Entry Book: January 1682, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: January 1682, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp354-362 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: January 1682, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp354-362.

"Entry Book: January 1682, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp354-362.


January 1682

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Jan. 1.
Henry Guy to the Earl of Ranelagh to attend the Treasury Lords on Tuesday afternoon next "because the King and the other Lords will be here at that time to hear the minutes read over which have been taken at the several debates concerning the new contract for the Irish revenues." (The like notice to the Solicitor General and Mr. Roberts, the Lord Chancellor, Lord President [of the Privy Council] Lord Chamberlain, Earl of Halifax, Earl of Conway, Secretary Jenkins, Mr. Seymour, Earl of Arran and the Auditors of Imprests.) (Notices to the same on Jan. 2, putting off the said meeting.) Out Letters (General) VI, pp. 373, 375.
Jan. 2. Visct. Hyde to Mr. Duncomb. The King thinks it for his service to despatch away Mr. Chudleigh for Holland immediately. Supply him with the 955l. already ordered him "and I will take care to see you repaid it." Ibid, p. 374.
Jan. 3. Henry Guy to the Auditors of Imprests, forwarding copies of Mr. Williams' two orders, together with the draft of the privy seal for Charles Bertie as Treasurer of the Ordnance. Despatch with all speed. Ibid, p. 376.
Same to the Customs Commissioners enclosing a Treasury warrant of this day's date for the importation, Customs free, of the equipage and baggage of the Emperor of Morocco's ambassador, lately arrived in England. Ibid, p. 376. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 48.
Tho. Carpender having a grant passed as far as the privy seal of the first [vacant] King's waiter's place in Bristol port, and the Treasury Lords on reading his petition having made a minute above two years since that he should have the first vacancy, he prays to be heard before any grant pass to others. Caveat Book, p. 16.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Ralph Williamson: petitioner shewing that as Comptroller of Newcastle port he has appointed honest, able deputies at his great charge; that the great trade of said port consists in coal, lead and other native commodities shipped thence for London or coastwise on bond for the return of a certificate within six months of the landing of such coal etc. at such destination: that upon entering his office and examining the books from 1671, he found great number of bonds forfeited which had been delivered into the Exchequer without any money received on them or any way brought to account; and also several hundred forfeited bonds at Newcastle and its members which had not been returned into the Exchequer; that he brought these to London and delivered them to the Customs Commissioners for process to be had upon them until such time as rules could be made by the Treasury Lords and the Exchequer Court; that in obtaining these rules he gave a great deal of time and money "which [rules] was at last settled and then I delivered all the forfeited bonds into the Exchequer and took Mr. Fanshaw's receipt for the same" as the Remembrancer's clerk for coast bonds; and that he [petitioner] has delivered the bonds and books ever since into the Exchequer according to the said rules; since which time the Customs Commissioners have appointed William Dickinson to inspect the proceedings in the Exchequer and to compel the obligees to pay their customs into the Receipt or by due course of law into the Exchequer: that Mr. Dickenson for his great experience and abilities may probably be intended for some better employ; therefore petitioner offers himself for Dickenson's office to solicit and inspect the several coast bonds and to compel the obligees to pay their money ut supra. Reference Book I, pp. 524–5.
Jan. 3. Treasury reference to Auditor Stephens of Nicholas Johnson's account of interest and principal made up to Jan. 1 inst.: total [of interest] 470l. 1s. 7d. Reference Book I, p. 526.
Jan. 4. Money order for 10l. to William Parks, porter of the Receipt, for half a year to Christmas last for his attendance at the gate of the Receipt for the better securing his Majesty's treasure and for his attendance upon the officers there. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 271.
Jan. 7. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 113.
l. s. d.
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000 0 0
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200 0 0
to Mris. Eleanor Gwynne 250 0 0
and out of Customs money directed to be paid into the Exchequer this week, to pay
l. s. d.
to Prince Rupert 1,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Victuallers 1,000 0 0
Mr. Chudleigh 955 0 0
to the Treasurer of Tangier for clothes and coals 789 1 9
Jan. 9. Treasury fiat for royal letters patent to constitute Thomas Alcock as one of the King's waiters, Bristol port loco Richard Ham. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 20.
The like for Edmund Aleyn as a same, ibid. loco Jno. Harper.
The like for Edward Furlong as a same, ibid. loco James Seward.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Earl of Bath and Lord Hawley the 500l. of Excise money which is reserved in the Exchequer for the Duke of Richmond. Disposition Book II, p. 113.
Same to same to issue (upon the two orders in Capt. Williams's name and assigned to Mr. Bertie for the use of the Ordnance) 97l. 2s. 10d. for three months' interest of 4,857l. 4s. 11d. payable out of the last Disbanding Act: "but the said money is to remain in the Teller's hands till Mr. Bertie's privy seal is passed." Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Sydney Strode's petition for a landwaiter's place at Plymouth, now void. (In the margin: petition of Sir William Strode, son of Sir William Strode of Numan, near Plymouth: struck through.) Reference Book I, p. 526.
Same to the Attorney General of the petition to the King from Joseph Dudley (as by a reference from the King dated Whitehall, 1681, Nov. 30, thereof); petitioner shewing that on Mar. 6 last he began to discover what arrived [at] his knowledge concerning the late horrid Popish plot; was then committed to Derby gaol by Hen. Gilbert, esq., the justice that took his information; there he fell into sickness; afterwards was brought to London by habeas corpus and continued in the custody of a messenger, although he had before obtained the King's pardon; on July 14 last he was ordered by the Treasury Lords to go to Derby assizes to give evidence against Geo. Busby, a Jesuit which he did, and Busby was condemned and executed: all these imprisonments, journeys and sickness have been at petitioner's sole cost and charges and he is 70l. out of pocket, being all the money he had to help himself with and 45l. which he borrowed. Prays payment hereof and to be put into some future way of livelihood. Ibid, pp. 527–8.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of James Houblon and John Houblon, owners of the ship Thamisis, 200 tuns burden, Sam Roberts master; shewing that said ship carrying 18 guns and 32 English mariners about Feb. last departed for Venice, but in her return Nov. 15 last at Tangier four of her men were pressed into his Majesty's ships as is attested by John Dalton and H. Robinson of London, mariners: on her arrival said ship is refused entry except on depositing the one per cent. duty. Pray she may be admitted to entry without paying said duty. Ibid, p. 328.
Same to same of the petition of Tho. Kilby (Gilby) of London, druggist (as by a reference dated Whitehall, 1681, Dec. 7, from the King thereof). Petitioner sets forth that by the Order in Council of 1680, May 10, the importation of gum seneca was permitted for six months from date thereof. In pursuance thereof he ordered his correspondent at Amsterdam, Abraham van Rincom, to send him 28 hogsheads of gum seneca which was shipped 1680, Nov. 3, on the Susan and Mary, Ambrose Williams master, but by contrary winds said ship did not arrive till Nov. 17, being seven days after expiry of said licence wherefore said goods were seized. But by a later Order in Council of April 19 last the said licence was renewed for another six months. Therefore pray a discharge of the seizure of said gum. Ibid, pp. 529–30.
Jan. 9. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Wakefield, a watchman extraordinary, London port, praying to be admitted in the place of Edward Long, deceased. Reference Book I, p. 531.
Same to the Commissioners of the Stables of the petition of Sir Tho. Clarges, praying for a grant, for 700l., of the crown's inheritance of the scite of the late monastery of Reading, the mansion house thereof, and all structures and buildings within the walls thereof, of which he has a lease from the King with about 32 years still to run; the buildings being very much out of repair and will cost as much as the inheritance is worth to put them into convenient order for petitioner's habitation. Ibid, pp. 531–2.
Prefixing: (a) order of reference dated Jan. 9 from the King to the Treasury Lords of said petition. (b) extract of so much of the report dated 1681, Nov. 28, from Mr. Herbert [Harbord] upon the Earl of Clarendon's petition as relates to the abbey of Reading, viz. the scite of the said late monastery of Reading with the yard, garden, orchards and parcels of land thereto belonging (excepting several houses, stables, barns and small parcels of land reserved for his Majesty's use and accommodation of his equerries and maintenance of his horses) granted by patent under the Exchequer seal 1673–4, Mar. 19, at 7l. per an. rent. The premises were valued by my father, Sir Charles Harbord, at 87l. per an. above that rent. Petitioner also desires the houses, stables, barns, lands and premises excepted and reserved as above. Of these I have no survey, but find that six of those houses with a smith's forge and 1½ acres of land and another small slip of ground taken out of the forbery were valued by my father at 30l. per an., and the rest being two great old stables and a large old barn (alleged by Sir Tho. Clarges to be much out of repair) may be valued when repaired at 20l. per an. The improvement of said Clarges' present interest after 33 years (above the reserve rent of 2l. per an. which is not desired now to be granted) may be valued at four years' purchase of 87l. per an. or 348l. and the inheritance of the portions excepted as above at 650l. or 998l. in all.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of Peter Bennet's petition for 31l. 10s. 0d. for his charges on his removal from Hull where he was deputed surveyor. Ibid, p. 535.
Same to Jno. Lawrence of Robert Huntington's petition: shewing that about 1667 Sir William Bucknall procured a lease of the French tunnage in England, Ireland and Berwick for four years at 1,800l. per an. and inserted petitioner's name in said lease with his own: that petitioner's name therein was used as a trustee for said Bucknall and without petitioner's knowledge for he never sealed any counterpart nor accepted thereof. Process has been lately ordered against petitioner and against the heirs etc. of said Bucknal: petitioner has therefore made enquiry touching the said grant and payment of the rent and is informed that the occasion of any part of the said rent being in arrear was because the said duty in Ireland was granted to Sir George Cartret and others some time before Bucknal's lease so that he could not during his term enjoy any part of that duty in Ireland: petitioner therefore prays stay of process, Bucknal's heirs being responsible. Ibid, pp. 536–7.
Jan. 9. Money warrant for 500l. to the Earl of Bath and Lord Hawley for half a year to 1681, June 24, on the annuity or pension of 1,000l. per an. Money Book III, p. 195.
Same for 57l. 8s. 0d. to Anthony Segarr, gent., 47l. 8s. 0d. thereof to be for disbursements for the Treasury Office in 1681, Christmas quarter, and 10l. thereof for said quarter's salary for attendance on the Treasury Lords. (Money order dated Jan. 10 hereon.) Ibid, p. 195. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 271.
Same for 455l. to Henry Savile for a quarter's ordinary Aug. 25 last to Nov. 24 last as Envoy Extraordinary to France. (Money order dated Jan. 12 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 195. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 273.
Treasury allowance of the 1681, Sept. 29 quarter's salary bill of the Excise Office. (Total, 2,107l. 10s. 0d.) Money Book III, p. 196.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox for secret service, without account: being for half a year to 1680, Christmas, on 2,000l. per an. as by the privy seal of 1674, Aug. 25. In the margin: for the E[arl] of Sussex. (Money order dated Jan. 10 hereon.) Ibid, p. 196. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 271.
Same for 150l. to Thomas, Earl of Berkshire, for half a year to 1680, June 24, on the pension of 300l. per an. for life granted to him by the name of Thomas Howard, esq. Money Book III, p. 196.
Same for 1,000l. to the Duke of Monmouth for 1681, Lady day quarter, on his annuity or pension. Ibid, p. 197.
Same for 375l. to John, Earl of Radnor, Lord President of the Privy Council; for 1681, Christmas quarter, on his allowance of 1,500l. per an. [1,000l. thereof as in lieu of diet and 500l. thereof] as royal bounty. (Money order dated Jan. 16 hereon.) Ibid, p. 197. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 273.
Treasury allowance of Richard Kent's bill, detailed, of the charges paid by him as Customs Cashier on moneys paid into the Exchequer and on portage of money received upon bills of exchange from 1678, Sept. 29, to 1680, Sept. 29, and on the passing of the two annual accounts for the said two years. (Total, 712l. 18s. 2d.) Money Book III, pp. 198–201.
Prefixing and appending said bill; affidavit by said Kent dated 1681, Dec. 6; and report from the Auditors of Imprests to the Treasury Lords dated Dec. 8.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing proposals for improving the Customs. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 374.
Same to Mr. Hubbald. On reading your letter this day to the Treasury Lords they are of opinion that Sir George Wharton's accounts be first made up and delivered to the Auditors of Imprests before the privy seal pass. Ibid, p. 376.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests, enclosing a state of Sir George Wharton's account as Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance, to the time of his death. Ibid, pp. 376, 378–9.
Appending: said account from 1680, June 30, to 1681, Aug. 12, the [day of the] decease of said Wharton.
Charge. l. s. d.
balance of former account ending 1680, June 30, excluding the extraordinary allowance of 2,280l. to the Auditors of Imprests 14,943 19
moneys received out of the Exchequer within the time of this account 35,250 13 7
money received within the said time with which he is not charged in the Exchequer 14,663 3 10
Imprests vacated within the said time upon the Honble. Col. William Legge's account 18,563 7
Imprests vacated on Wharton's own account 31,989 17 7
moneys charged as paid upon the former account ending 1680, June 30, viz. 9l. 8s. 0d. to Capt. Silas Taylor, 45l. to Capt. Tho. Hawly, which indeed are not paid, being respited by order of the Office of Ordnance 54 8 0
£115,465 9 11¼
Discharge. l. s. d.
money paid by debenture and quarter books within the time of this account 103,781 14
money paid by bills of imprest within the said time 5,460 16 1
interest paid to several persons as per account 3,762 2
ordinary allowance to the Auditor and [Exchequer Court] Baron for 1¼ year 19 3 4
moneys to be paid and tallies delivered to the succeeding account[ant] the Honble. Charles Bertie, when the privy seal is passed for transferring the same 3,052 18 6
£116,076 14 11
balance [surplusage] 611l. 4s. 11¾d.
Jan. 10. Treasury authorization and appointment of John Lawrence, of Westminster, esq., to prosecute all arrears due to the King for the Tenths of the clergy and upon bonds entered into for payment of First Fruits, the very many sums at present in arrear thereon being chiefly occasioned by the want of a timely and effectual prosecution thereof: to this end the Auditors of Imprests when they take the remains of said bonds are to permit him to take a copy thereof and are from time to time to acquaint him with the states of the accompts of the archbishops, bishops, et al.; and he is to have access to the records relating thereto in said Auditors' office and in the office of Remembrancer of First Fruits and Tenths. Lawrence is to see that process be made out from time to time by said Remembrancer on such bonds, and that said process be delivered to the respective sheriffs and returned by them and he is to attend the apposals of the sheriffs and cause them to be called to a strict account as to said process. Further he is from time to time to take care that commissions be directed to the archbishops, bishops etc. to collect arrears of Tenths returned by them as non-solvent and is to call on sub-collectors or agents of said archbishops etc. for the return of said commissions. And he is to take care that proceedings be had against archbishops etc. not paying in their Tenths or their receipts thereof. Once a year he is to give an account in writing to the Treasury Lords of his proceedings herein. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 21–3.
July [sic
for Jan.]
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 46l. 13s. 4d. to the University of Cambridge (as by the Treasury dormant warrant of Dec. 19 last) being for two years on the 10l. per an. for the University and the 13l. 6s. 8d. for a divinity lecturer. Disposition Book II, p. 114.
Jan. 10. Same to same to reserve for the Treasury Lords disposal what money shall be paid into the Exchequer by Dr. Barbone for the purchase of Well Close and the Old Artillery Ground. Ibid.
Same to same to issue as follows out of Customs money already paid or speedily to be paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Ibid.
to the Treasurer of the Navy 12,200
to same to discharge masons and carpenters at Portsmouth 400
to same for pay of the Hampshire and Golden Horse 9,000
to same for stores 2,000
to same for a towing engine 200
to same for the new ships 600
and out of such Excise money as is directed to be paid into the Exchequer this week to issue
to Mr. Johnson for subsistence [for the Forces] 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
to Mris. Eleanor Gwynne 250
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Colls, shewing that he loaded provision in Ireland for Leghorn for his Majesty's service in the Charles of London 200 tons burden, English built and mounted with 16 piece of ordnance and 32 men, that one of said men fell overboard in the Bay of Biscay and two more were pressed into the King's service by the Adventure frigate and Callabash fireship [wherefore upon her return said ship's lading is refused entry except on payment of the 1 per cent. Mediterranean duty]. Prays that said lading may be passed [for entry without payment of said one per cent]. Reference Book I, p. 532.
Treasury recommendation to the Customs Commissioners of Joseph Dering's petition for a landwaiter's place, having been employed in the East India Company's service and in keeping merchants' accounts. Reference Book I, p. 533
Treasury reference to the Attorney General of a draft royal warrant for a great seal for a grant of half the net profit of the Greenwax fines or casual revenues to Henry, Earl of Peterborough, Charles, Earl of Burford, Robert, Earl of Yarmouth, William, Lord Paston, Sir Fr. Compton, Bernard Greenvile, William Chiffinch, Charles Middleton, Anth. Parsons, John Ady, Charles Newby and Percivall Brunskell. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of William Nutt's petition in behalf of himself and the other owners of the ship Diamond, Phil. Edwards late master: petitioners shewing that said ship was condemned because the said master (without the owners' privity) took in about 300 gallons of wine and brandy in the Downs, which she carried to Virginia. This has been misrepresented as the fault of the owners of the ship, whereas they were not freighters of it nor owners of the lading and were innocent of the said transaction. The master was solely guilty and ran away from his ship. This is the first precedent that was ever made to condemn a whole ship, worth 1,000l., for the master's default, the goods being prohibited and therefore not capable of being landed and of producing duty to the King. Therefore pray pardon and discharge of the ship. Ibid, pp. 533–5.
The said petition to the King being referred 1681, Dec. 19, from the king to William Montague the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, the latter reported Dec. 21 thereon, stating the matter of fact of the trial between John Evans, plaintiff for the King and said Edwards defendent. It did not appear at the trial that the owners were privy to the shipmaster's act. The loss of Customs which would have been paid if the commodities had been duly shipped was 10l.—12l.
Same to Thomas Tuder, Deputy Auditor for Wales, of the petition of Col. Theophilus Oglethorpe (as by by a reference dated Whitehall, 1681, Dec. 20, from the King to the Treasury Lords thereof); petitioner praying a grant of the Crown's remainder in an estate formerly granted to the ancestors of Griffith Rice, of Newton, co. Carmarthen, and their heirs male, said Rice being the last heir male. Ibid, p. 536.
Money warrant for 5,202l. 2s. 6d. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe for last Christmas quarter for 6 per cent. interest and for several allowances of reward on moneys lent by them for his Majesty's service: as by an account thereof stated by Hen. Aldworth, deputy to Anthony Stephens, esq., one of the auditors. (Money order dated Jan. 11 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 202. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 272.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 24l. each to Thomas Burton, John Evance, Richard Goodlad, and Charles Beavoir, four of his Majesty's five undersearchers in London port, being for two years to 1680, Sept. 29, on their yearly salary of 12l. each; and similarly 39l. to Richard Peirce, for 3¼ years to same date on same as a same. Money Book III, p. 202.
Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to make forth bills of imprest for 36l. 5s. 6d. to Capt. Henry Carveth, late commander and purser of his Majesty's ship the Young Spragge for victualling a volunteer and furnishing the said ship with necessaries in her voyage in 1675, and 1676. And likewise for 33l. 10s. 7½d. to Rice Frceman, purser of his Majesty's ship Hampshire for necessaries (wood, candles etc.) for said ship in 1672–3–4. Assign same for payment out of moneys now remaining in the hands of the Treasurer of the Navy and formerly appointed by Treasurer Danby for payment of the said persons. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 380.
Same to the Solicitor General. Report to the Treasury Lords on the enclosed draft of a grant of Well Close etc. to Dr. Barbon. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Robt. Ridley as Comptroller and Surveyor General of Customs in Maryland loco Nicholas Badcock, deceased: with the usual allowance of salary. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 48.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Sir Robert Hamilton as by an order of reference thereof from the King dated Whitehall, Nov. 9 last [1681]: said petition setting forth that by order of Nov. 9 last [1680] the King suspended several payments in the Irish establishment for one year; among which the salaries of some of the Commissioners of Inspection were ordered to be suspended; petitioner's salary as one of the said Commissioners has been thereby postponed, though he has diligently attended that service whilst there are persons in the list of temporary payments and others who have grants in the nature of pensions, though not inserted in the lists, who execute no trust and yet have not been postponed: therefore prays payment of his salary. Hercon the Treasury Lords report that said petition were best referred to the Duke of Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Out Letters (Ireland) II, pp. 194–5.