Entry Book: April 1692, 21-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: April 1692, 21-30 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1602-1620 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: April 1692, 21-30 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1602-1620.

"Entry Book: April 1692, 21-30 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1602-1620.


April 1692, 21-30

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 21. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Edward, Visct. Villiers, of the manor of West Ashford, co. Devon, and the advowsons etc. therein, as demised 1670, Nov. 28, to Sir Amias Pollard, bart., for 25 years from 1676, April 1 ; the present grant to be for 99 years from the end of the said preceding term and under the ancient rent of 11l. 18s. 3d. per an. : likewise to grant to him the site of the late monastery of Burnham, co. Bucks, and all the lands, herbage, pannage and woods comprised in the grant thereof made 1675, June 4, to William Samwell for 31 years from the then preceding Michaelmas ; the present grant to be for 99 years from expiry of said preceding term and at the old rent of 11l. 18s. 1d. : all in consideration of the said Viscount Villiers' good and faithful services. King's Warrant Book XVI, pp. 216-17.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book X, pp. 100-102.
l. s. d.
Out of loans on the second Twelve Months' Aid.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the week's subsistence to all the Forces in Flanders, including the Train of Artillery and contingencies 17,000 0 0
to ditto for subsistence and half pay to the Forces remaining here [at home] 5,285 1 0
to ditto for Sir Joseph Herne in further part of 8,800l. for waggons 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the General Officers in further part of their clearings to Jan. 1 [last] 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to ditto for Mr. Blathwayt in part of 1,000l. to repair the loss of his equipage 100 0 0
to ditto for Lieut. Houston upon account of his pension to 1689, April 30 24 0 0
to ditto for Sir Joseph Herne 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Col. Earle in part of his first 1,000l. 500 0 0
Out of 10,024l. 9s. 1d. of loans on the second Twelve Months' Aid ; 2,750l. of loans on the three fourths of the Customs ; 1,282l. 10s. 1d. of the Double Excise ; 6,236l. of the 21d. per barrel : making 20,292l. 19s. 2d. in all.
to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby in part of 8,000l., remainder of 24,000l. [ordered to be] sent to Ireland 2,000 0 0
to ditto for the remainder of 15,000l. [ordered to be forwarded by bills or] returned to Hamburg for recruits for the Danes 758 6 10
to ditto for Major Rose on account of his pay 100 0 0
to ditto for Major Collyer on account of his pay as Capt. in Col. Selwyn's Regiment 100 0 0
to ditto for four months' pay to several French Reformed officers sent to Guernsey 345 5 0
to ditto for the corporals, trumpeters and troopers of the Royal Regiment and of the Regiments of [Col. Edward] Villiers, [Col. John] Coy, [Col. Francis] Langston, [Col. Hugh] Windham, [Sir John] Lanier and the Marquis de Ruvigny, upon account of their pay 953 12 0
to ditto upon account of recruits for the Royal Regiment and Col. Leueson's Regiment of Dragoons, at 250l. a Troop 500 0 0
to ditto more for the said Regiments at 150l. each Troop 600 0 0
to ditto for the serjeants, corporals, drums, hautboys and soldiers of the said Dragoons 742 0 0
to ditto upon account of four months' pay for the officers of Col. Beaumont's and Col. Hales's Regiments 1,471 2 4
to ditto for the Royal Regiment of Horse and the Regiments of Lanier, Villiers, Coy, Langston, Windham and Marquess of Ruvigny, upon account of the 200l. a Troop 600 0 0
to ditto for Monsieur Vander Esch upon account of the remainder of four months' pay to Shack's Regiment of Horse 1,500 0 0
to ditto for Sir Jos. Herne [for] recruit horses for the Danes 1,250 0 0
to ditto for the Commissioners of the Transports, in full to the [ships] masters for carrying men from hence to Holland 219 19 0
to ditto more for same, in part for the freight of horses carried from hence to Holland 1,000 0 0
to ditto for said Commissioners upon account of oats and hay to be provided 500 0 0
to ditto for same upon account of shipping for the Ordnance and Victualling Stores 500 0 0
to ditto for same upon account of the arrear to the ships that carried the Danes from Ireland to Ostend 2,500 0 0
to ditto for same upon account of provisions for the Earl of Athlone's and Col. Shack's Regiment of Horse 652 14 0
to ditto for Mr. Henley upon account of providing corn for Ireland 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the Danes 3,000 0 0
Out of loans on the second Twelve Months' Aid.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Commissioners of the Victualling ; for extraordinary land service : to be in part of the 1,000,000l. appropriated [by 3 Wm. and Mary, c. 5] 2,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance, 5,000l. for land service and 100l. for Jersey and Guernsey : not to be part of said 1,000,000l. appropriated 5,100 0 0
Out of the Double Excise.
to the Paymaster of the Works upon account of repairing the Parliament House 100 0 0
Out of loans on the second Twelve Months' Aid.
to the Treasurer of the Navy : for wages : in part of the 1,000,000l. appropriated 15,000 0 0
£68,509 18 6
Henry Guy to the Commissioners for [Tin] Farthings to deliver 400l. worth of farthings to Col. Fletcher, Governor of New York, "immediately, in regard he is to go on board to-morrow." (Same to said Fletcher to receive same.) Disposition Book X, p. 102. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 259.
Same to Mr. Nott [of the Great Wardrobe] for an estimate of the charge for four coats for the hautboys and two coats for the drummers of the Duke of Ormonde's Troop of Guards, as requested by Col. Billingsly. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 259.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox, enclosing a memorial [missing] from the Earl of Warrington concerning the money due to him on account of his Regiment. My Lords desire [you] "to write to me for a warrant to authorise you to pay the same, if you see no cause to the contrary." Ibid.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Capt. William Gore for his arrear as Captain in Col. Wolesly's Regiment. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the proposal concerning the erecting of a college in Virginia, together with a report from Mr. Blathwayt thereupon. Reference Book VI, p. 390.
Same to same of the petition of the wharfingers of the established quays in the port of London, shewing that they are very much inconvenienced by reason of impresting men out of the lighters to the hazard of the merchants' goods and consequently of the Customs [receipts] ; therefore praying a protection for so many men in each wharf as in a list thereto [missing]. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Henry Turner, shewing that he was a landsurveyor in London port in the time of the late farm of the Customs and having 20 years' experience of Customs business is sensible that great abuses have been committed in the Jerquers' Office for want of a surveyor or supervisor : therefore praying the place of surveyor of the Jerquers in said port. Ibid, p. 391.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor] of the petition of Thomas Franks for remission of a fine of 200l. laid on him for endeavouring to convey persons beyond the seas : said petition being referred to the Treasury from the Privy Council. Ibid.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Benj. Mathews, Receiver of the first Twelve Months' Aid [in co. Northampton], praying an allowance for his extraordinary disbursements of 136l. therein. Ibid.
April 22. Royal warrant, under the Queen's sign manual, to the Attorney General to acknowledge satisfaction upon record of the fine of 100 marks set in the King's Bench in 1691, Easter term, upon Jno. Davies, clerk, for a grand misdemeanour. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 214.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to William Harbord of the office of Chief Ranger and Keeper of St. James's Park ; and of [a grant of] the herbage and pannage of said park so far as it may not be prejudicial to the feed of the deer there ; and of all the lops, tops and crops of trees and all dead and windfall trees ; and the custody of the said park with the several lodges and gates belonging thereto : with the salary or fee of 60l. per an. and all other the usual fees for all deer that shall be killed there and allowances of a fee buck and a fee doe every season : all for the natural life of him and Katherine his wife and as amply as Philip, Earl of Pembroke ; George, Duke of Albemarle ; John, Earl of Bath ; Jervice Price, esq. ; Sir Robert Thorold, bart. ; the said Harbord or any other predecessor therein. Ibid, pp. 214-5.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 500,000l. to the Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster of the Forces, as imprest for the pay of the Guards, Garrisons and Land Forces and contingencies thereof. (Money warrant dated April 29 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated April 28.) (Money order dated April 29 hereon.) Ibid, p. 215. Money Book XI, p. 315. Order Book III, p. 268.
Royal sign manual for 4,000l. to Monsieur John Braguiere : without account : to be distributed by him among the distressed French Protestants as royal charity and benevolence to them for and towards their relief and subsistence. (Money order dated April 26 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 217. Order Book III, p. 235.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 50,000l. to Richard, Earl of Bellomont, Treasurer to the Queen, for the use and service of the said Queen. (The money warrant of April 29 in part hereof, infra, p. 1618, quotes the privy seal as dated April 28.) King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 218.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to pay moneys to the Lord Lieutenants as follows in accordance with the Order of the Queen in Council of the 7th inst., which directed the Lord Lieutenants of the several inland counties "of this kingdom" to cause all seamen and watermen within their Lieutenancies to be imprested from sheriff to sheriff towards the sea in order to be put on board the fleet, and to cause 12d. to be given each man as imprest money and 6d. a man a day to maintain them till a sufficient number be gathered together, and afterwards 8d. a man a day when they are marching to the place of embarcation : the Privy Council having by a letter of the same date requested the Treasury Lords to supply the said Lord Lieutenants as follows with the requisite money herefor from time to time. You are therefore to direct the collectors of Excise in the respective counties to pay the said Lord Lieutenants such moneys as they or three of their Deputy Lieutenants shall signify, taking bills from them on the Treasurer of the Navy for such sums : the said bills to be payable to the Excise Commissioners to make good the respective Excise collectors' accounts.
Appending : list of said Lord Lieutenants :
William, Earl of Bedford ; for cos. Bedford, Cambridge and Middlesex.
Henry, Duke of Norfolk ; for cos. Berks and Surrey.
John, Earl of Bridgewater ; for co. Bucks.
John, Earl of Bristol ; for co. Dorset.
William, Earl of Devon, for cos. Derby and Nottingham.
Charles, Earl of Macclesfield ; for cos. Hereford and Monmouth.
Earl of Essex ; for co. Herts.
Earl of Rutland ; for co. Leicester.
Charles, Earl of Manchester ; for co. Huntingdon.
Charles, Earl of Monmouth ; for co. Northampton.
James, Earl of Abingdon ; for co. Oxford.
Bennett, Lord Sherrard ; for co. Rutland.
Francis, Visct. Newport ; for co. Salop.
William, Lord Paget ; for co. Stafford.
Geo. Earl of Northampton ; for co. Warwick.
Cha., Earl of Shrewsbury ; for co. Worcester.
Thomas, Earl of Pembroke ; for co. Wilts.
Money Book XI, pp. 307-8.
Henry Guy to same to pay to the Treasurer of the Prince and Princess of Denmark 7,500l. for last Lady day quarter ; paying same by 1,000l. a week from this week. Disposition Book X, p. 103.
Henry Guy to Sir Rowland Gwynn [Treasurer of the Chamber] to pay 14l. to Mathias Shore, Serjeant Trumpeter ; to pay for a pair of kettle drums for Ireland. Disposition Book X, p. 103.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to take in the 30,000l. which Sir John Banks and Mr. Duncombe have agreed to lend into the Exchequer to-morrow "on credit of the Exchequer in general." Ibid.
Same to Charles Fox. I have read to my Lords your report on the petition of Thomas Wells, John Wardle, Thomas Marshall and William Edgley, soldiers in the Duke of Leinster's Regiment, for three months' pay in arrear. Put it [the sum due] in your [next weekly] memorial for money. Out Letters (General) XIII p. 260.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to insert in the list of [Army] pensions a pension of 2s. a day to Michaell Dobinson according to the Queen's pleasure on his petition enclosed [missing]. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Charles Fox, enclosing an abstract [missing] of all the provisions which have been delivered to the Danish Forces out of the Stores in Ireland, "to you and Mr. Robinson." Ibid.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Capt. Thomas Newcomen for payment of 324l. for his service in Ireland as a Captain in Col. Wolsely's Regiment. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Montagu [Master of the Great Wardrobe] to direct liveries to be made and delivered for the four hautboys and two drummers of the Duke of Ormonde's Second Troop of Guards. Ibid, p. 261.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor] to enquire what quantities of ore taken out of Sir Carbery Price's mine remains in the custody of the Barons of the Exchequer or of the appointed custodians and what in the hands of the patentees : also to attend the Attorney General with a copy of the original patent of Royal Mines granted to the Company of London. Ibid.
Same to the Lottery Farmers. My Lords have received a general account from you of the state of the Lotteries, but they desire a particular account showing the incident [Indigent] officers that you have paid out of the revenue "and to what time you bring your account." You are forthwith to pay into the Exchequer the 1,578l. now in your hands. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners for Transports to deliver to Mr. Fox a full and distinct charge of all provisions delivered by you or your agents to every Regiment, Troop and Company of the Irish Army to Jan. 1 last or that has been since delivered and is chargeable on their pay to the said Jan. 1. Ibid, p. 263.
Treasury reference to the Attorney General of the petition of William Kite and four others, Constables of several Hundreds in the Lathe of Shipway and Liberty of Romney Marsh, co. Kent, shewing that four of the [Assessment] Commissioners for the present Aid in said county have issued their warrant to the bailiff and serjeant of Romney Marsh Corporation to levy 10l. as a fine on each of the petitioners for not obeying the said Commissioners' warrant, "who were not of Romney Marsh, the Commissioners of Romney Marsh acting always separately." Reference Book VI, p. 391.
Treasury reference to Mr. Aaron Smith of the petition of Sir Edmd. Doyly, praying, in consideration of his extreme poverty, being now a prisoner in Aylsham Gaol, that the baronet fee of 1,095l. for the baronetcy conferred on his father, Sir William Doyly, deceased, may be remitted. Reference Book VI, p. 391.
Henry Guy to the Commissioners for Stating the Accounts of the Army in Ireland to forthwith prepare and send to Mr. Fox a ledger containing a full charge (as far as you can make out the same) upon every Regiment, Troop and Company of the Irish Army to Jan. 1 last, "or whatever ought to be charged on them," upon account of their pay to that time, though delivered to them since. You are to sign to each Regiment's charge. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 143.
Entry of a Treasury caveat in behalf of the East India Company and Africa Company that no grant pass to Mr. Neal of any fines etc. alleged to be in their hands until they be heard. Caveat Book, p. 27.
Representation to the Queen from the Treasury Lords on the memorial from most of the considerable merchants, masters of ships and traders in[to or with] Virginia and Maryland in and about London for the making of a law prohibiting bulk tobacco from being exported from Virginia and Maryland or imported into England or any other parts. The Customs Commissioners have laid same before us, with their opinion that such a law would not only be greatly for your Majesties' interest in point of the duties, but of advantage to the navigation of England and all fair traders in tobacco ; and have proposed that your Majesty may be moved to recommend same to the respective Governors and Assembly in Virginia and Maryland for the passing thereof into a law in each of the said Colonies. We approve their said proposal. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 5.
April 23. Treasury warrant to the Navy Commissioners to apply to the pay of officers and seamen the 15,000l. directed supra, p. 1604 : in accordance with the appropriation clauses in the Act [3 Wm. and Mary, c. 5] for the Twelve Months' Aid. Money Book XI, p. 309.
Money warrant for 182l. 19s. 6d. to the executors of John Andrew Eckhart, late Resident at Brussels, for a bill of extraordinaries, 1691, Sept. 26, to 1691-2, Jan. 10-20, being the day of his decease, in that service. (Money order dated May 2 hereon.)
Appending : said bill, as presented by Maria Spierinck D'Ekart, his widow, and as allowed Mar. 24 last by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham, except the last article relating to Exchequer fees, which he refers to the Treasury :
Ibid, p. 312. Order Book III, p. 277.
l. s. d.
for intelligence and correspondence out of the French dominions in Flanders 31 0 0
for postage of letters received and sent forwards 32 0 0
for New Year's gifts to the Governor of Flanders' officers, [such] as pages, drummers, trumpeters etc. 10 0 0
given by command to Monsieur Leonard, a printer at Brussels, for a book which he has dedicated [to] his Majesty, intituled 'Recueil de divers evenemens historiques' 10 0 0
charges of a privy seal for an additional allowance of 10s. a day 23 4 0
for a bonfire and rejoicings for the taking of Limerick and reducing of Ireland 35 7 6
fees at the Treasury and Exchequer on extraordinaries and ordinary 41 8 0
£182 19 6
Henry Guy to Mr. Clark to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces late in Ireland to pay 100l. to John Rose on account of his arrears as Major in Col. Row's Regiment of Foot. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 274.
April 25. Money warrant for 30,000l. to Sir John Banks and Charles Duncombe, esq., in repayment of so much by them lent into the Exchequer the 23rd inst. on credit of the Exchequer in general : to be satisfied out of any treasure therein unappropriated. (Money order dated April 26 hereon.) (Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt, dated April 26, to satisfy same out of the first moneys that shall come into the Exchequer on account of the Quarterly Poll.) Money Book XI, p. 309. Order Book III, p. 268. Disposition Book X, p. 104.
Treasury warrant to Col. Fletcher, Governor of New York, to give warrant to the Collectors or Receiver General of the Revenue in New York to pay 120l. to James Grahme (Grahame) for his salary for the year 1687 as Collector and Receiver of the said revenue : same being certified as due to him by the report of 1689, May 5, from Col. Sloughter, late Governor of New York. Money Book XI, p. 310. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, p. 377.
Treasury allowance of the incidents bill, detailed, of the Excise Office for the half year ended 1691, June 24 (total, 1,453l. 15s. 11d., the stationers mentioned being Hattly and Company, Godfrey Richards, Thomas James, Mris. Holt, Mr. Milburne, Obadiah Blagrave). Money Book XI, pp. 310-11.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to take in from Sir Stephen Evance the 10,000l. which he has agreed to lend on credit of the Exchequer in general. Disposition Book X, p. 103.
Same to same to issue as follows out of the Hereditary Excise and the fourth of the Temporary Excise and loans thereon : Ibid.
l. s. d.
to the Cofferer of the Household upon account of the expense of his Majesty's Household [accompanying him] in Holland 800 0 0
to ditto for one year's board wages to Visct. Sidney 368 12 0
to Mr. Segar for Lady day quarter. 75 0 0
to two daughters of Fras. Reynolds, deceased 50 0 0
to Lady Hamilton 20 0 0
to Laud Crisp 15 12 0
£1,329 4 0
Henry Guy to Mr. [Charles] Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Col. Toby Purcell, praying payment of 1,013l. 13s. 6d. due to him. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 261.
Same to the Earl of Montagu [Master of the Great Wardrobe] to so despatch the things that are providing at the Great Wardrobe for Visct. Sidney, that he may take them with him [to Ireland]. My Lords will take speedy care to furnish you with money for them. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Clarke to procure a royal warrant, to be signed by the Queen, to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces late in Ireland to pay to Col. Selwyn 100l. for arrears of pay due to Major Henry Collier as Capt. in his [Selwyn's] Regiment of Foot ; and 48l. 16s. 0d. for four months' pay for Widow Thomas in part of her husband's arrears as a Captain in the said Regiment. Ibid, p. 262.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Capt. Andrew Hamilton for 111l. 9s. 1d. due to him for personal pay. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to insert in the [Army] pension list a pension of 2s. a day for Capt. Alexander Pierce, according to the Queen's pleasure, on Pierce's petition enclosed [missing]. Ibid.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Capt. Theodore Dury for his pay as Captain Reformed in Mackay's Regiment. Ibid, p. 263.
Same to same to put on the [next weekly] memorial for money 86l. 16s. 0d. for the inhabitants of Lancaster for the sum due to them from the Regiment late under Visct. Colchester : according to your report on their petition. Ibid.
[?] Same to Mr. Nash to pay into the Exchequer 324l. 3s. 5d. remaining due on your account for the year ended 1688, Sept. 29, as Receiver of the [Crown] Land Revenue for South Wales. Ibid.
April 25. Same to Mr. Bevis Lloyd to forthwith pay into the Receipt 3,558l. 7s. 9¼d. due from you upon your account as Receiver General of the [Crown] Land Revenue in South Wales. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Clarke to procure a royal warrant, to be signed by the Queen, to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces late in Ireland to pay as follows, viz. : Ibid, p. 264.
l. s. d.
to the Commissioners of the Transportation for the remainder of 4,719l. 19s. 0d. due to the masters of ships that carried horses from the Thames to Holland 219 19 0
to ditto in part of 5,507l. 15s. 0d. to the ships masters for the like service 1,000 0 0
to ditto in part for oats and hay 500 0 0
to ditto in part of freight advanced to shipping for the Ordnance and Victuallers 500 0 0
to ditto in part of 8,000l. for repairs etc. of [transport] ships in monthly service 2,500 0 0
to ditto for provisions for the Earl of Athlone's and Shack's Regiments of Horse [on their transport] to Holland 652 14 0
£5,372 13 0
Henry Guy to Mr. Clarke to procure a royal warrant, to be signed by the Queen, to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces late in Ireland to pay as follows, for four months' pay in part of arrears for the Reformed officers of the three French Regiments of Foot, viz. : Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 264.
l. s. d.
to Brigadier la Meloniere for the Reformed officers of his Regiment 1,088 17 0
to Col. Du Cambon for ditto 1,027 17 0
to Col. Bellcastle for ditto 753 7 0
£2,870 1 0
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Spott as boatman at Portsmouth loco Hen. Chapman, deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 397.
Same to same to permit David D'Barry, merchant, to export 500 pigs of lead to Leghorn, Customs free, as follows : he shewing by petition that in 1690-1, January, he shipped some lead in Holland for Leghorn on the Victoria of Leghorn, Capt. Paulo Augustino, that said ship seeking repairs in the Thames was wholly disabled, and with the cognizance of Mr. Evans of the Custom House, her lading of lead was landed at Mr. Arthur Shallett's Wharf near Cuckold's Point at Rotherhithe, where same has since remained : and therefore praying leave to lade 500 out of the total of 1,095 pigs on board a Portuguese ship called Nostra Seniora d'Pantra d'Francha S o Francisco and St. Antonio, Capt. Joas Gomez Cordoza commander, now bound for Leghorn ; the truth as to the unlading of the Victoria being sworn to by Daniel Prichard, lighterman, Sam. Leggett, Anth. Jacob, William Paine and William Lester, sworn porters. The export is hereby to be permitted. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Commissioners of Excise and Arrears of Hearthmoney of the petition of Samuell Turner, late a Receiver General of Hearthmoney, praying to be paid his salary for 1¼ years during which he was employed in getting in the arrears and making up his accounts. Reference Book VI, p. 391.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit Josias Caillon (a French Protestant merchant lately escaped out of France with what he could save of his goods, being brandy, wines etc., and come to Dartmouth for shelter and refuge, without breaking bulk and without any intention of breaking the law) to sail from Dartmouth to the dominions of some neutral prince or State, where he may dispose of his goods ; the Attorney General having reported that he is of opinion he may be lawfully so allowed to sail. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 5.
Confirmation of John Burrard's dormant warrant, ut supra, p. 625. Money Book X, p. 344.
April 26. Treasury warrant to Phillip Reyley, Surveyor General of Woods, Trent South, to pay, out of the offal or dotard timber felled in New Forest, 300l. to the keepers of said forest for one year's salaries to 1691, Lady day ; their salaries having been directed to be made good to Lady day, 1690, only. This sum is to be distributed according to directions from the Lord Warden of the Forest. Ibid. XI, p. 313.
Henry Guy to the Excise Commissioners to pay 750l. to the Duchess Dowager of Grafton and the guardians of Charles, Duke of Grafton, for last Lady day quarter : on the tallies directed April 4 last, supra, p. 1575. Disposition Book X, p. 104.
Same to Sir Rowland Gwynn [Treasurer of the Chamber] to assign as follows out of the orders of loan lately put into your hands for the service of your Office : viz. : Ibid, p. 105.
to the officers and Yeomen of the Guard of their Majesties' Bodies 2,775
to eight Yeomen Ushers 40
to five Yeomen Hangers 25
to one Bedgoer 5
to one Robegoer 5
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export to Flanders, Customs free, of things in the enclosed memorial [missing], being for the use of the Elector of Bavaria. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 265.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox. Insert in your [next weekly] memorial for money 110l. 16s. 1½d. for Mary Bingham, widow of Charles Bingham, late a Captain in Col. Erle's Regiment ; according to your report on her petition. Ibid.
The like direction for 58l. 16s. 0½d. for Paul Boyer for the arrears of pay of his brother, Anth. Boyer, deceased, Lieutenant of Grenadiers in Sir Hen. Bellasys' Regiment. Ibid, p. 266.
The like for 198l. 16s. 0d. for Lieut. Col. Henry Conyngham, being 100l. 8s. 8d. for his personal pay as Capt. in Sir David Collier's Regiment, and 98l. 7s. 4d. for subsisting his Company in Ireland. Ibid.
The like for 69l. 5s. 2d. for Mathew Gunn and 72l. 5s. 2d. to Frederick Mathewson as late clerks of the Royal Hospital in Ireland. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the officers of the Mint. I have read to my Lords your memorial of the 21st inst. representing that the Moneyers' workhouses in the Tower is not of sufficient safety to preserve the bullion. You are to consult with the Surveyor General of Works to make it stronger. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 265.
Same to Lord Lucas to place sufficient Centinells about the said Moneyers' workhouses to guard the considerable quantity of gold at this time there, till the said workhouses are made stronger. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export from Chester to Ireland, Customs free, of the things in the enclosed list (cloth, clothing and accoutrements detailed), being for the use of Col. Gustavus Hamilton's Regiment. (Henry Guy to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, to permit the Customs free import of same into Ireland.) Ibid, p. 266. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 144.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Ralph Williamson, Receiver General [of various Aids] for cos. York, Durham and Northumberland, shewing that 1,527l. 12s. 11¼d., part of last year's land tax [the Twelve Months' Aid], collected by his deputy, Isaac Sugden, was (by some contrivance between Arthur Robinson, Ferdinando Huddleston, the said Sugden and others) misapplied and paid over to the Excise Office in part of an Excise arrear due from the said Huddleston as a collector of Excise, which was indecent and a prejudice to petitioner and contrary to the Act of Parliament [2 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1], appropriating the said tax to the use of the war : therefore praying a refund from the Excise, there being sufficient security to answer Huddleston's Excise arrears. Reference Book VI, p. 392.
Same to the Principal Commissioners of Prizes of the petition of William Cowse, formerly Agent for Prizes in the Straits, praying the next vacancy of a Sub-Commissioner's [of Prizes] place in the outports. My Lords recommend him. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Knight [Comptroller of First Fruits] of the petition of Hugh Pine, clerk, of Rayleigh, co. Essex, shewing that there are three years or more of Tenths due to the King from Jno. Duffe, late incumbent of Rayleigh, and forfeitures on the same : therefore praying that the forfeitures may be taken off, the Bishop of London certifying that he [petitioner] deserves compassion. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners of Excise and of Arrears of Hearthmoney of the petition of Samuel Hardwick, late [a] Receiver General of Hearthmoney, shewing that he has spent 1½ years since he gave in his last books in getting in arrears of said duty, but the Commissioners refuse to allow him more than a year's salary : therefore praying a further quarter's salary out of the money that shall come in from the sub-collectors under him. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Aldworth of the petition of their Majesties' printers, shewing that there is near 10,000l. due to them for Acts of Parliament, Proclamations, speeches etc. served to both Houses of Parliament and several Offices ; that they are usually paid out of the revenue of the Hanaper in Chancery, but the same is not capable of discharging the said debt ; therefore praying to be put in a constant way of payment for the future. Aldworth is to certify my Lords what the petitioners' bills have usually amounted to for some years before their Majesties' accession and how much since and the reasons of the difference and why their demands are not now satisfied out of the Hanaper as formerly. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Richard Bayly of Bristol, shewing that he gave Toby Mayo a bill of exchange for 260l., payable in London ; that Mayo assigned same to Mr. Jennings, collector of Excise, in satisfaction of a debt of 537l. ; that said bill is not paid and Jennings is satisfied his debt otherwise, but the Excise Commissioners continue to demand said 260l. in satisfaction of other money due from Mayo : therefore praying that said bill may be delivered up. Reference Book VI, p. 393.
Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of a lease to Joshua Edisbury of the mines of copper and other mines (or other metal) in the Lordship or Hundred of Prestatyn, co. Flint : for 25 years from 1689-90, Feb. 12, at 6s. 8d. per an. and a tenth of the clear proceeds. (Treasury warrant, dated April 11, to the Clerk of the Pipe for said lease.
Prefixing : constat of the premises and ratal, dated April 7, thereof by William Tailer, Deputy Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The consideration for this lease is the great charge the lessee or his brother, Dr. John Edisbury, have already been at in a grant made to said Dr. Edisbury 1673-4, Feb. 12, of all mines of lead and coal within said lordship and of the charge lessee must be at in opening the said mines of copper for the future benefit of the Crown.)
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 539 ; XIV, pp. 1-2.
The like of the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Mary Edwards of several lands and tenements in the parish of Towyn, co. Merioneth, part of the lands of Owen Anwyll, outlaw : at a rent of 1s. 3d. per an. and fine of 2s. 6d. Ibid. XIII, p. 539.
Treasury warrant to Phillip Ryley to fell 18 tons of dotard timber, unfit for the Navy, in Bray in Eites, and Braywood, in Windsor Forest, for the repair of the bridges within the manor of Bray (the common bridges within said manor, being seven in number) and in Windsor Forest ; their Majesties' tenants in said manor having represented that same are much out of repair and have always been repaired by the Crown ; which is confirmed by said Ryley's report on enquiry from the principal officers of the forest. Ibid. XIV, p. 6.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Lieutenant, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Ann Baker, widow of Col. Henry Baker, praying a grant of lands in Ireland to the value of 354l. per an. in lieu of a pension of 300l. per an. paid in England in consideration of her husband's services at Londonderry : said petition being referred to the Treasury from the Queen. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 144.
April 27. Henry Guy to [Charles] Fox. Insert in your [next weekly] memorial for money 119l. for Cornet Lee in Col. Russell's Troop of Horse ; according to your report on Lee's petition. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 266.
Treasury reference to Mr. Harbord [as Surveyor General of Crown Lands] of the petition of Percivall Brunskell for a lease of the manor of Reigate, co. Surrey, for 31 years. Reference Book VI, p. 393.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor] of the petition of Tho. Doleman, esq., and Dorothy his wife, shewing that in 33 and 34 Car. II a judgment for 1,000l. was obtained against Visct. Preston for 481l. principal money ; therefore praying that "they may be admitted into the estate for satisfaction of their debt now making about 650l." Ibid.
Royal warrant for 4,380l. to Walter Gibson to satisfy the loss of two frigates, the Pellican and the Jennet, and their furniture and for all freight for the same during the time they were employed in their Majesties' service : they having been taken by the French upon the coast of Ireland in 1689, and the Privy Council having made an order 1690, May 30, for his satisfaction for same, but he having not yet received any part of the said sum : to be satisfied out of loans to be made by Sir Stephen Evance on credit of the East India Goods Duties. (Money warrant dated April 29 hereon.) (Money order dated May 2 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, pp. 221-2. Money Book XI, p. 314. Order Book III, p. 269.
Royal sign manual for 800l. to David de Barry to be distributed among the Vaudois as the Queen's charity and benevolence to them. (Money order dated May 4 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 222. Order Book III, p. 270.
Same for the following as royal bounty : King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 222. Order Book III, p. 270.
l. s. d.
to Mary and Eliz. Reynolds, daughters of Francis Reynolds, lately deceased 50 0 0
to Eliz. Hamilton 20 0 0
to Laud Crisp 15 12 0
to Rog. Mitton and John Miller, who are going as chaplains to Virginia and New York respectively : 20l. each towards the charge of their transportation 40 0 0
(Money order dated May 4 hereon.)
Treasury warrant to Francis Dickens, woodward of New Forest, to fell 26 tons of dotard timber, unfit for the Navy, in said forest, and to raise 69l. 5s. 0d. out of the offal thereof for the repair of the bridges, causeways and passages there, it being certified by James Airay, repairer of bridges in said forest, that same are quite out of repair and impassable. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 8.
April 28. Money warrant for 500l. to Aaron Smith, esq. [Solicitor to the Treasury] : as imprest for Crown Law charges. (Money order dated April 29 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 316. Order Book III, p. 246.
Same for 10,000l. to Sir Stephen Evance in repayment of so much lent by him the 26th inst. on credit of the Exchequer in General : to be satisfied out of any unappropriated money in the Exchequer. (Money order dated April 29 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 314. Order Book III, p. 268.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer : Disposition Book X pp, 105-6.
l. s. d.
Out of 9,512l. 0s. 5d. of loans on the second Twelve Months' Aid, "which completes 500,000l. for land service" ; 5,136l. 4s. 0d. of the Double Excise and 21d. per barrel ; 11,546l. 4s. 3d. of general loans [loans on the Exchequer in general] : making 26,194l. 8s. 8d. in all.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for a week's subsistence to all the Forces in Flanders, including the Train of Artillery, and contingencies 17,000 0 0
to ditto for a week's subsistence and half pay to the Forces remaining here 5,285 1 0
to ditto for Sir Joseph Herne upon account of the bread waggons 1,000 0 0
to ditto for same in further part of 8,800l. for waggons 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Machado and Pereira in further part of 10,000l. to be advanced to them for bread 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to ditto for the Isle of Wight 200 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Blathwaite in further part of 1,000l. to repair the loss of his equipage 100 0 0
to ditto for [the Earl of] Athlone's and Shack's Regiments to make their pay English for four weeks to April 28 314 13 4
to ditto for the Duke of Schonburgh in part of 1,495l. 0s. 7½d. to clear him and other officers under him to Dec. 31 [last] 100 0 0
to ditto for the inhabitants of Lancaster, due to them from the Regiment late under Visct. Colchester 86 16 0
Out of 3,450l. of loans on the three fourths of the Customs and 8,872l. 5s. 1d. of general loans, making 12,322l. 5s. 1d. in all.
to Mr. Fox [and Mr. Coningsby] in further part of 24,000l. sent for Ireland 2,000 0 0
to ditto for the loss [on exchange in paying] by guineas 788 14 3
to ditto for Col. La Meloniere in part of his pay to Jan. 1 last 200 0 0
to ditto upon account of four months' pay to the officers of the Royal Regiment [of Dragoons] and Col. Leveson's Regiment of Dragoons 1,500 0 0
to ditto upon account of 150l. per Troop to the said Dragoons 600 0 0
to ditto upon account of four months' pay to Monsieur Ruvigny's Reformed Officers 800 0 0
to ditto for the Officers of the Regiments of [Col. Toby] Purcell and [Sir David] Collyer 1,471 2 4
to ditto upon account of the recruits for Ireland 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Capt. Ryan upon account of his arrear of pay to the 1st inst. as Capt. of Horse 42 14 0
to ditto for Capt. Jolliffe on his allowance of 4s. a day to 1691, Sept. 1 103 12 0
to ditto for Mr. Teale, Apothecary General, in part of 416l. for medicines 100 0 0
to ditto for prisoners at Chester 216 2 6
to ditto for Mr. Henly upon account of the wheat to be sent for Ireland 500 0 0
to ditto for the Commissioners of the Transports in further part of the arrear to the ships that carried horses from hence to Holland 1,000 0 0
to ditto for same upon account of hay and oats to be provided 500 0 0
to ditto for same upon account of the advance to the ships for [transport of] the Ordnance and Victualling Stores 500 0 0
to ditto for same upon account of the ships continued in monthly service 1,000 0 0
Out of loans on the second Twelve Months' Aid.
to the Treasurer of the Navy, 15,000l. for wages, 5,000l. for wear and tear and 5,000l. for Victualling 25,000 0 0
Out of general loans.
to ditto for extraordinary land and sea service : and is for the Victualling 2,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for land service 5,000 0 0
to ditto for the gunmakers 2,000 0 0
Out of the small branches of the revenue.
to Mr. Aaron Smyth 200 0 0
to Mr. Shales 100 0 0
Out of the Double Excise.
to the Paymaster of the Works upon account of repairing the Parliament House 100 0 0
£72,916 13 9
Treasury warrant to the Navy Commissioners to apply the 25,000l., directed as above, to Navy pay, wear and tear and victualling as in further part of the 1,000,000l. appropriated by the Act for the second Twelve Months' Aid [3 Wm. and Mary, c. 5]. Money Book XI, p. 313
Henry Guy to Mr. Clarke to procure a royal warrant, to be signed by the King [sic for Queen], to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces late in Ireland to pay 290l. 5s. 2d. each to Col. Robert Ecklyn and Col. James Wynn to complete four months' pay to the officers of their respective Regiments of Dragoons. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 267.
[? April 28.] Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay out of the small branches of the revenue the moneys due to four messengers of the Receipt either on salary or on bills for riding charges. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 267.
April 28. Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Nicholas Baker for allowances of his charges of 61l. 5s. 0d. in the receiving and paying the moneys of the first Poll and the Review of the Poll for co. Worcester. Reference Book VI, p. 393.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular and ratal of a piece of ground in St. Giles in the Fields, called Marsh Land, petitioned for by Thomas Neale, ut supra, p. 1195, with a view to a grant to him thereof in fee for ever at the fee farm rent of 3l. per an. and on payment of 791l. into the Exchequer.
Prefixing : report, dated 1691, Aug. 7, by Deputy Surveyor William Tailer on said Neale's petition for same. The premises were lately granted to Neale for 18 years in reversion of 42 years remaining on a former grant made to Sir Richard Stiddolph : there being only some old houses standing thereon, it was passed to Stiddolph at the old rent of 3l. per an., but petitioner, in hopes of improving the premises by agreement with the executors of said Stiddolph, was content to have the rent advanced to 100l. per an. and paid a fine also, but he now finds the increase of rent to be an obstruction to his design of improvement, "because every house he erected on the premises will be liable to the whole rent to the Crown," and therefore now desires to buy off the additional rent of 97l. per an. The premises are now valued at 120l. per an. I advise a fine of 400l. or 500l. and 291l. for buying off the increased rent.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 7.
April 29. Money warrant for 20,000l. to Richard, Earl of Bellomont, Treasurer to the Queen : as in part of 50,000l. for the use and service of the Queen as by the privy seal of the 28th inst., supra, p. 1606. (Money order dated May 2 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 314. Order Book III, p. 269.
Henry Guy to Sir Christopher Wren. My Lords have considered a memorial from the Works concerning 500l. for one year's allowance upon account of the public pavings [about Whitehall etc.]. They have directed same to be paid out of the weekly payments made by the Receiver General of the Post Office for the service of the Works. I am to signify this to you "that the same [paving] may be done accordingly." Disposition Book X, p. 107.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, out of the 2,000l. loan made by Sir Stephen Evance, 200l. to the Countess of Lanesborough and 300l. to Mr. Aaron Smith. See infra, p. 1626. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Robinson [Chamberlain of the City of London] to forthwith pay Mr. Firmin 20l., being an allowance of 2l. per cent. upon 1,000l. by him lent on the credit of the three fourths of the Customs. Put the same in your account [of commission etc. on loans made by the city etc.], and my Lords will take care the same shall be reimbursed you. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 267.
Henry Guy to Sir Geo. Choute, Sir Nicho. Toke and Mr. Richard Hulse to send their answer to the enclosed petition of William Kite and others, supra, pp. 1607-8, together with the Attorney General's report [missing] thereon. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 267.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. My Lords are informed that the collector of Ipswich port has refused to pay money to the Vice Admiral of co. Suffolk according to the Order of Council, supra, p. 1553. You are to inform my Lords how he comes to be so negligent. Ibid, p. 268.
Same to same concerning their memorial of the 27th inst., desiring allowance of the assessments to the second Twelve Months' Aid on Customs officers' salaries not above 60l. per an. Please inform my Lords what such allowances cost the Crown in the case of the first Twelve Months' Aid. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Clark to procure a royal warrant, to be signed by the Queen, to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces late in Ireland to pay 9,260l. in sums as follows to Visct. Galway for his Regiment of Horse, viz. :
1,500l. upon account of offreckonings.
2,492l. 14s. 4d. for four months' personal pay for the commission officers on their arrears due before Jan. 1 last.
953l. for non-commission officers and soldiers for same.
1,864l. for small accoutrements.
650l. upon account for clothing the Reformed officers.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. The Treasurer of the Navy has received 1,809 guineas at 1l. 2s. 0d. each out of the Chamber of London on account of 2,000l. ordered by my Lords to be paid out of the loan made by the citizens of London on the three fourths of the Customs. My Lords have ordered him to pay those guineas at 1l. 1s. 9d. each. You are to make forth bills for allowing to the said Treasurer the 3d. per guinea [lost thereon]. Ibid, p. 269.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox. Insert in your [next weekly] memorial for money the 70l. 5s. 10d. to Charles Crow, sometime chaplain to Lord Cutts' Regiment of Foot ; according to your report of the 11th inst. on Crow's petition. Ibid.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Dr. Jacob ab Haerwarden for 111l. due to him as one of the Physicians to the Army in Ireland. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Auditor Aldworth of the petition of Dorothy Cutts, widow, shewing that the manor of Neots [Neats] Court and eight parcels of land in the Isle of Sheppey is charged with a rent charge or annuity of 6l. 14s. 0d., which lands amongst others were assigned to the Queen Dowager [as part of her Majesty's jointure] and now are in her trustees : that for 14 years past the said rent charge has been denied to be paid and that their Majesties' reversion will be liable to pay same : therefore praying that the auditor [for co. Kent], who used to pay same, may be ordered to pay the arrears and to continue the payment in future ; or else for petitioner to have leave to sue the said Queen Dowager's trustees. Reference Book VI, p. 293.
Treasury reference to Mr. Digby, clerk to the Trustees for Sale of Fee Farm Rents, of the petition of Sir Christopher Wrenn, shewing that he purchased divers small [fee farm] rents in co. Lincoln to the amount of 32l. 11s. 5¾d. per an., of which several have been returned in super : therefore praying a warrant to the Queen Dowager's messenger for the recovering the said rents, and for reprisals for such parts as are not recoverable. Reference Book VI, p. 394.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox of the petition of Tho. Chetwynd, apothecary to the Royal Hospital in Ireland, praying payment of 142l. 8s. 0d. due to him upon that account. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of Eastcombe Farm at Greenwich in order to an extension of lease thereof to Ralph Sanderson at the present reserved rent of 42l. 16s. 8d. per an. and 25 loads of hay and 50 quarters of oats, dry and well conditioned, to be delivered into their Majesties' barn at Greenwich, and on a fine of 90l.
Prefixing : report, dated 1691, July 23, by Deputy Auditor William Tailer on said Sanderson's petition. Mr. Israel Hayes petitioned for the same premises, and I reported thereon the 16th inst. The farm was valued in 1683 at 180l. per an., when it was granted to James Hayes, then in possession, at a fine of only 5l. in view of the great charge in maintaining the banks from breaches by the Thames. The premises were granted 1662-3, Feb. 16, to James Fortree for 31 years : he surrendered to James Hayes 1665-6, Feb. 22, who by will dated 1688, April 2, demised to Grizilla his wife, and thereafter to John Hayes, his son, or in default to Rebecca, Hannah and Elizabeth, his daughters. In 1691, April, said Grizilla, John and Elizabeth assigned to Saunderson for 725l. Fortree died 1674, Dec. 25.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, pp. 8-10.