Diary: 1554 (July - Dec)

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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'Diary: 1554 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp66-79 [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Diary: 1554 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp66-79.

"Diary: 1554 (July - Dec)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp66-79.

1554 (July - Dec)

The vj day of Julij was a goodly sermon [by] on of the prebendares of Powlles; and ther was a nuw skaffold mayd ther for the mayd that spake in the wall and wystelyd in Althergat stret; and she sayd openly that yt was on John Drakes ser Antony Knevett servand; and she whept petefully, and she knelyd and askyd God mercy, and the quen; and bad all pepull be ware of false thechyng (fn. 1), for she sayd that she shuld have many goodly thynges gyffyn her (fn. 2) . . . . .

The xxj day of July by x of the cloke [was proclaimed] thrug London that the prynche of Spayne was [arrived at Southampton] and that evere pere and lord and lade shuld [resort] unto her grace['s] cete of Wynchester with all spede to her graceus weddyng.

The sam after non commondyd by my lord mayre that hevere man shuld make bone-fyres in evere strett, so ther was mony plases had tabuls and [ . . . (fn. 3) ] tyll x at nyght, and ryngyng and plahyng.

The xxiij day of July wher commondyd that evere . . shuld goo a prossessyon and to syng Te Deum laudamus in evere parryche in London, and ryngyng of the belles.

The xxix day of July dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Harpfeld and he dyd pray in ys bedes for the kyng and the quen Phelipe and Mare by the grace of God kyng and quene of England, Franse, Napuls, Jerusalem, Ierland, deffendors of the fayth, prynces of Spayne and Sycylye, archedukes of Austryche, dukes of Mylayne, Burgundye, and Brabant; contes of Haspurge, Flandurs, and Tyrole; whyt thes stylle (fn. 4) as ys a-ffor.

The xxx day of July was bered at Grenwyche ser Robart Whentworth knyght, with armes and dyvers mornares.

The vj day of September wher creatyd ser Antony Browne creatyd vyconte lord Montyguw.

[The j day of August the King and Queen were proclaimed in London, by the titles as above,] dukes of Melayne, Burgundye and Brabant, contes of Haspurge, Flandurs and Tyrole.

The . . . day of August (fn. 5) was bered master Lambard, altheman and draper, with mony mornars, and they bare stayff torchys, had mantyll fryresse (fn. 6) gownes, and the armes of ys craft and the armes (of) the marchant adventorers. (fn. 7)

The vij day of August was bered the wyff of master Lambard alderman and draper, with-in the monyth of the sam, with torchys and tapurs.

The viij day of August was bered the jen[tle] master Austyne Hynd altherman, the wych hyt [had] plesyd Almyghty God that he had levyd tyll myghe[lmas,] he shuld had byne the nuw mayre of thys no[ble] cete of London; with a standard and a cote of armur and iiij penons of armes and a C. iiijxx. of mantyll frysse gownes for men and women, and the women havyng raylles, with xxiiij torchys, and ij fayre whyt branchys, and mony mornares, and the compenye of the Clarkes, and with vj dosen of schochyons of ys armes, and a C. of blake gownes, and a-boyffe (fn. 8) the nombur, and after a gret dener.

The vij day of September was bered in sant Bothulff with-owt Bysshope-gate chyrche, good master James Suttun sqwyre, and clarke of the gren cloth unto kyng Henry the viijth. and unto kyng Edward the vjth. and unto quen Mare, and so buried (fn. 9) with a cot armur, and a penon of armes, and ij dosen of schochyons, and ij whyt branchys and xij stayff torchys, and mony mornars, and the compene of the Clarkes; and vj of ys servantes bare hym in blake cotes, and ther dyd pryche master doctur Smyth at ys masse.

[The same day was the funeral of sir Harry Huncotes knight, alderman, and fishmonger. (fn. 10) ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pore men and women of . . . . mantyll frysse . . . . . Fyssmongers halle hangyd with blake and with armes; [then] came the standard and then mornares; and then [came] ys armes, and then a harold bayryng ys cot armur . . . master Clarenshws the kyng at armes in ys ryche cote; then cam the corsse, and a-bowtt the corsse iiij mo penons, and a-bott xxiiij torchys bornyng, and ij goodly whytt branchys, . . . . and cam mornars the sward-berrer, my lord mayre, and [the alder] men mornars, and the resedue of them in vyolett, and then . . . . . boyth men and women; and so to the chyrche, and then on ha . . . . prahynge for ys solle, and then began the durge and . . pepull whent to the halle to drynke boyth spysse (fn. 11) and wyn; and the morow mass of requiem; and after they offered furst ys cot armur, and after cam the harold and . . . offered ys target; and after ij offered ys sword; and after ij morn[ers] ys elmet with the crest; and then the mayre offered, and the altherman, and the mornars, and the craft; and, all done, master doctur Smyth dyd pryche; and when masse was don then offered the standard and the v penonsse of armes; and after to the Fyssmongars hall to dener; and my lord mayre and the althermen and all the mornars; [and] ther was a grett dener as youe have sene now a [days].

The xiiij day of September was iij sett in the pelere for playhyng with falsse dysse and deseyffeng honest men in playng; and the same day was ij wypyd a-bowt London, [after] a care-hars, (fn. 12) for lotheryng, (fn. 13) and as wacabondes wher they taken.

The xvij day of September was a proclamasyon that all vacabonds and lotherus, (fn. 14) boyth Englys men and all maner of strangers, that have no master, shuld avoyd the cete and the subarbes a-pon gret payn.

The xx day of September was ij men dran of ij hyrdles unto Tyburne and un-to hangyng, the ij for qwynnyng (fn. 15) of noythy (fn. 16) money, and deseyvyng of the quen('s) subjects; the one dwelt in London sum tym.

Item the (blank) day of October was a woman sett on the pelere for sedyssyous wordes.
. . . . . . . .

. . . . . and alle to evere body that wold cum . . . . . money a-way for lake of pepull.

The xxiij day of September dyd pryche doctur Rud at Powlles crosse, and he recantyd and repentyd that he ever was mared, (fn. 17) and sayd openly that he cold not mare by God's law.

The xxvj day of September wher ij yonge men sett on the pelere, and ther ere nayled for spykyng sedyssyous wordes and malessyous wordes aganst the commonwelth.

The xxvij day of September wher iiij hangyd, on was a Spaneard, at Tyburne: ij wher goodly felows.

The xxviij day of September the Kyng and the Quen removyd from Hamtun court unto Westmynster tho her grace('s) plasse.

The xxx day of September dyd pryche at Powlles crosse my lord Chansseler the bysshope of Wynchester, and he mad a goodly sermon; and ther wher as grett a audyensse as ever I saw in my lyff.

The ij day October whent from Westmynster xx carres with veges (fn. 18) of gold and sylver to the Towre to be quennyd. (fn. 19)

The iiij day of October was the monyth myn (fn. 20) at Waltham Abbay of master James Suttun sqwyre, and clarke of the grencloth; and ther was a sarmon, and a dolle of money unto evere howsse that ned the charete, and after a grett dener.

The ij day of October was bered the nobull duke of Norffok at a plasse callyd Fremyngham (fn. 21) chyrche; and ther was a goodly hersse of wax as I have sene in thes days, with a dosen of banerrolles of ys progene, (fn. 22) and xij dosen penselles, xij dosen of kochyons, and with standard, and iij cotes of armes, and a baner of damaske, and iiij banars of emages, and mony mornars, and a gret dolle, and after gret dener. [For the furnishing of which dinner were killed forty great oxen and a hundred sheep, and sixty calves, besides venison, swans, and cranes, capons, rabbits, pigeons, pikes, and other provisions both flesh and fish. There was also great plenty of wine; and of bread and beer as great plenty as ever had been known, both for] ryche and pore: all the co[untry came thither; and] a grett dolle of money ther wher [bestowed upon the poorer sort;] for he was cared from (unfinished).

The v day of October was the obsequy of the duke of Northfoke at sant Mare Overes; a hers mad with tymber, and hangyd with blake, and with ys armes, and iiij goodly candlestyks gyldyd, and iiij grett tapurs, and with ys armes, and alle the qwyre hangyd with blake and armes; and durge and masse on the morowe. And my lord chanseler cheffe morner, and next master [controller,] and master Gorge Haward; at the durge my lord Montyguw, my lord admerell, and my lord Brugys, and divers others; and a xl in gownes and cotes in blake; and after to my lord['s place], and gret ryngyng ij days.

The vij day of October was the monyth myn[d of] ser Hare Huncotes knyght, late mayre and altherman, and Fyssmonger of London, and ther ys hersse bornyd . . . . . durge, and the morow-mas the furst (fn. 23) masse of the tr[inity], and with a harold, and after the masse of requiem; and doctur Smyth dyd pryche, the reder of Oxford, and after [a great] dener; and he gayff muche money to evere w[ard] in London and he has fondyd ij prestes to syng, on in London and th'odur in Lynckolneshyre, wher he was borne: thys shall be for ever.

The vi day of October was bered at Westmynster a grett man a Spaneard, with syngyng, boyth Englys and Spaneards, with a hand-belle, a-for ryngyng, and ever[y] Spaneard havyng gren torchys, and gren tapurs to the nombur of a C. bornyng, and ther bered in the Abbay.

The ix of October was bered master Gorge Medley merser, and lat Chamburlayn of this cete of London, with ij whyt branchys and xij pore men with xij stayffes torchys, and xij gomes, (fn. 24) and dyvers men and women in blake gownes; and ys armes a-pone ys body, and the compene of the Clarkes, and of the Marsars; and when alle was don, they whent hom to drynke; and the morow after the masse of requiem; and ther dyd pryche doctur Smyth; and after hom to dener.
. . . . . . .

The x day of October was bered the good lord De la Warr in Sussex, with standard, banar of armes, banar-roll, [coat] armur, targat, sword, elmet, with harolds of armes; then cam the corsse with iiij baners borne abowt hym. [He] was the best howssekeper in Sussex in thes days, and the mone (fn. 25) (was greater) for ym, for he ded withowt essue; and ther wher mony morners in blake; and ther wher a goodly hersse of wax and pensels, and viij dosen skochyons; and ther was a grett dolle of money, and met (fn. 26) and drynke as was (ever known in) that contrey.

The xij day of October ther was on of the pelere for spykyng of sedyssyous wordes, a colyar, (fn. 27) iij tymes.

The xiiij day of October dyd pryche in the shruds (fn. 28) the good bysshope of Durram, Donstall, that was Sonday.

The xj day of October was the obsequy of (blank) a Spaneard at Westmynster; ther wase a praty herse after the fassyon of Spayn, with blake, and a goodly masse of requiem; and the chapell that he was bered in was hong with blake; and ys harmes (fn. 29) mony, with a baner of armes and cote of armes, alle in gold, and target and elmett and mony skochyon, and a fere (fn. 30) hers-clothe of blake, and a crosse of cremesun velvet, done (fn. 31) to the ground—the ij yer of quen Mare.

The xv day of October was kyllyd with-owt Tempall bare almost at stren (fn. 32) a servand of ser Gorge Gyfford, shamfully slayne by a Spaneard, a-bowt iiij of the (clock) at after-non.

The xvj day of October cam rydyng owt of Northfoke on John Day prynter and ys servand, and a prest, and an-odur prynter, for pryntyng of noythy (fn. 33) bokes, to the Towre.

[The xviij day of October king Philip came down on horseback from Westminster unto Paul's, with many lords, being received under a canopy, at the west end: and the lord Montagu bare the sword afore the king. There he heard mass, and] Spaneards song mase; and after masse [he went back to] Westmynster to dener.

The xxj day of October ded (fn. 34) the yerle of Warwyke, the eldest sune of the duke of Northumberland that was heddyd, (fn. 35) at ser [Henry] Sydnay plasse at Penthurst at mydnyght he ded.

The xxiiij day of October was bered . . . Rechard Townlay in sant Austyn parryche syd Powlles with xvj torchys and iiij grett [tapers], and ij whyt branchys, with a harold of armes, with a standard, a penons of armes, cote, helmet, target, sword, the crest a hauke w . . ., and vj dosen of skochyons, and prestes and clarkes; a C. of the in(ns) of the cort cam to the berehyng, and the morow masse, and a sermon.

The xxvj day of October was hangyd at Charynge-crosse a Spaneard that kyld a servant of ser Gorge Gefford, the wyche was slayne with-owt Tempull-bare.

The xxix day of October the nuw lord mayre of London, mas ter Lyons groser, toke ys hoathe at Westmynster; and alle the craftes of London in ther barges, and with stremars; and ther was a grett penoys decked with ij topes and stremars and . . . . gones and drumes and trumpetes, rohyng to Westmynster up and don; and when thay cam hom thay landyd at Powlles warff, and ther mett the mayr lx in rosett gownes and with targetts and gyffelyns (fn. 36) and blue hattes; and then a goodly pagant, a gryffen with a chyld lyung in harnes, and sant John Baptyst with a lyon, and ij vodys (fn. 37) and a dulle (fn. 38) with squybes bornyng, and trumpetes blohyng, and drum(s) and flute(s), and then the bachelers with cremesun damaske hedes, (fn. 39) and then trumpeters, and the wettes (fn. 40) of the cete; and so to yeld-hall to dener, for ther dynyd my lord chanseler and all the nobuls, and the Spaneardes, and the juges and lernyd men.

[The same day sir Thomas Audley, a famous captain, was buried in saint Mary Overy's. There attended his funeral the lord Gray, lord Fitzwalter, and divers other] captaynes and knyghtes and gentyllmen [to the number of] lx. be-syd odur.

The furst day of Novembar was [carried] by the gard into Nuwgatt serten men.

The ij day of November was bered at sant Peters in chepe on master Pekeryng with ij fayre whyt branchys and viij torchys, iiij grett tapurs, and he gayffe unto xij [pore men] xij gownes that dyd bere them, and eldyd th . . . . dyvers mornars, and the felowshype of the . . . . and the morow the masse of requiem.

The iiij day of November dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Harpfeld; and ther wher v dyd penance with shetts (fn. 41) a-bowt them, and tapurs and rods in ther handes, and the prycher dyd stryke them with a rod, and ther dyd they stand tyll the sermon was all done; and then the sumner toke the shets and the rods, and they whent into Powlles a-gayn, and so up the syd of the quer; on prest, (fn. 42) ys nam ys ser Thomas Lawes, odur wysse callyd ser Thomas Gryffyn, sum tyme a chanon at Eyssyng spyttyll; iiij of them wher relegyous men, and the feyth (fn. 43) was a temporall man that had ij wyeffes.

The iiij day of November be-gane a grett fray at Charyng crosse at viij of the cloke at nyght be-twyn the Spaneardes and Englysmen, the wyche thrugh wysdom ther wher but a fuwe hort, and after the next day thay wher serten taken that be-gane yt; on was a blake-mor, and was brought a-for the hed offesers by the knyght-marshall('s) servandes.

[The vj day of November the earl of Shrewsbury came riding to London with vjxx horse, and of gentlemen in velvet caps thirty, to his place in Coleherber in Thames-street.]

The vij day of November was ij men sett in the pelere in ther fordgownes; (fn. 44) on had the wry [ting over] ys hed for falshood (fn. 45) and wylfull perjury; and th'odur for subtyll falshod (fn. 45) and crafty desseytt.

The ix day of November cam rydyng to London the yerle of Penbroke with ij C. horsse, and in velvet cottes and cheynes, the cotes with iij lasses of gold, and lx reseduw in bluw cotes gardyd with velvet, and badge a gren dragon, to the parlement.

The xj day of November dyd pryche master Pendylltun at Powlles crosse and mad a good sermon.

The xij day of November the Kyng and the Quen rod unto Westmynster chyrche to the masse of the Holy-gost, and after masse to the parlement-howsse; and all the bysshopes and the lordes in ther parlement robes, with trompeters blohyng, and all the harolds in ther cote armurs, and the juges in ther robes; the yerle of Penbroke bare the kyng('s) sword, and the yerle of Comberland bare the quen('s) sword, and the yerle of Shrowsbery bare the kyng('s) cape (fn. 46) of mantenance, and the yerle of Arundell bare the quen('s) cape of mantenance; and a-for them rod to-gether my lord chansheler and my lord tressorer in ther parlement robes.

The xiij day of November was commondyd by the bysshope of London to all clarkes in the dyoses of London for to have sant Necolas and to go a-brod, as mony as wold have ytt.

[The xiiij day of November, saint Erconwald's day, it was commanded that every priest in the diocess . . . . . . .]

The (blank) day of November cam to the Fleet [Barlow (fn. 47) ] sumtyme bysshope of (Bath and Wells), and master Kardmaker parsun of sant Brydes in Fletstret was the. . . . . thay wher gohyng over see lyke marchands.

The xviij day of November dyd pryche at Powlles crosse the nuw bysshope of Lynckolne, doctur White, late the warden of Wynchaster.

The sam day was consecratyd nuw [bishops], on (fn. 48) bysshope of Brystow, and a-nodur (fn. 49) byshope of Lycheffeld and Coventre.

The xix day of November was bered at sant Martens at Charyng-crosse with ij crosses a gentyllman a Spaneard, and a iiijxx torchys and tapurs in ther handes, and with syngyng to the cherche, and the morowe-masse boythe Spaneards and Englysmen syngyng.

The sam day whent to met my lord cardenall Polle in Kent my lord of Elly, with odur—doctur Thurlbe bysshope of Elly.

The xxiij day of November was a man and a woman stode on the pelere for tellyng of falsse lyes thatt kyng Edward the vjth was a-lyffe.

The xxiiij day the sam man (and) woman was sett on the pelere a-gayne that dyd say that kyng Edward was a-lyffe, and for odur thynges.

[The same day cardinal Pole came from Gravesend by water, with the earl of Shrewsbury, the lord Montagu, the bishops of Durham and Ely, the lord Paget, sir Edward Hastings, the lord Cobham, and diverse] knyghts and gentyllmen, in barges, and thay all [did shoot the] bryge be-twyn xij and on of the cloke, and a-g[ainst] the steleard (fn. 50) of Temes my lord chanseler mett [them in his] barge, and my lord of Shrousbury [had his] barge with the [talbot, all] ys men in bluw cotes, red-hosse, skarlett capes, [and white] fethers; and so to the cort gatt, and ther the Kyng('s) grace [met him] and inbrasyd hym, and so lad ym thrughe the kyng('s) hall;] and he had borne a-for hym a sylver crosse, and [he was arrayed in] a skarlet gowne and a sqware skarlett cape; and my lord [North] bare the swarde a-for the Kyng; and so they whent up unto the Quens chambur, and ther her grace salutyd hym; and after he toke ys leyffe, and toke ys barge to ys plase at Lambeth, that was the bysshope of Cantorberys, Crenmer, and so to dener.

The xxv day of November dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Fecknam, den of Powlles, and a godly sermon.

The sam day, the wyche was Sonday, at after-non, the Kyngs grace and my lord Fuwater (fn. 51) and dyvers Spaneards dyd ryd in dyvers colars, the Kyng in red, and som [in] yellow, sum in gren, sum in whyt, sum in bluw, and with targets and canes in ther hand, herlyng of rods on at a-nodur, (fn. 52) and thrumpets in the sam colars, and drumes mad of ketylles, and banars in the sam colars.

The xxvij day of November was the obsequy of sir Hugh Ryche knyght, the sune and here to the lord Ryche, and knyght of the Bathe mad by quen Mare the Furst, in Essex, with a standard, a penon of armes, and a cot armur, elmet, targat, sword, skochyons, and torchys.

The xxvij of November the Kynge and the lordes of the parlement satt with-in the court, and ther my lord cardenall dyd make a orayson to the Kyng and the lords of the parlement what . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . thankes unto God of the Quen('s) grace qwyckenyng.

The xxix day of November was commondyd by the byshope of London, thrughe ys dyosesse, that thay shuld say the masse of the Holy-gost (with) prossessyon, and to syng Te Deum, and ryng yng, [and to] pray to God to gyffe hym thankes of owr [gracious] quen of her qwyckenyng with chyld, and to pray.

The xxx day of November the Kyng('s) grace and ys [lords] rod to Westmynster abbay to masse, for the Spaneards [sung], and ther mett ym at the cort gate a C. He-Alman (fn. 53) in hosse and dobeletes of whyt and red, and yelow welvet cotes [trimmed], with yelow sarsenet, and yelow velvet capes and fethers . . . coler, and drumes and flutes in the sam coler, and with gylt [halbards], and C. in yolow hosse, dobelets of welvett, and jerkens of [leather] gardyd with cremesun velvett and whyt, fether yelow and red; and thos be Spaneards; and a C. in yelow gownes of velvett with (blank) And the sam nyght my lord cardenall cam to the courte, and whent to the chapell with the Kyng, and ther Te Deum songe.

The furst day of Desember was bered in Powlles chyrche-yerd Recherd Wethers penter, (fn. 54) the wyche he ded with-in Ludgat as a presoner, and he was a proper man and a conyng man as any ys now.

The ij day of Desember dyd com to Powlles all prestes and clarkes with ther copes and crosses, and all the craftes in ther leverey, and my lorde mayre and the althermen, agaynst my lord cardenall('s) commyng; and at the bysshopes of London plase my lord chansseler and alle the bysshopes tarehyng for my lord cardenall commyng, that was at ix of the cloke, for he landyd at Beynard Castell; and ther my lord mayre reseyvyd hym, and browgth ym to the Powllse, and so my lord chanseler and my lord cardenall and all the byshopes whent up in-to the quer with ther meyturs; (fn. 55) and at x of the cloke the Kyng('s) grace cam to Powlles to her mase with iiij C. of gaard, on C. Englys, on C. HeAlmen, on C. Spaneards, on C. of Swechenars, (fn. 56) and mony lords and knyghtes, and hard masse. Boyth the quen('s) chapell and the kynges and Powlles qwer song.

[The v day of December, the which was saint Nicholas' eve, at evensong time, came a commandment that saint Nicholas should not go abroad, nor about. But, notwithstanding, there went about these saint Nicholases in divers parishes, as st. Andrew's, Holborn, and st.] Nicolas Olyffe in Bredstret.

The viij day of Desember, the wyche was the Conceptyon of owre blessed lady the Vyrgyn, was a goodly prossessyon at the Save (fn. 57) be the Spaneards, the prest carehyng the sacrement ryally be-twyne ys hands, and on deacon carehyng a senser sensyng, and anodur the ale-water stoke, (fn. 58) and a nombur of frers and prestes syngyng, [and every] man and woman, and knyghts and gentylmen, bayryng a gren tapur (fn. 59) bornyng, and viij trumpeters blohyng; and when they had don plahyng, and then begane the sagbottes plahyng; and when they had don theyr was on that cared ij drumes on ys bake, and on cam after playng; and, so don, they whent a-bowt the Sawve (fn. 60) with-in; and a wyll (fn. 61) after playing a-gayn, and so cam in syngyng, and so after they whent to masse, wher the bedes w . . (unfinished).

The ix day of Desember dyd pryche at Powlles crosse doctur Borne, bysshope of Bathe, and prayd for the pope of Rome (Julius) the thurde, and for alle the solles of purgatory.

The sam day at after-non was a bere-beytyn (fn. 62) on the Banke syde, and ther the grett blynd bere broke losse, and in ronnyng away he chakt (fn. 63) a servyng man by the calff of the lege, and bytt a gret pesse away, and after by the hokyll-bone, that with-in iij days after he ded.

The xij day of Desember dyd ryd in a car a-bowt London for baldre one Kay wyffe dwellyng be-syd sant Mare Spytyll at the corner.

The xiiij day of Desember was sant Donstones in (the) est chyrche and chyrche-yerde halowyd by a sofferacan, (fn. 64) the wyche was sospendyd one owr Lade day, the Consepsyon, by a man of the parryche.
. . . . . . .

The xvj day of Desember dyd pryche at Powlles crosse doctur Cottes the bysshope of West Chastur, and h[is] sermon of the blessyd sacrement of the auter . . . . owt dyvers actours (fn. 65) of the sacrement of dyvers . . . .

The xviij day of Desember was a grett tryhumph at the court gatte, by the Kyng and dyvers lordes boyth English-men and Spaneards, the wyche the Kyng and his compene [were] in goodly harnes, and a-pon ther armes goodly jerkyns of bluw velvett, and hosse in-brodered with sylver and bluw sarsenett; and so thay rane on fott with spayrers (fn. 66) and swerds at the tornay, and with dromes and flutes in whyt velvet [drawn] owt with blu sarsenett, and ther wher x aganst [the King] and ys compene, the wher xviij in odur colers.

The xxvj day of Desember cam by water from . . . the prynche of Pymon (fn. 67) with my lord of preve-sale and my lord Montycute, and shut the bryge, (fn. 68) and cam unto (unfinished).

The last day of Desember was bered at Margatt (fn. 69) at Westmynster a Spaneard, a lord, and bered with baner, cott, targett, and skochyons, and with grett lyght, and elmet, and the mantyll, and mony torche lyght.


  • 1. teaching.
  • 2. i. e. had been promised.
  • 3. Plenty of good liquor for all comers. Strype.
  • 4. with this style.
  • 5. This apparently, from the next paragraph, should be July.
  • 6. friese.
  • 7. MS. the ventorers.
  • 8. above.
  • 9. MS. ded.
  • 10. The name to which this funeral belongs, is gathered from the month's mind, Oct. 7.
  • 11. spice.
  • 12. cart-horse.
  • 13. loitering.
  • 14. loiterers.
  • 15. coining.
  • 16. naughty.
  • 17. married.
  • 18. wedges.
  • 19. coined.
  • 20. month's mind.
  • 21. Framlingham.
  • 22. i. e. ancestral descent.
  • 23. MS. ffurt.
  • 24. Sic MS. qu. gownes.
  • 25. moan.
  • 26. meat
  • 27. collier, i.e. a seller of charcoal.
  • 28. The shrouds, or triforium, of St. Paul's cathedral.
  • 29. arms.
  • 30. fair.
  • 31. down.
  • 32. Strand.
  • 33. naughty.
  • 34. died.
  • 35. beheaded.
  • 36. javelins.
  • 37. woods, i. e. wild men.
  • 38. devil.
  • 39. hoods.
  • 40. waists.
  • 41. sheets.
  • 42. one a priest.
  • 43. fifth.
  • 44. furred gowns.
  • 45. MS. falhod.
  • 46. cap.
  • 47. Strype.
  • 48. John Holyman.
  • 49. Ralph Bayne.
  • 50. steel-yard.
  • 51. Fitzwater.
  • 52. Here is this side-note, The Kynges rydyng at Jube de Cane.
  • 53. High Almaines.
  • 54. painter.
  • 55. mitres.
  • 56. Switzers.
  • 57. Savoy.
  • 58. holy-water stock.
  • 59. MS. tapurs.
  • 60. Savoy.
  • 61. while.
  • 62. bear-baiting.
  • 63. caught.
  • 64. suffragan bishop.
  • 65. authors.
  • 66. spears.
  • 67. Piedmont.
  • 68. shot the bridge.
  • 69. St. Margaret's.