Diary: 1561 (Jan - June)

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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'Diary: 1561 (Jan - June)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp247-262 [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Diary: 1561 (Jan - June)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp247-262.

"Diary: 1561 (Jan - June)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols (London, 1848), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp247-262.

1561 (Jan - June)

The xij day, the wyche was the vj day of January, was bered in sant Benettes at Powlles warff master Antony Hyll, on of the quen('s) gentyllman of (blank), and a xvj clarkes syngyng to the chyrche, and to the berehyng.
. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . a] boyffe iiijxx of gentyll-women [to . . . . whe]re they had as grett chere as have bene sene, behyng a fysse (fn. 1) day; and after ther w . . . . the cheff men of the parryche and odur, and [they had] a grett dener and grett chere for fysse.

The xvj day of January was bered at sant Aus[tin's] Jakobe the husser (fn. 2) of Powlles skolle; at ys berehyng wher a xx clarkes syngyng ym to the chyrche, and [there] was a sermon.

The x day of January was bered at Cam[berwell] master Skott, justes a pese, (fn. 3) a vere good man; and he had [a] ij dosen of skochyons of armes.

The xvij day of January was bered in sant Peters in Cornehylle master Flammoke grocer, and he gayff mony gownes of blake, and he gayff to pore men (blank); and he was cared to the chyrche with-owt syngyng or clarkes, and at the chyrche a sphalme (fn. 4) songe after Genevay, and a sermon, and bered contenentt. (fn. 5)

The xxvij day of January was mared (fn. 6) in sant Pancras parryche Wylliam Belleffe vyntoner unto with master Malore('s) dougthere, arderman; and ther was a sermon, and after goodly syngyng and playhyng; and ther was dyver althermen at the vedyng (fn. 7) in skarlett; and they gayff a C. payre of glovys; and after a grett dener, and at nyght soper, and after a maske and mummeres.

The sam day dynyd at master Clarenshux my lord Pagett and ser John Masun and my lade Masun and ser Crystefer Allen and ser Hare (fn. 8) Pagett and dyvers gentyllmen.

The xxv day of January toke ys gorney in-to Franse inbassadur to the Frenche kyng the yerle of Bedford, and he had iij dosen of logyng skochyons. (fn. 9)

. . . . . . . . . . .

The xxvij day of January . . . . . . . a man ys nam . . . . . a puterer . . . . . . . by on (unfinished)

The xxix day of January dyd ryd a[bout] London, ys fase toward the horse taylle, . . . . and sellyng of messelle bacun.

The xxxj day of January the sam man was sett on the pelere (fn. 10) and ij grett peses of the m[easly] bacun hangyng over ys hed, and a wrytyng [put] up that a ij yere a-goo he was ponyssed for [the] sam offense for the lyke thyng.

The iij day of Feybruary was master John Whytt altherman('s) sune Thomas was cristened in Lytyll sant Bathelmuw parryche; and ser Thomas Offiley knyght latt mare of London and master Altham altherman late shreyffe of London godfathers, and mastores Champyon (the) altherman('s) wyff godmother; and after to ys plase, and mad good chere.

The ix day of Feybruary dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Pylkyngtun, electyd byshope of Durram, and ther was my lord mare and the althermen and my lord Robart Dudley and master secretore Sysselle, (fn. 11) and dyvers odur of the quen('s) consell; and after to my lord mare to dener.

The xj day of Feybruary was bered in sant Martens at Ludgatt master Daltun of the North sqwyre, and ther was mony morners in blake gownes, and parson Veron the Frenche man dyd pryche ther, for he was parson ther, and ys menyster; and after was ys cott and pennon of armes and ij dosen of skochyons of armes.

[The day of February was excommunicated Hethe,] latt chanseler of England and [arch] byshope of Yorke, he lyung in the Towre.

The xxv day of Feybruary was excom[municated] at Bowe chyrche doctur Thurlbe late byshope of Ely, and on of the consell unto quen Mare, he lyeng with-in the Towre.

The xxvij day of Feybruary mastores Whyt the wyff of master John Whyt altherman and grocer was chyrched, but the menyster wold nott, owt-sept she wold com at vj in the mornyng, and so her mastores fayne to take a menyster to do yt at her plase; and after a grett dener was ther, and mony worshephull lades and althermen wyffes and gentyll women and odur.

The furste day of Marche was bered in sant Fosters parryche on master Bumsted gentyllman, with vj skochyons of armes.

The begynnyng of Lent there was on (fn. 12) master Adams dwellyng in Lytyll Estchepe, and ther was a proclamasyon mad that yff any bocher dyd kyll any flesse for [Lent, he should] pey xxl. at evere tyme so dohyng; and this man kyllyd iij oxen, and ther was a quest whent on hym, and they cast ym in the fyne to paye the money.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

The x day of Feybruary [was buried?] in Garlykeheyffe master Gybes, on (fn. 12) of the mar[shal men?] of London.

The vij day of Marche was bered in sant Stephens Colmanstrett master Patensun bruar, and on (fn. 12) of the cu[ncil,] and a gentyllman, and with the clothyng of the bruars and of the clarkes, and he had (unfinished)

The xij day of Feybruary was a chyld [christened] in the parryche of owre Lade (fn. 13) of Bowe in Chepe, [the son of] Hare Loke (fn. 14) mercer, the sune of ser Wylliam Loke, the wyche had nodur godfather nor godmother hym-seylff.

The iij yere of quen Elezabeth the xviij day of [February] was sant Gorge fest; how all the knyghtes of the garter stod that day in order, the furst

On the Quen['s side.]
The Quen('s) grace.
The kyng Phelype.
The constabulle of France.
The yerle of Arundell.
The yerle of Darbe.
The duke of Northfoke.
The lord Pagett.
The yerle of Westmerland.
The lord chamburlayn, Haward.
The yerle of Shrowsbere
The lord Montyguw—Browne.
The lord Gray of Wyltun.
On the Emperowre('s) syd.
The emperowre Ferna[ndo.]
The prynse of Pyamont.
The duke Vanholtt.
The markes of Wynchester, tresorer.
The yerle of Penbroke.
The lord admerall Clynton.
The maques of Northamtun—Pare.
The yerle of Rutland—Rosse.
The yerle of Sussex.
The lord of Lugborow.
The lord Robart Dudley.
The lord of Hunsdon—Care.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cause he dyd nott justely exp . . . slanderyng of the consell.

The sam day at after-none was a great . . . . playd a-for the Quen('s) grace with all the masters [of fence;] and serten chalengers dyd chalenge all men, whatsumever they be, with mores pyke, longe sword, and . . . . and basterd sword, and sword and bokeler, and sword and dager, [and] crosse staffe, and stayffes, and odur wepons; and the next [day] they playd agayne, and the quen('s) grace gayf serten . . .

The xij day of Feybruary xj men of the north was of a quest; because they gayff a wrong evyde[nce, and] thay ware paper a-pon ther hedes for pergure.

The same day was reynyd (fn. 15) in Westmynster hall v men, iij was for buglare, (fn. 16) and ij were cuttpurses; and cast to be hangyd at sant Thomas of Wateryng; on was a gentyllman.

The xiij day of Feybruary was a man sett on the pelere, (fn. 17) a skryvynor dwellyng in Sowthwarke, and ther was a paper sett over ys hed wrytten for sondrys and practyses of grett falsode and muche on-trowthe, and sett forthe under coller of sowth-sayng, and ys nam was (blank)

The xvij day of Feybruary was wrastelyng at the cowrte in the prychyng-plase a-for the quen.

The xvj day of Feybruary at after-none was bered at Allalowes in Wall master Standley, prest and sthuard (fn. 18) unto my lord treyssorer, with xij clarkes syngyng, at after-none; and he gayff myche money to evere on (fn. 19) of my lordes servandes; and iiij of my lordes men bare hym; and he had iij dosen skochyons of ys armes.

The sam day at Lambeth was consecratyd nuwe byshopes, master Horne of Wynchastur, and master Skamler byshope of Peterborowe.
. . . . . . . . . . .

The xix day of Feybruary dyd pryche a-for the quen master Nevell, (fn. 20) the [dean of Saint Paul's,] and he mad a godly sermon, and gret [audience].

The xxj day of Feybruary dyd pryche a-for the quen and the consell master Skamler, the n[ew bishop] of Peterborow, in ys chymner and ys whyt r[ochet.]

The sam day sessyons at Nuwgatt, and [there] was cast xvij men and ij women for to [be hanged.] . . .

The xxij day of Feybruary cam the sum[mons] for to have ther jugement, and so (blank) [were] bornyd in ther hand at the place of jugement.

The xxiiij day of Feybruary whent to hang xviij men and ij women, and serten were browth (fn. 21) to be bered in serten parryches in London; the barbur-surgens had on of them to be a notheme (fn. 22) at ther halle in (blank).

The sam day was bered in sant Peters parryche in Cornehyll mastores Gowth, (fn. 23) latt the wyffe of master Laycroft, armorer, dwellyng in the sam parryche, the wyche he gayff for her in gownes to men and women that wher pore (fn. 24) (unfinished)

The xxvj day of Feybruary dyd pryche at the cowrt master Samsun a-for the quen.

The xxviij day of Feybruary dyd pryche at the cowrt master Pylkyngtun electyd pyshope of Durram a-for the quen('s) grace, and made a godly sermon, and grett audyens.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the Marsalsay to be cared (fn. 25) into the co[untry . . .] men that was cast in Westmynster hall for robere done the last day of terme.

The iiij day of Marche was a tall man wypyd a-bowtt Westmynster and throwge London and over London bryge and Sowthwarke for conter-feythyng the master of the quen('s) horse hand.

The ij day of Marche was consecratyd at the byshope of London('s) palles (fn. 26) master Yonge byshope of Yorke, was byshope of (Saint David's).

The vj day of Marche was bered (fn. 27) in sant Gorge parryche in Sowthwarke, the wyche he cam owtt of the kynges bynche, master Seth Holand, latt dene of Vossetur, (fn. 28) and the master of All Solles colege in Oxford, and a lx men of gentyllmen of the in (fn. 29) of the corttes, and of Oxford, browth (fn. 30) ym to the chyrche, for he was a grett lernydman.

The ix day of Marche dyd pryche at the cowrt the byshope of London master Gryndall.

The sam day cam owt of Franse the yerle of Bedford.

The sam day dyd pryche in the shroudes at Powlles master Gresshope of Oxford.

The vii day of Marche at nyght cam a servyngman in Towre stret, and toke from a cyld (fn. 31) neke (a . . .) of sylver, and the pepull bad stope the theyffe, and he rane in-to Marke lane, and stopyd and gayff ym a blowe that he never went farther, and ded. (fn. 32)
. . . . . . . . . . .

The xvj day of Ma. . .

The xvij day dyd pryche at the cowrt the [bishop] of Durram, that was Mydlent sonday.

The xx day dyd pryche at the courtt the [dean] of Powlles, master Nowell.

The xx day of Marche ded (fn. 32) at the cowrt the yonge lade Jane Semer, the duke of Somerset('s) dowther, on of the quen('s) mayds.

The xxiij day of Marche dyd pryche at [Newington] be-yonde sant Gorgus the byshope of Canturbere, docthur Parker, and mad a goodly sermon.

The sam day dyd pryche at the cowrte the byshope of Ely, docthur Cokes, and he w[ould that none] shuld pryche of he (fn. 33) matters butt they that were well le[arned.]

The xxij day of Marche dyd a woman ryd a-bowt Chepesyd and London for bryngyng yonge frye of dyvers kynd of fysse unlafull, with a garland a-pone her hed hangyng with strynges of the small fysse, and on the horse a-for and be-hynd here, led by on of the bedylls of Brydwell.

The xxiij day of Marche dyd pryche at Powlles crosse a byshope.

The xxij day of Marche ther was a wyff dwellyng in sant Martens in the vyntre, within the clostur dwellyng, of the age of lii. toke a woman into her howse at the done-lyhyng, (fn. 34) and the sam nyght she was delevered with chyld, and the sam woman of the howse led (fn. 35) her-seyff in bed, and mad pepull beleyff that yt was her owne chyld.

[The xxvj day of March master Sampson preached at the court.]

The sam day of Marche at after-none at Westmynster [was brought] from the quen('s) armere (fn. 36) my lade Jane Semer, with [all the quire] of the abbay, with ijC. of (the) quen('s) cowrt, the wyche she was [one] of the quen('s) mayd(s) and in grett faver, and a iiijxx morners of [men and] women, of lordes and lades, and gentylmen and gentyllwomen, all in blake, be-syd odur (fn. 37) of the quen('s) preve chambur, and she [had] a grett baner of armes bornne, and master Clarenshux was the harold, and master Skameler the nuw byshope of Peterborow dyd pryche. [She was] bered in the sam chapell wher my lade of Suffoke was.

The iij day of Aprell ded ser Arthur Darce knyght at Bedyngtun besyd Crowdun, the [which] was my lord Darce('s) [son] the wyche was heded on the Towre hyll for the surpryse in the Northe.

The iiij day of Aprell dyd pryche at the Powlles crosse the archdeken of London master Mollens.

The vij day of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare spytyll the nuwe byshope of Wynchester master Horne, and ther was all the masters of the hospetall, (fn. 38) and the chylderyn in bluw cotes, and my lord mayre and the althermen, and mony worshephull men.

The viij day of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare spytyll the byshope of Durham master Pylkyngtun, and ther was gret audyense, and my lord mare and my masters the althermen, with the masters of the hospetall.

The sam day of Aprell ded the good lade Huett, late mayres of London, in the parryche of sant Dennys.

The ix day of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare spyttell master Colle the parsun of Hehonger (fn. 39) in Essex.

The sam day was bered in Mylkstrett mastores Dock[wra?], with the clarkes of London, and she had vj skochyons of armes, and ther was geyffen for gownes to the pore men and women, and the byshope of Duram dyd pryche ther.

The x day of Aprell was wyped on that cam owt of Bedlem for he sayd he was Cryst, and on Peter that cam owt of the Masselsay, boyth wyped, for he sayd that he was the sam Peter that dyd folow Crist.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . toward Chelsey unto my lo . . . . . a man fond slayne by the way, and so . . . . that fonde hym, the wyche man dwelt in sant . . . with-owt Alther-gatt in More lane.

The xij day of Aprell was sett in the stokes . . . markett a stranger, the wyche he goys (fn. 40) all in red, and [says] that he (is) lord of alle lordes and kynge of alle kynges.

The xiij day dyd pryche at the Powlles master Juell byshope of Salysbere.

The xiiij day of Aprell a-for non was cared from sant Ellens in London, owt of a howse [where once] lyved old Clarenshus master Benolt the kyng at a[rms in the] tyme of kyng Henre viijt. ser Arthur Darce, and cared [to saint] Botolffe with-owt Algatt to (be) bered by my lade ys [wife, with] a xx clarkes syngynge, and then cam the standard . . . of armes and ys cott armur, ys target and sword and helmet, . . . and ij haroldes of armes, on beyryng the elmett and nodur (fn. 41) [the coat armour;] and the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes and raylles, [and the place] with blake and armes, and then cam the corse and vj of ys [servants] that bare hym, and mony mornars in blake; and he had a pall of blake velvett, and with armes of bokeram; and master Beycun dyd pryche ther.

The sam day was bered in Cornyll mastores Hunt wedow, and the chylderyn of the hopetall and the masters wher at her berehyng with ther gren stayffes, and the xxx chylderyn syngyng the Pater-noster in Englys, and a xl pore women in gownes; and after the clarkes syngyng, and after the corse, and then mornars, and after the craftes of the worshephull compene of the Skynners; and ther dyd pryche the byshope of Durram master Pylkyngtun; and after to the Skynners halle to dener.

The xvj day of Aprell wher all the alters in Westmynster taken downe, [in] the chapell wher the kyng Henry the vijth was bered, and wher kyng Edward the vjth, and the stones cared wher quen Mare was bered.

[The . . day of April was the funeral of Lady Hewett, formerly] mayres of London, and xxiiij pore women in nuw gownes and xij pore men, and after a xl in blake . . . . viij althermen in blake gownes, and my lord mare and [the rest] of the althermen, and xx clarkes syngyng, and then cam a penon of armes, and cam Ruge-crosse, and after master Clarenshus kyng at armes, and after the corse and iiij pennon of armes, and the pall of blake velvett and with armes, and then the cheyffe morners, a xl women mornars, and after the Cloth [workers] in the leveray, and after ij C. folohyng, and master (blank) dyd pryche; and the cherche hangyd with blake and armes; and after to ys plase to dener in Phylpot lane, and the plase hangyd with blake and armes.

The xviij day of Aprell was raynyd at Nuwgat master Putnam gentylman for a rape, and cast, and dyvers odur.

The xix day of Aprell wher cast iij, ij men and a woman, for kyllyng of a man besyd sant James, and odur.

The xxj day of Aprell wher hangyd ix, at Hyd parke korner iij, and vj at Tyborne.

The xxij day of Aprell was had to the Towre ser Edward Walgraff and my lade ys wyff, as good almes-foke as be in thes days, and odur cared thethur.

The xxiij day of Aprell was browth (fn. 42) unto my lord of Penbroke my lord of Lughborow, ser Edward Hastynges.

The xx day of Aprell be-gane at xij of the cloke at none the grettest thondur, lyghtenyng and gretest rayne, and the grett halle-stones as has bene sene.

The sam day wher ij hangyd at Wapyng, ij for robyng of the see.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .

[The xxiij of April, saint George's day, was kept] holy at the quen['s court . . ] her halle in copes to the nombur of xxx, with [O God,] the father of Hewyn, have merce on . . . . and the owtter cowrt to the gatt, and rond abowt st[rewed with rushes;] and after cam master Garter, and master Norres, and master dene of the ch[apel, in copes] of cremesun saten, with a crosse of sant Gorge red, and [eleven knights] of the garter in ther robes, and after the Quen('s) grace in [her robes, and] all the garde in ther ryche cottes; and so bake to the [Chapel,] after serves done, bake thruge the hall to her graces chambur, and that done her grace and the lord(s) wh[ent to dinner,] and her grace wher (fn. 43) goodly servyd; and after the lordes [sitting on one] syd, and servyd in gold and sylver; and after dener [there were] knyghtes of the Garter electyd ij, my lord of Shrewsbere [and my] lord of Hunsdon; and ther wher (fn. 44) all the haroldes in ther cote armurs a-for the quen('s) grace, master Clarenshux, Lanckostur, Rychemond, Wyndsor, Yorke, Chastur, Blumantyl, Ruge-dragon.

The xxvj day of May (fn. 45) was bered in Oxfordshyre . . . . . Dalamore, with a cott armur and a pennon of armes and a iij [dozen scocheons] of armes.

The furst day of May was cared to Powlles to be bered [one] Bathellmuw Comopane, a marchand stranger dwelling [by saint] Cristoffer at the stokes, and throughe Chepe, and vj men in blake gownes and hodes, and a xxx gownes for pore men and women of mantyll frys, a liiij in blake gownes; and with-in the gatt of Powlles cherche-yerd mett all the quer of Powlles, and the clarkes of London whent a-for the corse with ther surples onder ther gownes, tyll they cam in-to the Powlles cherche-yerd, and then they be-gane to syng: and the quer wher hangyd with blake and armes, a iij dosen of skochyons of armes; and Veron dyd pryche, the Frencheman, and after browth (fn. 46) ym to the neder end of the stepes under the belles, and bered hym, and after home to dener.

The sam day at after-none dyd master Godderyke('s) sune, the gold-smyth, go hup in-to hys father('s) gylddyng house, toke a bowe strynge and hangyd ym-seylff, at the syne of the Unycorne in Chepe-syd.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .

The x day of May dyd ryd in a care a-bowt [London] mastores Whytt shepster, dwelling in Fletstreet.

The xj day of May cam rydyng thrugh London, with a ixxx horse and with men in ys leverey with a iijxx in . . and with bages (fn. 47) a talbott of the gold-smyth('s) makyng, my yonge yerle of Shrowsbere to ys plase at Cold[-harbour,] all in bluw clothe, and on sant Gorge day was electyd knyght of the garter in ys father ('s) stede.

The xiiij day of May, was Assensyon evyn, was bered in sant Pulkers parryche my lade Esley the wyff of ser Henre Hesley (fn. 48) knyght, of Kentt, the wyche he cam in with sir Thomas Wyett knyght by quen Mare('s) days, and he was hangyd and drane and quartered, and ys hed sent unto Maydston, and set a-pone (blank) and she had nothyng done for here, butt master Skammeler mad a sermon for here—the byshope of Peterborow.

The xviij day of May was sant Gorge fest keptt at Wyndsor, and ther was stallyd ther the yerle of Shrowsbere and my lord of Hunsdon, and the yerle of Arundell was the quens deputte, and the way (fn. 49) my lord Monteguw and my lord Pagett, and so they came to cherche; and after matens done, they whent a prosessyon rond about the cherche, so done the mydes and so rond a-bowt, and a x almes-knyghtes in red kyrtylles, and a-loft a robe of purpull cloth syd with a crosse of sant Gorge, and after the verger, and then the clarkes and prestes a xxiiij syngyng the Englys prossessyon in chopes (fn. 50) xxxiiij, and sum of them in gray ames (fn. 51) and in calabur, and then cam my lord of Hunsdun, and after my lord Montyguw, and after the yerle of Shrowsbere, and after my lord Pagett, and after the yerle of Arundell, all they in their robes, and master Garter and master Norres and master dene in cremesun saten robes, with red crosses on ther shuldurs, and after rod up to the castylle to dener.
. . . . . . . . . . .

[The iiij day of June, being Corpus] Christi evyn, be-twyn xj and xij of the cloke, [there was] thonderying and lythenyng, and at sant Martens [by Ludgate came a] boltt and smytt downes serten grett stones of the [battlement of] the stepull, and the stones fell downe a-pone the [leads], and brake the ledes and bordes, and a grett gest (fn. 52) in ij peses.

The sam day be-twyn iiij and v of the cloke at after-[non the] lythenyng toke and entered in-to one of the olles (fn. 53) that was [in the outward] parte of the stepull (fn. 54) a ij yerdes under the bolle, and sett [the steeple] on fyre and never left tyll the stepull and belles and [all the] chyrche bowth north, est, south, and west, tyll yt . . . . archys, and consumyd boythe wod and led, and the belles [fell] be-low wher the grett organes stod be-ne[ath the] chapelle wher the old byshope was bered ondur . . . and in in dyvers plases of England grett hurtt done.

The iij day of June the Sessyons keptt at . . . wher serten knyghtes and lade, (fn. 55) and gentyllmen and [gentlewomen] and serten prestes with odur, wher endytyd for (unfinished)

The xvj day of June my lord mare and the althermen [were] sent for unto the cowrte at Grenwyche.

The v day of June dyd hange ym-seylff be-syd London stone (blank) . . lle a harper, the servand of the yerle of Darbe.

The xiiij day of June was bered in Essex my lade Wartun, the wyff of ser Thomas Wartun, behyng presoner in the towre of London at here deth and berehyng, and master Somersett the harold of armes, a gret baner of armes, and iiij dosen of skochyons of armes, the wyche the good lade ded of a thowgh, (fn. 56) and she was as fayre a lade as be, and mony mornars in blake, and grett mone mad for her in the contrey.

The xv day dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Nowell the dene of Powlles, and mad a goodly sermon, and my lord mayre and the althermen and the most of the worshephull craftes wher commondyd to be ther, and ther wher grett audyense.
. . . . . . . . . . .

[The day of June was the Skinners' feast; and there was chosen the master of fellowship master . . . . ., and for wardens] master Clarenshux, (fn. 57) kyng at armes, [the ij master . . .,] the iij master Dennam, the fort master Starke; [and] for denner iij stages (fn. 58) (and) viij bokes, (fn. 59) a gret . . .

The xvj day of June was the masters the Grossers fest; ther dynyd my lord mare, ser Roger Chamley, ser John Ly[ons, sir] Marten Bowse, ser Wylliam Huett, and ser Wylliam Garrett, [master] Loge, master John Whytt, master Cryster (fn. 60) Draper, master Rowe, and master Cha[mley? master] Marten, master Baskerfeld, and master chamburlayn of London, and mony worshephull men and mony lades and gentyllwomen; and grett chere; boyth the whettes (fn. 61) and clarkes syngyng, and a nombur of vyolles playhyng, and syngyng, and they had xxx bokes (fn. 59) [and] (blank) stages. (fn. 58)

The xvij day of June was a proclamassyon for slypes (fn. 62) and alffe slypes, that they should be corrant tyll the xx of July, tyll then they shuld have iijd. in the pound and no lenger.

The xviij day of June was a woman sett in the stokes in Newgatt markett with serten fylles (fn. 63) and odur instrumentes, the wyche she browth to Newgatt to here hosband for to fylle the yrons of ys leges, and odur thynges.

The x day of June was grantyd at Yeld-halle by my lord mare and my masters the althermen and the commen consell iij xv (fn. 64) toward the beldyng of Powlles chyrche and the stepulle, with as grett sped as they may gett tymbur rede, (fn. 65) and odur thynges, and worke-men.

The xvij day of June my lord mare and the althermen and the commen conselle how that and watt men shuld loke and over-se the workemen, and what men shuld take hed too in alle placys for the beldyng of Powlles, and to chose men of knolleg to loke and over-se the worke and the workmen.

The xix day of June was a grett wager shott in Fynsbere feld be-twyn my lord Robartt Dudley and my (unfinished)

The xx day of June was reynyd (fn. 66) at Westmynster serten men for kungeryng (fn. 67) and odur maters.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the offesers of Brydwelle and in serten [places] proclamassyon made of ther dohyng and . . .

The xxij day of June dyd pryche at Powlles [cross master] Skynner, dene of Durram, and mad a godly sermon, [giving] men warnyng of a notheboke (fn. 68) that ys pryntyd, and [bade every] man be ware of yt, for yt ys vere herese. (fn. 69)

The xxiij day of June was sett on the pelere for kungeryng (fn. 67) on prest, (fn. 70) ys name ys master Belissun [of] Westmynster.

The xxiiij day of June, was Mydsomer-day, at Grenwyche was grett tryum(ph) of the rever, a-gaynst the cou[rt; there] was a goodly castylle mad a-pone Temes, and men of armes with-in ytt, with gones and spers, for to deffend [the same,] and a-bowt ytt wher serten small pynnes (fn. 71) with . . . and grett shottyng of gonnes and horlyng of ba[lls of] wyld fyre, and ther was a barke with ij tope [castles ?] for the Quen('s) grace to be in for to se the passe-tyme, the wyche was vere latt or yt was done.

The xxv day of June was sett in Chepesyde ij peleres (fn. 72) for vij men that was sett on the pelere at Westmynster on Mydsomer evyn for kungeryng, and odur matters.

The xxiij day of June, was Mydsomer evyn, the serves at sant Gregore chyrche be-syd Powlles (by) the Powlles quer tyll Powlles be rede mad. (fn. 73)

The xxx day of June was the Goldsmyth(s') fest, and ther was ser Mertens Bowsses, (fn. 74) knyght, and dyvers worshephull gentyllmen and gentyllwomen.

[The day of June was the Merchant-Taylors' feast. . . . . . Thomas Hoffeley, master John Whyt, master Ma . . . master Bas]kerfeld, and ser Wylliam Garrett, and mony worshephull, [and] mony lades and gentyll women, and they had (blank) b [ucks and] (blank) stages, and ther was the wettes (fn. 75) plahyng, and gret plente.


  • 1. fish.
  • 2. usher.
  • 3. justice of the peace.
  • 4. psalm.
  • 5. incontinently.
  • 6. married.
  • 7. wedding.
  • 8. Harry.
  • 9. scocheons to leave at the houses in which he lodged by the way.
  • 10. pillory.
  • 11. Cecill.
  • 12. one.
  • 13. Lady.
  • 14. Harry Locke.
  • 15. arraigned.
  • 16. burglary.
  • 17. pillory.
  • 18. priest and steward.
  • 19. every one.
  • 20. Nowell.
  • 21. brought.
  • 22. probably Gough.
  • 23. anatomy.
  • 24. were poor.
  • 25. carried.
  • 26. palace.
  • 27. buried.
  • 28. Worcester.
  • 29. inns.
  • 30. brought.
  • 31. child's?
  • 32. died.
  • 33. high.
  • 34. down-lying.
  • 35. laid.
  • 36. almonry.
  • 37. other.
  • 38. Christ's Hospital.
  • 39. High Ongar.
  • 40. goes.
  • 41. another.
  • 42. brought.
  • 43. were, for was.
  • 44. were.
  • 45. Probably April.
  • 46. brought.
  • 47. badges.
  • 48. Isley.
  • 49. So in MS.
  • 50. copes.
  • 51. amices.
  • 52. chest.
  • 53. holes.
  • 54. Of St. Paul's cathedral.
  • 55. ladies.
  • 56. cough.
  • 57. William Harvey.
  • 58. stage.
  • 59. bucks.
  • 60. Christopher.
  • 61. waits.
  • 62. See Appendix of Notes.
  • 63. files.
  • 64. three fifteens.
  • 65. ready.
  • 66. arraigned.
  • 67. conjuring.
  • 68. naughty book.
  • 69. very heresy.
  • 70. one priest.
  • 71. pinnaces.
  • 72. pillories.
  • 73. ready made.
  • 74. Martin Bowes.
  • 75. waits.