Appendix IV

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Appendix IV', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Appendix IV', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Appendix IV". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


Prefatory Note

For the period of Clifford's Lord High Treasurership, Nov., 1672, to June, 1673, the Treasury Minute Book is missing. A very ineffectual substitute for it exists among the Duke of Leeds MSS. in a small thin folio volume which on the outside is lettered "Day Book." The proper name to give to this volume is "The Appointment Book." It is simply an Entry Book in which the Secretary of the Treasury, or occasionally his chief clerk, noted down the items of business, which had at some previous Treasury Board meeting been ordered to be taken into consideration on such and such a day at the Treasury Board (when the Treasury was in Commission) or by the Lord High Treasurer (when he ruled alone). Any private individual who enters his engagements ahead in a diary keeps a record on identically the same lines as this "Appointment Book." It is to be understood therefore that the dates under which the Agenda occur are the dates on which the consideration of them is to take place, not the date at which the entry was written. The entry itself may in each case have been made a week or a fortnight earlier and so on. Further, it is to be understood of course, that such meagre items of appointments do not cover the whole of the business arranged for deliberation on each Treasury Board meeting day. That is to say the appointments for each day are not an agenda paper for each day but only a fraction of such an agenda paper. Wherever a date is entered and a blank space left against it, this is to be taken as evidence that the Lord Treasurer's attendance at the Treasury Office was appointed for that day [as equivalent to a Treasury Board meeting when in Commission] and that such attendance or meeting took place accordingly.

Where the Treasury Minute Book and the Appointment Book are in existence concurrently, I have consistently followed the plan of calendaring them together on the principle that they are homogeneous, in the sense that is, that they contain records of the deliberative business of the Treasury Board. The text (or large type portion) of this calendar therefore will be found to contain the presentation of both these records, as will be seen by a glance at the text portion of Vol. IV. of this Calendar.

Where however the Treasury Minute Book is missing (as it is for the period of Clifford's Treasurership) it is impossible to treat the Appointment Book with its mere list of agenda as equivalent to or as supplying the place of the Minute Book with its important entries of deliberations and resolutions. It would therefore in such a case produce quite a false impression to calendar an Appointment Book as text matter as if it were a key to the deliberations of the Treasury Board. For there is abundant proof that frequently matters which are put down for consideration on a particular day were actually not considered on that day. The parties may not have been present, or mere pressure of business may have crowded it out, and so on. The only method therefore of calendaring the Appointment Book, when (by reason of the Minute Book being necessary) it stands alone, is to relegate it to a special appendix, as is done here. The present appendix should properly have appeared at the end of Vol. IV. of the present Calendar, but I cherished the hope that search and enquiry might turn up the missing Minute Book covering Clifford's Lord Treasurership, and then it would be possible to combine such Minute Book and the Appointment Book in the uniform Calendar method just described. All search has however up to the present proved futile, and it is therefore necessary to insert the appendix here before taking leave of the Leeds MSS. I do not however desist from the hope that Clifford's Minute Book will yet turn up.

Date Nature and Substance of the Entry Reference
1672. Nov. 12. Tuesday. Col. Birch, Capt. Kingdome, Mr. Green, Mr. Waring, Mr. Wingate and Auditor Aldworth are to be here [at the Treasury Chambers this day].
The Farmers of the Wood farm to be here.
In the margin : [postponed] to Friday.
Mr. Montague's account of extraordinaries to be considered to-day.
The matter of Mr. Stoner concerning the beating [of] a Custom House officer [is to be then considered].
Day Book, p. 1.
Nov. 14. Thursday. The Customs Commissioners to be here [this day].
Sir Robert Long, Mr. Sherwyn. Mr. Townesend, Auditor Beal, Sir Charles Harbord and all the officers of the Wardrobe are to be here [this day] about the Earl of Sandwich's petition.
The Attorney General to be here about several things.
Visct. Ranelagh's petition and proposal [are] to be considered [this day], Sir William Bucknall and the rest of the Irish Farmers to attend.
Col. Birch, Capt. Kingdome, Auditor Aldworth and Mr. Green are to be here about bonds and other matters relating to the Wine Act.
Alderman Backwell, Mr. Polixfene and Mr. Holcombe are to be here about Mr. Holcombe's petition.
[Nov.] 15. Friday. The business of the wood farm [is] to be heard [this day]. Ibid, p. 2.
Nov. 19. [Sic for 18] Monday. Mr. Clerke, the Receiver of the Hearthmoney, co. Devon, and Mr. Norman [are] to be heard [this day].
Auditor Beale, Sir Jonathan Atkins, Major Walters, Major Dorell and Mr. Haviland to be here [this day] about some accounts relating to Guernsey.
Visct. Ranelagh and Sir William Bucknall to be here [this day].
In the margin : heard.
The business of the wood farm is to be this day considered.
Nov. 19. Tuesday. Mr. Oakes to be here [this day] and Mr. Ashbourne concerning the debt they owe the King.
Alderman Backwell, Mr. Holcombe and Mr. Polixfene to be here.
The Earl of Sandwich, his business to be this day considered.
The Commissioners of Wine Licences to be here.
The alum farmers to be here.
Mrs. —.
The Customs Commissioners to be here.
Ibid, p. 3
Nov. 22. Friday. Mr. Chiffinch's petition to be considered and Mr. Ashmole to be here [this day] : the first business.
Col. Birch, Mr. Waring, Mr. Wingate, Auditor Aldworth, Capt. Kingdome and Mr. Green to be here [this day].
Col. Norton's petition to be read [this day].
The business of Southwark about quartering soldiers [is] to be heard [this day].
Alderman Backwell, Mr Pollexfen and Mr. Holcombe to be here [this day].
In the margin : [postponed] to Tuesday.
Day Book, p. 3.
Nov. 25. Monday. The Commissioners of the Wine Licences to be here [this day] and the Customs Commissioners [are to attend then] about that [wine business] and [about] their own business.
Mr. Oakes to be here [this day] with his security concerning his debt due to the King.
The farmers of the wood farm to be here [this day] and the Commissioners of the Navy or any one of them, if they think fit, about the same [wood] business.
Ibid, p. 4.
Dec. 9. Monday. The Committee for Foreign Affairs [is this day] to attend his Majesty here [at the Treasury Office].
Sir Robert Long, Sir Charles Harbord, Justice Atkins, the Attorney General and Solicitor General to be here.
Dec. 10. Tuesday. Sir John Shaw, Mr. Dawson, young Mr. Rumsey and Mr. Morgan to be here [this day] about Mr. Morgan's 4,000l.
The farmers of the alum farm to be here [this day] about the arrears of their farm.
Mr. Henry St. Johns to be here about his warrant for stopping of process.
The business of the Hearthmoney of Devonshire to be heard [this day], wherein Norman is concerned.
In the margin : [postponed to] Thursday.
His Majesty will be pleased to be here [this day] to be attended attended by the Cabinet Council about farming the Law [duty] bill.
Coade, Lovejoy, Cooke and others, taken into custody for making a replevin, contrary to law, of goods destrained for the duty of Excise are to be here [this day].
Ibid, p. 5.
Dec. 12. Thursday. Mr. Lowther to be here [this day] about some business relating to the alum farm.
Auditor Aldworth, Capt. Kingdome and Mr. Green to be here this day about the arrears of the Wine Act.
Dec. 13. Friday. [A blank space only, for entries.] Ibid, p. 6.
Dec. 16. Monday. The Cabinet Council and the [Navy] Commissioners and Victuallers of the Navy are to attend the King here [at the Treasury Chamber] at 10 of the clock in the morning [of this day].
Mr. Agar to be here in the afternoon [of this day] with a state of all the King's forests.
Mr. Culliford's business to be heard when the Customs Commissioners are [present].
Alderman Backwell, Mr. Polexfen and Mr. Holcombe to be here [this day afternoon].
Richard Hughes and Capt. — to be here [this day afternoon] about a seizure of goods on board the Quale at Bourne in Sussex.
fMr. Herlackenden's business to be heard [this day afternoon] and Mr. Alderman Backwell to be here.
Mr. Bassenett's business to be heard [this day afternoon] about a French ship.
Day Book, p. 6.
[Dec.] 17. Tuesday. Visct. Ranelagh to be here [this day] about an order of Council concerning Mr. Isaac Colfe.
The business about the replevin of the Excise goods in Essex is to be heard [this day] : Sir William Bucknall to be here.
Sir William Stroud to be heard [this day] and his report [the report on his business] is to be read.
In the margin : [postponed] to Saturday.
The petition of the creditors of Sir Frescheville Holles is to be heard [this day] and Sir Robert Clayton, Mr. Morice, Mr. Carter and the petitioners are to be here.
Mr. Legouch his demands are to be considered [this day].
Mr. George Dashwood and Mr. Rob[er]ts are to be here [this day] about Sir John Bennet's business.
Mr. Barr's petition about the Customer's place of Sandwich is to be this day considered.
Ibid, p. 7.
Dec. 19, Thursday, and Dec. 20, Friday. [Blank spaces only.] Ibid, pp. 7-8.
[Dec.] 21. Saturday. Colonel Hollis to be here [this day] about embezzlements.
The business about Mr. Blake's tallies is to be heard [this day]. Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer] and Sir Robert Long to be here.
Mr. Legouch's business to be considered [this day].
Sir William Stroud's business to be considered [this day].
Mr. Prowse and Mr. Norman to be heard [this day] about the accompt of Devonshire [Hearthmoney] receipts. Mr. Cottle and Mr. Benyon to be heard [this day].
Sir Robt. Viner to be heard about gratuity money directed to be stated on Sir George Carteret's accompt.
Ibid, p. 8.
Dec. 23. Monday. Mr. Slingsby to be here [this day].
The people of Southwark and the Barbados [Regiment's] officers are to be here [this day.]
Day Book, p. 9.
1672-3. Jan. 8, Wednesday and Jan. 9, Thursday. [Blank spaces only.] Ibid.
Jan. 10. Friday. Part of the Irish [Revenue] Farmers [are to attend this day] to give an account why they will not advance their parts of the 51,000l. [which is] to be [in the King's hands] for security till the end of their farm.
Mr. Cottle to be here.
Ibid, p. 10.
Jan. 11. Saturday. [Blank space only.] Ibid.
Jan. 13. Monday. Sir William Doyley, Col. Mansell and Mr. Lodowicke Lloyd are to be here [this day].
The Trustees for sale of Fee Farm Rents are to be here [this day].
The Excise Commissioners are to be here [this day] about the Coffee Duty.
Ibid, p. 11.
Jan. 14. Tuesday. The Governors of the [King Charles I.'s] Hospital at Westminster are to be here [this day] about their petition.
The Excise Commissioners are to be here [this day] about the Excise of Lancashire.
Samuell Daniell's papers are to be presented [this day].
Jan. 15. Wednesday [Blank space only.] Ibid, p. 12.
Jan. 16. Thursday. Mr. Binion and Mr. Cottle to be heard [this day] with [their] Counsel.
Some of the Trustees for sale of Fee Farm Rents and Auditor Philips are to be here [this day] about giving account what rents remain [unsold, on which] to charge pensions and provisions and maintenance of free schools and hospitals ; and [also to shew] why Sir John Banckes his conveyances are not signed, and how the whole stands.
The state of the Vice Chamberlain's account [Sir G. Carteret's account? as former Treasurer of the Navy or as former Vice Treasurer of Ireland] is to be heard the first thing [on this day].
The orders about port bonds are to be read [this day].
Some of the Commissioners of Wine Licences are to be here [this day].
Jan. 17. Friday. [Blank space only.] Day Book, p. 13.
Jan. 18. Saturday. No business to be heard to-day but [save] about the consideration of the charge upon the revenue. Ibid.
Jan. 20. Monday. [Blank space only.] Ibid.
Jan. 21. Tuesday. An account of Sir Jeremy Smith, which was delivered to my Lord Treasurer [Clifford] the 15th of this instant [is] to be heard [this day] and Sir Jeremy Smith and the Victuallers are to be here.
All the business concerning the Victuallers of the Navy [is] to be considered to-day.
Mr. Calvert and Mr. Vincent to be here [this day].
My Lord Treasurer to have notice to-day of the dispatch of the warrant for the Law duty.
Ibid, p. 14.
Jan. 22. Wednesday [Blank space only.] Ibid.
Jan. 23. Thursday. Auditor Beale to be here [this day] "with the Bishop of London's account concerning Jamaica for Tenths."
That the Trustees for Fee Farm Rents and all the Auditors of the Revenue be here [this day] about [finding some fund to which to transfer fixed County and other payments hitherto anciently charged on fee farm] rents settled for payment of perpetuities, etc.
Ibid, p. 15.
Jan. 25. Saturday. The Trustees for sale of Fee Farm Rents and the Auditors and the Clerk of the Pipe are to be here [this day]. Ibid.
Jan. 27. Monday. The London Farmers of Excise [the Farmers of the London Excise] are to be here [this day]. Ibid, p. 16.
Jan. 28. Tuesday. The petition of James Haviland, Commissioner for for the inhabitants of the Island of Guernsey, is to be heard to-day. Auditor Beale and the parties concerned are to be here.
In the margin : heard.
The papers concerning the ship Hope of Jersey are to be shewn to my Lord [Treasurer Clifford].
In the margin : the officer justified.
Sir Fretchville Holles's creditors' petition is to be considered [this day]. Col. Holles and my Lady Holles to have notice.
In the margin : heard.
The report from Sir Robt. Long, et al., upon Mr. Lawrence's proposition is to be heard [this day].
Jan. 29. Wednesday. The state of the Registers [? of debts on orders registered for the Army, Navy and Ordnance, or of loans and orders on the Subsidy and Eighteen Months' Assessment] is to be looked over [this day] and Sir Robert Long, Sir Stephen Fox and Mr. Pepys are to be here.
In the margin : Sir Robert Long has received my Lord Treasurer's leave not to come to-morrow, being sick.
Ibid, p. 17.
Jan. 30. Thursday. [Blank space only.] Day Book, p. 17.
Jan. 31. Friday. Mr. Roberts to be here [this day] about the petition of the workmen or Windsor.
Dr. Williams and Sir Stephen Fox are to be here [this day] about 5,000l. which the Farmers of the London Excise demand defalcations for.
Mr. Agar's business to be considered to-day.
Ibid, p. 18.
Feb. 1. Saturday. The business of the debts on register is to be considered to-day. Sir Robt. Long, Sir Charles Harbord, Mr. Pepys and Sir Stephen Fox to be here. Ibid.
Feb. 3. Monday in the afternoon. Mr. Porter, Mr. Prettyman, Mr. Scarlett and Mr. Lawrence are to be here [this day]. Ibid, p. 19.
Feb. 4. Tuesday. [Blank space only.] So similarly for Wednesday, Feb. 5, Thursday, Feb. 6, Friday, Feb. 8 [sic], Saturday, Feb. 9 [sic], and Monday, Feb. 10. Ibid, pp. 19, 20, 21, 22.
Feb. 11. Tuesday. Mr. Haviland's petition concerning Guernsey, having been referred to Auditor Beale, is to be reported [on] to-day to your Lordship [Treasurer Clifford].
Mr. Northcote, Mr. Prouse and Mr. Fillingham are to be here [this day] about the Devonshire account of the Subsidy.
Ibid, p. 22.
Feb. 17. Monday. [Blank space only.] Ibid, p. 23.
Feb. 18. Tuesday. The business of Guernsey is to be heard to-day and Major Wallers, Sir Jonathan Atkins and Auditor Beale are to be here.
Captain Trant's petition is to be considered [this day] and Mr. Carter and Sir Gabriel Sylvius are to be here.
Sir John Banckes is to be here [this day] about the ship Massingberd.
Feb. 19. Wednesday. [Blank space only.] Ibid, p. 24.
Feb. 20. Thursday. Mr. Croane, Col. Birch and the rest of the Commissioners for the Wine Act are to be here [this day] and Mr. Croane's business is to be heard again. Ibid.
Feb. 24. Monday. [Blank space only.] Ibid.
Feb. 25. Tuesday. The Farmers of the London Excise, Sir William Bucknall and Alderman Breedon are to be here [this day] about some matter relating to the Additional Excise. Ibid, p. 25.
Feb. 26. Wednesday Sir William Doiley to be here [this day] about his receipts of money charged to have been in his hands. Day Book, p. 25.
March 5. Wednesday [Blank space only.] The like for Thursday, March 6. Ibid, p. 26.
March 7. Friday. Auditor Birch and the Farmers of the London Excise are to be here [this day] about their account.
Mr. Musgrave's account to be [considered and] finished to-day.
Mr. Prettiman to be here [this day and] the report about the [office of] Receiver of First Fruits is to be considered.
Mr. Barcroft to be heard about the Guernsey business [this day] and Auditor Beale, Major Walters, Mr. Hairland, et al., are to be here.
The business about the ship Massingberg, a three-decked ship, is to be considered [this day].
Sir George Carteret's business about splitting tallies [? in dispute between him and the Earl of Anglesea his successor in the Vice Treasurership of Ireland] is to be considered [this day].
Ibid, p. 27.
March 10. Monday. [Blank space only.] Ibid, p. 28.
March 11. Tuesday. The Farmers of the London Excise are to bring their account to-day ; and Auditor Birch is to be here with them. Ibid.
March 12. Wednesday The Farmers of the London Excise are to bring their interest account to-day. Col. Birch to be here.
Mr. Prettyman is to be here [this day] with his account.
Ibid, p. 29.
March 13. [Blank space only.] Ibid.
March 14. Friday. Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Scarlett to be here [this day] about the First Fruits Office.
Dr. Williams to be here [this day] about 5,000l. to be allowed on the London [Excise] Farmers' account.
Mr. Barcroft, Mr. Haviland and Auditor Beale, et al., are to be here [this day] about the Guernsey business.
Ibid, p. 30.
March 19. Wednesday [Blank space only.] Ibid, p. 31.
March 20. Thursday. Morning. [Blank space only.]
Afternoon. The Irish Farmers of the Customs [sic for Revenue] are to have a hearing [this day] before the King and Cabinet Council at the Treasury Chamber in Whitehall about defalcations for ships of the Plantations forbidden to unlade in Ireland and about defalcations for the war with Holland.
March 21. Friday. Mr. Morris to be heard [this day] about his father's title to the ground by Wallingford House. Sir Charles Harbord and Mr. Christian [as] for the Duke of Buckingham are to attend then.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer to be here [this day].
Day Book, p. 32.
March 22. Saturday. [Blank space only.] Ibid.
March 24. Monday. Mr. Culliford's case about his place of Register for Seizures of the Customs is to be heard [this day]. The Lord Chancellor and the Chancellor of the Exchequer are to be present as also the Customs Commissioners.
Afternoon. Mr. Eaton to be heard [this afternoon] about his petition for tobacco paying Custom in Ireland : the Customs Commissioners to be present.
Ibid, p. 33.
1673. April 4. Friday. Mr. Pepys to be here [this day] to meet my Lord Craven and Major Meller about tickets.
Auditor Philips to be here [this day].
Ibid, p. 34.
April 7. Monday. The first Wardrobe paper to be considered this morning.
Afternoon. The Customs Commissioners to be here about Mr. Culliford's business.
April 8. Tuesday. [Blank space only.] Ibid, p. 35.
April 9. Wednesday The other Wardrobe paper is to be considered [this day] and the Treasurer of the Chamber's paper. Ibid.
April 10. Thursday. [Blank space only.] Ibid, p. 36.
April 11. Friday. Mr. Finch and his deputy are to be here [this day] about Capt. Perriman's petition.
Alderman Backwell and Mr. Polexfen are to be here [this day].
Auditor Bridges to be here [this day] with the accounts of the last Farmers of the Customs.
The Alum Farmers to be here [this day] about the arrears of [rent due from them on] their farm.
April 12. Saturday. Mr. Hall to be here [this day] and the Auditors of Imprests and the other Auditors and Mr. Prettiman with his security. Ibid, p. 37.
April 14. Monday. Sir Allen Apsley and Sir John Trevor are to be here [this day] about wine licences and all the [Wine License] Commissioners are to be here then.
Auditor Philips to be here [this day].
Afternoon. Mr. Finch and Captain Perriman are to be here with the Customs Commissioners.
April 15. Tuesday. Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Scarlett are to be here [this day] about First Fruits and Tenths.
Alderman Backwell and the rest of the late Farmers of the Customs and Auditor Bridges are to be here [this day].
Sir John Bennet's business to be heard the first thing [this day].
Mr. Agar to be here about a Commission for the New Forest.
Ibid, p. 38.
April 16. Wednesday. Mr. Worrall's business about his house at Greenwich is to be heard [this day] by counsel. Mr. Withens to be here likewise.
The state of the account of the late Farmers of the Customs is to be considered [this day].
Mr. Cottle and Mr. Benyon are to be here [this day].
Day Book, p. 38.
April 17. Thursday. The officers of the Wardrobe are to be here [this day]. Ibid, p. 39.
April 18. Friday. The case of Dean Forest is to be heard to-day, how to improve it. Sir Charles Harbord and Mr. May to be here.
In the margin : deferred to Wednesday morning.
The Guernsey business to be heard to-day.
April 19. Saturday. The Commissioners of Wine Licences are to be here [this day]. The method of their proceedings [as to the letting of licences, etc.] is to be [then] considered and settled.
Mr. Mounteney is to be here [this] Saturday with his accompt.
Mr. Slingsby to be here [this day] about [minting] small money.
Ibid, p. 40.
April 21. Monday. The Auditors and Mr. Hall are to be here [this day] to proceed with the Remembrancer [of First Fruits] book [of accompts]. Ibid.
April 22. Tuesday. Col. Strode and others to be here [this day] about Sir Charles Wheeler's petition.
Sir John Bennet's business is to be heard [this day] and Auditor Philips is to be here about perfecting the account of the fee farm rents.
The account of the Sick and Wounded [viz., for quarters and cure in the various ports] is to be brought in [this day].
Alderman Backwell and Auditor Bridges are to be here [this day].
In the margin : [put off till] to-morrow.
Ibid, p. 41.
April 23. Wednesday Alderman Backwell and Auditor Bridges to be here [this day].
The business of Dean Forest is to be considered this day.
In the margin : [postponed to] this day sevennight.
April 24. Thursday. [Blank space only.] The like for Friday, April 25, and Saturday, April 26. Ibid, pp. 42, 43.
April 28. Monday. The Farmers of [the Revenue of] Ireland and my Lord Ranelagh are to be here this day.
In the margin : to be here this day sevennight.
The Farmers of the Excise of Kent are to be here this day.
In the margin : to be here this day sevennight.
Mr. Hall and the Remembrancer's [of First Fruits] account to be brought in on [this] Monday morning.
The Chamberlain of the Exchequer is to be here [this morning] to speak with my Lord Treasurer Clifford about joining of tallies.
Mr. Price to be here [this morning] with his account.
Afternoon. The Customs officers of Southampton port and Mr. Cole are to be here.
Day Book, p. 43.
April 29. Tuesday. Lady Camworth is to be heard to-day.
In the margin : [changed to] to-morrow.
The Commissioners of the Wine Licences are to be here [this day] about their instructions.
In the margin : [changed to] to-morrow. [Both these items] posted to next day.
Ibid, p. 44.
April 30. Wednesday The business of Dean Forest is to be considered this day. The Marquess of Worcester, Visct. Grandison, Mr. May and Mr. Agar are to be here.
Several persons complained of by Sir Robert Atkins for not having accounted for moneys by them received of the Law duty are to be here [this day].
Lady Camworth to be here to-day.
The Commissioners of the Wine Licences are to be here [this day] about their instructions.
May 1. Thursday. The Farmers of Excise for Kent (erased). Ibid, p. 45.
May 2. Friday. My Lord [Treasurer Clifford is this day] to consider a paper delivered in by the Customs Commissioners ; the Chancellor [of the Exchequer] and Sir George Downing being [to be] present.
The Commissioners of the Wine Licences are [this day] to bring in an account of the terms [or leases] that all vintners have remaining in their licences and what they pay. Mr. Gloyne's case to be then considered likewise.
In the margin : [deferred till] on Tuesday to be heard.
Dr. Williams to be here [this day] about the 5,000l. received of the Farmers of the London Excise.
May 3. Saturday. [Blank space only.] Ibid, p. 46.
May 5. Monday. The Farmers of Excise for Kent and other persons complained of are to be here [this day]. Mr. Jaggard to be here also. Ibid.
May 6. Tuesday. Sir Thomas Chichley to be heard this day about the Office of the Ordnance.
Alderman Backwell to be here [this day] about the money of my Lord Arlington.
In the margin : [postponed] to Friday.
Serjeant Stevens [is this day] to be heard concerning his right of having warrants to take sheriffs into custody who do not accompt as they ought and pay their debts [to the King].
The Commissioners of the Wine Licences are [this day] to bring in an account of the terms that all vintners have remaining in their licences and what they pay. Mr. Gloyne's business to be [then] considered likewise.
Mr. Auditor Philips to be here [this day] about Sir John Banckes's fee farm rents that remain uncontracted for.
Auditor Aldworth and Mr. Holder are [this day] to bring in their report concerning money due to the Duke of York for Wine Licences.
Ibid, p. 47.
May 7. Wednesday The Commissioners of the Wine Licences are to be here [this day] to give an account what licences are granted to one [and the same individual] for many places.
The arrears of the Duke of Buckingham are to be considered [this day].
In the margin : [postponed] to Saturday.
Mr. Pepys to be here [this day] about Mr. Canham's hemp [for the Navy Stores] and Mr. Canham's papers and petition are to be read about his bonds.
[The consideration of the] Hearth[money] accounts is to be proceeded on this day.
Col. Fitz Patrick to be here this day.
A draft of a privy seal is to be considered [this day] about [re-erecting] an exchange office for [getting in the moneys of] the Eighteen Months' tax.
Day Book, p. 48
May 8. Thursday. [Blank space only.] Ibid.
May 9. Friday. Alderman Backwell to be here [this day] about some money my Lord Arlington had.
The paper about the Hearthmoney accounts it to be brought to-day. The Receivers of the Hearthmoney to be here.
The Farmers of the London Excise are to be here [this day] about their interest accounts, and Auditor Aldworth, in order to the declaring of them.
Col. Whitely's son's account is to be heard this day.
Ibid, p. 49.
May 10. Saturday. Sir Robert Viner to be here [this day].
Mr. Mounteney to be here [this day] with an account of what has been made of the Customs since the Bordeaux and Canary [wine] fleets came in.
The Farmers of the Law duty to be here [this day] and the Duke of Buckingham's account is to be then stated.
May 12. Monday. The Farmers of the London Excise and the Excise Commissioners and Sir Charles Harbord are to be here [this day].
In the margin : [postponed to] to-morrow morning.
Mr. Serjeant Stephens to be heard [this day] about the matter of [arresting] sheriffs.
The Trustees for sale of Fee Farm Rents and Mr. Digby are to be here [this day] with an account of the fee farm rents.
Afternoon. The business of the fee farms is to be then considered.
Serjeant Stevens to be heard about sheriffs.
Day Book, p. 50.
May 13. Tuesday. [Blank space only.] Ibid.
May 14. Wednesday Mr. Serjeant Stephens to be heard about the matter of sheriffs (struck through. In the margin : heard on Monday). Ibid, p. 51.
May 15. Thursday. [Blank space only.] Ibid.
May 26. Monday. Mr. Ball's petition is to be read [this day]. The Excise Commissioners and Sir Stephen Fox to be present.
Afternoon. Mr. Eaton's petition is to be read [this day], the Customs Commissioners being [to be] present.
Ibid, p. 52.
May 27. Tuesday. The Wine Licences Commissioners are to be here [this day] about an order of Council upon the petition of some [wine merchants].
Mr. Cottle and Mr. Benyon are to be here [this day] about Mr. Cottle's petition referred to my Lord Treasurer [Clifford] from the King.
Sir Robt. Clayton and others of the city are to be here about the petition of Christ's Hospital.
In the margin : put off.
My Lady Newburgh's petition [is this day] to be heard first of any.
May 28. Wednesday Sir Jeremy Whitchcott is to be with my Lord [Treasurer] to-day about Sir Lancelot Lake's business.
Visct. Ranelagh is to be here [this day] about some business concerning the Earl of Essex.
The Cofferer's account is to be heard [this day].
Ibid, p. 53.
May 29. Thursday. [Blank space only.] Ibid.
May 30. Friday. Mr. Price to be here [this day] with his account.
Auditor Philips and Mr. Digby are to be here [this day] to give my Lord Treasurer [Clifford] an account of the fee farm rents according to the instructions given to them.
Sir Nicholas Stroude and Sir Charles Wheeler are to be here [this day].
Sir Dennis Gauden to be here [this day].
Col. Whitley's business is to be presented [this day] about the Post Office.
Ibid, p. 54.
May 31. Saturday. [Blank space only.] The like for Monday, 2 June. Day Book, pp. 54, 55.
June 3. Tuesday. Sir John Bennett to be here [this day] about his fee farm rents.
The account concerning Sir Henry Wood [is this day] to be heard, Sir George Downing and Sir Charles Harbord being [to be] present.
The business of Christ's Hospital is to be heard [this day] and Sir Robert Clayton is to be present.
Ibid, p. 55.
June 5. Wednesday The Auditors and Mr. Hall are to be here [this day] about a paper delivered in by Mr. Hall.
In the margin : [postponed] to Friday.
Auditor Beal [is this day] to bring in such accounts as relate to his Majesty's Forces and such other things as Sir Stephen Fox shall desire.
The like marginal note.
Ibid, p. 56.
June 5. Thursday. [Blank space only.] Ibid.
June 6. Friday. Sir Thomas Chicheley, Mr. Wharton and all the officers of the Ordnance [are this day] to be here with the orders they acted by when the Ordnance was in commission, and with such books as may make appear by what methods they then proceeded and [also] the present ones [sc books] that a right state may be seen.
The discharge of Sir Henry Wood's account is [this day] to be seen.
The Auditors and Mr. Hall are to be here [this day] about a paper delivered in by Mr. Hall.
In the margin : [postponed to next] Wednesday.
Auditor Beal [is this day] to bring in such accounts as relate to his Majesty's Forces and such other things as Sir Stephen Fox shall desire.
Ibid, p. 57
June 7. Saturday. [Blank space only.] Ibid.
June 9. Monday afternoon. Mr. Eaton's petition about tobacco brought from Virginia [is this day] to be considered, the Customs Commissioners being [to be] present.
The Lord Chief Baron and the Chancellor of the Exchequer are to be here this day about Sir Robert Paston's business.
Ibid, p. 58
June 10. Tuesday. Mr. Arden and Sir Francis Goodericke are to be here [this day] about the bishopric of Durham.
In the margin : [postponed to] to-morrow.
Mr. Lindsey [is this day] to be heard and the Trustees for sale of Fee Farm Rents are to be here.
The like marginal note.
Mr. Duppa to be here about the Earl of Bristol's letter (struck through). This business is finish[ed].
June 11. Wednesday Auditor Aldworth is this day to bring in Alderman Backwell's interest account.
The Farmers of the London Excise and Col. Birch [are this day] to be here about exported beer, and their interest account is to be then considered.
Mr. Hall and the Auditors of the Revenue [are this day] to be here.
Mr. Prettyman [is this day] to be here about Mr. Hide's order.
Mr. Lindsey [is this day] to be heard and the Trustees for sale of Fee Farm Rents are to be here.
Mr. Arden and Sir Francis Goodericke [are this day] to be here about the bishopric of Durham.
Day Book, p. 59
June 16. Monday. Mr. Hall and the Auditors [of the Revenue re this day] to be here.
The officers of the Works [are this day] to be here.
The Trustees for sale of Fee Farm Rents and their clerks [are this day] to be here and Auditor Philips and Mr. Digby.
Mr. Fanshaw's petition to be read [this day].
Sir Alexander Frazier's daughter is to be heard on [this] Monday about Jenckin's debt.
Ibid, p. 60.
June 17. Tuesday. Sir Thomas Clarges, Sir William Armorer, Sir Richard Mason and Sir Charles Harbord are to be here [this day].
Col. Birch [is this day] to be here about the Wine Act.
June 18. Wednesday Sir William Turner and all parties concerned in Sir Frescheville Holles's business [are this day] to be here.
Mr. Prettiman to be here [this day].
The Commissioners of the Wine Licences to be here [this day].
Ibid, p. 61.