A Short English Chronicle: The succession of kings from William the Conqueror to Henry VI

Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1880.

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'A Short English Chronicle: The succession of kings from William the Conqueror to Henry VI', in Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol28/pp17-31 [accessed 7 January 2025].

'A Short English Chronicle: The succession of kings from William the Conqueror to Henry VI', in Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed January 7, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol28/pp17-31.

"A Short English Chronicle: The succession of kings from William the Conqueror to Henry VI". Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 7 January 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol28/pp17-31.

In this section

The succession of kings from William the Conqueror to Henry VI

Willelmus Conquestor.; William Rowse ijdus fillus, dyed wtowte yssue.

After him regned William Bastrade that was Duke of Normandy, the whiche conquered all Engelond, and discomfide all the Danes, and drove hem oute of England, and after conquered all Scotland, and made the Kynge of Scottis his liege man. And he was crowned at Westminster on Cristmas day; and whan he had regned xvij yere, þo he made William Rouse his secunde sonne Kynge of Engelond, (fn. 1) and him selfe went in to Normandye and levid there iiij yere after; and tho he fell seke and dyed, and lithe beryed at Cane in Normandye.

The iijde sone of Wylliam Conquerour was callyd Rychard, whiche decesyd.

Aftir him regned his sonne William the Rous, the whiche was crowned at Westmester by his faders lyve, the yere of our Lorde mllxxxvje whiche kynge was a contrayous dman bothe to God and to Holy Chirche for he distroyed and kest downe xxvj townes and lij chirches and houses of religion for to make the Newe Forest; and after he was slayne with an arowe in the same forest, the xxiij yere of his regne, and lieth at Wynchester.

Henricus Primus iiijtus filius.

After him regned his brother Henry Bewclek, the iiij sonne of William Conquerour, the whiche is called the first kynge Henry of Engelonde, and he was crowned at Westmester the v day of August, the yere of our Lord ml.c. Anone after he spoused Dame Maude, Kynge Matelyns (fn. 2) doughter, of Scotland, and upon hir he begate ij sonnes, William and Richarde, and a doughter, the whiche was maryed to the Emperour of Almayne. And after the kynges ij sonnes were drevyn over the see in a tempest of weder. And when Kynge Henry the First had regned almoste xxxv yere he dyed and lithe beryed at the abbaye of Redynge, wherof he was founder, the yere of ml.c.

Stephyn.; Henricus ijdus.; Martirium Sancti Thome Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi.

After him regned his nevewe Stephen, the which was kynge Herryes sister sonne, an erlis sonne of Boleyn, and he was crowned at Westmester anone after that his uncle Kynge Henry was dede; and that was no right; for Henry the empres sonne shulde have be kynge after the right rule and lyne, and therfor was grete stryfe betw[e]ne hem; and whan Kynge Stephen had regned all moste xix yere he died and lieth at Feversam. After Kynge Stephen regnyd Henry the Secunde, that was the Empresse sonne, and he was crowned at Westmester on the day of Conception of Our Lady by for Cristmas the yere of our Lorde ml.c.liiij. And in the xvj yere of his regne was Seynt Thomas, at that tyme Archebisshope of Caunterbery, marterd for the right and feythe of Holy Chirche, the yere of our Lor mlclxxje. This Henry helde a paramour besyde the quene, the whiche was called Rosamoundes Bowre. And by the quene he had ij sonnes, Richard was the first, and John was the secunde. And when he had regned xxxv yere he dyed in Fraunce, and lieth at Fownte Everrard, the yere of our Lorde mlciiijxxixe.

Ricardus Primus.

After him regned his sonne Richarde the Fyrst, the whiche was called Richard the Conquerour, and he was crowed at Westmester sone after his faders disses, and after he wente into the Holy Londe with a grete oste of peple, and ther he werred upon the hethen folke and gate ayene all that Cristen men had lost a for tyme; and as this worthi conquerour came homwarde he mett with his enmyse at the Castell Gaylarde, for ther he was shott with a quarell and died in the x yere of his regne, and he was buryed at Fownte Everarde be side his fader, the yere of oure Lorde ml.c.iiijxxxix, and died withoute yssewe.

Rex Johannes.

Aftir Kynge Richarde the Fyrst regnid his brother John, that ever was a contraryous man to God and to Holy Chirche and to all the comyn peple, and therfor all Englond was enterdited for vij yere; and in his tyme Seint Hewe of Lyncole diede. And in his tyme was lost myche londe of Gascoyne, Brettayne, and Normandy. And in his tyme was grete derthe, for a peny lofe was worthe xijd; and for his wekid rede a monke of the Abbay of Swyneshede yave him poyson to drynke, and so he died in the xviij yere of his regne, and lieth at Worcester, the yere of our Lord mlccxvje.

The yere of our Lord mlc[c]iiijxxxviij was the fundacioun of the Fre[re] Prechores.

The yere of our Lorde mlccvj was the fundacioun of the order off the Frere Menures.

Translacio Sancti Thome Martiris, Anno Domini 1220.; Batyl of Ewssh [am].

After the dethe of Kynge John was crowned his son Kyng Henry the Therde, at Glowceter, on Seint Symons day and Jude, of a leget of Rome that hight Swalowe, (fn. 3) that come into Englond to make peece be twene Lowes of Fraunce and Kynge Henrye; and in the iiij yere of his regne he was crowned at Westmester, of the Erchebisshope of Caunterbery, by the comen assent of all the lordes of Englonde; and in the same yere was Seint Thomas of Caunterberye translated; and in the yere of grace mlccxx,e, and in the xlviij yere of his regne, began the werre betwene Kynge Herry and his lordes of the realme for diverse causes for the comyne wele of Englond, and therfor was the batayle at Lewes on Seint Pancras daye in May; and ther Sir Symonde Momford, Erle of Leycester, had the victorye; and in that battaylle the kinge him selfe was taken, and Sir Edwarde his sonne; and Syr Richarde, Earle of Cornwayle, that was the kynges brother, and many oþer lordis were in warde of the forsaide Sir Symonde. And the nexte yere after thatt (fn. 4) and the next yere after that (fn. 4) aboute the myddis of August was the batayll of Evessham be twene Kynge Henry and the barones of this londe, and ther was slayne Sir Symond Moundford and his sonne and many other lordis, and in the lvij yere of his reg[n]e he died, and lieth at Westmester, on Seynt Edmondis day mlccxiij.

Edwardus Primus post Conquestum,; wyth the longe shankye.

Aftir Kynge Henry regned his sone Edwarde the First with longe shankes, the whiche was crowned at Westmestre sone after his faders death in the yere of grace mlcclxxiij.

This Kynge Edwarde was a gracious Man, for wher so ever he came in any londe he had the victorye of his enemyes; and he toke homage of Kynge Elysaundre of Scotlonde, and discomfyde Newlyn Preince of Walis, and conquered all the londe, and toke Irlonde in to his honde. And by his first wyfe he hade a sonne that was called Edwarde of Carnervan; after that died the quene. And tho he spowsed Quene Margerett, Kynge Phelippes sister of Fraunce; and upon hir he begatte ij sonnes, Thomas Bretherton, Erle Marchall, and Emond of Wodstoke his broþer. And when be had regned well and worthely all moste xxxv yere he died, and lithe at Westmester mlcccvije.

Anno Domini mlcccvj, Invencio nove solempnitatis Corporis Christi.

Edwardus ijus post Conquestum.; Destruccio Templariorum.

After him regnid his sonne Edward of Carnarvan, and he was crowned at Westmester the xx daie of Feverell in the yere of our Lorde mlcccvije. And in the same yere he spoused Isabell, Kyng Phelippes doughter of Fraunce, in the chirche of Bolayne, and he bro(?)t hir in to Englond. And in the same yere folowinge were the Templers dist[r]oied thorowe all Cristendome for hir mysbeleve and untrowith that they used.

Edwardus Tertius natus.; Sanctus Thomas comes Lancastrie decollatus.; Quarterium frumeuti, Xls

Anone after Robert le Bruse, Kynge of Scotland, came oute of Northe Wales with a grete pussaunce of peple and werred sore in Northehomberlonde and distroyed all the contrey. And than Kynge Edward was scomfide and put to flight and many of his lordis slayne, for ther was so grete nombre of Scottis, x men ayenest one Englisshe man. The batayll was upon Seint Johns daye Baptist, in the yere of our Lord mlcccxije yere, and in the ve yere of his regne. And in the same yere was borne at Wyndesore Edward the Thred, upon Seint Bricis daye. And in the xv yere of his regne fell grete debate be twene the kynge and the gode lordis of this lond for thei helden with the comyne wele of þe lond. Wherfor Sir Thomas, the gode Erle of Lancaster, was be heded at Pomfrett, and many oþer barons and knyghtes for the same cause, and all through the false counsell of the Spencers, the fader and the sonne, the whiche were the robbers of this londe. And in the same yere fell grete derthe in this londe, for a quarter of whete was solde for xl s., the yere of our Lord mlcccxxje. After that, by false counsaill of the Spencers, Kynge Edward exiled Quene Isabelle his wiffe, and Sir Edwarde his eldest sonne, oute of Englond, and went in to Fraunce; and after that thei came a yene in to Englond with a grete strenthe of people. And Sir John Hennawde, the erles brother of Hennawde, come with hem with all the power that he myght to strenthe hem in right; and thei londed fast by Herwiche in Southefolke; tho all the contre fell to them and held with hem to distroye the venym of London. And anone thei toke the kynges counsellours, that is to sey, the fader and sonne called the Spencers and Maister Robert Baldok, a fals peled clerke, that was chaunceler of Englond. And Maister Water Stapilton, that was þe Bysshoppe of Exceter and Tresourere of Engelond, and þe Erle of Arondell, and many oþer that was consent to them, thei were done to dethe in sondrye wise, some hanged and quarterd and some beheded. And so by counsayll of all the lordis of Englond. Kynge Edwarde of Carnarvan was deposed and put downe of his kyngdome, in the yere of our Lorde mlcccxxvje, in the xix yere of his regne.

Edwardus iij[clus] post Conquestum.

And anone after that was Kyng Edward the Thred of Wyndsore crowned at Westmester the first day of Feverell, and in the xv yere of his age; and this Kynge Edwarde was called the floure of knyghtehode of all Cristendome. And in the same yere, through counsell of Quene Isabell and Sir Roger Mortymer, was Sir Edward of Carnarvan broȝt from the castell of Kyllingworthe to Berkle, and fro thens to the castell of Corffe; and ther he was morthered betwene ij feþer beddis, and an hote brenynge spitt put in his fondement, and so brent his bodi with in; and that was on Seint Matheus daye in Septembre; and tho was he enterred at Glowceter. And in the nexte yere folowynge Kynge Edward spowsed Quene Phelippe, the Erles doughter of Hennawde, at Yorke, upon the feste of Convercion of Seint Poule, the yere of our Lord mlcccxxvije. And while Kynge Edward was of tender age he suffred many prejudice done in Engelonde, for Quene Isabell and Sir Roger Mortymer ruled all Engelond as hem liked. But aftir King Edward redressed hit full wele bi his discrete counsell, and chastesid the traytors and the rebellis of Englond full wele and manfully. And in the third yere of his regne, Edmond of Wodstok, that was the kynges uncle, was be hedid at Wynchestre wrongfully, and all throwe Sir Roger Mortymer that was late made Erle of Marche; and sone aftir, for his grete covetise and falshede that he did to al the realme, he was drawen and hanged at Tiborne upon Seint Andres evyn, the v yere of his regne. After that, he went in to Scotlond, and conqured a yene all þ fewte and homage that the Scottes owid to the crowne off Englond. And in the vj yere of his regne was the batayle at Hayldon Hill besides Berwyk; and at that batayle was slayne xxxvmlvijc and xij of Scottes and nombred by herawdes, and of Englissh men but xxvij persones, thanked be God, for this was a grete victorye. And this was upon Seint Margaretes even, the yere of our Lorde mlcccxxxij. And after that he conquered all Scotlond, and made the Kynge of Scottes his liege man, to do him fewte and homage as he ought of right. And in the xiiij yere of his regne Kynge Edwarde made him redy with a grete nombre of peple for to go in to Fraunce, for to chalange the crowne be right tytell and erytaunce by his moder Quene Isabell. And Kynge Karoll died withoute issewe, and Phelipp Valeys, his emys sonne, ocupyed the crowne ayenes right. And so Kynge Edward and his oste were shipped taward Fraunce, and thought to lande in Flaundres ther as Phelippe of Yaloys was with grete navye of dyverse nacions. And so Kynge Edward and his oste aryved with his navy in the haven of Skluse. And the viij day off Julii ther was a grete bataylle, and ther was slayne of the Frensshe partye xxxml men, and oure kynge toke þer many grete shippis and cogges and hulkes. And so that tyme Kynge Edwarde hade a gracious victory, in the yere of our Lord mlccxl. And in the xviij yere of his regne the kynge made his eldest sonne Edward, Prince of "Walys, Duke of Cornwayle and Erle of Chester. And in the xxj yere of his regne wa the bataylle of Cressey, the xxvj daye of August. Ther were slayne and take many grete lordis of Fraunce, and the Frensshe kynge was put to flight, the yere of our Lorde mlcccxlvjti. And in the therday of Septembre nexte folowing Kynge Edward laide sege to Calys, the whiche contenewed unto the iij daye of August, the nexte yere after, and than hit was yelden up for evir, bothe towne and castell, the yere ml.iijc.xlvijti. And in the same yere duringe the sege was the Kynge off Scottes sore werrynge in Englond, and robbed and revid the contre aboute Derham; and so ther was taken Kynge David of Scotlonde, the Erle Mountyf, Sir William Douglas, and many oþer the whiche were brought to the Toure of London; and than was the Kynge of Scotlonde taxed at an c.ml. marke to be paid in x yere daye. And in the nexte yere after was the grete pestilence at London, from Michelmas to Lammas. And in the xxv yere of his regne ther was a grete bataill on the see with the Spaynardes upon the coste of Wynchilsey, and ther were taken xxiiijti grete shippis off Spayne. And in the xxviij yere of his regne was a corde made be twene Kyng Edward and the Frensshe kynge, so that he shulde have Normandye, Gascoyne, and Gyane in pees. And anone after died Phelippe of Valeys. Tho was his sonne John made Kynge of Fraunce, and he did myche harme in Gascoyne, and distroyed all the contre. Tho went Prince Edward to Burdeux for to kepe the contrey. After the one and therty yere of his regne was the bataylle of Peyters, the xx day of Septembre; and ther was taken Kynge John of Fraunce and Phelipp his sonne, and many oþer lordis, the whiche Prince Edward brought in to Englond to Kyng Edwarde his fader; the whiche Kyng John was taxed at iij melyons of scutis, that is to sey, vc.ml.li. of mony. And in the xxxiiij yere of his regne Syr John off Gawnte, Erle of Rychemond, that was Kyng Edwardes therde sonne, spoused Dame Blanche, Duke Henryes doughter of Lancastre, by dispensacion of the Pope, the xiiij day of Julij, and than was made pees be twene Englond and Fraunce. And the nexte yere after was the grete wynde upon Seynt Maurys daye in June, A° ml.cccxlj. Also the same yere be for the grete wynde was þe secunde pestilence, in the whiche died the noble man and myghty Harry, Duke of Lancaster. And than was Sir John of Gaunte, Erle of Rychemond, made Duke of Lancaster, for he hade spowsed Duke Henry doughter. And in the same yere Prynce Edward spoused the Countes of Kentt; also in þe same yere Sir Lionell, Kynge Edwardes sonne, was made Duke of Clarence, and Sir Edmond of Langley was made Duke of Yorke, and Sir Thomas Wodstok was made Duke of Glowcester. Alle thes v lordes were Kyng Edwardis sonnes. And in the xxxix yere of his regne came iij kynges in to this londe for to speke with Kyng Edward, that is to sey, the kynge of Siprys, the kynge of Fraunce, and the Kynge of Scotland; and in the same yere died Kyng John off Fraunce, in Engelonde, at Savoye, in þe Dukis place of Langastre. And in the xlj yere of his regne was Richard, Prince Edwardes sonne, born at Burduex; and in the xliij yere of Kynge Edwarde dyed that noble Quene Philippe of Englond, and lithe at Westmester enterred, the yere of oure Lord mlccc.lxix. And in the same yere was a grete derthe in Engelond, a busshell of whete was worthe xl d. Also the xlvij yere of his regne the Duke of Lancaster spoused the kynges doughter of Spayne, and the Duke of Yorke spoused that oþer doughter. And in the l. yere of his regne dyed the noble Preince Edwarde, the viij day of Jun, in the feste of the Trinite, and lieth at Caunterbury. And in the nexte yere folowynge died the noble conquerour Kynge Edwarde the iije, of Wyndsore, flour of knyghthode, at Shene the xxj daye of June, and lieth worthely enterred at Westmester, in the yere of our Lorde mlccclxxvje.

Ricardus ijus, filius Edwardi Tercii. (fn. 5); The Hurlyng tyme.

And in the lj yere of his regne regned Richard the Secounde, the whiche was Prince Edwardis sonne after the right lyne, and he was crowned kynge at Westmester the xvj day of Julij, in the yere a forseyde, at the age of xj. And whiles the kynge was in yonge age certeyn lordis of the realme ruled the londe as hem list; and so thei made an ordenaunce amonge hem in the iiij yere of his regne that every man, woman, and childe in this londe of the age of xiiij yere and above shulde paye to tallage iiij d., pore man and other; the whiche ordenaunce was cause of myche trouble and sorowe in this londe. Wherfor anone after in the somer folowinge for the comyns of this londe a resyn up in diverse parties of the realme and deden myche harme, the whiche was called the hurlyng tyme, the yere of our Lord ml.ccc.lxxxje.

Wylliam Walworth slow Jak Strawe.; Terre motus.

And the comenys of Kent and Essex rysen up and gaderd hem togeder, and came to London the xiiij day of Junij, and as it fell in the yere hit was the Fridaye after Corpus Christi daye, and they toke Sir Symond Sudbery, Erchebisshoppe of Caunterburye, and Sir Robert Halis, Priour of Seint Johnis, and a White Frere, that was the kynges confessore, and other mo, and brought hem to the Toure Hill and smoten of her hedis, and come a yene to London, and slowe men of lawe and false juges, and all the alyauntes that thei couthe owher fynde, and smoten of her hedis and toke awey ther godis, and wenten to Savey and distroyed and wasted all that was ther, and sett fyre on the place when they went, and dedyn moche harme in many placis with in the cite and with oute at Westmester; thei sparid none. And this horlynge endured iij dayes, and no man durst sett upon hem, the nombre was so grete. And þe Monday folowing William Walworthe, that tyme being Meyre of London, slowe Jack Strawe with his owne hondes, and lete smyte of his hede, and set it on London Brigge. And a none, as the capteyn was dede, every man fled a wey as hit had never ben thei. And the v yere of his regne Kynge Richard spoused Quene Anne, the kynges doughter of Beam and Emperour of Almayne, apon Seint Fabian and Sebastians daye, in the Abbaye of Westmester. And upon Seint vincentes daye (fn. 6) nexte folowynge she was crowned. And in the same yere, the xxj daye of May, was the erthequake, the Wenesday a for Witsonday, the yer of our Lord ml.ccc. lxxijti. And in the nexte yere folowing Syr Richard Spencer, Bysshuppe of Norwyche, went over the see in to Flaundres with holy water stickys, and ther he gate the towne of Gravenyng, Borborowe, Dunkerk, and Newporte. And ther was done a grete bataylle be twene the Englisshe men and the Flemynges, but the Englisshe men had the victorye. And in the xj yere of Kynge Richarde v lordis of Englond a ryssen at Ratcote to brynge in the discenccion the rebellis þat were that tyme in the realme. The first was Sir Thomas of Wodstok, the kynges uncle and Duke of Gloucester, and Sir Richard, Erle of Arondell, and Sir Richard, Erle of Warwyk, Sir Henry Bolyngbrok, Erle of Derby, and Sir Thomas Moubraye, Erle of Notyngham. And these v lordes seynge the myschefe and falssed of the Kynges Counsell, these v lordes thought to amend hit, and a none the chefe lordes of the kynges counsell fled over the see; that is to say, Sir Elysander Nevell, Erchebisshuppe of Yorke, and Sir Robert Vere, Marques of Develyn, the Erle of Oxenford, and Sir Michell Poole, Erle of Southefolk, and Chaunseler of Englond. And thes lordes went over the see and came no more a yene, for ther they dyed; sone after was Sir Robert Tresylyan, justice, Sir Nicholl Brembre, knyght and alderman of London, and Sir John Salysbury, knyght of the kynges householde, and Thomas Huske, sergeauntes of armes, and Thomas Blake, clerke of the kynges house, were drawen, hanged, and by heded at Tiborne. And Sir Symonde Beverle, a knyght of the garter, and Sir John Bechamp, knyght and stiward of the kynges housholde, a[nd] Sir James Berners, and oþer mo were be hedid at the Toure Hill. And in the xvij yere of his renge dyed the Quene Anne in þe maner of Shene upon Witsondaye, and lithe at Westmester, the yere of our Lord ml.ccc.iiijxxxiiij.e.

Henricus iiijtus.

And in the xx yere of his regne Kyng Richarde spoused Quene Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraunce in the towne of Caleys, and after she was brought in to Englond and crowned at Westmester the Sonday after Seint Clements daye. And the xxv day of August nexte folowynge, by evill exitacion and false counsell, and for pure malice that Kynge Richarde had to his uncle and to other lordes, he rode to Plaschey, and ther Kyng Richard a rested hem with his owne handes, Sir Thomas of Wodstock Duke of Glowcester, and comaunded him to Caleys, and there he was morthered betwene ij feder beddes; and on Seint Matheus day nexte after was Sir Richard, the gode Erle of Aroundell, be heded at the Toure Hill, and Sir Richard Erle of Warwyk and the Lorde Cobham were dampned at Westmester to perpetuell preison. And in the same yere fell grete dissencion be twene the Erle of Derby and Sir Henry Bolyngbroke, the whiche was made Duke of Herfford, and the Erle Marchall, that was newe made Duke of Northefolke for serteyne poyntes, in so myche they waged batayll to have fought with in listes, and ther place was assigned at Coventre where þe batayll shulde be. But at the last the kynge of his gode grace toke hit in his honde and wolde not suffre hem to fyght, but exiled the Duke of Herfford for the term of x yere and the Duke of Northfolke for ever. And Sir Thomas Aroundel, Erchebisshuppe off Caunterbury, deposyd of his cce and exiled for ever. Tho went thes lordes in to dyverse londes. And a none Kyng Richard sett all Englond to ferme to iiij persones, to Sir William Scrowpe, (fn. 7) Busshe, Bagott, and Grene, the whiche broȝt in myche tene. And Kyng Richard went him selffe in to Irelond. Anone came tidynges in to Fraunce to Sir Henry Bollyngbroke whate governaunce was in Engelond, and anone he came downe to Caleys with his meyne that he had, and met ther with Sir Thomas of Arondell, þat was Erchebysshuppe of Caunterbery, and cam over the see in to Englond a yene, and londed at Ravonspor in the northe contre. And when thei were londed all the contre fell downe to them and were joifull of his comynge in helpinge of hem and destroyenge of the fals rule and governaunce of the londe. This was in the xxij yere of the regne of Kynge Richard. Than came he home oute of Irlond in haste, and come to the Castell of Flyntt, and thought to take his counsell whate was best to done. Anone all is men forsoke him and lefte him alone. Tho was Kynge Richarde taken and doen in warde in the Toure of London, and by comon assent of al the lordis of Englonde he was deposed and put downe of this riall realme and kyngdome. Tho he was put in to the Castell of Pomffrett and kept full streyte terme of his lyfe. And than was Sir William Scrowpe, Busshe, Baggott, and Grene were done to dethe for her false covetise. (fn. 8) Aftir the deposinge of Kynge Richard the ijde, Henry of Bolyngbrok, Erle of Derby, Duke of Herford, and Duke of Lancaster, by all the Comyns assent was made kynge for his worthines. And so Henry the iiije was crowned at Westmester upon Seint Edwardis daye in Octobre, the yere of our Lord ml.ccc.iiijxxxixe. And a none after he made Henry his eldist sonne Prince of Walys, Duke of Cornwayle and Erle of Chester. And in the fyrst yere of his regne Kynge Richard died in the Castell of Poumffrett and was beryed at Langeley. On whose soule God have mercy. And in the same yere the Duke of Surrey, the Duke of Excester, the Erle off Salisbury, the Erle of Glowcester, and oþer moo of ther affynite were accorded to sle the kynge at Cristmas a twelffe nyght, with a momynge at Wyndsore. But the kynge had knowlech ther of, and came to London in haste. And thes lordes wiste wele that they were be wrayed and fled awaye, and after they were taken and put to dethe.

William Conquerour. (fn. 9)

Wylliam Conqueroure reyned xxj yere.

This myghti William, Duke of Normandie, as bokes olde maketh mencion, be juste title and by chevalrye made kynge be conquest of Brutes Albyon, put oute Harrolde and toke possession, and bare the crowne full xxj yere, buryed at Cane, thus saithe the croncklere.

Wylliam Rufus xiiij yere.

Next in ordre succession William Ruffus, his sonne, crowned kynge with gode devocion, distroyed chirches of olde and newe bildinge for to make a forest plesaunt for huntynge; xiiij yere he bare his crowne in dede; beryed at Wynchester, in the cronekle ye may rede.

Herry the fyrst, xxxiij yere.

His broþer nexte, called the fyrst Henrye, was at London crow[n]ed kynge, as y fynde, whose broþer Robert, Duke of Normandye, be ganne on him to werre, the cronycle maketh mynde. Reconciled, all rancoure sett be hynde, full xxxiij, be record of writynge, yerys he regned; beryed at Redynge.

Stephyn, xix yere.

His cosyne Stephen, whan first Henry was dede, tawarde Englond can crosse his sayle; the Erchebysshope sett upon his hede a riche crowne, beynge of his counsell; xix yere with sorowe and grete travaile he bare his crowne, had he no rest; at Feversham lithe beryed in his cheste.

Herry the ijde, xxxv yere.

Harry the Secounde, sonne to thEmpryse, was crowned nexte, a full manly knyght, as bokes olde playnly dothe expresse; this saide Henry, be forwarde forse and myghte, slowe Seint Thomas for Holy Chirche right; xxxv yere reyned, hit is made in mynde. Att Fownt Everard lythe beryd, as I fynde.

Richarde the fyrst, cal[led] Cure de Lyon, ix yere.

Richard his sonne, next be succession, fyrst of that name, stronge, hardy, and notable, was crowned knige; called Cure de Lyon, with Sarsyne hedis servid at his table; slayne at Gayliarde by deth full lementable; the space of him regned fully ix yere; his herte beryed at Rome (fn. 10) at the high autere.

Kyng John, xviij yere.

Nexte Kynge Richard regned his broþer John; after sone entred into Fraunce, lost Anjoye and Normandy anone. This londe entirdited by his governaunce, and, as it is put in remembraunce, xviij yers was kyng of this region; lithe at Worseter, dede with poyson.

Herry the iijde, lv[j yere].

Hanry the iije, his sonne, of ix yere of age, was at Glouceter crowned, as I rede; longe werr he had with his baronage, gretly delited in almesdede; lvj yere he regned I rede; beryed at Westmester, by recorde of writinge. The day of Seint Edward was made kynge.

Edwarde the fyrs[t,] xxxv yere, with the longe sh[ankes].

Edward the First, with shankes longe, was after crowned, that was a gode knyght; wanne Scotlond, magry the Scottes stronge; and all Walis, spite of her myght; durynge his lyve manteyne trouthe and right; xxxv yere he was kynge; lithe at Westmester for trouthe and no lesynge.

Edward the ijde, called Edwar[de of] Carnarv[on], xix yere.

Edward, his sonne, called Carnarvan, succedinge after to make his alyaunce, as the cronekyll will recorde, wedded the doughter of the Kynge of Fraunce. Thomas Lancaster, by dethe he toke vengaunce; xix yere helde he his rigalye. Beryed at Glowcester as bokes specefie.

Edwarde the iijd, lij yere.

The iije Edward, borne at Wyndsore, myche in knyght hode he hade gre preise; enherytor of Fraunce, with outen more, bare in his armes iij lyons and iij floures de lysc. And he gate Caleys with his prudent devyse. Regned in Englond lij (fn. 11) yere, lyth at Westmester, this seith the Cronecle[re].

Rycharde the ijde, xxij yere.

Sonne to Prince Edwarde, Kynge Richard the ij. In whose tyme was pees and plenty. Wedded Quene Anne, of Almayne, as it is fownde; Isabell of Fraunce, who lust to see; xxij yere, he regned here parde. At Langley buryed first, so stode the case. After to Westmester his body caryed was.

Herry the iiijth, xiiij yere.

Harry the fourthe, nexte crowned in certeyne, a famouse knyght and of grete semblenesse, from his exile whan he came home agayne, travaylled after with wer and grete sekenes; xiiij yere regned in sothnesse. Buryed at Caunterbery, in that holy place God of his mercy do his soule grace.

Herry the vth, ix yere.

The ve Henrye, of knyghthode lodester, wyse and right manly to termyne right. Fortunate preved in pees and werre. Erthly expert and mercyall displyn, worthi to stonde a monge the wrothie ix. Regned ix yere, who list have rewarde; lieth at Westmester not far from Seint Edwarde.

Herry the vjte, xxxix yere.

Harry the vje, crowned at Westmester and at Paryse; in his youthe he had grete noblenes, bothe in Englond and Fraunce; and in his last daies ther fell grete distaunce through his false counsell that was covetowse, he was put downe from the crowne by all the comyns. So her regned kynge here all moste xxxix yere.


  • 1. In the margin occurs the following note by annother hand: "Robert Curthos primogenitus cui Willelmus Conquestor in sus morte reliquit sibi totam Normaniam, ut habetur in alia crouica."
  • 2. Malcolm.
  • 3. Gualo.
  • 4. So in MS., repeated.
  • 5. The annotator here commits the gross blunder of representing Richard II. as the son, instead of grandson, of Edward III; and, not content with this inaccuracy in the margin, he has written over "Prince Edwardis sonne" in the text the words "Edwardus iijus"above the line.
  • 6. After "Seint Vincentes daye" about a line and a-half is crossed out, beginning "of May was the Erthe quake." The erased words occur in the text immediately below; which shows that the MS. is here a copy and that the transcriber had missed a line.
  • 7. The original text read "Sir John Busshe;" but "John" is crossed through and "Wylliam Scrowpe" inserted in the margin by another hand, with a caret in the text after the cancelled word.
  • 8. There is no stop here in the MS. the punctuation of which is evidently wrong. The sentence ends with "Kynge Richard," the words "the ijde" being added by the corrector's hand. A mark is also put to indicate the beginning of a new sentence at "Henry of Bolyngbrok."
  • 9. What follows is a corrupt text of Lydgate's Verses on the Kings of England which I printed from another MS. in "Collections of a London Citizen" edited for the Camden Society in 1876. They are here printed precisely as they stand in this M
  • 10. So in MS., instead of Rone, i. e. Rouen.
  • 11. Corrected into "lj," the "i" being erased with the knife.