Entry Book: October 1689, 1-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: October 1689, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp272-281 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: October 1689, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp272-281.

"Entry Book: October 1689, 1-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp272-281.


October 1689, 1-15

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Oct. 1. Treasury dormant warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to levy tallies from time to time on the Tenths of the diocese of Norwich for payment of the liberates of Mr. Packer, Usher of the Receipt ; the said liberates having been so paid for divers years past. Money Book X, p. 102.
Same to same for tallies on the First Fruits for 500l. to Aubrey, Earl of Oxford, for last Sept. 29 quarter on his pension. Ibid.
Money order for 1,444l. 17s. 2¼d. to John Packer, esq., Usher of the Receipt, in full of liberates for necessaries delivered to the officers of the Receipt for 1687, Michaelmas and Hilary, and 1688, Easter and Trinity terms. Order Book III, p. 32.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, out of any unappropriated money in the Exchequer, 2,000l. to Lord Coote for the Queen. Disposition Book VIII, p. 45.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, 650 fusils bought in Holland for Col. La Caillimote's Regiment of Foot : likewise 700 fusils for Col. La Melonière's Regiment of Foot. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 106.
Same to the Rt. Hon. Hugh Boscowen at his house at Tregothnan, co. Cornwall, enclosing a copy of a Treasury order to the Receiver of Taxes in Cornwall to pay you 5,000l. With this you are to buy as much tin as the price current will procure. Send the Treasury Lords word at what ports it shall be lodged, so that directions may be given for bringing it to London. Ibid, p. 108.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to discharge the seizure of the ship Owner's Goodwill, owned by John Gardner of London, merchant ; said ship having come from Virginia to Barbados properly manned, but by reason of the war with France (whereof there was then notice at Barbados) several of his Englishmen deserted and he could not bring his vessel home without the help of foreigners : wherefore it is seized under the Navigation Act. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 66.
Treasury letters patent constituting Job Dowle as searcher of Gloucester port : with the fee of 8l. 13s. 4d. per an. : being to wit the office already held by him. Ibid, p. 67.
Treasury reference to Mr. Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of John, Lord Ossulston, for extension of lease of an estate within Marybone Park, the lease of which he purchased from the late Lord Arlington ; the Earl of Plymouth, who had a grant of the remainder, having died without heirs. Reference Book VI, p. 97.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Conyers for the office of clerk of the wood farm in the Custom House, London, loco Mr. Andrews, who did not take the Oath and Test. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Vaissiere for a landwaiter's place, London port. Reference Book VI, p. 97.
Same to Mr. Lowndes of the petition of Robert, Lord Lucas, Governor of the Tower, for a privy seal as usually granted to the Lieutenant of the Tower for payment of all his charges for safe keeping prisoners and carrying them before Parliament etc. Ibid.
Same to Aaron Smith of Robert Beaufoy's petition for 244l. 7s. 5d. ; he being ready to go to trial about some houses concealed from the King upon Tower Hill. Ibid.
Oct. 2. William Jephson to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Percivall Brunskell for the Office of Pleas or Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer Court. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 106.
Oct. 3. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 20,000l. to Robert Vyner, their Majesties' goldsmith, for gold works, gilt and white plate etc. which he hath delivered or shall deliver into the Jewel House. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 250.
Same to same for a same to instal the First Fruits of Dr. Nicho. Stratford as Bishop of Chester : same to be payable by 94l. 10s. 4½d. on 1690, Sept. 29, 94l. 10s. 4½d. on 1691, Sept. 29, and 189l. 0s. 9d. on 1692, Sept. 29 : with the usual clause for ceasing all liability on avoidance. Ibid, p. 251.
Royal sign manual for 206l. 16s. 0d. to Jno. and James Rotiers for silver and for engraving the great seal of England. (Money warrant dated Oct. 8 hereon.) (Money order dated Oct. 11 hereon.) Ibid, p. 252. Money Book X, p. 106. Order Book III, p. 34.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a new Commission of the Excise : the new Commissioners to be Sir Henry Ashurst, bart., Sir John Morden, bart., Sir Samuel Dashwood, kt., Sir Humphry Edwyn, kt., William Strong, John Foche and Stephen Evance : with powers detailed ; and likewise with power to collect all arrears of the late revenue of Hearthmoney : with salary of 1,000l. per an. each, payable quarterly as from Sept. 29 last : Charles Duncombe to be their cashier or agent with the salary of 1,550l. per an. for himself and his clerks. The appropriated rates and duties of Excise are to be within the management of said Commissioners, but all payments thereout are to be made in accordance with the appropriation clauses and the accounts thereof kept distinct and apart from those of the other revenues of Excise. For managing said appropriated rates and duties a further sum or salary of 500l. per an. is to be equally divided among the said Commissioners. And whereas the said Commissioners and said Duncombe have agreed to advance 100,000l. (on the credit of the appropriated duties on tobacco, linen etc.), half thereof forthwith and the remaining half before Christmas next (to be applied towards the paying of 600,000l. to the States General of the United Provinces for their assistance to the King at his coming into this kingdom for its deliverance from Popery and arbitrary power) and have further agreed to re-lend the same on repayment and for the same purpose for a period of two years from Sept. 29 last ; and on his side the King has agreed with the States General that such repayments shall be made out of such duties as above (which are appropriated by Parliament for such repayment to the Dutch) it is therefore hereby set out that such repayment shall be made out of such duties with 6 per cent interest : and the said Commissioners and Duncombe are hereby to be retained in office until such payment be complete together with such interest. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 257-269.
William Jephson to the Collectors of Customs at Chester and Liverpool to pay to Capt. Henry Greenhill any sum not exceeding in the whole 1,000l., or, if you have not so much in cash, forthwith procure him so much credit. Greenhill will draw bills on the Treasurer of the Navy for your repayment. The matter is of great importance to his Majesty's service. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 107.
Oct. 4. [The Treasury Lords] to the Duke of Albemarle [at Jamaica]. We have acquainted the King with your letters of Feb. 11 last. He approves your action in taking bond of each shipmaster that had imported any money from the wreck. But in regard that we find by your letter and the minutes of Council that Col. Molesworth and the Council of Jamaica had required the payment of only one tenth [of the amount recovered from the wreck] for the King's share the King is pleased to satisfy himself therewith in pursuance of the Proclamation and Declaration in Council issued before your arrival in those parts. On payment of said tenth the abovesaid bonds are to be discharged. As you advise that the demand of a moiety for the King has discouraged sloopmen from seeking after new wrecks, the King is pleased to accept of only a tenth from all new wrecks, treasure or riches whatsoever that shall be taken out of the sea from any wreck hereafter discovered in America. Out Letters (Plantations General) I, pp. 309-10.
Oct. 5. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer, viz. : Disposition Book VIII, p. 45.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for Sick and Wounded 1,000 0 0
to ditto for [the Navy's] weekly money 3,000 0 0
to ditto to pay bills in course 1,000 0 0
to ditto to pay tickets 1,000 0 0
to ditto towards the pay of the ship Portsmouth 1,500 0 0
to ditto for the Victuallers 5,000 0 0
to the Earl of Ranelagh for subsistence [for the Forces] 3,601 15 0
to ditto for the Dutch Troops 10,000 0 0
to Mr. Harbord for a month's subsistence to the Regiments of Lanier, Hayford, [Lord] Hastings, [Visct.] Castleton, [Duke of] Bolton, St. George 5,242 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance [on the Ordnance Office] ordinary 1,000 0 0
to ditto for stores 1,275 16 7
to ditto on account of ships' [gun] carriages 1,000 0 0
to ditto on account of new arms 1,000 0 0
to ditto for artificers 500 0 0
to me [Jephson] for secret service by [way of] advance 6,625 0 0
to Mr. Packer on his liberates 500 0 0
to Mr. Kien, the Closet Keeper, for a quarter 50 0 0
to the Privy Purse 500 0 0
to the Agents for Taxes and their clerks 440 0 0
to Mr. Aaron Smith on account of law suits 500 0 0
to the Paymaster of the Works for repairing the Pall Mall 50 12 0
to ditto for the works at Kensington 500 0 0
to ditto [for ditto] at Hampton Court 500 0 0
for the Duke of Southampton, to be paid over to Lord Fitz-Harding 100 0 0
£45,885 3 7
William Jephson to the Excise Commissioners to pay, out of the Excise, 1,552l. 8s. 9½d. to the Queen Dowager and 1,500l. to the Princess of Denmark on their annuities due June 24 last. Disposition Book VIII, p. 46.
Oct. 7
[? 2].
Same to the Customs Commissioners to send an officer to the Emperor's Secretary's house in Park Place, St. James's, to view his goods ("a coach, a calesche and eight packs of goods belonging to the Queen of Spain") in order to their transport to Holland. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 107.
Oct. 8. Money warrant for 500l. to Aaron Smith on account for Crown Law charges. (Money order dated Oct. 9 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 102. Order Book III, p. 33.
Same for 227l. 10s. 0d. to John Andrew Eckhart for a quarter's advance of his ordinary of 50s. a day as their Majesties' Resident at Brussels. (Money order dated Oct. 9 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 103. Order Book III, p. 33.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Customs Cashier to pay the salary of 8l. 13s. 4d. per an. to Job Dowle as searcher of Gloucester port. Money Book X, p. 103.
Treasury allowance of the last Sept. 29 quarter's salary bill of the Customs officers, London port, being 5,044l. 12s. 2d. for established salaries and 165l. 2s. 9d. for additional salaries, or 5,209l. 14s. 11d. in all. Ibid.
Same of the like bill for the outports, being 5,266l. 18s. 0d. for established salaries and 580l. 15s. 10d. for additional salaries, or 5,847l. 13s. 0d. in all. Ibid, pp. 103-4.
Money warrant for 100l. to Charles, Duke of Southampton, in further part of 750l. for 1684, Christmas quarter, on his annuity or pension on the Excise. (Cancelled and replaced by a like warrant of Oct. 10 for 100l., being 50l. towards the abovesaid quarter and 50l. towards 1685, Lady day quarter.) Ibid, pp. 104, 106.
Same for 22,500l. to Charles Bertie, Treasurer of the Ordnance, as imprest for the East India Company for 500 tons of brown saltpetre furnished into the stores Aug. 30 last : as by the privy seal of Sept. 19, supra, p. 257. (Money order dated Oct. 31 hereon.) Ibid, p. 105. Order Book III, p. 36.
Money warrant for 50l. to Randolph Kien (Kein) for last Sept. 29 quarter on his annuity or pension as Closet Keeper to the King. Money Book X, p. 106.
Money order for 5l. to William Parkes (Parks), porter at the gate of the Receipt for same quarter's attendance there. Order Book III, p. 32.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,000l. to Lord Coote for the Queen out of any unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer. Disposition Book VIII, p. 46.
Same to Mr. Jodrell. Bring to the Treasury Lords to-morrow the list of the Irish gentlemen to whom money is to be distributed according to addresses of the House of Commons. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 107.
[?] Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to the Earl of Pembroke the 13 horses, 3 coaches and 120 boxes etc. containing the apparel etc. of him and his servants ; the said goods being now on board the Charity of Rotterdam and the Katherine yacht, both now in the Thames. Ibid, p. 108.
Oct. 8. Treasury reference to same of the petition of Richard Richards of London, merchant, shewing that by reason of losses he still owes 934l. 15s. 7d. for the new impost on Canary [wine] and is likewise bound in 450l. for Richard Carter : prays a twelve months' time to recover his debts. Reference Book VI, p. 98.
Same to Mr. Lowndes of Mr. Trenchard's account of receipts (8,423l. 7s. 4d.) and disbursements (8,496l. 16s. 10d.). Ibid.
Oct. 9. Money warrant for 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords (Charles, Earl of Monmouth, Henry, Lord Delamer, Sidney, Lord Godolphin, Sir Henry Capell and Richard Hampden) for last Sept. 29 quarter's salary. (Money order dated Oct. 10 hereon.) (William Jephson, dated Oct. 10, to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay same out of any disposable money in the Exchequer.) Money Book X, p. 104. Order Book III, p. 33. Disposition Book VIII, p. 46.
Treasury warrant to Thomas Fox, Receiver General [and Cashier] of Customs, to pay 37l. 10s. 0d. to John Taylour for making an account not only of the receipt but of the particular and distinct application of the Customs revenue and for other services by Treasury direction in Michaelmas quarter last. Money Book X, p. 105.
William Jephson to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue to the Earl of Ranelagh 10,400l. to pay a bill for Holland for their Majesties' Forces there. Disposition Book VIII, p. 46.
Same to Mr. Seymour, Clerk of the Hanaper, to receive from the Countess of Newburgh 106l. 13s. 4d. in part of 500l. for her half year's rent at Christmas last of the Sixpenny Duty ("the duty of sixpence for every writ sealed in Chancery with the great seal of England") : the Treasury Lords having considered her petition for defalcations on said rent with Aaron Smith's report thereon and will again consider it at the end of next term. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 108.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Andrews as clerk and receiver of the wood farm (of the office "for the management of the duties lately in farm to the Earl of Yarmouth, commonly called the wood farm") : at 50l. per an. salary.
William Cooke as Jerquer for the said duty : at the like salary.
Peter Salmon as surveyor of the quays for the said duty : at the like salary.
Ambrose Wilson as tidesurveyor of the river [for the said duty] : at the like salary.
Robert Archer as waiter at the quays for oranges and coarse goods [being part of the said late farm] : at 10s. per week salary.
John Saywell and John Mansfeild as watermen to attend the officers for said duty : at 30l. per an. each.
John Turner as waiter and searcher at Aldeburgh and to officiate as boatman at Orford loco William Browne, long since dismissed.
Thomas Dann as commander of the Yarmouth [Customs] smack for the guard of that coast loco Henry Carter, lately deceased.
Tobias Barwick as boatman, Sunderland port, loco Henry Jackson, lately deceased.
Edmund Helmes as tidesman, Plymouth port, loco John Heale, lately dismissed.
Thomas Granger (for some years a deputy King's waiter, London port) as assistant to the examiner and computer of the new impositions loco Thomas Andrews, who resigns same.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 67, 68, 69.
Same to Sir John Shaw to swear Joseph Little into office as deputy to Thomas A'Price (Apprice), a King's waiter, London port. Ibid, p. 70.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to pay 2s. 6d. per day to 24 tidesmen as part of the establishment of officers for managing the duties [on wood etc.] late in farm to the Earl of Yarmouth. Ibid, p. 77.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Sarah Dodd of Chester, widow, and Sarah Fletcher, late of Cork, shewing that said Dodd's mother, being a grocer in Chester dealing into Ireland, did use to return considerable sums of Excise money for the [Excise] collector in Chester to London ; that she received of the said collector 100l. and 70l. for which she gave bills payable in London, but by reason of the late King James's landing in Ireland all things were stopped there, so that petitioner could not have any money thence to pay same, and the officer has accordingly taken out extents for same : therefore pray for said extents to be superseded. Reference Book VI, p. 98.
Same to Aaron Smith of the petition of George McCartney, praying to be heard on the false accusation against him by Jno. Guest. Ibid.
Treasury order for the execution of a warrant, dated Sept. 20 last, from the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain, to Sir Gilbert Talbott, Master of the Jewel House, for the delivery to George Bromwick and Walter Bowyer, clerks of the cheque to the King's Messengers, 42 escutcheons for themselves and for 40 Messengers in ordinary of the Chamber ; same to be of the same "quantity and proportion as hath formerly been delivered to any of his Majesty's Messengers." Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 108.
Oct. 10. Treasury allowance of the salary bill of the Hearthmoney Office for last Sept. 29 quarter : total, 570l. (William Jephson to Mr. Hall to pay same.) Money Book X, p. 107. Disposition Book VIII, p. 46.
The like of the same quarter's salary bill, detailed, of the Excise Office : total, 4,712l. 15s. 0d. Money Book X, pp. 107-9.
Money warrant for 10l. to John Low, senr., Deputy Chamberlain in the Receipt, for same quarter on his reward for locking up and delivering out his Majesty's treasure in the Receipt : together with dormant clause for said reward in future. (Money order for 10l. dated Oct. 15 hereon.) Ibid, p. 109. Order Book III, p. 34.
Treasury allowance of the incidents bill, detailed, of the Excise Office for the half year ended June 24 last : total, 1,627l. 15s. 6d. (including stationery wares delivered by Mr. Richards, Mr. Harris, Mr. Darrell, Henry Hatly, Tho. Cockrill, Will. Churchill and Mr. Blagrave ; printed matter delivered by Mr. Milborn, Mr. Holt and Mr. James). Money Book X, pp. 110-11.
Treasury dormant warrant to Mr. Fox, the Customs Cashier, for Robert Thorowgood's salary of 62l. 7s. 4d. per an. as customer of Lynn Regis port. Ibid, p. 111.
William Jephson to Mr. Noell. Send by bearer all the papers in your hands relating to Sir Vere Fane and partners. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 108.
Same to Mr. Harbord to deliver to Alderman Joseph Herne and to Stephen Evance the tallies [of loan] and orders of repayment for 19,781l. 5s. 0d. which were left in your hands as a deposit until notification of the acceptance of the said Herne's and Evance's bills drawn on Mr. Emanuell Texeira at Hamburg for a greater sum ; [which bills are] now accepted, as is notified to my Lords by the Earl of Nottingham. Ibid.
Same to Sir Henry Fane et al. You have not yet paid the 66l. 13s. 4d. each to Sir Denny Ashburnham, Sir John Friend, Dr. Davenant and Mr. Horneby as by my letters of July 16 and Aug. 10 last, supra, pp. 190, 218. You are to pay same before you receive your salary for last Sept. 29 quarter. Ibid, p. 109.
Same to Mr. Duncombe [Cashier of Excise]. My Lords have signed the salary bill for the Excise Office for last Sept. 29, but you are not to pay Sir Henry Fane, Sir Henry Ashurst, Sir Humphry Edwyn, Mr. Franckland or Mr. Danvers until they have made the above payments to Ashburnham et al. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of the tradesmen and workmen who supply the Navy with stores, shewing that the 40,000l. due to them was being paid by 500l. a week till [last] Michaelmas, when there remained 13,000l. unpaid : therefore pray that they may be paid by 500l. a week as formerly. Reference Book VI, p. 99.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Nicholas Booker, praying payment of salary to Michaelmas last as searcher at Hull, he having officiated till after that date, but Ingleby Daniell demands the fees from Aug. 22, being the date of his patent. Reference Book VI, p. 100.
Oct. 11. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant of an annuity or pension of 300l. per an. to Anne Baker, widow of Col. Henry Baker, deceased, for his services in the defence of the city of Londonderry : to be paid to George Walker, clerk, from Sept. 29 last, for the present maintenance of her and her children : to be paid out of the Exchequer until such time as the King shall settle upon her and her children in lieu thereof something more considerable or of better value in the kingdom of Ireland. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 237.
Same to Lawrence, Earl of Rochester, Chief Ranger of New Park, near Richmond, to permit William Genew for himself and other the inhabitants of Petersham to take gravel within the said park for repair of the highways belonging to said town "as hath been heretofore used" : viz. up to 1,000 loads of gravel. Ibid, p. 238.
Royal sign manual for 25,000l. to William Jephson for secret service : without account. (Money warrant dated Oct. 15 hereon.) (Money order dated Oct. 16 hereon.) Ibid, p. 252. Money Book X, pp. 111-2. Order Book III, p. 35.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to discharge James Cornewall of Canterbury, innholder, and John Andrews of Canterbury, barber chirurgeon, who (with Richard Gillman of Canterbury, gent.) did in 1685, Dec. 22, give bond in 500l. to Lawrence, Earl of Rochester, late Postmaster General, for the performance of covenants between said Gillman and said Earl relating to the office of Deputy Postmaster at Canterbury to be executed by said Gillman, who in that employment contracted a debt to the Crown : it appearing that said Cornewall and Andrews are poor and that the levying said bond would totally ruin them and their families. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 253-4.
Oct. 12. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer, viz. : Disposition Book VIII, p. 47.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the Forces 8,862 13 9
to ditto for the Dutch Troops 10,000 0 0
to Mr. Harbord [for the Forces for Ireland] 16,000 0 0
to ditto to pay Mr. Mathews' bill 600 0 0
to Mr. Eckhart, Resident at Brussels 227 10 0
to the Paymaster of the Works for [works etc. at] Hampton Court 1,000 0 0
to ditto [for same] at Kensington. 500 0 0
to ditto [for same] at Holland House 500 0 0
to the Privy Purse 500 0 0
to me [Jephson] for secret service by way of advance 1,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Victuallers 5,000 0 0
to the Ordnance on the ordinary 1,000 0 0
£45,190 [3 9]
Oct. 14. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Plomely for a King's waiter's place, Bristol port : petitioner shewing that he "was employed in carrying intelligence for his Majesty between Bristol and Exeter and dispersed his Majesty's declaration in Bristol." Reference Book VI, p. 99.
Same to same of Thomas Lysons' petition for 68l. 5s. 0d. for 1¾ years to 1685, June 24, on his salary of 39l. per an. as customer of Hull. Ibid.
Oct. 15. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to advance 1,000l. to me [Jephson] for secret service. Disposition Book VIII, p. 47.
Same to Mr. Mathews at Northampton, Receiver of the [12d.] Aid in co. Northampton, to pay 500l., out of his receipts of said Aid, to Mr. Acam for 3,000 pair of shoes for the service of Ireland, which "Mr. Acam writes will be ready the 21st inst." [In order to your own repayment] draw bills for said 500l. on Mr. Herriott, goldsmith at the Naked Boy in Fleet Street, the deputy to Mr. Harbord, Paymaster of the Forces for Ireland. Ibid.
Treasury fiat for royal letters patent to constitute Richard Powys, gent., as searcher of Ipswich port loco William East, esq., and as amply etc. as Samuel de Paz and Thomas Goddard or any other predecessor therein. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 70.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe an order, dated Oct. 12 inst., of the Committee of the Privy Council for the Affairs of Ireland, commanding that masters of ships do give their own bond only to go to no other port in Ireland but what by their charter party they are obliged to : said orders being made on reading Charles Ruxton's letter, dated Liverpool, the 8th inst., complaining that Customs officers there demand bond of masters of ships employed on the King's service for carrying over provisions into Ireland to go to no other port but what is in his Majesty's possession, "though by their charter party they are already bound to perform the same." (William Jephson to Mr. Sansom [Customs Secretary], enclosing the above order. Send out directions accordingly by this post.) Ibid, p. 71. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 110.
Treasury warrant to same to employ Isaac Beaulieu as a landwaiter, London port, loco Thomas White, dismissed. Out of his salary Beaulieu is to pay 40l. per an. to Robert Willey, a superannuated officer, as was done by Francis Burdet.
Francis Burdett (a landwaiter, London port, who pays 40l. per an. out of his salary to said Willey) to be established as a same at full salary loco Thomas White, lately dismissed.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 71, 75.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Penton, wine cooper, for a tidesman's place, London port. Reference Book VI, p. 99.
Same to same of the petition of Anthony Gomez Serra, Pinhas Gomez Serra, Andre Sopez [Lopez], Anth. da Costa, Joshua Bueno, Menassah Mendez, Antonio Correu and several others, 20 in all, of London, merchants ; shewing that they are arrested at the King's suit for not paying Customs as aliens : pray stay of proceedings till they can be heard. Ibid.
Same to Aaron Smith to examine the sufficiency of sureties as follows on a reference, dated Oct. 8, from the Privy Council to the Treasury Lords : viz. Peter Dulivier, Peter Marquet and Nich. Mydy, French merchants, who are in custody by way of reprisal for several English merchants detained in Morlaix and are to be discharged on giving 10,000l. bond each, propose sureties as follow, viz. for Dulivier, Richard Holder in Rood Lane, Fanchurch Street, merchant ; Edward Lemond, of Fanchurch Street, merchant : for Marquet, Francis Brunetty in Aldermary Churchyard in Watling Street, near Cheapside ; — Mayony in the Old Jury over against the church near Cheapside : for Mydy, Nicholas Moyzey in Pancrosse Lane, near Cheapside, merchant ; Peter Devillie in Bush Lane, near London Stone, merchant. Ibid, p. 100.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests and Robert Squibb and John Knight of the petition of Eliz. Hamilton, widow, shewing that she has two tallies of pro struck on the [Tenths of the] diocese of Chester for two quarters on her annuity of 500l. per an., but by reason of the late Bishop leaving the same and going beyond sea the said Tenths for 1688 are unpaid, the Dean and Chapter neglecting to pay same as by statute they ought : therefore praying a Treasury letter to the Dean and Chapter to require them to collect the Tenths and pay the tallies. Ibid, p. 101.