Diary: 1553 (Jan - June)

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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'Diary: 1553 (Jan - June)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp28-34 [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Diary: 1553 (Jan - June)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp28-34.

"Diary: 1553 (Jan - June)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp28-34.

1553 (Jan - June)

The iiij day of January was bered master Robyn, alderman of London, dwellyngin Marke lane, and [buried at] Barkyng chyrche, and the strett hangyd with blake [and the ch]erche and with armes, and ther was a harold beyryng [his cote] armur and with iij penons of armes; and ther were the lord mere and the althermen at ys beryng, and ther [did] pryche doctur Borne, and ther was the compeny of [the fe]lowshyp of the Clarkes, and ther was gret compeny of morners, and he gayff a grett meyne of gownes . . . . . . ley for men to the nombur, and affter they whent to d[ener, for] thys was a-ffor none.

The sam day a-ffor non landyd at the Towre w[harf] the Kynges lord of myssrulle, and ther mett with hym the [Shreyffes] lord of myssrulle with ys men, and every on havyng a reby[nd of blue] and whytt a-bowt ther nekes, and then ys trumpet, [druws,] mores dansse, and tabrett, and he toke a swaerd and bare yt a-fore the kynges lord of myssrulle, for the lord was gorgyusly a[rrayed in] purprelle welvet furyd with armyn, and ys robe braded with spangulls of selver full; and a-bowt ym syngers, and a-for hym on gret horses and in cottes and clokes of . . . in-brodered with gold and with balderykes a-bowt ther nekes, whytt and blue sarsenets, and chynes of gold, and the rest of ys servands in bluw gardyd with whytt, and next a-for ys consell in bluw taffata and ther capes of whytt . . . ys trumpeters, taburs, drumes, and flutes and fulles (fn. 1) and ys mores dansse, gunes, mores-pykes, bagpypes; and ys mass (fn. 2) . . and ys gayllers (fn. 3) with pelere, stokes, (fn. 4) and ys axe, gyffes, (fn. 5) and boltes, sum fast by the leges and sum by the nekes, and so rod thrugh Marke lane, and so thrugh Grasyus strett and Cornhylle; and . . .
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trompet blohyng, makyng a proclamasyon . . . and so the kyng('s) lord was cared from the . . . skaffold; and after the shreyffes lord; and the kynges [lord gave] the shreyffes lord a gowne with gold and sylver, and a[non] after he knelyd downe and he toke a sword and gayff [him three?] strokes and mad ym knyght, and after thay dran[k one to t]hodur a-pon the skaffold, and ys cofferer castyng gold and sylver in every plase as they rod, and [after his co]ffrer ys carege with hys cloth-saykes on horsseback; [and so went] a-bowt Chepe, with ys gayllers and ys presonars; and [afterwards] the ij lordes toke ther horssys and rode unto my [lord] mare to dener; and after he came bake thrugh [Chepe] to the crosse, and so done (fn. 6) Wodstrett unto the shreyffes [house for] more (than) alff a nore, (fn. 7) and so forthe the Olde Jury and Lo[ndon wall] unto my lord tresorer('s) plasse, and ther they had a [great] banket the spasse of alff a nore; and so don to Bysshopgate and to Ledenhall and thrughe Fanchyrche strett, and so to the Towre warffe; and the shreyff('s) lord gohyng with hym with torche-lyght, and ther the kynges lord toke ys pynnes (fn. 8) with a grett shott of gonnes, and so the shreyffes lord toke ys leyff of ym and cam home merele (fn. 9) with ys mores dansse danssyng and so forth.

The x day of January was the monyth myn (fn. 10) of ser (Thomas (fn. 11) ) Wynsor knyght, in the contey of (Buckingham?), with a harold and ys standard, ys penon of armes and ys cot armur, ys elmet, target, and sword, mantylles, and the crest a whyt hartes ede, (fn. 12) hornes gold; and he was elldest sune unto the lord Wynsor and here, (fn. 13) and mared my lord Dakurs of the North doythur—the vj king Edward vj.

The xiij day of January was put apon the pelore a woman for she wold have poyssoned her husband dwellyng with-in the Powlles bake-howsse, and the xiiij day she was wyped at a cart harsse, and nakyd up-ward, and the xviij day folowhyng she was a-gayne apone the pelere for slanderyng.

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. . . with the compeny of the . .

The xxj day of the sam monyth rod unto [Tyburn] ij felons, serten was for kyllyng of a gentylman [of] ser Edward North knyght, in Charturhowsse cheyr[ch yard?]—the vij yere of kyng Edward the vj.

The iij day of January was cared from the Marshalleshe unto saynt Thomas of Wateryng a talman, and whent thedur with the rope a-bowt ys neke, and so he hangyd a whylle, and the rope burst, and a whylle after and then th[ey went f] or a-nodur rope, and so lyke-wyss he burst yt [and fell] to the grond, and so he skapyd with ys lyffe.

The vj day of Feybruary cam to London and rod thrughe London my lade Mare('s) grasse, the kynges syster, with a grett nombur of lordes and knyghtes, and her grace a grett [number] of lades and jentyll women and jentyll men to the [number] of ij honderd horsse, and thrug Chepe unto Saynt J[ohn's].

The ix day of January (fn. 14) be-tweyn vij and viij of the cloke in the evenyng felle downe the grett stepull [of] Waltham in Essex, and the qwyre felle downe, and alle the gr[eat] belles to the grond, and myche of the chyrche.

The x day of January (fn. 14) rod my lade Mare('s) grasse from Saynt [John's] and thrugh Flettstrett unto the kyng at Westmynster, with a grett nombur of lords and knyghtes, and alle the [great] women lades, the duches of Suffoke and Northumberland, my lade marqwes of Northamptun, and lade marqwes of Wynchester, and the contes of Bedfford, and the contes of Shrowsbere, and the contes of Arundelle, my lade Clynton, my lade Browne and Browne, (fn. 15) and many mo lades and gentyllwomen; and at the oter (fn. 16) gatt ther mett her my lord of Suffoke and my lord of Northumberland, my lord of Wynchester, my lord of Bedfford, and therle of Shrusbery, the therle of Arundell, my lord Chamburlayn, my lord Admerolle, and a gret nomber of knyghtes and gentyllmen, and so up unto the chambur of pressens, and ther the Kynges grace mett her and salutyd her.

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. . . owyn a-pon payne of presunmentt and a grett [penalty, as ye] shalle fynd in the actes in secund yere of kyng . . . the perlementt tyme of the sayd yere, and nott to be . . . plasse as taverns, alle-howses, ines, or wher . . . for cummers and gestes, and has commandyd unto alle shreyffes and baylles, constabulls, justes of pesse, (fn. 17) or any . . thay shall se truthe (and) justys as thay shalle [inform the] kyng and ys consell, and bryng them to pressun (fn. 18) of . . . sun or poyssuns as be the offenders ther off for . . . her of odur.

The sam day was sett on the pelere a man that dyd [set on a] man for to kylle a honest man that he myghtt have ys [wife,] and yett dyd he kepe her and spend ys goodes a-ffore, and [could not] be contentt with that, and so ys ere was nayled to the pelore.

The xvij day of February dyd ryd in a care th[rough London] Clarkes wyff a goldsmyth, at the syne of the Angell in Chepe, and . . . . mayd and a-nodur, the ij wher (fn. 19) ray hodes on ther hedes, for . . .

The xxiiij day of Feybruarii was bered ser Wylliam Sydnay knyght, in the contey of Kentt, at ys plasse callyd Penthurst, with ij harolds of armes, with ys standard, and ys baner of armes, and ys cote armur, and iiij baner-rolles of armes, ys target, and mantyll, and helmett, and the crest a bluw porpyntyn, (fn. 20) and vij dosen and di.skochyons; and ther wher mony mornars, and ther wher a grett dolle of mony.

The xvij day of Feybruary th'erle of Penbroke cam rydyng in to London with iij C. horsse, and a-ffor hym a C. gentyllmen with chenes of gold, alle in bluw cloth, playne, with a bage on ther slewe (fn. 21) a dragon, (fn. 22) and so to Benard Castyll, and ther he leyff. (fn. 23)
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The xxiiij day of the sam monyth . . . bowtt London.

The xxv day of Feybruary rod in a care . . . . ame a wyswer (fn. 24) and a prest (fn. 25) wyff and a-nodur bowdry; the ij women dyd wher (fn. 26) ray hods; the [priest's] wyff was persun Whyt here wyff of saynt Alphes.

The furst day of Marche be-gane the parlement [at] the kynges plasse within the courte, and the morowe [removed] to Westmynster.

The iij day of Marche rod in a care on (fn. 27) of the bedylls of the begers, (fn. 27) for bowdry, dwellyn in saynt Bathellmuw lane be-syd my lord mayre.

The xxiiij day of February was bered in saynt Katheryns Colman master Hare (fn. 28) Webe sqwyre, and porter of the Towre, with a harold, and ys penon of armes, and ys cot armur, and with iiij dossen of skochyons.

The xxij day of Marche was bered master Syssylle sqwyr, and gentyllman of the kynges robes, and the father unto sir Hare (fn. 28) Sysselle knyght, and bered at saynt Margates at Westmynster, with cote armur and ys penon of armes; and he had a-nodur cote armur, and a penon, was mad and cared in-to the contrey wher he dwelt.

The sam day, wyche was the xxij day of Marche, was bered master John Heth, dwellyng in Fanchyrche strett, and ther whent a-ffor hym a C. chylderyn of Gray-freres boys (fn. 29) and gyrlles, ij and ij (to-)gether, and he gayff them shurts and smokes, and gyrdulls, and moketors; and after thay had wy. . and fygs and good alle, and ther wher a grett dener; and ther wher the cumpene of Panters, and the Clarkes, and ys cumpony had xxs. to make mere (fn. 30) with-alle at the tavarne.

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The xvij day of Marche cam thrugh London, [from] Algatt, master Maynard, the shreyff of London, wyth (fn. 31) a standard and dromes, and after gyants boyth [great and] smalle, and then hobe-horsses, and after them the g[ . . . ], and affter grett horsses and men in cotes of velvet, [with chains] of gold a-bowt ther nekes, and men in harnes; [and then] the mores dansse, and then mony mynsterels; and af[ter came] the sergantes and yomen on horsse-bake with rebyns (fn. 32) [of green] and whytt abowtt ther nekes, and then my lo[rd justice?] late behyng lord of myssrulle, rod gorgyusly [in cloth?] of gold, and with cheynes of gold abowt ys neke, with hand fulle of rynges of grett waluw; the w . . . serjants rod in cotes of velvet with cheynes of [gold;] and then cam the dullo (fn. 33) and a sawden, (fn. 34) and then [a priest?] shreyffyng (fn. 35) Jake-of-lent on horss-bake, and a do[ctor] ys fezyssyoun, and then Jake-of-lent('s) wyff brow[ght him] ys fessyssyons and bad save ys lyff, and he shuld [give him] a thowsand li. for ys labur; and then cam the carte with the wyrth hangyd with cloth of gold, and fulle of ban[ners] and mynsterels plahyng and syngyng; and a-for rod master Coke, in a cot of velvett with a cheyn off gold, and with flowres.

The iij day of Aprell whent unto saynt Mare spytyll, onto the sermon, alle the masters and rulars, and skollmasturs and mastores, (fn. 36) and alle the chylderyn, boyth men and vomen chylderyn, alle in blue (fn. 38) cotes, and wenssys (fn. 39) in blue frokes and with skoychyons in-brodered on ther slevys with the armes of London, and red capes, (fn. 40) and so ij and ij (to-)geder, and evere man in ys plasse and offes; (fn. 41) and so at the Spyttylle (a scaffold) was mad of tymbur, and covered with canves, and setes on a-boyff a-nodur for alle the chylderyn syttyn on a-boyff a-nodur lyke stepes, and after thrug London . . .

[The xj day of April the King removed from Westminster by water to Greenwich; and passed by the] Towre, and ther wher a [great shot of guns and] chamburs, and all the shypes shott of gonnes [all the way to] Ratclyff, and ther the iij shypes that was rygyng (fn. 42) [there, appointed to go] to the Nuw-fouland, (fn. 43) and the ij pennons (fn. 44) shott gunnes and chamburs a grett nombur.

The xvij day of Aprell cam a commondement [down] unto London that alle the cherche-wardens of London [should go] unto Gyldhall a-ffor the commyssyonars, the bysshope of London, and my lord mare, and master Chamlay the kynges cheyff justes, [and that] thay shuld bryng a truw sertycatt (fn. 45) of alle the chy[rch goods,] juelles and monay, and belles, and alle copes and ornaments that [belong] to the chyrche.

The xxv day of Aprell wher hangyd at saynt T[homas] of Wateryng, of saynt Marke day, vj feylons; iiij [were] hangyd with ij altars (fn. 46) a-pese, (fn. 47) and the ij wher pore (?) with one.

[Having discontinued his diary during May, and left half a page blank, Machyn subsequently inserted this memorandum: "The stylle that ys sett forth by owre nuw kyng Phelype and Mare by the grace of God kyng and quene of England, Franse, Napuls, Jerusalem, and Ierland, deffenders of the fayth, and prynsses of Spayne and Ses[ily,] archesdukes of Austherege, dukes of Melayn, Burgundye, and Brabantt, contes of Haspurge, Flandurs, and Tyrole."
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The vj day of Junii dyd falle downe a . . . a howsse in saynt Clement lane be-syde . . . ther the good-man of the howse was [killed,] and the good-wyff sore hurt, and the mayd. The man's nam was (blank) Benbryke; a sad [accident!]

The xxx day of Junii whas sett a post hard [by the] Standard in Chep, and a yonge felowe ted (fn. 48) to the post, [with a collar] of yron a-bowt ys neke, and a-nodur to the post with [a chain; and] ij men with ij whypes wypyng (fn. 49) hym a-bowt the post, [for pretended] vessyones, (fn. 50) and for obbrobyus and sedyssyus wordes—the vij [king Edw. vj.]


  • 1. fools.
  • 2. messengers?
  • 3. jailers.
  • 4. stocks.
  • 5. gyves.
  • 6. down.
  • 7. an hour.
  • 8. embarked in his pinnace.
  • 9. merrily.
  • 10. month's mind.
  • 11. blank in MS.
  • 12. head.
  • 13. heir.
  • 14. These passages probably both belong to the month of February, to which Strype has assigned them.
  • 15. Sic in MS.
  • 16. outer.
  • 17. justices of peace.
  • 18. prison.
  • 19. wore.
  • 20. porcupine.
  • 21. badge on their sleeve.
  • 22. wyver, marginal note.
  • 23. lives.
  • 24. wizard.
  • 25. priest's.
  • 26. wear.
  • 27. one.
  • 28. beggars.
  • 29. Harry.
  • 30. boyth in MS. The children of Christ's Hospital.
  • 31. merry.
  • 32. wyrt in MS.
  • 33. ribands.
  • 34. devil.
  • 35. soudan, i.e. sultan, or Turk.
  • 36. shriving.
  • 37. mistresses.
  • 38. plue in MS.
  • 39. wenches.
  • 40. caps.
  • 41. office.
  • 42. rigging. Strype has erroneously riding.
  • 43. Newfoundland.
  • 44. pinnaces.
  • 45. certificate.
  • 46. halters.
  • 47. a piece.
  • 48. tied.
  • 49. whipping.
  • 50. visions.