Entry Book: July 1689, 16-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: July 1689, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp189-207 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1689, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp189-207.

"Entry Book: July 1689, 16-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp189-207.


July 1689, 16-31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 16. Treasury warrant dormant to the Customs Cashier to pay the fee of 20l. per an. to William Noy as searcher of Exeter port. Money Book X, p. 68.
Treasury warrant to same to pay himself 465l. 4s. 0d. for interest to June 24 last on 30,000l. lent to the King, viz. 10,000l. on Mar. 7 last, 10,000l. on Mar. 8 and 10,000l. on April 19. Ibid, p. 69.
William Jephson to Thomas Hall [Hearthmoney Cashier] to pay last June 24 quarter's salary bill (570l.) of the Hearthmoney Office. Disposition Book VIII, p. 23.
William Jephson to the Attorney General to give warrant to the Clerk of the Petty Bag for a commission to Richard Hutchinson et al. to enquire of the frauds and misdemeanours of Robert Hall and Robert Tayer in their office of customer of Chichester port. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 61.
Same to Thomas Hancock, Mayor of Portsmouth. My Lords have received the letter of the 14th inst. from you and several other Commissioners for the Poll in co. Southampton. They are well satisfied with your diligence and will take care you and the assessors be not disturbed in your duty. But before they take course against the persons that have abused you they must have an affidavit and the names of the persons. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the memorial of Robert Irving, agent to the Royal Regiment of Foot and the Regiment of Scots Guards ; who prays that the pay of the officers and serjeants who are gone into Scotland to raise recruits may be detained out of the pay of the Regiments returned from England to Holland. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay out of the salary due to themselves for last June 24 quarter 66l. 13s. 4d. each to Sir Denny Ashburnham, Sir John Freind, Dr. Davenant and Mr. Horneby for the part of that quarter in which they served in the Excise Commission. Ibid, p. 62.
Treasury fiat for royal letters patent to constitute Mathias Miller, gent., as Comptroller of Carlisle port, to wit, the office he now holds. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 34.
The like for Roger Clutterbuck, gent., as searcher of Southampton port, to wit etc. ut supra. Ibid, p. 35.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Paul Batchiller for a collector's place in the Excise. Reference Book VI, p. 68.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Stroud for a landwaiter's place, London port. Ibid, p. 69.
Same to the auditor concerned of the petition of Samuel Heming, messenger to the Queen Dowager, shewing that he discovered a fee farm rent in Norwich of 10l. per an. sold to Lord Ossulston for 2l. per an. and did bring the same into charge and received 74l. of the 8l. per an. [deficiency of] rent thereof : therefore praying a grant of said 74l. as reward. Ibid, p. 70.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of William Fosse for a lease of a small cottage in Cerne, co. Dorset, on which he has already been at charge. Ibid, p. 73.
Treasury authorisation to John Smith of St. Clements Danes, London (Receiver of Crown Revenues in cos. Norfolk, Huntingdon, Essex etc.) to receive the Crown rents and revenues in cos. Cambridge and Suffolk loco Sir Edward Dering, suspended : all till further order. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 47.
July 17. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 50l. to the churchwardens of St. James's within the Liberty of Westminster for one year to May 19 last for the relief of the poor of said parish : with dormant clause for the like payment yearly during pleasure. (Money warrant dated July 27 for said 50l. hereon.) (Money order dated July 29 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 154. Money Book X, p. 77. Order Book III, p. 22.
Same to William Harbord, Paymaster General of the Forces intended for the service of Ireland, to pay half-pay as follows to the persons following as from June 1 last : they being officers who have lately quitted their commands in the Army in Ireland or been turned out of the same : all in consideration of their services and sufferings : certificates are first to be produced of their receiving no other pay in the King's service, viz. :
Colonels and Captains of Horse (7s. a day) : Anthony Hungerford, Viscount Shannon, Ambrose Aungier, Sir Oliver St. George, George Brookes, James Butler, Lord Kingston, Sir Arthur Royden, Visct. Blessington, Sir Fran. Hamilton.
Lieutenants of Horse (5s. a day) : Francis Butler, Thomas Atkins, Thomas Denny, Joseph Stroud, — Preston, Parsons Hoy, Richard Tichbourne, Anthony Townley.
Cornets of Horse (4s. 6d. a day) : Marke Hodges, John Yarner, Anth. Wrighton, William Ponsonby, Sir Nicholas Acheson, Sir Arthur Jones, Alexander Saunderson.
Lieutenants and Adjutants of Horse (7s. 6d. a day) : Nicholas Price.
Quarter Masters of Horse (3s. a day) John Shelcross, John FitzSimons, John Smith, John Hinde, — Benson, John Russell, James Hamilton.
Chirurgeons of Horse (3s. a day) : John Purtis.
Lieut.-Col. and Capt. of Horse (7s. 6d. a day) : Toby Purcell, Charles Congreve.
Major of Foot (6s. 6d. a day) : Arthur Delow.
Captains of Foot (4s. a day) : George Birmingham, Oliver Long, Frederick Hamilton, Thomas Buckeridge, Nicho. Sankey, Francis Yarner, George Lynden, Baldwin Leighton, John Folloit, John Bingham, John Giles, Henry Porree, Richard St. George, Bernard Ward, William Stewart, William Rigg, Chichester Phillips, Thomas Flower, Amias Bush, Francis Rolleston, senr., Boyle Aldworth, Richard Yarner, John Chichester.
Lieut and Adjutant of Foot (4s. a day) : Nicho. Cartwright.
Lieutenants (2s. a day) : John Powell, Thomas Ashton, James Rookesby, Robert Points, Maccolin (Malcolm) Hamilton, Fan. Bradston, William Rawlins, Edward Wolfe, Richard Wakenham, Sharrington Grosvenor, Peter Latham, Richard Price, — Clarke, John Tubman, John Hamilton, Paul Philips, Vernon Parker, William Stewart, William Ashe, Charles Harraway, George Dunbar, Robert Ross, Meredith Gwyllym, George Congreive, John Rawkins, Anth. Hoveden, Alex. Phillips, William Carr, Thomas Oldfield.
Ensigns (1s. 6d. a day) : Peter Eastwood, George Giles, William Cother, James Buck, William Flower, Robert Blackeny, George Boleyn, John Craddock, Charles Hublethorne, Mich. Farrell, Francis Graham, James Wallis, Miles Wildman, Edward Baily, John Wynn, Will. Calhoun, Charles Stewart.
Adjutant and Quarter Master of Foot (4s. a day) : William Sanderson.
Chaplain (3s. 4d. a day) : Alexander Abercony.
Chirurgeons of Foot (2s. a day) : Charles Thompson, John Baker, John Purtis.
Chirurgeon's Mate (1s. 3d. a day) : Robert Walden.
Captains of Dragoons (5s. a day) : Meldop Lloyd, John Culliford.
Lieutenants of Dragoons (3s. a day) : Mark Duncane, Horse Grenadiers ; John Rawlins, Horse Grenadiers.
Cornets of Dragoons (2s. 6d. a day) : Samuel Salisbury.
Quarter Master of Dragoons (2s. a day) : Francis James, Archibald Hamilton.
Serjeants of Dragoons (1s. a day) : Robert Manwaring, John Waddington, William Conn.
(Total establishment, 20l. 15s. 1d. per diem.)
King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 154-7.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Thomas Hall, gent., of the office of Chief Clerk of the Mint and the office of Clerk of the Papers belonging to the Mint : to wit the offices now held by him. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 158.
Same to same for the like for Thomas Fitch as Weigher and Teller of the Mint, to wit ut supra : as amply etc. as Lancelott Perrott or any other predecessor. Ibid, p. 159.
Same to same for the like to Henry Segar as assistant to the Weigher and Teller of the Mint : to wit ut supra : as amply etc. as Corney Froude, William Taylor or any other predecessor therein. Ibid, p. 162.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 10s. a day to Sir Thomas Dereham as Court Post or carrier of all the King's letters between the King's Court or place of residence and the first [nearest] Post Stage or Post Office : which office was granted him by Charles II for life 1672, May 15, with a grant dated 1672, Aug. 23, of the said fee, which fee he surrendered to James II by deed dated 1686, May 10. Payment hereof is to be made out of the Post Office revenue as from Christmas last, to which date same has been paid. Ibid, pp. 160-1.
Money order for 494l. 14s. 9d. to John Walker, Usher of the Exchequer Court, for necessaries delivered for said Court in Trinity term last and for his own diet (at 5d. a day) 1688, July 31, to July 13 inst. Order Book III, p. 21.
William Jephson to the Earl of Ranelagh to give order to Col. Billingsley at Berwick to pay the money in his hands (remaining of the money lodged there by the Commissioners of the Army) to Major-Gen. Mackay for the three Dutch Regiments now in Scotland. Disposition Book VIII, p. 23.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer, viz : Ibid, pp. 23-4.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for a week's subsistence [to the Forces] 3,601 3 0
to ditto to answer two bills from Holland 20,333 6 8
to ditto to clear to July 1 inst. Mr. Roope and the gunners entertained by him in Dartmouth Castle 186 0 0
to ditto for the Dutch Troops 10,000 0 0
to Mr. Harbord for the service of Ireland, for subsistence money for the English and Irish [Forces] 6,863 10 0
to ditto for same, for his [Harbord's] own Troop 70 0 0
to ditto for same, for the Provost Marshal's men 30 0 0
to ditto for same, for several persons intended for Ireland, viz. Count Solmes and nine others 801 0 0
to ditto for same, for 400 draught horses 4,800 0 0
to ditto for same to clear the Provost Marshal and his men to June 30 last 80 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance [on the Ordnance Office] ordinary 2,000 0 0
to ditto upon the estimate for the [Artillery] Train 2,000 0 0
to ditto for the fortifications at Hull 2,200 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy [on the Navy's] weekly money 3,000 0 0
to ditto for tickets 2,000 0 0
to ditto for transportations to Holland 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the Victuallers 5,000 0 0
to the Privy Purse 500 0 0
to the Paymaster of the Works for the works at Kensington 500 0 0
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to take from Mr. Child 40,000 pieces of eight by weight at 4s. 9d. a piece (amounting to 9,500l. sterling) which Mr. Child has proposed to lend into the Exchequer. They are intended to be issued at the same rate to Mr. Harbord for the service of the expedition against Ireland. Disposition Book VIII, p. 24.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Gwynn for a landwaiter's place in London or Bristol port.
Charles Pepys for a surveyor's place in the Custom House [London].
Michael Waring for restoration to his place of jerquer and computer of wines and currants in London port.
Reference Book VI, pp. 68, 71.
Same to Auditor Aldworth of the petition of Eliz. Salway, widow, shewing that her husband contracted with Mr. Agar, deceased, for fencing Windsor Great Park for 540l. 11s. 4d. and in part payment Agar assigned to her husband bonds for 483l. 10s. 0d. owing to the King from several persons for wood sold in New Forest ; that some of the bondsmen refuse payment and some are dead ; therefore praying that she may sue the bonds in the King's name. Ibid, p. 70.
July 18. William Jephson to Mr. Blathwayte to lay before the King in Council the enclosed petition [missing, see supra, p. 177] of John Burgess, with the Customs Commissioners' report [missing, see infra, p. 196] thereon. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 62.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to employ Johannes Jones as collector of Weymouth pursuant to the warrant of May 8 last, supra, p. 112. Ibid.
July 19. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 37l. 10s. 0d. to John Taylour for making a particular account of the receipt and application of the Customs. Money Book X, p. 70.
Same dormant to the Excise Commissioners to pay 6 per cent. interest to Charles Duncomb on 20,000l. lent by him Jan. 10 last on the Excise. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay the salary of 62l. 6s. 8d. to Randolph Wilmer as customer of Strangers' Customs, London port. Ibid, p. 71.
Money warrant for 150l. to Philibertus Hervart for a quarter's ordinary in advance as Resident at Geneva. (Money order dated July 24 hereon.) Ibid, p. 76. Order Book III, p. 21.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any unappropriated money in the Exchequer, viz. : Disposition Book VIII, p. 24.
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the marching of the Train for Ireland 5,000
to the Earl of Montagu for the Wardrobe 2,500
to me [Jephson] for secret service 4,000
Same to Mr. Yard to insert an advertisement in the Gazette that the Treasury Lords have appointed John Smith of Beauford Street, Strand, to act as Receiver of Crown Revenues in cos. Suffolk and Cambridge during the suspension of the present Receiver. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 62.
Treasury reference to Mr. Lowndes of the petition of Norwich Salisbury for a grant to collect the toll of the Haymarket loco one Paulet, a reputed Papist. Reference Book VI, p. 70.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Charles Bishopp for a landwaiter's place, London port, he having acted as such for six years till turned out by Sir Nicholas Butler.
John Franckland for a same, ibid.
Robert Hind (Hinde) for a same, ibid.
Ibid, pp. 70, 71.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for writs of diem clausit extremum for seizing the several estates of Sir Alexander Bence and John Bence, who at their deaths were liable to the debt of 76,752l. 18s. 5¾d. decreed against them and others in the Exchequer of Ireland 1683, May 25, and the debt of 30,000l. upon the bond dated 1676, May 29, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VIII, pp. 2036-8. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 48.
July 20. The Treasury Lords to the Poll Commissioners in co. Notts to like effect ut supra, p. 179. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 57.
William Jephson to Mr. Blathwaite to lay before the King in Council the Customs Commissioners' report [missing] on Robert Le Plasteir's petition, supra, p. 180. Ibid, p. 80.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any unappropriated money in the Exchequer, viz. : Disposition Book VIII, p. 25.
to Mr. Levett 100
to Mr. Bray 40
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for the Yeomen of the Guard 1,250
to me [Jephson] for secret service 300
to Mr. Hervart 150
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Richard Hutchinson for renewal of his grant as solicitor of the Customs. They are to report on his fitness and demeanour in office.
John Horsely for a landwaiter's place, London or Bristol.
Hugh Rowley for some place in the Custom House [London]. He is to be presented if fit.
John Condy for a surveyor's place [ibid.].
Richard Hopper for a quayman's place, ibid. He is to be presented if fit.
John Neuell for a tidewaiter's place, ibid.
Reference Book VI, pp. 71, 73.
Same to Auditor Humphreys of the petition of the Mayor, Bailiff and commonalty of Exeter for 345l. 7s. 3½d. expended on the sick and wounded men at Exeter. Ibid, p. 71.
Same to John Wildman of the petition of Thomas Cobb for the place of Receiver General of the Post Office. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Derick Storck, body coachman to the King, shewing that there is a certain small duty payable to the King upon importation of coach horses etc. which has been usually granted by former Kings to the body coachmen : therefore praying a grant thereof. Ibid.
July 22. Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to pay 1,000l. to Henry, Duke of Grafton, for half a year to June 24 last on his annuity out of the Excise. Money Book X, p. 71.
Money warrant for 250l. to Sir John Nicholas for one year to June 24 last as a Clerk of the Council. Ibid.
Same for 214l. 18s. 0d. to William Blathwayt for 1688, June 24, to Dec. 25, and 1689, Feb. 13, to June 24, on his salary as a Clerk of the Council. Ibid, p. 72.
Same for 1,043l. 18s. 10¼d. to same for the salary and incidents bills for the Committee of Trade and Plantations for one year to June 24 last. (Money order dated July 27 hereon.)
Appending : said bills in detail (1688, Sept. 29 quarter 264l. 13s. 1½d. ; Christmas quarter, 254l. 15s. 9d. ; 1689, Lady day quarter, 260l. 14s 0d. ; Midsummer quarter, 263l. 16s. 0d.).
Ibid, pp. 72-76. Order Book III, p. 22
Money order for 5l. to William Parkes, Porter of the Receipt, for last June 24 quarter's attendance at the gate of the Receipt. Order Book III, p. 21.
William Jephson to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed proposals [missing] for improving the revenue of the Customs. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 62.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue out of any unappropriated money in the Receipt, viz : Disposition Book VI, p. 25.
to Lord Coote for the Queen 5,000
to me [Jephson] for secret service 2,000
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Henry Carter as commander of the Yarmouth [port Customs] smack loco William Browne, who has relinquished.
Edwd. Roy as surveyor of Weymouth port loco Joseph Watson.
William Carter as a surveyor of the landwaiters, London port.
Robert Pigott as a same, ibid.
Henry Colchester as a landwaiter, ibid.
George Pyard as waiter and searcher, Aberdovey loco Maurice Bowen, removed to the landcarriage.
Edward Bellamy as boatman at Hastings in Rye port loco William Partridge.
Thomas Brisco as waiter and searcher at Carlisle loco Bazill Feilding, dismissed.
John Rawlins as boatman at Fowey loco Roger Williams.
Warham Jemmett as coastwaiter, London port, loco George Day, deceased.
William Wildbore as waiter and searcher at Deal loco John Mainwaring, deceased.
Edward Scarborough as collector at Liverpool loco James Vernon, deceased : at 50l. per an. fees and 50l. per an. from the King, and 20l. per an. from the King for a clerk.
Robert Lee and Elias Tacket as chief boatman and under boatman in Guernsey : they having served for some time as boatman under William Stephens, Register of certficates there.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 35, 37, 38.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe an order of the King in Council, dated Hampton Court, July 18 inst., to permit John Burgesse of London, merchant, to enter the wines, ut supra, p. 177 : by reason that the ship sailed from Bordeaux May 14 last, but by contrary winds could not arrive within the time limited by the Proclamation : as certified by the Customs Commissioners' report, detailed, of the 15th inst. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 36.
Treasury warrant to same for the collectors of the outports to pay Poll bill assessments on Customs officers in the outports ; by reason their salaries will barely maintain their families and it may be of ill consequence to the service for them to have to pay so much out of such salaries. Ibid, p. 38.
Same to same to deliver, Customs free, to Edward Bigly the wine and tools which he brought to Milford in his flight from Ireland. Ibid, p. 39.
Same to same to similarly deliver to Mr. Duxbury, Mr. Leeson and Mr. Kaine, lately fled from Ireland in distress, the old drapery and new drapery which they brought with them to Liverpool and Chester. Ibid.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Benj. Warren for the place of coastwaiter, Bridport. Reference Book VI, p. 72.
July 23. Royal warrant to the Paymaster General of the Forces to make the deduction of 12d. per £ from the pay of the Forces employed for the reduction of Ireland, which has been usually deducted from the pay of the Land Forces : the deduction to be disposed in such manner as the King shall from time to time direct by his royal sign manual. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 163.
Same to same to deduct one day's pay per an. from the pay of the Forces : to be employed towards the building of Chelsea Hospital : the King being disposed to order a further supply towards the finishing and maintenance of said Hospital. Ibid.
William Jephson to Mr. Blathwayt to lay (a) infra before the Committee for Trade and Plantations.
Appending : (a) Presentment, dated July 15 inst., from the Customs Commissioners to the Treasury Lords. There are 30 small barrels of powder, in all 15 hundredweight, on board the Amity, Stephen Robinson master, now clearing at Portsmouth, from Holland for Boston in New England. Is it convenient at this time to suffer same "to be carried to those parts, not knowing in what condition the government of New England at present stands"?
Out Letters (General) XII, p. 63.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Robt. Meadows for a landwaiter's place, London port. Reference Book VI, p. 72.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to take the sureties of William Christian as Receiver of the Poll in the county of York and York city.
Prefixing : (a) the Taxes Agents' report, dated July 2 inst., on said Christian's proposal of sureties, ut supra, p. 132. William Christian himself has been often employed in positions of trust in receiving the revenue and has always made good payments and acquitted himself with reputation. Evan Christian has a good business as counsel at law and an estate of about 400l. per an. Jo. Ellis was for several years past secretary to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, and of very good character, but having left Ireland only six months since, his estate is uncertain. Christopher Carleton was for the last 14 years a Surveyor General of the Revenue, Ireland, with great integrity and is to be deputy to said Christian. (b) Later report by same, dated July 23, on Christian's proposal of further sureties, viz. Tho. Taylor of St. Giles in the Fields, co. Midd., gent., John Peters of Westminster, gent., in 500l. each, and Isaac Clarke of St. Andrews, Holborn, in 1,000l.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 48-9.
July 24. Money warrant for 500l. to Aaron Smith as imprest for Crown law costs. (Money order dated July 26 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 76. Order Book III, p. 22.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any unappropriated money in the Exchequer, viz. : Disposition Book VIII, pp. 25, 26.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for subsistence for the Forces 3,601 15 0
to William Harbord for same for the Forces [for Ireland] under his care [of payment] 5,000 0 0
to Tho. Lloyd for the works at Hampton Court 500 0 0
to ditto for same at Kensington 500 0 0
to Aron Smith 500 0 0
to the Privy Purse 500 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy 4,000 0 0
to ditto for the Victuallers for provisions for the Irish Army 6,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance [on the Ordnance Office] ordinary 2,000 0 0
(Same to same to pay the abovesaid 6,000l. to William Harbord to be by him paid over to the Victuallers for the said purpose.) (Same, dated July 26, to said Harbord to pay said sum to Thomas Wright for said service.)
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Edward Swan for a surveyorship of the landwaiters, London port, he having been forced to fly from Ireland with a mother, wife and three children, his house plundered, his father killed and having left 600l. per an.
Edward Coward for the collectorship of Bridgwater port.
Mr. [Randolph] Wilmer for renewal of his patent as customer of the petty customs, London port.
Richard Windebank for a landsurveyor's place, ibid.
Reference Book VI, p. 72.
Same to Mr. Harbord [as Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall] of the petition of the Mayor and burgesses of Lostwithiel for renewal of an allowance of 30l. per an. payable to the curate there. Ibid, p. 73.
Same to same of the petition of Michaell Langdon for a lease of a tenement in Bradford, parcel of said duchy. Ibid.
July 25. Privy seal for 150l. to Sir Tho. Duppa for three quarters to June 24 last on his pension or yearly sum of 200l. as Gentleman Usher Black Rod : with dormant clause for said pension in future as in lieu of perquisites and allowances released by him to the Crown. (Royal warrant dated July 17 to the Clerk of the Signet for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 161.
Treasury reference to Sir Christopher Wrenn of the petition of John Heissenbuttell to the Queen (as referred from the Queen to the Treasury Lords) ; for payment of the remainder of his bill for joiner's work done in the Queen's new lodgings towards the waterside, in Lady Wentworth's lodgings, in Dr. Hutton's lodgings and the Queen's backstairs.
Prefixing : said bill : total, 309l. 7s. 8½d., received thereof 307l. 7s. 8½d. [sic].
Reference Book VI, p. 72.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Peter Davies for a landwaiter's place, London port. Ibid, p. 73.
Same to W. Harbord of Sir Mathew Andrews' petition for a fresh lease of Mere manor. Ibid, p. 79.
July 26. Treasury warrant dormant to Stephen Lilly, Receiver General of the Post Office, to pay Sir Thomas Dereham the allowance of 10s. a day as Court Post. Money Book X, p. 77.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of unappropriated money in the Exchequer, viz. : Disposition Book VIII, p. 26.
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance on the contract for the fortifications at Hull 1,000
to me [Jephson] for secret service 990
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the petition in (a) infra.
Appending : (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Hampton Court, July 18 inst., referring to the Treasury Lords the petition of Francis Baudouin, Sieur Desprite, a Refugee Protestant who is settled at Plymouth, praying permission to drive a coast trade with his ship St. Peter, 120 tons burden, being an unfree bottom, or for her to be employed in the King's service : all for the subsistence of himself and family.
Out Letters (General) XII, p. 63.
William Jephson to Mr. Marryot to deliver to Mr. [Auditor] Aldworth Mris. Agar's account of wood sales ; in order to Aldworth's reporting on Widow Salway's petition. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 64.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on (a) infra.
Appending : (a) petition of David Loggan, shewing that he has engraved on copper the Library, Public Schools and Colleges in Cambridge and is ready to print same ; therefore praying leave to import a quantity of paper, Customs free.
Treasury order to same to observe an order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, July 25 inst., ordering that the embargo be taken off within the rivers of Thames and Medway from all ships whatsoever using the coal trade and from all fishing ships within the said rivers. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 39.
Treasury warrant to same to deliver to William Hall the iron wire, ut supra, p. 170 : being the like relief as granted to John Kay, supra, p. 121. Ibid, pp. 40-1.
Treasury reference to the Attorney General of the petition of Charles, Duke of Bolton, Warden of New Forest, praying a grant of some cottages erected by several persons there without acknowledgment to the King. Reference Book VI, p. 73.
Same to same of the petition of Lord William Pawlett for a lease of the Greenwax for 41 years at 500l. per an. rent, which is all it yields to his Majesty. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Elisha Burwash for the place of clerk of the passage at Rye port.
William Burwash for the place of King's searcher, ibid.
Michael Cadman for the place of Comptroller, ibid.
Joseph Martin for the place of tidesurveyor, ibid.
Robert Meadow and George Lavender for the place of boatmen and tidewaiters there.
Treasury warrant to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, for a particular of the Hundred of Chafford with a view to a further lease thereof to Jasper Kingsman.
Prefixing : said Surveyor General's report on said Kingsman's petition for same. The certainties arise out of several manors, lands and townships in said Hundred, the rents whereof amount to 31l. 0s. 5½. per an., which is the rent reserved in the existing grant, and 10s. per an. de incremento in lieu of the casualties. The said casualties are not esteemed above 40s. a year.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 50.
Same dormant to the Auditor and to the Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall to pay and allow to Thomas Johnson (son and administrator of Thomas Johnson, deceased) the growing profits of the manor of Liskeard as formerly (see supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. II, p. 568 ; Vol. IV, p. 778) : together with licence to root up and manure seven acres of wood ground called Lady Park Wood, which he holds for three lives in being ; the ground being of very little value lying exposed to the cold blasts from the sea ; but might be of value if converted to arable land. Ibid, p. 51.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for a commission to Robert Humfreys to take this coming Michaelmas audit as deputy to Auditor Sir William Godolphin in the Principality of Wales : all ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VIII, p. 1536. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 52-3.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant under the Exchequer seal to Charles Holloway of the office of steward of the manor of Shippon, co. Berks, parcel of the late Priory of Sheen and Duchy of Cornwall, being the office granted to him 1684-5, Mar. 20. Ibid, p. 56.
The like for a grant of the office of steward of the manor of Kennington to William Peisley as granted to him 1684-5. Mar. 20. Ibid.
Same to the Remembrancer of First Fruits and Tenths to discharge the arrears of Tenths on the rectory of Stambourne, co. Essex : all ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VIII, pp. 1773-4, provided Mark le Pla, who serves the cure, be first instituted. Ibid, p. 57.
Circular letter from the Treasury Lords to all the sheriffs in England and Wales, detailed, for a list of the name and abode of two or more active persons, resident and with real estate of [at least] 100l. [per an.], to act as Commissioners for the Shilling Aid : the nomination of such Commissioners being by the Act left with the King : such persons to be such as are affectionate to the Government and can be depended on to see that the King be not defeated of those supplies that at this juncture are so absolutely necessary for the defence and preservation of the people and kingdom. Out Letters (General) XII, pp. 70-2.
July 27. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Earl of Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe, the 3,000l. which he has lent into the Exchequer. Disposition Book VIII, p. 26.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on Robert Thorowgood's petition for the place of customer of Lynn. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 63.
Same to same not to dispose of the place of collector of Excise in co. Gloucester or co. Worcester till my Lords speak with you, as they recommend Mr. Jennings for one of those places. Ibid, p. 64.
Same to John Martin. My Lords have ordered William Kemp to continue as searcher of Plymouth port. You are not to disturb him therein. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to Sir John Hewley, kt., at York. We note how well you have served the King in the office of Receiver General of the Aid for co. York. You have also received some of the Poll money for that county. We desire you to receive the remainder thereof. You shall have a commission for this next week. Care shall be taken to give you ease in your returns of money and as to your extraordinary disbursements. Ibid, p. 68.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Lawrence Cole (surveyor of Poole port) as surveyor of Portsmouth loco Thomas Davies, who has absented himself for debt.
George Pley as collector of Lyme Regis loco Henry Flory, deceased.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 40, 41.
Treasury reference to the Victualling Commissioners of the petition of Henry Rowlandson for the place of clerk of the bakehouse to the Victualling, he having fled from Ireland and left all his substance behind him. Reference Book VI, p. 73.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Philip Orseur for a landwaiter's place, London port. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to take the sureties, ut supra, p. 184, of Henry Thornhill as Receiver of Crown Revenues for Kent, Surrey and Sussex, viz. himself in 800l. and his two sureties in 400l. each, it being certified that the said revenue is not above 400l. per an. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 52.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant to Sir Rowland Gwynne, kt., of the office of steward of Melenydd etc. ut supra, pp. 142, 189.
Prefixing : particular and memorandum of the premises by Deputy Auditor Robert Humfreys.
Ibid, pp. 54-5.
July 29. Royal warrant, dated Hampton Court, to William Harbord, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Forces intended for service in Ireland, not to pay any Regiment, Troop or Company thereof (from the time that John Shales, Commissary General, shall begin to deliver out provisions for the same) without first receiving from said Shales an account of such issues of provisions with the quantity and prices thereof (which accounts are to be delivered to you fortnightly or oftener) ; upon receipt whereof you are to make deductions for same not exceeding 4d. per day for each private and non-commission officer of foot, 12d. per day for every trooper and noncommission officer of Horse and 7¼d. for every private soldier and non-commission officer of Dragoons. The balance to be paid to the Colonels etc. for said Regiments etc. and a distinct account of the deductions to be kept. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 189-90.
Same to same to detain and deduct the full subsistence [pay] of each private soldier and non-commission officer of Foot and half the full pay of each ditto of Horse and Dragoons during their stay in Hospital in Ireland ; upon a certificate thereof to be first signed by the physician, chirurgeon and apothecary of the said Hospital which the King has thought fit to appoint for the Army employed in Ireland. Out of such deductions 3d. a day for each wounded and 2d. a day for each sick is to be paid to the said apothecary for providing external and internal medicines and the remainder is to be paid towards their food and other expenses of the Hospital. And for the further relief of such sick and wounded men and the better enabling them to return to their respective duties you are hereby to pay to such as above of the Foot a third of their subsistence and of the Horse and Dragoons a fourth of their full pay (for so many days as they have remained in Hospital) upon their departure out of the same. The last-named payment is to be made out of the deduction of one day's pay [per an.] from the pay of the said Forces in Ireland. Ibid, pp. 190-1.
July 30. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 8,700l. to Mr. Harbord for the service of [the Forces for] Ireland ; and likewise the 9,500l. in foreign coin lent into the Exchequer by Mr. Evans and Mr. Child. Disposition Book VIII, p. 27.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on Francis Southworth's fitness for the place of landwaiter, London port. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 65.
Same to Mr. Humfreys for an account of all the Crown [rents and] revenues of North and South Wales, distinguishing therein the fee farms and other hereditary rents, and the demiseable lands with what thereof are out of lease ; and [per contra] of all the fees, pensions, salaries and other payments issuing thereout [or charged thereon]. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to see to the execution of the enclosed Orders of Council [missing], one for the Prizes Commissioners to reimburse the Customs officers for their disbursements on prize ships, the other for the Sick and Wounded Commissioners to receive from the Customs officers all prisoners of war and to pay said officers all their disbursements in connection therewith. Ibid.
Same to same to deliver at Whitehall on payment of Customs four trunks containing goods for the Queen, being brought from Holland by one of the King's footmen. Ibid, p. 66.
Treasury reference to Major Wildman of the petition of Stephen Lilly, praying to be continued in his office of Receiver General of the Post Office. Reference Book VI, p. 73.
Same to the Auditor concerned of the petiiton of John Digby for the place of Receiver of Crown Revenues for cos. Hereford, Worcester, Stafford and Salop, vacant ever since the death of Charles II, though executed by Edward Collins, who has never accompted. Ibid, p. 74.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Tho. Appleby for a landwaiter's place, London port.
Col. Jno. Butler and Richard his son, praying to be continued in the place of customer of Boston port.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a patent under the Exchequer seal to constitute Constantine Phipps, of the Middle Temple, as steward of the manors of Cookham and Bray : to wit the office granted him by James II. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 57-8.
Same to same for a lease to George Long of a coal mine in Plummers Close in the manor of Stratton super Fosse, parcel of the customary lands thereof, in the tenure of said Long. The lease to be for 99 years terminable on the lives of John Horler, son of Hercules Horler, John Everett, son of William Everett of Stratton, and Henry Nevill, son of Arthur Nevill of Midsomer Norton : said Long to pay John Tooker 6l. for his expenses in sinking coal pits on the premises.
Prefixing : constat, dated 1687, Mar. 31, by Sir C. Harbord, then Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the premises ; said constat being grounded upon an agreement, dated 1627, May 3, between John Salmon et al. and William Long et al. concerning a Crown lease of coal mines in the premises then called Plummers Close, now parcel of the tenement called Naggs (Vaggs) tenement.
The present lessee is to ascertain [legally assert] the King's right to the said coal mines.
Ibid, pp. 60-2.
July 31. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to grant to the Earl of Ranelagh the office of Receiver and Paymaster of the Guards, Garrisons and Land Forces, being the office granted him by patent of 1685, Dec. 26 : the King having (since the withdrawal of James II) employed him in the receiving and paying the moneys for the Forces except those Forces designed for the reducing of Ireland and being well satisfied in said Earl's ability, care and circumspection : the said exception is to be continued in the present grant : with the salary of 20s. a day : a discharge hereby to be given him in his accounts for such payments hitherto made by him pursuant to establishments of the late King or orders of the present King. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 169-72.
Same to same for a same to grant to William Harbord the office of Vice-Treasurer and Receiver General of Ireland, with the fee or annuity of 65l. 13s. 4d. of current money of Ireland heretofore usually paid for said office : and also the office of Treasurer at Wars within the kingdom of Ireland : with power to receive all the said revenues and give discharges to the collectors etc. and also to issue same upon establishments duly made : all as amply as Arthur, late Earl of Anglesea, Sir Geo. Carteret, Francis, Lord Aungier, Richard, Visct. (now Earl of) Ranelagh, John Price or Sir Henry Bond and Lewis Doe or any other predecessor therein. He to pass his accounts at least once a year in the usual course of the Exchequer either in England or Ireland or before such Commissioners as the King shall from time to time appoint for taking his accounts. He to have hereby discharge for payments made by him in the work in which, since the King's accession, he has been and still is employed of receiving and paying moneys for the pay of the Forces for the reducing of Ireland ; and also to have all reasonable allowances and rewards in his accounts for same and for all like future service ; which allowances are to be ascertained [fixed] by royal sign manual. Ibid, pp. 172-7.
Same to same for a same for a grant to Sir Algernoon May of an annuity or yearly pension of 500l. in consideration of faithful services and in recompense for the office of Keeper of the Records in the Tower and pursuant to an agreement the King has made with him concerning the same : to be payable quarterly from June 24 last during pleasure. Ibid, p. 177.
Same to Tho. Neale, Master and Worker of the Mint, to prepare dies for coining half guineas, viz. from the master puncheons made by George Bowers :
and with all speed to proceed to coin the same [half guineas].
Ibid, p. 178.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to appoint Sir John Osborne as Comptrollor of the accounts of the Royal Oak Lottery and of all other lotteries whatsoever ; being the office granted him 1687-8, Mar. 15 : the King being well satisfied in his fidelity and circumspection therein : with the salary of 200l. per an. as hitherto : and the Farmers of said lotteries are hereby authorised to pay the said salary to him in the last year of their farm (terminating 1691, Michaelmas), detaining same out of the half year's rent due at 1690, Michaelmas, viz. by reason that only a peppercorn rent is payable for the said last year, as the said Farmers advanced one year's rent at the commencement. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 178-81.
Same to William Harbord, Paymaster General of the Forces intended for Ireland, to pay half pay as follows to officers as follows who have lately quitted their commands in the Army in Ireland or been turned out of the same : to be payable as from June 1 last upon certificates to be produced monthly from the Commissaries General of Musters of England and Ireland of their not receiving any other pay in the King's service.
Appending : list of said half pay :
Captain of Horse (7s. a day) : Chidley Coote.
Lieutenants of Horse (5s. a day) : William Fleet wood and John Langherne.
Quartermasters of Horse (3s. a day) : Abell Thomas, Anth. Lock, John Shelcross 1s. 6d. "more as of the Guards."
Captain of Foot (4s. a day) : John Beversham.
Lieutenants of Foot (2s. a day) : David Buckannon, Robert Browne, Richard Rooth, George Giles 6d. "more as Lieutenant."
Ensigns (1s. 6d. a day) : Garret Foulke, William Ash, Thomas Kerr.
Quartermaster of Foot (2s. a day) : William Lupton.
Chaplains (3s. 4d. a day) : Dr. George Browne, Stephen Hancock.
Dr. Patrick Dunn, physician to the State [the Lord Lieutenant] and all the chief Governors : 1s. 9d. a day.
Charles Thompson : 3s. a day more as Chirurgeon General of the Army.
Capt. John Giles : 16s. 5¼d. a day as Lieutenant of the Ordnance in Ireland ; added by his Majesty's command.
(Total establishment, 3l. 9s. 4¼d. a day.)
Ibid, pp. 181-2.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer, viz. : Disposition Book VIII, p. 27.
l. s. d.
to the Queen Dowager 1,500 0 0
to the Earl of Portland for the Gardens 1,500 0 0
to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for the hire of goods at Whitehall and St. James's 1,107 13 0
to Mr. Vyner, the goldsmith 2,000 0 0
to Tho. Lloyd for the works at Kensington 500 0 0
to ditto for the works at Hampton Court 500 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Heysenbuttle, the joiner that finished some of the Queen's lodgings 154 7
to the Earl of Portland for the Privy Purse 500 0 0
for the poor of St. James's 50 0 0
to me [Jephson] for secret service 300 0 0
to Mr. Felton and Mr. Chiffinch for half a year for the hawks 686 5 0
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the Dutch Troops 40,000 0 0
to ditto for subsistence [of the Forces] 3,601 15 0
to ditto to clear Col. Wharton's Regiment to May 1 1,082 7 7
to ditto upon account for the Earl of Leven's Regiment 2,500 0 0
to ditto upon account for the Scotch Guards to clear their quarters 500 0 0
to William Harbord upon account [for the Forces for Ireland] 15,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy [on the Navy's] weekly money 3,000 0 0
to ditto for transport of soldiers for Holland 2,000 0 0
to ditto to pay off tickets 2,000 0 0
to ditto for the Victuallers 5,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for providing new arms 2,000 0 0
William Jephson to the Customs Cashier to pay 2,000l. in part of last June 24 quarter's salary bill of the Customs [London port]. Disposition Book VIII, p. 28.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay 1,500l. to the Princess of Denmark in part of her last June 24 quarter. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver at the King's Mews, on payment of Customs, some 18 trunks and hampers on board the Isabella, being for the King's use. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 65.
Same to same to deliver at the Earl of Portland's lodgings in Whitehall some Rhenish wine and household goods, including a hamper for the Queen. Ibid, p. 66.
Same to same to seal the goods of the Count D'Mansfeld, the Emperor's Ambassador, at his house in order to their transport to Holland. Ibid.
Same to the Duke of Bolton to send up affidavits as to the alleged undue proceedings of the assessors for the Poll in the parish of Little Hempston, co. Devon. Ibid, p. 67.
Same to the Excise Commissioners for their report concerning Samuel Hart's application for the collectorship of Excise for Devon, Cornwall or Dorset. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver at Whitehall Monsieur Zeulisteyne's goods which are arrived from Holland in the Katherine.
Appending : schedule of said goods (including five cases of pictures and hangings, two cases of gold [gilt] leather and hangings, a basket for Monsieur de Ginkell.
Ibid, pp. 67-8.
Royal warrant, dated Whitehall, to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Robert Squibb, junr., of the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, of the office of Receiver of First Fruits, and Tenths : with the fee of 100l. per an. for himself and 20l. for a clerk, payable quarterly as from Christmas last : to wit, the office he now holds. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 185.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for the yearly sum of 50l. to Capt. Tho. Hyde and Elizabeth his wife and the survivor of them : in consideration of their good services : to be payable quarterly as from June 24 last, during pleasure, out of the revenue of Poole port. Ibid, pp. 185-6.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for 200l. per an. annuity or yearly pension to Rudolph Kien as closet keeper to the King : to be payable quarterly from Lady day last, during pleasure. Ibid, pp. 186-7.
Same to same for a same to constitute Thomas Shadwell as Poet Laureat and Historiographer Royal, during pleasure, with the annuity of 300l., payable quarterly as from Lady day last and one butt or pipe of the best Canary yearly to be had out of the cellar at Whitehall. Ibid, p. 187.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 40,000l. to Thomas Lloyd, Paymaster of the Works : as imprest for the service of the Works. (Money warrant dated Aug. 12 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 13 hereon : with a later order dated 1690, Mar. 28, for the execution of the unsatisfied remainder thereof.) Ibid, p. 188. Money Book X, p. 80. Order Book III, p. 25.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Sir Christopher Wren of the office of Surveyor of the Works etc. : being the office now held by him. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 188-9.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Richard Hosier as Inspector of [Customs] prosecutions in the Exchequer loco John Pearse, who is thought fit to be dismissed.
Thomas Edwards to be restored as a deputed searcher, London port loco Richard Hosier, who succeeded him.
Isaac Manly as a surveyor of the landwaiters [London port] loco James Wingfeild, dismissed.
Henry Serjeant as a same [ibid.] loco James Pearse, dismissed, "one moiety of the ordinary salary being according to usage appropriated to Daniel Foord, whom the said Mr. Pearse succeeded in that employment, [he, Foord] being grown ancient and infirm."
John Colquit (late surveyor of Belfast port and well recommended by the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland) as surveyor of Poole port loco Laurence Cole, removed to be surveyor of Portsmouth.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 41, 42, 43.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Tho. Swanton for a place in the Customs, he having been without cause dismissed from the collectorship of Falmouth port.
Thomas Cromie for the like, he having been a merchant at Belfast and forced to fly thence.
Reference Book VI, p. 74.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Vernon, merchant, on behalf of himself and several other Irish Protestants, who have brought with them merchandises [on their flight from Ireland] which are either prohibited or rated very high ; praying that same may not be forfeited and that the duties may be remitted or mitigated ; and further that petitioner may have leave to ship 40 hogsheads of tobacco for the service of the Forces designed for Ireland. Reference Book VI, p. 74.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to direct the respective collectors of Excise to pay the Poll assessments on the inferior officers of the Excise and the supervisors and gaugers in London : all by reason that the like warrant of June 11, supra, p. 155, does not appear to extend to them. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 58.
Treasury constitution and appointment of Simon Smith to be Receiver of Crown Revenues in cos. Somerset and Dorset : with all the fees and profits thereto "except the fees heretofore paid by the Crown to the Receiver of the said counties, whereof he is only to receive the allowance of 40l. per an. which hath been paid to the said Simon Smith since the time of his entering upon the said receipt." Ibid, p. 59.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to take the abovesaid Simon Smith's sureties for his said office, ut supra, p. 188, in 600l. ; the said revenue being certified to be only 349l. 6s. 11d. per an. Ibid, p. 60.