Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 5, 1646-1648. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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'House of Commons Journal Volume 5: 6 January 1647', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 5, 1646-1648(London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
'House of Commons Journal Volume 5: 6 January 1647', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 5, 1646-1648(London, 1802), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
"House of Commons Journal Volume 5: 6 January 1647". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 5, 1646-1648. (London, 1802), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
In this section
Die Mercurii, 6 Januarii, 1646.
Earl of Corke's Estate, &c.
The humble Petition of Charles Rich Esquire, one of the Members of this House, to be admitted Tenant to the Earl of Corke's Estate, at the Rates it hath been formerly lett for to the State's Use, was this Day read.
A Certificate from the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, of 2 Januarii 1646, that the Earl of Corke had appeared there, to make his Composition upon the Articles of Oxford, and was present when his Fine was set; but hath sithence made no Progress for the Persecting of his Composition, by Payment of his Fine, or offering to secure the same, was likewise read: And
It is Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee, concerning Debts due by Persons whose Estates are under Sequestration, where Mr. Wheeler hath the Chair, to consider of the whole Matter of Fact of this Petition; and likewise of the Justness of the Debts claimed by Mr. Rich, Sir John Hippesley, and Mr. Francis Allein, Members of this House, and by Mr. Perkins, to be due or payable to them by the Earl of Corke: And are to inquire, What Estate the Earl of Corke hath in Ireland; and to present their Opinions to this House touching the same; together with an Ordinance, directing how, and in what manner, the just Debts, payable by the said Earl to the said Persons, may be satisfied out of the said Earl's Estate in Ireland: And Mr. Grimston, Sir Anthony Irby, Mr. Samuel Browne, Mr. Scawen, and Mr. Recorder, are added to this Committee.
Leave of Absence.
Ordered, That Mr. Rogers, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country, for the Recovery of his Health.
Answer from Lords.
Colonel Booth brings Answer, The Lords will send Answer to the Ordinance, concerning Chester, by Messengers of their own.
Letters read.
Mr. Holles reported from the Committee, Three Letters; One to the Committee or Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland and Newcastle; another to the Earl of Leven; a Third to his Majesty: The which were read.
Lords to fit.
Sir Robert Pye was appointed to go to the Lords, to desire their Lordships to sit this Afternoon, in regard this House hath some Business of Importance to communicate unto them.
Sir Robert Pye brings Answer, That the Lords have appointed to fit at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Receiving the King from Scotts Army.
Sir Wm. Armyn reports from the Committee appointed to that Purpose, Instructions for the Committee to be appointed to go to Newcastle to receive the Person of the King: The which were all twice read; and, in many Particulars amended; and so amended, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence; and were in hæc verba; viz.
Instructions for the Right Honourable Philip Earl of Pembroke and Mountgomery, Bazill Earl of Denbigh, Edward Lord Mountague, and Sir John Coke, Sir Walter Erle, Sir John Holland, Sir James Harrington, John Crew Esquire, and Major General Browne, who are appointed to go to Newcastle, to receive the Person of the King from the Scotts Army.
1. YOU are to make your Repair to Newcastle; and to be there by the 23th Day of this present January, or sooner, if it may be; there to receive the Person of the King from the Scotts Army.
2. You are, upon Your Arrival there, to signify unto his Majesty, that you are come thither to receive his Person: And you are also to signify the same to the Committees or Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland, that shall beat Newcastle; and to the General of the Scotts Army.
3. When you have received him, as aforesaid, you are to signify the same to both Houses of Parliament.
4. You are to take care, that the King's Person be, with convenient Speed, conducted in Safety to Holdenby House, according to the Vote of both Houses of the First of this Instant January: And, for that Purpose, you are to give Direction to Major General Skippon to furnish you with such Horse and Dragoons, of those under this Command, for the same Convoy, as you shall think fit: Who is hereby required to appoint the same Convoy accordingly: Which Convoy are, from time to time, to obey your Orders for that Service: And, if you find it necessary to have a greater Convoy than may be spared from those Parts, then you are to send to Sir Thomas Fairefax for such Addition of Force as shall be necessary.
5. After you have received the Person of the King, you are to take care, that no Person that has been in Arms, or assisted in this unnatural War, against the Parliament, nor any other but such as you shall think fit and allow of, may come, or deliver, or send unto him, any Letters or Messages.
6. When you are come to Holdenby you are to give Notice thereof to both Houses, and receive their further Order; until which time such Horse and Dragoons as you shall think fit are to remain with you, and observe your Orders.
Your shall return to both Houses of Parliament the Names of such Attendants as you shall appoint to come along with the King; and also of such as you shall permit to speak with him, or to deliver, or to send any Letters or Messages unto him.
Resolved, &c. That the Lords Concurrence be desired in these Instructions.
Ordered, &c. That it be referred to the Members of this House, that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms, to prepare Letters, to be sent to the General Sir Thomas Fairefaxe, and to Major General Skippon, in relation to the Instructions appointed for the Committee that are to go to Newcastle to receive the Person of the King.
House to meet.
Ordered, upon the Question, That the House do meet again this Afternoon at Two of Clock.
Post meridiem.
Grant to Howard, &c.
UPON the humble Petition of Wm. Howard and Wm. Gray, Gallery Keepers at Margarett's, Westminster;
It is Ordered, &c. That the Sum of Twenty Pounds be paid by the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall unto the said Wm. Howard, and William Gray, according to such Distribution and Proportion as shall be appointed by Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Bell, Members of this House: And that the Acquittances of the said Wm. Howard and Wm. Gray shall be a good Discharge unto the said Committee and Treasurers there, for the Payment of the said Twenty Pounds, according to the Appointment and Distribution aforesaid.
Sheriff of Wiltes.
An Ordinance for granting Leave to Sir Anthony Ashly Cooper to repair to London, or elsewhere, out of the County of Wiltes, about his necessary Occasions, notwithstanding his being Sheriff of the said County, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.
Ld. Howard.
The humble Petition of Edward Lord Howard, of Escrick, was this Day read; and was for the granting to him a Debt due by him to Mr. George Mynn, a Delinquent; and that Mr. Mynne may be required to deliver up to the said Earl the Writings and Conveyances, whereby the said Earl's Estate is mortgaged; and that Mr. Mynn might release his Interest therein; and nothing was done upon it.
Earl of Rutland's, &c. Accompts.
Ordered, &c. That it be referred to the Committee of Accompts to state the Accompts of John Earl of Rutland, Sir Wm. Armyn, Sir Henry Vane junior, Knight, Francis Pierepoint, Thomas Hatcher, Henry Darley, Robert Goodwyn, Richard Barwis, Bryan Stapleton, and Robert Fenwicke, Esquires, Mr. John Kendrick Alderman, and Mr. Francis Allen, employed as Commissioners from both Houses into the North, according to additional Instructions given them the Ninth of March 1643; and to make a speedy Return thereof to this House.
Report to be made.
Ordered, &c. That Mr. Sandys do make the Report, concerning the Members, the first Business To-morrow Morning: And that no other Business do then intervene.
Receiving the King from Scotts Army.
Resolved, &c. That the Committee, to be appointed by both Houses to go to Newcastle to receive the Person of the King, shall consist of Members of both Houses.
The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.
Sir Wm. Lewes carried to the Lords, for their Concurrence, the Vote, for a Committee to be appointed by both Houses to go to Newcastle, to receive the Person of the King; the Vote, That this Committee shall consist of Members of both Houses; and Instructions for the Committee to be employed in this Service: And was to desire the Lords to sit a while, in regard this House hath something of Importance to impart unto them.
Letters to Scotch Commissioners, &c.
There were Two Letters prepared by the Committee, to be sent; one to the Committee or Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland at Newcastle; the other to the Earl of Leven: To which were read; and, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.
Mr. Grimston is appointed to carry them to the Lords.
The Question being put, For Candles to be now brought in;
It passed with the Affirmative.
Great Seal.
Mr. Samuell Browne reports, That the Committee of both Houses, who are appointed to consider of the Disposal of the Great Seal of England, had agreed, That Three were a sufficient Number to have the Custody of the Seal; That those Three should not be Members of either House; and, That they should continue Commissioners for a Year.
Stephens' Protection.
Ordered, &c. That Sir Richard Onslowe do bring in the Protection, informed of to be given to Mr. Wm. Stephens, a Member of this House, by the King, on Monday Morning next.
Winchester Castle.
Ordered, &c. That Winchester Castle be forthwith disgarisoned, according to the former Order; and delivered over or left to the Disposal of Sir Wm. Waller, the Owner thereof.
Receiving the King from Scotts Army.
Sir Wm. Lewes brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Votes and Instructions for the Committee, that are to go to Newcastle to receive the Person of the King.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leech and Mr. Page;
The Lords have commanded us to acquaint you, That, in Prosecution of the Vote which you lately sent unto them, they have appointed Three of their Lordships to go to Newcastle to receive the King.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth nominate and appoint these Members following, viz. Sir John Holland, Sir Wm. Armyn, Sir Walter Earle, Sir John Coke, Mr. John Crew, and Major General Richard Browne, to be of the Committee, to join with a proportionable Number of the Lords, to go to Newcastle, to receive the Person of the King from the Scotts Army, according to the Vote of both Houses.
Answer returned by the same Messegers;
The House hath considered your Message; and have appointed a proportionable Number of this House, to join with a Committee of the Lords, to go to Newcastle to receive the King, as is desired.
Message from Lords.
A Message from the Lords, by Dr. Aylett and Dr. Heath;
The Lords have commanded us to bring you these Two Letters, from the Earl of Leven and the Scotts Commissioners; with the Lords Sense upon them: To return you these Instructions for Slighting of Berwick and Carlisle; which the Lords agree to, with these Alterations; to which they desire your Concurrence: An Ordinance concerning Haberdashers Hall; to which they desire your Concurrence: An Ordinance for the Committee of Lords and Commons for Sequestrations; to which they desire your Concurrence.
They have commanded us to put you in mind of the Business concerning Wm. Johnson and Isaak Knight; of Mr. Bedford to be Auditor of Christ Church; and of settling the Jurisdiction of the Admiralty, how far it shall extend.
The Lords Sense upon the Letter from General Leven, and the Letter from the Scotts Commissioners, was read.
And it is thereupon Resolved, &c. That this House will send Answer by Messengers of their own.
Barwicke and Carlisle.
The Lords Alterations to the Instructions concerning the Slighting of Barwicke and Carlisle, were read; and, upon the Question, assented unto.
Haberdashers Hall.
The Ordinance concerning Haberdashers Hall, sent from the Lords, was read the First time.
Johnson's &c. Claims.
Ordered, &c. That the Committee of the Navy do take effectual Order, That the Sum of Three hundred Thirty six Pounds Fourteen Shillings and Six-pence, due to Mr. Johnson and Isaack Knight, of Rotterdam, Merchants, be forth with paid unto them, in Discharge of several Sums of Money disbursed by them for the Service of the State: And that the Acquittance of the said Wm. Johnson, or Isaacke Knight, together with this Order, shall be a good Discharge for the Payment thereof accordingly.
Letters to Scotch Commissioners, &c.
Mr. Grimston brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Two Letters, to be sent from both Houses to the General of the Scotts Army; and to the Committee or Commissioners of Scotland, that shall be at Newcastle.
Ordered, &c. That Mr. Speaker do sign these Letters, to be sent from both Houses to the General of the Scotts Army, and the Committee or Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland, at Newcastle.
Ordered, &c. That Sir Peter Killegrew do carry these Letters to the Scotts General, and the Committee or Commissioners of Scotland, at Newcastle; together with the former Message, appointed to be carried by him to the King.
The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.
Mr. Kinge.
Ordered, &c. That the Report concerning Mr. Kinge, Auditor of Christ Church, be reported on Saturday Morning next.
Answer to Lords.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House hath considered their Lordships Message; and, as to the Alterations to the Instructions for the Commissioners, that are appointed to see the Fortisications of Barwicke and Carlisle slighted, they do agree: To the rest, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.