Entry Book: April 1681, 7-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: April 1681, 7-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp100-108 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: April 1681, 7-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp100-108.

"Entry Book: April 1681, 7-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp100-108.


April 1681

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 7. Henry Guy to the Ordnance Commissioners to report on the enclosed proposal [missing] for raising money for the fortifications and repairs at Tilbury, Sheerness, etc. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 223.
April 8. Royal warrant to the Commissioners for the Affairs of Tangier to give order from time to time to the Treasurer for Tangier to pay to Margarett Fairborne, relict of Sir Palmes Fairborne, the pension of 500l. per an. granted to her said late husband in consideration of good services performed in the several capacities in which he served in said garrison. Same is to continue to Lady Fairborne during pleasure and to commence from the time of her husband's death. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 141.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to revoke the privy seal which signified the King's pleasure to resume into his own hands the farm of Excise from 1681, June 24; and in place thereof to confirm and corroborate to the present Farmers the two remaining years of their term in said farm: all by reason that the said Farmers have proposed ut supra, pp. 72, 86, in order to the King's service and to the continuance of their farm. In accordance with such proposals the present great seal is to contain covenants on the Farmers' part and the King's part respectively as follows. On the Farmers' part (1) to pay their rents and surplus out of the running cash without any allowance of interest [for such remaining cash]: (2) to pay 6,600l. a week from June 24 next over and above their detainers, deductions and allowances: (3) to pay a further 1,400l. a week from same date on account of the surplus: (4) to pay the remainder of their rents and surplus (after deduction of such payments as above and of all allowances) at such times and in such manner as by the agreements now in being. (5) All the parts of said agreements, which are not now agreed to be altered, are hereby to be observed and performed. On the King's part he covenants (1) to allow the said Farmers 6 per cent. interest for such of the said weekly sums of 6,600l. as shall be by them paid within the first six weeks after June 24 next: and likewise six per cent. on the 1,400l. weekly upon account of the surplus, viz., from the times of payment thereof until the time said surplus ought to be paid according to the former agreement as in their lease. This latter interest to be allowed when the accounts of the surplus are made up. (2) If at the end of their term the Farmers shall have paid more than their rent and surplus amount to, then they shall hold and receive the duties of Excise until they be thereby or otherwise secured or satisfied for such overpayment with interest; and the said surplus shall not be in the meantime anticipated or charged by tallies or otherwise. (3) The Farmers shall hold and enjoy the Excise during the remainder of their original three years' term under the covenants, provisoes, conditions and agreements as in their present lease so far as same are not hereby released or altered. (4) If the rates of Excise be by Act of Parliament or any other extraordinary accident lessened or taken away for any part of the residue of said Farmers' term, the Farmers shall have such proportionable abatements and allowances out of the abovesaid weekly payments as the Treasury Lords shall think reasonable. Ibid, pp. 141–4.
April 8. Royal sign manual for 1,216l. 4s. 10d. to Henry Guy for secret service without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of Mar. 9 last. (Money warrant dated April 12 hereon. Money order dated April 12 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 144. Money Book III, p. 20. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 207.
Same for 350l. to same for same: to be issued on same dormant privy seal. (Money warrant dated April 12 hereon. Money order dated April 12 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 144. Money Book III. p. 20. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 207.
Same for 168l. 8s. 9d. to same for same: to be issued on same dormant privy seal. (Money warrant dated April 12 hereon. Money order dated April 12 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 144. Money Book III, p. 20. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 207.
April 11. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Don Pedro de Ronquillo, Ambassador Extraordinary from Spain, two cases of chocolate, customs free. Out Letters (Customs) V, p. 322.
Same to Mr. Brisbane for the Admiralty Lords to attend the Treasury Lords at the Treasury Chambers to-morrow. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 223.
Same to Mr. Parry, forwarding an extract of Mr. Fanshawe's letter to Secretary Jenkins. Report hereon to the Treasury Lords, as also on "his" [Fanshawe's] letter to you of Mar. 3 last. Ibid.
April 11. Henry Guy to Mr. Whitwick. The Treasury Lords have had no account of your proceedings since you were appointed Receiver of Recusants' forfeitures for co. Stafford and several other counties in England and Wales. Proposals being made to my Lords by some other persons who will undertake to manage the said receipt much more to his Majesty's advantage, you are to satisfy my Lords what progress you have made in his Majesty's service to the end they may see whether you have faithfully performed your duty or no. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 223.
Same to the Navy Commissioners forwarding copies of the Treasury warrant relating to Mr. Dorrington's debt and Mr. Dorrington's acq[uittance]s (both making 1,477l. 2s. 0d.) for so much money due to him and the owners of the ship Leister, sunk for his Majesty's service at Blackwall upon the approach of the Dutch fleet in June, 1667, upon a navy bill, dated 16 July, 1668. You are to make memorials or entries in the proper books of the Navy Office that so much money is paid to Mr. Dorrington upon the said bill, so that it may appear hereafter how much said Dorrington has received in satisfaction thereof, if ever same be again demanded. Ibid, p. 224.
April 12. Same to the Lord Privy Seal, forwarding a copy of [the paper relating to] the management of the Greenwax revenues in Ireland. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Stephens. Send the Treasury Lords an estimate how much will be required to pay off the Leopard, the Woolwich and the Swallow. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners for co. Leicester [of the last Six Months' Assessment]. On Feb. 1 last we complained to you of the great neglect we had observed in the Receiver General appointed by you for said assessment, there being then, and still, 2,160l. unanswered into the Exchequer. Being summoned before us some time since, he gave us rather doubtful answers than any ground to believe he had honest intentions to clear the debt. Our letter of Mar. 12 last to you to this effect was delivered to Mr. Babington of Roadley [Rothley], but we have had no reply. We allow you till the 30th inst. to cause said arrear to be paid into the Exchequer, and failing that process will issue against you and the county. Ibid, pp. 224–5.
Henry Guy to Mr. Agar. When may my Lords expect the money for the 822 oaks and 1,500 hornbeams mentioned at the foot of your account of wood sold in Waltham Forest as then remaining to be felled and accompted for. Ibid, p. 225.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay to Serjeant Ramsey and Serjt. Harsnet 50l. 3s. 9d. each on their warrant. Disposition Book II, p. 57.
Same to same to issue as follows out of the 17,725l. Excise money which is directed to be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz.: Ibid.
to Mr. Johnson for three weeks' sub-sistence [of the Forces] 6,000
[to ditto] for off-reckonings [of the Forces] the first payment 3,000
to pay a list which will be sent you as soon as perfected by the Treasury Lords 2,000
the Duke of Monmouth 4,000
the Cofferer of the Household 1,000
to me [Guy] for secret service on the 20,000l. per an. 600
to the Duchess of Cleveland 1,000
to Sir William Killegrew 125
April 12. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, and John Stepney; petitioners praying stay of prosecution on their 30,000l. bond entered into in 1676 (ut supra, p. 3) and for a hearing on their appeal to the King from some proceedings in Ireland upon their contract with the King dated 1671, Aug. 4. Hereon the Treasury Lords report that the accounts of said Earl and partner are still under examination, and process may be stayed till Trinity term by which time we hope to have them perfected. Out Letters (Ireland) II, p. 117.
Same to same from same on the petition of [Edward] FitzGerald alias Villiers, referring to his former petition, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, p. 493, and praying thereto a like clause in the grant and confirmation to him and his wife Katherine FitzGerald, of an estate in co. Waterford as is in the grant to the Earl of Tyrone, which clause granted all the King's right and title. Ibid, pp. 118–9.
Said petition being referred Mar. 5 last from the King to the Duke of Ormonde, the latter referred same Mar. 12 to the Attorney or Solicitor General, of Ireland; whereupon Sir Jo. Temple, Solicitor General, reported Mar. 19. The lands descended to said Katherine FitzGerald from her father, Jon. FitzGerald, late of Dormany [Dromana]. The petition may be granted. Thereupon the Duke of Ormonde reported Mar. 21 agreeing therewith. This last report being referred April 6 to the Treasury Lords, the latter hereby report agreeing therewith.
Treasury reference to Auditor Shales of Charles Toll's interest accompt for 63,390l. 5s. 7d. [lent by him for his Majesty' service] as follows: Reference Book I, p. 247.
l. s. d.
[repayment of principal money, being] received from the Hearthmoney Farmers upon four tallies 4,000 0 0
balance of principal remaining unpaid 59,390 5 7
interest due 1,724 4 1
Treasury allowance of the 1680, Christmas quarters's salary bill of the Excise Office. (Total. 2,107l.10s. 10d.) Money Book III, p. 21.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords (Lawrence Hyde, Sir Jno. Ernle, Sir Ed. Dering. Sidney Godolphin, and Sir Ste. Fox), for last Christmas quarter's salaries. (Money order dated April 12 hereon.) Ibid, p. 20. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 207.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies of assignment for 250l. to Louisa, Duchess of Portsmouth, for last Lady day quarter on her annuity or pension of 1,000l. as by her patent of Mar. 4 Last: said tallies to be struck on the Receiver General of First Fruits or in case of failure of that revenue [of First Fruits then to be struck] on any of the bishops who are respectively collectors of the Tenths within their dioceses. Together with dormant warrant clause for the like tallies from time to time in future. Money Book III, p. 22.
Money warrant for 125l. to Sir William Killegrew for 1680, Christmas quarter, on his pension. Ibid.
April 13. Royal warrant to Sir Robert Sawyer, Attorney General, to enter a noli prosequi to the information in the Exchequer of the seizure of the ship Concord, Capt. Thomas Grantham master, lately bound for Virginia with 200 seamen and passengers, the master having in his way through the Channel, in the Downs, taken on board some French wines and brandy for the use of the ship's company and for the accommodation of the Virginia trade which, as is alleged, cannot be carried on without those liquors; for which act said ship was seized by Jon. Evans, one of the undersearchers of London port upon the Act of Trade of 15 Car. II. against importing to any Plantation any goods not laden in England: the Customs Commissioners having reported Sept. 30 last that said master has long commanded said ship in said trade to Virginia, and behaved himself very worthily therein. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 146–7.
April 14. Money warrant for 100l. to James Vernon, 50l. thereof as in full of 1678, Michaelmas quarter, and 50l. as in part of 1678, Christmas quarter, on his annuity or pension of 300l. per an. This warrant is to replace a similar warrant of Mar. 24, which is alleged to have been lost and which is to be cancelled if found. Money Book III, p. 22.
Memorandum as follows upon a letter of Tho. Dereham, esq., his Majesty's Minister at the Court of Florence, about settling his allowance. "Mr. Dereham to obtain his warrants and the Treasury Lords will endeavour to supply the money, viz., 500l. for equipage and 1,000l. per an. for his entertainment." Reference Book I, p. 248.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, customs free, a small box of gloves sent from Leghorn to the Countess of Ailesbury, provided same are not of French origin. Out Letters (Customs) V, p. 322.
Same to same to deliver, customs free, the goods of John Chardin, a French gentleman who is come to inhabit here and hath transported a considerable estate with him; said goods being for his own use. Ibid.
Appending: list of said goods (including a chariot, a box containing portraits, etc.)
Same to same to employ three boats at Newcastle at 20l. per an. each instead of the two boats at 30l. per an. each; John Wilson and his mate and James Clarke and his mate to have the management of two of said boats at the reduced salary, and two other persons to be presented for the third boat. Ibid, p. 323.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to allow and pay to William Culliford 17l. 10s. 0d., being the third part of the Customs of 75 packets of French lockrams and dowlas which he seized about Aug. last in co. Dorset, and which were condemned under the Poll Act. Out Letters (Customs) V. p. 323.
Same to same to establish 10l. per an. to Feild Dunn, Customer of Berwick, for the salary of a clerk as from Christmas last: said Dunn having under-taken the collection of said part for his patent salary as Customer thereof. Ibid.
Same to same to permit the export to Scotland, customs free, of two bells, both weighing 1,600lb., one for the use of his Majesty's palace of Holyrood House, and the other for a parish church in Scotland; Lord Hatton having applied for licence to transport same. Ibid, p. 324.
Same to same to commission Michael Browne, the present deputy searcher at Weymouth, to command the boatmen there in the nature of a tidesurveyor as from Mar. 25 last, with a salary of 10l. per an. and the further allowance of 12d. a night when on duty; it having been proposed by Mr. Clement, assistant to the Surveyor General, and by Mr. Trotter, collector of Weymouth, that to prevent the frequent smuggling on that coast the boat at Weymouth be upon occasion rowed by six men and one skilful person to command them in the nature of a tidesurveyor; two of the boatmen from Lyme being removed thither to make up the complement of six. In order to meet the said Browne's salary of 10l. per an., the collector at Holyhead is to be suppressed, that office being set up on occasion of the late importation of Irish cattle and is become useless by reason of the prohibition [of such importation]. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Attorney General, forwarding through Mr. Prowse a charge against Nicholas Parke, one of the King's waiters London port, his answer thereto and the evidence and Mr. Graydon's remarks thereon, who made the discovery. Parke is to be tried at law. We recommend the case to your care and you are to bring a scire facias against his patent. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 225.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, forwarding the following order in Council. Report to the Treasury Lords the state of the tunnage therein mentioned. Ibid, p. 226.
Appending: copy of an order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, 1680–1, Mar. 2, referring to the Treasury Lords the petition of Sir Jno. Lanyer, kt., Governor of Jersey, representing that he disbursed 211l. 6s. 2d. for the repairs of Castle Elizabeth, and as no fund has been assigned for payment thereof he prays an order for same to be paid out of the tunnage assigned by his Majesty in Council for the repairs of said Castle.
Same to Mr. Hewer, forwarding an abstract [missing] concerning Tangier. (Same to same, forwarding a letter [likewise missing] of Col. Sackville. Lay this before my Lords in such manner as that the bill of exchange mentioned therein may be complied with in time.) Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. Kent, Customs Cashier. Certify my Lords whether Mr. Bradshaw's patent fee as comptroller of Bristol be paid as far as the rest of the patent officers of the outports. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 226.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Report to my Lords on the following order in Council. Ibid, p. 227.
Appending: copy of said order of the King in Council, dated 1681, April 8, referring to the Treasury Lords a letter from the Mayor of Dover, dated 1681, Mar. 27, and a letter from Walter Breames, esq., dated Mar. 28, and an examination; all concerning the seizure and detention of certain French shallops (chaloups) at Dover.
Same to Auditor Phelips. The Treasury Lords have perused a schedule of fee farm and other rents in Yorkshire, amounting to 39l. 12s. 9½d. per an., for which the Marquess of Winchester desires reprisals as defective rents. You are to prepare a rate of other rents remaining unsold to be conveyed to said Marquess in lieu thereof. Ibid, p. 228.
Treasury warrant to the Trustees for Sale of Fee Farms to convey to Philip Packer rents as in a particular thereof to the value of 151l. 12s. 8¼d. per an., which are to be taken by him as in full satisfaction and recompence of the sum of 2,426l. 4s. 1d., being the remainder of 9,743l. 6s. 8d., which by the privy seal of 1672, July 17, he was enabled to purchase (see supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. III, pp. 1282, 1293), towards which sum the said Trustees have already conveyed to him as many fee farm rents as at 16 years' purchase amount to 7,317l. 12s. 7d., thus leaving said 2,426l. 4s. 1d., for which remainder also the said Trustees made contracts with him, but by some mistake or inadvertency said rents were conveyed to other persons or otherwise disposed of. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, pp. 328–9;
Prefixing: note of the present contract attested 1680, Aug. 7, and note of the particular of the rents.
April 15. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Charles, Earl of Dorset and Middlesex, his executors and assigns, for 99 years from date of such great seal of all the chains placed in the river of Thames between the place called Bugby's Hole and London Bridge, whereunto ships riding in the said river were usually meered or fastened, with all fees or profits due or payable for the meering or fastening of ships thereto: all as granted 1673, Oct. 31 (there being then no Lord High Admiral of England) to Mary, Countess of Falmouth, who was afterwards wife to Charles, Earl of Dorset and Middlesex and since deceased. The present grant is likewise made at a time when there is no Lord High Admiral of England, "so that it remains in our power without dispute to make such further or larger grant of the premises as we shall think fit." The present grant is to be upon a surrender first to be made of the said grant of 1673, and is to be at the like rent of 5s. per an. payable in the like manner as in the said former grant. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 147–8.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for regulating and settling Francis Parry's account of the Queen's Portugal dowry money as follows. In 1669 upon the negotiation of Sir Robert Southwell, then Envoy Extraordinary with the Prince Regent of Portugal, it was acknowledged on the part of Portugal that 267 contos 637 milreis 200 reis of Portugal money remained due to Charles II. of the portion of his Consort. Francis Parry, who was English minister in the Court of Portugal from 1669 to 1680, was employed in the receipt of the said moneys, and is now ready to render an account thereof. He is hereby to be charged with the said whole sum of 267: 637 V. 200 reis and in discharge he is to be allowed 1,797 mil. 320 reis received by said Southwell from the High Treasurer in Portugal, Bartholomew de Guades, 1669, June 4, as appears by an instrument dated 1680, Sept. 22, signed by Francesco Fereira de Goos, auditor, and certified by Luis Teixheira de Carvalho, secretary; which sum said Southwell paid into the Exchequer, 1670, June 20, being 627l. sterling. Similarly Parry is to be allowed 37 contos 570 mil. 811 reis for the value of 11,982l. 15s. 8d. due or payable to him upon his allowance as a public minister in said Court, viz., 100l. for his accommodation and settlement in Portugal when first appointed to be Agent there, 1,053l. for his ordinary of 20s. a day as Agent from 1669, June 1, to 1672, April 19, 650l. 2s. 10d. for his extraordinaries in said service to 1672, April 19 (for which three last named sums in accordance with the privy seal of 1670, Oct. 31, a tally was levied 1675, Dec. 23); 3,960l. for his ordinary of 40s. a day as Resident in the Court of Portugal, 1672, April 18, to 1677, Sept. 19, 100l. and 329l. 3s. 6d. for extraordinaries to 1676, Aug. 31, as same (the said last three sums making 4,389l. 3s. 6d., being due and payable to said Parry by the privy seal of 1672, April 30); 4,664l. for his ordinary of 4l. a day as Envoy in Portugal, 1677, Sept. 20, to 1680, Nov. 28, 200l. for his accommodation and settlement as envoy there, and 926l. 9s. 4d. for extraordinaries as such. Further, he is to be allowed for payments into the Exchequer as follows, viz., 1 conto 331 mil. 917 reis for 479l. 10s. paid in 1670, June 20; 3 contos 633 mil. 780 reis for 1,156l. 18s. 7d. paid in (662l. 12s. 1d. thereof in 27 June, 1672, and 494l 6s. 6d. thereof on 4 Nov., 1672); 319V. 394 reis for 100l. paid in 1673, Oct. 31, and 21: 694V. 900 reis for 8,000l. paid in Dec. 11, the said payments in amounting to 9,736l. 8s. 7d. or 26: 979V. 991 reis. He is also to be allowed for other payments made by him as follow, viz., 2,400 milreis to bishop Russell, 1670, Nov. 10, "for part of the contents of a letter which we sent to our dear Brother Alphonso King of Portugal, dated the 18th day of Feb., 1667–8"; 6,264V. 706 reis to the order of Col. Silvius Titus by warrant from Treasurer Clifford, dated 1672–3, Jan. 20, as in satisfaction of 2,000l. payable to said Col. Titus; 21,700V. 512 reis delivered by him at Lisbon, 1679, June 2, to Capt. Henry Killigrew, commander of the King's ship Mary, which sum was brought to England and there was paid for the same into the Exchequer by James Herriot, goldsmith [being] 7,764l. 5s. 5d.; 500 milreis to Daniel Batwell, purser of the King's ship Mary, for supplying said ship with provisions as by said purser's acquittance, dated 1679, May 20, which sum is charged upon said purser; 692V. 845 reis to Capt. Tho. Allen, commander of the King's ship Ruby, for supplying her with provisions as by said Captain's acquittance, dated 1680, Oct. 25, which sum is to be charged on the purser of said ship. Further Parry is to be allowed 96V. 300 reis or 35l. 11s. 0d. by him paid in charges upon the abovesaid 8,000l. which was paid into the Exchequer Dec. 11 last; also 3,108V. 129 reis for charges of recovery, change, rebates and shipping the several sums of money received from the Treasurer of Portugal; and 2: 275V. 220 reis for commission at 2 per cent. upon the sum of 113: 761 milreis by him received of the said Queen's portion money. The total of the abovesaid allowances is 103 contos 385 mil. 834 reis, and said total is hereby allowed, it being the King's pleasure hereby to allow and approve of the respective valuations of the milreis by which the above sterling sums are reduced. There will then be a remain of 164 contos 251 mil. 366 reis: this is to be entered as depending as follows, viz.: upon Edward Backwell 11,931V. 382 reis which was paid to Edmund Corbet, his procurator at Lisbon, by the accomptant [Parry] in pursuance of the King's order of 1670, May 13; 39: 114V. 372 reis which the agents of said Backwell received 1671, April 29, and 1672, May 6, from the High Treasurer [of Portugal] Benlo Teixeira Feo in Portugal, as is certified by Francesco Fereira de Goes, auditor; 57; 354V. 850 reis which said Parry sent home in specie to Edward Backwell, as appears by the certificates of the commanders of the ships who carried the same, and also by said Backwell's account lately exhibited to the Treasury Lords, wherein he charges himself therewith: the total thus depending on said Backwell is 108 contos 400 mil. 604 reis: further there will be a remain depending upon the Crown of Portugal (being acknowledged to remain due by the abovesaid instrument) 137,056½ crusados, which makes 54 centos 822 mil. 602 reis: and there will then remain upon the accomptant Parry to even and balance his said account 1 conto 28 mil. 160 reis, for which the King is pleased to accept 379l. 1s. 6d. in sterling, to be paid into the Exchequer. Further in order to avoid any further liability to pay to Parry the abovesaid 4,389l. 3s. 6d. under the privy seal of 1672, April 30 (as allowance for this sum is hereby directed to be given to said Parry) the said privy seal is hereby made void. Ibid, pp. 148–55.
April 15. Money warrant for 1,000l. to Visct. Grandison and Edward Villiers as in part of 1,500l. for 1679, Michaelmas quarter, on the annuity of 6,000l. for 99 years to them terminable on the life of Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland. Money Book III, p. 23.
Treasury reference to Thos. Agar, Surveyor General of Woods [Trent South], of the petition of John Topham for a view to be made of repairs done and to be done at his Majesty's Little Park at Windsor, on which in eight years past he has laid out above 800l. and 100l. more is still to do. Reference Book I, p. 247.