Diary: 1559 (Jan - Jun)

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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'Diary: 1559 (Jan - Jun)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp184-201 [accessed 11 March 2025].

'Diary: 1559 (Jan - Jun)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 11, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp184-201.

"Diary: 1559 (Jan - Jun)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 11 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp184-201.

1559 (Jan - Jun)

The (blank) day of January was bered in the ylle of Shepay my lord warden of the v porttes, (fn. 1) and master tresorer to the quen('s) howsse, and knyght of the garter, with standard and a grett baner of armes, and v baner-rolles of armes, and iiij baners of emages, and a iii haroldes of armes, and a herse of v prynsepelles of wax, v dosen of penselles and a x dosen of skochyons of armes, and iiij whyt branchys and a dosen of torchys, and 1. pore men had gownes, and a c. and a d' (fn. 2) in blake gownes and cottes.

The ij day of January was bered mastores Matsun, the wyff of capteyne Mattsun, the wyche she mared with master Shelley of Sussex was her furst husbond; with ij whyt branchys and xij torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and ij baners of santtes, and ij dosen of skochyons of armes, and a harold of armes.

The (blank) day of January was bered in Kent ser John Baker knyght, and master of (blank); with a standard and a cotte armur, pennon of armes, and iiij baners of santes and a herse of wax, and vii dosen penselles, and x dosen skochyons and a (blank) dosen of torchys, and mony morners in blake gownes, and ij gret whytt branches, and a harold of armes, and a grett dolle, and after a grett dener, and pore men had gownes and ther dener.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Whyt-hall ser . . . . . Lee . . . . and the althermen all in skarlett.

The viij day of January was bered Edmund . . . . penter (fn. 3) in sant Botulf with-owt Althergatt, and ther the masters of the Penters in ther leveray, with . . . . and vj sthayffe torchys; for he was a good wor[kman] as any ys, the wyche he retayned to (fn. 4) master Ga[rter] . . .

The sam day was creatyd of my lorde of [Norfolk a] pursewantt, Bluwe mantyll, and creatyd Rychemund, (fn. 5) [who] cam latt over the see owt of Franche.

The (blank) day in Crystynmas weyke they begane [to build] skayffold(s) in dyvers plasses in London for pa[geants] agaynst the crounassyon of quen Elesabetth, that [is to be the] xv day of January, and the condut nuw paynted.

The viij of January ded (fn. 6) at the Grayffes-end (fn. 7) Lankoster the harold of armes, (fn. 8) the wyche ded comm home from the berehyng of ser John Baker knyght, and bered the ix day of January at Grayffes-end.

The xij of January ded (fn. 9) master Grennell, (fn. 10) my lord cardenall's waxchandler, at sant Gylles.

The xij day the Qwen('s) grace toke her barge at Whytt-halle toward the Towre, and shott the bryge, and my lord mare and the althermen, and all the craftes, in barges with stremars and baners of ther armes.

The xiij day of January with-in the Towre the Quen mad Knyghtes of the Baythe x.

The sam day was creatyd at Crechyrche at my lord of Norffoke('s) plasse Cokes, (fn. 11) Perkollys, mad Lanckostur the harold.

[The xiv day of January the Queen came in a chariot from] the Towre, with all the lordes and ladies [in crimson] velvet, and and ther horses trapyd with the sam, and [trumpeters in] red gownes blohyng, and all the haroldes in ther cottes armur, and all the strettes stroyd (fn. 12) with gravell; and at Grasyus strett a goodly pagantt of kyng [Henry] the viij and quen Ane ys wyff and of ther lenege, and in Cornelle (fn. 13) a-nodur goodly pagantt of kyng Henry and kyng Edward the vjth.; and be-syd Soper lane in [Cheap a]nodur goodly pagantt, and the condyth pentyd; [and] at the lytylle condutt a-nodur goodly pagant of a qwyke tre and a ded, and the quen had a boke gyffyn her ther; and ther the recorder of London and the chamburlayn delevered unto the quen a purse of gold fulle to the waluw of (blank); and so to the Flett strett to the condyt, and ther was a-nodur goodly pagantt of the ij chyrchys; and at Tempylle bare was ij grett gyanttes, the one name was Goott-magott (fn. 14) a Albaon and the thodur Co(rineus.)

The xv day was the crounasyon of quen Elsabeth at Westmynster abbay, and theyr all the trumpettes, and knyghtes, and lordes, and haroldes of armes in ther cotte armurs; and after all they (fn. 15) in ther skarlett, and all the bysshopes in skarlett, and the Quen, and all the fottmen waytyng a-pone the quene, to Westmynster hall; ther mett all the byshoppes, and all the chapell with iij crosses, and in ther copes, the byshoppes mytered, and syngyng Salve festa dyes; and all the strett led with gravell, and bluw cloth unto the abbay, and raylled on evere syd, and so to the abbay to masse, and ther her grasse was crounyd; and evere offeser rede (fn. 16) against she shuld go to dener to Westmynster hall, and evere offeser to take ys offes at serves a-pone ther landes; and my lord mare and the althermen.

[The day of January was buried at saint Giles's with-] owt Crepull-gatt master Thomas Grennell, . . . . . with iiij gylt candyllstykes and iiij grett tapurs, . . . . whyt branchys and xvj stayffe torchys, and the [company of] the Wax-chandlers; and he gayff to the ys compene [for to] make mere (fn. 17) (blank); and ther was the compene of Flechers at ys berehyng, and all they dyd offer . . . they had iiij nobuls to make mere (fn. 18) at the S[un? in] Crepullgatt; and, after mase done, ther was a grett dener and soper at ys owne howsse.

The xvj day of [January] was gret justes at the tylt-[yard], iiij chalengers, the duke of Northfoke and (unfinished)

The xvij day of January was tornayhyng at the barears (fn. 19) at Whythalle.

The xviij day of January whent to berehyng ser Olever Laurans knyght, with standard, cote armur, and penon of armes, elmett, target, sword, and mantylle; and v dosen of skochyons.

The xx day of January was set up for doctur Koke of the Arches, in the parryche of sant Gregores be-syd Powlles, a cott-armur and a pennon of armes, and ij baners of santtes.

The iiij day of Feybruary was cared in a charett with vj banerrolles, and a-for a grett baner of armes, and iiij baners of santtes, alle in owlle, (fn. 20) and thos iiij borne by iiij haroldes of armes in ther cott armurs, with a vijxx horsse, toward Bassyng to be bered ther; and ther was a goodly herse of wax; my lade marques of Wynchester was the lade; and at evere towne had money and torchys, master Garter, master Somersett, master Rychmond, master Lanckoster, and Bluwmantyll, and viij dosen penselles and viij dosen of skochyons.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of armes and iij dosen of skochyons.

The vj day of Feybruary went to the chyrche to be bered at Clarkenwell ser Thomas Pope knyght, with a standard and cott, pennon of armes, a targett, elmett and sword, and a ij dosen of armes, and xij for the branchys and vj for the . . . . of bokeram; and ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshus and master Yorke; master Clarenshus bare the cott, and master Yorke bare the helmett and crest. And he gayff xl mantyll frys gownes, xx men and xx women; and xx men bare torchys; and the vomen ij and ij to-gether, with torchys; and ij grett whyt branchys, and iiij branchys tapurs of wax garnysshed with armes, and with iiij dosen pensels. And ser Recherd Sowthwell knyght and ser Thomas Stradlyng, and dyver odur morners in blake, to the nomber of lx and mo in blake, and all the howsse and the chyrche with blake and armes; and after to the plasse to drynke, with spyssebred and wyne; and the morow masse, iij songe, . . . . with ij pryke songe, and the iij of requiem, with the clarkes of London; and after he was bered; and, that done, to the plasse to dener, for ther was a grett dener, and plente of all thynges, and a grett dolle of money.

The vij day of Feybruary was bered my lade marques of Wynchester at Bassyng; and ther was a herse of wax, and viij dosen penselles, and armes, and skochyons, and garnyshed with angelles and archangells and with baner-rolles, and a x dosen skochyons; and ther was grett cher mad, (fn. 21) and a grett dolle, boyth money and mett and drynke, and a grett dener, fysshe and flesse, and venesun.

The viij day (of) Feybruary dyd pryche a-for the quen, wyche was Aswedynsday, doctur Kokes sumtyme dene of Westmynster.

The Fryday dyd pryche after master Parker a-for the quen.

The Sunday after dyd pryche master Skore. (fn. 22)

The Wedynsday after dyd pryche Whythede.

The Fryday after dyd pryche a-for the quen (blank)

The Sunday after dyd pryche a-for the quen (blank)

. . . . . . . . . . .

The xviij of Feybruary and the xx [a man stood in the] pelere (fn. 23) with a coler (fn. 24) of smeltes a-bowtt ys neke [who had bought the] smeltes of the quen('s) prysse (fn. 25) in Chepe, and sold them at ys vantege a-monge the fys-wyffes, and ther the pelere sett aganst cherche.

The xxij day of Feybruary was the obseque of . . . Pottnam sqwyre, with cote armur and pennon of armes and a iiij dosen of skochyons.

The xvij day of Feybruary was a herse of wax [erected] gorgyously, with armes, a ix dosen penselles and armes, [for the] old lade contes of Oxford, the syster to the old Thomas [duke of] Norffoke, at Lambeth.

The xx day of Feybruary was the sam herse wa[s taken] done, the wyche was v prynsepalles, and was never . . .

The xxj day of Feybruary my lade (fn. 26) was browth (fn. 27) in-to Lambethe chyrche for (fn. 28) the qwer and dobull reylyd, and hangyd with blake and armes; and she had iiij goodly whyt branchys and ij dosen of grett stayffes torchys, and ij haroldes of armes, master Garter and master Clarenshus, in ther cotte armurs; a-for a grett baner of armes, and iiij baners rolles, and iiij baners of santtes; and then cam the corsse, and after morners; the chyff morner was my lade chamberlen Haward, and dyvers odur of men (and) women; and after durge done to the dukes plasse; and the morow, masse of requiem done, my lade was bered a-for the he awtter. (fn. 29)

The xxiij day dyd pryche afor the quen Gryndalle.

The xxv day of Feybruary dyd pryche Sandes.

The (blank) dyd pryche doctur Kokes.

. . . . . . . . . . .

[The . . day] of Feybruary was bered . . . . . . hylle master Elthestun sqwyre, with ij whyt branchys and . . . stayffe torchys and iiij grett tapurs, and ij dosen skochyons.

The xxiij day of Feybruary was bered at Alder . . . . . my lady Roche, the wyff of ser Wylliam Roche draper, latte mare of London; and he was bered at santt Peters Powre be-syd frere Augustynes.

The x day Marche (fn. 32) was a goodly herse of wax set up for my old lade of Oxford at Lambeth.

The xij day of Marche (fn. 32) was the sam hers was taken downe the day a-for she was browth (fn. 30) to the chyrche, the wyche was as goodly hers of v prynsepalles as has bene sene, with armes and penselles.

The xv day of March (fn. 32) was my lade the contes of Oxford was browthe (fn. 31) to the cherche at Lambeth, with ij harordes of armes, master Garter and master Clarenshux, in ther cot armurs, a-for the cors a grett baner of armes, and iiij baners of santtes, and iiij baner-rolles of armes borne a-bowtt her and iiij grett whyt branchys and ij dosen grett long stayffes torchys borne by her sarvandes in; and my lade Haward cheyffe morner, and money in blake, and the quwere was hangyd with lx . . . with armes and raylles a-bowt with blake and armes; and the morow masse with small chere after-ward, butt evere man a . . .

. . . . . . . . . . .

The xxj day of Marche was bered at [Chenies, in] Bukynghamshyre my old contes of Bedford . . . . . of armes and a grett baner of armes and a v [banner-] rolles of her progene (fn. 33) and vii dosen of skochyons . . . . vj of sarsenett, and iiij dosen of grett stayffe torchys.

The xxj of Marche the quen('s) master cokes and odur her offesers, and at Mylle-end ther they dynyd, [with] all maner of mett and drynke; and ther was all maner of artelere, as drumes, flutes, trumpetes, gones, mores pykes, halbardes, to the nomber of v C.; the gonners in shurtes of maylle and . . . . pykes in bryght harnes, and mony swardes and v grett pesses of gones and shot in . . . the wyche dyd myche hurt unto glass wy[ndows;] and cam a grett gyant danssyng, and after [that a] mores dansse dansyng, and gones and mor[es pikes]; and after cam a cart with a grett wyth (fn. 34) and ij [bears?] with-in the cartt, and be-syd whent a gret . . . . of grett mastes; (fn. 35) and then cam the master cokes rydyng in cottes in brodere, and chynes of gold, and mony of the quen('s) servandes in ther levery, to the cowrt, and ther they shott ther pesses, (fn. 36) and with-in the parke was ij C. chamburs gret and smalle shot, and the Quen('s) grace standyn in the galere; and so evere man whent in-to the parke, showhyng them in batell ray, shutyng and playhyng at bowt the parke; and a-for the quen was on of bayres (fn. 37) was bated, and after the mores dansers whent in-to the cowrt, dansyng in mony offeses. (fn. 38)

The xxiij day of Marche was bered at sant tellens (fn. 39) ser John Sentlow knyght, with ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshux and master Somerset, with standard and penon, and cott and elmet, target and sword, but nodur crosse nor prest, nor clarkes, but a sermon and after a salme of Davyd; and ij dosen of skochyons of armes.

. . . . . . . . . . .

The (blank) day of Marche ser Antony [Saint Leger, knight of the] garter, latte deputte of Yrland, was bered in Kentt, with a standard, a grett baner of armes, [helmet,] crest, target, and sword, and vj dosen of skochyons; [and two] harold(s) of armes, master Garter and master Lankestur, and (unfinished)

The viij day (of) Marche ded (fn. 40) my lade ys wyffe, and was bered at (blank).

The xvj day of Marche was bered in Northamt[onshire] ser Thomas Tressam, lord of sant Jones, (fn. 41) with iiij baner rolles and a grett baner of armes, and a standard, elmett, targett and sword, and cott armur; and a viij dosen of [scocheons], and a iiij dosen of torchys and iiij dosen penselles, and [ij] whyt branchys, and mony morners in blake, and ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshux and master Somersett.

The xxvij day of Marche dyd pryche at sant Mare Spyttyl doctur Bylle the quen('s) amner. (fn. 42)

The xxviij day of Marche, the wyche was Ester-tuwysday, doctur Cokes sum-tyme dene of Westmynster dyd pryche.

The xxix day of Marche dyd pryche at sant Mare Spyttyll master Horne, parsun sum-tyme at Allalows in Bredstrett.

The ij day of Aprell dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Samsun.

The furst day of Aprell ther was at Westmynster a desputyng shuld a bene be the bysshopes and the nuw prychers, and ther they pute in a (blank) agaynst Monday, after that the bysshopes shuld gyff a an(s)wer of the sam.

The iij day of Aprell the bysshopes and the nuw prychers mett at the abbay a-for my lord keper of the brod seylle, and dyvers of the consell, and ther to gyff a answer of the matter; the sam nyght, my lord bysshope of Wynchester and my lord of Lynkolne was send (fn. 43) to the towre of London by the gard by water, to the Old Swane, and to Belynsgatt after.

. . . . . . . . . . .

The vj day of Aprell was bered at [saint Clement's] withowt Tempyll-bare my lade Gray, (fn. 44) the [wife of sir John] Gray, and the wyff was of master Walsyngham, . . . . . . with ij whyt branchys and iiij grett tapurs, and fo[ur] staff-]torchys, and ij dosen and d' (fn. 45) of skochyons of armes . . . masse and or (fn. 46) communyon.

The vij day of Aprell was browth (fn. 47) unto [saint Thomas] of Acurs in Chepe from lytyll sant Barthellmuw [in] Lothbere masteres . . . ., and ther was a gret compene of pepull, ij and ij together, and nodur (fn. 48) prest nor clarke, the nuw prychers in ther gowne lyke ley[-men,] nodur (fn. 48) syngyng nor sayhyng tyll they cam [to the grave,] and a-for she was pute into the grayff a [collect] in Englys, and then put in-to the grayff, and after [took some] heythe (fn. 49) and caste yt on the corse, and red a thynge . . . for the sam, and contenent (fn. 50) cast the heth (fn. 49) in-to the [grave], and contenent (fn. 50) red the pystyll of sant Poll to the Stesselonyans (fn. 51) the (blank) chapter, (fn. 51) and after thay song pater-noster in Englys, boyth prychers and odur, and [women,] of a nuw fassyon, and after on of them whent in-to the pulpytt and mad a sermon.

The viij day of Aprell ther was a proclamasion of pesse (fn. 52) betwyne the Quene('s) grace and Hare (fn. 53) the French kyng, and Dolphyn the kyng of Skottes, for ever, boyth by water and land; and ther was vj trumpeters and v haroldes of armes, master Garter and master Clarenshux, proclamyd yt, and Lankoster, Ruge Crosse, and Bluwmantyll, and my lord mayre and all the althermen in skarlett; and Bluw-mantyll dyd proclaymyd that no players shuld play no more tyll a serten tyme of no mans players; but the mare or shreyff, balle, (fn. 54) constabull, or odur offesers take them, lay them in presun, and the quen('s) commondement layd on them.

The ix day of Aprell dyd pryche at Powlles crosse doctur Bylle the quen('s) awmer, (fn. 55) and declaryd warfor (fn. 56) the byshopes whent to the Towre.

[The xij day of April was brought from Clerkenwell unto] Blake-frers in Smyth-feld with ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshux and master Somersett, ser Richard (fn. 57) Monsfeld knyght, with ij gret whyt branchys, . . . ij dosen torchys and iiij gylt candyll-stykes and iiij grett tapurs, and the plasse and the frers hunge with blake and armes; and xxiiij prestes and clarkes [prayers] all Laten, and durge wher he ded, (fn. 58) and wher he was bered; and ther was a standard and a penon of armes, and a cott armur, and elmett, target and sword, and the[re were] iiij baners of santtes, and a xviij men morners in blake gownes and xx in blake cottes; and after to the plasse to drynke, and the morow masses in all the chyrches, and then after ys standard, cotte, elmet, target, [and sword] offered up; and after all done to the plasse to dener; and a vij dosen skochyons of armes to be bere[d].

The xiij day whent to the Towere master Adelston, captain of Rysse-banke, a hold of Cales.

The vij day was chosen at Yeld-halle a-for my lord mayre and the masters the althermen, and all the comm(on)ers of the cete, (fn. 59) and the craftes of London, the masters of the bryghows, master Wylliam Draper, yrmonger, and master Assyngton, lether-seller.

The (blank) day cam from Franse my lord chamburlayn Haward and my lord bysshope of Elly and master doctur Wotton, and (unfinished)

The xiij day of Aprell ther cam unto Brydewell dyvers gentyllmen, and ruffelars, and servyngmen, and ther they begane a tymult and or (fn. 60) fray, that the constabulles and altherman deputte cam to se the pesse (fn. 61) kepte, but thay wold have serten women owt of the bryd-welle, and ther thay druw ther swordes and be-gane myche besenes.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ye Tempull, and ix . . . . . dener, and ther dynyd the consell and dyvers notabyll . . . . and juges, and my lord mayre and the althermen, and the [officers of the] Chansseres (fn. 62) and the Flett, and the Kyngesbynshe, and the Marshalsea; [and they] gayff gownes of ij collers, morreys and mustars, and . . . ij collers . . . hondered; and at v of cloke at after-non [the new] serganttes (fn. 63) whent unto sant Thomas of Acurs in a . . . gowne and skarlette hodes a-bowt ther nekes, and whyt [hoods on] ther hedes, and no capes; (fn. 64) and after they whent unto Pow[les with] typstayffes and offesers of the Kyngbynche, and odur plasses, and [they were] browth (fn. 65) be ij old serganttes, one after a-nodur in skarlett . . . of north syd, and ther thay stod tyll thay had brou[th them] unto ix sondre pellers (fn. 66) of the north syd, and after the . . . cam unto the furst, and after to the reseduu; and thay whe[nt back] unto the Tempull on a-lone, (fn. 67) and a-for whent the . . . and the rulers and the Chansere and of the Kyngbynche [ij and ij to]gether, and after cam a hondered in parte (fn. 68) cottes of . . .

The xx day of Aprell ther was a grett fray in . . . be-twyn v and vj at nyght, betwyn servyng men and . . Flett-strett; ther was one ix bones taken out of ys . . . and a-nodur had ys nosse cutt off.

The (blank) day of Aprell was browth (fn. 69) from the Towre unto Westmynster Hall to be reynyd, (fn. 70) my lord Wentworth, last depute of Calles, for the lossyng of Calles; and ther wher serten of ys a-cussars; but he quytt hym-seylff, thanke be God, and clen delevered, and whent in-to Wytyngtun colege, and ther he lys.

[The xxiij day of April, being saint George's day, the Queen went about the hall, and all the knights of the] Garter that [went singing in proces]syon, and a-bowt the cowrt; the sam day at after [noon were] knyghtes electyd of the Garter the duke of Norfok, the marques of Northamtun, the erle of Rutland, and my lord Robard Dudley, the master of the quen('s) horse.

The xxv day of Aprell was prossessyon, the wyche was [saint Mark's] day, in dyvers parryche in London, whent with ther baners a[broad in] ther parryche, syngynge in Laten Kerelyson after the old fassyon.

The xxviij day of Aprell ther was a man sett on the pelere (fn. 71) [for] lewd wordes and slanderers wordes.

The xxv day of April, (fn. 72) was sant Markes day, the Quen('s) grace supt at Beynard castyll at my lord of Penproke('s) P[lace,] and after supper the Quen('s) grace rowed up and downe Temes, and [a] C. bottes (fn. 73) at bowte here grace, with trumpettes and drumes and flutes and gones, and sqwybes horlyng on he (fn. 74) to and fro, tyll x at nyght, or her grace depertyd, and all the water-syd st . . . with a M. pepull lokyng one here grace.

The furst day of May ther was ij pennys (fn. 75) was dekyd with stremars, baners, and flages, and trumpetes and drumes and gones, gahyng a Mayng, (fn. 76) and a-ganst the Quen('s) plasse at Westmynster, and ther they shott and thruw eges (fn. 77) and oregns (fn. 78) on a-gaynst a-nodur, and with sqwybes, and by chanse on fell on a bage of gune-powdur and sett dyvers men a'fyre, and so the men drue to on syd of the penus, (fn. 75) and yt dyd over-swelmed the pennus, and mony fell in the Temes, butt, thanke be God, ther was but on man drownyd, and a C. bottes (fn. 79) abowtt here, and the Quen('s) grace and her lordes and lades lokyng out of wyndows; thys was done by ix of the cloke on May evyn last.

The xxix day of Aprell at Dowgatt in London ther was a mayd dwelling with master Cotyngham, on of the quen('s) pulters; (fn. 80) the mayd putt in-to a pott of (blank) serten powyssun (fn. 81) and browth (fn. 82) them unto her mastores, and to iiij of her servandes, and they dyd ett them; and as sone as they had ett them thay be-gane to swell and to vomett peteusle; and ther cam a good woman causyd to be feychyd serten dolle of salett owylle (fn. 83) to drynke, and thanke be to God they be-gayne to mend and never one ded (fn. 84) of ytt.

. . . . . . . . . . . and servandes, and ther herers (fn. 85) nayled to the pe[llory,] . . was thes ij persunes have dullysly (fn. 86) gyffen poyssun [to their] mastores and ther howshold, and ether of them ij handes cute off.

The x day of May the parlement was endyd, [and the] Quen('s) grace whent to the parliament howsse.

The xj day of May the sam fellow and the [maid] was sett on the pelere a-gayne, and ther thodur (fn. 87) handes cut off for the sam offens.

The xij day of May be-gane the Englys [service] in the quen('s) chapell.

The xv day of May dyd pryche at Powlles [cross] master Gryndalle, and ther was the quens consell, the duke of Norfoke, my lord keper of the seylle, and my lord of Arundell, my lord treysorer, my lord marques of Northamtun, my lord admerall, my lord of Sussex, my lord of Westmorland, my lord of Rutland, and mony mo lordes and knyghtes, my lord mare and the althermen; and after sermon done they whent to my lord mayre to dener, and my lord Russell.

The xxj day of May dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Horne, and ther was my lord mayre and the althermen and mony juges and sergantes of the law, and a grett nombur of pepull to the nombur (blank)

The xxiij day of May cam from be-yonde the see out of France and landyd at Towr-warff, and cam thrugh London, and unto my lord bysshope of London docthur Benard, (fn. 88) monser Memeranse (fn. 89) ij sunes, (fn. 90) and . . . unto ys palles (fn. 91) to ly; and mony lord(s) and nobull men browth (fn. 92) them to their logying.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . attes and mony mo for serten Frenche-men.

The xxiiij day of May the inbassadurs the Frenche [were] browth (fn. 93) from the byshope('s) palles (fn. 94) by land thrugh Flet-street [unto] the quen's pales (fn. 94) to soper, by the most nobull men ther was a-bowt the cowrt, and ther was the hall and the [privy] chambur and the grett chambur of pressens (fn. 95) hangyd with ryche clothes of arres, as ever was sene, and the cloth [of] state boyth hall and grett chamburs, and they had as [great] chere at soper, and after a bankett as goodly as has be[en seen,] with all maner musyke tyll mydnyght, for they wher (unfinished)

The xxv day they wher browt to the cowrt with musyke to dener, for ther was gret cher; and after dener to b[ear] and bull baytyng, and the Quen('s) grace and the embassadurs stod in the galere lokyng of the pastym tyll vj at nyght; and after they whent by water unto Powll wharff, and landyd, and contenent (fn. 96) unto ther logyng to the byshope of London('s) to soper, for ther wher gorgyus aparell as has bene sen in thes days.

The xxvj day of May they whent from the byshope('s) howsse to Powlles warff, and toke barge, and so to Parys garden, for ther was boyth (fn. 97) bare and bull baytyng, and the capten with a C. of the gard to kepe rowm for them to see (fn. 98) the baytyng.

The sam day was a proclamassyon of v of the actes; on was for (unfinished)

The thursday the xxv day of May master John Whyt altherman and grocer ys chyld was cristened in lytyll sant Barthelmuw be-syd sant Antonys; thes wher the god-fathers' names, my lord marques of Wynchester now lord tresorer of England, and my lord byshope of Wynchester docthur Whytt, and the god-moder my lade Laxtun, lat the wyffe of ser Wylliam Laxtun latt mare of London and grocer; and after ther was waferers (fn. 99) and epocras grett plente; and after they whent home to the plasse, with the chyld nam(ed) John Whytt; the wyche wyff was master Raff Grenway altherman and grocer of London wyff.

[The xxviij day of May . . . . . . . . . . . . . bisho]pryke of yt by quen Mare, [for that he had] a wyff, and odur maters that he was fayn to . . .

The sam day the inbassadurs of France whent [away,] and toke barge toward Grayffhend (fn. 100) and they had . . . . gyftes gyffyne them, and they cared money mastiffs [with] them for the wolf, and (unfinished)

The xxj day of May was bered at sant [Andrew's] in the Warderobe mastores Boswell, the wyff [of . . . ] Boswell clarke of the wardes, with ij whytt branchys . ., the wyche she ded (fn. 101) with chyld, and a dosen and (unfinished)

The xxx day of May was mared (fn. 102) in the parryche of sant Andrews in the Warderobe, master Mathuw, draper, unto the dowther of master Wylliam Blakwell, towne-clarke of [London?] the mornyng; and they wher mared in Laten, and masse, and after masse they had a bryd cupe and waffers and epocras and muskadyll plente to hevere (fn. 103) body; and after unto master Blakwell('s) plasse to bryke-fast, and after a grett dener.

The ij day of Juin was bered at lytyll sant Baythelmuwes my lade Barnes, the wyff of ser George Barnes, knyght, and late mare of London; and she gayff to pore men and powre women good rosett gownes a (blank), and she gayffe to the powre men and women of Calles (blank) a-pesse, (fn. 104) and she gayff a C. blake gownes and cottes; and ther she had penon of armes, and master Clarenshux kyng of armes, and ther was a xx clarkes syngyng afor her to the chyrche with blake and armes; and after master Horne mad a sermon, and after the clarkes song Te Deum laudamus in Englys, and after bered with a songe, and a-for songe the Englys pressessyon, and after to the place to dener; ser Wylliam Garrett cheyff morner, and master Altham and master Chamburlayn, and her sunes and doythurs; ther was a nobull dener.

[The vj day of June saint George's feast was kept at Windsor;] the yerle of Pembroke was the [Queen's substitute,] lord Montycutt and my lord of . . . . ; ther was stallyd at that tyme the duke of [Norfolk], my lord marques of Northamtun, and the yerle of [Rutland], and my lord Robart Dudley the master of the quen('s) horse, nuw mad knyghtes of the Garter, and ther was gret [feasting] ther, and ther be-gane the comunion that day and Englys.

The xxix day of May was depreved of ys byshopepryke of London doctur Boner, and in ys plasse master Gryndall; and [Nowell] electyd dene of Powlles, and the old dene depreved, master [Cole].

The xj day of June dyd pryche at Powlles master [Sandys], and ther was my lorde mayre and the althermen, and my lord of Bedford, and with dyvers odur nobull men; and postulles (fn. 105) masse mad an end that day, and masse a' Powlles was non that day, and the new dene toke possessyon that was afore, by my lord of Bedford, and thys was on sant Barnabe day; and the sam nyght thay had no evyng-song at Powlles.

The sam nyght abowtt viij of the cloke at nyght the Quen('s) grace toke her barge at Whyt hall, and mony mo barges, and rod a-longe by the banke-syd by my lord of Wynchaster('s) place, and so to Peper alley, and so crost over to London syd with drumes and trumpetes playhyng ard (fn. 106) be-syd, and so to Whyt hall agayne to her palles. (fn. 107)

The xviij day of June dyd pryche at Powlles crosse docthur Juell, and ther was my lord mare and the althermen and master comtroller of the quens howse ser Edward Rogers, and mony mo, boyth men and women.

The xxj day of June was v bysshopes deprevyd, the bysshope of Lychfeld and Coventre, (fn. 108) and the bysshope of Carley, (fn. 109) the bysshope of Westchester, (fn. 110) the bysshope of Landaffh, (fn. 111) and the bysshope of ( ).

The xxiij day of June was electyd vj nuw byshopes, com from beyond the see, master Parker bysshope of Canturbere, master Gryndall bysshope of London, docthur Score bysshope of Harfford, Barlow Chechastur, doctur Bylle of Salysbere, doctur Cokes (of) Norwyche.

. . . . . . .

The xxiiij day of June ther was a May-game, . and sant John Sacerys, (fn. 112) with a gyant, and drumes and gunes [and the] ix wordes (fn. 113), with spechys, and a goodly pagant with a quen c . . and dyvers odur, with spechys; and then sant Gorge and the dragon, the mores dansse, and after Robyn Hode and lytyll John, and M[aid Marian] and frere Tuke, and thay had spechys rond a-bowt London.

The xxv day of June the sam May-gam whent unto [the palace?] at Grenwyche, playng a-for the Quen and the consell, and the . . . thay whent by land, and cam (back by water?)

The sam day at afternone was bered, at sant Fayth, Dokeray, (fn. 114) docthur of the law, with ij grett whyt branchys, . . . grett stayff torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and a dosen and d' (fn. 115) [of scocheons,] and mony morners; and the morow a grett dener.

The xxvj day of June was bered in the sam parryche [mistress] Gybbons a doctur of the law('s) wyff, the wyche she ded in . . and she had ij grett whyt branchys and xij torchys and iiij . . tapurs and ij lb. tapurs, and viij women bare here all in . . . and the branchys and the torchys, and ther was a sarmon, and mony morners, and a dosen of armes, and a grett dener.

The sam day was deprevyd of ther bysshoprykes the bysshope of Wynchestur (fn. 116) and the bysshope of Lynckolne (fn. 117) at master Hawse the kyng('s) shreyff in Mynsyon lane, and the bysshope of Wynchester (fn. 116) to the Towre agayne, and the bysshope of Lynckolne (fn. 117) delevered a-way.


  • 1. Sir Thomas Cheney, K. C.
  • 2. a half.
  • 3. painter.
  • 4. was retained by.
  • 5. Nicholas Narboone.
  • 6. died.
  • 7. Gravesend.
  • 8. Nicholas Tubman.
  • 9. died.
  • 10. Greenhill.
  • 11. John Cooke, or Cox.
  • 12. strewed.
  • 13. Cornhill.
  • 14. Gogmagog.
  • 15. So in MS.
  • 16. ready.
  • 17. merry.
  • 18. merry.
  • 19. barriers.
  • 20. oil.
  • 21. cheer made.
  • 22. Scory.
  • 23. pillory.
  • 24. collar.
  • 25. prise, i. e. as taken for the royal household by pre-emption.
  • 26. lady.
  • 27. brought.
  • 28. before?
  • 29. high altar.
  • 30. brought.
  • 31. brought.
  • 32. It will be observed these paragraphs are repetitions of those in the preceding page: and, as the dates (printed in italics) were filled in subsequently to their being written, the former dates are probably to be preferred.
  • 33. i. e. ancestors.
  • 34. whip?
  • 35. mastiffs?
  • 36. pieces.
  • 37. one of the bears.
  • 38. i. e. many of the offices of the house, as the kitchen, ewery, &c.
  • 39. St. Helen's.
  • 40. died.
  • 41. John's.
  • 42. almoner.
  • 43. sent.
  • 44. This name should be Carey: the mother of the great Walsingham.
  • 45. half.
  • 46. So in MS.
  • 47. brought.
  • 48. neither.
  • 49. earth.
  • 50. incontinently.
  • 51. Strype supposes the 1 Thessalonians, iv. 13: unless Thessalonians be an error for Corinthians, as now in the Common Prayer Book.
  • 52. peace.
  • 53. Harry.
  • 54. bailiff.
  • 55. almoner.
  • 56. wherefore.
  • 57. Rice
  • 58. died.
  • 59. city.
  • 60. So in MS.
  • 61. peace.
  • 62. Chancery.
  • 63. Compare these ceremonies with those on a like occasion in 1552, at p. 26.
  • 64. caps.
  • 65. brought.
  • 66. pillars.
  • 67. i. e. one by one.
  • 68. parti-.
  • 69. brought.
  • 70. arraigned.
  • 71. pillory.
  • 72. Marche in MS.
  • 73. boats.
  • 74. high.
  • 75. pinnaces.
  • 76. going a Maying.
  • 77. eggs.
  • 78. oranges.
  • 79. boats.
  • 80. poulterers.
  • 81. poison.
  • 82. brought.
  • 83. oil.
  • 84. died.
  • 85. ears.
  • 86. devilishly.
  • 87. other.
  • 88. Bonner.
  • 89. Montmorenci.
  • 90. sons.
  • 91. palace.
  • 92. brought.
  • 93. brought.
  • 94. palace.
  • 95. presence.
  • 96. incontinently.
  • 97. both.
  • 98. MS. sed.
  • 99. wafers.
  • 100. Gravesend.
  • 101. died.
  • 102. married.
  • 103. every.
  • 104. a piece.
  • 105. Apostles.
  • 106. hard.
  • 107. palace.
  • 108. Ralph Bayne.
  • 109. Carlisle, Owen Oglethorpe.
  • 110. Cuthbert Scot.
  • 111. Anthony Kitchin.
  • 112. Zachary's.
  • 113. the Nine Worthies.
  • 114. Docwra.
  • 115. an half.
  • 116. John White.
  • 117. Thomas Watson.