Entry Book: May 1690, 26-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: May 1690, 26-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp665-684 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: May 1690, 26-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp665-684.

"Entry Book: May 1690, 26-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp665-684.


May 1690, 26-31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
May 26. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for the issue of 500,000l. to William Harbord, Paymaster General of the Forces employed in or designed for Ireland, as imprest for the pay and contingencies of said Forces : to be applied to said use according to establishments or royal warrants. (Money warrant dated June 6 hereon.) (Money order dated June 7 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 481-2. Money Book X, p. 390. Order Book III, p. 94.
Same to same for a same for a discharge as follows to Ann Slingsby, relict and executrix of Henry Slingsby, upon his accounts as late Master and Worker of the Mint. Said executrix stands charged with sums received by him and [since his death] by her to the total of 22,621l. 15s. 2d., to wit 1,400l. received by him from Sir William Parkhurst, formerly Warden of the Mint, out of moneys imprested to said Parkhurst for erecting houses, mills, engines etc. for coining, under the privy seal of 1661-2, Jan. 27 ; and 534l. from same for charges and expences in the then new way of coining by the mill and press ; and 1,600l. imprested to said Slingsby under the privy seal of 1662, Nov. 29, for erecting buildings for the speedy coining of silver : the aforesaid three sums amounting to 3,534l. : and further he is charged with 2,974l. 5s. 0d. received of Henry Brouncker (afterwards Visct. Brouncker) for providing Healing medals under the royal warrant of 1664-5, Feb. 25 ; and 2,500l. imprested to him [Slingsby] as Secretary to the then Council for Foreign Plantations for the contingent expences thereof between 1670, June 24, and 1672, Sept. 29 ; and 200l. imprested to him by the Navy Commissioners for providing medals and chains for such captains of fireships as in the late [first] Dutch war had burnt any man of war ; and 7,053l. 18s. 6d. remaining on the balance of his last account ended 1680, July 20, as Master and Worker of the Mint ; and 4,239l. 5s. 9d. remaining on the balance of his declared account of money received upon the rendition of Dunkirk ; and 2,620l. 5s. 10½d. which is to be paid to said Ann Slingsby by the hands of Tho. Neale, present Master and Worker of the Mint, under the royal warrant of May 14 inst., supra, p. 630 : all which sums make said total charge of 22,621l. 15s. 2d.
In discharge thereof said Ann Slingsby craves allowances as follows : viz. : 790l. paid by said Henry Slingsby for erecting houses, buildings, engines etc. for the more speedy coining of money, as appears by the bills of John Pitt and Thomas Cass, carpenters ; 486l. to John Smith, bricklayer and plasterer, for same ; 95l. to Stephen Bumsted for mason's work for same ; 90l. 6s. 6d. to John George for plumber's work for same ; 78l. 3s. 2d. to Thomas Hodgkin, smith, for iron work for same and for neiling of two furnaces ; 35l. 5s. 0d. to John Oliver, glazier, for same ; 68l. to John Hawkes and John Johnson, millwrights, for three horse mills and for setting up two of them ; 16l. to William Prestwood, locksmith, for same ; 19l. 10s. 0d. to Joseph Buckmaster, scavenger, for carrying away the rubbish ; 17l. 16s. 0d. to Lancelott Perrott and Edward Smith for a chest and scriptore for the office ; 905l. 1s. 7d. to Peter Blondeau for tools and engines provided by him ; 70l. to Thomas Hodgskins for several other tools and engines ; 22l. for copples and other necessaries in the Essay House ; 79l. 13s. 7d. for copper furnaces and copper alloy ; 3l. 15s. 0d. for a pair of bellows ; 28l. 10s. 3d. for waste of gold and silver upon the assays between 1662-3, Jan. 1, and 1666, Aug. 11 ; 23l. 5s. 0d. for charges upon two Trials of the Pix in 1663 and 1664 ; 116l. 10s. 0d. for diet to the officers at their several meetings between 1662-3, Mar. 24, and 1665, July 19 ; 152l. 19s. 6d. for midling coal delivered to the Mint 1662, Dec. 22, to 1666, Nov. 7 ; 15l. to Robert Russell for 400 large canvas bags ; 50l. to Thomas Brough for attendance as clerk to the Commissioners for regulating the affairs of the Mint ; 20l. to Capt. Bynon as messenger to said Commissioners ; 15l. 12s. 0d. for the charges of passing and renewing the commission to said Commissioners ; 24l. 6s. 0d. for charges of the privy seal and Exchequer fees for 1,600l. ; 16l. 6s. 11d. for fees on sundry other occasions ; 30l. for six months' interest on 1,000l. borrowed by Treasurer Southampton's warrant of 1662, Sept. 15 : which abovesaid sums amount to 3,268l. 15s. 0d. She further craves allowance for Healing medals delivered as follows : viz. : 906l. 14s. 0d. for 2,000 such delivered, under a royal warrant of 1684-5 [sic for 1664-5], Feb. 25, to the Earl of Falmouth, Keeper of the Privy Purse ; 677l. 19s. 0d. for 1,500 same delivered, under a royal warrant of 1667, April 22, to Baptist May, Keeper of the Privy Purse ; and for charges of passing the warrants, 6l. 9s. 0d. : the said three items being in all 1,591l. 2s. 0d. She likewise craves disbursements as follows, 1670, June 24, to 1672, Sept. 29 (that is 2¼ years) for the Council for Foreign Plantations under the privy seal of 1670-1, Jan. 11 : viz. : 900l. for clerks ; 630l. for rent ; 112l. 10s. 0d. for a porter, maid and chamberkeeper ; 123l. 15s. 0d. for two messengers ; 112l. 10s. 0d. for candle and fire ; 33l. 8s. 4d. for fitting up the house and making an office for the clerks ; 47l. 0s. 6d. for taxes and repairs ; 47l. 7s. 6d. for parish duties ; 100l. 12s. 9d. for Exchequer fees ; 9l. 19s. 0d. for the charge in taking out an imprest roll ; 65l. for the relief of a prisoner by Charles II's verbal order : amounting together to 2,184l. 3s. 1d. She further craves for medals and chains distributed to captains of fireships as follows : viz. : 150l. for five large medals of fine gold, value 30l. each, delivered to the Duke of York ; 30l. for a like delivered to Mr. Wren, then secretary to said Duke (for which last no receipt is produced) ; 10l. 10s. 0d. to the gravers for workmanship on same at 35s. each ; being in all 190l. 10s. 0d. She further craves as follows in her husband's account due during the time of his being suspended from his office of Master and Worker, viz. between 1680, July 20, and 1686, April 20, viz. : 2,875l. for his salary at 500l. per an. ; 460l. for same of his under assayer at 60l. per an. and of his purveyor at 20l. per an. ; 133l. 6s. 8d. for two thirds of the engineer's salary of 100l. per an. for two years to 1681, June 24, which was bequeathed to said Henry Slingsby (by the wills of Monsieur Blondeau and Mr. Colborne, engineers of the Mint) ; 1,854l. 13s. 10d. for two thirds of the engineer's allowance of 12d. per lb. weight of gold and 3d. per lb. weight of silver moneys coined between 1680, July 20, and 1683, Oct. 31 (likewise bequeathed to him) ; 8,128l. 6s. 9d. for so much saved [detained] out of the 7s. per lb. weight allowed to the Master of the Mint on all gold moneys and 18d. per lb. of silver moneys coined between 1680, July 20, and 1686, April 20 : the said sums making together 13,451l. 7s. 3d. Further, she craves as follows on the Dunkirk rendition money account : viz. : 100l. for the weighing, telling, melting and coining of 1,500,000 French crowns paid for the said rendition, receiving and weighing 300 chests of said money, sealing up 200 of them which were delivered out upon loan and upon return thereof weighing and telling same and examining all counterfeits ; 307l. 10s. 0d. for the charges in melting and casting 2,050 ingots of silver, providing furnaces, melting pots and other utensils for old coal and for the hire of melters, being 3s. per ingot ; 15l. for washing and grinding the sweep of said ingots, gathering up the remainder of the silver and for waste and charges of quicksilver used therein ; 214l. 3s. 10d. for the waste and charges in refining 5,140lb. 8oz. 10dwt. of said silver to make the remainder standard, being at the rate of 10d. per lb. ; 25l. for charges of wheelbarrows, bags etc. for carriage of said chests and money ; 240l. for several clerks and others employed in weighing, telling etc. for the space of three years and for passing an account thereof in the Exchequer : the above items making in all 961l. 13s. 10d., as by a report from the Mint officers on a reference dated 1686, Dec. 31, hereon. She further craves 224l. 4s. 0d. for so much levied upon the goods of Mr. Slingsby by the sheriffs of Middlesex. Finally, she craves allowance of the value of two orders of loan registered in the name of Henry Slingsby, Nos. 381 and 400 upon the Customs, being [in all] for 750l., and which [being delivered to Slingsby out of the Exchequer] to be employed towards the incidents of the Council for Foreign Plantations, 1670, Christmas, to 1671, Michaelmas, [were not paid at the Customs House and therefore] remain unsatisfied, as appears by the Auditor of the Receipt's certificate of the 10th inst., but which sum nevertheless is included in the charge or debit against Slingsby.
The total of the above cravings is 22,621l. 15s. 2d., and the King thinks it just and reasonable that Ann Slingsby should have full and plenary allowance of every part thereof. They are therefore hereby to be allowed and the said account is accordingly hereby to be so stated and the accomptant left even and quit : but she is to release to the King the said two orders of loan as above. And as the accomptant will be so even and quit the estate of her and her late husband is to be exonerated and discharged from all process and demands of the Crown whatsoever touching the premises.
King's Warrant Book XV, pp. 47-53.
Money warrant for 15,000l. to Thomas Hall : in repayment of loans made upon the Hearthmoney as follows, viz. : 3,250l. on 1688, Nov. 12 ; 1,750l. on Nov. 13 ; 5,000l. on Nov. 20 ; 2,000l. and 1,000l. on Nov. 21 ; 2,000l. on Dec. 1 : with 6 per cent interest. Payment hereof to be made out of such loans as said Hall shall make upon the last Act [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 4] for the Customs. (Money order dated May 26 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 367. Order Book III, p. 80.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies of pro on the revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall for 2,500l. to William Harbord for the like sum lent by him the 15th inst. on said revenue. On delivering him said tallies of pro his tallies of loan are to be taken in and vacated. Money Book X, p. 368.
Same to same for like tallies on Leonard Robinson, Receiver for London, Westminster and Middlesex of the last Poll [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 2], for 30,000l. (altered from 20,000l.) to Stephen Evance in repayment of the like sum by him lent this day. Ibid.
Money warrant for 1,107l. 7s. 1½d. to Charles Bertie, Treasurer of the Ordnance, to be paid to Samuel Lash, carpenter, in part of 4,000l. for stores and services for the Ordnance : to be paid out of the like sum lent or to be lent by him. (Money order dated May 28 hereon.) (A like order dated June 2 hereon, being the date of his making said loan.) Ibid, p. 369. Order Book III, pp. 84, 91.
Like warrants and orders for the following sums to same for the creditors of the Ordnance for stores and services as follows : [To each money warrant as follows there are two money orders, (1) separate money orders corresponding with the money warrants and (2) money orders for repayment of the equivalent loan. As there was frequently a delay in making the loan, the second order is frequently dated several days after the first order in the respective cases. The device of paying creditors out of their own loans is very clumsy and illustrates the distress of the Treasury] : viz. :
Tho. Hawgood, cutler, 1,813l. 16s. 7d. for bayonets and hangers. (Money order dated June 2.)
Peter English, cutler, 467l. 6s. 8d. for repairing swords and hangers and for bayonets. (Money order dated June 2.)
John Hill, cutler, 533l. 6s. 0d. for new bayonets. (Money order dated June 2.)
Anne Marks, 207l. 4s. 0d. for freight at Portsmouth. (Money order dated June 2.)
John Sylvester, smith at Portsmouth, 799l. 8s. 3¼d. (Money order dated June 2.)
Nathaniel Hunt, 1,317l. 14s. 0d. for tents etc. (Money order dated June 2.)
William Cooling, beltmaker, 1,050l. for belts, girdles etc. (Money order dated June 2.)
Hester Gibbon, 2,480l. 2s. 1d. for canvas etc. (Money order dated June 5.)
Mary Braybrook, 1,001l. 4s. 6d. (Money order dated June 5.)
John Hardwyn, 925l. 4s. 7d. for ladles, sponges etc. (Money order dated June 5.)
Anne Cawthorne, 485l. 17s. 10d. for books, paper etc. (Money order dated June 5.)
Judith Bateman, 1,016l. 0s. 4d. for tents etc. (Money order dated June 5.)
Eliz. Baker, 2,014l. 3s. 4d. for holsters etc. (Money order dated June 5.)
Matthew Bateman, 1,080l. 18s. 11d. for stores. (Money order dated June 5.)
William Waterman, 1,022l. 8s. 10¾d. for turner's wares. (Money order dated June 5.)
(The duplicate credits of orders for repayment of loan money are entered on p. 94 of the Order Book under date June 5, being the dates of the loans, and are for John Sylvester, Peter English, John Hill, Tho. Hawgood, William Cooling, Nathaniel Hunt and Ann Marks : in each case for the sums respectively under their names as above. For the remainder see infra, p. 699.)
Money Book X, p. 370. Order Book III, pp. 87, 88, 91, 94.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 14,500l. to Thomas Lloyd on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Paymaster of the Works : for the service of the Works. Hereof 8,000l. is to be issued out of loans to be made by said Lloyd on the first 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20] and 6,500l. out of loans to be made by him on the Temporary Excise [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 3]. Disposition Book VIII, p. 153.
Same to same to issue 8,000l. forthwith to William Harbord on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of Ireland : to be paid to Robert Henley upon account for wheat, wheat meal, bread, bisquett, oats, brandy and English spirit by him bought for the service of the Army in Ireland and for the relief of Londonderry and for other services in Ireland. Hereof 4,000l. is to be issued out of loans to be made by said Henley on the Temporary Excise and 4,000l. out of his like loans on the Customs. Ibid.
William Jephson to Mr. Blathwayt to prepare a royal warrant to authorise said Harbord to forthwith pay said Robert Henley of Bristol 12,560l. 0s. 7½d. for wheat etc. ut supra : and for allowing said items in Harbord's accounts [of moneys for the Forces in Ireland]. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 281.
Same to same for like warrants to authorise payments by Harbord as follows, viz. : 3,500l. to Mr. Cuff and Mr. Vickers for 150 tons of cheese for the Army in Ireland, by order of the 7th inst. from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland ; 1,000l. to Capt. Greenhill at Chester for transport of the Army, by like order dated Mar. 26 last ; 2,000l. to said Greenhill and Capt. Atkinson to be distributed among the masters of the transport ships, by like order of the 13th inst. ; 349l. 0s. 4d. to Robert Radford for sacks and biskett bags furnished to Commissary Shales by like order of April 11 last ; 634l. 4s. 0d. to Mr. Lord and partners for shoes. Ibid, p. 282.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Charles Bertie touching his accounts as Treasurer of the Ordnance. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Edward Leneve, one of the deputed searchers, London port, shewing that on Jan. 5 last he seized 61 pieces of French silks, value 900l., which on Feb. 3 following were burned according to the Act prohibiting all trade with France : that under said Act there is no encouragement [or reward] to the seizer, save the value of the goods to be recovered on the importer : that Edward Barton was the importer of said goods, who delivered them to two porters at Clapham to be privately conveyed to London, but he is absconded and is not to be heard of : therefore praying some reward for said seizure. Reference Book VI, p. 179.
Same to Mr. Harbord [as Surveyor General of Crown Lands] of the petition of the Duke of Grafton for a grant of several parcels of ground [so] intermixed with the freehold of Cleveland House that they cannot well be distinguished. Ibid, p. 180.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Rodbard, shewing that upwards of 4,000l. is due to him for butter, cheese and hops delivered for the service of the Navy in the time of the late Commissioners of the Victualling and that he is still delivering goods to the present Commissioners, from whom he has received no payment, having delivered them upwards of 6,000l. worth ; so that he is in arrear more than 12 months for such deliveries to the Navy : therefore praying that said 4,000l. incurred in the old Commissioners' time may be paid out of the [400,000l.] appropriated [by the Act for the 2s. Aid] to the Navy [and] Victualling. Ibid.
May 27. Royal warrant to the Treasury Lords for 10,000l. to Thomas Neale, Master and Worker of the Mint ; as imprest for the service of the Mint : out of the Coinage Duty. (Money warrant dated May 27 hereon.) (Money order dated May 31 hereon.) [The authority for this sign manual warrant is stated in all three entries to be the privy seal of 1689, April 19, see supra, p. 84 : but the ultimate authority must be the privy seal of Mar. 11, supra, p. 5.] King's Warrant Book XV, p. 57. Money Book X, p. 378. Order Book III, p. 89.
Treasury warrant to James Herbert, esq., Receiver General of the moneys arising by prizes, to pay, out of said moneys, 100l. to George Oxenden, Dr. of Laws, for one year's salary to Lady day last, as Judge Official and Commissary of the Court of Admiralty of the Cinque Ports. Money Book X, p. 372.
Money warrant for 50,000l. to Sir Rowland Gwyn, Treasurer of the Chamber : as imprest for the expence and service of his office and as in further part of 100,000l. by the privy seal of 1689, May 30, ut supra, p. 134. (Money order dated May 28 hereon.) Ibid, p. 373. Order Book III, p. 84.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of any disposable, unappropriated moneys) 80l. to the Earl of Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe. (Same to said Montagu to pay same for Bibles, Common Prayer Books and other necessaries furnished by the Chapel Closet Keeper in the campaign.) Disposition Book VIII, p. 154.
Same to Mr. Harbord. It is the King's pleasure that you pay 200l. to Col. John Beaumont on account of pay as Col. of a Regiment of Foot in Ireland. Ibid, p. 155.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of the moneys of the small branches of the revenue) 120l. 5s. 4d. to Solomon Foubert. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to pay out of the Navy's 6,000l. per week the bill of 45l. for the assessments on the officers of the several Yards to the 2s. Aid and Additional 1s. Aid, ut supra, p. 541. Ibid.
May 27 and 28. Same to Mr. Blathwayt to prepare a royal warrant for authorising Mr. Harbord to pay 500l. to Phillip Colby as advance on his contract for clothing (furnishing and clothing with all accoutrements) Sir George St. George's Regiment : same to be reimbursed to the King by deductions, commencing from July 1 next. (Cancelled and repeated on May 28, with the insertion of deductions for said 500l. and for all other moneys paid on this contract.) Out Letters (General) XII, pp. 282, 285.
May 27. Same to same, enclosing the petition [missing] of George French, late an Ensign in the Regiment late commanded by Sir John Edgeworth. My Lords desire you to place him on the list of officers at half pay and to have the like benefit with the rest of the disbanded officers of that Regiment from the time they were established. Ibid, p. 283.
Same to same. Send my Lords a copy of the Duke of Schomberg's commission. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Harbord. It is the King's pleasure, ut supra, p. 395, that Mr. Blathwayt take an account of all moneys paid by any persons for the use of the Danish Forces from the time of their landing in England till the time of their embarcation for Ireland. Give him a statement of your payments on this account. Ibid.
William Jephson to William Blathwaite. It is the King's pleasure that Sir John Morgan, Governor of Chester, have an allowance of 13s. 4d. a day, out of contingencies, from the date of his commission as such, over and above his pay of 10s. a day "as Governor." Please procure a royal warrant for this. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 284.
Same to same to procure a royal warrant for allowing on William Harbord's account [of payments for the Forces in Ireland] the 350l. directed to Harbord the 20th inst. for Mr. Fillingham et al. for a bill drawn on them by Isaack Willison, a Receiver of the 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20] for moneys paid by him to Israell Feilding for the Danes. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Charles Syms as surveyor at the Pill, Bristol port, loco James Whitwood, removed to another station.
Tho. Gowen and William Reynolds as tidesmen and boatmen at Rye loco William Bunch and John Smith, dismissed.
John Cogan as searcher's deputy in Lyme port, with 10l. from the King and 20l. from the searcher or his fees.
William Newberry to have a new deputation as surveyor of the coastwaiters, London port ; he having been examined and found duly qualified.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 156, 157.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Walter Braems for payment of his salary of 15l. 6s. 8d. per an. as comptroller of Sandwich port, in arrear since 1684, Lady day : and for a dormant warrant for payment thereof in future. Reference Book VI, p. 180.
Same to Mr. Harbord of the petition of Peter Longueuille and Daniel Chamineau, shewing that they clothed the three French Regiments and were to be paid out of the offreckonings of those Regiments and there are now nine months in arrear, which comes to 5,459l. 17s. 2d. : therefore praying payment. Ibid, p. 181.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces] of the petition of Francis Hamon, Lieutenant Governor of Landguard Fort, shewing that he was appointed thereto by James II at the nomination of Col. Eyton, who assured him the King would allow him 10s. a day : and petitioner has done the duty ever since, being two years, without any allowance : therefore praying payment for the past and a settlement for the future, for the present Governor, Vice Admiral Killigrew and himself. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners of the memorial of the Treasurer of the Navy, desiring, for the better despatching his accounts, that the ordinaries [quarterly ordinary establishment lists] may be abbreviated and entered in like manner with the extraordinaries, "they being of one and the same nature as he is ready to demonstrate when a time shall be appointed." Ibid.
Same to William Harbord, Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] and Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, of the petition of William Hooker, esq., for a new [reversionary] grant for two lives of the office of Havenator of said Duchy, being now enjoyed by a grant thereof made during the life of William Morrice, gent., son of John Morrice of London, merchant, at 30l. per an. rent. Ibid, pp. 182-3.
[? May 27.] [Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of] the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to John Greathed (assignee under a privy seal by tallies of assignation levied on Tho. Loydnub [sic possibly for Lloyd]) of the lands etc. in co. Yorks of Joshua Greathead, deceased, late Receiver of Hearthmoney in co. Yorks, extended for debt. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 206.
May 27. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of Kempesfeild, Bunches Close and Brownes Close, with the buildings thereon (except the ground as follows granted to a charitable use), all in order to a reversionary lease thereof to John How, esq., for so many years as will fill up the existing term to 99 years at 52s. 6d. per an. rent and 16s. yearly for the price of a sheep and without fine, as of their Majesties' grace and favour.
Prefixing : report by William Harbord, Surveyor General, on said How's petition, supra, p. 548, for same. As expressed in the petition, the premises cannot be distinguished from several other parcels granted to the late Earl of St. Albans by several leases from the late Queen Mother's trustees and from Charles II in Sept., 1674, in both which leases there were 45 years remaining at 1689, Michaelmas ; but I am now informed they are those lands which are comprised in the said leases under the names Kemps Feild and Bunches Close (which were then computed at 22 acres) and Browne's Close, alleged to contain 5½ acres, all parcel of the Bailiwick of St. James's and valued by Sir Charles Harbord in 1674 at 200l. per an. and passed to the Earl of St. Albans at 52s. 6d. per an. rent and 16s. for the price of a sheep. A warrant was prepared for a lease thereof (amongst many other things) to the Earl of Burford, on which I reported 1679-80, Jan. 3, and therein I rated said premises at the same value of 200l. per an., though many tenements had been built thereon by the assigns of the Earl of St. Albans, but most of them were either untenanted or inhabited by poor beggarly people, and several others unfinished, which made the value little more than before it was built on. No such grant passed to the Earl of Burford and there is no considerable improvement in the premises since. But in 1683 Dr. Tenison obtained a grant of a rood and a half for charitable purposes, being the ground on which a tenement then called the Greek Church and certain almshouses are built in the parish now called St. Ann's. The premises are in jointure to the Queen Dowager, who has power to grant further estates if they fall within 31 years during her life. Petitioner has no interest in the present leases.
Ibid, pp. 206-7.
May 28. Royal warrant dormant to the Paymaster of the Forces to pay 2,000l. per an., clear of all deductions and fees, to William Jephson for secret service : without account : by quarterly payments from Christmas last out of the moiety of the deduction of 12d. per £ from the pay of the Forces : the like sum having been paid to him up to Christmas last and no further under the royal warrant of Dec. 20 last, supra, p. 338. King's Warrant Book XV, p. 53.
The like warrant for 800l. per an. to same out of same for same. Ibid.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to John Guise, esq., of the office of constable and keeper of Gloucester Castle : for life : and for a reversionary grant of same, after him, to Thomas Masters for life : and for a further reversionary grant of same, after said Guise and said Masters, to Samuel Eckley for life.
In the margin : memorandum : this should have passed by the Secretary of State.
King's Warrant Book XV, p. 54.
Money warrant for 6,183l. 16s. 7½d. to William Harbord to satisfy the 4,147l. 0s. 1½d. due to James Boddington, esq., for clothing and accoutrements by him furnished to the Regiment of Sir Henry Belasyse (late the Duke of Norfolk's) and the Regiment late of Sir Henry Ingoldsby : and the 2,036l. 16s. 6d. due to Elnathan Lum, esq., for the like furnished by him to the Regiment late the Earl of Drogheda's : being in all 6,183l. 16s. 7½d. : same to be satisfied by the loans made or to be made into the Exchequer by said Boddington and Lum : for which loans orders of repayment with 6 per cent interest etc. are hereby to be drawn. (Money order dated May 31 hereon.) (Three separate letters dated May 28, June 3 as cancelling that of May 28, and June 13 as cancelling that of June 3, from William Jephson to Mr. Blathwayte to procure a royal warrant for authorising the Paymaster of the Forces in Ireland [Mr. Harbord] to pay said sums. In its final form this letter splits the first sum into 2,186l. 12s. 1d. for Belasyse's Regiment and 1,960l. 8s. 0½d. for Ingoldsby's Regiment and inserts a clause directing said Paymaster to reimburse the King by deductions from said Regiments, viz. Belasyse's from Sept. 1 last, to which date they are cleared, and the other two Regiments from Sept. 1 last or from the time of their raising to the time of their disbanding.) Money Book X, pp. 375-6. Order Book III, p. 90. Out Letters (General) XII, pp. 289, 294, 308.
Same for 778l. 13s. 6d. to Charles Bertie, Treasurer of the Ordnance, to be paid to Thomas Brisco as in part of 1,003l. 18s. 6d. for hand screws and other stores delivered to the Ordnance : same to be paid out of said Brisco's loan to the like amount. (Money order dated June 5 hereon. For the loan order, see infra, p. 699.) Money Book X, p. 370. Order Book III, p. 91.
Same for 150,000l. to the States General of the United Provinces in further part of 600,000l. for their charges in his Majesty's expedition into this kingdom : to be paid out of the duties appropriated by the Act [of 1 Wm. and Mary, c. 28]. (Money order dated May 29 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 375. Order Book III, p. 85.
Three money orders for respectively 500l., 500l. and 325l. 4s. 9d. to John Uthwaite in repayment of loans this day made : with 6 per cent interest (see supra, p. 652). Order Book III, p. 86.
Seven same for respectively 1,000l., 507l. 2s. 2d., 500l., 1,000l., 500l., 2,000l. and 4,000l. to Edward Silvester (Sylvester) similarly in repayment of loans made this day (see supra, p. 652). Ibid, pp. 87, 88.
Three same for respectively 1,000l., 1,000l. and 1,220l. 11s. 3d. to William Benge similarly in repayment of loans made this day (see supra, p. 634). Ibid, p. 89.
William Jephson to Mr. Blathwayte, enclosing Mr. Fotherby's account as below of money by him received and paid for the uses of the Danish Forces. My Lords disallow one half of 434l. 2s. 6d. therein demanded for his pains. This will reduce the balance of 434l. 2s. 6d. due to him to 261l. 5s. 3d. Please draw a royal warrant for authorising Mr. Harbord to pay said 261l. 5s. 3d.
Appending : said account, as stated by W. H[arbord] May 22 inst.
Out Letters (General) XII, pp. 285, 286-7.
l. s. d.
12,000l. sent to said Fotherby in specie to York : 22,730l. paid him at several times by Mr. Williamson, Mr. Fox, Mr. Thompson and others 34,730 0 0
as to which charge I [William Harbord] find that he has been paid 34,567l. on several bills of exchange and by money sent to York and a further 170l. of Excise money, the bill for which I have not yet met. The total charge should therefore be 34,737 0 0
paid to the Duke of Würtemberg and Mr. Rosenheim, Commissary General of the Danish Forces, on account of the pay of said Forces 31,660 0 0
paid to the Duke of Würtemberg to buy horses for recruiting the Danish Troops 2,310 0 0
paid (by direction of Mr. Blathwait) to Col. Thomas Fairfax for his extraordinary expence in attending and conducting the Danish Forces from Hull to Chester 103 15 0
to Mr. Butts and Mr. John Fotherby for the like service 35 0 0
to four Commissaries of the Musters, viz. Mr. Marshal, Mr. Righton, Mr. Francks and Mr. Butts, for the like service 120 0 0
to said four Commissaries for the expence of carriages and other contingent disbursements for the Danes 257 1 0
for exchange of money allowed by him to Alderman Carlisle, Mr. Williamson and Mr. Skinner 14 0 10
contingent expences in sending expresses to London and charge of waggons and carriages, boats and carts from Chester to Hoylake and for horses and furniture bought for himself and man 160 18 0
for wages [to himself] for six months 120 0 0
poundage of 3d. per £ on 34,730l. for his pains in receiving and paying said sum 434 2 6
£35,215 6 6
leaving a surplusage of £478 6 6
The sum of 31,660l. paid as above to the Danish Forces on account of their pay will be deducted from them when I [Harbord] come to clear with them according to their muster rolls. All the remaining items of the discharge I submit to the Treasury Lords' consideration.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Robert Christian, for several years a tidesman extraordinary, London port, and for some months established in the list of 70 [such], therefore praying a place as tidesman in fee loco either Paul Badcock, deceased, or Edward Wyneve, lately resigned : petitioner having a great family to maintain. Reference Book VI, pp. 181-2.
Same to same of the petition of Andrew Huddleston of Hutton John, co. Cumberland, gent., for the place of collector of Whitehaven port loco Marke Wildbore, who has not qualified himself according to law by taking the Sacrament and making the Declaration ; petitioner and his father having been instrumental in the late happy revolution at the hazard of their lives. Ibid, p. 182.
William Jephson to Mr. Carleton. I wrote you Mar. 10 and April 30 last, ut supra, pp. 533, 606, concerning Gabriel Guichard's shipments. Guichard complains that, notwithstanding same, you have not discharged the duty on seven pipes of brandy and ten gallons of Queen of Hungary water, "saying your directions were not positive enough to discharge them without charges." You are forthwith to discharge the duty thereon. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 24.
May 29. Money warrant for 910l. to Robert Molesworth for six months to the 29th inst. on his ordinary of 5l. a day as Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Denmark. (Money order dated May 31 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 369. Order Book III, p. 85.
Same for 105l. 8s. 2d. to William Duncomb, esq., for a bill of extraordinaries, Jan. 10 last to April 10 last, as Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Sweden. (Money order dated May 31 hereon.)
Appending : said bill, as allowed May 27 ult. by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham (except the first item thereof, which is left to the Treasury Lords' cognizance) :
Money Book X, p. 376. Order Book III, p. 85.
l. s. d.
fees at the Treasury and Exchequer on receipt of 1,485l. 13s. 10d. 69 7 6
postage of letters (at Stockholm, 327 copper dollars, 2 [marks] 2 [orts] ; at Hamburg, 328 copper dollars, 1 [mark] 2 [orts]) 27 10 0
procuring and transcribing several papers, 204 [copper dollars] 8 10 0
£105 8 2
Treasury warrant to Sir Rowland Gwyn, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay 10l. to Thomas Hearne [a messenger of the Chamber] for his charges in dispersing his Majesty's circular letters when Prince of Orange : as by a bill examined by Thomas Atterbury, clerk of the cheque to the messengers of the Chamber. Money Book X, p. 377.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any disposable money in the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book VIII, p. 156.
l. s. d.
to William Harbord to answer a bill drawn from Ireland payable to Sir Ralph Box 70 0 0
to ditto for a same drawn from thence, payable to Dennis Liddall, esq. 1,500 0 0
to ditto for two of Count Solm's aides de camp, pursuant to the King's warrant 76 0 0
to ditto for Col. Beaumont for his pay as Colonel, as by the King's order 200 0 0
to ditto for three French captains, who came from Ireland for recruits for three French Regiments 300 0 0
to ditto for the Mayor of Hull, by the King's warrant, for the use of the Danish Forces 42 14 5
to ditto for Monsieur Pereira for waggons 3,000 0 0
to ditto to Seir Terail for Callimott's recruits and necessaries provided for them 200 0 0
to the Earl of Ranelagh for subsistence [of the Forces, England], including the three Regiments of [Visct.] Castleton, [Duke of] Bolton and [Sir George] St. George 3,444 0 0
to ditto to clear the Earl of Oxford's Regiment to May 1 3,500 0 0
to ditto to be paid over to Monsieur Vander Esch for the Dutch Forces as follows, viz. 4,962l. 5s. 0d. to clear the Regiments of Mackay, Ramsey and Lawder to Mar. 31 last ; 12,500l. to clear the Regiments of Shack, Oyen, Boncour, Monpoullian, Scravemore and Zuylesteyn to May 1 [last] 17,462 5 0
to [the Earl of Portland for] the Privy Purse 10,000 0 0
to me [Jephson] for secret service out of the residue of 40,955l. 6s. 9d. and out of any other disposable money that is or shall come into the Exchequer 1,300 0 0
"30,000l. formerly directed to be reserved is now intended to be applied towards payment of the money before [sic for above] appointed."
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt The [existing money] order for the Privy Purse will not bear the 10,000l. this day [as above] desired to be issued. Please pay by way of advance what it fall short, "it being for his Majesty's extraordinary service, which cannot abide any delay." Care shall be taken for [fresh money orders based upon fresh money] warrants for the regular issue thereof. Disposition Book VIII, p. 157.
Same to same. Sir Charles Cottrell has agreed with my Lords to lend 2,000l. into the Exchequer on credit of the Temporary Excise. My Lords desire you thereout to reserve 843l. 6s. 8d. to be issued as follows, viz. 6000l. to said Cottrell and 243l. 6s. 8d. to John Dormer. Ibid, p. 158.
William Jephson to Mr. Hall for a copy of the bond given by Eliz. Marshall and Cuthbert Gibson of Doncaster to the Earl of Rochester "when Postmaster General." Out Letters (General) XII, p. 285.
Same to Mr. Cuff and Mr. Vickers. I read to my Lords yours of the 26th inst. from Chester and have sent to the Auditors of Imprests that part of it relating to Mr. Frith's account. As to the latter part of it, my Lords last week ordered 3,500l. for buying cheese "and will take care to answer the rest of your demands as soon as possibly they can." (Same to said Auditors, enclosing extract of said part concerning Frith's account.) Ibid, p. 288.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant for allowing in Mr. Harbord's accounts [of money for the Forces in Ireland] the 3,000l. directed to him this day for Monsieur Pereira for waggons. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Aldworth to deliver to the Auditors of Imprests all such papers and accounts relating to the late management of the Hearthmoney as you formerly received from them and particularly an interest account which remains in your hands : all in order to the making up of the accounts of that revenue. Ibid.
[?] Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of a lease to Tho. Edolph, gent., of concealed tenements and woods in Kent for 60 [61] years, ut supra, pp. 646-7. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 208.
May 29. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the manor of Dauntsey, forfeited to the King by Sir John Danverse : all in order to a lease thereof to the Earl of Monmouth.
Prefixing : note of said Earl's petition for said grant.
May 30. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to appoint Charles Fox and Tho. Coningsby as Paymasters of the Army in Ireland in place of William Harbord, who has been so employed since the King's accession. The King therefore hereby creates, establishes and confirms an Office to be called the Office of Receiver General and Paymaster of the Forces employed and to be employed in the reducing of Ireland and the contingent charges thereto belonging : and grants said office to said Fox and Coningsby : with power to execute same by deputy : during pleasure : with power to receive all moneys payable either at the Receipt in England or at the hands of the Vice Treasurer, Treasurer at War or Receiver General of Revenues in Ireland, for the pay and contingencies thereof ; and to issue and pay same for the pay and contingencies of said Forces according to establishments and warrants signed and to be signed by the King : they to make and pass their accounts once every year in the usual course of the Exchequer : in their payments they to observe the directions of royal warrants or warrants from the Treasury Lords. For their pains herein they shall have just and reasonable allowances and rewards made to them on their accounts by royal warrant under the sign manual. Nothing herein is to prejudice the office of Vice-Treasurer, Treasurer at War or Receiver General of Revenues, Ireland, which is granted to said William Harbord during pleasure "other than as to the payment of the said Forces and the contingent charges thereunto belonging." (The great seal hereon bears date 1690, June 5.) King's Warrant Book XV, pp. 54-6.
Royal warrant to the Treasury Lords for the issue of 20,000l. to William, Earl of Portland, without account : for the service of the Privy Purse. (Money warrant dated May 31 hereon.) (Money order dated June 4 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XV, p. 57. Money Book X, p. 380. Order Book III, p. 95.
Money warrant for 100,000l. to Charles Bertie, Treasurer of the Ordnance, as imprest for land and sea service performed and to be performed by the Office of Ordnance. (Money order dated May 31 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 376. Order Book III, p. 90.
Same for 200l. to Mr. Le Bas for two years to 1690, Lady day, on his salary as Marshal of the Ceremonies. Money Book X, p. 377.
Same for 300l. to Sir Thomas Duppa, Gentleman Usher Black Rod, for 1½ years to Lady day last on his pension of 200l. per an. (Money order dated May 31 hereon.) Ibid, p. 378. Order Book III, p. 89.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt. My Lords are informed by Mr. Hall that he has paid 3,000 guineas into the Exchequer to complete the 30,000l. he was to lend. My Lords have agreed that the Tellers should take them at 1l. 1s. 9d. per guinea. Care will be taken that they shall be issued [out again] at that rate. Disposition Book VIII, p. 157.
Same to same. Mr. Le Bas, Marshal of the Ceremonies, has agreed with my Lords to lend 500l. on credit of the Temporary Excise. Please issue 200l. thereout to said Le Bas. Ibid.
Same to same. Mr. Charles Bertie, Treasurer of the Ordnance, will forthwith lend 13,333l. 6s. 8d. on the Act for the Customs and the East India Company will lend 20,000l. on same. Please issue the total 33,333l. 6s. 8d. to said Bertie on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer of the Ordnance. Thereof 20,000l. is intended for the East India Company to complete 60,000l. for saltpetre and the remainder is for the ordinary of the Ordnance Office as in full of 40,000l. for same. If the existing unsatisfied orders do not equal the above total the balance for which orders are wanting is to be issued by way of advance [till fresh money orders can be prepared]. Ibid, p. 158.
Same to same to issue 1,000l. to me [Jephson] for secret service out of any disposable money, after satisfaction of what was yesterday appointed. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Bishop of Exeter. In your former letter you intimated that the silver and other things taken out of the sea by the agents of Mr. Ford should be delivered [to him]. But in yours of the 22nd inst. you still make a difficulty of delivering same. Your commission as Admiral of South Cornwall is dated 1689, July 20, which is long after the patent of grant to Ford and after the silver was actually taken up and in the patentee's possession and an account thereof given to the Treasury Lords. Your commission does not import any grant to you of any things of this nature, but only an executory power during pleasure to enquire of treasure found or to be found and to take, receive and obtain same to the use of the King and of the Lord High Admiral and to account for same in the High Court of Admiralty. We therefore see no reason to vary from the opinion of the Attorney General. Ford's security will be sufficient to answer any just claim you can have. We earnestly repeat our former desires upon sight hereof to immediately deliver to the order of Ford and his partners. As to Mr. Wharton's patent, it relates to a new invention and [we] cannot imagine that it will give him a title to these goods. Out Letters (General) XII, pp. 289-90.
William Jephson to the Customs Commissioners to permit the transport to Scotland, Customs free, of clothing, arms, tents etc. for Sir James Leslie's Regiment of Foot at Inverness.
Appending : schedule of same, signed by Humphry Biskell, agent [to said Regiment] (793 surtouts for soldiers ; 60 firelock muskets, 2,000 flints ; 60 Fr[ench] tents ; scarlet cloth, red shalloon lining, blue cloth, silver and gold buttons and galloon for the officers' coats and a red coat with plate buttons made up ; clothes for Lieut. Lascells, Ensign Carleton and Capt. Paget).
Out Letters (General) XII, pp. 290-1.
Treasury reference to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of — for a grant of the reversion of Dogghouse Field, Bunches Close and Hedge Field, parcel of the manor of St. James's, after the 46 years unexpired of the term granted by Charles II to the Earl of St. Albans. Reference Book VI, p. 183.
Same to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, of the petition of Capt. John Folliot for the office of collector of Cork or for some other place in the Customs. Ibid.
Same to John Wildman, esq., Postmaster General, of the petition of Hippoletto Luzancy, clerk, minister of the town of Harwich, shewing that three small frigates are taken up for his Majesty's service to carry his Majesty's letters to Holland, which frigates constantly belong to the port of Harwich and are paid out of the revenue of the Post Office ; and a shilling per month is constantly taken out of every seaman's pay, sixpence whereof goes to the chest at Chatham, 2d. to the surgeon and a groat to the chaplain, which in the town of Dedfort [Deptford] for want of a chaplain on board his Majesty's yachts lying there has been and is paid to the minister of said town ; that petitioner does all the offices of a chaplain to the seamen [of said frigates], though not on board by reason of their small complement of men and their short voyages ; therefore prays allowance of said groat to himself as minister of Harwich. Ibid, p. 184.
May 31. Treasury warrant dormant to Thomas Fox, Customs Cashier, to pay the salary of 72l. 8s. 4d. per an. to Thomas Veel and Richard Breton as customer of Sandwich port. Money Book X, p. 378.
Money warrant for 100l. to Peter Guenon Beaubuisson, Gentleman of the Bows etc., for one year to Lady day last on the allowance for keeping the Private Armoury at Whitehall etc. (Money order dated June 2 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 379. Order Book III, p. 90.
Treasury warrant to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, to pay (out of the revenue of Ireland) 150l. each to Dr. Robert Gorges, Col. John Hill and Henry Davys for their trouble and pains in acting as Commissioners for the management of the revenue in Ireland in such places as were under his Majesty's subjection, they having been thereto appointed in August last by the Duke of Schonberg and having performed that service for three months till the officers deputed from England arrived in Ireland ; in which time they brought in above 3,000l. Money Book X, p. 380.
Money warrant for 30l. to Jane Browning for half a year to Lady day last on her annuity, ut supra, p. 637. Ibid, pp. 380-1.
Same for 58l. 5s. 0d. to Pierre Guenon de Beaubuisson, Gentleman of the Bows, for one year to Lady day last on his fee or annuity. Ibid, p. 381.
Confirmation by the present Treasury Lords of Ralph Williamson's salary warrant, supra, p. 255. Ibid, p. 98.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to instruct the Tellers to receive guineas at the rate of 1l. 1s. 9d. each, not exceeding 100,000 guineas, upon account of the loan the city of London is to make. The Tellers are to keep an account how many they so receive at that rate ; and my Lords will take care that they be [re-]issued at the same rate. Disposition Book VIII, p. 159.
Same to same to issue 460l. 3s. 4d. to Sir Rowland Gwynn out of the money reserved in the Exchequer for the Treasurer of the Chamber. Same is to be by him paid to Mr. Van Lone, Mr. Rotterman and Mr. Hamond as follows. Ibid.
Same to said Gwyn to pay said 460l. 3s. 4d. as follows, viz. : 198l. 6s. 8d. to Monsieur Van Lone, serjeant surgeon, for half a year to Michaelmas last on his salary and 74l. 5s. 0d. for riding charges according to the Lord Chamberlain's warrants ; 80l. to Mr. Rottermont, Apothecary to the Household, for same half year's salary and 74l. 5s. 0d. for like riding charges ; 33l. 6s. 8d. to Mr. Hamond, Assistant Gentleman Usher, for same half year's salary. "And because they are to go to Ireland with the King" you are to pay them forthwith. If regular warrants are wanting to justify such payment my Lords will supply the defect thereof. Ibid, p. 160.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners. My Lords have considered your proposal concerning the debts due to Mr. Goodwyn, Sir Jo[h]n Banks, Mr. Lavander and Mr. Rodbard for provisions furnished by them to the Victualling Office, viz. 643l. 1s. 7d. to the first three and 4,176l. 3s. 5d. to Rodbard. My Lords are willing they should make loans on the 2s. Aid and be paid thereout. And my Lords "direct that the remainder of the moneys so appropriated [as by the appropriating clause in the Act of 1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1, for said Aid] after the bills of exchanges are paid be distributed among the rest of the creditors for victualling, when received." Ibid, pp. 159-60.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Queen Dowager the 1,500l. per week for two weeks, which my Lords have directed the Excise Commissioners to pay into the Exchequer. Disposition Book VIII, p. 161.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay in 1,500l. per week for two weeks as above : only one 1,500l. having been paid on the like direction of the 14th inst., supra, p. 631, "and the remainder [the other 1,500l. having been] applied to other uses there" in the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 162.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to send an officer to the lodgings of the Baron de Bongardt, Envoy from the Elector Palatine, to seal his things in order to their transport to Holland.
Appending : list of said goods (boxes etc., four horses).
Out Letters (General) XII, p. 291.
The Treasury Lords to Sir William Prichard. You were absent when the Lords delivered the King's message to the city for lending money for the service of Ireland. We desire you to give your own assistance and to encourage all your friends to assist in the making of this loan with all speed and to communicate this letter to such as were absent at the carrying of the said message and particularly to Sir William Turner, Sir Samuel Dashwood, Sir Thomas Vernon, Sir Thomas Fowle and Mr. Johnson, the goldsmith in Cheapside, desiring them to assist and encourage their friends in like manner. Please give us an account hereof with all speed. Ibid.
William Jephson to Mr. Blathwayt to procure royal warrants to authorise William Harbord to pay 1,300l. and 400l. to Mr. Wharton for buying carriage horses, being moneys received by him from Mr. Eggleton and Mr. Ambrose, ut supra, p. 638. Ibid, p. 292.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to visit the goods of the Envoy from the Elector of Brandenburg in order to their being transported, Customs free. Ibid.
Same to Lord Griffin. Unless you send to the Auditors [of Imprests] your accounts [as late Treasurer of the Chamber] by the first day of next term, in order to their being passed, process will issue against you. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Victualling Commissioners of the petition of Champion Ashby, shewing that there is due to him 722l. 13s. 10d. for butter and cheese delivered for victualling the Navy during the time of the late Commissioners of the Victualling and petitioner still continues giving further credit and has now near 3,000l. owing to him [incurred] in the present Commissioners' time "and is still issuing as their occasions require" : that per contra he is indebted to the King in considerable sums by bills of exchange accepted by him, payable to the Excise Commissioners, in whose hands said bills remain : that he cannot discharge said bills or give further credit without some payment. Therefore desires a tally upon the Excise for 241l. 10s. 0d. and 481l. 3s. 10d. (making 722l. 13s. 10d. in all) to discharge said bills. Reference Book VI, p. 183.
Treasury reference to Sir George Treby, Attorney General, of the petition of Henry Herbert, esq., shewing that Bevis Floyd has been Receiver for many years of the Crown Revenues in South Wales and became about 9,000l. in arrear : that James II granted 5,000l. thereof to Mr. Robinson and the remaining 4,000l. or thereabouts is still unpaid to the Crown, besides some other arrears and concealments of said revenue in the time of James II : therefore petitioner prays a grant of said remains in consideration of faithful services. Reference Book VI, p. 184.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners of the petition of several creditors of the Victualling, praying [liberty] to make loans on the 2s. Aid for the satisfaction thereout of their debts [part whereof incurred under the late Commissioners of the Victualling and to which, by consenting hereto, the Treasury Lords would extend the benefit of the appropriating clauses in the Act for said 2s. Aid]. Ibid, p. 185.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to William Blathwayte of two houses called Little Wallingford House and Pickering House for 31 years at 13s. 4d. per an. rent : without fine : in consideration of his putting the premises in repair and defending the Crown's title thereto.
Prefixing : (a) particular of the premises. They extend west from an open place to St. James's Park wall, north to Wallingford House and yard, south to the house in the tenure of Sir Robert Holmes, kt., and east to said open place : all as demised to the Countess Dowager Marischal 1673, Aug. 10, for 99 years terminable on her life. (b) Memorandum and ratal thereon by William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 208-10.
Same to Thomas Done, one of the Auditors of Imprests, to allow to Richard Kent, late Cashier of the Customs, in his account of the Coinage Money 1685, Aug. 1, to 1686, Sept. 29, as follows the 472l. 5s. 4d. which he craves for himself and the Comptroller General of the Accounts of the Customs as [an allowance of] 4d. per £ each out of the allowance of 12d. per £ granted by the Act of Parliament [18 and 19 Car. II, c. 5], which granted said duty of Coinage Money : such allowance as above having been authorised by Treasurer Danby 1674, Sept. 23, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. IV, p. 584.
Prefixing : said account as stated and reported on by said Done the 14th inst.
Ibid, p. 211.
l. s. d.
[moneys of the Coinage Duty received] from the receivers in London port 11,750 0 0
ditto from the several collectors in the outports 2,418 1 8
£14,168 1 8
repayments [of duty] for goods imported and afterwards exported from London port 7 2
repayments for damaged goods and over entries 7 14 9
money paid into the Exchequer 13,590 2
£13,604 19 3
remains, 563l. 2s. 5d.
Treasury warrant to Thomas Done, an Auditor of Imprests, to allow in account as follows to Charles Fox as [former] Paymaster General of the Land Forces : viz. : 1,549l. 12s. 0d. for interest money ; 392l. 8s. 9d. for Exchequer fees [and for his own poundage] for 40,000l. paid without poundages and for losses in payments ; 730l. for charges of his clerks and recompence of his service as Treasurer for the Hospital at Chelsea : making in all 2,672l. 0s. 9d.
Prefixing : said Done's report, dated May 14 last, on Fox's petition referred ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VIII, p. 2174. (1) On Fox's account for the year ended 1685, Dec. 31 (declared 1687, Dec. 9) there was due to him [a surplusage of] 11,265l. 9s. 9½d. This sum was not repaid him till 1687-8, Feb. 11, as is certified by the Auditor of the Receipt. The interest thereon for the interim period at 6 per cent (making the interest principal every six months) is 1,499l. 6s. 7d. The interest on said 1,499l. 6s. 7d. from 1687, Feb. 11 (the time of repayment of the principal) to 1688, Sept. 3, is 50l. 5s. 5d. ; making together 1,549l. 12s. 0d. for interest due. (2) As to the second article of the petition, one third of the deduction of 12d. per £ [from Army pay] is charged upon petitioner in his said [Army] account and a third more in his account of the Royal Hospital near Chelsea, but what the Exchequer fees are upon the receipt of the money does not appear. (3) In the said account of the Forces there was about 40,000l. for which no poundage was charged, no deductions having been made for same. "It does not appear to me either what was paid for Exchequer fees or what lost in payment, but supposing the sums in the petition so paid and lost as is alleged I have nothing to object against the allowance thereof." (4) As to the fourth item, there has been no allowance to petitioner either in his account for said Hospital or in any other account before me either for the charge of his clerks after the time of his dismission from his employment [as Paymaster General of the Forces] or for his services as Treasurer of said Hospital. The 750l. prayed therefor is reasonable. From the time of the erecting said Hospital to 1685-6, Feb. 28, 38,895l. 4s. 10¾d. was received and 37,640l. 16s. 9d. was paid on account thereof, leaving in said accountant's [Fox's] hands 1,254l. 8s. 1¾d.
Money Book X, pp. 385-6.