Entry Book: December 1689, 1-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: December 1689, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp320-333 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: December 1689, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp320-333.

"Entry Book: December 1689, 1-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp320-333.


December 1689, 1-15

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Dec. 2. William Jephson to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant for allowing items as follow in William Harbord's accounts [of moneys for the Forces in Ireland], viz. : 290l., 150l., 170l., 733l. 18s. 0d. and 132l. to meet five bills of Mr. Fryth, dated respectively Oct. 19, Nov. 1, Nov. 2, Nov. 2 and Nov. 6 ; 1,000l. to meet a bill of Mr. Henley, dated Nov. 23 ; 3,000l. to meet two bills [date not stated] of Mr. Molyneux. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 134.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed Order in Council [missing] of the 28th ult. concerning several ships pretending to be bound for Bilboa, Lisbon and Flanders with lead and copperas. Ibid, p. 135.
Treasury order to same to comply with (a) infra.
Appending : (a) order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Nov. 28 last, for the Treasury Lords to direct the Customs Commissioners to return an account what merchant ships are at present outward bound, whether laden or unladen, to what places, what number of men they have now on board and what number of men more they need for their respective voyages.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 87.
Treasury reference to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] of the petition of Joshua Edisbury for renewal of the term of his grant to dig for copperas and other mines in a waste in co. Flint. Reference Book VI, p. 108.
Dec. 3. Money warrant for 455l. to Robert Molesworth, esq., for a quarter to Nov. 28 last on his ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Denmark ; his first quarter to Aug. 29 last having been paid in advance, "as appears by a certificate of his departure out of his Majesty's presence." (Money order dated Dec. 4 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 137. Order Book III, p. 42.
Same for 80l. to John Pottinger, Comptroller of the Pipe, for two years' fee to Sept. 29 last. Money Book X, p. 138.
Same for 24l. to Gamaliel Nightingale, Receiver General of the 'present' Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 3] for co. Cambridge, for his extraordinary charges in two journeys for bringing to London 5,870l. of his receipts. (Money order dated Dec. 5 hereon.) Ibid, p. 138. Order Book III, p. 42.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 500l. to William Harbord to be paid to John Magridge to be laid out in coals for the use and relief of the Mayor, commonalty and citizens of Londonderry, pursuant to the Order in Council of Nov. 28 last.
And likewise 1,530l. to the Treasurer of the Navy to be paid to Sir Richard Haddock et al., late Victualling Commissioners, to pay for the provisions for the Regiments now going to Nevis.
Disposition Book VIII, p. 59.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant for allowing in William Harbord's accounts [of moneys for the Forces in Ireland] 966l. 8s. 0d. by him paid to Mr. Lord and partners, shoemakers, for shoes and boots furnished for the Army in Ireland. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 136.
Same to same to procure a same for similarly allowing 500l. paid by said Harbord to John Magridge for coals, ut supra. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed bill [missing] of the Earl of Shrewsbury of this day's date and on the enclosed extract [missing] of a letter from Mr. Russell to said Earl, both relating to the miscarriages of the [Customs] officers on the Kentish coast. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Brewster to take care that the necessary repairs be forthwith made at their Majesties' Treasury [of the Receipt] over the gate going out of the New Palace Yard into St. Margaret's Lane. In the meanwhile you are to stop up the doors made by the inhabitants of the houses adjoining through the foundation wall of the Treasury. Ibid, p. 137.
Treasury reference to the Agents [for Taxes] of the petition of Richard Sharp, Receiver for co. Rutland of the 'present' Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 3], praying an allowance of 15l. 6s. 0d. for his extraordinary charges in bringing up his moneys. Reference Book VI, p. 109.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Stephens for a tidesman's place in fee, London port, he having been a tidesman in extraordinary for six years. Ibid.
Same to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] of the petition of Tho. Strangeways for the stewardship of Fordington and Ryme, co. Dorset, granted him by King James during pleasure. Ibid, p. 111.
William Jephson to Gervace Squire. The Treasury Lords find by your letter of Nov. 1 last that you continue in the collection of the revenue at Londonderry and have opposed Warham Jemmett, whom my Lords appointed thereto. You are to render the collection to Jemmet. My Lords have not received any letter from the Duke of Schonberg's secretary concerning you. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 11.
Same to William Smith, Comptroller and Accountant General of the Revenue in Ireland, residing at Belfast, enclosing the above letter. See it sent to Squire. In his letter Squire charges Jemmet with a great arrear due to balance his account. Inquire into this and send my Lords an account of it. Ibid.
Dec. 4. Same to Mr. Colinge (Coling) to lay before the Privy Council the enclosed list [missing] of ships outward bound, laden or unladen, now in the Thames ; and Mr. Sansom's [the Customs Secretary's] letter [also missing] as to same. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 137.
Same to Mr. Bowles to move the Admiralty Lords for a convoy for the Elizabeth of Truro, Richard Napton master, and the William and Mary of Southampton, William Chamberlaine master, which are hired to bring, from Falmouth to London, tin belonging to the King. Ibid.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal dormant for the salary of 80l. per an. each as from Michaelmas last to the supervisors of tin blowing houses in Cornwall and Devon : viz. : William Upcott (three blowing houses in Kenwyn, one in St. Stephen, one in St. Austell, one at Polgooth in the parish of St. Ewe, one lately built called Bessow House in Key [Kea], near Truro) ; Nathaniel Lugger (one in Plympton, one in Shestow, co. Devon, one in St. Blazey, one in St. Nyott [Neot], one in Linkinhorne, one in Calstock, one lately built in St. Agnes, co. Cornwall) ; George Collins (one in St. Allen, one in St. Agnes, one in Illogan, one in Redruth, one in Gwennap, one at Penryn, one called Trecoas, lately built near Penryn, co. Cornwall) ; Francis Cole (his blowing houses, ut supra, pp. 243-4). Further hereby said Upcott, Lugger and Collins are to be paid one year hereon to Michaelmas last ; as it is certified by William Tailer, deputy auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, that they have been paid only to 1688, Sept. 29, though they have since continued in the execution of their said office. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 310-11.
Dec. 5. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to take in 7,000l. from the Earl of Montagu, which he lends on the credit of the Excise. Disposition Book VIII, p. 59.
Same to same to issue as follows out of any unappropriated money in the Exchequer : viz. : Ibid, p. 60.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay off the Pendennis 3,000 0 0
to ditto for the Victuallers 10,000 0 0
to William Harbord to pay a bill of Mr. Shales 200 0 0
to ditto for Maj. Gen. Scravemore by the King's warrant 500 0 0
to ditto to pay a bill of Mr. Frith 733 18 0
to ditto to pay a bill of Mr. Greenhill 500 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Andrew Douglas, by Order of Council [of Nov. 28 last] 303 6 8
to ditto for subsistence of three Regiments in England for a week 2,147 2 0
to the Earl of Ranelagh, by way of advance, for subsistence [of the Forces] 2,882 2 6
to ditto, by way of advance, for the Dutch Troops 10,000 0 0
to ditto, by way of advance, to pay a bill from Holland 10,000 0 0
to Tho. Lloyd, esq., for the works at Hampton Court 500 0 0
to ditto for same at Kensington 500 0 0
to ditto for the ordinary [of the Works] 500 0 0
to the Privy Purse 500 0 0
£42,266 9 2
William Jephson to the Excise Commissioners to order their officers to furnish the officers of the Victualling in the several ports with money as formerly and to accept [in repayment] their bills on Mr. Papillon et al. the present Victualling Commissioners. (The like letter to the Customs Commissioners for the collectors in the outports.) Out Letters (General) XII, p. 138.
Same to Mr. Gregor. You are to consign all the tin which you have bought for the King's use to Charles Godolphin, James Hoare and Andrew Corbett, the Commissioners for Coining Tin Farthings and Halfpence. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to restore Erasmus Evans, dismissed, as a tidesurveyor, London port, the Treasury Lords having thought fit to continue him and not to appoint Joel Burford, who was presented for his place by the said Commissioners. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 88.
Treasury reference to the Agents [for Taxes] of the petition of Robt. Chaplin, gent., Receiver of the 'present' Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 3] in co. Suffolk, for an allowance for his extraordinary charges in bringing up to London 14,300l. of his receipts. Reference Book VI, p. 109.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Dickins for the place of surveyor of Lynn Regis port. Ibid.
William Jephson to Mr. Smith [Comptroller and Accomptant General of the Revenue, Ireland], enclosing the Order in Council [missing] of the 2nd inst., directing that the exemption from payment of [Customs] duties on goods imported shall not continue longer than Jan. 1 next. Give notice thereof to the various ports in Ireland. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 11.
Dec. 6. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 10,000l. to William Harbord in part of [his] memorial of the 4th inst. It is to be forthwith transmitted to Harbord in Ireland by James Herriot, his agent here. Disposition Book VIII, p. 60.
Dec. 26
[sic erratum for Dec. 6].
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant for allowing in said Harbord's account [of moneys for the Forces in Ireland] the 303l. 6s. 8d. ordered [supra, p. 323] to be issued to him for Capt. Andrew Douglas for the services of him and his men. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 138.
Dec. 6. Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing two Orders in Council [missing] of Nov. 28 last, directing the Bailiff and Jurats of Jersey and Guernsey to put in execution there the Act of Parliament for prohibiting all trade and commerce with France. Transmit said orders to said islands. Ibid, p. 139.
Same to same. When will you be ready to attend the Treasury Lords touching aliens' duties on goods exported? Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to permit Sir Vere Fane and partners to inspect the Excise books, papers and accounts from 1677. (The like letter to the Comptroller of Excise.) Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Agents [for Taxes] of the petition of John Lloyd, Receiver of the 'present' Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 3] in co. Denbigh, for an allowance for his extraordinary charges in bringing up to the Exchequer his 1,341l. and upwards receipts thereon. Reference Book VI, p. 109.
Same to same of the like petition of Edward Jones as same for co. Carnarvon. Ibid, p. 110.
Same to same of the like petition of Gilbert Spencer as same for co. Kent, his receipts being 10,000l. and upward. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Brett and John Waring for renewal of their patent as searchers, Chester port. Ibid, p. 109.
Same to Richard Hutchinson, esq., of the petition of Christopher Falthorp, a wine cooper of Hull, shewing that he was prosecuted by Sir Nicho. Butler and imprisoned half a year, although he was only a factor for Alderman Carter of York, but being against the repealing of the Penal Laws and Test could obtain no favour : prays to be acquitted of said judgment. Ibid.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of the Earl Rivers for renewal of his grant of the herbage, pasturage, pannage, turbary, fern and barks of trees within the Forest of Mara and Mondren, alias Delamere, together with two enclosures therein, called the Old and New Passes, which he holds at 39l. 13s. 0d. per an. rent : which premises Charles II demised to Charles Osborne and John Knight for 99 years terminable on the life of the Queen Dowager for 3l. 18s. 4¼d. per an. rent. Ibid, p. 110.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Capt. John Wildman for a deputy searcher's or land surveyor's place, London, loco Mr. Le Neve or Mr. Brennington. Reference Book VI, p. 110.
Same to same of the petition of Smart Goodenough, shewing that he freighted the Francis of Bideford from London to Bilboa, but said ship is stopped : prays to be allowed to proceed on his voyage. Ibid.
William Jephson to Mr. Harbord. In pursuance of yours of Oct. 24 last the Treasury Lords have sent for Mr. Freckleton, Agent to Sir John Lanier's Regiment, and Mr. Smithsby, Agent to Col. Hasting's Regiment, and have received their answers to their Colonels' complaints against them. I enclose the said answers [missing]. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 12.
Dec. 7. Money warrant for 60l. to William Clark, esq., Keeper of Bigshot Rails in Windsor Forest, for two years to Sept. 29 last on his 30l. per an. for hay for the deer there. (Money order dated Dec. 9 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 140. Order Book III, p. 43.
Same for 10l. to Richard Sharp, Receiver for the 'present' Aid, co. Rutland, for his extraordinary charge in returning his money into the Exchequer. (Money order dated Dec. 7 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 141. Order Book III, p. 42.
Treasury warrant to William Roberts, Receiver of the Revenue of Windsor Honor and Castle, to pay 25l. to William Clark, woodward [of the three red deer walks in Windsor Forest], and 20l. each to Robert Hannington, Daniell Tyndell and Augustine Hannington as underkeepers respectively of Bigshot Walk, Easthampstead Walk and Sandhurst Walk, being the said three red deer walks : all for one year to Sept. 29 last on their wages : with dormant clause for payment of same in future out of the revenues of Windsor Honor and Castle. Money Book X, p. 142.
Same to Tho. Fox, Customs Cashier, to pay 63l. 2s. 0d. to the clerk who executed the office of Clerk of the Pipe, being for himself and the secondaries and clerks of that Office ; 5l. 15s. 0d. to the Comptroller of the Pipe ; 11l. 15s. 4d. to two Deputy Chamberlains : in all 80l. 12s. 4d. all for one year to June 24 last. Ibid, p. 145.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Earl of Montagu for the service of the Great Wardrobe the 4,000l. which he yesterday lent into the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 60.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Hasten your report on John Silver's petition, ut supra, p. 99. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 139.
Same to same. Hasten your report on the Order of Council of Nov. 28 last, ut supra, p. 320. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Williamson. In reply to yours of the 4th inst. to the Treasury Lords, the 1,600l. which you have paid to Mr. Fotherby is to be incl[uded] of [in] the 4,000l. which you were ordered to pay him on account of the Danish Forces. My Lords will take care that your bills for that sum shall be satisfied. Please inform my Lords how much more money you can furnish for this service and in what time, "for there will be more money wanting for the said service at York." Ibid.
William Jephson to Mr Colinge [a clerk of the Privy Council] to lay before the King in Council the enclosed letter [missing] of the 3rd inst. from the officers of the Ordnance to the Treasury Lords, desiring that the ships under the command of Admiral Russell may, for their ballast, take in brimstone for supply of the Ordnance Stores. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 140.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ William Staplehill as landwaiter in Dartmouth port loco Alexander How, who has deserted same.
Richard Eustick to continue as collector of Penzance port, to which he was deputed April 4 last.
Walter Whitney as waiter and searcher at Newton in Swansea port and to attend the discharge of coast goods loco Edward Lluellen, lately dismissed.
Thomas Nicholls as boatman, London port, loco Henry Oake, who relinquishes same.
John Poulter as tidesman in fee, London port, loco Leonard Stable, preferred to be surveyor at Selby.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 88, 89, 90.
Same to Morgan Swynny, John Davies, John Hascor, senr., and John Hascor, junr., to take up out of the ground (in the presence of Philip Ryley, one of the Agents of Taxes) a treasure hidden in the manor of Kennington, co. Surrey, of which they have lately made a discovery, and which belongs to the King as treasure trove : and thereupon immediately to give an account in writing of the nature, quality, quantity and value of same in order to the King's direction for the disposal thereof : "it being intended that you, the discoverers, shall have a grant of one third part for your good services." Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 113.
Same for the execution of a warrant, dated Dec. 1, from the Earl of Dorset to Sir Gilbert Talbot, Keeper of the Jewel House, for the delivery of plate for his Majesty's service, viz. 24 new gilt trencher plates, 48 old gilt ditto to be new gilt, two new gilt Cadonotts, one pair of silver acorn sconces, 3½ pair of small candlesticks, two pair of Bassett candlesticks, four pair of snuffers, one warming pan, two chamber pots. Ibid.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant under the Exchequer seal to Sir Henry Palmer, bart., of the office of steward of the manor of Wingham, co. Kent : with the yearly fee of 40s. payable by the bailiff thereof. Ibid, p. 114.
[?] Entry of [the Treasury Lords' signature of] the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Gilbert Berry and Ciprian Thorneton as assigns of Roger Jackson and Robert Chappell of the manor of Sutton and Beelsby and of divers lands etc. in Barrow and Barton [co. Lincoln] of the value of 225l. 17s. 0d. [per an.], being lands of William Broxolme, esq., deceased, late Receiver General of the Eleven Months' Assessment of 19 Car. II, who remained indebted to the King in 10,389l. 11s. 11¾d. on his account of his receipt thereof, besides the sum of 182l. 7s. 10d. which was placed in super upon Hen. Rands : which said debts, together with said manor, lands etc., were granted 1681, June 22, to said Jackson and Chappel in consideration of a payment of 1,800l. and of a further sum of 50l. paid [? to] Capt. Robert Hill. The rental for the present lease is to be 3s. 4d. [per an. and the fine to be 6s. 8d.]. Ibid.
Dec. 7. William Jephson to Mr. Smith [Comptroller General of the Revenue, Ireland], enclosing a fresh order similar to the Order in Council, ut supra, p. 323, concerning duties on imports into Ireland, with only the following words added or interlined therein, viz. "under the conditions and provisoes directed therein." Send it to the officers of the several ports in Ireland to be put in execution. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 12.
Dec. 9. Treasury warrant to the Auditors of the Crown Revenues of England and Wales to make allowance in the accounts of each Receiver of the 'present' Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 3], of a salary of 2d. in the £ of his gross receipts provided he has returned to the Receipt of the Exchequer a duplicate of the assessment of each parish or place, city or town within his collection and upon his clearing of his account. Money Book X, p. 143.
Money warrant for 16l. 6s. 8d. to Gilbert Jones, Receiver General of the 'present' Aid in co. Montgomery, for his extraordinary charges in bringing to London (140 miles) the 1,659l. of his receipts : his allowance [of 2d. per £ as above] on his receipts as by the Act being only 13l. 8s. 9d. (Money order dated Dec. 10 hereon.) Ibid, pp. 143-4. Order Book III, p. 43.
The like for 13l. 6s. 8d. to John Lloyd, gent., for same as same for co. Denbigh : his receipts being 1,302l. 1s. 3d. and his poundage as above only 11l. 3s. 6d. (Money order dated Dec. 11 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 144. Order Book III, p. 44.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 24l. to Mr. Nightingale, 10l. to Mr. Sharp, 16l. 6s. 8d. to Mr. Jones, Receivers of the 'present' Aid. Disposition Book VIII, p. 61.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to send an officer to Monsieur Gelder Malsen's lodgings at St. James's to open and deliver his goods there. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 140.
Same to same to deliver to Monsieur de Suliegden a coach and basket. Ibid.
Same to same to permit the ship Francis Padsey, Anthony FitzGerralt master, bound for Bilboa and now stopped in the Downs, to proceed, if you find no sufficient cause of detaining her. Ibid.
Same to same to pass, Customs free, two coaches, two chairs and 100 tons of household goods etc. to Jamaica for the use of the Earl of Inchiquin, who goes thither as Governor. Ibid, p. 141.
Treasury order to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Dec. 5 inst., that horses and mares be permitted to be transported out of England into any port or place in Ireland under the King's obedience, Customs free.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 89.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to obey (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) order by the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, dated Council Chamber, Whitehall, Dec. 7 inst., requiring from the Customs Commissioners as complete a list as possible of all the ships and vessels belonging to merchants of this kingdom, Ireland and the Plantations, with their names and burthen.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 89.
Treasury warrant to same to employ Samuel Trott as collector of Customs in the island of Bermudas, void since the death of Sir John Heydon, late Governor of said island.
Nicholas Tinmouth as boatman, Sunderland port, loco John Clay, lately deceased.
John Aylett as coastwaiter, Bristol port, to fill up the establishment of that port loco James Thornton, lately dismissed.
John Merrick as tidesman and boatman at Portsmouth loco Robert Knight, who has deserted the service.
Ibid, p. 90.
Same to same to permit the Muscovy Company (the Governor and Fellowship of English Merchants for the discovery of new trades) to take up the seal oil now by them imported and sold for the use of the Navy and also to import yearly, till further order, such seal oil as they shall lade on their [own] ships on payment of only 6s. per ton [import] duty : provided same be laden in English ships navigated according to law : they having formerly had the like liberty, which was renewed to them in Dec., 1685, and by Order of Council in 1681. Ibid, p. 91.
Treasury reference to Mr. Fillingham et al. of the petition of John Cruwys, esq., Receiver General of the Poll for Devon and Exeter, for an allowance for his extraordinary charges therein. Reference Book VI, p. 110.
Same to Philip Ryley of the petition of John Gibbons for extension of term in the woods, underwoods and wood grounds called St. John's Wood, in the parish of Chipping Wycombe, granted by Charles II to Henry Seymour, but the title whereof is now vested in petitioner in right of his wife. Ibid, p. 111.
Dec. 10. Money warrant for 45l. to Robert Chaplain, Receiver General for four fifth parts of co. Suffolk of the last Six Months' [the 'present,' 1 Wm. and Mary, c. 3] Aid, for his extraordinary charges (amounting to 65l. 4s. 0d.) in bringing up 14,300l. to the Exchequer, his receipts being 14,682l. 7s. 2½d. : petitioner having accepted the receipt when all other persons declined the same. (Money order dated Dec. 11 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 145. Order Book III, p. 44.
William Jephson to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Maurice Draddy of Portsmouth for an additional allowance of 5s. a day for supplying the Guards there with fire and candle in the winter of 1688. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 140.
Same to the Attorney General to give warrant to the Clerk of the Petty Bag for a commission to Tho. Cobbs, Eland Mossom, Pet[e]r Stepkin, William Horton, Walter Bagnold, Cha. Wayne, James Ken and Robert Mossom to enquire of lands, mortgages, debts etc. settled to Popish and superstitious uses in cos. Middlesex, Worcester and Stafford, of which the King is informed.
(In the margin : Marquess of Winchester.)
Ibid, p. 141.
William Jephson to Mr. Williamson. The 1,600l. which you advanced to Mr. Fotherby for the Danish Forces is to be exclusive (not inclusive as by my letter of the 7th inst., supra, pp. 325-6) of the 4,000l. ordered Nov. 28 last, supra, p. 69. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 142.
Same to the Attorney General to report as soon as possible on the petition of Stephen Warner, supra, pp. 166-7. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Fox [Customs Cashier] to write to the Customs collectors of Rochester, Dover, Portsmouth, Southampton, Plymouth, Exeter, Milford Haven, Liverpool and Harwich to furnish the officers of the Victualling in those ports with what moneys they need to carry on the Victualling service ; accepting in return their bills on the Victualling Commissioners. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Richard Young ; petitioner shewing that he attended the King on his arrival in the West and preserved the ship Greenwich from being betrayed and upon Major Wildman's report had a grant of one of the four surveyors' places, Bristol port ; and Mr. Whitlewood, an Irishman, one of those surveyors, is represented as an ill [affected] man in the late times : therefore praying [his] said place. Reference Book VI, p. 111.
Same to same of the petition of Daniell Baxter for a landwaiter's place. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Philip Ryley to repair to Hounslow Heath and take into his custody the deal boards (15,000 in number, counting six score to the hundred) which belonged to John Shales, and all those erections or buildings of deal standing on said heath, which were used for kitchens, stables or other conveniences for the late King, the Lieut. Generals, Major Generals and four Brigadiers during the last encampment of the late King's Army on said heath and all buildings whatsoever of deal or fir belonging to said Shales and all timber for frames of the coverings for the horse in said encampment and then laid up in a great barn adjoining the heath : the said Shales having assigned same to the late King by deed dated 1687-8, Jan. 31 ; but the Treasury Lords being now informed that some persons have purloined or are about to purloin the same or part thereof. If any be so purloined Ryley is hereby to enquire of same and endeavour to regain them. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 115.
Dec. 11. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for an annuity or pension of 2,000l. per an. to William, Earl of Portland, as Groom of the Stole and in that respect as First Gentleman of the Bedchamber : as from 1688-9, Feb. 13. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 296-7.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for an annuity or pension of 1,000l. per an. to James, Duke of Ormonde, as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber : to date from Feb. 13 as above. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 297.
The like severally for Charles, Earl of Monmouth ; Aubrey, Earl of Oxford ; John, Earl of Marlborough ; John, Earl of Clare ; James, Earl of Drumlanrig ; Charles, Earl of Selkirk ; Richard, Visct. Lumley ; Henry, Visct. Sidney, as severally Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. Ibid.
The like for 500l. per an. to Col. Peircy Kirke as a Groom of the Bedchamber : to date from Feb. 13 last as above. Ibid, p. 298.
The like severally for Hatton Compton, esq., Charles Trelawney, esq., Emanuel Scroope How, esq., John Sayers, esq., Adrian van Borcelan, esq., as severally same from same date. Ibid.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to William Blackaller, gent., of the office of Agent and Solicitor for the Wine Licence Revenue in like manner as Edward Ange, gent., heretofore held same : with the yearly fee or salary of 100l. as from 1689, Christmas ; payable out of said revenue. Ibid, p. 299.
Royal sign manual for 419l. 12s. 0d. to Carell d'Lisle, gent., as royal bounty : without account : to be paid out of Customs seizures. (Money warrant dated Dec. 13 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 14 hereon.) Ibid, p. 300. Money Book X, p. 146. Order Book III, p. 44.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal dormant for additional salaries to the judges of Wales (the six Justices of the Great Sessions of the Dominion and Principality of Wales) as follows, as formerly granted by Charles II 1668-9, Mar. 6 : viz. 100l. per an. each in addition to their former (ancient) allowances of 50l. per an. each for salary ; and 30l. per an. each for diet : the whole to be payable out of the Crown revenues of North and South Wales by the respective receivers thereof. Further hereby 50l. is to be paid to Sir John Trenchard, kt., for the half year ended 1689, Lady day, as Chief Justice of Chester and Flint ; 50l. to same as same of Montgomery and Denbigh ; and 15l. to same on his diet allowance as above : and similarly 25l. to Littleton Powys, esq., for same half year as Second Judge of Montgomery and Denbigh and 15l. for riding charges [or diet]. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 300-1.
Same dormant to the Warden, Master Worker and Comptroller of the Mint to pay to the executors of Dame Barbara Villiers 2d. per lb. weight Troy of silver coined in the Mint from 1688, Dec. 31, to 1691, Aug. 9, in such manner as is prescribed in the grant of 1671, Aug. 26, to said Villiers : the payments on which said grant have been duly made to her or her executors up to 1688, Dec. 31. Ibid, p. 302.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal dormant for an annuity or yearly sum of 1,106l. 13s. 4d. per an. to Charles, Earl of Macclesfield, during pleasure ; out of the Crown revenues of North and South Wales : for his own use and behoof : to be payable half yearly as from Sept. 19 last : and likewise for another annuity or yearly sum of 800l. to him as from Michaelmas last out of the same revenue : and likewise of another annuity or yearly sum of 400l. as from 1689, Lady day : making in all 2,306l. 13s. 4d. per an. : all in consideration of good and acceptable services by him performed to the King : to be without account or imprest. Ibid, p. 305.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of William Feast for allowance of 625l. on his account as a collector of Excise, he having paid 500l. of his collection to one Smith [to be remitted by exchange to London] for the King's use, which failed of return, but is since recovered and paid into the Excise Office and an extent is issued to recover the rest. Reference Book VI, p. III.
Dec. 12. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book VIII, p. 61.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for subsistence [of the Forces] 2,882 2 6
to ditto to pay several bills from Col. Trelawney 4,909 18
to ditto for the remainder of a bill from Monsr. Sculenbergh 600 0 0
to ditto to clear the Duke of Bolton's Regiment to Jan. 1 5,085 0 0
to ditto for the Dutch Forces 10,000 0 0
to William Harbord [for the Forces in Ireland] upon his memorial 10,000 0 0
to ditto to pay a bill from Mr. Henley 1,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance on the [Ordnance Office] ordinary 3,000 0 0
to ditto for the new arms 2,000 0 0
to ditto for the stores for Ireland 2,000 0 0
to the Paymaster of the Works for [the works at] Kensington 500 0 0
to ditto for the works at Hampton Court 500 0 0
to ditto for the ordinary [of the Works] 500 0 0
to the Privy Purse 500 0 0
Same to same to issue 45l. to Robert Chaplin and 13l. 6s. 8d. to John Lloyd, ut supra, pp. 328, 327. Ibid, p. 62.
Same to Mr. Row and partners. You are to forthwith make up your accounts of the chimney money. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 142.
Same to Mr. Herriott to attend Sir Henry Capell and Mr. Hampden to-morrow at Sir Robert Howard's [the Auditor of the Receipt's] Office. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to meet Capell and Hampden, ut supra. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to pass, Customs free, three bales made up at the Great Wardrobe, being presents from the King to the Government of Algiers, Tripoly and Tunis. Ibid, p. 143.
[?] Same to same to permit Lieut. Col. And. Monro to transport to Holland, Customs free, on the Adrian of Rotterdam, Ary Peterson master, a complete clothing and accoutrements (being 20 casks) for the Second Battalion of their Majesties' Royal Regiment of Foot.
Appending : said Monro's request for same.
Dec. 12. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Joel Burford as a tidesurveyor, London port, loco Allen Gough, dismissed. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 90.
Same to same to employ James Waring (the present Customer of Berwick) as collector of Deal port loco Nathaniell Francklin, lately dismissed. Ibid, p. 95.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to John Cook, esq., of the custody or farm of the Hundreds of Denge [Dengie] and Burstable [Barstable], co. Essex, for 31 years from 1689, Lady day, on surrender of the term granted to John Sandford and at the several rents of 22s. 9d. and 7s. 3d.
Prefixing : (a) particular and memorandum (by Thomas Cole in the absence of the Clerk of the Pipe) of the premises : being the ancient fines and ward silver of various homages, viz. 2s. from the Master of the Savoy in London for the vill of Dengie and 12d. for the vill of Ashdonhall [Asheldham] ; 12d. from John Rochester for the vill of St. Lawrence ; 12d. from John Stone for the vill of Steeple ; 12d. from William Tacey, gent., and Margaret his wife, in the right of the said Margaret, for the vill of Little Woodhill ; and 6d. for Little Sendon [Sandon] and 12d. for the vill of Tollesbury and 12d. for the vill of Tolleshunt Chevalier [Tolleshunt Knights] and 3s. for the vill of Tolleshunt Tregos and 12d. for the vill of Goldhanger and Little Totham and 12d. for the vill of Tolleshunt Major ; 12d. from William Beriff of the ancient fine for the manor of Great Totham ; 2s. 6d. from Lady Anna Boucher for the manor of Northambridge ; 9d. from Sir Henry Radcliffe, kt., for the manor of Goldnorton ; 8d. from Thomas, Earl of Sussex, for the manor of Woodham Waters [Walter] and 8d. for the manor of Bainham ; 3d. from William Higham, gent. (for Jane Browne, widow, for lands and tenements in Fillingham) for the manor of Woodhall in Ashdam [? Asheldham] ; 2d. from Thomas Darcy, esq., for tenements etc. in Tolleshunt Darcy ; 8d. from William Twetty, gent., and Margaret his wife for the manor of Woodham Mortimer ; 4d. from Thoma. Darcey for a tenement called Crabbs in Woodham Mortimer ; 4d. from Henry Till [? Pill] for lands called Hullings in Goldhanger ; 10d. from Thomas Bockingham of London, gent., for lands called Dymonds ; 8d. from Thomas Darcy, esq., for domain called Bridgehouse in Tolleshunt Darcy and 4d. for land called Lainbrooks : being in all 22s. 9d. for ward silver of [the said] various homages : and likewise of the office and offices of steward, bailiff etc. of the said Hundreds, the custody of the View of Frankpledge and the Hundreds, Courts and Tourns etc. : the premises being parcel of the ancient possessions of the Crown and demised 1666, May 26, to John Sandford, son of Edward Sandford, gent., for 31 years. (b) Ratal thereof by William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 116-20.
Dec. 13. Same to the Receipt for tallies of pro or assignment on the Excise for 7,000l. to Ralph, Earl of Montagu, in repayment of so much lent into the Exchequer on the 6th and 12th inst. Money Book X, p. 146.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the 1,550l. lent or agreed to be lent into the Exchequer by Robert Chaplin of London, merchant, viz. : 250l. to Sir John Nicholas for one year to June 24 last as a Clerk of the Privy Council ; 214l. 18s. 0d. to William Blathwayte as a same [ut supra, p. 195] ; 1,043l. 18s. 10¼d. to same for salary and incidents of the Committee for Trade and Plantations on the order of July 27 last, ut supra, ibid. Disposition Book VIII, p. 62.
Same to same to issue to the Earl of Montagu for the service of the Great Wardrobe the 3,000l. which said Earl yesterday lent into the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same to Ralph Williamson, at York, Receiver of the 12d. Aid in co. Yorks. I have read yours of the 11th inst. to the Treasury Lords. In addition to what you have already paid you are to pay 4,500l. to Thomas Fotherby for the Danish Forces, 500l. thereof at Berwick, 2,000l. thereof at Newcastle and Durham and the remaining 2,000l. thereof at York. Likewise you are to pay 500l. to Izrael Feilding at Berwick upon account for "the Danish Horse in Scotland and them that are marching thither." Draw bills for these sums (5,000l. in all) upon Mr. James Herriott, goldsmith, at the Naked Boy in Fleet Street. My Lords will enable him to meet same. Ibid, p. 63.
Same to the Attorney General. The agents of Philip Ford have lately taken up some pigs of silver and other things out of the sea on the coast of Cornwall. He claims same by virtue of a patent under the great seal on payment of a fifth to the King. The Bishop of Exeter, who is Vice-Admiral in those parts, claims a moiety by virtue of his commission [as a Vice-Admiral]. Peruse Ford's patent and the Bishop's commission and advise the Treasury Lords as to the respective rights herein. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 143.