Minute Book: February 1690

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Minute Book: February 1690', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp362-373 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Minute Book: February 1690', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp362-373.

"Minute Book: February 1690". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp362-373.


February 1690

Feb. 3.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Delamer, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Mr. Stanion etc. to be heard on Monday afternoon next.
Alderman Herne is desired to attend to-morrow morning.
Mr. Robinson and the Committee of the City Loans to attend tomorrow morning.
[Ibid, p. 208.]
Present : all my Lords.
My Lords will move the King to allow Mr. Johnstons some plate upon account.
The Excise Commissioners [are] called in and it being proposed to them to borrow 50,000l. on the Excise, to be repaid by weekly payments, they say they will consider of it and give their answer on Wednesday morning next.
The Attorney General for the King, Sir James Butler, Mr. Finch and Serjt. Birch for the Queen Dowager and Mr. Ward for Mr. Blathwaite [are heard] concerning two houses near the Horse Guards, whereof he [Blathwaite] desires a lease. My Lords resolve that Mr. Harbord [Surveyor General of Crown Lands] send authentically under his hand to the Attorney General an extract of the particular which was signed by his father [Sir Charles Harbord, late Surveyor,] for the Queen Dowager as to the manor of Westminster. Inform the Attorney General hereof and request him thereupon to hear the Queen Dowager's counsel and Mr. Blathwaite concerning the matter and to report.
Sir Ro. Thorald [is] to have order to take away the windfalls in St. James's Park, which he was lately forbidden to do.
Move his Majesty for his pleasure concerning the money in the Exchequer upon the appropriation for the Dutch debt.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 208.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 182.]
Feb. 4.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Mr. Herne [is] called in and [is] desired to furnish credit to Vice Admiral Killigrew for 1,000l. at Cadiz, and he promises if the Navy Board will bring him such a credit as they desire he will sign it. (Write the said Board accordingly.)
Ordered that 3,030l. be issued to Mr. Harbord to be by him paid over to Edward Thompson, esq., viz. 3,000l. for so much paid by him to Mr. Fotherby at York for the Danish Troops and 30l. for the return thereof [exchange thereon].
The Agents [for Taxes] to attend on Thursday morning next.
Write the Earl of Kingston that my Lords are sending Serjeant Ryly to give an account of the wood felled in Sherwood Forest and if his Lordship think fit they will join any person with him to make report in that matter (to survey the said forest).
Sir Christopher Wren to attend on Thursday morning next about Mr. Gibbons, [the King's] carver.
The Committee of the City Loans [are] called in and being desired to accommodate his Majesty with 100,000l. upon the Additional Aid they desired time to consider of it and will return an answer tomorrow morning.
Mr. Dockwray and partners to attend on Friday afternoon next.
My Lords appoint every Friday afternoon to despatch petitions and the [Treasury Chamber] doors [are] to be locked up.
The Deputy Governor of Hull to attend tomorrow morning.
Sir Stephen Thompson to be heard on Friday afternoon next and Mr. Swift to attend then.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 209.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 182.]
Feb. 4,
afternoon. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Delamer, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
My Lords considered of the Commissioners to be appointed for the Review of the Poll and resolved that the Attorney and Solicitor General do attend with their advice hereon on Thursday morning next.
My Lords will move the King concerning the Duke of Norfolk.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 210.]
Feb. 5.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Delamer, Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
Auditor Philips to attend tomorrow morning.
Mr. St. Johns to attend tomorrow morning about returning money [by exchange]. Mr. Blathwaite to attend then.
The Attorney General [is] consulted about the naming of Commissioners for the review of the Poll and did advise that the like Proclamation as was issued for appointing Commissioners for the last Poll be now issued for appointing them. The Solicitor General coming [in] afterwards concurred with him.
The Committee of the City Loans [are] called in. They [inform my Lords that they have] communicated the business to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen : that they are willing to call a Common Council, but they are fearful it may not answer expectation for that those people who are zealous for the service have their money in the Exchequer and those who have withdrawn their money (as some such there are) will scarcely be prevail'd with to lend it : that there is an East India sale this very day and what money the citizens have to spare they [do] use to lay out there, a great deal of it.
The Excise Commissioners [are] called in and answer they do not find themselves in circumstances able to comply with the proposal my Lords made them yesterday for lending a sum of money upon the Excise.
Send to the Attorney and Solicitor General for the report on Lady Cleveland's case, if possible in time enough to carry it to Kensington [to the King] this afternoon.
[Ibid, p. 211.]
Present : the King and all my Lords.
The Excise Commissioners to attend my Lords on Friday morning next.
Mr. Blathwaite to attend my Lords tomorrow morning.
Sir Ben. Bathurst to attend my Lords on Friday morning next.
[Ibid, p. 212.]
Feb. 6.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Mr. Blathwaite proposes [? and my Lords accordingly resolve] that besides the 3,000l. lately returned to York by Mr. Thompson for the Danes, there be furnished 2,000l. to them immediately and that if Col. Fairfax does press for more Mr. Williamson do furnish him with any further sum not exceeding 2,000l., and that this be done at once without delay, though it cost 2 per cent ; and for the 870l. demanded for recruits of horses if it cannot be spared out of the above 4,000l. that upon Col. Fairfax's drawing a bill upon Mr. Harbord for the said 870l. it shall be complied with. Besides this 4,000l. there must be any sum not exceeding 5,000l. paid or [equivalent] credit given to Mr. Israell Feilding at Carlisle, Berwick or Edinburgh and 16,000l. at Chester in 10 or 12 days.
Mr. Fitch is to have 2,383l. 14s. 0d., to be paid him out of the Customs at Hull.
The Agents [for Taxes] to attend this afternoon.
Ordered that Mr. Beaufoy have 100l. towards the charge of the suit at law for the houses at Tower Hill.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 213.]
Feb. 6, afternoon.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Mr. Evans and Mr. Noell came in and agreed to write to the [Excise and Hearthmoney] Receivers and Collectors in and about Berwick and Carlisle to pay forthwith 3,000l. at Berwick and 2,000l. at Carlisle to Mr. Izraell Feilding or order, for the use of the Danish Forces ; taking bills upon Mr. Harbord [for the said collectors' reimbursement]. Write the Excise Commissioners to write thus by to-night's post.
Mr. St. Johns undertakes to pay in all the money in his hands on the account of his several receipts by the 20th of this month at furthest and his commissions that were respited for [his acting as] Receiver for [several] counties are to be delivered him upon [his] giving such security as the Agents [for Taxes] shall approve of. If he do not comply with the payments aforesaid his commissions are to be recalled.
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 184.]
Feb. 7.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
Ordered that [on] Mr. Evance lending 2,000l. on the Additional 12d. [Aid] the same be issued to the Commissioners of the Sick and Wounded.
Mr. St. Johns not to fail to attend this afternoon (struck through).
Mr. Herne [is to be] desired to attend on Monday morning next about credits for 600l. to Admiral Killigrew to buy brimstone.
Sir R. Haddock or some of the Navy Board to attend tomorrow morning and [also] Mr. Blathwaite, about the transport ships. Ask Mr. Blathwaite in whose hands the money shall be put at Chester and Shrewsbury that can be returned [i.e. forwarded by bills of exchange] or sent thither for the Danes.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 214.]
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Mr. Dockwray and partners to be further on Tuesday week.
The Attorney and Solicitor General to attend then.
Feb. 8.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
Sir R. Haddock [is] called in upon a letter from Capt. Atkinson at Greenock [asking] for money. Sir R. Haddock undertakes to write to him that if he will draw bills for any sum not exceeding 1,000l. on the Navy Board my Lords will take care to have same complied with.
Mr. Harbord is desired to provide against Thursday or Friday morning next a conveyance for 13,000l. (or if need be 20,000l. in silver) to be sent in specie to Chester ; and Mr. Blathwaite advises that it is absolutely necessary that for fear of any accident which may cause their [the Danish troops'] stay at the sea-side there should be the 13,000l. also which in his last letter [memorial to my Lords] was proposed to be advanced.
Mr. Harbord (besides the 200l. ordered Dec. 21 [last, supra, p. 341] for the subsistence of a Company of Danes at Chester) undertakes to forthwith pay 29l. to Van Scheilder for the goods stolen from him at Norfolk and 40l. for the pay of the Danish Adjutant at Chester and also 150l. to the said Van Scheilder upon account of the pay of his Company. (Mr. Blathwaite informs my Lords that) Mr. Harbord has the King's hand [or warrant] already for the first 200l., the 29l. for the stolen goods and 29l. more in part of the 40l. Write Mr. Harbord to carry out the above two minutes.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 215.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 191.]
Feb. 10.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
Alderman Herne [called in] about [furnishing] credit for 600l. to Vice Admiral Killigrew for [buying] brimstone (over and above the 1,000l. credit already given him). He says if the Navy Board will draw such credit for that sum as they desire he will sign it and my Lords do assure him that they will take care that the bills shall be punctually complied with. (Write Mr. Herne accordingly.) [The letter written hereupon to Herne reads "Whereas you have undertaken to give credit to Vice Admiral Killigrew at Cadiz for the sums of 1,000l. and 600l." my Lords will take care etc.] (Write Mr. Sotherne to inform the Admiralty Lords hereof and that they signify same to the Navy Board.)
Sir Tho. Chichley and Mr. Thompson to be heard tomorrow afternoon.
Ordered that 500l. be issued to Mr. Harbord to be by him paid over to the Duke of Würtemberg upon account for the Danish Forces.
Write to Mr. Blathwaite that if he do advance 200l. to the said Duke Mr. Harbord shall repay him out of the said 500l.
Sir Samuel Dashwood, Sir Hump. Edwyn and Mr. Evance for themselves and the other Commissioners of Excise do propose to advance to the King 40,000l. at least, they hope 50,000l., upon the Excise at 6 per cent and a gratuity of 1 per cent [upon condition] that they may be in the same condition with those that lend on the Acts of Parliament : to be repaid out of the Excise by 5,000l. a week.
The Excise Commissioners desire to know his Majesty's pleasure concerning the 25,000l. now in the Exchequer upon the new impositions.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 216.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 192.]
Feb. 10, afternoon.
At Kensington.
Present : the King, all the Treasury Lords ; Earl of Pembroke, Earl of Carbery, Sir Jo. Lowther, Sir Jo. Chichley [Admiralty Lords].
The King acquaints them they are met to consider of the appropriating clauses [to see how] if any preference be given to the services therein mentioned that which is most pressing may be first provided for so as the whole be disposed of to the services therein expressed. The Attorney General is of opinion that the 400,000l. [appropriated to the Navy by the Act for the 2s. Aid, 1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1, and in the proportions as therein] may be paid promiscuously to the several uses expressed [wages, victuals or stores] ; and so [long] as 200,000l. be applied to the pay of the seamen and the rest as declared by the Act the intention of the Act is sufficiently answered ; for that there are no words which do declare any priority for one service more than another. The Solicitor General is of the same opinion. The Treasury Lords and Admiralty Lords do concur with them and the Attorney and Solicitor General are to state the matter [of law] upon the clause and to give their opinion thereupon in writing. The Attorney General proposes that the Navy Board and the Navy Treasurer's deputy do state the case with their doubts and queries upon it. His Majesty ordered that this be forthwith done and sent to the Attorney and Solicitor General. The Admiralty Lords are to order the Navy Board and Navy Treasurer to do this speedily.
The Admiralty Lords went away.
The King commands that the 25,000l. remaining in the Exchequer be paid to the Dutch by the Excise Commissioners.
Ordered that 26,000l. out of the first money that comes in[to the Exchequer] be paid to Mr. Harbord to be sent away to Chester for the Danes.
Sir Sam. Dashwood, Sir H. Edwyn and Mr. Evance to attend tomorrow morning.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, pp. 216-7.]
Feb. 11.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Sir Ro. Howard [the Auditor of the Receipt] and Alderman Duncomb to attend on Thursday morning.
Sir Rowland Gwynn to attend tomorrow morning about the establishment [of his office of Treasurer of the Chamber] and the [Treasury Chamber] doors to be locked up.
Sir Sam. Dashwood et al. [attend] upon their proposals of lending 40,000l. on the Excise. My Lords proposed the repayments to commence the first week of May, to which they were not prepared to make answer, but desired time till Thursday morning next [to consider of it].
[Ibid, p. 218.]
Feb. 11, afternoon.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Delamer, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that 2,000l. be issued to the Treasury Lords for their quarter [salary] due at Christmas last.
Mr. Stanion et al. are heard upon their account of the Irish [Revenue] farm. My Lords not being able to come to a determination in that matter (in regard of the troubles in Ireland at present) ordered that if any process be out against said parties it be stopped till further order.
Sir Tho. Chichley and Mr. Thompson to be heard on Monday afternoon next.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 218.]
Feb. 12.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Ibid, p. 219.]
afternoon. At Kensington.
Present : the King and all my Lords.
The Admiralty Lords [are] to despatch the business of the appropriating clause and to give the King an account of it forthwith.
Mr. Utwitt to attend my Lords tomorrow morning.
Mr. Harbord is to have 4,000l. on the Additional 12d. [Aid] and 2,000l. a week for two weeks ; as in full of 8,000l. due to him for to [enable him to] pay bills drawn from Ireland.
The King orders that, if money come in [to the Exchequer] in two or three days, 13,000l. more (besides the 13,000l. ordered today) shall be sent to Chester [for the Danish Troops].
Monsieur Pereira to attend my Lords tomorrow morning.
The King orders that, as soon as money can be provided, there must be 50,000l. paid to Mr. Harbord to be sent into Ireland and about 20,000l. for a month's advance for the transport ships for Ireland.
The King orders the Earl of Kingston's man, Mr. Laycock, to be Surveyor General of Forests, Trent North ; and Serjeant Ryly to be same, Trent South.
Ordered that 1,000l. to the poor Irish and 1,000l. to the French Protestants be issued if it can be borrowed on any of the old funds [Aids].
Feb. 13.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Write Mr. Harbord to take care to send away [in specie] to Chester tomorrow morning without delay (without fail) the 13,000l. ordered yesterday (this day, for the Danish Forces).
Write the Excise Commissioners to give directions (by this night's post) to the Excise officer at Oxford that as soon as he hear of (any of) the Danish Forces coming into Oxford he do find out the officer commanding in chief and immediately pay him 100l. (taking the said officer's receipt and drawing a bill on William Harbord for same, which my Lords will enable Harbord to meet).
[Ibid, p. 220.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 196.]
Feb. 14.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that 2,000l. (according to the letter from the Earl of Shrewsbury) be issued to Mr. Cox, Envoy in Switzerland, upon his extraordinaries "and in regard his privy seal will not bear it unless the bills were signed by him and allowed by a Secretary of State" this sum is to be issued as for secret service until it may be regularly done [i.e. issued regularly on his ambassadorial privy seal]. It is to be paid to Monsieur Turton to be returned [forwarded by bills of exchange] to Mr. Cox.
Ordered that 5,000l. be issued to the Victualling Commissioners to answer the bills of exchange from Portsmouth and Plymouth.
Mr. Smith to be directed to prosecute a scire facias against Lawrence's grant as Surveyor of the Ways.
The Navy Board are to send the particulars of Mr. Gore's debt for goods delivered to the use of the Navy.
My Lords will move the King to allow 5,000l. a week for five weeks out of the Excise to pay the Navy bills in course.
Sir Saml. Dashwood, Mr. Duncombe, Mr. Foche and Mr. Evans do agree to advance the King 40,000l. on the Excise, to be repaid at 5,000l. a week, the first payment to commence the first week in April. The money will be lent in Mr. Whitfeild Hater's name.
Mr. Duncomb, Sir Ro. Howard and Mr. Thynn to attend on Monday afternoon next. Mr. Thynn [is to be] desired to bring the Queen Dowager's patent.
Mr. Smith to be appointed to attend the Attorney General and to take care of the suit commenced by Mr. Danvers. (Write Smith to this effect.)
The bills for 3,000l. given by Mr. St. John are to be sent to Mr. Harbord, to be by him sent down to Chester to be applied to the pay of the Danish Forces.
Mr. Stephens says Serjeant Killingworth, counsel for the Navy Board, has made his queries on the appropriating clause and they are sent to the Attorney and Solicitor General.
Write the Customs Commissioners to dispense with the attendance of Mr. Pye, Solicitor of the Coast bonds, for 20 days.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, pp. 221-2.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 198.]
Feb. 17.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Delamer, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Mr. Stephens to attend this afternoon (struck through).
Mr. Blathwaite to attend tomorrow morning.
Upon the next paper [of weekly disposition of moneys] 1,000l. must be set down for the extraordinaries of the messengers [of the Chamber] ; out of which 626l. 6s. 0d. is to be paid to the Earl of Shrewsbury in repayment of so much by him lent to several of them.
Speak to Mr. Stephens tomorrow morning about the account of the late [Navy] Victuallers.
The late Victualling Commissioners [are] to send a particular of money due on bills of exchange and from what time, what is due to persons now employed and what to those not employed at present.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 223.]
Feb. 17, afternoon.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Delamer, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
[No entry of any minute.]
Feb. 18.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Delamer, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell.
Mr. Blathwaite thinks that if the 4,000l. last ordered to be paid by Mr. Williamson at York be duly paid and a bill drawn by Mr. Fairfax and Mr. Fotherby on Mr. Herriott for 2,000l. [be] accepted and paid, it will be sufficient to answer the ends of the letter of the 17th inst. from the Committee for Irish Affairs. He desires Schested's Regiment of Horse may have 2,000l. (struck through).
Sir Ben. Bathurst to attend on Thursday morning next about saltpetre.
Mr. Harbord [is to be] desired to hasten his report on the petition of Edolph touching a discovery of a parcel of land in Kent at Lewisham (struck through).
[Ibid, p. 224.]
Present : ut supra.
[No entry of any minute.]
Feb. 19,
afternoon. Kensington.
Present : the King, Earl of Monmouth, Lord Delamer, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell.
The Navy Commissioners [are] to bring their counsel and attend the King tomorrow morning in the Treasury Chamber about the appropriating clause. Mr. Stephens, the Attorney General and Solicitor General to attend then.
Write the Master of the Robes to send by next Treasury day his account of what is due in his Office to this time (a particular account of the debt incurred in the Office of the Robes from the King's accession to this day).
Ordered that 1,000l. be issued to Sir Rowland Gwyn on account of the [Chamber] messengers' bills, out of which he is to pay 626l. 6s. 0d. advanced to them by the Earl of Shrewsbury and [similarly] what has been advanced out of secret service to some of the messengers.
[Ibid, p. 225.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 201.]
Feb. 20.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : four Lords, ut supra.
Sir Ben. Bathurst [is] desired to communicate to the East India Company that 800 tons of saltpetre is wanting for the King's service and to let my Lords know forthwith at what rates they will sell it.
The Commissioners of the Prizes to attend tomorrow morning.
Ordered that 1,000l. be issued to the Earl of Bellomont for the Queen.
His Majesty came in. The Navy Board, Mr. Stephens and the Attorney and Solicitor General are called in about the appropriating clause. The Attorney and Solicitor General are ordered forthwith (for the satisfaction of the Navy Board and Mr. Stephens) to give their opinion upon that point in writing and the Navy Board is to attend to-morrow morning.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 226.]
Feb. 21.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Sir Charles Porter to attend on Monday afternoon next upon Mr. Evelyn's petition.
The Commissioners of Prizes are called in and [are] asked to bring in an account of their receipts and payments. They say they have sent down to the several ports and as soon as they have returns from thence they design to make a presentment of the state of their office and of their receipts etc.
Mr. Hutchinson, Solicitor of the Customs, is to attend on Monday morning next.
Write to Mr. Vanderesch that whereas the King did (some time since) order the Regiments of Talmash, Babbington and Cutts to recruit 520 men each, my Lords desire to know how much money he has given to the said Regiments upon account of levy money or subsistence, keeping these two items distinct.
The like letter to Mr. Harbord for the Regiments of [the Duke of] Bolton, [Viscount] Castleton and [Sir George] St. George.
[Ibid, p. 227.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 203.]
Present : Lord Delamer, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 227.]
Feb. 24.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
Ordered that 500l. be issued to Mr. Aaron Smith upon account for [Treasury law] prosecutions.
My Lords will excuse Sir Charles Porter this afternoon, but he must appoint a short day to be here. (Write him to this effect.)
The Customs Commissioners to attend to-morrow afternoon.
Ordered that 1,000l. be issued to me [W. Jephson, the Secretary to the Treasury] for secret service, to be by me paid over to the [Royal] Brief [for Collections] for the poor of London etc.
The Customs Commissioners to order Cooper, a landsurveyor [of the Customs], to attend on Wednesday morning next.
[Ibid, p. 228.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 207.]
Present : ut supra, except Mr. Hampden.
Mr. St. Johns offers to bring to-morrow morning one bill for 1,000l., payable at Chester at 10 days' sight, another for 1,000l. at Shrewsbury at 10 days' sight and in a week after 2,000l. more.
Speak with Mr. Blathwayte to-morrow morning about these bills.
The Navy Commissioners and Mr. Stephens to attend to-morrow afternoon.
The Agents [for Taxes] to attend to-morrow afternoon.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 228.]
Feb. 25.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that 200l. be issued to Mr. Harbord to be paid over to Mr. Allen for buying screws to pack the hay for Ireland ; by order from the Committee for Irish Affairs.
Mr. Noell not to fail to attend this afternoon.
Cuffe and Vickars (or their order) to have credit for 500l. on the Receivers [? of Assessments] for South Wales, to buy oats. The Receivers to draw bills on Mr. Harbord for their reimbursement.
Ordered that 312l. 6s. 6d. be issued to Mr. Stanley, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber ; as for three quarters' [salary].
[Ibid, p. 229.]
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The East India Company and Mr. Whitfeild to be heard on Monday afternoon.
Mr. Fox to attend on Friday morning next about a credit for Capt. Wright at Barbados.
Feb. 26.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Delamer, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Ibid, p. 230.]
Present : the King, Lord Delamer, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The King orders that 6,000l. a week for four weeks be paid out of the Excise to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Yards. The first payment to be next week.
The Navy Commissioners and the Treasurer of the Navy to attend to-morrow morning.
Mr. Hall of the Hearthmoney [Office] to attend to-morrow morning.
Feb. 27.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Ibid, p. 231.]
Feb. 28.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
Present : all my Lords.
Ordered that 770l. be issued to Mr. Harbord for advance to the Marching Hospitals for Ireland by order from the Committee for Irish Affairs ; and 750l. for medicaments to be sent to Ireland by like order from the said Committee.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 232.]