The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.
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'Diary: 1553 (Jul - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Diary: 1553 (Jul - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Diary: 1553 (Jul - Dec)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
1553 (Jul - Dec)
The ij day of July was bond (fn. 1) unto the sam post . . man for stryffyng at the condytt, with the sam coler (fn. 2) [about] ys neke, al the day long, and ij rods ted g to the tope of . . for yt was a-pon a Sonday,—the vij king Edward vj.t.
The vj day of July, as they say, dessessyd the nobull Kyng Edward the vj. and the vij yere of ys rayne, and sune and here to the nobull kyng Henry the viij; and he was poyssoned, as evere body says, wher now, thanke be unto God, ther be mony of the false trayturs browt to ther end, and j trust in God that mor shall folow as thay may be spyd owt.
The vij day of July was a proclamasyon that all pentiss (fn. 3) shuld be no lower but x fott, and alle preve lyghts damnyd.
The sam day was a nold man sett on the pelere for conterffett falles wrytynges.
[The same day there came to the Tower the lord Treasurer, the earl of Shrewsbury, and the lord Admiral, with others; and there they discharged sir James Croft of the] constabullshype of the Towre, and ther thay put [in the said lord] Admerall, and toke ys othe and charge of the Towre, and [the morrow] after he convayd in-to all plasys of the Towre and . . . grett gunnes, as the Whyt Towre on hee.
The ix day of July was sworne unto the qwen Jane alle the hed offesers and the gard as qwen of England . . . doythur of the duke of Suffoke, and servyd as qwen of . . .
The x day of July was reseyvyd in to the Towre [the Queen Jane] with a grett compeny of lords and nobulls of . . . . . after the qwen, and the duches of Suffoke her mother, bering her trayn, with mony lades, and ther was a shot of gunnes and chamburs has nott be sene oft be-tweyn iiij and v of [the clock]; by vj of the cloke be-gane the proclamasyon the same [after-]non (of) qwen Jane with ij harold(s) and a trompet blohyng, [declaring] that my lade Mare was unlafully be-gotten, and so [went through] Chepe to Fletstrett, proclamyng qwen Jane; and ther was a yong man taken that tym for spykyng of serten wordes of qwen Mare, that she had the ryght tytle.
The xj day of July, at viij of the cloke in the mornyng, the yonge man for spykyng was sett on the pelere, and boyth ys heres (fn. 4) cutt off; for ther was a harold, and a trompeter blohyng; and [in-] contenent he was taken downe, and cared to the [Counter]; and the same day was the yong man('s) master dwellyng [at] saint John('s) hed, ys nam was Sandur Onyone, and a-nodur, master Owen a gone-maker at Lundun bryge, drounyd, dwellyng at Ludgatt.
The xij day [of] July by nyght, was cared to the Towre iij carts [full of all] maner of ordenans, as gret gune and smalle, bowes, bylls, speres, mores-pykes, arnes, (fn. 5) arowes, gunpowther, and wetelle, (fn. 6) monay, tentes, and all maner of ordenans, gunstones a gret nombur, and a grett nombur of men of armes; and yt had been for a gret army toward Cambryge; and ij days after the duke, and dyvers lordes and knyghts whent with him, and mony gentylmen and gonnars, and mony men of the gard and men of armes toward my lade Mare grace, to destroye here grace, and so to Bury, (fn. 7) and alle was agayns ym-seylff, for ys men forsok hym.
. . . . . . . . . . . and of dyvers maters, and so in dyvers plases . . . . contres was her grace proclamyd quen of [England.]
The same day, wyche was the xvj day of July, was Raff Warren knyght, mercer and alderman, and twysse [lord mayor of] London, and marchand of the stapull and marchand ven[turer, buried] with standard and v pennons of armes, a cott armur, . . . a helmett, mantyll and crest, and sword, and a xij dosen of schochyons; and ther wher my lord mere morner . . . . . berer, the iiij sqyre mornars, and mony aldermen at ys beryng; [there] wher mony mornars in blake, and in blake cotes, and ther wher L. gownes gyffyn unto L. men, of rats coler, of a m . . . a yerd; and ther dynyd my lord mayre and mony aldermen, [and] ther wher a gret dener as I have sene.
The xix day of July was qwene Mare proclamyd qwene of England, France, and Yrland, and alle domy(ni)ons, [as the] syster of the late kyng Edward the vj. and doythur unto the nobull kyng Henry the viij. be-twyn v and vj of the cloke at nyght, and ther wher at proclamasyon iiij trumpeters and ij harold(s) of armes, and the erle of Arundell, the erle of Shrossbery, th'erle Penbroke, my lord Tressorer, my lord of Preveselle, my lord Cobham, my lord Warden, master Masun, and my lord Mare, and dyvers odur nobull men; and thys was done at the crosse in Chepe, and from that plasse thay whent unto Powlls and ther was Te Deum Laudamus, with song, and the organes playhyng, and all the belles ryngyng thrugh London, and bone-fyres, and tabuls in evere strett, and wyne and bere and alle, and evere strett full of bonfyres, and ther was money cast a-way.
The xxj day of July was taken in Cambryg the duke of Northumberland, with dyvers lordes and knyghts; and that day qwen Mare was proclamyd in Cambryg, and [in-]contenent thrugh England.
. . . . . . . . .
The xxix day of July was a felow s[et in the pillory] for spykyng agaynst the good qwen Mare.
The sam day cam rydyng thrugh London my lade Elssabeth grace, and thrugh Fletstrett, and so to my [lord of] Somersett('s) place that was, and yt ys my lade grasys [place; attended] with ij Ml. horse, with speres and bowes and gunes, and odur . . . . . . and spesyall sir John Wylliam, sir John Brygys, master Chamb[urlain,] all in gren gardyd with whytt welvett saten taffaty . . .
The xxv day of July, the wyche was Saynt James, [there] cam in-to London, and so to the Towre, serten traturs; the first was doctur Sandes, a prest; and next hym ser Thomas Palmer, ser Hare Gattes, ser John Gattes, ser Andrew Dudley, lord H[are Dudley], lord Ambrose Dudlay, lord Hastynges, the erle of Huntingdon, the erle of Warwyke, the duke of Northumber land [attended by] iiij M1. men be-syd the garde with gettenes (fn. 8) and trompeters, [and] with speres and gunnes to the Towre.
The xxvj day of July cam unto the Towre my lord marqwes of Northamton, by and my lord Robart Dudley, and the bysshop of London, (fn. 9) and ser Recherd Corbett; and after cam in to the Towre my lord cheyffe justes Chamley, the lord Montyguw, at v of the cloke at nyght.
The xxvij day of July the duke of Suffoke, maister [Cheke] the kynges scolmaster, maister Coke, (and) ser John Yorke, to the Towre.
The xxxj day of July was delevered owt of the Towre the duke of Suffoke; and the sam day rod thrugh London my lade Elssabeth to Algatt, and so to the qwens grace her sester, with a M1. hors with a C. velvett cotes.
The sam tyme cam to the Flett the yerle of Ruttland and my lord Russell, in hold. The qwen('s) grace mad [sir Thomas (fn. 10) ] Jarnyngham vyce-chamburlayn and captayne of the garde, and ser Edward Hastyngs her grace mad ym the maister of the horsse the sam tym.
[The iij day of August the Queen came riding to London, and so to the Tower; making her entrance at Aldgate, which was hanged,] and a grett nombur of stremars ha[nging about the said gate;] and all the strett unto Ledynhalle and unto the [Tower were laid with] graffvell, and all the crafts of London stood [in a row, with] ther banars and stremars hangyd over ther heds. Her grace cam, and a-for her a M1. velvet cotes and [cloaks] in brodere, and the mar of London bare the mase, and the erle of Arundell bare the sworde, and all the trumpets [blowing]; and next her my lade Elssabeth, and next her the duches of Norffoke, and next her the marqwes (fn. 11) of Exseter, [and other] lades; and after her the aldermen, and then the gard with bowes and gaffylens, and all the reseduw departyd [at Aldgate] in gren and whyt, and red and whyt, and bluw and gren, to the nombur of iij M1. horse and speres and gaffelyns.
The fenerall, the iiij day of August, of my lade Browne, the wyche she ded in chyld-bed; with a harold and iiij banars of armes, and mony schochyons; and a gret dolle, and many mornars, and a gret dener to the pore and ryche; the wyff of ser Antony Brown in Sussex.
The v day of August cam to the Towre doctur dene of Westmynster, master Cokes.
The sam day cam out of the Marsalsay the old bysshop of London, Bonar, and dyvers bysshopes bryng hym home unto ys plasse at Powlles; and doctur Cokes whent to the sam plasse in the Marselsay that the bysshope was in.
The v day of August cam in to the Towre my lord Ferrys by . . . . at ix of the cloke, and so whent he a-for the consell, and so with-in a nowre he was delevered unto ser John Gage, constabull of the Towre, and so he had the custody of my lord for that tyme.
[The Queen released from prison the lord Courtenay, soon after created earl] of Denshyre, and odur moo.
And the Qwene grace mad ser Edward Hastyngs master of the horse, and ser Thomas Jernyngham vysse-chamburlayne and captayn of the gard, and master Rochastur master controller; my lord marqwes of Wynchaster lord tresorer of England, and dyvers odur offeserse, and dyvers odur.
The vj day of August cam in-to the Towre, from [Calais, ser] Hare Dudley, that was gohyng in-to Franse.
The viij day of August was bered the nobull kyng Edward the vj, and vij yere of ys rayne; and at ys bere[ing was] the grettest mone mad for hym of ys deth [as ever] was hard or sene, boyth of all sorts of pepull, wepyng and lamentyng; and furst of alle whent a grett company of chylderyn in ther surples, and clarkes syngyng, and then ys father('s) bedmen, and then ij harolds, and then a standard with a dragon, and then a grett nombur of ys servants in blake, and then anodur standard with a whyt greyhond, and then after a grett nombur of ys of[ficers,] and after them comys mo harolds, and then a standard with the hed offesars of ys howse; and then harolds, Norey bare the elmett and the crest on horsbake, and then ys grett baner of armes in-brobery, and with dyvers odur baners, and then cam rydyng maister Clarensshuws with ys target, with ys garter, and ys sword, gorgyusly and ryche, and after Garter with ys cotte armur in brodery, and then mor [harolds] of armes; and then cam the charett with grett horsses trapyd with velvet to the grond, and hevere (fn. 12) horse havyng [a man] on ys bake in blake, and ever on (fn. 13) beyryng a banar-roll [of] dyvers kynges armes, and with schochyon(s) on (fn. 14) ther horses, and then the charett kovered with cloth of gold, and on the [charett] lay on a pycture lyeng recheussly (fn. 15) with a crown of gold, and a grett coler, (fn. 16) and ys septur in ys hand, lyheng in ys robes [and the garter about his leg, and a coat in embroidery of gold; about the corps were borne four banners, a banner of the order, another of the red rose, another of queen Jane (Seymour), another of the queen's mother. After him went a goodly horse, covered with cloth of gold unto the ground, and the master of the horse, with a man of arms in armour, which] was offered, boyth the man and the horsse. [There was set up a go]odly hersse in Westmynster abbay with banar [-rolls] and pensells, and honge with velvet a-bowt.
The sam day, the wyche was the viij day of August, cam to London [the go]od yerle of Darbe, with iiijxx in cottes of velvet and oder ij C. xviij yomen in a leveray, and so to Westmynster.
The ix day of August cam the bysshope of Wyncheaster (fn. 17) owt of the Towre (conducted) by the yerle of Arundell to ys owen parish of sant Mare Overeys, and from thens with my lord of Arundell to dener to Bayth plasse.
The x day of August was drounyd vij men at L[ondon] bryge by folij (fn. 18); on was master Thomas of Brygys the leyff-[tenants] sune and heire, and iij gentyllmen more, be-syd odur; and one . . .
The xiij day (of) August dyd pryche at Powlles crosse doctur [Bourn] parsun of hehnger, (fn. 19) in Essex, the qwen('s) chaplen, and ther [was a] gret up-rore and showtyng at ys sermon, as yt [were] lyke madpepull, watt yonge pepell and woman [as] ever was hard, as herle-borle, and castyng up of capes (fn. 20); [if] my lord mer and my lord Cortenay ad not ben ther, ther had bene grett myscheyff done.
The xvj day of August was a man sett on the pelere (fn. 21) for forgeng of falss letters in odur mens name.
The xvij day of August was mad a grett skaffold in Westmynster hall agaynst the morow, for the duke of Northumberland commyng to be raynyd, (fn. 22) with odur, as the marqwes of Northamton and the yerle of Warwyke.
The xviij day of August was reynyd (fn. 22) at Westmynster hall the marqwes of Northamton, and the duke, and th'erle of Warwyke, and so they wher condemnyd to be had to the place that thay cam fro, and from thens to be drane thrugh London onto Tyburne, and ther to be hangyd, and then to be cott (fn. 23) downe, and ther bowells to be brentt, and ther heds to be sett on London bryge and odur [places.]
[The xix day were arraigned at Westminster hall sir Andrew Dudley, sir John Gates, sir Harry] Gattes, ser Thomas Palmer, and cast [to be hanged and] quartered.
The sam day was a gret feyre (fn. 24) at Chelsay [beyond] Westmynster, and ther was dyvers howsses brent, [and] dyvers barnes with corne brent, to the nombur . . .
The xx day of August dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Wattsun, chaplayn unto (blank), and ther wher [present all the] craftes of London in ther best leveray, syttyng on formes, [every] craft by them-seylff, and my lord mere and the aldermen, and ij C. of [the guard,] to se no dysquyet done.
The sam day was bered master Kyrtun, alderman and marchand tailler, and marchand of the stapull of Cales, a-for non.
The xxj of August was, by viij of the cloke in the mornyng, on the Towre hylle a-boythe (fn. 25) x M1. men and women for to have [seen] the execussyon of the duke of Northumberland, for the skaffold was mad rede, (fn. 26) and sand and straw was browth, and all the men [that] longest (fn. 27) to the Towre, as Hogston, Shordyche, Bow, Ratclyff, Lymhouse, Sant Kateryns, and the waters (fn. 28) of the Towre, and the gard, and shyreyffs offesers, and evere man stand in order with ther holbardes, and lanes made, and the hangman was ther, and sodenly they wher commondyd to [depart].
And the sam tym after was send for my lord mer and the aldermen and cheyffest of the craftes in London, and dyvers of the consell, and ther was sed mas (fn. 29) a-for the Duke [and the rest] of the presonars. (fn. 30)
The xxj day of August was sett on the pelere (fn. 31) ij men, on a prest and a-nodur a barbur, and boyth ther herers (fn. 32) nayllyd to the pelere, the parsun of sant Alberowgh (fn. 33) with-in Bysshope-gate for hannus (fn. 34) wordes and sedyssus wordes aganst the qwen ('s) magesty hygnes at the sermon at Powlles crosse, that was the Sonday the xiij day of August, and for the up-rore that was ther don. The prest . . . twys.
The xxj day of August was a proclamasyon, that no man shuld reson aganst her grases magesty and her conselle, dohyng the wyche she wyll doe to the honor of God and ys mother.
The xxiij day of August was the sam prest sett on the pelere agayne for mo w[ordes.]
The sam day be-gane the masse at sant Nicolas Colabay, goodly song in Laten, and tapurs, and [set on] the owtter, (fn. 35) and a crosse, in old Fysstrett.
Item, the next day a goodly masse songe [at] sant Necolas Wyllyms, in Laten, in Bredstrett.
The xxv day of August was bornyd the [Great] Hare, (fn. 36) the grettest shype in the world, and yt was pete and yff yt had plesyd God, at Wolwych, [by] neckclygens and for lake of over-syth; the furst y [ere of queen Mary.]
The xxviij day of August ded ser John [Haryngton] knyght, of Rottland-shyre, with-in Saynt Ellens, Bysshopgatt stret, and from that day that he ded tyll he was cared in-to ys contray, was mas and dirige evere day songe; and Monday the iiij day of September, [he] whent in-to the contray in a horse lytter, with ys standard and ys penon of armes, and after ys horsse . . . . . with iiij pennons of armes borne a-bowt hym, and with a goodly helmet gylt, with targett, sword, and crest, and a x dosen of schochyons, and x dosen of pensells for a herse, and staff torchys, and a herse of wax, and a fere (fn. 37) mageste, and the walans (fn. 38) gylded and frynged, and so to Ware, and so (forwards.)
The vj day of September cam owt of the Towre my lord Ferrys, my lord cheyff justys Chamlay, (fn. 39) and my lord Montyguw, unto the denes place, for ther satt the consell, and ther thay wher delevered and dyscharged of the Towre with a grett fyne.
The iij day of August, at Rychemond, was my lord Cortnay created the yerle of Denshyre of owre nobulle qwene Mare.
[The xij day of September the citizens began to adorn the city against the Queen's coronation; to hang the streets, and prepare pageants at] Fanchyrche and Grasse-chyrche and Leaden-hall, in Gracyus strett, and at condutt in Cornhyll, and [the great conduit in] Chepe, at standard in Chepe, the crosse reparyd, [at] the lytyll coundytt, a pagantt in Powlles chyrche[-yard], a-nodur pagant and mony spechys, and Ludgat nuly reparyd, and mony chylderyn; [at the condy]tt in Flettstrett a pagantt, and nuwe trymmyd [very gorg]yously, and the strett hangyd, and plases for every cr[aft to stan]d seve(ral)ly, mad with tymber from evere cr[aft] ther standyng, and so to remane unto evere halle [for ev]er when they shall have nede for shyche dohyng.
The xxj day of September was the obseqwe of the baron of Dudley ser John Dudley at Westmynster, the bake-syd of Sant Margatts; and ther was at ys beryng prestes and clarkes syngyng in Laten, the prest havyng a cope and the clarke havyng the halewater sprynkull in ys hand, and after a mornar baryng ys standard, and after a-nodur beyryng ys gret baner of armes gold and sylver, and a-nodur beyryng ys elmett, mantyll, and the crest a bluw lyon('s) hed standyng a-pon a crowne of gold, and after a-nodur mornar bayryng [his] targett, and a-nodur ys sword, and after cam master Somersett the harold bayryng ys cott armur of gold and selver, and then the corse covered with cloth of gold to the grond, and iiij of ys men beyryng hym, and ys armes hangyd a-pone the cloth of gold, and xij men of ys servands bayryng xij stayffs torchys bornyng to the chyrche; and in the qwer was a hersse mad of tymbur and covered with blake, and armes apon the blake, and after the mornars a grett compene; and a-for the durge began, the harold cam to the qwer dore and prayd for ys soll by ys stylle, (fn. 40) and so began the durge song in Laten, all the lessons, and then the harold prayd for a for masse, and so the masse songe in Laten; and after ys helmet ofered, and cott and targatt, and after all was endyd offered the standard and the baner of armes; and so hom to dener, and ther was goodly ryngyng and a gret doll.
. . . . . . .
The xxj day of September was a grett wache in . . . . . . . ser Edward Hastynges, the master of the horse, in sant G[eorge's] on the banke a-bowt my lord of Wynchester('s); for ther wher serten taken, and Sowthwarke w . . .
The xxiiij day of September dyd pryche master doctur Fecknam at Powlles crosse, the Sonday a-for the qwuen('s) crounasyon; he mad a godly sermon as was hard in that place. (fn. 41)
The xxviij day of September the Qwen('s) grace removed from Sant James, and so to Whyt Hall, and ther her grace took her barge unto the Towre, and ther all the craftes and the mare and the aldermen in bargurs (fn. 42) with stremars and mynstrells, as trum pets, wettes, (fn. 43) shames, and regalls, and with a gret [shooting] of gunes tyll her grace cam in-to the Towr, and . . .
The xxix day of September the Qwuen('s) grace mad knyghts of the Bathe xv; the furst was the yerle of Devonshyre, the yonge yerle of Surray, the iijde lord of Borgane, and lord Barkley, the lord Monjoye, lord Sowche, ser Wylliam Pallet, my lord Cardyff, the lord Wyndsore('s) sune, sir Ryche('s) sune, sir Clynton, ser Pagett, ser Robart Rochaster, ser Hare Jernyngham, ser Edward Dormer.
The xxx day of September the Qwuyen('s) grace cam from the Towre thrugh London, rydyng in a charett gorgusly be-sene unto Westmynster; by the way at Fanche-chyrche a goodly pagant, with iiij grett gyants, and with goodly speches, the geneways (fn. 44) mad yt; at Grache-chyrche a-nodur goodly pajant of esterlyngs (fn. 45) makyng; and at Ledyne-hall was nodur pagant hangyd with cloth of gold, and the goodlyst playng with all maner of musyssoners, and ther was on (fn. 46) blohyng of a trumpet all the day longe; at the conduyt in Cornhyll a-nodur of the sete (fn. 45); and (at) the grett condutt a-nodur goodly on, (fn. 46) and the standard pentyd and gyldyd, and the crosse pentyd; and (at) the lytyll conduyt a goodly pagant; in Powlles chyrche-yerde ij pagants; and ij scaffolds on Powlles stepull with stremars; andt Ludgat pentyd; at the conduyd in Flett-stret a goodly pajant and pentyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . holy] water-stokes and sensers and copes . . . Westmynster chyrche, and ther her grace hard masse, and was crounyd a-pon a he (fn. 49) stage, and after [she was] a-nontyd Qwene, the forst day of October. [When all] was don, her grace cam to Westmynster hall . . . . . yt was iiij of the cloke or she whent to dener [or pa]st; and ther the duke of Norffoke rod up and done the hall, my lord the yerle of Darbe he (fn. 49) constabull, the yerle of Arundell he (fn. 49) boteler, and my lord of Borgane cheyff larderer, master Dymmoke the qwyen('s) champyon; and ther was [great me]lode; and the erle of Devonshyre bare the sword, and the yerle of Westmorland bare the cape of mantenans, and the erle of Shrowsbery bare the crowne, and the duke of Norffoke [was earl] marshall, and the yerle of Arundell lord stuard, and the erle of Surray was doer under the duke ys grandshyr, and the erle of Woseter was her grace('s) carver that day at dener, my lord Wyndsore was (blank); and at the end of the tabull dynyd my lade Elisabeth and my lade Anne of Cleyff; and so yt was candyll-lyght or her grace or she had dynyd, and so [anon] her grace toke barge.
The ij day her grace mayd lxxiiij knyghts, the morowe after her crownnasyon, the wyche her be ther names folowyng: (not inserted by the Diarist; but see the Illustrative Notes.)
The iiij day of October was cared to the Towre the archebysshope of Yorke, (fn. 50) and dyvers odur to (blank)
The v day of October the Qwuen('s) grace rod unto Westmynster chyrche, and ther her grace hard masse of the Holy-gost, and ther wher ij bysshopes; on (fn. 51) delevered her the shepter (fn. 52) and odur thyng. Her grace rod in her parlement robes, and all the trumpeters blohyng a-for them all; and so, after her grace had hard masse, they whent to the Parlement howsse all to-geyther, and the yerle of Devonshyre bare the sworde, and the yerle of Westmorland bare the cape (fn. 53) of mayntenans.
The xxij of October dyd pryche at Powlles doctur Westun, dene of Westmynster, and [there at] evere gatt in Powlles cherche yerd wher mad, [to prevent the breaking in of] horses, and for grett throng of pepull, grett bars.
The xxij day of October was bered the good [lady] Bowes, the wyff of ser Marten Bowesse late alderman and goldsmyth of London, with harolds, and with a C. men and women in gownes and cotes of . . and xxiiij gownes of mantyll frys, alff men and the [half] women, and ys howse and the strett and the chyrche hangyd with blake clothe, and with ther armes a-pon the blake . . . . hangyd with blake and armes, and ther wher iiij grett candyll stykes gyldyd, with iiij grett tapurs of . . . and ij grett whytt branchys bornyng gyldyd, and the compeny of Clarkes, and prestes; and then cam the corpse with iiij penons of arms borne a-bowt her . . . stayffes torchys bornyng a-bowt her with xij of ys servands beyryng of them; and then cam the cheyffe mornars; and then my lord mare and the swordbeyrer, and ser Hare Hubbellthorne and ser Rowland Hyll knyghtes, and mornars many, and ij knyght(s) more, and dyvers gentyllmen, and after the craft of Goldsmyth(s); and when all was done they whent, and the durge, so home to ys placsse; and the marow after a goodly masse song in Laten, and a sermon, and when all was done they whent to dener ther.
The xxix day of October dyd pryche (unfinished.)
[The same day the new Lord Mayor (fn. 54) went] toward Westmynter [attended by the] craftes of London in ther best leveray . . . . . with trumpets blohyng and the whets (fn. 55) playng . . . . a goodly fuyst (fn. 56) trymmed with banars and guns . . . waytyng of my lord mayre('s) barge unto Westmynster [and] all the craftes bargers with stremars and banars [of every] craft, and so to the Cheker, and so hom-wards; my lord mayre landyd at Banard Castyll and [in St. Paul's] chyrche-yerd dyd hevere (fn. 57) craft wher set in [array]: furst wher ij tallmen bayreng ij gret stremars [of] the Marchand-tayllers armes, then cam on (fn. 58) [with a] drume and a flutt playng, and a-nodur with a gret f[ife?] all they in blue sylke, and then cam ij grett wodyn (fn. 59) [armed] with ij grett clubes all in grene, and with skwybes bornyng . . . with gret berds and syd here, (fn. 60) and ij targets a-pon ther bake . . . and then cam xvj trumpeters blohyng, and then cam in [blue] gownes, and capes and hosse (fn. 61) and blue sylke slevys, and evere man havyng a target and a gayffelyn (fn. 62) to the nombur of lxx . . and then cam a duyllyll, (fn. 63) and after cam the bachelars all in a leveray, and skar lett hods; and then cam the pagant of sant John Baptyst gorgyusly, with goodly speches; and then cam all the kynges trumpeters blowhyng, and evere trumpeter havyng skarlet capes, (fn. 64) and the wetes (fn. 65) capes (fn. 64) and godly banars, and then the craftes, and then the wettes playhyng, and then my lord mayre('s) offesers, and then my lord mayre and ij good henchmen, and then all the aldermen and the shreyffes, and so to dener; and after dener to Powlles, and all them that bare targets dyd [bare] after stayfftorches, with all the trumpets and wettes blowhyng thrugh Powlles, thrugh rondabowt the qwer and the body of the chyrche blowhyng, and so home to my lord mere('s) howsse.
The v day of November dyd pryche master Feknam at sant Mare Overays a-for non, and ther wher at ys sermon the yerle of Devonshyre, ser Antony Browne, and juge Morgayn, and dyvers odur nobull men.
The sam day at after-non dyd prych master Feknam at sant Sthevyns in Walbroke, and ther wher serten pepull mad besenes (fn. 66) for the sermon, and ther wher juge Browne, ser Rownland Hyll, ser Rechard Dobes, ser John Yorke; and sum wher sent to the mare, (fn. 67) and to the Conter.
[The 13th of November were arraigned at Guildhall doctor Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, the lord] Gylfford Dudlay, the sune of the duke of Northumberland, and my lade Jane ys wyff, the doythur of the duke of Suffoke-Dassett, and the lord Hambrosse Dudlay, [and the] lord Hare Dudlay, the wyche lade Jane was proclamyd [Queen]: they all v wher cast for to dee.
The xix day of November dyd pryche master Feknam at sant Stheyns in Walbroke, and ther he mad the goodliest sermon that ever was hard of the blessed sacrament of the body and blud for to be after the consecracion.
The xxiiij day of November dyd ryd in a c[art] Cheken, parsun of sant Necolas Coldabbay, [round] a-bowt London, for he sold ys wyff to a bowcher.
The xxv day of November was sa[nt Katharine's] day, and at nyght they of Powlles whent a prossessyon abowt Powlles stepull with gret lyghtes, and [before them] sant Kateryn, and syngyng, with a vc. lyghtes allmost halffe a noure, and when all was don thay rong all the belles of Powlles at vj of the cloke.
The xv day of November wher creatyd serten harolds, as Rugedragan creatyd Yorke, and Ruge-crosse creatyd Lankastur, and Huw master Garter('s) servand created Ruge-crosse, and Wyllyam my lord Cobham('s) servand [created Rouge-dragon (fn. 68) ], and Kokes the duke of Northumberland('s) servand creatyd Parkolles.
The xxvj day of November dyd pryche master Whyt, warden at Powlles, mad a goodly sermon that we shuld have prossessyon.
[On the same day was a goodly herse for the late King Edward, hung with cloth of tissue, and a cross and a pax, silver] candyllstykes, and xiij bedmen holdyng of tapurs, and the durge song in Laten, and the masse on the morowe.
The xxx day of November was a godly sermon [at St. Paul's,] the wyche was sant Andrew's day, the wyche dyd pryche [master] doctur Borne; and after a generall prossessyon abowt [the church] in Laten with ora pro nobis, and the morow after a-nodur [sermon preached by Dr.] Harfeld, and prossessyon with the old Latene; and so [the Wednesday after a] prossessyon, and so thrugh England to be had.
The vj day of Desember was bered my old lade . . . . wedew at Lambeth at my lord of Canturberes plasse . . . . whytt branchys and tapurs and torchys and armes ha . . . . . on blake cloth.
The ix day of Desember was a man sett on the pelere (fn. 69) for sedyssyous wordes agaynst the quen('s) grace and her consell, in Chepe.
The viij day of Desember was prossessyon at Powlles. When all was don, my lord of London commondyd that every parryche chyrche shuld provyd for a crosse and a staffe and cope for to go of prossessyon evere Sonday and Wedynsday and Fryday, and pray unto God for fayre wether thrug London.
The day of Desember was bered in Essex my lord Morley with iiij penons of armes and with schochyons and with torchys and mony mornars in blake.
The day of Desember endyd the parlement at Westmynster, and regornyd (fn. 70) unto the (blank)
The day was a proclamasyon thrugh London and all England that noman shuld syng no Englys serves nor communion after the xx day of Desember, nor no prest that has a wyff shall not menyster nor say masse, and that evere parryche to make a auter and to have a crosse and staff, and all othur thinges in all parryches all in Laten, as hale-bred, (fn. 71) hale-water, as palme and assesse. (fn. 72)