Treasury Warrants: April 1717, 1-5

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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'Treasury Warrants: April 1717, 1-5', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 16 September 2024].

'Treasury Warrants: April 1717, 1-5', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online, accessed September 16, 2024,

"Treasury Warrants: April 1717, 1-5". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby(London, 1960), , British History Online. Web. 16 September 2024.


April 1717, 1–5

April 1 Royal sign manual for 50l. to John Child, gent.: as royal bounty. (Money warrant dated April 2 hereon.) (Money order dated April 3 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 3 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 218. Order Book IX, p. 388. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 277.
Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to grant to Joseph Mason, Esq., the Office of Comptroller of First Fruits and Tenths: during pleasure: with the fee or salary of 150l. per an.: loco John Baber whose patent during pleasure is hereby revoked. King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 219.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Col. Thomas Hartopp as royal bounty: without account: in consideration of some acceptable services by him performed. (Money warrant dated April 2 hereon.) (Money order dated April 3 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 3 hereon.) Ibid., p. 419. Order Book IX, p. 388. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 277.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Customs Cashiers to pay 10l. per an. salary to Thomas Lowther, gent., as Searcher of Cardiff port. Money Book XXV, p. 247.
Money warrant for 37l. 10s. 0d. to Richard Topham for 1717 Lady day quarter as Supervisor of the digesting the Records in Cæsar's Chapel in the Tower. (Money order dated April 2 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 3 hereon.) Ibid., p. 248. Order Book IX, p. 286. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 277.
Letter of direction for 20,000l. to John Leacroft on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer to the Commissioners for building 50 new churches: to be issued out of the loans remaining in the Exchequer on the Duty on Coals granted for that purpose. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 276.
April 2. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Treasury Lords to pay 5,000l. to John, Earl of Stair, Ambassador Extraordinary to the most Christian King [of France]: as royal bounty: the King being pleased to bestow same upon him as a mark of royal favour in consideration of many good and faithful services: without account. (Money warrant dated April 4 hereon.) (Money order dated April 5 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon. See infra, p. 275, under date April 26.) King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 220. Order Book IX, p. 389. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same to same to pay 352l. 17s. 0d. to William Leathes: without account: in consideration of two bills of extraordinaries as Resident in the Austrian Low Countries, being the value of 3,881 guilders 15 stivers disbursed by him for his Majesty's service. In the margin: for his Majesty's special service: being after the rate of 11 guilders for each 20s. sterling. (Money order dated April 6 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.)
Appending: said bills.
Disbursements by William Leath for his Majesty's service.
1715–16 Jan. 8, new style. Paid for intelligence in an affair recommended by Mr. Ho. Walpole and Mr. Clingraff [Elias Klinggref, Resident from Hanover with the States General]
210 0 0
February — paid the expense of my journey to Antwerp to exchange the Ratifications of the Barr[ier] Treaty 250 0 0
paid a man at Bar le Duc from 1 Nov. 1715 to 20 Jan. following, 51 days at 3 guilders 10 stivers per diem 178 10 0
paid a man at St. Omer and other French garrisons to observe the Irish Regiments, &c.: from 10 Dec. 1715 to the last of February following, 80 days at 2 guilders 16 stivers per diem 224 0 0
Feb. 16. Paid to persons at Ghent and Bruges for Intelligence 210 0 0
Feb. 20. Paid by the Governor and Town Mayor of Mons for men to observe the arms transported from Maubeuge and the other French garrisons to La Ferre [Fère] 60 pistoles 630 0 0
paid a mam [sic? man] sent from Brussels on the same occasion to Maubeuge 34 days at 5 st. 5. per diem 178 10 0
paid post horses for ditto 80 15 0
Feb. 26. Paid the Postmaster at Mons for two men at La Ferre 25 days at a Patacoon each per diem 140 0 0
March 10. Paid the Mayor of Warneton, Van de Wiel, on the same account 340 0 0
paid the Town Major, &c., of Ypres for men employed on the forementioned services 350 0 0
March 20. Paid at Dunkirk for Intelligence 210 0 0
3,001 15 0
(2) an account of money paid by William Leathes for ship hire and provisions for transporting from Ostend to London the Detachment that was left in the Castle of Ghent.
paid for biscuit 132
for butter 45
for cheese 33
for beer and cask 55
for water cask 25
for strair [straw] 15
for wooden cans, candles, lanthorns, filling water, a pump, carrying provisions on board, &c. 50
for freight 525
King's Warrant Book XXVIII, pp. 220–2. Order Book IX, p. 394. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
April 2. Royal warrant to Edward Harley and Thomas Foley, Auditors of Imprests, to make allowances as follows to James, Earl of Car- narvon, in any future account as late Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, his accounts having been lately passed, yet by reason of some omission or neglect the several sums following, paid by him for the services of the late war, were not allowed him thereupon: viz.
£ s. d.
paid to Sir Theodore Janssen on a bill of exchange drawn upon him or the said Earl [of Carnarvon], then James Brydges, Esq., by Monsieur Darselliers [Gaspard Perrinet, marquis d'Arsellières or Arzillières], Resident at Geneva from her late Majesty, for the value of 2,400 Crowns expended by him for arms furnished for the service of the war in Italy 600 0 0
for so much paid to Charles Lebas, Esq., on account of levy money for raising 240 men to serve in the French Regiment of Dragoons then in Spain, to which Regiment the said Lebas was agent 480 0 0
paid by Thomas Morrice, Esq., deceased, who was Deputy Paymaster of the Forces in Portugal to the Paymaster of the Spanish Regiment of Dragoons then commanded by the Marquis D'Assa, upon account of the subsistence of the said Regiment to the time it was disbanded 1,226 19 6
£2,306 19 6
King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 223.
Royal sign manual for 120l. 12s. 6d. to John Inglis, Esq., Marshal of the Ceremonies: whereof 110l. is to be by him paid over as a present from his Majesty to the Venetian Ambassador's Secretary; and the remaining 10l. 12s. 6d. is for the [Exchequer] fees and charges thereon. (Money warrant dated April 3 hereon.) (Money order dated April 4 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Ibid., p. 224. Order Book IX, p. 389. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 846l. 17s. 6d. to Sir Clement Cottrell, Kt., Master of the Ceremonies: whereof 800l. is to be by him paid over as a present from his Majesty to Senr. Tron [Cavaliere Nicolô Tron], Ambassador in ordinary from the Republic of Venice, who is upon his departure from hence: and the remaining 46l. 17s. 6d. is to satisfy the [Exchequer] fees and charges thereon. (Money warrant dated April 3 hereon.) (Money order dated April 4 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 224. Order Book IX, p. 389. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 224.
Same for 1,000l. to Mr. Lowther: out of Civil List moneys: without account: “to be by him paid and applied to such uses as we have directed.” (Money warrant dated April 3 hereon.) (Money order dated April 3 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 3 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 226. Order Book IX, p. 359. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 277.
April 2. Royal letters patent dated St. James's for putting under the care of his Majesty's Chief Steward of Hampton Court all those paper mills commonly called or known by the name of Longford Mills situate in Longford in the parish and manor of Harmondworth, Co. Middlesex, which the King has purchased from Henry, Earl of Uxbridge, and Henry Catesby Paget, commonly called Lord Paget, together with the dwelling house, outhouses, yards, garden and ground to the said mills belonging, containing by estimation two acres and all that river and stream of water to the said mills belonging (the fishing of the said stream excepted) from the said mills northward up to the point there called Drayton Hooke and from the said mills south and south east as far as the Royalty of the said manor of Harmondsworth doth extend towards Stanwell; and of all the ground and soil upon which the said river doth run: which said mills and other the premises were at the time of the purchase and still are in the possession of — Watkins at the yearly rent of 50l., and the said rent from Lady day 1715 is due to the Crown: all which premises were purchased by the King with intent that the Crown having command of the said river and stream of water from Drayton Hooke as aforesaid might always be supplied with a sufficient quantity of water for the service of the parks and gardens at Hampton Court. The premises are therefore hereby annexed to the Honor and Manor of Hampton Court and the Chief Steward of said Honor and Manor is hereby to have the care, charge and superintendency of the said mills and other premises and the letting thereof. King's Warrant Book XXVIII, pp. 226–7.
Royal warrant to the Treasury Lords to issue 15,000l. to William Clayton as imprest for the French Protestants as royal bounty; 3,000l. thereof for distressed French ministers and converts from the Church of Rome being in holy orders and now residing in England; and the remaining 12,000l. for other French Protestants and lay proselytes: to be by him paid according to the directions of the Archbishop of Canterbury et al., detailed. (Money warrant dated April 9 hereon.) (Money order dated April 16 hereon.) Ibid., p. 228. Order Book IX, p. 398.
Money warrant for 150l. to Thomas Coke for 1717 Lady day quarter as Vice Chamberlain of the Household. (Money order dated April 3 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 10 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 249. Order Book IX, p. 387. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 280. Treasury warrant to the Paymaster and to the Comptroller of the 1,500,000l. Lottery anno 1711 to pay and apply the sum of 49,982l. 2s. 0d. to satisfy six months' interest to 1717 Lady day at 6 per cent. on all the standing orders for the 1,666,070l. representing the outstanding unsatisfied principal of the said Lottery (as reduced from the original principal of 1,928,570l. representing the original tickets fortunate and unfortunate in the said Lottery): and further to apply the sum of 17,863l. 6s. 0d. (remainder of 67,845l. 8s. 0d. as below) towards the sinking of the said principal sum, thus leaving 1,648,210l. of principal outstanding hereupon.
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt that the receipts between 1716 Sept. 29 and 1717 March 25 from the Duties granted by the Act of 9 Anne, c. 6, for the service of said Lottery have amounted to 67,840l. 11s.d. to which is to be added 4l. 16s.d. as the carry forward from the last preceding half year's distribution; thus making a total of 67,845l. 8s. 0d.: which provides for the present distribution as above. Money Book XXV, p. 249.
April 2. Treasury warrant to Mathew Barton, Register and Comptroller of the standing orders of the 1,400,000l. Lottery anno 1714 and to George Murray, Paymaster of said orders, to pay and apply the sum of 41,825l. 14s. 0d. for 6 months' interest to 1717 Lady day on the principal sum of 1,812,100l. on standing orders on the said Lottery: and further to apply the sum of 6,999l. 7s.d. (remainder of the sum of 48,825l. 1s.d. as below) in discharge of so much of the said principal on such orders registered next in course to be paid.
Appending: a state of the said Lottery with respect to principal and interest.
Blanks at 5 per cent. Benefits at 4 per cent. Totals.
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
principal on the Lottery orders anno 1714 1,136,310 0 0 706,690 0 0 1,843,000 0 0
discharged by warrant dated 10 Oct. 1716 19,570 0 0 11,330 0 0 30,900 0 0
remains 1,116,740 0 0 695,360 0 0 1,812,100 0 0
discharged by the present warrant 6,990 0 0
1,805,110 0 0
half year's interest now due 27,918 10 0 13,907 4 0 41,825 14 0
£ s. d.
remains in the Exchequer at 25 March 1717 of the income of the Fond of said Lottery 48,824 16 4
carry forward from last distribution being unapplied upon former warrants 4
total applicable for distribution income £48,825 1
Ibid., p. 250.
Money warrants for 1717 Lady day quarter for the Bedchamber as follows: viz.
250l. each to the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber, to wit Charles, Duke of Grafton; Charles, Duke of Richmond; Charles, Earl of Manchester; Lionell, Earl of Dorset; James, Earl of Berkeley; Henry, Earl of Lincoln; Charles, Earl of Selkirk; John, Lord Carteret; John, Earl of Stair; George, Earl of Orkney; and 112l. 6s.d. to John, Earl of Leicester for 41 days on his 1,000l. per an. as a same from 12 Feb. 1716 (when he was admitted and sworn into the said office) to Lady day following.
125l. each to the Grooms of the Bedchamber: to wit Sir Gustavus Hume, Kt., William Carr, Esq., James Tyrrell, Esq., James Dormer, Esq., George Feilding, Esq., Charles Howard, Esq., Henry Cornwall, Esq., Phillip Honywood, Esq. (Money orders dated April 6 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 10 hereon.) Money Book XXV p. 257. Order Book IX, p. 394. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 280.
April 2. Same for 300l. to Colonel Francis Wyndham or his guardians or trustees (in case of infancy) for half a year to 1716 Sept. 29 on the yearly rent or sum of 600l. granted by Charles II 1673 Oct. 1 to Col. Francis Wyndham and his heirs male in consideration of good and faithful service, more especially in having been instrumental in preserving the said King after the battle at Worcester, the said grant to terminate on any conveyance of lands to the yearly value of 600l. or payment of the full sum of 10,800l. at one entire payment: which letters patent do still subsist, the said proviso in either form not having been complied with.
Followed by: note of a later Treasury confirmation dated 1718–19 Jan. 17 hereof. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 259. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 1,218l. to Alexander, Lord Polwarth, 696l. thereof for 87 days 1716 Sept. 29 to Dec. 25 on his ordinary of 5l. a day as Envoy Extraordinary to the Courts of Denmark and Prussia and on his ordinary of 3l. a day as Plenipotentiary to same; and the remaining 522l. as in satisfaction of two bills of extraordinaries 29 March 1716 to 29 Dec. following in that service. “The bill (which exceeds the Regulation) is entered at large at [pp. 266–7].”
for transporting myself and part of my servants with a coach and horses, &c., to Rotterdam 30
for transporting the other part of my servants with part of my heavy baggage by sea to Hamburg 28
for carrying the same from Hamburg to Lubeck by land on account of the danger of the Swedish privateers, and from thence by sea to Copenhagen 27
for the extraordinary expenses of travelling myself from Rotterdam to Copenhagen by the way of Hanover, being obliged by reason of the dangers of the sea to have two waggons to carry my plate and the most valuable part of my equipage by land 137
for postage of letters to and from several parts 140
for Intelligence, newspapers and other expenses on that head 37
for stationery ware 23
together with: Secretary James Stanhope's allowance dated Whitehall 14 Feb. 1716–17 hereof. “I do allow the last three articles of this bill [as] being within the Regulation; and it being usual to allow his Majesty's Ministers their travelling expenses to their respective Courts I do by his Majesty's order [allow] the four other articles amounting to 222l.
(Money order dated April 5 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, pp. 260, 266–7. Order Book IX, p. 390. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 933l. 6s. 8d. to William, Lord Cadogan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the States General, to wit 400l. thereof which (together with 1,300l. issued to him by way of advance) is for 17 weeks on his ordinary of 100l. a week from 25 Aug. 1716 (when he departed out of the presence to enter on the said employment) to Dec. 22 following; and the remaining 533l. 6s. 8d. as in satisfaction of one bill of extraordinaries in the said service between 25 Aug. 1716 and 24 Dec.
200l. more to the said William, Lord Cadogan, for one bill [not entered] of extraordinaries as late Envoy and Plenipotentiary to the States General, to wit from 16 April 1716 to 25 Aug. following; from which time his allowances as Ambassador do commence. (Money order dated April 5 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 260. Order Book IX, p. 390. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
April 2. Money warrant for 979l. 8s. 0d. to Charles Whitworth, Esq., Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the King of Prussia, 624l. thereof being (together with 728l. issued by way of advance) for 169 days on his ordinary of 5l. a day as Envoy and his ordinary of 3l. a day as Plenipotentiary, to wit from 9 July 1716 (when his 3l. a day commenced) to Dec. 25 following: and the remaining 355l. 8s. 0d. as in satisfaction of one bill of extraordinaries between 25 June 1716 and 24 Sept. following.
Followed by: bill of said extras dated Berlin Oct. 2/Nov. 3 1716:
£ s. d.
for postage of letters and packets to the Postmaster General of Leyden 25 15 0
for same to the Postmaster General at Berlin 32 12 6
for Gazettes, written intelligence, prints and pamphlets 24 8 0
for stationery ware and other charges of that nature 17 2 0
for 14 post horses on my journey from Ratisbon To Berlin by his Majesty's orders, being 72 German miles 85 17 6
for the carriage of my heavy baggage and the post of my family and equipage from Ratisbon to Berlin 169 13 0
£355 8 0
together with: Secretary James Stanhope's allowance dated Whitehall 14 Feb. 1716–17 hereof. “I allow the first four articles of this bill, being within the Regulation, and it being usual to allow his Majesty's Ministers their travelling expenses I do also allow the other two articles amounting to 235l. 10s. 6d. by his Majesty's special command.”
(Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, pp. 260, 267. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 827l. to Abraham Stanyan, Esq., Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of Germany; whereof 350l. is (together with 728l. issued to him by way of advance) for 135 days from 12 Aug. 1716 (when he took leave of his Majesty in order to the said employment) to 25 Dec. 1716 on his ordinaries of 5l. a day as Envoy and 3l. a day as Plenipotentiary: and the remaining 475l. as in satisfaction of one bill of extraordinaries from 13 Aug. 1716 to 25 Dec. following.
Followed by: said bill:
to the Captain of the yacht for transporting me and my family to Holland
postage of letters in Holland and here 50
Gazettes, printed papers and Intelligence 21
stationery ware 30
charges of six audiences of the Emperor, the three Empresses [Eleonora Magdalena, widow of the Emperor Leopold; Wilhelmina Amalia, widow of the Emperor Joseph, and Elizabeth Christina, wife of the reigning Emperor Charles VI.] and Archduchesses [Maria Elizabeth and Maria Magdalena, daughters of Leopold by his third wife Eleonora Magdalena] 43
new year's gifts to the officers of the several Courts according to custom 60
expended on my journey to Vienna with my family and baggage over and above his Majesty's allowance for my ordinary entertainment 250
together with: Secretary James Stanhope's allowance dated Whitehall 14 Feb. 1716 hereof. “I allow the first six articles of this bill being within the Regulation; and it being usual to allow his Majesty's Ministers their travelling expenses I do allow the other article amounting to 250l. by his Majesty's special command.”
(Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, pp. 260, 266. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
April 2. Same for 846l. to George Bubb, Esq., Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Catholic King; whereof 696l. is for 1716 Dec. 25 quarter on his ordinary of 5l. a day as Envoy and ordinary of 3l. a day as Plenipotentiary; and the remaining 150l. is in satisfaction of one bill of extraordinaries between 7 Sept. and 7 Dec. 1716 in his said service. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 261. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 870l. to Edward Wortley alias Montague, Ambassador to the Grand Seignior; for 1716 Dec. 25 quarter on his ordinary of 10l. a day. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 261. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 178.
Same for 585l. to Henry Worseley, Esq., Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Portugal; whereof 435l. is for same quarter on his ordinary of 5l. a day and the remaining 150l. is in satisfaction of two bills of extraordinaries between 1 June 1716 and 1 Dec. following in that service. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 261. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same f or 770l. to Sir Richard Vernon, bart., Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Poland; whereof 435l. is for 1716 Dec. 25 quarter on his ordinary of 5l. a day; and the remaining 335l. is in satisfaction of one bill of extraordinaries 16 Feb. 1715–16 to 16 Aug. 1716 in that service.
Followed by: said bill for the said dates “inclusive at Dresden, Dantzic and Warsaw”: dated Warsaw, 16 Aug. 1716:
£ s. d.
for postage of letters for six months 79 0 0
pens, paper, wax, &c. 32 0 0
mourning for the Electress Palatine [sic for Elector Palatine, viz. Johannes Wilhelmus, 24th Elector Palatine, died 8 June 1716] 34 0 0
Intelligence, prints, Gazettes and transcribing papers 54 10 0
for charges in my journey from Dresden to Leipzig, being obliged to have 10, sometimes 12, post horses in Pomerania, the Prusse Polonaise [Polish Prussia] 92 10 0
for the charge of myself from Dantzig to Warsaw by land and equipage by water 43 0 0
£335 0 0
together with: Secretary James Stanhope's allowance dated Whitehall 14 Feb. 1716–17 of said bill. “I do allow the first four articles of this bill [as] being within the Regulation; and those journeys [which] he made having been necessary for his Majesty's service I do by his Majesty's order allow the other two sums amounting to 135l. 10s. 0d.
(Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, pp. 261, 267–8. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
April 2. Money warrant for 635l. to Henry D'Avenant, Envoy Extraordinary to the Great Duke of Tuscany and Republic of Genoa; whereof 435l. is for 1716 Dec. 25 quarter on his ordinary of 5l. a day; and the remaining 200l. is in satisfaction of one bill of extraordinaries between 27 June 1716 and Dec. 27 following in that service. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 261. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 361l. to Alexander Cuningham, His Majesty's Resident with the Republic of Venice: whereof 261l. is for 1716 Dec. 25 quarter on his ordinary of 3l. a day and the remaining 100l. is in satisfaction of one bill of extraordinary disbursements in said quarter in that service. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 262. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 246l. to Francis Manning, Esq., Resident with the Cantons of Switzerland, as in full (with 273l. issued to him by way of advance) for 173 days from 1716 July 5 (when he departed out of the presence in order to that employment) to Dec. 25 following, on his ordinary of 3l. a day. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 262. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 336l. to William Leathes, Esq., his Majesty's Resident in the Austrian Low Countries; whereof 261l. is for 1716 Dec. 25 quarter on his ordinary of 3l. a day; and the remaining 75l. is in satisfaction of one bill of extraordinaries for said quarter in said service. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 262. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
April 2. Same for 336l. to James D'Ayrolle, Esq., his Majesty's Resident with the Republic of Genoa: whereof 261l. is for 1716 Dec. 25 quarter on his ordinary of 3l. a day; and the remaining 75l. is in satisfaction of one bill of extraordinaries between 1716 Sept. 16 and Dec. 16 following, in the said service. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 262. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 674l. 16s. 5d. to Cyril Wich, Esq., his Majesty's Resident with the Hanse Towns in the Circle of Lower Saxony; whereof 261l. is for 1716 Dec. 25 quarter on his ordinary of 3l. a day; and the remaining 413l. 16s. 5d. is in satisfaction of one bill of extraordinaries between 1715–16 Feb. 14 and 1716–17 Feb. 14 in that service.
Followed by: said bill dated Hamburg 15 Feb. 1717 [new style]:
£ s. d.
for postage of letters 95 5 0
stationery ware 50 2 0
written and printed intelligence 39 19 6
private correspondence 114 8 9
for taking up the Lord Duffus, furnishing him with money, paying for his boarding and his servants, sending him over to Hamburg twice on and from board the ship, &c. 25 1 2
to the master of the ship called Wilkins that brought the said Lord over to London 80 0 0
to the Lieutenant of the Guard 6 0 0
to six Grenadiers 3 0 0
£413 16 5
Together with: Secretary James Stanhope's allowance dated Whitehall 23 Feb. 1716–17 of said bill. “I allow the first four articles of this bill, being within the Regulation; and the other articles amounting to 114l. 1s. 2d. having been by him expended for the public service by direction I do allow the same by his Majesty's command.”
(Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, pp. 262, 268. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 261l. to Robert Jackson, Esq., his Majesty's Resident at the Court of Sweden; and is for 1716 Dec. 25 quarter on his ordinary of 3l. a day. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 263. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 345l. to Benjamin Lodington, Esq., his Majesty's Consul General at Tripoly; whereof 95l. is for 1716 Xmas quarter on his salary or allowance of 390l. per an.; and the remaining 250l. is in satisfaction of one bill of extraordinaries in the year 1716 in that service: as allowed by Secretary Paul Methuen. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 263. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 150l. to Samuel Thompson for 1716 Xmas quarter on his salary or allowance of 500l. per an. as his Majesty's Consul General at Algiers. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 263. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
April 2. Money warrant for 125l. to Don Juan Baptista Uzardi for 1716 Xmas quarter on his salary or allowance of 500l. per an. as his Majesty's Secretary at the Court of Madrid. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 263. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 174l. to Thomas Cranford, Esq., for same quarter on his ordinary of 40s. a day as his Majesty's Secretary to the Embassy to the Most Christian King. (Letter of direction dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXV, p. 263. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 278.
Same for 34,207l. 13s. 9d. to the Bank of England for their allowance of 3 per cent. on 4,561,025l. of the said Bills which remained undischarged [or uncancelled] during said time for circulating Exchequer Bills for the quarter ended 1717 Lady day.
Prefixing: certificate by the Earl of Halifax, Auditor of the Receipt, of the said sum as so due to the Bank for circulating 4,561,025l. of said Bills during said quarter. Memorandum: there remained in the Exchequer on the 25th March 1717 upon the General or Aggregate Fund the sum of 128,705l. 5s.d. as follows [for the description of the following Duties composing the Fund see supra, p. 81]:
£ s. d.
on the Two Thirds Tonnage since 8 March 1711–12 19,988 11 11¾
on the Coffee Duty since 23 June 1714 7,061 2
on the Additional Coffee Duty since said date 1,726 7 3
on the 15 per cent. on wrought silks, &c., continued since said date 7,661 2 4
on the Half subsidies since 31 July 1714 18,151 2 8
on the Duty on hops since 1 Aug. 1715 651 10 4
on the Duty on foreign sail cloth 615 9 7
on the 25l. per ton on French wines imported 7,293 3
on the Plantation Duty 55 5 0
on the brewers' forfeitures 101 9 1
on the surplus of the Two Sevenths Excise [as by 5–6 Wm. and Mary, c. 20] at Lady day 1717 8,379 17
on the surplus of the annuity fonds 1706 and 1707 at Lady day 1717 over and above what will satisfy the annuities of 40,000l. per an. [by 6 Anne, c. 39] 46,034 10 7
surplus of Half Subsidy [granted by 6 Anne, c. 48, to provide] for 80,000l. annuities anno 1708 at Lady day 1717 [the said surplus being made a part of the Aggregate Fund by 7 Anne, c. 30] 10,985 12 11¼
£128,705 5
(Money order dated April 10 hereon.) Money Book XXV, pp. 268–9. Order Book IX, p. 396.
Treasury allowance of the salary bill of the Customs, London port, for Lady day quarter 1717: total 7,433l. 17s. 0d.
ditto of the salary bill of the outports for same quarter: total 11,347l. 2s.d. Out Letters (Customs) XVI, p. 435.
April 2 & 5. Same of the incidents bill, detailed, of the salt Duty in Scotland for 1716 June 24 quarter: total 66l. 10s.d.
The like for 1716 Xmas quarter: total 43l. 12s.d.
The like for 1716 Lady day quarter: total 41l. 5s.d. Out Letters (North Britain) IV, p. 42.
April 2, 5, 10. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners in Scotland to employ Robert Weems as Collector of Customs at Alloa, a member of Borrowstounness port, loco Walter Murray, removed to be Collector of Customs and salt Duties at Dumfries.
Walter Murray to be Collector of the Customs and salt Duty at Dumfries at the established salaries of 50l. per an. and 5l. per an. loco John McDowall, whose deputations are hereby to be superseded.
John Murray as officer of the salt Duty in Scotland loco Richard Cook, deceased: at the established salary of 25l. per an.
John Hunter as landwaiter and searcher of the member port of Anstruther loco Hugh Donald, removed to be landwaiter and searcher at Ayr: at the established salary of 25l. per an.
Robert Wood as one of the landcarriage waiters at Glasgow loco Robert Finney, dismissed: at the established salary of 20l. per an. (Warrant dated April 5.)
John Borthwick as salt officer in Borrowstounness Collection loco John Potter, whose deputation is to be superseded: at the established salary of 25l. per an. Ibid., pp. 42, 44.
April 2. Treasury subscription [for the execution] of a warrant dated March 13 last from the Duke of Bolton, Lord Chamberlain of the Household, to James Brudnall, Master of the Jewel Office, for the delivery of 70 ounces of gilt plate to Robert Gardiner, Page of the Bedchamber, as a gift from his Majesty at the christening of his child: to an estimate of 35l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I, p. 30.
April 3. Royal warrant dated St. James's to William Clayton to pay an annual pension of 200l. to Samuel London, gent., as from Michaelmas 1716 among the other established annual pensions and bounties payable by said Clayton.
In the margin: cancelled 15 May 1717: but another signed at the same time in the name of John de Birendorff, Esq., for the like pension from the same time. King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 220.
Royal sign manual for 5,000l. to William Lowndes: for secret service. (Money warrant dated April 4 hereon.) (Money order dated April 4 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 3 hereon.) Ibid., p. 222. Order Book IX, p. 386. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 277.
Same for 430l. to Lewis (Louis) Laidez, gent.: out of Civil List moneys: without account: “as an acknowledgment from us of the care and trouble he hath had in conducting hither the present of wine which our brother, the Duke Regent of France, hath lately sent unto us.” (Money warrant dated April 9 hereon.) (Money order dated April 10 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated May 3 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 229. Order Book IX, p. 395. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 285.
April 3. Allowance by the Treasury Lords of the salary bill, not detailed, of the General Post Office for 1717 Lady day quarter: total 2,039l. 5s. 8d.: and of the like for the Penny Post officers for same quarter: total 529l. 14s.d. Money Book XXV, p. 264.
The like of the salary bill of the Stamp [Duty] officers for said quarter: total 2,031l. 18s. 10d. Ibid.
The like of the salary bill of the Apprentice Duties officers for said quarter: total 60l. Ibid.
Money warrant for 214l. 18s.d. to Henry Long for the surplusage on his account as Sheriff of Co. Herts for the year ended 1715 Sept. 29: the same arising by his payments for apprehending Isaac Armitage and four other felons and burglars.
Prefixing: certificate by the Deputy Clerk of the Pipe of said surplusage. (Money order dated April 10 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 18 hereon.) Ibid., p. 271. Order Book IX, p. 395. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 283.
Treasury confirmation of a money order of date 12 Oct. 1716 for 40,000l. for the Works ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXX, p. 498, under date 1716 Oct. Order Book IX, p. 289.
Letter of direction for 100l. to William Clayton: out of Civil List moneys: on the unsatisfied order in his name for pensions and annual bounties payable by him. (William Lowndes to said Clayton to pay same to Samuel London, gent., for half a year to 1717 Lady day on his pension.) Disposition Book XXIII, p. 277.
William Lowndes to the Treasurer of the Navy. The Treasury Lords direct you to apply to the following uses the sum of 63,024l. 3s. 6d. out of the 100,000l. lately issued to you at the Exchequer out of loans on the Vote of Credit: viz.
£ s. d.
to the head of Wages.
for paying the pilot bills registered in that [Pilot bill] Course to 30 June 1716
2,500 0 0
for answering Flag pay to Admiral Aylmer and others 2,672 3 6
to the head of Wear and Tear.
for the new Course of the Navy for May 1716
6,300 0 0
[ditto] for June 1716 14,400 0 0
for the old Course for six months from 1 Aug. 1715 to 31 Jan. following 8,965 0 0
to the head of Victualling.
for the new Course of the Victualling for May 1716
9,000 0 0
[ditto] for June 1716 15,200 0 0
For the old Course for six months from 1 Aug. 1715 to 31 Jan. following 3,987 0 0
£63,024 3 6
Ibid., p. 279.
April 3. H. Walpole to the Earl of Lincoln [Paymaster of the Forces]. The Treasury Lords direct you to apply to the following uses the sum of 48,350l. 5s.d. out of the 100,000l. lately issued to you at the Exchequer out of loans on the Vote of Credit: viz.
£ s. d.
in part of 57,029l. 14s. 7d. voted for his Majesty's Forces and Garrisons in Minorca anno 1717.
for subsistence for four months from 1716 Dec. 25 to 1717 April 24 to the Forces provided for in the above [voted] sum
12,636 3 0
for contingencies [of said Forces] for said time 707 12 0
in part of 37,192l. 14s.d. voted for the Forces and Garrison in Gibraltar anno 1717.
for the same four months' subsistence to the Forces provided for in the said [voted] sum
8,308 4 0
for Contingencies [of said Forces] for said time 334 4 7
in part of 34,742l. 14s. 2d. voted for the Forces and Garrisons in the Plantations in America anno 1717.
for the abovesaid four months' subsistence and upon account of pay of the Regiment and Independent Companies in America
10,095 13 4
in further part of 959,943l. 1s. 10½d. voted for Guards and Garrisons [in Great Britain, Jersey &c] anno 1717.
upon account for subsistence and pay to the Regiments, Troops and Companies provided for in the said [voted] sum
16,268 8
£48,350 5
Order of the Treasury Lords to the Board of Works to estimate the charge of (a) infra.
(a) The Duke of Bolton [Lord Chamberlain of the Household] to the Treasury Lords dated 18 March last. It is the King's pleasure that you give orders for repairing the Barge houses and Launches, “the Master of his Majesty's Barges having represented to me that the Barge houses are so very much out of repair that he can't answer for the security of the new barges.” Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 182.
Treasury reference to Hugh Cholmley, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of John Hitchcock for a further lease of the manor of Weston, alias Barking, Co. Surrey, to which he is entitled by mesne assignments, having been granted by the late Queen Dowager Catherine to Hen. Warren at 2l. 13s. 4d. per an. from 1693 Lady day; and likewise of the farm called Winterhouse in the same county at 3l. 13s. 4d. per an., also granted by her said late Majesty. Reference Book IX, p. 320.
April 4. Treasury reference to the Auditors of Imprests of the petition of William Wenman, late Paymaster of the Civil List Lottery, shewing that he has passed his accounts and paid over the balance thereof to the succeeding Paymaster, and praying payment of 39l. 0s. 8d. disbursed by him therein. Reference Book IX, p. 320.
April 5. Money warrant for 43l. 10s. 0d. to Henry, Duke of Kent, for 1716 Xmas quarter on his fee of 10s. a day as Governor and Captain of Windsor Castle. Money Book XXV, p. 237.
Treasury warrant to Horatio Walpole, senr., and Francis Hawes, Receivers General and Cashiers of Customs, to pay 171l. 15s. 2d. to John Smith and George Leslie, Deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer Court, as in full for their fee or allowance of 2s. per 1,000l. for joining and entering tallies for money paid into the Exchequer by the Customs Cashier, to wit on 1,717,607l. 18s.d. paid into the Customs by Henry Ferne, late Customs Cashier, for the year ended 1714 Xmas.
Prefixing: Certificate by Edward Harley [one of the Auditors of Imprests] of the money so paid and of the fees thereon. Ibid., p. 265.
Money warrant for 37l. 10s. 0d. to Charles Harrison, gent., for 1716 Sept. 29 quarter as imprest and upon account for and towards defraying his charges and expenses in the prosecution and defence of law suits and other affairs relating to his Majesty's service: the same being intended to defray and satisfy his salary for said quarter. Ibid., p. 173.
Treasury allowance of the incidents bill, detailed, of the General Post Office for 1716 Michaelmas quarter: total 1,071l. 10s. 3d. (including 42l. 8s. 11d. for 10,187 ships' letters at 1d. per letter July 9; 25l. to Thomas Horne for adjusting the accounts of the pacquet boats, and the Scotch and Irish [Post Office] accompts &c.; 2l. 2s. 0d. to John Braint, collector for New River water; 1l. 13s. 0d. to John Kempton, beadle, being his bill for the watch for half a year to 1716 Midsummer; 7l. 10s. 6d. to Thomas Gardner for drawing several plans of the Grand Post Roads; 8l. to Phillip Musgrave for his care of the candles in receiving and delivering them out; 30l. for beer allowance to the clerks; 85l. 14s. 10d. for 20,578 ship letters on 28 Sept.; 1l. 8s. 0d. to John Chapman, clockmaker, for mending the clocks; 7l. to Robert Clarke for detecting unlawful collecting of letters in several parts of Norfolk and Suffolk). Ibid., p. 272.
The like of the like bill for the quarter ended at Xmas 1716: total 1,309l. 18s. 6d. (including 52l. 0s. 10d. for 12,490 ship letters at 1d. each on 22 Oct.; 5l. 4s. 0d. to James Chapman for pumping the well in the Office; 443l. to Robert Vyner for one year's rent of the Post Office; 10l. to Samuel Angier for half a year's rent for two rooms added to the Post Office; 5l. 4s. 0d. to John Harvey for 12 tanned horse hides sent to Falmouth for the use of the pacquet boats there; 8l. 16s. 0d. to Mrs. Eliz. Harris for 24 Danish ashen oars sent to Falmouth for the use of the pacquet boats there; 38l. 17s. 6d. for 9,330 ship letters on Nov. 16; 15l. 11s. 0d. to William Gostling, being so much disbursed by him for halfpence and farthings for the conveniency of change in delivering out the merchants' letters at the window). Ibid., p. 273.
April 5. Money warrant for 25l. to George Holmes for 1717 Lady day quarter's allowance as Chief Clerk in the work of digesting &c. the Records lying in Caesar's Chapel in the Tower. (Money order dated April 5 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 3 hereon.) Ibid., p. 266. Order Book IX, p. 387. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 277.
William Lowndes to the [King's] printers to send to the Secretary at War 500 copies of the printed Acts of Parliament for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; in order to be distributed among Officers of the Forces according to the Secretary at War's desire enclosed [missing]. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 175.
Treasury warrant to the Auditors of Imprests to give allowance in the account of Horace Walpole, senr., and Francis Hawes, the present Receivers General and Cashiers of Customs, of additional allowances amounting to 200l. per an. as well as the former yearly allowances amounting to 395l. per an. for the extraordinary charge of clerks [in their Office] in receiving and paying several new Duties as follows: viz.
per an.
the Additional Duty on coffee, the 15 per cent. on calicoes &c. [as by 3–4 Anne, c. 18, and 6 Anne, c. 50, and 7 Anne, c. 30] 100
new Duty anno 1709 on pepper &c. [as by 8 Anne, c. 12] 50
Subsidy [as by 9 Anne, c. 6] 20
Two Thirds Subsidy [as by 3–4 Anne, c. 3] 30
“But you are to take especial care that as any of the Duties for which these allowances are made do cease the payments for such particular Duties do determine from the respective times the said Duties shall so cease.”
In the margin: (1) a later Treasury confirmation dated 1717 July 26 as applying to Anthony Lechmere and said Francis Hawes, the then Customs Cashiers.
(2) a later like confirmation dated 1 June 1721 as applying to John Selwyn, the then Customs Cashier.
Prefixing: report by the Customs Commissioners dated March 27 last on the memorial of said Hawes setting forth that his predecessor, Mr. Ferne, by warrant dated 1701 Oct. 8 [ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XVI, p. 371] had an allowance of 400l. per an. for clerks in respect of several Duties therein mentioned, of which only the Duty on India wrought silk is since expired, whereby 5l. per an. of said allowance did cease; but since that time several new Duties have commenced, viz. as above. The allowances authorised by the warrant of 8 Oct. 1701 were as follow:
per an.
for the Impost on tobacco [as by 8–9 Wm. III, c. 20] 100
for the Impost on wine [as by 8–9 Wm. III, c. 20] 50
for the Impost on silk &c. [as by 9–10 Wm. III, c. 44] 50
for the New Subsidy [as by 9 Wm. III, c. 23] 50
for the 15 per cent. on muslins [as by 11–12 Wm. III, c. 3] 50
for the Additional Impost [as by 8–9 Wm. III, c. 20] 50
for the second 25 per cent. [as by 7–8 Wm. III, c. 20] 10
for the Impost on whale fins [as by 9 Wm. III, c. 45] 10
for the Impost on coffee &c. [as by 12–13 Wm. III, c. 11] 10
for the Impost on coals &c. [as by 9–10 Wm. III, c. 13] 10
for the Four and a Half per cent. Duty [in Barbados and the Leeward Islands: put under the charge of the Receiver General of Customs, London, from November, 1697, see Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XIII, p. 142] 10
for the Impost on India wrought silk [as by 9–10 Wm. III, c. 44, clause 80] 5
Mr. Hawes at present employs 14 clerks in the said work and allows them 880l. per an. and on that account he only receives 395l. as above by incidents and an established 380l. per an. [for clerks], making 775l. together, and thus leaving him short by 105l. per an., “besides that he has been forced to employ other hands for carrying on the business of his Office as it ought to be, but as to the particular services of his clerks he tells us they are employed sometimes on one business and sometimes on another in such manner and at such times as he directs them according to the variety of the revenue, which he says alters daily.” Out Letters (Customs) XVI, pp. 438–9.
April 5. Treasury reference to Hugh Cholmley, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of John Smith praying a new lease of a farm called Carry Garth farm in Co. Lincoln demised by the Trustees of the Queen Dowager Catherine 6 June 1692 to Sir Purbeck Temple. Reference Book IX, p. 321.
Same to same of the petition of Richard Beck, clerk, Tho. Hesledine, Thomas Wilkin and John Smith for a new lease of a messuage and divers cottages in Barrow, Co. Lincoln, demised by the abovesaid Trustees 22 Aug. 1698 to Thomas Broxholme for 15 years: petitioners being entitled to the premises. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Francis Jermy and Philip Peck, shewing that there was a lease of Holy Island, Co. Durham, granted to Daniel Colingwood under a small reserved rent to encourage improvement of the said island, instead of which the said Colingwood and his successors mortgaged the lease to Thomas Benloe, whose successor now enjoys it but never improved it; and the lease being near expired Barbara Colingwood is endeavouring to get it renewed and is hawking about town for a purchaser to buy it, by which indirect practices the said island will be ruined instead of improved if granted to the mortgagee or Collingwood; therefore petitioners pray a reversionary lease and they will undertake to improve the said island for his Majesty's service and the good of the inhabitants. Ibid.
The proposal of Sir John Lambert and Edward Gibbon to the Treasury Lords [relating to the tin affair].
It is proposed to advance 22,000l. to your Lordships for one year on the security of his Majesty's tin now in our hands at Hamburg.
that 5 per cent. per an. be allowed us for interest till the whole [advance] shall be repaid.
that what shall be sold of the said tin shall be first applied towards payment of what is remaining unpaid of the 14,000l. and interest as per [our] contract of 25 Feb. 1714–15 with the Treasury Lords. [See supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIX, p. 252.]
that after payment of the said 14,000l. and interest, what shall be sold of the said tin shall be applied towards payment of this loan of 22,000l. and interest.
and whereas the present tin contract expires the 1st of June next, whereby the price of tin [obtainable by us at Hamburg, probably] will be reduced under what it sells for now, we humbly desire liberty to sell the tin at Hamburg and account for the same in sterling after the said time at a proportionable rate to what the price shall be fixed at by the Treasury, which proportion is 4s. per hundredweight more than the price it is sold for at the Tower, viz. the price now is 3l. 16s. 0d. and we account at 4l. per hundredweight.
But in case the said sums of 22,000l. and the remainder of 14,000l. and interest are not repaid by the 4th of April 1718 that then we have liberty to sell so much of the said tin as will repay us the said sums with interest and charges at the best rates and prices we can get for the same bona fide.
N.B.—The agreement to this proposal is entered in the book for Tin Affairs beginning p. 15. (fn. 1) Warrants not Relating to Money XXIV, p. 133.
April 5. Treasury allowance of the salary bill, detailed, of the Salt Duty officers in Scotland for 1717 Lady day quarter: total 666l. 0s.d.Out Letters (North Britain) IV, pp. 45–7.
The like of the salary bill, detailed, of the Customs in Scotland for same quarter: total 3,698l. 9s. 3d. Ibid., pp. 48–60.


  • 1. This record is not now forthcoming. The few records in the Treasury relating to Tin comprised in T 64/266–272 do not extend beyond 1714. On the accession of Geo. I on the 1st Aug. 1714 his son George Augustus became automatically Duke of Cornwall, which took the revenues of the Duchy out of the purview of the Treasury. He was created Prince of Wales on the 27th September following.