Entry Book: August 1681

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: August 1681', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp240-257 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: August 1681', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp240-257.

"Entry Book: August 1681". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp240-257.


August 1681

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Aug. 1. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export, Customs free, of stores as by schedule hereto [missing] shipped by the Navy Commissioners on board the Mauretania Merchant and the Granado Merchant for the service of his Majesty's ships in the Mediterranean under the command of Admiral Herbert. Money Book III, p. 117.
Same to same to permit the export, Customs free, of [? the above] stores shipped by the Admiralty Lords on the Mauritania Merchant, Capt. Tho. Morley commander, and the Granado Merchant, Henry Hudson master, being for the service of the King's ships in the Mediterranean (in the Straits) under Admiral Herbert, including the Bristol, Adventure, Newcastle, Saphire and Kingfisher, the Diamond and James galley. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, pp. 367–70, 371–2.
Appending: schedule of said stores.
Aug. 2. Money warrant for 90l. to Sir John Lethieulier, kt., for one year's interest to 1680, July 1, at 6 per cent. on 1,500l. due to him on an order, No. 41, registered on the fee farms, "which sum was part of 5,000l. registered on the fee farm rents in the name of William Ashburnham, esq., [Cofferer of the Household] and afterwards assigned to the said Sir John Lethieullier." (Money order dated Aug. 3 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 112. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 239.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 60l. to the Company of Royal Fishery of England for half a year to 1680, Sept. 29, on the 20l. per an. per dogger employed by them, the number of such doggers being six, as appears by the certificate of Geo. Elton, Surveyor of the Navigation [Act] and the oath of Benjamin Watson, husband of the said Company. Money Book III, p. 112.
Money warrant for 100,000l. to Nicholas Johnson as imprest for the pay of Guards and Garrisons and contingencies for half a year from 1681, July 1, to Jan. 1 next. (Money order dated Aug. 3 hereon.) Ibid, p. 113. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 238.
Aug 2. Money warrant for 60l. to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for one year to 1680, June 24, on the annuity for the minister of the French church in the Savoy. Money Book III, p. 113.
Treasury warrant to the Treasurer's Remembrancer and the Clerk of the Pipe to pay 22l. 6s. 0d. to John Garland for four years on the rent of 5l. 11s. 6d. issuing out of the manor of Combe and Burrough Marsh, co. Kent, the said Garland having purchased said rent from the Fee Farm Trustees in 1676, but same having been for four years paid to the sheriff of Kent upon process out of the Pipe Office notwithstanding the said conveyance. The said sum is to be paid out of moneys remaining in the hands of any sheriff due to the King for the issues of their office. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 550l. to the Treasurer of the Navy out of Mr. Leyson's loan: same to be for discharging several workmen at Chatham. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 290.
Same to Sir Christopher Wrenn to enquire by what means the stables for the Guards at Hampton Court, or any of them, have been pulled down and converted to other uses. Certify the Treasury Lords the true state of the matter concerning those stables. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,000l. to me [Guy] for secret service: out of the loans made by Mr. Leyson. Disposition Book II, p. 88.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Lady Philadelphia Wentworth, praying a grant of the arrear of 777l. 7s. 7d. due to the King from John Vaughan, formerly a Receiver of Hearthmoney in South Wales; same having been referred to the Treasury Lords May 11 last. Reference Book I, p. 311.
Treasury direction to the Customs Commissioners to observe an order of the King in Council of July 27 all as follows: Out Letters (Customs) VIII, pp. 3–4.
Prefixing, said order made upon the reading of a report, undated, from the Committee for Trade and Foreign Plantations on the petition of the Royal Africa Company for leave to export 5,000lb. weight of cruell to Guinea. In said report the said Committee state that the Attorney General is of opinion that the export of cruell may be permitted, it being in its nature a perfect manufacture as thread and such like and coming not under the denomination of yarn within any of the Acts of Parliament: further that the Customs Commissioners and Treasury Lords have no objections. Hereupon the King in Council orders the desired export to be permitted.
Same to same to observe an order of the King in Council dated Hampton Court, July 21 last. Ibid, p. 4.
Prefixing: said order for the Customs Commissioners to present an account of what quantities of cloth have been exported for three years last past by respectively the East India Company and the Levant Company (or Turkey merchants): and likewise that the Treasury Lords renew their former order to the Customs Commissioners (pursuant to former directions of the Committee of Trade) for an account of the trade of this kingdom and of the Plantations according to the schemes formerly transmitted to them for the last year: and for the like to be done yearly.
Aug. 2. Treasury warrant to John Phillips, Auditor for co. Suffolk etc. to allow 122l. 10s. 7d. to Thomas Goddard in his account as late Receiver of Hearthmoney in co. Suffolk for 2½ years ended 1674, Lady day: all for his industry and expense therein. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 371.
Aug. 4. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to open at Col. Grayhme's at Cary House in Tuttle Street two chests directed to him. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 290.
Same to Sir George Downing, a Teller of the Exchequer. The Treasury Lords direct you to receive back the bill which you threw down [into the Tally Court] for 400l. put into your hands by the sub-collector of Tenths of the diocese of Lichfield and Coventry and to pay back the money to the sub-collector, who is to pay the same to the Countess of Plymouth on her tally of pro. Disposition Book II, p. 88.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to forbear process till next Michaelmas term against John Basire, Receiver General for the last Eighteen Months' and Six Months' Assessments for Westmorland, Cumberland, Durham and Northumberland. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 366.
[?] Entry of [the Treasury Lords' subscription of] the docquet of a demise by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Sir John Molineux, bart. of divers lands and tithes in Wellow, co. Notts, being part of the lands etc. of William Brayleford, outlaw: at the rent of 3s. 4d. per an. and fine of 6s. 8d. Ibid.
Aug. 5. Henry Guy to William Harbord [Surveyor General of Crown Lands]. Prepare for declaration your account of the 2,000l. received for the repair of Richmond Park. Out Letters (General) VI, pp. 292, 294.
The like letter to Sir Evan Lloyd as to the account of the moneys received for repair of Chester Castle.
The like letter to the executors of Sir Anthony St. Leger, late Warden of the Mint, as to the account of the money by him received out of the Coinage duty from 1670, Dec. 20, to 1677, Dec. 20.
The like letter to the executors of Sir William Parkhurst as to the accounts of said Parkhurst and said Sir Anthony St. Leger, late Wardens of the Mint, viz.: of the seigniorage and profits thereof from 1660, April 16, to 1666, Dec. 20
Aug. 6. Money warrant for 273l. to Sir Peter Wyche for a quarter to 1680, Oct. 6, on his ordinary of 3d. a day as Resident with the Hanse Towns. (Money order dated Aug. 8 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 114. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 239.
Same for 455l. to Robt. Visct. Bodmin, for a quarter to Mar. 4 last on his ordinary of 5l. a day as late Envoy Extraordinary to Denmark. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book III, p. 114. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 239.
Same for 910l. to Sir Henry Goodrick for six months to Mar. 10 last on his like ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to the Most Catholic King. (Money order ut supra.) Money Book III, p. 115. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 239.
Aug. 6. Money warrant for 455l. to Phillip Warwick, esq., for three months to Mar. 6 last on his [like] ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to Sweden. (Money order dated Aug. 10 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 115. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 240.
Same for 910l. to Henry Sidney, esq., for six months to April 12 last on his like ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to the States General of the United Provinces. (Money order dated Aug. 22 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 115. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 242.
Same for 2,000l. to James, Duke of Monmouth, as in full of half a year to Christmas last on his annuity or yearly pension of 6,000l. Money Book III, p. 116.
Same for 182l. to Sir Martin Westcombe for three months to 1679, Sept. 23, on his ordinary of 40s. a day as his Majesty's Agent at Cadiz, Port St. Mary and the districts thereof. (Money order dated Aug. 9 hereon.) Ibid, p. 116. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 240.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies of assignment on the Tenths of the dioceses of Oxford, Worcester, Hereford and St. Davids for 250l, to Elizabeth Hamilton for last June 24 quarter on the annuity for her children; and similarly on the dioceses of Chester and Rochester for 125l. for same quarter on the annuity to herself. Money Book III, p. 121.
Same to same for tallies on the Hereditary Excise for 35,000l. to Nathaniel Hornby, of London, goldsmith, in satisfaction [repayment] of so much lent by him to his Majesty, viz. 15,000l. and 5,000l. on June 14 last and 15,000l. on June 17, taking in and vacating the tallies of loan already struck for said sums: and likewise for tallies for 10,000l. to Joseph Hornby, of London, goldsmith, in consideration of his surrender of 600l. per an. out of his banker's annuity: all ut supra, p. 204. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Solicitor General to consider the following paper delivered to the Treasury Lords by the Excise Farmers concerning the security they desire for 40,000l. to be by them advanced for his Majesty's service and to agree with them upon the manner of such security. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 290.
Appending: said paper. We propose to advance 40,000l. in such manner and at such times as his Majesty's occasions shall require after the great seal [for the securing said loan] is passed. For security we desire that from and after 1683, June 24 (and after such time as we shall be satisfied whatever sum our weekly payment [ut supra, pp. 100–1] may happen to exceed our rent and whatever sum our [payments on the head of the Excise] surplus may happen to exceed our allowances and deductions) we may continue to hold and enjoy the revenue of Excise free of rent until we be fully repaid our said 40,000l. Further that during such extension period as above from 1683, June 24, we may enjoy the like allowances as at present for pains, losses, hazards, &c. Further that we be allowed 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. reward. Further that the Excise revenue to arise from and after 1683, June 24, shall not be anticipated or charged or any grant thereof made to any other person until we be repaid our said 40,000l, with interest and gratuity.
Aug. 6. Henry Guy to Mr. Pepys. Prepare for declaration your several accounts as Treasurer of the Garrison of Tangier and of the mole there. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 292.
The like letter to Sir Edward Griffin [Treasurer of the Chamber] concerning his accounts for the years 1672, 1673 and 1674.
Same to Mr. Packer [Paymaster of the Works]. Send forthwith to the Auditors of Imprests the imprest rolls [relating to your accounts] for the years 1670–8, inclusive in order to the preparation of said accounts for declaration. Ibid.
Same to Jon. Spencer, esq., Clerk of the Faculties. The Treasury Lords are satisfied that you have not delivered in any account of the profits of your office of Clerk of the Faculties since Oct. 1663. You are to prosecute same effectively before the Auditors of Imprests so that they may be declared with all speed. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Mountney [former Cashier of the Customs]. Prosecute the passing and declaring of your accounts of the Coinage duty for the years 1676 and 1677. Ibid, p. 293.
The like letter to Mr. Kent [present Cashier of the Customs] as to the like accounts of said duty since Michaelmas, 1677.
The like letter to Sir Denny Ashburnham, Sir Dennis Gawden, Anth. Sturt and Abrah[am] Jaggard, late Victuallers of the Navy, as to their accounts of their Victualling.
The like letter to Sir Dennis Gawden and Sir Benjamin Gauden, late Victuallers of the Navy, as to the Victualling account for the year ended 1670–1, Jan. 1. and their subsequent accounts of same.
The like letter to Sir Josiah Child, Tho. Papillon and the executors of Sir Tho. Littleton, late Victuallers of the Navy, as to their accounts.
The like letter to Major Brett and partners, present Victuallers of the Navy, as to their accounts.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is to be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 88.
To Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
to the Duke of Monmouth 1,000
to the Duke of Southampton 200
to the Duke of Grafton 400
to the Earl of Northumberland 400
And that out of such Excise money as is directed to be paid into the Exchequer the 13th inst. you issue the like sums as in this above list.
Aug. 8. Royal sign manual for 480l. 17s. 9d. to Henry Guy for secret service: without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of July 20 last.(Money warrant dated Aug. 10 hereon. Money order dated Aug. 12 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 212. Money Book III, p. 118. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 240.
Royal warrant to the Treasury Lords to allow 1,200l. to Sir Stephen Fox in his account for the year commencing 1678–9, Jan. 1, as Paymaster of the Forces: same to be for three years at 400l. per an. for the charge he has been at in keeping his accomptants and clerks during the three years 1675–6, Jan., when his former commission as Paymaster of the Forces was terminated, to 1678–9 Jan., when he was restored to that trust, "which he allwayes performed with fidelitie, diligence and greate advantage to our service": he having been put to the said charge of maintaining said clerks etc. by reason that at the time he was dismissed said employment there remained great accompts to be made up by him. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 213.
Aug. 8. Royal sign manual for 217l. 5s. 4d. to Edward Griffin, esq. Treasurer of the Chamber, and for 81l. 15s. 0d. to Nicholas Johnson, esq.: both without account and to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of July 20 last: said sums being due to them for 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. reward on several sums by them advanced for the service of the Office of the Treasurer of the Chamber as by an account thereof allowed by the Treasury Lords July 5 last. (Money warrant dated Aug. 16 hereon. Two separate money orders hereon dated Aug. 22.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 214. Money Book III, p. 122. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 241.
Aug. 18
for ? Aug. 8].
Money warrant for 510l. 18s. 0d. to Charles, Earl of Middleton for a bill of extraordinaries, 1680, June 23, to 1680–1, Jan. 23, as Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor of Germany: said bill being allowed by Secretary Sir Lionel Jenkins April 13 last, except the first two items thereof for fees and charges, which said items are hereby allowed by the Treasury Lords. Money Book III, p. 119. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 241.
Appending: said bill.
l. s. d.
for charge at the [offices of the] Privy Seal [and] Signet 22 0 0
for fees paid at the Exchequer [on the cashing of the money warrant] for 955l. 23 0 0
for several passes from London to Lintz for intelligence and for postages of letters 40 0 0
for bounties to Court servants at my first coming and for New Year's gifts 22 8 0
for mourning for the Elector Palatine, for charges of clothes on St. Leopold's day and christening of the young archduchess and several other extraordinary occasions 253 10 0
for several entertainments 150 0 0
£510 18 0
(Money order dated Aug. 12 hereon.)
Aug. 9. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Cha. Godolphin, esq., of the office of Assaymaster of tin (commonly called Assaymaster of the stannaries) at all coinages of tin within Devon and Cornwall as granted to Tho. Wiseman and his assigns during the natural lives of said Wiseman and Hen. Sweeting, both which persons are now deceased: with the wages or fee of 200l. per an. payable by the Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 212.
Aug. 9. Henry Guy to the Excise Farmers. The Solicitor General has appointed Thursday next at his Chamber for a conference with you as to the security for your 40,000l. loan. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 294.
Same to the Solicitor General. The Four and a Half per cent. duty in Barbados was demised to Rob. Spencer, Sir Cha. Wheeler, John Strode and Geo. Marsh for seven years from 1670, Christmas, at 7,000l. rent. By privy seal dated 1679–80, Mar. 19, the King agreed that in respect of the losses by the Dutch war etc. they should only be accomptants [and not Farmers] for the profits of their farm for the whole term. In pursuance thereof an account of said profits has been drawn up. Hereon the Treasury Lords desire to know your opinion on the following points: (1) whether, if the Farmers or any of them swear to the truth of the account, they shall then be obliged in law to pay to the King the balance remaining on the foot of said account. (2) Whether, if they or any of them refuse so to swear they shall then all or any of them be obliged in law to pay such balance. You may direct Mr. Blathwayte to attend you for your information herein. (To this reference the Plantations' Auditor's Out Letter Book preserves the Attorney General's opinion signed by Sir R. Sawyer, but undated. I am of opinion that only such of the Farmers as shall swear to the account will be obliged to pay the [balance at the] foot of it, for it is but a voluntary account, there being no charge upon record against them as accomptants and therefore will oblige none but those that submit to account. And unless the Farmers submit to account upon oath, as all accounts with the King ought to be upon oath, I conceive the privy seal will not avail them anything, they not submitting to be accomptants in such manner as the law directs, and so the arrears of the farm will stand upon them as a debt upon record for which process may issue if they do not pay in what is adjusted to be the foot of the accompt. Ibid, pp. 294–5. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 85–6.
Aug. 10. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 200l. to Seth, bishop of Sarum, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, being for 1680, Christmas quarter, on the 800l. per an. which has been of late years paid for the 1,200l. per an. for the support of the honour of that Order. Money Book III, p. 118.
Money warrant for 1,600l. to Sir Charles Wheler as a salary for four years to 1674, Christmas, at 400l. per an. for his labour and pains in the management of the Four and a Half per cent. revenue in Barbados: as by the privy seal of 1678–9, Mar. 19: to be satisfied by tallies on Robert Spencer, said Sir C. Wheler and John Strode on their account [as Farmers] of said revenue for the seven years ended 1677, Christmas. (Money order dated Aug. 12 hereon.) Ibid, p. 120. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 241.
Same for 620l. to Bevil Skelton, esq., for 124 days, 1680, Sept. 22, to 1680–1, Jan. 24, as late Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor of Germany: it being certified the 7th inst. by Secretary Sir Leoline Jenkins that said Skelton returned into the King's presence Jan. 24 last. (Money order dated Aug. 12 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 120. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 239.
Aug. 10. Money warrant for 534l. 15s. 0d. to Henry Sidney, Envoy Extraordinary to the States General of the United Provinces, to complete 1,034l. 15s. 10d. for a bill of extraordinaries in that employment whereon 500l. has been already issued to him by order dated 1680, Nov. 8. (Money order dated Aug. 22 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 120. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 242.
The Treasury Lords to Edward Seymour. Your account as Treasurer of the Navy for the year ended 1676, Dec. 31, is ready for declaration, but you do not prosecute same and no other account [of your succeeding years' Navy Treasurership] is delivered to the Auditors of Imprests. Take care for the declaration of the account that is ready and that the subsequent accounts be speedily sent in to the said Auditors; and also that you return answer to the queries made and sent to you by the said Auditors upon your account of moneys received for building the 30 ships of war; so that said account may be perfected and declared. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 295.
Same to the Earl of Yarmouth. You have delivered in no account of the wood farm since 1679, Michaelmas. Let your agent attend the Auditors of Imprests forthwith in order to the preparation of an account. Ibid.
Henry Guy to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue out of the fines and forfeitures of Popish Recusants now remaining in the Exchequer 25l. each to Elianor Sampson and Joane Hurford. Disposition Book II, p. 89.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of the Earl of Clarendon and Mr. Chiffinch praying for Mr. Edmund Chaffin to be their deputy in their place as one of the searchers at Gravesend. Reference Book I, p. 313.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt of the petition of John Rous, close prisoner in the Tower, on a reference from the Privy Council of July 28 last: said petition shewing "that he is unable to bear the great charges there by reason of losses by sea and land and hath great accounts lodged in his hands which concern divers persons and debentures and orders belonging to officers and others, that he has money [due] upon orders in the Exchequer ever since the 23 June according to Act of Parliament, which [money] is stopped: he therefore prays some enlargement and such allowance towards his expences as his Majesty shall think fit." Ibid.
Hereon the Auditor of the Receipt is to certify how the petitioner is interested in the said orders and why the principal and interest is not paid.
Aug. 12. Same to the Agents for Taxes of the letter from John Hartopp to Mr. Guy dated the 9th inst. setting forth that Mr. Clayton will, upon the delivery up of his proposal and Mr. Hartop's release out of prison, give bond for the debt (the arrear due to the King from said Hartopp) and will stay for the privy seal. Ibid. p. 314.
[?] Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Ann Devaughandon [Devuaugondon) shewing that she is one of the poor Protestants of France who by the fury of the persecution there was forced to fly into England: that she used to work point d'Alençon and had provided herself with a small quantity thereof, but by reason of an edict made by the French King strictly forbidding Papists to buy of Protestants she was forced to bring it with her into England, but coming up the river [Thames] to the land the Customs officers seized it: prays that same may be restored to her for her subsistence that she may not be a burden to those among whom she is fled for refuge. Ibid.
Aug. 13. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to determine the payment of all moneys hereafter growing due on the 200l. per an. granted by the patent of 1673–4, Feb. 16, to George Johnson, esq., then one of the Justices of the Counties of Chester, Flint, Denbigh and Montgomery, saving to him all arrears grown due thereon to the end of last Trinity term: all by reason that John Warren of Grays Inn, esq., has been appointed Justice in the said counties in place of said Johnson. Further the said 200l. per an. is hereby to be henceforward paid to said Warren during pleasure quarterly at the last day of every term; the first payment to be made on the last day of next Michaelmas term. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 216.
Aug. 15. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners forwarding two lists desired by them, viz. of persons recommended or referred for employment in the Customs and also the draft of a warrant for a patent to Mr. Randolph. Return both to the Treasury Lords to-morrow afternoon at Sir Stephen Fox's lodging in Whitehall. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 296.
Treasury warrant to the Receiver of Crown Revenues for co. Chester to pay 255l. to Edward Morgan, gent., surveyor of his Majesty's Castle of Chester, for the repair of the prison there which is very defective and in great decay: the Deputy Auditor for said county having certified that these repairs have been usually performed by the Constable or Surveyor and Master Mason of the Castle and always at the charge of the Crown. The said Morgan is to render an account to the Auditor of the County with his vouchers in the accustomed form "who is to attend us [the Treasury Lords] therewith for our approbation." Money Book III, p. 123.
Money order for 100l. to William Wardour, Clerk of the Pells, for one year to June 24 last for attending the Treasury Lords for the dispatch of his Majesty's service. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 240.
Same for 45l. 8s. 4d. to same for same year as well for his attendance in vacation for the dispatch of his Majesty's service incident to his Office [of Clerk of the Pipe] as also in lieu of the sums of 16l. 13s. 4d. and 8l. 15s. 0d. per an. anciently allowed him by tallies of assignment out of the Customs by way of reward. Ibid.
Aug. 16. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Bolitho as land waiter and searcher at Penzance at 20l. per an. and William Penbarthy as landwaiter and searcher at St. Ives at 15l. per. an. all loco Robt. Harry, deceased, who was surveyor of Penzance and had the care of St. Ives, at 35l. per an.: the said Commissioners having in their memorial of the 15th represented that it will be for the King's service to divide said landwaiters. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 5.
Aug. 16. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to repay to the East India Company (Upon receipt of the Customs in ready money on the goods by them imported in the ships Lancaster, Williamson, Johanna, Sampson and Nathaniel lately arrived from the limits of their charter) 6 per cent. per an. discount for the then unexpired residue of the term of six and six months granted them by their charter for payment of their customs. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 5.
Same to same to forthwith pay and allow to Edward Randolph, the collector, surveyor and searcher of customs in New England, 100l. upon account of incidents and 40l. for the charge of a boat and two men to be employed under him in New England for one year, to be computed from the time of his next landing there: all by reason that the Committee of Council for Trade and Plantations reported to the King in Council May 3 last, proposing an addition to the present salary of said Randolph, whereupon the Treasury Lords, considering the great hazard and loss he has already sustained in the execution of his trust and that he is speedily to return thither in the said employment, to think that the abovesaid allowances be made to him instead of an additional salary which the Treasury Lords do not think convenient to be established until some further effects of his service appear. Money Book III, p. 122.
Same to the Receipt to vacate the tally of assignment levied July 7 last for 400l. on the Tenths of the diocese of Lichfield and Coventry due at Christmas 1680, being struck in the name of Peregrine Bertie, Charles Bertie and Charles Osbourne for 1681. Lady day quarter, on the Countess of Plymouth's annuity of 2,000l.: all by reason that the said sum of 400l. was paid into the Exchequer by the collector of said Tenths on July 27 last. In lieu of said tally the said 400l. is hereby to be issued out of the Exchequer by debenture to said payees. Ibid, p. 123.
Money warrant for 1,454l. to the Duke of Southampton on his annuity or pension of 3,000l. Hereof 1,300l. is to be in full of what was due at 1680, Midsummer, and 154l. in part of 1680, Michaelmas quarter. Ibid, p. 124.
Same for 850l. to the Earl of Northumberland on his like annuity, as above. Hereof 750l. is for 1680, Lady day quarter, and 100l. in part of 1680, June 24 quarter. Ibid.
Same for 1,700l. to the Duke of Grafton on his like annuity, as above. Hereof 1,250l. is to be in full of what was due at 1680, Michaelmas, and 450l. in part of 1680, Christmas quarter. Ibid, p. 125.
The Treasury Lords to the Governors etc. of the East India Company. The King's affairs standing in need of ready money we desire you to pay down the Customs on the goods imported by you in the ships lately arrived from India. You shall have 6 per cent. discount for the time unexpired of the six and six months allowed you by your charter for the payment of your Customs. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 296.
Aug. 16. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, out of Mr. Leyson's loan, 480l. 17s. 9d. to me [Guy]: on my order of the 12th inst. for secret service. Disposition Book II, p. 89.
Aug. 17. Money order for 5,000l. to Henry Guy for secret service, without account: upon the privy seal of 1679, June 30: [as the reducement of or in part of or] upon the 20,000l. per an. [by said privy seal]: "and is for half a year ended" 1681, June 24. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 241.
Aug. 18. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners, conveying the Treasury Lords' recommendation for the following presentations, viz. John Hunt, to be surveyor of Rochester loco William Yardley, lately dismissed, Mathew Yarrow to be weighing porter in London port loco Thomas Carter, lately deceased, Thomas Quick to be tidesman at Bristol loco William Parvin, deceased. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 297.
Same to the Ordnance Commissioners to report to the Treasury Lords how the state of the saltpetre stands. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of Excise money which is to be paid into the Exchequer the 20th inst. viz. Disposition Book II, p. 89.
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000
to ditto for offreckonings 2,000
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
to Lord Hatton 500
to Sir Stephen Fox for secret service, which is intended for the Earl of Lichfield 200
to the Duke of Grafton 400
to the Earl of Northumberland 475
to Mris. Gwynne 250
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 908l. 100
and likewise to issue as follows out of Excise money which is to be paid into the Exchequer the 27th of this month, viz.:
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000
to ditto for offreckonings 2,000
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
to the Cofferer of the Household 2,000
Aug. 19. Same to [the Customs Commissioners] to permit "this bearer" William Ford to ship for Tangier five horses with their furniture which the King sends as a present to the Alcayde of Alcazar, "and two other persons to attend them." Out Letters (General) VI, p. 297.
Same to Visct. Falkland [Treasurer of the Navy], to pay Mr. Millanes's (Millinesse's) three bills of exchange out of the [Navy's] weekly money in three weeks, viz. of the two bills for 969l. 8s. 1d. payable Sept. 3rd next, pay one on Sept. 10 and the other on Sept. 17th and the third bill (for 334l. 10s. 3d. due Oct. 3 next) pay it on Oct. 8. Ibid, p. 298.
Aug. 20. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows such Customs money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer for foreign ministers, viz. 1,410l. to Mr. Sidney, 620l. to Mr. Skelton, 510l. 18s. 0d. to Lord Middleton, 910l. to Sir Henry Goodrick, 182l. to Sir Martyn Westcombe, 455l. to Mr. Warwick, 273l. to Sir Peter Wyche, 455l. to Visct. Bodmin, and 1,568l. 2s. 4d. to Mr. Savile. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 298.
Likewise to issue to the Navy for one week on the Navy weekly money 3,000l. out of such Custom money as shall be this week paid into the Exchequer.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt appointing and limiting to Edmund Clerk, of Hungerford Park, co. Berks, Receiver General of the forfeitures of Popish Recusants in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge and Huntingdon, a poundage allowance of 18d. per £ out of all such moneys received and accounted for by him and further an allowance of 30l. to him for each of the said counties as a reward for soliciting and providing for the discovery of the estates of such papists; the same to commence from 1681, June 24, and to be detained by said receiver [out of his receipts] and to be allowed on his accounts. Money Book III, p. 125.
Same to Sir Nicholas Crispe, collector of Customs outwards, London port, to swear the Earl of Clarendon, William Chiffinch and Martin Folkes into office as one of the two searchers at Gravesend, and Edmund Chafin as their deputy. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 373.
Aug. 22. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for delivering to William Hewer seven pieces of painting called 'Raphaels Designs' as security for the sum of 3,000l.: all as follows. Francis Poyntre [sic. for Poyntz], the King's Arras maker, did by the King's command make for the King's service divers curious pieces of tapestry of a considerable value and in order to undergo the charge in making thereof was forced to borrow upon the security of the said hangings from divers persons several sums of money which were afterwards repaid and the hangings redeemed by William Hewer, esq., in whose custody they now are, and lie made over to him [as security] for the sum of 3,000l. due to him from the said Poyntre according to an account adjusted between them on the 24th June, 1680, which the said Poyntre owns to be [a] true [account]. The said Hewer is content to deliver the said hangings into the Great Wardrobe for the King's use upon condition that debentures be thereupon made out by the officers of the Great Wardrobe for 3,000l. as in part of the moneys owing in the said Office by the King to said Pointre and that said debentures be delivered to him, Hewer, to satisfy the 3,000l. due to him from said Pointre, same to be paid at such times and in such proportions as follow; and further that the King would pay 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. more on said 3,000l. from 1680, June 24, till the respective times of payment and upon condition also that in the mean time "certain pieces of painting of ours called 'Raphaell's Designs' be made over and delivered to him, the said William Hewer, for his better security." The King being graciously inclined to condescend to all this, it is hereby ordered that upon Hewer's delivering said hangings into the Great Wardrobe debentures for 3,000l. be made forth, as above, to be payable to Hewer, 500l. thereof Oct. 31 next, 500l. Nov. 30 next, 500l. thereof Dec. 31 next and the remaining 1,500l. on 1682, Dec. 31: and further that 6 per cent. and 2 per cent. interest be paid to Hewer, as above, without account: and further for Hewer's better security the King hereby for him, his heirs and successors, grants, assigns and sets over to said Hewer all those seven pieces of painting called 'Raphael's Designs' now remaining in the custody of William Chiffinch as in the schedule hereto, to hold to him, the said William Hewer, his executors, administrators and assigns, for ever; provided always upon condition that if said 3,000l. and interest as above be fully repaid in manner as aforesaid then this grant of said seven pieces of painting shall be utterly void and the same shall be delivered by said Hewer into the Great Wardrobe. Further the Lord Chamberlain of the Household is hereby to give order to William Chiffinch, or any other person in whose custody said paintings are, to deliver same to said Hewer and is to take sufficient and effectual care that the said designs, whilst they lie for a security to the said Hewer, shall not be embezzled or copied by or for anybody's use. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 218–221, 222.
Appending: schedule of said 'Raphael's Designs.'
No. 1. 'Peter and John at the Beautifull gate of the Temple' (seven slips).
No. 2. 'Serjus Paulus' (six slips).
No. 3. 'The Temple of Diana' (six slips).
No. 4. 'Annanias and Sapphira' (six slips).
No. 5. 'Our Saviour a-fishing' (five slips).
No. 6. 'Our Saviour bidding Peter keep his sheepe' (five slips).
No. 7. 'The heathens sacrificing to Paule' (six slips).
Aug. 23. Royal sign manual for 100l. to Henry Guy for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of July 20 last. (Money warrant dated Aug. 25 hereon. Money order dated Aug. 27 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 217. Money Book III, p. 126. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 242.
Aug. 24. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Col. Henry Hene, shewing that he was granted a tidewaiter's place, but being crazy himself, his place was executed for him by Henry Heyne, a kinsman, but is advised that his kinsman cannot execute the place longer without another warrant from the Treasury. Prays such a warrant. Reference Book I, p. 315.
Same to the Attorney General of the following case of his Majesty's house and stables at Lindhurst in New Forest [as represented by way of petition from the Marquess of Winchester]. Ibid, pp. 315–6.
King James by patent granted the care and custody of said house etc. with a salary for repairs thereof and with lands therein mentioned to Mr. Chamberleyne for lives, and necessary fuel wood was allowed for the use of said house. Mr. Chamberleyne sold the said lease to Mr. White, who sold it to Mr. Rodney. Said Rodney obtained a new lease from the King for 31 years in reversion. At his death his son sold the remainder of said term to the now Marquess of Winchester, reserving the other lands mentioned in the said lease to himself. The said Marquess obtained a new lease from the King [Charles II] and grants to Rodney all the other lands mentioned therein, reserving the custody of the said house and stables to himself which the said Marquess assigned to the Earl of Bath. The said Earl of Bath granted a lease to Ferdinando Knapman for a certain term. The present Lord Warden [of New Forest] pretended a title to the said house quatenus Lord Warden, which no Lord Warden ever had but only the use thereof during the time of buck hunting. This pretence came to a hearing before the Treasury Lords who moved the King in it to know his pleasure, who ordered that it should be confirmed to the Marquess in statu quo prius according to his patent. The fuel wood was not then pretended to by the present Lord Warden, but if it had the Marquess is advised that it ought to go along with the house and was at first granted for the use of the house and so from time to time has been employed upon the premises only and not elsewhere. The present Lord Warden may have the use of the house in buck hunting time every year if he pleases and the use of the fuel wood upon the place, but the Marquess is advised that it [said fuel] ought not to be spent in any other. The Marquess's patent does not express the fuel wood, but according to the general words of the grant there has from time to time been a certain quantity allowed for the use of the King's house [of Lindhurst]. At the hearing the Treasury Lords ordered payment of the salary of 70l. per an. for repairs of the house and stables and it is hoped [by the said Marquess] that they will allow the ancient quantity of fuel wood for the use of said house as formerly.
Aug. 24. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Tho. Sands, merchant (as by a reference dated Hampton Court, July 14, from the King): said petition shewing that by an Order of Council of 1678, May 24, grounded upon Treasurer Danby's report petitioner should [be free to] ship from Virginia 580 hogshead of tobacco, impost free, as in lieu of the like quantity taken by the Dutch; of which order petitioner has had no benefit "through the Lord Colepeper's means", whereupon a further order was granted 1679, Oct. 24, that Lord Colepeper should be served with said order and should return answer to petitioner's complaint. But to this day no answer has been given. As this matter has passed the examination of the Council in Virginia, the Customs Commissioners and Treasurer Danby, petitioner prays a final and positive order to the Governor and Council of Virginia for their obedience to said order. Reference Book I, p. 317.
Aug. 25. Royal signet and sign manual to Lemuell Kingdon [late Paymaster of the Forces] to pay (out of moneys for the Forces raised for the support of the King's alliances and for the contingencies of the Army) 1,636l. 13s. 6¾d. to Sir Robt. Holmes, kt., Captain and Governor of the forts and castles in the Isle of Wight, he having paid and disbursed several sums for the King's service in said island. Said sum is hereby to be allowed in said Kingdon's account for the pay of the said new raised Forces. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 217.
Money warrant for 50l. to William Chiffinch for 1679, Christmas quarter, on his annuity of 200l. Money Book III, p. 126.
Aug. 25. Money warrant for 375l. to Sir William Scroggs for 1681, Trinity term, on his annuity or yearly pension of 1,500l. Money Book III, p. 126.
Same for 910l. to Henry Savile for six months to May 25 last on his ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to France. (Money order dated Aug. 29 hereon.) Ibid, p. 127. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 242.
Same for 685l. 2s. 4d. to same for a bill of extraordinaries 1680, May 23, to 1681, May 23, as same; said bill being allowed May 16 [sic] last by Sir Leoline Jenkins, one of the Secretaries of State. (Money order dated Aug. 29 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 127. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 243.
Henry Guy to Visct. Falkland [Treasurer of the Navy]. The Treasury Lords desire you to make weekly certificates of your receipts and payments for the Navy and of your remains in cash and to send the same constantly to the Treasury: the first certificate to begin from your admission into your office. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 299.
Same to same. The Treasury Lords have ordered 1,000l. to be issued to you this week and 1,500l. next week. Hereof you are to apply 2,000l. for buying hemp for the rope yards at Chatham and Woolwich and 500l. for the iron work for the first rate ship now building at Chatham. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Brisbane to acquaint the Admiralty Lords as to the disposition of the 2,500l. ut supra. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the abovesaid 2,500l. for uses ut supra. Ibid, p. 300.
[?] The Treasury Lords to Sir Tho. Player, forwarding an order for him to pay out of the public money in his custody [being the remains of moneys paid to him towards the disbanding the new raised Forces] 2,400l. to the Treasury Lords on their appointment, to be applied towards the redemption of 60 seamen at Macconess [Mequinez] in the territory of the Emperor of Morocco. Pay the same to Mr. C. Duncomb for the said use. Ibid, p. 299.
Aug. 25. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. The King has ordered Oliver Hawley's pardon to be passed. Your solicitor is to pass same at the King's charge. Ibid.
Same to same forwarding for report the petition of George Talbot for the office of one of the surveyors of London port, void by the death of Mr. Fownes, several persons having applied for same, but petitioner being recommended in an especial manner. Reference Book I, p. 317.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of—Wainwright for a tidewaiter's place. Ibid, p. 318.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Durham as a noontender in London port loco John Hampton, lately deceased. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 6.
Abraham Peters as a coastwaiter, ibid. loco Robert Glegg, lately dismissed.
James Pashley as waiter at Romney loco Mark Thomas, lately deceased.
William Gwynn (an extraordinary tidesman London port) as a tidesman in fee, ibid. loco James Simpson, lately deceased.
Allen Ford as a watchman London port loco Henry Adman.
Edward Edwards (an extraordinary tidesman, London port) as a tidesman in fee, ibid. loco William Hollister, lately dismissed.
Stephen Jones (a same ibid.) as a same ibid. loco John Jonnery, lately dismissed.
George Cock as commander of the Severn smack loco Robert Aldus, who has relinquished same. In the margin: cancelled 4 Sept., 1682.
Henry Riccards as boatman London port loco Symon Gill, lately dismissed.
William Rosser as boatman, Bristol loco Edward Clarke, who has relinquished same. In the margin: cancelled 12 Feb., 1681–2.
Thomas Farnaby as waiter at the Pill in Milford port loco Phillip Smith, lately dismissed.
Thomas Bayly as waiter at Dale in Milford port loco John Revel, lately dismissed.
Aug. 25. Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for a commission to pass the seal of the Exchequer Court to the following persons to set out, assign and appoint the open places, quays and wharves in the ports of Carlisle and Whitehaven, a member of Carlisle port: viz. Sir Christopher Musgrave, kt., William Kirkby, William Christian, Customer of Carlisle, Mathew Miller, Comptroller there, Thomas Addison, searcher there, John Lamplugh, Richard Patrickson, William Musgrave and Thomas Tickle. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 7.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit the baggage of Lord Chandos, Ambassador to the Grand Signior, to be shipped, customs free, on board the Ann for Constantinople. Ibid, pp. 7–9.
Appending: schedule of said goods: (including chymist instruments, globes, mathematical instruments).
Same to same to deliver to Francis Amouct [sic for Amonet] customs free, about 700 ounces of plate belonging to him, he being a Protestant of France fled hither with his family, the duty on said plate being about 7l. but if it had come in battered it would have come in free as bullion. Ibid, p. 9.
Aug. 26. Report to [? the Privy Council] from the Treasury Lords on the petition and papers of Donogh, Earl of Clancarty, "whereof copies were delivered unto us in the month of July last pursuant to your Lordships' order of the 28th of Feb. before." We have seen the reports thereon from the Vice Treasurer of Ireland and the Attorney General of England. We think it not for his Majesty's service to make any abatement of quit rent from the lands mentioned in the petition; but as to the settlement of the arrears of 3,000l. and all other matters proposed by the Attorney General in his report of July 26 last we have nothing to object. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 1.
Money warrant for 100l. to Lady Ann Windham for 1680, Christmas quarter, on her annuity or pension. Money Book III, p. 129.
Aug. 27. Treasury recommendation to the Customs Commissioners of Thomas Morgan's petition for a tidesman's place. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 9.
R[obert] S[quibb] to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 100l. to Mr. Guy for secret service out of Mr. Leyson's loan now remaining in the Exchequer; 100l. to Lady Windham out of fines and forfeitures of Popish Recusants; 375l. to Sir William Scroggs out of Customs money to be paid in for that purpose. Disposition Book II, p. 90.
Robert Squibb, in the absence of Henry Guy [Secretary to the Treasury], to the Customs Cashier to pay 375l. of Customs money into the Exchequer next week for Sir William Scroggs. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 300.
William Lownds, in the absence of Henry Guy, ut supra, to the Ordnance Commissioners putting them in mind of making a new body of instructions to regulate the Office of Ordnance which the Treasury Lords "long since recommended to you." Present these to my Lords at their first meeting after Michaelmas. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to forthwith send to the Treasury Lords the copies of such orders or instructions as have formerly been given [to you] to take care of health in the times of plague or infection in foreign parts. Propose whatever you think convenient to be added thereto. Ibid, p. 301.
Same to same to examine the fitness of Nicholas Fownes for the place of land surveyor, void by the death of his father, he being particularly recommended to the Treasury Lords. Ibid.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners to forthwith pay into the Exchequer 500l. which you had in your hands of the King's money the 1st inst. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. Peruse the enclosed paper [missing] presented to the Treasury Lords by the Treasurer of the Ordnance and certify my Lords what moneys remain unsatisfied on the privy seals or order[s] therein. Ibid, p. 302.
Same to the bishop of Bath and Wells. Visct. Hyde communicated to the Treasury Lords at their meeting on Saturday last your desires relating to the demand made upon you by the Band of Pensioners. It is not my Lords' intention that you should be troubled with process for that money; and as care will be taken for you in that particular so my Lords expect you will take care to pay it off in convenient time. Ibid.
Aug. 30. Privy seal for Treasury directions to Sir Gilbert Talbot, Master of the Jewel House, to discharge Lawrence, Visct. Hyde, of the 5,893 ounces of white plate and 1,066 ounces of gilt plate which were delivered out of the Jewel House to him, being then Lawrence Hyde, esq., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for the Treaty of Peace at Nymuegen: the delivery thereof being certified by Walter Brydall, gent., Clerk of the Jewel House, and being authorised by the Lord Chamberlain's warrant of 1677, July 11: the King being pleased to grant said plate to said Hyde as of the royal bounty and in consideration of said Hyde's many faithful and acceptable services. His receipts for same are hereby to be delivered up. (Royal warrant dated July 7 for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 200, 243.
Aug. 30. Privy seal for 1,500l. to Richard, Visct. Lumley, Master of the Horse to the Queen: as imprest for buying horses, mares or geldings for the Queen. (Royal warrant dated Aug. 8 for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 215.