Diary: 1554 (Jan - June)

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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'Diary: 1554 (Jan - June)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp50-66 [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Diary: 1554 (Jan - June)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp50-66.

"Diary: 1554 (Jan - June)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp50-66.

1554 (Jan - June)

[The ij day of January the king of Spain's ambassadors landed at Tower wharf. During whose landing there was great shooting of the guns. The lord] Wylliam Haward dyd saff-gard them; and so rod to-gether, and in Fanchyrche stret my lord of Devonshire and dyvers odur mett them, and rod with them unto Durram Plasse, and ther they dyd a-lyght.

The iij day of January my lord mayre and the chamburlayn of London dyd present unto the enbasadurs gyfts of dyvers thyngs, as (blank)

The ix day of January dynyd the enbasadurs of [Spain] and all the quen('s) consell at my lord chansselers the bysshope of Wynchester, for ther was a grett dener as [could] be had.

The x day of January the enbasadurs rod unto Hamtun Courtt, and ther they had grett chere [as] cold be had, and huntyd, and kyllyd tagc and rage with honds and swords.

The xiij day of January ther was a man drane from the Towre thrugh London a-pone a sled unto Tyborne, and ther hangyd, dran, and quartered, for conterffeytyng the quen('s) senett. (fn. 1)

The sam day was had to the Flett doctur Crom, persun of Aldermare, for [preaching on Christmas-day without licenced (fn. 2) ]

The xiiij day of January was had to the Towre master Hadyntun, dwellyng in Bouge-rowe, and all ys goods seysenyd for the quen and in the contrey for proffessyng of serten [heretical doctrines.] (fn. 2)

[The xv day of January, the lord mayor, and the] aldermen whent to Westmynster [to the court, and] my lord chanseler mad a protestacyon [to them, and to] othur pepyll, that the quen('s) grace ys myndyd [to marry] with the prynche of Spayne, and the reme (fn. 3) for to have [great] benefett commyng in to the rayme; (fn. 3) and that he not . . . . . thyngs, (fn. 4) butt her consell of thys reame sh . . . . . .

The xvj day of January was bered master Wylliam, marchand of the stapull of Callys, with mony mornars [at] sant Androus ondershaft, as ser Rowland Hyll, ser Hare (fn. 5) Hubbellthorne, ser Androu Jude, and dyvers aldermen, with . . . . . stayffes torchys, and ij whyt branchys, and a good sermon; . . . . . . powre men and women had good gownes.

The xxij day of January was reynyd at yeld hall the lord Robart Dudlay for tresun, the duke of Northumberland('s) sune, and cast the sam day.

The xxv day of January was bered master Sturley sqwyre, at Rychemond, with cot armur and penon and skochyons of armes, stayffe torchys and ij whyt branchys, and mony mornars.

The xxv day of January was a goodly prosessyon at Powlles with a 1. copes of cloth of gold, with Salve festa dies; yt was sant Powlles day, and ther was a godly masse; and the sam day master Feknam was mad a prebendary at evyngsonge.

The xxvj day of January began wachyng at evere gatt in arness, (fn. 6) for tydyngs cam the sam tym to the quen and her consell that ser Thomas Wyatt, ser George Harper, ser Hare Ysseley, master Cobam, and master Rudston, and master Knevetts, and dyvers odur gentyllmen and commons, wher up, and tha say because the prynche of Spayne commyng in to have owre quen, for they kepe Rochaster castell and the bryge and odur plases.

[The xxvij day of January the city sent into Kent a great number of men in white coats. The captains to command them, and the rest of their forces, were the duke of Norfolk, earl of Ormond, sir George Howard, (fn. 7) and divers others. But many of the guards, and of the white-coats, deserted (fn. 8) ] them, and captaynes cam hom a-gayn. [Wyatt had gotten some of the late king's] ordenanse; and so, after their removyng, cam towards Dartford with ys army towards London.

The xxviij day of January the Quen('s) grace dyd send to master Wyatt [and his company the] master of the horsse and master Cornwales, to know their intentt; and thay send word that they wold have the Quen and the Towre in kepyng, and odur thynges.

The xxix day of January master Wyatt, master Harper, master Rudston, master Knevett, and the commons, commyng [marched to] Blake-heth, and so forward toward London with [a great] army commyng.

The furst day of Feybruary cam nuw tydyngs that all craftes shuld fynd the dobull [number of men]; non butt hossholders unto the bryge and the gattes, and the drae-bryge, and ther lay grett gones; and the bryge was broken done after; and that evere man to make whyt cotes for evere howsse.

The sam day at after-non was a proclamasyon in Chepesyde, Ledyn-hall, and at sant Magnus corner, with harold of armes and on of the quen['s] trumpeters blohyng, and my lord mare, and my lord admerall Haward, and the ij shreyffs, that ser Thomas Wyatt was proclamyd traytur and rebellyous, and all ys fellowes, agaynst the Quen('s) mageste and her consell, and that he wold have the Quen in costody, and the Towre of London in kepyng; and thay convayd unto evere gatt gonnes and the bryge; and so evere gatt with men in harnes nyght and days. And a-bowt iij of the cloke at after-non the Quen('s) grace cam rydyng from Westmynster unto yeld-hall with mony lordes, knyghts and lades, and bysshopes and haroldes of armes, and trompeturs blohynge and all the gard in harnes. [Then she declared, in an oration to the mayor and the city, and to her council, her mind concerning her marriage, that she never intended to marry out of her realm but by her council's consent and advice; and that she would never marry but all her true] sogettes (fn. 9) shall be content, [or else she would live] as her grace has don hederto. [But that her gr]ace wyll call a parlement [as] shortely as [may be, and] as thay shall fynd, and that [the earl of] Penbroke shall be cheyffe capten and generall agaynst ser Thomas Wyatt and ys felous in the [field,] that my lord admerall for to be sosyatt with the [lord mayor] to kepe the cete from all commars therto. [After this] the Quen('s) grace came from yeld-hall and rod to the iij cranes in the vyntre, and toke her barge [to] Westmynster to her own place the sam day.

The iij day of Feybruarii was a proclamacyon that who so ever do take ser Thomas Wyatt, exsept Harper, Ys[seley, and] Rudston, shuld have C. lb. land to ym and ys heirs for ever.

The iij day of Feybruary cam in to Sowthwarke ser Thomas Wyatt and odur captaynes at after-none with ys army; and the morow after thay mayd trenchys in dyvers parts and dyvers placys, with ordenanse.

The vj day of Feybruary was Shroyff-tuwysday in the mornyng master Wyatt and ys compeny retorned bake towhard Kyngton apon Temes, and ther the bridge was pluckyd up, and he causyd on of ys men to swym over for to feytche a bott, (fn. 10) and so whent at nyght toward Kensyngtun, and so forward.

The sam day was ij hangyd apon a jebett in Powles churche yerd; the on a spy of Wyatt, the thodur was under-shreyff of Leseter, for carryng letturs of the duke of Suffoke and odur thinges.

The sam day cam rydyng to the Towre the duke of Soffoke and ys brodur by the yerle of Huntyngton (fn. 11) with iij C. horse.

[The vij day of February, in the forenoon, Wyatt, with his army and ordnance, were at Hyde Park Corner. There the Queen's host met with, with a great number of men at arms on horseback, beside foot. By one of the clock (fn. 12) ] the Quen['s men and Wyatt's had a skirmish;] ther wher mony slayn; butt master Wyatt toke the way don by Sant James with a grett company and so to Charyngcrosse, and so forth, crying 'God save quen Mare!' tyll he cam to Ludgatt and [knocked there; thinking to have entered; but the gate being kept fast against him, he retired,] and bake agayne unto Tempull Bare, and folouyd hym mony man, and ther he yelded unto master Norray the harold of armes in ys cote of armes, and ther he lycted (fn. 13) be-hynd a gentleman unto the cowrte; but by the way mony of them wher slayne by the way or thay cam to Charyng-crosse, what with mores pykes and bylls; and mony of Wyatt('s) men, as they whent, wher the quens fryndes and Englys-men under a fallss pretens that he whent a-bowtt to . . . . . . way as thay whent, and cam for to make men beleyff that the quen('s) grace had gyffvyn them pardon; and dyvers of ys men toke the quen('s) men by the hand as thay whent toward Ludgatt. Thys was done on As-Wedynsday the furst yere of quen Mare of England; and the sam nyght to the Towre ser Thomas Wyatt, master Cobham, and master Vane, and ij Knewetes and odur captaynes.

The viij day of Feybruarij was commondyd by the quene and the bysshope of London that Powlles and evere parryche that thay shuld syng Te Deum Laudamus, and ryngyng for the good vyctory that the quen('s) grace had aganst Wyatt and the rebellyous of Kent, the wyche wher over-come, thankes be unto God, with lytyll blud-shed, and the reseduw taken and had to presun, and after wher dyvers of them putt to deth in dyvers places in Londun and Kent, and prossessyon evere wher that day for joy.

. . . . . .

The xij day of February was mad at evere gate in Lundun a newe payre of galaus and set up, ij payre in Chepesyde, ij payr in Fletstrett, one in Smythfyld, one payre in Holborne, on at Ledyn-hall, one at sant Magnus London [-bridge], on at Peper allay gatt, one at sant Gorgeus, on in Barunsay (fn. 14) strett, on on Towr hylle, one payre at Charyngcrosse, on payre besyd Hyd parke corner.

The xiiij day of Feybruary wher hangyd at evere gatt and plasse : in Chepe-syd vj; Algatt j, quartered; at Leydynhall iij; at Bysshope-gatt on, and quartered; Morgatt one; Crepullgatt one; Aldersgatt on, quartered; Nuwgat on, quartered; Ludgatt on; Belyngat iij hangyd; Sant Magnus iij hangyd; Towre hyll ij. hangyd; Holborne iij hangyd; Flettstret iij hangyd; at Peper alley gat iij; Barunsaystret iij; Sant Gorgus iij; Charyng crosse iiij, on Boyth the fottman, and Vekars of the gard, and ij moo; at Hydparke corner iij, on Polard a waterbeyrar; theys iij hanges in chynes; (fn. 15) and but vij quartered, and ther bodys and heds set a-pon the gattes of London.

The xvj day of Feybruary was mad a grett skaffold in Westmynster hall for the duke of Suffoke.

The xvij day of Feybruary was the duke of Suffoke rayned (fn. 16) at Westmynster halle, and cast for he tresun, and cast to suffer deth.

The xviij day of Feybruary was had in-to Kent serteyn captens, as Bart and xxij mor of the rebellyous, to suffer deth.

The sam day was a proclamasyon in London that all the pre sonars in alle the presuns of the rebellyous of Kent that thai shuld go in-to Sowthwarke, and thay that wher seke (fn. 17) that ther names shuld be browth theder.

[The xxth day of February was arraigned] . . . . . . . lord John Gray, the duke of Suffoke('s) brodur . . . .

The sam day was bered master Gorge Pargeter, Thomas Pargeter('s) sune late mare of London, with mony mornars, and with armes, and mony gownes gyffyn to pore men and vomen, and with stayff (fn. 18) torchus [and] whyt branchys; and in the chyrche wher iiij gylt candellstyks with iiij grett tapurs bornyng and ys armes, and the compeny of the Clarkes.

The sam day was Mans gohyng in-to-Kent, to Canboroke, (fn. 19) and fochyd (fn. 20) a-gayn, and browth to sant Gorgeus cyrche, and ther he was hangyd by iiij of the cloke at nyght, for he was a ryche man.

The xxj day of Feybruary ther was a man rydying a-bowt London, ys ffasse (fn. 21) toward the horsse taylles, a quarter of velle on a-for and a-nodur behynd hym, and a pyge borne be-for hym skaldyd a-pone a . . .

The sam day cam rydyng to the Towre the lord Thomas Gray, the duke of Suffoke('s) brodur, and ser James a Croft knyght, sum tyme depute of Yrland.

The xxij day of Feybruary was reynyd (fn. 22) at Westmynster one (blank) Bowthe, sum tyme of Calles, and cast for tresun.

The sam day alle the Kent men whent to the cowrt with halters a-bowt ther nekes, and bone (fn. 23) with cordes, ij and ij to-gether, through London to Westmynster, and be-twyn the ij tyltes (fn. 24) the powr presonars knelyd downe in the myre, and ther the Quen('s) grace lokyd owt over the gatt and gayff them all pardon, and thay cryd owt 'God save quen Mare!' and so to Westmynster hall, and ther thay cast ther alters a-bowt the hall, and capes, (fn. 25) and in the stretes, and cryd owt 'God save quen Mare!' as thay whent.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the qwen('s) garde att . . . . . . . the man that was kyld was sir John Pr. . . . .

The same tyme and day be-twyne iiij [and v of the] cloke at nyght my lade Elssabeth('s) grase c[ame riding] to London thrught Smythfeld unto West[minster] with a C. welvett cottes a-for her grace. A[nd her] grace rod in a charett opyn of boyth sydes. [And with] her grace rydyng after her a C. in cotes of [scarlet and] fyne red gardyd with velvett, and so thrught Fletstret unto the cowrt thrught the qu[een's] garden, her grace behyng syke. (fn. 26)

The xxiiij day of Marche [read xxiij of February] was heddyd the duke of Suffoke-Dassett (fn. 27) on the Towre hylle, be-twyn ix and x of the cloke a-for none.

The sam day the qwyn('s) grace gaff pardon unto serten of mo (fn. 28) men of Kentt, in Sowthwarke; ther they cryd "God save quen Mare!" and cast ther alters on hed in the stretes and a-bowt, that sum had (fn. 29) iiij or v halters.

The vij day of Marche rod a bocher (fn. 30) rond a-bowt London, ys face toward the horsse taylle, with ha [lf of] a lame (fn. 31) be-fore and a-nodur behynd, and vell and a calff borne a-for hym, a-pon a polle, rawe.

The viij day of Marche cam owt of the Towre of London the archbysshope of Canturbere Crenmer, and bysshope of London was Rydley, and master Lathemer condam, (fn. 32) and so to Brenfford and ther ser John Wylliam reseyvyd them, and so to Oxfford.

The ix day of Marche was reynyd (fn. 33) at Westmynster my lord Thomas Gray, the duke of Suffoke('s) brodur, and cast . . . . . . . . [to lose h]ys hed.

The xj day of Marche was bered ser Wylliam [Goring] knyght in Sussex, with a standard, a penon of armes, [with coat] armur, target, sward, and a helmet; and ther was a h[erse of] wax and viij dosen of penselles and viij dosen of sh[ocheons], ij whyt and branchys of wax, and iiij dosen of stay[ff] torchys, and a harold of armes master Chastur; and he ded (fn. 34). . . . . owe, and cared in-to the contrey by water to Kyngstun, [and] after by land to ys on (fn. 35) contrey.

The xiiij day of Marche was in Aldergat-stret a woy[ce heard] in a walle that dyd spyke unto serten pepull, the wyche . . . . was complenyd unto my lord mayre, and so after yt was [made] knowen by dyvers what ther wher, and after cared unto [prison,] as Nugatt contur (fn. 36) and the Towre.

The xv day of Marche was raynyd at Westmynster ser Thomas Wyatt knyght, the captayn cheyffe [of] Kent, and cast to be hedyd and after quartered and sett up.

The xviij day of Marche was kared (fn. 37) to the Towre of London my lade Elsabeth('s) grace, the quen('s) syster, a-for none.

The xxiiij day of Marche was delevered owt of the Towre and had the quen('s) pardon the lord marques of Northamtun, my lord Cobham, and ij of ys sunes, (fn. 38) and dyvers odur mo.

The xvj day of Marche was deprevyd the archebysshope of Yorke, (fn. 39) and the bysshope of Lynkolne doctur Tayller, and the bysshope of Chester, (fn. 40) the bysshope of sant Davys. (fn. 41)

The xvij day of Marche was deprevyd the bysshope of Harfford (fn. 42) and the bysshope of Glosetur; (fn. 43) commyssyonars that dyd depreyffe them my lord chansseler and my lord of Durram, my lord of Londun, my lord of Chechastur, and my lord of sant Asse.

[The first day of April my lord chancellor did consecrate six new bishops at St. Mary Overy's, before the high altar; and a goodly mass was said. And when all] was done thay yede unto my lord ch[ancellor's,] for ther was as grett a dener as youe ha[ve seen.] Thes be the bysshopes names that wher consecrated, [doctor] Whyt, warden of Wynchastur, the bysshope of Ly[ncoln]; doctur Borne, bysshope of Bathe; doctur Morg[an, bishop] of sant Davys; doctur Brokes, bysshope of Gloss [ter]; doctur Cottes, bysshope of Westtchastur; bysshope of sant Asse (fn. 44) changyd to be bysshope of Arfford (fn. 45); master [Griffith] parsun of sant Magnus bysshope of Rochastur.

The sam day at after-non was bered my lade [Ascough] the wyff of Sir Crystofer Askuw,lat mare of London: [she was] bered in sant John the evangelett paryche, in Watlyngstrett, and the stret and chyrche hangyd with blake and armes, and iiij gylt candyllstykes and iiij grett tapurs and armes, and ij goodly whyt branchys, and xx men in frysse gownes bayring of stayf-torchys, and mony vomen, and then the compeny of the Clarkes; and mony mornars, and then came a herald of armes a-for the corsse in ys cot armur; and then the corsse, with iiij banars of hemages (fn. 46) borne [about] her, and the mornars; and then the craft of the Drapers; and the parrysonars; and so to the durge and the morowe masse. [Master] doctur Smyth dyd pryche; and when all was done, to [dinner.]

The ijday of Aprell began the parlemente, and the Quen('s) grace rod thedur in her robes, and bysshopes and lordes in parlement robes, and ther was a goody (fn. 47) masse of the Holy-gost; and [so] to the parlement howsse.

The viij day of Aprell wher creatyd lordes sir John of Brygys creatyd lord Shandoys; sir John Wyllyams baron of Tame, and lord chamburlayne to the prynche of Spayne; and ser Antony Browne, master of the prynsse of Spayne('s) horsses. And the sam day my lord Wylliam (fn. 48), admerall, and ys captayns, wherin (fn. 49) whyt and gren velvet and saten and taffata and sarsenett, and trumpeters all in gren and whyt, and all the marenars in whyt and gren cloth for shypes. [On the same day somebody unknown hanged a cat on the gallows beside the cross in Cheap, habited in a garment like to that the priest wore that said mass; she had a shaven crown, and in her fore feet held a piece of paper made round, representing the wafer. (fn. 50) ]

The xj day of Aprell was heddyd ser Thomas [Wyatt of Kentt,] the cheyffe captayn of the rebellyous of [Kent, be-] twyn ix and x of the cloke a-for none, on Towre hyll, . . . . after and by xj of the cloke was he quartered on the skaffold, and hys bowelles and ys members burnt be-syd the skaffold; . . . . and so ther was a care (fn. 51) and a baskett, and the iiij quarters and hed was putt in-to a baskett to nuwgat to be parboyled.

The xij day of Aprell was ser Thomas Wyatt sett a-pon the gallaus on Hay-hyll be-syd Hyd Parke; wher dyd hang iij men in chynes a-pon a stake wh . . . . cam to cum to London, and ther the qweyns men and [Wyatt's] men dyd skryssmys, (fn. 52) wher he and ys captayns wher over-cum, thanke be unto God; and on (fn. 53) quarter of ys sett a-pon a jubett on Mylle-end gren, and a-nodur at Nuwyngton be-yonde sant Gorges in Sowthwarke, and [the iij] be-syd sant Thomas of Waterynges, and the iiij quarter at (blank)

The xiij day of Aprell was a proclamasyon was made that what so mever (fn. 54) he wher that cold bryng forth hym that dyd hang the catt on the galaus, he shuld have xx marke for ys labur.

The xvj day of Aprell was sett up in sant Androwes Undershafft for master Kyrtun, alderman of London and marchand tayller of London, and marchand of the stapull of Calles, with a cote armur, iij penons of armes, goodly ons, and sett up over ys tombe.

The xvij day of Aprell was had to Yeld-hall ser Necolaus Frogmortun, ser James a Croft, master Wynter, master Vaghan; and ther Waghan gaff evedens agaynst ser Necolas Frogmortun of tresun, but the qwest dyd qwytt hym.

[The xxj day of April were two men set on the pillory in Cheap, for speaking seditious words and false lies against the queen and her council: And one of] them had hys here (fn. 55) naylyd to the pelory.

The xxiij day of Aprell, was sant Gorge day, her grace whent unto the chapell and whent a prossessyon with all the kynghtes of the garter that was ther pressent [to St.] James in the Feld; ther wher creatyd the sam day knights of the garter, the prynsse of Spayne one, and the yerle of Sussex.

The xxviij day of Aprell was heddyd on (fn. 56) Towre hyll, betwyn ix and x of the cloke a-for none, my lord Thomas Gray, the duke of Suffoke-Dassett (fn. 57) brodur, and bered at Allalow's Barkyng, and the hed (unfinished)

The xxix day of Aprell was raynyd (fn. 58) at Yeldhall ser James a Croft, late depute of Yrland, and cast; and master Wynter whent ther too.

The sam day was bered my lade Dudley lat wyff of barne (fn. 59) of Dudley, in sant Margarett in Westmynster, with iiij baners of emages, and mony gowens, and hon[g with] blake and armes, for my lade was ontt (fn. 60) unto the [duke] of Suffoke-Dassett, the wyche was hedyd latt.

The xxx day of Aprell began the postyll-mas (fn. 61) at Powles at the v of the cloke in the mornyng evere day.

The iij day of May, at the cowrt of sant James, the quen('s) grace whent a prossessyon within sant James with harolds and serjants of armes, and iiij bysshopes mytred, and all iij days thay whent her chapell a-bowt the feldes, first day to sant Gylles and ther song masse; the next day tuwyse-day to sant Martens in the feldes, [and there] a sermon and song masse, and so thay dronke ther; and the iij day to Westmynster, and ther a sermon and then masse, and mad good chere; and after a-bowt the Parke, and so to sant James cowrt ther.

[The same Rogation Week went out of the Tower, on procession, priests and clerks, and the lieutenant with all his waiters; and the ax of the Tower borne in procession: the waits attended. There joined in this procession the inhabitants of] sant Katheryns, Radclyff, Limehouse, Popular, Sthracfford, Sordyche, with all them [that belonged to] the Towre, with ther halbards, a-bowt the feldes of sant Katheryns and the prevelegys.

The day of May was raynyd (fn. 62) at Yeld-hall master Wylliam Thomas, clarke to the consell, and cast to suffer deth, to be dran and quartered.

The (blank) day of May was a proclamasyon that no man shuld not talke of no thynges of the qwen.

The viij day of May war all the craftes warnyd to cum . . . . . . in ther leveray, and they wher commondyd that they shuld (unfinished)

The x day of May was durge at Westmynster and at Powles, with torche lyght; and the morow after and at Westmynster was masse, and ther they dyd offer, mony of the quen('s) consell and dyvers lordes, for the solles of kyng Henry the vijth. and quen Elsabeth, and for kyng Henry the viijth. and qwene Katheryne, and kyng Edward the vjth.

The xiij day of May was the Fyssmongers and sant Peters in Cornhylle prossessyon, with a goodly qwyre of clarkes syngyng, and a iiijxx of prestes wayryng copes of cloth of gold, and so folohyng my lord mayre and the althemen in skarlet; and then the compeny of Fyssmongers in ther leveray, and they and the offesers beyryng whyt rods in ther handes, and so to Powlles, and ther they dyd the oblassyon after old fassyon.

The vj day of May was a goodly evyngsong at Yeldhall colege, by the masters of the Clarkes and ther felowshype of Clarkes, with syngyng and playng as youe have hard.

[The morrow after was a great mass at the same place, by the same fraternity, when every clerk offered a halfpenny. The mass was sung by divers of the queen's chapel and children. And, after mass done, every clerk went their procession two and two together, each having] a surples and a ryche cope, and a garland; [after them] iiijxx standards, stremars, and baners; and evere on (fn. 63) that bare them had a nobe (fn. 64) or elles a surples; and ij and ij together; [then came] the waytes playng, and then be-twyn xxx clarkes, a qwre syngyng Salve fasta dyes; so ther wher iiij qweres. [Then cam] a canepe borne by iiij of the masters of the Clarkes [over the] sacrament, with a xij stayff-torchys bornyng; [up sa]nt Laurans lane, and so to the farther end of Chep, then back a-gayn up Cornhylle, and so to Ledynhalle; and so down to Byshopegatt unto sant Albrowsse (fn. 65) chyrche; and ther they dyd put off ther copes and so to dener evere man, and ther evere on (fn. 66) that bare a stremar had monay, as they wher of bygnes ther.

The xiiij day of May was creatyd my lord Garrett the yerle of Kyldare.

The xv day of May cam Haknay prossessyon to Powlles; and after cam sant Clement('s) prossessyon and the mayre and althermen; and ther wher goodly quersse (fn. 67) syngyng.

The xvj day of May cam to Powlles Eslyngton prossessyon.

The xviij day of May was drane a-pone a sled a proper man namyd Wylliam Thomas from the Towre unto Tyborne; the . . he was clarke to the consell; and he was hangyd, and after ys hed stryken of, and then quartered; and the morow after ys hed was sett on London bryge, and iij quarters set over Crepullgate.

The xx day of May my lade Elsabeth the quen('s) syster cam owt of the Towre, and toke her barge at Towre warfe, and so to Rychemond, and from thens unto Wyndsor, and so to Wodstoke.

The xvj day of May, and the furst yere of quen Mare, was Henry Machun lvj yere old, Anno Domini M. v (fn. 67) liiij.

[The xxiij day of May a certain woman was set on the pillory in Cheapside for speaking lies and seditious words against the queen's majesty.]

The xxiiij day of May was Corpus Christi day, and . . . . ther wher mony goodly pr[oss]essyons in mony parryches . . was yll, for mony had long torchys garnyshyd [in the] old fassyouns, and stayffe torchys bornyng, and mony [canopies] borne a-bowt the strett; and sant Pulcurs parryche went a-bowt ther owne parryche, and in Smythfeld; as they wher goohyng, ther cam a man unto the prest [that bare] the sacrament, and began to pluke ytt owt of ys hand, and contenent (fn. 68) he druw ys dager (blank), and contenent (fn. 68) he was taken and cared to Nuwgate.

The xxv day of May was ij men set on the pelere in Chepe; one ys ere was naylyd for horabull lyes and sedyssyous wordes aganst the quen('s) mageste and her consell; and th'odur was sedyssyous slanderous wordes gaynst the quen('s) mageste and her consell and the mages . . . . .

The xxv day of May, wyche was the sam day, whent owt of the Towre northwarde the yerle of Devonshyre, and cared into Northhamtunshyre to a castyll called (Fotheringay (fn. 69) ) with serten of the gard, and dyvers knyghtes, by iij and iiij of the cloke in the mornyng.

The xxvj day of May was the sam man that had ys her (fn. 70) naylyd a-for, was ys thuder her (fn. 71) naylyd; and a woman sett on the pelere for spykyng of serten words thuchyng (fn. 72) the quens prosedynges and the consell.

The xxvij day of May whent owt of the Towre unto Westmynster hall by land, and cam my lord John Gray, the duke of Suffoke['s] brodur latt beheddyd.

[The xxix day of May the Queen removed from St. James's, passing through the park, and took her barge at Whitehall, and so to] Rychmond, on her progress.

The xxx day of May was ij sett on the pelere, a [man and a woman]; but the woman had here ere nayled to the pelere for spykyng of falles lyes and rumors; the man was for sedyssyous wordes and slanderous wordes.

The xxxj day of May was a marchand-man of . . . slayne by a servyng-man with-in Sant Marten . . . .

The furst day of Junii was the sam woman set on the [pillory, that] her ere was nayled a-ffor, was her thuder (fn. 73) nayled thys sam day for the sam offense.

The iiij day of Junii wasse all the galus (fn. 74) in London plokyd done in all plases.

The sam day the mayre of London and the althermen commanded that a skaffold shuld be mad abowt the crosse, for to be gyldyd agaynst the prynse of Spayne commyng in.

The sam tyme wher granted by the lord mayre and the aldermen and the common consell a xv and a d. for the commonse, payd forth-with-all toward the commyng of the prynsse of Spayne.

The sam tym wher commondyd that ij althermen to wache evere nyght, and j or ij constabulls to wache evere nyght, tyll iij or iiij of the cloke in the mornyng.

The ix day of Juin was the crosse in Chepe covered with canves from the fott to the tope, and endyd, for the pry[nce's coming,] and gyldyd.

The x day of Juin dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master (doctor Pendleton (fn. 75) ); and be-twyn x and a xj of the cloke ther was a gunne shott over the prycher, and yt (fn. 76) the wall, and yt was a pellett of tyne.

. . . . . . .

The xij day of Juin was a gret fray be-twyn the lord Warden('s) servands of Kent and the Ines of . . . Gray('s) inn, Lynkolne('s) inn, and sum slayn and hurt.

The xxiiij day of Juin was a goodly masse kept at sant Edmond in Lumbard-strett for the strangers, and the chyrche hangyd with ryche cloth.

The xxv day of Juin anodur masse kept at the Gray-frers for the sextons of London, and after pressessyons with the whetes (fn. 77) plahyng, and clarkes syngyng, thrug Chepe-syd unto Soper lane, and agayn thrug Powlles chyrche yerd by master denes [place,] and thrug Warwyke lane unto the Gray-frers, and so to dener unto the Kukes (fn. 78) -hall.

The sam day cam to Londun by water the prynche of Pymon (fn. 79) with a grett compeny of Spaneards; sum had crosses, sum red, and sum gren, and sum whyt, and so to (unfinished.'

The xxix day of Juin, the wyche was sant Peter and Powlles day, was a fayre at Westmynster abbay; and ther was a goodly pressessyon, and after masse; and ther the prynse of Pymon and dyvers Spaneards, and hard messe in kyng Henry the vij chapelle.


  • 1. Queen's signet.
  • 2. Strype : blank in the original.
  • 3. realm.
  • 4. "that the said Prince was not to meddle with the public affairs of the State, but the Queen's great Council of the Realm, as before was accustomed." Strype.
  • 5. Harry.
  • 6. harness (i. e. armour).
  • 7. Hayward in Strype, but no doubt Haward in orig.
  • 8. Strype.
  • 9. subjects. The preceding passage supplied by Strype.
  • 10. boat.
  • 11. i. e. conducted by the Earl.
  • 12. Strype.
  • 13. He mounted on horseback : see the Illustrative Notes.
  • 14. Bermondsey.
  • 15. chains.
  • 16. arraigned.
  • 17. sick, i. e. wounded.
  • 18. staff : in MS. tayff.
  • 19. Cranbrook.
  • 20. fetched.
  • 21. face.
  • 22. arraigned.
  • 23. bound.
  • 24. The Tilt-yard.
  • 25. caps.
  • 26. sick.
  • 27. This means, late Marquess of Dorset.
  • 28. certain more.
  • 29. i.e. some of the by-standers caught or picked up so many.
  • 30. butcher.
  • 31. lamb.
  • 32. i. e. quondam (bishop of Worcester).
  • 33. arraigned.
  • 34. died.
  • 35. his own.
  • 36. counter.
  • 37. carried.
  • 38. sons.
  • 39. Robert Holgate.
  • 40. John Bird.
  • 41. Robert Ferrar.
  • 42. John Harley.
  • 43. John Hooper.
  • 44. Robert Warton, alias Parfew.
  • 45. Hereford.
  • 46. images.
  • 47. Sic. MS. for goodly.
  • 48. Howard.
  • 49. wearing.
  • 50. Strype; see afterwards under the 13th April.
  • 51. car.
  • 52. skirmish.
  • 53. one.
  • 54. Sic MS.
  • 55. ear.
  • 56. MS. of.
  • 57. See before, p. 57.
  • 58. arraigned.
  • 59. baron.
  • 60. aunt.
  • 61. apostle-mass.
  • 62. arraigned.
  • 63. every one.
  • 64. an albe.
  • 65. Ethelburga.
  • 66. every one.
  • 67. quires.
  • 68. incontinently.
  • 69. Blank in MS.
  • 70. ear.
  • 71. other ear.
  • 72. touching.
  • 73. other.
  • 74. gallows.
  • 75. Strype; blank in MS.
  • 76. hit.
  • 77. waits.
  • 78. Cooks'
  • 79. Piedmont.