Entry Book: August 1677, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: August 1677, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp710-725 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: August 1677, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp710-725.

"Entry Book: August 1677, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp710-725.


August 1677, 1-10

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry Reference
Aug. 1. Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect, etc., and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, 50l. to Mr. Lely for a quarter on his pension of 200l. per an. Out Letters (General) p. 132.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Thomas Whitley, Esq., Customs free, six small pieces of calico lately sent from Holland in the pacquet boat to Harwich as a present to him, which were entered at Ipswich but seized there as prohibited by law, which Whitley was ignorant of. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 334.
Same from same to William Wenslay, gent., messenger attending the Commissioners for the Arrears of the late Queen Mother's revenue of rents, Tenths, fines, heriots, reliefs, etc., to repair to the persons, accomptants and others, from whom are due such arrears (as by schedules of the names of such persons to be delivered to you by the Auditors concerned) and to demand and receive of them such arrears and, in case of refusal or non payment, then to levy same by distress, arresting the debtor in case of insufficient distress, rescue or replevin ("excepting peers of the realm, with whose persons your are not to meddle without our particular warrant and direction") delivering them to the sheriff of the county or bailiff of the city, town, place or liberty, to be imprisoned until set at liberty by our order or by the Court of Exchequer. If any of the said persons produce an acquittance under the hand of John Jenkins or any other Receiver, you are to produce such acquittance to us (first delivering to the party a true copy thereof) that so the said Receiver may be duly charged with what they have received for the King's service. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 96.
Same from same [to the King's Remembrancer] to supersede process, till the middle of next Michaelmas term, against John Lloyd, Esq., as Receiver of the Eleven Months' tax and Poll money in Brecon and Radnor, and of the subsidy for South Wales and Monmouth. Ibid, p. 97.
[? Aug. 1.] Warrant for similar stay of process against Robert Breedon, John Taylor, John Mecres, John Gardner and Hugh Thornely, who (with others) are securities for John Watts, late Receiver of Crown Revenues for London, Midd., Essex and Herts : they desiring time till the middle of next term for paying in their respective proportions of the debt remaining on said Receiver's account. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 97.
Aug. 1. [Entry of Treasurer Danby's subscription of the] docquet of a demise [by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal] to Alice Pomeroy of divers lands and tenements in Helston and elsewhere, co. Cornwall, parcel of the lands of Hugh Hobbs, outlaw : at the rent of 5s. 6d. and fine of 11s. Ibid.
Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on a draft letter from the King to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for a patent to pass the great seal of Ireland to authorize Sir James Shaen and his partners, the present Farmers of tho revenue of Ireland, to detain out of their growing rent of their farm due in April and June, 1678, respectively whatever part the King shall think fit to allow, remit or discharge of the 19,633l. 6s. 8d. arrears owing to the King from John Forth, et al, late Farmers of the said revenue of Ireland up to 1675, Dec. 25, as by their indenture of grant thereof of date 1669, July 12 : the King having by indenture of 1671, Aug. 4, covenanted with Visct. Ranelagh and partners that all the farm rent due from said Forth, et al, should, as it grew due, be paid into the Exchequer at Dublin, to be issued thence to the uses in said indenture mentioned, which as far as concerns said arrear has not been done ; wherefore for want of the said arrear several officers, soldiers and others whose pay and allowances were provided for by the establishment of Ireland and [similar items] for deductions, debts and clothes are behind and unpaid what was due to them at Christmas, 1675 : whereupon the said Sir James Shaen and partners out of a desire to advance the King's service have come to an agreement with Sir James Hayes. Kt., for and on behalf of said Visct. Ranelagh to lend a considerable sum of money to said Ranelagh and partners on the credit of said arrear, so to enable them to pay and clear what was due as above at Christmas, 1675, provided they can be protected (as by the authorization herein granted) against any possible pardon or remission of the said arrear : which authorization is hereby granted, the King "being fully satisfied that it much concerns our service to have the debts due to our establishments on the 25 Dec, 1675, speedily cleared, and that the security desired by the said Sir James Shaen and partners is both reasonable and just." Hereon Treasurer Danby reports : "I approve of this draught, the substance of it being both transmitted [from] and recommended by my Lord Lieutenant." Ibid, pp. 99-100.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated July of the incorporation of the Duke of York, et al, by the name of the company of the Royal fishery of England, with power to ... fish upon the coasts of England, Scotland and Ireland and other the King's dominions, whereof the fishings are not already granted to some private person or bodies politic or corporate, as also upon the main seas ; and to sell their fish and oil made of fish in England and elsewhere for ready money or by way of barter and exchange and also to erect storehouses, granaries, workhouses and warehouses and to dry or amend their nets or make ropes, wharfes and docks for the use of the fishery upon any of the King's wastes adjoining upon any rivers or seas within his Majesty's dominions without paying any rent. Persons employed in the fishery to be exempt from juries during their service. Further, the King grants 20l. per an. for every dogger which the Company now have or shall build and employ in the fishery within seven years, payable quarterly, for seven years from date hereof if the vessel shall be so long used in fishing. Same to be paid out of the Customs receipts of London port, with other clauses for constituting and governing the said Company and for determining a former Commission to the Duke of York and others as were directed by order in Council. Docquet Book, p. 156.
Money warrant for 100l. to Thomas Killegrew for last June 24 quarter on his pension of 400l. per an. (The usual letters dated Aug. 9 to the Customs and Exchequer hereon : to be paid in with respect to, etc.) Money Book (General) p. 116. Out Letters (General) p. 139.
Same for 500l. to Mris. Jane Lane, now wife of Sir Clement Fisher for half a year on her pension of 1,000l. per an. (Letters, ut supra, dated Aug. 3.) Money Book (General) p. 116. Out Letters (General) p. 133.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant of an annuity or yearly pension of 300l. to (Col.) Charles Gifford, for life, to be payable quarterly from June 24 last : the present grant to contain a clause vacating the privy seal of 1667-8, Feb. 24, granting him an annuity of 150l. : all by reason of his many loyal services which the King remembers, particularly in being very instrumental in the King's escape from his enemies after the battle of Worcester. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Sept. 4 of docquet hereof. Money warrant for 75l. and dormant warrant dated Oct. 26 hereon ; quoting the patent as dated Sept. 13 last.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 401. Docquet Book, p. 161. Money Book (General) p. 145.
Aug. 2. Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in not [sic] with respect, etc., and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, 150l. for a quarter on Lady Wentworth's petition. Out Letters (General) p. 132.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer to forbear process against Ellis Cooper, late Receiver General of Hearthmoney in the East and North Riding of Yorks, his petition being now under consideration on reference from the King. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 99.
Money warrant for 150l. for a quarter on the pension to Anne, Countess Dowager of Newburgh. (The usual letters dated Aug. 2 to the Customs and Exchequer : to be brought in notwithstanding, etc.) Money Book (General) p. 116. Out Letters (General) p. 132.
Aug. 3. Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier. I herewith send you a tally on the Customs for 2,500l. which I desire you to advance at the interest of 8 per cent. ; out of which [sum] I will pay you your claims for the gentlemen who had pensions out of the Excise, and allow 100l. for Sir Robt. Holt. So pray give your note for the remainder. Out Letters (General) p. 132.
Same to same to pay in notwithstanding any former restriction, and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, 380l. for the Lord Privy seal for a quartor and three days on his diet money due upon three several orders. Ibid, p. 133.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to appoint Thomas Worrall a watchman extraordinary, London port ; and as a watchman in fee on the next vacancy. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 335.
Reference from same to same of the petition of Nicholas Sanders, collector, surveyor, landwaiter and searcher at Truro, who being dismissed from that employment, craves 49l. 15s. 6d. which he disbursed therein, and to be discharged from prosecution and restored to his office. Ibid.
Money warrant for 100l. to Mrs. Stepney for half a year on her pension of 200l. per an. (The usual letters dated Aug. 3 to the Customs and Exchequer hereon : to be brought in with respect, etc.) Money Book (General) p. 116. Out Letters (General) p. 134.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of 20l. to Sir Mark Guyon, Kt., sheriff of Essex, for the year ending 1675, Michaelmas, being craved by him as "expended in summoning juries and taking inquisitions and the attendance of his deputy upon the late commission against Recusants" : said craving having been allowed by the Attorney General. Money Book (General) p. 116.
Money warrant for 38l. 10s. 0d. to Sir Jeffery Shackerly for last June 24 quarter on his yearly sum of 154l. as by the privy seal of June 30 last. Ibid.
Same for 13l. 6s. 8d. to Richard Nevill for one year to 1676, June 24, on his fee as Knight Harbinger to the King and 182l. for 13 lunary months or 364 days to 1676, Nov. 5, on his allowance of 10s. a day as same. (Letters ut supra dated Aug. 7.) Ibid, p. 117. Out Letters (General) p. 138.
Aug. 4. Charles Bertie to the Navy Commissioners. Mr. Gibson has received 1,300l. by bill of imprest for the payment of the quarters and for the cure of sick and wounded seamen and soldiers in the late war with the Dutch, and has paid [away] the said sum at Portsmouth and the parts adjacent. Treasurer Danby desires you to imprest to him 5,000l. more to pay for the said service in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex. Out Letters (General) p. 133.
Same to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect, etc., and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, 120l. for Sir John Trevor for three years on his fee as a King's Counsel. Ibid, p. 134.
The like letters for 25l. 1s. 10d. for a quarter on Serjt. Thorne's salary and board wages. Ibid, p. 135.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in, and to the Exchequer to issue, 1,500l. towards discharge of an order for 2,000l. for the queen's progress in this and the last summer : to be paid in immediately after the weekly payments. Out Letters (General) p. 135.
Same to same to pay with respect, etc., 50l. to Sir William Dugdale for half a year to Easter last on his fee. Ibid, p. 134.
Same to same to pay 126l. 13s. 4d. to the Earl of Strafford for 9 years' creation money to Lady day last. Ibid, p. 135.
Reference from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Sir William Thompson, et al, shewing that they built a ship of 500 tons at Blackwall and qualified her according to the Act for building such great ships and therefore desiring the 5 per cent. allowance [on the Customs of her first voyages]. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 335.
Warrant from same to the King's Remembrancer to stay or supersede process against William Tyndall, one of the sureties of James Collins, late Receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Yorks and York city, said Tyndall being but one of the said sureties and having "paid 1,000l. which was more than his share of said Collins' debt, and is before me upon the consideration of his discharge." Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 98.
Same from same to same to send a particular in parchment of the several messuages, lands and tenements of Richard Blackwell, Esq., deceased, same being seized into the King's hands by a writ of diem clausit extremum and an inquisition thereto annexed taken at Derby 1669, May 31. Ibid.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal for 200l. per an. during pleasure to James, Earl of Northampton, for Sir John Robinson for said Robinson's salary or entertainment as Deputy to the Constable of the Tower ; and further for the allowance of 16d. a day for the Gentleman Porter and 14d. a day for each of the Yeomen Warders of the Tower ; and further for such other sums for fuel for said Yeomen Warders, repairs, diet and charge of prisoners or any other cause or services for which allowances were made under the late King ; to be by quarterly bills to be signed by six of the Privy Council : all the abovesaid allowances having been granted to said Robinson by the privy seal of 1661, June 29, he being then Lieutenant of the Tower ; and the King having by patent of 1675, July 29, granted to said earl the office of Constable of the Tower, during pleasure to be executed by himself or deputy. No further payments are to be made to Robinson on the said privy seal of 1661, June 29. King's Warrant Book V. pp. 403-4.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 46,411l. 9s. 0d. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance as imprest for providing guns, carriages, breaches and tackles for the 15 ships, ut infra p. 721 under date Aug. 9. The orders hereon are to be drawn and registered ut infra, ibid. (Treasurer Danby's subscription of docquet ut infra, ibid. Money warrant, ut infra, ibid.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 401. Docquet Book, p. 158. Money Book (General) p. 123.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Thomas Chiffinch, junr., of the office of one of the chief searchers at Gravesend within London port in reversion after Thomas Chiffinch, senr., the present searcher, and Francis Leeke. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Aug. 6 of docquet hereof. The docquet is for a grant of said office to Francis Leeke and Thomas Chiffinch, junr., successively after said Thomas Chiffinch, senr.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 402. Docquet Book, p. 159.
Royal sign manual for 418l. 14s. 6d. to Nathaniel Bradly, late Consul at Tripoli, "as well in satisfaction of 985 dollars by him disbursed in ransoming and providing for 11 slaves of our subjects while he was Consul at Tripoli as of 876 dollars by him expended in presents to the Dey and chief officers in the several changes of governors there." (Money warrant dated Aug. 11 hereon.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 409. Money Book (General) p. 125.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquot of a grant to Henry Dereham, Esq., of the office of one of the King's Serjeants at Arms in ordinary, loco Robert Read, deceased, with the fee of 3s. a day and 2s. 6d. a day for board wages, payable quarterly out of the Exchequer from June 24 last. Docquet Book, p. 157.
The like of a grant to Sir Ralph Cole, bart., and his heirs, of the perpetual advowson of the church of Brancepeth, co. Durham. Ibid.
The like of a grant to Richard Creswell and Edward Godfrey, for the life of them or of the longer liver of them, of the office of one of the two searchers at or near Gravesend upon surrender thereof made by Christopher Hussey and Richard Creswell. Ibid, p. 158.
Money warrant for 250l. to Sir Algernon May for half a year on his fee of 500l. as Keeper of the Records in the Tower. (The usual letters dated Aug. 4 to the Customs and Exchequer : to be brought in with respect, etc.) Money Book (General) p. 117. Out Letters (General) p. 134.
Same for 106l. 13s. 4d. to Sir Henry St. George for four years on his fee of 26l. 13s. 4d. as one of the Heralds (Richmond Herald) at Arms. (Letters ut supra dated Aug. 6.) Money Book (General) p. 117. Out Letters (General) p. 135.
Same for 30l. to Richard Beresford for six years on his fee of 5l. per an. as Clerk of the Pleas in the Exchequer. (Letters ut supra dated Aug. 6.) Money Book (General) p. 117. Out Letters (General) p. 136.
Twenty same for the following payments to the King's falconers on their patent fees, viz., George Russell, Serjeant of the Hawks, 65l. (for one year) ; ditto as falconer, 91l. 5s. 0d. ("due at Michalemas, 1677, dated Oct. 4, 1677") ; George Russell, junr., 49l. 16s. 8d. (for one year) ; James Russell, 50l. (for one year) ; William Russell, 28l. 10s. 5d. (for three quarters on 38l. 0s. 7d. per an.) ; William Sakins, 25l. (for half a year) ; Thomas Dechamp, 22l. (for same) ; Arthur Wichell, 25l. 1s. 10d. (for same) ; Sylvanus Rowley, 25l. 1s. 10d. (for same) ; Abell Daniell, 22l. (for same) ; Thomas Duffield, 22l. (for same) ; Andrew Holmes, 25l. 1s. 10d. (for same) ; John Burchill, 22l. (for same) ; William Poulton, 25l. (for same) ; Marmaduke Conway, 25l. (for same as falconer) and 15l. (for same as spaniel keeper) ; John Osboldston, 15l. 19s. 4d. (for same as falconer) ; Richard Edes, 22l. (for same) ; John Sylvester, 25l. 1s. 10d. (for same) ; John Legge, 25l. (for same) ; Jasper Everard, 25l. (for same). Christopher Barker has a dormant warrant for 50l. per an. (Total of all the falconers per an. 1,076l. 16s. 2d.) Money Book (General) p. 118.
Seven money warrants for 30l. each to the following for one quarter on their pensions as Pages of Honour, viz., Aubrey Porter, John Prideaux, John Berkeley and Henry Wroth as Pages of Honour to the King ; and Thomas Sandys, George Sayers and John Cary as same to the Queen. (Mr. William Legge and Mr. Robert Killegrow have dormant warrants). (The usual letters dated Aug. 6 to the Customs and Exchequer hereupon : to be brought in next after the weekly payments. The name of Legge is not mentioned herein.) Money Book (General) p. 118. Out Letters (General) p. 139.
Ten same for 150l. each to the following for half a year on their several pensions as Dressers to the Queen, viz., Lady Tuke, Lady Clinton, Lady Frazier, Lady Killegrew, Lady Wych, Madam Des Bordes, Mris. Crane, Mris. Orpe, Mris. Cranmer and Mris. Windham. (Letters ut supra.) Money Book (General) p. 118. Out Letters (General) p. 139.
Six same for 50l. each to the following for a quarter on their several pensions as Maids of Honour to the Queen, viz., Mrs. Cary Frazier, Mris. Anne Howard, Mris. Anne Walker, Mris.Cecilia Swan, Mris. Phillippa Temple and Mris. Frances Sheldon. (Letters ut supra.) Money Book (General) p. 118. Out Letters (General) p. 139.
Aug. 24. [sic. erratum for Aug. 4.] Same for 50l. for last June 24 quarter's pension to Dorothy Howard alias Grahme, late Maid of Honour to the Queen and now wife of James Grahme, Esq.
Mris. Honora Harding 75l. for one quarter on her pension.
Madam Civett 75l. for same on same.
Mris. Mary Carter 100l. for half a year on her pension as late Nurse to the Duke of York. (Letters ut supra.)
Money Book (General) p. 118. Out Letters (General) p. 139.
Aug. 4. Same for 210l. to Sir Charles Windham for 1 years on his pension of 120l. per an. (Letters ut supra.) Money Book (General) p. 119. Out Letters (General) p. 136.
Same for 2,600l. to Sir William Godolphin, Kt., for 26 weeks' ordinary to June 29 last as Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Spain ; and 620l. for a bill of extras therein for one year ended 1676, Dec. 1.
Appending : said bill of extras : as allowed by Secretary Coventry 1677, May 12 :
Money Book (General) p. 119. Out Letters (General) p. 173.
s. d.
For aguinaldas at Christmas and New Year's gifts, 1675, to several officers of the Court 100 0 0
For mourning on the Empress Claudia's death, the same [mourning] serving also my family for the Arch-Duchess of Innspruch 300 0 0
Postage of letters and [payments] to the officers of the Couriers 94 0 0
For intelligence and private gratuities 76 0 0
To my agent do negocios for a year's salary 50 0 0
620 0 0
(Charles Bertie dated Nov. 16 to the Cashier of the Customs to pay Sir William Godolphin's tallies for 3,220l. [on the Customs] with [due] respect to the weekly payments [charged thereon].)
Aug. 5. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to discharge Thomas Yeabsley, John Lanyon and Thomas Andrewes, merchants (victuallers of the garrison of Tangier in 1664), of the sum of 33,076l. 15s. 11d. which they are charged with as having received upon account for victualling of Tangier (and all or every other sum or sums by reason thereof : and to stop all process thereupon) "which account the Commissioners of Tangier and Auditor of the Imprests certifies that they have truely and justly made." (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Sept. 4 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 403. Docquet Book p. 161.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Sir Edward Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay 199l. 10s. 0d. to John Dawson, gent., for four years to 1676, June 24 [on his salary] as one of the Messengers of the Chamber. Money Book (General) p. 117.
Royal warrant ("entered in the Book not Relating to Money, p. 94, by mistake, being first countersigned by my Lord Treasurer before it was signed by the King") commanding Sir Thomas Exton, Kt., Dr. of Laws, the King's Advocate General, and Samuel Franklyn, the King's Proctor General, jointly and severally to appear before Sir Richd. Lloyd, Kt., surrogate to Sir Leoline Jenkins, Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, to desire a grant to William Atfen on the King's behalf of the administration of the goods of Edward Copley, late of Batley, co. Yorks, who left goods, etc., to a good value within the Province of Canterbury : the said Copley being at the time of his death indebted to the King to the amount of 1,350l. and upwards : such administration having been by said surrogate granted to Beatrix Coply, relict of the said deceased, and several times have been assigned her for taking the same, which she refuses to do, and Chapman her proctor undertaking to appear for the children of the said deceased in that business that they might have the administration by their guardians if they would desire the same and a sufficient time being assigned to him for that purpose and he nor they, the said children, appearing according to the said promise, the said surrogate did grant the administration to said Atfen for the King's use, from which the said Beatrix did appeal and the cause coming to a judicial hearing before the Judges Delegates, they found that the said surrogate had acted justly, and remitted the cause to him to put in execution his decree. King's Warrant Book V. p. 402. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. pp. 94-5.
Aug. 6. Charles Bertie to the Excise Commissioners. Treasurer Danby desires you to procure an advance to Sir Richard Wiseman and Mr. John Knight of one year's payment upon each of their pensions for 400l. per an., which his Lordship will take care shall be repaid to you out of the money payable by you to me quarterly. Out Letters (General) p. 136.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer. There are several lands left by the water of Humber, co. York, lying near the town of South Cave, Elleck [Ellerker]. Bromfleet and a place called the Provost, in co. Yorks, which said derelict lands are promiscuously enjoyed by the inhabitants of the said several places, notwithstanding of right they belong to the King. To the end due proof may be made upon inquisition concerning the promises you are to cause a commission to issue to John Girlington, of Thurland Castle, co. Lancs, Esq., Christopher Banastre, of Banck, co. Lancs, Esq., Sutton Oglethorpe, of Cowling, co. Yorks, Esq., Ralph Crofts, of Appleton, co. Yorks, Esq., Wilfred Truman, of , co. Yorks, gent, Anthony Walker, of Scarborough, co. Yorks, gent., and James Collins, of York city, gent., to enquire of the premises, their location, quantities, yearly values, names of pretended owners and present occupiers : with the usual instructions for executing same in the face of the country at some market town or other convenient place near the said lands after 14 days' warning to be given in the parish churches of those parishes near, after divine service to the end that no person pretending any interest in said lands may have cause to complain of the undue execution of the Commission : to be returned within 15 days of St. Martins next. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 104.
Money warrant for 500l. to Isaac Legouch for a jewel of diamonds of that value to be given as a present to Baron Bergeck, Envoy from the King of Spain : as by a certificate of July 25 last from the Earl of Arlington, Lord Chamberlain. Money Book (General) p. 119.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt for tallies on the Customs for 583l. 6s. 8d. to Charles, Earl of Nottingham for half a year on his several annuities or pensions of 1,000 marks and 500l. per an. (Charles Bertie dated Aug. 9 to the Customs Cashier to pay off said tallies notwithstanding any former restriction.) Ibid, p. 119. Out Letters (General) p. 139.
Money warrant for 130l. to Sir Robert Wiseman for service done to the King when he was the King's Advocate. (Letter ut supra dated Oct. 5 to bring in same with respect to the weekly payments.) Money Book (General) p. 120. Out Letters (General) p. 156.
Warrant dormant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay the yearly fees to the officers of the Pipe as follow as now due and as same shall become due from time to time : viz., 63l. 2s. 0d. per an. to the Clerk of the Pipe for himself and the Secondaries and Clerks of the Pipe ; 5l. 15s. 0d. per an. to the Comptroller of the Pipe ; 11l. 15s. 4d. per an. to the Deputy Chamberlains in the Exchequer for entering and joining all Customs tallies : all the said fees having been usually payable. (Charles Bertie to same dated Aug. 7 to pay one year to June 24 last on abovesaid fees : and same to same dated? Aug. 7 to pay in pursuance of Treasurer Danby's dormant warrant of July 24 last what is already grown due on the yearly fee of 10l. each to the two Secondaries of the Pipe Office and on the fee of 9l. 3s. 4d. payable to the clerks in said Office at Easter every second year "which you are to pay as the officer[s] of the Receipt are paid" and so to continue to pay.) Money Book (General) p. 120. Out Letters (General) pp. 137, 136.
Same from same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 10,000l. to George Wharton on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer of the Ordnance : to be for the quarter's service for the Ordnance ended June 24 last : to be by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 120.
Letter of direction on 1,000l. in part of an order dated 1671, July 1, for 3,000l. to Rob. Child and William Bowles, Esqrs., Masters of the Tents, upon account for the service of that office : same to be hereby by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due March 15 next. Money Book (General) p. 120.
Money warrant for 41l. 6s. 10d. to Sir Richard Stote, Kt., for one year to June 24 last on his fee or salary as one of the King's Serjeants at Law. (The usual letters dated Nov. 29 to the Exchequer and Customs : to be brought in with respect, etc.) Ibid, p. 120. Out Letters (General) p. 184.
Same for 50l. to Izabella Boynton, widow, for a quarter on her pension of 200l. per an.
15l. to Mris. Mary Bointon for half a quarter on her pension of 120l. per an. (Letters ut supra dated Aug. 7.)
Money Book (General) p. 120. Out Letters (General) p. 140.
Warrant dormant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay the fee of 365l. per an. to the Earl of Anglesey, Lord Privy Seal, as already due and as same shall grow due in future. Money Book (General) p. 121.
Same from same to same to pay the yearly allowance of 5l. 12s. 0d. to the four Ushers of the Exchequer Court. Ibid.
Money warrant dormant for the annuity or yearly salary of 80l. to Thomas Millward as Provider of Robes to the Queen : as already grown due and as same shall in future grow due. Ibid.
Letter of direction on the remainder of an order of Feb. 7 last for 1,825l. to Sir Thomas Higgons for a year's ordinary to 1676, Sept. 8 : whereon 915l. [only] is [as yet] paid : said remainder is to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due in March next. Ibid.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet of a grant and confirmation to William Chiffinch and Martin Folkes and their heirs, in trust for the Earl of St. Albans and his heirs, of all that long strip of ground divided into three parts called Lay soil, Vesey's Garden and Watts Close, containing together about 3 acres with a garden, house and shed thereupon erected, in the parish of St. Martin's in the Fields : all without paying any rent. Docquet Book, p. 160.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Excise Commissioners to grant Commissions to such fit persons as the Excise Farmers shall from time to time desire to be sub-Commissioners for the several counties, cities and places of England, Wales and Berwick. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 108.
Aug. 7. Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in notwithstanding any former restriction, and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 75l. to Lady Williams for a quarter's rent for her house in Palace Yard, Westminster. Out Letters (General) p. 137.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in notwithstanding any former restriction, and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, 50l. 3s. 9d. for Serjt. Ramsey and Serjt. Harsnet for one quarter on their salary and board wages as Serjeants at Arms. Out Letters (General) p. 137.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to the Duchess of York a parcel of Point de Venice lace (3 yards long by 1 yards broad) lately come from Modena and now in the Customs Warehouse, London, being a present to her from the Duchess of Modena. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 336.
Treasurer Danby to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. I have received yours together with your report to the King showing how the account stands between him [the King] and the Duke of Ormonde ; with which I shall not fail to acquaint his Majesty at his return. The enclosed are the minutes taken upon two hearings of the [case of the] late Farmers [of the Revenue] of Ireland. You will see thereby that some of their demands are left to your determination, they being what cannot properly be settled by me. Until they are settled the debt due from said Farmers will remain uncertain. I hope you will settle them before you leave Ireland, "both because I find my Lord of Ormond is altogether a stranger to them and I perceive his Grace would be glad that matter wore done to his hand" [before his resumption of the Lord Lieutenantship]. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 100.
Aug. 8. Charles Bertie to Mr. Mounteney [late Cashier of the Customs? an erratum for Mr. Kent, present Cashier of the Customs] to forthwith pay Sir Joseph Jordan's son's salary due at June 24 last. Out Letters (General) p. 137.
Same to the Customs Cashier. I wrote you on the 26th ult. to advance 18,000l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance on tallies on the Customs. He is now very pressing to get a despatch of that affair, the uses for which it was designed being such as cannot admit of any delay, especially that of Sheerness [fortifications] for which 2,500l. was directed (the time of the year for that work being fair spent). And indeed those other things appointed to be done with this money are continually called upon, so that I must be incessant with you for the despatch of those payments with all possible speed. Ibid, p. 138.
Same to same to bring in with respect, etc., 384l. 13s. 4d. to be paid to the secondaries and clerks in the King's Remembrancer's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's offices. Ibid, p. 140.
Same to same to bring in notwithstanding, etc., and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, 10l. for one year's perpetuity to the schoolmaster of Southwell. Ibid.
The like letters for 33l. 9s. 2d. for Mr. Cary (Carey) to pay off his warrant of the 6th inst. for 2 years to June 24 last on his fee of 8d. a day as Keeper of Marybone Park : to be brought in with respect, etc. (Money warrant dated Aug. 9.) Ibid. p. 140. Money Book (General) p. 123.
Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on the draft of a letter [from the King to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for a patent] for granting to Henry Frederick Thynne and his heirs the moiety of the lands of Walter Harrison attainted in Ireland, same [draft] having been approved by the Earl of Essex and referred to Treasurer Danby Aug. 3 last. Hereon Treasurer Danby reports "I am informed the lands desired will belong to the grant your Majesty has already been pleased to make to the Duke of Monmouth of several lands in Ireland." Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 100.
Aug. 9. Privy seal for 1,900l. to William Goulston, without account : to be taken out of Visct. Yarmouth's rent of the wood farm next after the satisfaction of the 1,000l. granted to said Goulston by privy seal out of the said rent as same should grow due from 1677, March 25 : said farm having been granted by indenture of 1666, April 5, to Sir Robert Paston, now Visct. Yarmouth, at 2,700l. per an. rent for 21 years from 1667. Sept. 29, which rent was increased by an additional rent of 3,800l. per an. by the indenture of 1667-8, Feb. 4 : out of which rents 2,000l. per an. has been granted to Sir Robt. Clayton and John Morice and 1,800l. per an. released to said Visct. Yarmouth and 800l. per an. granted to Edw. Progers. The present grant is made at the suit and request of said Visct. Yarmouth and as of the King's special grace. Said Visct. is hereby empowered to satisfy abovesaid 1,900l. and Goulston's acquittance is to be a discharge pro tanto to said Visct. for the said rent. (Royal warrant dated Aug. 4 for said privy seal. In the margin : "For Visct. Yarmouth." Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Aug. 6 of docquet hereof ; and warrant dated Aug. 14 hereon to Visct. Yarmouth.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 407-8, 402. Docquet Book, p. 159. Money Book (General) p. 126.
Same for 500l. per an. for three years from June 24 last to Sir Ralph Delaval, Kt. ; to be payable quarterly ; without account, imprest or other charge. (Royal warrant dated July 24 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Aug. 3 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 409, 400. Docquet Book, p. 157.
Same for orders for 186,600l. to the Treasurer of the Navy for building the hulls, masts and yards of 15 of the 30 ships of war ordered to be built by the Act of Parliament [for the Seventeen Months' tax], which [15] are first to be built, viz., 3 second rates, and 12 third rates : and also for othor orders for 51,135l. for rigging, ground tackle and boats for the said 15 ships ; and 20,883l. for providing boatswains' and carpenters' sea stores for the same : (all as by an estimate for same presented by the Commissioners for the Admiralty July 6 last to the King in Council of 557,104l. for the building, rigging and furnishing with boatswains' and carpenters' sea store the said 30 ships and by another estimate from tho Office of Ordnance and approved by the King in Council, of 96,634l. 6s. 2d. for providing ordinary new iron ordnance with carriages, breeches and tackle necessary thereto for said 30 ships : according to which said estimates the whole charge of a second rate will be 18,200l. for hull, masts and yards to be completely built and fitted, 4,265l. for rigging, ground tackle and boats, 1,741l. for boatswains' and carpenters' sea stores and 3,729l. 4s. 4d. for guns, carriages, breeches and tackle, or in all 27,935l. 4s. 4d. ; and the similar charges for a third rate will be 11,000l., 3,195l., 1,305l., 2,935l. 6s. 4d. respectively, or in all 18,435l. 6s. 4d. : so that for the abovesaid 15 ships the total items will be as above.) The orders to be drawn hereon are to express the respective uses as above and are to be registered as the abovesaid Act directs. (Royal warrant dated Aug. 4 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Aug. 6 of docquet hereof. Money warrant dated Aug. 10 hereon for the above three sums.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 405-6, 401. Docquet Book, p. 158. Money Book (General) p. 124.
Privy seal to renew the authorization to Elias Ashmole (constituted Comptroller of Excise by patent dated 1661, April 3) to put his said office in execution for the Country Excise ; it being formerly thought sufficient to put said office in execution within London and the bills of mortality only, but it having since been thought expedient to enlarge the execution thereof to include the county vouchers transmitted to the Farmers or Managers of Excise from all the counties of England, and the books of accounts relating to said duty : which enlargement being ordered by the privy seal of 1674, Dec. 23, terminated at Midsummer last and is therefore hereby renewed, by the advice of the Lord Treasurer, as from June 24 last and until the end of the present farm or manage ment of Excise. Four extraordinary doputies or clerks are to be allowed to said Ashmole for said office with the approbation of the Lord Treasurer ; and 100l. per an. allowance to him above his patent fee and the 400l. per an. for said four clerks. (Royal warrant dated June 8 for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 406-7, 373.
Orders and instructions from Treasurer Danby to abovesaid Ashmole for the execution of abovesaid office. (1). You shall demand of the present Farmers of Excise the vouchers of all the country Excise, and they are to be hereby delivered to you from time to time within six weeks after the finishing every respective riding. (2). You shall make a monthly inspection, or as often as you think fit, into all the said Farmers' ledger books, journals and papers of accounts of all money received, taking copies or extracts of what you think needful for the full discovery of what is made of the revenue of Excise. (3). You shall demand of the said Farmers every half year an account of so many contracts or compositions as shall be made by the sub-Commissioners in each respective county, with whom and for what sums and also a just and true account every half year of all fines, penalties and forfeitures set on any person and how, and how much thereof shall be from time to time discharged. All the above is to the end you may be enabled to give me a true and perfect state of the revenue of Excise and what it shall make every half year. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 101.
Privy seal for 5,000l. to Sir Richard Mason, Kt., and Thomas Raymond, of Grays Inn (as nominees of Charles, Lord Gerard of Brandon) ; without account and to be in recompence and compensation for said Lord Gerard's resignation of the office of Housekeeper of Westminster and Whitehall at the King's request : same to be paid by 1,500l. on March 15 next, 1,500l. on Sept. 19 next and 2,000l. on the 15th March, 1678-9. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Aug. 7 of docquet hereof. For money warrant hereon, see under date 1677-8, March 9.) King's Warrant BookV. pp. 412-3, 403. Docquet Book, p. 159.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to appoint, and insert on the Customs establishment as from Sept. 29 next, the following [as under officers in the office of the Cashier of the Customs], viz. : John Kent as assistant to Richard Kent at 100l. per an., loco Richard Mounteney, junr. ; John Chamberlaine as Clerk of the New Impost at 50l. per an., loco Nathaniel Mounteney ; John Wynn as Teller [in the Customs Cashier's office] at 40l. per an., loco George Franks ; William Jones as same at 50l. per an., loco Thomas Hodgkins ; Benjamin Hodgekin [as officer] to receive bills of exchange [at the salary] as already established ; Edmund Wright as same at 50l. per an., loco Thomas Christopher ; and John Farren [as officer] to pay incident charges at 40l. per an., loco Christopher Hawkes. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 336.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to employ Robert Punchin as a tidewaiter at Newcastle, loco Richd. Leake, preferred to be a coalwaiter [ibid.]
Francis Barnwall as a tidesman in fee, London port, loco William Cooke, deceased.
Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 336.
Reference from same to same of the petition of Sir William Waller, et al Farmers of the Prizage and Butlerage in London port, praying an order to the Customs Commissioners to pay them what is due to them upon the said duty without further trial at law and that for the future they may receive the same without interruption. Ibid, p. 337.
Warrant dormant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 52l. per an. to John Feild for his fee as one of the King's waiters, London port. (Charles Bertie to same dated Aug. 11 to pay same.) Money Book (General) p. 120. Out Letters (General) p. 142.
Money warrant for 40l. to Thomas Hughs, Edmond Cooper and Thomas Harding, attendants on the House of Commons : without account : as royal bounty in consideration of their service and attendance in this last session of parliament. (The usual letters dated Sept. 18 to the Customs and Exchequer hereon : to be paid in with respect, etc.) Money Book (General) p. 122. Out Letters (General) p. 149.
Letter of direction upon an order of the 7th inst. for 500l. to Isaac Legouch for a jewel for Baron Bergeck : to be hereby by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 122.
Money warrant for 1,518l. 9s. 8d. to John Lord Berkeley for his extraordinary expenses in his late embassy at Nimuegen from 1676, Nov. to 1677, June, as by bill hereof ; excluding the sum of 286l. mentioned in said bill for extraordinary house rent which is not thought fit to be allowed.
Appending : (a) said bill
s. d.
Paid three months' house rent before his arrival at Nimuegen, together with his expenses there six months 172 18 8
Fitting up and repairing his houses 196 3 2
House rent above 400l. per an. which he gives out of his ordinary allowance for six months 286 0 0
For postage of letters and correspondence eight months 199 15 10
For bringing and securing 40,000 gilders from Amsterdam and Rotterdam to Nimuegen with brokerage and provision 66 0 0
For interest of 7,000 gilders six months at one per cent. per month "for which I pawned part of the plate" 42 0 0
Expenses of his journey from Nimuegen to London 531 12 0
Paid Monsieur Dec, Feb. 12, 1676-7, for the advance of 1,300l. 140 0 0
Paid Mr. Lirwood, April 27, 1677, for the advance of 1,880l. 170 0 0
1804 9 8
(b) affidavit dated July 24, 1677, by Edward Clarke that "this account is true and just according to what has been given in by me, and allowed by his Lordship [Berkeley] : that as to the two last articles I saw them charged in Mr. Evelyn's accounts, which are passed by his Lordship."
(c) Secretary Williamson's subscription of allowance dated Aug. 2, 1677, of abovesaid bill. As to the two articles which relate to advance upon money taken up by his lordship, as also that of the interest money they must be left to the Lord Treasurer as properly of his cognizance and determination. As to what is demanded towards the excessive price of house rent the King takes notice that house rent is extreme dear at Nimuegen, but as the case stands, his Majesty expects that house rent being a style of ordinary expense, though the price of it happens at this time and at this place to be much raised, should be borne out of the minister's ordinary allowance. The other particulars are according to former precedents, and I see no cause to take exception to them.
Money warrant for 910l. to Sir Edward Wood, Kt., for Jan. 6 last to July 7 last on his ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Sweden.
546l. to Sir William Swann for Dec. 23 last to June 23 last on same as Resident with the Hanse Towns.
546l. to Sir John Paul for Dec. 2 last to June 2 last on same as Resident in Denmark.
Money Book (General) p. 123.
Letter of direction on an order of July 13 last for 50l. to Samuel Martin for half a year to June 24 last on his allowance as Consul at Algiers : same to be hereby by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due in March next. Ibid.
Money warrant dormant for the annuity or yearly pension of 300l. to Mris. Sophia Buckley what is grown due thereon from Christmas last and what shall grow due thereon in future. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Contractors for Hearthmoney. The mayor and seven (being the major part) of the aldermen of Northampton town have, pursuant to the privy seal of June 30 last, nominated John Frend, Thomas Serjeant, William Else, William Wallis and Nicholas King to be the officers for collecting the Hearthmoney in said town. You are hereby to depute them jointly and severally for collecting and levying said duty within said town, to be answerable therefor as directed in said privy seal. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 101.
July 9
[sic : probably erratum for Aug. 9.]
Treasuror Danby to the Commissioners for assessing the Seventeen Months' tax for co. Northumberland. The Receiver General for this tax in your county has not paid his money into the Exchequer as directed by the Act. He alleges this is because the same has not been leviod and paid to him in time as appointed by the Act. You are forthwith and so constantly for the time to come to take care that said tax be early paid to said Receiver, so that in case of further neglect, you and your collectors may be acquitted of it. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 103.
Aug. 9. Same to Ralph Car, mayor of Newcastle on Tyne, and to the sheriff and aldermen thereof. By reason of some difference between you and the Northumberland Commissioners for assessing the abovesaid tax as to the apportionment of the charges upon you respectively, the King's service is much retarded. You are forthwith to request a meeting with said Commissioners, and effectually proceed to the dispatch of the business. Ibid.
Charles Bertie [to the Customs Cashier] to bring in with respect, etc., and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, 50l. each to Sir John Birkenhead, Sir William Glascock, Sir Charles Cotterell and Thomas Povey for half a year on their salaries as Masters of Requests. Out Letters (General) p. 140.
Aug. 10. Same to the Navy Commissioners to imprest to Sir Henry Ford (out of the money in the Navy Treasurer's hands for the sick and wounded affair) 581l. to enable said Ford to pay off [the sick and wounded quarters and bills in] the district under his care. Ibid, p. 141.