Entry Book: December 1692, 6-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: December 1692, 6-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1926-1940 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: December 1692, 6-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1926-1940.

"Entry Book: December 1692, 6-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1926-1940.


December 1692, 6-10

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Dec. 6. Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Hereditary Excise and Temporary Excise for 5,000l. to Mr. Richards in repayment of so much by him lent the 3rd inst. on credit of the said funds. Money Book XI, p. 454.
Same dormant to the Customs Cashier to pay the salary of 15l. per an. to Jos. Whetham, gent., as a King's waiter, Bristol port. Ibid, p. 466.
Money warrant for 910l. to William, Lord Paget, for three months, Sept. 1 last to Dec. 1 inst., on his ordinary as Ambassador Extraordinary to the Grand Seignior. (Money order dated Dec. 8 hereon.) Ibid, p. 466. Order Book III, p. 328.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 861l. 14s. 0d. to Charles Fox and [Lord] Thomas Coningsby on any unsatisfied orders in their names for the Forces [lately in Ireland] : to be issued out of loans to be made by said Fox on credit of the East India goods duties : and to be paid to Richard Roberts for the sum due to him from Sir John Morgan's Regiment of Foot. Disposition Book XI, p. 42.
Same to same to issue 150l. to Edward, Bishop of Cork, out of the moneys, in the Exchequer, of the temporalities of bishoprics lately vacant. Ibid, p. 43.
William Lowndes (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Agents for Taxes for an account what each county in England and Wales produced on the 12d. Aid, the 2s. Aid and the Additional 12d. Aid. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 416.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the Privy Council, dated Aug. 27 last, referring to the Treasury Lords the petition of James Miers, master of the Edward and Jane ketch, and Jo[h]n Miers, master of the Joseph and Mary ketch, shewing that in May, 1689, the said ketches were taken into the King's service by Col. Cha. Trelawny "in the expedition of Londonderry" : and that 905l. 16s. 0d. and 663l. 10s. 0d. is due to them respectively, of which they pray payment in like manner as was done for the rest of the ships taken up by Col. Trelawny.
Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 7.
Treasury order to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Nov. 3 last, granting leave to the Concord, 20 men, 150 tons, to proceed on her voyage to Africa and Virginia, provided she first produce licence from the Royal Africa Company to trade there for negroes and provided the Customs Commissioners agree with the merchants trading with Virginia upon the intended repartition for this year's trade : all on the petition of Thomas Starke, John Madge et al., merchants and owners of said ship trading to Virginia, setting forth that they have had no supply of blacks since the wars with France, and the whites in their service growing out of their times and becoming free, their plantations are fallen under a great scarcity of hands, wherefore they pray that out of this year's Virginia [trade] quota [of seamen] said ship may be permitted to touch at Africa to load negroes.
Ibid, p. 8.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : the like Order, dated Dec. I inst., for the Customs officers in Bideford and Barnstaple ports to take off the embargo from all ships in the list adjusted to go to the Plantations which shall take on board Land Forces for Ireland etc., ut supra, p. 1925, within the present month of December : the Transports Commissioners having advice from said ports that the ships bound for Virginia and the West Indies are ready to sail and are willing to transport 2,000 to Ireland on terms ut ibid.
Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 9.
Treasury reference to the Earl of Ranelagh of the memorial of William Sinclare, Widow Allen et al. for 10,115l. 12s. 6d. due to them for clothing furnished last year to several Regiments and proposing to lend 10,000l. on the borrowing clauses of the Poll Act provided they may have tallies on the East India goods duties for their said debt. Reference Book VI, p. 435.
The Treasury Lords to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, giving directions as in italics on their queries as follows :
(1) Shall you seize into the King's hands such lands as by reason of the late devastations are not able to pay their quit rents ? You are not to seize any such lands.
(2) Shall you distrain for old arrears of quit rents due before the war ; which being made up to Christmas, 1688, amount to about 30,000l. ? You are not to distrain unless it shall be known to you that the persons are able to pay the arrear and the growing rent.
(3) May you have power to strike off an arrear of Excise and Licences before the battle of the Boyne, it being alleged to have been paid to the late King and you having no proof to the contrary and the persons from whom it is due being generally thought insolvent : as also to strike off another arrear, being the first half year's rent for the forfeited lands from the battle of the Boyne when the Army on both sides wasted and destroyed the countries and the persons insolvent, except where the debt can be set off by Army bills. We do not think fit to give you any particular directions, but desire you to act in these cases according to your best discretions for their Majesties' service.
(4) We will lay before the King your desires of a better guard for the Irish Coast for the preservation of the trade of the kingdom.
Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 228
Dec. 7. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Richard Reed, gent., of the messuage called Gubberhill in the parish of Twining, co. Gloucester, and of all the lands late the possession of Richard Reed of Gubberhill, deceased, which by inquisition taken at Tewkesbury 1685, Oct. 30, were found to be settled upon William Brent and others for the use of the nuns of the monastery at Cambrai and were for that cause seized into the hands of the said late King : to be held by said Richard Reed, his heirs etc. for ever as of the manor of East Greenwich in free and common socage by fealty only at the rent of four nobles per an. : and with a grant of all arrears and mesne profits not yet answered to the Crown. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 359.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln, of a piece of ground as follows in the parish of St. James's, Westminster, and of the Tabernacle thereon, used for the service of God, and the tenement in the tenure of Richard Wright, clerk, master of the school there lately erected by the said Bishop, and the tenement in the tenure of Ambrose Warren, gent. : and for a lease to said Bishop of another adjoining piece of ground for 99 years from 1722-3, Feb. 14, or other sooner determination of the term in being granted by Charles II to Sir William Poultney, kt. : to be at the rent of 20s. per an.
Appending : constats of said premises, being ut supra, p. 1821, and memoranda thereon by William Tailer, for the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
King's Warrant Book XVI, pp. 420-4.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Samuell Hardley (an extraordinary tidesman, London port) as a tidesman in fee ibid. loco Thomas Hope, deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 10.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Chidley Brooke, Receiver of [Revenues] New York, shewing that he finds himself straightened because by his patent he cannot make deputies [for his office]. Reference Book VI, p. 435.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith of the petition of Will[iam] Bancks, shewing that in June, 1687, he lent 150l. to Visct. Preston, of which he only received 22l. 10s. 0d., part of interest : therefore praying to be paid out of Visct. Preston's estate. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Fox of the petition of the inhabitants of Carlisle, praying that the 142l. 14s. 11d. due to them from the officers of Sir George St. George's Regiment may be stopped out of their clearings. Ibid.
Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to insert on the Military List of the present and all future establishments of Ireland the allowance of 60l. per an. which has been always made to the Constable of Dublin Castle for providing fire and candle for the Guards at Dublin : James Clarke, the present Constable thereof, having represented that same is omitted from the present establishment. The arrears thereon to said Clarke to Michaelmas last are forthwith to be satisfied to him. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 235.
Dec. 8. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book XI, p. 44.
l. s. d.
Out of 11,193l. 11s. 10½d. of loans on the borrowing clauses of the Poll Act ; 60l. 7s. 6d. of arrears of the Double Excise ; 6,868l. 9s. 10½d. of the complements of the Excise ; 13l. 2s. 10d. of the first quarter of the Poll ; 8,149l. 0s. 1½d. of moneys that shall first come in on any of the aforegoing heads, making in all 26,284l. 12s. 2½d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for a week's subsistence as well to the Forces here [in England] as in Flanders, including the Train of Artillery and the several additions lately made 22,525 17 7
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to ditto for Sir Jos. Herne, towards answering the value of bills payable in Amsterdam which he gave for the Hanover Forces 1,208 6 8
to Mr. Fox for a week's subsistence for the Regiments of Foot of Col. Foulk, Earl of Meath, La Melonier, Du Cambon and Bellcastle 1,027 11 11
to ditto for Monsieur Causaban, Lieut. Col. to the French [Protestants] Regiment of Horse for arrears 100 0 0
to ditto for Capt. Hetzler under Monsieur Vander Esch's pay : for arrears 284 17
to ditto for the Commissioners of Transports, upon account of provisions for the men to be transported to Ireland 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Mary and Jane Lillington upon account of the arrears of their brother's pay in Ireland 30 0 0
Out of 3,465l. of Hereditary and Temporary Excise as is or shall come into the Exchequer ; 1,000l. of loans on same and 400l. of moneys of Receivers General [of Crown Revenues].
to Lord Paget, Ambassador to Constantinople 910 0 0
to Mr. Herwart, Envoy to the Swiss Cantons 455 0 0
to the Keeper of the Privy Purse 2,000 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 1,500 0 0
[These last two items are marked as preferable in payment to the preceding two.]
£31,149 12
Henry Guy to Mr. Duncomb to pay into the Exchequer 1,408l. 6s. 6¾d. of the Hereditary Excise and Temporary Excise. Disposition Book XI, p. 45.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing the petition [missing] of Thomas Staresmore for a place as a general surveyor of the Customs in the West. You are to consider him on the next vacancy. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 418.
Same to the Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall to make forth debentures for what is due to Baron Lechmere on his usual fee for auditing the last year's account of said Duchy notwithstanding the letter of May 19 last, supra, pp. 1640-1. (Same to the Receiver of said Duchy to pay said debentures.) Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Lieutenant, Ireland, for a certificate for the King of the true yearly value of the estate purchased in Queen's County by Sir Patrick Trant from the late Lord Arlington and of the estate in co. Kildare purchased by said Trant from Sir John Eustace. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 232.
Dec. 9. Royal sign manual to the Earl of Ranelagh to pay 6s. a day from Jan. 1 next to — Darene, late Captain in the Regiment of Horse under Visct. Galway : until further order. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 430.
Same for 10,000l. to Henry Guy : without account : for secret service. (Money warrant dated Dec. 13 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 14 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 360. Money Book XI, p. 468. Order Book III, p. 331.
Same for the following issues : without account : viz. : King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 360. Money Book XI, pp. 468-70. Order Book III, pp. 331-2. Disposition Book XI, p. 51.
l. s. d.
to Sir John Trevor for 61 days, Sept. 30 last to Nov. 30 last, on his allowance as Speaker of the House of Commons 305 0 0
to Thomas Howard, esq., as royal bounty to Col. Henry Kingsmill 50 0 0
to Robert, Lord Lucas, Governor of the Tower of London, for contingent charges not comprehended in the establishment of the Tower garrison, as certified by the Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster of the Forces, upon the bill of particulars detailed below 145 10 0
to John Braguiere to be distributed as royal bounty to the distressed French Protestants for their relief and subsistence 6,400 0 0
£6,900 10 0
(Four money warrants dated Dec. 13 hereon.) (Four money orders dated Dec. 14 hereon.) (Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay said 6,400l. to Braguiere out of loans to be made by Stephen Monginot on credit of East India goods duties.)
l. s. d.
The money warrant as above sets out the bill of particulars for Lord Lucas :
for locks and bars to the prisoners' lodgings 5 0 0
laid out at several times for bonfires 8 0 0
pens, ink, paper, wax and wafers 5 0 0
laid out on the officers and boys that went the perambulation of the Tower Royalty 6 10 0
laid out for coaches for carrying Lord Cahir, Col. Maccarty, Major Maccarty and Col. Murphey to the King's Bench 1 0 0
laid out for diet, lodging and other necessaries for the Earl of Clancarty and Col. MacEllyott from 1692, April 30 to Nov. 26, being 30 weeks at 40s. per week each 120 0 0
£145 10 0
Money warrant for 45l. to John Mason, Receiver General of the first Twelve Months' Aid for co. Cambridge and Isle of Ely : for his extraordinary charges in his receipt. (Money order dated Nov. [sic for Dec.] 14 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 463. Order Book III, p. 333.
Same for 5,000l. to Edward Brewster and Dorothy Newcomb, executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceased, as in part of 11,864l. 9s. 7d. for printing Acts of Parliament, Proclamations, Forms of Prayer and his Majesty's speeches and for stationery wares delivered to both Houses of Parliament from 1688, Christmas, to February 24 last. To be satisfied out of 5,000l. to be lent by Edward Darrell, gent., upon credit of the three fourths of the Customs. (Money order dated Dec. 12 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 466. Order Book III, p. 329.
Same for 455l. to Philibert D'Heruart (Hervart), esq., for three months to Sept. 22 last on his ordinary as Envoy Extrarodinary to the Swiss Cantons. (Money order dated Dec. 12 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 467. Order Book III, p. 330.
Same for 820l. 14s. 6d. to Leonard Robinson [Chamberlain of the City of London] : without account : 245l. 14s. 6d. thereof for his charges and expenses in receiving back from the Exchequer and distributing to several citizens and others 220,532l. 10s. 9d. lent by them on credit of wines, tobacco, East India goods duties etc. ; and the remaining 575l. as reward for his pains in the said service. (Money order dated Dec. 12 hereon.) (Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same out of the fourth of the Customs.) Money Book XI, p. 467. Order Book III, p. 329. Disposition Book XI, p. 51.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 54,434l. 7s. 1½d. to Edward Russell upon any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Navy : to be issued out of loans to be made by said Russell on credit of the borrowing clauses of the Quarterly Poll Act : and to be applied for services as follows : viz. : Disposition Book XI, p. 45.
l. s. d.
to pay the Smirna Merchant, Archangell and Assurance to 1691, Mar. 31 12,657 0 0
for [last] Lady day quarter's pay to the Yards 24,014 5 0
for the Victualling Commissioners 17,763 2
It is agreed that the orders for repayment of said loan shall be registered next after 680,957l. 11s. 4d. registered on said clauses.
Same to Mr. Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay gratuity at the rate of 2 per cent. on loans as follows, the Treasury Lords having agreed that such gratuity should be paid for same : Ibid, p. 47.
l. s. d.
Thomas Colson, esq., on 1,000l. from June 15 last to Nov. 15 8 6 10
Thomas Colson, esq., on 1,000l. from June 17 last to Nov. 24 8 14 6
Nath. Gifford, gent., on 3,000l. from July 28 last to Nov. 3 15 19 7
Sir Basil Firebrace on 2,000l. from June 15 last to Nov. 26 17 17
Samuell Cook on 1,000l. from July 23 last to Oct. 5 4 0 11½
Richard Smyth, goldsmith, on 1,000l. from July 30 last to Aug. 6 0 7 8
ditto on 4,000l from July 30 last to Aug. 9 2 3
£57 11
My Lords will give order how these sums shall be allowed in your quarterly account [of the Customs].
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Earl of Ranelagh by way of advance such sums, directed for him for the Forces, as exceed what the order in his name will hear. The warrants for the regular issue thereof shall be sent to you as soon as possible. Disposition Book XI, p 47.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. It is the King's pleasure that you suspend Mr. Jonathan Wharton, Surveyor General of Customs at Plymouth. Direct him to attend my Lords forthwith. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 418b.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of the inhabitants of Hertford concerning a debt of 119l. 8s. 6d. due to them from Col. Godfrey's own Troop of Horse. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Shales, enclosing an account [missing] of moneys paid by the Treasurer of the Navy for ships etc. between Nov. 26 last and the 3rd inst [as part of the second 1,000,000l. appropriated by the Act for the second Twelve Months' Aid]. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant to authorise the item, in the accounts of the Paymasters of the Forces lately in Ireland, of 100l. already paid to Col. John Foulke upon Lieut. Gen. Guicle's warrant for his service when Governor of Dublin the Queen having already, before the King's arrival, signified her pleasure that same should not be charged to the account of Foulk's Regiment. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to send the goods of Count Oxenstierna, Envoy Extraordinary from Sweden, to the house taken by him near Hungerford Stairs.
Appending : schedule of said goods (including "several pictures").
Ibid, p. 419.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Thomas Rickers and others, praying payment of 805l. due to them for clothing the Second Regiment of Foot Guards. Ibid, p. 420.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of the tradesmen and inhabitants of Carlisle and other places adjacent concerning the 142l. 14s. 11d. due to them from the officers of Sir George St. George's Regiment. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of several officers of the three French [Protestant] Regiments concerning the 736l. 3s. 2d. due to them for subsistence during the time they were absent from the Regiments to raise recruits etc. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 420.
Same to same to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Col. Du Cambon concerning the 562l. 9s. 0d. due to him for his pay as Col. and Captain to 1691-2, Jan. 1. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Dec. 1 inst., granting leave to the East India Company for six ships for this year's trade (being half the number of ships and men they desired) : viz. the Resolution, 730 tons ; Defence, 730 tons ; Princess of Denmark, 670 tons ; Royal James and Mary, 670 tons ; Hawke, 400 tons ; Armenian Merchant, 300 tons ; with (in all) 565 seamen : which said ships are not to sail before Jan. 15 next : all after hearing the said Company this day at the Council Board, when they desired permission and protection [from impressing] for 12 ships and 1,130 men, and it having been then represented to his Majesty that if no ships were permitted to go the whole trade in those parts belonging to the English nation would in all probability be in danger of being wholly lost and ruined.
Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 10.
Same to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) like Order, dated Dec. 8 inst., for the Customs Commissioners to send by Thursday next an account of the ships and men that have been cleared this year for the unlimited trades ; in pursuance of the Order in Council of Nov. 24 last calling for an account of ships and men gone out this year on the several trades and likewise of the men further allowed or proposed for each trade.
Ibid, p. 11.
Same to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) like Order, dated Dec. 1, approving the report and lists as follows.
Appending : (b) report, dated Nov. 24 last, to the Treasury Lords from the Customs Commissioners on the [Treasury] order Sept. 19 last, supra, p. 1823. We have made a distribution of the English seamen allotted to the several outports of this kingdom for their trade to the Plantations this season according to the quota of the year 1690, in those ports where we were advertised of any ships bound thither ; but without tying ourselves strictly thereto, some of the ports requiring more than their proportion at that time and some less : but we have tried to keep within the total by the most equal distribution we could according to their several exigencies.
Our present distribution is as follows :
Ibid, pp. 11-18.
Ships. Men.
Bristol 55 333
Plymouth 21 130
Exeter 7 60
Liverpool 14 76
Bideford 5 37
Whitehaven 6 36
Lancaster 4 26
Lyme 1 8
Stockton 1 6
Chester 3 12
Barnstaple 1 6
Dover 2 18
Portsmouth 1 16
Cowes 1 8
Milford 2 30
Total, 802 men, as against 801 men in 1690.
We have recommended to the London merchants trading to Virginia and Maryland to agree amongst themselves the distribution of seamen for that trade. They acquaint us they will adjust the matter amongst themeslves. The number of men allowed to London port in 1690 for the trade to the Plantations was 400 to [ships for] Barbados ; 200 to the Leeward Islands ; 200 to Jamaica. By several Orders of Council there are already allotted for Barbados 25 ships and 402 men and for the Leeward Islands three ships with 54 men : so that Barbados has already two men more than the quota in 1690. There have been already similarly allotted to Jamaica 301 men, which is 101 more than the 1690 quota, so that we have no number of seamen left to distribute to those trades.
In our report of Oct. 21 last we informed your Lordships that the permission which had before been granted for ships to carry their Majesties' stores and those obtained for particular ships upon private applications might prove a surprise to divers traders in general unless some further quota should be assigned them and we advised some such further quota for that trade this year, to be distributed amongst such as had not had the advantage of the former permission. The merchants trading to the Leeward Islands have amongst themselves made an adjustment as below of the seamen allotted to that trade, complying with the quota of 1690 and including therein the abovesaid three ships and 54 men : see infra.
Further, there was 70 men allotted to the trade of New England in 1690 and there have already gone thither from London port by particular permission four ships with 54 men, so that there remains 16 men of the former quota for that trade ; to employ which the merchants concerned in that trade desire same to be assigned to the Freindship, 100 tons, seven men, and Harman, 120 tons, nine men.
The above numbers are to be understood as English mariners only : besides which each ship is to add, if they will, a quarter landmen and three quarters foreigners more.
Followed by : (c) a list of such ships as are agreed upon and adjusted to go to the Plantations from the following ports this season :
Bristol port.
Amity, John Hooper master, 100 tons 6
Cherry Tree, Matth. Gill master, 60 tons 4
Little Bristol, William Edwards master, 80 tons 4
Owner's Adventure, Daniel Evans master, 70 tons 4
Adventure, John Rogers master, 60 tons 4
Hannah, John Broadbrooke master, 60 tons 4
Margarett, Richard Cheshire master, 140 tons 8
Alathea, Charles Hayden master, 150 tons 8
William and Onan, Jeffery Bayly master, 50 tons 3
Comfort, Tho. Coopro master, 200 tons 9
Francis ketch, Andr. Gifford master, 40 tons 3
Elizabeth, Alex. Morgan master, 50 tons 3
Beginning, Jos. Baker master, 50 tons 3
St. Malos Merchant, Benoin Bayley master, 40 tons 3
Dolphin ketch, Henry Stoakes master, 40 tons 3
Fran[cis] and Mary, William Nüklar master, 250 tons 8
Potomack Merchant, John Hart master, 160 tons 6
Endeavour, William Harris master, 100 tons 4
John, John Covent master, 120 tons 6
Turtle, Robert Pitman master, 55 tons 4
Concord, John White master, 50 tons 3
Wrenn, Solo. Somers master, 100 tons 5
Joseph, John Roach master, 40 tons 3
Lamb, Geo. Colwell master, 80 tons 4
Concord, William Attwood master, 300 tons 10
Greyhound, Christo. Devonshire master, 50 tons 3
Freindshipp, John Moseley master, 250 tons 10
Providence, John Evans master, 80 tons 4
Virginia Merchant, John Wall master, 300 tons 12
Brittania, William Hellier master, 250 tons 10
Bachelor of Corke, Ralph Ash master, 50 tons 3
Endeavour ketch, William Purser master, 35 tons 3
Brigant Hopewell, George Holland master, 35 tons 3
Antego Merchant, Samuel Lowder master, 80 tons 4
Bristol Factor, Henry Tetterdell master, 150 tons 8
George, William Hand master, 50 tons 3
Leopard, Rice Jeofferies master, 250 tons 8
Bristol Merchant, John Stevens master, 300 tons 12
Parham sloop of Exeter, John Lightfoot master, 20 tons 3
Maryland Merchant, Richard Tourner master, 300 tons 10
Sarah and Susannah, John Chapman master, 60 tons 4
James, William Ketch master [possibly James and William ketch : without the master's name], 40 tons 3
Robert, William Morgan master, 60 tons 4
Swift, Nicholas Mitchell master, 60 tons 4
Abra[ham] and Isaac, Griffith Laurence master, 200 tons 10
Owner's Endeavour, Thomas Pymm master, 150 tons 12
Violett, William Fisher master, 60 tons 4
Morning Starr, Nicholas Braddick master, 140 tons 8
Sea Flower, Samuell Clavell master, 100 tons 8
Faulcon, James Phillips master, 80 tons 6
Bengal Merchant, 500 tons 25
Bonadventure, Nath. Thomas master, 80 tons. 6
Prosperous, brigant, 110 tons 5
Mountjoy, James Scott master, 70 tons 8
Dilligence, John Seaward master 8
Plymouth port.
Windmill, Nicho. Batting master, 70 tons 6
Tho[mas] and Francis, William Chandler master, 70 tons 6
Palme Tree, John Braddon master, 50 tons 5
Jane, Robt. Edgcomb master, 40 tons 4
Expedition, William Broadhead master, 30 tons 3
Hawke, Jonas Nowell master, 50 tons 4
Adventure, Cha. Bligh master, 100 tons 8
James and Thomas, Daniel Williams master, 170 tons 10
Lyon, Lewis Spry master, 60 tons 6
Tho[mas] and James, David Jones master, 70 tons 6
Success, Ben. Ash master, 60 tons 6
Fortune, P[ete]r Baker master, 100 tons 8
George, John Carne master, 130 tons 10
Judith, Andr. Algare master, 50 tons 4
Rose, Abra. Mangles master, 50 tons 4
Three Brothers, John Martin master, 40 tons 4
Resolution, John Larke master, 120 tons 9
Isabella, Ben. Cocke master, 100 tons 8
Mercy, John Wetheridge master, 80 tons 7
Agreement, Robt. Hutchins master, 50 tons 4
Roger, John Sanders master, 90 tons 8
Exeter port.
Ann, Roger West master, 70 tons 6
Charles, George Bass master, 100 tons 14
John, Robert Smith master, 60 tons 6
Success, Isaac Stoneham master, 130 tons 10
Elizabeth and Ann, William Cogan, master, 140 tons 10
Elizabeth, John Williams master, 60 tons 6
George, Richard Cocke master, 120 tons 8
Liverpool port.
Freindshipp, Rowland Ayin master, 65 tons 5
Darby, William Rose master, 60 tons 4
Loyalty, Tho. Reynolds master, 120 tons 12
Eagle Tower, Tho. Scasbrooke master, 35 tons 3
Reserve, William Webster master, 60 tons 4
Fortune, James Gourden master, 40 tons 3
Laurell, James Ikinner master, 160 tons 12
Ann and Sarah, Robert Middleton master, 70 tons 5
Submission, Edmo[nd] Ball master, 40 tons 4
Grape, William Blundell master, 35 tons 3
Vine, Hen. Broome master, 70 tons 5
Society, Jona. Livesly master, 100 tons 8
Barbadoes Merchant, Cuthbert Sharpeless master, 60 tons 5
Margarett, 50 tons 3
Besides which the John and Mary, Isaac Jones master, of New England, navigated with the mariners of that country, desires liberty to return home with one or two English seamen, which he will give security shall return with the convoy.
Bideford port.
Ruby, William Curtis master, 100 tons 8
Neptune, Tho. Leech master, 82 tons 6
Hanietta, William Browning master, 120 tons 10
Happy Returne, John Rocke master, 100 tons 8
Loyalty, John Dolling master, 60 tons 5
Whitehaven port.
Freeman, of Whitehaven, 100 tons 6
Resolution, of Whitehaven, 160 tons 10
Mayflower, of Whitehaven, 60 tons 5
Martin, of Whitehaven, 80 tons 6
Lyon, of Liverpool, 70 tons 5
Maryland Merchant, of Boston, 30 tons 4
Lancaster port.
Morning Starr, 35 tons 3
Rainbow, of Lancaster, 70 tons 6
Katherine, of Lancaster, 130 tons 12
Adventure, of Lancaster, 50 tons 5
Lyme port.
Unity, 100 tons 8
Stockton port.
Concord, Tho. Sutton master, 80 tons 6
Chester port.
Supply brigant, 25 tons 3
Prosperous, of Salem, 25 tons 3
Rhody, of Chester, 70 tons 6
Memorandum : instead of the first two of these ships from Chester port, which carry back with them the seamen they brought from New England, the Dolph[in] of Chester was allowed to go with six seamen.
Barnstaple port.
Lewis and James, 90 tons 6
Dover port.
P[ete]r and Elizabeth, Richard Hudson master 10
Margarett, James Duncan master 8
Portsmouth port.
Bourdeaux Merchant, Laurence Thomas master 16
Cowes port.
Dolphin, William Baker master 8
Milford port.
Two ships 30
(d) a list of the ships already cleared in the Custom House for the Leeward Islands and likewise of what ships are now bound thither :
Ships departed.
Endeavour, William Hare master 14
Mary, — Macferson, master 10
Loyalty, Jno. Price master 30
Lyon 10
Ships bound thither.
Merchant's Adventure, Michl. White master 14
Kent, Jos. Ball master 14
Deborah and Martha, Mich. Martyn master 10
Richard, William Wade master 10
Joseph, William Jones master 11
Tho[mas] and Elizabeth, Tho. Buck master 14
Unity, William Parsons, master 9
Robert, Jno. Smith, master 14
Adventure, Tho. Harman master 12
Robert and Richard, Jno. Symon master 10
Hen[ry] and William, Jno. Addison master 18
The last list above is dated Nov. 10 and signed as follows [being apparently the merchants trading to the Leeward Islands referred to above] viz. Bastian Bayly, Sam. Ball, Jno. Gardner, Tho. Hunt, Jo. Graham, Daniell Alford, Jno. Reynolds, Richard Cary, Jos. Martin, William Wrayford, Sampson Gideon, Richard Baynes, Richard Tudway, Roger Williams.
Treasury reference to Mr. Blathwayt of the letter sent to the Treasury Lords by the Earl of Inchiquin, shewing that the present Government of Jamaica pretends there is a debt of 700l. (in the Plantations book the sum is incorrectly given as 1,700l.) due to the Crown from the late Earl of Inchiquin and hath directed the Attorney General of Jamaica to attach his effects ; that the writer is ignorant of such debt, but if same appears he will give security to make it good here ; therefore praying there may be no proceedings in the matter and that the said effects may be allowed to be sent to England. Reference Book VI, p. 435. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, p. 392.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Row, patent waiter, Bristol port, shewing that he was instrumental in discovering the tobacco fraud there and was promised a reward for same, but instead thereof has been suspended for suffering a merchant to land cocoa nuts under the nomination of indico. Reference Book VI, p. 436.
Same to Auditor Brook Bridges of the petition of John Ady and Hen. Ballow, Deputy Chamberlains for joining tallies, praying payment of 71l. 11s. 0d. for their fee of 2s. per 1,000l. on 715,501l. 2s. 5¾d. tallies joined for the Customs for the year ended 1691, Michaelmas. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Earl of Montagu [Master of the Great Wardrobe] to deliver to Robert, Earl of Lindsey, Lord Great Chamberlain of England, all the bayes [baize] that were used for covering the seats in the Court of Requests when prepared and used for the House of Commons, "which bays his Lordship claims as the fees of his office." Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 112.
Same to Sir Christopher Wren to deliver to same all the remaining boards and materials which were lately used in fitting the said Court of Requests for the service of the House of Commons, being similarly claimed. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. It is the King's pleasure to gratify the Earl of Ranelagh in his requests in his memorial as follows. Please consider same and report a true state thereof.
Appending : said memorial. Charles II. granted me and my heirs the Castle of Athlone by two patents under the rent of 100l. per an. to the Crown, under which I covenant to keep same in repair. The said castle, together with the greatest part of the interest to me in and near Athlone, is utterly ruined, destroyed and laid waste by the late wars. I desire a release of my repairing covenant, and exemption for 21 years from the 100l. per an. rent to enable me in some degree to rebuild the town, "which I am certain will cost me many hundreds more" and which till rebuilt will not yield the reserve rent.
In 1670 Charles II also granted to Sir John Cole in trust for me a 31 years' lease under the rent of 6l. per an. of a small interest he had in the town of Navan, co. Meath, of which town I am baron. Before the late wars I made about 40l. per an. profit of the said lease and no more. Now it yields me little or nothing, the houses being ruined and the tenants refusing to repair, the said lease being so near expiring. I desire a new lease for 31 years.
Charles II also granted to Adam Loftus (afterwards Visct. Lisburne) and Lemuel Kingdon, both since deceased, a yearly pension or annuity of 300l. for their lives in trust for me and by sign manual dated 1684, Aug. 24, countersigned by Lord Godolphin, he promised that said pension should be duly paid, the punctual payment thereof being one of the conditions on which I surrendered my patent of Vice Treasurer of Ireland. It was constantly paid to 1688, Sept. 29, but from that time to 1691, Sept. 29 (being three years except the few days Visct. Lisburne was killed, before the 29 Sept., 1691), there is an arrear of 900l. thereon. I pray to be paid same out of custodiam rents in Ireland, they being no part of the King's constant revenue there. By the death of my two trustees I have now lost the said pension, though Charles II intended it during my own life.
When Duke of York, the late King by indenture demised to Jno. Spranger of the city of Dublin 235 acres in Coolingstown, co. Dublin, for 31 years from 1670, May 31, at the rent of 10s. per an. till 1682-3, Feb. 26, and thereafter at 50l. per an. rent. I bought said lease for 200l., as the lands lay intermixed with others of mine. As the value is considerably abated by the late wars, I desire a fresh lease for 31 years at 10s. per an. rent.
Out Letters (Ireland) VI, pp. 229-31.
Royal warrant to same for a patent to pass the great seal of Ireland for a grant to Thomas, Lord Coningsby, during pleasure, of the office of Vice Treasurer of Ireland, void by the death of William Harbord : with the fee of 65l. 13s. 4d. per an. Irish money and all other fees etc. of said office, always excepting and foreprizing the fee of 6d. for every 20s. paid by him or his deputy, "which fee was formerly granted to Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, when he was Vice Treasurer of that kingdom and to others who preceded him in the said office," and the salary, annuity or allowance of 1,000l. per an. which was granted to the said Harbord.
The present grant is not to prejudice the grant to Charles Fox and the said Coningsby of the office of Receivers General of the Revenue and Paymaster General to the Forces in Ireland or any grant hereafter of the like office.
Ibid, pp. 232-4.
Dec. 10. Henry Guy to Mr. Duncomb [Excise Cashier] to forthwith pay into the Exchequer 300l. of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same to me [Guy] for secret service.) Disposition Book XI, p 46.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 75l., ut supra, p. 1869, to the executors of William Harbord for the underkeepers of St. James's Park. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Fox, enclosing a proposal [missing] of Mr. Roger Sizer concerning a debt of 871l. 6s. 2d. due to him from several officers who served in Ireland. Send my Lords a certificate of the arrears due to the officers who owe this money. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 422.