Entry Book: March 1679, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: March 1679, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp1251-1261 [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Entry Book: March 1679, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp1251-1261.

"Entry Book: March 1679, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp1251-1261.


March 1679, 1-10

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Mar. 1. Reference from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Tuder to the King praying for an office in the Custom House in consideration of his service in quenching a fire in Deptford Yard for which he was formerly referred to the Treasury Lords and is now 1674, Nov. 18 referred by the King to Treasurer Danby whereupon he petitions my Lord for a gauger's or watchman's place. Treasurer Danby hereby refers same to the Customs Commissioners to examine his merits, pretensions and fitness. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 181.
Warrant from same to same to permit Thomas Claxton, of London, merchant, to transport three horses to Bordeaux, Customs free, notwithstanding any former order to the contrary. Ibid, p. 182.
Same from same to the Receipt to issue 2,000l. to Phillip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Works : to be by tallies on Antho. Rowe, et al on the 35,000l. which they are to pay June 24 next in full of 150,000l. advance on their Hearthmoney contract. (Charles Bertie dated March 5 to said Rowe and partners. The Office of the Works have present occasion for this money. You shall be allowed 8 per cent. interest or gratuity for said sum or so much thereof as you shall advance for his Majesty's service, viz., from the time you advance it till the tallies become due.) Money Book (General) p. 384. Out Letters (General) p. 378.
Same from same to same to issue 1,000l. to Ralph Montague, Esq., Master of the Great Wardrobe, on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Great Wardrobe : to be by tallies ut supra. Money Book (General) p. 384.
Mar. 2. Warrant and Commission from same to Capt. Charles Potts to search for and seize uncustomed and prohibited goods for one month from date hereof and no longer : it being found by experience that prohibited goods are commonly imported and exported and the King defrauded of his Customs. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 181.
Mar. 3. Warrant from same to the Customs Commissioners to permit the household goods of the Duke of Norfolk to be shipped, Customs free, on the Portsmouth yacht and the Speedwell ketch to be transported to Ostend.
Appending : schedule of said goods (inter alia, tapestry hangings, pictures and drawings of my Lord's [the Duke of Norfolk's] with some hangings, Turkey carpets, a stone cabinet, little pictures, pictures and wax candles, a roll of pictures, a leather screen, Hemingham's wearing clothes. Lady Eliz[abeth's] clothes, Mris. Jennison's linen, the Duchess's linen, Albury wine, Lady Frances's clothes, the page's clothes, Mris. Roper's clothes, Mris. More's clothes. In all 10 cases of pictures are mentioned). (b) Cha. Moroson dated March 3 to Charles Bertie to obtain Treasurer Danby's warrant for transport of the above.
Ibid, pp. 182-3.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Clerk of the Pipe to take order from time to time that payment be made to the Duke of Norfolk of his 20l. per an. creation money as Earl of Surrey which has anciently been paid by the sheriffs of Surrey and Sussex and of 40l. per an. creation money as Duke of Norfolk which has been usually paid by the sheriffs of Norfolk and Suffolk. Same (and the arrears thereof) are to be paid by the said respective sheriffs now and for the time being. Money Book (General) p. 384b.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring 81l. 6s. 8d. into the Exchequer for one year on the Attorney General's salary. Out Letters (General) p. 378.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for a tally to be struck on the Customs for 150l. for last Christmas quarter on the pension to Lady Fanshawe's executors. Ibid.
Mar. 4. Money warrant for 500l. to Robert. Earl of Sunderland, for his extraordinaries and 400l. for four weeks' ordinary, Jan. 10 last to Feb. 7 inst. [sic for ult.] and 42l. 17s. 1d. for the three days of his said ordinary to Feb. 10 ult. as late Ambassador Extraordinary to the French King, which embassy was determined Feb. 10 last as appears by his Majesty's revocatory letters to him directed.
Appending : (a) bill of said extraordinaries as "allowed by me, Hen. Coventry," Feb. 22.
Money Book (General) p. 385.
l. s. d.
For several expresses sent from Paris to London and back again ; for postage of letters, intelligence, journeys and other extraordinary expenses 500 0 0
(b) Royal sign manual to said Earl of Sunderland dated 1678-9, Feb. 10, "Whereas upon your desire we were lately pleased to grant you leave to repair for some time into this our kingdom from the embassy in which we employed you in the Court of France, to look after certain your private affairs here : and whereas we have now thought fit upon further considerations to make choice of you to be one of our Principal Secretaries of State, we are thereupon pleased and do hereby determine your being our Embassador Extraordinary in the said Court of France, to the end you may apply yourself to the discharge of your place and function of one of our said Principal Secretaries of State."
Mar. 5. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 47l. 4s. 2d. to Sir Robert Croke for one year to Sept. 29 last [as Clerk of the Pipe], paying same out of the following [small branches of revenue] moneys in the Exchequer, viz. : Out Letters (General) p. 378.
l. s. d.
[Sheriffs'] proffers 32 12 6
[Fines and] compositions in the Exchequer 2 12 6
Tenths 11 19 2
£47 4 2
(Cancelled. See infra, under date March 6.)
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Excise and to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies] for 375l. to the Earl of Ranelagh and 250l. to Lord Hatton for a quarter on their respective pensions. Out Letters (General) p. 378.
Same to the Customs Cashier to bring 40l. into the Exchequer (and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same) for Sir James Butler for one year to Christmas last on his fee as one of his Majesty's counsel learned in the law. Ibid, p. 379.
Mar. 6. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 47l. 4s. 2d. to Sir Robert Croke, ut supra ; paying same out of First Fruits, Tenths, rent of lighthouses and [sheriffs'] proffers now in the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 381.
Reference from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners of John Webb's petition for a tidesman's place at Bristol. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 184.
The like reference of the petition of Sir Benjamin Ayloff, et al., for the discharge of the ship Swan of London [seized] for being navigated by strangers. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to supply the Treasurer of the Ordnance with 10,000l. "on a tally struck on you pursuant to your agreement" with Treasurer Danby. Out Letters (General) p. 379.
Same to same to bring 22l. 10s. 0d. into the Exchequer for Mris. Bird, who was instrumental in the King's escape [after Worcester fight]. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners of the Navy to make out bills to Sir Thomas Clutterbuck for his year's [Mediterranean victualling] declaration from time to time according to his contract. Ibid, p. 380.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay off a tally lately stricken on you for 672l. 0s. 0d. to Mr. Felton and Mr. Chiffinch for half a year to Christmas last on their several allowances as Masters of the Hawks. Ibid, p. 381.
Same to same to pay in its course a tally struck on you for 470l. for Mr. Skelton's extraordinaries ; and if you advance the same or any part thereof Treasurer Danby will allow you 8 per cent. interest and gratuity from the time of the advance until your repayment [by the said tally coming in course to be paid]. Ibid, p. 380.
The like letter concerning the tallies for 2,600l. for Ambassador Hyde's allowance to Nov. 28 last. Ibid.
The like concerning the tallies for 2,500l. for abovesaid Hyde for half a year to 1678, Lady day, for the [Office of] Robes. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Treasurer of the Navy. Treasurer Danby has directed that orders for 30,000l. on the present [Eighteen Months'] tax shall be immediately paid into your hands as a found [fund] for answering some uses of the navy. He desires you to use your interest to raise the money upon the said orders as soon as possibly you can, for which you may assure [give security to] the lenders ten per cent. interest together with the principal on the said orders (by computation until a just accompt can be made of the same). The uses for this money are principally the payment of one quarter to the yards for repairs, &c., and supplying Sir Thos. Clutterbuck with money for the Mediterranean victualling which will be assigned particularly on this fund. And these occasions pressing very much his Lordship is obliged to desire your doing all you can to [get lenders to] furnish the money speedily for supply of these [items]. Out Letters (General) p. 382.
Mar. 7. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Sir Thomas Wolstenholme and his heirs for ever of a yearly rent or sum of 561l. 6s. 8d. payable out of the Hereditary Excise quarterly in like manner as the bankers' annuities are : same being 6 per cent. annuity on a principal debt as below : same to commence from June 24 last : with a clause for determination of same upon the payment by the Crown of the principal sum of 9,355l. 10s. 4½d. (with any arrears) : it appearing by an accompt made up and stated by Thos. Raban, a deputy auditor, and allowed by Treasurer Danby Aug. 3. last that there is due to said Sir Thomas son and executor of Sir John Wolstenholme (partner with Sir John Shaw et al late Farmers of Customs) said sum of 9,355l. 10s. 4¼d. as his share of the sum of 40,622l. 7s. 6d. due to said Farmers upon their accompt for the year ended 1671, Sept. 29. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 12 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. pp. 187-8. Docquet Book, p. 32.
A like warrant for a great seal for an annuity of 561l. 6s. 8d. similarly to Sir John Shaw as in lieu and satisfaction of 9,355l. 10s. 4¼d. due to him upon an order in Exchequer ; and of an annuity of 77l. 2s. 6d. to Francis Millington, Esq., in satisfaction of 1,285l. 7l. 2½d. due to him upon a like order : the said yearly sums to commence from 1678, June 24, and to be payable quarterly out of the Hereditary Excise, with a clause of resumption as in the goldsmiths' patent. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 18 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. p. 195. Docquet Book, p. 35.
Mr. Henry Fanshaw desires that he may have notice before anything be done in case the new Contractors for the Hearthmoney apply to the Lord Treasurer for a warrant to have the Hearth[money rolls and] records delivered over to them, or if the present [Hearthmoney] Contractors come for any allowance for writing those records. Caveat Book, p. 38.
[Treasurer Danby's allowance of] John Langwith's bill as one of the Messengers of the Chamber, viz., 30l. 13s. 4d. for attendance upon the Lord Treasurer about such business and service as he has been mployed in for his Majesty's special affairs for half a year to Christmas last, at 3s. 4d. a day. Money Book (General) p. 386.
Letter of direction on an order dated the 6th inst. for 900l. to Robert, Earl of Sunderland, being 400l. for 4 weeks' ordinary and 500l. for extraordinaries : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 386.
Same on 3,000l. on further part of an order dated Dec. 7 last for 20,000l. to Charles Bertie for secret service, whereon there has been already paid 9,495l. 8s. 8d. (viz. 1000l., 875l., 3,000l., 3,000l., and 1,620l. 8s. 8d.) : said 3,000l. to be hereby satisfied by tallies on Anthony Rowe and partners on their half year's Hearthmoney rent due Sept. 29 next, and payable at the utmost days of grace Mar. 15 following. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay over to the uses following the 5,000l. which you will this week receive from the Customs Cashier, viz., Out Letters (General) p. 381.
for discharged men in the Yards 600
for imprest to Sir John Kempthorne and Sir Richard Beach for forwarding the ships in the Yards 1,000
for Mr. Peirce on a bill of imprest 600
for [seamen's] tickets 800
for the Victuallers on their bills 2,000
[?] Same (signed "Your affectionate kinsman") to same. There are bills passed the Navy Board to Sir Thomas Clutterbuck for 5,046l. 13s. 8d., assigned for payment out of such moneys as shall come to your hands for that purpose. Treasurer Danby desires you to forthwith pay same out of such money as you shall raise on the orders for 30,000l. which are put into your hands for this and other uses. Ibid, p. 382.
Mar. 7. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against John Hebdon, Collector of Customs at Chichester port, who appears to be indebted to the King on his collection in 986l. 16s. 5¾d. but who claims to have pretensions to a greater sum due [to him] from the King upon another accompt. Warrants not relating to Money VII. p. 287.
Report to the King from same on the report from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on the petition of Col. Lane's daughters to the King as follows. Said petition from Grace Lane, Lettice Lane, Frances Offley, Eliza Jervis, Jane Lane and Dorothy Lane, daughters of Col. John Lane, sets forth that about 8 years since the King by patent granted them 6,000l. out of the revenue of Ireland, and it was inserted in the establishment of Ireland that they should receive interest for the same at 8 per cent. till the principal should be paid them. Such interest the petitioners have ever since received except for the last half year of Viscount Ranelagh's [Irish revenue] undertaking which half year is still due to them. On the 23rd March, 1675-6, the King in Council resolved that the said 6,000l. should be next of all satisfied to the said petitioners out of the particular quit rents assigned for satisfaction of the 5,000l. per annum to the Duke of Ormonde, and royal letters were granted directing the Lord Lieutenant that said petitioners should be so satisfied next after the said Duke's being satisfied and without the interfering of any other payment whatsoever upon that fund : but in the said letter a clause was omitted authorising and requiring the Lord Lieutenant or other chief Governor to pass letters patent to said petitioners for securing said 6,000l. to them out of said fund and for entering them on the establishment of Ireland for receiving it after the Duke of Ormonde should be satisfied as above. Petitioners therefore pray that the Lord Lieutenant may be so authorised to cause such letters patent to be passed. Said petition being referred to the Lord Lieutenant by order in Council dated Whitehall, 1678-9, Jan. 16, the latter reported thereon Feb. 8 last that he believes the contents of said petition to be fully true in all particulars and that said 6,000l. was a part of the Earl of Ranelagh's undertaking with the King "and that on a representation made by said Earl that he had overpaid what he was liable, by his contract, to answer to the King (which neither doth nor can appear till the accounts be fully taken" [? lacuna]). Petitioners may be satisfied as they desire and till such satisfaction the 8 per cent. interest on their 6,000l. is placed upon the present establishment of Ireland. Said report being referred to Treasurer Danby by order in Council dated Feb. 19 last, the Lord Treasurer hereby reports fully agreeing with the Lord Lieutenant therein. Ibid, pp. 288-9.
[? Mar. 7.] A note or list as follows, lacking the enacting warrant or order [? for their protection] to which it is apparently intended to be appended and for which a blank space is left in the entry book, viz.,
a list of the names of several persons called Quakers that are prosecuted as Popish Recusants but in reality [are] true Protestants.
Co. Bucks. Robert Kingham and his wife of Sanderton, William Grinsdale of Chalfont and — his wife.
Co. Cambridge. Jno. Smith of Over parish, Nicho. Walker of the parish of Swavesey, Richd. Webb of West Wickham, Edward Smith of Linton, tailor, Jno. Harvy of the same place, John Prince of Wilbraham Parva, Geo. Nash of the parish of Over, William Phipers of the parish called All Saints of Long Stanton, Nathll. Phipers his son of the same place.
Co. Cornwall. Ambrose Grosse of the parish of Luxulion, William Penrose of Falmouth.
Co. Cumberland. Eliza Bond of the parish of Weedrall [Wetheral], widow, Isaac Bond of the same place, Jno. Bond of the same place, Tho. Dobinson of the same place, Anne Dobinson of the same place, Tho. Dobinson, junr., of the same place, John Richardson of the same place, Christopher Slatier of the same place.
Co. Gloucester. William Lawrence of Bromsberrow, Edw. Archer of Coln, Richard Mansell of Haythorpe.
Co. Hants. Robert Reeves of Swanmore.
Co. Herts. Eliza Edridge of Buntington, widow, and Tho. Edridge her son of the same place.
Co. Hereford. William Fisher, James Merrick, John Cater, Thomas Merrick, William Sparrow, Henry Powell, Richard Dolphin, all of Ross, Roger Pritchard of Amberley, William Collier of the same place, John Haines of Bodenham, Peter Young of Luston, James Ecclee of Mansell Lacy.
Co. Huntingdon. Robert Chamberlane of Offord Cluny, husbandman, Tobias Hardmeat of St. Ives, chandler, John Offley, senr., of Fenny Stanton, husbandman, Samuell Nottingham of Ramsey, Thomas Goulding of the same place, tailor, John Ellis of the same place, husbandman, Richard Prowde of the same place, labourer, Nathl. Nurse of Ripton Regis, husbandman, Nathll. Pattison of the same place, blacksmith.
Co. Lancs. Henry Houlden of Thornton, Jno. Brickerstaffe of the same place, John Townsend of Radcliffe, Robert Butler of the same place, James Smith of Poulton, James Brickerstaffe of Thornton, William Foote of the same place, William Baines of Wyreside, Tho. Hinde of Littledale, John Kirby of Kirkby, William Whaley, Jno. Sagar, Roger Hartley of Marsden, Jno. Hartley of Gilford Clough, Peter Shackleton of forest of Trawden, Mary Hartley of the same place, widow, Richard Hargrave of Fowbridge, Richard Cubban, Godffrey Atherton, Anne Atherton, widow, Edward Lyons, Danll, Bisbaine, William Smith of Bickerstaffe, Richard Johnson of Ormskirk, Roger Harsnop of Aughton, William Whaly of Marsden, Jno. Sagar of the same place, Roger Hartley of Chamber, William Baines of Netherwyresdale.
Co. Monmouth. Richard Hanbury of Powtonwell, Rose Taylor of Ponteg, widow, Katherine Cadogan of Llanvrechva, widow, John Rosser of Trevethin, Jno. Walkin of the same place.
Sussex. Richard Scrase, gent., of Hurstpierrepont, Walter Scrase of Blatchington, Richard Haiter, yeoman, Jno. Martin, tailor, William Parker, yeoman all of Steyning, John Carter, husbandman, Edward Blackeston, maltster, Jacob Knowles, joiner of Wiston, Thomas Snashall of Burlock, blacksmith, Robert Thorndon, shoemaker, James Lexford, husbandman, of Cowfold, William Penne of Warminghurst, Esq., Nicho. Beard, senr., of Hamer. yeoman, Humfrey Killingworth of Bolney, Thomas Parson of Storfam [Stopham], Robert Alder, husbandman, William Eason, smith, Thomas Parson, yeoman, of Cowfold. (At the bottom of the page is written 'verte' and the succeeding page is left blank as if for the remaining counties but no further names are entered.)
Warrants not relating to Money VII. pp. 290-2.
Mar. 8. Money warrant for 560l. to Robert, earl of Sunderland, one of the Principal Secretaries of State, in part of the 2,000l. for secret service without accompt ; as by the privy seal of Feb. 28 last : same to be paid out of the Exchequer. Money Book (General) p. 386.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt (upon the production of acquittances from the Commissioners and Treasurer of Excise testifying the payment of advance money from the New Farmers of Excise as by the privy seal of Feb. 28 supra p. 1250) to levy and strike tallies upon the said Commissioners and Receivers of Excise for [repayment of] such sums as are paid or shall be paid from time to time upon account of the 270,000l. advance money agreed to be paid to the King by Geo. Dashwood and partners ut ibid, upon their contract made with the King (and agreed to be confirmed by letters patent) for managing the Excise for 3 years from 1680, June 24 : for the securing of the repayment of which moneys said privy seal directs tallies to be struck as herein. Said tallies are to be delivered to said Dashwood and partners or their assigns to be made use of by them for their repayment. Money Book (General) p. 387.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to Baptist May, Keeper of the Privy Purse as imprest for providing Healing medals for his Majesty's use in healing as by the privy seal of 1667-8, Mar. 20. Ibid, p. 388.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Auditor Richard Aldworth to make allowance in account to Richard Downes, one of the late Commissioners for managing the wine licence revenue, of 100l. as reward and 124l. 13s. 0d. for fees by him expended and to be expended in passing his accompts and 8l. 9s. 0d. for so much by him disbursed for wateridge (for his charges of going by water several times about the same business, viz., from Fox Hall to Ivy Bridge and returning from 1676, July 18, to Feb. 23 following) : the said Downes having petitioned Treasurer Danby setting forth that when he was in July, 1676, dismissed from the said employment, 6 years' accompts of the Wine Licence revenue were then unstated [the stating and making up of] which he has solicited at his own charge and on that service has spent above 6 months and therefore praying a continuance to 1676 of his salary of 200l. per annum as a Wine Licence Commissioner.
Appending : bill of abovesaid particulars, the items of fees being as follows :
Ibid, pp. 388-9.
l. s. d.
for the oaths before the Baron and declaring the said accounts and for divers other petty charges 15 13 0
to the clerks at the Treasury Chambers for each of the said six years' accompts at 1l. 10s. 0d. [each] 9 0 0
for 5 warrants at the Treasury Office for the quarterly allowance of the Wine Office [incidents and salary bill or] charges, 1l. 10s. 0d. each 7 10 0
to Mr. Hall [first Secondary to] the King's Remembrancer for his fee of 3l. for each of the 6 years' accompts 18 0 0
to Mr. Wilkinson [in the Office of] the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer [on his fee of] 1l. 10s. 0d. for each of the six years' accompts 9 0 0
to Mr. Cole [Chamberlain of the Exchequer] for joining the 6 years' tallies, and [? for the charge] at the Pipe of 2s. each tally, viz., 20 tallies for 1671, 18 tallies for 1672, 6 tallies for 1673, 6 tallies for 1674, 9 tallies for 1675. 6 tallies for 1676, in all 65 tallies at 2s. a piece 6 10 0
to the clerks of the Pipe for 10l. for each of the said 6 years' accounts 60 0 0
£124 13 0
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring into the Exchequer 50l. for the poor of St. Margarets, Westminster, and 50l. for King Charles I's Hospital "which being for charitable uses I hope you will readily comply with." Out Letters (General) p. 383.
Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on the petition to the King from Sir Jno. Coryton, Sir Nicho. Slanninge and others on behalf of themselves and the county of Cornwall said petition setting forth that it may be a good service to the King in the convenient victualling of Tangier Garrison to make provisions for that place in the county of Cornwall (beside the great obligation to the said county) in having same come fresh, sweet and good to the garrison, being that ships may always go out freely from those open ports upon the first occasion of a fair wind which will lock up others in the river of Thames as hath bin often experienced, that from the west country ships have made a voyage to the Straits mouth and come back before some from London could get out of the Downs, besides the hazard from London to the west country is accounted more than from the west country to Tangier : also that in the western ports if occasion should be for convoy it is so in the way that it will not occasion any loss of time to the King's frigates. They therefore pray that the victualling of said garrison may be settled to them and promise their indefatigable zeal therein. Said petition being referred by order in council dated Whitehall, Feb. 6 last, to Treasurer Danby the latter hereby reports. The reasons offered for settling the victualling of Tangier in the county of Cornwall will be of great advantage for the convenient, better and speedy victualling thereof besides the benefit to the county "whose loyalty your Majesty hath always been generously pleased to resent." As to the articles and agreements to be made with petitioners they will be most fit to be made by the Lords Commissioners for the affairs of Tangier. Warrants not relating to Money VII. p. 293.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Jno. Barnard of the Middle Temple, gent., to prosecute to execution the decree lately made in the Exchequer whereby Jno. Wadlowe, William Hargrave and John Henderson, undertakers upon the late 310,000l. Wine Act of Parliament with other their partners are indebted to the King 47,000l. and upwards, which said decree has been obtained on several causes heretofore depending in said court which were managed by said Barnard's solicitation. SaidWadlow, Hargrave and Henderson are since dead and the King's debt is yet altogether unpaid. You are to proceed against their executors and administrators and gave me an account of your proceedings therein. Ibid. VII. p. 294.
Mar. 10. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant of an annuity or pension of 500l. to Dame Anne Charlotte now wife of John, Lord Frescheville, and to Dame Frances daughter of said Lord Frescheville and now wife of Thomas Culpeper, Esq., and to the survivor of them for their natural lives : to take effect immediately from and after the death of said Lord Frescheville : to be payable quarterly. King's Warrant Book VI. p. 190.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated March of a demise of [the farm of] the Excise to George Dashwood and partners for 3 years from 1680, June 24, they having agreed to advance 270,000l. thereon to be repaid with interest at certain times agreed on. The King agrees that if the Additional duty be continued they shall enjoy the same for the like term under the yearly rent [for the whole Excise including the Additional Excise] of 560,000l. but if the said Additional Excise be not continued the farm rent is to be 446,000l. per an. payable monthly and quarterly as the present rents are paid. The King allows a defalcation in respect of brandy and strong waters after the rate of 40,000l. per an. so long as they shall be prohibited to be reported : also 56,000l. per an. for officers' charges, and 5,000l. for bad debts and accidents, and 10,000l. for rewards to the [said Farmers or] Managers if the revenue will extend so far above the rents covenanted for as above. The [said Farmers or] Managers covenant to make yearly accounts of the said revenues and to perfect them within 6 months after, and to pay to the King's use what overplus shall appear to be made thereof above the rent and the abovesaid allowances of [? 40,000l.], 56,000l., 5,000l. and 10,000l., they [the Farmers] deducting 12d. in the £ [for themselves out of such surplus]. The King hath power to resume the farm on giving 12 months' notice and on paying [back] so much of the advance money as shall be unpaid [to them], allowing them [further] a gratuity for their pains. It is agreed that the Excise revenue in North and South Wales and in Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmorland and Durham shall be subfarmed to Bernard Turner and Sebastien Lyford, Esq., but no other part of the [Excise] revenue [is to be so sub-farmed] without the Lord Treasurer's licence. With other provisoes and agreements (as in the present farm lease) for seizing the farm in case of non-payment of rent, and other matters and things relating to the management thereof. Docquet Book, p. 31.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 4,679l. 7s. 0d. on any unsatisfied orders in the name of Sir Edward Griffin, Kt., Treasurer of the Chamber, for the service of his Office : same to be satisfied by tallies on John Chase, Esq., for the like sum payable by him to the King upon a contract for the purchase of a certain parcel of fee farm rents. Money Book (General) p. 389.
Same from same to same to issue 15,000l. upon any unsatisfied late orders in the name of Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, for the service of the Navy : same to be by tallies on the Customs. Ibid. p. 390.
Same from same to same to issue 15,000l. to Lemuel Kingdon upon any late orders in his name [resting unsatisfied, being drawn] for the service of the Forces which were raised for support of his Majesty's alliances : to be by tallies ut supra. Ibid.
Allowance by Treasurer Danby of 56l. 2s. 6d. to William Jennens, Esq., in full of his cravings of 56l. 2s. 6d. on his account as sheriff of Cornwall for the year ended 1678, Sept. 29 : his bill of same having been sworn before and allowed by Lord Chief Justice North. Money Book (General) p. 390.
Warrant from same to Geo. Dashwood and partners. You have contracted to pay your advance money for the new farm of Excise in manner, ut supra, p. 1250 : and in pursuance of your contract you have already paid 33,000l. to the Commissioners and Receivers of Excise for which they have given you an acquittance in a form approved of by me. You are hereby to pay the remaining 37,000l. of the first 70,000l. of your advance money and likewise the 4 remaining instalments of 50,000l. each to the said Commissioners and Receivers at or before the times limited in your contract taking their acquittances for the same in the said form so approved of ; upon which you are to have tallies levied in the Exchequer for your repayment. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to Lemuell Kingdon, Esq., to forthwith advance 200l. to Sir Jonathan Trelawney upon any money due to him in your office for clothes for soldiers or any other account whatsoever. Treasurer Danby will take care to make you a provision for it. Out Letter (General) p. 383.