Entry Book: April 1692, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: April 1692, 11-20 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1583-1602 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: April 1692, 11-20 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1583-1602.

"Entry Book: April 1692, 11-20 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1583-1602.


April 1692, 11-20

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 11. Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing a letter [missing] from Mr. Sotherne, Secretary to the Admiralty, with an extract [missing] of a letter from Sir Henry Hobart concerning the money to be advanced to him. You are "to take care in this matter." Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 243.
Same to same. I have read to my Lords the letter of the 7th inst. from Mr. Sansom, your secretary, enclosing a letter from the collector of Fowey port touching the money to be advanced to the Bishop of Exeter, Vice Admiral of Cornwall. The money therein mentioned to be paid to the Bishop is for this year's service and the collector is to pay it accordingly. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Earl of Ranelagh. My Lords agree with your report on the petition of the town of Berwick. You are to insert it [the money] in your next [weekly] memorial [for money]. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 243.
Same to Mr. Clarke to procure a royal warrant, to be signed by the Queen, to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces late in Ireland to pay as follows : Ibid, p. 244.
l. s. d.
to the Commissioners of the Transports for the [ship]masters of Bristol and Bideford on account of arrears 2,000 0 0
to ditto more upon account of arrears [to shipmasters for freight] from the river Thames 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the wives and families of the Earl of Portland's Regiment 177 11 6
£3,177 11 6
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox, returning his report [missing] on the petition of Dorothy Handcock, widow, for the arrears of pay due to her late husband as a Capt. in the late Visct. Lisburne's Regiment. You are to insert the money in your next [weekly] memorial. Ibid.
Same to same to report to-morrow on the enclosed paper [missing]. Ibid.
Same to the Postmaster General, enclosing a letter [missing] from [Secretary] the Earl of Nottingham, together with the accounts [missing] of Consul Blackwell concerning the building of a vessel at Leghorn called the Tartann Velocita, to be employed in their Majesties' service in those parts in the nature of a pacquet boat. You are to accept Blackwell's bills for the remainder, pursuant to Secretary Nottingham's letter. Send my Lords your opinion whether their Majesties' service hath received any advantage by this pacquet boat. Ibid.
Same to the officers of the Mint to certify my Lords why no more small moneys (to wit, silver pennies, twopences, threepences, groats and sixpences) are coined in the Mint, and to give them an account of the difference in the charge between those pieces and the greater pieces and whether there be not a certain proportion of the one and the other prescribed by the Mint Indenture to be made under a determined price. Ibid, p. 246.
Same to the East India Company. My Lords are informed that there are divers sums due from you to the King for the King's reserved part of fines and forfeitures incurred by persons for trading contrary to your charters. Mr. Neale has prayed a grant for the prosecuting the recovery thereof. Please attend my Lords with any objections you may have to such a grant. (The like letters to the Royal Africa Company.) Ibid.
Treasury warrants to the Customs Commissioners to appoint Robert Conningham as tidesman at Bristol loco Richard Child, deceased.
Nicholas Mussell as same at Topsham in Exeter port loco Thomas Hippesly, deceased.
Thomas Dalston as waiter and searcher at Carlisle port loco Tho. Briscoe, who has relinquished same.
Robert Bendysh as a riding officer about the coast of Lynn Regis at 50l. per an.
Thomas Noswarthy as collector of Poulton port loco James Patteson, lately deceased.
William Goodier as boatman at Newhaven loco John Smith, dismissed.
Thomas Hooper as boatman at Cromwich [Combwich] in Bridgwater port loco William Williams, dismissed.
Robert Meacham as boatman at Burnham in Colchester port loco Elias Drury, deceased.
Benj. Dewy as surveyor of Ipswich port loco Henry Sprott, dismissed.
Robert Thorowgood as collector of Lynn Regis, (and to have 20l. per an. for a clerk) loco of William Lynstead, deceased.
John Symonds as tidesman at Poole loco John Hall, dismissed.
John Flint as waiter and searcher at Wareham in Poole port loco Jo[h]n Symonds.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 398.
April 12. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 6,000l. to Daniel, Earl of Nottingham, as Secretary of State. (Money warrant dated April 18 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated April 16 and supersedes the money warrant of Mar. 31 last, supra, p. 1566.) (Money order dated April 19 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 213. Money Book XI, p. 302. Order Book III, p. 268.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Col. Benj. Fletcher, Governor of the Province of New York : without account : to be paid and expended by him in such presents as have usually been given by our royal predecessors to the five Indian Princes bordering on our said Province. (Money warrant dated April 12 hereon.) (Money order dated April 13 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 213. Money Book XI, p. 301. Order Book III, p. 267.
Henry Guy to Mr. Evelyn to pay forthwith into the Exchequer the 221l. 14s. 7d. remaining in your hands as Receiver of [Crown] Revenues in cos. Kent and Surrey. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to reserve said sum for my Lords' disposal.) Disposition Book X, p. 96.
Same to Col. Richards. You have lately received 1,300l. upon account of your Company of Fuzileers. My Lords intended that only 500l. and odd was for your Company and the residue for the Company of Pioneers. Please attend my Lords forthwith in order to the regulating this matter, "otherwise their Lordships will forthwith send over the state of this affair to the King." Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 246.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed paper [missing] containing an information against George Harvey and other officers of the Customs at Cowes. Ibid, p. 247.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox. In accordance with your report on the petition of Lieut. Col. Henry Edgworth, praying 100l. in part of his arrear as a Captain in the late Visct. Lisburne's Regiment, you are to insert this sum in your [next weekly] memorial [for money] on Wednesday next. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. [Charles] Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Mathew Gunn and Frederick Matthewson for their pay as clerks of the Hospitals in Ireland. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 247.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of the Duke of Bolton relating to his Regiment. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Henry Wolstenholme, shewing that his employment as assistant to Mr. Wicks, Receiver [at the Custom House, London] of all duties [on goods] from the English Plantations, determines in three years and therefore praying to be preferred "to the next vacancy." Reference Book VI, p. 388.
Same to same of the petition of Thomas Hatfield for leave to surrender his place as a King's waiter, London port, in favour of Thomas Serjeant. Ibid.
April 13. Treasury warrant to the Navy Commissioners to apply to the Victualling (in accordance with the appropriation clauses in the Act of 3 Wm. and Mary, c. 5, for the second Twelve Months' Aid) the 20,000l. this day directed to be issued to the Treasurer of the Navy. Money Book XI, p. 300.
Same dormant to the Auditor of Crown Revenues in North and South Wales to make forth debentures from time to time on the Receiver of Crown Revenues of North Wales for the fee or salary of 50l. per an. to Nicholas Eyre, esq., for his office of Constable of Harleigh [Harlech] Castle, co. Merioneth. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Sir Rowland Gwynn [Treasurer of the Chamber] to pay 75l. to Jasper English as deputy to the underhousekeeper of Hampton Court Palace, viz. by assigning to him that sum on the orders of loan on the three fourths of the Customs lately put into your hands for the service of your Office : "which sum was to have been paid him out of the moneys issued to you for the servants that attended his Majesty to Newmarket." Disposition Book X, p. 97.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 20,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy out of the like sum which said Treasurer will forthwith lend into the Exchequer on credit of the second Twelve Months' Aid. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to send an officer to Visct. Sidney's house in St. James's Square to seal his goods in order to their transport to Ireland. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 247.
Same to the Commissioners for Transports, enclosing a petition and other papers [all missing] of the masters and watermen belonging to the city barges, praying payment of 38l. 8s. 0d. due to them for carrying a Battalion of the First Regiment of Guards on board the transport ships. You are to pay same. Ibid.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Capt. Clotworthy Upton for the arrears of pay due to his brother, who was slain at Aughrim. Ibid, p. 248.
Henry Guy to Mr. [Charles] Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Isaac Teale, praying payment of 77l., the balance of his account as Apothecary General of the Army. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 248.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Capt. Thomas Phillips, praying payment of 100l. for his service as engineer at the expedition to Cork and Kinsale. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor] to forthwith prosecute Lord Griffin, late Treasurer of the Chamber, to bring him to [send in] an account. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Allen. Send your answer forthwith to those petitions I sent you Mar. 16 last, supra, p. 1549. Ibid.
Same to the Board of Greencloth. My Lords have considered your letter of the 24th ult. relative to continuing the allowance of 100l. per an. to Mr. Beddow, deputy housekeeper, for keeping clean the street before Whitehall. They agree to continue same in view of your opinion that the work is worth said sum if performed according to the direction of the late Act of Parliament [2 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 8]. It is to be placed as an extraordinary of the Household as you advise. We desire you to take care that the service be well performed. Ibid, p. 249.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox to pay 80l. to Lady Sandys in accordance with your report on her petition said sum is to be deducted out of Sir Edwin Sandys's pay. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of James Taylour, praying a deputation to seize prohibited goods. Reference Book VI, p. 388.
Treasury warrant to the Victualling Commissioners to apply as follows the victuals for 8,000 men for six months, which, by order of the 4th inst. from Secretary the Earl of Nottingham, you are instructed to provide. "It was signified to you by order on the 1st inst., supra, p. 1572, that there should be two months' provision of biskett, four months' of wheatmeal, three months' of cheese, one month of oatmeal and 32 wey of salt." The present is to acquaint you that "the said provision" of victuals as to the first four species is intended to be proportioned as follows, viz. 1lb. of biskett for each man a day for two months or 56 days ; such a proportion of meal as will make 1½lb. of soft bread for each man a day for four months or 112 days ; half a pound of Cheshire cheese for each man a day for three months or 84 days ; half a pint of oatmeal for each man a day for one month or 28 days. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 538.
April 14. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book X, pp. 97-8.
l. s. d.
Out of loans on the second Twelve Months' Aid.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for a week's subsistence to the Forces in Flanders 15,948 0 5
to ditto for the Train of Artillery 140 0 0
to ditto for contingencies 911 19 7
to ditto for subsistence and half pay to the Forces remaining here 5,285 1 0
to ditto for Sir Joseph Herne in further part of 8,800l. for waggons 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to the Treasurer of the Navy in further part of 1,000,000l. appropriated [by 3 Wm. and Mary, c. 5], "and is for wages" 10,000 0 0
to ditto for the Commissioners of the Victualling for extraordinary land service : in part of abovesaid 1,000,000l. 2,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the services following, which are not to be in part of the abovesaid 1,000,000l., viz. 2,000l. for artillery waggons ; 3,000l. for land service [of the Office of Ordnance] ; 100l. for Jersey and Guernsey 5,100 0 0
to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby for the Commissioners of the Transports for a month's pay to the ships ordered to bring 3,550 men from Kinsale to Portsmouth 1,547 0 0
to ditto for same in part of the arrear of transports from hence to Holland 500 0 0
to ditto for same in part of the arrear for carrying horse etc. from hence to Holland 1,000 0 0
Out of 3,350l. of loans on the three fourths of the Customs and 3,467l. 2s. 4d. of the 21d. per barrel.
to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby in part of 10,000l. remaining to answer bills from Ireland 2,000 0 0
to ditto in full of 900l. imprested to the three Colonels sent to the several ports 300 0 0
to ditto for the Duke of Leinster's pay to Mar. 31 [last] as General of the Horse 546 0 0
to ditto for [Col. John] Beaumont's and [Col. John] Hales's Regiments 1,471 2 4
to ditto for the Marquis de Ruvigny's Regiment 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Leveson's Regiment 500 0 0
to ditto upon account of recruits from Ireland 1,000 0 0
Out of the Double Excise.
to the Paymaster of the Works upon account of repairing the Parliament House 100 0 0
Out of the Hereditary Excise and the Fourth of the Temporary Excise.
to the Cofferer of the Household upon account of the expenses of the [part of the] Household [accompanying the King] in Holland 800 0 0
to the Paymaster of the Works for Capt. Greenham 80 18 6
to Mr. Mitton and Mr. Miller 20l. each, who are going to the Plantations as chaplains 40 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for Mr. Allison 20 0 0
£51,398 0 2
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of the Hereditary Excise and fourth part of the Temporary Excise) 131l. to the Treasurer of the Chamber for the half year due to Mr. Randue. Disposition Book X, p. 99.
April 15. Same to same to issue to the Treasurer of the Navy, out of loans on the second Twelve Months' Aid, 6,500l. for seamen's wages in further part of the appropriation [as by the Act for said Aid]. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Navy Commissioners to so apply to the payment of officers and seamen the abovesaid 6,500l. Money Book XI, p. 301.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. Several loans, amounting to 86,239l. 9s. 2d., have been made or are intended to be forthwith made upon the three fourths of the Customs after satisfaction of 500,000l. registered thereon by Act of Parliament [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 4, s. 4] and the interest thereon. You are hereby to list or register and to satisfy the said several loans "in the same course and method as they are inserted in the list hereto annexed" [missing] and the interest thereupon quarterly out of the said three fourths part next after satisfaction of the said 500,000l. and the interest thereof. Ibid, p. 302.
Henry Guy to same. My Lords are informed that the [money] orders in the name of the Earl of Ranelagh will not bear the whole sum directed this week to be issued to him. Such part as the orders will not bear you are to issue by way of advance "until such time as the regular [money] warrants [and orders thereon] can be despatched." Disposition Book X, p. 99.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Paul Boyer for payment of the arrears due to his brother, a Lieutenant of Grenadiers in Sir Henry Bellasyse's Regiment, who was slain in Ireland. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 249.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export from Chester to Dublin, Customs free, of goods for the use of Col. Belcastle's Regiment.
Appending : schedule of said goods (marmittes ou pots de cuivre ; fournimens ou bouteilles à poudre ; cordons de fournimens ; ceinturons ; poches de Grenadiers ; bonnets ; epées, fusils ; haches ; piques ; hallebardes ; capotes d'armes ; Col. Bellcastle's goods ; a hat and peruque for the Earl of Meath).
Ibid, p. 250.
Same to the Board of Greencloth. Please send the Treasury Lords forthwith the original of the present establishment of the Household as requested in my letter of Mar. 30 last. Ibid, p. 251.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to send to Whitehall the Rhenish wine as in the enclosed letter [missing] ; same being for their Majesties' use. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 251.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox to report on the enclosed petitions [all missing] of Mary Bingham, widow, praying the arrears due to her husband, late a Captain in Col. Selwyn's Regiment.
Margaret Thomas, widow, for same of her husband, late a Capt. in same Regiment.
Mr. Archdeacon Andrew Charleton for payment of 58l. due to him from Col. Windham's Regiment.
Same to same. Col. Richards informs my Lords that he has adjusted the matter relating to the 1,300l. he lately received, which was intended by my Lords as well for the Company of Fuzileers as the Company of Pioneers, and has paid each Company according to their respective proportions. "If that be so done" please acquaint Mr. Blathwayt therewith by this night's post. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Clarke to obtain royal warrants, to be signed by the Queen, to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces lately employed in Ireland to pay to the Colonels as follows for four months' personal pay to the officers of their respective Regiments : viz. : 1,471l. 2s. 4d. each to Brigadier [Sir William] Stuart, Colonels Sir John Hanmore, Earl of Meath, Gustav Hamilton, Sir Hen. Bellasis, [Richard] Coote, [Henry] Row, Earl of Drogheda, [Oliver] St. John, [John] Michellburne, [Abraham] Creyton, Brigadier La Meloniere, Colonels Du Cambon and [Peter de] Bellcastle ; and 1,196l. 12s. 4d. to Col. [John] Foulks.
3,613l. 10s. 0d. each to Col. Wynn and Col. [Robert] Ecklin for one year's offreckonings of their Regiments.
1,385l. 4s. 2d. each to said Wynn for four months' personal pay for the officers of his Regiment of Dragoons ; and to Col. Ecklin for the like for his Regiment.
1,698l. to the Commissioners of Transports to clear the arrears of [the shipowners of] Bideford and Bristol.
1,000l. to same on account of ships from the river [of Thames] to Holland.
500l. to same on account of hay and oats (total, 34,987l. 13s. 4d.).
Ibid, p. 252.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. My Lords have considered your report of Feb. 10 last, on the petition of John Gore, Thomas Hawgood, William Hudson, Robert Lord, John Hill and Richard Dorrell, for payment of 511l. 2s. 8d. due to them for clothing and accoutrements furnished to the Regiment now under Col. Beveridge. As the said money ought to have been paid out of the Regiment's offreckonings for the months of September-December, 1688, "which were by the said Colonel's order paid for clothing since delivered to the use of the said Regiment," you are to stop the said sum out of the first money which shall be ordered for the said Regiment upon account of clearings and to pay same to the petitioners. Ibid, p. 253.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the Privy Council, dated Whitehall, April 14 inst., permitting the barque Larke of Boston, New England, John Walley master, William Pennyman, John Manyard and Thomas Peters mariners, all belonging to and inhabitants of Boston, to proceed on her voyage thither, notwithstanding the embargo, and with protections for her said master and crew, together with William Groce, her mate.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 399.
Treasury reference to Mr. William Wallis of the petition of Theophilus Allen for money due to him as chirurgeon to Col. Lutterell's Regiment. Reference Book VI, p. 388.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Symon Cade for a place as tidewaiter in Newcastle port loco Thomas Mortimer, deceased. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners for Excise and Arrears of Hearthmoney of the petition of Susan Pritchard to be discharged of a debt due to the King from her husband, late a collector of Hearthmoney. Ibid.
Royal letter, under the Queen's sign manual [to the the Lord Lieutenant, Ireland], to pay William, Bishop of Kildare, for and on behalf of the children and orphans of Benjamin, late Bishop of Ossory, the arrears since 1690, Michaelmas, to Lady day last, on the yearly rent of 180l. for that part of the house near Trinity College, Dublin, commonly called Chichester House, wherein the Parliament usually sat, which the said Bishop of Ossory did in 1683 let to Sir Hen. Ford for the use of Charles II for 99 years : the said rent having been paid out of concordatums until 1684, Lady day, from which time it was placed on the Irish establishment under the head of perpetuities. The said rent is hereby to be inserted in the Civil List in all present and future establishments of Ireland. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, pp. 138-9.
April 16. Treasury reference to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor] of the petition of John Radford, Robert Blayney et al., esqrs., shewing that they were Commissioners to enquire into and to seize the estates in London, Middlesex, Surrey etc. of the Marquess of Powis, Lord Howard, Lord Dover, Sir Hen. Bond, Sir Edward Herbert and Sir Patrick Trant, attainted of high treason ; and that several inquisitions of great value have been found, and that they have received no recompense for their trouble, which has been great. In the margin : Mr. Varey. Reference Book VI, p. 389.
April 18. Treasury warrant to James Herbert, esq., Receiver General of the moneys arising by Prizes, to pay 50l. to George Oxenden, esq., Dr. of Laws, for half a year to Lady day last on his salary as Judge Official and Commissary of the Court of Admiralty of the Cinque Ports. Money Book XI, p. 302.
Money warrant for 112l. 10s. 0d. to John, Philip and Joseph Roteires for last Lady day quarter on their annuity [as gravers to the Mint] : to be satisfied out of coinage money in the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 303.
Treasury warrant to Phillip Ryley, Surveyor General of Woods, Trent South, to do repairs as follows in the three parks at Hampton Court, viz. repair the several palings, enlarge the deer pens, add some racks, a new flesh house and other repairs for the support and better keeping of the deer and of the said parks : to a total of 266l. 4s. 2d., of which 194l. 2s. 6d. is to be paid out of an old arrear lately received by said Ryley for a super set on Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Avenant, for wood formerly sold them in Dean Forest by Mr. Agar, and the remainder out of any unappropriated moneys coming to his hands : all by reason that by report of Feb. 18 last said Ryley has represented that the King has been pleased to augment the number of deer in the said three parks and the rigour of the season has induced the adjacent poor inhabitants to pull down and carry away great quantities of the paling thereof and the keepers complain they cannot keep the deer within same. Money Book XI, p. 303.
Money order for 1,000l. to Charles, Earl of Monmouth, for 1691, Christmas quarter, on his annuity or pension as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Order Book III, p. 266.
Same for 5l. to William Parkes, Porter at the Gate of the Receipt of the Exchequer, for 1692, Lady day quarter's reward for attendance at said gate and on the officers there. Ibid.
[?] Same for 35l. to the officers of the Receipt for their attendance in vacation time for one year to 1691, Mar. 25 : viz. 7l. each to John Lowe and Peter Le Neve ; 5l. to Jos. Barke ; 5l. to the executor of John Taylour, deceased ; 6l. to the clerks and ministers of the Receipt for computing and levying tallies and to Peter White, gent., as clerk to William Wardour, Clerk of the Pells ; 5l. to John Packer as usher. Ibid.
April 18. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 3,000l. to the Earl of Nottingham for secret service ; out of loans to be made by said Earl "or any other person or persons he shall order or appoint" upon credit of the three fourths of the Customs after satisfaction of the 500,000l. loans thereon. Disposition Book X, p. 99.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox, enclosing the petition [missing] of John Lecaan for 106l. due to him as Physician to the Hospitals in Ireland. You are to insert said sum in your [next weekly] memorial for money Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 252.
Same to Col. [Edward] Villiers to forthwith pay George Warwick what is due to him to Jan. 1 last as one of the gunners of Tynemouth Castle ; the Earl of Ranelagh having certified my Lords that he has cleared said garrison to 1690-1, Jan. 1, and that since that date you have received from him and from the agent to the said garrison enough money to clear them to Jan. 1 last. Give my Lords a speedy account hereof. Ibid, p. 253.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh, enclosing the petition [missing] of Charles Houston for four months' arrear of his pension. You are to put this sum in your [next weekly] memorial for money. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Attorney General, enclosing the petition [missing] of Giles Lytcott, esq., Comptroller General of the Accounts of the Customs, praying that a bill may be exhibited in the Exchequer against the executors of Richard Kent [late Customs Cashier] in aid of petitioner for 302l. 10s. 5d. allowed in said Kent's accounts as paid to petitioner, which is not yet paid. My Lords desire you to exhibit such a bill. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 254.
Same to Mr. Clarke to obtain royal warrants, to be signed by the Queen, to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces lately employed in Ireland to make payments as follows, viz. :
568l. to Col. Jacob Richards for four months' pay upon account of the arrears of the officers and soldiers of the Company of Fuzileers under his command.
732l. to Capt. John Owen for the like for the Company of Pioneers under his command.
Same to Mr. Ryley to see executed the commission, supra, p. 1550, for New Forest. When the charge thereof shall be ascertained my Lords will sign a warrant for allowing same upon your accounts. Ibid.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Mint. The Earl of Nottingham informs my Lords that the Queen has reprieved, until the 22nd inst., Robert Lacy, a prisoner in Newgate condemned for clipping, upon his allegation that he may be useful in discovering several offenders in this kind. The reprieve cannot be continued without a report from us. Please examine the matter with all speed and report to us thereon. Ibid, p. 255.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox. Insert in your [next] weekly] memorial for money 82l. for Lieut. Col. Bartholomew Ogilby, being due to him as Major of the Brigades of Maine and Holsaple in the field in Ireland in 1690, according to your report on his petition. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Harnage, enclosing copy [missing] of the petition of Col. Samuel Venner and the rest of the officers of his Regiment. Send my Lords your answer thereto. Ibid.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox to report on the enclosed papers [missing] relating to Col. Beaumont and Col. Fletcher. Ibid.
Same to same. I have read to my Lords your report on the petition of Col. Lestang, Lieutenant of the Fourth Troop of Guards. You are to put it [the debt due] in your [next weekly] memorial for money. Ibid.
Same to same to similarly put in your next memorial 108l. 17s. 2d. for Margarett Hookes, widow, for the pay due to her husband, Hugh Hookes, as a Captain in Col. [Charles] Herbert's late Regiment ; according to your report on her petition. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Clarke to procure royal warrants, to be signed by the Queen, to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces lately employed in Ireland to make payments as follows, viz. 1,547l., 1,000l. and 500l. to the Commissioners of Transports, ut supra, p. 1588. Ibid, p. 256.
[? April 18.] Henry Guy to Mr. [Charles] Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Robert Jones, praying payment of 92l. 10s. 0d. due to him as farrier to the Train of Artillery and Provisions. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 256.
April 18. Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Col. Henry Conyngham for payment of 198l. 16s. 0d. due to him as late Captain in Sir David Collier's Regiment. Ibid.
Same to same. Insert in your [next weekly cash] memorial what is due to Col. Baldwin Leighton, according to your report on his petition. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Geo. Sympson as a coastwaiter in London port loco Elmer Mills, deceased.
Leonell Norman as deputy comptroller at Sunderland loco Robert Jackson.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 398.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Samuell Foot and Company for leave to import 100 tons of Saunders wood from Holland. Reference Book VI, p. 389.
Same to same of the petition of Sir John Knight, praying that Phillip Brome, merchant, may be made Receiver General of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty in the Leeward Isles loco Mr. Henry Carpenter, deceased. Ibid.
Same to Mr. [Auditor] Aldworth of the petition of Francis Negus, Surveyor of the Mews, praying the examination and payment of his account of the repairs for the year 1691 of their Majesties' Stables and buildings there [in the Mews]. Ibid.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Tho. Mathews, Receiver [of the various Aids etc.] for co. Hereford, praying an allowance for his extraordinary charges in bringing and returning his moneys to the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Eleanor Smith, praying that one of her sons may be admitted a supernumerary landwaiter in London port : said petition being referred to my Lords by Visct. Sidney. Ibid.
Same to Phillip Ryley of the petition of Bernard Granville, shewing that there is a good keeper's lodge, besides a dwelling house etc., which were formerly enjoyed by James Bridgman, deceased, in petitioner's park, called Mote Park, which [park] he let to the Crown for 300l. a year : therefore praying that he may be put in possession of said house or have 500l. per an. for the park, "which he hath been offered by others." Ibid.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of William Gilpin, Receiver General of the 3s. Aid [2s. Aid and Additional 12d. Aid] for co. Cumberland, praying an allowance for his extraordinary disbursements. Ibid, p. 390.
Treasury reference to the Warden etc. of the Mint of the petition of John Ward of London, goldsmith, shewing that he had an ingot of silver weighing 72 hundredweight 8 ounces [sic for 72lbs. 8oz.] stolen out of the Assay Office in the Mint, which lay there to be coined ; therefore praying payment of 232l. 10s. 8d. as the value thereof. Reference Book VI, p. 390.
Henry Guy to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Lewis Powell, late surveyor of Customs in Waterford port, praying to be restored to his employment. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 124.
Same to same to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Col. Sehack [Schake] concerning a ship seized by him in Ireland that brought wine from France. Ibid.
[? April 18, to date as from Jan. 1.] The Military Establishment for Ireland, with full details as to pay : under an undated royal sign manual : to commence and take place from 1691-2, Jan. 1 : all former establishments of the said Forces being hereby determined : Ibid, pp. 125-136, 174-81.
l. s. d.
general officers and contingencies (Lords Justices or General Governor, one Major General, two Brigadiers, Muster Master General and Clerk of the Cheque, four Deputy Commissaries of Musters, one Quarter Master General, one Advocate General, one Chirurgeon General : 1,095l. for contingencies) : total per an. 10,986 13 4
one Regiment of Horse (Field and Staff Officers, six Troops of 50 men each, besides officers) 14,511 15 10
one Regiment of Dragoons (Field and Staff Officers, eight Troops of 60 men each, besides officers) 16,408 5 5
another Regiment of Dragoons : the like numbers 16,408 5 5
one Regiment of Foot (Field and Staff Officers, 13 Companies of 50 men each, one thereof being a Company of Grenadiers, besides officers) 12,020 13 4
eleven other Regiments of Foot : the like numbers 132,227 6 8
another Regiment of Foot : the like numbers, with Reformed officers 14,283 13 4
two other like Regiments of Foot 28,567 6 8
twelve Reformed Captains and twelve Reformed Lieutenants, "whose pay is to cease respectively and in proportion as any of them or of the other Reformed Captains or Lieutenants shall die or be otherwise disposed of, and none to succeed as Reformed Officers beyond the number" allowed to the above three Regiments 1,642 10 0
Ordnance : Officers detailed.
Dublin : with an extra allowance of 2d. per day for each private and 3d. per day for each Trooper beyond this establishment when on duty here 1,996 12 6
Londonderry 213 7 6
Charlemont 214 8 9
Galway 614 17 6
Athlone 514 10 0
Limerick 751 15 0
Cork 779 2 6
Kinsale 861 5 0
Duncannon 322 17 6
Ross Castle (Governor, 182l. 10s. 0d. "the gunners and matrosses that do duty here are to be detached from Cork") 182 10 0
[Ordnance] pensions.
Col. O'Donnel as from 1691, Christmas, pursuant to the capitulation between General Ginckle and him 500 0 0
Col. Henry Luttrell for the like allowance from same date 500 0 0
Establishment of pensions to the following, who formerly served as Reformed officers in Major General Ruvigny's Regiment of Horse and in the Foot Regiments of Colonels de la Molinere, Du Cambon and D'Belcastell, and now rendered incapable by wounds or otherwise :
9s. 6d. a day to Col. Romagnac.
6s. 3d. a day each to Capt. Bostagnet (Bostaquett) and Capt. Vivent.
5s. a day each to Captains Desmoulins, Questebrune, D'Antraignes, D'Lisle (D'Lesle), Passy, D'Cone (Delon), Deppe.
3s. 9d. a day each to Lieut. Lacatherie (Lachatherie) and Lieut. Fountaine.
3s. a day each to Lieutenants La Boissonade, Du Viviere, Bernd. Du Pont, Pascall, Ferment, Serive, Escorone (Escourone), Bernard (Barnard), La Boulay, La Boulay l'Cadez [Cadet], La Bos (Bass) Fortin, Du Cause, Lantillac and Mercier.
3s. 9d. a day each to Lieutenants Guilane and Dumarest.
2s. 6d. a day each to Cornets La Bossoge, Beaujer, Rochemont, Riory, L'Bastide-Barbut (Barbus), Goulin, De la Merie, Gaume, Lasse and Lamy.
10s. a day to Lieut. Col. DuPetit Boss.
8s. a day to Lieut. Col. D'Dubordac.
5s. a day each to Captains La Ramiere, La Dide, Betancoure, St. Germaine, La Brouse, Dortouse, Chanfleury, Gauteron (Ganteron), St.Maison and La Sautier.
3s. 6d. a day each to Captains Berbant, Serment, Millery, Verdelles, Valada, Dupare, Dentilly, Denroilus, Lestriller (Lestrille), Du Roshoy (Rossoy), Charbroles, Courtielle, Ponthien (Penthieu), Gally, D'Lorthe, Vignoles, Dignox, Daunills, Barbier, Charier, Gibernes, Montant, La Rochequa, Vebron, Barnardon, Pressac, Verdier, La Pois (Laipois), Montroy, Legard, Chamlor-laira (Chamlor-laire), Isarn Prou, Liger, Levoll, and Villenieve (Villeniere).
3s. 6d. a day to Lieut. Mambray (Hambray).
2s. 6d. a day each to Lieutenants Baisse, De Sailly, La Rossiliere, Boyer, Pruer (Preuer), Mestre, Lisle Du Roy, Vivens and St. Serveur (Sarveur).
2s. a day each to Lieutenants St. Yore, La Maugere, St. Agnan, Beloraine la Rouve (Le Boure), St. Faust, Lange, Mercier Aisne, Bignon, Boisbeland, Dangilbaud, Fortenier, Lepetill, Laisne, Faure, Royeres, Pegat, Bourdin, La Rosole falentire, Demassas (Demassus), Dambois, Bellett, L'Brun, Deloches, Dumas, Neau, Lamote, Rou, Bemecourt, La Chancelerie, Vialas, D'elong (Delong), Fryard, Planteau (Plantea), Londes, Aldebart, Mercier.
2s. a day each to Ensigns L'enfant, Bancons, La Hauteville.
1s. 6d. a day each to Ensigns Guy, Armenand, Bontons, Castlefrane, St. Paule, Lavall, St. Estienne, Guillermin, Quinson, Chamlorier le Cadet, Montguaud.
total of pensions to the Reformed officers 8,276 7 6
total Establishment of the Forces, Garrisons etc. £262,783 12 9
Followed by : royal warrant, dated Whitehall, 1691-2, Jan. 1, authorising the Treasury Lords and the Paymaster of the Forces to make the deduction of 12d. per £ from all payments for the Garrisons and Land Forces in Ireland, "in consideration of the weekly payments by way of advance for their subsistence" : said deduction to be disposed of in such manner as the King shall from time to time direct by warrant under his sign manual.
April 18. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Thomas Keightly, esq., concerning lands in Ireland, ut infra (a). We have referred same to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, and herewith submit their report (b) thereon ; together with a certificate (c) from the Clerk of the Quit Rents, Ireland. The lands are part of the possessions belonging to the late King before his accession. Before your Majesty's departure for Holland you directed a grant under the great seal of Ireland of all the lands in Ireland belonging to James II on the 5th Feb., 1684-5, to trustees in trust to convey same to such persons for such terms as should be directed by royal sign manual. A grant to petitioner may be made accordingly under such sign manual. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, pp. 138-143.
Appending : (a) said petition to the King from Thomas Keightley. James II before his accession granted a lease for 31 years from 1663, Mar. 25, to Maurice Fitzgerald of the two ploughlands of Bullggtihan (Bullygloghan), the ploughland of Dromboghan, ploughland of Bullggage and Killeene, ploughland of Gallanard and Bigerly, plowland of Tinckilly and Shanniballimore and the two ploughlands of Bullymore in the barony of Kenry, co. Limerick, at 108l. 18s. 0d. per an. rent ; and likewise to Richard Newport and Henry Harding the lands and tenements of Kilmacog (Killincoogy), Ballyfrin, Shandagin, Portums, Ballyrillady, alias Ballyvotid, Killages and 380 acres in Longford, Munnegariff and Killcuara in the barony of Coonagh, co. Limerick, for 31 years from 1670, May, at 130l. per an. rent : and did further grant to petitioner (and Lady Frances his wife) the said two rents of 108l. 18s. 0d. and 130l. for the terms thereof and petitioner has received same (by the attornment of the tenants and assignment of the said leases to him) till prevented by the late war in Ireland : James II did further promise petitioner a new lease of the premises for 99 years "and upon information of the Commissioners of his Revenue in Ireland that the lands of Lysoin (Llissowen), Tomolin and Killinoglin, being parts of the said farm and rented by the said tenants Richard Newport and Henry Harding at the rent of 70l. per an. more were confusedly continued still upon your [their] books and made a troublesome account by the division of rent" did also direct that the said lands making the said 70l. per an. more should pass in the same grant to petitioner : therefore petitioner prays a confirmation of the said grants in view of his long sufferings and present debts and necessities, having received nothing these four years out of Ireland, where his whole inheritance lays : said petition being referred 1691, Nov. 16, to the Treasury from the King, who is disposed to gratify him.
(b) Report, dated 1691-2, Jan. 8, to the Treasury Lords from the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, on said petition. By reason of the war and great desolation by burning the houses etc., the said lands are for most part waste at present and will not yield the full reserved rent for seven years to come. We have no knowledge of the alleged promise as above. No quit rent is payable for the premises, but other lands in the Province of Munster are liable to quit rent.
(c) Certificate, dated 1691-2, Jan. 8, from Richard Thompson, Clerk of the Quit Rents, Ireland. The premises are totally waste, both Armies destroying the same. They contain in all 3,134 acres and the quit rent payable by the Act of Settlement amounts to 47l. 12s. 9d.
(d) Memorandum and ratal, dated 1691-2, Jan. 14, by Edw. Corker. The lands of Lissowen contain 106 acres, Killmullen 384 acres and Tomelin 347 acres, all in the barony of Coonagh, and set to said Newport and Harding by a separate and distinct lease, 1670, May, for 31 years at 70l., which rent "is included in the rent roll and was not assigned as the former but constantly paid" to the Duke of York. (This memorandum refers to the lessee of the first set of premises as Col. Jo[h]n Fitzgerald.)
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 4,000l. to Monsieur Braguiere for the French Protestants [see infra, p. 1606] out of loans to be made by said Braguiere or any other persons by his appointment on credit of the East India Goods Duties. Disposition Book X, p. 104.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to hasten their report on the petition of Thomas Reading, supra, p. 1460, for [restoration to] his place as collector of Excise in Lincolnshire. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 265.
April 19. Treasury warrant dormant to Mr. Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay the salary of 57l. per an. to Humphrey Fitzherbert, esq., as customer outwards of Bristol port. Money Book XI, p. 304.
Same to same to pay the annuity of 50l. to Capt. Thomas Hyde and Elizabeth his wife, granted by the privy seal of 1689, Aug. 8, as payable out of the Customs of Poole port. Ibid.
Treasury allowance of the bill of John Langwith, a messenger of the Chamber, for 15l. 3s. 4d. for last Lady day quarter's attendance on the Treasury. Ibid, p. 305.
Treasury warrant to Mr. Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay said Langwith 15l. 3s. 4d. for same quarter's attendance on the Customs. Ibid.
Money warrant for 5l. to William Wekett (Weeket) for same quarter for his extraordinary pains in carrying letters [for the Treasury]. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Thomas Lloyd, Paymaster of the Works, to pay Capt. James Greenham 458l. 8s. 6d. for all his claims for salary, disbursements, labour etc. as deputy to William Legg in the office of Superintendent of their Majesties' several parks until 1690, December. Ibid, p. 306.
Money warrant for 32l. to Simon Davies, Receiver General of the first Six Months' Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 3] for co. Cardigan ; 12l. thereof for his extraordinary charges in paying in his moneys and 20l. for an overpayment by him thereon. (Money order dated Aug. 15 hereon.) Ibid, p. 306. Order Book III, p. 293.
Treasury warrant to Col. Henry Fletcher, Governor of New York, to direct the Collector or Receiver General of the Revenues in New York to pay the sums amounting to 2,460l. 3s. 7¾d., viz. 1,103l. 9s. 8½d. due to the officers and soldiers of the two Foot Companies lately in garrison at New York and Albany and 1,356l. 13s. 11¼d. to Stephanus Van Cortlandt for money disbursed by him for subsistence and other incidental expenses relating to the said Companies : all ut supra, pp. 1526-7. Money Book XI, p. 307.
Henry Guy to Serjt. Ryley. I have read to my Lords the report from you and Mr. Tailer on Sir John Shaw's petition in behalf of the parishioners of Eltham, Kent, concerning Mr. Roper's enclosing of the common there. You are to send to Mr. Roper to make forth his title or forthwith to throw up [open] the said Green in common as formerly ; and meantime to forbear to cut down any trees. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 257.
Henry Guy to Secretary the Earl of Nottingham, transmitting (a) infra.
Appending : (a) Report from Mr. Overton, Warden of the Mint, concerning Robert Lacy, lately condemned for clipping. He pleads his innocency and that he knows no one concerned in clipping or coining.
Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 257.
Same to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Mr. Laycock, Surveyor General of Woods, Trent North, has represented to my Lords that great wastes are committed in Needwood Forest and that the officers there, having authority from you, conceive they are not under the Surveyor General's direction. Please acquaint my Lords what objection you have to Mr. Laycock's taking care therein, and meanwhile give such order as you think necessary for preserving their Majesties' timber there. Ibid.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox, enclosing Samuel Rawlins's petition and your report thereon. Put it [the amount due to Rawlins] in your [next weekly] memorial for money. Ibid, p. 258.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh, returning his report on the petition of Capt. George Ralegh. Put in your next [weekly] memorial 18l. 5s. 0d. for him. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of the Duke of Ormonde and other officers of Exmoor Forest, shewing that the Commissioners for the Twelve Months' Aid in co. Somerset have assessed said forest, which was never before done, and have distrained the goods of one of the petitioners, notwithstanding the opinion of the Attorney and Solicitor General that the same ought not to be rated ; that actions are being brought against the collectors, which will be heard in Trinity term next, but that [meanwhile] the Receiver General threatens to distrain for the money due at Michaelmas last. Reference Book VI, p. 390.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of two fulling mills in co. Cumberland in order to a reversionary lease thereof to Thomas Urwen, gent., for 31 years at 20s. per an. rent and fine of 10l.
Prefixing : report, dated Mar. 19 last, by William Tailer, Deputy Surveyor General of Crown Lands, on said Urwen's petition for same, ut supra, p. 1548. The premises were granted to Geo. Usher, gent., 1661, Sept. 24, for 31 years ; Usher assigned to William Urwen, the petitioner's father, in 1662, May 10, for 40l., and said Urwen assigned to petitioner 1690-1, Mar. 24. In the Parliamentary Survey the mills appear as altogether in decay, having been destroyed by the Scots long before, and the ground on which they formerly stood was valued at only 5s. per an., but when standing the mills had been let at 20s. per an. on lease. Petitioner's father, I doubt not, has been at considerable charge in re-edifying the mills.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 3.
Treasury warrant to their Majesties' steward of the manor of Shippon, co. Berks, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, for a re-grant to Zachary Wise, John his brother and John son of said John (upon surrender by Zachary and John his brother) of a copyhold estate within said manor, at the ancient rent of 9s. 8d. without increase and at a fine of 6l. and 18l. for discharging the increased rent.
Prefixing : (a) petition of said Zachary Wise ; (b) report thereon by Deputy Surveyor William Tailer. The present two lives, lusty and middle aged, were put in by Humphry Wise, their father.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 4.
April 20. Royal letters patent appointing Sir George Treby, kt., Serjeant at Law, to be Chief Justice of Common Pleas quam diu se bene gesserit. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 223.
Henry Guy [to the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue to Mr. Charles Fox and Mr. Coningsby on any orders in their name for the use of the Army [late in Ireland] 19,204l. 3s. 2d., out of loans to be made by the said Fox on credit of the East India Goods Duties. Disposition Book X, p. 100.
Same to same to issue to the Treasurer of the Navy 20,000l. for the Victualling ; out of loans to be made by said Treasurer on credit of the second Twelve Months' Aid. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Charles Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Robert Colepeper for Capt. Alcock's personal pay as a Captain in Col. Venner's Regiment in Ireland. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 258.
Same to the Agents for Taxes. The Act [3 Wm. and Mary, c. 6] for a quarterly Poll directs that the first payment be made by May 3 next. As their Majesties' affairs very much require the same, you are to write to the respective Receivers to use their utmost endeavours for the speedy receiving the moneys and to pay into the Exchequer as soon as same come to their hands. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed letter [missing] sent to Secretary the Earl of Nottingham from Mr. Nash, Surveyor of Customs at Pembroke. Ibid, p. 259.
Same to Sir Christopher Wren to survey the barns on Hounslow Heath and certify what they are worth and how they may be disposed of. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing a letter [missing] which Mr. Povey has written by order of the Committee for Trade and Plantations "for an account of ships which have or shall go to the Plantations." You are to send [my Lords] such an account from time to time. Ibid.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Robert Crompton for a landsurveyor's place, London port. Reference Book VI, p. 390.
Same to Sir Christopher Wren of Robert Gargrave's petition for his expenses in building (repairing) his house in the Mews. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Auditor Bridges and Mr. Lowndes of the memorial of the officers of the Marine Regiments touching the clothing of the said Regiments and the hardship which is likely to fall upon them in paying the debt due for same out of their pay, and praying that same may be satisfied out of dead men's pay and those that deserted. Reference Book VI, p. 393.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on three Acts passed in the Assembly of Virginia in 1691 [being concerning ports and encouragement of manufactures there], which were transmitted to the Treasury from the Committee for Trade and Plantations. We have referred same to the Customs Commissioners and submit their report [missing] herewith, with which we agree. (See Calendar of Colonial Papers, America and West Indies, 1689-92, pp. 611, 627.) Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 539.