The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.
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'Diary: 1562 (Jul - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Diary: 1562 (Jul - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Diary: 1562 (Jul - Dec)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
1562 (Jul - Dec)
The furst day of July was the Marchand-tayllers' fest, and dynyd my lord mare, the yerle of Sussex, the yerle of Kyldare, ser (blank) Stanley, and ser Thomas Whytt, ser Thomas Offeley and master Ro . ., ser Wyllyam Huett, ser Marten Bowes, master Cowper, master Allen, master Gyl[bert,] master Chamburlayn altherman, master Champyon, master Avenon, master Malere, and master Baskerfeld, and the master and the iiij wardens and the clarkes and the bedyll of the Skynnars, and mony worshephull men, and mony lades and gentyllwomen, and they had agaynst the dynner iijxx and (blank) bukes (fn. 1) and iiij stages; (fn. 2) and master Wylliam Allen electyd shreyff for the quen, and master Whettelle the master, and master Raff Whytt hed warden and master Mar . . and master serjant Halle and master Browne wardens; and master Garter and master Clarenshux dynyd there.
The xxviij day of June grett wache (fn. 3) at the Towre and at Towrehylle and sant Katharyn's, a C. hagabuttes and a C. in cossellettes, vj drumes and iiij flages, on sant Peter's evyn last past, and a castylle and sqwybys.
The v day of July ther wher at Westmynster ij chylderyn plahyng to-gether, behyng sonday (unfinished)
The vij day of July, Symon Smyth browth (fn. 4) to the gyld-halle Kynlure Machen for to have lyssens (fn. 5) to have here to have a hosband Edward Gardener cowper, and they wher browth in-to the consell chamber a-for my lord mayre and the althermen and master recorder and master Surcott and master Marche, and they wher examynyd whether they where sure or not, but at the last yee sayd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do]wther of Cristofer Machyn.
The xiiij day of July was a grett sh[ooting of the] parryche of sant Gregores in Powlles chyrche-yerd, [the one] halff agaynst the thodur; (fn. 6) on (fn. 7) syd had yelow [scarfs, and] thodur red skarffes, and a vj drumes and iiij fluttes; [and so] to my lord of London('s) plase to soper, a c. mes[ses.]
The xx day of July was goodly weddyng in (blank) parryche, of master Coke and master Nycolles dowther; for ther w[ere the lord] mare and alle the althermen, and mony lades (fn. 8) and mony w[orshipful] men and women, and after the wedyng was done [they went] home to the Bryghowse to dener, for ther w[as a great dinner] as ever was sene, and all maner musyke, and d[ancing all the] day longe, and at nyght goodly soper; and after a goodly [masque? at] mydnyght; at the wedyng master Becon dyd pryche; for [there were] no maner mettes (fn. 9) nor drynges (fn. 10) that cold be had for m[oney that were wanting].
The sam day was bered mastores Wast in sant [Andrew's] in the Warderobe, with alff a dosen skochyons of armes, now the wyff of (blank)
The sam nyght was the Mercers' soper, and ther sopy[d my] lord of Penbroke and (unfinished)
The xxj day of July was grett cher at the Bryghowse, at the sam wedyng at master Necolles, and after soper cam iij maskes; on was in cloth of gold, and the next maske was frers, and the iij was nunes; and after they dansyd be-tymes, and after frers and nunes dansyd to-gether.
The xxij day of July was a grett shutyng (fn. 11) of the paryche of (blank)
The xxiij day of July was my lord Gylles (fn. 12) dowther cristened at
sant Botulf with-owtt Byshope-gatt, Mare, the dowther of my
lade Powlett; the godfather master Smyth of the custum-howse,
and master John Whyt('s) wyff altherman and mastores (blank)
. . . . . . . . . . .
[The . . day of July was christened the do]wther of Wylliam Harve aleas Cla[renceux king of] armes, in the parryche of sant Brydes, th[e godfather] Cordall master of the rolles knyght, and the godmothers my lade Bacon my lord keper('s) wyff, and my lade Sysselle [wife of] ser Wylliam Sysselle; (fn. 13) and after unto master Clarenshux('s), and ther was a grett bankett as I have sene, and wass[ail, of] epocras, Frenche wyne, Gaskyn wyne, and Reynys [wine,] with grett plente, and all ther servandes had a banekett in the hall with dyvers dyssys. (fn. 14)
The sam day a commondementt cam downe to my lord mare that evere craft in London shuld resortt to theyre [halls] to make owt a vj C. men well be-sene in cosseletts, gones and bowes and pykes, with all sped, and to take clen . . . up and comely.
The xxx day of July was bered in sant Talphes (fn. 15) in Crepullgatt mastores Parston, late the wyff of master Howelle doctur of phesyke, with a xij clarkes syngyng; and then cam the corse with vj skochyons of bokeram, and a xij mornars, and xvj pore women in blake gownes; and master Coverdalle mad the sermon; and after to the plase to dener.
The furst day of August was bered mastores Starke the wyff of master Starke skynner, and the docthur (fn. 16) of master Avenon shreyff of London, with a xvj clarkes syngyng and a x pore women in mantyll fryse gownes, master shreyff the cheyffe morner, and after a xx mornars in blake, boyth men and women, and master Busken mad the sermon.
The sam day was bered a mayd, and the docthur of Thomas Grenway, brodur unto master altherman Grenway, dwellyng in Northfoke at a towne (blank)
The sam day my lord mare and the althermen and all craftes of
London whent to Yeld-hall to chuse a nuw shreyff, and thay dyd
chuse master Chamburlayn altherman, yrmonger, shreyff for the
nex(t) yere.
. . . . . . . . . . .
The iiij day of August the menysters wyff [of . . .] parryche fell done a stayre and brake here neke.
The vj day of August was reynyd (fn. 17) at Yeld-hall vij, vj for qwynnyng (fn. 18); iiij was cast for deth, Thomas Wylford, Thomas Borow, . . . Maltby, Phelipe Furney gold-smyth, and ij fr[eely] qwytt; and ther satt a-pone them my lord [justice] Chamley, ser Recherd Sakefeld, the master of the rolles, [sir Martin] Bowes, ser Wylliam Garett, ser William Huett, master re[corder], master Surcott, and master Chydley and master Eldertun.
The x day of August was drane from . . . . unto Tyborne Phelype Furney gold-smyth d[welling in] sant Barthelmuwe in Smythfeld for cowyning, (fn. 19) and hangyd after, and (blank) Walker was cared in a care to Tyburne, and hangyd for robere.
The x day of August was Barbur-surgyons' fest, and they capt (fn. 20) ther communion at sant Alphes at Crepull-gatt, and master Recherdsun dyd pryche, the Skott; ther was good syngyng; and after to ther halle to dener, and after dener a play.
The xvij day of August was the Waxchandler(s') fest, for ther was good chere.
The xviij day of August was a commondementt to my lord mare and to my masters the althermen that all the compene of all craftes that dyd dyscharge (fn. 21) alle the men that where prest and taken up to go of the qwene('s) afarerse (fn. 22) where her grace wold, that shuld goo to grett charge to the cette of London and here grace, boyth corselettes and clokes of brod bluw gardyd with red, and gones, and bowes, and mores pykes.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ther hall; and ther dynyd ser Thomas Whytt, ser Tho . . . . .
The xxxj day of August was bered in Essex the good erle [of Oxford, with] iij haroldes of armes, master Garter, master Lancostur, master Rych[mond, with a st]andard and a grett baner of armes, and viij baner-rolles, [helmet,] crest, targett, and sword, and cott armur, and a herse with velvett [and a] palle of velvett, and a x dosen of skochyons, [and with] mony mornars in blake, and grett mone mad for hym.
The furst day of September was bered in the parryche [of saint B]rydes in Fletstrett master Hulsun skrevener of London and master Heyword('s) depute, (fn. 21) and on of the masturs of Brydwell; and ther wher all the masturs of Brydwell with gren stayffes in ther handes, [and] the chylderyn of the hospetall, at ys berehyng; and ther was mony mornars in blake, and [master] Crowley dyd pryche; [and there] was grett ryngyng as ever was hard, (fn. 22) and the godely ry . . ; and he had a dosen of skochyons of armes in metalle.
The iij day of September cam rydyng owt of Essex from [the funeral] of the yerle of Oxford ys father the yonge yerle of Oxford, with vij-skore horse all in blake throughe London and Chepe and Ludgatt, and so to Tempulle bare, and so to (blank), be-twyn v and vj of the cloke at after-none.
The sam day be-gane to make rede (fn. 23) for the good lade contes (fn. 24) of Bedford a grett baner of armes and vj grett baner-rolles and . . skochyons of armes of sylke, and of paper-ryalle vij doshen skochyons of armes.
The sam tyme they be-gane to make for my lord Mordant in Bedfordshyre furst a standard and a gret baner of armes, and (blank) banar-rolles and vj skochyons of armes of [silk,] and of bokeram (blank) dosen, and of paper (blank) dosen skochyons, and a targett, sword, helme, and crest, mantylls and (blank) dosen of sylke, and a cott armur, and grett skochyons of armes for the herse [of] past (fn. 25) papur, and goodly bordurs rond abowt the herse.
The ix day of September was bered the contes of Be[dford] at Chennys with iij haroldes of armes, with a (fn. 26) grett baners of mareges, (fn. 27) and vj banar-rolles, and viij dosen of skochyons, and mony mornars in blake.
The viij day of September whent thrughe London a prest, (fn. 28) with a cope, taken sayhyng of masse in Feyter lane at my lade (blank), and so to my lord mare, and after to the contur in . . . ; and the thursday after he was cared to the Masselsay.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . an for kyllyng of her . . . .
The xj day of September was a man sett on [the pillory] for conterfeytyng a false wrytyng to bege in dyvers places in London, and puttyng in mony honest men('s) ha[nds (fn. 29) to] gyff ym lysens to bege, butt yt was false, the w . . .
The xiij day of September cam tydynges to [London that] (blank) was delevered unto the (blank)
The xv day of September cam from Mylle[—end saint] Antony('s) skoll (fn. 30) done Cornnyll (fn. 31) and so to the Stokes, and so to . ., with stremars and flages and a viij drumes plahy[ng, with] C. chylderyn of the skolle well be-sene; and after [they went] home to ther fathers and fryndes.
The xvj day of September was bered my [lady] Mordantt in the conte of (Bedford).
The xviij day of September my lord mare and my masters the althermen, and mony worshephull men, and dyvers of the masturs and wardens of the xij compenys, red (fn. 32) [to the] condutth hedes for to se them, after the old coustum; and a—[fore] dener they hundyd the hare and kyllyd, and so to dener to the hed of the condyth, for ther was a nombur, and had good chere of the chamburlayn; and after dener to hontyng of the fox, and ther was a goodly cry for a mylle, and after the hondys kyllyd the fox at the end of sant Gylles, and theyr was a grett cry at the deth, and blohyng of hornes; and so rod thrugh London, my lord mare Harper with all ys compene home to ys owne plase in Lumberd strett.
The xviij day of September was my lord mare dyd warne all the craftes to bryng in ther men in harnes (fn. 33) to Leydynhall with pykes and gones and bowes and bylles, in bluw clokes gardyd with red, and ther to take a wue (fn. 34) of them tyll nyght, and they wernyd (fn. 36) to muster in Morefeld the morowe after, and ther captaynes' names master Wakham and master (blank)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ard Brandford, and at vj captayn (blank) . . . . ther jorney to Byshope-gatt, and so to Sowthwarke, [and so to Por]thmowth, and ther harnes (fn. 37) cared in dry fastes. (fn. 38)
The xxx day of September was raylles mad at sant [Giles's with]wtt Crepull-gatte, and hangyd with blake and armes, [for the] gentyll knyght ser Hare Gray, and was brodur unto the [earl of Ke]nt, with ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshux kynge, and Ruge-crosse pursewantt of armes, and he bare the helme and [crest, master] Clarenshux the cott of armes, and then the standard and [banners of] armes; and the clarkes syngyng; and then the corse covered [with a bla]ke velvett pall with a whyt crosse of saten and armes a-p[on it,] and many mornars in blake; and ther dyd pryche master (Nowell) the [dean of] Powlles; and after he was bered home to the plase to d[inner, where] ther was good chere, dener after dener tyll iiij of the [clock.]
The sam day the nuw shreyffes of London toke ther barges, and yed to Westmynster halle, and toke ther othe in the checker, master Allen and master Chamburlayn shreyffes.
The sam day at nyght be-twyn viij and ix was a grett fray in Redcrosse stret betwyn ij gentyllmen and ther men, for they dyd mare (fn. 39) one woman, and dyvers wher hurtt; thes wher ther names, master Boysse (fn. 40) and master Gaskyn gentyllmen.
The ij day of October was bered in sant Austen's parryche master Robartt Duckyngtun marchand-tayller, and latt warden of the Marchand-tayllers' compene; and ther wher all the masters of the compene in ther leverey, and he gayff mony gownes bowth to pore and ryche, and he was the best howse-kepar of a comm[oner] in London, and the feynest mett drest and plente.
The viij day of October my lord the duke of Northfoke and the duches my good lade ys wyff cam rydyng thrughe London and thrughe Byshope-gatt to Leydyn-hall, and so to Chrychyre (fn. 41) to ys own plase, with a C. horse in ys leverey was ys men gentyll-men a-fore cottes gardyd with velvett, and with iiij haroldes a-for hym, master Clarenshux kyng at armes, master Somersett and master Ruge-crosse and master Blumantylle ryd a-fore.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to be bered at sant [Dunstan's in the west?] mastores Chamley the wyff of master Ch[amley recorder? of Lo]ndon, with a palle of blake velvett and with . . . . . . ther dyd pryche at her berehyng master (blank) . . . mornars, and she had a harold of arm . . . . dosen of skochyons of armes; and after home t[o dinner.]
The xxix day of October the nuw mare (fn. 42) [went by] water unto Westmynster, and all the althermen and the craftes of London in barges deckyd with stremars, [and there] was a goodly fuste (fn. 43) decked with stremars and banars, with drumes, trumpetes, and gones to Westmynster playce, (fn. 44) [where] he toke ys oythe, (fn. 46) and so home to Beynard castylle, [and] with all the artheralthmen; (fn. 47) and in Powlles chyrcheyerd ther mett (him) all the bachelars in cremesun damaske hodes, with drumes and flutes and trumpettes blohyng, and a lx powre men in bluw gownes and red capes, (fn. 48) and with targettes and jaffelyns [and] grett standardes, and iiij grett banars of armes and . . . and after a goodly pagantt with goodly musyke plahyng; and to Yeld-halle to dener, for ther dynyd mony of the consell and all the juges and mony nobull men and women; and after dener the mare and all the althermen yede to Powlles with all musyke.
The xxxj day of October was bered good mastores Luwen, wedowe, latte the wyff of master Thomas Luwen yrmonger and altherman, and she gayff a xxiiij gownes to powre women, and she gayff mony blake gownes; and ther was the compene of the Clarkes; and a ij dosen of skochyons of armes; and master Chamburlayn the shreyff and John Dune here servand was here sekturs, (fn. 49) and master Wylliam Draper oversear; and dyre (fn. 50) dyd pryche for here master Goodman the dene of Westmynster; and all the crafte of the Yrmongers ther; and after to here plase, for ther was a grett dener for as mony as wold cum, and after was sent spyse bred to evere howse and about the cette (fn. 51) unto worshephulle men and women.
The iiij day of November dyd ryd a woman thrugh London, she dwellyng in sant Necolas shambulles, for baldre, or okuwpyng of here owne gayre.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . forth and shuld have bene . . . . as Blakewelle the sune of master Blakwell . . . . was cheyfe mornar there.
The viij day of November the Quen('s) grace removyd from Hamtun cowrt toward London, and be-twyn iij and [iiij o'clock] cam by Charyng-crosse, and so rod unto Some[rset plac]e with mony nobull men and women, and with har[olds of a]rmes in ther cotte armurs; and my lord Thomas [Howard bare] the sword a-for the quen to Somersett plase, and the [Queen will abide] ther tyll Criustynmas, and then to Whyt-halle.
The xiiij day of November dyd ryde in a care a w[ife] dwellyng in the longe entre at the Stokes at the syne of (blank) kepyng a taverne, for okuwpy here own . . . . .
The sam day at nyght cam a commondement [to] the masturs of every parryche and mastores shuld pray to [God] thys iij days for to helpe them that be send (fn. 52) [be-]yond the see agaynst the Duke of Gwys, the wyche the prynce of Co[ndé] doys in-tentt (fn. 53) for to mett in the feld on Tuwsday.
The monday the xvj day of November was mar[ed at Bow] parryche master Allen the shreyff('s) dowthur unto master Star[ke] marchand and skynner, and ther was mony worshep[ful] men and women, and dyd pryche master Crolley, and after a gre[at dinner.]
The xix day of November at after-non was [a] fray with-owtt Tempull-bare agaynst master Huntun (fn. 54) ['s house?] that mared my lady of Warwyke, and ther was sl[ain] master Banaster, servand unto master Huntun, by (blank)
The xviij day of November was bered at Hakenay master Dedycott sqwyre and draper of London, and ther he gayff to (blank) pore men xxiiij gownes of rattes coler of vijs. the yerd, and had a penon of armes and cott armur, and master Rychemond was the harold; and he gayff mony blake gownes a xx . . . and ij dosen of skochyons of armes, and ther was a xx [of the] clarkes of London syngyng, and ther dyd pryche master (blank); and ther was the masters of the hospetall with gren stayffes; master Avenon and master Mynors cheyff mornars; and after to ys plase to dener.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dormer] sqwyre, [the son] of ser Myghell Dormer, late mare [of London].
The xxj day of November was bered in Colm[an street?] . . . . . . . . . om the phesyssion, with a dosen of skockyons [of arms, and] all the clothyng of the Penters in ther leveray, and . . . . . there at ys berehyng.
The xxij day of November was bered at Why[techapel?] mastores Typkyn wedow, latt the wyff of master Typkyn, bered . . . dosen of skochyons of armes; and she gayff a xij gownes [of frie] sse unto xij pore women, and she gayff a xl blake [gowns and] cassokes and blake cottes; and ther was a xvj clarkes, and master Phylpott dyd pryche; and after to sant Katheryn's [to her] howse to dener, for ther was good chere.
The xxvj day of November at nyght was slayne a carter by a Frenche-man, because that the carter cold [not give] hym rome for presse of cartes that was ther that tyme.
The ij day of Desember was bered mastores Welles the . . . of master Clarenshux kyng of armes, (fn. 55) with a palle of blake v[elvet, and] with a dosen of skochyons of armes, and master Clarenshux and the . . . . wher the mornars, and browtt to the chyrche of sant Brydes; and master Phylpott made the sermon; and after hom unto master Clarenshux ['s place, and] a grett dener as cold be had for the tyme.
The v day of Desember ded ser Homfrey Browne knyght in the mornyng and juge of (blank) and lord justes Browne.
The xv day of Desember was cared by the Clarkes of London from Seypulkurs unto sant Martens orgaynes in Kanwykstrett (fn. 56) to be bered be on of ys wyffes the lord justes Browne and knyght, with ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshux and master Somersett; furst whent a-for xxiiij pore men in mantyll fryse gownes, and after a xx clarkes carehyng ther surples on ther armes, and next the standard borne by a mornar, and then cam the ij chaplens and dyvers mornars, and then cam a harold bayryng the helme and crest, and next cam master Clarenshux beyryng the cott of armes, and then cam the pennone of armes, and then cam the corse with a palle of blake velvett with armes on yt, and then the cheyff mornars and my lord Mordantt with odur, and then came the juges and sergant(s) of the coyffe, and next all the ynes of the cowrt in a-ray, a gret nombur, and thruge Chepesyd; and master Renakur mad the sermon, and after home to a grett dener.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and armes and after ys helmet . . . . . . . . . . . targett and after ys sword, and after ys cott [armour] . . . . . . offered, and ys pennon offered, and after alle . . . . . . . serjantes of the law and servandes offered.
The xx day of Desember was bered my lord Gr[ey of Wilton] knyght of the Garter, sum-tyme capten of Gynes, and bered [at] (blank) with a herse garnyssed with velvett and blake and armes, [with four] haroldes of armes, master Garter prensepalle, and master Norrey kyng at armes, [Chest] ur harold and Ruge-dragon, and ther was a xx clark [es syng]yng all the way, furst ij porters in blake with blake sta[ffs and] in gownes, and then the standard borne, and then mo . . . . the grett baner of ys armes, and then the harold [bearing the] helmett and crest, and a-nodur the targett and the sword, and a-nodur [the coat armour;] then master Garter, and then the corse, with a ryche palle; and . . . . of ys men bayryng ytt; and iiij grett banar-rolles of m[arriages;] after the cheyffe mornars and after mony mornars, and th[ere did prea]che master (blank); and ther was iij dosen of bokeram skochyons of armes, and viij dosen of penselles to garnys (fn. 57) the herse, and . . . grett skochyons of pastyd paper, and the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes, and a viij dosen of skochyons of armes; and after a[ll done at] the berehyng all they when(t) bake agayne unto master de[an's] plase to dener, for ther was a nobull dener as [has] bene sene for venesun and wyld fulle. (fn. 58)
The xxvj day of Desember cam tydynges unto the cowrt thatt the prynse of Condutt (fn. 59) and the duke of Gwys mett in the [field,] and that the prynse was taken, and mony taken and slayne, [and many] taken pressonars.
The xxx day of Desember was slayne in John's strett. Gylbard gold-smyth dwellyng at the sene (fn. 60) of the Blake Boy in the Ch[eap,] by ys wyff('s) sun callyd (blank)