Minute Book: July 1690

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Minute Book: July 1690', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp402-406 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Minute Book: July 1690', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp402-406.

"Minute Book: July 1690". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp402-406.


July 1690

July 2.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 81.]
Present : ut supra.
Mr. Fox called in. He offers to lend 20,000l. on the fourth part of the Customs not appropriated by Act of Parliament, his repayment to commence on Nov. 1 next, as he is already secured, and then to continue it on the same security or to transfer (struck through) and to be at liberty to transfer it on the Hereditary [Excise] revenue, and he is to have 1,000l. paid him in consideration of 2 per cent for 30,000l. formerly lent and repaid him June 21 last and in consideration of lending this 20,000l. at 6 per cent for a year from this day.
July 4.
Whitehall, Treasury Chamber.
Present : ut supra.
The Commissioners of Sick and Wounded to attend this afternoon.
The Attorney and Solicitor General and Mr. Trevor to attend this afternoon.
Mr. Lownds and Mr. Hall to attend on Monday next at Hicks's Hall and to speak to some other [Assessment] Commissioners [of Middlesex] to be there touching some complaints of the assessments.
Mr. Ryly and Mr. Fitch called in. My Lords agree that Mr. Fitch shall have a privy seal for 5,500l. out of the wood sales in New Forest and 5,000l. more out of the money arising by other general wood sales.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 82.]
July 4, afternoon.
Whitehall, Treasury Chamber.
Present : Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
Ordered that 2,000l. be forthwith issued to the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded.
My Lords agree to the following proposal and order it to be entered in the Minute Book :
"Upon your Lordships' desire that the Receiver General of the Customs would lend 20,000l. for their Majesties' pressing occasions it was consented to upon the security of the Customs according to the conditions that it was lent at before. And thereupon your Lordships did agree that 1,000l. should be presently paid to the Cashier in consideration of the charges he hath been at and the taxes he hath paid amounting to the sum of 875l., which he prayeth may be understood [thus, viz. :] that 600l. thereof is allowed him in full of the charges he hath been at for the time past and that the other 400l. is a gratuity of 2 per cent for 20,000l. for a year to come, viz. from the 21st of June, 1690 (when his account ended), to the 21st of June, 1691. So that he is not to expect for said year any more the [than] 6l. per cent : which interest of 6 per cent that it may be entire he doth pray to have a dormant warrant to pay quarterly as it becomes due without being at the charge of passing an account for the same. It is further humbly desired that it may be understood that he hath liberty to continue his security as already settled, by the great seal, upon the Customs, not interfering with the [appropriating clauses in the] Act of Parliament [of 2 Wm. and Mary, c. 4] or to have it secured upon the Hereditary Excise [according] as he shall be advised. And that your Lordships may not think that you have been imposed upon the Cashier might have had a 1,000l. for lending 20,000l. and interest at 8 per cent to commence some time past, which he refused because he hath never dealt that way but reserved himself to be directed by your Lordships. It is humbly proposed that in case it shall be thought necessary to pass a new great seal for the [Customs] Cashier's security, it may be at their Majesties' charge. The substance of this is humbly desired may be made a minute in the Treasury : Tho. Fox, 4 July, 1690."
[Ibid, pp. 82-3.]
July 7.
Whitehall, Treasury Chamber.
Present : all my Lords.
The Excise Commissioners to attend this afternoon.
The Commissioners of the Navy and Mr. Stephens to attend this afternoon.
[Ibid, p. 84.]
July 7, afternoon.
Whitehall, Treasury Chamber.
Present : all my Lords.
The officers of the Ordnance to attend on Wednesday morning next.
Mr. Aaron Smith to attend on Wednesday morning next (struck through).
Mr. Ryly to attend on Friday afternoon next.
Write the Excise Commissioners to know on what day positively my Lords may depend on the 25,000l. proposed to be lent on the Hereditary Excise.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1 p. 84.]
July 9.
Whitehall, Treasury Chamber.
Present : ut supra.
The Excise Commissioners to attend on Friday morning next.
[Ibid, p. 85.]
July 11.
Whitehall, Treasury Chamber.
Present : Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
The Earl of Ranelagh and Mr. Jollivett to attend on Monday afternoon.
[Ibid, p. 86.]
July 14.
Whitehall, Treasury Chamber.
Present : all my Lords.
Mr. Young to attend on Friday afternoon next.
[Ibid, p. 87.]
July 15.
Whitehall, Treasury Chamber.
Present : Vice Chamberlain, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
Write the Customs Commissioners to give orders to their officers that no boats, ketches or smacks be suffered to go off from shore, that so all correspondence with the enemy may be prevented.
Mr. Russell, Treasurer of the Navy [is by my Lords] desired to issue 300l. by way of imprest for the subsistence of 2,000l. of the Marine Regiments, and my Lords will take care to reimburse him.
Major Matthews, prisoner in the Tower, is to have 40s. a week from this day for a month.
Sir William Hussey [is] called in. He moves for 400l. in pursuance of the Queen's commands signified by the Earl of Nottingham for his journey to Vienna in his way to Turkey. My Lords offer it him on the Hereditary Excise upon the register [of loans thereon] now passing. He accepts of it.
[Ibid, p. 88.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 326.]
July 16.
Whitehall, Treasury Chamber.
Present : all my Lords.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 89.]
July 18.
Whitehall, Treasury Chamber.
Present : ut supra.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Ibid, p. 90.]
July 21.
Whitehall, Treasury Chamber.
Present : all my Lords.
Sir Charles Meredith and Mr. Lowther, two of the Commissioners of the Revenue of Ireland, to attend on Wednesday morning next.
Auditor Aldworth to attend on Friday morning next.
A letter [to be sent] from my Lords to Sir Robert Southwell recommending to him the passing of Sir Jo. Edgworth's patent, the King having been pleased to declare his pleasure at this Board that Sir John should have it.
Mr. Hutchinson to attend on Wednesday morning next.
Mr. Thompson and Mr. Robinson, the Chamberlain [of the City], to attend on Wednesday morning next about the Poll money.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 91.]
July 23.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
My Lords order that Mris. Devitt's muslins and tea shall not be delivered till she make oath of [hers being] the property and [until] Mr. Hosyer's fees be paid.
Write Mr. Blathwayte to prepare a [royal] warrant for [allowing in account] the 80l. which Sir Robert Holmes has received of the Poll money in the Isle of Wight.
Write the Exchequer to receive at the value of 22s. each such guineas as shall be lent between this and Saturday night next.
My Lords order that the salaries of the officers of the Customs in London port for Midsummer quarter last be paid in three weeks, viz. 1,500l. next week, 1,500l. the week following and the remainder the week after.
Mr. Booth and the Deputy Clerk of the Pipe are called in. My Lords order the Clerk of the Pipe to make a report in writing upon Mr. Booth's petition for his salary as Surveyor of the Greenwax.
My Lords order that the tally struck upon the Excise on account of secret service which is in Mr. Jephson's hands, be delivered to Sir William Hussey and that it be paid in course.
Auditor Bridges and Mr. Herriott to attend my Lords on Friday afternoon next upon Mr. Anderton's letter.
My Lords will order money next Wednesday to satisfy Visct. Dursley's bill of exchange for 6,500l. for gunpowder.
[Ibid, p. 92.]
Present : all my Lords.
Mr. Fox informs my Lords that Sir Joshua Allen has received 25,000l. and expects more daily ; and Mr. Fox is directed to write to Sir Joshua that a convoy will be appointed, by which time the rest of the money will be ready to go.
The Earl of Ranelagh moves for 13,600l. for Sir John Eyles and [says] that Mr. Zulenburgh remonstrates in what bad condition the Forces and himself are for want of money and that the six battalions in Flanders (who have only subsistence to the 16th) will all run away, and that the Queen earnestly recommends this matter, all credit being lost in Holland upon news of the sea engagement. They [the Forces] are all cleared to the 1st of April and [are] subsisted to the 16th July, old style. And there is another bill of 15,700l. that must be paid, though not presently. The 13,600l. is [hereupon by my Lords] ordered.
As for clearings to the Forces here the Earl thinks only to the 1st Jan. [last] may serve till the King's return.
My Lords direct that Sir Charles Meredith and Mr. Lowther go for Ireland as soon as may be.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, pp. 92-3.]
July 25.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Ibid, p. 94.]
July 28.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : ut supra.
Guineas to be taken at 2s. [means 22s., see infra, pp. 406-7] till Thursday night.
Mr. Wardour to attend my Lords this afternoon without fail.
Mr. Smith to hasten the Commissions of enquiry into the estates of the Marquess of Powys etc., now outlawed for treason, and to give my Lords an account what progress is made in that business.
[Ibid, p. 95.]
Present : Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
Mr. Young and Auditor Aldworth are called in about the Wine Licence Account. The Auditor is ordered to make up the account according to the contract comprehending therein the arrear due at Michaelmas, 1682.
Mr. Snow called in. [My Lords] proposed to him to receive the rents and profits of the Archbishopric of Canterbury during the present vacancy. He accepts of it and my Lords order that he have a commission accordingly.
Sir Tho. Pinfold and Mr. Francklyn to attend on Wednesday morning next about the prize goods taken in the East Indies.
Mr. Harbord's deputy to attend on Wednesday next about the business of Winchester.
July 30.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
Mr. Bertie moves for 50l. a week for Sir Polycar. Wharton to enable him to go on with his powder works. My Lords agree to pay it and will advance 200l. presently for one month.
Write Mr. Roberts, Receiver of Windsor, to attend the Auditor forthwith with his accounts in order to their stating forthwith.
[Ibid, p. 96.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 333.]