Entry Book: July 1681, 21-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: July 1681, 21-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp233-240 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1681, 21-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp233-240.

"Entry Book: July 1681, 21-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp233-240.


July 1681

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June [sic

for July]
Treasury reference to Mr. Burton of the case of William Tindall, together with William Middleton's petition and the state of Mr. [James] Collins's account: the said Tindall being one of the securities of James Collins, late Receiver of Hearthmoney in the West Riding and city of York: said Tindall shewing [in his petition] that Mr. Heber, one of the [said Collins's] securities is discharged [from his bond] by privy seal, that Sir Roger Bradshaw had 1,000l. granted out of Collins's arrear of 2,481l. 5s. 4½d. which 1,000l. the said Tindal paid by which he is undone and has lain two years in prison, being prosecuted for the remainder of the debt which is about 1,500l. [against which] Collins has pretensions to allowances of 1,590l. 7s. 3d.: further that Watkins, another of the said securities is dead insolvent, and Lodge another of them is likewise insolvent, and Collins the Receiver is broken and fled many years ago. Reference Book I, p. 304.
July 22. John Wade of Halsted, Essex, was fined 100l. in the King's Bench last Trinity term for perjury. On behalf of the Farmers of Greenwax arising in the Duchy of Lancaster, Joseph Hornby of Furnival's Inn prays that, till he be heard, no grant of said fine may pass to John Sewell or any other. Cavcat Book, p. 14.
July 25. Treasury reference to Mr. Pemberton of the petition of George Lone, shewing that he has been lately convicted of Recusancy upon the statute for 20l. a month for seven months at the sessions in the Old Bailey, London, before he had any notice of his being prosecuted there: that he does conforme and several times within this month has been at church and divine service both in Kent and at St. Clements Danes in Middlesex, and will produce a certificate thereof from Dr. Hesket as also of his receiving the sacrament. Prays time for the bringing in such certificates and that meanwhile the sheriff of Kent may keep in his hands and afterwards restore such goods and money as he has levied [on petitioner]. Reference Book I, p. 305.
Same to the Customs Commissioners (on a reference from the King of June 23 last) of the petition of Matthew Gripp, praying restoration as a tidewaiter, having been dismissed on a misinformation. Ibid, p. 307.
July 25. Mr. Henry Fanshaw desires that no alteration be made in the Commission of Appeals [in Excise] till he be first heard. Caveat Book, p. 14.
Aron Pengry desires that no pardon pass to John Wade or any other persons of a fine of 100l. set upon John Wade, ut supra, p. 233, till he be heard on behalf of John Sewell. Notice to be given to Mr. Pengry at the Petty Bag Office in Chancery Lane. Ibid.
July 26. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay the 1681, June 24 quarter's salary bill of the Customs [London port]. (Total, 5,228l. 10s. 9d.) Money Book III, p. 108.
Money warrant for 62l. 12s. 6d. to John Abell for 1½ years and 24 days to 1680, Christmas, on his fee or salary of 40l. per an. as one of the musicians to his Majesty. Ibid.
Same for 25l. each to Eleanor Sampson and Joan Hereford for half a year to 1679, June 24, on their annuity or yearly pension of 50l. each for good services in the King's escape after Worcester fight. Ibid.
Same for 26l. 13s. 4d. to Francis Sandford for one year to 1680, Sept. 29, on his fee as Lancaster Herald at Arms. Ibid, p. 109.
Same for 100l. to Phillip Packer, Paymaster of the Works; to be by him paid over to Leonard Gurle, his Majesty's gardener, for his wages for keeping his Majesty's garden in St. James's Park; 40l. thereof being to complete the half year ended 1679, Christmas, and 60l. in part of 1680, June 24 half year. (Money order dated July 28 hereon.) Ibid, p. 109. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 237.
Same for 1,500l. to Henry Sidney, as Gentleman and Master of the Robes, 1,350l. thereof as imprest for the Robes (of which 900l. is to complete the allowance for said Office for the half year to 1680, Lady day, and 450l. as in part of the succeeding half year); and 150l. thereof to said Sidney without account; 100l. thereof to complete said [1680, Lady day] half year and 50l. in part of the subsequent half year. (Money order dated Sept. 6 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 110. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 248.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to forbear process till Michaelmas term next against James Penis (Pevens) late master of the St. Jacob, of London, upon his bond entered into with Robert Wetwange in 1676 for the delivery of 128 chaldron of coals upon the coast. Money Book, p. 110.
Money warrant for 4,027l. to William Hewer, Treasurer of the garrison of Tangier, as imprest in further part of the 1680, Sept. 29 quarter on the 57,200l. per an. for the service of Tangier garrison and mole; (there having been previously paid 91l. 10s. 5½d. in part of said quarter): to be satisfied out of moneys remaining in the Exchequer out of loans made by Tho. Leyson, gent. Said money is to be applied as follows, viz.: 2,259l. for the Victuallers of Tangier, and 1,758l. to satisfy three bills of exchange drawn from Tangier. (Money order dated July 27 hereon.) Ibid, p. 111. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 236.
July 26. Treasury warrant to Marke Trowts, esq., Receiver General of Crown revenues, co. Kent, to pay 30l. to Sybill Donn, executrix of Capt. George Elsmore, a Coldstreamer, being due to him for three years to 1680, Sept. 29, on the rent of 10l. per an. issuing out of a pasture called Warden Downe, near Dover: the said Elsmore having died 1680, Oct. 22. Money Book III, p. 111.
Same to the Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall to pay such sum not exceeding 40l. as shall be laid out by Andrew Cory, gent., Comptroller of his Majesty's coinages of tin in Cornwall and Devon for three hammers to be speedily made and sent down for the coinages of tin in the said county: the said Cory having petitioned for same as the present hammers are so much defaced and worn out and the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] having reported that in 1668 the Receiver General of said Duchy was allowed 40l. for so much paid by him to John Ward, gent., then messenger of the said Duchy, for providing three such hammers. Ibid, p. 117.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 86.
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000
ditto for offreckonings 2,000
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
to the Cofferer of the Household 2,000
Same to same. The three items of 345l. of Wine Licence money, 236l. 10s. 0d. of Hearthmoney and 11,361l. 5s. 6d. of Mr. Leyson's loan (making in all 11,942l. 15s. 6d.) are to be issued as follows, viz.: Ibid, p. 87.
l. s. d.
to Mr. Johnson for the castles [the Cinque port garrisons] 1,222 15 0
ditto for Jamaica 600 0 0
to Mr. Legouch, the King's Jeweller 400 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 220 0 0
to Mr. Warner 75 4 9
to the messengers of the Exchequer Court 326 13 4
to Mr. Packer for Capt. Gurle 100 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for the huntsmen 329 12 10
to Mr. Smith and Mr. Thornebury, serjeants at arms 50 3 9
to Mr. Abell, one of the King's musicians 62 12 6
to Mr. Sandford, one of the Heralds 26 13 4
to the Duke of Newcastle 100 0 0
to Eton College 42 0 0
to the Lord Privy Seal 360 0 0
to [the Paymaster of] Tangier [on the garrison's] ordinary 4,027 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Victuallers 4,000 0 0
£11,942 15 6
[?] Same to Edward Griffin, esq. [Treasurer of the Chamber], to apply the above item of 329l. 12s. 10d. as follows, viz.: Ibid.
l. s. d.
to Mr. Bremeh, the King's serjeant huntsman 100 0 0
to Edward Saxby, yeoman [huntsman] 48 7 4
to the huntsmen whose names have been signified to you by Mr. Guy [erased] Cary 181 5 6
£329 12 10
July 26. Treasury reference to the Attorney General of the petition of Mr. Brunskell, Surveyor of the Greenwax, proposing to the Treasury Lords methods for the due answering of the casual revenue, grounded upon several Acts of Parliament and precedents. Reference Book 1, p. 308.
Same to same of a proposal as follows for the farm of the First Fruits and Tenths from Christmas last for 11 years at 16,000l. per an. payable by half yearly payments before the end of every Michaelmas and Trinity term: the proposer to pay down [an advance of a year's rent, viz.] 10,000l. [immediately on the lease passing the great seal] and the other 6,000l. within a month after: interest of _ per cent. to be allowed the proposer on such advance money. For reducing it into certainty the proposer will expect none but what are reasonable clauses and agreements: to reduce the rent to monthly payments: this medium of rent [16,000l. per an.] is for 20 years past, but they [the proposers] will submit to any [medium or average] for 40 years if the Treasury Lords think fit. Ibid.
Same to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Henry, earl of St. Albans, (on a reference thereof from the King dated Hampton Court, July 14): said petitioner shewing that he is possessed of a messuage or house now in the tenure of Francis Gaultier and of four little tenements thereto adjoining (built on or near where the Tennis Court sometime stood) for the remainder of an 80 year term granted 1631, Aug. 12, to Thomas Hooker, gent., commencing 1648, Lady day, and also for the term of 20 years thereafter as granted 1674, Sept. 10, thus leaving 67 years still to run in petitioner: likewise that he is possessed of the manor or bailiwick of St. James's and the soil thereof for the remainder of a term of 21 years expiring at Michaelmas next and for 10 years commencing from that date by two several grants dated 1660, Mar. 27 and 28, made by the Queen Mother and her trustees to John Hervey, esq., and Sir John Coell in trust for petitioner and for the further term of 20 years thereafter by grant dated 1674, Sept. 10 from the King, thus leaving petitioner possessed of 30 years to come therein from Michaelmas next: further that there is a small piece of ground belonging to the first mentioned premises on the west side thereof next St. James's Gate unbuilt which was a place only to receive dirt and dung offensive to St. James's Palace, and that petitioner having the soil adjacent to it for 30 years to come, pulled down part of the said Tennis Court house and erected in the place thereof and on the said small piece of ground a fair mansion house and extended the same upon the adjacent wall of the said bailiwick [by] 18 foot in depth and 30 foot in length: that in the said new erected house petitioner has 67 years to come in some part thereof and only 30 years in other part thereof: therefore prays a further grant for 37 years in so much of the said house as he has only 30 years to run. Ibid, pp. 309–10.
[? July 26.] Treasury reference to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Philip Howard for a term of 10 years or more in a piece of ground called Well Close and other wastes and tenements in the manor of East Smithfield: he having lately petitioned for 99 years therein after the expiration of Sir Herbert Price's lease: but the Treasury Lords being unwilling to grant so long a term. The said close is a fit place to erect a brewhouse and other tenements to the great comfort of the King's seafaring subjects and to the increase of the revenue of Excise. Prays a grant for 10 years or more exclusive of the former lease as a reasonable encouragement for such building. Reference Book I, p. 310.
Hereon the referee is to certify the value of a 40 years' lease in reversion of the term in being.
July 26. Same to Auditor Stephens of the account of [6 per cent.] interest and [4 per cent.] gratuity, made up half-yearly, on the 13,000l. lent into the Exchequer by the Hearthmoney [Farmers or] managers, viz. from the respective days of the advance to 1682, Sept. 19. (Total interest and gratuity, 1,655l. 1s. 5d.) Ibid, p. 311.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the landing Customs free of the equipage and baggage of the Prince of Orange and his train when it shall arrive: except the wine (which is to pay Custom) or any goods prohibited by the late Poll Act. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 3.
Same to the King's Remembrancer to supersede process against Devoreux Browne who is in custody as surety for Henry Bowen to answer the appraised value of the ship Recovery of Milford and her lading of tobacco which were seized by Robert Chambers for unloading tobacco in Ireland contrary to law and have been condemned in the Exchequer: it appearing that the said Devereux Browne is poor and an object of compassion in regard of his loyalty in the late times of rebellion. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII. p. 361.
Same to same to forbear process until Michaelmas term next against William Bowles, esq., Master of his Majesty's Tents, Hales and Pavilions. Ibid, p. 362.
Same to the Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall to pay 80l. 10s. 0d. to Andrew Cory, gent. keeper of the gaol or prison of Lostwithiel: on account for the repair thereof, the mayor etc. of said town having certified said prison to be very ruinous and much in decay, by reason whereof divers prisoners have lately gotten out and run away: it appearing from the report of the Auditor of said Duchy that said repairs have been usually made at his Majesty's charge. Ibid.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords (as by an order of reference thereof from the King dated Whitehall, April 27 last) on the petition of Dame Ann Windham praying that the pension of 400l. per an. to her for her concealing his Majesty in her house after Worcester fight may be settled as a provision for her two daughters Rachel and Fra. Windham. Ibid.
In regard of petitioner's services we think her request may be granted.
July 26. Henry Guy to the Auditors of Imprests to hasten Mr. Burton's account for declaration against the next meeting of the Treasury Lords. In the margin: [delivered] to Mr. Tyre. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 288.
The Treasury Lords [to the King's Remembrancer] to discharge, upon record by a rule of Court, Matthew Maganley, painter, from the recognizance of 250l. entered into by him for the appearance of John Smyth, he having brought said Smyth into court, but Smyth departed without licence and is since dead; the King having on said Maganley's petition commanded him to have such relief as is agreeable to equity and to the mercy usually extended by the King in cases of the like nature. Ibid, p. 289.
Money order for 607l. 17s. 4d. to Anthony, Visct. Falkland, Treasurer of the Navy, as upon accompt, and in further part of 58,400l. for building the hulls, masts and yards of four ships of war to complete the 30 new ships: as by the privy seal of 1678–9. Mar. 19. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 237.
July 27. Henry Guy to the Excise Farmers to prepare a draft warrant for the King's signature pursuant to the new agreement between the Treasury Lords and you concerning the 40,000l. Send it to my house on Saturday morning next. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 289.
Money order for 390l. 19s. 4½d. to John Walker, Usher of the Exchequer Court, for necessaries delivered to the officers of said Court in Trinity term last and for 137 days' diet (1680–1, Mar. 12, to 1681, July 27) at 5d. a day to him as Usher. Order Book, XXXVIII, p. 236.
July 28. Same for 1,500l. to Henry Sidney for the Robes as by the money warrant of 1680, Dec. 23 (supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, p. 780), being 1,000l. to complete 1679, Michaelmas half-year and 500l. in part of 1680, Lady day half-year for the Robes. Hereof 1,350l. is to be for the service of the Office of the Robes and to be on accompt; the remaining 150l. to be for said Sidney's own use without account. Ibid, p. 237.
Royal sign manual for 220l. to Henry Guy for secret service without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of the 20th inst. (Money warrant dated Aug. 2 hereon. Money order dated Aug. 3 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 211. Money Book III, p. 112. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 238.
Same for 1,000l. to same for same: to be issued on same privy seal dormant. (Money warrant dated Aug. 2 hereon. Money order dated Aug. 3 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 211. Money Book III, p. 112. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 238.
July 30
[? erratum
for July 13].
Money warrant for 750l. to Sir Thomas Armstrong for 1½ years to 1680, June 24, on his annuity. Money Book III, p. 106.
[? July.] Unsigned report [from the Treasury Lords] to the King on the account of Col. John Strode as Farmer of the Four and a Half per cent. duty in the Leeward Islands for seven years from 1670, Dec. 25, to 1677, Dec. 25. We find the said account to be as follows:— Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 81–4.
l. s. d.
seven years' rent at 700l. per an 4,900 0 0
defalcations we think fit to allow him pursuant to his covenants 2,070 13 11½
remains due to the King £2,829 6
But the said Farmer makes further demands of defalcations to the amount of 2,083l. 4s. 11d. which we see no reason for allowing him. The particulars of all his demands are as follows: (1) 1,256l. 10s. 6d. claimed for short entries of goods occasioned by the refusal of the inhabitants in those islands to weigh their cask at the public scales. We referred this demand to Sir George Downing, Col. Bayer and Capt. William Freeman, the latter two being merchants of the city of London trading to the Leeward Isles. They have examined Strode's pretences and received what he had to offer thereon and in their report they have advised an allowance of 875l. 18s. 11d. This allowance we have ordered, thus leaving 380l. 11s. 6½d. disallowed on this first item. (Marginal memorandum: Sir William Stapleton, Governor of the Leeward Islands in a letter to Mr. Blathwayt dated April 24 last says that if there were any short entries it was the fault of the Farmer's officers or of Sir Charles Wheler, co-Farmer during his government: that during the government of Sir William Stapleton he never refused to cause sugars to be weighed.)
(2) Col. Strode demands an allowance of three years' release of the duty in St. Christophers [same having been] granted by your Majesty to that island from 1672, Mar. 25, to 1675, Mar. 25, in consideration of the poverty the planters were then in. On reference to the abovesaid referees they advise an allowance of 600l. on this head, "being well assured of their certain knowledge or otherwise that St. Christophers, being then newly delivered up by the French and not well re-settled by the English, did produce much less those three years than it did the year following." We have accordingly allowed said 600l. But the said Farmer making a further demand of 779l. 14s. 4d. upon this head, we think fit to represent same to your Majesty, observing withal that Col. Strode grounds his demand on the following year's collection, which he swears amounted to 459l. 18s. 2d., without making any deduction for the 123l. charge he was at in the collecting and managing thereof in that year. For the three former years his charge of collection would therefore have been 369l. in case your Majesty had not granted the said release. (Marginal memorandum: Sir William Stapleton further writes that the value of this duty in St. Christophers amounted but to 100l. per an. for those three years: that if the fourth year there was received 459l. it was by the Governor's permitting French sugars to be brought through the English ground, to which [duty] the Farmer had no right.)
(3) The Farmer demands 147l. pursuant to his covenants for seven years' interest on 350l. advanced by him. But we find that the interest was to be allowed in case the tally [of his loan of said 350l.] had been struck at the sealing of his [farm] indenture; whereas the tally is dated 1671, Oct. 7, which is 10 months after the farm commenced. Further the Farmer always retained a great part of the yearly rent in his own hands, as may appear by the foot of his accompt. We cannot represent the interest as strictly due to him, but submit the matter to your Majesty.
(4) The Farmer craves 472l. 19s. 0d. for loss sustained by the war, which is certified on oath by the officers of the farm only or by a bill of lading except the loss of the ship Laurell, wherein the Farmer is concerned [to the extent of] 187l. It is certified by Mr. Mortimer, a merchant, that she was taken by the Dutch in April, 1674. We have therefore allowed said 187l., but not the remaining 285l. 19s. 0d.
(5) Col. Strode craves allowance of 490l. which Sir Charles Wheeler drew upon him by bill of exchange for your Majesty's service by virtue of a privy seal. But we do not allow it, because it is not yet paid or answered by the Farmer.