The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.
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'Notes to the diary: 1558', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online [accessed 5 March 2025].
'Notes to the diary: 1558', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 5, 2025,
"Notes to the diary: 1558". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 5 March 2025.
P. 162. Musters in London. On the 6th Jan. the Privy Council sent "a letter to the maior of London that, albeite he was willed to send the vc. men levied in London to Dover, forasmuche as it is sithence considered here that they may with beste speede be brought to the place of service by seas, he is willen to sende them with all speede by hoyes to Queenburgh, where order is given for the receavinge and placing of them in the shippes, to be transported with all speede possible." (MS. Harl. 643, p. 198.)
P. 163. Funeral of lady Powis. Anne widow of Edward lord Grey of Powis, whose death occurred in p. 7. She had remarried Randle Hanworth, esq.; and by the note of his will which Dugdale gives, Baronage, ii. 284, it appears that she desired to be buried either at St. Paul's or Westminster abbey. His interment was not at the parish church of St. Margaret's, Westminster, the register of which I have examined.
Ibid. Funeral of sir Richard Freston. He was interred at Mendham in Suffolk, where his monument remains. (See the Topographer, 1848, vol. ii. p. 239.) Dame Anne his wife, who died shortly before him (see p. 161), was a Coke.
Ibid. Funeral of sir George Gyfford. "Sir George Gyfford knight, son of Roger Gyfford esquyer [who maryed the doughter of Ansehalles, and had issue by her 13 sons and 7 doters, and dysseassed the xxiijth of January 1522], dysseased on St. John's day in December 1557, and his mounthes mynde was kept the xxth of January next foloinge. Sir George Gyfford maryed to his fyrst wyff the doter of Dyke of Sussex and wedoo of Goryng of Sussex; [secondly ?] one of the doters and heyres of John Bardfyld of Sheffeld in the county of Essex; [thirdly?] doughter of Robert Trappes of London goldsmyth, late wyff to Shawe haberdasher of London, [and had issue by the last] Thomas, Prudence, and Lettyce." MS. Harl. 897, f. 23b. where see trickings of the arms and alliances.
P. 164. Funeral of sir Henry Capel. Son and heir of sir Giles Capel, before noticed in p. 350. He had married a sister of the earl of Rutland, and had a numerous family; but, as they all died before him, he was succeeded by his brother Edward.
P. 165. Funeral of Arthur Stourton esquire. Ancestor of the Stourtons of Over Moigne, co. Dorset. See Collins's Peerage and Hutchins's Dorsetshire.
P. 166. Funeral of alderman sir George Barnes. Son of George Barnes, citizen and haberdasher of London; sheriff 1545–6, lord mayor 1552–3. He was buried at St. Bartholomew the Little, as was his widow (see p. 199). "He dwelled in Bartholomew lane, where sir William Capell once dwelled, and now [1605] Mr. Derham. His arms, Argent, on a chevron wavy azure, between three barnacles proper, three trefoils slipped of the first, were taken downe after his death by his sonne sir George Barnes, and these sett upp in stede thereof, Azure, three leopard's heads argent." The second sir George Barnes was also a haberdasher, and lord mayor in 1586–7. "He dwelled in Lombard strete, overagainst the George, in the house which was sir William Chester's, and is buried in St. Edmund's church hard by." He bore the coat of leopard's heads quartered with, Argent, a chevron azure between three blackbirds.
P. 167. Death of lady White. Sir Thomas White, son of William White of Reading; sheriff 1546, lord mayor 1553. The founder of St. John's college, Oxford, and the principal benefactor of Merchant-taylors' school, as well as his native town and many other places. He died at Oxford Feb. 11, 1566, aged 72, and was buried in the chapel of his college. (See further particulars of him in Wilson's Merchant-taylors' School, p. 3.) The present paragraph relates to his first wife, whose parentage is not ascertained, but she was probably nearly related to lady Laxton the chief mourner at her funeral. Sir Thomas White's remarriage to lady Warren is noticed in p. 179, and the lady in a previous note (p. 330).
P. 168. Funeral of lady Jenyns. This daughter of sir John Gage, K.G. was the wife of sir John Jenyns, of Halnaker in Sussex, gentleman of the king's privy chamber, and in 1544 master of the ordnance at Boulogne, who died in 1547. See Gage's Hengrave, p. 235.
P. 168. Loan from the city to the queen. A loan was then called a "prest," which is probably the word our diarist could not remember. The amount of this prest was 20,000l. and it was to bear interest at 12 per cent. (Stowe.)
P. 169. Earl of Sussex took his journey toward Ireland. Where he had been for some time lord deputy.
Ibid. Funeral of lady Rowlett. Sir Ralph buried two wives within seven months (see before, p. 362). The second was one of the daughters of sir Anthony Cooke, and the circumstances of the marriage are thus mentioned in the Diary of sir Thomas Hoby: "Monday June 27, 1558, a mariage was made and solemnised between me and Elizabeth Cooke, daughter of sir Anthony Cooke knt. The same day was also her sister Margaret the queen's maid maried to sir Rauf Rowlet knt. who (i. e. the lady) shortly after departed out of this lief." (Communicated by the Right Hon. Lord Braybrooke.) "Sir Raff Rowlett had maryed ij. wyves, and dyed withowt issue of ether at his howsse of St. Albons the xixth of Apryll 1571, and was beryed in the parish church of St. Albons by his father the xxixth of May next foloinge." His father, also sir Ralph, had been one of the masters of the mint to Henry VIII.
P. 170. Master Hawes chosen sheriff. Alderman John Hawes; sheriff 1558–9, not lord mayor. Arms, Azure, on a chevron between three demi-lyons rampant or, three cinquefoils gules. (List by William Smith, Rouge-dragon.)
Ibid. Master Champion, the other sheriff, was a draper, afterwards sir Richard, "maior An°. 1566. He died without issue 1568. Buried at St. Dunstan's in the est, with these armes in the margent, Argent, on a fess gules between three trefoils slipped sable a spread eagle or, all within a bordure engrailed azure, charged with eight bezants: which were after taken downe, and these sett upp in the same place: Quarterly, 1 and 4 Argent, three trefoils slipped sable; 2 and 3 Argent, three human legs couped gules; on an inescucheon argent, a griffin segreant sable." (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) Sir Richard Champion's monument has been already noticed in p. 347.
Ibid. Funeral of master Dodmer. Son of sir Ralph Dodmer, lord mayor in 1530, who had been buried at St. Stephen's, Walbrook.
Ibid. Funeral of doctor Huwys. The letters patent appointing Thomas Huis or Huys, M.D. ordinary physician to the queen, with diets and allowances of wine, wax and bowge le courte, and an annual fee of 100l. were dated 2 Oct. 1553, and are printed in Rymer's Fœdera, vol. xv. p. 341.
Ibid. Death of alderman Machell. John Machell, sheriff in 1556. Arms, Per pale argent and sable, three grey-hounds courant counterchanged, collared gules. (Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) "He married Jone daughter of Harry Lodyngton, and she was remarried to sir Thomas Chamberlen knight, and she died 28. April 1565." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 24.)
P. 170. The George in Lombard street. "Next is a common osterie for travellers, called the George, of such a signe." Stowe: who adds that it had been the town mansion of the earls Ferrers, in which the brother of one of them was murdered, so early as 1175.
P. 171. Funeral of master Morton. Thomas Moreton, bachelor of law, was collated to the sinecure rectory of Fulham Sept. 23, 1554, and to the prebend of Bromesbury in the cathedral church of Saint Paul's Aug. 9, 1555. (Newcourt's Repertorium Londinense, vol. i. p. 118.) It appears, then, that those called the "grey amices" of St. Paul's were the prebendaries.
Ibid. Funeral of doctor Peryn. William Peryn prior of the Black Friars, whose name has before occurred as a preacher in pp. 100, 119, 131. A memoir of this person will be found in Wood's Athenæ Oxonienses (by Bliss), vol. i. p. 248. Our diary corrects that biographer's supposition that he survived queen Mary, and retired abroad.
P. 172. Funeral of doctor William Cooke, dean of the Arches. He died August 25, 1558, and his widow erected "a comely small monument" to him in St. Gregory's by St. Paul's; the Latin verses on which will be found in Stowe's Survay.
Ibid. The brethren of Jhesus, who attended the same funeral "in satin hoods and Ih[esu]s upon them," were the members of a guild which maintained a chapel in the crypt of St. Paul's, which is mentioned in p. 179 as "Jhesus chapell," and again in p. 221 as "Jhesus chapell under Powlles." It was afterwards called St. Faith's, and there is still a parish which retains vaults for interment in the same situation. The dean of St. Paul's was rector of the guild; and in Knight's Life of Colet, p. 84, will be found some account of its cartulary, beginning thus, "This booke bought and ordeigned by maister John Colett doctour of divinitie, dean of the cathedral churche of Paules, and rectour of the fraternitie and guild of Jhesus in the croudes of the said churche, William Cromwell and John Monk wardens of the same, recordeth," &c. The bells in the clochier or bell-tower which stood in St. Paul's churchyard were called Jhesus bells, and Stowe relates that sir Miles Partridge won them of Henry VIII. on a cast of dice against 100l.
Ibid. Funeral of lord Windsor. "William lord Wyndsor maryed to his first wyff doter and heyr of Samborne, and after the doter of Cowdrey of Hampshire: he dyed at his howsse of Brad[en]ham in Bokynghamshire on sonday the 14. of August in the 5. and 6. yeres of Phelyp and Mary, 1558, and was beryed on monday the 22. of the same mounth." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 80.) His son Edward lord Windsor, who died at Spa in Germany in 1573, desired in his will "his heart to be inclosed in lead and sent into England, to be buried in the chapel of Bradenham under the tombe of his lord and father, in token of a true Englishman," which was done accordingly (see Lipscomb's Buckinghamshire, vol. iii. p. 558); but there is now no other monument of the Windsor family in that church.
P. 172. Funeral of sir William Stamford. "Sir William Staunford knight, one of the kinges and the quenes maties justyces of the common banke, dysseassed the xxviijth. August An° D'ni 1558, about iiij. of the cloke in the afternone the same day in the 49 yere of his age, and iiij. dayes, and was buryed at Hadley j° die Septemb' in A° D'ni 1558. He maried Ales doughter of Joh'n Palmer esquyer, and had issue Robert Stamford son and heyr, 2. Thomas, 3. William, 4. Henry, 5. Raff, 6. Joh'n; Frances wyff to Thomas Repington esquyer, Doraty, Kateren, Margaret." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 18.) His funeral insignia were remaining in Hadley church when visited by Nich. Charles, and will be found drawn in the Lansd. MS. 874, f. 60, with other memorials of his family. His personal biography will be found in Wood's Athenæ Oxonienses, (by Bliss,) vol. i. p. 262. He was the editor of the first edition of Ranulph de Glanville's treatise "De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliæ, printed by Tottel in 1554. (See Wright's Biographia Literaria, vol. ii. p. 279.)
Ibid. Funeral of judge Morgan. Francis Morgan, judge of the queen's bench, died on the 29th Aug. 1558. His burial was at Heyford, co. Northampton; where a monument with effigies still remains. See it described, and the epitaph, in Baker's Northamptonshire, i. 188; Bridges's Northamptonshire, i. 523: see also his pedigree in Baker, i. 184.
P. 173. Funeral of master Dalbeney. Arthur Dawbney, warden of the merchanttaylors 1566–7 and 1571–2, master 1574–5.
Ibid. Funeral of sir Thomas Cave. This funeral was not at Stamford, but at Stanford, co. Northampton, where there are still recumbent effigies of sir Thomas Cave and his wife; see the epitaph in Bridges's Northamptonshire, vol. i. p. 582; and in Nichols's Leicestershire, vol. iv. pl. liii. fig. 1. is an engraving of the monument (Mr. Nichols having devoted two plates to the whole series of the Cave monuments, out of respect to the Rev. Sir Charles Cave, Bart. to whom he was indebted for an important portion of the materials of his work).
Ibid. Funeral of sir Andrew Judd. A name still well known as the founder of
Tunbridge school. He also founded the Skinners' almshouses near Saint Helen's,
Bishopsgate: see Herbert's City Companies, ii. 350. He had been sheriff in 1544, and
lord mayor in 1551. His monument still remains in St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, and has
kneeling effigies of himself, the first of his three wives, four sons, and one daughter: it is
engraved in Wilkinson's Londina Illustrata, 1825, where also is a full memoir of him.
Maitland, p. 1107, has printed the poetical epitaph without his name: it bears out our
diarist's designation of him as a "merchant of Muscovy,"—
To Russia and Muscovea,
To Spayne, Gynny, withoute fable
Travaild he by land and sea
Both mayor of London and staple, &c.
"His only daughter Alice was maried to Tho. Smith customer, mother to sir John, sir Thomas, and sir Richard, now living." (1605). Arms, quarterly, 1 and 4, Gules, a fess regulée between three boar's heads couped argent; 2 and 3, Azure, three lyons rampant argent. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)
P. 174. Funeral of sir Thomas Essex. "In the north transept of Lambourn church is the monument of sir Thomas Essex, who died in 1558, with effigies of himself and Margaret his lady in alabaster." Lysons's Berkshire, p. 310.
Ibid. Funeral of lady Southwell. I have not ascertained who this was; but it may be as well to remark that Strype assumed she was the "wife to a privy councillor of that name;" and sir Henry Ellis, in his History of Shoreditch, p. 357, has quoted Strype apparently without having met with the lady's name in any other authority.
P. 175. Funeral of lady Pecsall. Eleanor fourth daughter of William first marquess of Winchester, K.G., and the first wife of sir Richard Pecsall: see pedigree in MS. Harl. 897, f. 54. There is a magnificent monument in Westminster abbey with kneeling effigies of sir Richard and both his wives, and of his four daughters by the first. See it engraved in Dart's History of that church, vol. i. p. 17.
Ibid. Saint Martin's with the well and two bokettes. This was the name by which the church of St. Martin Outwich was commonly known in the time of our diarist; and he mentions it again in pp. 211, 215, 302. Stowe says, after noticing Three Needle street (now Threadneedle street), "On the south side of which street, beginning at the east, by the Well with two buckets, now turned to a pumpe, is the parish church of S. Martin, called Oteswich, of Martin de Oteswich, Nicholas de Oteswich, William Oteswich, and John Oteswich, founders thereof," &c. The antiquities of this church have been excellently illustrated by engravings in a 4to volume of plates, published by Mr. Robert Wilkinson in 1797.
P. 176. Funeral of Ralph Preston. His name occurs as a member of the Skinners' company in a list made in 1537, and so do the same names as those of his mourners, namely, Thomas Percy, and three Banks', Rogier, Raynbone, and John.
Ibid. Funeral of George lord Cobham. The full ceremonial of this is preserved in the College of Arms, I. 15, f. 387. The monument of lord Cobham, with the effigies of himself and wife, remains in the church of Cobham near Gravesend, and was repaired in the year 1840 at the expense of Francis C. Brooke, esq. of Ufford Place, Suffolk, under the superintendence of the present writer and of Charles Spence, esq. of the Admiralty. (See Gent. Mag. N. S. vol. xv. p. 306.) A portrait of lord Cobham by Holbein is engraved in the beautiful work by Chamberlain: it represents him in singular dishabille, with a bald head, surmounted by a flat cap.
P. 176. Funeral of [Michael] Wentworth esquire. Michael Wentworth esq. was the second son of Thomas Wentworth esq. of Wentworth Woodhouse, co. York. He is described in 1 Mar. 1554, as of Ottes in Essex esquire, and one of the masters of the queen's household. (Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii. p. 388.) He afterwards became cofferer. He died October 13, 1558, and his name is entered in the parish register of St. Margaret's Westminster, as "Mr. Mychaell Wentworth." His son Thomas was seated at Mendham priory, Suffolk; but his grandson Michael bought Wolley in Yorkshire, where the family has since continued (the representation passing in the last generation to a younger son of sir George Armytage, bart. who assumed the name). See Mr. Hunter's pedigree, ubi supra.
P. 177. Funeral of doctor Owen. George Owen, M.D. assisted at the birth of king Edward VI. and was afterwards his chief physician. An account of him will be found in Wood's Athenæ Oxonienses, (by Bliss,) vol. i. fol. 274.
P. 178. A proclamation of queen Elizabeth, dated 18 November, declaring the date of her accession to have been "from the beginning of the xvijth," will be found in The Egerton Papers, p. 28.
Ibid. Death of cardinal Pole. It seems to have been supposed by some persons at the time, that Pole died on the same day as queen Mary; and it is so asserted by Hume and other writers. According to our diarist (who even mentions the hours) the cardinal survived the queen for two days.
P. 179. The queen's coming to London. See a note by Mr. Bruce on this subject in Hayward's Annals of Elizabeth, p. 9.
Ibid. Funeral of master Skynner. "Anthony Skynner esquyer, one of the 6 clarkes of the Chauncery, departed this world on monday the 21. of November, and beryed on fryday after, the 25. of the same mounth, in A. D'ni 1555. His wyff was the doter of Byllyng. He was buryed in Saint Brydes churche." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 22b.)
Ibid. Funeral of lady Cobham. Anne eldest daughter of Edmund lord Bray, and sister and coheir of John lord Bray. The ceremonial of her funeral is in the College of Arms, I. 15, f. 293. Her effigy is on the monument already mentioned in p. 367.
P. 181. Funeral of lady Cholmley. The wife of sir Roger Cholmley, made serjeant at law 1532, king's serjeant 1545, chief baron of the exchequer 1546, chief justice of the king's bench 1552, and imprisoned for a time after queen Mary's accession (see before, pp. 38, 43).
Malcolm quotes from the register of St. Martin's Ludgate the burial of lady Cholmley as having taken place Dec. 8, 1558, and that of sir Roger Cholmley, July 2, 1565. Londinium Rediv. iv. 358. His daughter "my lady Beckwyth" was married at the same church to Christian Ken, esq. April 19, 1559. (Ibid. p. 357.) Sir Roger Cholmley and Christian his wife had a grant to purchase of the crown the manors of East and West Ham and Pleshey in Essex, March 24, 1552–3. (Strype.)
P. 181. Funeral of sir Anthony Hungerford. This was sir Anthony Hungerford, of Down Amney, in Gloucestershire, sheriff of that county 1552, and knight of the shire 1553. His body was carried to Great Bedwyn, Wilts, where "Anthony Hungerford knighte was buyried the xixth day of November 1558." Collect. Topogr. et Geneal. v. 28.
Ibid. Funeral of doctor Dunne. Gabriel Dunne, M.A. was collated to the prebend of Mapesbury in the church of St. Paul's March 16, 1540, and admitted to the sinecure rectory of Stepney Oct. 25, 1544. He held both until his death. (Newcourt's Repertorium Londinense, vol. i. p. 175.) He had previously been a monk of Stratford abbey, near London, and the last abbat of Buckfastleigh in Devonshire: and was "the basest betrayer" of the reformer Tyndale. See Anderson's Annals of the English Bible, vol. i. pp. 534—537, and the Index.
Ibid. Funeral of sir George Harper. "Sir George Harper knight dysceased the 7. of December at his howsse within the late Blacke Fryers in London in the fyrst yere of quene Elizabeth 1558, and was buryed in the parishe churche of St. Marten's in Ludgate the xijth of December. He had maryed Awdre doughter of sir John Gaynsford of Surrey wyff before to George Tayler of Lyngfield in Surrey, and after to Caryngton of Sussex." (MS. Harl. 897, p. 26.) His widow was buried at the same church Jan. 27, 1559. Malcolm's Londinium Redivivum, iv. 358.
P. 182. Funeral of queen Mary. The ceremonial is in the College of Arms, I. 14, ff. 19—30, and again in ff. 202—214; and the painters' charges at f. 198.
P. 184. Funeral of lady Rich. Elizabeth, sister of Thomas Jenks of London, was the wife of the successful lawyer (himself of a London family) who founded the family of Rich, afterwards earls of Warwick and Holland. Richard first lord Rich survived until 1568, and was buried at Felstead, Essex. See Dugdale's Baronage, ii. 388.
Ibid. Funeral of the bishop of Chichester. John Christopherson, previously dean of Norwich, consecrated 21 Nov. 1557, deprived 1558.
Ibid. Obsequies of the emperor. The emperor's ambassador was present as chief mourner. The ceremonial is in the College of Arms, I. 14, f. 3, and I. 15, f. 284.