Minute Book: September 1690

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Minute Book: September 1690', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp413-417 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Minute Book: September 1690', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp413-417.

"Minute Book: September 1690". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp413-417.


September 1690

Sept. 3.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Vice Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox.
The Navy Commissioners to attend on Friday afternoon next upon the [Navy] Treasurer's memorial of this day.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 114.]
Sept. 5.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : ut supra.
Mr. Stephens to attend on Monday afternoon next.
The Commissioners of Sick and Wounded to attend on Monday afternoon next. Auditor Aldworth to be here at the same time.
[Ibid, p. 115.]
Sept. 8.
Whitehall, Treasury Chamber.
Present : Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox.
Write Sir Edward Seymour to let my Lords know why his account as [late] Treasurer of the Navy is not proceeded with and that he do cause it to be despatched forthwith, in regard that the accounts of the preceding Treasurers of the Navy cannot be perfected for want of the finishing of his.
The like letter to be sent to Visct. Falkland.
[Ibid, p. 116.]
Sept. 9.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Ibid, p. 117.]
Sept. 10.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : ut supra.
Ordered that 6,263l. 5s. 6d. be issued to Mr. Fox to complete the 150,000l. ordered by his Majesty, at his going for Ireland, to be sent thither.
[Ibid, p. 118.]
Sept. 11.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : ut supra.
Order to the Exchequer to pay Mr. Robson the 3,000l. he lent upon the Poll.
[Ibid, p. 119.]
Sept. 12.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Vice Chamberlain, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
Mr. Stephens [is] called in about a demand of 2,300l. to complete a sum necessary for a quarter to the [Navy] Yards as by a letter of the 10th inst. from the Navy Board to the Navy Treasurer. My Lords appoint him to raise the said sum upon the tallies formerly given to the Treasurer of the Navy.
The Commissioners of the Transports to take care to prepare their accounts [of receipts and disbursements since 1688, Christmas] as formerly directed [Aug. 13 ult., supra, p. 411]. The like letter [to be sent] to all the offices (viz. the Navy Commissioners and the officers of the Ordnance ; Mr. Harbord for moneys received and paid for the service in Ireland ; the Earl of Ranelagh for the Forces ; Mr. [C.] Fox as Paymaster of the Forces in Ireland).
Mr. Evance to attend on Monday morning next (struck through).
[Ibid, p. 120.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, pp. 358, 359.]
Sept. 15.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
The Customs Commissioners to attend on Friday afternoon next.
Mr. Stanion and Mr. Richbald to be heard to-morrow week.
The Earl of Ranelagh to be desired to attend then.
Write Auditor Aldworth to hasten the accounts of the [Managers or Commissioners of] Wine Licences and to prepare same for declaration forthwith.
Mr. Evance called in. He proposes to lend 17,000l. upon the general credit of the Exchequer, with a promise from this Board that it shall be repaid out of the first fund that shall be given the next session of Parliament and to have 6 per cent interest for same until repayment. My Lords agree to same and do resolve that said 17,000l. shall be forthwith applied towards the discharging of the great ships that are ordered to be laid up.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 121.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 359.]
Sept. 16.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
Letters to be written to the several persons concerned that they do register their orders upon the 2s. [Aid] Act by next Thursday week.
Ordered that 200l. be issued to me [Jephson] for secret service : to be paid over to the Earl of Nottingham or his order.
Auditor Bridges to attend this day week with Mr. Anderton's accounts.
Write Mr. Harbord for a certificate of all moneys by him paid to Mr. Shales or his agents or to his order.
The persons concerned in the business of the pot ash farm are to be heard on Monday afternoon next.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 122.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 360.]
Sept. 17.
Present : the King, all my Lords.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 123.]
Sept. 19.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
[Write Mr. Ashmole] the Controller of Excise to send forthwith an abstract of the produce of the Excise (not including the Additional Excise) for the year ending June 24 last and of the payments thereout : and also the like abstract of the Additional Duty to the same time.
Order for 340l. to be issued to me [Jephson] for secret service : out of the 17,000l. reserved : to be paid over to Mr. Evance : to be satisfied out of any disposable money [in the Exchequer] : also for 41l. 13s. 4d. [more to me, Jephson, to be paid to the said Evance] for the loss by exchange on 2,500 guineas paid him at 2s. [1l. 2s. 0d.] and for which my Lords do allow him 4d. for each guinea.
[Ibid, p. 124.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 363.]
Sept. 19, afternoon.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
My Lords order in commiseration of Mr. Clancy's condition (he being sick in prison) that the Queen's warrant formerly signed for the release of his fine do proceed ; and Mr. Carey, if he think fit, may be heard hereafter as to his pretension as bailiff of Westminster.
Mr. Blathwayte acquaints my Lords from the King that it is his pleasure that 200l. be issued to Mr. Fox to be paid to Mr. Atkinson at Hoylake for provisions for transporting the Regiment of Horse and one of Dragoons into Ireland. Ordered to be issued accordingly.
Ordered that 300l. be issued to the Treasurer of the Navy to be paid on account of subsistence to the Earl of Pembroke for his marine Regiment.
Mr. Stephens is to raise 3,700l. on the tallies formerly given to that [the Navy] Office to be employed for the buying of timber ; which, with 2,300l. so ordered the 12th inst., makes 6,000l. ; and my Lords do resolve that they will not employ any more of those tallies to other uses than what the [Principal] Officers of the Navy have designed it [for] and [my Lords] do assure them that they intend to make good this 6,000l. on or before Nov. 1 next. A letter to be written to the Treasurer of the Navy accordingly.
Ordered that 906l. be issued to the Earl of Ranelagh to be paid to Mr. Vanderesch on account of the Dutch Troops to enable him to pay the like sum due to Mr. Sugden, Deputy Receiver in Yorkshire.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 124.]
Sept. 22.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : ut supra.
Mr. Shales [is] told [that] Mr. Harbord's charge [or debit against him] amounts to a much greater sum than he [Shales] mentions in his voluntary charge. Mr. Shales shall have a copy of Mr. Harbord's charge to make answer to it.
Mr. Birne desires a copy of the patent [charter] of the East India Company. Mr. [Aaron] Smith if he have it is to let Mr. Birne have a copy, or else to take one out.
Mr. Hutchinson to attend to-morrow afternoon to inform my Lords about the prize goods of the East India Company.
[Ibid, p. 125.]
Present : Vice Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox.
Ordered that 130l. be issued to the Ordnance to be paid to Mris. Howard upon account for freight.
Mr. Birne to attend to-morrow afternoon (struck through).
Sept. 23.
Whitehall, Treasury Chamber.
Present : all my Lords.
Ordered that 100l. be issued to me [Jephson] for secret service : to be paid to Col. Philipps in pursuance of the Queen's orders signified by Sir Jo. Lowther.
Ordered that the remainder of the 17,000l. reserved in the Exchequer be issued to the Treasurer of the Navy for the paying off of ships now to be laid up.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 126.]
Sept. 24.
Present : the King and all my Lords.
Ordered that 1,000l. a week out of the Excise be paid to the Commissioners of the Victualling and 500l. a week to the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded : to commence next week and to be continued till Nov. 1 next.
[Ibid, p. 127.]
Sept. 26.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
Ordered, according to his Majesty's commands sent by me [Jephson], that 1,848l. 7s. 6d. be issued to Sir Row. Gwyn for three quarters for the Buckhounds.
Mr. Evance [is] called in about returning [remitting by bills of exchange] 10,000l. to Monsieur D'Wild. He [Evance] lends 6,000l. on the general credit [of the Exchequer] to be transferred [and charged] on the first fund [to be granted by Parliament] and is to have 4,000l. paid him [in cash]. The money [the bills] is to be issued to Mr. Fox to be paid over to Monsieur D'Wild on account for transport ships for the service of Ireland.
Mr. Brumskell to be heard on Monday afternoon next. The Lord Chief Baron and Attorney General to attend then.
[Ibid, p. 128.]
Sept. 29.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Sir John Lowther, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
Upon Mr. Stephens's memorial to have direction for allowing 2 per cent for 6,000l. for timber for the Yards etc. on an order for the Navy on the Customs [ordered that this is] to be considered in the afternoon.
[Ibid, p. 129.]
Present : all my Lords, the Lord Chief Baron, Attorney General.
Mr. Brunskell offers a petition and proposal for the King to raise 400,000l. per an. by selling offices etc. : which [petition and proposal] are read. He says he would have the King sell all the offices in England. The Lord Chief Baron says Brunskill solicited a bill in Parliament about offices, but it did not pass for [reason of] other business : that it was resolved in Colshill's case the Queen (Mary) could not dispose the office, but the Chief Justice : it's true the Judges have a right to dispose, not to sell them, and all offices are now well loaded with taxes.
Brunskell says the Judges could only dispose pro hac vice till the King made a grant : the Cofferer was but a poor fire maker, now 'tis one of the greatest offices in the [royal] house and 'twas agreed the King might dispose it.
He is told this is proper for the Parliament.
He would have rolls made of all persons fit in each Court and out of them the King or their lordships to fill vacancies. He complains of being put by the offices of Commissioner of Alienations and Surveyor of the Greenwax, notwithstanding many petitions and good answers from the King.
The Lord Chief Baron thinks he did well in the Alienation Office and deserved to be continued.
Brunskell complains of the present ill-management in the Alienation Office and in the casual revenue.
If he will apply to the Parliament with his proposal for the King's selling offices my Lords [say they] will not obstruct him.
He says he could not maintain his patent for the Greenwax to be legal, but it seems it is legal for the Duke of Bolton to have it.
My Lords will discourage nothing that Mr. Brunskell shall offer to the Parliament for the public good.
He desires all the offices may be in abeyance till the matter is determined, which he says may be done by the [Kingly] prerogative. My Lords think that cannot be done. He says Mr. Booth that has his office of Surveyor of Greenwax is not capable and cannot execute it : that his, Brunskell's, grant of the Greenwax was revoked as illegal and the Duke of York would not suffer it to be restored. He says he proved the King's title to Berisford's office in the Exchequer : he will shew it for 3,000 years to have been the King's right, but the Chancellor hath disposed [of] it. He exhibits a petition to be Custos Brevium of the King's Bench and he'll out the person who is in, who gave 5,000l. for it.
[My Lords say] he must apply for this to the Secretary of State.
They [my Lords] desire him to prosecute his business in Parliament and wish him good success.
[Ordered that] Mr. Gibbons, the undersheriff of Devonshire, pay the 300l. odd to Mr. Richardson, to wit the 100l. he promised by bill forthwith and the rest in the beginning of the term, or else to be taken in custody by a Serjeant at Arms.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, pp. 129-30.]
Sept. 30.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
Ordered that process against the vintners of Hull be stopped.
Mr. Dorrington to attend my Lords next Friday afternoon about appropriated money.
[Ibid, p. 131.]