Entry Book: February 1679, 16-28

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: February 1679, 16-28', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp1232-1251 [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Entry Book: February 1679, 16-28', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1911), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp1232-1251.

"Entry Book: February 1679, 16-28". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1911), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp1232-1251.


February 1679, 16-28

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Feb. 17. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export, Customs free, of 1,200 bisquet bags and 100 pieces of crocus canvas shipped by the Victuallers of the Navy on the Anne and Jane yacht, Richard Ratford commander, for Kinsale in Ireland for the service of his Majesty's Victualling there. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 168.
Same from same to permit the export of the following Customs free, being stores to be shipped on the abovesaid Anne and Jane, Richard Ratford commander, for Kinsale in Ireland where they are to be delivered on board his Majesty's ship Garland now riding there.
Appending : (a) delivery note from Thomas Turner dated Deptford. Delivered on 1678-9, Feb. 10, to Robert Cole, labourer, provisions as below to be by him transported in one of his Majesty's long boats to Bell Wharf and delivered on board the good ship Anne and Jane, of London, for transport to Ireland as above [being] for boatswain's stores : viz., one new noyalls for topsail, 8 white lines, 40 hammacoes, 12'b. twine, 12'b. tar[re]dmerline, 9 coils of sizes from 3 inches to ¾ inch, 60 fathom cable layd 4½, 28 fathom cable layd 7½, 3 barrels of tar, 6 barrels blacking, ½ cwt. resin, 36 blocks of sizes from 10 inch to 5 inch, 12 wood trunks, 1 ensign of 16 Bre, 1 jack of 8 Bre, 1 pendant 34 yards long, 12 thimbles, 12 staples.
(b) Certificate by [Sir] J. Tippets, T. Hayter and A. Deane [Navy Commissioners] dated Navy Office Feb. 14 that the above are to be sent for the ship Garland at present attending his Majesty's service in Ireland, etc. ut supra.
Ibid, pp. 168-9.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export, Customs free, of Naval stores shipped by the Admiralty Lords on board the Virgin's Delight alias Gloucester, Capt. Tho. Morley master, to be transported to Port Mahon in Minorca for the use of his Majesty's ships in the Mediterranean under command of Sir John Narbrough. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 169.
Same from same to same to assign and appoint a convenient seat in the Custom House, London, such as you shall think fit, for the collectors of the water balliage duty as desired by the late Lord Mayor and the Aldermen of London for their officers [collectors] of the said duty : the Customs Commissioners having reported that said collectors have appeared before them and desired such seat, as their ancient privilege as they had the like in the old Custom House before the fire, as was confirmed on examination of some of the ancient officers of the Customs ; and that the reasons which are given of the discontinuance thereof are the loss of their ancient table of rates burned in the Lord Mayor's hall whereupon a considerable time was taken up in law to make oath thereof, the death of Robert Carpender the former collector and a difference between some of the aldermen and the surviving collector, Jno. Carpender [which difference is] now ended. The grant of such seat is to be during the pleasure of the Lord Treasurer. Ibid, p. 170.
Same from same to same to employ William Jones as a tidesman in fee London port, loco Robert Cheeke, who is willing to resign. Ibid, p. 171.
Same from same to same and to Sir John Shaw, Surveyor of the Navigation Act, to enter as a free ship (and to grant certificate [of naturalization] in the usual form) the ship Black-a-moore, a foreign built ship of about 120 tons burden.
Prefixing : undated certificates by Henry Coventry, Secretary of State, that said ship was made a free ship of England by royal warrant dated 1670, Sept. 24, which warrant is entered in Sir John Trevor's books now in said Coventry's Office.
Ibid, p. 169.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring into the Exchequer with all speed 100l. for Sir John Howell. Out Letters (General) p. 367.
Same to Edward Seymour [Treasurer of the Navy]. Treasurer Danby desires you will endeavour to borrow money for the service of the Navy on the tally for 2,000l. lately struck on the Hearthmoney Contractor's advance money payable June 24 next "for which you may allow after the rate of 6 per cent. interest and 3 per cent. gratuity from the date of the tally till its payment [in course]." Ibid.
Money warrant for 30l. to Sir Edward Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, for half a year to Christmas last on the yearly sum of 60l. payable to him by the privy seal of 1676, Sept. 30 : to be by him paid over to Edward Glynn, gent. ; to be satisfied by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 374.
Same for 915l. to Sir Tho. Higgons for half a year June 8 last to Dec. 8 last on his ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to the Republic of Venice. Ibid.
Same for 125l. each to Eleanor Samson (formerly called Eleanor Withers) and Joane Hurford (formerly called Joane Halsnorth) for 2½ years to Christmas last on their annuities or yearly pensions of 50l. each as by the patent of Oct. 23 last granting same from 1676, June 24 : to be satisfied by tallies on the Customs. Ibid, p. 375.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt for tallies of pro on the Excise for what has grown due from 1677, Christmas, and so from time to time for what shall grow due on the yearly rents of 42l. 7s. 0d. to Edward Chamberlaine, Dr. of Laws, and of 7l. 15s. 4d. to George Torriano as by the patents of Jan. 25 last (supra, p. 1179), or their heirs and assigns : they having desired such tallies of pro [in the like form in which the bankers' annuities are paid]. Ibid.
Feb. 18. Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier. Mr. Skelton has tallies on you for 1,515l., viz., one dated Oct. 23 last for 910l. and one dated the 12th inst. for 455l. for his [ordinary] entertainment due in Dec. last and one dated July 4 last for 150l. for extraordinaries. Said tallies are to be satisfied in course and if in the mean time you advance the money due upon them Treasurer Danby will allow you 8 per cent. interest and gratuity. Out Letters (General) p. 367.
Same to same. There are tallies struck on you for Sir Robert Southwell [for the Committee of Council for Trade and Plantations] for 419l., 316l. 13s. 7d., and three each for 37l. 10s. 0d., amounting to 848l. 3s. 7d. together, and also one for 250l. All these are to be paid out of your quarterly payments and Treasurer Danby desires you to pay them as soon as you conveniently can. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Tenths for what was due at Christmas last of Visct. Brouncker's pension of 1,000l. per an. Ibid, p. 368.
Same to the Customs Cashier. Mr. Bradshaw has a tally struck upon you Dec. 5 last for 150l. for half a year due Nov. 2 last on Mr. Baker's allowance as Consul at Tripoli. Treasurer Danby directs same to be satisfied in course, and if you think fit to advance the money [thereon] his Lordship will allow you 8 per cent. interest and gratuity. Ibid.
Same to same to forthwith bring into the Exchequer 60l. for Mr. Robert Swan for three quarters on the pension granted him for his service to the King in his escape after Worcester fight. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies to be struck on the Tenths for what was due at Christmas last on Visct. Brouncker's pension of 1,000l. per an. Ibid, p. 373.
Feb. 19. Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated Feb. of a great seal for a pardon to Henry Thompson alias Tomkins of the offence of felony for having two wives living at the same time ; and of all penalties and forfeiture by reason thereof : with restitution of lands and goods. Docquet Book, p. 24.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal as follows. William Williams of Cowbridge, co. Glamorgan, Phillip Bell and Hugh Green, both of Westminster, gentlemen, have informed the King that several arrears of the monthly assessment from 1649, Lady day, to 1651, Christmas, within the several counties of Wales, and several sums of money which were received by divers persons for the revenues of churches and vicarages in Wales and Monmouth between 1648, Lady day, and 1660, Lady day, are still due and unpaid to the King : of which arrears of the said assessment several sums amounting to 7,624l. 10s. 8d. are certified by Sir Robert Croke, Clerk of the Pipe, to be set in super in the account of Sir John Dethick and others, late Treasurers at war, upon several Receivers, counties and towns within the dominion [of Wales] who have not sued forth any quietus or discharge for the same. The King purposing that his right to such of the said arrears and sums as are excepted in the general Act of Pardon and Oblivion of 12 Car. II. or vested in the Crown by 13 Car. II. c. 3, and as are not discharged by the provisoes and limitations in the said Acts or other legal course, should be duly prosecuted, hereby therefore commands Exchequer process to issue for the recovery of all the said arrears and sums. The Lord Treasurer is hereby empowered to make compositions or agreement as he think fit with any persons chargeable as above, and thereupon to discharge them according to the purport of such compositions. And forasmuch as the said Williams, Bell and Green, have not only discovered, but are willing to be at further pains and charge in prosecuting the said arrears, the Lord Treasurer is hereby authorised, as any of the said arrears and sums shall be brought into the Exchequer from time to time, to pay so much not exceeding one third part thereof to said Williams, Bell and Green their survivor or assigns by way of reward for their service as said Lord Treasurer shall think them to deserve : [to be so paid to them] without accompt, imprest or other charge. King's Warrant Book VI. pp. 169-70.
Same to same for a same for installing the First Fruits of the bishop of Chichester (Guy Carleton, Dr. of Divinity, late bishop of Bristol, and now translated to Chichester) after the rate of 609l. 7s. 1½d. ("that being the sum remaining of the whole tax in the books of the Exchequer after the Disme or Tenths be subducted") : same to be paid in 4 equal yearly payments by several bonds obligatory of said bishop of 152l. 6s. 93/8d. each without any surety in that behalf ; the first payment to be made at Christmas next : the King of his mere motion granting herein that if said bishop die or be translated within the said four years and on this side any the feast days named, the unpaid portion of said bonds shall be clearly and absolutely discharged. Ibid, pp. 170-1.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for charging items as follow and per contra allowing items as follow in the accounts of Philip Packer as Master of the Works, he being now upon the passing of his said accounts, viz., the sum of 5,000l. was, by an order No. 684 registered on the Hearthmoney, made payable to said Packer for the service of the Works : likewise another order No. 684 [sic] registered on same for 3,500l. to same. Said Packer has by several assignments under his hand, endorsed on the back of said orders and registered in the Exchequer, assigned 4,578l. 9s. 0d. part of the first order, and 3,029l. 12s. 0d. part of the second order to several persons : by virtue of which assignments (and by virtue of the Act of Parl, for assigning orders in the Exchequer) Packer's whole interest in such assignments became vested in the assignees ; and they, their executors or assigns have received 421l. 11s. 0d., part of the first mentioned order and 3,029l. 12s. 0d. part of the last mentioned order, and they are to receive such assignments as aforesaid to their own use without account. Further by order No. 1479 dated 1668, Sept. 12, and registered on the Eleven Months' tax 5,000l. was to be paid to Col. William Legg, late Lieutenant of the Ordnance and said Legg (by virtue of a privy seal of 1668-9, Jan. 15, and Treasury warrant thereon of 1669, April 7) assigned same to Sir John Wolstenholme, Sir Jno. Shaw, Sir Robt. Vinar, Sir Edmond Turnor, Edward Backwall and Francis Millington, then Farmers of the Customs who by assignment dated 1670, Sept. 8, assigned same to Charles Twitty and George Ranton, who (by virtue of a Treasury Warrant of 1670, Dec. 9), assigned same to Phillip Packer for the service of the Works. Further by another order No. 223 dated 1670, July 16 and registered on the Wine Act the sum of 1,500l. was made payable to said Packer for the service of the Works. Further by two other orders, Nos. 19 and 20 dated 1670-1, Jan. 11, and registered on the Customs of 1671, Christmas quarter, 1,500l. and 1,000l. were made payable to said Packer for the service of the Works. The said Packer has not received any of the moneys so assigned by the four last mentioned orders, and is willing to re-assign the same, and the moneys thereby payable, to such persons as the King shall appoint or to deliver up same to be cancelled so as he may be discharged of the said moneys. To the end therefore that he may be regularly charged and discharged (and for that upon his assignment of the said several sums of 4,578l. part of the first order and of 3,029l. 12s. 0d. part of the second order he "did receive or ought to have received the same") it is hereby directed that in making up his account [as Paymaster of the Works] the whole moneys payable to him by the said orders amounting to 17,500l. be charged on him, and that he be discharged of 421l. 11s. 0d. part of said first sum of 5,000l. "in regard it appears by an imprest certificate under the hand of Sir Robert Howard, Kt., Auditor of the Receipt of our Exchequer, that the said sum [421l. 11s. 0d.] was paid to the said P. Packer or his assigns and that he is already charged therewith by the said imprest certificate" : and likewise to discharge him of 970l. 8s. 0d., part of the moneys due by the said second order in regard he or his assigns have received the same at the Exchequer and is already charged therewith by the said imprest certificate : and likewise to discharge him of the several sums of 5,000l., 1,500l., 1,500l. and 1,000l. as by the abovesaid four last mentioned orders, he assigning the said orders to the Auditor of the Receipt to the end the said Auditor may cancel and make void the same which he is hereby authorised to do. To prevent any further demands of money from the Crown on any of the above orders care is to be taken that when any of the moneys which are yet due and unpaid upon the said orders and which have been assigned by Packer as aforesaid shall be paid to his assigns the same is not to be charged upon the said Packer, his executors or assigns by any future imprest certificate to be made by any Auditor of the Receipt in regard said Packer is [hereby] to be charged with the whole moneys payable by the said orders which [whole] includes the said several sums so assigned. For preventing any such charge it is hereby ordered that when said Packer is charged and discharged as above and his account declared and passed and produced to the Auditor of the Receipt, the latter shall make a memorandum in the margent of the Register of the said orders that the said moneys so assigned are charged upon the said Packer in his said account and that therefore he is not to be charged therewith by any future imprest certificate. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Feb. 25 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. pp. 172-5. Docquet Book, p. 26.
Money warrant for 672l. to Thomas Felton and William Chiffinch, Esqrs., Masters of the Hawks, for half a year to Christmas last on their fees and allowances of 800l. per an., 30l. per mensem and 10s. per diem : to be satisfied by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 376.
Same for 300l. to Dame Anne Windham for three quarters to Christmas last on her pension of 400l. per an. for the good service by her performed to his Majesty in his escape after the battle of Worcester : to be satisfied ut supra. Ibid, p. 377.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to observe an order of the King in Council as follows.
Prefixing : said order dated Whitehall Feb. 14. It was this day represented to the King in Council from the Admiralty Lords that a barque called the Honor and Elizabeth, of Cowes, burden about 30 tons, Tho. Powell master, being lately employed in his Majesty's service to go to France, where the master took in 11 tun and 2 tearces of French wines and 34 little packets of linen, intending to land the same at Ostend, whither she was bound, was by stress of weather forced into Weymouth, where she is seized upon a late Act of Parliament prohibiting the importation of French commodities, and must be at his Majesty's charge until she be discharged out of his Majesty's service. Upon consideration hereon it was ordered by the King in Council that the Lord Treasurer direct the vessel to be cleared from the said seizure to the end she may proceed on her intended voyage to Ostend, care being taken that none of her lading be landed in any part of this kingdom.
Out Letters (Customs) IV p. 171.
Letter of direction on an order dated 1677-8, Jan. 28, for 1,500l. to Sir George Carteret for his interest in several tenements, gardens, etc., taken into the fortification at Plymouth : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on Anthony Rowe and partners on their Hearthmoney rent due Sept. 29 next. Money Book (General) p. 377.
Same on an order dated the 11th inst. for 470l. to Bevil Skelton for extraordinaries : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Customs. Ibid.
Money warrant for 100l. 7s. 6d. to Thomas Payne for one year's salary and board wages as a Serjeant at Arms. (Charles Bertie dated Feb. 24 to the Customs Cashier to bring into the Exchequer 50l. 3s. 9d. for said Payne.) Ibid, p. 377. Out Letters (General) p. 373.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Humphrey Morrice, Auditor for co. Lincoln. By indenture dated 1676-7, March 22, the Trustees for sale of Fee Farms have inter alia sold to John Garland and his heirs and assigns for ever several fee farm and other rents in co. Lincoln amounting to 193l. 16s. 1¾d. per an. By a clause in said indenture said Garland etc., were to receive to their own use such of the said rents as were due at Michaelmas next before the date thereof. By a particular sign by Tho. Raban, deputy auditor, 105l. 11s. 10½d. was due at the said date and should therefore have been received by the purchaser. But upon the foot of the account of Robert Saunderson, Receiver of Crown rents and revenues for co. Lincoln, there remains in his hands for the year ended at the said Michaelmas only 49l. 17s. 5¾d. which sum said Saunderson has paid to the assigns of said Garland. You are hereby to allow and discharge the said 49l. 17s. 5¾d. upon said Saunderson's account for the year ended 1676, Sept. 29. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. pp. 282-3.
Treasurer Danby to John, bishop of Rochester, Lord Almoner. The bearer hereof, Tho. Hove, is the same poor man I have several times recommended to you to be putt into the list of Maundymen, which favour your lordship has never denied me. I am therefore encouraged to ask the same again. Ibid, p. 283.
Feb. 20. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to permit the transport part to Hamburg and part to Ostend, Customs free, of the equipage of Charle Comte de Waldestein, Envoy Extraordinary from the Emperor of Germany.
Appending : said Count's list (in French) of his equipage, part via Hamburg and part "which I wish to take with me in the yacht" (including two cases containing tapestries, a case containing pictures).
Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 172.
Money warrant for 50l. to John Shales for last Christmas quarter on his 200l. a year as an Auditor of the revenue : and dormant warrant for what shall grow due thereon in future : to be by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 378.
Charles Bertie to the Treasurer of the Navy. Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe did by Treasurer Danby's direction lend 10,000l. for the service of the Navy, which was paid to you April 5 last, and was made April 13, a loan in the Exchequer on the Poll Bill. Said order of loan bears interest from said April 13 last. You are to pay to said Kent and Duncombe 7 per cent. interest and 1 per cent. gratuity on said 10,000l. from the said 5th April to said 13th April. Out Letters (General) p. 369.
[?] Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. The Customs Cashier has brought 3,825l. into the Exchequer. You are to issue same as follows, viz., 3,000l. to the Judges of England, 175l. to the Judges of Wales, 275l. to the Masters in Chancery, 250l. to Sir Richd. Raynsford, 125l. to Sir Thomas Twisden ; for their quarter's salary and pensions for last Hilary term. Ibid.
Feb. 20. Same to the Customs Cashier to pay in course, according to date, the tally for 1,300l. to Sir Leoline Jenkins : and if you shall in the meantime advance the same, you are to be allowed 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. gratuity from the time you advance the money till your repayment. Ibid.
The like letter concerning the tallies for 455l. to Mr. Soames on his ordinary. Ibid.
The like concerning Mr. Brisbane's tally for 389l. due to him Sept. 16 last upon his allowance as Agent in France. Ibid, p. 371.
Charles Bertie to the Wine Licence Commissioners. Treasurer Danby finds by your account that there are several tallies (part of the 14,000l. tallies) long since struck upon you which are not paid, nor have you advanced the full sum. His Lordship having present occasion for 3,000l. towards disbanding the new raised forces, commands me to tell you that if you will advance said 3,000l. presently, you shall either have it repaid to you with 8 per cent. interest within few months or tallies struck upon you for 3,000l. shall be delivered to you and the same interest allowed thereupon. Pray oblige me with your answer immediately. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Cashier. There are two tallies struck on you for 1,300l. each to Sir William Temple for six months' ordinary to the 19th inst. Treasurer Danby desires you to advance the money forthwith and you are to be allowed 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. gratuity thereon. "This his Lordship earnestly recommends to you as a matter wherein his Lordship is earnestly pressed." Ibid, p. 370.
Feb. 21. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to acquit, exonerate, release and discharge Major Humphry Cornwall, of Berrington, co. Hereford, his heirs, etc., and estate, etc., from all extents, seizures and prosecutions whatsoever by reason of his being security for Roger Vaughan, of Bredwardine, co. Hereford, Receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Hereford, the King having already by privy seal dated 1677-8, March 12, similarly discharged Herbert Aubrey, of the city of Hereford, Esq., who became bound with said Cornwall and Vaughan in the same bond dated 1670, May 23, for 1,800l. as sureties for said Vaughan. The present release is of the King's special grace : but nothing herein is to extend to the discharge of said Vaughan. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated St. David's day [March 1] of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. pp. 176-7. Docquet Book, p. 27.
[Charles Bertie] to Mr. Bernard Turner. Treasurer Danby desires you will let Mr. Bridges be telling over the 13,000l. which you are to pay on [his Majesty's] signing the King's warrant. It will remain in your hands in sealed bags till that be done, and this is desired for expedition. Out Letters (General) p. 370.
[Same] to George Dashwood and partners [Contractors for the Excise management]. Mr. Bridges is to receive the 20,000l. for your first payment. Treasurer Danby desires you will let him be telling over the money, that it may be ready upon the signing of the warrant, till which time it will remain in your hands sealed up in the bags. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to pay 305l. 4s. 4d. to Paul Pauly for one year's interest upon three orders of loan, two thereof No. 1080 and 1081, registered on the Hearthmoney and the third No. 1079, registered on the Wine Act in the name of John Wadlow and John Saiers [which latter order is] come to said Pauly by several [mesne] assignments and [has been] transferred to the Hearthmoney, the several sums [contained in said orders in all] amounting to 5,087l. 6s. 4d. The present payment to be by tallies on the Excise. (Charles Bertie dated Feb. 28 to the Receivers of Excise to pay said 305l. 4s. 4d. upon a tally this day stricken on you.) Money Book (General) p. 378. Out Letters (General) p. 376.
Feb. 22. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for a tally on the Excise (and same to the Commissioners [and Receivers] of Excise to pay said tally) for 125l. for last Christmas quarter on Lord Byron's and Mr. Cratford's pension of 500l. per an. Out Letters (General) p. 371.
Same to the Customs Cashier to bring 10l. into the Exchequer for Mr. Robert Bertie. Ibid.
Money warrant for 300l. to John Bagnold, Receiver General for co. Derby, of the Eighteen Months' tax and deputy to John Rawlins, Receiver of the late Poll money for co. Derby ; the said Bagnold's agent in London having by mistake paid 300l. into the Exchequer Dec. 9 last and (as appears by certificate of William Wardour, Clerk of the Pells) took a tally for same as upon accompt of said Poll money, whereas same should have been placed to the account of the Eighteen Months' tax for that said Bagnold had before that time cleared his accompt of the Poll money, as appears by a state thereof under the hand of deputy Auditor Raban. Said payment is to be made to Bagnold out of any of the said Poll moneys now or hereafter in the Exchequer (altered to) out of money so paid into the Exchequer in the name of the Poll money by mistake as aforesaid. Memorandum : the first warrant was cancelled and a new one signed with the above alteration, by the advice of Sir Rob. Howard and Mr. Wardour. [Bagnold's said agent is to immediately pay back the money into the Exchequer on Bagnold's account for the Eighteen Months' tax]. Money Book (General) p. 379.
Money warrant for 1,300l. to Sir William Temple for a quarter's ordinary in advance to May 21 next as Ambassador to the States General : to be by tally on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 379.
Feb. 23. Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on the report from the Lord Lieutenant and Council of Treland on the petition to the King from Sir Robert Southwell, a clerk of the Privy Council. Said petition being referred by the King to the Lord Lieutenant, the latter took it to the Council Board, Ireland, who reported thereon 1678, Dec. 9, as follows (the report being signed by the Duke of Ormonde, Mich. [archbishop of] Dublin, Lord Chancellor, Earl of Arran, [Richard, Earl of] Blerinton [Burlington], Viscount Granard, [George, Viscount] Lanesborough, R. Coote, R. Fitzgerald, [Col.] Ca. Dillon, [Sir] Cha. Meredith, [Sir] Ro. Booth, [Sir] Jon. Davy, [Sir] Jno. Cole and Will. Stewart). A commission of inquiry was issued and they have returned that the damage sustained by petitioner and his father in 1666 and since by the King taking in the old castle of Rincorran [Ringcurran] and the work there together with the purchase of 50 plantation acres, now taken in for erecting the new fort at Rincorran, amounts to 891l. 2s. 6d. and petitioner's father was damnified in 150l. by being forced to build in a more inconvenient place than Rincorran, thus making 1,041l. 2s. 6d. which petitioner is entitled to as satisfaction. Said report being by order of the King in Council dated Whitehall, Feb. 13 inst., referred to Treasurer Danby, the latter hereby reports : "I agree with the report of the Lord Lieutenant." Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 285.
Feb. 24. Charles Bertie to Mr. Bernard Turnor and partners. His Majesty's occasions requiring 1,000l. for the immediate transporting some soldiers for Tangier and the ships lying ready for that purpose, Treasurer Danby desires you to accommodate Mr. Bridges with that 1,000l. to-morrow : which is to be allowed as part of the 13,000l. you are to pay upon [his Majesty] signing the warrant for management of the Excise, which [warrant] I hope to get ready for his Majesty's signature to-morrow ; Treasurer Danby having agreed to the clauses you, by Mr. Brent, desired to have inserted, which I have accordingly signified to the Attorney General. Out Letters (General) p. 372.
Same to the Customs Cashier to bring 425l. into the Exchequer for Thomas Killegrew, 300l. thereof for three quarters to Christmas last on his pension of 400l. per an. and 125l. for last Christmas quarter on his 500l. per an. as a Groom of the Bedchamber. Ibid.
Same to same to satisfy in its course the tally for 364l. due to Mr. Chudleigh Sept. 11 last ; and if you advance the money thereupon Treasurer Danby will allow you 8 per cent. interest and gratuity till [you are recouped by] the payment of the tally in course. Ibid.
The like letter concerning the tallies for 1,498l. 7s. 0d. for Sir Edward Wood (588l. 7s. 0d. for extraordinaries to Sept. 29 last and 910l. for six months' ordinary to Jan. 5 last). Ibid, p. 373.
Feb. 25. Money warrant for 1,000l. to Isaac Legouch for a jewel of diamonds and pearls to that value, which is to be given by his Majesty to Comte Walestine, Envoy Extraordinary from the Emperor of Gemany : as by the certificate of the 13th inst. from the Earl of Arlington, Lord Chamberlain of the Household. Money Book (General) p. 380. King's Warrant Book VI. p. 177.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to John Shales, Auditor for co. Kent, for a particular, fairly engrossed in parchment, of the stewardship of the Honor of Otford, Kent, which is void by the death of the late steward thereof : all with a view to a new grant thereof to Phill. Packer, Esq. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 283.
Same from same to the King's Remembrancer to supersede process against Richard, Lord Byron, for the sum of 102l. 16s. 0d. which the High Collector of Aids and Assessments for the Hundred of Broxtow, co. Notts, has set in super upon said lord for the manor of Newstead ; which sum or the greatest part thereof appears (as the said Lord Byron informs me) by his servants' books to be long since paid and [he] desires some time may be given him to examine into the matter. Ibid, p. 284.
Entry of Treasurer Danby's signature of the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Mary Andrewes, Henry Gibbs, Richard Codrington and Henry Harris of the lands and tenements in the city of Bristol of Thomas Cooper extended for debt. Ibid.
The like of a like lease to William Bogan of divers lands and tenements in co. Devon of George Clarke and John Norman seized for debt : to be held by the said William Bogan in trust for himself and Anthony Salter, Thom. Prowse and John Brooke. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to permit the import, Customs free, of the goods of Sir William Temple, Ambassador to the States General.
Appending : (a) list of said goods (my Lord's clothes, my Lady's clothes, Mr. Downton's clothes, Mr. Woodyeare's clothes, distilled water, Mr. Hales' clothes, Cornelia's clothes, my Lady Giffares cabinet frame, my Lord's hangings, David's clothes, the page's clothes). (b) Jo. Temple to Charles Bertie dated Feb. 25 to procure Treasurer Danby's warrant as above for the importation of "my father's equipage" as above, brought from Holland on the Katherine yacht.
Out Letters (Customs) IV. pp. 172-3.
Same from same to same to employ Ralph Wingate as a waiter and boatman at Stockton, loco Thomas Ridley, deceased. Ibid.
Same from same to same and to Sir John Shaw, [Surveyor of the Navigation Act, and] Collector Inwards London port, to register as a free ship (and to grant certificate thereof in the usual form) the ship Four Brothers, provided a revocation be made of the freedom of another ship as follows.
Prefixing : royal warrant dated Whitehall Feb. 21. John Bankes, merchant, has petitioned us in Council, setting forth that two foreign-built ships, one the Francis and Elizabeth, alias The Industry, of London, the other the Arms of London, were by several royal warrants made free, and [natives'] Custom paid for the same (the property thereof being as yet in the petitioner) ; but not finding said ships proper for his trade to the Eastward, he prayed (in consideration of his services to his Majesty) the surrender of the freedom of the said ships and the making free two other foreign-built ships, being more proper for the said trade, and wholly owned by petitioner and other the King's subjects, the one called the Danby, the other called the Four Brothers : to which the King being inclined to condescend, considering that it would not make any addition to the number of foreign ships made free "to which we were pleased to put a stop by our order in Council of the 20th of November, 1674," does therefore hereby order that the said ship Four Brothers should be a free ship of this realm : taking care that there be a revocation of the freedom formerly granted to one of the forementioned ships, and that the same trade henceforth as an unfree ship.
Ibid, pp. 173-5.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners and to Sir John Shaw, Collector Inwards London port, to register as a free ship etc. ut supra, the ship Danby, of London, in place of one of the abovementioned two formerly naturalized ships.
Prefixing : like order in Council dated Feb. 21.
Out Letters (Customs) IV. pp. 175-6.
Same from same to same for similarly naturalising the ship called St. George, of London, foreign built.
Prefixing : certificate dated Feb. 18 by Secretary Henry Coventry that said ship was made a free ship of England by royal warrant dated 1670, Aug. 15, which warrant is registered in the books of entries kept in Sir John Trevor's Office "now in my Office."
Ibid, p. 177.
Same from same to Sir John Shaw, Collector Inwards London port, and to the patent waiters of said port. By my order of 1677, May 10 (made upon a memorial of the Customs Commissioners for saving of charge to the King) Edward Agberow, gent., then Pricker of the Stilyard was required to do the duty of a patent waiter London port. Thereupon he claimed to have a dividend of fees by bill money or otherwise as the patent waiters in said port enjoyed. But same was denied him by the said waiters, they alleging that as Pricker of the Stilyard he had no right thereto, but if the King would add him or any other as a King's waiter, they would with all humility submit, although they conceived that by a clause in the patent of Mr. Jordan, one of their number, the King's pleasure was declared that they should no more be increased. The Customs Commissioners in their report of 1677-8, March 7, hereon advise the recall of the King's grant as Pricker of the Stilyard and that Agberow should by fresh grant be added to the number of patent land waiters, and accordingly by a patent under the great seal of June 14 last this was granted with all fees, wages, rewards, allowances, etc. Notwithstanding Agberow complains to me that his share of the bill money abovestairs is detained in your hands. I have considered the whole matter and am fully satisfied that it is at his Majesty's pleasure to increase or continue the number of the said landwaiters, notwithstanding what hath been said by them to the contrary. I hereby order that Agberow be permitted to receive and enjoy the fees, wages, etc., as above, according to the effect of his grant and from the date thereof. Ibid, pp. 177-8.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, to Mris. Walgrave a box lately come from Livorno on board the Affrican, Samuel Smith commander, containing 18 small pictures on canvas. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 179.
Feb. 26. Privy seal dormant for the Lord Treasurer to issue warrants from time to time to the Customs Commissioners to pay to Robert, Earl of Sunderland and Henry Coventry 1,850l. each per an. by quarterly payments of 462l. 10s. 0d. each without accompt as Principal Secretaries of State, to be during their continuance in said office and to be in lieu of their pension or pensions respectively allowed or to be allowed them in respect of their said offices : the King having thought fit to remove Sir Joseph Williamson, Kt., from the office or trust of Principal Secretary of State and in his place to constitute the said Earl of Sunderland. The first payment to be accompted from Christmas last. The privy seal of 1674, Dec. 23, for payment of the like sums to Henry Coventry and Sir Joseph Williamson is to be henceforth void and no further payments to be made thereon save the arrears thereon to Christmas last. (Royal warrant dated Feb. 12 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Feb. 20 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. pp. 166-7. Docquet Book, p. 25.
Privy seal for 500l. for equipage and 5l. a day as ordinary to Henry Savile whom the King has appointed Envoy Extraordinary to France : his said ordinary to be payable quarterly, the first quarter in advance : with the usual clause for allowing his extraordinaries for intelligence, expresses, etc. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Feb. 22 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. pp. 177-8. Docquet Book, p. 25.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Major Richard Brett, his heirs and assigns for ever of an annuity or yearly rent or sum of 273l. 15s. 0d. payable out of the Hereditary Excise, quarterly [as the bankers' annuities are] : said annuity to be determinable upon the payment to said Brett, his heirs, etc., of the two sums of 2,812l. 10s. 0d. and 1,750l. and all arrears : the King having by a great seal of date 1662, July 25, granted to said Brett an annuity of 250l. for life, payable out of the logwood duty which annuity is in arrear for 11¼ years to June 24 last making 2,812l. 10s. 0d. for arrears : the King being willing to discharge the said logwood duty from said payment (in regard it is let to farm to John Pincombe and the rent thereof granted to Laurence Hyde for an unexpired term of years) therefore grants the annuity as herein as equivalent to said 2,812l. 10s. 0d. and to the further sum of 1,750l. for the value of his life estate to come in the annuity granted by the great seal 1662, July 25. The said great seal is first to be surrendered and a release made to the King of all arrears thereon as above. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated March 11 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. pp. 184-5. Docquet Book, p. 32.
Money warrant for 455l. to William Soames for a quarter's ordinary Nov. 9 last to the 7th inst. as Envoy Extraordinary to the Duchess Regent of Savoy : to be satisfied by levying tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 379.
Charles Bertie to Mr. Dashwood and partners and to Mr. Bernard Turnor. Treasurer Danby has the King's signature to your warrant and the same being now with the Attorney General you are severally desired to pay the 20,000l. and 13,000l. to Mr. Bridges whose receipt shall be to each of you a discharge for the present until you shall have a regular discharge, which shall be my care. Out Letters (General) p. 373.
Same to Mr. Bridges. Treasurer Danby, ut supra, has the King's hand to a grant of the Farmers of Excise and the Attorney General has taken it away to pass a bill in order to a patent. You are to attend them [said Farmers] for the receipt of the abovesaid 20,000l. and 13,000l. ; and give Treasurer Danby an account when you have the same in your hands so that his Lordship may direct the application thereof. Ibid, p. 374.
Feb. 27. Same to the Customs Cashier to immediately pay to the Treasurer of the Navy (on account of the arrears of weekly money due before Jan. 1 last) 600l. to be issued to James Pearce, Esq., for pay of the quarters and for cure of sick [and wounded sea]men in the ports. Hereof you are not to make any failure or delay, it being of greatest consequence to his Majesty's service. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners and Receivers of Excise to immediately assign to Mr. Anthony Segar (written over the Treasurer of the Navy erased) 32,000l. part of the orders for 100,000l. which you have agreed to give the King a credit of, and for which your security is now passing to your liking on the two last years' surplus of the present farm of the Excise or if that fall short then out of the Excise Revenue in general. This sum now to be assigned for the Navy is for very pressing services, and therefore Treasurer Danby recommends to you the despatch of the assignment as a matter of very great concernment to the King's service and to his Lordship's satisfaction. Ibid, p. 375.
Same to the Customs Cashier. The Victuallers of the Navy press very much for the payment of the money assigned to them by 1,000l. a week out of the weekly money payable out of the Customs to the Navy ; of which payment they say they are five weeks in arrear. Treasurer Danby expressly directs you to pay over forthwith to the Treasurer of the Navy so much of the weekly money due since the first of Jan. last as will pay up the Victuallers the full of their said assignments so that his Majesty's service may not suffer in their hands for want of the said money. Ibid.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to issue to the discharge of the Victuallers' assignments in the first place, the money to be so paid as above by the Customs Cashier. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay off the King's Remembrancer's several bills for making blank books for the patent officers of the Customs for the year ending at Christmas next ; and for one year of his [the King's Remembrancer's] allowance for passing the accounts of the several [outport] customers of England and Wales [for the year ended] at Christmas last : [said items] amounting to 414l. 8s. 0d. Out Letters (General) p. 376.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies) for 75l. to Col. Thomas Howard of Suffolk for last Christmas quarter on his pension. Ibid.
Feb. 28. Same to same to issue out of the Coinage money in the Exchequer 1,705l. 5s. 0d. on any unsatisfied orders in the name of Mr. Slingsby for the service of the Mint. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay to Seth, bishop of Sarum, 400l. for half a year to Christmas last to the Poor Knights of Windsor and the officers of the Garter. Ibid.
Same to same. Mr. Griffin did by Treasurer Danby's order advance 1,500l. Sept. 27 last for the servants that attended the King at Newmarket [advancing same] upon the credit of tallies struck on the Customs at that time for 7,500l. [which said tallies had been issued to said Griffin] for last Lady day quarter for the service of his Office [of the Chamber]. This sum of 1,500l. Treasurer Danby desires you to repay to said Griffin with interest and gratuity at the rate of 8 per cent. per an. from the time he advanced it and you are to be allowed the like interest and gratuity from the date of the tallies till they become payable in course, at which time Treasurer Danby directs them to be satisfied. Ibid, p. 377.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. Treasurer Danby has given orders to the Treasurer of the Navy to reserve 3,051l. 8s. 10d. for the slopsellers and for this his Lordship desires you to assign bills to the following, viz., 1,000l. to Sir Tho. Beckford, 1,000l. to Mr. Luke Noone, 1,000l. and 51l. 8s. 10d. to Mr. Hen. Browne. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 1,423l. 13s. 10d. on any unsatisfied orders drawn in the name of the Treasurer of the Navy for the service thereof : to be by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 380.
Same from same to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy to pay [the abovesaid sum of] 1,423l. 13s. 10d. to Richard Kent in satisfaction of 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. gratuity on several sums of money amounting to 85,000l. by him advanced and lent to Anthony Stephens, gent., for the service of the Navy : as by an accompt thereof made up and stated to Sept. 29 last and allowed by Treasurer Danby Jan. 25 last. Ibid.
Money warrant for 125l. to Henry Savile for last Christmas quarter on his pension as one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber ; to be by a tally on the Customs. Ibid, p. 381.
Money warrant for 955l. to [the abovesaid] Henry Savile as Envoy Extraordinary to France, 500l. thereof being for equipage and 455l. for a quarter's advance of ordinary : to be by tallies on the Customs. (Charles Bertie dated March 5 to the Customs Cashier to pay in their course said Savile's tallies for 125l. and 955l. as above : and if you advance the money or any part thereof Treasurer Danby will allow you 8 per cent. interest till the tallies are [in their proper course] payable.) Money Book (General) p. 381. Out Letters (General) p. 379.
Letter of direction on an order dated 1680 [sic for 1678-9], Feb. 18, for 915l. to Sir Thomas Higgons as Envoy Extraordinary to the Republic of Venice : to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 381.
Same on same dated the 18th inst. for 5,336l. 15s. 7d. to the Duke of Monmouth for the Stables : ut supra, p. 1226 : to be by tallies on the Customs. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 4,356l. on any orders in the name of Ralph Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe for the service thereof : same to be by tallies on Anthony Rowe and partners on their half year's Hearthmoney rent which will be due from them to the King 1679 [sic for 1680] March 25 : "the same being intended to buy liveries for 100 Yeomen of the Guard of the Body, and the 20 warders of the Tower for the years 1677 and 1678." Ibid, p. 382.
Money warrant for 225l. to William Chiffinch for 2¼ years to Sept. 29 last on the 100l. per an. to him as by the privy seal of Nov. 30 last (ut supra, p. 1154, under date Nov. 3) without account, but with intention nevertheless to be paid over to Giles Driver or any other who shall be keeper of Greenwich Park as for wages and salary for himself and his servants for repairing the keeper's lodge, making hay for the deer and other necessary disbursements upon any emergency there : to be by tallies on the Customs. Ibid.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of the incidents bill, detailed, of the Excise Office, London, from 1678, March 25 to the 20th inst. : (total 942l. 16s. 10d. : including items for the charge of striking tallies for the Duchess of Cleveland and her children, salary to Hen. Mountaine, yard keeper, payment to Hen. Wynne for a weather glass for the [Excise] Commissioners, a year's poor rate to the parish of St. Peter, charges of striking tallies for the Queen and rent for their Office paid to Sir Eliab Harvey). Ibid, p. 383.
Money warrant for 4,220l. 9s. 8d. to Sir Robert Vynar, his Majesty's Goldsmith, for divers gold chains and medals, and also great parcels of gilt and white plate by him delivered into the Jewel House, 1677-8, March 1, to 1678-9, Feb. 25, and for some money by him disbursed for the service of that [Jewel] Office from 1677-8, Jan. 10, to 1678-9, Jan. 10, as by an accompt signed by Sir Gilbert Talbot Master of the Jewels and Plate. Ibid, p. 384.
Instructions from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners in reply to their memorials of Jan. 19 last and the 26th inst. (1) I have signified to James Walker, collector of Exeter and his brother who is his security that unless the debt due to the King be forthwith satisfied he must be superseded and he and his sureties put in suit. (2) You find very little effect from the Commission to Nicholas Baily et al. for prosecuting vessels which discharge the enumerated Plantation goods in Ireland without first coming to England, and that the Customs suffer greatly for want of effectual prosecution in such cases. I have reviewed the proposition made by Sir Tho. Worsop in his letter dated Dublin 4 Dec., 1677, which you formerly laid before me. I am willing to make trial thereof. You are to draft a commission and instructions for him and to advise me as to fitting salary and allowances to him. (3) Divers officers of the Customs have seized French prohibited goods, and are willing to prosecute the same at their own charge [but are deterred] in regard said goods (if recovered) were to be destroyed, and they know not how to fix the property or possession or persons responsible for the value. If the officers be enforced to make their prosecutions at their own charge they would use very little diligence. You have therefore ordered divers prosecutions at the King's charge to deter such practices. I approve and direct you where necessary to do the like in the future. (4) In case any persons need to be authorized to seize French prohibited goods (as by the late Poll Act), you are hereby empowered to give such commissions of seizure to whom you think fit. (5) By patent of 1672, Dec. 12, the office of Customer of Gloucester was granted to Arnold Aram, gent., in reversion after Thomas Price, who is lately dead. I suppose said Aram is admitted and sworn. Out Letters (Customs) IV. pp. 179-80.
Treasurer Danby to the Master and Register of Sutton's Hospital. I do hereby nominate and appoint Stephen Wiffen, gent., to be a pensioner in Sutton's Hospital in the next place that shall fall in my disposal. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 286.
Warrant from same to the King's Remembrancer to forthwith issue process for recovering the arrear of 517l. 7s. 1d. due from the city of York of the Royal Aid, Additional Supply, the One Month's and the Eleven Months' Assessment : which sum appears as so in arrear by the state of the accompt of Walter Strickland, Esq., deceased, late Receiver General of said assessments for York city and co. Yorks. Ibid.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 500l. to Sir William Roberts without accompt or imprest provided that the said Roberts do first discharge Edmo. Waring, his heirs, etc., and their lands, etc., from all remedies and advantages which he, said Roberts, may or can have against said Waring by virtue of the privy seal of 1675, Aug. 31, which said privy seal recites that Sir William Roberts, Edmond Waring and John Ashbourne stood bound to the King in 6,800l. by bond dated 1670, June 30, together with William Oakes, Receiver of Hearthmoney Kent and Canterbury, as sureties for said Oakes ; and that said Oakes not having accounted said Roberts made a proposition to pay 1,000l. into the Exchequer to be released of the said bond and with a condition that he might be permitted to endeavour to reimburse himself of 500l. part of the said 1,000l. from his co-security Edmund Waring with 6 per cent. interest on said 500l. from the time it should be paid into the Exchequer by said Roberts to the time it should be repaid him by the said Waring or levied upon his estate and also with such costs and damages as said Roberts should be put to in the recovery thereof : which proposition the King of his princely goodness thought fit to accept being well assured that said Roberts was merely a security for said Oakes and that he never intermeddled with the receipt of the said revenue. Said sum of 1,000l. has accordingly been paid into the Exchequer as appears by a tally dated 1675, Nov. 10, but he is not reimbursed any part of the said 500l., interest, costs and damages from said Waring, and is contented that for the said principal sum of 500l. the said Waring shall be wholly discharged touching the premises : which sum of 500l. the King in favour and compassion to (in his princely compassion of the poor condition of) the said Waring is graciously disposed to satisfy. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated March 7 of docquet hereof. Money warrant dated March 23 for payment of said 500l. to said Roberts : to be satisfied by a tally on the Customs. This money warrant quotes the privy seal as dated March 12.) King's Warrant Book VI. pp. 185-6. Docquet Book, p. 29. Money Book (General) p. 419.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a new Commission of Excise : the new Commissioners to be Sir Deny Ashburnham, bart., Sir Robt. Wiseman, Sir John James, Sir Robt. Southwell and Sir John Elweys, Kts., Robert Huntington, Esq., Charles Davenant, Dr. of the Civil Law, Edward Wingate and John Bende, Esqrs., with power to execute the laws of Excise to nominate sub-commissioners and officers, to manage and govern the Excise when not let to farm and to enter upon or re-assume any farm for non-payment or breach of covenant ; all as by instructions to be received from the King and the Lord Treasurer : with the salary of 500l. per an. each from Christmas last and with power to proceed for all arrears, etc. Frederick Christian Howard to be also inserted as a Commissioner with the like powers and salary in reversion after "any one of the said Sir Robt. Wiseman, Sir John James, Sir Robert Southwell, Robt. Huntington, Charles Davenant and John Bende." (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated March 7 and March 19 of two docquets hereof. The first docquet gives the names of the Commissioners as follows, Sir Denny Ashburnham, Sir Robert Wiseman, Sir John Elwes, Sir Robt. Southwell, Sir Jno. James, Robert Huntington. Cha. Davenant, Edwd. Wingate, Frederick Christian Howard and Jno. Bende. The second docquet adds Charles Bertie's name.) King's Warrant Book VI. p. 186. Docquet Book, pp. 29, 41.
Privy seal for 38,000l. to Baptist May, Keeper of the Privy Purse : to be for the service of the Privy Purse without account. (Royal warrant dated Feb. 21 to the Clerk of the Signet for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated March 3 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. pp. 178, 187. Docquet Book, p. 28.
Same for 2,000l. to Robert, Earl of Sunderland, Principal Secretary of State, to be for secret service without accompt. (Royal warrant dated Feb. 21 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Feb. 28 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. pp. 175, 188. Docquet Book, p. 26.
Privy seal for securing to the new proposers for the management of the Excise an extra interest or gratuity of 4 per cent. and 2 per cent. over and above the [legal] 6 per cent. on their advance money ; all as follows. George Dashwood, Thomas Rowney, Samuel Dashwood, Felix Calverd, John Friend, William Strong and Edward Buckley, of London, Esqs., have contracted with the King to manage the Excise from 1680, June 24, for three years on terms as follows, and to secure their performance thereof have contracted to advance to the King 270,000l. as follows, viz., 70,000l. on or before March 25 next or within 20 days following, 50,000l. on or before June 24 next or within 20 days following, 50,000l. on or before Sept. 29 next or within 20 days following, 50,000l. more Dec. 25 next or within 20 days following and 50,000l. on or before March 25, 1680 [sic for 1681]. For repayment thereof with interest it is hereby declared and agreed by the King that the acquittances given or to be given to them by the Excise Commissioners and Treasurers for such advance moneys shall be good and effectual to said Dashwood and partners. And upon such acquittances, testifying such payments to the said Commissioners and Treasurers of Excise, tallies are to be levied on the Excise for such sums, and allowance thereof is to be made accordingly upon the accompt of the said Commissioners and Treasurers upon the delivery of such tallies to them [by said Dashwood and parners when said tallies fall due in course and are actually cashed by said Commissioners and Receivers] and upon their producing the same before the Auditor of Excise. And to the end said Dashwood and partners may receive a just reward for their service herein, there shall and may be retained by them quarterly out of the respective quarterly rent payable by them to the King sums equal to 4 per cent. over and above the 6 per cent. interest due to them and over and above the other deductions and profits which they are to have out of those rents (as well upon the covenants in the present lease as by the agreements which shall be contained in the letters patent to to be made to express the rules, provisoes, covenants and payments for the said present lease). Such extra 4 per cent. is to be reckoned from the respective times of advance of the money to the 24th of June, 1680 ; the first allowance or detainer of such extra 4 per cent. interest is hereby to be made at said 1680, June 24 next. From the said date the extra allowance of interest on their advance money is to be 2 per cent. until the full repayment thereof. The present privy seal therefore authorises the payment and allowance to said Dashwood and partners of said extra 4 per cent. and 2 per cent. interest respectively : and if need be tallies are to be stricken in the Exchequer for the respective sums [of such interest moneys] so to be allowed as if the same had been actually paid into the Exchequer. Further by the agreement with said Dashwood and partners contained or to be contained in the said intended letters patent the King is to be at liberty at any time within the first two years of the term thereof to resume into his own hands the management of the Excise or to let the same to farm on 12 months' notice being given, and on the paying and securing the said advance money and interest thereof then due. This might not only prove prejudicial to the said Dashwood and partners in disposing of so great a sum of money as may then be due from the King to them, but otherwise greatly disappoint them. The royal intent is therefore hereby declared to be, and the King hereby agrees, that if such resumption or [new] farm be made within the said term of three years they shall, before any such resumption or farm, receive sums then due to them for advance money, interest and extra interest as herein and such further gratuity or reward as the King in his wisdom and bounty shall think proportionable to their service. And the present privy seal is to supply any defect or want of power (for the payment of interest on advance money or allowances for management or other things agreed to be performed by the King) in the said intended letters patent. (Royal warrant dated Feb. 27 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated March 3 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. pp. 179-183. Docquet Book, p. 28.