Volume 234: April 4-July 29, 1721

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'Volume 234: April 4-July 29, 1721', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728, ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1889), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol6/pp53-70 [accessed 13 March 2025].

'Volume 234: April 4-July 29, 1721', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Edited by Joseph Redington (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol6/pp53-70.

"Volume 234: April 4-July 29, 1721". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol6/pp53-70.


April 4–July 29, 1721

4 April.]
1. “Charles Harison's report concerning lycences granted by the Court of Exchequer to compound upon penal laws, &c. from the last day of Trinity term to the last day of Michaelmas term 1721 inclusive.”
With this note also on the back “R. 4 Apr. 1721.” 4 double pages.
[? About
12 April.]
2. Petition of William Whiston, Clerk, sometime Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge, to the King. By an Act of the 12th year of her late Majesty's reign a public reward is provided for such person or persons as shall discover the longitude at sea. Petitioner has been at a great deal of pains and expense in finding out a method for discovering the same by means of a dipping needle, and that with great hopes of success, and is not able by his poverty to go on with that discovery, as it will require a considerable sum for gaining a sufficient number of observations at sea and in remote countries to complete the “method”: prays his Majesty to bestow such a sum on him, for this work, as to his “wisdom shall seem meet.”
Minuted:—“100li bounty. P[re]pare a wart. 12 Ap. 1721. Warrt signd 18th.” 1 page.
13 April. 3. The Lords of the Admiralty to the Lords of the Treasury The Directors of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich have represented that the collection of the sixpences from merchant seamen within the kingdom of Ireland produces annually little more than 200l., and that the chief cause is from want of power in the collectors to stop the ships in port till the duty is paid, as the Act directs, and as is practiced in England. Lay this matter before their Lordships, conceiving that the only remedy for the abuse will be, that their Lordships send directions to the Comrs of revenue in Ireland to order the proper officers, in the ports of that kingdom, not to suffer any ships to clear out till they have paid the sixpences due. It is further represented that very great damages are committed on his Majesty's manor of Greenwich, and encroachments made therein: and as these abuses are only cognizable at the Courts to be held within the Manor, where the homage ought to present and fine the offenders, it is desired that a steward may be constituted, so that the Courts may be regularly held to support the King's rights and redress grievances. Admiralty Office, 13 April 1721. 2 pages.
13 April. 4. J. Burchett to the Lords of the Treasury. Sends copy of the letter hereafter described giving an account of the havock made in the woods in New England. Admiralty Office, 13 April 1721.
In a postscript he says he sends another letter from Mr Wentworth, Governor of New Hampshire, on the same subject.
Copy of letter of Robert Armstrong to Charles Burniston, Esq., Surveyor General of his Majesty's woods in America. The people elude the force of the Act of 9 Anne in reference to masts. They have taken in thousands of acres of the woodland, wherein the best timber grows, and formed the same into their township, though the thousandth part is not under any immediate improvement. 14 or 15 years since they petitioned to have their town grants confirmed; but the King and Council repealed the grants to keep them from destroying and encroaching his Majesty's timber and waste lands. Still they continue to make townships and take tracts of land without any title: and the inhabitants cut and fell all trees at will. There will shortly be no occasion for a King's Surveyor of Woods. Therefore this must be corrected by an explanatory Act, or otherwise: and then there must be an alteration in the penalty, which is 100l. sterl. This is impossible to be obtained. The qualification should be “100l. or the value in Province bills of credit.” There are other defects of the Act, whereby all trees under 24 inches are destroyed at pleasure. As the people are much more numerous now than formerly, the saw mills are increased in proportion; and what they generally destroy is between 18 and 24 inches. It is a great abuse to send ship timber from New Hampshire to Portugal. Notwithstanding his checks as collector this trade has been carried on; there being no law against exporting timber to foreign parts. It is by no means prudent to suffer ship timber to be carried to any foreign prince or state; first because it furnishes our enemies, and secondly, it disfurnishes the King of such a nursery of noble timber in New Hampshire as he has not in all his dominions. New Hampshire, New England, November 20, 1720. 8 pages.
14 April. 5. Order in Council on the petition of John Winn, Commander of the ship “Bristol Merchant,” and of John Bennett, Commander of the “Turkey Merchant,” whose ships (having come from infected places) were to be destroyed. Praying to be allowed their wages, provisions, &c. from the time they came into Standgate Creek till the ships were destroyed: referring the matter to the Treasury to state the quantum and value, and what was reasonable to be allowed. 14 April 1721.
The petition and another petition of the seamen. 2 pages.
17 April. 6. An account of the debt due on the pensions payable in the office of Walter Chetwynd, Esq., between Michaelmas 1719 and Ladyday 1721. Signed:—“Walt. Chetwynd.” 17 April 1721. 7 pages and 2 halves.
[? About
20 April.]
7. Memorial of Henry Sully and others appointed to distribute his Majesty's Royal bounty to the poor manufacturers lately brought over from France. Have received 2,000l. out of the 3,000l. granted by the King in Council, and have distributed the same, but have been much interrupted by designing, ill-intentioned persons, who misrepresent them: pray to have a proper person appointed to examine their past conduct.
Minuted:—“20th April 1721. Mr Stanyan to desire the Sec[reta]ry to lay the papers relating to this matter before my Lords.” 2 pages.
25 April
8. Report of the Attorney General (Robert Raymond) to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition (referred 21 May 1720) of Hannah Penn, widow of William Penn, Esq., deceased, late proprietor and Governor of the province of Pennsylvania. The petition states “that ye sd Mr Penn being in treaty wth her late Ma[jes]tie for ye sale of his powers of Governmt of ye sd province, was taken sick and made his will, whereby he devised his sd governmt to ye Earl of Oxford and Earl Poulet in trust, wth intent that in case of his death they might be enabled to compleat ye sale and effectually convey ye same; but recovering from that sickness he did afterwards in ye year 1712 finish ye contract himself, and agreed to resign his powers of Governmt to ye crown in consideration of ye sum of 12,000li, whereof one thousand pounds was then paid him in part, but before ye requisite conveyances were perfected he was again seiz'd with an apoplectic fit, wch so disabled him that he was never afterwards capable of executing ye same to ye time of his death in ye year 1718, so that ye power of conveying ye sd governmt, whenever his Ma[jes]tie shall think fit to require ye same, seems now to be vested in ye sd Earles. But Wm Penn, Esqr, heir-at-law to ye deceased, disputes this will, and the sd Earls are unwilling to act in their trust wthout a decree of ye Court of Chancery, so that yr petitionr, being executrix to her sd husband, is advised to bring a bill to have ye determination of that Court touching ye sd Governmt, as well to compleat ye sd sale to ye crown, as wth respect to ye sd Mr Penn ye heir, and is advis'd that it will be requisit to make yr Lordps parties, wch she cannot presume to do without first acquainting yr Lordps therewith:” prays the permission to insert the same.
The report sets out the grants that had been made to William Penn and the terms of the will and of a draft of surrender of the powers of Government, and that the will was disputed by Wm Penn, the son and heir, who insisted that he was entitled to the Government or money for which it should be sold. Until the contract with the Crown is determined the family affairs will be in great confusion, and if it be his Majesty's pleasure to proceed on this contract, the money cannot be safely paid without the directions of a court of equity. Is of opinion that their Lps may permit their names to be inserted in the Bill. Dated 25 Apr. 1721.
United is the petition. Minuted:—“21st July 1721. My Lords give leave that their names be made use of in a bill p[er]suant to the desire of the petr.” 4½ pages.
25 April.]
9. Another petition from the same Hannah Penn to the Lords of the Treasury referring to the foregoing, and stating that she has since been advised to exhibit such bill in the Court of Exchequer, and that it would be most proper not to make their Lordships, but his Majesty's Attorney General, a party thereto, for the purpose aforesaid, which she had done: prays their Lordships to give directions to the Attorney General to put in such answer as may be agreeable to the King's pleasure.
To the petition is added a copy of the preceding report. Besides which is a copy of the warrant for the payment of the 1,000l. above referred to. 4½ pages.
26 April. 10. Order in Council made on reading the report of the Comrs of the Admiralty upon the petition of Andrew Duncan and others of H.M. ship “Scarborough,” touching a pirate ship they had taken in June 1718 named “the Blanco,” which they represented was afterwards seized by Mr Lowther, then Governor of Barbados. The value of the ship was to be forthwith paid into the High Court of Admiralty and granted to Captain Hume and the officers and men of the same ship at the time of the capture, and to be divided as was done in the last war. 26 April 1721.
With it is an account of the loss of time and money paid by Francis Kirby, Quarter-Master, and others, mariners of the above ship, concerning the “Blanco” prize.
Minuted:—“August ye 29, 1721. Agreed that a warrant be prepared for allowing to ye ship's crew of ye Scarborough concerned in taking the pyratical vessel called ye Blanco 400li in liew of all demands to be payd out of ye pyraticall effects in Mr Lascelles ye collector of Barbados' hands, or Mr Carter's, his deputy. Warrt signd 12th Septr 1721.” 4 pages.
[? About
29 April.]
11. Representation of Jonathan Forward, of London, merchant, to the Lords of the Treasury, offering to enter into a new contract to transport the felons from Newgate and the other prisons (the old one having expired). Proposes that he may have 4l. per head for the malefactors to be transported from Newgate, which he hopes will be considered reasonable in regard he has sustained a considerable loss, not only by transporting them, but by the returns which have been made to him in tobacco, which will not sell for more than will defray the charge of freight and custom. Prays for the allowance of 4l. per head for the malefactors from the prisons in the home circuit and for such others as he shall transport from Newgate to the plantations in America.
Minuted:—“29 Apr. 1721. Agreed upon the former foot.”
Another proposal from him (perhaps of a little later date) at the former allowance for the country gaols and at 5l. a head for those from Newgate. Upon a petition the aldermen had appointed a committee to recommend an additional allowance of 20s per head for 97 persons: prays payment thereof as well as of 84l. for the like additional allowance for 84 persons since transported. 2 pages.
April. 12. “Memorial of Tho. Cornwallis et al. concerng ye paymt of half a yrs intst due Michs 1720 to the proprs of ye fortunate tickets in each of ye Lotteryes anno 1719.”
The above persons had been employed by the Treasury and offered their services again. Banqueting House, April 1721.
Minuted:—“10th July 1721. Agreed to if agreable to ye act.” 1 page
7 May. 13. Order in Council on a presentment to the Lords of the Treasury from the Comrs of Customs of 21 April respecting the insolent gangs of smugglers in Kent and Sussex which proposed the quartering of such a number of dragoons as his Majesty should see fit, to assist the Civil Magistrates or officers in hindering the exportation of wool and importation of prohibited and unaccustomed goods, &c., approving of the quartering the same, &c. 7 May 1721. 1½ pages.
7 May. 14. Similar order on a presentment of the same Comrs of 8 March then last: approving the appointment of armed sloops on the same coast, from the Isle of Wight eastward to the North Foreland, to stop the traffick in brandy, &c. as well by barter between ships, as by carrying the goods ashore. 7 May 1721. 1 page.
8 May. 15. Lord Townshend to the Lords of the Treasury. His Majesty has been pleased to comply with the address of the House of Peers, and his pleasure is, that the Lords of the Treasury prepare a state or estimate of the debt of the nation unprovided for by Act of Parliament, exclusive of the debt of the navy already laid before that House. Whitehall, 8 May 1721.
The copy of the address. 2 pages.
10 May. 16. Memorandum of a request on the behalf of the Barons of the Exchequer to consult Mr Horatio Walpole in respect to the working of an Act of parliament, which gave them power to administer interrogatories concerning money carried to Holland supposed to belong to the late South Sea Directors, but did not appoint any person to attend and expend the money necessary to put the Act in execution. 10 May 1721.
Minuted:—“11th May 1721. Mr. Cracherode to attend the Barons in all matters relating to the execution of the act for vesting the Directors' estates, &c. But my Lords at the same time order Mr. Lowndes to prepare a clause to be inserted in the bill now depending, directing that the charges attending such service shall be born out of the money arising by the said estates, and to be replaced to the Civil List.” 1 page.
[? About
15 May.]
17. Petition of Col. Charles Frampton to the Lords of the Treasury, praying their Lordships to direct Mrs Ruperta Howe, who is entitled to “house boot” and “fire boot,” to allow him the same. Their Lordships had ordered that the wood felled by the petitioner for the repairs of his lodge should be sold for his Majesty's use, and that no other wood should be felled for the future on pretence of repairs.
Minuted:—“15th May 1721. The petr may settle this matter with Mrs Howe, my Lords not thinking fit to interpose.” 1 page.
15 May. 18. Report of the Surveyor General (Cholmley) to the same, on the petition of the Right Hon. George, Earl of Kinnoull, who prayed to have a lease of a house called Little Wallingford House, situate on the Great Street leading from Charing Cross to Westminster. King William and Queen Mary in the second year of their reign granted to William Blathwaite, Esq., two tenements called Little Wallingford House and Pickering House, in the parish of St. Martins in the Fields, for 31 years, at a rent of 31s. 4d. The premises consist of an old brick building formerly two tenements. They extend from St James' Park wall on the west, to the High Street leading from Charing Cross towards Westminster, east, and adjoin the ground on which Wallingford House stood, north, and to the house formerly Sir Robert Holmes's, and another in the possession of the Earl of Ranelagh, now in the possession of petitioner, south; with a yard or passage and a small garden plot thereto belonging, the whole containing in breadth at the East end towards the street 59 f. 9 in., and at the West end by the Park wall 77 f. 5 in., and in length from East to West 94 f. or thereabouts. The premises are much out of repair, but considering the situation they may be well worth 150l. per ann. in the state they are. Is of opinion that a fine of 700l. to his Majesty (reserving the old rent of 13s. 4d. and an increased rent of 18l. per ann.) may be a valuable consideration for a lease of 31 years. 15 May 1721.
Minuted:—“20th June 1721. Warrt signed.”
The petition. 2½ pages.
17 May. 19. Representation and petition of Joseph Billers, citizen of London, to the Lords of the Treasury. His case had been referred to Anthony Cracherode, Esq., to examine and report thereon, and in May 1719 he was ordered to bring it into Parliament. He printed the case (copy annexed), but upon the overtures made by John Aislabie, Esq., then one of the Lords of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer, to allow him 1,000l… and to recommend him for a place, he made no application to parliament as directed. Neither of those offers had been complied with by Mr Aislabie: prays relief. London, 17 May 1721.
At the foot is a recommendation of his case, signed by the Mayor and twenty others.
Minuted:—“7th July 1721. Mr Chancr will speak to Sir J. Ward about this.” 3 pages.
18 May. 20. Petition of John, Lord Viscount Lisburne in the Kingdom of Ireland, to the same, praying that he may be constituted Steward and Court Keeper of the King's Manors of Mevenneth, Croythyn, Heninnoch, Caerwedros, and Perveth, in the county of Cardigan, which office his father held. The office was of very little profit, but the manors were contiguous to, and intermixed with, petitioner's estate.
Minuted:—“18th May 1721. See in what manner these were granted to his father.” 1 page.
20 May. 21. Report of the Attorney and Solicitor General to the Lords of the Treasury on the affairs of Sir Biby Lake (often previously referred to in this Calendar) in connexion with the debts of Mr Peter, Receiver General of taxes for the county of Hertford, who failed and was indebted to the crown 13,149l 10s.d. Upon the whole matter conceive that it might be for the benefit of the crown to receive the 10,892l. 5s.d. (as proposed by Sir Bibye) in present discharge of the debt, instead of waiting the delay of raising the same by receipt of the profits. See no objection to the assigning all the extended estate of the said Peter to the said Sir Bibye, in trust and for the benefit of the latter and other persons interested. General Wills will not be prejudiced thereby. May 20, 1721.
Minuted:—“5th September 1721. My Lords agree to the report. The Attor. and Solr Genll are desired to make a draught of a proper warrt hereupon, and to transmit it to their Lordships.” 5½ pages.
27 May. 22. Draft of a report to the King unsigned [of the Lords of the Treasury], the corrections apparently being in Mr Lowndes handwriting, concerning the erection of a Bank in Ireland, the necessity for which called “aloud for an immediate relief.” Their opinion was that the authority of Parliament would be required to carry out the rules, &c. which they proposed. Treasury Chambers, 27 May 1721. 4 pages.
28 May. 23. Order in Council, viz., that a charter for setting up a Bank in Ireland be passed pursuant to the foregoing report, and the Lords of the Treasury are to prepare the draught of the Charter together with a warrant thereupon for his Majesty's signature, empowering the Lord Lieutenant (Grafton) to pass the same under the Great Seal of Ireland. 28 May 1721. 5 pages.
24. An account of several things proper for Governor Nicholson to carry with him, in order to make presents to the head men of the Indians in Carolina.
The last item is:—“2 dozn prints of his Maty and ye Royll family in small gilt frames, prints of his Matys arms. A few new guineas, half guineas, crowns, half-crowns, and shillings to be strung on red ribbons and wore by the Chiefs.”
[Nicholson was appointed Governor in May 1721.] 1 page.
1 June. 25. Copy of report of A. Cracherode to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of Sarah Read in behalf of herself and eight others, setting forth that the petitioner was assaulted and robbed in the Haymarket, in the parish of St. James's, Westminster, by two men, one of whom was taken by the petitioner and convicted thereof at the Old Bailey, and lay under sentence of death. Prays for payment of the 100l. reward offered by proclamation for taking highwaymen. Is of opinion that they are well entitled to have the reward of 100l. divided amongst them in the proportions that 40l. was awarded by the Lord Mayor and Deputy Recorder. 1 June 1721. 2 pages.
[? About
9 June.]
26. Petition of Sir Patrick Johnston to the King. For twenty years has devoted himself entirely to the public service, during which time he represented the city of Edinburgh in the Scots Parliament, and struggled for the protestant succession, and his endeavours united their zeal for so good a cause. Nor was he less serviceable as a Commissioner for the Treaty of Union, and as a member in several British Parliaments; which services are well known to the Duke of Roxborough, the Earl of Sunderland, Viscount Townshend, and George Baillie, Esq., a Comr of the Treasury. For these services his life, and those of his family, had often been attempted and he thereby lost one of his sons. And by his firm, opposition to the Pretender, he impaired his circumstances much. Prays to be appointed a Commissioner of Customs or Excise in North Britain.
Minuted:—“Read 9 Jun. 1721. The next vacancys are disposed.” 1 page.
9 June. 27. “A. Cracherode's [Treasury Solicitor], particular of cases now under prosecution with states thereof. 9o Junii 1721.”
Minuted:—“12th Do. Read, and the directions set against each state.” 7½ pages.
10 June. 28. An account of all the salaries and allowances payable at the receipt of his Majesty's Exchequer.
Giving the names of the persons, and in many cases how much per day as well as per annum.
Salaries payable out of 4li 10s p[er] cent. to the Governors of Barbados and other Islands, and to the Auditor General of the Revenues in America.
Salaries payable out of the public funds at the Exchequer. Exchequer, 10 June 1721. 8 pages and 2 halves.
11 June. 29. Order in Council on the report of the Comrs of Customs, concerning the value of the ships “Bristol Merchant” and the “Turkey Merchant,” both from Cyprus and other parts of Turkey; and on a petition of the Commanders praying to be allowed their extraordinary expenses, seamen's wages, &c., refering the same to the Lords of the Treasury. 11 June 1721.
The petition named, and an account of the men's wages (totals) 7 pages.
12 June. 30. Petition of Isaac Escot, late Chaplain of the French Regiment of Col. Labarthe, to the Lords of the Treasury, praying to be put on the half pay of the Irish Establishment, as well as the Officers of the regiment, whereof he was chaplain, having the very same title by his commission.
Minuted:—“12th June 1721. See the warrt for placing the other officers and chaplains on the half pay of Ireland.” 1 page.
17 June. 31. Copy of notes of various resolutions and proceedings in the House of Commons “relating to the Bill 7 Geo. I.,” which appears to have touched the trade with the East Indies. The last date is 17 June 1721, but the copy probably was made later. 5 pages.
20 June. 32. Wm Popple to William Lowndes, Esq., transmitting copy of a letter from Mr Francis Harrison, Surveyor of Customs at New York, to the Comrs of Customs, relating to copper shipped from New Jersey for Holland As there is no law to prevent the carrying of ore from the plantations, the Lords of the Treasury think that this practice may be of such consequence to the revenue that it deserves to be considered in parliament. Whitehall, 20 June 1721.
The letter referred to.
Minuted:—“21st June 1721. My Lords will consider this when they have any leisure.” 2½ pages.
[? About
20 June.]
33. Memorial to William Lowndes, Esq., of poor artificers, who were seduced into France and had attended the Treasury for 1,000l. ordered by the King, as contained in Lord Carteret's letter, which had been before the Board for the last month: praying the business might be expedited.
Minuted:—“20th June 1721. My Lords will order the remaining 1,000li when there is money sufficient after the payment of the King's servants.” 1 page.
[? About
20 June.]
34. Petition of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, to the Lords of the Treasury. Have frequently represented their hardships and sufferings by the deficiencies of the fund of 160,000l. a year, to which they are entitled by Act of Parliament of 9 & 10 Will. [III.]. The interest amounts to near 40,000l. At Mich. 1720, when there was a surplus arising by the Fund, they were told it could not be paid to them, but must be applied to other uses. Petitioners being indebted for Customs to very near the same amount, pray that in consideration of their hard case the arrears may be paid to them.
Minuted:—“20th June 1721. Read: vide Min. Book.”
[Vol. 23, p. 74.] “Several Directors of the E. India Company attend with a memll, setting forth the deficiency of their fond, praying paymt of their arrears, and that a future provision may be made for them to prevent the like inconveniencys hereafter; to which my Lords are pleased to answer that the E. India Company's Fond being deficient and no provision being made by Parlt to make good the said deficiency, and the produce of the sinking fond for the time past and time to come, being appropriated as a fond and security for circulating Exchr Bills, they are not able to give any directions for the paymt of it; nor do they know any method for providing for it this year, especially the session being advanced so near to a conclusion.” 1 page.
22 June. 35. Lord Carteret to the Lords of the Treasury. His Majesty has considered the useful knowledge which Mr Charles Holzendorff has acquired at the Court of Spain as Secretary to Mr Stanhope, his Majesty's Ambassador there, together with his good services. His Majesty's pleasure is that directions be given to pay him 400l. a year from 23 May last during pleasure. Whitehall, 22 June 1721.
Minuted:—“17th Octr 1721. Warrt sign'd.” 1 page.
23 June. 36. John, Bishop of London, to the same. The Bishop of London was by King Charles II. entrusted with providing and sending ministers to the Colonies and Islands in America, and was directed by King William to apply to the Treasury for 20l. to each missionary to defray his passage. This bounty was readily paid. Afterwards it was oft-times delayed, and many of the missionaries were reduced to great straits. At present the answer given them is that several to whom the bounty has been given, did not proceed on the mission, and therefore their Lordships make a difficulty to grant the same any longer. Hopes there was little ground for the remark in his predecessor's time. Although he once lost 20l. of his own money, he has not lost any of his Majesty's, except in one instance, where the party fell into madness and was not suffered to go. Two persons who lately had the 20l. did not proceed, but after their despatch at the Treasury they got preferment at home, and one of them refunded the 20l., which he (the Bishop) applied to another missionary without troubling their Lordships; the other has paid back one half and the remainder is daily expected, and he would apply it in the same way. But if (as there seems some reason to apprehend) their Lordships think it not fit to trust him any longer with this “Dispensation,” presumes they will move his Majesty to employ some other person, for if this bounty were retrenched it would be impossible to get those Colonies supplied. In that case shall willingly acquiesce in the conviction that he has faithfully and honestly done his duty. This comfortable reflection has hitherto relieved him against malicious slanders, and will continue to do so, especially as he shall be freed from a great and vexatious trouble which has no connexion with the duty of a Bishop of London. June 23, 1721. 3 pages.
[? About
27 June.]
37. Memorial of Samuel Edwin, Usher at the Receipt of the Exchequer, to the same. Entreats their Lordships' direction for payment of an order drawn for 1,663l. 16s.d. for necessaries by him delivered to the Treasury, and the old officers of the Exchequer, and for money advanced to watchmen, porters, and others attending the Exchequer, being two years in arrear.
Minuted:—“To be payd 1,663l. 16s.d. pursuant to an order drawn June the 27, 1721.”
Also a previous memorial of his of the 15th of May 1721 for payment of the arrears. 2 pages.
29 June. 38. Lord Carteret to the same. Captain Charles Stewart, Plenipotentiary for negotiating a peace with the Emperor of Morocco, having concluded a treaty for the redemption of some hundreds of the King's subjects now in slavery (which treaty has been ratified by the King), his Majesty's pleasure is that their Lordships order the purchase of 125 pieces of coarse cloths and 75 half pieces of fine do; to be sent forthwith to Captain Stewart at Gibraltar: and further, that their Lps give directions for the issue of 4,020l. to the Board of Ordnance, to enable them to replace 1,200 barrels of powder, which the King has ordered the Storekeeper at Gibraltar to deliver to Captain Stewart; also for completing the supply of 13,500 gun locks agreed to be given towards the redemption of the captives. Whitehall, 29 June 1721. 1½ pages.
[After June.] 39. Two copies of Representations of the Commissioners appointed for visiting the Colleges and Schools of Aberdeen, addressed to his Majesty the King, as to the low and mean condition of the College. The first (Aug. 1718) states that the New Edifice, undertaken and considerably advanced in the reign of King William, has been in great danger of ruin for many years for want of money to finish it, and the old fabrick cannot subsist unless a considerable sum is speedily allowed for its repair. The College revenue has been much impaired by new erections and augmentations of ministers' stipends “evicted” by law, so that their debts are increased. The provisions of the Masters are very small, and their share of Queen Anne's bounty has been discontinued for want of a privy seal for its distribution. By former enquiries the Comrs found that the revenue was burthened with about 900l. debt, and they are fully satisfied of the very low condition of the College. Considering that this ancient Seminary of learning was erected and has been supported by his Majesty's predecessors for nearly three hundred years, and that his Majesty has lately provided well qualified Masters, they recommend the same to the Royal favour; being very hopeful that the supporting and encouraging this society will be very subservient to the training up of the youth in the most remote and disaffected corners of this land in sound principles and useful literature. The Second (June 1721) is a further memorial from the same Commissioners, stating that his Majesty referred the former memorial to the Lords of the Treasury, who directed the “Master of Work in Scotland” to make an estimate for the repairs, which he did. No further progress was made therein, and the Rector, Principal, and the other Masters have again represented the miserable state of their affairs. They have been obliged to expend large sums towards the support of the College Steeple and “Copula,” the threatening fall whereof would have completed the ruin of their most valuable buildings, such as their Church, Library, and public Schools. The Commissioners considering that a special care has been taken of this ancient University by the King's predecessors (because of its situation upon the borders of the North Highlands, and where Popery most prevailed), and that if care were now taken, it might be most useful in extirpating these disloyal and pernicious principles, which of late have taken deep root in these remote corners, recommend the University and its members to the Royal favour for competent supplies to be granted.
These copies were probably prepared for a report to be made on them. 2½ pages.
[? About
1 July.]
40. Copies of Orders under the sign manual to be observed for the better service of the Office of Works.
The first of these consists of 27 clauses, and was dated 29 April 1715.
Various additional orders follow, and the last is a copy of a Treasury letter, dated 1 July 1721. 20 pages (brief size).
4 July. 41. Petition of the Comrs of Supply and Heritors, in the shire of East Lothian, to the King. By the laws of Scotland the Comrs in each county are empowered to tax the heritors to the extent of 10s. for every hundred pounds of their valued rent, and no further, for reparation of bridges, highways, and such like incidents within the county. The Bridge called Linton Bridge over the River Tyne (East Lothian) is very much damnified by the impetuosity of the river and in danger of falling. The Bridge lies upon the post road between London and Edinburgh, and is the common passage from Edinburgh to a great deal of the east and south-east parts of Scotland. If the bridge should fall, all communication would frequently be stopped by the swelling of the river. The Bridge cannot be repaired for less than 250l., which is far beyond what the Comrs are empowered to tax the heritors; besides which there are several other high ways within the county, which require considerable expense to maintain them. Are informed that there are “few duties” payable to the Crown out of the Lordship of Dunbar, whereof 2,300l. (Scots) yearly at least are not already granted: pray for an allowance out of these “few duties” for the repair of the bridge. 4 July 1721.
With a note at the foot that it is referred to the Lords of the Treasury to consider and report. 2 pages.
6 July. 42. Certificate of Evelyn, Duke of Kingston, Lord Privy Seal, and Hugh, Earl of Loudoun, testifying that Lieut. Alexander Raitt, of Brigadier Grant's late regiment of foot, has been employed by them for several years, and still continues to be so, and was on their business in Scotland when taken off from half pay in Ireland. 6 July 1721.
United are Rait's petition, a reference thereof to the Muster Master General, and copy of a report on the same. 4½ pages.
7 July. 43. Memorial of the Trustees for circulating Exchequer Bills, to the Lords of the Treasury. On first entering upon their business, enquired as to the cash remaining with Mr Collyer, cashier to the late Trustees. The [late] Trustees have been faithful stewards of the money, for by their care in having it locked up under different keys it has prevented embezzlement by the cashier, at a time when views of immense gain might have tempted him; they have been careful to frame their books to answer the intents of the Acts of parliament; they (the late Trustees) appointed officers and clerks (a list of whom is given), and this was laid before the Lords of the Treasury; but the late sudden and noxious turn of affairs and the disqualification by act of parliament of three Trustees prevented further application. The present Trustees to save money discharged their Cashier, and are to take the cash into their own custody, at a saving of 630l. per ann. There is a demand (bill enclosed) upon them of 377l. 5s. 11½d. from tradesmen, &c.: ask for payment. 7 July 1721. Signed.
Minuted:—“200li p[er] ann. to be allowed to the present Trustees for their care, &c., 150li p[er] ann. to their Sec[reta]ry. The other inferiour officers' salarys to stand as they do in the draught made by the Trustees.”
The Bill referred to, and a copy of the above memorial, but minuted somewhat differently. 5 pages.
8 July. 44. Jean Hanet [Tutor to Prince Frederick] to—. The kindness he had experienced since he came to Hanover led him to hope for a continuance of the same. Asks the person addressed to speak in his favour to Mr Walpole to order the arrears of his pension, of which three quarters were due. Lord Sunderland paid the pension regularly, but he (Mons. Hanet) is not known to Mr Walpole. Hanover, 8 July 1721. (French.)
Docketed:—“From Mr Hanet, Tutor to Prince Frederick.”
Minuted:—“12th July 1721. To be paid 6 months upon his pension.” 2 pages.
8 July. 45. Report of the Attorney General (Raymond) to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of James Reith, watchmaker, which states that the petitioner on the previous 22 March by a petition set forth the hardships of his case with regard to the seizure of some of his effects, and the prosecution of him in the Court of Exchequer for landing them without entry, which petition was transmitted to their Lordships by a letter from Lord Carteret, one of the principal Secretaries of State, signifying the King's pleasure for his relief. A warrant for nolle prosequi was thereupon entered upon his paying the duties and satisfying the officers. The petitioner satisfied the officers, but the goods, being French, are charged 65l. per cent., which, being added, will be more than they are worth. The petitioner returned from France upon an agreement with Sir Robert Sutton, his Majesty's Minister at that Court, who engaged for the safety of the effects. Petitioner after this agreement paid all the workmen's debts and maintained them till their passes could be got ready at an expence of upwards of 900l., and had never received any consideration. The Attorney General certifies that by the petition referred to (of 22 March) the petitioner was lately a director and afterwards master of a manufactory of watchmaking set up [at Versailles] in France, and that he applied to the Ambassador, who undertook for the safety of the effects. The goods are all made by Englishmen and not purchased by way of merchandise, but certain of the King's Officers carried away the goods, and petitioner prayed relief, as well as to be allowed to bring such other of his effects into his Majesty's dominions as were still in France. His Majesty, by letter of Lord Carteret, one of his principal Secretaries of State, referred his case to their Lordships for their report. Their Lordships transmitted the same to the Comrs of Customs, who reported that in the year 1718 several artificers withdrew to France, and amongst them the petitioner. In the 5th year of his Majesty's reign an act passed to prevent artificers from being seduced into foreign parts. The goods were seized by officers of the port of London, having been made in France and clandestinely landed without paying duty, and were appraised at 557l., being under prosecution in the Court of Exchequer, but the Comrs submitted whether his Majesty would order a nolle prosequi, &c. The Attorney General advises that his Majesty may grant a nolle prosequi for his part of the forfeiture, but the goods in France are subject to duty, if customable. 8 July 1721.
The petition and six other papers.
The petition has the following minute on the back:—“21st July 1721. My Lords agree to a nolle prosequi as to the King's part p[er]suant to the report. Warrt signd 4th Augt.” 17 pages and 2 parts of pages.
9 July. 46. Order in Council on the petition of John Bennet, Captain of the “Turkey Merchant,” and John Winne, Captain of the “Bristol Merchant,” referring to the Lords of the Treasury the allowance for damage to them by quarantine. 9 July 1721.
Also the petition. 2½ pages.
10 July. 47. Lord Carteret to the “Rt Honble Mr Walpole,” introducing the bearer as the person appointed by the Earl of Coventry to receive the 500l. which his Majesty had granted to the Earl “to be disposed of by him for his Majesty's service.” Whitehall, July 10, 1721. 1 page.
12 July. 48. Francis, Bishop of Rochester, to — Was forced to leave town without thanking him for his favour to the Church of Westminster, being seized with the gout in his right hand. Prays him to accept his acknowledgments for the 1,000l., and doubts not he will give orders for perfecting what he further intended in relation to the 4,000l. more. Would be far from importuning him if the poor workmen could well subsist without it: but they cannot, being already some of them half ruined, by taking up money at great interest, and in very considerable sums, in order to pay their underworkmen. And even after the fictitious tallies struck for the 4,000l. intended them “there will still be an arrear of 5,000l. more at Midsummer last,” and for that they must wait with patience until the fund will admit of a new loan upon it. Bromley, 12 July 1721. 2½ pages.
15 July. 49. Memorial of the Court of Directors of the Royal Exchange Assurance to the Lords of the Treasury. Have advanced 150,000l. by way of loan at 4 per cent. on the Plate Act. Have paid 111,250l. for the Civil Government, and 188,750l. still remains to be paid. Their attempts to raise sufficient money to meet their engagements have not been successful, which may be owing to the calamity of the times and the low ebb of public credit, but more especially from a general opinion that it is impossible for the Corporation from the uses of their Charter to pay to the Government the 300,000l. stipulated, “without interest,” so that they are utterly unable to make any further payment. Notwithstanding the additional grant which his Majesty has conferred on the Corporation for assurance from fire and upon lives, they find the price of their stock much less than the money paid in, and it is to be feared their credit will daily decrease, to the utter ruin of the Corporation and loss to the public (especially the trading part) of so useful and beneficial an undertaking, unless his Majesty remits the above sum, which is unpaid and unsecured by a deposit at the Treasury. A late instance of his Majesty's and the Legislators' tenderness has been compassionately shown to the proprietors of the South Sea Stock. Pray relief.
Minuted:—“15th July 1721. Read. To be layd before the King.” 1 page.
17 July. 50. Draft of a Commission for taking in subscriptions for erecting and establishing a Bank in Ireland, which was referred by the Lords of the Treasury to the Attorney and Solicitor General for their consideration, with the following report at the foot: “We have perused the aforegoing draught of a Com[m]ission for taking in subscriptions and the schedule thereunto annex'd, purporting [to be] the draught of a charter for erecting a Bank in Ireland, and have no objection to the same as now amended. Rob. Raymond, Phi. Yorke, July 17, 1722.”
The schedule is not now with it. 36 pages (brief size).
19 July. 51. A certified copy docketed:—“Representation of the Assembly of New York abt ye Auditor of the Plantations.” Addressed to William Burnet, Esq., Captain General and Governor-in-Chief of the Province of New York, New Jersey, and territories thereon depending, and Vice-Admiral of the same.
Find that the Lords of the Treasury are of opinion that the neglecting or refusing to account with the Auditor General will be looked upon as a contempt of his Majesty's authority. Suspect that artful representations from hence have prevailed, but they have nothing more at heart than to approve themselves his Majesty's faithful subjects. Think no one thing would be of greater service to the province than for his Majesty to be truly and thoroughly informed of the “disposition of every penny” of the revenue. If this had been done they would not have laboured under their great body of debt, which was manifestly owing to the misapplication and squandering of public money. Her late Majesty gave them a Treasurer of their own, which made it practicable to retrieve the public credit. Among the extravagances was the allowing to the Auditor General a fee or salary of 5 per cent, upon the King's revenue in the province. His Majesty's Commission appointed a salary of 500l. per ann. as a reward for auditing all the accounts in his Majesty's plantations in America. By what authority he could take to himself a twentieth of the King's revenue here, they are “yet to seek.” The disposition of the public money, it is true, is in the governor, by the advice and consent of the Council. This, they suppose, gave rise to the demand for it as a fee or perquisite; though they do not find it was ever allowed by the Treasury, and whether ever received by himself there is some reason to doubt. [Give their reasons]. State that the revenue of the province had never exceeded 4,000l. per ann. The Treasurer refusing to account with the Auditor General (if so he did) could not proceed from any intention to hinder his Majesty or his ministers from a knowledge of the disposal of his revenue, as he was of the Council and could not be ignorant that no act could be passed here for raising or levying any money, whereby the same should be made liable to be accounted for to his Majesty or his ministers. Fair accounts have also to be kept and transmitted to the Treasury. It was before the Treasurer received their Lordships' order to account that he refused (if so he did) to account with the Deputy Auditor; and as soon as their Lordships signified their pleasure, he readily promised to obey their commands. How hearty and ready the Assembly has been to support his Majesty's Government is not unknown to his Excellency. There are few branches of our imports (except European goods) but what are loaded as much as the trade will bear, and the revenue is as yet insufficient to pay officers and incidents. What then must be the consequence if the dead weight of 5 per cent. on the whole revenue for several years be added? Heartily wish that, without ruining the trade, they could make the revenue ample for the handsome support of the Government and enable His Majesty to extend his Royal bounty to fit objects of it. Beg their Lordships to disallow the demand. Certified 19 July 1721. 7½ pages.
25 July. 52. “Extract of the minutes of the General Court of the South Sea Company relating to the allowing stock for the redeemables and the several money subscriptions.” Certified by E. Welcomb, Secretary. South Sea House, 25 July 1721. 5 pages.
26 July. 53. Report of the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of James Stephen, Deputy Usher to the Court of Exchequer Chamber (Scotland). As Mace Bearer to the Court he discharges the office of Serjeant-at-Arms, and has diligently discharged his duties. Advise that he receive 50l. yearly for the same. Edinburgh, Exchequer Chamber, 26 July 1721.
The petition referred to. Minuted:—“20th Decr 1721. My Lords agree to the Barons' rept. Warrt signed 17 Janry 1721.” 2 pages.
26 July. 54. Report of the same to the same on the petition of David, Earl of Leven. It appears by the certificate of the Treasurer's Remembrancer that there is chargeable on the petitioner “as the non-entry, blench, few, taxtward, and relief duties of the lands contained in the infeftment given to him 215l. 18s. 92/3d. sterling.” The sovereign has sometimes discharged such casualties to his vassals, and if his Majesty is inclined to remit what is due by the Earl, yet the sum of 17l. 19s. 2d. due on account of his relief, must be answered to the Crown, being discharged by law from being compounded or granted away. Same date.
With it is what appears to be the petition, but it is in a very faded condition. It was referred to the Lords of the Treasury for their report on 15 June 1720, and they referred it to the Barons on the 1st of July following. 2 pages.
26 July. 55. Report of the same to the same on the memorial of Patrick, Earl of Marchmont, the representative of George Home, deceased, late of Kimmergham; David, Earl of Glasgow, Sir Robert Anstruther, Sir John Swinton, George Home, the representative of Sir George Ho… late of Kello, deceased; Sir John Home, of Blackadder, the representative of Sir John Home, Bart., deceased Sir William Gordon Ba…, the representative of Sir Adam Gordon, deceased; Sir John Steuart, of Allanbank, the representative of Sir Robert Steuart, his father; Sir Robert Dickson, the representative of Sir Robert Dickson, of Sornbeg, his father; and Alexander Cunynghame, Esq., the representative of Sir Hugh Cunynghame, late of Craegend, his father, certifying that it appears the Lords of the Treasury and Exchequer of Scotland did, by lease of 15 Aug. 1696, “set or farm” to several of the above persons the customs and foreign excise of Scotland for five years from 1 Nov. then next following, unless the then war with France should cease, in which case they reserved a power to turn the farm into a collection, from the term next preceding the peace to the term next following, and thereafter to set a new farm or to continue that for the year then running.
The lessees or farmers were obliged to pay a yearly rent of 27,000l., and produce their accounts for a moiety of the increasing net profit over and above the 27,000l., &c.
The lessees only managed the Customs and Excise for one year. Proceedings were taken thereafter in respect to their account, and the production of their books. His Majesty's Advocate and the Solicitor General reported that 1,914l. 7s. were due to the farmers. The Barons further state that the affair was under examination before the Union, and nothing further is to be expected from it, and they think the lessees should be discharged by the Crown. Same date.
Minuted:—“Septr 20, 1721. The Lords agree that upon the farmers releasing ye surplusage and all other demands upon ye crown relating to that account, the King may grant them a release of all further demands from ye crown upon them relating thereto.”
The memorial referred to. 6 pages.
[? About
27 July.]
56. Petition of Robert Hewitt to the Lords of the Treasury showing that by his petition to the late Lords he prayed to be reimbursed 130l. expended in H.M. service, and for recompense of his own trouble, and by memorial to Lord Stanhope he prayed to be admitted as a discoverer of concealed rents and arrears, for which it was usual to be allowed ¾ths to the discoverer. This was referred to the Auditors of Land Revenue, who reported that he deserved 200l., and that ¾ths of the arrears were not unreasonable, and a letter was sent to the Auditors to receive the discovery. Petitioner on 27 Nov. 1719 laid his papers before the Auditors. Petitioner's papers showed that there was due to his Majesty for annual rents, besides profits of Courts, &c. of the manor of Whaplode, in the county of Lincoln, 38l. 6s.d. per ann., and from the manor of Molton D~no~r cum Bewsolus, in the same county, 78l. 7s.d. per ann. for 14 years ended at Mich. 1719, making 1,633l. 9s. 0d., and from the profits of courts at 12l. 14s. 5d. per ann., 178l. 1s. 10d. In all 1,811l. 10s. 10d., and that the improvements on the demesne lands were of more considerable value. Further, that the rents of these manors had been discharged out of the Receiver's accounts as granted by King Charles II. on 28 Jan., in his 36th year, to trustees for the Duchess of Buccleuch and others; whereas they were never so granted: nor were they by the former letters patent of 21 Sept. 1674 to the Duke of Monmouth, before his outlawry, as is set forth in her grace's memorial (a copy whereof and other proceedings are annexed).
With this are copies of the papers previously abstracted under date, “about 13 Feb. 1719–20,” relating to the claims of Robert Hewitt.
There is also a letter (of 13 Feb. 1719) in addition from him to William Lowndes, Esq., Secretary to the Treasury, recapitulating what is above stated, and asking to have an order to allow him to have recourse to the accounts and records in Mr Auditor Godolphin's office.
On the last paper is the following minute:—“27th July 1721. My Lords have given directions to the Attor. Genll concerning the Dutchess of Buçleuch.” 9½ pages.
28 July. 57. Petition of John Chaffey, Thomas Hopps, Anthony Watson, and John Andrews to the Lords of the Treasury, praying for a day to be appointed for them to make their several claims for a reward for the apprehension of Robert Jackson, convicted of a robbery on the highway near Tyburn, in the parish of Paddington.
Referred to Anthony Cracherode, Esq., for his report. His report, which is not now with the petition, was dated 28 July 1721, as appears by the docket.
There are also two certificates and an affidavit. 5 pages.
29 July. 58. Account of the charge of 200 men with their officers levied by the Provost of Edinburgh for the defence of that city.
Also copies of three letters touching the employment and pay of these 200 men, who were employed for reinforcing the Castle of Edinburgh. In the first, on behalf of his Majesty, Viscount Townshend thanks the Provost and Magistrates for their zeal and diligence on the occasion of the attempt to surprise the Castle.
Minuted:—“29th July 1721. Prepare a warrt.” Again:— “Warrt signd 4th Augt.” 2½ pages.