Appendix II

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Appendix II', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Appendix II', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Appendix II". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.


Appendix II

Prefatory Note.
The following Appendix is printed verbatim from the original in Vol. XXXVIII. of the Treasury Order Book, pp. 296–324. It is to be carefully compared with the Appendix to the year 1679, printed supra, pp. 326–88. Of all the financial transactions of Charles's reign there are probably few that present more difficulties of confusion and incompleteness than does this transaction of the paying off the new Forces raised in 1678 for the purpose of a war with the French King. The general maintenance and pay of these new-raised Forces had been intended to be provided for by the Poll Act (29–30 Car. II. c. 1). But before the moneys of the Poll had begun to come into the Exchequer the House of Commons, taking fright (see Introduction, p. lxi seq. of Vol. V. of this Calendar), ordered the disbandment of the Forces. If the administration had been solvent, or, to put it another way, if the supply voted by the Poll Act had come in instantly in a lump and to the full amount which was anticipated (1,000,000l.), there would have been no difficulty about the disbandment. It would have taken place automatically in strict accordance with the terms of the Act of Parliament for the disbandment. For throughout his reign Charles's executive scrupulously observed the terms of every Act which passed his Parliament and received his own assent. But the moneys of the Poll did not so come either instanter or in a lump sum or to the full amount. And when the day for the disbandment came the soldiers' arrears could not be paid. To disband them without paying their arrears was impossible, and in the second Act for the disbandment Parliament specifically acknowledged this fact by passing a special clause to indemnify all officers and soldiers for continuing in arms after the date first fixed for the disbandment.
Being well aware that the receipts from the Poll Bill were inadequate for the pay and disbandment of the new-raised Forces, the House of Commons voted fresh supply for the disbandment by the Act of 30 Car. I. c. 1—the Act for the Eighteen Months' Assessment. This Act is a composite one. The first half of the Act related solely to the disbandment and provided (as was thought) supply for it. The assessments for six out of the eighteen months were voted to raise 206,462l. 17s. 3d., and this sum was to be applied to pay the wages due, and so to make the disbandment possible. All the new-raised Forces if in England were to be disbanded by 31 July, 1678, and if in the Spanish Netherlands by 26 August, 1678. It is instructive to note that whilst the disbandment was thus ordered by Parliament to take place in July and August, 1678, the moneys which were by this Act provided for such disbandment were not due to be paid to the Receivers of the assessments until six months after the date fixed for the disbandment. The moneys of the first three (out of the six) months' assessments were to be paid to the Receivers by 24 November, 1678, and the moneys of the second three months were to be paid to them by 24 February, 1678–9. As a rule the Receivers in the counties were allowed twenty days within which to bring up their moneys to London. So that, as a result, we find Parliament fixing a date for a disbandment and in the same breath providing that the moneys which should make that disbandment possible should not be in the hands of the Government until seven months after the date fixed for such disbandment, save and except and in so far as Charles could manage to get in loans on the credit of this supply, for which loans the Commons kindly granted Charles permission to pay 8 per cent. interest.
But just in the same way as it was found that the Poll Act supply was insufficient for the raising and maintenance of Forces for a war against the French King, so now it was found that the supply provided for this disbandment by the Act of 30 Car. II. c. 1 was also insufficient. The disbandment was therefore only partial. It proceeded so far as the money permitted, and what troops could not be paid had to be kept on. In the following year, therefore, a fresh supply was voted to complete the disbandment. The Act of 31 Car. II. c. 1 granted an exactly similar sum of 206,467l. 17s. 3d. by a similar six months' assessment. The disbandment was ordered to take place on 1 April, 1679 for officers and 31 May, 1679 for the soldiers. Finally, the moneys of this supply were timed (intended by the Commons) to be paid to the Receivers one half on 24 May, 1680, and the remaining half on 24 August, 1680 (meaning practically that the first half of the proceeds of the tax could not possibly reach the Exchequer before the middle of June at the earliest). The same permission to Charles to take in loans and to pay 8 per cent. interest was granted as in the preceding. In passing, let it be noted as to this last clause that it was not necessary for the legislative to authorise the executive to take in loans. The moment a fund of supply had been created by a Parliamentary grant the executive could deal with that fund as they pleased—take in loans on it, farm it, mortgage it up to the hilt and pay any interest it thought fit. But if the executive did so it took upon its own shoulders the financial burden of the interest. But when Parliament stepped in and inserted a loan clause in an Act of Supply and fixed the rate of interest, it took upon itself the liability for the payment of interest. It was equivalent to a specific promise in this form: "Here is a fund of supply to such an amount. It is not ready money. You want ready money. So therefore borrow on this fund and pay if necessary 8 per cent. interest on it. We authorise this and will refund you the interest by means of further supply later on." In the present instance, however, Parliament did not redeem this obligation of honour. For Charles never got another penny from his Parliament to the day of his death.
In attempting, therefore, to unravel this financial transaction of the disbandment it is necessary to bear in mind that we have a single continuous transaction running through three separate funds of supply: (1) the Poll, (2) the first Act for Disbandment, (3) the second Act for disbandment. To put the matter tersely for the moment, so as not to anticipate ten years of history, it may be stated that as each of these three funds of supply had separately been inadequate to its separate purpose, so in their totality all three combined did not prove adequate to their combined purpose of raising, paying and disbanding Forces for a war against the French King. The accounts of this disbandment were not completed and settled under the Stuarts. They strayed into the reign of William and Mary.
For the rest, it is only necessary for the moment to say that as between Appendix I., supra, pp. 326–88, and the present Appendix II. there is in the nature of the records a great technical difference. The first Appendix gives actual payments by Treasury warrants. This second Appendix gives the complete list of orders drawn. But it is to be borne in mind that these were merely paper orders (or promises) to pay. Such orders are only promises, and could be paid only so far as the funds realised should be found to extend. When the funds stopped short or dried up the unpaid remainders of these orders were simply postponed and remained as unpaid debt.
No. of Order. Date of Order. Name of Payees. Repayment of Loan. Pay of Commission Officers. For Quarters. For Clothes.
1 1679. May 15 Earl of Essex 5,000 0 0
2 " Ditto 2,000 0 0
3 " Ditto 1,000 0 0
4 " Sir Peter Colleton. bart. 1,500 0 0
5 May 16 Sir William Farmer 4,000 0 0
6 " Sir Edward Dering, bart 1,000 0 0
7 May 17 Dr. Gideon Harvey 200 0 0
8 " Earl of Essex 1,000 0 0
9 " Ditto 1,000 0 0
10 " Sir Thomas Player 2,000 0 0
11 " Sir Richd. Pagitt 500 0 0
12 May 19 Ditto 500 0 0
13 " Earl of Essex 1,000 0 0
14 " Sir Thomas Player 1,500 0 0
15 " Ditto 6,050 0 0
16 " Ditto 2,000 0 0
17 " Ditto 4,250 0 0
18 " John Harvey, esq. 1,000 0 0
19 May 20 Sir Thomas Player 9,280 0 0
20 " Richd. Newman and Roger Jenk[in]son 2,000 0 0
21 " Sir Thomas Player 10,820 0 0
22 May 22 George Plukenet 200 0 0
23 " Thomas Medlicot 165 0 0
24 " Sir Thomas Player 10,750 0 0
25 May 23 Ambrose 1sted 300 0 0
26 " Sir Thomas Player 7,130 0 0
27 " Ditto 500 0 0
28 May 24 John Taylor 100 0 0
29 " Thomas Medlicot 950 0 0
30 " Tho. Dickens 400 0 0
31 " Sir Tho. Player 5,000 0 0
32 " Anne Hargrave 300 0 0
33 " John Wyneyard 150 0 0
34 May 26 Sir Thos. Player 3,890 0 0
35 " John Plummer 4,000 0 0
36 " John Sheppard 350 0 0
37 May 27 Christopher Dering 400 0 0
38 " Mathew Humberston 300 0 0
39 " Eliz. Pierpoint 900 0 0
40 " Sir Thomas Player 4,960 0 0
41 " John Teague 51 4 7
42 " Mathias Pratt 119 14 0
43 " Henry Holmes 80 9 0
44 " Lieut. Samll. Ely 38 17 0
45 " Lieut. Lewis Billingsley 45 6 0
46 " Lieut. Thomas Gay 60 8 0
47 " Lieut. John Baynes 29 13 4
48 " Capt. Henry Carr 326 6 0
49 May 24 Capt. David Oglisby 100 0 0
50 May 27 Capt. Brett 100 0 0
51 " Lieut. Col. Roger Langley 100 11 0
52 May 28 Fulk, Lord Brook 500 0 0
53 " Lieut. Wm. Gibbons 30 4 0
54 " Capt. John Clark 241 8 6
55 " Lieut. Math. Ingram 25 4 0
56 " William Hickson 32 19 4
57 " Lieut. Math. Ingram 88 19 6
58 May 30 Sir Thomas Player 5,510 0 0
59 " Benj. Cole and Robt. Tarlton 60 0 0
60 " Capt. James Gower 95 4 0
61 June 2 Sir Thomas Player 1,150 0 0
62 May 31 Capt. Humph. Okeover 46 1 0
63 " Ensign Jno. Bernards 27 13 0
64 " Capt. Rich. Basset 120 0 0
65 " Capt. Rich. Tufton 120 0 0
66 " Rich. Blake 70 0 0
67 " Wm. Shelly 60 0 0
68 " Robt. Ellis 140 0 0
69 " Samuell Needle 50 0 0
70 " Capt. Tyrwhit 120 0 0
71 " Cha. Cole 58 5 10
72 " John Hall 140 0 0
73 June 2 Capt. Thos. Cole 120 0 0
74 " Lieut. Emerton 27 1 8
75 " Capt. Wm. Rigg 60 8 0
76 " Francis Zouch 107 19 0
77 " Ditto 80 0 0
78 " James Mathewes 83 0 0
79 " Charles Gregory and Mr. Wells for the inhabitants of Barnet 122 16 0
80 " Henry Eves 34 2 0
81 " Joseph Taylor 50 0 0
82 " John Kally 12 18 0
83 " Henry Eve 50 0 0
84 " Capt. Copley 120 0 0
85 " Lieut. Ronald Grahme 400 0 0
86 " Sir Edw. Pickes 120 0 0
87 June 4 Thomas Felton 1,000 0 0
88 June 3 Capt. Phillip Howard 120 0 0
89 " Capt. St. Claire 300 0 0
90 " Lieut. Allen Jackson 20 14 0
91 " Capt. Godfrey 100 18 10
92 " Capt. Sir Christopher Musgrave 120 0 0
93 " Capt. Charles Godfrey 120 0 0
94 " Capt. Edw. Sackvile 120 0 0
95 " Capt. Sir Walter Clarges 60 8 0
96 " Capt. Skelton 120 0 0
97 " Charles Key 13 12 6
98 " Richd. Gore 15 2 0
99 " Capt. Sir Walter Clarges 25 0 0
100 June 5 Robert Collis 500 0 0
101 " George Plukenet 300 0 0
102 " Ditto 100 0 0
103 June 6 Sir Thomas Player 1,400 0 0
104 June 5 Dr. William Durham 50 6 8
105 June 4 Tho. Sherburne 276 16 8
106 June 5 Sir Palmes Fairborne 377 10 0
107 " James Vernon 248 10 5
108 " Samll. English 75 10 0
109 " Wm. Baggot 60 8 0
110 " James Wignall 30 4 0
111 " Henry Howard 226 10 0
112 " Lemuell Kingdon 240 19 5
113 " John Daniell 36 0 0
114 " Charles Wingfield 51 5 10
115 " Francis Warr 29 5 2
116 " John Stroude 120 0 0
117 " Dr. Jno. Warner 75 10 0
118 " Wm. Seares 156 9 8
119 " John Rogers 10 1 0
120 " David Owen 16 15 4
121 " Samuell Shin 10 1 0
122 " John Rice 54 19 5
123 " Michaell Wright 28 8 8
124 " Michaell Fox 65 10 11
125 " Daniell Richers 59 1 2
126 " William Picket 17 10 8
127 " Jacob Prat 26 18 9
128 " Walter Gore 10 9 0
129 " Anne Hinton 22 1 11
130 " Wm. Wastall 32 17 0
131 " George Taylor 278 17 6
132 " Thomas Winter 25 9 0
133 " Roger Williams 76 7 5
134 " Robert Parkinson 57 5 0
135 " Dorcas Lester, widow 50 14 0
136 " Richard Senior 140 15 0
137 " John Manning 48 0 0
138 " Marke Wyland 22 17 0
139 " Sibilla Usher 37 16 0
140 " James Rayner 34 0 0
141 June 7 John Hervey, esq. 500 0 0
142 " Fra. Lucy, esq. 300 0 0
143 June 5 Capt. Baggot 24 15 0
144 " Capt. Rowe 300 0 0
145 " Lieut. Alexander Carnes 36 0 0
146 " Lieut. John Vaughan 27 0 0
147 " Ensign Eyton 22 13 0
148 " Capt. Hintson 114 0 0
149 " Ensign Deane 22 13 0
150 " Sir James Smith 183 2 4
151 " Lieut. Rigby 17 10 0
152 " Capt. Wm. Langley 60 8 0
153 " Fran. Marshall, quartermaster 30 4 0
154 " Lieut. Alex. Ramsey 30 4 0
155 " Lieut. Wm. Loutherington 29 0 0
156 " Lieut. Florence MacCartie 13 5 9
157 " Cornet John Williams 22 12 6
158 " Capt. Henry Cope 196 18 4
159 " John Wood 100 0 0
160 " Leonard Washington 11 1 0
161 " John Baily 50 0 0
162 " Lester Thorpe 11 13 4
163 " Griffith Meades 10 11 8
164 " William Stafford 21 11 7
165 " Richard Bramston 25 6 0
166 " Thomas Price 10 9 0
167 " John Bird 28 17 1
168 " John Sherbrooke 14 16 11
169 " Richard Batha 19 5 0
170 " John Skegg 18 2 0
171 " William How 27 17 0
172 " Nicholas Holbrooke 22 12 4
173 " William Charnocke 10 9 0
174 " John Bull 10 9 0
175 " Abraham Palmer 10 10 0
176 " —Walton, widow 11 4 6
177 " Nicholas Sharpe 14 0 6
178 " Mary Hockley 125 8 11
179 " William Conne 23 11 6
180 June 6 Lieut. Drury 30 4 0
181 " Capt. Arthur Corbet 120 0 0
182 " Lieut. John Levingston 30 4 0
183 " Ensign Robert Sayers 22 13 0
184 " Capt. Francis Hawley 60 8 0
185 " Capt. William Gilby 60 8 0
186 " Capt. William Wheeler 50 19 3
187 " Lancelot Kirke, quartermaster 26 5 7
188 " Lieut. Edwd. Jacob 63 10 8
189 " Duke of Monmouth 90 12 0
190 " Lieut. John Mickleburne 28 4 0
191 " Humph. Feild 13 18 10
192 " Thomas Hobson 10 9 0
193 " James Bishop 10 8 2
194 " Eliza Russell 10 10 0
195 " John Horton 39 0 0
196 " William Marshall 47 15 7
197 " John Ives 26 19 9
198 " Widow Dinah Betts 45 5 3
199 " John Protherow 10 10 0
200 " John Shuley 45 10 6
201 " Clement Starkey 10 10 0
202 " William Batchelor 56 18 4
203 " Robert Esgar 16 18 0
204 " Edmund King 61 1 9
205 " William Brogden 28 9 8
206 " William Fen 31 9 3
207 " Tho. Payne 17 9 8
208 " Anne Brookes 37 7 2
209 " Samuell Benwell 25 14 0
210 " Edward Wright 23 3 0
211 " Nicholas Brittle 13 18 8
212 " Capt. Francis Thompson 50 0 0
213 June 12 Mr. Ambrose Holbech 1,000 0 0
214 June 13 Adam Langley, pewterer 100 0 0
215 June 6 John Slarke 10 9 0
216 June 14 Sir Thos. Player 1,150 0 0
217 June 7 Jervas Lawson 17 0 0
218 " Thomas Perrier 14 7 0
219 " William Low 10 9 0
220 " Henry Cash 179 6 0
221 " William Ward 10 10 0
222 " Richard Baggot 15 12 4
223 " Nathan Collop 12 17 8
224 " Henry Adams 18 13 0
225 " John Cogland 191 10 6
226 " Thomas Warum 18 7 8
227 " Francis Eldridge 51 5 0
228 " Tho. Jolley 44 8 0
229 " James Kersly 16 5 8
230 " Judith Richmond 20 14 0
231 " Edward Noone 53 18 0
232 " Henry Faucet 62 12 10
233 " Henry Faucet 100 0 0
234 " Tho. Bell 42 18 8
235 " Tho. Emmet 10 10 0
236 " James Gower 20 0 0
237 " John Barnes 10 10 0
238 " Thomas Mills 13 9 0
239 " Robert Neale 11 11 6
240 " Joan Brewer 78 9 8
241 " Richard Savidge 47 0 0
242 " Widow Susan Coply 27 13 0
243 June 17 Ensign John Lane 22 13 0
244 June 7 Lebeas Pecke 61 3 10
245 " Edward Fosset 59 19 10
246 " Nicholas Dobson 44 15 6
247 " John Arundell 16 16 6
248 " Richard Cooper 16 13 0
249 " Henry Lavender 72 18 6
250 " Charles Copley 40 2 0
251 " William Sheppard 55 10 10
252 " Henry Beasly 27 2 5
253 " James Hall 71 13 3
254 " Thomas Lendores 20 14 0
255 " John Sleigh 61 12 0
256 " William Wight 30 5 10
257 " John Mole 32 10 0
258 " Charles Smith 14 0 0
259 " John Wells 11 15 0
260 " Thomas Bullocke 10 10 0
261 " Anne Shuttleworth 10 10 0
262 " Richard Clements 10 10 0
263 " David Williams 13 11 6
264 " John Rogers 10 10 0
265 " Walter James 10 9 0
266 " Peter Sallaway 10 10 0
267 " John Plumridge 35 7 0
268 " Edward Farley 10 10 0
269 " John Smith 10 10 0
270 " John Lane 14 0 0
271 " Isaac Silverside 10 10 0
272 " William Greenwood 39 16 4
273 " William Burne 50 0 0
274 " William Ellis 58 4 0
275 " Thomas Mitchell 10 10 0
276 " Henry Fosset 60 10 5
277 " Tho. Merridell 76 18 0
278 " Christo[pher]Whitmore 50 0 0
279 " Edward Banton 10 9 0
280 " Eliza Jones 44 6 6
281 " William Marshall 30 1 2
282 " Henry Williams 35 7 0
283 " Alice Worsley 31 9 9
284 " Robert Owen 47 6 8
285 " Tho. Lucy and Charles West 316 14 0
286 " Lieut. Tho. Hawley 30 4 0
287 " Lieut. Geo. Neares 22 4 11
288 " Lieut. Sir Hugh Middleton 30 4 0
289 " Capt. Tho. Coales 60 8 0
290 " Capt. Anthony Markham 139 8 10
291 " Ensign Francis Edwards 22 13 0
292 " Capt. Richard Willoughby 29 6 2
293 " Capt. Edward Games 26 9 0
294 " Major John Motlow 166 12 2
295 " Major Tho. Mansfield 146 6 10
296 " Capt. Ingleby Daniell 75 5 6
297 " Lieut. Tho. Bagshaw 25 0 0
298 " Cornet Samll. Dunn 21 8 9
299 " James Thompson, quartermaster 16 16 0
300 " Duke of Monmouth as Capt. of Foot 60 8 0
301 " Thomas Thompson, quartermaster 44 12 0
302 " Capt. Thomas Lucy 60 8 0
303 " Ensign Henry Pagitt 22 13 0
304 " Cornet Thomas Hart 16 4 7
305 " Lieut. Norris Jephson 30 4 0
306 " Capt. John Congrave 60 8 0
307 " Lieut. Henry Withers 24 13 0
308 June 12 Richard Twisdell 27 0 0
309 " Edward Harrison 10 9 0
310 " William Preston 25 18 8
311 " Henry Hughes 11 1 0
312 " John Westland 36 0 0
313 " John Veare 12 8 0
314 " Joseph Nevell 24 4 0
315 " John Brogdall 12 6 6
316 " Robert Robinson 25 7 0
317 " Henry Wilmore 26 8 10
318 " John Tyson 30 13 7
319 " John Devon 25 17 6
320 " Richard Warberton 10 7 0
321 " George Bishop 20 14 0
322 " Tho. Lincolne 88 15 8
323 " Honour Freiston 16 18 2
324 " John Clemson 10 10 0
325 " John Robinson 10 10 0
326 " Richard Meakins 10 10 0
327 " Richard Rudd 10 7 0
328 " Tho. Erland 107 15 6
329 " Tho. Wright 10 10 0
330 " Weymarke Scaltrope 10 10 0
331 " John Holland 20 14 0
332 " Jeremiah Sampson 10 10 0
333 " Richard Frisby 48 18 2
334 " Joseph Howard 18 0 0
335 " Robert Ellis 10 9 0
336 " William Seagrave 10 10 0
337 " Austin Gristin 10 12 6
338 " Henry Yeast 10 10 0
339 " William Harbert 10 10 0
340 " John Digby 10 9 0
341 " John Travell 74 8 0
342 " Josuah Meadcalfe 15 19 6
343 " James Hill 142 5 0
344 " John Coy 36 16 5
345 " Mary Catlen 33 19 6
346 " William Gradwell 38 15 3
347 " Edward Burgess 173 19 5
348 " John Pragnall 25 10 0
349 " Samuel Cole 58 9 4
350 " Edward Weekes 88 18 9
351 " Thomas Bullocke 57 0 7
352 " Thomas Crane 20 14 0
353 " Jeffery Howard 71 10 0
354 " Nathaniell Low 164 1 2
355 " William Halsey 30 10 0
356 June 18 Sir Tho. Player 300 0 0
357 June 13 Lieut. William Owen 30 4 0
358 " Cornet John Polixphen 67 19 0
359 " Ensign James Merricke 18 11 0
360 " Capt. Symon Parry 60 8 0
361 " Capt. Henry Cope 49 1 6
362 " Thomas Wright 100 0 0
363 " Ditto 100 0 0
364 " Ditto 100 0 0
365 " Ditto 100 0 0
366 " Ditto 58 3 6
367 " Margaret Aske 47 12 0
368 " Christopher Pike 25 13 0
369 " William Hawkes 12 0 0
370 " James Bowman 70 14 0
371 " William Bold 10 10 0
372 " Abigall Hughes 10 10 0
373 " Robert Parsons 10 1 0
374 " William Joade 10 10 0
375 " Gregory Coston 10 10 0
376 " John Edlen 10 10 0
377 " Joseph Hall 92 6 0
378 " John Knight 30 8 0
379 " Anne Whitehead 48 12 0
380 " John Wingfeild 13 7 0
381 " Edward Kemp 15 1 6
382 " Richard Wright 10 1 0
383 " Richard Foster 19 0 4
384 " Jane Miller 13 8 6
385 " William Bennet 13 8 0
386 " Mary Bower 10 1 0
387 June 19 Sir Tho. Player 300 0 0
388 June 14 Lieut. John Downing 39 10 8
389 " Capt. Geo. Wingfeild 60 8 0
390 " Capt. John Price 43 1 4
391 " Joseph Day 17 19 0
392 " John Nelson 152 16 2
393 " Lawrence Sowerby 10 10 0
394 " Mary Pettinghall 27 11 0
395 " Ellenor Smith 12 17 0
396 " Thomas Adlam 34 12 0
397 " Thomas Lawes 22 5 6
398 " John Webb 22 6 0
399 " John Spencer 10 10 0
400 " John Goldenham 5 16 1
401 " William Watts 53 0 0
402 " Richard Spelman 11 10 6
403 " George Fanskew 10 1 0
404 " Thomas Eldridge 12 0 4
405 " Henry Nash 20 8 0
406 " Matthew Ghent 7 4 6
407 " Robert West 30 19 0
408 " Richard Allen 10 10 0
409 " Thomas Wood 10 10 0
410 " George Browne 10 10 0
411 " Thomas Chapde 19 16 8
412 " Cornelius Cooke 40 10 0
413 " John Robinson 10 10 0
414 " Thomas Witts 10 10 0
415 " John Ugler 10 10 0
416 " John Blizard 10 10 0
417 " William Wheeler 20 0 0
418 " Edward Finny 30 4 0
419 " John Beard 10 10 0
420 " Thomas Goulder 10 10 0
421 " John Twisleton & Co. 100 0 0
422 " Thomas Wright 100 0 0
423 " Anthony White 41 2 0
424 " Thomas Keenes 10 10 0
425 " Thomas Wright 100 0 0
426 " Widow Rummins 21 6 1
427 " Robert Grady 10 10 0
428 " John Lawrence 80 0 0
429 " John Middleton 10 10 0
430 " Thomas Ashby 15 14 6
431 " Abell Skinner 10 10 0
432 " Giles Stickbury 10 10 0
433 " William Walker 10 1 0
434 " Jane Jones 10 10 0
435 " George Layton 14 11 10
436 " Geo. Simkins 10 10 0
437 " Richard Foreman 10 10 0
438 " Francis Potter 4 5 0
439 " Mr. Poole 41 1 0
440 " John Cotton 38 2 2
441 " William Price 10 10 0
442 " Widow Hilman 10 12 0
443 " Joseph Greene 10 10 0
444 " Francis Swift 14 0 0
445 " John Sansbury 39 4 6
446 " John Spooner 10 1 0
447 " Hugh Hillman 29 16 10
448 " George Brett 13 18 8
449 " John Bowler 44 5 0
450 " Thomas Parry 69 8 5
451 " Michaell Reede 9 10 0
452 " Peter Howard 10 10 0
453 " Ambrose Surines 1 10 0
454 " Henry Eves 22 15 0
455 " Ambrose Samsbury 28 13 4
456 " Anne Jefferys 13 4 6
457 " Henry Benger 22 15 0
458 " Edward Challows 10 10 0
459 " Henry Hirkham 10 10 0
460 " Gabriell Arnold 10 10 0
461 " Thomas Bayly 14 0 0
462 " Francis Greene 12 15 0
463 " Thomas Ives 10 1 0
464 " William Buckler 22 1 3
465 " Symon Grimley 200 0 0
466 " John Grant 21 4 0
467 " John Brabant 10 10 0
468 " Robert Lumnas 10 10 0
469 " Anne Addam 10 10 0
470 " William Harris 10 10 0
471 " Richard Wotton 43 16 11
472 " Edward Anne 60 1 7
473 " Randolph Barker 10 10 0
474 " Joseph Windall 10 10 0
475 " Widow Bell 20 15 6
476 " Robert Wiseman 11 4 0
477 " Edmund Smith 20 16 0
478 " Henry Smith 19 6 5
479 " Phillip Painter 42 1 6
480 " Margaret Jacob 3 19 0
481 " Thomas Shrewsbury 10 10 0
482 " Nicholas Allen 10 10 0
483 " Walter Powell 10 9 0
484 " Abell Harris 10 10 0
485 " Stephen Allen 10 1 0
486 " William Okeram 10 1 0
487 " William Skelton 10 10 0
488 " Mary Matchet 10 1 0
489 " Thomas Harper 10 10 0
490 " Richard Lacy 10 1 0
491 " Andrew Osborne 10 1 0
492 " John Murrell 10 1 0
493 " William Chambers 28 9 6
494 " Richard Walters 10 10 0
495 June 21 Robert Bertie, esq. 200 0 0
496 " William Bridges 3,500 0 0
497 " William Bridges 2,300 0 0
498 " William Bridges 4,200 0 0
499 June 23 Sir Thomas Player 400 0 0
500 June 18 Martha Ball, widow 10 8 0
501 " Robert Sury 28 2 0
502 " John Underwood 24 14 0
503 " Joseph Perkins 13 18 10
504 " Elizabeth Lowther 10 8 0
505 " Charles Smith 39 15 0
506 " Ensign Watkin Jenkins 8 13 0
507 " Francis Willox 10 3 0
508 " William Smith 20 7 6
509 " Capt. Henry Morgan 76 15 0
510 " Ra. Downes 10 10 0
511 " Eliz. Shatterwaite 80 10 6
512 " Col. John Carne 25 0 0
513 " Capt. Edwd. Fitzpatricke 80 0 0
514 " Ensign William Boys 17 13 0
515 " Charles Cole 48 1 0
516 " Sir Walter Clarges 25 0 0
517 " Nicho. Bartlet 20 18 6
518 " Rowland Wastell 48 9 9
519 " Edward Burgess 51 0 0
520 " John Ligborne 10 10 0
521 " Joshua Darley 11 17 0
522 " Lieut. Tho. Otway 27 17 6
523 " William Streete 14 11 10
524 " Vincent Pawling 59 8 0
525 " William Fillieat 15 13 2
526 " John Robinson 14 18 10
527 " Henry Oakeley 78 19 9
528 " John Lewis 20 16 0
529 " Rich. Morrice 10 8 0
530 " William Ravenall 10 10 0
531 " Griff. Hughes 10 10 0
532 " Capt. Joseph Congrave 40 0 0
533 " Capt. Jno. Streete 150 0 0
534 " Mary Hartwell 13 7 10
535 " Tho. Batty 10 8 0
536 " Tho. Hunt 82 17 6
537 " Rose Ansell 13 17 4
538 " James Herne 49 1 4
539 " Cha. Sherby 13 4 3
540 " Mary Mitchell 18 14 4
541 " Tho. Statham 21 7 0
542 " Thomas Hancocke 29 19 4
543 " William Ives 20 3 4
544 " Dan. Hacke 10 1 10
545 " Capt. Phi. Kirke 140 0 0
546 " Geo. Smith 34 6 0
547 " Hen. Pond 20 18 0
548 " William Lawrence 15 15 0
549 " Ensign Jno. Moore 13 8 4
550 " Richd. Phillpes 18 18 0
551 " Tho. Mathews 20 0 0
552 " Giles Pococke 9 8 4
553 " Sir Walter Clarges 25 0 0
554 " Tho. Goodwine 10 12 6
555 " William Sampson 9 17 0
556 " Anne Bradley 38 7 11
557 " Capt. Mathews 46 0 0
558 " John Goodwin 16 3 6
559 " Tho. Feild 21 14 2
560 " Simon May 11 11 6
561 " Rich. Leach 22 13 6
562 " Capt. Lewis Thomas 60 8 0
563 " Edwd. Walker 10 10 0
564 " Ann Batlin 29 14 9
565 " Saml. Burdin 10 10 0
566 " Lieut.-Col. Tolmash 110 0 0
567 " Barnaby Dunnet & Co. 60 0 0
568 " Capt. Cha. Ormes 180 0 0
569 " Major Henry Bode 120 0 0
570 " Col. Stradling 151 0 0
571 " Major Windham 29 7 8
572 " Lieut. Moore Sanders 30 4 0
573 " Lieut.-Col. Jno. Carne 27 10 6
574 " Eliz. Mayson 13 8 0
575 " Adjutant Edwd. Powell 30 4 0
576 " Edwd. Young 10 10 0
577 " William Hopgood 10 10 0
578 " Edwd. Smith & Co. 1,052 3 5
579 " Major Sir Tho. Leventhorpe 174 5 3
580 " Tho. Bolton 28 0 0
581 " Jno. Luxford 10 10 0
582 " Lieut. Col. Jno. Carnes 45 0 0
583 " Capt. Charles Fanshaw 170 0 0
584 " Caleb Proctor 17 9 0
585 " Hugh Warden 24 9 6
586 " Ensign George Aying 22 13 0
587 " Col. Sir Jno. Talbot 228 3 5
588 " Eliz. Barnes 15 12 0
589 " William Ballard 10 10 0
590 " Lieut.-Col. Orby 151 0 0
591 " Tho. Blakeby & Co. 53 16 0
592 " William Mathews 38 7 8
593 " Jno. Craddocke, chaplain 50 6 8
594 " Sir Jno. Talbot 227 15 2
595 " Edwd. Jackson 10 10 0
596 June 23 Lieut.-Col. Cha. Godfrey 217 15 3
597 June 20 Sir Jno. Moore 90 0 0
598 " Capt. Robt. Hodges 50 0 0
599 " Maj. Geo. Arnot 92 5 1
600 " Capt. Lieut. Henry Payton 90 0 0
(The original order lost: the copy certified by Sir R. H[oward]: the loss sworn by said Payton: 8 July, 1679: ordered that Sir R. Howard pay on the copy.)
601 " Lieut. Edwd. Seyes 16 4 0
602 " Lieut. Jno. Lloyd 24 18 0
603 " Capt. Mathews 14 8 0
604 " Robt. Seppin 134 12 11
605 " Robt. Seppin 49 19 1
606 " Tho. Eustace, esq. 956 4 8
607 " Tho. Eustace 864 13 8
608 " Tho. Eustace 904 1 8
609 " Tho. Reeve 7 12 5
610 " Francis Bernard 116 1 0
611 " Christo. Soane 40 6 6
612 " Jane Searle 15 17 1
613 " William Kew 63 18 6
614 " Richd. Chamberlaine 76 12 6
615 " Rich. Jacob 26 7 6
616 " Benja. Powell 53 8 6
617 " Tho. Winhall 39 3 0
618 " Abigall Silvester 61 2 0
619 " Widow Barker 14 0 0
620 " Eli Manwaring 21 5 0
621 " Tho. Rawlinson 48 9 3
622 " William Parrs 20 12 6
623 " Robt. Wigg 11 2 0
624 " Edwd. Gold 7 13 0
625 " Tho. Browne 5 5 6
626 " Benj. Powell 14 0 0
627 " James Smith 57 2 10
628 " Anne Newman 40 0 0
629 " Anne Newman 114 17 0
630 " Tho. Taylor 24 5 0
631 " John Dell 22 9 2
632 " Fra. Barnet 7 17 0
633 " Benja. Powell 14 0 0
634 " Andrew Vesey 10 10 0
635 " Lambert Searle 15 6 0
636 " Benja. Whiteing 58 9 6
637 " William Chesterman 14 6 0
638 " Walter Bayley & Co. 899 1 9
639 " Mathew Dell 26 5 0
640 " Benja. Powell 58 0 0
641 " John West 80 0 0
642 " Jeffery Pennell 52 0 0
643 " William Kersell 23 7 2
644 " William Totte 10 10 0
645 " Richard Clocke 39 3 8
646 " Joshuah Elton 44 4 0
647 " William Thornborow 17 19 2
648 " Bernard Allen 38 5 0
649 " Tho. Barker 8 7 10
650 " Simon Leach 11 1 0
651 " Edwd. Webb 27 4 0
652 " Richard Kenton 15 13 6
653 " Tho. Blundell 51 6 6
654 " Widow Bennet 31 13 0
655 " William Thornborow 14 0 6
656 " Rich. Underwood 15 16 6
657 " John Sumner 11 12 6
658 " Tho. Hobbs 42 4 0
659 " John Narroway 48 13 0
660 " Leonard Browne 45 15 6
661 " Edwd. Chatterton 31 1 6
662 " Lieut. Lloyd 55 18 0
663 " Geo. Watts 20 17 0
664 " John Cawdry 47 9 6
665 " Richard Johnes 18 17 0
666 " Eglin Coomes 10 1 0
667 " John Sutton 14 14 0
668 " John Mordant 180 0 0
669 " John Spier 5 11 0
670 " William Newland 16 1 6
671 June 27 Sir Tho. Player 1,000 0 0
672 June 23 Christopher Exall 28 1 0
673 " Tho. Fletcher 11 2 0
674 June 26 Robert Johnson 17 3 6
675 " Major William Steward 98 3 0
676 " Ditto, due to him from his serjeant 16 15 0
677 " Major William Steward 14 11 6
678 June 30 Capt. Tho. Suliard 80 0 0
679 June 26 Rand. Ashinhurst 30 4 0
680 " Lieut. Marke Duncan 20 4 0
681 " Capt. Cha. Manwaring 32 16 6
682 " William Bincks, chaplain 50 6 8
683 " Major Knevet Hastings 200 0 0
684 " Lieut.-Col. Sackville 180 0 0
685 " Fred Mole, quarter master 20 0 0
686 " Fra. Nicholson & Co. 20 0 0
687 " Lewis Prescot 30 4 0
688 " Sir Cha. Wheeler 151 0 0
689 " Capt. John Richardson 19 4 0
690 June 23 Lieut. Fran. Cartwright 14 0 0
691 " Capt. James Fortry 140 0 0
692 " Capt. Anth. Buller 200 0 0
693 " Ensign William Herbert 22 13 0
694 June 26 Ensign Henry Goodwin 21 13 0
695 June 23 Capt. Lieut. Tho. Lloyd 30 0 0
696 " Edward Ash, chaplain 30 0 0
697 " Capt. Lieut. Tho. Lloyd 19 18 0
698 " Col. Sir Tho. Slingsby 44 16 0
699 " Col. Sir Tho. Slingsby 138 0 0
700 " Richard Scot 20 0 0
701 " Major William Broxholme 150 0 0
702 June 26 Capt. Lenth Warcup 120 0 0
703 " David Larmouth 60 0 0
704 " Capt. Lenthall Warcup 50 0 0
705 " Edwd. Walker et al. 936 15 1
706 " William Woodstocke 42 8 6
707 " Fran. Turnor et al. 354 6 7
708 " Abra. Boynsfeild 7 14 6
709 " Major Knevet Hastings 50 0 0
710 " Jane Everard 15 12 0
711 " Jno. Moncke 36 1 6
712 " Sam. Hall et al. 802 8 2
713 " William Tims 19 18 6
714 " Lewis Prestcot 64 5 10
715 " Alderman Cockey 52 7 3
716 " Robt. Webb 82 10 6
717 " Martha Jenings 5 11 0
718 " Richd. King 75 0 0
719 June 23 Abra. Smith 30 12 9
720 " Widow Hartford 11 2 0
721 " Miles Harris 15 11 0
722 " Francis Pais 11 2 6
723 " Tho. Head 11 2 0
724 " Widow Eales 6 13 6
725 " Richd. Spire 9 7 0
726 " Capt. Sir Walter Clarges 25 0 0
727 " Rich. Wood 17 5 0
728 " Hugh White 15 0 0
729 " Eliz. Quaite 83 18 6
730 " Jno. Browne 10 18 0
731 " Geo. Froude 33 6 0
732 " William Turner 11 2 0
733 " Ralp. Butterfield 19 13 6
734 " Widow Barnard 26 13 0
735 " John Eastgate 31 7 0
736 " William Woodward 12 7 0
737 " William Cutler 15 18 0
738 " Arthur Wilder 10 8 0
739 " Eleanor Box 26 2 0
740 " Jno. Blunt 10 9 0
741 " William Collier 96 15 6
742 " Chris. Mercer 10 0 6
743 " John West 7 3 6
744 " Jno. Symonds 9 7 9
745 " William Coleman 39 16 6
746 " Richd. Greener 9 0 6
747 " Joseph Ashburne 22 4 0
748 " William Cartwright 53 6 6
749 " Jno. Bishop 22 4 0
750 " James Querrington 10 11 0
751 " Jno. Grigg 19 2 0
752 " Robt. Breife & Co. 170 0 0
753 " Bridget Holton, widow 14 13 8
754 " Eliz. Curromt 14 18 0
755 " Sir Walter Clarges 25 0 0
756 " Nico. Binsteed 13 1 0
757 " Phillip Coleby and Tho. Best 151 15 5
758 " Ditto 151 15 5
759 " Ditto 151 15 5
760 " Ditto 151 15 5
761 " Ditto 151 15 5
762 " Ditto 151 15 5
763 July 2 Sir Tho. Player 900 0 0
764 June 26 Lieut.-Col. Huitson 112 15 0
765 June 27 Capt. Richd. Brewer 150 0 0
766 " Capt. Herlackenden 52 4 0
767 " Capt. Cha. Churchill 52 3 7
768 " Capt. Chaffin 83 1 0
769 " Cornet Fra. Purcell 37 15 0
770 " Ensign Tho. Nicolls 20 13 0
771 " Lieut. Jno. Waldron 14 0 0
772 " Alexander Henderson 30 0 0
773 " Quartermaster Poole 30 4 0
774 " Lieut. Tho. Hussey 22 10 0
775 " Peter Caulier & Co. 180 0 0
776 " Ralph Ashinhurst 38 8 6
777 " Tho. Gosling & Co. 100 0 0
778 " Ditto 100 0 0
779 " Giles Darling 76 17 6
780 " William Edwards 23 0 0
781 " Widow Day 10 11 0
782 " Samll. Fuller & Co. 140 0 0
783 " Mary Pococke 9 16 6
784 " Jno. Golding 31 13 0
785 " William Shingleton 22 12 3
786 " Richd. Cawdry 20 7 0
787 " James Styles 13 4 6
788 " Benj. England & Co. 160 0 0
789 " Jno. Brockway 21 2 0
800 " Peter Caulier et al. 208 0 0
801 " William Cooke 92 5 2
802 " Jno. Girling and Tho. Atkinson 150 0 0
803 " Ditto 130 0 0
804 " Peter Caulier & Co. 69 8 6
805 " John Watts 88 9 6
806 " Jacob Morrice 18 1 0
807 " Henry Mattingly 10 10 0
808 " John Sheldrake & Co. 160 0 0
809 " Jno. Warner 10 0 0
810 " Jno. Dow & Co. 150 0 0
811 " Samll. Fuller & Co. 320 0 0
812 " Widow Slater 5 5 6
813 " Jno. Elkins 34 17 0
814 " Henry Payne 5 6 0
815 " Ralph Eaton 30 8 0
816 " Ralph Shipway 15 7 0
817 " Daniell Elliot 26 7 6
818 " Mathew Peter 60 8 6
819 " Widow Paine 15 6 6
820 " Jno. Elliot 41 15 0
821 " Anthony Milward 31 13 0
822 " Mayor [of] Maidstone and Art. Harris 100 0 0
823 " Widow Wright 58 1 0
824 " Richard Irons 17 18 0
825 " Richard Parricke 10 10 0
826 " John Barker 15 5 6
827 " Thomas Forcers 15 0 6
828 " Mary Walters 14 0 0
829 " Widow Wheate 26 18 0
830 " Robert Ellis 24 9 0
831 " Jehosophat Davy 30 0 0
832 " Thomas Williams 21 2 0
833 " William Barnes 10 10 0
834 " Geo. Cooper 15 16 0
835 " Widow Eares 10 5 0
836 " Widow Lyford 13 2 6
837 " Richard Cole 15 16 6
838 " John Cowleys 10 10 0
839 " Michaell Ruckleigh 462 15 0
840 " Widow Auberry 15 16 6
841 " John Whitley 17 9 8
842 " Mathew Rugeley 67 15 9
843 " Edmund Ellis & Co. 60 0 0
844 " Tho. Symons & Co. 50 0 0
845 " William Newberry 42 4 0
846 " Tho. Morse 102 11 7
847 " John Lewin 10 10 0
848 " Dennes Flanagan 10 10 0
849 " John Underwood 29 16 0
850 " Henry Carter 20 10 9
851 " James Fyles 29 9 3
852 " John Passons 25 10 6
853 " Ambrose Butler 10 10 0
854 " John Burroughes 45 9 0
855 July 1 Ric. Thorne 61 4 6
856 " Tho. Waller 20 19 6
857 " Henry Meade 27 17 1
858 July 5 Sir Hum. Winch 203 0 7
859 " Ditto 325 6 2
860 July 1 Earl of Feversham 151 0 0
861 " Lord Richardson 120 0 0
862 " Lord Alington 100 0 0
863 " Lieut. William Evans. 30 0 0
864 " Edmd. Turner, chaplain 20 0 0
865 " Tho. Webster, chaplain 35 0 0
866 " Lieut. Tho. Davies 7 15 8
867 " Lieut. Cha. Robinson 20 0 0
868 " Capt. Cha. Lloyd 40 0 0
869 " Cornet Robt. Willis 20 0 0
870 " Major Trelawney 98 3 0
871 " Sir Jono. Jennings 113 5 0
872 " Lieut. Johnson 12 5 5
873 " Levin Craven, adjutant 45 6 0
874 " Ditto 20 0 0
875 " Lieut.-Col. Sackvile 50 0 0
876 " Lieut. John Hilton 14 4 0
877 " Capt. David L'Grosse 100 0 0
878 " Samll. Hancocke 5 8 0
879 " Lieut. John Adams 20 0 0
880 " Elias Locke for Col. Henry Sidney 400 0 0
881 " Capt. Sam. Scudamore 70 0 0
882 " Mr. Hen. Flutter 110 3 8
883 " Ditto 200 0 0
884 " Robt. Huntington & Co. 170 0 0
885 " John Miles 5 5 6
886 " Widow Bushell 21 2 0
887 " Jno. Greene 9 0 0
888 " Tho. Edes 14 14 4
889 " Fra. Muglet 11 6 10
890 " John Sweeting 12 6 4
891 " Eliz. Howard 4 16 0
892 " John Miles 73 3 7
893 " Cha. Richards 64 2 6
894 " Tho. North 52 17 0
895 " John White 400 0 0
896 " William Stevins & Co. 122 13 4
897 " Ditto 140 0 0
898 " Richd. Davies 11 19 7
899 " John Leach 11 1 0
900 " Antho. Kirbey 11 1 0
901 " Humph. Hackshaw 54 6 8
902 " Jno. Reeves 10 7 0
903 " Francis Holton 16 11 6
904 " John Miles 10 11 0
905 " John Reynolds 42 11 5
906 " John Miles 8 17 0
907 " Ditto 5 5 6
908 July 4 Capt. John Shelly 150 0 0
909 " John Shelly 43 0 0
910 " Capt. Cha. O'Hara 40 0 0
911 " Capt. Tho. Whalley 106 4 6
912 " Lieut. Hen. Barbin 30 4 0
913 " John Bryan 921 10
914 " Ensign William Herbert 18 0 0
915 " Edwd. Batten 412 17 2
916 " William Saunders 9 17 0
917 " Paule Penton 36 18 6
918 " Capt. Saml. Williams 517 4 11
919 " Ra. Stevins 15 16 6
920 " Widow Bates 22 14 0
921 " William Harmon 13 4 6
922 " Richard Fortune 6 12 10
923 " John Miller 8 7 2
924 " William Moorecocke 9 10 6
925 " John Dobbins 14 8 6
926 " John Hughes 8 7 0
927 " Sir Robt. Hildyard 60 8 0
928 " Ensign Martin Frobisher 22 13 0
929 " Sir Ra. Warton 60 8 0
930 " Lieut. John Leighton 30 4 0
931 " Lieut. Phill. Helwys 30 4 0
932 " Ensign John Lister 22 13 0
933 " Ensign Jno. Bridges 14 19 0
934 " Capt. John Penington 60 0 0
935 " Capt. Cha. Herbert 69 0 6
936 " Capt. Peter Diamond 60 8 0
937 " Capt. William Barnes 144 5 6
938 " Robert Pococke, chaplain 50 6 8
939 " John Smith 6 17 3
940 " William Chambers 19 11 6
941 " Fra. Morgan 101 9 0
942 " Tho. Wimball 29 2 0
943 " William Cooper 7 14 0
944 " Row. Browne 15 16 6
945 " Fran. Lane 57 1 3
946 " Rob. Shuell 24 2 0
947 " James Giddings 66 11 6
948 " Daniel Abbot 10 11 0
949 " Humph. Paniter 77 18 11
950 " Widow Feild 12 14 2
951 " William Day 9 0 2
952 " Henry Kymber 100 4 6
953 " Tho. Halmstead 15 3 4
954 " John Martin 33 4 4
955 " Tho. Symons & Co. 50 0 0
956 " William Jesop 5 6 6
957 " Henry Crow & Co. 100 0 0
958 " Bernard Church & Co. 61 6 0
959 " Richard Cotton 5 5 0
960 " Widow Sayer 9 3 9
961 " Geo. Miller 30 15
962 " Edmd. Harrison 33 6 6
963 " Tho. Brumsell & Co. 52 9 0
964 " Robt. Carter 21 10 0
965 " Samll. Luffe 11 18 3
966 " William Eweres 7 11 0
967 " Sir Tho. Longvill & Co. 523 13 6
968 " Tho. Brumsell & Co. 391 4 6
969 " Tho. Lantaffe 5 9 2
970 " Tho. Fish 18 11 0
971 " Luke Dorrington 14 1 0
972 " James Etsell 6 2 3
973 " John Morad 7 7 0
974 " Ra. Bucknall 16 8 9
975 " Jeffe Hodgkins 7 4 6
976 " Rob. Aldeson 13 5 0
977 " John Hankin 10 12 6
978 " Richard Collins 21 4 0
979 " Robt. Bull 11 3 6
980 " Henry Wood & Co. 64 12 0
981 " Capt. Samll. Williams 4,340 0 0
982 July 8 Lieut. Col. Tho. Coningsby 50 0 0
983 " Tho. Jones, chaplain 50 6 8
984 " Capt. Hilde[bran]d Allington 60 8 0
985 " Anne Abeare 16 7 0
986 " Robert Binfeild 26 7 6
987 " William Derman 24 9 6
988 " Richd. Deane 20 3 6
989 " James Smith 60 15 6
990 " John White 30 5 0
991 " Joseph Benwell 23 8 0
992 " Richard Garroway 10 18 0
993 " Sir William Franklynne 174 19
994 " Joseph Benwell 43 11 0
995 " Chri. Thornton 16 7 0
996 " Richard Issly 32 4 4
997 " Marger Lovegrove 6 0 0
998 " Richard Mare 39 12 0
999 " Geo. Bayly 13 4 6
1000 " Richard Gervas 15 16 6
1001 " William Smith 9 8 4
1002 " Richard Lisset 408 2 1
1003 " Jno. Gouch & Co. 50 0 0
1004 " Francis Becket 28 1 10
1005 " Ditto 5 5 6
1006 " Tho. Blackman 17 12 6
1007 " Daniell Styles 70 0 0
1008 " Aubery Baishpool & Co. 130 0 0
1009 " Fran. Gardiner 51 19 11
1010 " Phillip Lampkin & Co. 14 1 3
1011 " Step. Alden & Co. 27 18 0
1012 " Nevill Lowther 18 5 0
1013 " Rich. Baldwin 66 5 0
1014 " Alex. Young 10 18 0
1015 " Martha Gould 10 18 0
1016 " Tho. Ball 32 14 0
1017 " Tho. Moore 11 18 0
1018 " James Berry 33 7 6
1019 " Fra. Webb 11 9 0
1020 " Widow Blackall 21 16 0
1021 " William Heycroft 9 6 0
1022 " Tho. Millet 14 17 0
1023 " Richard Tossells 10 11 0
1024 " John Dawes 20 3 6
1025 " Benja. Fairefax & Co. 140 0 0
1026 " Ditto 150 0 0
1027 " John Bernard 6 11 0
1028 " John Furman & Co. 120 0 0
1029 " William Noke 44 4 6
1030 " Tho. Baker 21 2 0
1031 " John Hill 21 2 0
1032 " Tho. Moore 9 17 0
1033 July 14 Robt. Cooper, chirurgeon 38 4 4
1034 " Mr. Elias Locke 20 0 0
1035 " Major Sir Tho. Ogle 70 0 0
1036 " Capt. William Harrison 60 8 0
1037 " Capt. John Herne 35 0 0
1038 " Lieut. Edwd. Laurence 32 13 1
1039 " Quartermaster William Hawley 37 15 0
1040 " Cornet Dingly 48 7 0
1041 " Lieut. Antho. Ovington 15 0 0
1042 " Mr. Elias Locke 80 0 0
1043 " Capt. Fra. Izard 100 0 0
1044 " Capt. John Peckham 100 0 0
1045 " Capt. John Bayes 110 0 0
1046 " Lieut. Robert Cade 13 5 8
1047 " Joseph Benwell 12 7 6
1048 " Edwd. East 38 3 0
1049 " Tho. Hewit 17 8 9
1050 " Ditto 4 0 0
1051 " James Canham 20 0 0
1052 " Richd. Lawrence 11 1 0
1053 " Mary Setchwell 45 12
1054 " Richd. Winter 10 17 0
1055 " Willi m Champe 10 11 0
1056 " John Ledbetter 26 7 6
1057 " James Bluet 20 9 0
1058 " Ensign Giles Allington, for subsistence 60 0 0
1059 " Capt. Peter Diamond, for subsistence 60 0 0
1060 July 16 Capt. John Shaftoe & Co. 30 0 0
1061 " Lieut. Col. James Halsall 103 15 8
1062 " Cornet Sa. Jukes 37 15 0
1063 " Lieut. Tho. Rowse 30 4 0
1064 " Sir Roger Strickland 107 12 11
1065 " Capt. Richard Baggot 100 0 0
1066 " John Pennerton 26 8 6
1067 " Adjutant William Dutton Colt 37 15 0
1068 " Martyn May, chirurgeon 57 17 8
1069 " Robert Cooper 10 0 0
1070 " Ensign John Hodges 18 15 3
1071 " Lieut. Robt. Wyles 8 0 0
1072 " Capt. Charles Peters 121 18 7
1073 " Capt. Robert Watson 113 19 3
1074 " Capt. Roger Kirkby 60 8 0
1075 " Sir John Berry 21 15 11
1076 " Capt. Lucas Feltham 6 0 0
1077 " Sir Roger Manly 86 16 6
1078 " Ensign Richard Price 22 13 0
1079 " Capt. Henry Seamer 155 7 10
1080 " Capt. Roger Langly 35 6 6
1081 " Capt. Geo. Fitz James 105 17 10
1082 " Capt. John Lee 71 7 5
1083 " Ensign William Cross 18 0 0
1084 " Prince Rupert 113 5 0
1085 " John Cole 26 8 6
1086 " Col. Sir Lionel Walden 100 0 0
1087 " Tho. Nixen, chaplain 50 6 8
1088 " William Neave & Co 644 0 0
1089 " Widow Arthurs 8 1 3
1090 " Geo. Butler 10 12 0
1091 " John Austin 20 11 0
1092 " Mr. Edwd. Battin 60 8 0
1093 " Antho. Norman 7 13 6
1094 " William Saule 9 10 6
1095 " William Neave & Co. 80 0 0
1096 " Ditto 561 19 6
1097 " Ditto 120 0 0
1098 " Nicholas Varndall 10 8 0
1099 " Reynaldo Pitfeild 110 0 0
1100 " Ditto 9 16 0
1101 " Ditto 90 0 0
1102 " Thomas Symonds & Co. 50 0 0
1103 " Richard Curtis & Co. 80 0 0
1104 " Mr. Edmd. Bateman 168 12 5
1105 " Tho. Barker & Co. 70 0 0
1106 " Mayor of Maidstone and Mr. Harris 100 0 0
1107 " John East 51 11 0
1108 " Geo. Humphreys 16 13 0
1109 " John Cooke 28 3 11
1110 " Fra. Ellisgood & Co. 100 0 0
1111 " Regnald Pitfeild 140 0 0
1112 " Patrick Trant, subsistence 50 0 0
1113 " Robert Bennit 6 13 10
1114 " John Lufflum 6 12 3
1115 " Eliza. Exall 18 16 9
1116 " Richd. Atkinson 56 17 6
1117 " Peter Disele 25 0 0
1118 " William Pedge 23 10 0
1119 " Tho. King 42 4 0
1120 " Tho. Maine 15 4 0
1121 " Silvanus Ireland 10 11 0
1122 " John Rowland 27 2 0
1123 " William Neave 200 0 0
1124 July 18 Ensign Edmund Doudy 15 0 0
1125 " Geo. Littleton 100 0 0
1126 " Capt. Edwd. Cornwall 54 18 9
1127 " Simon Lloyd 30 0 0
1128 " Jno. Moncke 4 14 6
1129 " Adam Symons 6 15 0
1130 " Capt. Robt. Crawley and Co. 100 0 0
1131 " Edwd. Draper & Co. 115 13 0
1132 " Fra. Cole 15 16 6
1133 " Nath. Clegate 6 3 4
1134 " Widow Jones 16 13 6
1135 July 22 Lieut. Jno. Whiton 30 4 0
1136 " Lieut. William Innis 9 12 6
1137 " Capt. Soper & Co. 56 1 8
1138 " Capt. John Cox 150 0 0
1139 " Major Beckman 128 7 0
1140 " Sir Robert Holmes, subsistence 181 10 0
1141 " William Clifton 15 11 9
1142 " Capt. Lieut. William Ennis 30 4 0
1143 " William Warham 58 0 6
1144 " Samll. Guy 16 6 0
1145 " Major Beckman 70 0 0
1146 " Thomas Champe 12 12 0
1147 " Robt. Exall 14 15 6
1148 July 23 Capt. William Eyton 150 11 4
1149 " Lieut. William Sheldon 222 19 11
1150 " Abig. Hawley 14 11 7
1151 " Chri. Lord Hatton 232 8 4
1152 " Gilb. Lingfield & Co. 25 15 4
1153 " Edw. Paine & Co. 20 0 0
1154 " Edwd. Limpany 13 17 4
1155 July 26 Geo. French 73 2 0
1156 " Same 27 13 7
1157 " Capt. Sir Bourcher Wray 50 0 0
1158 " Timo Lumme 60 8 0
1159 " Lemll. Kingdon 60 8 0
1160 " John Crofts 5 5 6
1161 " Jno. Carter & Co. 100 0 0
1162 " Jere Vinn & Co. 100 0 0
1163 July 29 William Freeman 27 4 6
1164 " Hugh Bokinham & Co. 100 0 0
1165 " John Wilks 10 2 10
1166 " Hugh Bokinham & Co. 100 0 0
1167 " Roger Williams 1,613 1 6
1168 " Nico. Feild 48 4 6
1169 " Lieut. Sam. Harrison 45 6 0
1170 " William Cooke & Co. 105 15 0
1171 " Roger Williams 1,064 4 5
1172 Aug. 1 Benj. Thorowfood 766 17 7
1173 " Lieut. William Robson 45 6 0
1174 " Lieut Rich. Wisdome 30 4 0
1175 " Ensign Tho. Brookes 22 13 0
1176 " Roger Williams 1,466 6 11
1177 " Cha. Williams 168 11 0
1178 " Tho. Harris 10 0 0
1179 " William Deane 11 1 0
1180 " Symon Messenger 7 16 0
1181 " Peter Brockman 9 12 0
1182 Aug. 6 Geo. Newland 390 3 3
1183 " Tho. Hitchcocke 10 5 0
1184 " Widow Abbot 15 17 0
1185 " John Bass 10 12 0
1186 " Silvester Smith 12 15 6
1187 " John Goodwin 15 18 0
1188 " Henry Pinson & Co. 120 0 0
1189 " Simon Stratford 15 18 0
1190 " William Bowman 15 7 0
1191 " Steven Reynolds 143 0 6
1192 " Ditto 95 4 7
1193 " Capt. Geo. Holmes 83 1 0
1194 " Major Hen. Collier 98 3 0
1195 " Peregrine Yewell 30 4 0
1196 " Capt. Jno. Lloyd 12 18 4
1197 " Capt. Hen. Howard 40 0 0
1198 Aug. 22 Col. Edward Villiers subsistence 100 0 0
1199 " Richd. Thurlow 51 10 6
1200 " Robt. Hebburne 120 0 0
1201 " Tho. Goldsmith 9 3 8
1202 " John Clements 22 2 0
1203 Aug. 27 Matthew Hardy 30 4 0
1204 " Tho. Webb 20 7 0
1205 " Capt. Mat. Bennet 483 16 6
1206 " Ditto 83 1 0
1207 " Ditto 30 4 0
1208 " Ditto 37 15 0
1209 " Ditto 45 6 0
1210 " William Lagsdon 11 9 0
1211 " William Mortingly 10 19 0
1212 Sept. 18 William Marshall & Co. 812 14 7
1213 " Arth. Fenwick & Co. 897 2 4
1214 Sept. 23 John Hedges 31 6 10
1215 " William Smart 88 4
1216 " John Edmond & Co. 672 5 8
1217 " John Badmering 41 4 8
1218 " John Hodges 32 19 4
1219 " John Neale 17 7 9
1220 " Tho. Jaques 268 11 5
1221 " William Butler 404 2 1
1222 Oct. 2 Hen. Ashurst, esq. 224 2 3
1223 " Mr. Moreton & Co. 827 5 10
1224 " Tho. Ogle & Co. 549 11 7
1225 " John Lake 14 7 6
1226 " John Stallard 85 7 2
1227 " Edwd. Knight 21 8 6
1228 " Hen. Bruncker, esq. 20 13 0
1229 " Geo. Moreton 276 6 1
1230 " Sir Walter Clarges 25 0 0
1231 " Capt. William Connoake 83 1 0
1232 Oct. 13 Richd. Blake 458 10
1233 " Ditto 351 8 4
1234 " Richd. Thurlow 30 16 0
1235 " Samll. Watlington 6 0 0
1236 " Robt. Colebecke 6 4 6
1237 " Andrew Rayment 8 2 6
1238 Oct. 2 Henry Bruncker 22 5 0
1239 Oct. 20 Gabriell Penn 6 0 0
1240 " Thomas Stevens 10 11 0
1241 Oct. 17 Cornet William Harsman 37 15 0
1242 " John Church 7 18 6
1243 Nov. 24 John Neale 10 7 0
1244 " Richard Chamberlaine 5 5 0
1245 " Tho. Leach 10 7 6
1246 " Jacob Terry 5 4 6
1247 " Alexander Harris 15 0 0
1248 Dec. 23 Capt. Edwd. Leigh 83 1 0
1249 " Lieut. Col. Churchill 9 13 11
1250 " Ensign Joseph Man 8 0 0
1251 " Roger Basket & Co. 481 4 8
1252 1679–80. Jan. 12 Sir Fra. Leake 200 0 0
1253 " William Stanton 133 11
1254 " Capt. Chaffin 20 0 0
1255 Jan. 28 Phill. Lanyon 175 16 5
1256 " Richd. Philpe 228 14 11
1257 " Capt. Geo. Fitz James 165 17 3
1258 Mar. 1 Capt. John Bristoe 80 2 0
1259 Mar. 10 Capt. William Ennis 60 0 0
1260 Mar. 15 Capt. William Godolphin 60 8 0
1261 1685.
July 9
Nich. Charlton 566 2 9
l. s. d.
[? 1679, May 15.] Order for payment to Sir Thomas Player for disbanding several Forces in or near London and Westminster on the [Disbandment] Commissioners' certificate, dated 15 May, 1679 5,000 0 0
1679, May 19. To Lemuell Kingdon for a Troop of Grenadiers commanded by Capt. John Staples, 100l. 12s. 0d., and for the Troop of Grenadiers commanded by Capt. Tho. Row, 121l. 14s. 6d., in full satisfaction of all demands of the said Troops upon the muster for Sept. and Oct. last, according to a like certificate of like date 222 6 6
1679, May 19. To Lemuell Kingdon to pay off all demands of the Duke of Monmouth's Regiment of Horse and to discharge the said muster according to the like certificate, dated 1679, May 16 2,349 5 5
1679, May 20. To Lemuel Kingdon to pay off allowances of the eight Companies of the Regiment of Foot commanded by the Duke of Monmouth, 842l. 12s. 2d.; to the Companies and recruits of the Coldstream [Regiment] 356l. 16s. 0d.; and to the recruits of his Majesty's Regiment of Horse Guards, 333l. 15s. 0d., according to the like certificate, dated the 17th inst. 1,533 3 2
1679, May 21. To Sir Thomas Player for disbanding several of the Forces in or near London and Westminster 30,000 0 0
1679, May 27. To Lemuel Kingdon for disbanding several Forces 7,384 19 8
1679, May 27. Ditto for the like 5,106 7 4
1679, May 28. Sir Thomas Player by way of imprest and upon accompt for the speedy and complete paying and disbanding the Forces 50,000 0 0
1679, May 30. To Lemuell Kingdon for disbanding several Forces 5,389 12 0
1679, June 4. Ditto for disbanding several Forces 326 1 8
1679, June 7. To Sir Thomas Player for disbanding several Forces 12,000 0 0