Volume 235: August 2-December 27, 1721

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'Volume 235: August 2-December 27, 1721', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728, ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1889), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol6/pp70-96 [accessed 13 March 2025].

'Volume 235: August 2-December 27, 1721', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Edited by Joseph Redington (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol6/pp70-96.

"Volume 235: August 2-December 27, 1721". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol6/pp70-96.


August 2–December 27, 1721

[? About
2 Aug.]
1. Five papers touching disputes between the Crown and the Sugar Houses in Scotland as to the rights claimed by the proprietors of exemption from customs and excise. One of them is headed:—
“Articles agreed on betwixt the Lords Commrs of his Mats Treasury and the proprietors of the four sugar manufactories in Scotland.”
The last of them is minuted:
“August 2d, 1721. The Lords agree to stay all proceedings against ye sugar manufacturers of Scotland untill ye end of ye next sessions of Parlt, and to a clause to be then brought in, to discharge all demands of ye Governmt upon them for customs and excise; the said proprietors agreeing to surrender and disclaim all right of exemption for custom and excise for ye future.
Mr Lowndes and Mr Danl Campbell to meet and settle ye time for wch such discharge and allowance is to be made to ye sd proprietors; as also all particulars of an agreement to be made wth them.” 6½ pages.
2 Aug. 2. Representation to the Lords of the Treasury by the Managers and Directors appointed to bring up and perfect “what remained to be brought up and perfected on the act of the 6th of the King, for encreasing the Capital Stock of the South Sea Company by the late Managers and Directors appointed for executing that Act.” They point out certain mistakes in the accounts, by means whereof the Company “have had less additional stock and additional annuity declared” than they ought to have had; that is to say, 67,831l. 6s. 10d. in Stock and 3,391l. 11s. 4d. less “in additional annuity.” Recommend the case to their Lordships' consideration. Lottery Office, 2 Aug. 1721.
This is accompanied by a large paper book or document entitled “Supplemental Duplicate, South Sea House, 15th October 1720,” containing a list of subscriptions for which an annuity of 5 per cent. was payable at the Bank of England, commonly called Lottery Annuities. The sums amounted to 67,831l. 6s. 10d. 11 large pages.
[? About
7 Aug.]
3. Petition of Patrick Brown to the Lords of the Treasury. When the Spanish Fleet was in the Road of Barcelona in July 1717, preparing to surprise Minorca, Mr Bub, his Majesty's Ambassador at Madrid, and Mr Crowe, his Majesty's Consul at Barcelona (but at that time at Madrid) apprehending such a design, and believing it absolutely necessary that Lord Forbes, the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of H.M. forces on that Island, should have timely notice of those preparations, recommended it to Mr Shellat (who acted in the absence of Consul Crowe as Consul at Barcelona) to get some fit person to carry their letters immediately to his Lordship. Petitioner being mate of an English ship at Barcelona voluntarily undertook to carry the letters, and performed the service in the ship's yaul with two men, when an embargo was laid on all ships, &c. in the harbour, by which means his Lordship put the Island in a posture of defence. Petitioner returned and went a second time to his Lordship, when the Spanish fleet was within a mile of the Island: prays for an allowance.
Also copies of three certificates in his favour.
Minuted:—“7th Augt 1721. 150li. S. Manual.” 3 pages.
[? About
9 Aug.]
4. Memorial of Sir Robert Sinclair, Receiver General of his Majesty's land rents and casualties of North Britain, to the Lords of the Treasury. Was authorised by warrant to send up the money in his hands amounting to 27,735l. 2s.d. His deputy knowing that the sending up as much as he could in English bank notes would be the speediest way of returning money, sent up 19,825l., which is now paid into the Exchequer. The remainder (7,910l. 2s.d.) could be remitted by bills of Exchange. The Exchange on the 7,910l. 2s.d. amounts to 118l. 13s., which he prays may be allowed him.
Minuted:—5 Xbr. 1720. When the rest of the 27,735l. 2s.d. is p[ai]d into the Excheqr my Lords will move the K. for a warrt to allow 118l. 13s. upon the Recr Genll's accot.” Warrt sign'd 12th Do.”
The business was probably completed about 9 Aug. 1721, as the memorial is accompanied by a certificate of that date that the remaining sum had then been paid into the receipt of the Exchequer. 2 pages.
10 Aug. 5. Report of Charles Wither, Esq., Surveyor of His Majesty's Woods, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of Joseph Banks, Esq., as to his claim of fee trees as Clerk or Steward of Sherwood Forest. No authority is anywhere given by the forest laws to officers to take fee trees by their own warrant, so that where any such are due, by custom or prescription, they ought to be set out and assigned by their Lordships' directions. Has examined the old rolls, Court books, and records of Sherwood Forest, which are in Mr Banks's custody, and finds that the Clerk and Steward have been allowed two fee trees annually to their respective offices, time out of mind. From his first appointment Mr Banks is entitled to 30 trees. An order was made at a Court in Eyre held in Sherwood Forest in 1670, that no person claiming fee trees should presume to take them without the assignment of the proper officer; notwithstanding which, the Verderers have constantly taken, and continue to take them, by their own warrant, to the great detriment of the vert of the forest: for it is notorious that they always cut the best trees they can find, and it is a merit in Mr Banks, that he has not followed so unjustifiable a precedent. Presumes that it was on account of this spoil that the order of Treasury was obtained, about the 9th of King William, for allowing 5l. out of the First Fruits and Tenths to each officer in lieu of his fee tree, which at that time was judged an equivalent for the best tree in the forest; “and now, when the woods have been so often picked and culled is much more so.” Conceives Mr Banks has the right to the fee trees demanded. Submits that the Verderers should be forbidden to fell any fee trees by their own warrant, and that the order should be in part revived by directing that the sum their Lordships shall allot, in lieu of fee trees, shall be raised by the sale of dotard trees; by which the largest and most beautiful oaks in the forest will be saved. Is no competent judge of the recompence to Mr Banks for his trouble about the windfalls in 1714 Hall, Aug. 10, 1721.
Minuted:—“25th Augt 1721. My Lords agree to the report.” Also the memorial. 4½ pages, and a few lines.
12 Aug. 6. Report of the Lord Lieut. of Ireland (Grafton) to the Lords of the Treasury on a report of the late Lord Lieut. upon a petition of John O'Hara, town Major of Galway, the question being whether the petitioner should be placed on the Military Establishment of Ireland at an allowance of 4s a day. His Majesty appointed the petitioner on 15 Aug. 1715, and by the reports of Lord St George, Governor of Galway, and of Major-General Wynn, who resided there in 1719, to put the town into a posture of defence, it appears that he had behaved well, and that such an officer is as necessary in that garrison as in any other of the kingdom, and the rather because the province wherein it is situate is chiefly inhabited by persons disaffected to the Government. For these reasons recommends the replacing of the petitioner. Bond Street, 12 Aug 1721.
Seven other documents connected therewith. 11 pages.
15 Aug. 7. Charles Carkesse to Mr Powys. Gives an account of an outrage committed by the crew of two gallies “above bridge” by flinging stones and shooting at officers of the customs (one Lamb employed on a Custom House boat being shot). Custom House, 15 Aug. 1721.
Three other papers. 5½ pages.
[18 ? July
or Aug.]
8. Docket:—“Westminster Sessions. Certificate from the Sessions for the City and Liberty of Westmr, concerning the common road or highway leading to Hide Park Corner from the Lord Cadogan's House.”
The certificate relates to the want of repair of the road, “occasioned by the constant and extraordinary number of coaches, wagons, and carts that daily pass and repass,” which made the road so “bad that divers coaches and waggons have been overset and several persons greatly damaged.” The Court of Quarter Sessions was of opinion “that that part of the said common road or highway under his Ma[jes]ties said park wall, extending eighteen foot into the road as aforesaid, from the Lord Cadogan's house to Hidepark corner, ought to be paved with stone and gravel or otherwise sufficiently repaired; and that some proper application ought to be made for that purpose, to such of his Ma[jes]ties offices as it may concern; and whensoever that part of the said way shall be duly amended, the court declared that they would oblige the surveyors of the highways of the parish of St Martin-in-the-Fields, and also the inhabitants of the houses and ground on the other side of the said common highway, to pave with stone, or otherwise well and sufficiently to repair and make good, the other part of the said way, according to their respective rights and interests therein as the law requires.” 18 [July or August] 1721.
Minuted:—“21 Augt 1721. To Survr.” 1 page.
23 Aug. 9. Report of Edward Godfrey to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of Dame Mary, Baroness of Mordington. Finds that she had a pension of 40l. per ann. from Queen Anne, which was afterwards discontinued. The Queen subsequently ordered her 10l. as a free gift. On the 16th of Sept. 1715 he (Godfrey) paid her 20l. for one year's pension by virtue of his Majesty's Establishment.
The petition was referred for report on 23 Aug. 1721.
Minuted:—“12th Septr 1721. To stand as she do's.” 2 pages.
23 Aug. 10. Report of James Brudenell to the Lords of the Treasury containing a brief account of the debt in his Majesty's Jewel Office. 23 Aug. 1721. 1 page.
24 Aug. 11. Order in Council on the petition of Barbara and Elizabeth Collingwood, setting forth their having a lease from the Crown of Holy Island, in the counties of Northumberland and Durham, which lease was about to expire and was not to be renewed, and praying to be heard by Counsel, “whereby they will discover a great scene of injustice done them.” Referring the petition and an affidavit to the Lords of the Treasury for their report.
The petition and affidavit:—
In their petition they state that the Surveyor General had put a new covenant into the proposed lease, viz., that at their proper costs and charges, they were “to erect and build good and sufficient sea banks and sea walls in such convenient places as are necessary, to preserve the sd Island, or any part, from being overflowed by the sea,” &c., which they conceived was only designed to hinder them having a new lease. The auditor certified that they had forfeited penalties amounting to 29,838l. 15s. for non-payment of rent, although they had duly paid the same to the Crown Receiver.
Minuted:—“15th Septr 1721. His Maty hath thought fitt to grant this lease to Colo Middleton.” Again:—“23d April 1722. Mrs Collingwood to have copys.” 4 pages.
[? About
24 Aug.]
12. Petition of James Moodie, Esq. [M.P.], to the Lords of the Treasury. The petitioner having obtained a warrant for releasing him from payment of a rent of 150l. per ann., and the Barons not thinking fit to let a privy seal pass, prays their Lordships' warrant ‘conformable to the directions of the Barons of North Britain.”
Minuted:—“Read. 24 Augt 1721. Warrt originall delivd the petr.”
With the above is a previous petition from him in which he states that in the year 1708 he was encouraged to present a memorial “holding forth the ruinous condition of the Bishoprick of Orkney, occasioned by it's being for many years tossed from hand to hand, none enjoying [it] above 3 or 4 years.” By which and other means the “whole property lands have been for many years waste and the houses totally ruined.” Petitioner desired a lease of the Bishopric might be granted to him for 15 years, for the payment of 150l. per ann. Their Lordships ordered the Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland to pass a lease for ten years; but they delayed it till 1719, and then only granted it for five years, three years thus being lost, and during these three years no person had power to collect the rents. Should a new lease be granted to him, he would be obliged to prosecute the tenants yet remaining, in such a manner, that instead of retrieving and improving the rent roll of that Bishopric, it would entirely lay it waste. Since 1689, when the Bishopric fell to the Crown, it has never produced one shilling to the Crown. And before the Union, when farmed out, the highest ever offered for it was 100l. per ann. In 1711 two decrees of the Lords of Session passed against that Bishopric, whereby 1,000 marks Scots, or 55l. 11s. sterling, per ann. is to be paid in all time coming, to the Ministers of Kirkwall and Lerwick, to complete their stipends; which reduces the value of the Bishopric to a very mean thing. Upon the whole Mr Moodie's case is this: The first three years of his lease has run, the whole rents of the property lands are lost to him, because these rents consist of tithes (parsonage and vicarage) to be drawn in kind annually upon the ground. The other rents, by the avarice and cunning of the Collectors for above 20 years, have been turned to a payment of each third sheaf of all sorts of corn. This made a large profit to them, when at the same time they brought into the Exchequer annual accounts bearing the property lands almost waste. And this vouched from each parish by the very persons concerned with them in that practice. It is now impossible to recover any part of the tithes in kind, nor the several other casual rents, because the property lands lie scattered in 12 parishes, in many very remote islands. By these means, out of the first three years, petitioner has not been able to recover any more than serves to pay the ministers' stipends of that whole Bishopric, which he has actually done. But the land tax is all unpaid, no fund being for it, nor for the 150l. per ann. due to the Exchequer. Prays to be excused from the 150l. per ann. and for his lease to be continued for five years. 3½ pages.
[? About
25 Aug.]
13. Petition of the Minister and Churchwardens on behalf of themselves and the whole Lutheran Protestant Congregation in the Savoy. They petitioned for a lease of a chapel, with a dwellinghouse for the minister, a small piece of ground belonging to it, with a vestry room and small house upon it, and that the passage to the chapel at one end of the barracks, for the convenience of coaches and chairs, might be opened again. The petition was rejected. As they had nothing on which to subsist but what came from the generosity of “good disposed people,” they prayed for the grant of the passage they formerly had, with the Jesuit ground for the convenience of coaches, as appears by the Surveyor General's Report annexed, or they should be deprived of the benefit of Divine Service.
The copy of the report referred to. Dated 20 Feb. 1720.
Minuted:—“25th Augt 1721. The Clerk of the Works for the Savoy to attend about this.” 2 pages.
[? About
25 Aug.]
14. Memorial of Thomas Lowther to the Lords of the Treasury stating that the Officers of the Exchequer demand 6d in the pound “for 6,000l. issued to William Stanhope, Esq., and for 1,200l. secret service money in pursuance of the late Act of Parliament,” praying their Lordships' directions thereon.
Minuted:—“25th Augt 1721. Orderd.” 1 page.
26 Aug. 15. Report of the Attorney General to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of George Johnston, of London, certifying that Thomas Warcope was outlawed at the suit of the petitioner, and that a special capias utlagatum was issued out of the Court of King's Bench, by virtue of which the Sheriff of London seized his goods, which were valued at 35l. 10s.; that the said writ and inquisition being transcribed into his Majesty's Court of Exchequer at Westminster a writ of vendicioni exponas issued out of the Exchequer directing the Sheriff to sell the goods, which was accordingly done. As petitioner's suit was carried on against the said Warcope for a debt due to the petitioner on his own private account, and the money is not sufficient to discharge the petitioner, is of opinion that authority should be given to the Attorney General to consent on his Majesty's behalf that the 35l. 10s. should be paid over to the petitioner as has been frequently done in cases of this nature. The proper method of doing this will be by warrant signed by his Majesty, and countersigned by their Lordships, commanding the Attorney General to consent to the payment.
Minuted:—“9th April 1722. Agreed to.”
The petition and an affidavit. 4 pages.
28 Aug. 16. “Mr Auditor Walpole's memorial relating to ye casual revenue of Barbadoes.”
His Majesty having signed a Commission appointing John Ashley, Esq., Receiver General of the casual revenue in Barbadoes, in the room of Samuel Berwick, Esq., who had executed the office since the year 1706, but never could be brought to render any account but what has been very irregular and confused; memorialist now lays before their Lordships a state of the revenue (which was formerly very valuable to the Crown) and the reasons of its being likely to be lost. These are:—
1. The casual revenue of Barbadoes consists not only of fines, forfeitures, amercements and escheats recovered in the respective courts of the Island, but also of all moneys arising by sale of ships forfeited for unlawful and prohibited trade, pirate ships, and piratical effects. These were paid into the hands of the Receiver: yet of late years, the Collectors of customs in Barbadoes and others have pretended to receive, and have secured his Majesty's share of, the effects arising from ships confiscated for unlawful trade, as well as from piratical vessels.
2. The courts have not of late years been duly summoned.
3. The said Berwick has charged the Crown with the payment of several sums not allowable by any warrant of the Treasury or any law or custom of the Island; particularly with the expenses of writs in suits and prosecutions where the Crown has been plaintiff, without giving credit to the Crown for the costs that have been awarded and paid by the defendants.
4. The officers concerned in issuing writs, &c. relating to fines, forfeitures, &c. have negligently performed their duty, making it difficult for the Receiver to recover what was due, &c.
Lastly, several noli prosequis have been entered and fines and forfeitures of considerable value belonging to the Crown, together with the costs given against the defendants, have been often remitted by the Governors.
To remedy which, proposes that proper orders, &c. should be laid before his Majesty for his signature. These should be observed by the Receiver General of the casual revenue and the other officers concerned for the managing, recovering, and improving thereof.
These proposals he then sets out. 28 Aug. 1721.
The above memorial or report is accompanied by extracts of items in the accounts of Col. Stede, Receiver General of the casual revenue in Barbadoes, from 4 Aug. 1683 to 28 June 1687, and Mr Thomas's account of the same in 1696–1697. 7 pages.
29 Aug. 17. Representation of the Postmaster General to the Lords of the Treasury, respecting that branch of the revenue of their office which arose from Ireland. Observes that during the sitting and continuance of the privilege of Parliament of that kingdom, the inland revenue of the Post Office is almost entirely sunk, by the great liberty taken by the members in freeing letters, which, as Mr Manley their deputy observes, must be their freeing not only their own, but other persons' letters. Compares the produce of the letters in 1718 (when there was a session of three months) with 1719 (when there was a session of nine months). The former was 14,592l. 9s. 8d., and the charge of management, members' letters, &c., was 11,526l. 2s. 2d., the net produce being 3,066l. 7s. 6d. The latter year was 19,522l. 7s. 7d., the charge of management, members' letters, &c., was 18,768l. 9s. 3d., the net produce being 753l. 18s. 4d., which is 2,312l. 9s. 2d. less than the net produce of the preceding year. Their Lps would see the true state of the matter by a letter enclosed, which they had received from Mr Manley. Recommends that a warrant should be prepared expressly for Ireland with restrictions. If their Lps are of that opinion, he prays to have the King's warrant. [Minuted in the margin: “29th Augt 1721, Orderd.”] Observes further that the revenue is much lessened by the members of Parliament of Great Britain freeing letters to Ireland, and by their having their letters come free from thence. There is further liberty taken by persons in office in Ireland, in covering traders' and other persons' letters. General Post Office, London, 29 August 1721.
Accompanied by (1.) Mr Manley's letter (of 10 Aug. 1721) to Edward Parsons, Esq., Secretary to the Postmaster General, showing the abuses of the franking of letters. It commences thus:—
“I beg you to acquaint our Masters that the franking of letters by our Peers and Com[m]oners increases every day, as does the anger of 'em all ag[ain]st me for endeavouring to put any stop to the extravagant freedome that is practiced by them in franking letters that are not their owne.
I am dayly told that a party is forming to address the King in the next sessions to remove me for taxing their letters. How far they'le go in this I know not, but I verily believe that they will do all that is in their power as to expell me the House of Commons and cõmitt me to their sergeant, or the castle.”
(2.) Another letter from him of 19 July 1721 on the same subject, in which he says: “It is a common maxim and is layd down as a fundamental by many members, and they do openly avow it, that the preventing money to go out of the country is a public good, and therefore they conclude that the franking letters is a virtuus action. For as all the nett produce of the Post Office is sent into England they profess to prevent it as much as they can, and therefore some do declare that they will frank all letters that are brought to them, and we have too much reason to believe that they are as good as their words.” 7½ pages.
30 Aug.]
18. Copy of petition of Edward Shafto to the Lords of the Treasury. Is father of John Shafto, one of the four gentlemen shot at Preston. Was by his unfortunate son seduced and drawn into the Rebellion, and being conscious of the heinousness thereof, after the town was taken offered himself to Sir Henry Houghton, Thomas Molyneux, Esq., and Mr Maisterman as a witness for his Majesty against the rebels, and to prove the Rebellion in the English joining the Scots and proclaiming the Pretender in all the market towns through which they marched. Petitioner, with Mr Calderwode, did [this] upon every trial at Liverpool and elsewhere. Mr Calderwode has been rewarded by a good sum of money and a pension of 40 or 50 pounds per annum, but petitioner has had no other reward but a subsistence for meat and drink during the time of all the trials, and was discharged with only forty shillings. By being an evidence petitioner has drawn upon himself the hatred and malice of all his friends and relations, &c. Prays relief by a pension or place in some hospital.
A postscript is added that the petition was certified and signed by Sir Henry Hawhton, Bart., Tho. Molyneux, and William Shaw, Justices of the Peace, the Rev. Mr Paploe, Rector of Preston, and Mr Maisterman, solicitor, sent down by Lord Townsend.
Minuted:“August 30, 1721. Refer'd to Mr Cracherode or his Deputy, Mr Plaxton, to certify what they know of ye merits of ye petitioner.” 1 page.
31 Aug. 19. An estimate or calculation of what the expense of the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office may amount to in all particulars for one year from Michaelmas 1721 to Michaelmas 1722; particularizing all additions that have been made to, or reducements from, the establishment of that office, since the same was at first signed by his Majesty. Signed: “Fairfax.” Treasurer of the Chamber's Office, 31 Aug. 1721. 3 pages.
[7 Sept.] 20. [Pensions.] An account of the debt that will be due in the office of Walter Chetwynd, Esq., between Christmas 1719 and Michaelmas 1721. 12 pages or parts of pages.
8 Sept. 21. “Extract of a representation from the Right Honble the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations to his Majesty, dated the 8 of Sepr 1721; relating to rice in Carolina.”
They state that rice is the staple commodity of the province. The merchants trading to Carolina have complained that the advantage formerly reaped, of supplying Portugal with rice, has been entirely lost since the Act of 3 & 4 Anne, whereby the importation is restrained to Great Britain. Before the production of rice in Carolina, Portugal was supplied with very great quantities from Italy. The free exportation of it thither induced the people of Carolina to plant and propagate it. Being deprived of the freedom of export direct, the additional freight and other charges would amount to about one third of its value. The quantity of rice imported and re-exported; for five years ending at Christmas 1717, was 28,323 cwt. per annum. The exportation from Great Britain to the northward is very considerable, but to the southward is very small, and the double freight is the cause; the rice of Carolina being esteemed the best in the world. The Italians, being near, have almost beaten the King's subjects out of the trade, which proves very detrimental to the navigation of Great Britain. The Italians without this vent would hardly be able to carry on a trade to Portugal and Spain, they having no other gross goods but rice and paper, sufficient to furnish a lading for great ships, and not daring to adventure in any others for fear of the Algerines. Submit that it would be for the advantage of the plantations to allow rice to be carried from Carolina direct to Portugal, or any other part of Europe to the southward of Cape Finisterre, upon giving security that the vessels shall touch in Great Britain before they return to the West Indies. 8 Sept. 1721. 4 pages and 3 lines.
9 Sept. 22. Report of Sir William Thomson to the Lords of the Treasury concerning a fact suggested in the representation of Mr Forward. Finds that tobacco, which is the usual produce of the felons transported by Mr Forward, has been at a very low price for some time, so that it is probable he may be a loser by his bargain at 3l. per head for those felons from Newgate. It is true that he complained that he could not serve the public any longer by transporting the felons upon the terms of his present contract. There being a great number of prisoners lying in gaol in the midst of the summer he (Sir William) pressed Mr Forward to take them away, and promised to recommend his case to their Lordships' consideration. Thinks he deserves encouragement. If their Lordships granted him what he asked (about 150l.) it would induce him to continue his care. 9 Sept. 1721.
Minuted:—“12th September 1721. To be paid the sum reported and to attend in order to the renewal of the contract.” 2 pages.
12 Sept. 23. Memorial of the Four Tellers of the Receipt of the Exchequer to the Lords of the Treasury. There seems some doubt whether the deductions of sixpence in the pound (pursuant to an Act of Parliament) are to be made out of the issues made and to be made in certain cases. Asks the question whether any money payable out of the Receipt of H.M. Exchequer is subject to that deduction other than what is paid out of the Civil List revenues. Exchequer, 12 Sept. 1721. 1 page.
13 Sept.]
24. Petition of Richard Score, late Collector of Customs and other duties at Penzance, to the same Petitioner detected the great abuse committed at the Custom House, London, relating to the duties payable for unrated East India goods, as set forth in a former petition reported on by the Attorney General. Their Lordships, on that report, ordered petitioner 500l., which he received, and assurances were given to him that he should very soon be put into one of the best employments in that revenue. He is still without employment and the reward was vastly short of his expense in attending the prosecution of the cause. Prays recompense.
Minuted:—“13th Septr 1721. My Lords will move the King for 200l. to the petitioner in reward of his attendance since the discovery made by him, and will take care when the money adjudged to be paid by the E. I. Compa for the Customes for unrated E. I. goods shall be settled, that the petitioner have a suitable reward for his service in discovering, and the assistance given by him in the prosecution.” Again:—“Warrt signd, 15th Septr.”
The copy of the petition and report refered to. 4 pages.
14 Sept. 25. An account of all his Majesty's plate in any of his Majesty's palaces or elsewhere; together with the respective denominations and weights of each piece or parcel: as also of all plate now remaining in his Majesty's Jewel Office. Jewel Office, 14 Sept. 1721. 6½ pages.
14 Sept. 26. The King's receipt for 15,000l. given to Henry Kelsall by Robert Walpole, Esq., first Commissioner of the Treasury, the same sum being paid into the Bank of England on a subscription of 100,000l. for the support of public credit and for a further sum of 3,000l. for the premium of 3l. per cent. upon the said subscription and 704l. 5s. for interest at 5 per cent. for the money so paid amounting in all to 18,704l. 5s. Under the sign manual and countersigned by Walpole. 14 Sept. 1721. 1 page.
15 Sept. 27. “Copy. Receiver General. Instructions of the casual revenue in the Leeward Island[s].” Dated 15 Sept. 1721.
This is probably an enclosure to some later paper. It is numbered 5. 2 pages.
[? About
15 Sept.]
28. Petition to the Rt Hon. Robert Walpole, Esq., First Lord Comr. of the Treasury, of Catherine Rycaut, daughter of Captain Rycaut, who was killed at the attack of Fort Monjuick in Spain. Soon after his Majesty's Accession he granted to petitioner's mother, Charlotte Rycaut, a pension of 40l. per ann. for the loss of her husband and for the distinguished services of her family; particularly by her uncle, the late Earl of Macclesfield, whom King William honoured with carrying the Act of Succession to the House of Hanover, and by her husband's uncle, Sir Paul Rycaut, who lent King Charles the second 40,000l. “when the whole city of London refused him the loan of thirty,” for which and other distinguished services he never received the least consideration.
Minuted:—“15th Septr 1721. Read. My Lords cannot advise the King to revive a pencõn that is expired.” Again:—“19th. Read again. My Lords will move the K. to give her 10li p[er]. anñ.” 1 page.
[? About
15 Sept.]
29. Memorial of Viscount Gage, one of the Verderers of the Forest of Dean (Gloucestershire), to the Lords of the Treasury. In his double capacity as a verderer and an inhabitant represents that the highways in the forest are so much out of repair that they have in several places become “unpassable,” and in others dangerous. The whole forest is extra-parochial and within the hundred of “St Brevialls.” It has always been incumbent on the crown to repair the Roads, and the Lords of the Treasury have usually, upon application, directed the Surveyor General of Woods to perform the same.
Minuted:—“15th Septr 1721. Read.” 1 page.
20 Sept. 30. Report of the Attorney and Solicitor General to the same, on the petition of the Governor and Company of Copper Miners in the principality of Wales, the question referred to them being whether the offence upon which there is a prosecution against the Company, is pardoned by the Act of Oblivion: and if not, whether the King can grant a noli prosequi, offences of this kind being (as was apprehended) declared public nuisances by the Act of 6 George ? Are of opinion that the prosecution against this Company, being by scire facias for the supposed forfeiture of a franchise, the same is excepted out of the late act of general pardon; but his Majesty may order a nolle prosequi, his Majesty's prerogative of pardoning or discharging prosecutions extending to cases of public nuisance as well as other offences. 20 Sept. 1721.
The petition with the minute authorising the above report. 2¼ pages.
25 Sept. 31. Representation of the Comrs of Salt (John Campbell, Ja. Campbell, and H. Brent) to the same. Received their Lps warrant to appoint John Crauford as Surveyor General of the duties on Salt in Scotland, formerly enjoyed by John Cosnan until appointed their Secretary. Had represented that the business of supervisor would be better done by two persons than by one, and had presented William Meinzies and John Smith, two of the best experienced of their officers, to be supervisors at a salary of 50l. a year each, whereupon they received a warrant for placing them on the establishment. Pray their Lordships' directions as to their intentions. Salt Office, Edinburgh, 25 September 1721.
Also copies of the former presentment and warrant.
Minuted:—“Octbr 26, 1721. The Lords, when they issued their warrant appointing Mr Crawford to be Supervisor Genll of ye duty upon salt, were apprised that there were two particular Supervisors of yt duty of ye salary of 50l. [? per annum], but were upon due consideration, of opinion, yt ye constituting a Supervisor Genll of yt duty was necessary as a farther security and care of yt duty, and a letter to be wrote accordingly to ye Commrs wt directions to them to execute their Lrd[shi]ps warrant.” 2¼ pages.
26 Sept.]
32. Petition of Sir George Byng to the Lords of the Treasury praying for the grant of a lease for 31 years of a small piece of waste ground between Whitehall Court and “the house that Mr Hanbury is building.”
Minuted:—26 7br 1721. Ref. to Survr.”
Accompanied by a ground plan showing the dimensions and adjoining owners. 2 pages.
2 Oct. 33. Order in Council made upon reading two petitions of the United Company of Merchants trading to the East Indies, setting forth that ships have frequently been sent out from Great Britain and from the British plantations in America, under pretence of trading to Guinea for slaves, which have carried great quantities of arms and ammunition, stores and provisions to Madagascar within the limits of the petitioner's charter; where the pirates often make their rendevouz, and thereby supply the pirates, enabling them to continue longer in those seas than otherwise they could: that they exchange such ammunition and stores with the pirates at very high rates for Indian goods, which the pirates having no occasion for, part with for little; these goods they dispose of at good prices in H.M. Colonies in the West Indies: that they have also an opportunity of purchasing slaves at Madagascar which they sell to great profit in the West Indies, although the legislature did not think fit to allow the company to send slaves thither, for fear of filling the plantations with Indian goods: that the petitioners have likewise received advices of an Ostend ship from the East Indies selling at Barbadoes, in March last, considerable quantities of China and India goods at such cheap rates, that they drained the Island of a great parcel of money: that by the laws no ships ought to be allowed to trade to any of H.M. American Colonies, except those of H.M. subjects; nor to carry goods for sale except from Great Britain: that the admission of foreigners to trade in those Colonies is very detrimental to the navigation, to his Majesty's revenue, and to the British subjects trading thither, as well as to the petitioners: that unless some effectual remedy be speedily applied the mischief will spread to others of the Colonies, to the enriching of foreigners and impoverishing H.M. subjects. Pray for relief therein. His Majesty orders that the Comrs of Trade prepare an Instruction, to be laid before H.M. in Council for approval, strictly requiring all Governors and Commanders-in-Chief to observe the laws in force regulating trade and navigation, &c. [Reference to various Acts follow, and the pains and penalties which H.M. subjects are to suffer for disobedience therein.] The Comrs are to insert in their instructions various other clauses in order to the better execution of the laws, and the Governors and Commanders-in-Chief are to report to the Secretaries of State and Comrs for Trade exact accounts of their proceedings. The Lords of the Treasury are to give proper instructions to the Comrs of Customs for the strict observance of the laws above mentioned. 2 Oct. 1721.
Minuted:—“Octbr 4, 1721. Orderd a copy to be sent to the Comrs of ye customs to take care that ye said rules be observed.” 4½ pages.
2 Oct. 34. Order in Council made upon receipt of information that several places in the southern parts of France continue to be afflicted with the plague, and that the infection has of late extended itself further within that kingdom; viz.: that all masters, &c. of vessels coming from any port or place on the coast of France, northward of the Bay of Biscay, not by former order put under quarantine, shall bring certificates of health signed by the Chief Magistrate of the port from whence they come, &c. The officers of customs to use their utmost diligence to see the orders enforced. 2 Oct. 1721.
Minuted:—“Octbr 4, 1721. Copy to be sent to ye Commrs of ye customs to take care that ye sd order be observed.” 2¼ pages.
[? About
4 Oct.]
35. Memorial of Patrick Macky, attorney for the Hon. Captain Charles Stewart, to the Lords of the Treasury. When Captain Stewart was ordered on his present station to the coast of Barbary to treat of a peace with the Emperor of Morocco he advanced 1,131l. for presents, on the promise of M.r Secretary Craggs that he should be presently repaid. The Captain procured 1,000l. of it at interest, which he had ever since paid. Prays payment.
Minuted:—“The accounts of the money expended by Captain Stewart to be layd before my Lords for their consideration. Again:—“4th Octr 1721. Prepare a warrt.” Further:—“17th Octr 1721. Warrt sign'd.”
Also copy of a letter from Mr Secretary Craggs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the same subject. 3 pages.
5 Oct. 36. The Lord Lieut. of Ireland (Grafton) to the Lords of the Treasury. Viscount Shannon having resigned his allowance as a Lieut. General on the Establishment of Ireland, amounting to 970l. per ann., upon his being appointed Commander-in-Chief of H.M forces under the government of Ireland, his Majesty directed, the. day before he (the Lord Lieut.) left London, that some alterations should be made in the Establishment of General officers, and that the 970l. should be distributed as follows, viz.: 260l. per ann. to be added to the pay of the Commander-in-Chief to make it up to 1,460l. per ann., which was the ancient and usual allowance for that employment; that James Dormer, Esq., be placed on this Establishment as Brigadier General, with the usual allowance of 365l. per ann., and that Major General Joseph Wightman be also placed on this Establishment as Major General, with an allowance of 345l. per ann. His Majesty, some time ago, nominated Philip Honywood, Esqre., to be placed on this Establishment as Brigadier General, with the usual allowance of 365l. per ann., in the room of Brigadier Phineas Bowles. Their Lordships are to obtain the proper warrants for the purposes aforesaid. Dublin Castle, 5 Oct. 1721.
Minuted:—“12th Octr 1721. Prepare a warrt.” Again:—Warrt signd, 19th Do.” 2 pages.
5 Oct. 37. Memorial of Brigadier Robert Hunter to the Lords of the Treasury. The Auditors of Imprests scruple to pass the accounts of the expedition to Canada for want of the original vouchers. The Brigadier has given in to them a very particular account of that expense, made out from the original vouchers at New York, by Mr James Dupré, Mr George Clarke, secretary of the Province of New York and Deputy to the Auditor of the Plantations, who is charged with the management of the expenses of the Brigadier. Scruples to send over his original vouchers without an order from the Treasury. If necessary for the vouchers to be sent, petitioner begs their Lordships' orders to Dr Clark to send the same, and that he should keep authentic copies. London, 5 Oct. 1721.
Minuted:—“10th Octr 1721. Orderd accordingly.” 1¼ pages.
[? About
5 Oct.]
38. Petition of Sir Richard Blackmore, Knt., Doctor of Physic, to the Lords of the Treasury in the following terms:—“That whereas your peticoñer was sent for by the late Queen's order to give his advice for the recovery of her health, when in the eighth year of her reign, she came much indisposed from Newmarket, and your petr attended her Maty then and a year and a half after that time generally once a day, often twice, sometimes three times a day, and assisted at all consultations for her Matty during the aforesaid term; and whereas your peticoñer was sent for to attend the late Queen in her last illness at Kensington, where he attended several days without following any other business. And whereas your petr never received any gratuity or reward for such attendance, excepting only twenty guineas at her Mats first coming from Newmarket as aforesaid, Your petr humbly prays your Lordps to take the premises into your consideration and to appoint him such a recompence for his said services as to your Lord[shi]ps shall seem meet.”
Minuted:—“5th Octr 1721. To be considered when the Queen's tyn is dispos'd of and a distribution made thereof to her servants.” 1 page.
6 Oct. 39. Resolution of the House of Commons of 6 Oct. 1721, upon the petition of the Provost, Fellows, and Scholars of Trinity College, near Dublin, which states that the sums granted for finishing the College Library are insufficient. The Resolution is, that the House address the Lord Lieut. to lay before the King the desire of the House, that his Majesty, out of his bounty, give to the Provost, Fellows, and Scholars such sums, not exceeding 5,000l., as shall be necessary for finishing the Library. Minuted:—“Warrt signd, 12th Feb. 1721–2.”
Also the petition. 3 pages.
10 Oct. 40. Copy of warrant of the Lords of the Treasury to the Comrs of Customs, “and also for the management of his Majesty's revenue arising by 4½ per cent. in Barbadoes and other the Caribbee Islands in America,” directing them to order the Collectors, Receivers, and other officers employed in the management of those duties to transmit accounts, &c. thereof, together with duplicates of the same, to Horatio Walpole, Esq., Surveyor and Auditor General of H.M. revenues in America, to be audited. 10 Oct. 1721.
Also “Extract of the Compr General's patent relating to the accts of ye 4½ per cent.” 4½ pages.
16 Oct. 41. “Copy of the report and estimate from the Board of Works relating to the building Lazaretts for preventing the plague.” State that they had consulted Sir Hans Sloan, Doctor Mead, and Doctor Arbuthnot, who had reported on the subject, and they were still of opinion that the five places mentioned in their report are the most convenient places, provided a sufficient quantity of water can be had. Recommend the buildings to be of timber covered with tarpawlings encompassed with ditches and strong pallisadoes. The cost would be about 9,867l. 12s. each. 16 Oct. 1721. 2 pages.
17 Oct. 42. Ambrose Warren to “the Lord Bishop of Glocester at Westminster Abby.” Asks for his assistance with the Lords of the Treasury in bringing before them the deplorable condition of Mr William Lenham, a lunatic, only son of Major Lenham, who, in 1688, brought over the then prince of Orange's Declaration, to the great hazard of his life, which was afterwards lost in the service of the Boyne in 1690. This son was placed by the late Archbishop of Canterbury with the writer in 1696, who “paid for him by the Secretarys of State til 1700, when he was placed with Mr Fearn at the Custom house til about 1706, when Lady Auverquerque took care of him some time, at the late Queen's expence of 40li per ann., til the death of that lady, when Ld Grantham, her ladyship's son, paid all due for him to Mrs Tollet, until April 1720.” Lord Grantham then discharged himself from any further care or charge of him. States what he (the writer) had subsequently done for the lunatic, and that the Treasury ordered 20l. for him, the writer being still 14l. out of pocket; prays for payment and for directions as to what should be done. 17 Oct. 1721. 1 page.
17 Oct. 43. J. Wilkins to the Rt Hon. Mr. Walpole. Waits for his Lordship's determination and order for the money due to him, and as he has never been wanting in his duty and diligence for the service and ran all risks in time of war, so hopes Mr Walpole will not be so hard as to cut him off 365l., and that he may be allowed his loss in the French bank bills, amounting to 300l., as Lord Stair could fully inform him.
Minuted:—“17th Octr 1721. 800li bounty and is to be understood in full of all pretensions and demands. Warrt signd 26th Octr.” 1 page.
17 Oct. 44. Memorial of the Directors of the Royal Exchange Assurance, to the Lords of the Treasury. The Corporation had paid into the Exchequer 156,000l. on an annuity at 4 per cent. pursuant to an Act of 7th Geo. I. On this advance they were entitled to issue bonds to the same value at 5 per cent., and they thus hoped to have raised money to that value, but by the turn of affairs they had not been able to issue any of their bonds. Have no other means of raising money, but by the sale of orders and tallies, and this, under the present bad state of credit, they cannot effect. Beg permission to give 28,750l. in the said tallies and orders, in payment for that sum, which remains due to the Civil Government. This would enable them to go on prosperously. 17 Oct. 1721. 1½ pages.
[? About
17 Oct.]
45. “State of the demand of James Scot, Esq., his Mats Envoy in Poland.”
The account states that he was entrusted with 250,000l. for concerting measures against the designs of Sweden, and that he took leave of “his Majesty” on 10 Dec. 1719, and that 1,200l. were due to him at Christmas 1720.
Minuted:—“10th October 1721. This demand of 1,200l. to be satisfyd out of the remainder of the 250,000li granted to hinder the designs of Sweden.” Again:—“Warrt signd, 17th Octr.” 1 page.
[? About
19 Oct.]
46. “An acct of stags, hinds and bucks killed by his Majesty's stag hounds between the first of October 1714 and 30th of September 1721, for which the under-keepers of the several walks in Windsor Forest and Epping Forest crave a fee of 40s. for each stag, 20s. for each hind, and 10 shillings for each buck.”
Minuted:—“19th Octr 1721. Prepare a warrant. Warrt signd, 25th Octr.” 1 page.
20 Oct. 47. Report of Sir Isaac Newton to the Lords of the Treasury on the memorial of the Rt Hon. the Earl of Lauderdale. “General of his Mats Mint in Scotland.” By the last renewal of the Coinage Act his Lordship has been Treasurer of the Mint since 1 March 1714, and has received various sums amounting to 5,415l. By warrant of 17 Nov. 1718 he was to pay the following salaries, viz.:—“the General 300l., the Master 200l., the Warden 150l., the Counter-warden 60l., the Assayer 100l., the Engraver 50l., the King's Clerk 40l., the Smith 30l., being in all 930l. The charges of coinage and keeping the coining tools in repair are paid by the pound weight of the moneys coined; and there has been no coinage. The charges of keeping the offices in repair may amount to 80l. or 100l. per ann. The annual charges and salaries amount to about 1,020l. and from 1714 to 1721 will amount to about 6,885l., whereof 5,415l. is already imprested. Hears that his Lordship is ready to make up the account. Mint Office. Octob. 20, 1721.
Minuted:—“27th 9br. 1722. Agreed to.”
The memorial referred to. 2 pages.
20 Oct. 48. Robert Armstrong to Charles Burniston, Esq., Surveyor General of his Majesty's woods in America. Refers to his former letter (see 20 Nov. 1720) when he had not made a survey of the woods. Upon his surveying the woods, finds in the province of New Hampshire that there were upwards of 25,000 logs cut, about a year before he entered upon his post, and that two thirds of them were from upwards of 24 inches to above 30, and 20 feet long; all cut into suitable lengths and brought down to mills in New Hampshire to be sawn into planks, boards, and other timber. Is sensible how many of these trees might have been fit for the Royal Navy, and asserts that for twenty years past, where one mast was sent home by contract for his Majesty's service, there were 500 cut or destroyed, all, or for the most part, out of New Hampshire. There are likewise some thousands of logs cut in the above woods of the same dimensions for the above mills. On the 2nd of May last, seized 300 pine trees “near the first pond in Lampareel River” cut in his Majesty's woods in New Hampshire, designed to have been converted into logs. Two thirds of these when standing would have made masts for the Royal Navy and are now rotting. There is a great abuse in the manner in which the Acts for the preservation of the woods are construed. The destruction of the King's timber, for years past, has been greatly owing to the Surveyor receiving money from the loggers. Had issued several notifications that he would not receive such sums. The spot of land at Lampareel River, being about five or six miles square, is the most capable place to supply the Crown with masts, for notwithstanding the waste, there are several thousands of pine trees now fit, or will be in a few years, to almost supply the Navy. The inhabitants of this province still continue to take in thousands of acres of the best wood land and form them into their townships, although they have no power to make such townships. Nothing can prevent this, except a special order from the Crown. In respect to those who destroy the King's masts, the onus probandi lies on the part of the King, and this can seldom be made out, such is the behaviour of the people: whereas the proof ought to be with the people. Presses that these abuses may be remedied by Acts of Parliament. Portsmouth, New Hampshire, New England. 8br 20, 1721.
P.S.—According to instructions has marked 200 trees upon the spot in Lampareel River and elsewhere for the Navy.
Accompanying the above are (1) one of the notifications above referred to entitled:—“Mr Armstrong's Publication, dated Octbr 10th, 1721,” and (2) a testimonial signed by three persons of the diligence and care of the above Robert Armstrong. 5 pages.
[? About
21 Oct.]
49. Petition of Woodes Rogers, Esq., late Governor of the Bahama Islands, to the Lords of the Treasury. In the year 1717, in pursuance of an undertaking for making a settlement in the Bahama Islands, then possessed by the pirates to the great annoyance of all the American trade, he had a Commission as Governor of those Islands, and went over with an independent company of one hundred private men, raised by himself, for the command of whom he had his Majesty's Commission. Parliament voted one year's subsistence only for the same. It was supposed in that time there would have been a settlement, the inhabitants of which could subsist the company as at Jamaica. Met with many disappointments amongst a miserable set of people that he found there. Half those he carried with him died in less than four months. Recruited the company there, and could raise no money from the inhabitants. Was obliged to return to Great Britain in a very ill state of health, and on his way stopped at South Carolina and dispatched to Providence provisions for the company till Christmas; but in preserving those Islands from destruction by the Spaniards, or from again being possessed by the pirates, he has disbursed his whole fortune, and his credit stands engaged for large sums: prays for an allowance of victualling for the last three years.
Minuted:—“21st Octr 1721. See copies of his Instructions, Commission, and all powers given him by the Crown, and any other powers given him by the Co-partners.” 2 pages.
24 Oct. 50. Memorial of Henry Cocksedge, Attorney at Law, and Agent to the Rt Hon. Charles, Duke of Grafton, to the Lords of the Treasury. In 1718 petitioner was employed by the Duke of Grafton to defend two causes brought by the Corporation of Yarmouth against the Vice-Admiral of Suffolk, and expended for fees, &c., 295l. The Lords of the Admiralty represented that the said sum ought to be paid out of the perquisites of the Admiralty in the hands of Henry Lascells, Esq., “of the Customs in Barbadoes.” His Majesty had ordered this to be paid: prays that Mr. Lascells (who was gone to Barbadoes) might be compelled to pay the same. 24 Oct. 1721.
Minuted:—“To enquire who is Mr Lascelles' security.” 1 page.
10 & 24 Oct. 51. Report of R.Powys to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of William Sanderson, yeoman, Usher of the Black Rod, attending the house of Peers, who says that he constantly attended the house and had no salary or allowance and but very small fees. Further, that the place [previously ?] had a salary of 119l. 10s. per ann., and he prayed for a suitable reward for his services. Mr Powys reports that the salary payable to this office was formerly placed on the establishment of the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office at 109l. 10s. per ann. and not 119l. 10s. This salary was paid to Mr Benjamin Coling to the 6th of Dec. 1700, the day of his death. The son of Mr Coling had a reversionary patent under the great seal to succeed his father, but this was disputed by Sir David Mitchell, then Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, who claimed to present a person for that office, and presented Captain Phillips. Mr Coling petitioned King William in Council thereon, and the King referred the matter to the House of Peers. They ordered the right to be tried at Common Law, where it was determined in favour of the Black Rod, who had ever since presented to that office without interposition, but the salary had not been paid since the decease of Benjamin Coling. 10 Oct. 1721.
A second report follows, in which he specifies the payments which he finds have been made to the office. Encloses copy of a warrant relating thereto.
There are three minutes on the back, the last of which is:—“7th Novr 1721. To have 100li p[er] anñ to be paid by ye Trea[su]rer of ye Char from Micħas last.” 3½ pages.
28 Oct. 52. John Sydenham to the Hon. William Lowndes, Esq. The gentlemen proprietors of the treasure taken up by Captain Jacob Rowe's engines, are resolved to sell their part of the same, and desire their Lordships' commands how to dispose of his Majesty's 1/10th part. The Gentlemen have given five per cent. to the officers and ship's company out of the treasure, and hope their Lordships will suffer the same deduction out of his Majesty's share as an encouragement to future expeditions. 28 Oct. 1721.
Also an Invoice of the 27 chests of treasure, &c. 2 pages.
28 Oct. 53. Memorial of John Adams to the Lords of the Treasury, desiring their Lordships' orders as to shipping the cloth and gunlocks for a present to the Emperor of Morocco; recommends a ship and says that the articles may be insured for 1½ per cent. by substantial merchants “on our Exchange.”
Minuted:—“28th Octr 1721. To the Admty to inform my Lds if any of his Mats ships are going to Gibraltar who may conveniently take these presents on board.” Again:—“L~re is writ.” 1 page.
31 Oct. 54. Report of Mr. Christopher Tilson to the Lords of the Treasury on the subject of the grant of the office of Ranger of St James's Park and the emoluments thereof during the late Queen's and the present King's reign. The report finishes:—“The Surveyor of the woods, parks, &c. had always the performing of these works in King William's reign, and for the most part found means to defray the charge thereof by wood sales, notwithstanding the great grants out of wood sales yn subsisting. The present Survr is a very knowing and judicious officer, and will give your Lordships a just and true information with respect to the reasonableness of my Ld Chetwnd's demands, in case they be referred to him, and may propose a way of raising money to bear this expense, without loading ye King's Civil List therewith; for it is but reasonable to expect that ye King's forrests and parks should produce sufficient to maintain themselves.” 31 October 1721.
Minuted:—“2d Novr 1721. Read. See the clause in the patent of the Survr of the Woods, whereby he claims the performing all repairs in his Mats woods, parks, and forests.” 1 page.
[? About
2 Nov.]
55. Petition of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, to the Lords of the Treasury. Petitioners in 1698 advanced to the Government 2,000,000l. sterling on the assurance of Parliament that they should receive out of the Fund appropriated for that purpose 160,000l. yearly, the deficiencies to be made up by Parliament. In 1708 they paid into the Exchequer the further sum of 1,200,000l. for the service of the Government. The sums falling short, their Lordships paid them 191,029l. 2s. 10d., and there yet remained due 40,021l. 6s. 7d. When they have been in arrear for customs, &c. the Comrs have always obliged them to pay interest for such arrears. Praying for allowance of the interest on deficiencies.
Minuted:—“Novbr ye 2d 1721. Read ye petition of ye United Company of Merchts trading to ye E. Indies, praying that ye interest amounting to 40,021l. 6s. 7d. from ye 29th Septbr 1714 to 29th Septbr 1719 upon the principall sum of 191,028l. 16s.d., being the deficiency of their fund to Michs 1719, directed to be payd them by an Act passed last sessions of Parlt. The Lords upon considering ye same, and finding by ye express words of ye clause of ye sd Act relating to this deficiency, that ye sd sum 191,028l. 16s.d. thereby directed to be issued to ye sd E. India Company, was in full satisfaction of ye deficiency before mentioned, and ye company having accordingly received yt sum; their Lrdps are of opinion that ye deficiency of their fund to Michs 1719 is fully satisfyed, there having been no demand to, nor provision made by Parliament, for answering ye pretended interest due thereon.”
United is an “Account of interest due on the deficiency of the Company's funds from the under-mentioned times to the 16th September 1721.” 2 pages.
7 Nov. 56. Ch. Wither, Surveyor General of Woods, to Christopher Tilson. Sends so much of his patent as entitles him to the right of performing all manner of work in the King's parks. Lord Chetwynde would do him a great injustice should he obtain leave to perform a work that has always been understood to belong to his (the Surveyor's) office, and thereby deprive him of some small fees which former surveyors have always received. Gives such proofs as he has been able to pick up, that these works have been constantly performed by his predecessors. Hall, near Basingstoke, Hants, 9br 7th, 1721.
Also copy of a large portion of his patent. 4 pages.
[? About
8 Nov.]
57. Memorial of Jos. Carpenter to the Lords of the Treasury. There is still due, above what their Lordships have ordered, 60l. 19s. 2d. for alteration and repair of road in Hyde Park, and 47l. 7s. 6d. for the Fulham Road, and for his Majesty's private roads. 115l. 5s. 6d. for various necessary works: praying payment.
Minuted:—“8th Novr 1721. Order'd.”
Also a bill of the work done for the 115l. 5s. 6d. Signed: Wm Watkins, surr. 2 pages.
[? About
8 Nov.]
58. Memorial of Joseph Cortizes to the Lords of the Treasury. Praying that his claims on Portugal might be referred to the Comrs of Public Accounts, and that the 37,500l. still due to Portugal might be ordered to be paid to him. He and the late John Mead, Esq., in the year 1706 provided forage and bread to the King of Portugal's forces, when the army of the allies retired from Madrid “into the Kingdom of Valentia, in Spain;” and his claim had been recommended to be paid out of the subsidies payable to Portugal.
Minuted:—“8th Novr 1721. The Comrs Army's power relating to all forage demands being determined by parlt, the power given to the present Commrs is confined to demands of the subjects of England on the Crown of England only; so that my Lords can give no directions in this case. 3 pages.
17 Nov. 59. Representation of the Comrs of Customs in North Britain to the Lords of the Treasury. To prevent the bringing of “the contagion” into Britain, think it incumbent on them to represent that one of his Majesty's ships of war cruising on each side of this coast will conduce very much to the compelling of ships to the proper places for quarentine and the prevention of smugglers. They had already been at considerable expense for matters of a similar nature. Custom House, Edinburgh, 17 Nov. 1721. 1 page.
[? About
21 Nov.]
60. Petition of Elizabeth Carr, widow, relict of Wm Carr, Esq., late one of the Commissioners of Excise. Petitioner's husband quitted his post that he might continue qualified to serve in Parliment. He had served in several Parliaments, and was active in the Revolution in 1688. In the late Rebellion he was engaged in preventing the rebels from seizing New Castle, and was at no small expense. His fortune, by his continuing out of business and by the elections, was so reduced that he had to sell part of his estate: prays for the Royal compassion and bounty for herself and infant son.
Minuted:—“Novbr. 21, 1721. A warrant for 200l. pr an. to commence next Michs.” 2 pages.
[? About
61. Petition of Elizabeth Bye, John Scruton, and Richard Howard, to the Lords of the Treasury, praying payment of the reward of 100l. for apprehending Nicholas Fury, convicted of highway robbery, as directed by the King's proclamation.
Also an affidavit and a certificate on the same subject, dated 2 and 4 Nov. 1721. 3 pages.
5 Dec. 62. Representation of the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland to the Lords of the Treasury, on a memorial annexed, “relating to Lord Sutherland's Grant of Ross, &c.” The grant intended him was of the office of Chamberlain of Ross, &c. The Barons lay before their Lordships an account of some proceedings relating to this matter “before the said grant; which do not seem very consistent with the facts set forth in the first part of the said memorial.” The principal of these were—(1) that in the beginning of June last, a warrant under the Royal sign manual was presented to the Court, for granting the said office of Chamberlain, and also the pention of five hundred pounds per ann. to the said noble Earl during his own life.” The Court cannot but think it strange that any of his Majesty's lawyers should advise a grant in those terms, since by the laws of Scotland relating to the annexed property, or land revenues belonging to the Crown, nothing is more plain, than that the Sovereign can make no grant thereof for any longer time than during his own life. When the Earl's agent attended the Court he was acquainted with this objection, and seemed to acquiesce in it; (2) that at the end of July a warrant was presented to the Court for granting the office of Chamberlain, and a pension of 500l. per ann. to the Earl, his heirs and assigns, for 21 years, if his Majesty should so long live. The majority of the Court are of opinion that it cannot legally be passed, &c. Edinburgh, 5th December 1721.
Minuted:—“1st Feb. 17[21]. My Lords direct a draught of a signature to be made out for the joint lives of the King and the Earl of Sutherland, for the term of 21 years, and determinable upon the death of either of them.” “Warrant signd, 12th Feb. 1721.”
The memorial referred to. 4 pages.
7 Dec. 63. Memorial of the Managers and Directors of the Lottery, anno 1721, to the Lords of the Treasury. Represent their fidelity and care in receiving and paying into the Exchequer 293,700li. The expense of their work has been 1,433l. (of which part had been issued): pray for a suitable reward, and for 361l. to be issued to clear the expenses.
Minuted:—“150li each.”
Also the account of the expenses. 2 pages.
15 Dec. 64. Lord Delawarr to the Lords of the Treasury. The arrears due to the servants of the late Queen Anne and others, payable in the Treasurer of the Chamber's office, amounted, on 1 Aug. 1714, to 22,711l. 0s.d. What remained unpaid of the late Queen's arrears due to her servants from Christmas 1713 to 1 Aug. 1714 (the day of her decease) is contained in the annexed account. It has always been the custom on the death of any King or Queen of England, that the arrears due to the royal servants of the deceased monarch, in all offices of the household, be issued and paid by the “Receive Officers,” who were in those offices at the time of the King or Queen's demise. The rule was observed on the death of King Charles II. and King William: prays that the arrears may be issued through the hands of Lord Delawarr.
United is the account. Dated 15 Dec. 1721.
Another memorial from the same on the same subject. Dated 15 Dec. 1721. 24 pages.
16 Dec. 65. Memorial of John Burnett, Lieutenaut in the Hon. Brigadier General Grove's regiment, to the Lords of the Treasury. Part of his regiment was quartered at Battle, in Sussex, to hinder the smuggling trade. Memorialist apprehended Jacob Walter, the chief and most notorious of the gang of smugglers, and brought him to London under guard of twenty men, when they designed to have rescued him. At great expense he had the smuggler and all the men quartered in one room, every night, from Battle to London. Memorialist also found “several large quantities of brandy and horses”: prays for consideration.
Minuted:—“16th Decr 1721. Prepare a warrt for 200li in reward.” “Warrt sign'd, 19th Decr 1721.” 1 page.
[? About
19 Dec.]
66. Representation by Sir Isaac Newton, Master and Worker of the Mint, and of John Sydenham, to the Lords of the Treasury. Went to the house of Mr Andr Drummond, goldsmith at Charing Cross, where, in the presence of the agent for the proprietors of the patent granted to Jacob Rowe, Esq., for fishing on wrecks, the silver was weighed for the use of his Majesty, viz., 1/10th part thereof. The same was converted into current coin, which was paid to Casper Frederick Henning, Esq., pursuant to warrant.
Annexed is the account. The treasure was taken from a wreck in the sea near the Isle of Mayo.
Minuted:—“19th Dec. 1721. Read.” 2 pages.
19 Dec. 67. Representation of the Comrs of Stamp Duties to the Lords of the Treasury of the difficulties arising by the Act of the last Sessions for deducting 6d in the pound from salaries, fees, and wages derived from the Crown, and upon all other payments from the Crown whatsoever. They relate to the Distributors of Stamped Vellum, parchment and paper; “carriage of stamp goods”; post letters for remitting his Majesty's money, &c.; for fees; the public officers of the Law and the Registers of the two Universities; the contracts with stationers; rewards for detecting frauds, travelling charges, &c. There are separate minutes in the margin as to what should be done in the cases referred to. Stamp Office, Lincoln's Inn, Dec. 19, 1721.
Minuted on the back:—“August ye 22, 1702. A warrant according to ye report by the minutes in the margin. Warrt signd, 4th 8 br., 1722.” 2 pages.
21 Dec. 68. Report of the Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Katherine, the wife of John Walkinshaw, of Burrowfield, who was by a sentence of the Court of Justiciary in Scotland declared to have forfeited his single and life rent escheat, and to have incurred the penalty of 500l. for his disobedience in not appearing before the Court in pursuance of the Act of the 1st year of his Majesty's reign (entitled an Act for encouraging all superiors, vassals, &c.). The report sets out what proceedings had been taken, and finishes by stating that the petitioner has a great many children, and that they are in necessitous circumstances, and that they (the Barons) had nothing to object to the grant of the forfeiture for their relief, and have prepared the draft of a “signature” for that purpose, whereby the rights of all creditors are secured. Edinburgh, 21 December 1721.
Also the petition and the draft referred to, and the reference of the case to the Barons, which has this second minute on it. “Warrt signd, 2d March 1721–2.”
In addition to which there is another paper on the same subject. 10 pages.
22 Dec. 69. Report of the Attorney General to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of George Dean, Esq. Taking the facts to be true, is of opinion that if Mr Dyke, in the petition mentioned, was an illegitimate son, his Majesty is entitled to that part of his personal estate not disposed of by his will, and therefore his Majesty may grant a release by a privy seal of the right he has thereto. 10br 22, 1721.
Minuted:—“Warrt signd, 17th Janry 1721.” 2 pages.
22 Dec. 70. Duke of Grafton to the Lords of the Treasury. The house of Commons of Ireland having recommended to him the petition of the Provost, Fellows, and Schollars of Trinity College, near Dublin (praying their favourable assistance towards obtaining a further supply for the finishing of their Library, which they have been before enabled to carry on by his Majesty's bounty), his Grace cannot but think they should be encouraged, and asks their Lordships to lay the petition before the King, to obtain a warrant for him to issue 5,000l. to them.
Also lays before them the petition of the Hon. Richard Stewart and Thomas Burgh, Esqres for themselves and others concerned in the colliery of Bally Castle, in the county of Antrim, together with the resolution of the house of Commons thereon, whose opinion was that the effectual working of the colliery would be of great benefit to the kingdom, that the petitioners merited 1,000l. and a further encouragement of 1,000l. when they shall have landed in the port of Dublin 5,000 tons of coals out of the colliery. Asks their Lordships to obtain an authorization for him (the Duke) to issue 1,000l. and 1,000l. more on performance of the conditions mentioned. Also transmits the petition of Stephen Costilloe, Gent., with the resolution of the House of Commons thereupon desiring his Majesty to order 500l. to be given to the petitioner for services performed by him in the river Liffey, which flows to this city: and for having now undertaken to make a navigable communication from the inland country to the sea ports of that kingdom; recommends the same. Also lays before their Lordships resolutions of the House of Lords (Ireland) in behalf of the officers and servants attending the house, recommending that they should be allowed 1,846l.: prays their Lps to obtain the proper warrant. Dublin Castle, 22 Dec. 1721.
Minuted:—“Read Janry ye 8, 1721–2. Ye proper warrants to be prepared according to what is desired.” Warrt signd, 12th Feb. 1721–2.” 4 pages.
25 Dec.]
71. Two papers showing the various items of the estates of Mr Craggs and Mr Aislabie. The landed estates of Mr Craggs were at Lewisham and Greenwich. The last date is 25 Dec. 1721. 2 pages.
27 Dec. 72. Three affidavits of persons who had traded to, or had lived in, Virginia, as to the purchase by Scotchmen of tobacco in large quantities at greater prices than others. The casks were more weighty than those of English merchants. Their object was to get the trade into their own hands. One of the affidavits states how the running of the tobacco was managed in Scotland, viz., they have a sloop to meet them at the mouth of the river, and there take in the tobacco after they had cleared with the naval officer and collector. 27 Dec. 1721. 3 pages.
1721. 73. “Petition to the Lords of Treasury by Mr Alexr MacBean, minister of the Gospell at Inverness 1721.” King William authorized the treasury of Scotland, out of the Bishop's rents, to pay to the Governor of Fort William 30l. to erect and maintain a school at that fort. Petitioner served as schoolmaster to the same for eight years, and only received two years of his salary from the Treasury of Scotland. Is informed that there are in the hands of the Receiver General of Scotland moneys from the rents of the Bishopric of Ross, amounting to 180l. Prays their Lps recommendation for a warrant to pay him out of this fund. 2 pages.
[? 1721.] 74. A paper entitled: “Constats made out by the Surveyor General without ye Auditor.” It consists of a list of persons to whom houses, &c. were probably granted, or about to be granted. The last but one has the date “1721 May 23” in the margin, and the last has “June 6,” so that the paper probably belongs to the year 1721. 1 page.
[? About
75. Memoranda relating to the grant of the office of Chirographer of the Court of Common Pleas, tracing the same from 1679, when Francis Lawe, of the Inner Temple, London, Esq., was appointed, to 7 Geo. I., when Mountague Garrard Drake, Esq., was appointed.
At the foot is:—“Mr Drake, at Shardeloe, near Agmondesham.” 1 page.
[? About
76. “A particular of the inventories and allowances of Parliament to the late Directors of the South Sea Company, the remainders after such allowances 15l. p[er] ct on the said remainders for prompt payment and the sums which will then remain payable to the Company.”
[This is probably one of a series, as it is numbered on the back “23.”] 1 page.
1721. 77. Draft of a notice or advertisement of the chief cashier of the Bank of England (apparently with the sanction of the Lords of the Treasury) that he was ready to receive sums not exceeding 500,000l. for purchase of annuities under the Act of 7 Geo. I., at 5l. per cent., to commence at 24 June last. Undated, but ? 1721. See Historical Account of all Taxes, printed 1725, p. 368 1 page.
1721. 78. Estimates of the charge of his Majesty's forces in the Plantations of Minorca and Gibraltar, and in Great Britain. Anno 1721. 5 pages.
[? 1721 or
79. Petition of Major James Cunninghame, Lieut.-Governor of Fort William, to the Lords of the Treasury. In the posts where he commanded, was obliged to advance money, of which 200l. remains unpaid. Had he resided in North Britain after the Union, he would have recovered that money; but by his attendance on his post in Flanders that was impossible. Hopes he will not be a sufferer thereby, especially when their Lps consider the known share he had in preserving the quiet of Scotland at the time of making the Union. In 1718–9 received his Majesty's orders that as there was an invasion speedily intended from Spain, he should have a watchful eye to prevent any attempts to disturb the peace of the Government. Spared no pains, nor money, for the intelligence of the movements and designs of the enemy and the rebels. Has the principal Secretary of State's (Roxburgh's) letter, wharein he owns that petitioner's advices were full and distinct, and other letters to the same effect. [Sent] provisions at his own risk to Island Donald … [Wrote letter] to Sir Robert Pollock, Governor of Fort William, wherein he told Sir Robert that he wished he had sent 100 men to join Major-General Wightman, also that he had sent the ship and provisions, without which neither the wounded men could have been saved, nor the troops subsisted. Col. Clayton, an eye witness, told the Secretary-at-War the same. Has his Majesty's approval of his conduct in the affair of the Camerons. Maintained two prisoners of that importance that they were sent to him by the Lords Justices of Ireland, with the high sheriff of the county attending them, and a sergeant and six men to guard them. In his 34 years' service has neither spared his person, purse, nor credit. His attendance on Major-General Wightman at Glenshiel was by the Major-General's orders. Petitioner commanded a detachment of 340 men from the regiments of Major-General Wightman, Montague, and Cholmley for enquiring into the murder of 12 men of Wightman's regiment by the Camerons. In which case there is, as their Lps well know, allowances for camp equipage, &c. In these conjunctions can safely assert that he laid out twice the sum charged in the account.
The account referred to, the last date on which is 24 July 1721.
It is indorsed: “The petition of Major James Graham.” 2 pages.
1721. 80. Representation and petition of the persons subscribed, for themselves and other Importers and Dealers in tar made in the British Plantations in America, to the Lords of the Treasury, asking them to recommend to parliament that the methods which are practicable, may be made use of for making tar in our plantations, and that the rewards or premiums granted and continued, by former Acts of Parliament, may be further continued, for promoting and carrying on so useful and beneficial a work, without which there is great danger of its being entirely lost.
It is mentioned that the method prescribed for making tar was when the trees were fit to bark, the bark was stripped 8 feet or thereabouts from the root of the tree, a slip of the bark about four inches in breadth having been left on one side of the tree, and each tree having been so barked stood one year at the least, and was not before that time cut down for making the tar: but this method rendered it altogether impracticable to make tar in the plantations in America; for when the trees so managed came to the kiln, they would not produce any sap whereby tar could be made from them.
47 signatures, to one of which is added the year 1721, which appears to be the date of the document. 1 large page.