The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.
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'Diary: 1561 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Diary: 1561 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Diary: 1561 (July - Dec)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
1561 (July - Dec)
The furst day of July be-gane workemen and la[bourers] at Powlles for the reparyng of the chyrche and the stepull, and the oversers and the doars of the sam here be ther namys, master Graftun grocer, and master Haresun (fn. 1) goldsmyth, and master (blank) grocer.
The iiij day of July dynyd at the in-bassadurs of Sweythen in Lymsthrett all the quen('s) consell, furst (unfinished)
The v and vj day of July was grett rayne and thonderyng in London boyth the days.
The vij day of July dyd pryche at the Gray Frers, because yt reynyd that they cold not pryche at Powlles crosse.
The viij day of July was bered in sant Clement parryche withowt Tempull bare mastores (blank) the wyff of master (blank) comtroller unto the nobull yerle of Arundelle, the wyche she ded in chyld-bede, and she had a xiiij in blake gownes and cottes, and iiij women dyd bere her, and they had cassokes nuw and raylles, and on the body wher vj skochyons of armes, and master Recherdsun the parsun of sant Mathuw mad the sermon.
The ix day of July was the pelere (fn. 2) set up in Chepe for a prentes (fn. 3) that had conveyed from ys master the sum of a (blank) l., and had bowth (fn. 4) hym nuw aparell, nuw shurtt, dobelet and hose, hat, purse, gyrdyll, dager, and butes, (fn. 5) spurs, butt-hose, and a skarffe, and thys nuw all, and thys dyd hang up on the pelere, and goodly geldyng and sadyll, cot, cloke, sadyll . . . . . . . . . . . .
[The x day of July the Queen came by water] unto the Towre of London by x [of the clock, until] v at nyght, and whent and sa(w) all her my[nts; and they gave the] Quen serten pesses of gold, and gayff the [lord] of Hunsdon had on, and my lord marques of [Northampton,] and her grace whent owt of the yron gatt [over] Towre hyll unto Algatt chyrche, and so down Hondyche [to the] Spyttyll, and so downe Hoge lane, and so over the feldes to the Charter howse my lord North('s) plase, with trumpetes and the penssyonars and the haroldes of armes and the servantes, and then cam gentyllmen rydyng, and after lordes, and then [the] lord of Hunsdon and bare the sword a-for the quen, and then cam [ladies] rydyng; and the feldes full of pepull, gret nombur [as ever was] sene; and ther tared tylle Monday.
The xiij day of July was bered in sant Andrewes in Holborne master Phassett, gentyll-man, on of the (unfinished)
The sam day was bered in sant Pulkurs parryche master (blank) alle-bruar, (fn. 6) and ther was all the compene of the Bruars in ther levere, and Veron the Frenche-man dyd pryche for hym.
The sam nyght the Quen('s) grace whent from the Charterhowse by Clarkyne-welle over the feldes unto the Sayvoy unto master secretore Sysselle to soper, and ther was the consell and mony lordes and knyghtes and lades and gentyll-women, and ther was grett chere tyll mydnyght, and after here grace ryd to my lord North('s) to bed at the Charter-howse.
The xiiij day of July was nuw graveled with sand from the Charterhowse through Smyth feld, and under Nuwgate, and through sant Nycolas shambull, Chepe-syd, and Cornhyll, unto Algatt and to Whyt-chapell, and all thes plases where hangyd with cloth of arres and carpetes and with sylke, and Chepe-syd hangyd with cloth of gold and cloth of sylver and velvett of all colurs and taffatas in all plases, and all the craftes of Londun standyng in ther leverey from sant Myghell unto Algatt, and then cam mony servyng-men rydyng, and then the pensyonars and gentyll men, and then knyghtes, and after lordes, and then the althermen in skarlett, and the serjant(s) of armes, and then the haroldes of armes in ther cottes armurs, and then my lord mare bayryng here septer; (fn. 7) [then the lord Hunsdon bearing the sword; and then came the Queen's grace, and her footmen richly habited; and ladies and gentlemen; then] all lordes' men and knyghtes' [men in their masters' liveries; and at] Whytt-chapell my lord mare and the althermen [took their leave of] here grace, and so she toke her way to-ward [her pro]gresse.
The xv day of July was bered in sant Laurence in the Jure mastores the wyff of master (blank), with the compene of the Clarkes, and she had ij dosen of skochyons, on of bokeram, and a-nodur of paper in metalle.
The xx day of July was bered in Westmynster abbay master Bylle dene of Westmynster abbay and master of Etton and master (of sant John's) college in Cambryge, and cheyffe amner (fn. 8) to the quen('s) grace.
The sam day, behyng sant Margat (fn. 9) evyn, master Clarenshus rod and toke ysjorney in-to Essex and Suffoke on ys vese[tation], and parte of Northfoke, and Ruge-crosse rod with hym, and a v [of his] servantes in ys leverey and bage.
The xx day of July dyd pryche at Powlles crosse (blank)
The xxj day of July yt dyd rayne sore, and yt be-gane on sonday at nyght and last tyll monday at nyght.
The xviij day of July was the obseque of my lade Hamptun the wyff of ser (blank), with a pennon of armes and a iiij dosen and a d' (fn. 10) of bokeram.
The xvj day of July was cristened Robard Dethyke the sune of ser Gylbartt Dethyke, Garter, in the parryche of sant Gylles withowt Crepull-gatte, and the chyrche hangyd with clothes of arrys and the cloth of state, and strode with gren rysses (fn. 11) and strode with orbese, (fn. 12) and ser Wylliam Huett depute for my lord of Shrowsbere and master Care (fn. 13) depute for my lord Honsdon, and my lade Sakefeld the quen('s) depute; and after wafurs and epocrasse grett plente, and myche pepull ther, and my lade Yorke bare my lade depute's trayne; and so hom to here plase, and had a bankett. a bankett . . . . . . [master Alexander Avenon was] chosen the shreyff for the quen('s) grace.
The xxx day of July at bowt viij and ix at nyght [there was] lythenyng and thonderyng as any man has sene [until] x, and after a grett rayne tyll mydnyght, that we [supposed] that the world where at a nend, (fn. 14) that evere one [thought] that the day of dome wher come at hand, yt . . . .
The furst day of August, was lammas day, my [lord mayor] and the althermen and all the craftes in London in ther [liveries, met] to chuse the shreyff of London, that was master Bas [kerville] altherman; (fn. 15) and the sam day was chosen master Gyl[bert,] nuw altherman in the stede of master Altham lat[e alderman] and clothworker of London, the wyche he was dysmy[ssed].
The iiij day of August was Clothworkers' fest, and ther was a worshepulle dener ther.
The x day of August, was sant Laurens day, Veron the Frencheman prychyd at Powlles crosse.
The xxj day of August dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Molens the archedecon of London.
The xij day of August cam tydynges that ther was a ix trybes that have bene in a contrey ever synes they wher dryven owt of Egype, and they be rede (fn. 16) to sett on the Grett Turke with grett armes (fn. 17) of men.
The xix day of August at xij of the cloke at mydnight was a fyre at the corner be-yonde Smytfeld pond, and a one howse bornyd, the wyche was a cutteller('s) howse, and perechest (fn. 18) ij howses junnyng (fn. 19) to hytt.
The ix day of August the quen('s) grace has commondyd that all
chathredalles and coleges and studyans places that they shuld putt
ther wyffes from them owt of the serkutt (fn. 20) of evere (fn. 21) colege.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
The xxx day of August tydans cam that the kyng of [Sweden was] sendyng (blank) of waganns laden with massé bol [lion.]
The furst day of September ded (fn. 22) the good and gentylle knyght ser Edward Walgraff whyle in the Towre, the wyche he was put for herryng of masse and kepyng a prest in ys howse that dyd say masse, and was putt to hys fyne.
The iij day of September was a yonge stryplyng whypyd at a post in Chepe-syd for (blank); and the sam day was bered withowt Althergate old master Swyft, aude[tor,] with grett ryngyng and syngyng and much money delt.
The sam day was bered with-in the Towre, with[-in] the quer be-syd the he (fn. 23) auter, by torche lyght, the wyche (confinement) kyld hym, for he was swone (fn. 24) vere grett, ser Edward [Walgrave].
The v day of September was browth (fn. 25) to the Towre the yonge yerle of Harford from the cowrte, a-bowtt ij of the cloke at afternone he cam in-to the Towre.
The vj day of September was serten gayre [made] for on master Swyft, sqwyre, cott-armur, pennon of armes, and a ij skochyons, at Roderam, in Yorke-shyre.
The ij day of September was bered at sant Andrews parryche in the Warderob, master Wast, bere-bruar, with a iij dosen of skochyons of armes, and the howse and the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes, and ther was the compene of the Clarkes syngyng, and (unfinished)
The viij day of September cam owt of the Towre my good lade
Walgraff, and in Red-cross stret she lys.
. . . . . . . . . . .
The vj of September [was the funeral] of ser James Bullen, and standard, [coat armour,] and elmett, targett, and sword, and a vj dos [en of scocheons of] armes, and master Chester was harold.
The Fryday, the v day of September, was bornyd at Oxford, by the master of the colege of (blank) (fn. 27) grett reches that myght have bene sene, and gyffyne to . . . .
The viij day of September, the wyche was the day of the nativity of owre Lade, they begane to sett up the raylles of Powlles apone the battellmentt on he. (fn. 28)
The xiij day of September was bered at sant [Dunstan's] Fletstrett, master Cottgrave, the wyffes brodur of master Grysse, lat . . . . master Tott, sergent penter unto kyng Henry the viijth, with . . . . skochyons of armes.
The xv day of September tydynges cam to London [that] the kynge of Sweythland was landyd in the North at . . . ., and (fn. 29) yt be truw as the sayng was then.
The sam day the Quen('s) grace removyd from Hatford (fn. 30) castyll in Hatford-shyre unto Enfeld within x mylle of London.
The xvij day of September was a wodmonger sett in the pelere (fn. 31) for false markyng of belletes, dwellying in Temstret be-syd the Red Bull beyond Coldharber, with belletes hangyng abowt hym.
The xxij day of September the Quen('s) grace cam from Enfeld unto Sant James beyond Charyng crosse, and from Ellyngtun (fn. 32) unto Sant James was heges and dyches was cutt done the next way, and ther was a-boyff x M. pepull for to se her grace, butt yt was nyght or her grace cam over beyond Sent Gylles in the feld by Colman('s?) hege.
The xxj day of September dyd pryche at the Powlles crosse, master Huttun, master of Trenete colege, and mad a godly sermon— of Cambridge.
[The xx day of September came a commandment from the queen unto the college of Windsor, that the priests belonging thereunto that had wives, should put them out] of the colege, nott for to cum to lye [any more within that] plase, or any colege or cathedrall [church, or] any universete of Oxford or Cambryge.
The xxj day of September was browth (fn. 33) [to bed of] a sune my lade Katheryn Gray, the dowther of the duke [of Suffolk] that was heded on the Towre hylle, and ys brodur lord Thomas Gray the sam tyme.
The xxiij day was mad dene of Westmynster master Goodman.
The xxv day of September was cristened with-in the Towre my lorde Harford('s) sune by my lade Katheryn Gray, late dowther of the duke of Suffoke—Gray.
The xxix day of September, was Myghellmas evyn, the old shreyffes master Cristofer Draper and master Thomas Rowe unto the nuw shreyffes master (Alexander) Avenon, and master (Humphrey) Baskerfeld, was delevered Nugatt and Ludgatt, and the ij conters, and the presonars.
The xxx day of September my lord mayre and the althermen and the new shreyffes toke ther barges at the iij cranes in the Vintre and so to Westmynster, and so into the Cheker, and ther toke ther hoythe; (fn. 34) and ser Rowland Hyll whent up, and master Hogys toke ser Rowland Hyll a choppyng kneyff, and one dyd hold a whyt rod, and he with the kneyff cute the rod in sunder a-for all the pepull; and after to London to ther plases to dener, my lord mayre and all the althermen and mony worshephulle men.
The furst day of October was a fyre whet-in (fn. 35) the Towre of London be-yond the Whyt Towre.
The xxix day of September was nuw mayre electyd master Harper, marchand-tayller, on Myghellmas day.
[The iij day of October came to London to Gracechurch] strett, to the Cross-keys, xviij grett horses [all pyed-coloured] from the kyng of Swaythland.
The iiij day of October cam to Wolwyche from Swathland ij shypes laden with (unfinished)
The vj day of October was unladen a[t the water] syd serten vesselles with (blank ) and cared to the [Tower].
The ix day of October at iiij of the cloke in the mornyng ded (fn. 36) the old lade Dobes in sant M[argaret's]-mosses in Frydey strett.
The sam day of October at nyght ded good Alesandar Carlylle, the master of the Vyntonars, of (unfinished)
The x day of October was sett on the pelere (fn. 37) the gatherer of the kyng('s) bynche, ys name ys (blank), for he cam untowe dyvers gentyllmen and gentyllwomen and gayff them fayre nose-gaysse, and told them that he shuld be mared, (fn. 38) and to dyvers odur onest pepull gayff nose-gaysse, and that (unfinished)
The x day of October [the] quen('s) grace dyd gret cost at Westmynster boyth with-in here plase, and pavyng from the end of the Tyltt rond abowt the sydes, and closyd in the tylt.
The xij day of October dyd pryche at Powlles crosse (master) Crolley, sum-tyme a boke-prynter dwelling in Holborne, in the byshope of Ely('s) renttes.
The xviij day, was sant Lukes day, dyd pryche for (fn. 39) the master of the Penters on (blank)Gowth, (fn. 40) the sune of on Gowth bokeprynter, the wyche ded (fn. 41) in kyng Henre the viijth, the wyche he dwelt in Lumbarstrett.
[The . . . day was the funeral of lady Dobbes, late the] wyff of ser Recherd Dobes knyght and skynner late mayre, with a harold of armes, and she had a pennon of armes and iiij dosen and d' (fn. 42) skochyons; [she was buried] in the parryche of sant Margat Moyses in Fryday stret; [she] gayff xx good blake gownes to xx powre women; she gayffe xl blake gownes to men and women; [master] Recherdsun mad the sermon, and the clarkes syngyng, [and] a dolle of money of xx nobulles, and a grett dener after, and the compene of the Skynners in ther leverey.
The sam day of October was bered in Whytyngtun colege master Alesandur Karlelle the master of the Vyntoners, the wyche he mared the dowther of ser George Barnes knyght, [late] mare of the nobull cete of London and haburdassher; and he gayff a xx blake gownes, and he gayff (blank) mantyll [frieze] gowne(s) unto (blank) pore men; and ther wher the Clarkes of London syngyng, and [master] Crolley dyd pryche, and then to the plase to denner, and a dolle, and a ij dozen of kochyons of armes, and the leverey of the Vyntonars.
The xviij day of October ther was (a) fray be-twyn my lord Montyguw('s) men and my lord Delaware('s) men, and after the ij lordes wher sent to the Flett, and the men to the Masselsay.
The xxij day of October my lord Montyguw and my lord Delaware wher delevered owtt of the Flett home.
The xiiij day they wher a-for the consell at Westmynster hall the ij lordes.
The xxv day of October cam rydyng from Skotland serten Frenche-men thrugh London, my lord of Bedford and my lord Monge and my lord Strange was ther gyd (fn. 43) with a M. horse thrugh Fletstreet, and so to my lord of Bedford('s.)
The sam tyme was delt thrugh alle the wardes of London xijd. a howse for ser Rowland Hylle, late mayre of London, behyng vere syke that time.
. . . . . . . . . . .
master Nowelle, the dene of Powlles.
The sam day a-bowtt iij at after-non cam [my lord] of Beydford and my lorde Monge and my lord Strange and mony odur gentyllmen, and mony of the pensyonars to my lord of Bedforth('s) plase, and browt the inbassadurs of France to the cowrt that lye there at my lordes plase.
The xxviij day of October, the wyche was sant Symon and Jude day, was at Whyt-hall grett baytyng of the bull and bere for the in-bassadurs of Franse that cam owtt of Scottland, the wyche the Quen('s) grace was ther, and her consell and mony nobull men.
The xxix day of October the nuw mare toke ys barge towhard Westmynster my nuw lorde mare master Harper, with the althermen in ther skarlett, and all the craftes of London in ther leverey, and ther barges with ther baners and streamers of evere occupasyon('s) armes; and ther was a goodly foist mad with stremars, targatts, and banars, and [arms], and grett shutyng of gunes and trumpettes blohyng; and at xij of the cloke my lord mare and the althermen landyd at Powlles warffe, and so to Powlles chyrche-yarde, and ther met ym a pagantt gorgyously mad, (fn. 44) with chylderyn, with dyvers instrumentes playng and syngyng; and after-non to Powlles with trumpetes, and ther wher (fn. 45) a (blank) men in bluw gownes and capes (fn. 46) and hose and bluw saten slevys, and with targetts and shyldes of armes.
The xxviij day of October at xij of the cloke at mydnyght ded (fn. 47) good ser Rowland Hylle knyght and late mayre of this nobull cette of London, and merser, the wyche he ded of the strangwyllyon.
The xxx day of October was mad for the berehyng of ser Reynold Chamburlayn knyght and capten of Garnsey a standard and a pennon and a cote armur and a target, sword, and mantyll, helmet and crest, and a (blank) dosen of skochyons of armes, the wyche he had iiij wyffes and (unfinished)
The (blank) day of (blank) was be-gone the serves at Powlles to synge, and ther was a grett comunion ther be-gane, the byshope and odur.
[The j day of November went to saint Paul's the lord mayor] and the althermen at afternon [and all the crafts of] London in ther leverey, and with iiijxx men all carehyng of torchys, and my lord mare [tarried until] nyght, and so whent home with all torches [lighted,] for my lord mare tared the sermon; my lord of London mad the sermon; but yt was latt, [and so] there torchys was lyght to bryng my lord home.
The ij day of November was a yonge [man] stod at Powlles crosse in the sermon tyme with a [sheet] a-bowtt hym for spykyng of serten wordes agaynst Veron the precher.
The v day of November was bered in sant Stephen's in Walbroke ser Rowland Hylle, latt mare and altherman and mercer and knyght, with a standard and v pennons of armes, and a cott armur and a helmet, a crest, sword, and mantyll, and xj dosen of skochyons of armes; and he gayff a c. gownes and cottes to men and women; and ther wher ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshux and master Somersett, and my lord mayre morner, the cheyff morner; ser Recherd Lee, master Corbett, with dyvers odur morners, ser Wylliam Cordell, ser Thomas Offeley, ser Martens Bowes and master Chamburlan althermen, and the ij shreyffes, and master Chambur . . and master Blakewell, with mony mo morners, and a 1. pore men in good blake gownes, besyd women; and the dene of Powlles mad the sermon; and after all done my lord mayre and mony and althermen whent to the Mercers' (fn. 48) hall and the craft to dener, and the resedu to ys plase to dener, and grett mon mad (fn. 49) for ys deth, and he gayff myche to the pore.
The sam day was wypyd at Quen-heyff at a post a waterman for opprobryus wordes and sedyssyous wordes agaynst the magystrates.
The sam day of November dyd pryche at Westmynster abbay
master Alway, one of the plasse, and mad a godly sermon ther,
and grett audyense.
. . . . . . .
The (blank ) day of November . . . had master Walkenden a servand that . . . of the age of xv . and ther dyd. . .
The xiiij day of November ther was a procla[mation] of gold and sylver that none shuld be take[n be]twyn man and man butt the Frenche crowne and the Borgo[ndian] crowne and the Flemyche, and that phystelars (fn. 50) and Spa[nish] ryalles shuld not goo, butt to cum to the Towre ther to have wheth for wheth, (fn. 51) gold and sylver.
The xxiij day of November, the iiij yere [of] quen Elesabeth, dyd pryche at Powlles crosse Renagir, yt was sant Clement day, dyd sy[t (fn. 52) ] alle the sermon tyme monser Henry de Machyn, (fn. 53) for ij [words?] the wyche was told hym, that Veron the French [man] the precher was taken with a wenche, by the rep[orting] by on Wylliam Laurans clarke of sant Mare Maudle[n's] in Mylke strett, the wyche the sam Hare (fn. 54) knellyd down[be-] for master Veron and the byshope, and yett (they) would nott for[give] hym, for alle ys fryndes that he had worshephulle.
The xiij day of Desember was bered at sant Katheryns-chryst (fn. 55) chyrche my lade Lyster, sum-tyme the wyff of master Shelley of Sussex, and the dowther of the erle of Sowthamtun late lord chanseler of Engeland —Wresseley, with a harord of armes and a ij dosen of skochyons of armes.
The xv day of Desember was bered in sant Donstons in the whest master Norrey, alleasDalton, kynge of armes of the North from Trent unto Barwyke.
. . . . . . . .
were hanged at Tyb]orne, and on (fn. 56) off them the sur[geons took] for
a notyme (fn. 57) in-to ther halle.
The sam day was a man wypyd at [a cart's] arse for (unfinished)
The sam day was a pelere (fn. 58) sett up in Powlles chyrche-yerd agaynst the byshope('s) plase for a man that mayd a fray in Powlles chyrche, and ys ere (fn. 59) nayllyd to the post, and after cutt off, for a fray in Powlles chyrche.
The xx day of Desember my lade the contes of Bayth ded (fn. 60) at here plase at Nuwhyngtun, late the wyff of ser Thomas Kyttsun and to ser Recherd Longe and wyff to the yerle of Bayth latt dissessyd, and she had a vj baners-rolles and a gret baner of armes and a x dosen of skochyons and vj of sylke.
The xxvj day of Desember, was sant Stheyn (fn. 61) day, was creatyd at the cowrte my lord Ambros Dudley lord Lylle and after the yerle of Warwyke, with haroldes of armes.
The xxvij day of Desember cam rydyng thrugh London a lord of mysrull, in clene complett harnes, gylt, with a hondered grett horse and gentyll-men rydyng gorgyously with chenes of gold, and there horses godly trapytt, unto the Tempull, for ther was grett cher all Cryustynmas tyll (blank), and grett revels as ever was for the gentyllmen of the Tempull evere (fn. 62) day, for mony of the conselle was there.
. . . of myssrule . .
playhyng and syngyng unto the [court with my] lord, ther was grett
chere at the . . . . gorgyusly aparrell(ed) with grett cheynes.