Entry Book: May 1690, 21-25

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: May 1690, 21-25', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp647-665 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: May 1690, 21-25', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp647-665.

"Entry Book: May 1690, 21-25". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp647-665.


May 1690, 21-25

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
May 21. Royal warrant to the King's Advocate General and Procurator General jointly and severally to appear before the Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury or his surrogate or any other competent Judge herein to desire letters of administration to be granted to Robert Manning of the personal estate of Dorothy Manby, late of the parish of St. James's, Clerkenwell, who died April 27 intestate, without kin. King's Warrant Book XV, p. 13.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a [privy] seal for issue of 500,000l. to Edward Russell, Treasurer of the Navy : as imprest for the Navy and victualling. (Money warrant dated May 30 hereon.) (Money order dated May 31 hereon.) Ibid, p. 13. Money Book X, p. 377. Order Book III, p. 87.
Establishment of Army pensions as follows, in the usual form of a royal warrant to Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster General of the Forces, to pay same as from 1689, May 1, by equal quarterly payments on the usual certificate from the Commissary General of the Musters of the recipients being alive and in no military employment : viz. : King's Warrant Book XV, pp. 14-16.
Per an.
l. s. d.
Major Le Hunt 109 10 0
Lady Ognati 50 0 0
Mris. Fitzharrises children 73 0 0
the widow of Sir Ralph Freeman 50 0 0
Mris. Elizabeth Mansfeild 60 0 0
the daughters of Mr. Pendvillis [Pendrell] 100 0 0
Mris. Maugridge 18 5 0
Sir Robert Welsh 45 12 0
Lieut. Houston 73 0 0
Capt. John Pim, 73l. ; Capt. Ralph Salkield and Capt. Tho. Smyth, 36l. 10s. 0d. each : these three to commence from 1689-90, Jan. 1 146 0 0
Capt. Christopher Congrave 73 0 0
Michael Bellamy 36 10 0
Francis Byam 50 0 0
William Claypoole 36 10 0
John Kirle 30 0 0
John Menty [? Meuty] 36 10 0
Richard White 15 0 0
Berkenhead Beverley and Robert Goldsbrough, each 36 10 0
John Eveverard [Everard] 27 7 6
Rowland Brock 36 10 0
Nathaniell Hill 30 0 0
Charles the More 27 7 6
Tho. Honywood 40 0 0
Simon Heveningham 36 10 0
Lodowick Howard 27 7 6
Francis Hammond 45 12 6
Humfrey Okeover 27 7 6
Anthony Pollard 45 12 6
Marmaduke Greenfeild 10 0 0
Simon Adams, Francis Smyth, Thomas Nelson, each 27 7 6
William Weight 15 0 0
James Hyde, Stephen Hales, senr., Thomas Brockholes, John Breres, John Drawcourt, Ralph Errington, Ralph Haggerston, William Molhneux, Edward Wivell, John Hows, each 27 7 6
Thomas Stourton 40 0 0
Sheldon Napier 27 7 6
Walter Forster 18 5 0
William Salwin 27 7 6
Richard Barbour 40 0 0
William Lotherington 36 10 0
John Graham 27 7 6
Henry Chapman and Daniel Barry, each 36 10 0
Richard Green 27 7 6
William Holyday 9 2 6
Roger Hewett 31 0 0
John Sarazon and John Bertram, each 18 5 0
Charles of Forrell [O'Farrell] 27 7 6
William Aberiathy 54 15 0
Richard Latham and Robert Riddle, each 27 7 6
William Legg 36 10 0
Robert Nelson 18 5 0
Robert Powell 36 10 0
Howard Brock 27 7 6
Inde Leight, 27l. 7s. 6d., and Humfrey Cooper, 18l. 5s. 0d. : these two to commence from 1689-90, Jan. 1 45 12 6
Gerrard Foulkes, 36l. 10s. 0d. ; Henry Lester and Lancelot Sedgewicke, 27l. 7s. 6d. each : these three to commence from 1690, May 1 91 5 0
Col. John Legg 100 0 0
Major Markham 52 0 0
Thomas Smyth, Leonard Blancheville, Cornelius Muluyan, Daniell Brady, William Dullard, Dennis Gorman and Nicholas Carney, each 27 7 6
Total establishment £2,930 7 0
Royal warrant to Sir Rowland Gwynn, Treasurer of the Chamber, to commence as from 1688, Christmas, the 600l. per an. for the beagles contained in the establishment of the Chamber, ut supra, p. 600, viz. 236l. per an. for James Walsingham, Master of the Beagles, 170l. per an. for two horse huntsmen, and 194l. for a foot huntsman. King's Warrant Book XV, p. 16.
Same to Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster of the Forces, to pay 5,000l. to Solomon de Medina, without deductions, as in full for carriages furnished the last summer by Monsieur Machado and Pereira to the English Forces in Flanders "according to the usual rates allowed in those countries." Ibid, p. 17.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for installing the First Fruits of John Hough, President of St. Mary Magdalen College, Oxford, as Bishop of Oxford : viz. by three payments of 85l. 16s. 11¾d. on 1691, June 24 ; 85l. 16s. 11¾d. on 1692, June 24, and 171l. 14s. 0d. on 1693, Jan. 24 : on the Bishop's own bond only and with the usual clause for ceasing of further liability on avoidance. Ibid, pp. 17-18.
Same to the Treasury Lords to pay Solomon Foubert (Floubert) 120l. 5s. 4d. in part of allowance due as follows : he having been admitted a supernumerary Equerry of the Great Horse Stable in ordinary to Charles II by warrant of 1679, June 1, and came into present waiting and was to have allowances equal to the rest of the Equerries, which according to the retrenchment made by Charles II was 109l. 6s. 8d. per an. : which allowance for 5½ years, 1679, June 24, to 1684, Christmas, comes to 601l. 6s. 8d. (Money warrant dated May 23 hereon.) (Money order dated May 26 hereon.) Ibid, p. 19. Money Book X, p. 357. Order Book III, p. 81.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to constitute Philip Darcy, esq., Sir Roger Langley, bart., Sir Edward Ayscough, kt., John Parkhurst, Charles Dering, John Carpenter and Charles Middleton as Principal Commissioners for Prizes : with power to depute Sub-Commissioners in the ports and officers necessary to solicit the prosecuting the King's title in the Admiralty Court, or as storehouse keepers or warehouse keepers : and with power to constitute a Control Office if need be and to appoint officers thereto : and out of the moneys of prizes to pay to the Sub-Commissioners 300l. per an. each and other salaries and incidents to the said Control Office etc. : all with the salary of 500l. to each of said Commissioners as from Lady day last : during pleasure : the present commission to supersede that lately granted to Sir Thomas Littleton, bart., Sir Edward Ayscough, Sir Roger Langley, bart., Benjamin Overton, John Parkhurst, John Carpenter and Charles Dering : but the arrears of salary due to said late Commissioners are hereby to be paid ; and no part of Philip Darcy's salary shall be paid until the said Benjamin Overton's arrears be so paid ; and similarly Charles Middleton's salary not to be paid till payment of Sir Tho. Littleton's arrears. Further, John Dyve is hereby to be appointed secretary to said Commissioners with 500l. per an. salary as from Lady day last, and the arrears of his said salary to that date are hereby to be paid him. King's Warrant Book XV, pp. 19-21.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for the issue of 100,000l. to Charles Bertie, Treasurer of the Ordnance, as imprest for land and sea service of the Office of Ordnance. (Money warrant dated May 30 hereon.) (Money order dated May 31 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XV, p. 25. Money Book X, p. 376. Order Book III, p. 90.
Same to same for a same dormant for tallies on the receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall from time to time for the yearly sum or pension of 30l. to the Bishop of Exeter for an able minister for his encouragement to take care of the souls of the inhabitants of the borough of Lostwithiel : the same having been allowed for several years past by the King's predecessors in regard that the inhabitants of said borough were destitute for want of the allowance they formerly received from the farmers of the pre-emption of tin : and the last privy seal for renewing this grant having become void by the present King's accession : and the King being piously disposed to promote so good a work : to be payable from 1688, Michaelmas, during pleasure : it appearing from certificate of William Taylor, gent., deputy auditor of said duchy, that said pension has been paid to 1688, Michaelmas. King's Warrant Book XV, p. 58.
Same to same for a privy seal for arranging payment as follows of 4,147l. 0s. 1½d. to James Boddington for clothing and accoutrements by him furnished to the Regiment of Sir Henry Belasyse (late the Duke of Norfolk's) and the Regiment late of Sir Henry Ingoldsby ; and of 2,036l. 16s. 6d. to Elnathan Lum for the like furnished to the Regiment late of the Earl of Drogheda. On the pattern of the like privy seals, supra, pp. 616-7, same are to be paid out of loans to be made by said Boddington and Lum, the moneys of which loans are to be issued to William Harbord to be paid over to them : the orders of repayment of which loans are to be secured on the 2s. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1] and to rank on the register thereof after the full total of previous sums (300,000l., 400,000l. and 99,864l. 8s. 11¼d. [sic]) charged on said register, ut supra, ibid. Ibid, pp. 87-91.
May 22. Privy seal for the Fee Farm Trustees in terms, ut supra, p. 608. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 463-6.
Royal warrant to the Treasury Lords to give warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Sir Henry Fane, Kt. of the Bath, of several pieces of land in St. Margaret's, Westminster, lying outside the wall of St. James's Park and extending 570 feet in length north from the tenement of John Webb to south where are several sheds in the tenure of William Storey towards the Longditch and 25 feet in width from the said wall east to several dwellings in Duke Street. The said lease to be for 50 years at 6s. 8d. per an. : but as to the 70 foot length (part of the above) which was leased to Sir Edward Hales in 1687 for 31 years at 10l. per an. rent, the present is only to take effect therein at the end of said term : but the present grantee, Fane, is hereby to be also granted the said rent of 10l. per an. and the arrears thereof. The present grant is to pass without fine in consideration of said Fane's good services. Ibid. XV, p. 22.
For the Treasury order of this day for satisfying Gilbert Spencer's 20l. money order, see supra, p. 467. Order Book III, p. 69.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Earl of Ranelagh, to clear Visct. Colchester's Regiment to Jan. 1 last, the 7,130l. 13s. 4d. which will be lent into the Exchequer as follows on credit of the Temporary Excise, viz. 2,000l. to be lent by Visct. Colchester ; 5,130l. 13s. 4d. to be lent by Newdigate Owsley, esq. Disposition Book VIII, p. 144.
Same to same to issue as follows out of any unappropriated money in the Exchequer : viz. : Ibid, p. 145.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the Earl of Scarborough's Troop 2,954 18 4
to William Harbord for Col. Romer 61 0 0
to ditto for Capt. De Vignoles 37 15 0
to ditto for Lieut. Du Rour 15 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the Controller of the Dutch Artillery, for ammunition carts 781 16 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Marine Regiments 6,000 0 0
to the Privy Purse 500 0 0
Same to the Excise Commissioners to satisfy forthwith ("being for his Majesty's special service") the enclosed tally [not detailed] on the Excise for 2,000l. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to direct the Tellers to receive 5,000 guineas on loan from Mr. Hall at the rate of 1l. 1s. 9d. each, said loan being on the credit of the Customs. These guineas are to be reserved in the Exchequer for Mr. Harbord to be sent to Ireland at the same rate [of 1l. 1s. 9d. each]. Ibid.
Same to same to take in and reserve for my Lords' particular disposition the 30,000l. which Mr. Stephen Evance will this day lend into the Exchequer on credit of the Poll last granted [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 2]. Ibid, p. 146.
Same to same to issue 300l. to Sir Rowland Gwyn (out of the money reserved in the Exchequer for the Treasurer of the Chamber) : same to be paid over to James Walsingham, esq., Master of the Beagles, for half a year to June 24 last for him and the other officers of the Beagles. (Same to said Gwyn to so pay same.) Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite to prepare a royal warrant for allowing in the accounts of William Harbord [of moneys for the Forces in Ireland] 4,117l. 10s. 6d. for Cheshire cheese bought of Mr. Nathaniel Hawes and Tho. Rodbard for the Army in Ireland. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 278.
May 23. Money warrant for 120l. 13s. 10d. to William Duncombe for a bill of extraordinaries, 1689, Aug. 23, to 1689-90, Jan. 10, as Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Sweden. (Money order dated May 14 [sic erratum for May 24] hereon.)
Appending : said bill, as allowed by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham.
Money Book X, p. 356. Order Book III, p. 77.
l. s. d.
for postage of letters at Stockholm for four months 15 6 8
[for ditto] at Hamburg for seven months 29 19 0
for mourning for the Electress Dowager of Brandenburg and Prince Adolph, the King of Sweden's uncle 10 0 0
for entertainments to several foreign ministers 10 0 0
for New Year's gifts 28 6 0
for stationery ware 7 4 0
for procuring and transcribing several papers 5 1 8
fees at the Treasury and Exchequer on receipt of 414l. 9s. 1d. for extraordinaries 14 16 6
£120 13 10
Money warrant for 1,365l. to William Duncombe for nine months or 273 days to the 23rd inst. on his ordinary of 5l. per day as Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Sweden : the first three months of said ordinary having been paid him by advance to Aug. 22 last. (Money order dated May 14 [sic erratum for May 24] hereon.)
Appending : certificate by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham that said Duncombe kissed hands and departed out of the presence 1689, May 23, in order to his said employment.
Money Book X, pp. 356-7. Order Book III, p. 77.
Same for 34l. 5s. 0d. each to Benjamin Cooling and Nathaniel Cocks for three quarters to Lady day last on their allowance of 2s. 6d. a day each as keepers of the Council Chamber. Money Book X, p. 357.
Same for 50l. to the Treasurer of King Charles I's Hospital in Westminster for one year to Christmas last on the annuity for keeping and bringing up poor fatherless children in said Hospital. (Money order dated May 28 hereon.)
50l. to the churchwardens of St. Margaret's, Westminster, for same year on the annuity for the relief of the poor of said parish. (Money order dated May 28 hereon.)
Ibid, p. 358. Order Book III, p. 83.
Same for 9,507l. 2s. 2d. to Charles Bertie, Treasurer, of the Ordnance, to satisfy debentures to that amount produced by Edward Sylvester, master smith, being part of 10,127l. 4s. 9d. owing him for stores delivered and services performed relating to the Office of Ordnance : to be satisfied out of 9,507l. 2s. 2d. lent or to be lent by him on credit of the Exchequer in general : in manner ut supra, p. 650. (Money order dated May 24 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 359. Order Book III, p. 78.
Same for 1,325l. 4s. 9d. to same : to be similarly paid to John Uthwaite for cordage, tar, pitch etc. furnished to the Office of Ordnance : as in part of 4,425l. 4s. 9d. due to him thereon : to be paid ut supra. (Money order dated May 26 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 359. Order Book III, p. 79.
Same for 100l. to the churchwardens of St. Martins in the Fields, co. Midd., for one year to Christmas last for relief of the poor of said parish. (Money order dated May 28 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 359. Order Book III, p. 83.
Treasury warrant to Sir Rowland Gwynn [Treasurer of the Chamber] to pay (out of the 7,000l. lately directed to you for the messengers) sums as follows to the messengers [of the Chamber] as follows for their charges in dispersing his Majesty's circular letters throughout England and Wales, their bills for same being examined by Tho. Atterbury, clerk of the cheque to said messengers, and 28 of them signed by William Jephson [Secretary to the Treasury] and the remaining 29th by the Marquess of Halifax : viz : to Geo. Bromwich, 10l. 8s. 0d. ; Hen. Evans, 31l. and 45l. 2s. 0d. ; Rob. Edowes, 3l. 19s. 0d. and 118l. 16s. 6d. ; Bartho. Walker, 9l. 10s. 0d. ; Simon Chapman, 24l. 12s. 6d. ; Samuel Cook, 26l. 12s. 0d. ; Thos. Widdowes, 9l. 0s. 6d. ; James Kitson, 29l. 5s. 6d. ; Thomas Smith, 14l. 8s. 0d. ; Richard Edwardson, 13l. 8s. 0d. ; William Richardson, 14l. 1s. 0d. ; Geo. Collins, 30l. 15s. 0d. ; Zach. Bourne, 32l. 5s. 0d. ; Thomas Beak, 17l. 19s. 0d. ; Thomas Saywell, 24l. 19s. 6d. ; Isaac Cotton, 13l. 15s. 0d. ; Francis Clark, 22l. 4s. 6d. ; Hen. Legat, 30l. 18s. 0d. ; Ralph Young, 28l. 13s. 0d. ; Hen. Allen, 16l. 5s. 0d. ; William Sharp, 21l. ; Thomas Marlow, 16l. 2s. 0d. ; Thomas Lea, 31l. 9s. 6d. ; Francis Street, 21l. 5s. 6d. ; St. John Taylor, 12l. 13s. 0d. ; West Young, 13l. 0s. 6d. ; John Gibbons, 6l. 14s. 0d. (total, 690l. 2s. 0d.). Money Book X, pp. 359b-60.
Same to the Receipt for tallies to discharge the baronetcy fee of 1,095l. due to the Crown from Sir John Ramsden of Byram, co. Yorks. Ibid, p. 362.
Money warrant for 227l. 10s. 0d. to John Andrew Eckhart, Resident at Brussels (Resident in Flanders), for three months to Mar. 27 last on his ordinary of 50s. a day : his first three months' ordinary to Dec. 27 last having been paid him by advance. (Money order dated May 26 hereon.)
Appending : certificate by Secretary the Earl of Shrewsbury that said Eckhart took leave 1689, Sept. 28, in order to his said employment.
Ibid, p. 362. Order Book III, p. 80.
Same for 133l. 6s. 0d. to same for a bill of extraordinaries 1689, Sept. 26, to 1690, Mar. 26, in said service. (Money order dated May 26 hereon.)
Appending : said bill, as allowed April 18 last by Secretary the Earl of Shrewsbury.
Money Book X, p. 363. Order Book III, p. 81.
l. s. d.
for passing my privy seal 25 8 0
for half a year's correspondence and intelligence from several parts 47 3 0
for half a year's postage of letters received or sent forward 35 15 0
for removing my family from the Hague to Brussels 20 0 0
for an express sent to Ghent and Bruges at the request of the Governor of Flanders 5 0 0
£133 6 0
Same for 910l. to Sir William Dutton Colt, kt., for six months to May 27 inst. on his ordinary of 5l. a day as Envoy Extraordinary to the Princes of Brunswick and Luneburg. (Money order dated May 26 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 363. Order Book III, p. 81.
Money warrant for 239l. 2s. 0d. to Sir William Dutton Colt, kt., for a bill of extraordinaries for six months 1689, Aug. 28, to 1689-90, Feb. 28, as Envoy Extraordinary to the Dukes of Brunswick and Luneburg and to the Landgrave of Hesse Cassell. (Money order dated May 26 hereon.)
Appending : said bill, as allowed April 11 last by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham (except the last item, which is left to the Treasury Lords as properly belonging to their cognizance : the first four articles being specially allowed as relating to Colt's journey to Cassell, which he performed by the King's special command).
Money Book X, pp. 364-5. Order Book III, p. 81.
l. s. d.
laid out on a journey to Cassel, the residence of the Landgrave of Hesse, from Zelle, and back again with my family and equipage 30 4 0
charges for presents to a gentleman, page, drums, trumpets, stables, footmen and attendance at my audience 20 11 0
given to several officers of the Court at my taking my leave [such] as the kitchen, cellar etc. 20 5 0
paid for lodging my family at Cassell a month and given to the servants 12 10 0
given a present for information early of many things that pass 20 0 0
charges for a constant lodging for myself and family both at Hanover and Wolfenbüttel for half a year and for following this Duke in his constant progresses, besides my constant expence at Zelle ; this country affording no accommodation in their public places of entertainment, being so very mean and miserable 50 0 0
a gratuity for an agent at the Hague for half a year and sending me pamphlets and conveying my letters to the several places where I happen to be 12 0 0
mourning for myself for the Electress Dowager of Brandenburg, to appear in all these Courts 12 13 0
paid for postage of letters, pamphlets and other printed papers and for paper, wax and other things for the six months 37 6 0
Exchequer fees upon 657l. for one quarter's pay due 1689, Nov. 29, and a quarter's extraordinaries due 1689, Aug. 28 23 13 0
£239 2 0
Same for 910l. to Thomas Coxe for six months to April 19 last on his ordinary of 5l. a day as Envoy Extraordinary to the Swiss Cantons : his first three months' ordinary to Oct. 19 last having been paid him by way of advance. (Money order dated May 26 hereon.)
Appending : certificate by Secretary the Earl of Shrewsbury that said Coxe took leave of the King 1689, July 20, in order to his journey into Switzerland.
Money Book X. p. 365. Order Book III, p. 82.
Money warrant for 300l. to Philibertus Hervart for six months to the 2nd inst. on his ordinary of 600l. a year as Resident in the City and Republic of Geneva ; his first three months' ordinary to Nov. 2 last having been paid him by way of advance. (Money order dated May 26 hereon.)
Appending : certificate by Secretary the Earl of Shrewsbury that Hervart kissed hands 1689, Aug. 2, in order to his departure.
Money Book X, p. 366. Order Book III, p. 82.
Same for 74l. 8s. 4d. to same for a bill of extraordinaries, 1689, June 15, to 1689-90, Feb. 2, as Resident at Geneva. (Money order dated May 26 hereon.)
Appending : said bill, as allowed Mar. 21 last by Secretary the Earl of Shrewsbury.
Money Book X, pp. 366-7. Order Book III, p. 82.
l. s. d.
fees at the Secretaries [of State's] Office 14 17 6
fees at the Treasury 4 0 10
fees at the Signet Office for the [privy] seal [for my ordinary] 6 5 0
Exchequer fees on 200l., being equipage money and on 150l. advance of ordinary 14 5 0
for the King['s] and Queen's picture 10 0 0
for warrants to pass my things and for embarking them and carrying me and my servants aboard and for passage to Holland, I have paid in all 25 0 0
£74 8 4
Same for 200l. to Hugh Hughes ("whom his Majesty hath employed in his service in Germany") for services already performed there. (Money order dated May 26 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 367. Order Book III, p. 82.
Same for 455l. to William, Lord Paget, for three months to Mar. 7 last on his ordinary of 5l. a day as Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor of Germany : his first three months' ordinary to Dec. 6 last having been paid him in advance. (Money order dated May 28 hereon.)
Appending : certificate by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham that Lord Paget kissed hands and departed out of the presence Friday, 6 Sept., 1689.
Money Book X, p. 369. Order Book III, p. 86.
Same for 388l. 12s. 0d. to same for a bill of extraordinaries, 1689, Sept. 6 to Dec. 6, in that service. (Money order dated May 28 hereon.)
Appending : said bill, as allowed Feb. 20 last by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham ("by his Majesty's particular command" as consisting chiefly of expenses relating to his journey, audience and the two Coronations, but the article of Exchequer fees being left to the Treasury Lords' cognizance).
Money Book X, pp. 371-2. Order Book III, p. 86.
l. s. d.
for charges in passing a privy seal 19 15 0
for Exchequer fees on 955l. 22 17 0
for intelligence, postage and Gazettes 30 0 0
for extraordinary expenses of house rent at Augsburg, which stood me in 20l. a week, and for gratuities and many other accidental expences 150 0 0
for the freight of the ship hired to transport my retinue, goods and horses etc. 60 0 0
for the land carriage of my goods to Augsburg 30 0 0
for my first audience at three Courts, viz. the Emperor, Empress and King of Hungary 36 0 0
presents and other charges at the two Coronations and Election 40 0 0
£388 12 0
Money warrant for 2,700l. to Sir Thomas Windham, son and heir of Sir Francis Windham ; 1,650l. thereof for 2¾ years' arrear to 1684, Christmas, on the annuity or pension of 600l. granted by Charles II to said Sir Francis and his heirs for ever and 1,050l. for 1¾ years, 1688, June 24, to 1690, Lady day, on same. Money Book X, p. 371.
William Jephson to the officers of the Ordnance to advise my Lords what quantity of saltpetre be fit to be reserved for a store : the East India Company having desired leave to export saltpetre on giving security for reserving a store for the King's use and for not transporting to any enemy country. Ibid, p. 379. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 293.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to reserve in the Exchequer for my Lords' particular direction the 30,000l. lent into the Receipt by Mr. Stephen Evance on the credit of the Poll Act : and further to issue as follows out of the loans made by Mr. Bernard Eales, Mr. Boddington, Mr. Hall and others and out of any other disposable money in the Exchequer other than the said Evance's loan : viz. : Disposition Book VIII, p. 147.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Bellomont for the Queen 12,500 0 0
to Mr. Molesworth, Envoy in Denmark 1,067 14 3
to Mr. Duncomb, Envoy in Sweden 1,485 13 0
to Visct. Dursley, Envoy in Holland 985 16 0
to Lord Paget, Envoy to the Emperor of Germany 843 12 0
to Sir William Dutton Colt, Envoy to Brunswick etc. 1,149 2 0
to Sir Paul Rycaut, Resident to the Hanse Towns 711 13 0
to Thomas Cox, Envoy to the Swiss Cantons 910 0 0
to Philibert Hervart, Resident at Geneva 374 8 4
to Jo. Andrew Eckart, Resident at Brussels 360 16 0
to Hugh Hughs, esq., employed in Germany 200 0 0
to me [Jephson] for secret service 9,411 5 5
£30,000 0 0
Same to same to issue (out of the money reserved in the Exchequer for the Treasurer of the Chamber) 20l. to Sir Rowland Gwyn to be paid to Tho. Richardson, late one of the children of the Chapel Royal. (Same to said Gwyn to so pay same pursuant to the Lord Chamberlain's warrant of July 17 last.) Ibid, pp. 147, 148.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of the moneys of the small branches of the revenue) 100l. to the poor of St. Martins in the Fields ; 50l. to the ditto of St. Margaret's, Westminster ; 50l. to King Charles's Hospital there. Disposition Book VIII, p. 148.
Same to same to issue (out of any disposable money in the Exchequer) 34l. 5s. 0d. each to Benjamin Cooling and Nathaniel Cocks. Ibid.
Same to same. The Treasurer of the Navy or his cashier will forthwith make loans into the Exchequer on the Act for the Customs [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 4] of such sums as will make up the present loans [from all sources] thereon to 200,000l. ; and then Mr. Charles Bertie, Treasurer of the Ordnance, will lend upon the same Act 33,333l. 6s. 8d. ; and afterwards the Treasurer of the Navy or his cashier will lend so much more on said Act as will make his other aforesaid loans [up to] 60,000l. My Lords desire that this total of 60,000l. be issued to the Treasurer of the Navy on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the Navy, being designed for the current service thereof ; and that said 33,333l. 6s. 8d. be issued to said Bertie upon any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Ordnance ; whereof 20,000l. is intended for the second payment of the East India Company, which will make 40,000l. in part of 60,000l. for saltpetre ; and the remaining 13,333l. 6s. 8d. is to be for the second payment for the ordinary of the Ordnance Office, which makes 26,666l. 13s. 4d. [then paid] in part of 40,000l. for said ordinary. If there be not [in existence] sufficient [unsatisfied] orders for the abovesaid sums, then my Lords desire that the balance for which orders may thus be wanting may be issued by way of advance [until such time as money warrants and orders be prepared to cover same]. Ibid, pp. 148-9.
Same to same to issue (out of moneys reserved to the Treasurer of the Chamber) 348l. 10s. 0d. to Sir Rowland Gwynne to be paid to Dr. Hutton, 200l. for half a year's salary and 148l. 10s. 0d. for riding charges. (Same to said Gwynne to so pay same.) Ibid, pp. 149, 150.
Same to same to issue (out of any disposable money in the Exchequer) 500l. to Mr. Harbord to be paid to Mr. Coleby in part of his contract for clothing Sir George St. George's Regiment. (Same to said Harbord to pay same to Coleby.) Ibid, p. 150.
Same to Mr. Man to allow in the account of Mr. Hall, Receiver of Hearthmoney, all such tallies as he shall produce for payments made by him at the Exchequer. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 278.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces]. According to Auditor Aldworth's state of the accounts of Capt. Mathew Ingram, who was appointed by the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland to take care of clothing all Regiments of Horse and Foot and Dragoons of Inniskillen and Londonderry and of packing up and sending same to Chester, there is due to said Ingram as follows, viz. : 965l. 8s. 9d. due to Ingram himself (inclusive of his cravings of 119l.) ; 16,501l. 0s. 8d. to the clothiers ; 634l. 4s. 0d. to the shoemakers : or in all 18,100l. 13s. 5d. My Lords desire you to draw a royal warrant for authorising Mr. Harbord to pay this sum. "But you are to insert in the said warrant a special direction for Mr. Harbord for reimbursing their Majesties as well the said sum of 18,100l. 13s. 5d. as all other moneys which he hath paid or shall pay upon account of the said clothing [viz.] by deductions out of the pay of the officers and soldiers respectively." Ibid, pp. 278, 279.
William Jephson to the Customs Commissioners to report on the petition of James Frontin and partners and also on his former petitions.
Appending : said petition, shewing that in 1689 there arrived for them 75 tun of wine in uncertain cask, which were only admitted to entry as terces, hogsheads or puncheons, whereby they would lose 36 gallons in every tun : whereon they petitioned, but no report has been made thereon.
Out Letters (General) XII, p. 278.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,000l. to Sir Thomas Windham out of money lent or to be lent by said Windham into the Exchequer on credit of the Temporary Excise or Customs. Ibid, p. 279.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt, enclosing the petition of George Trench, ut supra, p. 632. My Lords desire you to take care he be placed on the list of officers at half pay. Ibid.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners to report on a memorial [? of the Navy Treasurer or his cashier], desiring that the following three bills may be paid on the [400,000l. appropriated to the Navy by the Act for the] 2s. Aid : viz. : 1689, Nov. 20, for 411l. 1s. 10d. to Andrew Goodwyn for beef etc. ; Dec. 20 for 94l. 12s. 0d. to Sir John Banks ; Nov. 26 for 137l. 7s. 9d. to William Lavender. Ibid, p. 280.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to prepare the usual royal warrant for allowing in William Harbord's account [of moneys for the Forces in Ireland] the following sums for clothing and accoutrements furnished : viz. by James Moyer and Tracey Pancefort to the Earl of Meath's Regiment, 2,342l. 8s. 1d. ; by Paul Darby to Visct. Lisburne's Regiment, 1,840l. 18s. 4d. ; by Paul Darby, John Prigg and Clement Wakelin to Col. Beaumont's Regiment, 1,621l. 17s. 0d. ; by Tracey Pancefort and James Moyer to Col. Villiers' Regiment, 500l. ; by Robert Cragg, slopseller, for 4,000 surtouts by contract with the Committee for Irish Affairs, 2,200l. ; in all, 8,505l. 3s. 5d. Insert a clause for reimbursing same to the King by deductions out of the soldiers' pay. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to lay aside the Customs ketch employed at Plymouth and the adjacent coast, her commander being dead and she unable to go to sea to perform the service on the coast by reason of the war : and instead thereof to establish another able tidesurveyor at 50l. per an. and three able boatmen of said ketch's crew at 30l. per an. each with incidents, making 140l. in all, which will save 82l. 4s. 0d. per an. on the establishment of said ketch, "and the service better performed by the said tidesurveyors taking their turns every night upon the water." Tho[mas] Lastly, long one of the boatmen and sometimes commanding said ketch, is hereby to be said tidesurveyor. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 155.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners, renewing a warrant of the late Treasurer Rochester of 1685, April 25, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VIII, p. 139, empowering said Commissioners to grant extraordinary commissions from time to time for seizing uncustomed and prohibited goods. Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 155-6.
Treasury reference to the Trustees for Sale of Fee Farms of the petition of Sir John Banks, ut supra, p. 343. The Trustees are hereby to make the usual contract for a reprisal. Reference Book VI, p. 113.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Ephraim Sandford, Receiver General of the First Poll [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 13] and 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20] for co. Westmorland, praying allowance of 80l. for his extraordinary charges therein. Ibid, p. 177.
Same to Aaron Smith of the petition of Robert Russell, esq., for a grant (according to the King's promise) of the estate of Sir Roger Strickland in Thornton Bridge, Dishforth, Norton and elsewhere, co. Yorks, attainted for high treason. Hereon Smyth is to certify the fact of the attainder and the value of the estate. Ibid.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Henry Brabant, shewing that his father, Sir Henry Brabant, was farmer of Excise for cos. Northumberland and Durham, for which he gave bond in 2,000l. and other bonds for 4,700l. (conditioned to pay 2,350l. on Lady day, 1668) and for 2,350l. (conditioned to pay 1,175l. on 24 June, 1668, at which date his farm determined) : that the great sickness and the first Dutch war lessened the value of said farm so much that he did not raise the rent of 4,700l. reserved on said farm, but lost thereon and moreover lost about 6,000l. in arrears, which were uncollected by him when his farm was let to others ; wherefore he petitioned Charles II for an abatement and was promised same : but from his papers it appears that the whole farm rent due 1668, June 24, was paid, except only 1,372l. 9s. 0d. or thereabouts, which remains due to the King, and also 140l. received by him [petitioner's father] for Customs in Sunderland during the suspension of the collector there : that petitioner's said father is dead, leaving a small personal and no real estate and that much encumbered and a widow and four children unprovided for : therefore prays a grant of said debts with liberty to sue in the King's name for recovery of same : all in view of the loyalty of said father, as also of petitioner himself, which is attested by Capt. Copley, Lieut. Governor of Hull. Ibid, p. 178.
Same to Sir Christopher Wrenn of the petition of William Fanshaw, esq., on behalf of himself and neighbours in the Spring Garden, shewing that the ground lying between the Park and the Duke of Northumberland's house, which in Charles I's time was a bowling green, is become a great nuisance to the inhabitants by the continual throwing of filth and dirt there : therefore praying that same may be enclosed and cleansed and made a garden and that he may be keeper thereof. Ibid, p. 179.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Sir Henry Fane of a parcel of land, ut supra, pp. 650-1, on terms ut ibid.
Prefixing : (a) constat of the premises and (b) ratal thereof by William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Followed by : a later Treasury order, dated May 28, for excepting out of this lease the house of John Webb, pondkeeper to their Majesties, and the yard on the north side thereof, about 71 foot by 29 foot.
King's Warrant Book XV, pp. 23-4.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of a close called the Marsh Lands in St. Giles's, co. Midd., with a view to a lease thereof to Thomas Neale, in reversion of the lease to Sir Richard Stydolph, which determines 1731-2, Mar. 12 : at the old rent of 3l. per an. and increased rent of 97l. per an. and fine of 100l.
Prefixing : (a) said Neale's petition (as referred from the King to the Treasury Lords Jan. 1 [? ult.] and by said Lords to Mr. Harbord Jan. 14) : petitioner shewing that said close was granted 1601-2, Mar. 12, to Nich. Morgan and Thomas Horne for 60 years in reversion of three lives, which ended 1655-6, Mar. 12 ; that on 30 Aug., 1672, Charles II granted to Sir Richard Styddolf, kt. and bart. (in whom said lease to Morgan became vested by several mesne assignments), a 16 years' extension of the existing term ; therefore praying a reversion for 18 years, which will fill up the existing term again to 60 years. (b) Report thereon by William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The grant of Aug., 1672, was without fine as an encouragement to Styddolfe to erect some new buildings on the premises, there being then only some very small old houses standing thereon, some of two and others but of one clear story under the roof, in respect whereof the reversion [to the Crown] was esteemed of very little value. This piece of ground has been leased by Sir Richard Stydolfe to one James Kendrick for 31 years from 1660, Sept. 29, with other lands adjoining of about 10l. per an. value, at 40l. per an. rent and 180l. fine, by which it seems the premises were then esteemed worth 50l. per an., and I am informed that the small houses now standing thereon and built by said Kendrick (though most of them are ruinous and must be rebuilt) have raised the present value thereof to near 100l. per an. Petitioner claims no interest in the existing term.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 204-6.
Treasury reference to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, of the petition of Sir John Edgworth for the place of searcher, packer and gauger in the Customs House, Dublin, vacant by the death of his brother [? in law], William Scott, esq., "the said place having been in the family near 80 years." Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 24.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to renew the deputations to officers as follows in the ports named at the salaries named : viz. :
Rochester : Richard Knightly, surveyor (40l. per an.) ; Geo. Fitz Rolandson, waiter and searcher (20l.) ; Jonathan Rogers and Barth. Jones, boatmen (20l. each).
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 157-9.
Sandwich : Michaell Walford, collector (40l. and 10l. for a clerk) ; Benj. Fisher, waiter (30l.) ; Richard Weaver and Thomas Meers, boatmen (30l. each) ; Andrew Oneale, waiter and searcher at Broadstairs (25l.) ; Francis Coxen, ditto at Ramsgate (25l.) ; John Anderton and his mate, boatmen at Margate, 30l. each.
Cowes : Thomas Cole, collector (100l. and 10l. for a clerk and 20l. additional) ; Peter Southwick, surveyor (50l.) ; Francis Rumney, waiter and searcher (for the patent searcher's fee and 20l. from the King) ; Robert Eden, waiter (40l.) ; Nicholas Whittle and Tho. Butler, waiters and searchers (30l. each and 10l. additional) ; Nich. Jordan and Walter Clarke, tidesmen and boatmen (10l. each) ; Samuel Plumb and Richard Tucker, tidesmen (10l. each) ; Stephen March, waiter and searcher at Newport (10l. and 10l. additional) ; William Lisle and Richard Young, boatmen at St. Helens (25l. each) ; Thomas Goodman, waiter at Yarmouth (30l.) ; Richard Evans, his assistant (25l.) ; John Platt and Peter Richards, boatmen at Hurst (25l. each) ; William Gird and William Jorden, boatmen at Bewly (25l. each).
Poole : William Bowles, collector, to act as deputy customer (20l. per an. from the customer and fees, and 60l. from the King, and 10l. for a clerk and 10l. for additional salary for the new imposts) ; Francis Draycot, surveyor, to have the command of the water guard of the port and to keep a vessel constantly manned and in action (150l.) ; William Crudge, to act for the King's searcher (20l. from him and 10l. from the King) ; Alexander Browne, Robert Watts, James Imber, Burnett Brewer, John Hall, tidesmen (30l. each) ; Henry Welsted, waiter and searcher at Studland Bay, John Somers and Rando. Chamberlaine, additional boatmen there (25l. each and 5l. additional each) ; Thomas Cole, waiter and searcher at Swanage (10l. and 15l. additional) ; John Symonds, ditto at Wareham (10l. and 10l. additional).
Weymouth : Robert Bernard, comptroller (20l. in lieu of fees taken from him in other ports) ; Samuel Dassell, waiter and searcher (30l. and 10l. additional) ; John Clarke, John Knowman, Devereux Beale, Moses Shaw, Hugh Nawton, Benj. Bokin, tidesmen (25l. and 5l. each) ; Nicholas Culliford, riding surveyor at Lulworth (40l.) ; William Gibbs, waiter and searcher at Portland (25l.) ; Thomas Tonstall, tidesurveyor ibid. (20l. and 10l. additional).
Lyme Regis : Thomas Tye, surveyor (70l.) ; William Bennett, deputy comptroller (20l. from the comptroller and 10l. from the King) ; Edward Bethome, landwaiter (30l. and 10l.) ; Francis Wells, John Swetland, Robert Watts, Thomas Vigeon, William Fortescue, tidesmen (25l. each) ; Digory Gorge, waiter and searcher at Charmouth (10l. and 10l.).
Exeter : Charles Orchard, collector (for patent salary 30l. and allowance for clerks 50l.) ; George Beck, surveyor (80l.) ; Randolph Floyer and John Harrison, landwaiters (30l. and 10l. each) ; Paul Buncher, additional waiter (30l.) ; George Savill, ditto (40l.) ; George Sandford, Ralph Merson, tidesurveyors (70l. each) ; Peter Ceely, searcher, to attend the coast business (50l.) ; James Stringer, waiter (25l.) ; Richard Coppleston, his assistant (30l.) ; John Clotworthy, weighing porter and to assist as waiter (30l.) ; Peter Bancks, Joseph Smith, William Orchard, Richard Darke, John Withers, William Mead, tidesmen (10l. each) ; John Hitchcock, Samuel Hoare, boatmen (20l. each) ; John Carter, waiter and searcher at Seaton, Peare [Beer] and Branscombe (10l. and 10l.) ; Jeremy Holecross, waiter and searcher at Sidmouth (10l. and 10l. additional and 10l. to keep a horse) ; William Vinicombe, tidesman at Exmouth (20l.) ; John Clarke, waiter and searcher at Lympston (20l.) ; Henry Jennings, ditto at Teignmouth and Dawlish (20l. and 20l.) ; Nath. Baily, Robert Toye and Tho. Langdon, tidesmen and boatmen at Starcross (20l. each) ; Richard Shipton, warehouse keeper ibid. (10l.).
Dartmouth : Thomas Bowes, collector (80l. and 10l. for a clerk) ; Christopher Wise and Edward Corbin, boatmen (10l. and 5l. each) ; George Mills, tidesman and boatman at Torquay (15l. and 2s. a day when employed on shipboard) ; Thomas Hartley, waiter and searcher at Totnes (30l.) ; Richard Mallock, ditto at Brixham (10l. and 10l.) ; Francis Tree, tidesman and boatman, ibid. (at 15l. and 2s. a day when on board ship) ; George Kingston, waiter and searcher at Salcombe (20l. and 10l.) ; Ambrose Wells and Joseph Halks, additional tidesmen ibid. (15l. each).
Plymouth : George Dickinson, collector (for himself and clerks 120l.) ; John Hutchins and Henry Glisson, landwaiters (25l. and 15l. each) ; Peter Contee, warehouse keeper (25l. and 5l.) ; Jeremy Kenward, coastsurveyor (20l. and 10l.) ; Paul Hicks, tidesurveyor (60l.) ; Benj. Hercules, Anth. Hill, Thomas Hurt, John Redding, John Paine, Tho. Rolt, Tho. Holman, Samuel James, Phillip Holditch, William Stephens, Tho. Fulham, Hugh Piper, Archer Salmon, Gilbert Packer, Phillip Evans, tidesmen (10l. each) ; Thomas Lastly, Peter Bayly, Timothy Piffe, William Luckham, boatmen (10l. and 10l. each) ; Jasper Bowling, boatman (20l.) ; William Buck, Hen. Mannel, weighing porters (20l. each) ; John Bolytho, collector, surveyor and searcher in the Scilly Isles (60l.) ; Peter Philipi, John Jenkins, Henry Tregear, boatmen ibid. (15l. each).
Falmouth : Richard Upton, tidesurveyor (40l.) ; John Seacombe, waiter and searcher (25l. and 5l.) ; John Taylor, to take care of the boat (at 2s. a day when employed and 10l. from the King) ; John Cockram, William Perry, Abra. Moody, Dennis Swinny, Nich. Jeffreys, James Trestean, tidesmen and boatmen (25l. each) ; Richard Cuttance and Benj. Whitfeild, waiters and searchers at St. Mawes (25l. each) ; James Cockram and Robert Henshaw, waiters and searchers ibid. (15l. and 10l. each).
May 24. Treasury warrant to Francis Dickens, woodward of New Forest, to pay 900l. to the keepers of said forest for three years' salaries to Lady day last ; same having been paid to Lady day, 1686, and 300l., for one year thereon, having since been paid at the Exchequer to William Lacy, late woodward thereof. The present sum is to be paid out of the sale of browsewood and meare wood to be cut and taken up this year within said forest, and if that fall short, then by sale of dotard trees not fit for the Navy. Said sum is to be paid in such proportions to said keepers as shall be directed by the Lord Warden of said forest. An account hereof [of such sales] is to be rendered to the auditor of co. Southants within six months. Money Book X, pp. 360-1.
Money warrant for 546l. to Sir Paul Rycaut, kt., for six months to Mar. 28 last on his ordinary of 3l. a day as Resident with the Hanse Towns : his first three months' ordinary having been paid him by advance to Sept. 27 last. (Money order dated May 28 hereon.)
Appending : certificate by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham that said Rycaut kissed hands and departed on that employ Friday, 28 June, 1689.
Money Book X, p. 373. Order Book III, p. 84.
Same for 165l. 13s. 0d. to same for a bill of extraordinaries, 1689, June 28, to 1689-90, Jan. 1, in said service. (Money order dated May 28 hereon.)
Appending : said bill, as allowed Feb. 28 ult. by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham, by his Majesty's command, except the first article, which is referred to the cognizance of the Treasury Lords.
Money Book X, p. 374. Order Book III, p. 84.
l. s. d.
Exchequer fees on 300l. equipage money and 273l. ordinary 22 7 8
fees at the Secretary [of State's] Office 12 15 0
fees at the Privy Seal [Office] 7 18 6
paid to the captain of the man of war who transported myself and family out of England to Hamburg, 20 guineas 21 10 0
given amongst the seamen 5 8 0
for transport of my goods, 214 marks Lubs. [Lübeck] 16 1 0
for postage of letters to Jan. 1, 117 marks Lubs. 8 15 6
paid the stationer for paper, wax, Gazettes and other prints, 80 marks Lubs. 6 0 0
charges of my journey to Lübeck, 180 marks Lubs. 13 10 0
charges of my journey to Bremen, 582 140 marks Lubs. 43 14 4
New Year's gifts to the officers of the town as usual, 102 marks Lubs. 7 13 0
£165 13 0
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any disposable money in the Receipt : viz. : Disposition Book VIII, p. 151.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for three workes [sic for weeks'] subsistence [of the Forces, England] 8,869 4 0
to the Great Wardrobe for tents etc. 505 7 10
to me [Jephson] for secret service 600 0 0
£9,974 11 11
Same to same to similarly issue 1,094l. for a fortnight's subsistence for the First Regiment of Guards. Ibid.
Same to same to issue to the Treasurer of the Navy, for the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded, the 10,000l. lent or to be lent into the Exchequer on the credit of the Tunnage and Poundage [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 4] by Mr. Russell, Treasurer of the Navy, or Mr. Anthony Stephens [cashier to said Treasurer]. Ibid.
William Jephson to the Victualling Commissioners. My Lords have considered your letter of the 22nd inst. concerning the money due to Thomas Wright and Thomas Middleton, assignees of John Bennet : viz. 7,019l. 2s. 10d. to Wright and 3,322l. 12s. 5d. to Middleton for provisions supplied to the Victualling Office in the time of the late Commissioners of the Victualling. My Lords think they should be paid same out of the money appropriated by the late Act [for the 2s. Aid, 1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1] to the Navy and Victualling if there be sufficient money come in on that Act. If not, then they [Wright and Middleton] may lend so much into the Exchequer on credit of that Act and be repaid thereout. My Lords desire you to take care for the doing hereof as you inform them that "said persons do still continue to give credit to the Victualling Office." Disposition Book VIII, pp. 151-2.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of loans as above to be made by said Wright and Middleton or by their procurement on the 2s. Aid) 10,341l. 15s. 3d. to the Treasurer of the Navy, being to be applied by the Victuallers to pay said debts due to Wright and Middleton. Ibid, p. 154.
Same to same to issue as follows out of any disposable, unappropriated money in the Exchequer : viz. : Ibid, pp. 512-3.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for subsistence to Visct. Castleton's Regiment in part of 1,610l. 6s. 6d. 300 0 0
to William Harbord in full of said 1,610l. 6s. 6d. to said Regiment from Mar. 18 [last] to the 20th inst., being nine weeks 1,310 6 6
to ditto for subsistence for Sir George St. George's Regiment according to his old numbers [by the muster roll] from Mar. 18 [last] to the 20th inst. 1,610 6 6
to ditto for the moiety of the levy money for his [St. George's] recruits not yet paid 260 0 0
to ditto for the pay of the [? said] recruits from their respective days of mustering to the 10th inst. 1,852 16 4
to ditto for the remainder of subsistence to the Duke of Bolton's Regiment for nine weeks, Mar. 18 [last] to the 20th inst. 1,029 6 6
to ditto for Mr. Cuff and Mr. Vickers for 150 tons of cheese for the Army in Ireland, as by letters of the 7th inst. from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland 3,500 0 0
to ditto for Capt. Greenhill at Chester on account for transportation of the Army, as by order of said Committee dated Mar. 26 last 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Capt. Greenhill and Capt. Atkinson to be distributed among the masters of the transport ships, by Order of Council of the 13th inst. 2,000 0 0
to [ditto for] Robert Radford for sacks and biscuit bags furnished to Commissary Shales, by order of the Committee [for the Affairs of Ireland], dated April 11 last 349 0 4
to [ditto for] Mr. Lord and partners, for shoes 634 4 0
(In the margin : "letter writ Mr. Bl" [athwaite to procure a royal warrant for allowing in said Harbord's accounts of moneys for the Irish Forces] the last five of the above items.)
William Jephson to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of the officers and soldiers of the Regiment late under the command of Sir John Edgworth for their arrears of pay. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 281.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant for allowing in Mr. Harbord's accounts [of moneys for the Forces in Ireland] the 700l. ordered him for Mr. Wharton for buying carriage horses. Ibid.
Same to same to recall and cancel the royal warrant directed supra, p. 639, for 36,000l. to Pereyra on his bread contract for the Army in Ireland ; and in lieu thereof to procure five new royal warrants for respectively 12,000l., 6,000l., 6,000l., 6,000l. and 6,000l. [to same for same] "for Mr. Pereyra's better accommodation." Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Geo. Meiden for the next vacancy of a coastwaiter, London port, he having been for some years past very conversant with the officers and become capable of executing most offices at the waterside and is well affected to the present Government. Reference Book VI, p. 179.