The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.
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'Diary: 1562 (Jan - June)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Diary: 1562 (Jan - June)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Diary: 1562 (Jan - June)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
1562 (Jan - June)
The iiij day of January cam to the c[ourt the] yerle of Kyldare, and browth (fn. 1) the grett O'Nelle of Yrland, for he had the charge of hym [to bring] hym to the quen.
The iiij day dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [the] dene of Powlles, and ther dyd a man pennans; he was dume, but the masters of Brydwell mad ym [speak], and for that cause he was there.
The xij day the lord mayre and the althermen whent to Powlles, and all the craftes in London in ther leverey, and the bachelars, and after cam into Chepe-syd a lord of mysrulle from Whyttchapell with a grett compene with many gones (fn. 2) and halbardes, and trumpettes blohyng; and ys men well be-sene; and thrugh Nuwgatt and in at Ludgatt and so abowtt Powlles, and so into Chepe-syde, and so hom to Algatt.
The x day of January was cared in-to the contrey, to be bered by her hosband the yerle and her hosband ser Thomas Kyttsun, the contes of Bathe.
The (blank) day of (blank) master Recherd Alyngtun, the sune of ser Gylles Alyngtun knyght of Cambryge-shyre, the wyche he ded (fn. 3) of the smalle pokes. (fn. 4)
[The . . day of January Thomas Howard duke of Norfolk was conducted by] the master and the ward[ens of the Fishmon]gers and all the clothyng in-to the [guild-hall in] London, and ther he was mad fre of [the company]; ys grane-father was Thomas Haward [duke of] Northfoke the last, and fre of the worshephull c[ompany of] the Fyssmongers; and after to my lord mare to dener. The compene of the Fyssmongers dynyd at the Kyng('s) -hed in . . . . Fysstrett.
The xiiij day of January cam rydyng in-to [Cheap-] syd (blank) John Onelle, the wyld Yrys-man, (fn. 5) and [went] and dynyd at the sant John('s) hed at master Daneell['s the] goldsmyth; the wyche was the sune of the erle of (Tyrone).
The xj day of January was bered in Suffoke my lade contes of Bayth wedow, and the last wyff to the sed erle, and late the wyff of ser Thomas Cutsun, (fn. 6) and late to ser Recherd Longe knyght; with a grett banar of armes and vj banar-rolles of all mareges, (fn. 7) and a x dosen skochyons of armes, and vj of sylke wrought with fyne gold.
The xv day of January the Quen('s) grace cam to Beynard Castyll to the yerle of Penbroke to dener, and mony of here consell, and tared soper, and at nyght there was grett chere and a grett bankett, and after a maske, and here grace tared all nyght.
The xviij day of January was a play in the quen('s) hall at Westmynster by the gentyll-men of the Tempull, and after a grett maske, for ther was a grett skaffold in the hall, with grett tryhumpe as has bene sene; and the morow after the skaffold was taken done.
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . women for . . . .
The sam day was ij sett on the [pillory] for conterfetyng a wrytyng that serten . . . . had sett ther hand too a lysens for to [beg?, (fn. 8) in] dyvers sheyrs and contreys, the wyche was fa[lse.]
The 25 (fn. 9) day of January was created master [Robert Cooke, Blanch-] Rosse pursewant at armes, my lord Robart [Dudley's servant,] the wyche he never servyd in no plase a-for.
The xxvij day of January was bered master Charlys Wrys[seley] alyas Wyndsore, with all the haroldes of armes, master [Garter,] master Clarenshux, master Chaster alleas Norrey, master Somersett, (fn. 10) [master York,] master Rychmond, master Lankester, Rugecrosse, Ruge-dragon, [Portcullis,] and Blumantylle, with vj skochyons of armes, in sant P[ulcher's] parryche, bered in the body of the chyrche; and they (fn. 11) payd the ch[arges].
The xxxj day of January was a proclamasyon thrughe London that the quen('s) qwyne (fn. 12) shuld go styll from man to man; and that Lent to be fastyd, (fn. 13) with grett charge, penalte, and sumes, and the next tyme be punyssed. (fn. 14)
The sam day at after-none was bered in sant Necolas Oleffe parryche good masteres Fanshawe, the good gentyll-woman, and wyff unto master Phanthawe, on of the cheycker, (fn. 15) with no armes.
The furst day of Feybruary at nyght was the goodlyest masket cam owt of London that ever was seen, of a C. and d' (fn. 16) gorgyously be-sene, and a C. cheynes of gold, and as for trumpettes and drumes, and as for torche-lyght a ij hundered, and so to the cowrt, and dyvers goodly men of armes in gylt harnes, and Julyus Sesar played. (fn. 17)
[The viij day of February William Flower, Chester herald, was created Norroy king of arms from the] Trentt north-ward; and pursewant [Blanch-Rose,] the servand unto my lord Robart Dudley, [was created Chester herald].
The x day of February, was Shrowse tuwsday, [was a just] at Westmynster agaynst the qwyne('s) grase plase; the chalengers the duke of Northfoke and the yerle of W[estmorela]nd.
The xj day of February, was Aswednysday, dyd pryche a-for the quen master Nowelle the dene of [saint Paul's.]
The fryday after dyd pryche a-for the quen at the cowrt the dene of Westmynster master Goodman.
The furst sunday prychyd a-for the quen master [Sandys,] the bysshope of Wossetur.
The xviij day of Feybruary dyd pryche at the cowrt master Nowell, the dene of Powlles, Wednysday the furst. (fn. 18)
The xv day of February ded (fn. 19) with-in the kynge('s) bynche on Hare (fn. 20) Saxsay merser, for he was browth (fn. 21) into the star-chambur a-for my lord keper and dyvers of the consell, and he was juged to stand on the pelere (fn. 22) ij tyme in the weke for the spase of (blank) and he was condemnyd the last day of the terme, and a-pone that he toke a purgasyon that he d . . .
The xx day of Feybruary dyd pryche at the cowrt a-for the quen's grace (blank)
The xiiij day of Feybruary dyd rune at the rynge John Onelle (fn. 23) be-yond sant James in the feld.
The viij day of Feybruary was crystened the dowther of master
(blank) Crumwelle, and she the dowther of ser Raff Warren
knyght, (fn. 24) gohyng to the chyrche a fayre mayd carehyng the chyld
in a whyt saten gowne, and a-bowt and the mantylle of cremesune
satyn fryngyd with gold of iiij ynchys brod, and the master of the
rolles was the godfather and my lade Whytt godmother and (blank),
and after a grett bankett at home.
. . . . . . . . . .
The xxiij day of Feybruary ryd in v cares [. . men] and iiij women for dyvers fellons (fn. 25) done.
The xxvij day of Feybruary was a no[ld (fn. 26) man set] on the pelere for falsely conterfeytyng in oder men['s hands?]
The sam day of Feybruary ryd in ij cares . . . ys wyff the master(es?) of ser Recherd Shakfeld (fn. 27) the master . . . for baldre, Logentt and ys wyff, and all viij for baldre.
The xvij day of Feybruary was bered in sant [Andrew's] in Holborne master Culpapare, on of the gentyll[men of] Gray('s) in, with vj skochyons of armes of the ho[use].
The xxviij day of Feybruary the sam old man was [set in the] pelere (fn. 28) agayne, the last day of Feybruary, for the sam offense.
The furst day of Marche, the wyche was the iij sonday (in Lent,) dyd pryche at after-none at the cowrte a-for the quen master Allen the byshope of Exsetur.
The sam day dyd pryche at Powlles the byshope of Bayth and Welles, master Bartelett.
The iiij day of Marche dyd pryche at the cowrte a-for the quen's grace (blank)
The vj day of Marche dyd pryche at the cowrt a-fore the quen('s) grase (blank)
The viij day of Marche dyd pryche a-for the quen('s) grace, the iiij sonday in Lentt, called Mydlent sonday, master Horne, the byshope of Wynchaster.
The ix day of Marche, behyng monday, one Trestram a coke with-in Westmorland plase with-in Selver strette, rode a-pone a colle-stayffe with a baskett of graynes be-for hym, bycause that on of ys neybur wyff brake her husband hed, and cast graynes on the pepull.
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . gownes and cottes and with a xx clarkes [singing;
and he gave] mantyll fryse gownes to xij pore men, [and the
church] hangyd with blake and armes and a iiij dosen of [scocheons; . . . . . . . . and strod with rysses (fn. 29) for the
cheyff mornars; [master Crol]ley dyd pryche, and ther was
grett audyens, and [there was] all the clothyng of the masters
of the Skynners, [and a] grett dolle of money, and after hom
to dener, and [went to] ther hall to dener, and a-for all the
mornars offered . . . the compene of the Skynars offered ther.
The xj day dyd pryche at the cowrt the dene of Powlles master Nowell, that was wedynsday.
The sam day in the mornyng be-twyn iij and iiij begane a grett tempest of wynd, that dyd grett hurt of howses and bottes, (fn. 30) and the quen-yffe (fn. 31) stayres borne a-way.
The xiij day of Marche was a proclamassyon that no man shuld [dare to] spyke (fn. 32) of fallyng of money, butt they shuld be taken and putt in pressun iij monyth, and after had to the pelere. (fn. 33)
The sam day dyd pryche at the cowrte, that was fryday a-for Passyon sonday, master Nowell the dene of Powlles.
The xij day of Marche at after-none at iij yt flod, and at v yt flod agayne the sam day.
The xv day of Marche dyd pryche at the cowrt, the wyche was the v sonday and Passyon sonday, master Nowell the dene of Powlles, for the byshope of London master Gryndall; he dyd pryche be-cause the byshope was syke (fn. 34) that day.
The xviij day of Marche dyd pryche at the cowrt master (blank)
The sam day was mad for a sqwyre, master (blank), a cott and pennon of armes and a ij dosen of skochyons of armes in metall.
The xx day of Marche dyd pryche at the cowrt, that was Palmsonday, master Juell, the byshope of (Salisbury.)
The xxvij day of Marche dyd pryche at after-non a-for the quen, that was Good-fryday, the byshope of London.
The sam day prychyd at Powlles crosse the parson of sant
Mangnus. (fn. 35)
. . . . . . . . . . .
The xxxj day of Marche dyd pryche at the [court], that was Ester tuwysday, master Nowelle the dene of Powlles.
The furst day of Aprell master Torner of Cantur[bury preached,] the wedynsday in Ester wekke, at sant Mare spytty[I, and the] pepull kept haleday thrughe London do (fn. 36) yt was n[ight.]
The ij day of Aprell was bered in the parryche [of Allhallows] in Bredstrett master Robart Melys, (fn. 37) latt master of the Marchand [taylors,] and he gayff in gownes and cottes to the number of iijxx [coats of] rattes coller (fn. 38) of vijs. the yerd to the pore men, and the chylderyn of the hospetall ij and ij together, and [masters] of the hospetall with ther gren stayffes in ther [hands; and master] Nowelle the dene of Powlles dyd pryche; and after to dener at ys sune (fn. 39) howse.
The v day of Aprell, behyng Low-sonday, [did preach] at Powlles master Samsun, the wyche he declaryd (fn. 40) [the sermons] thatt was mad the iij days at the spyttyll in [Lent.]
The xij day of Aprell dyd pryche at Powlles crosse (blank)
In Aprell was browth (fn. 41) to London a pyde calff with a grett ruffe [about] ys neke, a token of grett ruff that bowth men and women.
The xiij day of Aprell was cared unto Tyburne ix, vij men and and a boy and on woman, to be hangyd ther.
The xiiij day of Aprell was bered at sant Botulffe with-owtt Althergate mastores Hunderell, (fn. 42) with a dosen of skochyons of armes, and ther dyd pryche for here (blank)
The xix day of Aprell dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Nowelle the dene of Powlles.
The xx day of Aprell was mared in the parryche of sant Donstones in the est master Bacun('s) dowther, the salter, and brodur
unto my lord keper of the selle of England; and ther was a grett
wedyng; and after the marege done home to dener, for ther dynyd
my lord keper and most of the conselle, and mony lades and mony
of the quen's maydes gorgyowsly aparrell(ed), and grett chere; and
master Valuntyne Browne dyd mare (fn. 43) here, the audetour of Barwyke; ther was as gret chere as has byne sene in thes days.
. . . . . . . . . . .
The xxiij day of Aprell was sant Gorge's day, a[nd at Whiteh]alle the Quen('s) grase whent from her chapell with xii. knyghtes of the Garter in robes with colars of gold with garters, [and] xx of here chapelle, in copes of cloth of gold, to the of[fering, s]yngyne the Englys presessyon from the chapell rond [about the] halle and bake agayne to the chapelle syngyng; and master [dean of] her chapell bare a boke and a robe, and master Norres [bare the] blake rod in a robe, and master Garter, all iij in cremesun saten; [and] the byshope of Wynchester warre ys robe of red (blank); and ser William Peter, master Clarenshux, Somersett, Yorke, Lanckaster, Rychemond, and Chaster, Ruge-dragon, and R[ouge-croix, Port-] colles, Blumantyll, Wyndsor.
The xxv day of Aprell where hangyd at Wapyng at the lowwater marke v for robere on the se, and ther was one that had hys alter abowt ys neke and yett a pardon cam be tyme.
The xxx day of Aprell was mad for master Strange knyght a standard, a cott, and pennon of armes, helmett, targett and sword, and crest and mantyll, and a vj dosen of skochyons of armes, and was bered at (blank)
The xx day of Aprell was reynyd (fn. 44) at Yeld-hall a grett compene of marenars for robyng on the see, and a (blank) wher cast to be hangyd at a low-water mark.
The viij day of May was a proclamacion of the aht (fn. 45) of a-ray, and grett ruffes and grett brechys, and that no man to have butt a yerd and a halff of kersey; that no swerd to be butt a yerd and a quarter of lenth the blad, and dagars butt xij ynche the blad, and that buckelles shall not have longe pykes, but of a sysse. (fn. 46)
The ix day of May was ij prentes (fn. 47) was wypyd (fn. 48) a-bowt London for (blank)
Item, ther was (a) pyge brothe (fn. 49) to London in May with ij alff
bodys, behyng with viij fette, that mony pepull dyd se ytt; and
after cam a syne and token of a monstorous chyld that was borne
be-syd Colchester at a town callyd (blank)
. . . . . . . . . . .
The xj day of May was bered at (blank) master Swallow sqwyre, of the chycker, (fn. 50) with a . . of armes, and a iij dosen skochyons [of arms, and] ther was grett dole of money and mett. (fn. 51)
The sam day of May was the Clarkes of [London] ther communion at the Gyldhalle chapell, and ther . . . . persuns, and after to ther halle to dener, and after a good[ly concert of] chylderyn of Westmynster with wyhalles (fn. 52) and regalles.
The ix day of May was a lade (fn. 53) and here ij systers browth (fn. 54) to Yeld-hall, for ther was a quest that shuld . . . . . of them for ther nostylevyng (fn. 55) of baldre done.
The xij day of May was a goodly wedyng [at master] Whytt('s) howse altherman be-twyne master (blank) unto ser Thomas Whytt('s) dowther of the contey of (Southampton?)
The sam day at nyght ther was a grett frey, [and my] lord mare and the ij shreyffes was send fore, (fn. 56) and they had a do to pasefy the pepull, and dyvers wher hurtt, and s[ertain] cared to Nuwgatt and to the conturs, and ther was . . . . . the best archers of London with the flethe, (fn. 57) and master Underelle hu. . the master of the comen-huntt.
The next nyght after my lord mare commondyd that serten constabulles shuld kepe all Smyth-feld to stand in a-ray in harnes to see wo (fn. 58) wold be so bold to com and make any besenes, (fn. 59) and my lord mare and the shreyffes dyd walke abowt Smyth-feld to se wether any wold make any salt (fn. 60) as they dyd over nyght.
The xv and vj (fn. 61) day of May was sessyons at Nuwgatt, and so
many wher cast doys (fn. 62) ij days; and the sam monyth were (fn. 63) dyvers
token sene in dyvers placys in England, a calffe and (unfinished)
. . . . . . . . . . .
[The xvj day of May died] my [lady] Chenne, latt wyff of ser Th[omas Cheyne, the] warden of v porttes, and ded at Todyngton.
The xx day of May they begane to make [for my lady] Chenne, for here buryall, a grett baner of armes [of] nuw damaske and wroth (fn. 64) with fyne gold, and a xij dosen of skochyons of bokeram, ij dosen and vj of taffata [wrought with] fyne gold; and the sam day was Hare Machyn (fn. 65) iijxx and vj yere, [the which] was Wedynsday in Wytsonwyke.
The xxj day of May was a man was cared . . . grett stayff from Belyngatt (fn. 66) abowt London for takyng of money of pepull for fysse, (fn. 67) and whent away [with] ytt.
The xxv day of May was bered master Godderyke sqwyer, the wyche he ded at ys place with-in Whyt-freres, and cared unto sant Andrew's in Holborne to be bered; and ther was the compene of the Clarkes syngyng pryke-song, and then cam a morner careng ys pennon of armes, and then cam master Yorke beyryng ys cott armur, and after master Clarenshus; and then cam the corse with a ryche palle of tynsell and ryche cloth of sylver with armes of bokeram; and then the morners, and after the byshope of Canturbere and the byshope of Ely and the byshope of London, and next my lord keper and my lord cheyffe justus of England and mony worshephull men, and after ij C. of the ines of the cowrt folowd; and the dene of Powlles dyd pryche for hym.
The sam day was sett up at the cukold haven a grett May-polle by bochers and fysher-men, fulle of hornes; and they mad grett chere, for ther was ij fyrkens of fresse sturgeans, and grett konger, and grett burttes, (fn. 68) and grett plente of wyne, that yt cam to viijl.
The sam day was a yonge man dyd hang ym-seylff at the Polles hed, the in in Carter lane.
The sam day was the masturs the Skynners' fest, and the master was chosen, master Gunter master, and master (blank) master warden.
[The . . day of May was the funeral of lady Cheyne, late wife of ser Thomas Cheyne councillor to] kyng Edward the vj and unto quen [Mary and queen] Elesabett tyll he ded, and she was be[ried at Toddington] with mony mornars; master Garter and master Norrey [were] the haroldes, and (the) dene of Powlles dyd pryc[h the sermon,] for ther was grett chere, and a grett dole [as ever] in that contrey sene—iij mylles from Donstabull.
The sam day was on (fn. 69) sett to a p[ost at the] grett gatt to Westmynster-ward, hys . . . . . for stellyng (fn. 70) of the quene('s) dyssys (fn. 71) . . . . . in Chancheler lane. (fn. 72)
The xxx day of May was a boye wypyd (fn. 73) . . . . the standard in Chepe for (blank)
The furst day of June was the Yrmongers' fest keptt in Fanchyrche strett be-syd . . . . time, and ther dynyd the ij shreyffes and (blank) althermen.
The iiij day of June ther was a chyld browth (fn. 74) to the cowrte in a boxe, of a strange fegur, (fn. 75) with a longe strynge commyng from the navyll,—browth (fn. 74) from Chechester.
The v day of June the Quen('s) grace removyd from Westmynster unto Grenwyche by water, and ther was grett shutyng of gones at the Tower as her grace whentt, and in odur places.
The vj day of June was ther on (fn. 69) Crane wyff, dwellyng in Basyng
lane, toke a kneyff and frust (fn. 76) here-seylff be-tweyn the small rybes,
and she ded the morowe after, and the vij day at after-none was
the sam woman was bered, and serten clarkes was at her berehyng,
and Veron the Frenchman dyd pryche for here, and more-overe
he wold not the clarkes to brynge here to the chyrche.
. . . . . . . . . . .
The xiij day of June was a man sett on the pelere (fn. 77) at Westmynster, for he toke money and was hyryd for [to] kylle on man, and ys here was cutt off.
The xiiij day of June whent unto the quen at Gr[eenwich] the sam prophett that men calle hym Helyas Ha[ll;] and master (blank) dyd pryche—master Pylkyntun, and declared of hym and off ys levyng.
The xv day of June was the Grocers' fest, and ther mony althermen and worshephull men, and ther dyd pryche master (blank)
The sam day was the Goldsmyth(s') fest, and at sant Foster's ther prechyd master Gowth (fn. 78) the parsune of sant Peter's in Cornhyll, and dynyd my lord mare and the ij shreyffes, ser Marten Bowse, and master Gylbart, with dyvers odur althermen.
The sam day a-for none was the pelere (fn. 79) sett up in Chepe for a man that was sett up on the pelere for the takyng of money to (blank)
The sam day was raynyd (fn. 80) at Westmynster hall on master Brutun gentyllman for (blank)
The xvj day of June was the tombe of ser Wyllyam Walw[orth]
knyght and fysmonger of London and mare, and mad knyght by
kynge Recherd the ij for kyllyng of Jake Kade and Wyll Walle
that cam owt of Kent, yt ys nuwe frest and gyld, (fn. 81) and ys armes
gyltt, with the pyctur all in aleblaster lyung in ys armur gyltt, at the
cost of Wylliam Parys fysmonger, dwellyng at the Castyll in nuw
Fystrette, the wyche hys a goodly rememborans for alle men of
honor and worshype; he was twys mare, and when he was mare
he kyld Jake Cade in Smythfeld a-for the kynge; he lyeng in sant
Myghell in Crokyd lane; and he mared ys master('s) wyff that was
iiij tymes mare of London, master (Lovekyn).
. . . . . . . . . . .
The xvij day of June on (fn. 82) Joh[n] Bullok [ordered?] for to make for ser Thomas Skneworth (fn. 83) knyght and late mare of London by kyng Henry the vij, and bered [in Guildhall] chapell, furst a standard and v pennons of armes, . . targett and sword and crest and mantylles of welvett, . . and at the cost of the masturs the Fyshmongers, for he [was one of the] benefacturs to the howse, and he mad a conduitt at . . . ., and at that time was nuw gare (fn. 84) mad for hym, [and the old] taken away, and the (blank) day of (unfinished)
The xviij day of June was bered master Fuw[illiam] (fn. 85) in the parryche of sant Johns Sacres, (fn. 86) the wyche [died] at master Kyndylmarche('s) howse of the sam parryche, wyche he kepyth a tabull for gentyllmen, [and] he had vj skochyons of armes, the wyche w[as son?] of the lord Feywylliam late lord of the preveshalle (fn. 87) and (who died) be[fore New]castyll, the wyche (unfinished)
The xix day of June was the sam man was [set] the pelere (fn. 88) for the sam offensys that he had at Westmynster, and the sam day was ys here (fn. 89) cut of at the standard in Chepe.
The xxj day of June dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master dene of Ettun colege be-syd Wyndsor.
The xxij day of June was the masters the Salters' fest, and ther dynyd my lord keper of the selle (fn. 90) and my lord of Bedfoord and my lord cheyff justes.
The xx day of June was a gret shutyng (fn. 91) of the compene of the
Barbur-surgeantes for a gret soper at ther owne hall for a xxx mess
of mett of, for they dyd make ij godley (fn. 92) stremars agaynst that day
of ther harmes, (fn. 93) the wyche they wher agmentyd by the most valeant
kyng at armes master (blank), and they had vj drumes plahyng
and a flutt; and ij grett ansutts, (fn. 94) and as a shot was wone, downe
whent that and up the thodur, (fn. 95) and as they whan the shut (fn. 96); and
master Gall and ys syd wan the soper—the master of the compene.
. . . . . . . . . . .
The sam day was a man be-syd Broken-warffe frust (fn. 97) throwgh with a sword, he dwellyng at Bra . . .
The sam day ded (fn. 98) docthur Crom, a grett p[reacher;] he was parsune of Aldermare.
The xxvij day of June whent to Tyburne v men and iiij women for to hange for thefte.
The xxix day of June was bered docthur Crom, parsun of Althere-Mare, with prestes and clarkes syngyng [unto] the chyrche, and bered.