Entry Book: January 1682, 21-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: January 1682, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp374-389 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: January 1682, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp374-389.

"Entry Book: January 1682, 21-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp374-389.


January 1682

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Jan. 21. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of Customs money directed to be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 117.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week of the [Navy's] weekly money 3,000
to the Cofferer of the Household for the Musco[vite] Ambassador 2,000
to Lady Villiers' executors 300
to the Lord President [of the Privy Council] 375
to me [Guy] for secret service 500
Same to Mr. Duncombe to pay 10,691l. into the Exchequer for the following uses, viz., 9,000l. for the Privy Purse, 500l. for Lord Alington, 450l. for the Roetiers [gravers] of the Mint, 491l. for Christ's Hospital, 250l. for Lady Sunderland. Bring to the Treasury Lords on Monday morning an account what money you have lately paid. Ibid.
Jan. 21. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to permit the Victuallers of Tangier garrison to ship off, Customs free, the following provisions on their affidavit that same are solely for the use of said garrison. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 49.
Appending: note dated Jan. 9 from Alderman Anthony Sturt on behalf of himself and the rest of said Victuallers for such customs free shipment of the following particulars on the Unity, William Tucker [master], the Blackcock, Henry Rycrof [master], and the Ruthe, Jno. Archer [master]: viz.: 427,168lb. of biskett, 54,287 four lb. pieces of beef, 61,468 two lb. pieces of pork, 2,400 bushel of pease, 2,400 bushel of oatmeal, 22,884lb. of butter, 30,512lb. of cheese.
Jan. 23. Money order for 100l. to George Feilding for half a year to June 24 last on his pension. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 278.
Henry Guy to Dr. Nicho Barbone. The Treasury Lords greatly wonder that you have not paid in the purchase money for the [Old] Artillery Ground. Pay it in immediately. Disposition Book II, p. 117.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a discharge as follows to John Lord Belasyse and Col. Anthony Gilby. The said Gilby as late Governor of the garrison of Hull did (as appears by a certificate of Nov. 21 last from the principal officers of the Ordnance) sell or dispose of several parcels of the King's lead, iron and other materials belonging to the said garrison for which no account has yet been rendered, viz., 38 fodder 17¾ hundred of webb lead to Michael Browne and other persons in or about 1664 at 14l. 10s. per fodder, amounting to 564l.; and old iron to Mr. Ambler for 8l. 13s. 0d.; wood to several persons for 40l.; a small parcel of lead for 11l.; and two fodders of lead for 29l.; and 70 pieces of wood formerly brought in for the use of the North blockhouse to Alderman Robinson and 12,000 or 13,000 of bricks out of that blockhouse to build a little house upon the island called Sunk. The King hereby of his mere motion acquits said Gilby of same and of all liability therefor, whether the parcels be precisely as above or not, in consideration of his loyal and eminent services. And whereas John, Lord Belasyse of Worlaby was Governor of the said garrison of Hull but was in service at Tangier at the time when the aforesaid materials were sold and the sum of 129l. part of the said moneys, or so much of the value of said materials, did accrue to said Lord or his agents he is hereby similarly discharged in consideration that he has lately paid the said 129l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the King's use. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 309–12.
Henry Guy to Mr. Waterman to attend the Treasury Lords forthwith about an arrear of taxes remaining in your hands. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 396.
Same to Mr. Browne to attend my Lords on Thursday concerning the money whereof you have paid the principal to Sir Richard Mason, et. al. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to discharge of the one per cent. [Mediterranean] duty the ship Charles and her lading, 200 tons burden, William Colls master, said ship being laded with provisions in Ireland for his Majesty's service and bound for Leghorn and on her return his Majesty's fireship Calabash at Tangier imprested Patrick Smyth out of her and at Cadiz the frigate Adventure similarly impressed Thomas Atkinson, another of her company, and in the Bay of Biscay Joseph Reues [Reves] another of her company was drowned, so that said ship returned with only 29 men, being three short of her full complement. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 29.
Jan. 24. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Samuel Blonden and Sam Paveanlean, mar[iners] of a small French vessel, shewing that they are French Protestants who came over upon account of the rigours of the French King against them and brought with them in the said vessel about three tuns of wine not of the growth of France, hoping by selling it to defray the charges to London from Portsmouth where they landed: pray a delivery of their wine and ship: the truth hereof being attested by the Mayor of Portsmouth and three Justices of the Peace. Reference Book I, p. 541.
Same to Auditor Stephens of the interest account to 1681[–2]. Mar. 15, inclusive of moneys lent by the Hearthmoney Farmers for his Majesty's service upon the Hearthmoney and paid by them to Mr. Squibb [a Teller of the Exchequer]: viz. as follows: Ibid, p. 542.
l. s. d.
1681, July 27. 1,000l. lent for the Works at Windsor 37 19 5
Aug. 10. 300l. for Sir Sam Morland, 950l. for Mr. Legouch and 300l. for Mr. Brisbane 55 5 9
Sept. 9. 4,000l. for several uses 126 18 0
Sept. 9. 5,450l. for ditto 167 10 6
Oct. 15. 1,000l. for ditto 24 16 5
Oct. 24. 3,500l. for the Navy interest, and 2,070l. 16s. 3½d. for the Ordnance interest 130 0
Oct. 27. 1,000l. for several uses 22 16 11
Nov. 10. 2,000l. for ditto 41 1 11
Nov. 22. 4,000l. for ditto 74 6 0
Oct. 28. 6,000l. for ditto 105 10 8
1681–2, Jan. 21. 6,787l. 4s. 2½d. for ditto 59 2 5
Jan. 28. 6,212l. 15s. 9½d. for ditto 46 19 3
892 7 9
Two-thirds [or 4 per cent.] gratuity or reward 594 18 5
1,487 6 2
interest of 500l. and 750l. lent by Mr. Trant at 10 per cent. 147 14 2
£1,635 0 4
Henry Guy to Sir Jno. Marshall and Jno. Symonds, esq., Justices of Essex and others of the Justices at the meeting at Chelmsford or elsewhere. I am to intimate to you that the revenue of Excise is not farmed at a certain rent but is in the hands of managers who are accomptable to his Majesty for the produce thereof and that all improvement is for his Majesty's advantage. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 396.
The Treasury Lords to the Chief Justice in Eyre, informing him of the King's pleasure for felling 2,000l. worth of timber in New Forest and the like in Dean Forest for the service of the fortifications at Portsmouth. Ibid, p. 397.
Jan. 24. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. Send an officer on Thursday to Mris. Truckston's house at the Timber Wharf in Durham Yard to pass the goods of Tho. Chudleigh, Envoy Extraordinary to the States General. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 397.
Same to same to give to the proper officers in all the ports orders for better securing all entries and collections of the Excise of brandy and all other imported Exciseable liquors, so as to prevent the frauds and illegal practices therein committed. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to Mr. Fanshaw. We received to-day yours of the 4th inst. concerning the money in your hands of the Queen's portion. Ship all such money as is ready in the first of the King's frigates (of the fifth rate or upwards) bound for England, whether the commander have a particular order from hence to take it or not. Take a receipt from him for it and send advice by post. Ibid, p. 400.
Treasury warrant to the Trustees for Fee Farms to convey to John Bucknall fee farm rents in co. Bucks to the value of 17l. 12s. 0½d. per an. (or 281l. 12s. 8d. at 16 years' purchase) in reprisal of other rents in co. Lancs, contracted for by him in 1680, Sept. 23, but inadvertently pre-contracted for by Sir William Ellis, kt., 1675, July 1, as is certified by Henry Dering, clerk to the said Trustees, the said rents so doubly conveyed being 16l. 6s. 4d. per an. (or 261l. 1s. 4d. at 16 years' purchase, and with one year's arrears thereon, being 16l. 6s. 4d., making 277l. 7s. 8d.). The purchaser is therefore to pay 4l. 5s. 0d. on this reprisal. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 30–1.
Prefixing: said Dering's certificate and the like by Auditor J. Phelips.
The like for the like reprisal to Ferdinando Bucknall and Tho. Tomlinson, trustees for Ralph Bucknall, as in place of doubly conveyed fee farms in co. Lancs (having been pre-contracted for by abovesaid Sir William Ellis 1675, July 1), being of the value of 28l. 6s. 3d. per an. (or 453l. at 16 years' purchase or 481l. 6s. 3d. with one year's arrear to Lady day last added): the reprisal to be other rents in co. Bucks to the value of 30l. 1s. 4d. per an. (or 480l. 1s. 2d. at 16 years' purchase): so that the purchaser loses 4s. 4d. by this reprisal. Ibid, pp. 31–2.
Prefixing: certificate, ut supra.
Jan. 25. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Henry, Earl of Arlington, Chamberlain of the Household, and his heirs and assigns for ever of all the piece or parcel of ground, parcel of St. James's Park, containing in length 462 feet on the East side, 446 on the West, and in breadth 417 feet on the North and 422 on the West [sic for South] in the parish of St. Martin's in the Fields between St. James's Street in the East and other ground of said park (and divided from the rest of the park with posts and rails) on the West and the road leading from Piccadilly to Knightsbridge on the North and the passage before Mr. Rossington's new buildings next St. James's Street aforesaid in part, and certain gardens belonging to Cleveland House in part, on the South; and also the walls enclosing the said piece of ground at the East, North and South ends thereof: to be held as of the manor of East Greenwich in free and common socage without rent; and with licence to build on it such and so many houses of brick as he or his heirs think fit so as none of them extend westward further than the East corner of Cleveland Garden and so as no walks or mounts in the ground designed for gardens to said houses shall look into Cleveland Garden. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 312–14.
Jan. 25. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for transferring to Charles Berty, present Treasurer of the Ordnance, from Sir George Wharton, late Treasurer of the Ordnance, certain credits and cash, all as follows. The sum of 69,273l. 19s. 2½d. was lately issued to Sir George Wharton, late Treasurer of the Ordnance, by tallies on the Hearthmoney, being for satisfaction of money due to merchants, artificers and others for stores delivered [to] and services performed [for the Ordnance] on account of a war with the French King. By a certificate from the Office of Ordnance it appears that one of the said creditors received 500l. (being his share of said 69,273l. 19s. 2½d.) from the Ordnance Office before the striking of the said tallies on the Hearthmoney. As a consequence a tally for the said 500l. remains in the hands of the executors of said Wharton. [It is further likewise certified] that there are other persons who have money due to them for the like service over and above the said 69,273l. 19s. 2½d., and that the said 500l. tally may be transferred and paid to [the satisfying of] the said [others persons]. It also appears by the said certificate that there is another tally of 19l. 5s. 0d. (part of said 69,273l. 19s. 2½d.) likewise remaining in the hands of the said executors, the person to whom it belongs not having called for same. It is hereby ordered that said tally for 500l. be delivered over to Charles Berty, present Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance, to be by him applied to the satisfaction of such [other] persons [as above] as the Treasury Lords shall direct. Further the said tally for 19l. 5s. 0d. is to be likewise delivered to said Berty to be by him disposed to the proprietor thereof. The said executors are thereupon to be discharged thereof and said Berty is to be charged therewith upon his account [as Treasurer of the Ordnance]. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 315–9.
Further, by an account made up and returned by the Deputy Commissioners for disbanding [those of] the Forces raised since 1677, Sept. 29, which were quartered in and about Portsmouth, it appears that Capt. Samll. Williams had advanced 4,340l. for paying or and disbanding the quarters of the said soldiers for which [sum] the said [Deputy] Commissioners gave him a debenture, as also for 517l. 4s. 11d. being part of a greater sum which was paid and defrayed for the quarters of the said soldiers which (as appears by a certificate of 1679, June 25, from the Commissioners for Disbanding) was deducted out of the pay of the said soldiers. In payment of the said [two] sums with 8 per cent. interest thereon two orders were drawn, dated 1677, July 4, registered on the second Disbanding Act, both payable to said Williams, viz., one No. 918 for 517l. 4s. 7d., the other No. 981 for 4,340l. with such interest as aforesaid. The said two orders were assigned by said Capt. Williams to said Wharton to the intent that the moneys due thereon might be repaid into the Exchequer upon the account of said Capt. Williams, as Receiver for co. Southampton of the last 12 months of the last Eighteen Months' Assessment. But by the death of said Wharton such application of the said orders is wholly obstructed and the said orders are useless and ineffectual to the succeeding Treasurer of the Ordnance without some further direction therein from the King. It is therefore hereby ordered that the said orders be assigned by the executors of said Wharton to said Berty and that the proceeds thereof be paid into the Exchequer as above to be thence issued upon orders registered on the last twelve months of the last Eighteen Months' Assessment "which according to a certificate lately made by the Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer do amount to 1,139l. 9s. 6d." It is further the King's intentions that so much of the proceeds of the said two orders as is not applied to the satisfaction of the [1,139l. 9s. 6d.] orders registered as abovesaid shall be afterwards applied for the service of the fortifications at Portsmouth. Therefore orders are hereby to be drawn for such [remainder] moneys and said orders are to be issued to said Berty for the service of such fortifications. "And because by this method the said [Berty], Treasurer and Paymaster of our Office of Ordnance, will be liable to be twice charged with the money he shall so as aforesaid receive, viz., once upon the receipt of the moneys on the said two orders and afterwards upon the receipt of the same after it shall be paid in" care is hereby to be taken that he be not so doubly charged and the necessary memorandums thereto are to be made in the records in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt and upon the imprest account of the said Wharton and the said Berty.
Further, it likewise appears from the above mentioned certificate from the Office of Ordnance that the sum of 2,533l. 13s. 6d. remained in cash in the said Office at Wharton's death. It is hereby ordered that this sum be placed to the account of the [said Berty] present Treasurer of the Ordnance to be accounted for by him, and the executors of said Wharton are to be discharged thereof. And because the necessity of the service in that Office has required several payments to be made before a privy seal could be passed to warrant the same it is hereby ordered that allowance be made to said Berty of all such moneys as he has paid or shall pay by direction of the Ordnance Commissioners before the passing of this privy seal.
Jan. 25. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to grant to Sir George Downing, bart., authority to build new and more houses further westward on the grounds granted to him by the patent of 1663–4, Feb. 23, which granted to him all that messuage or house in Westminster, with all the courts, gardens and orchards thereto, situate between a certain house or mansion called the Peacock in part and the common sewer in part on the South side and a gate leading to King Street called the New Gate in part, and an old passage leading to a court called Pheasant Court in part, and an old passage leading from the great garden to St. James's Park in part, on the North side, and abutting on King Street on the East side and upon the wall of St. James's Park on the West side: to be held by said Downing for 99 years, including the unexpired portion of the 60 years' term granted in the premises to Sir Thomas Knevett by King James I; with liberty to build thereon subject to the supervision of the Surveyor General of Crown Lands and with proviso not to build further than the West part of the house called the Cockpit was then built. The present grant is by reason that the said Cockpit or the greater part thereof is since demolished; but is to be subject to the proviso that it be not built any nearer than 14 feet of the wall of the said Park at the West end thereof. But with liberty also to him to build vaults or cellers from the said buildings to the wall of the said Park and to make a walk thereupon; and also with liberty to him to cope the wall of the said Park (so far as the same does abutt on the premises) with free stone and to set flower pots or statues thereupon for the beautifying and ornament of the said buildings. The abovesaid former grant to Downing is hereby also confirmed. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 320.
Jan. 25. Royal sign manual to the Treasury Lords to give warrant to the Surveyors of Woods, Trent South, to fell 2,000l. worth of timber in Dean Forest, being dotard timber not fit for shipbuilding; the proceeds thereof to be paid to the Treasurer of the Ordnance to be by him issued and employed in the service of Portsmouth Garrison by the appointment of George Legg, Governor of said Garrison, for carrying on such works and fortifications there as are necessarily appointed and approved of by the King to be done next year. The felling is to be done in the presence of the officers of said forest, and of Nathaniel Prestland, an officer of the Navy, and of two Justices of the Peace of co. Gloucester. An account of said timber is to be rendered by the Treasurer of the Ordnance to the Auditor of co. Gloucester before the last day of next Michaelmas term. (Treasury warrant accordingly dated Jan. 28 to Tho. Agar and Charles Strode, Surveyors of Woods Trent South.) King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 323–4. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 35–6.
Same to same for the like felling of 2,000l. worth of timber in New Forest for the like service of the garrison at Portsmouth. The Treasury warrant for this felling is to be issued to Edward, Lord Noel, Warden of New Forest, Sir Thomas Bradd, kt. and bart., Sir Richd. Beach, kt., Richard Norton, esq., Oliver Nicholas, esq., Lawrence Hyde, esq., Thomas Bilson, esq., Thomas Knollys of Grove Place, co. Southants, George Houseden, esq., Thomas Badd, esq., Thomas Agar and Charles Strode, Surveyors of Woods Trent South, Francis Dickens, Woodward of New Forest, Edward Lee, esq., Isaac Betts, esq., the King's builder at Portsmouth yard, the assistant builder there and Robert Shales, esq. (Treasury warrant accordingly dated Jan. 28 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII pp. 324–5. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 33–4.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for paying and allowing two per cent. reward or gratuity over and above the six per cent. interest to George Dashwood, Charles Duncombe, Thom. Rowney, Samuel Dashwood, Felix Calverd, Jno. Freind, William Strong and Edward Buckley on the 40,000l. which they lately agreed to lend to the King, ut supra, p. 303. The first payment of the said gratuity to be made at Lady day next. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 322–3, 326–7.
Jan. 25. Privy seal for 380l. to Henry Guy for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of July 20 last. (Money warrant dated Jan. 31 hereon. Money order dated Feb. 1 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 326. Money Book III, p. 224. Order Book, XXXVIII, p. 278.
Jan. 26. The Treasury Lords to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. We have several times heard Sir Maurice Eustace and Michaell Tempest, his guardian, on their petition for a noli prosequi to the King's suit against said Eustace in the Exchequer, which petition has been referred to us, together with your report thereon of Sept. 10 last and other papers relating thereto. This is to give you notice that before we came to any resolution Mr Tempest desired leave to withdraw his petition. Out Letters (Ireland) II, p. 196.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Geo. Sharples for a riding surveyor's place, void in Lancashire. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 49.
The Treasury Lords to the East India Company. The King's affairs standing in need of ready money we desire you will pay down the Customs on the goods imported in the ships President, Barnardiston, Persian Merchant, Berkeley Castle, Society and Eagle lately arrived from India. You shall have 6 per cent. per an. discount. Out Letters (General) VI. p. 398.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing a memorial of the French Ambassador concerning the ship Armes of France, forced into Plymouth by stress of weather and there seized for the [French] tunnage duty. Speak with [Sir B. Gascoign] the patentee of the said duty and if you find that the ship can be discharged send down to Plymouth for her to be discharged. Ibid.
Same to Phillip Maddocks. Inform the Treasury Lords whether Sir Robert Southwell has given in the account of the prizes for Portsmouth port for the last Dutch war, and whether Mr. Pocock, receiver of those prizes has passed his accounts. Ibid, p. 399.
Same to the Attorney General, enclosing three drafts of deeds concerning the ground to be conveyed to the King by the Earl of Arlington. See them executed, as also the articles between Lord Arlington and Lord Hyde. Ibid.
Same to Dr. Barbon. The Treasury Lords take it very ill that you have not completed the payment of your purchase money for the Artillery Ground. They expect you to pay the whole to-morrow without fail. Ibid.
Same to the Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. to pay into the Exchequer forthwith 3,478l. 10s. 8d. upon account of your farm rent. You shall be allowed 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. reward for so much thereof as exceeds what is due from you at Christmas last. Ibid, pp. 400, 403.
Jan. 27. Treasury reference to the Attorney General of the petition of Tho. Clifton, George Westby, Vincent Goddard, Ri. Blackburne, John Parry, Robert Pugh, Richard Townley, Robert Dalton and Maurice Wynn, gent., shewing that by Treasury order the long writ of the Exchequer has been issued against them and some of them are put in prison and all their goods sold and lands seized "which method of proceeding by this writ of execution being very extraordinary and (as the petitioners are advised) not agreeable to the course of the Exchequer nor prescribed or allowed by the laws against Recusants," they therefore pray that same may be superseded. Reference Book I, p. 543.
Together with this petition are referred the following papers (1) case on the statutes against Recusants with Mr. Pollexfen's opinion dated 1681, Dec. 23. (2) another case with Mr. Saunders' opinion dated 1681–2, Jan. 2. In the margin: a later Treasury order dated 1681–2, Feb. 7: the Treasury Lords direct the petitioners to move the Exchequer Court in this matter that it may be argued and determined there.
Jan. 28. Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Stocking for a tidewaiter's place London port, having made a seizure of uncustomed goods about three months since. (In the margin: cancelled 1682, June 2.) Ibid, p. 543.
Same to the Attorney General of the petition of Charles, Earl of Westmorland (as by a favourable reference thereof from the King to the Treasury Lords dated Whitehall, Jan. 25): petitioner praying a grant for the life of himself, William Lord Fitz William and Sir Vere Fane of the office of Master Forester and Keeper of the bailiwick of Kings Cliff within Rockingham Forest, co. Northants, which office has been held by petitioner's ancestors and is now void by the death of Sir Francis Fane. Ibid, pp. 543–4.
Same to same of the petition of Lady Joane Howard for a grant of the escheated estate of Andrew Hayman of Bideford, Devon, merchant, lately deceased, without heir. Ibid, pp. 544–5.
Appending: reference dated Whitehall, Jan. 17, 1681–2, thereof to the Treasury from the King, who is pleased to grant this request in consideration of the constant, faithful services of petitioner's late husband and out of compassion to her present condition.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of James Chapman's petition for a noontender's place in London port, he having been a citizen of good trade but ruined by the fire of 1666. Ibid, p. 545.
Henry Guy to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be paid into the Exchequer this week viz.; Disposition Book II, p. 118.
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
to Mris. Eleanor Gwyn 250
Same to [same] to issue (out of such Customs money as will be paid into the Exchequer this day) 3,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week of the [Navy's] weekly money. Hereof 1,000l. is intended for the Victuallers. Ibid.
Jan. 28. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to make such compositions or allowances on the King's behalf to the merchants, importers of rye the last summer or since at Newcastle, Stockton and other places as you think fit in the respective cases in respect of loss or damages, provided such composition or allowance do not exceed two-thirds of what the high duty would have been and provided they pay down the remainder without further dispute: the Treasury Lords having considered the case stated by Mr. Dickinson with the certificates concerning said rye and the Customs Commissioners' report of the 26th inst. relating chiefly to a proposition made last Tuesday by Francis Johnson and Michael Ridley of Newcastle and James Cook of Stockton, merchants on behalf of themselves and others concerned in the corn, viz., that if their real loss and damage might be considered (as that of others had been who entered at the high duty and were allowed two-thirds and some of them three-fifths for damages) and the allowance of two-thirds might be granted thereupon they would pay the remainder without further dispute: on which proposition Mr. Dickinson (who has been employed in the whole affair) is of opinion that it is the best that can be made for the king, considering the hazard of the trials now ready, the great allowance for damage that will be claimed by the merchants if the trials go for [sic ? for against] the King and the certificates of the gentry of the country on behalf of the merchants. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 50.
Henry Guy to Sir Robert Holmes. The Treasury Lords have obtained a warrant from his Majesty to Mr. Kingdon for payment of 1,636l. 13s. 6¾d. to you as due upon the foot of your account as Governor of the Isle of Wight. A memorandum must be entered at the foot of said account to show that same is paid to you. The Auditor is to attend my Lords with your account for that purpose. Out Letters (General) VI p. 400.
Same to the Attorney General returning the petition of Lord Clifford. Your report thereon does not seem very clear to the Treasury Lords. But if you continue of the same opinion draw a warrant for the King to sign according to your said report. Ibid, p. 401.
Same to same to inspect the title of Chelsea College and the lands and appurtenances thereto belonging. If you approve thereof prepare a conveyance of same from the President, Council and Fellows of the Royal Society of London unto the King for 1,300l. to be paid to them by him. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Sheridan. I enclose an answer to your paper of the advantage the [Irish Revenue] contractors will have by ending their contract on 1690. May 1. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to attend the Treasury Lords on Tuesday morning next about the new contract for the Irish revenue. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Duncombe. The Treasury Lords have ordered a [money] warrant for 5,000l. for the Mint. They direct you to presently pay in 1,000l. for that use. Ibid.
Jan. 31. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Hearthmoney as shall be paid into the Exchequer on the [Hearthmoney farm rent] payment due 1683, March 25, and payable by the utmost days of grace on 1683, Sept. 19, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 119.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Chamber 4,026 2 0
to Mr. Packer, Paymaster of the Works at Whitehall 1,000 0 0
to Mr. Roberts for the Works at Windsor 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Monsieur Vario[Verrio] 250 0 0
to the Master of the Great Wardrobe 3,496 10 6
to Mr. Darcy and Mr. Benion 150 0 0
to complete a list which will be sent you as soon as perfected 1,107 17 4
to John Abell, one of the King's musicians 40 0 0
to the Heralds, one year's fee 320 0 0
to Mr. Staggins, master of the King's music 101 5
to Sir Charles Cotterell, Master of the Ceremonies, half a year 100 0 0
to Mr. Cotterell, assistant [to the Master of the Ceremonies] for ditto 61 3 4
to Mr. Le Bas, Marshal [of the Ceremonies] for ditto 50 0 0
to four Maids of Honour 200 0 0
to Visct. Lumley for the Queen's horses 250 0 0
to Lady Sanderson's executors 50 0 0
to Phillip Packer for Mr. Gurle 100 0 0
to Mris. Elliot, housekeeper at New-market 100 0 0
to Mr. Ford, housekeeper at New-market 36 10 0
to Mr. Packer for Mr. Waite, the gardener 94 16 6
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 380l. 230 0 0
to Mris. Bolton 50 0 0
to Mr. Norris, the King's joiner 9 15 10
to Mr. Vernon for Mr. Scott 50 0 0
to Mris. Ursula Elliot 15 0 0
to Mr. Roberts, Receiver of Windsor, to be paid over to Mr. Smith, organist, for the change of the organ there 100 0 0
£12,989 0
Same to the Treasurer of the Chamber to issue the abovesaid 4,026l. 2s. 0d. as follows: Ibid, p. 120.
l. s. d.
to the Yeomen of the Guard with their officers, for one quarter 1,387 10 0
to the Grooms of the Chamber to the King for ditto 127 15 0
to the like Grooms to the Queen for ditto 36 10 0
to the Gallery Keepers, for ditto 32 18 0
to William Gregory, Clerk of the Cheque to the messengers 25 0 0
to Charles Sheppard, Groom of the Chamber 18 5 0
to Matt. Capel and Edwd. Woodward, messengers to the Queen 25 0 0
to the officers of the Jewel House for a quarter 159 9 2
to Mr. Chase 300 0 0
to Mr. Jones [the apothecary] 168 0 0
to Mr. Lightfoot 110 9 0
to the housekeeper of Greenwich 36 0 0
to the housekeeper of Hampton Court, Mr. English 100 0 0
to the housekeeper of Windsor 100 0 0
to the Standing Wardrobe at Whitehall 50 0 0
[to the keeper of] the Standing Wardrobe at Hampton Court, Mr. Marriot 50 0 0
to the Removing Wardrobe, for a quarter 185 8 4
to Simon Dean in the name of Mr. Chase 50 0 0
to Henry Peacocke, trumpeter 12 3 4
to Mr. Staggins, Master of the Music 84 0 0
to Sir Charles Cotterell 100 0 0
to Edward East, watchmaker 50 0 0
to the ratcatcher 30 0 0
to the sweepers and housekeeper at Whitehall 90 0 0
to 20 footmen 200 0 0
to George Mills 10 0 0
to John Cox, underkeeper of the Council Chamber 26 13 4
to Mr. Dove for two years on his fees of 12l. and 6l. 13s. 4d. per an. 37 6 8
to Mr. Abell 50 10 0
to Mr. Atterbury, messenger 12 10 0
to Mr. Blundell, messenger 12 10 0
to Edward Lloyd, Sir Phillip Lloyd's clerk 20 0 0
to the watermen, for a quarter 274 0 0
to Joseph Fashion 23 5 5
to Mr. Oldner of the Vestry 6 0 0
to Mr. Wynne for half a year 24 18 9
£4,026 2 0
Jan. 31. Henry Guy to the Master of the Great Wardrobe to issue as follows the abovesaid 3,496l. 10s. 6d. (p. 384, supra), viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 121.
l. s. d.
for the Stable equipage 1,400 0 0
for his Majesty's linen 650 0 0
for sheets for the Queen 240 0 0
for the Queen's Inner Bedchamber 195 0 0
for beds etc. in his Majesty's Lower Bedchamber at Windsor 514 16 0
for linen hangings 30 0 0
for bedding for porters at [the] gate 18 0 0
for provisions for the Savoy Ambassador 5 0 0
to Mr. Thompson, in part of 80l. 1s. 0d. 40 0 6
to the tailors and arrasmakers, for half a year 253 14 0
to the Clerks of the Wardrobe for ditto 150 0 0
£3,496 10 6
Jan. 31. Dormant privy seal for 10,000l. to be issued in such proportions, to such persons and for such uses as the King shall from time to time direct by warrant under his sign manual. (Royal warrant dated Jan. 25 for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 314–5.
Privy seal for the discharge of the baronetcy fee of 1,095l. due to the King from Sir Tho. Robinson. (Treasury warrant dated 1681–2, Feb. 28 hereon accordingly.) Ibid, p. 335. Money Book III, p. 259.
Same for same of the baronetcy fee due from Sir William Maynard. (Treasury warrant, ut supra, dated 1681–2, Feb. 25.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 335. Money Book III, p. 256.
Treasury reference to the Auditors of Imprests of the accounts as in the following two orders of the Commissioners for the affairs of Tangier. Reference Book I, pp. 545–6.
Prefixing: (1) order dated Whitehall, 1681, Nov. 8, of the said Lords Commissioners, referring to the Treasury Lords the account of the Earl of Inchiquin for the time of his last government at Tangier, the difficulties on the discharging side arising principally from the contingent disbursements, that they exceed the ordinary allowance upon the establishment and that some of the articles chiefly those for presents and intelligence are defective in the vouchers; to which [objections] the accomptant [the said Earl, replied] urging the extraordinary nature of the time, being actual war, as necessitating the increase of expense, and the nature of these particular services as not admitting receipts and regular vouchers; the said answers being in a great measure satisfactory. (2) order [by same] dated Whitehall, 10 Nov., 1681. Upon consideration had of another account of the Earl of Inchiquin for his former government of Tangier ending 1676, May 13, and particularly of the second article in the discharge, to which the accomptant being heard and no reason appearing for altering the former disallowance of the 262½ kentalls of fish therein mentioned, it is ordered that this account also be referred to the Treasury Lords.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, to Don Pedro de Ronquillos, Ambassador from Spain, a case of gilt leather arrived from_in Benjamin Clerk's ship; provided same be not of French manufacture as by the last Poll Act. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 51.
Same to same to deliver customs free, on the same proviso as above, some Florence wine, anchovies and oil on board his Majesty's ship Foresight arrived from the Straits and belonging to Capt. Henry Killigrew, the commander of said ship. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Charles Duncombe to pay 5,844l. 6s. 8d. forthwith into the Exchequer, for the Judges, Masters in Chancery, et al. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 402.
Jan. 31. Henry Guy to the Attorney General. When you go to Westminster Hall speak with Sir Robert Howard about the enclosed [missing] and inform the Treasury Lords whether it will be necessary to pass a new privy seal in this case. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 402.
Same to Mr. Duncombe to forthwith pay into the Exchequer 4,400l. to pay off his Majesty's ship Foresight. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests. Bring to-morrow the two books of Instructions for governing the Office of Ordnance. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General. What allowance weekly do you judge necessary for Alice Nevill alias Payne, who is an evidence on the King's behalf for discovering the estates of Sir Tho. Preston and other Papists; "without prejudicing her evidence, she being miserably poor." Ibid.
Same to the Hearthmoney Contractors to attend the Treasury Lords on Thursday morning and bring the book of receipts and accounts of your farm for the first two years of it. Ibid, p. 403.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt (in accordance with the privy seal of 1678–9, Jan. 29) for tallies to discharge the baronet fee of 1,095l. due to the King from Sir William Kenwrick. Money Book III, p. 223.
Money warrants for the following sums to the Kings, Heralds and Pursuivants at Arms on their fees, viz.: Ibid.
40l. to Sir Henry St. George for one year to 1678, Sept. 29, as late Norroy (and now Clarenciux) King at Arms.
40l. to Sir Thomas St. George for 1½ years to 1668, Sept. 29, as late Somerset Herald (and now Norroy King at Arms).
26l. 13s. 4d. to Thomas May for one year to 1678, Sept. 29, as Chester Herald.
26l. 13s. 4d. to Francis Sandford for same to 1681, Sept. 29, as Lancaster Herald.
26l. 13s. 4d. to Henry Dethicke for same to 1678, Sept. 29, as Richmond Herald.
26l. 13s. 4d. to John Dugdale for same to 1679, Lady day, as Windsor Herald.
26l. 13s. 4d. to Francis Burghill for same to 1681, Lady day, as Somerset Herald.
26l. 13s. 4d. to Robt. Devenish for same to 1679, Lady day, as York Herald.
20l. to Tho. Halford for same to 1675, Sept. 29, as Portcullis Pursuivant.
20l. to Henry Ball for same to 1678, Sept. 29, as Rouge Croix Pursuivant.
20l. to Gregory King for same to 1679, Sept. 29, as Rouge Dragon Pursuivant.
20l. to John Gibbon for same to 1676, Christmas, as Bluemantle Pursuivant.
Same for 75l. each to Marmaduke Darcy and George Bynion for 1681, Christmas quarter, on their fees of 300l. per an. each as respectively Surveyor of the Great Wardrobe and Comptroller of the Great Wardrobe. Ibid, p. 224.
Same for 94l. 16s. 6d. to Phillip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, as imprest to be paid over to William Wayte, Keeper of his Majesty's Privy Garden at Whitehall for wages and disbursements in keeping said garden and the Fountain Garden and also for cleaning the long stone gallery within Whitehall Palace for 1680, Lady day quarter, as by a bill signed by Sir Christopher Wren: all as by the privy seal of 1678, July 31. (Money order dated Feb. 4 hereon.) Ibid, p. 224. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 280.
Jan. 31. Money warrant for 50l. to the executors of Dame Bridget Sanderson for 1680, June 24 quarter, on her annuity or pension. Money Book III, p. 225.
Same for 50l. each to the following as Maids of Honour to the Queen, viz. Mris. Katherine Villiers for 1680, Christmas quarter, Mris. Cecilia Swan for 1679, Christmas quarter, Mris. Phillipa Temple for same, Mris. Elizabeth Godolphin for same. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 200l. to Seth, bishop of Sarum, for 1681, June 24 quarter, for the support of the honour of the Order of the Garter. Ibid, p. 226.
Money warrant for 750l. to the Duke of Grafton on his pension, being 300l. in full of 1680, Christmas quarter, and 450l. in part of 1681, Lady day quarter. Ibid.
Same for 9l. 15s. 10d. to Henry Norris for half a year to 1681, Sept. 29, on his fee of 12d. a day and allowance of 26s. 8d. per an. for a livery as his Majesty's joiner. Ibid, p. 227.
Same for 50l. to Mris. Clara Bolton for 1679, Michaelmas quarter, on her annuity or pension. Ibid.
Same for 40l. to John Abell for one year to 1681, Christmas, on his fee or salary as one of the King's Musicians. Ibid, p. 228.
Same for 100l. to Eliza. Elliot, widow, for half a year to 1679, Sept. 29, on her fee or salary as housekeeper of his Majesty's house at Newmarket. Ibid.
Same for 101l. 5s. 2½d. to Nicholas Staggins, Master of his Majesty's Music, being 4l. 14s. 4½d. in full of a quarter to 1678, Nov. 5, on his fee of 46l. 10s. 10d. per an., 46l. 10s. 10d. for the year ended 1679, Nov. 5, on said fee and 50l. for 1680, Lady day, on his fee of 200l. per an. Ibid, pp. 228–9.
Same for 61l. 3s. 4d. to Charles Cotterell, esq., for half a year to 1677, Lady day, on his fee of 6s. 8d. a day as assistant to the Master of the Ceremonies. Ibid, p. 229.
Same for 50l. to Richard Le Bass for half a year to to 1678, Lady day, on his fee as Marshal of the Ceremonies. Ibid.
Same for 100l. to Sir Charles Cotterell for half a year to 1676, June 24, on his fee as Master of the Ceremonies. Ibid, p. 230.
Same for 50l. to James Vernon, being 25l. to complete 1678, Christmas quarter, and 25l. in part of 1679, Lady day quarter, on his annuity or pension. Ibid.
Jan. 31. Money warrant for 5,000l. to John Buckworth, Charles Duncombe and James Hoare, Mint Commissioners, as imprest for the service of the Mint. (Money order dated Feb. 16 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 230. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 284.
Same for 100l. to Phillip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, as imprest to be paid over to Leonard Gurle, his Majesty's gardener, for wages for keeping his Majesty's garden in St. James's Park, 60l. thereof to complete the half year ended 1680, June 24, and the remaining 40l. as in part of the half year ended 1680, Christmas. (Money order dated Feb. 7 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 231. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 280.