Minute Book: March 1690

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Minute Book: March 1690', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp373-380 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Minute Book: March 1690', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp373-380.

"Minute Book: March 1690". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp373-380.


March 1690

Mar. 1.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
Mr. Stephens to attend on Monday morning next about credit for 900l. to Barbados.
[Ibid, p. 233.]
Mar. 3.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : ut supra.
Write to the Farmers of the Lotteries that they do not fail forthwith to pay in their rent.
Sir Rowland Gwyn to pay presently 30l. to Henry Evans [a messenger of the Chamber] upon account to enable him to fetch up two prisoners out of Carnarvonshire.
Mr. Stephens called in about a credit for 900l. at Barbados for Capt. Wright. He says he believes the ship is gone. So nothing is to be done till my Lords hear further from Mr. Stephens.
Mr. Gore et al. called in and [my Lords] proposed to them that there shall be 15,000l. this week paid to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay bills in course and that if they do procure a loan of 25,000l. on the 2s. [Aid] bill, the Navy Commissioners will apply the same to the same [said] service.
Mr. Harbord not to (struck through).
Mr. Herriott to attend to-morrow morning about the deduction of 12d. in the £ out of [the issues to] the Danish Forces.
[Ibid, p. 234.]
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The East India Company [is] heard upon a caveat by them entered against a privy seal passing to Mr. Whitfeild and others for the recovery of the King's third of the prizes taken in the war with the Mogul. My Lords will lay the matter before the King to receive his pleasure thereupon.
Mar. 4.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The Navy Commissioners to attend this afternoon.
Ordered that 10,837l. be issued to the Treasurer of the Navy.
Ordered that 300l. a week be paid me [William Jephson, the Treasury Secretary] for secret service ; out of the Customs ; until the sum of 4,000l. be paid.
[Ibid, p. 235.]
Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The Attorney and Solicitor General to attend on Friday afternoon next.
The Excise Commissioners and Sir Scroope How to be heard on Monday afternoon next. Give the Commissioners notice to attend then "upon that business."
The Agents [for Taxes] to attend on Thursday morning and to bring with them the state of Mr. St. Johns'es accounts.
Move his Majesty to-morrow about the French Protestants.
The Attorney General to attend to-morrow afternoon about the grant of the Greenwax.
Lord Chief Justice[s] Holt [and] Polyxfen and the Lord Chief Baron to attend — afternoon.
Mr. St. Johns brought three bills of exchange of 1,000l. each, two payable at Shrewsbury (drawn respectively upon Richard Presland and Francis Swinfen, both of Shrewsbury) and one at Chester (drawn upon Mr. Edward Manwaring of Wrexham or Mr. Arthur Darlington of Chester). My Lords ordered that Mr. Harbord receive the money upon those bills and let them know when it is paid [so] that the like sum may be paid into the Exchequer upon Mr. St. Johns' account as Receiver of the 2s. Aid. A letter written accordingly to Mr. Harbord. This money is to be applied to the pay of the Danes.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 235.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 215.]
Mar. 5.
Present : the King, Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The King orders that the Troop of Scotch Guards from the time they come into Scotland shall be paid as they were formerly paid in Scotland. The Earl of Ranelagh is to be sent to about it.
Monsieur Pereira to attend to-morrow morning.
My Lords report the hearing between the East India Company, [and] Mr. Whitfeild and partners. The King orders that the Company be further spoken to upon this matter.
Sir Row. Gwyn's deputy to attend to-morrow morning about the huntsmen.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 236.]
Mar. 6.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Ibid, p. 237.]
Mar. 7.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir Hen. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Sir Tho. Atkins to be heard on Tuesday afternoon next upon his petition and [the] report [thereupon] from the Customs Commissioners. Give the Commissioners notice to attend.
[Order for] 585l. 5s. 0d. to be issued to Sir Ro. Gwyn [Treasurer of the Chamber] out of the money reserved in the Exchequer for him : [same to be] to pay one quarter to the Master, Serjeant etc. of the Buckhounds according to the establishment signed by the King.
The Excise Commissioners to attend this afternoon.
Ordered that Mr. Carter have 30l. for the prosecution of the wool business.
[Ibid, p. 238.]
Present : ut supra.
The Attorney General came in about Marriott's grant and delivered his opinion that it is fit the validity thereof be tried [at law] before the King be advised to pass any grant of the King's share reserved thereupon.
Ordered that 1,000l. be immediately issued to the Treasurer of the Navy for conduct money.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 238.]
Mar. 10.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Delamer, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that 1,000l. be issued to Mr. Harbord in part of 1,952l. as by order of the Committee for Irish Affairs (struck through) Council of Feb. 15 last : to be by Harbord paid to such persons as the Censors of the College of Physicians shall appoint for providing beds, furniture etc. for the Hospital of Ireland.
The Wine Licence Commissioners to attend this afternoon.
[Ibid, p. 239.]
Present : Lord Delamer, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Sir Charles Porter and Mr. Evelyn [attend]. Sir Charles assures my Lords that he will account with Mr. Evelyn and pay him for the profits of his office from Michaelmas term last inclusive, till his (Evelyn's) debt be satisfied.
Sir Scroop How with Mr. Ward, his counsel, and the Excise Commissioners [attend] upon said How's petition for a grant of arrears in the hands of the collectors of the Hearthmoney from 1685, Lady day, to 1689, Lady day. The Excise Commissioners object that it will be a large grant unless the petition means only surcharges [supers]. My Lords desire Sir Scroop to draw up, with the help of counsel, as plainly and strictly as may be, what it is he intends should be granted to him.
Mar. 11.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Delamer, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The Navy Board to attend the King to-morrow afternoon at Kensington.
The Agents [for Taxes] and Mr. St. John to attend this afternoon (struck through).
Ordered that 100l. be issued to Mr. Harbord to be paid to Mr. Allen in part of 500l. ordered by the Committee of Irish Affairs : for engines for packing hay.
[Ibid, p. 240.]
Mar. 12.
Present : the King and all my Lords.
My Lords are to speak with Visct. Newport and Lord Maynard about the report made for the disposing the 20,000l. to the servants of Charles II.
The King grants 61 years to the Earl of Ranelagh upon his petition for a lease of ground near Chelsea College.
[Ibid, p. 241.]
Mar. 13.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Mr. Herriott to attend to-morrow morning about subsistence [money] for the men at Sheerness.
Visct. Newport and Lord Maynard to attend to-morrow morning.
The office[rs] of the Ordnance to attend to-morrow morning.
Ordered [that] if Mr. St. Johns do clear his accounts to the satisfaction of the Agents [for Taxes] by Thursday morning next and give such security as they shall approve my Lords will give him his commissions for the new receipts of the 3s. [2s. and 12d. Aids].
Mr. Blathwaite brought a letter from Mr. Rosenheim. My Lords will provide 7,000l. with all expedition.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 242.]
Mar. 14.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
Mr. Gore et al. to attend to-morrow morning.
Mr. Bridges and the Agents [for Taxes] to attend to-morrow morning.
Ordered that 166l. be issued to Mr. Harbord for one month's subsistence for the two Companies of the Duke of Bolton's Regiment at Sheerness : and 952l. 9s. 2d. in full of 1,952l. 9s. 2d. [as] by [the] order of the Committee for Irish Affairs etc. for the Irish Hospital.
[Ibid, p. 243.]
Present : Lord Delamer, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that John Sylver be constituted searcher in Bridgwater port loco Edward Kerne.
Mar. 15.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that 5,000l. be issued to Mr. Harbord to be paid to Monsieur Pereira in part of 20,000l. to be advanced to him upon his contract [for bread for the Forces in Ireland] out of the 17,000l. reserved in the Exchequer for that service :
and 425l. for a month's subsistence for three Companies at Tilbury and two at Landguard Fort, [being Companies] of [the Duke of] Bolton's Regiment.
The Agents for Taxes and Mr. St. Johns to attend on Thursday morning.
The Tellers [of the Exchequer] to attend on Monday morning next about Mr. Perkin's fees.
[Ibid, p. 244.]
[Fresh Treasury Commission, from 1689-90, Mar. 18, to Sir John Lowther, bart., Richard Hampden, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Stephen Fox, Thomas Pelham.]
Mar. 19.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords as above.
The Rotiers and Mr. Harris to attend on Monday morning (altered to) Friday afternoon next.
Move his Majesty about Mr. Grahme's debt upon the proposal he has made.
Mr. Culliford and Mr. May to attend on Friday afternoon.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 1.]
afternoon. Kensington.
Present : the King and all my Lords.
Write Mr. Harbord to provide carriages by Saturday morning for 50,000l. (in silver, in specie) to be sent to Chester. Write Mr. Blathwaite to take care of a guard for same : as also for 7,000l. more in full of the last 13,000l. ordered by the King for the Danes [soldiers].
Enquire of Col. Godfrey and Col. Talmach if Col. Sir George St. George's Regiment be within their list of clothing.
The King orders two quarters to be paid to the Duke of Grafton.
Ordered by the King that the Commissary of Musters do not take off any respits without a warrant under the King's sign manual and that notice hereof be given to the (said Commissary General and to the) Commissioners for Regulating the Army.
The King orders 4,000l. to be sent to-morrow on board the frigate now going for Leith to be paid to Major General Mackay for contingencies of the Forces there, and the Earl of Ranelagh and Mr. Vanderesch are to attend the Treasury to-morrow morning before nine o'clock. Write (Mr. Sotherne at) the Admiralty to inform my Lords where the frigate now lies.
The King orders 1,000l. a week to be paid out of the Customs for the discharge of the 7,111l. 3s. 0d. to the Master of the Robes for the year past.
The King orders Mr. Darcy to be a Commissioner of the Prizes loco Mr. Overton ; but Darcy is not to have any salary till Overton be fully paid his salary for the time he has served.
Ordered that 6,000l. be furnished for the levy money and subsistence of the two Marine Regiments.
[Ibid, pp. 1-2.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, pp. 225, 227.]
Mar. 20.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
Mr. St. Johns and the Agents [for Taxes] to attend this afternoon.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 3.]
Present : Sir Jo. Lowther, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
The Navy Commissioners and Mr. Stephens to attend to-morrow afternoon.
The Agents [for Taxes] report to my Lords that Mr. St. Johns has not given them satisfaction by this day concerning his arrears according to his promise. My Lords resolve he shall not be admitted to be Receiver for the 2s. Aid and Additional 12d. Aid and order that Mr. Mathews be made Receiver of Northamptonshire, Mr. Egleton for Bucks and Mr. Leigh for Herts. The Agents are to give them notice accordingly and despatch the affair forthwith.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 3.]
Mar. 21.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
Ordered (in pursuance of a sign manual shown to my Lords by Mr. Blathwaite) that 100l. be issued to Mr. Harbord to be paid over to the three Danish Commissaries to enable them to return home.
Ordered that out of the 15,000l. reserved for Monsieur Pereira 7,000l. be issued to Mr. Harbord to be paid to Pereira in part of the 20,000l. agreed to be advanced upon his contract.
[Ibid, p. 4.]
Mar. 22.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
The contractors for the fireships will be here on Monday afternoon next.
[Ibid, p. 5.]
Mar. 24.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
Ordered that 6,000l. be issued to me [Jephson] for secret service.
Ordered that Mr. Lownds do search in the Duchy [records] and report if any grants have passed the seal of the Duchy without docquets from the Treasury Lords [and thus] contrary to the King's sign manual of —.
Sir Ben. Bathurst, the East India Company and Mr. Whitfeild and partners to attend on Friday afternoon next.
Capt. Preistman and the contractors of the fireships, seven of them, viz. Shish, Taylor, France, Gressingham, Snelgrave, Graves and Barret, for themselves only, do agree to take their payment for the ships they build by tallies on the Excise, payable by 2,000l. a week from Oct. 1 next, with 6 per cent interest from the time the money is due by contract.
Ordered that 6,000l. be reserved in the Exchequer for the levy money and subsistence (struck through) use of the two Marine Regiments.
[Ibid, p. 6.]
1690. Mar. 25.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : ut supra.
Mr. Stephens and the Navy Commissioners to attend this afternoon.
The Excise Commissioners to attend on Friday afternoon next.
[Ibid, p. 7.]
Present : Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
Mr. Harbord to attend on Thursday morning next about 2,500l. in farthings.
Mr. Frowd and Mr. Aldworth to attend on Monday afternoon next.
Ordered that 300l. be issued to the Works ; to be paid to Capt. Studholm in part of his debt for making the ways in Hyde Park and St. James's Park.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 7.]
Mar. 26.
Present : the King and all my Lords.
Mr. Bridges and Monsieur Pereira to attend to-morrow morning.
The King orders that the docquets for the privy seal to Whitfeild etc. for one third of the tenths of the prizes taken by the East India Company etc. do pass.
[Ibid, p. 8.]
Mar. 27.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
Mr. Harbord to attend to-morrow afternoon.
The Commissioners for Farthings to attend to-morrow afternoon.
Ordered that the 8,000l. reserved in the Exchequer for Mr. Pereira be now issued to him.
[Ibid, p. 9.]
Mar. 28.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
Write the Customs Commissioners to take care that the Proclamation for preventing the exportation of saltpetre be duly observed by the officers in the several ports.
Write the officers of the Ordnance to send word by to-morrow morning on what ship now bound for Ireland from their Office 15 ton weight of copper farthings may be shipped.
Mr. Herriott to attend to-morrow morning.
Auditor Done to speed Mr. Harbord's accounts (as Paymaster of the Forces in Ireland).
Write the Auditors of Imprests to lay before my Lords (a list of all accountants that have not accounted, with) a state of all [their] accounts to [enable my Lords to] know how far they are behind from accounting.
[Ibid, p. 10.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, pp. 236, 237.]
Mar. 31.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ste. Fox, Mr. Pelham.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 11.]
Present : all my Lords.
Mr. Frowd and Mr. Aldworth to attend on Friday afternoon next.
Tallies to be struck on the Excise for 22,000l. for the fireships.
The [Assessment] Commissioners for co. Midds. are called in concerning the tax for 3s. [2s. and 12d.] per £ assessed on the Queen Dowager's servants. That matter is to be referred to the Attorney and Solicitor General on a case thereof to be stated by Mr. Thompson. And Mr. Owen thinks that Lecturers are within the Act[s] for 3s. in the £. This is also to be referred to them.
[Treasury Minute Book 99/1, p. 11.]