Entry Book: January 1680, 12-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: January 1680, 12-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp397-407 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: January 1680, 12-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp397-407.

"Entry Book: January 1680, 12-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp397-407.


January 1680

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Jan. 12. Same for 750l. to Peregrine Bertie, Charles Bertie and Charles Osborne for last Christmas quarter upon the annuity of 3,000l. to them for the Earl of Plymouth as by the indenture tripartite of 1678, Aug. 20. Money Book, p. 316b.
Henry Guy to Major Huntington and the executors of Sir William Bucknall to attend the passing of their accompt of the French Tunnage in England and Ireland from 1667 to 1671 and of same in England, particularly from the beginning of Sir William Bucknall's farm to his resignation. Out Letters (General), p. 336.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to attend the Treasury Lords on Thursday next at the hearing of Mr. Taylor upon the caveat entered by Mr. Slingsby and Mr. Froud against the passing his docquets. Ibid, p. 337.
Same to the officers of the Ordnance to attend same on same day concerning Sir George Wharton's accounts. Ibid.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to apply as follows 500l. of the 1,500l. lately directed to be issued to you:— Ibid.
l. s. d.
to Lieut. Nicho. Poole 20 3 10
to Walter Barnaby, master of the Assistance 116 0 0
towards payment of the growing charge of the Yards 363 16 2
Same to the Auditors of Imprests and to Auditor Jon. Shales. The Treasury Lords refer to you the Navy Board's account of bills due to several persons for provisions delivered on accompt of the war against the French King as by the Poll Act. You are to see that such bills as have been paid by the Treasury Lords are left out of said account: and that all imprests of any kind not already charged on bills be abated: and you are to inspect the books of the Navy and to new cast and examine the interest money set down in said account. Ibid. p. 338.
Jan. 12. Henry Guy to the Master of the Great Wardrobe (and similarly to the Cofferer, the officers of the Works, the Treasurer of the Chamber, and the Commissioners for the office of Master of the Horse) to attend the Treasury Lords on Saturday morning only, when you have any business with them concerning your office. Out Letters (General), p. 338.
Same to Mr. Prettyman to attend Sir Robert Howard on some matter he is directed to speak with you about. Ibid.
Same to Sir Robert Holmes. Your business is deferred till Monday next. Attend then. Ibid.
Same to John Perry and Edwd. Buckley, Esqrs., old Contractors for the Hearthmoney. You have not brought in the duplicates of the Hearths and Stoves according to the Act and as by your covenants. You are forthwith to send same to the King's Remembrancer. Ibid, p. 339.
Treasury reference to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Dashwood, of London, merchant. Said petition sets forth that Samuel Sowton of London, merchant, did upon the credit of the late Poll Act sell to the Navy Commissioners hemp, tar, etc., to the value of 2,009l. 8s. 5d. and had Navy bills acknowledging receipt of said goods: said Sowton sold 3 of said bills to petitioner for ready money: in order to get payment petitioner delivered said 3 bills to the Navy Board clerk: but afterwards Mr. Nutt and Mr. Martin, merchant, by some contrivance with the said clerk got said bills into their custody and now pretend they belong to them and try to get warrants from the Treasury Lords with the Eastland merchants for striking tallies for payment of said 2,009l. 8s. 5d.: petitioner prays that such warrants may be delivered to him. Ibid, p. 341.
Jan. 13. Money warrant for 22l. 2s. 6d. to Nathaniell Cocks for half a year to 1679, Lady day, on his fee of 2s. 6d. a day as Keeper of his Majesty's Council Chamber. Money Book, p. 317.
Treasury reference to Sir Creswell Levins, Attorney General, of the docquet of a pardon to William Beveridge for the killing of Thomas Danby, gent. You are to examine how the verdict was found. Out Letters (General), p. 339.
Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to permit the Auditors of Imprests and Auditor Shales to examine your books of entries of bills, imprests and contracts on account of the war against the French King. Ibid.
Same to [? the Auditors of Imprests] to peruse the enclosed papers [wanting] and to make a state of the whole demand of Sir Palmes Fairborne for keeping the slaves mentioned therein from the time they were delivered to him to the time he delivered them over to Mr. Sheres, undertaker for the mole at Tangier. (Entry struck through.) Ibid, p. 340.
Same to the Board of Greencloth. The matter in difference between the executors of William Ashburnham, late Cofferer, and Henry Brouncker, present Cofferer, concerning unpaid tallies in said executors' hands was this day debated by counsel before the Treasury Lords and the Barons of the Exchequer. My Lords agreed that you (the Cofferer excepted) should with the assistance of the Auditor of the Receipt endeavour a composure of the whole business and report to my Lords this day week. Ibid, pp. 340–1.
Jan. 13. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to William Chiffinch, Master of the Hawks, Customs free, 12 falcons, 11 tassell gentles, and 2 goshawks lately come from the Duke of Courland as a present for the King. Out Letters (Customs), p. 157.
Jan. 14. Privy seal for the payment to Nicholas Johnson, Esq., from time to time, by way of imprest and upon accompt, of such sums, for the pay of the Guards and Garrisons and contingencies thereof, as the Treasury Lords shall think fit, and according to musters to be from time to time certified by the Commissaries General of Musters, and according to warrants from the King or the General of the Forces: all not exceeding 200,000l. per an: to commence from Jan. 1 inst.: the King having by a great seal of the 3rd inst. determined Sir Stephen Fox's office of Receiver and Paymaster of the Forces to which he was appointed by the privy seal of May 28 last. And whereas the pay of the captains, officers and soldiers of Arcliffe Bulwark, Motes Bulwark and to Dover, Sandown, Deal, Sandgate and Walmer Castles, amounting according to the ancient establishment to 3l. 7s. 0d. a day or 1,222l. 15s. 0d. a year, was by the abovesaid privy seal made payable to said Fox from 1677, Sept. 29, since which time the pay of the said castles and forts is in arrear and unpaid, there fore the said 1,222l. 15s. 0d. per an. is hereby to be paid to said Johnson as imprest to be by him paid over to the Lieutenant of Dover Castle for the pay of said castles and bulwarks according to the ancient establishment and according to muster rolls from time to time to be signed by the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports or in the vacancy of a Lord Warden then by the Lieutenant of the Cinque Ports. No further payments to be hereafter made to said Fox on the abovesaid privy seal. (Royal warrant dated Jan. 9 for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book, pp. 182–3, 203–4.
Same for 54,000l. to Henry Brouncker, Cofferer of the Household, upon account for the service of the Household for the year ending 1680, Oct. 1. (Royal warrant dated Jan. 10 for said privy seal.) Ibid, p. 196.
Treasury reference to the Auditor of the Receipt and Clerk of the Pells of the petition of George Downing, Esq. Said petition (as referred from the King to the Treasury the 9th inst.) sets forth that in 1668 petitioner was granted the first vacant Teller-ship in the Receipt after Lawrence Squibbe, John Loveinge, Sir George Downing, Sir William Doyly, Thomas Clifford and Thomas Vernon: that said Squibb being dead said Vernon (now Sir Thomas Vernon) succeeded: that now said Clifford is dead and petitioner is entitled to the next vacancy: that Sir William Doyly by misemploying the king's treasure and other miscarriages has forfeited his office and when such forfeiture is on record petitioner is entitled. Therefore prays that proceedings may be had to put such forfeiture on record. Out Letters (General), p. 342.
Jan. 15. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the collectors of the outports to pay the last Christmas quarter's outport salaries bill. (Total 3,325l. 18s. 2d.) Money Book, p. 317.
Money warrant for 100,000l. to Nicholas Johnson as imprest for the Guards and Garrisons for half a year commencing from the 1st inst. (Money order dated Jan. 17 hereon.) Ibid, p. 317. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 62.
Same for 2,000l. to Samuel Pepys (Pepps), Treasurer of Tangier garrison, as in further part for the quarter ended 1679, March 31 last, on which quarter 4,851l. has been already issued: same to be applied to the payment of bills of exchange payable to Sir John Mathews: same to be issued out of the loan made this day into the Exchequer by Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe. (Money order dated Jan. 21 hereon.) Money Book, p. 318. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 63.
Henry Guy to [? the Fee Farm Trustees] to consider what satisfaction is to be made to Mr. Packer (for the Works) out of the fee farm rents upon his contracts and tallies. Out Letters (General), p. 343.
Same to [the Navy Treasurer] to satisfy the Navy Victuallers' bills for last year out of the 500l. per week Navy money and for the current year out of the 1,000l. per week Navy money, ut supra, p. 393. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the state of the respective accompts of the collectors of the Coinage money. You are to certify the Treasury Lords what ports the Coinage duty has not been collected in or which are not included in said accounts. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. Lloyd to take care to have Mr. Rosewell's fine of 600l. paid in to me [Guy] within two days, for his Majesty's service. Ibid, p. 344.
Treasury recommendation to the Customs Commissioners of Samuel Hayne's petition of complaint and accusation against Dering Blackburne and Jonathan Wharton lately made riding surveyors on Plymouth coast. If the said Commissioners dismiss Blackburne upon such complaints Hayne is recommended for the surveyorship of Plymouth. Out Letters (Customs), p. 164.
Jan. 16. The Treasury Lords to [the Lord Mayor et al., Commissioners of Assessments of the city of London]. We are certified by the Agents for the Arrears of Assessments that the city of London stands charged with 1,718l. 5s. 2d. arrears on the late Seventeen Month's tax, and 913l. 2s. 8d. arrears on the first four quarters of the present Eighteen Months' tax besides the fifth quarterly payment of the said assessment, which quarter amounting to 6,437l. 7s. 0d. ought to have been paid November 24 last, but is wholly in arrear are a great prejudice to his Majesty's affairs in the Exchequer "where you very well know interest is paid every three months for loans borrowed on the credit of those assessments." We recommend the speedy paying in of the said arrears by assessing or reassessing and levying the same in such way as shall seem to you most agreeable to equity. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 134.
Jan. 16. Treasury reference to William Harbord, Surveyor General, of Sir Tho. Williamson's petition as referred to the Treasury by the King Dec. 18 last. Petitioner sets forth that by patent of 1675, Aug. 31, he was granted (in consideration of 2,548l. which was his share in 10,000l. agreed to be paid in satisfaction of 14,608l. 3s. 2d. disbursed by his father and others for the late King) for a term of 71 years the demesnes of Newark and Balderton, co. Notts, together with Shimpling Park, co.Suffolk, at the rent of 6l. 13s. 4d. per an. payable after the Queen's death: the valuation of the said reserved rent of 6l. 13s. 4d. not being considered upon passing his said grant he may be defeated of the greatest part of the benefit thereof other than what may become payable to him out of the present rents after her Majesty's death: therefore prays a privy seal to direct the Queen's Trustees (with her consent) to make the remainder of his term of 77 years to be for all the residue of the term of 99 years now in the said Trustees. Out Letters (General), pp. 344–5.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt of the petition of Henry Killegrew as by a reference thereof from the King to the Treasury the 12th inst. Said petition sets forth that there are now in the hands of Samuell Astrey, Master of the Crown Office, divers fines, forfeitures and amercements which he has received in the King's Bench and not accompted for since his coming into his place, the same having been seldom or ever paid into the Exchequer, but having been bestowed by the King's favour: therefore prays a grant [of part of the premises] towards the arrear of 1¼ years on his pension. Hereupon the referees are to certify the Treasury when the Clerk of the Crown accompted for any moneys arising by such fines, etc., and what sums have been paid into the Receipt on such accompt. Ibid, p. 345.
Jan. 17. Money order for 10,000l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of so much by them lent for his Majesty's service the 17th inst.: together with 6 per cent. interest thereof [payable or to be made into principal] at the end of every three months. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 64.
The Treasury Lords to Auditor Aldworth. The case between Thomas Knatchbull, Receiver and Collector of the last Poll from the Lords, and John Loveing, one of the four Tellers in the Receipt, touching the 500l. paid into the said Loveing's office by said Knatchbull was heard before us April 28 last by Counsel on both sides, several officers of the Receipt attending at the same time. We were fully of opinion that said 500l. which was paid to Oliver Gregory, clerk to said Loveing, was public money and paid in as such, and that said Loveing is liable to the King for same and ought to charge himself with same by throwing down a bill for it. In making up said Knatchbull's account now before you, you are to allow him said 500l., although no tally was levied for same upon a bill which ought to have been thrown down by said Teller. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 127.
Treasury warrant to Sir Gilbert Talbot, Master and Treasurer of his Majesty's jewels and plate, to discharge Sir William Temple of the 1,028oz. 2½gr. of gilt plate and 5,930oz. 2gr. of white plate (delivered to him by indenture dated 1674, June 29, as Ambassador Extraordinary to the States General): this discharge being ordered by the privy seal of Jan. 14 last. Said indenture is to be delivered up to said Temple. See supra, p. 318. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 133.
Same to John Smyth (constituted Receiver General of Crown Revenues for London, Middlesex, Essex and Herts, loco Jon. Watts by warrant from Treasurer Danby dated 1675–6, Feb. 8), constituting and authorising him [afresh] to receive the said revenues together with all arrears thereof and with power to receive the fee farm rent of 296l. 19s. 4½d. payable by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster towards the payment of the officers at Hampton Court and other perpetual payments within the county of Middlesex, as by the privy seal of 1673–4, Feb. 28. Ibid, pp. 134–5.
Treasury approval of a blank form to be printed off by Tho. Newcomb, gent., his Majesty's printer: said form being to require and command x. y. to collect and gather [for each respective district] the sums assessed upon all and every persons in the Act for the 206,462l. 17s. 3d. by six monthly assessments from 1679–80, Feb. 24, for disbanding the Forces raised since 1677, Sept. 29: with power to levy same by distress, etc. Ibid, p. 136.
Like approval of a like blank form for similarly empowering the respective Assessment Commissioners [for each respective district] to assess the various counties, cities, etc., in accordance with the abovesaid Act, equally by a pound rate upon all lands, tenements, hereditaments, annuities, rents, parks, warrens, goods, chattels, stock, merchandise, offices (other than military, naval, or Household), tolls, profits and other estates, both real and personal, excepting all colleges, halls and hospitals, and in case the way of assessing by a pound rate prove prejudicial to the speedy bringing in the same, then you may proceed in making your assessment according to the most just and usual rates held and practiced in the place for which you are appointed assessors. Duplicates of such your assessment are to be sent up to us by _ date. Ibid, pp. 137–8.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to make forth process to recover the 3,525l. 13s. 1d. due to the King from George Pley, late collector of Weymouth, process against him being stopped by the late Treasurer Danby. Ibid, p. 138.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to Prince Rupert for last Christmas quarter on his pension of 4,000l. per an. Money Book, p. 318.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 2,500l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of the 6,000l. which the Customs Cashier paid into the Exchequer this day. Ibid, p. 319.
The like for 500l. to same on same: for the Victuallers: to be issued out of same. Ibid.
Money warrant for 30l. to James Noble, one of the doorkeepers of the House of Lords, for his service in delivering letters to all the peers for paying their proportions of the Poll money lately granted to the King. (Money order dated Jan. 21 hereon.) Money Book, p. 319. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 63.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of John Tuck's petition, former tidewaiter supernumerary London port, praying the place of a tidesman in fee, loco Mr. Watson, deceased. Out Letters (Customs), p. 157.
Like reference of Rich. Fisher's petition who for the last 10 years has been employed in the office of the King's silver scullery by the serjeant thereof, but dismissed by the said serjeant upon the reducement of the King's house: prays to be a coast waiter or land carriage man. Ibid.
Followed by: a later similar reference dated 1681, April 26. Petitioner to be presented on the first vacancy.
Like reference of John Hill's petition: shewing that an English coming from Italy borrowed a sum of money from him, and for security deposited 12 pieces of wrought Italian silks called prisoniers, which were brought over with the last English Ambassador by petitioner, his menial servant, and since kept in his chamber, whence they were taken by Richard Turner, a Customs officer, on suspicion of being French goods. Ibid, p. 158.
Like reference of John Teague's petition for a tidewaiter's place London port, he having served the late and present King both by sea and land. Ibid.
Like reference of Nicholas Webb's petition for a landwaiter's place; having been bred a merchant. Ibid, p. 159.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to suppress the place of waiter and searcher at Portsmouth upon the death of Rawleigh Hull, late waiter and searcher there, and to cause the place there to be supplied by an officer from Southampton, and out of the salary of 30l. thus retrenched to establish 10l. per an. for a clerk to Mr. Weaver, who has undertaken the collection at Portsmouth for his patent fee as customer of Southampton; and 20l. per an. for an additional waiter to be established at Liverpool in regard of the great augmentation of trade and trouble of the officers there by the importation of Irish cattle and the increase of trade in general in that port, there being at present only 2 waiters there, which is not sufficient: all as proposed in the said Commissioners' memorial of the 12th inst. Ibid.
Same to same to employ Mr. Twiford (at present surveyor of the coast between Yarmouth and Blakeney at 80l. per an., but unfit for that service by indisposition of body) as landwaiter at Yarmouth at 30l. per an., and Thomas Butler (surveyor of Boston and lately presented to be landwaiter at Yarmouth) to be riding surveyor from Blakeney to Mundsley at 50l. per an., he being an active man and Twiford's district, near 40 miles, being too large for any single person; and—Milles, at present a tidesman at Yarmouth, to be surveyor from Yarmouth to Mundsley at 30l. per an., the remainder of Twiford's salary and 20l. per an. being the salary of Daniel Rustel, weighing porter at Yarmouth, who declines that employ, and whose office is to be suppressed: all as proposed ut supra. Ibid, p. 160.
Jan. 17. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to give Joseph Dawson an extraordinary commission to seize uncustomed and prohibited goods, loco John Ditchfield, who declines same. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 160, 162, 163.
Richard (altered Jan. 27 to William) Vickeridge: the like commission.
Thomas Kemp (Kempe): the like commission.
Same to same to allow to Mr. Firebrace and others, merchants, 24 gallons upon each of the 85 casks and three pipes upon each of the 35 pipes of Spanish wine imported from Bermeo in Biscay, the cask being of uncertain gauge, the pipes containing but 96 gallons, whereas the gauge Canary pipes, which is the smallest sort of pipes in use, hold 120 gallons: it appearing that it is the practice of the managers of the Customs in the case of casks gauging between quarter casks and pipes to pass them as certain cask under the denomination of the next gauge above [in the list] and not otherwise. Ibid, p. 161.
Same to same to employ Robt. Randall as tidesman at Weymouth, loco Thomas Umant, who is to be dismissed. Ibid, pp. 161, 163, 164.
Daniell Luscombe as waiter and searcher at Forkey [? Torquay] loco Nicho. Merson, who declines same.
Henry Jackson as a boatman, Sunderland port, loco Edward Hincks, deceased.
Thomas Miles as a boatman, Falmouth port, loco Jacob Parkins, deceased.
Thomas Playte as a boatman, Bristol port, loco Roger Harris, deceased.
Daniell Dalton as a tidesman, Boston port, loco John James.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Thomas Miller. Petitioner sets forth that he was deputed collector [in Carolina] in 1676, arrived there in July, 1677, and had reduced the Customs matters to a good order and method and had secured in goods and specialities to the King's use in lieu of Customs to the value of above 2,000l. and had taken care for a speedy freight to convey same to England, but was hindered by a great tumult and rebellion that broke out in Dec., 1677, in which John Culpeper and Zachary Gillam and others were ringleaders. Petitioner was put in irons and in a cruel and barbarous manner shut up from all society and robbed of the books, specialities, papers and goods relating to the King's debts and revenue and also of his own books and goods. In 1679 petitioner escaped, and in December last arrived in England, where with his deputy, whom he brought over, he is able to charge said Culpeper and Gillam (who are now both in England) with said miscarriages. But petitioner is so impoverished that he cannot supply himself with necessaries. Prays that Culpeper who is now in custody by order of the King in Council may be examined, and that counsel may be assigned for petitioner to manage his charge against said two persons, and something for his present relief. Ibid, pp. 162–3.
Henry Guy to Auditor Phillips to rate the particulars of the Marquess of Winchester's reprisals [of fee farms]. Out Letters (General), p. 346.
Same to [the Treasurer of the Navy] to apply to the pay of the Diamond and Portland frigates the 10,000l. which Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe lend into the Exchequer this day, and which is directed to be issued to you. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Richard Graham of the petition of Edw. Harrison. Petitioner sets forth that in Jan. and Feb. last he discovered to Lord Maynard, Comptroller of the Household, then a Privy Councillor, that Newnham Abbey, co. Bedford, was heretofore the inheritance of the Earl of Northampton and was by him conveyed to Mr. Farron, Buckinghamshire, and by him to Mr. Carew, of Everton, co. Bedford, and afterwards by mesne conveyance to Mr. Potters, of Margate End [Margaretting], co. Essex, in trust for the Jesuits. After he had notice of the King's proclamation petitioner entreated for said discovery, but a Mr. Huges entreated some two or three days before. Prays that Mr. Graham, the Treasury solicitor, may prosecute said discovery on behalf of the King. Ibid, p. 347.
Same to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Thomas, Earl Rivers, for extension of lease of the agistment, herbage, pasturage and pannage of hogs, turbary, fern crops and barks of trees in the forest of Mara and Mondren alias Delamere, co. Chester, and also of the 2 enclosures or enclosed lands (except what the forester there hath usually ploughed, marled or mowed) called the Old Pail or Old Pail Walk and New Pale within said forest and which are parcel or so reputed to belong to the said agistment: at the yearly rent of 39l. 13s. 0d.: same having been in petitioner's family for many generations. Ibid, pp. 348–9.
The like reference of the petition of Leticia Bigg, executrix of George Bigg who had an interest in a house and field in Plymouth which in 1666 was taken into the citadel of Plymouth: prays that the arrangement with her (viz. 140l. for purchase of her consideration and 100l. 16s. 0d. for 12 years' interest) may be perfected according to the privy seal dormant of 1677, Dec. 31, and royal sign manual of 1678, Oct. 1, delay having arisen throguh the death of Sir Charles Harbord, late Surveyor General. Ibid, p. 349.
Jan. 19. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 200l. to Seth, bishop of Sarum, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, for 1679, Michaelmas quarter's allowance of 800l. per an. for the support of the honour of said Order. Money Book, p. 318.
Money warrant for 200l. to Sir Samuel Morland and Lady Anne his wife for half a year to Sept. 29 last on the pension of 400l. per an. Ibid, p. 319.
And for 100l. to said Sir Samuel Morland for same half year on his pension of 200l. per an.: both to be paid out of money in the Exchequer of the Tenths of the diocese of London for the year ended at Christmas last.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 2.500l. to Edward Seymour or any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of the 6.000l. paid into the Exchequer the 17th inst. by the Customs Cashier. Money Book, p. 319.
The like for 500l. to same on same: to be for the Victuallers: to be issued out of same.
Royal sign manual for 400l. to Henry Guy for secret service without accompt. (Money warrant dated Jan. 20 hereon. Money order dated Jan. 20 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 205. Money Book. p. 320. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 63.
Treasury reference to Auditor Aldworth of Nicholas Johnson's interest account (made up to 1679–80, Jan. 1). for 84,100l. lent for the [supply of the] Household upon the credit of the Excise tallies: (the principal remaining due to said Johnson at 1 Jan., 1679–80. being 80,100l.). Out Letters (General), p. 347.
The like reference of another account (annexed to the above) of money lent to several persons amounting to 25,027l. 12s. 5d. said account being made up to Jan. 1 inst. at [or by] which time 6,000l. thereof was [had been] repaid.
Henry Guy to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue to Nicholas Johnson (upon the order of the 17th inst. for 100,000l. for the Forces) the 4,000l. which the Excise Commissioners paid into the Exchequer on Saturday last and the 2,000l. per week which my Lords have directed to be paid in weekly out of the Excise. Ibid, p. 348.
Same to Sir Thomas Exton (and the like to Sir Peter Pett, Mr. Franklynne and Mr. Browne) to attend the Treasury Lords to-morrow about the ship claimed by the Genoveses. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners for co. Beds for the Six Months' Assessment beginning from 1679–80, Feb. 24. We are sending you the printed Act for this assessment and recommend you to put same in effectual execution in your county. The money is to be paid to the Receiver General, the first three months' of it on or before May 24 next and the second three months' on or before Aug. 24 next. You are to nominate the Receiver General and take his security. Send us his name, security and place of abode that a correspondence may be kept here with him. (The like letter severally to the like Commissioners for all the counties, &c., detailed of England and Wales.) Ibid, p. 350.
Henry Guy to Mr. Kent [Cashier of the Customs], to pay the alum duty money in your hands to Sir William Darcy in part of the 100l. due on his pension on that duty. Ibid, p. 353.
Jan. 20. Money warrant for 27,000l. to Henry Brouncker, Cofferer of the Household, as imprest for the service of the Household for half a year from 1679, Oct. 1: as in part of the 54,000l. by the privy seal of the 14th inst., supra, p. 399. (Money order dated Jan. 21 hereon.) Money Book, p. 320. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 63.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 20l. to Ralph Williamson, Comptroller of Newcastle port: there having been no salary paid to him for the year ended Sept. 29 last. Money Book, p. 321.
Jan. 20 The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners for Assessments of the last [present] Eighteen Months' tax, co. Cheshire. Mr. Ralph Hollingshed, Receiver General of said tax in your county, is very far in arrear upon account of the first five quarters thereof. We have superseded his commission. You are to see that he intermeddles no further therewith and you are to recommend a fit person in his place for the last quarter. Warrants not Relating Money, p. 139.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Georg Owen for a tidewaiter's place, having traded several years for himself in Shrewsbury in mercer's wares until of late disabled by bad debts. Out Letters (Customs), p. 165.
The like of David Griffith's petition for a tidesman's place, having lived in good repute in St. Sepulchre's parish till the dreadful fire consumed all his substance; having had orders of reference on three previous petitions whereon the Customs Commissioners did answer that they determine to admit none to be noontenders save only ancient tidesmen which are past their labours. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Sir Tho. Exton, forwarding papers concerning the Genoa ship. Out Letters (General) p. 352.
Same to Mr. Browne to attend said Exton with what evidence you have for the King concerning the Genoa ship seized. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Pepys. Send the vouchers of your accounts to Auditors Bridges and Done. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to hasten the draft privy seal to enable the judges to reward [out] of Recusants' estates those that discover and prosecute Papists. Ibid, p. 353
Same to Sir Thomas Player. By the last [first or former] Disbanding Act you and the other Commissioners for Disbanding were to take an account from the Treasurer or Paymaster of the land Forces of all moneys by him received and paid for the said Forces raised since 1677, Sept. 29, and the Paymaster is to deliver same to you within 10 days after disbanding the said Forces. You are to certify my Lords whether Mr. Kingdon, who was Paymaster of the Forces, has given such account upon oath. Ibid.