Entry Book: April 1681, 16-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: April 1681, 16-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp108-114 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: April 1681, 16-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp108-114.

"Entry Book: April 1681, 16-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp108-114.


April 1681

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 16. Money warrant for 375l. to John, Earl of Radnor, President of the Privy Council. for 1681, Lady day quarter, on his allowance of 1,000 per an. in lieu of diet and allowance of 500l. per an. as royal bounty. (Money order dated April 18 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 23. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 207.
Money warrant for 25l. each to Sir Edward Lowe, Sir Timothy Baldwyn, Sir Lacon William Child, Sir Jon. Hoskins, Sir Samuell Clarke, Sir Miles Cooke, Sir Jon. Francklyn, Sir Thomas Estcourt, Sir Jon. Coell, Sir William Beversham, Sir Adam Oately, kts., the eleven Masters in Chancery, for 1680, Christmas quarter, on their salaries or allowances of 100l. per an. each. (Money order dated April 26 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 23. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 215.
Same for 25l. each to Sir Charles Cotterell, Sir William Glascock, Thomas Povey, for 1679, Christmas quarter, and William Fanshaw for 1680, Michaelmas quarter, as Master of Requests. Money Book III, p. 23.
Same for 250l. each to the following judges for 1680, Hilary term, on their salaries of 1,000l. per an.: viz., Sir Francis North, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas; Sir Hugh Windham, Sir Job Charlton, Sir Creswell Levines, Justices of Common Pleas; Sir William Scroggs, late Chief Justice of the King's Bench; Sir William Dolben, Sir Tho. Jones, Sir Thomas Raymond, Justices of the King's Bench; William Montague, Chief Baron of the Exchequer; Sir Edward Atkins, Sir William Gregory, and (the executors of the late) Sir Richard Weston, Barons of the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 24.
Same for 125l. to Sir George Jefferys for 1680 Hilary term, on his salary of 500l. per an. as a Justice of the City of Chester. Ibid.
Same for 50l. to Geo. Johnson for same on his same of 200l. per an. as a same. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of John Stone's petition, shewing that for three years he has travelled night and day through all the districts of that fort [? Bristol] and made many seizures of prohibited French goods, especially wine and linen, and has been much abused and thrown in prison. Prays for a landwaiter's place in Bristol port. Reference Book I, p. 248.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt. The list for the item of 2,000l. as in the letter of disposition of the 12th inst., supra, p. 103, is to be as follows, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 57.
to Sir Stephen Fox for the Earl of Sussex 900
ditto for the Earl of Lichfield 200
to me [Guy] for secret service 900
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ William Jeanes as tidesman and boatman at Boston loco Samuel Long, lately deceased. Out Letters (Customs) V, pp. 325, 326;
Thomas Robinson as boatman of Bristol loco Henry Charleton, who has relinquished same.
Edward Clerke as same ibid. loco Richard Hopkins, lately dismissed. (In the margin: cancelled 1681–2, Feb. 12.)
John Williams as waiter and searcher at Haverford West loco Francis Bowen; with the additional fee of 3l. per an. to make his salary 8l. per an.
John Higgs as a watchman. London port loco William Salvin, lately dismissed.
Christopher Leech as waiter and searcher from Huttoft to Wainfleet in Boston port, loco John Rowell, who has relinquished same.
John Imber as waiter and searcher at Christchurch loco Henry Rogers, lately dismissed.
Gilbert Taylor as weighing porter in Bristol port loco William Hollins, lately dismissed.
Thomas Taylor as waiter and searcher at Romney loco Marke Thomas, lately deceased.
Edward Symms as waterman at Bristol loco John Charles, deceased.
Tobias Cawley as waiter and searcher at Sidmouth loco Tobias Cawley, his father, lately deceased.
April 16. Henry Guy to Mr. Parry, forwarding Mr. Fanshaw's letter of 17–27 Mar. last, together with your own report of the 13th inst. Draw an answer for the Treasury Lords upon the whole matter. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 227.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to present John Imber as waiter and searcher at Christchurch, and Mr. king as officer at Lymington. Ibid.
Same to same, forwarding for report a proposal [missing]. Ibid, p. 228.
Same to Mr. Brisbane to acquaint the Admiralty Lords that by this day week two weeks of the Navy's weekly money will be paid to the Treasurer of the Navy. The Treasury Lords desire that the Swallow and the Leopard may be paid off, and that the Woolwich may remain till further provision be made for her. Ibid.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the Earl of Ranelagh's petition: said petition setting forth that by a patent under the great seal of Ireland dated 1675, Dec. 18, said Earl was granted several houses and lands in Athlone and liberties thereof, being forfeited to the King by the late Acts of Settlement and Explanation, some of which formerly belonged to George Devenish, gent.; that the said houses and lands now belonging to him are in the possession of Thomas FitzGerald by virtue of an extent upon a statute staple of 800l. in the year 1629 acknowledged by said Devenish to Thomas Allen and since assigned to said FitzGerald; that in regard doubt may arise whether the said houses and lands lying within the corporation may not be part of the security set apart by the said Acts for satisfaction of the arrears of the commission officers serving before 1649, June 5, petitioner is willing to compound for same with the Commissioners now appointed for the disposing of the remaining part of the said [16]49 officers' security and to place such unsatisfied part of [16]49 debentures thereon as shall be agreed between petitioner and said Commissioners: that by their instructions said Commissioners are restrained from granting any part of said security save to such persons only who are in possession thereof. As petitioner is kept out of possession by pretence of said extent, he prays a further instruction to said Commissioners to treat with him as to the premises and to grant their certificate in order to his passing a new patent. Out Letters (Ireland) II, pp. 120–2.
Said petition being Feb. 28 last referred to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the Duke of Ormonde reported thereon, Mar. 12 last, it would be no prejudice to your Majesty to grant the request, provided such quit rents as are reserved by the Acts of Settlement or Explanation be reserved upon petitioner's composition with said Commissioners and upon the new grant.
The said report being referred from the King at Oxford, Mar. 26 last, to the Treasury Lords, the latter hereby report agreeing therewith.
April 18. Henry Guy to Sir Henry Morgan [Governor of Jamaica]. We have received yours of Nov. 12 last, ut supra, p. 63, and are glad to find you have set so good a precedent to all the superior officers in relation to the office of Auditor of his Majesty's revenue in America. We accordingly expect the account of the first six months [of such revenue under your Government] from the Earl of Carlisle's departure which you promise us. We must withal remind you of that part of our letter [ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, p. 598] which requires a particular account of rents, revenues and profits whatsoever accrued since the departure of Lord Vaughan from Jamaica. You are to inform the Receiver of his Majesty's duties that by the neglect of his duty herein he will incur the forfeiture of his place. You have neglected to send over copies of the laws and public Acts relating to the raising and disposing of the revenue [under your Government]. We are also surprised to find that you forbear to give us an account of the interloping ship Viner, seized with her lading and confiscated in Jamaica, and of the proceeds of the sale thereof. We strictly charge you not to dispose of any of the moneys arising thereby without our direction or the King's special command therein. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 69–70, 79. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, pp. 326–7.
Appending: memorandum that the ship Viner was lately taken by the King's frigate and condemned in the Admiralty of Jamaica as an interloper and appraised at 400l. and the lading of 191 negroes at 11l. per head (the whole sum 2,501l.) besides a parcel of gold and [elephants'] teeth: one half whereof belongs to the King. I [Blathwayte] am informed that Sir Henry Morgan does intend to beg the King's part.
The Treasury Lords to Sir Wm. Stapleton, the Governor in Chief, Deputy Governor and Council of St. Christophers. In a petition to us Sir Charles Wheeler, late Governor of the Leeward Isles, prays that his accounts of the Government might be examined and stated. The same cannot well be done without [our] receiving a report from the King's officers residing on the place where the particulars in said account were transacted. We therefore refer to you his said petition and account. Use the best means you can to receive full information concerning what is alleged by Sir Charles Wheeler or what may be useful to us in relation to the said account and report us the true state of the whole matter. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, p. 71. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 326.
Deputation by William Blathwayt, Surveyor and Auditor General of his Majesty's revenues arising in America, appointing Reginald Wilson, esq., to be his deputy and under officer within the Plantation of Jamaica for the inspecting, examining and stating all accompts of said revenue within said Plantation since the first Dutch war: to hold during the pleasure of said Blathwayte: the said Wilson hereby agreeing to transmit such accounts six monthly to Blathwayt and to observe such rules as said Blathwayt shall give him. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 71–5. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 325.
Appending: the Treasury Lords' nomination and approbation, dated April 18, of said Wilson as such deputy in Jamaica and the territories depending thereon.
April 18. Letter from Edwin Stede, dated Barbados, 1680–1, Feb. 1, to the Treasury Lords as read to the Treasury Lords this day, April 18. I lately received your commands of Oct. 28 last [see Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, p. 724] concerning my assisting Blathwayte in his abovesaid office; which I shall pursue the best I can. Upon my applying myself to Roger Cowley and Richard Trant, who are the Chief Managers of the duty of Four and a Half per cent. in Barbados, for a view and transcription of their books from the beginning of their farm to Michaelmas last, as by your instructions, they made some demur and desired a few days to consider it, after which they told me they had received no order from the Farmers, their employers, about it. Nor did your letter to me contain any commands to them to submit to such view. But upon the whole they consented that I should view and transcribe all their books, but desired indemnity from the Farmers and particular commands from you, "so that the thing is now going in hand with." They are large, but shall be finished with all expedition and sent to Mr. Blathwayt [being brought up] to Christmas last if you approve thereof, and so every six months [henceforth] which will bring these accounts into better method than [if made up] to Michaelmas, especially since the farm begins at Christmas, "at which time also our crop and all our accounts here begin." Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 75–6.
The Treasury Lords to the abovesaid Stede, in reply to the above letter. We have read same with great satisfaction and approve your proposed method for taking the said accounts (April 18 or 25). Ibid, pp. 76–7. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 235.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Samuel Clerke, concerning gum seneca. We have referred same to the Customs Commissioners, and concur with their report, ut supra, p. 94, thereon, which we submit herewith. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 325.
Money warrant for 50l. to Dame Bridget Sanderson for 1679, Michaelmas quarter, on her pension of 200l. per an. Money Book III, p. 25.
Money order for 150l. to George Visct. Grandison, Edward Villiers and Elianor Villiers, executors of Dame Barbara Villiers for 1681, Lady day quarter, on the 600l. per an. to said Barbara out of coinage: as by the privy seal of 1667, Aug. 20. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 212.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of John Colten's petition for a tidewaiter's place. Reference Book I, p. 248.
Same to Sir George Downing of the following paper of proposals by Edward Randolph, Collector of Customs in New England. Ibid, p. 249.
Prefixing said paper. In order to a due regulation of the trade in New England as by law is required, it is proposed by said Randolph that the annexed papers [missing] containing the [New England] Governor's letters and warrants, records of trials upon seizures, informations and depositions taken in Boston, etc. (being an account of the proceedings of the said Randolph in executing his trust there), be referred to Sir George Downing "to examine and report his opinion thereupon to your Lordships in regard of his daily attendance on Councils or Committees at Whitehall, and that a ship of 20 guns will be ready to go thither within three weeks, the omitting which passage may very much prejudice his Majesty's affairs in New England."
April 18. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 100l. to the Teller, who was requested to advance 100l. to Robert Squibb, junr., out of King's Bench fines. Same is to be issued out of my [Guy's] order for 350l. for secret service. Disposition Book II, p. 58.
Same to same to issue 50l. to Lady Sanderson out of the 300l. now remaining in the Exchequer of Hearthmoney, formerly reserved for Mr. Griffin. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Ashmole for a certificate how long the arrear which is mentioned in the weekly Excise certificates as being in the hands of Sir Jon. James and partners, has so remained in their hands. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 228.
Same to said Sir John James and partners to forthwith make up your accounts for the Fifth part of the Excise. Ibid.
[?] Same to Mr. Brisbane. In reply to yours of this morning, the Treasury Lords desire the Admiralty Lords to be at the Treasury Chambers to-morrow afternoon. Ibid.
April 18. Same to Mr. Kingdon to forthwith make up your accounts for the Cinque Ports [garrisons]. Ibid, p. 229.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to attend the Committee of Trade to-morrow afternoon with all the papers in your hands concerning a treaty of commerce with Sweden and your opinion thereon. Ibid.
Same to the present Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. duty to pay no more tallies struck on said duty till the account of the late Farmers thereof be declared, which will be in a week. Ibid.
Same to Col. Strode and partners [the abovesaid late Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent.]. Send forthwith to Mr. Blathwaite the three last years' accounts of your farm, "viz., those very accounts of the produce of your farm which you have received from your agents on the place." Ibid.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on a draft royal letter as follows. We have no objection to the same. Out Letters (Ireland) II, pp. 122–3.
Prefixing: said draft of a royal letter to be sent to the Duke of Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. We have directed the building of a Hospital [at Kilmainham] for the maintenance and convenience of such aged and maimed soldiers of the Army in Ireland as are become unserviceable during their continuance in the Army. Said Hospital is already begun to be erected upon part of our lands now enclosed in our park called the Phoenix Park, near the old ruinous building commonly called the Castle of Kilmainham. It is our will and pleasure that the said land whereon said Hospital is now building with such quantity of land thereto adjoining (not exceeding in the whole 64 acres plantation measure) as you shall think fit to be laid thereunto be set apart and for ever hereafter continued for the use of the said Hospital. And effectual letters patent are to be passed under the great seal of Ireland to Trustees to be nominated by you [to hold said lands in trust] to the use of said Hospital without any rent to the Crown, to the intent that when said Hospital shall be finished and incorporated said Trustees may convey said lands to said Corporation for ever.
Followed by: reference dated April 9 from the King to the Treasury Lords of said draft, "the Lord Lieutenant having recommended the matter thereof."
April 18. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on a draft royal letter proposed to be sent to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland as follows. The church of Chapel Izod has been lately pulled down and the new building thereof is very near finished, but the work is now at a stand for want of money to complete the same, notwithstanding that two assessments have been made upon all the lands in the said parish that are not in our [the King's] hands and several sums of money have been contributed by the inhabitants of the said parish towards finishing so good a work. "And whereas our house at Chapel Izod with a great part of the lands enclosed in the Phœnix Park near Dublin do lie within the said parish and ought to bear a share of the said charge, whereunto we have not yet contributed in such a proportion as might have been reasonable for us to have done," it is therefore hereby ordered that the sum of 108l. 10s. 0d. (which some time since was deposited by Sir George Carteret, bart., deceased, in Mr. Thomas Taylor's hands towards the discharge of the remain due upon the balance of said Carteret's account as Vice-Treasurer of Ireland) be forthwith paid by said Taylor into the Treasury, Ireland, and issued thence to the minister and churchwardens of the parish of Chapel Izod to be by them laid out towards completing the said new church "now lately built at the said town of Chapel Izod." Out Letters (Ireland) II, pp. 124–5.
Said draft being referred April 9 inst. from the King to the Treasury Lords (the Lord Lieutenant having recommended the matter and draft thereof) the Treasury Lords hereby report thereon: We have no objection to the Same.
April 19. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to inspect at the Countess of Ailesbury's lodgings 14 parcels of her goods, and to permit their export customs free, she intending speedily to go to Aachen. Out Letters (Customs) V, p. 327.
April 20. Privy seal to authorise the Vice-Treasurer of Ireland to pay to Henry Guy 5,000l. per an. for three years from Christmas last out of the revenue arising to his Majesty within the kingdom of Ireland: same to be payable quarterly, the first payment at Lady day, 1681: all the payments to be made to him for secret service without account, imprest or other charge. (Royal warrant dated April 14 to the Clerk of the Signet for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 145.