Entry Book: July 1691, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: July 1691, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1227-1237 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1691, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1227-1237.

"Entry Book: July 1691, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1227-1237.


July 1691, 11-20

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 12. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 50l. to Mr. Pottinger out of any disposable money in the Exchequer, except the Double Excise moneys. Disposition Book IX, p. 155.
[? July 13.] Treasury approval of the Excise Office salary bill for last June 24 quarter.
Prefixing : said bill in detail (total salaries, 5,198l. 1s. 0d.).
Money Book XI, pp. 104-5.
July 13. Money warrant for 37l. 10s. 9d. to Ephraim Sandford, Receiver General for co. Westmorland of the 3s. Aid [2s. Aid and Additional 12d. Aid], as reward and for his extraordinary charges therein : his receipts being 2,203l. 12s. 11d. (Money order dated July 17 hereon.) Ibid, p. 106. Order Book III, p. 188.
Henry Guy to the Earl of Nottingham, enclosing a letter [missing] from the Customs Commissioners to the Treasury concerning masters of ships who have traded with France contrary to their bonds. Please direct the informer to go to Mr. Hutchinson, the Customs solicitor, to peruse said bonds and [to] instruct Mr. Hutchinson "in the Christian as well as Sir names of those who are to be prosecuted." Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 93.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of John Bowes, late a Lieut. in the Duke of Bolton's Regiment in the West Indies, praying payment of 52l. 8s. 8d. due to him for pay. Ibid.
Same to same to report on the petition of Capt. Philemon Powell and Ensign Powell, officers of the said Regiment, which is now in the West Indies, and praying 110l. due to them for pay, to enable them to transport themselves to their commands. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite [as Secretary to the Forces] to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Thomas Seaborne, Dr. of Chester Hospital : with Mr. Fox's report thereon. Please state if you find it necessary to prepare an authority for the Hospital. Ibid, p. 94.
Treasury reference to the Comptroller of the Accounts of the Treasurer of the Chamber of the petition of Peter Guenon de Beaubuisson, Gentleman of the Bows to his Majesty, praying payment of 79l. 2s. 6d. due to him on his salary and 51l. 10s. 0d. for his riding charges into Holland.
Appending : warrant dated April 29 last by the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain, for 10s. a day to said Beaubuisson for 103 days, Jan. 1 last to April 13 last inclusive, for his riding charges and other expenses in attending upon his Majesty in Holland and Flanders for that time.
Reference Book VI, p. 326.
Same to William Talman, Comptroller of the Works, and Tho. Lloyd, Paymaster of the Works, of the petition of Sir Christopher Wren, praying payment of 2,010l., arrears of salary as Surveyor of the Works. Ibid, p. 327.
July 14. Money warrant for 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords (Sidney, Lord Godolphin, Sir John Lowther, Richard Hampden, Sir Stephen Fox and Thomas Pelham) for last June 24 quarter's salary. (Money order dated July 16 hereon.) (Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt, dated July 14, to issue same out of the unappropriated fourth part of the Customs.) (Same to Mr. Fox, Customs Cashier, dated July 4 [sic for 14], to pay said 2,000l. into the Exchequer out of said fourth part.) Money Book XI, p. 106. Order Book III, p. 187. Disposition Book IX, p. 154.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue out of Poll money 400l. to John Child, Receiver of Taxes for co. Wilts : to be by him repaid into the Exchequer on account of the Review of the Poll, ut supra, p. 1118. Disposition Book IX, p. 154.
Same to same to satisfy the following salaries to the Judges out of loans to be made by them respectively on credit of the East India Duties Act : viz. 750l. to the executors of Chief Justice Pollexfen for Trinity and Michaelmas terms, 1690-1 : for 1691, Easter term, 2,750l. to eleven Judges [England], 175l. to the Judges of Wales, 257l. to the Masters in Chancery, 7l. 10s. 0d. to Baron Bradbury on his termly fees ; for 1691, Trinity term, 2,500l. to 10 Judges, England, 175l. to the Judges of Wales, 257l. to the Masters in Chancery, 7l. 10s. 0d. to Baron Bradbury (total, 6,879l.). Ibid, p. 156.
Same to Sir John Shaw for a state to June 24 last of the late farm of potashes, and an account what money arisen thereon is in your hands or any other person's. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 93.
Treasury letters patent constituting Thomas Hatfeild as a King's waiter, London port, loco Edmund Hampden, esq. : during pleasure : with the salary of 52l. per an. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 320.
Treasury reference to the Earl of Ranelagh of the petition of Lieut. Gen. James Douglass for his pay for 1689, May and June, as a general officer ; same having been left out of the establishment of both England and Ireland. Reference Book VI, p. 327.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Daniell Dobbins for a patent waiter's or landwaiter's place, London. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Cols. De la Melloniere and Du Cambon, praying delivery of 2,000 swords sent from Holland for the use of their Regiments. Reference Book VI, p. 327.
[?] Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Kath. Pennant, widow, of divers lands in Sutton and elsewhere, co. Denbigh, being parcel of the lands of Richard Parry, outlaw, at a rent of 16s. 1d. per an. and fine of 32s. 2d. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 433.
[?] Same of same of a same to Anne Jenkins, widow, of the third part of several messuages and lands in Llantwit, co. Glamorgan, being parcel of the lands of Mary Windham, outlaw ; at a rent of 2s. 6d. per an. and fine of 5s. Ibid.
[?] Same of same of a same to Samuel Facer and Abigail his wife of several messuages and lands in Lutterworth, co. Leicester, being parcel of the lands of Robert Feilding, outlaw ; at a rent of 19s. 7d. per an. and fine of 39s. Ibid.
[?] Same of same of a lease to Lewis, Lord Rockingham, of divers lands in Garthorpe, co. Leicester, ut supra, pp. 1204-5. Ibid.
July 14. Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for a particular of the lordship or manor of Ruthen and Dyffryn Clwyd co. Denbigh, with a view to an in custodiam lease thereof to John Hoblyn : the said premises having been extended and seized into the hands of Charles II for the arrears of 1,366l. 17s. 6d. of a fee farm [rent] arising, out of the lordship, to the Crown, which arrear Richard Parry was authorised to collect, giving a bond for 3,000l. to the Crown for same, by virtue whereof Parry for divers years received the rents and profits of the lordship, but only answered into the Exchequer so much as reduced the said arrear and the growing rent to 900l. 9s. 6d. at Lady day, 1676 : and the said Hoblyn has petitioned setting forth that he is entitled to the inheritance of said lordship and by direction of the late Treasurer Rochester has prosecuted said Parry's 3,000l. bond and thereupon extended the said estate and seized same into the King's hands, and has prayed the benefit of the said extent, on giving security in 1,800l. in the names of himself and his brother, Edward Hoblyn, to pay the residue of said arrears. Ibid, pp. 433-4.
July 15. Money warrant for 20l. to Robert Bertie for half a year to June 24 last on the annuity for the life of Mris. Mary Cock. Money Book XI, p. 106.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to permit the clothing belonging to Col. Hales's Regiment to be exported from Bristol to Ireland, Customs free. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 94.
Same to the Earl of Montagu to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of the four Grooms of the Queen's Privy Chamber, praying payment of the livery due to them in the Great Wardrobe. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of John Birch, esq., executor of Col. Birch, late Auditor of Excise, who died 10 May last, having received his salary for executing the said office only until Lady day ; petitioner shewing that the clerks employed under said Auditor have carried on the business and expect their salary from petitioner : therefore praying allowance of said Auditor's salary from Lady day to Midsummer. Reference Book VI, p. 327.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces] of the petition of Col. Gipson (Gibson) for fire and candle and contingencies for the barracques at Portsmouth : the Earl of Ranelagh having reported on said petition that it is proper for Mr. Blathwayt's consideration, "who usually prepares all establishments for fire and candle and examines contingent bills." Ibid, p. 328.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith of the petition to the Queen from the Lord Almoner, praying a grant of the lease of the tithes of the rectories of Pool Guilsfield and Myvod [Meifod], co. Montgomery, granted by the Dean and Chapter of Christchurch to the Marquess of Powis and forfeited to the Crown. Ibid.
July 16. Money order for 250l. to Sir John Trenchard for 1691, Easter and Trinity terms, on his salary as Chief Justice of Chester. (Same for 100l. to Littleton Powys, esq., for same as one of the Justices of Chester.) Order Book III, p. 188.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book IX, pp. 156-8.
l. s. d.
Out of 14,296l. 1s. 4d. of the Double Excise and 500l. of First Fruits and 800l. of the Letter [Office] money.
to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby to answer the remainder of a bill of exchange drawn by Monsieur Schulenburgh 1,500 0 0
to ditto for a week's subsistence to the Duke of Leinster's Regiment 276 12 4
to ditto for Mr. Vickers for buying of oat sacks 350 0 0
to ditto for half pay to Capt. Hen. Thomas from Jan. 1 to May 1 last 24 0 0
to ditto for several Londonderry officers 61 15 0
to ditto for Monsieur Vanderesch for the wives of the Dutch Regiments 127 1 10
to ditto for the Duke of Leinster upon account of horses for recruiting his Regiment 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Pereira in further part of his contract for waggons ; fourth payment 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the Commissioners of the Transports, to be paid over to Walter Middleton on account of what is due for furnishing provisions for several of the King's Forces that put into Slebeck [Slebech] 500 0 0
to ditto more for said Commissioners (see infra) 500 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Teale, the apothecary, towards the remainder of his bills 300 0 0
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the growing week's subsistence [of the Forces, England] and half pay to the officers, including the officers of the Troop of Scots Guards 8,960 10 5
to ditto for the First and Third Troop of Guards and Grenadiers : 200l. each on account of their arrears of subsistence and half pay due since Jan. 1 last 400 0 0
to ditto for the wives of several of the Earl of Portland's Regiment 60 0 0
to ditto for Lieut. Gen. Douglass upon account of his pay for May and June, 1689 244 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Blathwayt in further part of his arrears as Secretary at War 200 0 0
to the Paymaster of the Works for repairing the pavings in the streets belonging to the Mews 41 13 4
to Mris. Jean Pratt, "pursuant to such warrants [as] you shall receive" 100 0 0
Out of 1,502l. 11s. 10½d. of the small branches [of the revenue] and 4,160l. 12s. 6¾d. of the 2s. Aid and Additional 12d. Aid.
to me [Guy] for secret service 752 14 4
to the Cofferer of the Household 1,500 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for the gardeners for half a year to 1690, Michaelmas, on their salaries (see infra) 1,093 10 4
to Sir John Trevor, Speaker of the House of Commons 300 0 0
to Mris. Eleanor Nedham, alias South, "pursuant to such warrants [as] you shall receive" 75 0 0
to John Clifton and Ambr[ose] Holland, "pursuant to such warrants [as] you shall receive" 20 0 0
£19,386 17 7
Henry Guy to the Commissioners of Transports. My Lords are pleased to make a particular application of 500l. out of the 1,000l. directed for you as above. You are to pay this 500l. to Walter Middleton on account of what is due to him for furnishing provisions to several of their Majesties' Forces that put into Slebeck [Slebech]. You are to acquaint my Lords to what use you intend to dispose the remaining 500l. Disposition Book IX, p. 158.
Same to the Treasurer of the Chamber to pay as follows the above 1,093l. 10s. 4d. according to debentures to be made out by the Comptroller of the Accounts of your Office : viz. : Ibid, p. 159.
to Geo. London, Keeper of the Royal Garden in St. James's 200 0 0
to Adam Wright, gardener of St. James's House Garden 45 12 6
to Quellenburg, one of the gardeners at Hampton Court 179 7 6
to Van Staten, another gardener there 154 17 6
to Van Uliet, another gardener there 57 12 6
for maintaining the gravel and grass 148 0 0
to the weeder woman there 21 5 10
to the keeper of the Bowling Green at Hampton Court 11 14 0
to Henrick Humerman and William Kirk, gardeners at Kensington 225 0 0
to Evan Rice, gardener at Richmond 37 10 0
to Luke Pocock, keeper of the Queen's Little Garden at Windsor 12 10 0
£1,093 10 4
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 13l. 6s. 8d. to Oxford University for the Lady Margaret's Professor out of the 203l. 0s. 8d. reserved in the Exchequer of the fourth of the Customs. Disposition Book IX, p. 158.
Same to same to issue 500l. to Dr. William Wake out of the moneys in the Exchequer arising from the temporalities of the Archbishopric of Canterbury. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Let my Lords know what places [in the Customs] Mr. Andrews, the present clerk of the wood farm, is possessed of. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 94.
Treasury reference to the Attorney General of the Customs Commissioners' report on the petition, ut supra, p. 1225, of the West India merchants and planters. Reference Book VI, p. 325.
Same to Hugh Chudleigh, Comptroller of the Accounts of the Treasurer of the Chamber, of the petition of Godfrey Kneller, their Majesties' Principal Painter, praying payment of 200l. for drawing pictures of the King and two of the Queen. Ibid, p. 328.
Same to Mr. Harbord [Surveyor General of Crown Lands], of the petition of John Weekes, shewing that he is tenant of a small copyhold in the Duchy of Cornwall, worth about 20l. per an., for which he paid a fine and 8s. 3d. per an. [rent], but in the copy granted for petitioner's life there is an increased rent of 10d. [sic? for 10l.] per an., "which was done without petitioner's knowledge." Ibid.
July 17. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to allow 10,602l. 6s. 9d. in account as follows to John Price as Receiver General of the Revenue in Ireland : all by reason that by inquisition taken in Middlesex 1685, Dec. 29, it was found that Thomas Price, late of London, goldsmith, received on 1685, Dec. 1, from said John Price to the use of James II several sums, amounting in the whole to 10,602l. 6s. 9d., and said Thomas did thereby become indebted to James II for same and inquisitions and extents were issued out of the Exchequer against him for same and estates real and personal belonging to him in England to a very great value were found and seized and on part of such estate 2,000l. was lately raised and paid into the Exchequer and other parts of said estate have by their present Majesties been granted away or assigned to other persons and the remainder thereof is liable to the balance of said 10,602l. 6s. 9d. debt, whereby the Crown is either paid or secured to be paid the same. King's Warrant Book XV, pp. 437-8.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Customs Cashier to pay Thomas Hatfeild's salary of 52l. per an. as a King's waiter, London port, loco Edmund Hampden. Money Book XI, p. 107.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 27,570l. to Charles Fox and Thomas Coningsby on unsatisfied orders in their names for the services of the Forces, Ireland ; issuing same out of loans to be made by them on the East India Goods Duties Act (see infra, p. 1237). Disposition Book IX, p. 159.
Same to same to issue to Visct. Newport for the Household, on unsatisfied orders in his name [as Cofferer of the Household], the 26,000l. which will be lent into the Exchequer in the name of Lancelot Burton on credit of the above Act and next after the above 27,570l. Ibid.
Same to same to issue to Edward Russell, Treasurer of the Navy, on unsatisfied orders in his name, for the service of the Navy, 10,000l. out of loans to be made by said Russell on the Twelve Months' Aid. Ibid, p. 160.
Same to same to issue 145l. 4s. 0d. to Lady Margarett Ventris, executrix of Sir Peyton Ventris, late one of the Judges of Common Pleas, being for 53 days' allowance on his 1,000l. per an. allowance to April 6 last, the day of his death : to be issued out of such loans as said Lady Ventris shall make on the East India Duties Act. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to send an officer to Lieut. Gen. Douglas's lodgings at the Two Black Posts in the Pall Mall to see his goods put up in order to their transport to Holland, Customs free. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 94.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Edward Musgrave for the next vacancy of a surveyor's place [in the Customs, London port]. Reference Book VI, p. 328.
Same to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] of the petition of John Michell, esq., for extension of term in several messuages and lands in Old Windsor, co. Berks, for his encouragement in rebuilding ; particularly the messuage or mansion house called Walton's Mess[uage]. Ibid, p. 329.
July 18. Treasury allowance of John Langwith's bill of 15l. 3s. 4d. for attendance on the Treasury Lords for last June 24 quarter. Money Book XI, p. 108.
Treasury warrant to Thomas Fox [the Customs Cashier] to pay said Langwith 15l. 3s. 4d. for same quarter as messenger attending the Customs. Ibid.
Money order for 5l. to William Parks for same quarter's attendance as Porter at the Gate of the Receipt. Order Book III, p. 188.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 37l. 10s. 0d. to Ephraim Sandford out of the moneys of the 2s. Aid. Disposition Book IX, p. 160.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance. The Treasury Lords desire you to send them weekly abstracts of all contracts you make for stores and also a weekly accompt of all receipts and payments of money in your Office from the 1st inst. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 95.
Same to the Commissioners of the Victualling. Send my Lords a monthly accompt of your receipts and payments of money and of what quantity of provisions you have in each victualling port "at least a near estimate thereof" ; from the 1st inst. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. Send my Lords weekly abstracts from the 1st inst. of the contracts you shall make for stores for the Navy, expressing the species of stores and quantity bought by you and of whom and at what rates. Also send them weekly accompts of the numbers of all sorts of artificers and others employed in each of the dockyards, with the pay which grows due to them ; and the like of the ropeyards. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. I have read to my Lords your report of the 15th ult. on the petition of Col. John Cunningham. You are not to pay any of the money in, question till my Lords have spoken with you. Ibid.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of William Tatton, a Captain in Brig. Stewart's Regiment, praying payment of 50l. out of his arrears to enable him to repair into Ireland. Ibid, p. 96.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of John Richardson, praying payment of 1,649l. 6s. 8d. for powder already delivered into the Ordnance and a monthly settlement for the growing debt. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed letter from the Lords of the Council for permitting the Royal Africa Company to export 5,000lbs. of crewel to the north part of Guinea. Ibid, p. 97.
Treasury reference to William Harbord [Surveyor General of Crown Lands] of the petition of John Hill and William Eastchurch for extension of term in two houses in the Castle Close at Exeter. Reference Book VI, p. 329.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Charles Danvers for reward for his pains as Solicitor of the 12d. Aid in cos. Oxford, Bucks and Beds. Ibid.
July 19. Money warrant for 221l. 10s. 0d. to Joseph Cradock, gent., Receiver General of the First Six Months' Aid, First Poll, 12d. Aid, Review and Additional Poll, 3s. Aid [2s. Aid and Additional 12d. Aid] and last Poll for co. Leicester, and of the first Poll, 12d. Aid and Review and Additional Poll for co. Rutland ; for his reward and extraordinary charges therein in bringing up his moneys (being 50,000l. and upwards) by strong guards at nine several journeys. (Money order dated July 21 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 109. Order Book III, p. 191.
Royal warrant dormant, under the King's sign manual, "given at our camp at Gemblours," to the Paymaster of the Forces, Ireland, to pay from time to time out of the [free] moiety of the deduction of 12d. per £ from the pay of the Forces in Ireland 2,000l. per an. by quarterly payments from Christmas last to Henry Guy [for secret service] free of all fees etc. : the other moiety of said deduction having been by the King's direction [in the establishment] kept for a particular use and service : all in accordance with the royal warrant of 1690, May 28, supra, p. 673, for payment of the like sum to William Jephson for secret service. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 7.
July 20. Money orders for 20l. each to John Lowe and Peter Le Neve, Deputy Chamberlains of the Receipt, for 1691, Easter and Trinity terms, on the additional allowance for sorting and ordering records as well foreign as domestic within the Treasury [of the Receipt] at Westminster. Order Book III, p. 189.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt. My Lords understand that some of the Judges refuse or neglect to give a discharge to the Exchequer for their parts or proportions of the 6,879l. directed for them, supra, p. 1228, out of loans to be made by themselves ; which is to the great prejudice of the service in respect of the delay given thereby to subsequent payments appointed by my Lords. If they do not give their discharges by to-morrow you are to issue without any further delay the 27,570l. directed to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby. Disposition Book IX, p. 160.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed petition of Sir Mathew Andrews for a new lease of the manor of Meere and Mr. Harbord's report thereon. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 95.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to procure royal warrants, to be signed by the Queen, to authorise Charles Fox and Thomas Coningsby, Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland, to pay 3,524l. as follows : viz. : Ibid, p. 96.
to the Duke of Leinster for remounting his Regiment 1,000
to Monsieur Pereyra on account of his contract for waggons and horses 1,500
to the Commissioners of the Transports 500
to ditto more, to be paid to Walter Middleton for provisions by him furnished to several of the Forces put into Slebech 500
to Capt. Hen. Tho[mas] on account of his half pay from Jan. 1 last to May 1 24
Same to same to procure a like warrant to authorise same to pay 52l. to Charles Balfour in part of 700l. due to him for iron and lead delivered for their Majesties' service in Ireland. Ibid, p. 97.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the Privy Council, dated Whitehall, July 16 inst., for leave to the ship Ostridge, George Clerke commander, 100 tons, 12 guns, 18 men, to sail to Safio [Saffee] in Barbary to take in a good quantity of copper which William Richardson and Thomas Pindar have lying ready on the coast of Barbary and fit for his Majesty's service ; the said Richardson and Pindar having petitioned for same and the Privy Council thinking the copper may be very useful at this time and is intended for their Majesties' use.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 320.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) a like Order of same date for leave to the ship Caesar, Edward Brooke commander, 500 tons, 40 guns, 80 men ("a ship of that force that she fears no privateers"), to proceed on her voyage to Jamaica, on the petition of Joseph Ashton, merchant, and said Brooke, shewing that the ship Aleppo Merchant, sailing to Jamaica by licence of the Privy Council of May 14 last, was set on fire and blown up below Hole Haven and her lading utterly destroyed, to a loss of 3,000l., therefore praying licence for another ship in her place to carry provisions and implements for supply of petitioners' correspondents in Jamaica and fetching home effects.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 320.
Treasury reference to Mr. Aaron Smith of the petition of Tho. Robson, shewing that he has a considerable debt due from Visct. Preston's estate and praying that same may be considered by the Commissioners "sitting upon it" for their Majesties. Reference Book VI, p. 329.
The Treasury Lords to the Lords Justices, Ireland. Let us know what the number of horses might be which were serviceable and delivered over to the Danes for the Duke of Leinster's Regiment "and what the value of those horses were of the same Regiment that were not serviceable." Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 79.
The Queen to same concerning Concordatums. On the establishment of Ireland, signed May 28 last, it is directed that no payment etc. be made save by warrant drawn openly at the Council Board etc., ut supra, p. 1181. We are informed that but two of the officers referred to, out of the three required by said direction, are at present resident in Ireland, whereby said direction is utterly impracticable. Until some of the absent officers arrive in Ireland the rule is to be as follows, viz. the payments to be made by Concordatum shall be by warrant drawn by the Clerk of the Council there and passed openly at the Council Board and signed by any two of the Lords Justices, Lord Lieutenant, Lord Deputy, Chancellor, Vice Treasurer, Chancellor of Exchequer, Master of the Rolls, Lord Chief Baron or Secretary of State. Ibid, pp. 80-1.
Warrant from same to same for a patent to discharge Col. Hugh Hamill, his heirs and lands and estate from the several debts and judgments as follow, all in consideration of his many faithful services, particularly in the defence of the city of Londonderry, and in consideration also of his great sufferings in his estate by the Irish : it appearing that James Coningham of Letterkenny, esq., Sir Albert Coningham of Mount Charles, and Hugh Hamill, esq., of co. Donegal, became bound to Charles II in 1682, Dec. 12, in 1,000l. as sureties of said James Coningham as collector of the revenue (Hearthmoney, quit rents, Excise and licences) within the district of Castledoe [Doe Castle] ; and the said two Coninghams and the aforesaid Hamill by the name of Capt. Hugh Hamill of Strabane, co. Tyrone, became bound in another 1,000l. to Charles II 1684, Sept. 29, for said Coningham's said collectorship ; and on the said bonds judgments were obtained in the Exchequer, Ireland, in Trinity term, 1686, and afterwards an inquisition was taken at Newtown Stewart, co. Tyrone, 1686, July 20, before — Mervin, sheriff of Tyrone, and another inquisition was taken at Couleyne Iltrain, co. Donegal, 1686, Aug. 31, before John Forward, then sheriff of Donegal, and the said Hamill's estates in said counties were there found and seized into the hands of James II. Ibid, pp. 81-2.
Money warrant for 40,000l. to Ralph, Earl of Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe, as imprest for the service of the Great Wardrobe and as in full of 100,000l. by the privy seal of 1689, June 6, supra, p. 139. (Money order dated July 21 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 107. Order Book III, p. 190.