Committee at Haberdasher's Hall, 23 Nov.

Colchester, General's Letter, read; Order for raising 5,000£. out of Delinquents Estates there, to make good what was promised to the Forces engaged in the Siege, in lieu of Pillage-Colonel Whalley's Letter, read; Order for Letter to General, to desire him to try by Martial Law Persons triable thereby; Speaker to sign it, 8 Sept.-Ordinance for 5,000£. Gratuity to the Soldiers, read, and passed, 22 Nov. Agreed to by Lords.

Collectors, Ordinance for discharging Collectors of Subsidies that have paid in their Monies, ordered, 9 Nov.-For discharging all that have paid in what was due from their Restraint, 16 Dec.

Committees, standing, to sit, notwithstanding the Adjournment of House, 13 Sept.-17 Oct.-Grand to sit, notwithstanding the Adjournment of House.

Common Pleas, Justices appointed, 12 Oct.

Conferences. Vide Adjournment, King, and Tattershall Castle.

Coningham, Captain James, to be sent for as a Delinquent, 5 Jan.

Constant Warwick, a Ship, the Committee of the Navy to confer with Lord Admiral about buying it, 29 Dec.-Order for seizing it into the Hands of the State-For employing it in the Winter's Guard-The Committee to treat with Persons, for present victualling and manning it, 13 Jan.

Convoys, Petition of well-affected Masters and Commanders of Ships, read; Order for Convoys to the Netherlands and Holland, 11 Sept.

Coote, Sir Charles. Vide Steward, Sir Robert, and Galbreath, Humphry-His taking into Possession the Fort of Culmore, approved-Order for him to hold the Fort, the Fishing of Loughfall, and Customs of Londonderry, rendering an Account to the State-Impowering him to dispose of Places under his Command; a Committee to prepare Letter of Thanks; Votes to be inclosed, 8 Jan.-Order for a Reward to the Messenger-Letter reported, read, and agreed to.

Corbett, Miles. Vide Privileges.

Cordell, Mr. desired to preach, 30 Dec.

Corn, a Committee to consider of some Way to keep down the Prices thereof, 10 Feb.

Cornwall, Members to present Three Names, for One to be Sheriff, 23 Nov. Previous Question that Mr. Elliott be High Sheriff, Neg. Question for re-committing it, Neg. Order appointing another Person, and for a Commission to him; Lords Concurrence to be desired-Members to be employed to take care for bringing in the Assessments for the Army.

Coventry, the Committee of Warwickshire to take care of the Town, 23 Oct.-Order for disbanding the Forces; same Committee to pay their Arrears, deducting for free Quarter.

Courts of Justice, a Committee to prepare Ordinance for settling the Proceedings therein, 3 Jan. Ordinance read twice, and committed; the Committee impowered to advise with Judges and other Persons. A Resolution of a Committee, referred. Ordinance reported, and re-committed; the Committee to injoin any Persons to assist therein; particular Persons to attend them; Serjeant to give them Notice. Order for their meeting, and making Report. Report touching Alterations in the Styles of Writs, and other Pro cesses-Act for settling Proceedings in the Courts of Justice, read twice, and to be ingrossed. Passed; Order for preparing Precedents of several Natures. Title of Act, read, and agreed to; Act and Title, to be printed.

Cresheld, Serjeant, Ordinance appointing him a Justice of the Common Pleas, read, and passed; agreed to by Lords, 17 Oct.

Cromwell, Lieutenant General Oliver, Report from the Committee at Derby House, and a Dispatch from him, communicated by Lords; Dispatch read; Lords Votes, approving his going into Scotland, and that he may assist those who dislike Duke Hamilton's coming into England, agreed to; Letter of Thanks ordered; Extract of Letters from the Committee at Derby House to him, reported, read, and agreed to; the Extract, his Dispatch, and Votes thereupon, to be printed, 28 Sept.-His Letter, concerning the Surrender of Berwick and Carlisle; his Proceedings approved, 7 Oct.-Another Letter, with Paper inclosed, delivered by him to the Estates of Scotland, with their Answer and Declaration concerning their Proceedings in Opposition to the late unlawful Engagement against England, read, and to be printed; his Proceedings approved; Letter of Thanks ordered-Another Letter from him, read; the Committee of the Army to provide things desired, 15 Nov.-Thanked for his Services in England and Scotland, 7 Dec.-Message from Lords, recommending the Consideration of his Expences in his several Services, referred to the Committee of the Revenue-Order for paying a Fifth Part of his Discoveries, 3 Jan.

Crouch, Mr. Information that he has written and published divers scandalous Pamphlets; Business referred to the Committee of Printing, with Power to commit him, 18 Nov.

Crowther, Captain, the Committee of the Navy to consider him, and report forthwith, 12 Dec.

Cumberland, Order for Part of the Leicestershire Militia to march thither, 25 Sept.-For Money for the Forces in the County; a Committee to consider how it may be raised, 20 Nov.

Customs, Commissioners Offer to forbear reimbursing themselves Monies owing by the Parliament, reported, and accepted, 23 Sept.-The Committee of the Navy to treat with them about a Loan of 20,000£. upon the Credit of the Customs, 24 Nov.-Same Committee to treat with them about a Loan of 6,000£. for present Supply of the Navy, upon the old and petty Customs, 26 Dec. Their Compliance reported; a Committee to prepare Ordinance for Re-payment thereof, with Interest. Ordinance read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired-Ordinance to be made an Order of House only, 4 Jan. Clause added-A Committee to confer with the Commissioners about unnecessary Officers, and the manner of collecting the Monies, 29 Dec.

A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.

CADE, Susan, 1650, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Indemnity, 23 Aug.

Caius and Gonville College. Vide Gonville.

Caldwell, Lawrence, 1649, his Case reported, 23 Mar.
-, - 1650, Order for admitting him to a Composition, at a full Fourth Part of his Estate, 25 Mar.

Cambridge County, 1649, Petition of Inhabitants, touching poor People turned out of their Livings, 2 May-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.
-, - Town, 1649, Petition of poor Inhabitants, referred to the Committee of the Eastern Association, 28 July-Act for preaching the Gospel, and Maintenance of Ministers there, ordered, 15 Mar.
-, - University, 1649, a Committee appointed for regulating it, 4 May-Impowered to nominate Visitors, 8 June -Order for a Commission under the Great Seal for visiting it, 13 Sept.
-, - 1650, Petition of Vice-chancellor and Senate, read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 12 Nov.
-, - Earl of, 1648, Act for erecting a High Court of Justice, for hearing, trying, and adjudging, several Delinquents, read twice; a Committee to present Names of Commissioners; Earl of Cambridge, Earl of Holland, Lord Goring, Lord Capell, and Sir John Owen, to be named in the Act to be tried by the Court, 1 Feb. Commissioners Names presented, read, and agreed to; Quorum appointed. Act passed; Order for meeting of the Commissioners. For proclaiming the Act in Cheapside and the Old Exchange-Act for adding Commissioners, ordered. Read, and passed- Act to prevent printing any Proceedings of the Court, read, passed, and to be printed-Order for 1,000£. for carrying on their Trials-For bringing them to such Place as the Court shall appoint-For delivering all Papers, & c. that may concern their Trials, to the Clerk of the Court-Leave given them to examine Members, 9 & 19 Feb.- 2 Mar.-Seats formerly for Members near the Court, to be kept for them; Keys to be delivered to Serjeant-Earl of Cambridge allowed Counsel-Committee impowered to examine the Clerk of House-Their Desire that a Week may be added to the time of their sitting, reported; Act for that Purpose, read, and passed-His Petition read; previous Question for considering it further, Affirmative; main Question, Neg. 7 Mar.-Another Petition on his behalf; previous and main Questions for reading and considering it further, severally Affirmative; Question for respiting his Execution a short time, Neg. 8.

Candles, 1648, Question for bringing them in, Neg. 5 Feb.- Order for it, 19 Feb.-8 Mar.
-, - 1650, like Order, 30 Mar.

Cannon, Captain, 1650. Vide Privileges.
-, - 1651, Report from Council touching sending him to his Charge of Dover Castle, 25 Mar.

Canon Row, 1649, Order touching inlarging the Passage into it, 17 Oct.

Canterbury, 1649, Order appointing a Lecturer, and for a yearly Stipend to him, 21 May.

Canwood, 1649, State of the Case touching the Purchase thereof, reported from the Council of State, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, with Power to become Purchasers within a limited Time, 9 Feb.

Capell, Lord, 1648, Order for paying 40£. to the Persons who took him, 3 Feb. Vide Cambridge, Earl of-His Petition read; previous Question for considering it further, Affirmative; main Question, Neg. 7 Mar.-Petition on his Behalf; previous and main Questions for reading, and considering it further, severally Affirmative; Question for respiting his Execution a short time, Neg. 8.
-, - 1649, his Petition read, and referred to Trustees for raising 50,000£. for Ireland, 25 July.
-, - 1650, Petition of his Creditors, and their Case, read, 25 Dec.
-, - 1651, Petition of his Creditors and Sureties, read; Order for admitting his Trustees to compound for Lands conveyed to them by certain Deeds for Security of his Creditors, at Five Years Value, 29 July.
-, - Lady, 1649, Petition to be read, 17 Apr. Read, and referred to the Committee of Complaints; Order prohibiting cutting down Woods upon her Lands in the mean time-Report touching her Jointure; Order for discharging it from Sequestration, 7 May.

Captives, 1649, Act for Redemption of them, read, 6 June -Order for Second Reading, 20 & 21 Sept.-Read; Debate thereon, adjourned, 5 Oct. Resumed; Act committed.
-, - 1650, passed, and to be printed, 26 Mar.

Cardenas, Alfonso de, 1650, Speaker's Report that his Secretary had been with him; Copy of his Credentials in Latin and English, read; Order for giving him Audience-For Master of the Ceremonies to attend him-For providing all Necessaries for his Reception; the Council of State to direct the Manner thereof, 24 Dec. Manner of receiving him; he presents his Credentials; Credentials read. Speaker's Report of Proceedings upon his Audience; several Papers read; a Committee to prepare Answer-Answer, and Copy of a Letter to the King of Spain, reported, and re-committed, 7 Jan. Copies of Letters and Transactions between the King and Colonel Robert Blake, referred. Answer reported from Re-commitment; read by Parts, and agreed to; Letter read, and re-committed. Reported, and agreed to-Order touching the King's Title; Papers to be delivered to Speaker when the Ambassador receives his Answer; Day appointed for it; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint him therewith; the Council of State to consider the Manner of his Reception-Resolution for sending the Answer and Letter by a Committee. Committee appointed; Master of the Ceremonies to attend them; Speaker to affix the Parliament Seal to the Letter. Order for their going. Report.

Cardicott, Mr. 1648, desired to preach, 7 Feb.

Cardigan County, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for Commission under the Great Seal, 22 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.

Careless, John, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.
-, - Mr. Vide Bullock, Mr.

Carey, John, 1649, to be admitted to compound upon the Articles of Oxon, 18 June.

Caricksergus, 1649. Vide Ireland.

Carill, Mr. 1648, desired to assist the Ministers in preaching and praying, 28 Feb.-Desired to preach, 6 July, 1649 - 16 May - 10 Sept. 1650 - 30 May, 1651 - Thanked, and to print his Sermons, 20 Apr.-20 July, 1649-14 June, 1650 -To be required to go into Scotland, 13 Sept. 1650.
-, - John, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.

Carlisle, 1648, a Committee to consider of Supply of Stores, & c. for the Garison, 16 Feb.-The Committee of the Army to provide Victuals for them, 17 Mar.
-, - 1649. Vide Berwick-Order for Money for the Garison, to be disposed of by the Governor of Newcastle, 13 Apr. - The Council of State to examine their Accounts, and what is necessary for their Supplies and Fortification, 16 May. Sequestered Timber at Morpeth, and certain Monies due to the State, to be disposed of for that Use-Petition of Mayor, & c. Order for remitting the Fee Farms for last Six Years, 23 Aug.
-, - 1650. Estimate of effectual Repair of the Town, reported; Order for Money towards it-Dwelling Houses of the late Dean, & c. to be sold in the last Place-To be made Storehouses for the Garison in the mean time, 11 Apr.
-, - 1649, new Writ, 12 Apr.

Carmen, 1649, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 2 July.
-, - 1650, Report; a Committee to prepare Act for making them a distinct Company from the Wood-mongers, and consider their Complaints concerning Car-rooms taken from them, 1 May-Order for making Report, 29 Jan.
-, - 1651, Act read, 7 Aug.

Carnarvon County, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for Commission under the Great Seal, 13 Feb.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.

Carpenter, Thomas, 1650, Order for reprieving him, and Stay of Execution-For a Pardon under the Great Seal, 11 Oct.

Carter, Edward, 1648, Petition read; the Committee of the Revenue to audit his Accounts, and pay what is due to him, 1 Feb.
-, - Mr. 1648, desired to preach, 12 Feb. Thanked, and to print his Sermon.
-, - Captain, 1649, Order for disbanding his Troop, 27 Mar.

Castlehaven, Countess of, 1649, Petition read; a Committee, upon Proof of the Truth thereof, to prepare Act as the Petitioner desires, 14 Sept.

Castles, inland. Vide Garisons.

Catherlo, 1650. Vide Ireland.

Cawfield, Lady, 1649, Order for continuing and paying her Allowance of 4£. per Week, with the Arrears thereof, 15 June-For continuing it Three Months longer.
-, - 1650, her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.

Cawley, William, 1650, appointed One of the Council of State, 10 Feb.

Cawton, Thomas, 1648, Report of his Commitment to the Gatehouse by the Council of State, upon Informations touching Treasons and seditious Expressions in his Sermon; Order for trying him in the upper Bench, upon Act prohibiting the proclaiming any Person to be King; Managers appointed, 6 Mar.-Members have Leave to speak with him.
-, - 1649, Order for his Discharge, 14 Aug.

Chaces. Vide Crown Lands.

Chalcedon, Bishop of, 1649, his Commissions to Priests here, and other Papers, presented; One Commission read; Attorney General to proceed at Law against Persons to whom they are directed; Order for apprehending them; Names to be delivered to him; Solicitor appointed, 21 Aug.-Report of One apprehended. Vide Powell, Robert-The Council of State to give the Attorney General Instruction for his Proceedings against him and others that shall be apprehended, 5 Oct.

Chaloner, Thomas, 1650, appointed One of the Council of State, 7 Feb.

Chamberlen, Mr. 1650, to be summoned to attend, 28 May.

Chambers, Alderman Richard, 1649, to be summoned to Bar for not being present at proclaiming Act for abolishing the Kingly Office, 31 May. Heard thereupon; his Petition read; Order for discharging him from being Alderman, and bearing any Office of Trust-Report concerning him to be made, 1 June. Information that he and others refuse to deliver the Customhouse Seals; a Committee impowered to commit them in case of Contempt.

Chancery, 1648, Form of an Oath for the Masters in Chancery, 12 Mar.
-, - 1649, Act impowering the Court to relieve Persons from Payment of Exactions during the Time of War, 26 Apr.

Chandos, Lord, 1650, his Petition to be reported, 29 May. Reported, and read; Certificate of his Damages by making Sudely Castle untenable, read; previous and main Questions for a Compensation to him, severally Affirmative-Previous Question for allowing 1,500£. Neg.-Previous and main Questions for allowing 1,000£. severally Affirmative; the Council of State to examine the Damages.

Chaplin, Captain, 1650, Order for receiving his Troop of Dragoons into Pay for Three Months, 4 Mar.

Chapman, Colonel William, 1649, to be retaken into Custody for neglecting to take out the Order for his Discharge, 28 Aug.

Chappell, Charity, 1649, Petition read; Order for allowing her 40s. per Week for Six Months, 18 Sept.

Charterhouse, 1649, Governors to give Preference to maimed Soldiers and their Children, 14 May.
-, - 1650, previous and main Question that Governors who have subscribed the Engagement do proceed in the Business of the Hospital, severally Affirmative, 17 Apr.-Order for making Report concerning the Hospital, 9 May.

Chaundler, William, and others, 1651, Petition read, and referred to the Commissioners for compounding, 23 May.

Cheadle, Major Richard, 1650, Letter touching reprieving him, read; previous and main Questions that he be reprieved for a Month, severally Affirmative; Speaker to issue Warrant to the Sheriff accordingly; Judges to certify the Truth of the Matter of Fact concerning his Trial, 15 Aug.-Certificate read; Question for continuing the Reprieve till next Assizes, Neg. 6 Sept.
-, - Richard, 1650, Order for paying him 500£. in Part of his Arrears, 5 Dec.

Cheesman, Robert, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Chester County, 1648, a Committee to prepare Letter for an Estimate of the Losses and Damages sustained by the coming in of the Scots, and the Forces sent down for their Defence, 13 Feb.-High Sheriff appointed; Order for Commission under the Great Seal-A Committee to consider of a convenient Place for a Gaol-Another Committee to consider of settling Courts of Justice and Assizes to be held there.
-, - 1649, Order for Alterations in the Commission of Oyer and Terminer; Commissioners of the Great Seal to make and issue them, 19 June-Second Judge appointed, 20 July -High Sheriff appointed; Order for Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.-Upon Report from the Council of State; Resolution for adding the Militia Troop of Horse to the Establishment for Three Months, 3 Dec.- For continuing them Three Months longer, 4 Mar.
-, - 1651, Petition of Justices, & c. read; Petitioners thanked, 14 May. Petition to be printed.
-, - City, 1649, Letter from thence, read, 23 Nov.
-, - 1651, Alderman displaced; City to proceed to a new Election, 12 Aug.

Chesterfield, Earl of, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered, no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall-Report; Question for accepting a Fine of 4,000£. Neg. 11 June.
-, - 1651, his Petition read; Order for paying him 5£. per Week, with the Arrears, in lieu of all Fifth Parts of his Estate, 2 Apr.

Chetwin, Philip, 1649, his Commitment, by Lord Mayor, & c. approved-Order for removing him to Warwick Castle -Act for disfranchising him, read twice, and passed, 26 Dec.
-, - 1650, Order for his Removal, to be put in Execution forthwith, 17 Apr.-His Petition to be read, 7 Nov.- Read; Order for his Discharge, 12 Feb.

Chichester, Mrs 1649, Order for continuing and paying her Allowance of 300£. per Annum, with the Arrears thereof, 15 June.
-, - 1650, Report concerning her, 25 Mar.-Order for continuing her Allowance till Midsummer, 23 Apr. Amended, 24-Her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.

Cholmley, 1649, a Committee to examine the Complaints against him; Order for his Attendance on them, 27 Mar. Persons with the Army to examine the Business, and certify to the Committee.
-, - Sir Hugh, 1649, Report touching his Composition; Consideration of his Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, 7 Feb.

Christchurch, Wood, 1649, Report that it is sold; the Committee of the Navy to buy it for the Use of the Navy; no Wood to be cut down in the mean time-Order against proceeding further in conveying it to any Purchaser, 3 Jan.
-, - Oxon, 1650, Report touching Mr. Carill's declining the Office of Dean; previous and main Questions for appointing another, severally Affirmative; the Committee of the Universities to see the Vote put in Execution, 14 Mar.

Christmas-day, 1650, Report from the Council of State, touching a wilful and strict Observation thereof, referred to the Committee of plundered Ministers, 27 Dec.

Christ's Hospital, 1650, Petition of Governors thereof, and of Bartholomew, Bridewell, Thomas, and Bethlem Hospitals, read, and referred to the Committee of the Army, 31 Oct.

Church, Government, 1649, a Committee to prepare Act for disposing of ecclesiastical Promotions in the Gift of the Commonwealth, 21 May. Committees added; Quorum reduced-Act for repealing Acts for punishing Persons not comeing to their Parish Church, read twice, and committed, 29 June-Reported, and re-committed, 7 July-A Committee to consider the Articles of Religion; all that come to have Voices-Declaration touching the Maintenance of the Ministry, and Church Government, read by Parts, and agreed to, 6 Aug. Question that the Clause touching Presbyterial Government be Part thereof, Neg.-A Committee to review the Book, and Ordinances for settling Presbytery, and present it, with Amendments with respect to tender Consciences-Act for Relief of tender Consciences against several Statutes, read twice, and committed, 13 Sept.
-, - 1650, the Committee for Act to repeal Acts for punishing Persons not coming to their Parish Church, revived; Order for their sitting de die in diem; all that come to have Voices; Committees added, 13 Sept.-Act reported, and to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be printed.

Churchman, Thomas. Vide Harris, William.

Cinque Ports, 1649, the Council to consider whether the Jurisdiction of the Wardenship is fit to be resumed, 29 Jan.

Circuits, 1648, Paper of Judges to go the several Circuits, reported, read, and agreed to; Commissioners of the Great Seal to send Patents to the Sheriffs to execute their Offices, 12 Feb.-Serjeant Thorpe to go the Northern Circuit, instead of Serjeant Puliston; Order for making out his Commission-Commissioners of the Great Seal to appoint Judges to go the Welsh Circuits.
-, - 1649, Commissioners of the Great Seal to appoint Judges to go the Circuits, 15 June-29 Jan.-Commissioners to prepare Letter, to be signed by Speaker, and sent to them -The Committee of the Revenue to pay their Salaries-Order for Baron Thorpe to go the Northern Circuit-Left to Justice Phesant to go or stay at home-Judges for the Circuit of North Wales, appointed; the Committee of the Revenue to pay their Salaries, 15 June-Judges to give Account of their Proceedings to the Commissioners of the Great Seal, 24 Oct.-Permitted to go into their own Counties, 29 Jan. -To certify the Calendar of Offences of Prisoners they think fit Subjects for Mercy, 4 Mar.
-, - 1650, Commissioners of the Great Seal to appoint Judges to go the Circuits, 21 June-Impowered to appoint Judges to perfect the Circuit of Hertfordshire and Essex, and grant Commissions for that Purpose, 6 Sept.-Judges to make Relation of their Proceedings, 22 Nov.-Persons appointed to go in the room of Two deceased-Judges to be permitted to go into their own Counties, 4 Feb.
-, - 1651, Commissioners of the Great Seal to appoint Judges to go the Circuits, 6 June.

Cirencester, 1648, Papers touching the Election to be delivered over by Sir Robert Harley and the Clerk of the Committee of Privileges; Order for making Report, 3 Feb. Report; Return voted good; Clerk of the Crown to attend, with all the Records touching the Business. Examined thereupon; a Committee to inquire how the Gentlemen certified to be lawfully elected, may be admitted into the House, with Power to examine Members. Report; Return to be amended.

Civilians, 1648, A Committee to consider touching taxing them for their Chambers in Doctors Commons, 6 Mar.
-, - 1649, their Petition read, and referred to the Committee for Probate of Wills, 25 July-All to subscribe the Engagement, 12 Oct.-All that have adhered to or assisted the Enemy, to be removed out of Doctors Commons.

Claperson, James, 1650, Testimony touching him and others, attested by divers Persons, read, and referred to a Committee, 14 June-His Commitment by them, approved.

Clarke, John, and Richard, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, 19 July.
-, - Thomas, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 21 Feb.

Clarkeson, Laurence, 1650, his Confession touching making and publishing a Book, intituled, "The single Eye," reported; Order for his Commitment to the House of Correction to hard Labour for a Month, and then banishing him, 27 Sept. Sheriffs to see the Sentence put in Execution-Order for 20£. for Serjeants Men, and Persons who discovered him, 1 Oct.

Clement, Gregory, 1649, Petition read; Order for admitting him to double upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 25 June.
-, - 1651, his Debt of 2,193 £. 2s. 11 d. reported; his Petition read, 3 July. Previous Question for approving the Debt, Neg. Order for allowing him the Pre-emption of a House and Farm in his Possession as a Tenant.

Clerk of the House, 1648, to subscribe the Proceedings of the House, by the Name of Clericus Parliamenti, 8 Feb.-A Committee to consider of a Salary for him.
-, - 1649, Report; previous Question that he take the Fees formerly taken by the Clerk of Lords House, Affirmative; main Question, Neg. Resolution for allowing him 500 £. per Annum; Order for a Patent under the Great Seal; Table of Fees, read particularly, and agreed to, with Amendments; Order for setting them up in his Office, 30 Aug. Act for making him Clerk of the Parliament, & c. reported, and passed, 14 May.
-, - 1650, Records of the late House of Peers, and of House to be delivered to him by Inventory; a Committee to see it done, and prepare a Form of an Oath to be administered to him, 25 June. Form reported, read, and approved; Speaker to administer it-Keys of a Room, and all Records belonging to the Parliament, to be delivered to him by Schedule; a Committee to see it done; Serjeant to attend them, 12 Dec.-Keys of Rooms over the House to be delivered to him, 26 Feb.
-, - Assistant, 1649, Report touching his Fees and Salary; Resolution for allowing him 200£. per Annum; Order for a Patent under the Great Seal, 30 Aug.

Clerk, Gilbert. Vide Coke, Richard.
-, - Samuel, a Member, 1649, a Committee to state the Matter of Fact touching his Imprisonment, 22 Aug.
-, -Robert, appointed Captain of a Ship, 2 Mar. 1649- 26 Sept. 1650.
-, - Beata, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
-, - Major Alured, 1650, Report that his Debentures are unsold; Order for admitting him to double upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 31 July.

Cleve, Mr. 1650, Business touching Goods taken from him, referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 22 Oct.

Clinkerd, Mr. 1649, to be continued Bailiff of Westminster, 5 Feb.

Clitheroe Castle, 1649. Vide Apsley, Sir Allen-The Council of State to consider of demolishing it, 27 Mar.

Clive, Mr. and others, 1649, Examinations touching them, reported; the Council of State to send for them in safe Custody, and examine the Business, 6 Sept.

Clothiers, 1649, Petition to be read, 19 May.

Clothworkers, 1648, Quorum of their Committee, reduced, 7 Mar.

Coals, 1648, Information touching the Abuse in buying them up, referred to the Council of State, 21 Mar.
-, - 1649, a Committee to examine the Impositions thereupon, and Grounds thereof, 16 Apr.-To consider how they may be taken off, 16 May-Report touching the Imposition of 4 s. per Chaldron, referred back to the Council of State, 13 June-Previous and main Questions for taking it off, severally Affirmative, 11 Sept.
-, - 1650. Vide Supply.

Coates, Alexander, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.

Cob, Mr. 1650, Order for bringing him to a speedy Trial, 19 July.

Cobbe, Colonel William, 1651, Spanish Ambassador's Letter, with his Case inclosed, read; Case referred to the Commissioners for compounding, 29 July.

Coin, 1648, a Committee to examine the Abuses concerning clipped Money, and prepare Act to remedy them for the future, 2 Mar.
-, - 1649, Propositions for preventing the Exportation thereof, and Business concerning melting it down, referred to the Council of State-A Committee to consider the Statutes touching the Sale or Transportation thereof, and other Laws concerning Coinage, 14 Apr.-Members to withdraw, and examine the Business touching 11,000£. intended to be transported-Act for Confirmation of the Coin, ordered, 16 May-Read twice, and committed, 6 July. Reported, and re-committed. Reported from Re-commitment, and passed; Order for printing it; Act to be certified into Chancery-To be proclaimed, 20 Dec.-Act declaring it High Treason to counterfeit, clip, & c. the Coin, read twice, and committed, 6 July. Reported, and to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be printed; to be certified into Chancery-Table containing the Weights of the several Coins, reported, read, agreed to, and to be ingrossed, 10 July.
-, - 1650, Act against transporting Coin or Bullion, read, 4 Apr. Order for Second Reading. Act committed, 15-Reported, and re-committed, 22 Aug.

Coke, John, 1649, appointed Master of Crosse's Hospital; Order for a Patent under the Great Seal-For Augmentation of the Ministers and Poor Brethren's Maintenance-For Preference to maimed Soldiers, 30 June-Attorney General to consider how he may be enabled to execute the Office during his Absence in the Irish Service, 9 July.

Colchester, 1650, Petition touching the Town, to be read, 13 May-Act for propagating the Gospel, and Maintenance of Ministers there, ordered. To be read. Read twice, and committed-To be reported, 23 Aug. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed.

Colchester, Thomas. Vide Hawes, William.

Cole, Ralph, 1649, Act for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed, 22 May.
-, - Thomas. Vide Stamford, Christopher.
-, - Robert, 1651, Petition read, 8 May.

Colfe, Abraham, 1651, Bill for enabling him to erect and settle Two Schools in Lewisham, ordered, 20 May.

Collectors, 1648, previous Question that they make good what clipped Money they receive, Neg. 2 Mar.
-, - 1649, Information concerning 90£. in a Collector's Hands, referred to the Committee of the Revenue, with Power to satisfy the Informant, 7 May-Same Committee to consider of relieving Collectors who were enforced to pay Money to the Enemy.

Collett, Quartermaster Joseph, 1651, Petition read, 1 Apr.

Collingwood, Cuthbert, 1651, Petition read; Resolution for omitting him out of the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 25 Apr.

Collins, Cicily, 1650, Petition read, 17 Dec.

Comes, Richard, and Anne. Vide Morgan, Dame Mary.

Committees, 1648, none to sit after Nine o'Clock, 12 Feb.- All to sit, notwithstanding the Adjournment of House-The several Committees to present their Opinions how they may be distributed for better carrying on Business.
-, - 1649, Act to impower them to administer Oaths, ordered, 22 May. Read twice; Questions for Commitment and passing, severally Neg. 28-All to take the Engagement, 12 Oct.
-, - 1651, all to forbear sitting on Account of a Member's Funeral-Previous and main Questions that every Order made by them shall be signed by as many as are of the Quorum, severally Affirmative, 1 May.

Common Pleas, 1648, Order for continuing the Seal a Fortnight longer, 9 Mar.-Act for altering it, read, and passed.
-, - 1649, Order for taking down the King's Arms, and putting up a Carpet, 11 Apr.-Act for altering the Seal of Nisi Prius, read, and passed, 11 June.

Commonwealth, 1649, Information of Money collected for some Design against it; Order for seizing and securing it-For a Reward to the Discoverers, 26 Apr.-Act declaring the People of England a Commonwealth and free State, read twice, and committed; the Committee impowered to advise with Judges, & c. 1 May. Act reported, and to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be printed.

Compton, Daniel, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Conneyers, Serjeant, 1649, his Carriage about the Riot at Walthamstow, referred to the Council of State, 24 Oct.

Cunstable, Sir William, 1648, appointed One of the Council of State, 4 Feb.
-, - 1649, his Petition, and State of his Case, read; Act for settling the Manor of Holme upon him and his Heirs, ordered, 4 Jan.
-, - 1650, to be read, 25 Apr.-Read; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, 1 May.

Convoys, 1649, the Council of State to consider of Convoys to Hamburgh, 24 Apr.-To appoint Convoys for Merchants, and prevent the Abuse of Convoy-money, 19 Oct.
-, - 1650, Resolution for sufficient and settled Convoys; the Committee of the Navy to consider with the Council of State of a fit Number of Ships for that Service, and present Estimate of the Charge thereof, and take care that certain Monies be applied to that Use, 31 Oct.-Estimate of 27 Ships, with 5,550 Men; the Committee of the Navy to provide Ships and Men, 8 Nov.-Act for settling Convoys, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed, 31 Oct.-Business touching them and the Ships to go with them, referred to the Council of State, 20 Dec.
-, - 1651, List of Convoys, reported, 29 May.

Cooch, Lady, 1650, her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.

Cooke, John, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
-, - Thomas, 1650, Report from the Council of State, that he had escaped after he was apprehended for High Treason; Declaration, with a Reward for re-taking him, ordered, 19 Mar.-Act for that Purpose, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed; to be printed, and proclaimed.
-, - 1651, Manner of apprehending him, reported; the Council of State to proceed in examining him and others, 1 Apr. Order for making Report-For reporting the whole Matter, 27 May.-Report of several Examinations and Consessions of his and other Papers; Question for reading his Petition to the Council of State, Neg. 28.
-, - Robert, 1650, Pard on for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Cooper, Mr. 1649, desired to preach, 14 Aug. Thanked, and to print his Sermon.
-, - Sir Roger, 1650, Order for admitting him to pay the Remainder of his Composition-money, without Penalty, 32 July -Amended, 1 Oct.
-, - Antony, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 21 Feb.

Coote, Sir Charles, 1649, Order for settling Lands in Ireland of 500£. per Annum upon him and his Heirs; a Committee to present the Lands, 17 Aug.-Revived, and to present Act for that Purpose, 28 Dec.
-, - 1650, Commissioners for Irish Affairs impowered upon a Survey on Oath to set out the Lands, 5 Dec.

Coppe, Mr. 1649, Passages in a Book composed by him, intituled, "A fiery flying Roll, & c." read; Book voted blasphemous, and to be burnt by the common Hangman; Order for seizing the Books, and Persons who have them in their Custody; the Council of State to examine the Business touching the Author, 1 Feb.
-, - 1650, a Committee to examine him, 27 Sept.

Coppin, John, appointed Captain of a Ship, 25 June-2 Mar. 1649-26 Sept. 1650.
-, - James, appointed Captain of a Ship, 2 Mar. 1649- 26 Sept. 1650.

Corke, 1650. Vide Ireland.
-, - Countess of, 1650, Report concerning her, to be considered, 28 June.

Corn, 1648, a Committee to consider of some Way to keep down the Prices thereof, 10 Feb.
-, - 1650, Act for that Purpose, and for preventing the Abuses, Spoil, and Destruction, of Meal, and of forestalling the Markets, read twice, and committed, 17 July-To be reported, 18 Oct. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed.

Cornbury Park, 1649, to be reserved for the Use of the Commonwealth, 3 July.

Cornwall, 1648, High Sheriff appointed; Order for Commission under the Great Seal, 15 Feb.
-, - 1649, Petition of Tanners, read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 2 Apr.-High Sheriff appointed; Order for Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.-Previous and main Questions for discharging him, severally Affirmative; another appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 28 Jan.
-, - 1650, Act for propagating the Gospel, and Maintenance of Ministers in the County, ordered, 24 May-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.

Corporations, 1649, a Committee to prepare Form of an Oath for Officers therein; Member to withdraw and pen an Act upon the Debate, 21 July-Act for the Form of an Oath to be administered to Mayors, & c. read twice, and passed; to be printed, 5 Sept.-Officers to subscribe the Engagement, 12 Oct.

Cotton, John, 1650, to be set in the Pillory twice, and lose his Ears, for forging Warrants, and counterfeiting Bills of Exchange, whereby he procured Money out of the public Treasuries; to be committed to the House of Correction to hard Labour for a Year; Sheriffs to see the Sentence executed; the Committee of the Army to take Possession of all his Goods, and Persons who have them in their Custody to deliver them to the Committee; Persons who have any of the Money thus fraudulently procured to deliver it to the Treasurers at War, 1 Apr.

Coventry, 1650, Act for more frequent preaching the Gospel, and Maintenance of Ministers there, ordered, 19 July- Read twice, and committed, 23 Aug.-Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, 21 Mar.-Order for discharging One Alderman, and electing another, 20 Mar.

Coule, Thomas, 1650, appointed Captain of a Ship, 26 Sept.

Courteen, Peter, and others, 1648, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 15 Feb.

Courts, 1649, Stewards of Hundred Courts, Sheriffs Torns, & c. to take the Engagement, 12 Oct.
-, - of Justice, 1648, a Committee to prepare Act for altering the Seals belonging to them, 3 Feb. Seals to be delivered to the Committee. Act read, and passed-Another Committee to take care of altering them. Alterations of several, reported. Time for continuing some, inlarged -Act for better settling Proceedings therein, according to the present Government, read, and passed; to be printed.

Couter, Abraham, van, and Adrian Henrix, 1649, Petition and Certificates, read, and referred to the Committee of the Admiralty, with Power to examine a Member, or any other Persons, 19 June-Report; referred to the Committee of the Navy to hear and determine the Cause, 16 Nov.

Cowdree, Samuel, 1650, Order for respiting his Execution; Judges to certify the whole State of the Matter concerning him, 25 July-Their Letter and Certificate of the Cause of condemning him; Order for his Execution, 21 Aug.

Cowell, Widow, 1649, Order for paying her her Husband's Arrears, 19 June.
-, - Colonel, 1649, a Committee to state his Accounts, and pay Two Thirds of what is due; Liberty given him to come in for the Remainder by doubling upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 9 July.

Cowlinge, Nicolas, 1648, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Revenue; Order for Stay of Proceedings at Law, 12 Mar.

Cox, Richard, 1649. Vide Hardwick, Colonel John.
-, - Captain 1649, to be re-taken into Custody, for neglecting to take out the Order for his Discharge, 28 Aug.

Coxhall and Debenham, 1649, Order for the Chancery to proceed touching the Poor thereof, notwithstanding any Order of the late House of Peers to the contrary, 4 May. Amended.

Craige, Lady, 1649, Order for allowing her 3£. per Week for Six Months, 9 July.
-, - 1650, Order for continuing it Three Months longer, 22 June.

Cranford, Mr. 1648, his Power for licensing Books, revoked, 16 Mar.
-, - 1649, a Committee to inquire whether a Book was licensed by him, since he was discharged from licensing, 6 Aug.

Craven, Lord, 1650, Depositions touching his being with the King of the Scots at Breda, reported, and read-Voted an Offender within the Declaration of 24th August, 1649- Order for confiscating his Estate; Commissioners for compounding to seize and sequester it, and receive the Rents, & c. for the Use of the Commonwealth, 6 Mar.
-, - 1651, Petition of Commissioners for managing his Estate, read; Question for putting him into the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estate, Neg. 12 June-Question for Leave to consider the Vote touching him, Neg.-Order for summoning him to appear before the Parliament on a Day appointed; Draught of the Summons, read, and agreed to; Order for proclaiming and setting it up in public Places, 3 July.

Creditors, 1649, Act for their Relief, read twice, and committed, 23 June-Reported, and re-committed, with Power to join it to another Bill, 17 Feb.-Proviso reported, agreed to, with an Amendment, and committed; Bill re-committed-Reported, and re-committed again, 11 Mar.
-, - 1650, reported, and to be ingrossed, 14 May. Read Third time; Debate thereon, adjourned-A Committee to prepare another Bill for their Relief-Bill to be reported, 5 June. Read; previous and main Questions for Second Reading, severally Affirmative. Bill committed.

Crescent Frigate. Vide Skynner, Captain.

Crompton, Colonel George, 1650, appointed Governor of Tilbury Fort, 26 Sept.

Cromwell, Lieutenant General Oliver, 1648, appointed One of the Council of State, 4 Feb.
-, - 1649, appointed Commander in Chief in Ireland, 30 Mar. Vide Ireland-His Commission to be presented, 20 June. To be read. Read in Latin and English; Resolution that the civil and military Power shall be conjoined in One Person; Continuance thereof; Blanks filled up; Commission passed; Order for passing it under the Great Seal; the Council of State to prepare Instructions for him-A Committee to consider his extraordinary Charges while he stays here-Order for allowing him a Lifeguard of 70 Men-Minister appointed to go with him, 2 July. Vide Owen, Mr.-Certificate touching Allowances to Lord Lieutenants, reported, and referred to the Council of State- The Committee of the Army to take his Accounts of his Expeditions into Wales and the North, and give him a Discharge, 14 June-Report; Account allowed; Order for discharging him, 6 July-A Committee to prepare Act whereby Lands formerly settled upon him may be settled upon him and his Heirs, with Power to rectify Mistakes in the former Act, 21 Dec.-Act read, 8 Jan.-Order for Second Reading, 1 Mar.-Resolution for desiring him to come over and attend in Parliament; Letter for that Purpose, and to thank him for his Services, ordered, 8 Jan.-Previous and main Questions for appointing him One of the Council of State, severally Affirmative, 12 Feb.-Order for him to have the Use of the Cockpit, Spring Garden, and St. James's House, with the Command of the Park.
-, - 1650, Letter requiring him to come over with Speed, and attend his Service in Parliament, ordered; Speaker to sign it, 13 Apr.-He attends-Thanked for his great and faithful Services-Act for settling Lands on him and his Heirs, read twice, and committed, 30 May. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed- Resolution for appointing him Commander in Chief of all the Forces raised or to be raised by the Authority of Parliament; Act for that Purpose, read, and passed; to be certified into Chancery; Exemplification thereof to pass the Great Seal, 26 June. Vide Scotland-Appointed One of the Council of State, 7 Feb.
-, - 1651, Report from the Council of State touching his Relapse, and present Indisposition; Vote desiring him to remove to some convenient Part of England for the Recovery of his Health, to be sent to him, 27 May.
-, - Henry, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
-, - Major Oliver, 1649, Petition read; the Committee at Haberdashers Hall to give him Satisfaction for his Arrears, 16 June.
-, - 1651, Petition of his Widow, read, 2 May.

Crosby, Lady Anne, 1649, Order for allowing her 3£. per Week for Six Months, 9 July.

Crosse, Anne, 1648, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.

Crosse's Hospital, 1649, Master resigns his Patent; another appointed, 30 June. Vide Coke, John.

Crouese, Henry de la, 1651, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 9 May.

Crow, Mrs. 1650, her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.

Crown Lands, 1648, a Committee to prepare Act to impower Commissioners to take a Survey of Parks, Forests, Chaces, & c. lately belonging to the Crown, and the Duchy of Lancaster, 24 Feb.-Quorum reduced-The Committee of the Revenue to consider how the Parks may be lett for a Year, 23 Mar.
-, - 1649, same Committee to consider how the Deer may be sold to the best Advantage, 13 Apr.-Act for vesting the Crown Lands in Trustees to be sold, ordered-Read twice, and committed, 9 May. Committees added, 24 May -26 June-Act reported. The Committee to prepare Instructions for Trustees and Contractors. Trustees and Contractors appointed; Report from the Council of State touching keeping some Houses and Parks for the Use of the State, agreed to; referred to them what others shall be reserved; One Park to be settled upon the City. Vide London-Order for Preservation of Timber fit for Shipping; the Committee to see the Amendments put in their right Places, that the Act may be fit for Ingrossing-More Contractors, and other Officers, appointed; Proviso and Clause, read, and referred; another Committee added, 3 July. Proviso for excepting several Parks, & c. read twice, and committed. Act read Third time; other Provisoes read twice and committed; Two added; One rejected. Other Provisoes added; One Trustee excused; another appointed in his Room. Proviso read, and re-committed. Act passed; Counsel for the Sale and Conveyance of the Lands, appointed-Act, with further Instructions to the Trustees, & c. read; Question for committing the last Clause, Neg. Residue committed, 7 Sept. To be reported-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 2 Oct.- Passed, and to be printed, 23 Nov.-A Committee to prepare Act for Stay of Sale, 5 Oct. General's Letter touching it, read, Debate thereupon to be taken up. No Surveys to be published, or Sale made, in the mean time - Declaration that Tenants shall not be prejudiced by Suspension of the Sale, 23 Nov.-A Committee to prepare Act for further Instructions for speedy Sale thereof, and to remove all Obstructions, 20 Nov.-Letters referred, 1 Jan. -Act read, 5 Feb. Committed; Petition referred. Act to be reported. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed.
-, - 1650, Order for preserving the Slaughter House upon Millbank, for a Storehouse for Coals for the Service of the Parliament, 29 Mar.
-, - 1651, Act for imposing Penalties on such as purchase Crown Lands as original Creditors, and pay with assigned or false Bills, read, and passed, 5 Apr.-Proposals touching the Sale thereof; Question for referring them to a Committee, Neg. 10-Petition of Attornies attending to purchase them, read, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 24 Sept.

Culme, Lady Mary, 1650, Petition read; the Committee of the Army to consider how 200£. may be advanced to her, 25 June-Another Petition read; Order for paying her 300 £. for Supply of her present Necessities, 5 Dec.
-, - 1651, the Committee of the Army impowered to issue Warrant for Payment of the 200 £. 25 Apr.

Culpack, Richard, 1651, Pardon for him, read and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Cumberland, 1648, a Committee to prepare Letter for an Estimate of the Losses and Damages sustained by the coming in of the Scots, and the Forces for their Defence, 13 Feb.-Members to present Names of fit Persons to be High Sheriffs.
-, - 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, Members to present Names of fit Persons to be Sheriffs, 7 Nov. Sheriff appointed; Order for Commission under the Great Seal-General's Letter, with Petition of Justices, & c. read; Order for granting concealed and undervalued Delinquents Estates for Relief of the well-affected Poor, and establishing a Woollen Manufacture there; Commissioners for compounding in the Four Northern Counties to see the Order put in Execution, 18 Feb.

Cunningham, Captain. Vide Dicke, Captain.

Cursing. Vide Sabbath-breaking and Swearing.

Cursitor, Baron, 1648, Clerk of the Crown to prepare a Patent for him, 13 Feb. Commissioners of the Great Seal impowered to pass it. Form thereof, read, and agreed to.

Curtis, Captain John, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 2 Mar.
-, - Captain Edmund, 1650, appointed Commander of a Ship, 26 Sept.

Customs. Vide Navy-1648, the Committee of the Navy to treat with Persons touching improving or farming them, 21 Mar.
-, - 1649, Report concerning Officers for the Port of London; previous and main Questions for approving the Persons named in this new Model, severally Affirmative; further Report touching the Power of the Commissioners, agreed to; the Committee of the Navy impowered to nominate Persons to controul the Receipts of the Customs; all Officers to give Security, 24 Apr. Officers not mentioned in the last Model, to be discharged-Act impowering the Commissioners to give an Oath, read twice, and passed-Governors of Garisons not to meddle with the Customs in the Out-ports, 14 May-Petition and Proposal of old Customers, read; previous and main Questions for laying aside the further Consideration thereof, severally Affirmative, 26 June-List of additional Officers and Establishment for London, reported; 23 July. Approved-List of Officers in the Out-ports, with their Salaries, read. Approved-The Committee of the Navy impowered to increase the Salaries of the Cheques-Act authorizing the Commissioners to collect or receive Monies due for Customs, or Subsidies, or, otherwise, read twice, and committed. Reported, and passed-Late Commissioners to be thanked-The Committee of the Navy to send proper Seals to the Out-ports-Act for altering the Seal of Tonage and Poundage, read, and passed- Act for taking the Accounts of the Officers of the Customs and Navy, read twice, and committed, 3 Aug. Reported, passed, and to be printed-The Committee of the Navy to consider touching the Auditors of the Press-Report; Auditors appointed, 14 Sept.-Report from the Council of State concerning the Receipts of the Customs, 23 Oct.- Report of Monies received by the Commissioners to 5th November last, and of their Proposals; Resolution that they shall have a certain Salary; the Committee of the Navy to consider of a sitting Salary, 17 Jan.-Report in Part agreed to, 27 Feb.-Act for reforming the Abuses of Watermen and others, about Goods owing Customs, read twice, and committed, 17 Jan.-Commissioners Petition read; Liberty given them to pay Money collected in the Out-ports quarterly-Proposals for regulating the Customs, read; Question for referring them to a Committee, Neg. 4 Mar.
-, - 1650, no Officer to trade as a Merchant, 9 Apr.- No Goods to be delivered till the Customs are paid-One Fourth besides the Fourth adjudged by Law to be allowed upon Seizures-The Committee of the Navy impowered to allow a Moiety thereupon, 20 June-Bill for continuing the Customs with a Blank, ordered, 1 Nov.-Read, 5 Mar. Committed. Reported; Continuance thereof: Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed.

Cutler, William, 1649, Petition of East India Company against him and others, touching the Information in the Exchequer for buying and selling Spices ungarbled, to be read, 26 & 31 Oct.-Report; Cutler's Petition read; Report re-committed; all that come to have Voices; East India Company's Petion, referred, 27 Dec.
-, - 1650, Report; Cutler's Petition read; Question for agreeing to the Report, Neg. Order that Cutler proceed in the Trial against the Company, and other Persons named in the Report; after Verdict no Judgment or Execution to be had till the Parliament's Pleasure be known, 27 June.

24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.

DALLISON, William, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 23 Sept.

Darley, Sir Richard, Order for paying him 5,000 £. 5 Sept.- Agreed to by Lords.

Darnall, Ralph, Information against him, referred to the Committee of Complaints, 16 Dec.-His Petition; a Committee to consider of further Security for 500£. formerly ordered him-Order for present Payment of 200 £. in Part thereof, 1 Jan.

Dartmouth, Letter concerning a Ship stayed there, with 1,500 Firelocks; the Committee of Devon to secure them; Business referred to the Committee of the Navy, 4 Sept. Report; Order for discharging the Ship and Firelocks-The Committee of the Army to consider how the Garison may be paid, and free Quarter taken off, 27 Nov.

Daubetery, Monsieur de, to have Pass to go into France, 11 Sept.

Davies, Sir Paul, Order for paying him 500 £. sent to Lords, 2 Sept.

Deal, Lord Admiral's Letter, read; Answer read, and to be ingrossed; Speaker to sign it-The Committee at Derby House to write to the Committee of Kent and Colonel Riche, to advise with him about the Repair of the Castle, 8 Sept.- A Committee to consider the State of the Decays of the Castle, and the Repairs, 24 Nov.

Deans and Chapters, Ordinance for abolishing them, read twice, and committed; the Committee to fill up Blanks, and perfect the Ordinance, 6 Sept. Committee sits, 8 & 13 Sept.- 4 & 6 Oct.-To sit, notwithstanding the Adjournment of House, 13 Sept.-Ordinance to be reported, 6 Oct. Reported; Time for vacating their Leases; Ordinance to be ingrossed. Order for Third Reading-Ordinance for their Lands, reported, 13 Oct.-Quorum for them, reduced, 17 Jan.

Delinquents, Persons concerned in the late Insurrections in Kent, Surry, Sussex, and Essex, to be admitted to their Compositions at a Fourth Part of their Estates, 4 Sept. Voted incapable of being Jurymen, Justices of Peace, & c. Judges to see the Order put in Execution-Voted incapable of being Deputy Lieutenants, or in any public Trust-Order for putting in Execution the Ordinances excluding Delinquents from bearing Offices, or voting in Elections for Officers, 5 Sept.-Country Committees impowered to compound with them, and certify to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall the Particulars of their Estates, and the Sums they pay- The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to report the State of Monies there, and Grounds of the Obstructions to the Second Payment of Fines; to prepare Ordinance for removing them, hastening the Second Payments, and bringing in Delinquents capable of Composition to compound, 5 Oct.-Conference to be desired with Lords for preventing Obstructions, by their intervening Orders touching the Sequestering, Sale, and Disposal of Delinquents Goods-Ordinance for satisfying Debts due from them to well-affected Persons, ordered-Ordinance for putting them out of the Lines, ordered, 4 Nov. Vide London-Persons engaged in the late War, since 1st January, 1647, to compound at a full yearly Value more than others in the same Qualification-A Committee to prepare Ordinance for enabling Committees to take Security of Delinquents not discharged, that they will not act any thing prejudicial to the Parliament; Order for imprisoning such as refuse-The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall impowered to grant Passes to Persons to come over to compound-Order repealed-The Committee to stay further Proceedings with them, and remand all that they have sent for out of Prisons, 16 Dec. Committees added, 16, 20 & 23 Dec.-6 Jan.-Ordinance from Lords touching Accounts to be given by Sequestrators, to be read, 10 Nov.- Ordinance enabling the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to send Officers into the several Counties to sequester the Estates of such as are in Arrear with their First and Second Payments, ordered, 16 Dec. List of them, and Particular of their Names, and Sums unpaid, referred to a Commitee-Collectors, & c. to send up their Accounts, and Monies in their Hands, to the Trcasurers-Treasurers to give Account of their former Doings, 13 Jan.

Denbigh County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 23 Nov. Another appointed by them, agreed to.

Derby County, Letter for hastening the Payment of the Arrears of the Assessments for the Army, reported, read, and agreed to; Members to send it, 23 Feb.-Order for disbanding the new-raised Forces; the Committee to pay their Arrears, 23 Oct.-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission to him; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 28 Nov.
-, - Earl of, Question for excepting him from Pardon, Neg. 6 Nov.

Devereux, Captain, his Petition from Lords, with special Recommendation, 13 Oct.

Dicke, Captain, Committees added to his Committee, 6 Sept.
-, - Sir William, Letters from the Committee of Estates from Edinburgh on his behalf, read; Order for discharging the Restraint laid upon Monies payable to him-For present Payment of 1,000 £. upon Account, 28 Nov.

Digby, Lord, to be excepted from Pardon, 6 Nov.

Disby, Mrs. to be sent for as a Delinquent, for rescuing a Prisoner in his Passage to Windsor Castle; Captain of the Guard to send a Party to assist Serjeant, 9 Sept. The Committee of Complaints to examine her.

Dobson, Major Isaac, Petition read, 10 Oct.

Doddington, Sir Francis, excepted from Pardon, 7 Nov.

Dodson, Colonel William, his Petition, with Lords Order thereupon, read, referred, and recommended to the Committee of the Eastern Association, 10 Oct.

Dodsworth, Sir Edward, Order for paying him 174 £. 12 s. 6 d. respited upon the public Faith; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 5 Sept.

Dorislaus, Dr. Order for paying him 100 £. upon Account, 6 Sept.-For paying him 200 £. 12 Dec.-Report concerning him, to be made.

Dorset County, Ordinance for Maintenance of the Militia, to be read, 2 Sept. Read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired-Letter for hastening the Payment of the Arrears of the Assessments for the Army, reported, read, and agreed to; Members to send it-Order for 500 £. to pay and disband the new-raised Forces, 6 Oct.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords.

Dover, Question for reading the Petition of Warden and Assistants, Neg. 2 Oct. Petition read; Certificate of the Charge of repairing the Harbour; the Committee of Kent to disburse Monies for that Use-The Committee of the Navy to consider of Issues and Payments of Money for that Service since the Beginning of this Parliament, and of Means for reimbursing the County of Kent-Order from Lords appointing a Lieutenant of the Castle, read, and agreed to.

Downs, Edward, to be sent for as a Delinquent, for rescuing a Prisoner in his Passage to Windsor Castle; Captain of the Guard to send a Party to assist Serjeant, 9 Sept. The Committee of Complaints to examine him.

Dowsett, Abraham, ordered into Custody, 2 Sept.-His Petition from Lords, read; Question for bailing him, Neg. Order for bringing in the Charge against him, 13 Oct.

Draper, Captain Matthew, Petition to be read, 22 Sept.
-, - Richard, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 25 Sept.

Dreadnought, a Ship, the Committee of the Navy impowered to break it up, 22 Nov.-Lords Concurrence signified, 20 Dec.

Drogheda, Viscountess of, Obstructions upon Goldsmiths Hall, in reference to her, to be considered, 19 Sept. Her Petition reported; Business referred to Members that are of the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.

Droitwich, new Writ, 18 Nov.-Petition referred to the Committee of Privileges; Order for their sitting, 15 Dec.

Dudley, Lady, her Petition from Lords, 4 Oct.

Dukeson, Dr. Petition of Parishioners for vacating his Rectory, read, and referred to the Committee of plundered Ministers, 11 Oct.

Durham, High Sheriff nominated, 2 Jan.

Dymock, Edward, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 26 Sept.

A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.

DAGGERS, 1649, Act for suppressing the making and wearing Pocket-daggers, Pistols, Stillettoes, & c. ordered, 15 Feb.

Danby, Earl of, 1649, his Will declared void; previous and main Questions that his Estate, which was sequestrable at his Death, be sequestered, severally Affirmative, 17 May.

Dansey, Mr. 1651, his Case referred to the Committee touching Infants to enable them to suffer common Recoveries, 17 June.

Danvers, Sir John, 1648, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 Feb.
-, - 1649, Order for making Report touching him; no Committee to do any thing to his Prejudice in the mean time, 20 Apr.-10 May. State of the Case between him and Lady Gargrave, reported; Earl of Danby's Will declared void; previous and main Questions for referring the Business to a Committee, severally Affirmative-State of the Business, reported; Lady Gargrave's Petition and Case, with Papers annexed, read; Sir John's Case, read; previous Question for referring it back, Neg. Resolution that he is deprived of an Estate of Inheritance for his Affection and adhering to the Parliament; same Committee to consider the whole Matter, and the Votes, and propose what is fit to be done for his Satisfaction, 14 June-Report; Lady Gargrave's Petition, read; previous and main Questions for conferring the Benefit of the Composition for the Earl of Danby's Estate upon Sir John, severally Affirmative-The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to proceed with Lady Gargrave's Composition-To discharge the Earl of Danby's Sequestration, upon her perfecting it-Arrears of his Estate to be answered to the Parliament- Sir John from this time to have the Benefit of his sequestrable, till it is compounded for, 9 Oct.-Previous Question for appointing him One of the Council of State, Affirmative; main Question, Neg. 12 Feb.
-, - 1650, his Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 22 June.

Dare, Captain Robert. Vide Batten, Captain William.

Darley, Henry, and Richard. Vide Solicitor General.

Darnall, Ralph, 1650, appointed Register to the Trustees for Sale of Delinquents Lands, 6 Apr.

Darsie, Captain Francis, 1649, Letter concerning him, read; the Council of State to take Care he be secured, 16 July.

Dart, Philip, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Daubney, Sarah, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to, Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Davenant, William, 1650, Question for trying him by the High Court of Justice, Neg. 3 July. Resolution for it. Vide Stowell, Sir John.

Davenport, Mr. 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.

Davies, Sir Paul, 1649, Order for paying him 200£. upon Account, 7 July.

Davies, John, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Day, William, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Deakin, George, appointed Captain of a Ship, 2 Mar. 1649 -26 Sept. 1650.

Deal, 1648, the Council of State to consider of Estimate for repairing the Breaches, and of Surveys taken, 12 Mar.
-, - 1649, Report; Order for Monies for that Service, 23 May.

Dean, Colonel, 1649, his Letter read, 16 Apr.

Deane Forest, 1649, Order for a Commission under the Great Seal to inquire into Wastes committed there, 5 Apr.-Report from the Council of State touching Wastes-Petition of Inhabitants of the Forest; Order against felling Timber -For preserving what is felled for the Use of the State-For demolishing all the Iron-works, 1 Jan. Vide Gifford, John.

Deans and Chapters, 1648, Act for Sale of their Lands, read, 13 Feb. Committed; the Committee to present Names of Officers-Act to be reported, 12 & 14 Mar.
-, - 1649, Serjeant sent for Member to report it, 2 Apr. Act reported; Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed; previous Question for Second Reading of a Proviso touching the Maintenance of a preaching Ministry in Winchester, Affirmative. Recommended to the same Committee to consider of the general and particular Provisoes, and advise upon the whole Bill; all that come to have Voices. Report of Resolutions touching 20,000£. per Annum for Maintenance of the Ministry; Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed; previous Question that they shall be made the Matter of a Bill to be passed, and that a Bill be brought in for that Purpose, Affirmative. Vide Ministers and Supply-No Bill of public Faith to be accepted by way of doubling, unless allowed by the Trustees named in the Bill. Amendments reported. Considered; previous Question for nominating Mr. Shute a Trustee, Neg. Previous and main Questions for nominating Mr. Wilson, severally Affirmative; Contractor, Counsel, and Deputy Register, appointed; Rate for Sale of Lands and Reversions; Bill to be ingrossed. Read Third time; Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed; Proportion of the Purchase upon any Debts transferred upon Deans and Chapters Lands; Comptroller appointed; Proviso added. Other Provisoes added; several rejected; Act passed; the Committee to take care the Amendments be rightly placed; Act to be printed-A Committee to prepare Instructions for the Treasurers-Trustees to be acquainted that a Counsel is appointed, 12 May-Report touching Obstructions in the Sale, with a Representation of the Trustees, read; the Committee to prepare Instructions for them; their Paper reported from the Council of State, referred back-Instructions for the Trustees, & c. reported, read by Parts, and agreed to; Declaration that House will give further Security for the Surplusage of any Debt charged upon the Lands, 2 June-Time inlarged for Persons within Twenty Miles of London to double-Instructions for the Trustees, to be printed -A Committee to prepare an Instruction for inlarging the Liberty given to double, and for satisfying poor Persons unaable to double. Votes, and Instructions to the Trustees, to be printed-Act touching the Salaries of the Trustees and Contractors, read twice; Questions for Commitment and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Act passed, and to be printed-Act for removing Obstructions in the Sale, read twice, and committed. Reported, and to be ingrossed. Title read, and agreed to; Act passed, and to be printed-Additional Instructions to the Trustees, touching Officers and Soldiers doubling for their Arrears, to be printed- Treasurers Letter read, 14 July-Act, with further Instructions to the Trustees, read twice, and committed; Petition read, and referred. Act reported, and to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be printed-The Committee of Obstructions to consider touching the Obstruction by Woods unsold-Treasurers Petition read, 6 Sept.-Their Letter read, 10 Oct.-Time for doubling enlarged, 6 Sept. -10 Oct.-Act for continuing the Committee named in a former Act for removing Obstructions, & c. read twice, and committed, 7 Sept.-To be reported, 5 Oct.-Act for Three Pence in the Pound to the Treasurers, read.
-, - 1650, a Committee to state the Matter of Fact touching Manors belonging to any Impropriations that belonged to them, 18 Apr.-Order for their meeting; Committees added; all that come to have Voices-The Committee to consider of ascertaining the yearly Sums charged upon their Revenues for pious Uses, 7 May-The Committee of Obstructions to consider of Sums suspended, and Sums not allowed, and how many have been allowed, 22 Aug.-Report of Monies transferred, with a Quere, but not allowed, 3 Sept. Order for discharging several Sums- Surveyor's Petition, and Treasurers Certificate, read, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions-Report, 1 Oct.

Debenham. Vide Coxhall.

Debentures, 1649, a Committee to examine Abuses in procuring false Debentures, and counterfeiting Warrants, 2 Feb.

Debtors, poor, 1648, a Committee to consider of something for releasing them, 31 Jan.-Committees added, 2 Mar.-Act for freeing them from Imprisonment, and for Relief of Creditors, and Sureties for Debt, read, and laid aside- The Committee revived; Committes added; another Act ordered.
-, - 1649, read twice, and committed; Committee impowered to advise with the Judges, 20 Apr.-Act to be reported, 23 May. Reported, and re-committed; Quorum appointed: all that come to have Voices-Act reported, and re-committed again; the Committee to fit de die in diem, 5 June-Act for Inlargement of poor Prisoners for Debt, read twice, and committed; Committee impowered to join another Bill with it; Quorum appointed, 17 July. Act to be reported. Reported; to be written out, with the Amendments; written, and reported; Question for agreeing to the Amendments, Neg. Act re-committed; all that come to have Voices-Bill for the Inlargement of Poor Prisoners, and for a more effectual and speedy Way for Recovery of Debts, read twice, and committed, 8 Aug. To be reported-Act for discharging poor Prisoners unable to satisfy their Creditors, read twice; Sum agreed to; Act to be ingrossed-Read Third time; Proviso added; Act passed, and to be printed, 4 Sept.-Explanatory Act ordered, 2 Nov. Read twice, and Committed-Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed, 21 Dec.
-, - 1650, additional Act for their Relief, read, and passed, 6 Apr.

Deer, 1651, Act to prevent killing, hunting, or taking them away, read twice; Time for the Prosecution; Penalty; Questions for Commitment and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Act passed, and to be printed, 24 July.

Deincourt, Lord, 1650, Act for Sale of his Estate, ordered, 4 Apr. Read twice, and committed-Quorum reduced, 21 May-Act reported, 14 Aug. Petition of his Lady and Children, read; Act to be ingrossed-Read Third time; Debate thereon adjourned; the Committee to amend a Clause, 1 Oct.-Clause reported; Question for continuing it Part of the Bill, Neg. Proviso added; Act passed, 17 Dec.
-, - 1651, Act for confirming the Manors, & c. mentioned therein, to Lancelot and Thomas Lake, and his Heirs, read; Questions for Commitment and Ingrossments severally Neg. Act passed, 17 July.

Delinquents, 1648, Act touching them committed, 1 Feb. Order for meeting of the Committee, and making Report, 12 Feb.-10 Mar. Commissioners Names to be presented to them-Commissioners for compounding with Delinquents desire to know the Pleasure of the House touching those in the North; the Business referred to a Committee, 1 Feb.-A Committee to prepare Act for pardoning the Delinquency of Persons whose Estates do not amount to 200 £. and who did not engage in the last War-Particular of Monies unpaid to several out of particular Mens Compositions reported-A Committee to confer with the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall about Obstructions to bringing them in- Another Committee to consider what Delinquents excepted from Pardon are fittest to continue excepted and proscribed, 12 Mar.-Report of Resolutions touching Fourteen Persons to be banished, and their Estates confiscated, agreed to; Resolution that no more be added-Rules for Compositions, reported, and referred back-Previous and main Questions for repealing the Power of the Committee of both Houses for Appeals upon Sequestrations, severally Affirmative; a Committee appointed for regulating that Business, with Power to present Act for putting all Matters into a proper Course of Justice.
-, - 1649, Resolutions touching Delinquents, and their Compositions, to be printed, 28 Mar. Order amended-Rules touching Compositions, reported; One agreed to; Residue re-committed, 2 Apr. Further Rules reported; One re-committed-Act prescribing times to Delinquents for perfecting their Compositions, reported; Title read twice, and agreed to; Act passed-Barons of the Exchequer appointed Commissioners for Appeals upon Sequestrations-Act impowering them to administer an Oath, read, and passed, 9 May-A Committee to consider of those who have not Articles upon the Surrender of Garisons performed, 5 May. Act for their Relief, read twice, and committed-Reported; previous Question that Five be a Quorum, Neg.-That Nine be a Quorum, Affirmative; Act re-committed, 4 June. Reported from Re-commitment, and to be ingrossed. Read Third time; Provisoes added; One rejected; Act passed, and to be printed-Commissioners to sit in the Forenoon; Counsel for the Commonwealth appointed, 5 July-Additional Act to be read-The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to consider of bringing in Fines, notwithstanding Judgments, Extents, & c. upon Delinquents Estates, 16 May- Order touching the Payment of their Fines. Report of Resolutions from the Commissioners for compounding, agreed to; Order for printing them-Further Resolutions from the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, reported, and read; the Committee to prepare Act pursuant thereto; Clerk to search Journals touching them-Time for compounding, enlarged, 27 June-Previous Question for admitting all Papists and Popish Recusants, except as excepted, to their Compositions, 4 July-Time inlarged for Tenants of sequestered Estates to retain the Rents in their Hands-The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to consider how they may be gotten in for the best Advantage of the State-Report; Order for collecting the Arrears, 9 Aug.-Act impowering the Committee of Indemnity to transfer Articles or Informations against malignant Magistrates to the Justices of Peace in the several Counties, to examine Witnesses thereupon, read twice, and committed; the Committee to withdraw, 2 Aug. Act reported, passed, and to be printed-Order for bringing the whole Revenue of the Sequestrations into Goldsmiths Hall -For the Committee to consider of Penalties incurred by not paying the First and Second Payment-Officers in the several Counties to make their Payments, 25 Oct. Last Order to be printed-The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to consider of Rules given concerning Appeals, and present a Course for quickening that Business-Order for applying Delinquents Lands to the Use of the Commonwealth-No Papist who is, has been, or shall be, in Arms, to be admitted to a Composition, saving the Right of Articles-Two Thirds of other Papists Estates to be sequestered-The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to consider how Compositions and Penalties may be brought in, 2 Nov.-Bill for ordering and managing sequestered Estates, read twice, and committed, 11 Dec. -Reported; Debate thereon adjourned, 3 Jan. Resumed; Bill to be ingrossed. Order for Third Reading. Read; Proviso read; Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed; Commencement of the Bill. Question that the Clause for a double Penalty stand, Neg. 18. Proviso touching the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, read thrice; Question for Limitation of the Time, Neg. 22. Provisoes added; Act passed; to be printed, and proclaimed-The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to state the Case touching allowing Judgments, Statutes, & c. to which Delinquents Estates are liable-Barons of the Exchequer, in Cases of Appeal, to use such Power as the Committee of Sequestrations had, 11 Dec. -Power continued to them, 4 Feb.-Declaration touching the Intent of the House in the Rules for compounding with Delinquents in the First and Second War, 25 Jan.- Information that several are come over as Spies and Incendiaries; Act for preventing and punishing Spies, & c. ordered, 8 Feb.-Act authorizing the Committee at Haberdashers Hall to compound for Estates of concealed Delinquents, read twice, and committed, 6 Mar.-Previous and main Questions for sequestering the Estates of all that have compounded, and are beyond Sea without Leave, severally Affirmative; the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to see the Vote put in Execution.
-, - 1650, the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to consider touching the Undervaluations and Concealments of Delinquents Estates-Report touching Compositions; Act for such as hold the Estate of any Delinquent by Mortgage, & c. to compound, read twice, and committed, 25 Mar.-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 7 May-Passed, and to be printed; Time for delivering in the Particular, 1 Aug.- Act for Sale of divers Delinquents Estates, read, 4 Apr. Read Second time; Resolution for admitting a Doubling upon the Public Faith; previous Question for admitting 200,000£. to be doubled-For admitting 150,000£. severally Neg. Resolution for admitting 100,000£-Previous and main Questions that the Lands shall not be sold under Ten Years Value in Possession, severally Affirmative; Act committed; Petition read, and referred; Register appointed; the Committee to present Names of other Officers. Quorum appointed- Order for sitting of the Committee, 7 May-11 June- For making Report-Bill reported; the Committee to consider of other Persons to be inserted, and of fit Persons to be Trustees, & c. 17 July. Orders for inserting Persons, 17 July-6 & 29 Aug.-26 Sept.-Names of Delinquents whose Estates are to be sold, and of Trustees, & c. reported; Resolutions thereupon-House proceeded with the Saving to all other Persons, & c. Saving re-committed, 6 Aug. Bill as to several, re-committed-Proviso added, 26 Sept.-Bill re-committed, with Power to amend it, or bring in another to the like Effect, 1 Oct.-Another read. Order for Second Reading, 31 Oct.-12 & 27 Nov.-Names to be inserted, 15 Nov.-5 Mar.-Act reported; Time of the Forfeitures; the Committee to prepare something touching Conveyances and Settlements to the Use of their Wives, & c. 28 Nov. Proviso reported; Bill committed; Committee to fit de die in diem; all that come to have Voices; the Committee impowered to receive Complaints, and present other Names-Quorum appointed; Bill to be reported, 19 Dec.-Reported; Time of the Forfeitures, 9 Jan. Amendment to be made through the whole Bill, pursuant thereto; another Amendment committed; Committee to withdraw; Amendment reported, and agreed to, 23. Resolution for appointing a Committee to receive the Claims; previous Question that the Committee of Obstructions be the Committee-That the Number of the Committee be Nine, severally Neg. A Committee appointed-Time of putting in Claims, 6 Feb.-Previous Question for adhering to the former Vote touching the Time of Forfeiture, Neg. Previous and main Questions for appointing another Time, severally Affirmative; Proviso ordered. Reported, read, and re-committed; the Committee to consider Judgments, Statutes, & c. Proviso reported, and agreed to-Act for relieving Tenants against the Oppressions of delinquent Landlords, reported, and laid aside-Bill for Indemnity of them and other well-affected Persons against the Injuries and Oppressions of delinquent Landlords, 4 Apr.- The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to consider of something touching Savings put in by Delinquents-Act impowering the Commissioners for Sequestrations to examine upon Oath, and give Acquittances, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, 25-Resolution touching Delinquents that have not paid in their Second Moiety, to be printed, 7 May-A Committee to confer with the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall touching the Interest to be paid for the Arrears, thereof, 6 June. Report; Resolution touching the Commencement thereof-Touching the Re-payment of the Overplus paid by any Compounder-Act impowering the Commissioners at Haberdashers Hall upon Discoveries to compound and satisfy the Discoverers, reported; Questions for Ingrossment and Passing, severally Neg. 8 May-Act for continuing an Act for Relief of Persons damnisied contrary to Articles, read, and passed, 20 June-Report of Resolutions for removing Obstructions in bringing in Money upon Sequestrations and Compositions, 8 Aug.-Proposition touching Discoveries, and for printing and dispersing Compositions, referred to a Committee, with Power to confer with the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, and prepare a Proposition for the Advantage of the State-Report from the Committee of the Army touching bringing in Monies; Debate thereon adjourned, 1 Oct. Resumed. A Vote amended-Proposition for discovering a Papist's personal Estate upon being admitted to compound for One Moiety, reported, and agreed to, 12 Feb.-A Committee to offer something touching the Undervaluations and Concealments of Delinquents, 4 Mar.-Commissioners for compounding desire to know the Sense of House touching the unpaid Fines of Tenants for Life-Persons guilty of Treason since 1st February 1648, or at any time henceforth, not to be admitted to Compositions.
-, - 1651, the Committee for Undervaluations and Concealments of Delinquents to sit de die in diem, 1 Apr. Petitions read; Persons to be omitted out of the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 23 & 25 Apr.-8 May-12 June. A Committee to see the Amendments rightly inserted in the Bill, 8 May. Bill read Third time; Member, to present Names of fit Persons to be Trustees and Contractors; Resolution that they shall be the same Persons-Number of them and their Salaries; Quorum appointed; Number of Treasurers and their Salaries. Time of determining the Claims. Ballot for Officers-Proviso added, 17 June-Names to be added; Proviso added; Bill to be ingrossed, 1 July- Names of Officers reported. Officers appointed. Rate of Interest. Act passed, and to be printed.

Dell, Mr. 1649, appointed Master of Caius and Gonville College Cambridge, 4 May.

Denbigh, Earl of, 1648, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 Feb.
-, - 1649, Petition, with Account of Arrears due to him upon his Embassy and Pension granted by the late King, read, and referred to a Committee, 23 June. Referred to another Committee-Order for making Report, 21 & 28 Aug. -5 Sept. Report; Resolution for allowing 1,774£. due to him as Ambassador at Venice-A Committee to provide some Accommodation for him, in Satisfaction of his Right to the Wardrobe-Previous Question for appointing him One of the Council of State, Neg. 12 Feb.

Denham, John, 1651, to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Denny, Lady, 1649, Order for continuing and paying her Allowance of 4£. per Week, with the Arrears, 15 June.
-, - 1650, for continuing it till Midsummer, 24 Apr.-For continuing it Three Months longer, 22 June-Her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.-Order for paying her Arrears, 14 Jan.

Derby County, 1649, Report concerning 5,000£. given for disbanding the Forces; Resolution for discharging Deans and Chapters Lands from 2,400£. to the County-For discharging the State from the Debt-For charging 1,018£. upon Delinquents Estates, 4 Sept.-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.-Order for receiving a Troop of Horse in the County into Pay for Three Months, 4 Mar.
-, - Town, 1650, Petition touching it, to be read, 11 July.
-, - House, 1648, Order for taking away the Power given to the Committee, 7 Feb.
-, - Earl of, 1649, the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall not to proceed in his Composition, 24 Aug. Declaration that he shall not be admitted to compound.
-, - 1650, upon Report from the Council of State; their Order for securing him and his Servants in Lancashire, and Message to him, approved-Order for taking away the Fifth Part allowed for Maintenance of his Children, and reserving a smaller Proportion, 23 July.

Devaux, Peter, and Wife, 1649, Petition; previous Question that House will not meddle with any Case of meum and tuum determinable in any Court of Justice, except as excepted, Neg. Petition read, and referred to the Council of State, with Power to restore the Child to her former Guardians, 6 Dec.

Devereaux, Joan, 1650, Question for inserting her in a Pardon, Neg. 2 Oct.

Devon, County, 1649, a Committee to consider of doubling Monies advanced by the County upon Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 23 May-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.

Dewick, Francis, 1650, appointed Alderman of Hull; Mayor to administer the Oath to him, 6 Sept.-Appointed Mayor.

Dicke, Sir William, 1649, Order for making Report concerning him, 16 & 21 June-Report; English's Petition on behalf of him, and of himself, read; Business re-committed, 10 July.
-, - Captain, 1649, the Committee of the Navy to examine the Business concerning him and Captain Cunningham, in relation to Ireland, and to prepare Act for the Settlement thereof, 30 May.

Digby, Lord, 1648, Resolution for banishing him, and confiscating his Estate, 14 Mar.
-, - Sir Kenelme, 1649, Resolution that he is not within the Intention of the Votes for compounding with Delinquents- Order for him to depart the Nation within Twenty Days, and not return without Leave, upon Pain of Death and Confiscation of his Estate-For confiscating the Estates of such as conceal him; Votes to be printed, and set up in public Places; Serjeant to see it done, 31 Aug. Question for reading his Petition, Neg. 14 Sept.

Dighton, Nathaniel. Vide Collectors.

Dirdo, Thomas, 1650, Letter on his behalf, read; Order for respiting his Execution, 25 July-Judges Letter, and Certificate of the Cause of condemning him, read twice; Order for his Execution, 21 Aug.

Discovery, a Ship, 1650, Business concerning it, referred to the Committee of the Navy, 19 Feb.
-, - 1651, the Council of State to consider how much of the 4,642£. with Interest, formerly ordered, is unpaid, and give Directions for Payment thereof, 26 June.

Disney, John, 1650, Order for a Pardon for him under the Great Seal; Sheriff to forbear Execution, 17 Jan.

Divines, Assembly of, 1649, Ministers, Members thereof, to take the Engagement, 12 Oct.-Order for distributing 300£. among those that have taken it, 20 Dec.

Divorces. Vide Wills.

Dixam, John, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Dobbs, David, 1650, Order for Pardon for him under the Great Seal; Sheriff to forbear Execution, 17 June.

Dockenfield, Robert, 1648, a Committee to consider what Arrears are due to him, and how they may be satisfied, 15 Feb.

Doddinge, Colonel George, 1649, Petition touching his Arrears, referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, 30 Aug.

Doddington, Sir Francis, 1648, Resolution for banishing him, and confiscating his Estate, 14 Mar.

Doleman, Upton, 1650, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 7 Nov.

Dorbaggs, Alice, 1650, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 21 Feb.

Dorislaus, Dr. 1649, Speaker informs House of some Intelligence touching his Murder, 10 May. Examinations of his Servants, and Mr. Strickland's Letter, read; Order for 250£. for his Funeral-For 500£. to each of his Daughters-For 5£. apiece to Three private Soldiers-For 3£. to Richard Peters -For settling 200£. per Annum upon his Son during Life; Act for that Purpose, ordered, 14 May-Read, and passed, 24 Oct.-Declaration from the Council of State by Occasion of his Murder, read twice, and committed, 14 May. Reported, read, and passed; Order for printing it-Mr. Strickland's Letter, and Instructions for the Master of the Ceremonies to be observed in his Address to the States Ambassador, with the Ambassador's Letter, and other Papers from him, severally read; Declaration that House take in good Part the Affections of the Provincial States of Holland and West Friesland, to be communicated to the Ambassador by the Council of State.

Dorset, County, 1649, Petition of Inhabitants, presented, and read, 2 May-Petition of reduced Officers of the County, read; Petitioners to deliver to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall List of Persons sequestrable and not sequestered; Moiety of their Fines to be allowed towards their Arrears- High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.

Dover, 1648, Order for paying off a Troop of Horse in the Garison, 19 Feb.
-, - 1649, upon Report from the Council of State; Order for providing 1,200£. for Repair of the Piar; the Committee of the Navy to consider what has been assigned for that Use, and how expended, and of some Way for maintaining it for the future, 4 Oct.
-, - 1650, the Council of State to consider whether it be useful to continue a Garison in the Castle, 29 Jan.-Letter from thence, read; the Council of State to consider how the Harbour may be preserved, and of the Revenue for Maintenance thereof, 27 Feb.
-, - 1651, Report of their Desires for Captain Cannon to be sent down to his Charge of the Castle, 25 Mar.-Resolution that they be injoined to send him or any other Person, 16 Apr.-Report of a fit Person to be sent; the Council to give him a Commission, 13 May-Report touching the Pier; Order for providing 1,000£. for Repair thereof; the Committee of the Army to pay the Money, 25 July.

Downe, Earl of, 1650, Act enabling him to sell Lands for Payment of 4,000£. the Remainder of his Composition, and other Debts, read, 15 May-Act enabling him to sell Lands of 500£. per Annum for Payment of his Debts, read, 5 June Order for Second Reading-Act committed, 15 Aug. -To be reported, 8 & 28 Nov.-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 17 Dec.-Passed; Time appointed for paying the Remainder of his Fine, 28 Feb.-17 Apr. Latter Order amended.

Downes, Colonel John, 1649, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 3 July. Report; Order for allowing him 3,000£. in Satisfaction for his Office of Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall; Money to be charged upon the public Faith and the King's Goods.
-, - Anne, 1649, Petition referred to the Trustees for Sale of the King's Goods, 20 July.

Downing, George, 1650, his Letter read, 18 Feb.

Dowsing, Everard, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Drake, Lady Ellen, 1650, Petition read; the Commissioners at Goldsmiths Hall to consider what remains due to her out of a Delinquent's Estate, and prefix a Time for Payment, upon Sequestration thereof, 17 July.

Drogheda, 1649. Vide Ireland.

Drugs, 1649. Vide Supply.

Drunkenness. Vide Sabbath-breaking.

Dublin, 1649. Vide Ireland-Order for setting apart public Places for Ministers to dispense the Gospel-For sending over Six, to be allowed 200£. per Annum each out of Bishops, Deans and Chapters Lands; Lord Lieutenant in the mean time to take care it be paid out of the public Revenue-Parliament will make competent Provision for the Wives and Children of such as die, 8 Mar.

Duckenfield, Colonel, 1650, Petition of Officers and Soldiers of his Regiment, read; Order for sending Persons to state their Accounts; Commissioners of Accounts to give Debentures accordingly, 5 June.

Dudley, George, 1649. Vide Privileges.

Dumaresey, Henry, 1651, Order for paying him 40s. per Week, 1 May.

Duncannon, 1650. Vide Ireland.

Dunch, Edmund, 1649, Petition read; and referred to a Committee, 6 Sept.

Dunsmore, Lord, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.

Durens, John, 1649, Order for settling 200£. per Annum on him for Life; the Committee of plundered Ministers to see it done, 25 Dec.

Durham County, 1648, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 5 Feb.-A Committee to present to the Commissioners of the Great Seal Names of fit Persons to be Justices of Peace; Power given them to confer with Northern Gentlemen-A Committee to prepare Letter for an Estimate of the Losses and Damages sustained by the coming in of the Scots, and by the Forces sent down for their Defence-Petition of Inhabitants, referred to the Committee on the Act for abolishing Deans and Chapters -A Committee to consider of settling Courts of Justice and Assizes to be held there.
-, - 1649, Act enabling the Judges of the Northern Circuit to hold an Assize there, ordered, 15 June. Read twice, and committed; reported, passed, and to be printed.
-, - 1650, Sheriff's Letter, with a Representation of the Gentlemen, & c. read, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions, and the Committee of Hospitals; Sheriff and Gentlemen to be acquainted with the Votes-Act for confirming Fines and Recoveries passed at the last Assizes, ordered, 8 May-Act for holding an Assize, read; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed, 30 July -Member to present Names for a Sheriff, 7 Nov. Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal-Discharged; another appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 31 Dec.
-, - 1651, Act for holding an Assize, read, passed, and to be printed-Act to put that in the same Condition as other Counties, ordered, 9 July.
-, - City, 1651, Order for making Report touching erecting a University there, 17 June. Report; the Committee to examine the State of Deans and Chapters Lands unsold. Order amended.
-, - late Bishop of. Vide Moreton, Dr.
-, - House, 1649, Order for removing the Soldiers from thence-For repairing it-For putting the Earl of Pembroke into Possession, 25 Feb.

Dury, Dr. 1650, Order for paying the Augmentation formerly settled upon him, 28 May-For paying him 200£. per Annum, and the Arrears from 25th March last, 27 Sept.

24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.

EAST-INDIA Company, Leave given them to transport 13,000£. in foreign Coin and Bullion, 26 Dec.

Elections, a Committee to collect Votes and Orders concerning them, and present something to avoid the Elections of Malignants, and such as had a Hand in the last War, 13 Dec.

Elizabeth, Princess, Sister to the Elector Palatine, a Committee to consider how 700£. per Annum, settled upon her by the King, with the Arrears, may be paid, 20 Sept.-Ordinance for that Purpose, read.

Elliott, John, Question for appointing him High Sheriff of Cornwall, Neg. 28 Nov.

Ely, Isle of, Ordinance from Lords appointing a Judge, to be read, 4 Nov.-Report touching the Arrears of weekly Payment settled on the Garison by a former Ordinance; Resolution that a subsequent Order does not take away the Force of that Ordinance-Order for paying the Money for the Use of the Navy-The Committee of the Navy to consider with another Committee the Business concerning the Soldiers of the Garison, and state the Matter of Fact, 19 Jan.

Erskine, Major James, to be sent for as a Delinquent, 6 Jan.

Essex County, Petition, and other Matters desired by the County, to be presented, 19 Sept.-Gentlemen to present to the Commissioners of the Great Seal Names of fit Persons to be Justices of Peace-Ordinance for sequestering the Estates of new Delinquents, read twice, and committed-Free Quarter demanded by the County, and Assessments thereupon, to be considered, upon Report, 1 Nov.-Petition of Inhabitants, to be read-Committees Letter read; the Committee of the Army to consider how Compensation may be made to the County for their Disbursements for Supply of the Siege of Colchester; Gentlemen at the Door called in; Speaker acquaints them what House had done, 19 Jan.

Exchequer, Court of, Barons appointed, 12 Oct.

Excise, Ordinance enabling the Commissioners to pay Interest for Arms, & c. taken up by the Committee of the Army upon the Credit of the Ordinance for 150,000£. read, and passed, 19 Sept. Agreed to by Lords-Business concerning the Excise-Ordinance for continuing the Commissioners, with a Proviso that they shall be answerable only for Monies that come into their or their Cashier's Hands, read; nothing done thereupon-Another for continuing them till further Order, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired-Ordinance for discharging them for their Accounts from 29th September, 1645, to 29th September, 1646, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired-Their Petition to the Committee for regulating the Excise, read-Ordinance concerning giving them Allowance of Monies taken from them or their Under Officers by Force-Returned from Lords, with an Amendment; Amendment agreed to, 4 Oct.

Eyre, Colonel, Order for paying him 200£. agreed to by Lords, 14 Dec.

A. 1648, 1649, 1650 & 1651.

EAST-INDIA Company, 1648, Petition of Governor, & c. read; Leave given them to transport 6,500£. in foreign Coin and Bullion, 14 Mar.
-, - 1649, their Petition against William Cutler and others, to be read, 26 Oct. Vide Cutler, William-Report from the Council of State concerning the Company; Debate thereon adjourned, 11 Jan.-Resumed; Copy of the Agreement between them and the Adventurers to Assada, read; the Company to proceed thereupon till further Order-Petition of Governor, & c. read; Resolution for carrying on the Trade by One Company with One joint Stock-Leave given them to transport 8,000£. in foreign Coin and Bullion, 19 Mar.
-, - 1650, previous Question for giving them Leave to transport 20,000£. in foreign Coin and Bullion, Neg. Business referred to the Council of Trade, 3 Sept.-Report; Leave given them to transport it on the usual Conditions, 24 Dec.- Petition of Governor, & c. referred to the Council of State, 14 Nov.-Leave given them to transport 50,000£. in foreign Coin and Bullion, 5 Feb.

Eaton, John, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Greal Seal, 3 July.

Eaton cum Membris, 1650, Order against selling Timber in the Manor, 26 Sept.

Edgecombe, Colonel, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken in the mean time of the Non-payment of his Arrears, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
-, - Major, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken in the mean time of the Non-payment of his Arrears, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.

Edinburgh, 1650. Vide Scotland.

Edwards, Richard, 1650, Order for him to attend the Service of the Parliament, 26 Nov.

Eldred, Henry. Vide Harris, William.

Elections, 1648, Papers concerning them to be delivered to the Committee of Privileges, 3 Feb.-Controverted, viz. Cirencester-New Form of a Writ for Elections, 8 Mar.
-, - 1649, House to consider touching due Elections, and equal Representatives, 1, 4 & 5 May. Previous and main Questions that the Debate concerning putting a Period to this present Parliament be taken up in a Committee of the whole House, severally Affirmative. Report that in Order to declaring a certain time for putting a Period to it, Consideration be had of stating the Succession of future Parliaments, and regulating their Elections, agreed to; select Committee appointed for that Purpose, and to present Heads-Order for their meeting, and sitting de die in diem, 11 Oct.- For making Report, 3 Jan. Heads reported; Report debated by Parts; previous and main Questions that the Number shall be 400, severally Affirmative; Residue referred to a Committee of the whole House. Committee sits, 16, 23, 24 & 30 Jan.-6, 13, 20 & 27 Feb.-6, 13 & 20 Mar.
-, - 1650, Committee sits, 26 Mar.-3, 10, 17 & 24 Apr.-1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 May-5, 12 & 19 June- 3, 10, 24 & 31 July-7 & 14 Aug.-30 Oct.-6, 12, 20 & 27 Nov.-4, 11, 18 & 25 Dec.-1 & 15 Jan. -26 Feb.-5 & 12 Mar.-Days appointed for their sitting-Referred to them to state the Proportions of Elections for the several Counties, and consider how the House may be filled according to them, 23 Oct.
-, - 1651, Committee sits, 25 Mar.-16 & 30 Apr.- -21 May-6 Aug.

Eleorall, Jecose, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.

Elizabeth Frigate, 1648, Order for Two Months Gratuity to the Company, 10 Feb.

Ellord, William, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Elutherian Islands, 1649, Act for Encouragement of the Discoverers, read twice, and committed, 25 July-Reported, 21 Aug.-Resolution for excepting the Excise; Question that the Goods be imported Custom free, Neg. Act to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be printed.
-, - 1650, Petition of the last Adventurers, read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 7 Mar.

Ely, Isle of, 1648, Ordinance appointing a Judge, repealed- Another for that Purpose, ordered, 23 Feb.
-, - 1649, Act appointing a Steward and Judge, read; Person to be named therein; Act passed, 22 June.
-, - City 1650, Petition of Inhabitants, read, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 30 Apr.-The Committee to examine the Business of embezzling Lead from that and other Cathedrals, and give Order for preventing it for the future, 8 Nov.
-, - Viscount of, in Ireland, 1648, his Petition and Petition of Sir Robert Loftus's Heir, severally read, and referred to a Committee, 12 June-Committees added, 4 Feb.

Embrey, John, 1650, Petition and Certificate of his Accounts, read; Order for paying him 1,000£. 15 Nov.

Engagement, 1649, Resolution that every Member shall subscribe to an Engagement to be true and faithful to the Commonwealth of England, as the same is now established without a King or House of Lords, 11 Oct. Title to be altered-Other Persons to subscribe it; a Committee to see the Subscription of present and future Members-None to sit till they have subscribed it, and House give Order for their Admission-Engagement to be added to the Sheriffs Oath, 7 Nov.- Previous and main Questions for appointing a Committee to consider how it may be subscribed by all the People of this Nation, severally Affirmative. Order for their meeting, and sitting de die in diem. Quorum appointed; all that come to have Voices-Act for a general Subscription throughout the Nation, read twice, and committed- Reported, and re-committed, 26 Dec. Reported from Recommitment; previous and main Questions for amending a Clause, severally Affirmative; Proviso touching the Penalties, read; Question for Second Reading, Neg. Proviso rejected-Act to be read Third time, 1 Jan. Read, passed, and to be printed. To be proclaimed-Previous Question for appointing a Committee to consider of a Declaration to satisfy the People that the Engagement is not against the former Protestation and Covenant, Affirmative; main Question, Neg. 25 Dec.-Previous and main Questions for appointing a Committee to prepare Act for allowing further Time to subscribe, severally Affirmative; Committee to withdraw; Act presented, and read twice; Clause authorizing Persons to take the Subscriptions, and make Returns, added; Act passed, and to be printed, 23 Feb.
-, - 1650, Commissioners of the Great Seal to consider how it may be tendered to all Persons willing to subscribe it, and to nominate fit Persons to take the Subscriptions as formerly by the Act, and cause Returns to be made, 6 Sept.- The several Militias to tender it to their respective Parishes, and make Returns to them-Like Order to the Stewards of Leets, and to Lord Mayor, and the Committee of the Militia, 22 Oct.
-, - 1651, Act to declare the Meaning of Act for taking the Engagement in Cases where it has been taken in Ireland and Scotland, ordered, 18 July.

Engagements, 1649, a Committee to consider all from the Beginning of this Parliament, 24 Oct. Committees added.

England, New, 1649, Act for promoting and propagating the Gospel there, read twice, and committed, 13 June. To be reported, 26 June-17 July. Reported, and to be ingrossed. Order for Third Reading. Act passed.

England, William, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.

English, Robert, 1649, Petition read, 10 July. Vide Dicke, Sir William.

Esmond, Catherine, 1649, Order for relieving her out of Money formerly granted for Relief of Irish Poor, 15 June.

Essex County, 1649, Business touching the Discharge of such Delinquents there as shall pay their Compositions according to an Ordinance, to be considered, 1 May-Act enabling the standing Committee to give Discharges to those with whom they were authorized to compound, read twice, and committed. Reported, and passed.
-, - 1650, Report touching Satisfaction to the Well-affected, for their Disbursements for Provisions for the Army-Previous and main Questions for referring it to the Committee of the Army to consider what Agreements they made for Provisions, severally Affirmative, 17 Oct.
-, - Countess of, 1649, her Case as to the Mitigation of her Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken in the mean time of the Non-payment of her Arrears, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.

Essex, Sir Thomas, 1649, to have the Benefit of Money due to the Commonwealth upon a Bond, in Part of what is owing to him, 26 May.

Eton College, 1649, Act declaring the Act for abolishing Deans and Chapters Lands doth not extend thereto, read, and passed -The Committee of the Universities to nominate a Visitor, 29 May-Provost, Fellows, Schoolmasters, and Scholars to subscribe the Engagement, 12 Oct.

Evans, Richard, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.
-, - Dorcas, 1651, Question for Reading her Petition, Neg. 8 May.

Evelyn, Sir John, 1651, previous and main Questions for referring it to the Commissioners for compounding to examine the Truth of a Debt due to him from Sir George Strode, severally Affirmative, 3 June.

Everard, John. Vide Stamford, Christopher.

Ensor, Captain George, 1650, Order for allowing his Widow 20 s. per Week for her present Relief, 22 June.

Exchequer, Court of, 1648, Order for altering the Seal and Title thereof; Act for that Purpose, ordered, 3 Feb-Read, and passed, 23 Mar.
-, - 1649, Act touching the Proceedings therein, to be read, 10 May-Read twice, and committed-To be reported, 27 June.
-, - 1650, House to consider of naming Two Barons, in the room of Two deceased, 22 Oct.-A Committee to prepare Instructions for the Barons touching the Poll Bill, & c. 15 Nov.

Excise, 1648, Committees added to the Committee of Excise, 10 Feb.-Order for continuing the Commissioners till 24th June next-For them to call in the Arrears-The Committee to consider of improving and regulating the Excise, 10 Mar.
-, - 1649, List of Anticipations, reported, 20 Apr. Resolution for transferring them to Deans and Chapters Lands; the like Sums to continue charged upon the Excise for the Use of the Commonwealth-Application thereof, 5 May-The Committee to prepare a Model for better ordering and improving the Excise; to fit de die in diem; all that come to have Voices, 27 Apr.-Order for expediting their Report, 1 May-Committees added-State of the Business of the Excise, reported, 12 & 16 June-Act that all Bonds, & c. entered into for the Use of the Commonwealth, touching Customs and Excise, shall be made and taken in the Name of Custodes Libartatis Angliæ Authoritate Parliamenti, and for returning them into the Exchequer, read twice, passed, and to be printed-The Committee to sit from time to time, and consider Propositions made to them, and prepare some Settlement of the Excise; previous and main Questions for continuing the Commissioners till 25th December next, severally Affirmative-Act touching settling the Receipt of the Excise, read twice, and committed; the Committee to sit de die in diem, and receive Propositions or Informations for regulating or advancing thereof-Act touching the First 400,000£. charged on the Excise, read, and passed-Act for borrowing 150,000 £. thereupon, read twice, and passed; both to be printed-Act for discharging the Commissioners till 29th September, 1647, read, and passed-The Council of State to treat with them about advancing 150,000 £. upon Security on the Act, 2 July. Report-Act for regulating the Excise, begun to be read. House proceeded in reading it; read twice, and committed; the Committee to receive Propositions for the Advantage of the Commonwealth-Act reported; Question for adding Commissioners, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed-The Committee of Excise to bring in a new Model; Petition read, and referred, 14 Aug.-Report from the Council of State touching Monies arising from the Excise, and Considerations for the better Management thereof; Order for giving Receipts for all Monies paid, to be printed, and sent to the several Sub-commissioners and Collectors-Declaration that after the present Charges shall be taken off the whole Revenue shall be applied towards the Maintenance of the Army, and other public Expences, towards the Abatement of the Assessments, 23 Oct.-House to consider the Business of the Excise, 7 Nov. Considers it -A Committee of the whole House to consider how it may be settled, and best levied for the Advantage of the Commonwealth, and Ease of the People; Power given them to alter the Rates. Committee fits 13, 14, 16 & 29 Nov.- 5, 11, 12 & 13 Dec.-Report touching appointing a Committee to consider the present Charges, and how they may be taken off with the Consent of the Parties concerned; Committee appointed accordingly, 23 Nov.-Order for making Report, 13 Dec.-Report from the grand Committee touching the manner of collecting it; Petition of London Merchants, with a Remonstrance annexed, reported, and read; Question that the new Impost be paid by the first Importer, Neg. The Committee of Excise to consider how it shall be paid. Resolutions touching the Rates to be paid. To be sent to the Commissioners, and they to be required to put them in Execution; Votes to be printed and published-Report from the Committee of Excise, that Members bring in to them Names of fit Persons to be Sub-commissioners in their respective Counties, & c.-That a Comptroller be nominated for every County; Members to present to them Names of fit Persons.-Resolutions of 21st December Instant to be suspended, except as excepted-Report from the Committee of Excise concerning the advancing the Excise upon Beer and Ale; Question for agreeing thereto, Neg. 26 Jan.-Commissioners to be continued till further Order, 12 Dec.-Speaker to sign Letters to the Judges of the several Circuits to prevent Tumults by Reason of the Excise, 12 Mar.
-, - 1650, a Committee to consider of Arrears due upon the last Account, and of Ways and Means for improving the Revenue, 15 Apr.-Secretary appointed; Commissioners to be acquainted therewith, 18 June-Act constituting Commissioners and Governors of the Excise, and new Impost, read twice, and committed-Reported; Qualification and Number of Commissioners; Question for reading the Names, Neg. Members to present Names, 9 July. Petition of Commissioners read; previous Question that any Member shall be a Commissioner, Affirmative; Resolution that there shall be but One; Six nominated-Commencement and Continuance of the Excise; Quorum appointed; Bill committed, 14 Aug. Reported, 21 Information from the Commissioners, read; Bill upon the last Clause, re-committed; further Power to the Committee-Bill reported from Re-commitment; Question for increasing the Salaries of the new Commissioners, Neg. Bill to be ingrossed, 19 Sept. Proviso added; Act passed, and to be printed-Act for continuing the Excise for One Year till 29th September, 1651, ordered, 14 Aug. Read twice; previous and main Questions for continuing it Three Years, severally Affirmative; Questions for Commitment and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Act passed-Report of Proposition to the new Commissioners for reimbursing 10,000£. advanced by the former Commissioners, 19 Sept. Their Willingness, reported; Day appointed for Payment. Commissioners to be thanked.
-, - 1651, the Committee of Excise to redress Abuses and Miscarriages therein, and consider whether it be seasonable to farm it, 10 July.

Exeter, 1649, Commissioners added for the Assessment of 90,000£. per Mensem, 23 Aug.-Act for preaching the Gospel, and Maintenance of Ministers there, ordered, 15 Mar.
-, - Countess of, 1649, Petition to be considered, 26 June.
-, - Countess Dowager of, 1650, Petition to be read, 21 June-Read; Order for discharging the Fine of the Wardship and Marriage of the present Earl, in full Satisfaction for her Losses and Damages, 31 July.

24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.

FAIRCLOUGH, Mr. desired to preach, 1 Nov.

Fairfax, Lord, House approves of recruiting particular Regiments to the full Number of the old Establishment -Ordinance for continuing the Assessments, ordered. Vide Supply-The Committee of the Army to prepare Letter touching more speedy and effectual bringing them in, and touching Deduction for free Quarter-Quartermaster to be allowed to each Company of Dragoons-The Committee to make Satisfaction for Recruits of Horse, and provide Cloaths, & c. 19 Sept.-General's Letter touching Complaints about free Quarter, and desiring a Remedy; the Committee of the Army to Report the Arrears of the Assessments, the Grounds of the Obstructions to bringing them in, and Remedies for removing them-A Committee to congratulate his Success, and thank him for his valiant and good Conduct, and desire the Army may be so quartered as to be least burdensome to particular Counties, especially such as have paid their Assessments, 4 Oct.-A View of the monthly Charge of the Army, reported, and read-Grounds of Obstructions in stating and auditing their Accounts, reported, and to be considered- Question that General's Letter be now read, Neg. 17. Read-Upon Report concerning taking off free Quarter; Ordinance concerning it, and Instruction for bringing in the Arrears of Assessments, read; Members to use their best Endeavours for bringing them in-A Committee to confer with the General, and Officers he shall appoint, how the Army, & c. may be reduced to the Establishment-How they may have Satisfaction for the Pay due since 15th January, 1647, and how the Country may be satisfied for Free Quarter since that time-How the Army may be quartered according to former Instructions-Report; Question for adding 3,000 Foot to the Establishment, Neg. 14 Nov. Further Report touching disbanding the Supernumeraries-Ordinance for bringing in the Assessments, and drawing the Army into Cities, Towns, and Garisons, and for discharging free Quarter, read twice, and committed. Reported; Clause touching Satisfaction to Inn-keepers, left out; Ordinance passed-Members nominated, and employed in the several Counties to take care for bringing them in-Order for disbanding the Supernumeraries forthwith-General to be acquainted therewith by Letter-The Committee of the Army to present Names of Ten Delinquents whose Estates may be converted to the Use of the Army, 21 Oct.-Remonstrance from the Army; General's Letter, desiring it may have speedy Consideration, read; Debate thereon adjourned, 20 Nov. Question for resuming it, Neg. 30-A Committee to confer with the General and Officers for preserving a good Correspondence between the Parliament and Army, 5 Dec. Order for their going; Quorum appointed; their Report-Message from the Army that they had somewhat to deliver of very high Concernment, which will be presently ready, delivered twice; Speaker's Answer; their Proposals read, 6. Read again; Debate thereon adjourned, 12. A Committee to acquaint General how far House has proceeded upon them-Same Committee to confer with the General and Officers how the last Six Months Assessments may be raised and paid, 14. Order renewed; the Committee to prepare Ordinance for enabling themselves to receive and issue 60,000£. per Mensem for the Army and Garisons, and such Forces as the General shall think fit to be continued, 21. Ordinance read twice, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired-Letters and Warrants for Payment thereof to be sent into the several Counties-Committees added to the Committee of the Army; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 14 Dec.-1 & 6 Jan.-Order for paying to the Army 6,000 £. with Interest, formerly ordered to Colonel Weldon-Petition of General, and General Council, read, and to be printed; Speaker's Answer; written Parchment presented therewith, intituled, "An Agreement of the People, & c." to be considered-Report touching the Soldiers Want of 2,000 Cassocks; Order for providing them, 20 Jan.-Order for speedy Payment of 10,000 £. formerly assigned to the General-Ordinance for settling 4,000£. per Annum, Lands of Inheritance, upon him and his Heirs for ever, ordered, 4 Oct. To be presented.
-, - Lady, Ordinance from Lords concerning her, to be read, 1, 20 & 24 Nov.

Farre, Lieutenant Colonel, General to be desired to try him by martial Law, 8 Sept.

Farringdon, Great, Order for a Collection for the Town, sent to Lords, 2 Sept.

Fasts, Preachers thanked, 27 Sept.-25 Oct.-29 Nov. -30 Dec.-3 Jan.-Appointed, 27 & 29 Sept.- 1, 17 & 29 Nov.-18, 20 & 30 Dec.-Excused, 29 Sept.-Resolution for keeping a Fast in the House; Ministers desired to perform the Duties of the Day, 7 Dec. Thanked-Day appointed by Lords for a Fast within the Lines; previous Question for agreeing thereto, Neg. Another Day appointed. Agreed to by Lords.

Fee-farm Rents, Ordinance touching them, to be reported, 9 Nov.

Fishery, Newfoundland, the Committee of the Navy to confer with Lord Admiral about appointing a Convoy, 9 Jan.

Fleetwood, Colonel, Petition of his Regiment to the General, and another to House, complaining of free Quarter, and proposing Remedies, read, 18 Oct.

Flint County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 24 Nov.

Flower, Tristram, Petition read, 4 Sept. Vide Keymish, Sir Charles.

Fobiatt, Lord, Report concerning him; Order for paying him 1,500£. in Part of his Arrears; the Committee for Irish Affairs to state his Accounts, 23 Oct.

Ford, John, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 4 Sept.

Foster, Thomas, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 4 Sept.

Foxley, Mr. Report concerning him, and his Petition, to be considered, 24 Oct.-State of Proceedings in the House touching his Sufferings and Damages, referred to Dr. Bastwick's Committee.
-, - Mr. desired to preach, 18 Dec.

France, Ordinance for an Imposition on the French Trade, reported, and to be ingrossed, 2 Sept.-Read Third time; Proviso added; Ordinance passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 14 Oct.-French Merchants to have Liberty to land and ship Goods, paying all other Duties, and giving Security to pay such Rates as shall be set by an Ordinance, 1 Dec.

Frayser, Mr. to be desired to officiate in the Church of Leominster; Order for continuing his Salary settled for Hereford, 26 Oct.

Free Quarter. Vide Fairfax, Lord.

Frye, John, Information against him; ordered to withdraw during the Debate-To be suspended from sitting-To forbear sitting as Commissioner for the King's Trial, 26 Jan.- Petition of Inhabitants of London and Southwark on his behalf, read.

Fuller, Mr. desired to preach, 29 Sept.-Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 25 Oct.

A. 1648, 1659, 1650, & 1651.

FAIRFAX, Lord, Committees added to the Committee of the Army-General's Letter; Order for the several Regiments and Troops kept up to be under his Command, 13 Feb. -Petition of divers well-affected Officers and Soldiers, read; Certificate of Horses lost in the last Summer's Service, and not recruited, ordered; Part of the Petition referred to the Committee of Petitions-Order of the Committee of the Army concerning the Accounts of the Soldiery, reported, read, and agreed to-Obstructions to auditing the Accounts of the Soldiery, reported; the Committee of the Army, with the Officers and Auditors, to consider of them, and give Debentures for the Arrears that shall be made up from time to time-The Council of State to consider what Forces are fit to be kept here and in Ireland, and to present Estimate of the Charge thereof; 2 Mar. Number and Estimate reported; Order for adding 4,000 Foot in England- 12,000 Horse, Foot, and Dragoons, for Ireland; Residue in England to be disbanded.
-, - 1649, Order for sending 4,000 Cassocks and Breeches to the Foot-Resolution that Lord Fairfax be General of the Forces in England and Ireland, 30 Mar.-Act concerning free Quarter, ordered, 7 Apr.-Act for more certain and constant Supply of Pay, and for preventing free Quarter and Billett, read twice, and committed, 9 May. Committees added; Act to be reported. Reported, passed, and to be printed-The Committee of the Army to prepare Act for appointing a Committee and Treasurers for managing the Assessments, 9 Apr. Act read twice, and committed; no Officer to be of the Committee; Names of Committees, read, and approved. Act reported; Committee added; previous Question for appointing John Blackwell One of the Treasurers, Neg. Act passed-Resolution for charging the Arrears of the Soldiery upon Crown Lands; left to General, and Council of War, to propound Six Persons to join with those the House shall name to be Trustees for Disposal thereof-Act for Sale of them, ordered, 18 Apr. Vide Crown Lands-Speaker to sign Letters sent him by the Committee of the Army-Rules for taking off free Quarter, Billett, & c. reported, and passed, 12 May. The Committee of the Army to prepare Copies thereof, and of Act for preventing free Quarter, & c. to be sent to every Regiment; General to be desired by Letter to cause them to be observed. Letter reported, read, and agreed to-The Committee to confer with General and Officers how free Quarter may be totally taken off, and to hear and redress Complaints, and communicate their Proceedings to the Council of State, 20 July-To consider wherein the last Act is defective, and prepare Act for supplying those Defects-The Committee of the Army to confer with the Council about the Number of Forces, and paying them, 12 June -General's additional Allowance, in Consideration of Billettmoney, approved; Order for Payment thereof-Officers to be continued in the Train, reported, and agreed to, 7 July -Resolution that the Council of State may make an Addition of Horse and Foot when they see Cause; the Forces to expect no Pay but when they are in Service-Estimate of the Forces for England and Ireland, with their monthly Pay, reported; Order for continuing the Assessment of 90,000£. per Mensem Three Months longer-For the Proportion of every County. Vide Supply-For One Field Officer to reside with each Regiment-Petition of General and Council of Officers, read; Petitioners thanked; Petition referred to a Committee to prepare Acts upon the First and Third Proposals, 16 Aug.-Report; previous and main Questions that if Sale be made of the late King's Lands, according to the Trustees Opinion, a greater Benefit will accrue to the immediate Tenant, and a letter to the Creditor than is intended them by the Act, severally Affirmative, 15 Nov.-Order for continuing the Committee of the Army and Treasurers at War for Three Months longer, 28 Sept.-Act for that Purpose, read, and passed, 27 Dec.-General's Letter, and Officers Petition, touching buying Debentures at inconsiderable Rates, read, and referred to a Committee, with Power to confer with Persons, and to sit de die in diem, 4 Oct.-General, and the whole Army, to subscribe the Engagement-General to certify to Clerk the Subscriptions and Names of Persons who refuse to subscribe-His Letter, touching the Subscriptions, read; Resolution that his subscribing as One of the Council is subscribing within the Act; Speaker to send the Vote to him, and thank him for his Care in the Return of the Subscriptions; Votes to be printed, 20 Feb.-Estimate of the Charge of the Army for next Year, reported from the Council of State, 23 Oct.-The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to make Estimate what may arise out of that Revenue for certain Pay of them, 2 Nov. Report; previous and main Questions for an Assessment for Six Months, severally Affirmative-Act ordered thereupon. Vide Supply-Act touching Proof to be made of keeping Horses for which Pay is demanded, read twice, and committed-A Committee to consider of the several Ordinances for Assessments of the British Army, 18 Feb.-Orders for Money for the Army, 4 Mar.
-, - 1650, Report touching the State of the Charge for the Army; the Committee of the Army to prepare Letters to be sent into the several Counties for bringing in the 60,000£. per Mensem together; Speaker to sign them; Clause for the Commissioners to send an Account of excepted Lands, to be inserted-Order for speedy bringing in 100,000£. upon Compositions formerly appointed for the Army-For 100,000£. out of the Sale of Fee-farm Rents; the Council of State to consider how sufficient Supplies may be made for the Army, 30 Mar.-State of the Assessment for 60,000£. per Mensem for last Three Months, reported; Order for providing Two Months Pay for the marching Army; the Council of State to consider of Ways and Means for providing it, 2 May. Vide Supply-Order for additional Forces in the Manner proposed by them-For paying the Forces-Act for securing Money lent for the Army and Navy, with Interest, read twice, passed, and to be printed-Report from the Council of State, touching additional Forces, continuing Billettmoney, and additional Pay, and for Money for Surgeons Chests -Their Reasons reported; Resolutions thereupon- General, and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to be commanded to go into Scotland. Vide Scotland-The Council of State to consider how the Forces left shall be commanded, and in Subordination to them, 12 June. Report; Colonel Harison appointed Commander-Lieutenant General Fleetwood appointed, during his Absence, to take care of these Parts-General lays down his Commissions; Act for repealing the Ordinance for constituting him Captain General and Commander in Chief of all the Forces raised by the Authority of Parliament, read twice, passed, and to be printed- Upon Report from the Council of State; Order for receiving Three Troops of Dragoons into Pay, 2 July-For continuing them Three Months longer, 24 Dec.-Order for a Reserve of Forces sufficient for the Safety of the Kingdom, 17 July.
-, - 1649, Act for settling 3,000 £. per Annum, Lands of Inheritance upon him and his Heirs for ever, read twice, and committed, 6 June-To be reported, 17 Aug. Reported, and re-committed; Committees added-Act to be reported from Re-commitment, 20 Sept. Reported, and passed.
-, - Lady Rhoda, 1650, Petition to be read, 14, 18 & 20 June-Read, with Lady Hussey's Petition; previous Question for discharging the Remainder of Sir Edward Hussey's Fine, Affirmative, 31 July.

Faith, public, 1649, Petition of such as have contributed thereto, to be considered. Considered; Order for 27,400 £. for their Satisfaction-Persons who have lent under 10£. to be considered. A Committee to prepare Instructions touching the Disposal of the Money-Committees added, 4 July-Order for making Report, 28 Sept.- Report; Debate thereon, to be taken up, 2 Oct.-Votes touching the Repayment of the Money, to be printed- Another Petition read; Order touching the Repayment of the Money, 15 Nov.

Fanshaw, Thomas, an Infant, 1651, Judges of the Common Pleas, authorized to admit him to suffer a common Recovery, 17 June.

Farrer, Bridget, 1649, Order for speedy Payment of 500£. formerly assigned her, 20 July.

Farrett, Captain James, 1649, Order for paying his Widow 20£. in Part of his Arrears, 26 May.

Fasts, 1648, Preachers appointed, 7, 12 & 28 Feb.-Thanked -Day appointed for a Fast; a Committee to prepare Reasons for it-Person desired to assist the Ministers in preaching and praying, 28 Feb.-Committees added; Day altered, 8 Mar. -Act for keeping a Fast, read twice, and passed; to be printed, and dispersed-Act for repealing Act for a monthly Fast, ordered, 17 Mar.
-, - 1649, Preachers appointed, 20 Apr.-6 July-4 Feb. -Thanked, 20 Apr.-2 May-16 July-27 Feb. -Order for a public Fast; a Committee to prepare Declaration of the Grounds thereof-Act for repealing the Act for a monthly Fast, read twice, and passed, 20 Apr.-Order for a Fast for a Blessing upon the Expedition to Ireland, to be published by Sheriffs; Justices of Peace to take care of the due Observation thereof; Order to be read in Churches next Sunday-The Committees of the Militia of Westminster and the Hamlets to give Ministers Notice, 6 July. Attorney General to take care the Order is sent to Sheriffs-A Committee to prepare Declaration of Reasons for a Fast for a Blessing upon the Proceedings of the Parliament, and their Forces, 29 Jan.-Act for that Purpose, read twice, and passed; to be printed, and dispersed, 4 Feb.
-, - 1650, Order for a Fast; a Committee to prepare Act for that Purpose, and Declaration of the Grounds thereof, 16 May. Act read twice, and committed. Reported, and passed; Order for printing 10,000 Copies; the Council of State to take care they are sent into the several Parishes-Preachers appointed, 16 May-4 Mar.-Thanked, 14 June-Previous Question for thanking them, Neg. 14 Mar.-Order for a Fast for a Blessing upon the Proceedings of the Councils, and the Forces by Sea and Land; a Committee to prepare Act for that Purpose, and a Declaration of the Grounds thereof, 4 Mar. Declaration read by Parts, and agreed to; Act twice read; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed; Lord Mayor to disperse them among the Ministers within the Lines; the Council of State to take care they are sent to the several Sheriffs.
-, - 1651, Order for a Fast for a Blessing upon the Forces by Sea and Land to be kept up by the Parliament; Question for appointing Three Ministers to carry on the Work of the Day, Neg.-Preachers appointed, 30 May.

Feake, Robert, 1648, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Fearmes, Captain, 1649, his Letter read, 8 May.

Fee-farm Rents, 1649. Vide Supply-Opinion of a Committee for levying the Arrears of last Three Years, reported, and approved, 26 Apr.-The Committee on the Act for Sale thereof, revived; Order for their sitting de die in diem; Committees added, 17 Jan. Act read; Questions for Second Reading-That the Order for the Committee to name Trustees do stand, severally Neg. 16 Feb. Order for bringing in the former Bill, with Amendments. Act reported, and re-committed; further Power given to the Committee-Act reported from Re-commitment; previous and main Questions touching the Appointment of Contractors, and other Officers-Touching their Salaries, severally Affirmative; Debate adjourned, 5 Mar. Resumed; previous Question for agreeing with the Committee touching the Purchase. Act to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be printed. To be proclaimed.
-, - 1650, the Council of State to take care the Sale be expedited, 30 Mar.-To consider where the Obstruction is between the Contractors and Auditors, 15 Apr.-Act for a Form of Conveyance for Sale thereof, and for removing Obstructions, ordered, 18 June-To be presented, 9 July -Read twice, and committed; Rate of the Sale, 1 Aug. Act reported, and passed; to be printed, transmitted into Chancery, and inrolled in all the Courts of Westminster-Propositions for a Loan upon the Security of Fee-farm Rents, reported; Debate thereon adjourned, 4 Sept. Resumed; Proposition re-committed; all that come to have Voices; the Committee to fit de die in diem. Another Proposition reported, and re-committed; Question that there be doubling upon Fee-farm Rents, Neg. 12-Liberty given to double 300,000£. upon the Remainder thereof; Rate for the Sale for doubled Monies; Bill for that Purpose, ordered, 17 Jan. Additional Act for Sale thereof, read twice, and committed-Reported; Blank filled up; Resolution that the Sum to be doubled be 250,000£. Bill to be ingrossed, 4 Feb. Proviso added; Act passed, and to be printed- Draught of Letter to be sent into the several Counties touching Liberty to double, read, and agreed to; Trustees to write, and Sheriffs to publish them-Obstructions reported, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 4 Feb.

Fees, 1648, all due for Commissions and Patents to be paid out of the Hanaper Office, 13 Feb.
-, - 1650, a Committee to regulate the Fees of several Committees, and Officers belonging to them, 8 Jan.

Fessees, Margaret, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Fell, Mr. 1649, appointed Second Judge of Chester, 20 July -Order for his Patent, 20 Aug.

Felons, 1649, Act for transporting some in Newgate by Lord Mayor and Aldermen, ordered, 26 June-Read twice, and committed, 28 July. Reported, and passed-Act touching Transportation of Felons and Prisoners, read twice, and committed, 21 July.

Felt-makers, 1649, Petition read, 2 July. Vide Hats.

Fens, 1649, a Committee to consider touching 12,000 Acres to be given to the late King for draining the great Level, 29 May-Writings concerning the Fens to be delivered to them, 14 Dec.-Petition of Owners of Fens belonging to Holland and Kestevan, referred to a Committee, 25 June.

Fenton, Sir William, 1649, Order for paying him 200£. upon Account, 7 July.
-, - Lieutenant Colonel John, 1649, discharged from being, and disabled to serve as, a Common council-man for the Year ensuing, 26 Dec.
-, - 1650, his Petition reported; Order appointing him Master of Sherborne Hospital for Life, and granting the Reversion to his Son-For a Patent under the Great Seal, 2 July

Fenwick, Sir John, 1649, Petition to be read, 26 Apr.
-, - Colonel Roger, 1649, Auditors to state his Accounts and sign Debentures, 20 Nov.
-, - Sir William, 1651, Petition read; Question that he stand in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, Neg. 8 May.

Ferne, Captain. Vide Brandley, Captain.

Fettiplace, Jane, 1650, her Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.

Field, John, 1649, Order for joining him with Mr. Usbands in printing the Proceedings of House, 25 Jan.

Fielder, Colonel, 1648, a Committee to audit his Accounts, 12 Mar.-His Petition read; Account read, and allowed; a Committee to consider how 1,148£. 11 s. 1 d. may be paid him, and of an Allowance during the time he was Governor of Portsmouth, 21 July-Order for making Report, 28 Aug. His Accounts reported, and allowed; Order for paying him 2,348£. 11 s. 1 d. out of his Discoveries, and the Undervaluations of Delinquents.
-, - Robert, 1650, Speaker to grant a Reprieve for him; Sheriff to forbear Execution, 17 Jan.

Finagh, 1651. Vide Ireland.

Fines. Vide Recognizances-1649, Acts impowering Commissioners to compound for, and mitigate all Fines, Amerciaments, & c. estreated into the Exchequer, read twice, and committed, 21 Feb.

Fishery, Northern, 1648, Order for a Convoy for them, 2 Feb.

Fissenden, Captain, 1650, upon Report from the Council of State, Order for adding 50 Men to his Company, and for paying them, 27 June.

Fitzjames, Joan, 1649, Report touching 1,100£. with Interest, due to her from Lord Digby; Order for paying it out of his Estate, 5 May.

Flame, Edward, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Fleetwood, Sir William, 1649, upon General's Letter to be admitted to compound upon the Articles of Oxon, 18 June.
-, - Colonel George, 1650, a Committee to consider of Arrears due for his Wardship, with Power to set them off in Part of his Arrears, and respite the Payment in the mean time, 7 May.
-, - 1650, appointed One of the Council of State, 10 Feb.
-, - 1651, Order for adding him to the Establishment, and paying him as Lieutenant General, 26 June.

Fletcher, Margaret. Vide Freeman, Paul.
-, - Tobias. Vide Christchurch Cambridge.
-, - William, and Edward, 1648, Pardon for them, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.

Flint County, 1648, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 9 Mar.
-, - 1649, Order for Alterations in the Commission of Oyer and Terminer; Commissioners of the Great Seal to make and issue them, 19 June-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov. Amended.

Flood, George, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Flute, Thomas, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 17 Aug.

Forbes, Lord, 1649, Petition read; the Committee of the Navy to examine his Business in relation to Ireland, and concerning the original Contract with the Adventurers, 30 May.

Ford, Sir Edward, 1649, Petition to be admitted to the Benefit of the Articles of Oxon, notwithstanding the Lapse of Time, read; Order for remitting the Remainder of his Fine, and discharging his Sequestration, 9 July.

Forests. Vide Crown Lands.

Fornication. Vide Incest.

Forrester, William, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Foster, William, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.

Foulding, Antony, 1650, appointed Captain of a Ship, 26 Feb.

Fowke, Mr. 1649, Report touching an Agreement between him and Mr. Alured, about the Receivership of Yorkshire- Order for a Patent to him under the Great Seal, 6 July.
-, - Alderman John, 1650, his Petition, and Lords Decree, with the Order thereupon, read; former Order for Stay of Proceedings thereupon, revoked; a Committee to consider how the Decree may be put in Execution, and the Part concerning Reparation for his Sufferings, 3° Caroli, 22 June.

Fox, Colonel John, 1649, Petition read; Order for paying him 50£. for Supply of his present Necessities, 16 June.
-, - 1650, Order for giving him 40s. out of the Box-money -For permitting him the quiet Possession of Lands, 30 Oct.
-, -For permitting it to his Sons, 12 Nov.

Foxley, Mr. Vide Molyn, Peter du-1650, Report touching his Sufferings for his Service to the Public; Proviso for coneying 100£. per Annum to him and his Heirs, added to Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estate, 16 July.

France, 1649, Ambassador has Leave to transport Sixteen Horses Custom and Impostfree, 23 Apr.-State of the Fact concerning the Trade with France, reported; Petition and Remonstrance of the Governor, & c. trading thither, read; Merchants examined; Resolution for inhibiting the Importation of Wines, Wool and Silk, the Growth of France, upon Forfeiture of the Goods and Ship, and upon the Penalty of 200£. upon the Importer; previous Question for prohibiting the Importation of Linen, Neg. Act pursuant thereto, ordered, 23 Aug. Read twice, passed, and to be printed-To be proclaimed at the Exchange-Dutch Ambassador's Petition touching some Dispensation of the Act, read; Declaration that House will not admit of any, 18 Sept.-A Committee to examine Information touching a Ship at Holy Island laden with French Wines, with Power to permit the Transportation thereof, 14 Dec.-Petition of Governor, & c. read; Order thereupon, 31 Jan.
-, - 1650, Report of Six French Ships taken and sent to the Commissioners for Prize Goods, in pursuance of their Instruction to the Generals of the Fleet; Instruction approved; the Council of State to prepare Letter to the King of France upon this Business, 11 Sept. Letter reported, and read-The Council to consider the whole Proceedings of Mr. Osier, and what has been done touching the Demand of Reparations made by France for Damages from Merchants of the Commonwealth-Lord General's Letter touching French Wines taken in Scotland; Act to be dispensed with, in relation thereto.- Report from the Council of State touching the Residents Demands, 6 Nov. To be considered, 6 & 12. Considered; Order for proceeding to Adjudication of the Ships sent to the Commissioners of Prize Goods-Touching the Disposal of the Money arising thereby-Touching the Salary of the Collectors-Letters from France, read, 4 Feb.

Francklen, Deborah, 1649, Report concerning her; Order for paying the Arrears of 4£. per Week, formerly allowed her, 7 May.

Freeholders, 1649, a Committee to consider how their Books may be perused, and Juries impartially returned, and prepare Act for that Purpose, 7 Nov.

Freeman, Edward, 1649, appointed Attorney General of South Wales, 20 July.
-, - Paul, and Alice, 1650, Order for paying them and others 300£. for Satisfaction of their Losses, 1 Oct.

Free Quarter. Vide Fairfax, Lord.

French, Mr. 1648, Information against him, referred to a Committee, 5 Feb.
-, - Captain, 1650, previous and main Questions for paying him 30£. to buy a Gelding, severally Affirmative, 6 Dec.

Frewen, Captain Francis, 1650, Order for allowing his Widow 20 s. per Week, for her present Relief, 22 June.

Frost, Gualter, appointed Secretary to the Council of State, 13 Feb. 1649-11 Feb. 1650.

Frye, John, 1648, his Opinion touching the Trinity, read; previous Question for taking off his Suspension thereupon, Affirmative, 3 Feb.
-, - 1650, Information of a Book printed under his Name, intituled, "The Clergy in their Colours, or a brief Character of them;" Order for his Attendance; Book read; previous Question that it is scandalous, Neg. The Committee of plundered Ministers to state Exceptions against it, 31 Jan. - Exceptions reported; Frye examined, 20 Feb. His Answers to the Exceptions; First Exception read; Expressions therein voted scandalous; Book to be burnt by the common Hangman; previous and main Questions that he be disabled to sit during this Parliament, severally Affirmative.

Fullers Earth, 1650, Act prohibiting the Importation thereof, of Tobacco pipe Clay, and Ore of Lead or Tin, ordered, 6 Mar.
-, - 1651, read twice, and committed, 9 May.

Furnace, John, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.

24 Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.

GALBREATH, Humphry, Sir Charles Coote's securing him and others in Duke Hamilton's last Engagement, approved; Order for trying them by a Council of War, 8 Jan.

Garisons, and Strong Holds, a Committee to consider which are fit to be kept up, and which to be slighted, and made untenable, 25 Nov.

Gatehouse, Keeper to bring a Prisoner in his Custody to Bar, 2 Sept.

Gerard, Sir Gilbert, his Accounts to be reported, 4 Sept. Certificate read, and allowed to be a full Determination of the Account, and the Discharge of the Accountant-Order for public Faith for 8,953£. 10 s. due to him.
-, - Thomas, junior, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 26 Sept.

Gibson, Sir Alexander, King's Letter for a safe Conduct for him to come to him; late Commissioners in Scotland to report their Knowlege of him, 20 Sept. Question for granting it, Neg. A Committee to prepare Letter, with Reasons for the Refusal; Letter reported, read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence to the Letter and Vote, signified.

Gideon, William, to have Warrant to transport himself, Servant, and One Horse, 4 Oct.

Gloucester, County, Order for disbanding the supernumerary Horse; the Committee to pay their Arrears, deducting for free Quarter, 23 Oct.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Another appointed by Lords, agreed to-Members have Leave to go into the County to take care for speedy bringing in the Assessments for the Army-Ordinance for repealing the Ordinance for settling the Militia in the Counties of Gloucester, Monmouth, and Hereford, ordered, 17 Jan.

Godolphin, William, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for Pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 11 Sept.

Gold, William, Report concerning him to be made, 17, 20 & 27 Oct.-11 & 13 Nov. His Accounts reported, and allowed; Order for paying him 4,445£. 12 s. 10d. Ordinance for that Purpose, ordered, read, and passed.

Goldsmiths Hall, the Committee to make their Report every Morning till Ten o'Clock, 11 Sept.

Goree, the Committee at Derby House to consider what is fit to be done with the Fleet there, 30 Sept.-Letter touching their Condition, read; another from the Committee at Derby House to Lord Admiral, and his Letter to them, touching his resolution to stay there, read; his Stay approved; Order for supplying him with Money and Provisions; Votes to be sent to him, 14 Oct.-The Committee to advise with him about sending Ships, and if he be not in Town to send them themselves; Officers and Mariners to obey their Orders, 13 Jan.

Goreing, Lord, Bill of Attainder against him, to be reported, 25 Sept. Read; Notice to be given him that House is willing to hear him, if he desires it-His Letter read, 5 Oct. Read again; former Letter from General, read; a Committee to prepare Letter, desiring the General to explain a Clause concerning Quarter given him, and leaving him to the further Notice and Mercy of the Parliament. Letter read, and agreed to; Speaker to sign and send it with his and Lord Goreing's Letter-Resolution for banishing him, 10 Nov. Disagreed to by Lords; House adhere to their Vote. Ordinance for banishing him and others, read twice, and committed-Vote for banishing him, declared destructive to the Peace and Quiet of the Kingdom, and derogatory to the Justice thereof, and to be revoked, 13 Dec.

Gray, Lord, of Groby, thanked for taking Duke Hamilton, and a considerable Part of his Forces Prisoners, 23 Nov.

Great Seal, Order for paying the Commissioners Arrears, and for constant pay of their Salaries, 19 Dec.-For charging the Salaries upon the Revenue; Ordinance for that Purpose, ordered, 19 Jan.-A Committee to frame a Great Seal, and present the Form thereof, 6 Jan. Form reported; Resolution touching the Inscriptions; the Committee to cause it to be engraved; Order for 60£. towards the Charge thereof. Engraver appointed; Order for 200£. for graving, and the Materials.

Greenwood, Captain Robert, Order for continuing his Troop Two Months longer, and paying them, 16 Dec.

Grosvenor, Walter, Report from Lords concerning him, read; Order for taking off his Sequestration, 20 Sept. Agreed to by Lords.

Gudgeon, Henry, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 26 Sept.

Gurnall, Mr. desired to preach, 25 Oct.

A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.

GAGE, William, 1651, his Petition, and Certificate from the Commissioners for compounding, read; Resolution for omitting him out of the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 25 Apr.

Gamull, Thomas, 1650, Commissioners at Goldsmiths Hall to examine the Business touching 500£. given by him for erecting a Free-school, 17 May.

Gaols, 1649, Keepers to subscribe the Engagement, 12 Oct.

Garbling. Vide Spices.

Gardiner, Maurice, 1650, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Navy, 22 Jan.

Garisons, 1649, Offer of an Establishment for them, reported, and referred to the Committee of the Army, 5 July. Establishment reported, and agreed to.
-, - 1650, the Council of State to consider what Garisons, Castles, and walled Towns, are fit to be disgarisoned and demolished, 19 Mar.
-, - 1651, impowered to disgarison such as they shall think fit, 9 May-Their Report touching Repairs thereof; Order for 10,000£. for that Service, 10 July-Business touching slighting the inland Garisons, referred to them.

Garland, Augustine, and Thomas Matthews, 1651, Petition read, 18 Apr.

Garnett, Mrs. 1650, Order for paying her 5 £. out of the Boxmoney, 13 Aug.

Garrett, Sir Jacob, 1649, Business concerning him, to be reported, 29 Jan.-Reported; Order for several Persons to stand in the Pillory, 2 Feb.

Gateside, 1649, Petition of Inhabitants and Rector; Order for a Presentation under the Great Seal, 1 Feb.-For paying him the Arrears of Tythes, and other Duties, for Repair of the Parsonage House.

Gaunt, Margery, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Gayer, Sir John, 1649, discharged from being Alderman; City to proceed to a new Election, 7 Apr.

Gesseries, William. Vide Stamford, Christopher.

Gelders, Duke of, 1649, the Committee of the Navy to consider touching his having Wines for his own spending, Custom and Impost free, 15 Aug.

Gell, Sir John, 1648, Order for putting him out of the Commission of Peace, and all Commissions, 23 Feb.
-, -1651, Lieutenant of the Tower to give him Leave to go to Bath, upon Security for his Return, 7 Aug.
-, - Thomas, 1649, Report touching 6,000 £. unaccounted for by him as Receiver of the Duchy of Lancaster; the Committee of the Revenue to proceed against him, notwithstanding his being a Member, 31 May.

Genoa, 1651, Letter from the Duke and State, read, 29 July.

George, Christopher, 1650, Petition on his behalf, with Certificate annexed, read; previous and main Questions for reprieving him till next Assizes, severally Affirmative, 26 Mar. Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Gerard, Colonel, 1650, Resolution for trying him by the High Court of Justice, 3 July. Vide Stowell, Sir John.

Gethin, Maurice, and others, 1649, Petition touching a Debt of 19,250£. 2 s. 3d. transferred from Goldsmiths Hall to Deans and Chapters Lands, to be considered, 22 May- 5 June-Read, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions.
-, - 1650, Report; Liberty given them to double upon Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 23 Apr.

Gibb, Sir Henry, 1650, Petition read, 2 Apr.

Gibbon, John, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Gibbons, John, 1651, his Petition reported from the High Court of Justice, and read; Resolution for respiting his Execution till 15th August next, 31 July.
-, - Colonel, 1651, Report from the Council of State touching mounting his Regiment, and sending them to the Army; Power given them to seize Horses, and give Tickets for Payment, 14 Aug.

Gissord, John, 1649, Petition read; Order for demolishing his Iron-works, suspended, 28 Jan.
-, - Peter, and John, 1651, to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands, 1 July.

Gill, Major George, 1650, Report touching his Fraud in the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands; Order for resuming them to the Use of the Commonwealth-For removing him from his Command, and disqualifying him for any other Employment, 31 July-His Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Army; Order for Stay of Proceedings against him in the Sale of the purchased Lands, 8 Nov.
-, - Anne, 1650, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 21 Feb.

Gillingham Manor, 1649, Petition of Tenants, read, and referred to the Committee of Complaints, 9 July.

Gilson, Thomas, 1649, appointed Captain of a Ship, 2 Mar.
-, - John, 1650, appointed Captain of a Ship, 26 Sept.

Gilt Wire Drawers. Vide Resiners.

Gleaven, James, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Glencor, Robert, 1649, Order for paying him 50£. upon Account, 15 June.

Gloucester County, 1649, Committees added for the Assessment of 90,000£. per Mensem, 22 June-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.
-, - 1651, Petition of well-affected Persons, read; the Committee of Excise to examine the matter of Concealments by Sub-conmmissioners or other Officers, and order the Money to be brought in, 29 May.

Goad, Elias, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Goff, Walter, 1650, Order for respiting his Execution, 25 July-Judges Letter and Certificate of the Cause of condemning him; Order for his Execution, 21 Aug.
-, - Wilmorth, 1650, to be inserted in a Pardon; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 2 Oct.

Goldsmiths Hall, 1648, a Committee to consider Anticipations upon the Treasury-Order to forbear the Payment of principal Monies in the mean time, 12 Mar.
-, - 1649, Persons appointed to examine the Treasurers, with their original Books, upon Oath, 14 Apr.-List of Anticipations, reported; Resolutions for transferring them to Deans and Chapters Lands; like Sum to be charged upon Goldsmiths Hall for the Use of the Commonwealth- Application thereof, 5 May-Upon Report from the Council of State, Order for the Treasurers to give Account what Monies have come in since the Debts have been transferred, and how they have been disposed of 27 June-Act touching the 400,000£. charged on the Hall, ordered-Read twice, passed, and to be printed; Order pursuant thereto, 28 Aug.-Upon Report from the Council of State of the Wants of the Army, Order for the Committee to sit de die in diem till the Compositions are perfected, 27 Sept.-The Committee to prepare Account of the true State of the Revenue and Treasury there, and of the Condition of the Sequestrations, 18 Oct. Report; Resolution that after the Charges on the Receipts shall be taken off the whole Revenue shall be applied towards the Maintenance of the Army, and other public Expences-The Committee to treat with the Lenders of 14,000£. for carrying on the Treaty, whether they will chuse the Security of Goldsmiths Hall, or the Excise; Votes for continuing 32,571£. 10s. for the maimed Soldiers-For continuing Mrs. Needham's Pension upon the Hall-Previous and main Questions for applying the Proceed of all Sequestrations towards the Maintenance of the Army, and other public Expences, severally Affirmative-the Committee to receive and examine all Orders, & c. for Sequestrations-To consider Penalties incurred for not making the First or Second Payments-Treasurers in the Country to pay what they have received to the Treasurers of the Hall-the Committee to consider how the Profits of sequestered Estates may be brought in to the Use of the Commonwealth, 25 Oct.-To consider the Rules concerning Appeals of Delinquents-Order for applying the Lands of Papists in Arms, and Persons excepted from Pardon, to the Use of the Commonwealth-Order touching the Payment of sequestered Estates, to be printed-Committees added; the Committee to sit in the late House of Lords, 2 Nov. To furnish that and Rooms thereto belonging-State of the Business touching 5,000£. Residue of 11,000£. which was to be paid into Weavers Hall, referred to the Committee, 15 Feb.-State of the Treasury as it now stands charged, reported, 4 Mar.
-, - 1650, Resolution for transferring the Power of the Committee to Persons not Members; Act for that Purpose, ordered-The Committee to act in the mean time; Number of Commissioners, Quorum, and Salary; Clause for swearing the Commissioners, and Form of an Oath, ordered; Business of Haberdashers Hall to be carried on by them under the same Salary, 25 Mar.-Act read twice, and committed-Reported; Commissioners agreed to; Bill with their Names, to be ingrossed, 9 Apr. Provisoes rejected; Act passed, and to be printed-Commissioners impowered to receive Discoveries, and reward Discoverers, 7 June-Act giving them Power touching Discoveries, read twice, and committed, 3 July-Act impowering them to enable their Sub-commissioners to make Surveys of Delinquents Estates, read twice, and committed, 11 Oct.
-, - 1651, same Power given to the Commissioners as the Committee of both Houses at Haberdashers Hall had, 23 July.

Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 1649, Petition of Fellows; Master appointed, 4 May-Report touching the Regulation thereof; a Committee to prepare Act pursuant thereto, 15 Mar.
-, - 1650, Act to be reported, 21 June.

Goodman, Anne, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Goodrich Castle, 1649, the Council of State to consider of demolishing it, and of Satisfaction to the Countess of Kent, 20 June-Report; Order for allowing her 1,000£. 14 Sept.

Goodwyn, Mr. 1649, desired to preach, 20 Apr.-26 May- Thanked, and to print his Sermons, 2 May-8 June-The Committee for regulating the Universities to consider of placing him in some Headship of a College-Previous Question for appointing him President of Magdalen College Oxon, Affirmative; the Committee to see it done, 8 Jan.
-, - Richard, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
-, - Robert, 1650, appointed One of the Council of State, 10 Feb.

Goodyeare, Captain Lieutenant Henry, 1649, Petition read; Order for paying him 300£. in Recompence for his Losses, 18 Sept.

Gookin, Samuel, 1651, Information against him, referred to a Committee, 8 July. Depositions reported; Resolution that he stand as a Trustee in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands.

Goose, Philip, 1649, appointed Captain of a Ship, 2 Mar.

Gore, Sir Thomas, 1650, his Information upon Oath before the Council of State, reported, and read, 3 Dec.

Goreing, Lord, 1648. Vide Cambridge, Earl of-His Petition read; previous Question for considering it further, Affirmative; main Question, Neg. 7 Mar. Petition on his behalf; previous and main Questions for reading it, severally Affirmative; Petition read; previous and main Questions for considering it further, severally Affirmative; Resolution that his Execution be respited for a short time.
-, - 1649, his Petition read; Order for his Pardon and Inlargement, 7 May.

Gorges, Lady, 1651, Report concerning her to be made, 20 May.

Gospel, 1649, Days appointed for considering of the best Ways and Means for advancing it; Act for that Purpose, ordered, 29 Jan.-A Committee to prepare general Bill for Advancement thereof in the Commonwealth-Members to present Names of fit Persons to be Commissioners in the several Counties, 7 June-Bill to be presented, 19 July.-Another Committee to prepare a Bill for propagating the Gospel through the whole Nation, and ejecting scandalous Ministers, 13 Sept.-Another Bill to the same Perport, ordered, 12 Mar.
-, - 1651, to be read, 20 May. Read twice, and committed.

Gosse, Samuel, 1649, State of his Case, reported; Lords Order in the Case of Lord Rich, taken in Execution at his Suit, voted null; Lord Rich's Estate to be liable to the Satisfaction of 1,006£. due to him by Judgment; Act for that Purpose ordered, 18 Oct.

Gough, Clement, 1650, Certificate of Justices of Peace touching him, read; Order for reprieving him; Speaker to Issue Warrant to Sheriff for that Purpose; Member to prepare a Pardon for him, 28 Aug.-Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 Sept.

Granger, Abraham and John, 1650 their voluntary Confession, and other Papers, reported, and read; Order that they be set twice upon the Pillory, with a Paper containing, in capital Letters, their Offence, viz. For forging Warrants and Bills of Exchange, whereby they procured Money out of the public Treasuries, and that they lose their Ears; Sheriffs to see the Judgment executed-The Committee of the Army to take all their Goods into their Possession; Persons having any, to deliver them to the Committee-Persons having any Money thus fraudulently procured, to deliver in to the Treasurers at War, 1 Apr.

Gray, Lord, 1648, the Committee at Haberdashers Hall to pay him 100£. to be disposed of for the Service of the Commonwealth, as he shall think fit, 31 Jan.
-, - 1649, the Committee of the Army to consider his Disbursements and Arrears in the last Summer's Service, 25 June -Report; Order for paying him 1,500£. 3 July-For committing the Custody of Hyde Park to him-For a Patent under the Great Seal, 20 Mar.
-, - 1650, Order for paying him 2,190£. in Part of Money formerly assigned him-Certificate that he had received 1,150£. of the 1,500£. in part of his Arrears; Order for paying the Remainder, 31 July-His Letter read, 17 Oct.-Appointed One of the Council of State, 7 Feb.
-, - 1651, a Committee to consider his Charges in the Service of the Publick, and how Satisfaction may be made him, and of some Mark of Favour, 7 Aug.
-, - Lord, of Warke, 1648, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 Feb.
-, - 1649, the Committee of Obstructions to examine how much of the Money formerly ordered him has been paid, 12 June-Previous Question for appointing him One of the Council of State, Neg. 12 Feb.
-, - Lord, of Groby, 1649, appointed One of the Council of State, 12 Feb.

Graye, Colonel James, 1650, Report from the Council of State concerning him; referred to them to send him back to Lord General in safe Custody; their Proceedings against him, approved, 2 July.
-, - Job, 1650, Information touching his refusing to take the Engagement, referred to the Commissioners of the Great Seal, with power to pass a Patent for granting the Office of Master of the Hospital at Leicester to another, 24 Apr.

Great Seal, 1648, to be brought into the House; Member to prepare Act to enable the new Commissioners of the Great Seal, and such as shall act upon it; and for nominating Sir Thomas Widdrington and Mr. Whitelock in the said Act, 7 Feb.-Order for them to bring it into the House forthwith, to be disposed of as the House shall think fit; they deliver is to Speaker; Order for breaking it; the Pieces and the Purse redeliver, to them, to be disposed of at their Pleasure-Act for establishing the Seal, made by Order of this House, to be the Great Seal of England, read twice, and committed; reported, and passed-Act for making it High Treason to counterfeit the Great Seal now established, ordered-Sir Thomas Widdrington excused from being a Commissioner; Order for paying his Salary for the present Quarter-For him to practise within the Bar, and have Precedency next to the former Commissioners-Commissioners appointed; Act for appointing them to be made quamdiu se bene gesserint-Act for committing the Great Seal of England into the Hands and Custody of Commissioners, read and passed-Form of Oath to be administered to them, read, and agreed to; Speaker to administer it, and deliver the Seal to them; Manner of their taking the Oath; Seal delivered; Place appointed for keeping it; the Commissioners to provide a Purse-Act for settling competent Salaries upon the Commissioners, read twice, and passed.
-, - 1649, Commissioners to bring the Seal into the House this Day, and as often as they shall think sit-To keep it from henceforth in their own Custody, 5 Apr-Order for paying their Salaries, 15 June-For a Lease of the Duke of Buckingham's House for them; the Committee at Haberdasher's Hall to set the Rent, 20 July-Commissioners and their Under-officers to subscribe the Engagement; the Commissioners to certify to the Clerk the Subscriptions and the Names of Persons who refuse to subscribe, 12 Oct.-Court of Wards assigned to them for their Service. 9 Nov.
-, - 1650, Commissioners to take care that all Indictments, Outlawries, and other Acts, against Persons for adhering to the Parliament, be taken off the File, cancelled, and burnt, as scandalous and void, 3 Apr.-Commissioners, Members of the House, to attend with the Seal, 7 June.

Greatham Hospital, 1650, Visitor appointed, 5 July.

Green, Serjeant, 1649, to go the Circuit in the Room of Baron Gates; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 29 June-For paying his Salary, 30 July-For paying the Whole allowed to Judges of the Circuits, 19 Oct.

Greenhill, Mr. desired to preach, 12 Feb. 1648-14 Aug. 1649-Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 28 Aug. 1649.
-, - William, 1649, Letters from him and others, read, 16 Oct.

Greenowes, Francis, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall; the Committee to pay Money due to him in the mean time, 9 July.

Greenville, Sir John, 1651, the Council to grant him Pass to pass up and down in England, 11 July.
-, - Sir Richard, 1648, Order for presenting him to the House, to be banished, and confiscate; Resolution that he shall be proscribed, and die without Mercy, if found within the Limits of the Nation, and his Estate confiscate, 14 Mar.

Greenway, Nicolas, 1650, his Examination and Confession, reported, and read; Order that he be set upon the Pillory twice, with a Paper containing, in capital Letters, his Offence, viz. For forging Warrants and Bills of Exchange, whereby he procured Money out of the public Treasuries, and that he lose his Ears; Sheriffs to see the Judgment executed-The Committee of the Army to take all his Goods into their Possession; Persons having any, to deliver them to the Committee-Persons having any of the Money thus fraudulently procured, to deliver it to the Treasurers at War, 1 Apr.

Greenwich, 1649, House and Park to be reserved for the Use of the Commonwealth, 30 June.

Greenwood, Captain Robert, 1648, Order for continuing his Troop Three Months longer, 2 Mar.

Gregory, Captain William, 1649, Order for paying him 20 £. out of Prize-monies, upon Account, 4 May.

Greville, Foulk, 1650, Report concerning him; the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to pay him the Remainder of 5,000 £. formerly assigned him, out of a sequestered Estate, 23 Apr.

Grinder, Edward, 1649, Pardon for him approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Grindstones. Vide Salt.

Grinowes, Joice, 1650, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, with Power to relieve her, 22 June.

Grocery Wares, 1649. Vide Supply.

Grundy, Captain, 1649, Petition to be read, 5 Oct. His Case reported; Order for giving him 100 £. for his present Subsistence; the Committee to consider of Reparation for his Damages.

Guernsey, Isle of, 1648, Letter from the Governor, & c. read, 16 Mar.
-, - 1649, Report from the Council of State touching Commissioners to go thither; Business re-committed, 8 Aug. Their Opinion touching them, reported, and agreed to, 9 -Act appointing Commissioners to regulate the Affairs of the Island, read, and passed, 5 Sept.-Letter from thence, read, and, with other Letters, referred to the Council of State, 13 Nov.-Other Letters read, and, with Papers inclosed, referred, 20 Dec.
-, - 1651, State of the Island, reported; Order for sending additional Forces, 9 Apr.

Guiamaras, Joas de, 1650, his Letter to the Parliament, read, 17 Dec. Read again in Latin and English-His Letters to the Council of State and their Secretary, in Latin and English, with their Answer, read twice; previous and main Questions for granting him a safe Conduct to come to London, severally Affirmative; the Council to prepare, and Speaker to sign it-His Letter to Speaker, with Copies of his Credentials in Latin, Portuguese, and English, read-A Committee to consider of the Manner of giving him Audience; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint him that the Parliament have read and considered his Letters, and that he shall hear from them in due time-Report touching his Reception; Day appointed for giving him Audience by a Committee; Master of the Ceremonies to give him Notice thereof, 1 Jan. His Letter read; House adhere to their Vote; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint him therewith-Draught of an Answer to him, and Letter to the King of Spain, reported, read, and re-committed-Another Letter from him, read; Day appointed for giving him Audience; Master of the Ceremonies to give him Notice-Another Letter read. A Committee appointed to receive what he shall offer; their Report; English Copy of his Credentials presented to them, read; Business to be considered; the Council of State in the mean time to prepare all Matters with them concerning Transactions between the Parliament and King of Portugal to be then reported-Letter to the King, reported from Re-commitment, read, and agreed to; Order touching the Title to be given him-Letters and Duplicates to the Ambassador to be delivered to Speaker, when he shall receive his Answer; Day appointed for it; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint him therewith; the Council of State to give Order touching the Manner of his Reception-Copy of Instructions to the Generals at Sea touching Transactions between the King of Portugal and them, and Translates of several Letters from the Portugal Minister in Holland to Prince Rupert, reported-The Committee that gave the Ambassador Audience to prepare an Answer to him; Committee added; all that come to have Voices; Order for their meeting. Answer to be reported. Reported; read First at large, then by Parts, and agreed to; Members to deliver it; Ambassador's Letter read-Petition on behalf of Prisoners in the Portuguese Dominions, read, and referred to the Council of State-Report of Delivery of the Answer-His Letter to the Parliament, and Copy of his Powers, with Translates thereof, read; Council of State to consider the Letter, with Power to see the Originals of his Powers, and treat with him; Vote to be sent to him, 4 Feb.
-, - 1651, Papers of Transactions between them and him, reported, read, and to be considered, 4 Apr. Other Papers reported. Demands of the Council of State, with their Explanations, read, and approved-Their Answer to his preliminary Demands, approved, with Amendments-His Answers voted unsatisfactory-Resolution for demanding a positive Answer; a Committee to peruse the Votes and Demands, and put them into Order, and consider what further is fit to be demanded. Report; Declaration that if the Demands are not consented to within Six Days, they are not obligatory on the Parliament-The Votes to be Instructions to the Council of State in giving the final Resolution of the Parliament-Englishmen that have suffered in Portugal to be considered for further Reparation. His Answer to the last Demands, with a Paper directed to the Parliament, and another to the Council of State, read; Answer to Six Articles voted satisfactory; last Clause, concerning the time for the Cessation to begin, and the Manner of Performance of the Six Articles, voted unsatisfactory; the Council to demand a positive Answer within Three Days. Answer reported, read, and voted unsatisfactory; the Council to demand a positive Answer within Three Days, with Power to settle the Manner and Time of the Performance-Paper from him, reported, 2 May. Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed; Paper from the Council to him, read; Questions that his Answer is satisfactory-That there be a Proceeding in a Treaty before the Performance of the Two First preliminary Articles, and Security for Performance of the rest, severally Neg. Clause touching Cessation of Hostilities, read; Parliament adhere thereto; the Council to demand a positive Answer within Three Days, with Power to settle the Manner and Time of the Performance-The Council's last Paper to him, with his Answers, read; Answers voted unsatisfactory; the Council to communicate the Vote to him-Another Paper from the Council to him, with his Answer, read; Declaration that the Parliament are not obliged by any Demands, on their Part, in this Transaction-Resolution for granting him a Pass to depart within Fourteen Days; the Council of State to prepare, and Speaker to sign it-The Council to consider how Persons under Restraint in Portugal may be set at Liberty.

Guildhall, 1650, Order for Four Soldiers to lodge there every Night for Security of the Treasury, 10 Jan.

Guinea, 1649, the Council of State to consider of a Stamp for Gold from thence; Parties to attend them. Vide Coin. Order for their meeting forthwith, and making Report, 14 Apr. Form for divers, reported. Form of several Stamps, with the Inscriptions, reported; Resolutions thereupon-Chief Engraver appointed-Order touching Payment for making them; Act for establishing the Form, ordered.
-, - Frigate, 1649, Order for employing it in the Summer's Fleet-For allowing Prizes to the Captors-The Council of State, to secure the Commander, and consider what is fit to be done with him, and the revolted Mariners, 4 May.

Gunpowder. Vide Saltpetre.

Gunter, George, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken in the mean time, of the Non-payment of his Arrears, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
-, - Mrs. 1649, Petition to be read, 21 June-2 July.

Gurney, Andrew, 1649, voted guilty of a foul Practice and Combination, being suborned to give false Testimony against Sir Jacob Garrett; Order for setting him on the Pillory Four Times; Sheriffs to see the Sentence executed-Order for his Offence to be written in great Characters, and set upon his Head-For disabling him to give Testimony in any Court- For sining him 100 £.-For committing him to Newgate for Six Months, 2 Feb.
-, - Sir Richard, 1651, his Case reported; Report referred to a Committee, 5 Aug.

24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.

HABERD AS HERS Hall, Committees added, 3 & 6 Jan.

Hamilton, Duke of, Order for giving 110 £. to the Troopers that took him, 31 Jan.-For guarding him, 3 Feb.

Hammond, Colonel, to have 500 £. per Annum out of Delinquents Estates, to be named by him, till the Sum is settled upon him, 2 Sept.
-, - John, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 2 Oct.

Harcourt, Lady, Order for putting her into Possession of Land in Ireland, sent to Lords, 5 Sept.

Harley, Sir Robert, Ordinance for paying him a Debt of 920 £, read, and passed; agreed to by Lords, 10 Oct.

Harris, William, and others, Petition referred to the Committee of the Army, 28 Dec.

Hartlebury Castle, to be disgarisoned, and made untenable, 9 Nov.

Hasselrigge, Mr. Question for hearing what he has to offer, Neg.-Members to go forth, and understand if he has any thing further to offer, 2 Oct.

Hastings, Henry, called Lord Loughborough, Resolution for banishing him, 10 Nov. Agreed to by Lords. Vide Holland, Earl of-Resolution voted destructive to the Peace and Quiet of the Kingdom, and derogatory to the Justice thereof, and to be revoked, 13 Dec.

Hawk, Richard, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 25 Sept.

Hawkeridge, Captain, Order for his Discharge, 17 Nov.

Hawksworth, Mr. Order for paying him 50 £. sent to Lords, 2 Sept.

Hereford County, Report concerning it to be made, 6 Sept.- Members to sign and send Letters for hastening the Payment of the Assessments and Arrears of the Army-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords-Members to be employed for bringing in the Assessments for the Army.
-, - Lord Viscount, Lords put House in mind of his Petition, 1 Nov. Petition to be read.

Hertford County, Members to sign and send Letters to hasten the Payment of the Assessments and Arrears of the Army, 23 Sept.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 25 Nov. Agreed to by Lords.-Members have Leave to go into the Country for bringing in the Assessments for the Army.

Heywood, Richard, and Joseph Saxton, Order for giving them the public Faith for 250 £. lent, agreed to by Lords, 24 Nov. -Order for Interest, agreed to by them.

Hicks, Mr. desired to preach, 4 Sept.
-, - William, Petition to be read, 16 & 26 Oct.-Order for the Committee of Essex to proceed to his Sequestration; to be sent to them, 16 Dec.

Hide Park, Order from Lords concerning the Custody thereof, read, and agreed to, 30 Sept.

Hill, William, Lords put House in mind of his Petition, and recommend his Sufferings to them, 23 Sept.

Hitchcocke, Mr. Order for paying him 20 £. sent to Lords, 2 Sept.

Hodson, Toby, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 4 Sept.

Holcroft, Sir Henry, Report concerning him, to be made, 10 & 11 Oct.-Ordinance for paying him several Debts out of Sir John Stowell's Estate, read, and rejected.

Holland, Letter from the Hague; a Committee to prepare Letters to the States General, and to the Provincial States, and their Agents, 6 Jan.-Speaker informs House that Ambassadors from the States General are at Greenwich; Master of the Ceremonies to bring them up; Order for Money to defray his Charge-Their Letter to Speaker read in French, and then englished-Their Letter of Credence, read; Resolution for giving them Audience; Member to provide Chairs, & c. for their Reception-A Committee to consider of an Entertainment to be given them-Manner of receiving them; Their Desires in French, read. Paper read again in French and English-A Committee to prepare Answer, with Reasons why House doth not think fit to stay the Proceedings of the Court of Justice-Report touching the Sum for their Entertainment-Order for paying it to the Master of the Ceremonies.
-, - Earl of, Order for selling his Goods and disposing of the Proceed thereof, 23 Sept.-Resolution for banishing him, 10 Nov.-Ordinance for banishing him, Lord Goreing, Lord Capell, Henry Hastings, Sir Henry Lingen, Sir John Owen, and Rowland Langherne, read twice, and committed-Vote for banishing him declared destructive to the Peace and Quiet of the Kingdom, and derogatory to the Justice thereof, and to be revoked, 13 Dec.

Holt, Robert, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 26 Sept.

Holy Island, General to be desired to take special Care for the Safeguard thereof, 8 Jan.

Hooke, John, Lords put House in mind of his Petition, 2 Sept.

Horton, Mr. desired to preach, 4 Sept. Member to give him Notice.

Hoskins, John, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 11 Sept.

House appoints Preachers, 7, 27 & 29 Sept.-25 Oct.-1, 17 & 29 Nov.-18, 20 & 30 Dec.-Thanks them, 4, 8 & 27 Sept.-25 Oct.-29 Nov.-30 Dec.-Excuses them, 29 Sept.-To be called, 5 & 26 Sept. Order touching Defaulters; a Committee to withdraw, and prepare Declaration touching the Reasons of the Call; Declaration to be printed, and published, with the Votes; Copies thereof to be sent to Sheriffs, 5 Sept.-House called; Defaulters Cases to be reported-Resolution to adjourn for a Week; Conference desired by Lords thereupon, agreed to; Reporters appointed; Conference held, and reported; Resolution recalled, 17 Oct.-Ministers desired to pray before House, 18 Dec.

Hull, Order for sending down Ammunition, 2 Oct.

Hull, Edmund, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 28 Sept.

Humfries, Colonel John, Order from Lords for him to have an Office in the Customhouse, 9 Jan.

Huntingdon County, Member to sign and send Letters for hastening the Payment of the Assessments and Arrears of the Army, 23 Sept.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission to him, 23 Nov. Agreed to by Lords-Members have Leave to go into the Country to hasten the Payment of the Assessments for the Army.

Hurst Castle, Particulars desired there, reported, and approved; the Committee of the Army to furnish them, 13 Dec.- General to consider of a Course for paying Two Troops there.

A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.

HAAKE, Theodore, 1649, Act for settling a Provision on him, ordered, 2 May-The Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to consider of a Provision for him, 16 July.

Haberdashers Hall, 1649, the Committee impowered to examine Witnesses upon Oath, 22 May-A Committee to examine the Powers of that Committee.
-, - 1650, Business of the Hall to he carried on by Commissioners to be named in Act for transferring the Powers of the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to Persons not Members, 25 Mar.

Hackwell, Thomas, appointed Captain of a Ship, 2 Feb. 1648 -2 Mar. 1649.

Haggeston, Sir Thomas, 1651, Petition read; Resolution that he stand in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 8 May.

Haines, Colonel, 1650, upon Report from the Council of State, Order for continuing his Regiment Four Months longer, 24 Sept.-For Three Months longer, 24 Dec.-4 Mar.
-, - 1651, like Order, 11 July.

Hairebread, Richard. Vide Welby, Captain.

Hake, John, 1649. Vide Privileges.

Hales, Sir Edward, 1650, Complaint that Soldiers who took the Persons that robbed him have not received their Reward; Lord Mayor to take Course for Payment thereof, 10 May.

Hall, Bartholomew, 1649, appointed Attorney of the Duchy of Lancaster, and Council for the Commonwealth, 6 July. Act for that Purpose, read; Question for passing, Neg. 16- Another to the same Purport, read twice, and passed-Order for admitting him to practise within the Bar, 16 Aug.
-, - Captain Edward, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 2 Mar.
-, - Edward, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 21 Feb.

Hallowes, Nathanael, 1649, Petition read; Order for renewing his Lease under the Great Seal, 6 Sept.
-, - 1651, his Petition to be considered, 25 Apr.- Read, 8 May-Another read; Order for selling and conveying to him and his Heirs Delinquents Lands of 100£. per Annum, in Satisfaction of his Debt and Losses, 3 July.

Hamburgh, 1649, Letters to be sent to the States in behalf of the Merchants, reported from the Council of State; Speaker to sign them, 30 Mar.-Letters from thence in Latin, read, and englished by the Clerk; the Council of State to prepare an Answer; Letters referred to the Committee of the Navy; 3 Aug.-Another Letter read, and englished by Clerk, and referred to the Council, 8 Jan.-Agent appointed. Vide Bradshaw, Richard.

Hamilton, Duke. Vide Cambridge, Earl of.

Hammond, Colonel, 1649, Order for paying him 400£. per Annum till that Sum be settled on him and his Heirs out of Popish Delinquents Estates, 9 July.

Hampson, Sir Thomas, 1649, Copy of the Report touching his Delinquency, ordered, 17 Apr.-His Case reported, read, and referred back, 22 May.

Hampton Court, 1649, House and Park to be reserved for the Use of the Commonwealth, 30 June.
-, - 1650, a Committee to consider what Proportion of Meadows and Grounds are fit to be reserved; Order for Stay of Sale in the mean time, 16 July.

Hanmore, Sir Thomas, 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 5 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.

Harbart, George. Vide Hawes, William.

Hardwick, Colonel John, and others, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Indemnity, with Power to stay Proceedings at Law, 9 July.

Harpenden, 1649, Petition of Inhabitants, to be read, 20 June.

Harrington, Sir James, 1649. Vide Privileges-His Petition; Order for renewing his Lease, 17 Oct.-Appointed One of the Council of State, 12 Feb.

Harris, John. Vide Poyntz, John.
-, - Griffith, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Harrison, Sir Thomas. Vide Worsteman, Sir John.
-, - Colonel, 1648, to present the State of the Case between him and the States of Holland, 15 Feb.-His Petition to be recommended to their Ambassador; a Committee to wait on him with it.
-, - 1650, appointed Commander in Chief of the Forces left in England, 21 June. Vide Fairfax, Lord-Appointed Lieutenant of the Ordnance; Act for that Purpose, ordered, 3 July-Order for admitting him to double upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 4 Sept.-His Petition read, and referred to the Ambassadors going to the States General, 25 Feb.-Another Commander appointed during his Absence, 20 Mar.
-, - Thomas, 1649, appointed Captain of a Ship, 25 June -2 Mar.
-, - Richard, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Hartlipp, Mr. 1649, Act for settling a Provision on him, ordered, 2 May. Vide Molyn, Peter du.

Harvey, Mr. 1649, Order for admitting him to double upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, vacated, 27 June.

Haselmere, 1649, new Writ, 22 June-Order for admitting Mr. Raleigh.

Hasselrigge, Sir Arthur, 1648, thanked for his Services in the North, 15 Feb.
-, - 1649, appointed One of the Council of State, 12 Feb.
-, - 1650, his Letter read, and referred to the Council of State, 29 Oct.-Another read, 15 Nov.

Hastvile, Sir David, 1649, Order for paying the Remainder of 450£. formerly ordered him, 9 July.

Hatband-makers, 1649, Petition read, 2 July. Vide Hats.

Hats, 1649, Act restraining the Importation of Hats and Hatbands, read twice, and committed, 2 July-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 1 Aug.-Read Third time; Debate thereon adjourned, 4 Sept. Resumed; Act passed, and to be printed.
-, - 1650, Act touching making them, ordered, 23 Oct.

Hatsell, Captain, 1649, Order for 300£. for Relief of his Widow and Children, 28 Mar.

Hatton, Sir Christopher, 1648, his Fine accepted; Ordinance for pardoning his Delinquency, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired-Report from the Council of State that he is abroad with the late Queen and Son; previous and main Questions for sequestering his Estate, severally Affirmative; the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to take care it be forthwith done, 23 Mar.

Haverford West, 1649, Commissioners added for the Assessment of 90,000£. per Mensem, 23 May.

Hawes, William, 1649, Letter from him and others, read, and referred to the Committee of Indemnity, 27 July-Another Letter from him and others, with Copies of Two inclosed, pretended to be sent them by a Member, read and referred, 8 Aug.

Hawkins, William, 1649, Order for allowing his Account as Commissary General of Victual in Ireland, 12 Sept.

Hayes, Colonel John. Vide Hardwick, Colonel John.

Hedlee, Allen, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 6 Mar.

Hembury, John, 1649, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Henley, Robert, 1650, Petition read, and referred to the Committee for regulating Proceedings at Law, 17 Jan.

Henrix, Adrian. Vide Couter, Abraham van.

Herbert, Lord, of Cherbury. Vide Montgomery Castle-1649, the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall impowered to give hint some Allowance out of the Second Payment of his Fine, 11 June.
-, - Sir Piercy, 1651, Lord Chief Baron's Certificate touching his Appeal to the Barons of the Exchequer, read, 23 Apr. -His Petition read, 16 July.
-, - Lord, of Ragland, 1651, Petition read; a Committee to consider his Interest in the late Earl of Worcester's Lands, with Power to bring in a Proviso for excepting out of those Lands, in the Power of the Parliament, as much as may be of like Value; Matter of Fact of his Delinquency, referred, 23 Apr. - His Delinquency and Case, reported; Question for debating the Business, Neg. Commissioners for compounding to give Judgment therein, 21 May.

Hereford County, 1648, Petition of Grand Jury, & c. read, and referred to a Committee; Petitioners thanked; 3 Feb.
-, - 1649, Committees added to the Committee of Sequestrations, 4 Sept.-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov. Discharged; another appointed-Act for preaching the Gospel, and Maintenance of Ministers in the County, ordered, 15 Mar.
-, - 1650, Order for discharging Deans and Chapters Lands from 3,702£. to the County-For discharging the State from the Debt, 4 Sept.-High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 29 Nov.-Order for receiving a Troop of Horse into Pay for Three Months, 4 Mar.

Herne, Mrs. 1649, Order for allowing her 40s. per Week for Six Months, 9 July.

Herotheus, Dr. 1649, Petition read, 30 Mar.-Report from the Committee of the University recommending him for a Collection-Book translated by him into vulgar Greek, presented, 21 Aug.

Herrick, Elizabeth, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.

Herring, Mr. Treasurer at Goldsmiths Hall, 1650, Report from the Council of State that he has not taken the Engagement; previous and main Questions for referring the Business to them, severally Affirmative, 17 May.

Hertford County, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.

Heveningham, William, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 Feb, 1649-12 Feb. 1650.

Hewett, Captain Nathanael, 1649, a Committee to audit and state his Accounts, 10 May.

Hickford, Thomas. Vide Hugford.

Hide Park, 1649, to be reserved for the Use of the Commonwealth, 30 June-Custody thereof committed to Lord Gray; Order for a Patent under the Great Seal, 20 Mar.

Hide, Henry, 1650, Complaint of the Governor, & c. of the Levant Company against him, referred to the Council of State, 29 Jan.

Higgins, Isaac, 1650, his Examination read, 23 Oct.

High Court of Justice, 1649, Act for erecting a High Court of Justice, read twice, and committed; the Committee to present Commissioners Names, 14 Mar. Act, and Commissioners Names, reported. Others added. Clause touching an Oath to be taken by the Commissioners, added; Bill to be ingrossed.
-, - 1650, Proviso added; Act passed; to be printed, and published; the Council of State to take care it be published, 26 Mar.-Commissioners to have the Use of the Painted Chamber-Resolution for adding some Judges; Act for that Purpose, ordered, 1 Apr. Read, and passed-The Counsel for the Commonwealth to attend the Court; Commissioners of the Great Seal to name fit Persons to be of Counsel, 3 May-Names reported; Resolution for appointing Two Serjeants; Solicitor appointed; Order for Patents under the Great Seal to the Serjeants and Solicitor-For administering Oaths to them to be true and faithful to the Commonwealth, 6 June-A Committee to prepare supplemental Act, giving them further Power-Act read twice, and committed, 20 Aug. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed- Order for 2,000£. for carrying on the Charge of the Court, 12 Nov.-Act for continuing it Six Months longer, ordered, 3 Dec. Read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed; the Council of State to see it put in speedy Execution, and prepare all Necessaries for carrying on the Service.
-, - 1651, Act for continuing it till 29th September next, read twice; Commissioner added; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, 20 June. Other Commissioners added.

Highways. Vide Robberies-1650, Bill for repairing some about London, to be read, 11 & 16 Oct. Read. Committed. Order for meeting of the Committee, and making Report, 25 Oct.-27 Nov.-29 Jan.

Hill, William, 1649, Petition read; Order for admitting him to double upon the Purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, 25 June.
-, - Colonel Arthur, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Council of State, with Power to allow him 500£. upon Account, for his present Subsistence, 9 July.
-, - 1650, Report; Order touching paying him several Sums of Money, 2 July.
-, - Captain, 1650, Order for allowing his Widow 20s. per Week, for her present Relief, 22 June.
-, - Richard, 1650, Business concerning him, referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 22 Oct.
-, - Thomas, 1650, Order for Pardon for him under the Great Seal; Sheriff to forbear Execution, 17 Jan.

Hinscliff, Joshua, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 6 Mar.

Hippisley, Sir John, 1649, Order for admitting him to come in as a Purchaser of Deans and Chapters Lands for his Debt and Interest, at Fifteen Years, if he do not double, or at Twelve if he does, 16 May-3 Aug.-Order for granting him a Lease of a Messuage in the Meuse, new-built by him, with the Appurtenances, upon Surrender of his Estate therein, and for passing the Lease under the Great Seal, 28 Sept.

Hobson, William, 1650, Petition read; Order for paying him 500£. out of Woolley Leigh's Estate, 23 Apr.

Hocknill, George, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Hodgkins, Nicolas. Vide Nicholls, Richard.

Holden, Captain, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 25 June-2 Mar.

Holland, 1648, Answer to the Ambassadors, reported, and recommitted; Committees added, 2 Feb. Reported from Recommitment, and agreed to, with Amendments; Master of the Ceremonies to inquire what Day they will receive it-No Copy of their Papers to be made out. Day appointed to give them an Answer; Master of the Ceremonies to give them Notice. Manner of receiving them; Answer read to them; their Reply; Petitions presented by them. Vide Courteen and Burgaine-Master of the Ceremonies to perform all usual Respects to One of them, and provide Necessaries for his Conveyance to his Embarkation.
-, - 1649, Extract of the Resolutions of the States of Holland and West Friesland, reported from the Council of State; Order thereupon, 28 Mar. Vide Ministers-Speaker acquaints House with some Passages in a private Letter from Mr. Strickland, touching the Provincial States of Holland admitting Audience to him as a public Agent from the Commonwealth, and protesting against the States General, who did dissent; the Council of State to prepare Letter to acknowlege their Respects; Speaker to sign it; Letter to be sent by this Night's Post; Reported, and agreed to, with Amendments-The Council of State impowered to discharge a Ship belonging to them, though it be adjudged a lawful Prize; Captors to be satisfied by the Parliament; the Council to see it done, 14 Sept.-Report from the Council of State touching the Reception of a Commissioner from Holland; Part of Mr. Strickland's Letter relating thereto, to be reported, 18 Mar.
-, - 1650, Report from the Council of State, touching sending a public Minister to the Assembly of the United Provinces; previous and main Questions for agreeing thereto, severally Affirmative; the Council to consider of a fit Person, 21 Jan. Vide Strickland, Walter.
-, - 1651, Letter from the States of Holland and West Friesland, read; the Council of State to prepare Answer, 9 May.
-, - Earl of, 1648, Order for removing him from Warwick Castle to St. James's, 31 Jan. Vide Cambridge, Earl of- Letters, and Physicians Certificate, touching his Sickness, read; former Order to be continued, 6 Feb.-His Petition read; previous Question for considering it further, Affirmative; main Question, Neg. 7 Mar.-General's Letter touching him, read; Petition on his behalf; previous and main Questions for reading it, severally Affirmative; previous Question for granting his Desire, Affirmative; main Question, Neg.-Previous Question for respiting his Execution, Affirmative; main Question, Neg. 8.

Holland, Philip, appointed Captain of a Ship, 2 Mar. 1649- 26 Sept. 1650.
-, - Cornelius, 1649, appointed One of the Council of State, 12 Feb.
-, - 1650, his Petition read; Certificate of his Accounts; Order for paying him 2,536£. 15s. 15 Nov.
-, - Mrs. 1650, Order for giving her 40s. out of the Boxmoney, 27 Feb.

Hollis, Maccabeus, 1650, Business touching him, referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 22 Oct.

Holmes, Edward, 1649, Certificate touching his Discovery of several Clippers and Coiners; Order for Pardon for him under the Great Seal, 9 Mar.

Holy Island, 1648, a Committee to consider of Supply of Stores, & c. for the Garison, 16 Feb.-The Committee of the Army to provide Victuals for them, 17 Mar.
-, - 1649, Removal of the Governor, and Appointment of another approved, 16 May.

Homage, 1650, Order for discharging all Respites thereof, Fines for Alienations, and mean Rates, to be printed, 15 Nov.

Homard, William, 1649, Order for reprieving him, 17 Jan.
-, - 1650, Order for inserting him in a Pardon, 2 Oct.

Hooker, Colonel Edward, 1649, to be retaken into Custody for neglecting to take out the Order for his Discharge, 28 Aug.
-, - Margaret, 1651, Petition read; Order for paying her Annuity of 60£. per Annum, and the Arrears thereof, 8 May.

Hopkins, Henry. Vide Welby, Captain.

Hopkinson, Mrs. 1649, Petition to be read, 21 June.
-, - Anne, 1650, to be admitted to double upon the Purchase of Delinquents Lands, 27 Feb.

Hopton, Colonel James, 1649, the Council of State to consider how his Arrears may be satisfied, 30 Aug.
-, - Adjutant General, 1650, Report touching him, to be made, 5 Feb.
-, - 1651, made; Order for paying his Wife 100£. in Part of his Arrears, and 40s. per Week till the Residue is paid, 1 May.

Horses, 1649, Act to restrain the Transportation of them, ordered, 6 July.

Horton, Colonel, 1649, the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall to examine the Business touching Lands formerly given, him, 23 Aug.-Petition of him, and Officers of his Brigade, read, and referred to a Committee-Act for settling Lands on his Brigade, read twice; Petition read; Act committed, 5 Oct. Reported; Question for passing, Neg.-Act for settling on them Lands formerly given to Major General Langherne, ordered; Order for paying them the Profits thereof from 6th May last. Act read twice, and committed; the Committee to consider how the Residue of the Promise may be made good. Act reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed-A Committee to consider how his Arrears may be paid to his Son, 16 Nov.
-, - 1651, the Committee in the Act for Sale of Delinquents Estates, impowered to make good the Promise of settling 1,000£. per Annum upon his Brigade-Order for paying his Son 900£. in full of his Arrears, 25 Mar.

Hospitals, 1648, Report touching them, to be made, 3 Feb.
-, - 1649, Act for nominating Commissioners to reform them and Almshouses, ordered, 13 June-To be read, 17 & 20 July-A Committee to prepare Bill for regulating them, and receiving Complaints-Masters thereof to subscribe the Engagement, 12 Oct.

House, 1648, thanks Preachers, 31 Jan.-28 Feb.-20 Apr.-2 May-8 June-16 July-28 Aug.-2 & 6 Nov.-27 Feb.-Appoints them, 7, 12 & 28 Feb. -20 Apr.-26 May-6 July-14 Aug.-2 & 26 Oct.-4 Feb.-A Committee to consider of settling Salaries upon the Officers, 15 Feb.-House adjourns Three Days in a Week.
-, - 1649, Petition of Officers attending House, to be read, 10 & 16 Aug.-Order for making Report touching them. Report touching the Fees of Clerk and Clerk-Assistant. Vide Singulos-Stile in the Orders and Acts of the House, altered, 12 Oct.-Resolution for sitting on Saturdays and Mondays.
-, - 1650, Resolution for adjourning from Friday till Tuesday every Week, 16 Apr.-House appoints Preachers, 16 May-9 July-10 & 13 Sept.-25 Oct.-21 Dec. -4 Mar.-Thanks them, 14 June-30 July- 9 Oct.-6 Nov.-31 Jan.-Keeps a Fast, 13 Mar.

Houston, Louisa, 1649, Petition referred to the Trustees for Sale of King's Goods, 20 July.
-, - 1651, their Certificate reported; Question for paying her Husband 300 £. Neg. 22 July.

Howard, Lord Edward, 1649, previous and main Questions for admitting him upon a new Election, severally Affirmative, 5 May.
-, - 1650, Letter, and several Papers touching the Delivery of Wallingford House to him, read; Lease from the Commissioners at Goldsmiths Hall to him, approved-A Committee to receive Information from Thomas Gell against him, 30 July-Information in Writing, reported; the Committee to examine the Matter, 18 Sept. His Petition read.
-, - 1651, another Petition read; Order for re-examining a Person whose Deposition is lost; Petitioner to have Liberty to cross-examine him; the Committee to examine Witnesses on his behalf; all that come to have Voices, 6 May-Order for making Report; no further Examinations to be taken after that, 3 June. Order for sending in all Papers touching that Business sealed up. Examinations of Mr. Gell and others, with several Papers, reported, and read; Debate thereon, adjourned. Resumed; other Examinations, reported, and read; Lord Howard makes his Answer to the several Charges . Particular Examinations, read-Voted guilty of Bribery -Incapable of sitting in any Parliament, and bearing any Office of Trust, and for fining, and committing him to the Tower-Order for his Attendance to receive Judgment- His Petition, and Physician's Certificate, read; Order for sending him to the Tower in Fourteen Days, if his Health will permit, 18 July-His Letter, and Petition inclosed, with the Physician's Certificate, read; Order for his Discharge; Speaker to grant Warrant accordingly, 7 Aug.-Order for estreating his Fine into the Exchequer; Commissioners of the Great Seal to issue a Certiorari to the Clerk to certify it into Chancery, to be from thence transmitted into the Exchequer.
-, - Captain George, 1649, Petition referred to the Committee of Petitions, 3 Oct.
-, - 1650, his Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.
-, - Edmund, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.
-, - Mrs. 1650, Order for allowing her 20 s. per Week, 24 Apr.-For paying her out of the Box-money, 13 Aug.
-, - Sir Robert, 1650, Act to enable him to sell Lands for Payment of his Fine and Debts, ordered, 6 Dec.
-, - 1651, to be read, 24 Apr.-Read twice, and committed, 29 June-His Case referred to the Committee touching Infants to be enabled to suffer common Recoveries, 17 June-Time for Payment of his Composition Money, inlarged, 8 July.
-, - Sir Francis, 1651, his Petition, with Certificate from the Commissioners for compounding, read; Question for omitting him out of the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, Neg. 25 Apr.

Howell, Mary, 1649, Pardon for her, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 13 June.
-, - Roger, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Howett, Captain, 1649, appointed Commander of a Ship, 6 Apr.-2 Mar.
-, - William, 1650, Petition read; Mr. Raleigh to attend, 16 May. Vide Raleigh, Carew-A Committee to examine his Behaviour towards another Committee.

Huggins, Mr. 1650, Business concerning him, referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 22 Oct.

Hull, 1648, Governor's Letter, read; the Committee of the Navy to take care for Security of those Parts, 3 Feb.
-, - 1649, the Committee of Excise to consider of 6,000£. formerly ordered for Repair of the Walls, whether it be discharged from the Excise, 29 May-Letter from the Mayor, & c. touching their Election of a Member to be Mayor; Debate thereon to be taken up; Member to attend at the Time; Town to receive no Prejudice for not swearing him-Order for proceeding to the Election of a new Recorder; Votes to be sent down in a Letter, 17 Oct.
-, - 1650, Order for discharging an Alderman-House appoints Two; Mayor to administer the usual Oath to them-Declaration that this shall be no Prejudice to their Charter, nor drawn into Precedent-House appoints another Alderman; like Declaration, 5 Feb.

Hull, Mr. 1649, his Case as to the Mitigation of his Fine, to be considered; no Advantage to be taken of the Non-payment of his Arrears in the mean time, 12 May. Case referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
-, - William, Serjeant's Man, 1649, Order for paying him 30£. 1 Jan.

Humfries, Joan. Vide Nicholls, Richard.

Hunt, George, 1649. Vide Privileges.

Hunter Doggerbolt, a Ship, 1649, to be sold for the Advantage of the State, 10 July.

Huntingdon County, 1649, High Sheriff appointed; Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, 7 Nov.
-, - 1650, like Order, 7 Nov.

Huntington, Major, 1650, Order for Stay of his Arrears-A Committee to examine his seditious Practices when the Scots invaded the Nation, 7 May.

Hussey, Lady Elizabeth, 1650, Petition to be read, 14 June -Read, 31 July. Vide Fairfax, Lady Rhoda.
-, - Edward, 1650, Petition read; Order for reprieving him; Speaker to issue Warrant to the Sheriff for that Purpose; Judges to certify the Matter of Fact touching him, 21 Aug.

Hutchinson, John, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 Feb. 1648-12 Feb. 1649.
-, - Colonel John, 1649, Order for paying his Arrears out of his Discoveries, 25 Apr.-His Petition read; Leave given him to compound, for the Interest of the State, in a Manor and Tythes contracted for; previous and main Questions that he be admitted to compound at 2,000£. severally Affirmative; Order for discharging the Sequestration of the Estate upon Payment thereof; Time allowed him for Payment, 1 Jan.
-, - 1651, Commissioners to accept the Money, notwithstanding the Time is elapsed, 18 Apr.
-, - 1650, his Petition to be read, 6 Nov. Read, and referred to the Commissioners for compounding-Certificate of the Matter of Fact, reported, 10 Dec.
-, - Mr. Alderman of Dublin, 1649, the Council of State to accept his Bills of Exchange for Money disbursed in Ireland, for victualling the Ships; Letter of Thanks ordered, 5 June.
-, - Mr. Treasurer of the Navy, 1650, the Committee of the Navy to examine the Matter of Fact upon the Information touching arresting him, and Money of the Commonwealth, attached in his Hands, and deposited by him in the Sheriff's Hands; Sheriff to keep the Money till further Order; Speaker to issue Warrant for bringing a Person to be examined by him touching these Matters, 11 Mar.
-, - 1651, Matter of Fact, and the Judgment thereupon, in the Sheriff's Court, reported; Davies's Petition and Certificate, read; Order touching the Money recovered by Davies against Hutchinson, revoked; Matter left to the Sheriff's Court, 31 July.

24° Car. I. Parl. 5. A. 1648.

JASON, Robert, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 21 Dec.

Jeffery, Robert. Vide Tredwell, Richard.
-, - William, Petition read; Order for paying him 500£. towards Reparation of his Losses, 21 Sept.

Jermyn, Thomas, to have Pass to return into England to prosecute his Composition, 29 Sept.
-, - Henry, previous Question for excepting him from Pardon, Neg. 7 Nov.

Jersey, Isle of, Report concerning it, to be made, 8 Nov.- Ordinance concerning the Exiles, to be reported.

Jessop, John, Lords put House in mind of his Petition; Petition read; the Committee for Scots Prisoners to contract with him for transporting them, upon Security not to transport them into Ireland, 4 Sept.
-, - William, Order for paying him 200£. upon Account, 9 Sept.

Impropriations, Ordinance for enabling Trustees to purchase them, to be reported, 13 Sept.

Inchiquin, Lord, Order for paying 100£. to be employed in sending over his Son to be exchanged for Prisoners kept by him; Prisoners to be delivered First, 13 Sept.-Lieutenant of the Tower to deliver him without Fee; Lords Concurrence signified, 4 Oct.

Indemnity, a Committee to consider how the Country may have the Benefit of the Ordinance of Indemnity without travelling to London, 2 Jan. Committees added.

Ingle, Captain, to be recommended to be Commander of a Ship, 13 Jan.

Ingram, Sir Arthur, Question for appointing him High Sheriff of Derbyshire, Neg. 28 Nov.

Johnson, Mr. Business concerning his being placed Minister in the Temple, referred to the Committee of Complaints, 16 Nov.

Jones, Colonel John, Order for paying him 2,000 £. in Part of his Arrears, 4 Oct.

Journals, Order for preparing a Vellum Book, and entering the Proceedings of House therein, 5 Jan.-No Person to inspect them, but in Clerk's Presence.-No Copies to be made out, till resolved by House.

Ipswich, Petition of well-affected Inhabitants, read; Two Ministers to go down to preach, 17 Jan.

Ireland, Order for Shipping to guard the Coasts-The Committee for Irish Affairs to consider the State of Ulster, in regard to the Scots Forces kept there, and of the Garison they keep -Information of an Agreement between them, and Lord Inchiquin, 2 Sept.-No Money to be charged upon the Ordinance for 20,000£. per Mensem for Ireland-Letter from Sligo, referred to the Committee at Derby House-Letter concerning General Moncke's taking Major General Monroe, and surprising and regaining the Garisons and Castle of Carrickfergus and Belfast; his Proceedings approved; Order for a Gratuity of 500£. to him-For appointing him Governor of Carrickfergus-Touching his Pay; the Committee for Irish Affairs to consult with him about a fit Person to be Governor of Belfast-To consider of Ways and Means for improving these Advantages-Order for a Letter of Thanks-For a Thanksgiving. Vide Thanksgiving-Colonel Moncke's Letter, relating the Affair more at large, read, 4 Oct.-Order for appointing Two Frigates to guard the Coafts, 2 Oct. Amended-Resolution for appointing Commissioners of the Great Seal; Ordinance for that Purpose, ordered-Report from Lords concerning a Chancellor-Colonel Jones's Letter, with a Letter of Intelligence to him, and Earl of Ormond's Letter, severally read, and referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs; Copies to be sent to the Commissioners in the Isle of Wight; a Committee to prepare Letter to impower them to acquaint the King therewith, and require his public Declaration against Lord Ormond's Proceedings. Letter reported, read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence signified-Commissioners Letter touching their Proceedings thereupon; King's Answer voted unsatisfactory; Commissioners to press him to a full Consent; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 3 Nov.-Another Letter from the Commissioners, with a Paper inclosed, read; King's final Answer, voted unsatisfactory. Lords Concurrence signified-Letter touching the Earl of Ormond's Arrival, and executing the Power of Lord Lieutenant, read, 30 Oct.-King's Letter to Lord Ormond, touching his Proceedings with the Rebels, read, 1 Dec.-Lord General's Letter, touching Ireland, read; the Committee of the Navy to confer with Lord Admiral thereupon-Ordinance prohibiting Commerce with several Ports under Lord Inchiquin's Command, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired.
-, - Petition of poor Widows whose Husbands died in the Parliament's Service, referred to the Committee for poor distressed Protestants in Ireland, 22 Sept.

Judges, Commissioners of the Great Seal to present Names of fit Persons to fill the Benches, 23 Sept.-4 Oct. Names reported, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence to be desired-Ordinance for constituting several, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence signified-Ordinance for regulating their Fees, to be reported-Order for paying their Arrears, and for constant Pay of their Salaries, 19 Dec.-For charging the Salaries upon the Revenue; Ordinance for that Purpose, ordered, 19 Jan.

Justices of Peace, Order touching Fees to Officers and Underclerks, for Commissions and Dedimus Potestatems to them, sent to Lords, 11 Oct. Returned, with Amendments; Amendments agreed to.

A. 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651.

JACOB, John, 1649, Letter that he is brought Prisoner to Plymouth; Order for removing him to Dorchester Gaol, with a safe Convoy, 21 July.
-, - Harmon, 1651, Bill for naturalizing him and others, to be read, 9 May. Read twice, and committed.

James's, St. 1648, Care of the publick Library, & c. committed to the Council of State, with Power to dispose of them, 22 Feb.
-, - 1649, House and Park to be reserved for the Use of the Commonwealth, 30 June-Books and Medals not to be sold till further Order, 30 July.
-, - 1651, yearly Fair kept there, to be forborn this Year, and not kept till further Order, 17 July.

Iden, Jonas, and Wife, 1650, their Case referred to a Committee, to examine the Matter of Fact, and present Remedies in this and the like Cases, 5 July.

Jefferys, Mr. 1649, a Committee to consider of Satisfaction for his Losses, 20 June. Vide Stamford, Christopher.

Jenkins, David, 1648, to be proceeded against for Life, 14 Mar.
-, - 1650, Rosolution for trying him by the High Court of Justice, 28 June. Vide Stowell, Sir John.

Jennings, Mrs. 1648. Vide Privileges.
-, - John, 1650, Order for paying him 5£. out of the Boxmoney, 27 Feb.
-, - Theodore, 1651, his Letter read, 13 May.
-, - Richard. Vide Toovey, Richard.
-, - Mr. 1650. Vide Privileges.

Jenoah, John, and Richard Bradocks, 1650, Order for respiting their Execution, 25 July-Amended, 13 Aug.-Clerk of the Crown to prepare Pardon for them, and present it with Judges Certificate, 2 Oct. Pardon read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 21 Feb.

Jepson, Colonel, 1650, his Sister's Case referred to the Committee touching necessitous Persons going into Ireland, 20 Dec.

Jermyn, Thomas, 1649, his Wife's Petition read; the Council of State to examine the Truth of Matters contained in her Letters; Proceedings in his Composition, to be stayed in the mean time, 23 Mar.
-, - 1650, Commissioners at Goldsmiths Hall to take care his Composition be prosecuted with Effect, 19 July.
-, - Philip, 1651, Petition read; Order for discharging him from any Prosecution-Member to thank him for his good Services, 9 June.

Jersey, Isle of, 1650, Petition of Exiles, read; Act for selling Sir Philip Carteret's Lands for their Benefit, ordered, 5 June -Order amended, 16 July.

Jervois, Sir Thomas, 1649, Petition read; a Committee to consider of Reparation to him for his Losses and Damages, 25 July-Report; Act for that Purpose, read twice, and committed, 5 Sept. To be reported. Reported; Proviso on behalf of George Phipp, added; Act passed.

Jesse, David, 1648, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 23 Feb.

Impeachment. Vide Capel, Lord.

Impropriations, 1650, the Committee of plundered Ministers to examine the Business touching Feoffees for purchasing them, with Power to secure the Revenue, 24 May.

Incest and Adultery, 1648, Members to give Account touching the Bill for suppressing them, 23 Mar.
-, - 1649, Act read twice, and committed, 8 Feb. Reported, and re-committed, 15 Feb.-22 Mar.
-, - 1650, Reported; Clause and Proviso, added; another Proviso, ordered; Part touching Fornication, re-committed, 12 Apr. Reported; Debate thereon adjourned-Resumed; Commencement of the Act; Provisoes added; Act to be ingrossed, 3 May. Passed, and to be printed-Order for printing a competent Number to supply every Parish; the Council of State to take care they be sent.

Inchiquin, Lord, 1648, Petition of Officers exchanged for his Son, read; Order for 200£. for Supply of the most Necessitous, not exceeding Twenty; Order for making Report of the Accounts already stated-The Committee of the Army to take care for auditing the Accounts of the rest of the Officers, 2 Mar.

Indemnity, 1648, Ordinance impowering Justices of Peace, Commissioners in the several Counties, to put in Execution the Ordinances of Indemnity, ordered, 23 Feb.

Infants, 1650, House to consider how they and their Estates may be preserved during Infancy, 6 Sept.
-, - 1651, a Committee to consider of a Way for them in special Cases to suffer common Recoveries, 13 June. Report. Vide Rich, Lord-Other Cases referred.

Ingle, Captain, 1648, the nominating him to be Commander of a Ship, respited, 9 Feb. Business referred to Three of the Commissioners that are to go to Sea with the Fleet.

Ingram, Anne, 1649, Pardon for her, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Inns of Courts, 1649, Readers and Benchers to subscribe the Engagement, and cause all Persons called to the Bar to subscribe it, before their Call be published, 12 Oct.- Order prohibiting public Gaming and revelling there, 28 Nov.
-, - of Chancery, 1649, Principals to subscribe the Engagement, and cause their Members to subscribe it, 12 Oct.- Order against public Gaming and revelling there, 28 Nov.

Insurrections, and Invasions, 1651, the Council of State to authorize proper Persons in the several Counties to prevent them, 1 July.

Interest, 1648, Resolution for reducing the Interest of Money; previous and main Questions for an Amendment, severally Affirmative; Act for that Purpose, ordered, 12 Mar.
-, - 1651, Bill for reducing Interest to 6£. per Cent. to be read, 15 May. Read twice, and committed; Commencement thereof. Bill reported, and to be ingrossed-Passed, and to be printed, 8 Aug.

Joachimi, Albert, 1649. to have Liberty to transport Four Horses into Holland, Custom and Impost free, 6 July- His Letter in French, read, and englished, 18 Sept. Letter, and Pass to him, agreed to.
-, - 1650, Draught of a Letter to him, with a Pass and safe Conduct for him and Family, read, and agreed to; Speaker to sign them; Mr. Strickland has Leave to visit him, 26 Sept.-Pass for him to transport Eight Horses, 16 Oct.

Johnson, Robert, 1649, Pardon for him, approved; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 4 Mar.

Joice, William, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 21 Feb.

Jones, Sir Theophilus, 1649, Order for paying him 300 £. for travelling Charges, 28 Mar.
-, - Colonel Michael, 1649, Order for paying him 1,200 £. in Satisfaction for 1,000 £. formerly ordered him, and Interest thereupon, 5 Apr.-Letter of Thanks to him, ordered, 5 June-His Letter touching a Victory over the Irish Rebels. Vide Ireland-Order for sending him Six of the best Horses in Tutbury Race, as a Gift of the House-For Act to settle 1,000 £. per Annum upon him and his Heirs, 14 Aug. Act read twice, and passed.
-, - Lieutenant General, 1649, a Committee to consider of a Parcel of Lands of 500 £. per Annum in Ireland, to be settled on him and his Heirs, 17 Aug.-Order for presenting Act for that Purpose, 4 Dec.
-, - 1650, Commissioners for Irish Affairs impowered, upon a Survey on Oath, to set out Lands of 500 £. per Annum, and settle the Possession thereof, according to the Direction of his Will, 5 Dec.
-, - John, 1649, Petition read, and referred to the Trustees for Sale of the King's Goods, 20 July.
-, - Captain John, 1649, to be re-taken into Custody, for neglecting to take out the Order for his Discharge, 28 Aug.
-, - Colonel Philip 1649, admitted to sit as Member for Brecknockshire, 5 Feb.
-, - Evan, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
-, - Dr. Henry, 1650, Act for settling Lands of 200 £. upon him and his Heirs, ordered-A Committee to consider what Lands are fit to be settled, 25 June-Commissioners for Irish Affairs impowered to set them out, upon a Survey on Oath, 5 Dec.

Jordan, Captain Elias. Vide Batten, Captain William.
-, - Captain Joseph, 1650, appointed Commander of a Ship, 26 Sept.

Joseph, William, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.

Journals, 1649, a Committee to examine them from time to time, to see if there be any Mistakes or Mis-entries, 18 Sept. -Another Committee to remove Records lying over the House into a convenient Place, with Power to contract for a Room, 14 Dec.-Report; Order for removing them into the Charterhouse Westminster-The Committee to consider what is fit to be done with the Rooms under the House, 17 Jan. Order for removing the Journals thither; the Committee to see it done-Order for removing them to the Room where the Records of the Court of Wards were kept.

Ireland, 1648, Letters touching a Peace concluded between the Rebels and the English, with the Examination of a Person inclosed, read, 7 Feb.-Order for 3,600 £. for the Service of Ireland. Amended-Letters from thence, read, and referred to the Council of State; Originals to be transmitted to them-Power given them to perfect all Contracts for sending over Forces, 6 Mar.-To confer with the Officers how they may be modelled. Report; Order for them to consider the whole Business concerning the Forces-To consider of the Civil Government of that Kingdom.
-, - 1649, Earl of Ormond's Letter to Colonel Jones, with his Answer; Answer approved; Articles between him and the Rebels, read; all to be printed; Order for paying Colonel Jones 2,000 £. formerly assigned him-Earl of Ormond voted a Traitor. Vide Ormond, Earl of-General Moncke's Letter, with Paper inclosed, intituled, "A Presentation of the "Presbytery of Belfast," referred to the Council of State; Order for them to prepare Declaration of the Sense of the Parliament upon the whole, 28 Mar.-Former Order for Money to Colonel Jones, revoked-Order for paying him 1,000 £. with Interest, out of Composition-money from time to time, as it shall come in, 2 Apr.-Commander in Chief appointed, 30 Mar.-His Commission to be presented, 20 June. Read in Latin and English-Resolutions that the civil and military Power shall be conjoined in One Person-That the Commission shall continue Three Years; Blanks filled up; Commission passed; Order for passing it under the Great Seal; the Council of State to prepare Instructions for him- Order for allowing him a Lifeguard of 70 Men, and a Chaplain, 2 July-Certificates touching Allowances to former Lord Lieutenants, reported, and referred to the Council of State-Commander in Chief under him, appointed; the Council of State to settle the Method of the Commanders, 15 June -Report from them of Proposals agreed upon as to the Forces that shall go over, 11 Apr. Letters from thence, read; Order for 10,000 £. out of the Welsh Compositions; the Council of State to take course for raising Money upon the Credit thereof-To treat with the City. Vide London- Report of Arrears due to several Officers in Munster; the Committee for Irish Affairs to consider of Proportions to be allowed to each of them, 10 May-Report, 22 June- Rules and Orders concerning the Proportions, reported, and agreed to, 3 July-Names of Officers and Troopers, and their Arrears, reported; Order for considering them upon the Place, and examining and certifying their Accounts, 17 Aug. -Specially recommended to the Council of State to take care for speedy Advance of the Forces into Ireland, 26 May -Order for providing 500£. for Persons of Quality that have their Estates there-Treasurers for Bishops Lands to pay Part thereof to Persons that shall be appointed to distribute the Money; Persons appointed; List of Names to be specially recommended to them, 6 June-List of Officers who deserted Lord Inchiquin, and are engaged for the Irish Service; the Council of State to order what Money they think fit to be paid them-Petition of other Officers engaged, read, and referred to a Committee; Petitioners to be thanked; Petition, and Vote thereupon, to be printed, 7 July-Act for stating the Accounts of Officers and Soldiers engaged for the Irish Service, read twice, and committed, 2 Aug.-Lord Lieutenant's Letter, read, 16 July-Another read, and referred to the Committee of the Army-Act for better settling the Accounts of the General and Staff Officers, read-Colonel Jones's Letter, read; Order for a Letter of Thanks to him and Sir George Aiscough-For a Reward to the Messenger- The Council of State to consider how 100,000 £. may be raised for speedy sending away the Forces-Establishment for the Army under the new Lord Lieutenant, reported, and read; Questions for an Allowance to a President of the Council of War-For appointing a Lieutenant General of the Ordnance-For appointing a Marshals Man to serve as Corporal over the rest, severally Neg. Establishment passed, with Amendments; the Council of State to consider of the Title, and how far it ought to reach the Forces already in Ireland-Lord Lieutenant's Letter, to be considered-Another to Mr. Scott, read, 10 Aug.-Another read-Lieutenant General Jones's Letter, touching a Victory over the Rebels; the Council of State to prepare Letter of Thanks-Captain Otway's Relation thereof; Order for 200£. to him-For a Thanksgiving. Vide Thanksgiving-Act for Payment of Arrears of English Officers in Ireland for their former Services in England, read twice, passed, and to be printed-Commissioners going thither to certify the Names of Persons listed who do not go over-The Committee of the Army to disallow their Debentures; Act for that Purpose, ordered- Sir Charles Coote's Letter, with Articles of Agreement between General Row O'Neale and Colonel Richard Coote, read; Vote concerning Colonel Moncke's Procedings in the Treaty and Cessation with O'Neale, to be sent to him; Sir Charles Coote's Fidelity, Care, and Diligence, in preserving Londonderry, approved; the Council of State to send him Provisions; Order for a Reward to the Messenger; Letters, Articles, and Vote thereupon, to be printed-Lord Lieutenant's Letter, read; the Council of State to send him Supplies and Recruits-Their Report for adding Two Waggons to each Regiment, agreed to, 14 Sept.-Lord Lieutenant's Letters touching Successes at Drogheda, with Lists of the Defendants and Officers and Soldiers slain at the storming it, read, and to be printed; the Council of State to prepare Letter of Thanks; Order for a Thanksgiving. Vide Thanksgiving-The Council to consider of speedy sending Recruits, and supplying the Forces with Cloathing-Colonel Venable's Letter to Lord Lieutenant, read; Part thereof concerning the Successes, to be printed; Order for continuing the Billet-money and additional Pay till 29th December next, out of the last Three Months Assessments of 90,000£. per Mensem, 2 Oct.-Lord Lieutenant and the whole Army to subscribe the Engagement-Letters from Dublin, read-Lord Lieutenant's Letter, and Transactions between him and the Governor of Wexford, read; to be printed, and read in Churches on next Thanksgiving Day; Ministers to take Notice of God's Mercy in giving the Town as an Addition to former Mercies; Order for a Reward to the Messenger- For a Letter of Thanks to Lord Lieutenant, and his Officers -The Council of State to consider of transplanting several Families thither-Lord Lieutenant's Letter, read; Order for sending Supplies, and drawing Forces out of the Army for Ireland, 13 Nov.-Another from him, with the Transactions and Articles touching the Surrender of Rosse, read, and to be printed; Order for sending Boots and other Necessaries desired therein-Letters from Dublin, read-Act for the Encouragement of Learning, and Advancement of the Gospel, and for founding Two Colleges there, read twice, and committed-To be reported, 8 Jan.-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 1 Mar. Passed, and to be printed-A Committee to receive Propositions for propagating the Gospel, 1 Mar. Report; Act for abolishing the Hierarchy, and prohibiting the Use of the Common Prayer, ordered-Previous and main Questions for appointing Major General Ireton President at Munster, severally Affirmative; Act for that Purpose, and for passing a Patent under the Great Seal, ordered, 4 Dec.-Attorney General to prepare the Patent, and Commissioners of the Great Seal to pass it, 4 Jan. Clause to be added; the Council of State to prepare Instructions for him-Lord Lieutenant's Letter, and other Transactions, read, and to be printed, 4 Dec.-Order for stating the Accounts of the Soldiers engaged for Ireland, and giving them Debentures-Lord Lieutenant's Letter, read; to be printed, and read in Churches; Lord Mayor to send it to Ministers within the Bills of Mortality-Order for a Thanksgiving for great Victories in Ireland-Letters touching the taking of Carrickfergus, read, and referred to the Council of State; Order for a Reward to the Messenger- Letters from Lord Lieutenant and others, read; Resolution for desiring him to come over, and attend in Parliament; Letter for that Purpose, and to thank him for his great Services, ordered; his Letter referred to the Council of State, 8 Jan. Vide Cromwell, Lieutenant General Oliver-Lord Lieutenant's Letter, read; the Council of State to consider of sending him Supplies of Ships, Provisions, & c.-Other Letters from him, read, and referred to them-Messenger's Relation of the Surrender of several Garisons in Munster; Order for a Reward to him; the Council of State to give Direction for present Payment-Another from him, read, and to be printed; Order for Letter of Thanks, 25 Feb.- Lord Lieutenant's Letter read-Upon Report from the Council of State, Act for Sale of Delinquents Estates, ordered, 12 Mar.-Colonel Hewson's Letter, with several Summons and Answers, and Articles of Surrender of Ballishanon, read; previous Question that the Concernment of Articles of War be referred to the Commissioners for Articles, Affirmative; main Question, Neg. 18.
-, - 1650, Colonel Hewson's Letter, with Articles of Surrender of the City and Castle of Kilkenny, read; a Committee to prepare Letter of Thanks; Speaker to sign it, 12 Apr. -Lord Lieutenant's Letter, with Transactions about the Surrender, read, and to be printed; Order for a Reward to the Messenger-Question for vesting in the Council of State all Powers conferred on any Committees for bringing in and disposing of Monies raised upon the Three first Ordinances for Ireland, Neg. 2 May-Lord Lieutenant's Narrative of the State of the Parliament's and Enemy's Forces in Field and Garison; the Council of State to send speedy Supplies of Money, and consider of Ways and Means for the Reduction and Settlement of Ireland, 11 June-Report from the Committee of the Army touching Four Months Pay to the Forces; Order for Payment thereof-The Council of State to consider how the Government of Ireland may be managed, Lord Lieutenant being appointed Captain General of the Forces in England. Order for making Report- Report; Lord Lieutenant's Commission to the Lord President of Munster to be his Deputy, approved-Order for sending over Two Commissioners-For them to act according to Instructions giving them by Parliament; the Council of State to prepare Instructions, and consider of other fit Persons to be joined with them, 2 July-Instructions to be reported, 20 Sept.-To be read, 3 Oct. Read by Parts, and agreed to, with Amendments-Two Persons added; the Council of State to consider of an Allowance for them. Allowance reported, and agreed to; a Minister to go with them; Provision to be made for him out of the Irish Revenue; Commissioners to be desired to go with all Speed-One excused; the Council of State to appoint another, 20 Nov. Another appointed-Dispatch of them, to be considered, 6 & 10 Dec.-Bill for giving several Powers to the General, Deputy General, and Commissioners, read twice; Blank to be filled up; Questions that the Sum be 60,000 £. per Mensem-That it be 50,000£. per Mensem, severally Neg. Resolution that it be 30,000 £. per Mensem; Bill committed. Reported; Continuance thereof; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed-Day appointed for the Commissioners to be at Milford, 17 Dec.-Letter, and Declaration of the Nobility, & c. in Ulster, read, and to be printed; the Council of State to see it done, 28 June-Sir Charles Coote's Letter touching a Victory over the Rebels there, and List of Commanders taken, read; Letter of Thanks to him and his Officers, ordered; Part of his Letter concerning Services done by particular Officers, referred to the Council of State; Messenger's Narrative; Order for a Reward to him; Colonel Hewson's Letter, read; Lord Ormond's Commissions to certain Rebels; a Committee to prepare Narrative, with Observations upon the Letters; Letters, Narrative, and Commissions, to be printed, 9 July-Sir Robert King's Letter, with Articles of Agreement concerning the Surrender of Duncannon, read, 23 Aug.-Deputy Governor's Letter concerning the Surrender of Waterford, Duncannon, and Catherlo, read; Order for a Thanksgiving. Vide Thanksgiving-Report from the Council of State of Proposals for Six Months Pay for the Forces, 19 Nov. Debate, and Resolutions thereupon-Mr. Basil's Letter, touching a signal Victory over the Rebels, read, and to be printed; Order for a Thanksgiving. Vide Thanksgiving-Petition of Adventurers, read; a Committee to consider of the several Acts touching them, and state the Matter of Fact, with Power to consider the State of Londonderry, 20 Dec.-Lord General's Letter from Edinburgh, touching the Inhabitants of Corke, read, and referred to the Council of State-Order for 20,000 £. for recruiting; the Council to prevent Abuses by free Quarter and short Marches, 8 Jan.-Their Report referred to a Committee-Deputy General's Letter read; Order for Letter of Thanks; the Council to take care for Provisions and other Necessaries for the Service 18 Feb.-Another Letter from him, with Propositions for raising and transporting a Regiment of 1,200 Foot, for planting and guarding Waterford, Rosse, Carwick, and other Places adjacent, read, and agreed to; Deputy General and Commissioners to take care they be put in Execution; the Council of State to consider how far they are fit to be made public; Propositions, and Votes thereupon, to be printed.
-, - 1651, Colonel Hewson's Letter, and Articles of Surrender of Finagh Castle, and other strong Holds, with Lists of Prisoners, read, and to be printed, 25 Mar.-Report from the Council of State touching the Difficulty of getting Recruits; Resolution for a Press-Previous and main Questions for pressing 2,000 Men, severally Affirmative-For taking them out of the Western Counties; Act upon these Votes, ordered-Act for impressing Soldiers for the Irish Service, read twice; Number to be impressed-To be impressed throughout England and Wales; Bill committed, 17 Apr.- Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed-Order for late Commissioners of the Militias in the several Counties to impress Men by Force thereof, 27 June-Several Letters from thence; Estimate of the monthly Charges of the Forces in Munster, Lempster, and Ulster, read-Propositions from the Council of State, read, and to be considered, 22 Apr. Considered; Three agreed to; Persons to be excepted in the Fourth Qualification; the Council to name others. Debate adjourned- Resumed; several Names read, and agreed to, with Amendments, 22 July. Another agreed to, with an Amendment-Names of Persons to be excepted, ordered, 13 Aug.- Commissioners Letter, with Lord Clanrickard's inclosed, read, and referred to the Council of State; Order for sending over the 20,000 £. per Mensem appointed for the Forces, 2 May- Other Letters from the Commissioners, read; the Council to send over the Bibles and Primers desired-Colonel Hewson's Letter, with an intercepted Letter from Richard Browne, read, 17 June-Several Letters from Ireland, 1 July- Report from the Committee for Irish Affairs touching Debts due to several Persons, and granting them the Town of New Rosse in Satisfaction-Estimate of the Forces for Seven Months and Fourteen Days; Resolution thereupon, 6 Aug. -Lord Broghill's Letter, with a Narrative of the Victory obtained against the Rebels, read; Order for a Thanksgiving. Vide Thanksgiving.
-, - 1649, Order for distributing Monies collected for the Protestants driven from thence, 14 Sept.-The Council of State to consider the Widows and Children here of Persons slain in Ireland, 2 Oct.-Order against paying any Part of the 500£. given to Irish Women; a Committee to examine the Abuses of Mrs. Carey and others, with Power to commit her, 14 Nov.-Report touching the 500£.; the Committee impowered to dispose of it to the most necessitous, 11 Jan.
-, - 1650, Cases of several Ladies and others, reported; Order for 2,000 £. for transporting such as are willing to go over, 31 May-For present Payment thereof; a Committee to receive and dispose of it; Petition of distressed Irish Protestants, read, and referred to the Committee to examine the Conditions of Persons presented to them, 4 June.

Ireland, Gervas; 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 July.
-, - William, 1650, Pardon for him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 21 Feb.

Ireton, Commissary General, 1649, previous and main Questions for appointing him President of Munster, severally Affirmative; Act for that Purpose, and for passing a Patent under the Great Seal, ordered, 4 Dec.-Attorney General to prepare the Patent, and Commissioners of the Great Seal to pass it, 4 Jan. Clause to be added; the Council of State to prepare Instructions for him.

Issues. Vide Fines.

Judges, 1648, Clerk of the Crown to prepare Commissions for them, with Blanks for the Names-The Commissions to be drawn according to Act for Alteration of Writs-Order for them to meet the Speaker and others at the Rolls, 7 Feb. Their Report that Six desire to be excused from taking the new Commissions, and that the other Six are willing to accept of them; a Committee to prepare Declaration that the Judges shall proceed according to the Laws and Statutes of the Kingdom; Declaration reported, read, and passed; Order for printing and publishing it-Form of an Oath to be taken by the Justices of the Upper Bench, reported, read, and agreed to-Form of an Oath to be taken by the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and the rest of the Justices and Barons of the Exchequer, mutatis mutandis, reported, read, and agreed to-Commissioners of the Great Seal to present Names of fit Persons to be Judges. A Committee to prepare Instructions for them-Form of an Oath to be taken by the Welsh Judges, reported, read, and agreed to, 5 Mar.
-, - 1649, Commissioners of the Great Seal to present Names of fit Persons to fill up the Vacancies, 7 Apr. Order for them to attend, and present the Names-Order for making Report, 30 & 31 May-Names reported, and agreed to, 1 June. Commissioners of the Great Seal to administer the Oath to them, and pass their Patents-Previous and main Questions for dispensing with the Attendance of such as are Members, severally Affirmative, 10 Oct.-Judges, and all Officers of the Courts to subscribe the Engagement, and certify the Subscriptions to Clerk, with the Names of Persons who refuse to subscribe. Engagement to be added to their Oath.
-, - 1651, Leave given to speak against the Vote for discharging them from their Attendance on the House; Resolution that they shall attend as other Members do, 27 June.
-, - Delegates, 1648, Commission impowering them to determine Appeals depending at the late King's Death, read, and agreed to, 22 Feb.

Juries. Vide Freeholders.

Justices of Peace, 1648, a Committee to present Names of fit Persons to be in the Commission; Members to subscribe their Names to those they recommend; Commissioners of the Great Seal to put in no others, 8 Feb.-To present Names of fit Persons to be Justices-Justices to take the Oaths at next Assizes; Commissioners of the Great Seal to issue Commissions into the several Counties, and cause them to be sworn. Forms of the Commission and Oath for them, read, and agreed to-Act enabling them, and all other Officers of Justice, to proceed in the Execution of their Offices, till their Commissions shall come to them, read, passed, and to be printed-A Committee to prepare Letter to order them to take the Oaths next Quarter Sessions; Defaulters to be returned; Commissions, with Dedimus's, to be sent down, 14 Mar.-Act for omitting Clause in their Commissions quorum unum esse volumus, read, and laid aside.
-, - 1649 Commissioners of the Great Seal, with Advice of the Judges, to put out and add Persons, 14 Apr.
-, - 1650, a Committee to collect Laws concerning them, and present such as they think fit to be bound in one Volume, and printed, 21 June.