Index: O

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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'Index: O', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 18 September 2024].

'Index: O', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online, accessed September 18, 2024,

"Index: O". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby(London, 1960), , British History Online. Web. 18 September 2024.



Oakeley, —. deputy to Auditor Harley, Army account, 44.

-, -, House of Commons order served on, 321.

Oakes, Joanna, lease of lands at or near Gosport, 102, 255; late husband to. See Player, H.

Oars, Danish ashen, 232.

Oatmeal, for the Army, 707.

Oats, 431; for the Army, 705, 706, 707; for the Forces in Scotland, 509; per boll, price of, 509.

Obrien, John, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

Ochoa, Don Juan le, lieutenant, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 844.

Odams, Joshua, a Receiver of the 1,400,000l. Lottery anno 1714 [13 Anne, c. 18], petition of, 720.

Odense, Odensee, Denmark, 298.

Offley, Crew, Crewe, esquire, case of John Offley, 364, 712.

-, Henry, owner of the Josiah and Fortitude, extent issued against, and discharge of the bonds of, 665–666, 712; Virginia merchant, 715; security for tobacco duties. See Cullum, J.

-, John, charged with a debt on account of Henry Offley, petition of, 156, 364, 712.

-, Stephen, Sheriff of co. Derby, 249.

Ogilby, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

Ogilvie, Alexander, officer of Salt in Alloa Collection, dismissed, 320.

-, Sir Alexander, of Forglane, a Lord of Session, 401.

-, James, Collector of Excise at Aberdeen, 371.

-, -, Comptroller [of Customs] at Wigtown, petition of, 506.

-, -, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

-, Thomas, tidewaiter at Aberdeen, 441.

-, William, chaplain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

Ogilvy, James, Earl of Seafield and Findlater, pension for, 174, 439, 445, 634.

Oglander, George, riding surveyor between Mundesley and Happisburgh, 373, 647.

Ogle, Thomas, clerk, of Linckhouse, royal bounty for, 191.

Oglebye, Henry, Rebel prisoner transported to St. Christopher, 207.

Oglethorp, Richard, sent from Antigua as a witness, payment to, 120.

O'Hara, —, colonel, going express to Port Mahon, payment for, 266.

-, See also Power, Kath.

Oil, Oils, found in San Felipe castle, account of, 827–829.
-, imported and re-exported, account of, demanded, 148, 554.
-, lamp, for a garrison and light house, 568, 823.
-, sold at Port Mahon, 811, 824.

Okeley, John, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

Old Cambus [co. Berwick]. See Berwick, sheriffdom of.

Old Road, Antigua, Customs waiter at. See Wight, S.

Old Road, Montserrat, Customs waiter at. See Mead, W.

Old Road, St. Christopher, Customs waiter and searcher at. See Coker, G.

Oldbury, co. Salop, Meeting House in, demolished, 188.

Oldes, Sir William, Gentleman Usher Black Rod, 176, 445, 449, 635.

Oldfield, John, riding officer at Dorchester, 551.

-, Samuel, esquire, Collector of Boston port, 252; Customer of Boston port, 119.

Oldham, co. Lancaster. See Pilkington.

Oldner, George, re-admeasurement of keels, 66.

Oliphant, James, First Underkeeper of the Wardrobe, Scotland, 403.

-, Lawn., Rebel prisoner transported to St. Christopher, 207.

-, Patrick, 8th Baron Oliphant, pension for, 176, 440, 634.

Oliver, John, money for the fortifications of Port Mahon, 813.

-, Mathew, Comptroller of Boston port, 119.

Ollay, William, boatman at Lynn Regis, 647.

Ollivier, Manon Senry D', pension on the Irish Establishment, 520.

Omen, Adrian van, of Pulicat, sends diamonds to England, 599.

Ongar, co. Essex, hundred of, 627.

Onion, Eliz., a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

Onslow, Arthur, Receiver General of the Post Office, 119.

-, Sir Richard, Baron Onslow, a Teller of the Receipt, 313, 708.

-, Thomas, Out Ranger of Windsor Forest, 129; salary and allowance, 177, 285, 292, 663.

Orack, Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

Orban, John, captain lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 538.

Ordnance, Arms, accompts, arrears due on, 853–857.
-, Arms, ammunition, etc., supplied to Ireland, 20, 409.
-, Board, 22, 51, 92, 217, 623, 685; letter desiring an adjustment of the Portuguese quintal with the English weight, 103–104; letter of demand, 70; put in possession of houses etc. at Harwich in accordance with the Act 8 Anne, [c. 23, for fortifying Portsmouth, Chatham and Harwich], 141–142, 144, 465.
-, charge for supplying arms to the Earl of Galway's Spanish regiment of foot, 839.
-, Clerk of the. See Ash, E.
-, Clerk of the Deliveries of the. See Frankland, T.
-, estimates, 642, 651.
-, gunners, 22.
-, in general, issue to, for houses lost to Berwick Corporation, 32.
-, in the Tower, the Minories and elsewhere, Storekeeper of. See Wheate, Sir T.
-, Keeper of the Stores of Small Arms. See Gardiner, T.
-, land service, issues for, 190, 197, 310, 399, 422, 730.
-, Lieutenant General of the. See Erle, T.
-, Master General of, fee of, 636. See also Churchill, John, Duke of Marlborough.
-, Master Gunner of Great Britain. See Pendlebury, J.
-, Office, debt, issues for, 328, 329, 330; State of, according to accounts dated 17 Sept., 1716, and 22 Nov., 1716, 335.
-,-, House of Commons order served on, 321.
-,-, memorial of, 27.
-,-, money due to, for stores sent to the Leeward Islands and Barbados, 151.
-,-, payment to, for arms for a regiment of foot, 802.
-, Officers, inferior, repayment of taxes charged upon salaries, 730; quarterly fees, 74, 175, 445, 636. See also Ordnance—Principal.
-, powder, account of, between the Crowns of England and Portugal, 104.
-, Principal Officers, 307, 399, 811; letter to, about papers relating to the Dutch Troops, 319; repayment of taxes, 54, 730; reply to a precept from the Commissioners of Army Debts, 736–737.
-, sea service, issue for, 197, 310, 730.
-, Storekeeper of the. See Windsor, D.
-, stores, for Providence Isle and the Bahamas, 685; for Port Mahon, 815.
-, Surveyor General of. See Richards, M.
-, Treasurer and Paymaster of, accounts, interest on loans to be charged on, 284.
-,-, disposal of annuities by, 27, 56.
-,-, disposal of tallies by, 6. fee of, 636.
-,-, imprest money repaid by, issue out of, 629.
-,-, issues to, 6, 190, 197, 261, 285, 332, 333, 399, 409, 422, 632, 730.
-,-, payment into the Exchequer by, 603.
-,-, to prepare estimates, 145.
-,-, See also Mordaunt, H.

Orford, Earl of. See Russell, Edward.

Orkney, Earl of. See Hamilton, G.

Orkneys, Orkney, The, 21, 248, 289, 365, 381, 493.

Orlingbury, Orlingberry, Orlingbery, co. Northampton, hundred, 146.

Orme, John, a witness against the Lancashire Rebels, 196.

-, -, and others, tenement in Pall Mall Field in the possession of, 257.

Ormonde (Ormond), Duchess of. See Butler, Mary.

-, Duke of. See Butler, James.

Orrery, Earl of. See Boyle, Charles.

Osborne, Francis, order for a Bankers' annuity, 623.

Osbourne, Thomas, field and stable at Harwich in the tenure of, 316.

Osnabruck, Osnabrugge, Hanover, 297.

Ossulston [co. Middlesex], hundred, High Constable of. See Mills, J.

Ossulston, Ossulstone, Lord. See Bennet, Sir John.

Ostend, Belgium, 219; Dutch Troops to embark for Great Britain at, 319.

Oswald, Joseph, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, Roger, Examiner in the Court of Exchequer, Scotland, 402.

Oswestry, co. Salop, Meeting House damaged in a riot, 188.

Otley, co. York, 645.

Ottery St. Mary, co. Devon, hundred, 277.

Oughton, Adolphus, colonel of Lord Cadogan's Second Regiment of Guards, 416.

Outing, —, captain, debt, 37.

Outlaws and Outlawries, debts to, seized, 140, 303; lands of, lease of, 133–134.

Owen (Oven), Constance, sister of Sarah Perrin, possession of messuages in Hornchurch, 506–507.

-, John, Receiver General of Assessments for co. Lancaster, 277.

-, Michael, captain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 540.

-, Richard, groom to Justice [Sir Robert] Price, attending at the trial of the Rebels at Carlisle, 203.

Owens, Ellias, Deputy Supervisor [of Stamps], 125.

Owlers, convicted in an assault on Customs officers, 696; Customs officers murdered by, 104, 159–161.

Oxford, county of, distributors of Stamps for, 124. See also Busby, N.; Ryves, G.; rebellious riots in, 141, 185, 189; Receivers General of Assessments. See Croker, G.; Harrison, Sir R.; Parker, M.; Parran, J.; Sheriff of. See Crispe, C.

Oxford, co. Oxford, Anabaptist Meeting House in, demolished in a riot, 189; Mayor of, quarterly Troops, payment of expenses for, 361; Receiver General of Assessments. See Croker, G.; St. Ebbe (St. Ebbs) parish, Presbyterian Meeting House in, demolished in a riot, 189.

Oxford, University of, Professor of Physic and Reader of the same at. See Hoy, T.; Professor of Law. See Bouchier, [T.]; Receiver General of Assessments. See Croker, G.

Oxford, Earl of. See Harley, Robert.

Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, Commissions of, sent into Lancaster for trial of the Rebel prisoners, 485, 486; Justices of, sending precepts for summoning Grand and Petty Juries, 483.