Index: N

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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'Index: N', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 18 September 2024].

'Index: N', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online, accessed September 18, 2024,

"Index: N". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby(London, 1960), , British History Online. Web. 18 September 2024.



Nabes, Elizabeth, petition for delivery of her husband's goods seized at Gravesend, 569–570; petition on behalf of her husband, a poor French refugee, 604–605.

Nairn, Sir David, payment to, for subsistence of the troops in Scotland, 345.

Nairne, Lord. See Murray, W.; wife of. See Murray, Margaret.

Najac, Anthony, captain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

-, Margaret, pension for, 524.

Nantwich, Namptwich, co. Chester, collection of Salt Duty at, 84, 86; old salt works, 84; Wichhouses, 84

Napier (Napper, Nappier), John, Lord, pension for, 176, 440, 634.

-, [Robert] Surgeon's Mate to, the Hospital in Spain, pay for, 265.

-, Robert, Chirurgeon to his Majesty's subjects trading to and residing at Algiers, salary, 29, 424.

-, -, brigadier, payment to, 122.

-, William, lieutenant, pension for, 536.

-, -, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 540.

Napkins, for a hospital, 680.

Napleton, Thomas, going as minister to Barbados, royal bounty for, 239, 365, 489.

Napper, Nappier. See Napier.

Narro, Joseph, work done or materials furnished at Port Mahon, 826.

Nash, Edward, King's waiter, Bristol port, 123.

-, Henry, Receiver General of Assessments for co. Suffolk, 278, 694.

Nasmyth, James, major, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

Nassau, [Maurice], regiment of [foot], late E. Stanhope's, 734, 735.

-, Thomas, youngest son of Henry D'Auverquerque, Earl of Grantham, 678.

Nassau-de-Zulestein, Frederick, 3rd Earl of Rochford, pension for, 466.

-, William, 2nd Earl of Rochford, regiment of Dragoons, 560, 587.

Nateby, Natebey [co. Lancaster], 484.

National Debt. See Exchequer, Receipt—National.

Navan [co. Meath], barracks, one troop of horse at, 545.

Navery, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

Navigation Act of [12 Car. II, c. 18, clause 7], 676; seizure of goods imported contrary to, 644; Surveyor of. See Harris, J.; Scott, S. See also Ships and Shipping.

Navy, Admiral, present to, 77. Admirals of the Fleet at Port Mahon, 812.
-, bills, 3, 24, 29, 42, 54, 101, 109, 110, 215, 240, 261, 336, 378, 433, 698, 721, 725, 730; in the second book, debt on, 334, 679. See also Navy—imprest.
-, Board, 165, 167, 168, 169, 434.
-, bow sprits for, 149.
-, captain's servant, wages of, 166.
-, Chatham Chest, pensions, issue for, 29.
-, clothes, double delivered, overpayments on account of, 167, 168.
-, Commissioners, 3, 4, 22, 43, 62, 65, 86, 109, 110, 115, 120, 162, 164, 165, 169, 240, 261, 369, 433, 459, 556, 606, 679, 686, 721.
-,-, at Portsmouth. See Townsend, I.
-,-, bill for taking the fifth subscription of the South Sea Company, 296.
-,-, House of Commons order served on, 321.
-,-, letter to, about papers relating to the Dutch Troops, 319.
-,-, repayments of taxes charged on, 721.
-,-, to prepare an estimate, 34, 145, 467, 642, 651.
-, creditors' bill Register, 3, 65.
-, creditors, petition of, 679.
-, Debts, due Xmas 1707, transferred to South Sea Stock, 336; issues for, 328, 329, 330, 331, 422; State of, as it stood on the 31 Dec. 1707, 334–335; transferred to South Sea Stock, 334.
-, defalcations, issue for, 42.
-, Flag pay, 2, 230.
-, Fleets and Squadrons, hospital and ovens built at Port Mahon for, 812.
-,-, Baltic, the, agent victualler of, 8, 197. contingent services, imprest for, 190. issue for, 296. See also Hopson, E. provisions for, 8, 159, 197. seamen, wages of, 215. victualling the, 725.
-, imprests, 24, 42, 54, 215, 378, 669, 725.
-, imprest bills, practice of the Navy in dealing with, 433.
-, ledgers, 434.
-, loans, borrowed in 1713 for, and repayment of, payment for the services of, 240; borrowed upon a deposit of South Sea Stock for the service of, 109; repayment of, 296.
-, master's mate servant, wages of, 166.
-, masts for, 149.
-, midshipman, wages of, 166.
-, Muster Books, 165.
-, necessary money. See Navy —Victualling.
-, Office, 686; officers of, quarterly salaries, issues for, 31, 445, 614; officers of, taxes charged on, repayment of, 721; report from, on Navy Treasurer's accounts, 169.
-, Officers, who have passed their accounts, issues for, 23, 26, 42, 378; Sea, half pay for, 23, 378.
-, Ordinary, 26, 215, 614.
-, Pay Office, 165; assigned tickets, 166, 167; pay book, 166, 167; Slop Books, 165, 168.
-, pilotage, etc., bills for, debt on, at 31 Dec. 1707, 334.
-, pilots, issues for, 42, 230.
-, pitch for, 4, 86.
-, pressing, lieutenants employed in, imprest to, 190.
-, pursers, 42, 54; wages of, 167, 168.
-, Purveyor of, 162.
-, Rear Admiral. See Cleveland, W.
-, Rope Yards, debt on, at 31 Dec, 1707, 334.
-, sea Captains, presents to, 77.
-, seamen, able bodied, wages of, 165, 166.
-,-, kept in pay, account of, demanded, 3, 120.
-,-, sick and hurt. See Sick.
-,-, turned over men, wages for, 285.
-,-, wages of, debt on, at 31 Dec, 1707, 334; overpayments and double payments, allowances for, 165–169.
-, Ships, arrived from foreign ports, 36.
-,-, arrived from the Baltic, 60, 614, 666; short allowance money to the company of, 571.
-,-, books, recalling and making up, issue for, 42.
-,-, carrying specie, bullion and bills of exchange for the Forces abroad. 559, 560–561.
-,-, commanders of, complaint against, for importing wines etc., 512.
-,-, laid up, issues for, 17, 100–101, 296, 307, 310, 480, 614.
-,-, letter of the Admiralty Lords relating to, 33.
-,-, old, sale of, 114–115.
-,-, paid off, issues for, 15, 17, 36, 43, 45, 60, 100–101, 293, 307, 310, 480, 501, 614, 666.
-,-, prize, 167. names of ships: Assistance, 614. Barfleur, 36, 480. Bedford, 108. Bonadventure, 168. Bristol, 167. Burlington, 36, 480. Charlott, Charlotte, yacht, 26, 165. Chester, 15, 293. Cleaveland, 115. Cumberland, 36, 480. Deal Castle, 281. Diamond, 166, 168. Dragon, 168. Dunwich, sixth rate, 115. Falmouth, 43, 45, 501. Greyhound, 166. Harwich, hoy, 115. Henrietta, yacht, 26. Hind, 43, 45, 501. Hound, sloop, 115. Isabella, 115. James, galley, 166. Jolly, 115. Josiah, hulk, 115. Kingfisher, 166. Larke, 166. Lizard, sixth rate, 114. Mary, King's yacht, 26. Mary Rose, 168. Mermaid, 168. Moor, fourth rate, 115. Mordant, 168. Newport, 115. Oxford, 17, 168, 307, 310. Phenix, 166. Reserve, 166, 168. Rochester, 15, 293. Roebuck, Robuck, 36, 480. Rose, 17, 307, 310. Royal Anne, Royal Ann, galley, 36, 480. Ruby, 168. Rye, 36, 480. St. George, hulk, 115. St. Lo, yacht, 115. Saphire, 166, 167. Sheerness, Shereness, 43, 45, 501. Shoreham, 17, 307, 310. Shrewsbury, 36, 480. Solebay, 17, 307, 310. Soudadoes, 166. Squirrel, Squirrell, yacht, 114, 388. Swann, 167. Tartar, 850. Tyger, prize, 167. Warwick, 101. Woolwich, 114. Yarmouth, 36, 480.
-, short beer money. See Navy —Victualling.
-, sick and hurt. See Sick.
-, Slop Books. See Navy, Pay Office.
-, squadrons. See Navy—fleets.
-, stores, account of, demanded, 86; decayed, sale of, 114–115; decayed, sale of, issue out of the proceeds of, 721.
-, tar for, 4, 86.
-, timber for, 4, 86, 162, 275.
-, tobacco, overpayment on account of, 167, 168.
-, Transports, issue for. See Hill, J.
-, Treasurer, 3, 13, 60.
-,-, accounts, 433–435. allowance for passing, 558. allowance in, for a tally of anticipation, 683. allowances in, for overpayments of seamen's wages, 165–169. Commissioners for, 433. debt upon, to be paid into the Exchequer, 412. expenses in passing, issue for, 433. fees for passing, allowance for, 165–169. interest on loans to be charged on, 42, 284.
-, contributions at the Exchequer towards the Four per cent. Annuities, 724.
-, disposal of Malt tallies by, 2, 100.
-, entitled to an annuity according to the Act for same, 724.
-, Fond for Annuities in the hands of, 52.
-, Four per cent. in the hands of, issue out of, 37, 667.
-, Instructions, New, 10th Article of, 169; Old, 6th Article of, 169.
-, issues to, 2, 8, 9, 17, 23, 26, 29, 31, 42, 45, 51, 52, 54, 60, 61, 109, 163–164, 177, 182, 197, 215, 230, 284, 285, 293, 296, 301, 306, 310, 333, 378, 412, 422, 445, 480, 499, 501, 571, 604, 613, 632, 664, 666, 667, 669, 725; from April, 1689, to Oct., 1699, amount of, 433.
-, loans by, 23, 43, 307, 378, 422.
-, memorials of, 13, 14, 15–16, 17, 31, 36, 43, 50–51, 54, 60, 285.
-, payments by, 109, 164, 190, 239, 285, 294, 296, 300, 301–302, 306–307, 414–415, 422, 433, 445, 507, 556, 571, 603, 613, 614, 666–667, 698.
-, raising money, by sale of annuities, 666; by sale of Land Tax tallies, 2, 100, 501, 507, 556, 666.
-, Reversionary Annuities in the hands of, 40, 42, 54, 71; sale of, money arising from, disposal of, 571, 698, 725.
-, to be charged with interest and money arising from sale of tallies, 43, 661–662.
-, to make a list of all Reversionary Annuities issued for the Navy, 488.
-, to sell South Sea Stock 157.
-, transfer of 4 per cent. annuities to the Paymaster of the Forces by, 613–614.
-, See also Aislabie, J.; Cæsar, C.; Cary, Anthony, Viscount Falkland; Hampden, R.; Littleton, Sir T.; Russell, Edward, Earl of Orford; Seymour, Sir E.
-, Victualling, Cashier of, payment to, 433. See also Papillon, P.
-,-, Commissioners of, 32, 36, 67, 159, 178, 272, 387, 388, 459, 473, 685, 709, 719, 853. agent for, accounts of, 505; at Dover, See Wivell, E. bills of exchange, 8, 26, 42, 157, 197, 215, 719, 725. House of Commons order served on, 321. letter to, about papers relating to the Dutch Troops, 319. to send estimates, 145, 642, 651. See also Bere, T.; Jeyes, P.; Reynolds, T.
-, contingencies, issue for, 215.
-, contractors, debts of, to be written into South Sea Stock as by an Act [9 Anne, c. 15], 719.
-, contracts for, 387–389, 685.
-, debt on, at 31 Dec., 1707, state of, 334.
-, issues for, 2, 9, 54, 61. 100, 182, 182–183, 215, 230, 296, 667, 669.
-, necessary money, issues for, 54, 215.
-, Office, at Plymouth, contractors with, petition of, 719.
-, officers and labourers employed for, pay for, 21, 60, 667.
-, provisions, decayed, sale of, 505.
-, salt for, 67, 178, 272, 704.
-, short beer money, issue for, 54.
-, wages, issues for, 2, 8, 9, 13, 20, 23, 26, 29, 42, 60, 197, 230, 285, 293, 310, 378, 666.
-, wear and tear, debt at 31 Dec., 1707, 334: issues for, 9, 15, 17, 24, 42, 54, 61, 215, 230, 293, 310, 378, 667, 725.
-, yachts. See Navy—Ships.
-, yards, 149.
-,-, debt on, at 31 Dec., 1707, 334.
-,-, half yearly pay for, 60. old ships and decayed stores in, sale of, 114–115.
-,-, Chatham, decayed stores in, sale of, 114; old ship at, for sale, 115; old ship sunk for a breakwater at, 115; pay for, issue for, 20.
-,-, Deptford, decayed stores in, sale of, 114; officer in, prays exemption from Taxes, 53; pay for, issues for, 16, 300, 301–302, 666; Red House warehouse at, rent of, 419, 420; ships at, sale of, 114.
-,-, Plymouth, decayed stores in, sale of, 114: issues for, 17, 310; officers of, repaying assessments of, 459; old ships at, sunk for a breakwater, 115.
-,-, Portsmouth, decayed stores in, sale of, 114; issue for, 17, 310; Master and Assistant Builder at, 275; Navy Commissioner at, 275; regimenting persons employed in, commissions for, 15; Stone Docks at, Portland stone for the repair of, 686; timber for, 275.
-,-, Sheerness, decayed stores in, sale of, 114; old ship at, sunk for a breakwater, 115; pay for, issue for, 20.
-,-, Woolwich decayed stores in, sale of, 114; pay for, issues for, 16, 300, 301–302, 666; ship at, sale of, 114.
-,-, See also Navy—Rope Yards.

Naylor, Benj[amin], demolition of his Meeting House in Manchester, 187.

-, James, payment to, 106; payment to, for service in outlawries against Rebels, 482, 485.

Neale (Neal), proposal of, for supplying the Mint with British copper, 450.

-, Francis, Deputy Clerk of the Pipe, 78, 191, 291, 320, 432, 550, 691.

-, John, convicted and executed for coining, 500.

Neave, Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

Needen [Neddans, co. Tipperary], in Munster province, barracks, half a company of foot at, 546.

Negus, —, memorial of, 24.

-, -, Surveyor of Customs at Yarmouth, 70.

-, Francis, esquire, Commissioner for executing the office of Master of the Horse, 143, 239, 293, 396, 609; Master of the Horse, 49.

Neilson, Geo., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, Robert, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 543.

Nelmes, William, warehousekeeper at Bristol, 181.

Nelthorpe, Edward, esquire, lease of tenements in St. James's Street, 254, 371.

Nenagh [co. Tipperary], barracks, one troop of horse and two companies of foot at, 546.

Nendick, —, lands at Gosport of, 255.

Nesbitt, John, Quarter Master, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 537.

Nesbruch, co. York. See Knaresborough.

Ness, William, ancient tenant of the manor of Rosedale, 107.

-, -, lease of a messuage in Newton upon Rowcliffe, 257–258.

Netherlands, the, or Low Countries, Army or Forces in, bread for, boat hire for the carriage of, 806; contract for, 738.
-, bread caisons of, taken by the enemy, allowance for, 807.
-, bread cars of, taken by the enemy, allowance for, 807,
-, bread waggons of, taken by the enemy, allowance for, 807.
-, bread and bread waggons for, account of Sir S. de Medina concerning, 803–810.
-, British, Prussian and Auxiliary Troops upon the Meuse, 804.
-, campaign of 1711, Subject Troops in, bread for, 803.
-, Commissaries of Provisions for. See Fratre, F.; Henriques, A.
-, Commissary General at War to the King of Prussia in. See Moritz, J. G.
-, Deputy Paymaster of, certificate of, 804. See also Cartwright, H.
-, horses of, taken by the enemy, allowance for, 807.
-, Prussian Corps in, joint pay for, 804; of Augmentation, 804; the old, 804, 805.
-, Quarter Master General. See Cadogan, [W.].
-, regiments, reduced to a lower Establishment, 737; regimental accounts, 736–802, 853–857.
-, Troops and Companies, charge upon their pay for not taking bread from the contractor, 738.
-, waggons employed in conducting the Prussian and other troops on the Meuse, 809.
-, Commissary for the Trade of. See Drummond, J.
-, Conservator of the Privileges of the Scottish nation in. See Kennedy, A.
-, Plenipotentiary in. See Cadogan, William, Lord Cadogan.

Netmaker, —, House of Commons order served on, 321.

Nevill, George, Lord Bergavenny, Lord Abergavenny, pension for, 466, 472.

Neville (Nevill), —, colonel, in Spain, 286.

-, -, lieutenant colonel, taken prisoner, 839.

-, Grey, a Commissioner for Stating the Army Debts, 191, 458, 495, 598, 716, 735, 738, 857.

-, Thomas, estate of John Barnes extended for debt, 149, 451.

Nevis, Island of, arrival of the Lieutenant Governor of the Leeward Islands at, 507.
-, Customs officers at. See Choppin, J.; Dowse, J.; Finnel, F.; Teape, J.; Turtle, S
-, Lieutenant Governor of. See Smith, D.
-, sufferers at, Act of 12 Anne [13 Anne, c. 18], appropriating moneys for, 686; debt due to, 68–69, 138, 273, 368, 713; payment of interest on debentures to, 687–688, 717.

New England, letter from, 37; lieu tenants sent to, 266; waste and destruction of the woods in, letters about, 149.

New Forest, Ashley Lodge in, Keeper of. See Hooper, E.
-, Barkley coppice, 137.
-, Bramble Hill Lodge, Bramble Lodge in, repair of, 287, 377; Keeper of. See Kerr, Lord Mark.
-, Broomey Lodge and stables in, repair of, 272, 377.
-, Burley, Burleigh, lodge at, repair of, 157, 377.
-, Chief Woodward of. See Hinxman, J.
-, Dinny Lodge, repair of, 505; Master Keeper of. See Mill, Sir R.
-, felling in, 137, 275, 318, 377.
-, King's Wood coppice, 137.
-, Lord Warden of, 318.
-, report or memorial about damage done in, 37, 496.
-, South Bailiwick, Witley [Whitly] Ridge lodge in, repair of, 505; Master Keeper of the South Bailiwick. See Bridges, G.
-, Underwoodward of, prosecution against, 640.
-, windfall trees, sale of, 595.
-, wood sales in, 137, 318.
-, woodward of, 318; memorial of, 67; trees cut by, 56.

New Forest, co. York. See Arkengarthdale.

New Hampshire, Province of, Captain General and Governor in Chief of. See Shute, S.; Treasurer and Receiver General of. See Penhallow, S.

New Jersey, 390; schoolmaster for. See Farquharson, J.

New Park. See Richmond.

New River Water, collector for. See Braint, J.; for St. James's, 711; rent of, 122, 419, 420; yearly rent of, 170.

New Ross, Ross, co. Wexford, Customs officers at, 517.

New York, Province of, Captain General and Governor in Chief of. See Hunter, R.; Collector and Receiver General of Customs, Excise and quit rents in. See Byerley, T.; Dixon, J.; Deputy Auditor in. See Clark, G.; four Independent Companies at, levy money for, 266; offreckonings and clearings for, 503; subsistence for, 19; Receiver General of. See Dixon, J.

Newburgh (Newbrough), Lord. See Cholmondeley, George.

Newcastle, Nevis, waiter at. See Choppin, J.

Newcastle under Lyme, Newcastle, co. Stafford, borough of, Meeting House, pulled down and burnt, 185; sufferers by note in, damages for, 185–186.

Newcastle upon Tyne, co. Northumberland, 126, 390, 592, 647; Alderman of. See White, —; Comptroller of. See Archer, T.; Customers of, 309; landwaiters in, 702; Surveyor of. See Brougham, D.; Williams, E.; tidesmen in, 78, 79, 390, 595, 647; tidesurveyor in, 301.

Newcastle, Duke of. See Holles, John.

Newcastle upon Tyne, Duke of. See Pelham-Holles, Thomas.

Newcomen, Theophilus, clerk in the Alienation Office, salary, 697.

-, Thomas, lieutenant colonel, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 538.

Newfoundland, charge for transporting 49 private men and women to Weymouth from, 714; coast of, delivered up by the French, maps of, 259–260; salt intended for, 392.

Newhaven, co. Sussex, 291; Collector of. See Pollington, E.

Newhaven, Viscount. See Cheyne, William.

Newmarket, New Market, cos. Cambridge and Suffolk, charges of lodgings etc. to the servants above stairs who attended the King at, 49, 622.
-, Gamekeepers at, liveries for, 313.
-, gardens at, 93.
-, King's game at, Master of, issue for, 170. See also Russell, Edward, Earl of Orford.
-, King's Housekeeper of, sweeping chimneys, payment for, 391. See also Walker, T.
-, King's Running Horses at, 212, 216, 604.
-, Queen's plates run for at, 122.
-, works at, issue for, 585, 689.

Newmarket, in Munster province, barracks, one company of foot at, 546.

Newnham, John, waiter and searcher at Fareham, 132.

Newport, Flanders. See Nieuport.

Newport, Thomas (afterwards Lord Torrington), a Lord of the Treasury, 11.

-, -, Lord Torrington, a Lord of the Treasury, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42. 45, 46, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 69, 70, 71, 210, 270, 383, 591, 727.

Newry Mountains [co. Down], barracks, half a company of foot at, 547.

Newry Town [co. Down], barracks, one company of foot at, 547.

Newsham, Richard, appointed as a tidewaiter at Montrose, 320.

-, Thomas, Receiver of Taxes, petition of, 7.

-, -, senior, Receiver General of Assessments for Warwickshire and the City of Coventry, 278, 628, 655.

-, William, Receiver General of Taxes for co. Warwick, 629, 655.

Newspapers. See Ambassadors; Daily Courant; Gazette, the; Stamp Duties.

Newton by the Sea, Newton, co. Northumberland, waiter and searcher or preventive officer at, 702.

Newton upon Rawcliffe, Newton upon Rocliffe, co. York, 258.

Newton, Edward, petition of, 64, 589; referred to the Commissioners of Stamp Duties, 48.

-, Sir Isaac, House of Commons order served on, 321.

instructions relating to the coinage, 40, 43.

issues to, for coinage, 40, 509.

letter about coiners referred to, 65.

Master and Worker of the Mint, 374, 500, 609, 571, 574, 575

proposal of, for supplying the Mint with British copper, 450.

prosecution of coiners, 59.

reports by, 44, 69.

Spanish silver consigned to, for coining, 96.

to make a state of the gold and silver coins as to their weight, etc., 511.

to prepare an advertisement about tin, 49.

to prepare warrants for furnishing copper, 40.

-, James, damages to his Meeting House in Failsworth, 187.

-, Jona., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Robert, messuage at Harwich in the tenure of, 317.

-, Stephen, demolition of his Meeting House in Birmingham, 188.

-, Thomas, woodward of Whittlewood and Salcey Forests, 136, 314.

-, William, colonel, regiment of foot, 734, 736; regimental accounts, 735, 765–768, 854.

Newtown Limavady [co. Londonderry] barracks, one troop of horse at, 547.

Nichol (Niccoll, Niccolls, Nichols, Nicoll), —,Receiver of money arising by the sale of tin, 26; petition of, for allowance in his accounts, 51; to bring in his accounts, 27, 407, 445.

-, Edward, [Paymaster of Queen Anne's private pensions and bounties], 275; issues to, on an order for sundry debts of Queen Anne, 109, 212; pensions and bounties paid by, 44, 102–103, 109, 138, 212, 290, 296.

-, Eliz., a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

-, John, tidewaiter at Inverness, 289.

-, William, clerical fee due to, 97.

-, -, gentleman, constituted as Comptroller of Chester port, 474.

Nicholson (Nicholsone, Nickolson), —, House of Commons order served on, 321.

-, Francis, esquire, 141.

-, -, general, in command at the taking of Annapolis Royal, 141, 260, 385; payment to, for executing a commission of enquiry into matters within the dominions in North America, 189–190; reports by, 24, 385; return of, to Dover, from Boston, 190.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

-, Thomas, tidesurveyor at Combraes, 626.

Nicoll. See Nichol.

Nienburg, Nieuwenburgh, Hanover, 298.

Nieuenburg, Denmark. See Nyborg.

Nieuport, Newport, Flanders, hospital at, 605.

Niewenburgh, Hanover. See Nienburg.

Nimmo, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

Nine Mile House, in Munster province, barracks, half a company of foot at, 546.

Nisbott, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208

Nissolle, Stephen, ensign, pension for, 524.

Nixon, Dymond, waiter and searcher at Southwold, deceased, 646.

-, John, clerk under the Commissioners for stating the debts of William III, petition for pay, 111.

Noble, Arthur, major, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 537.

-, John, House of Commons order served on, 321.

-, William, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

Norcott, Joseph, gentleman, loan by, 284.

Nore, the, 419, 420; Buoy at, 88.

Norfolk, county of, Acting Commissioners for Land Tax, 33.
-, coast of, riding officers in the. See Faulk, T.; Toll, R.
-, Collector of Excise for, 158.
-, detecting unlawful collecting of letters in, 232.
-, gentlemen of, recommend T. Faulk for employment in the Customs, 459.
-, Receivers General of Assessments. See Brown, R.; Gurdon, T.: Mackerell, C.; Pacy, W.
-, Receiver General of the Duties on Houses for, 192.
-, riding surveyor on the coast of, 459,
-, Sheriff of, seizure for a debt by, 715. See also Rogers, T.
-, Supervisor of the Duties on Hides for. See Kerington, P.
-, Surveyor of the Duties on Houses. See Mortar, J.; Wren, J.

Norfolk. Duke of. See Howard, T.

Norman, Abel, boatman in Minehead port, 390.

-, Edward, royal bounty for, 212.

-, John, clerical fee due to, 97.

-, Lionel, a Commissioner of Customs, Scotland, 624.

Norris, Abraham, demolition of his Meeting House in Walsall, 186.

-, Henry, merchant, petition of, 29.

-, John, lime kiln, orchard and close at Harwich, 316.

-, -, son of Sir John, grant in reversion of the office of Usher of the Custom House, 16, 303.

-, Sir John, knight, Admiral, 298; Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Czar of Muscovy, 406, 410; flag pay, 2; Navy bills, 101; petition of, 394.

Norroy King at Arms. See Le Neve, Peter.

North, Francis, tidesman, London port, 131.

-, Joseph, waiter and searcher at North Shoebury, 373.

-, William, Lord North and Grey, assignments of offreckonings, 42, 496, 649; regiment [Tenth Foot] of, 735, 757, 854.

North Britain. See Scotland.

North Potomac River. See Maryland.

North Seas, 84.

Northampton, county of, Receivers General of Assessments. See Banks, J.; Cooper, J.; Lyon, S.; Receiver of the Castleward Rents in. See Robinson, Sir J.

Northcote, Charles, searcher at Exeter, 367.

-, William, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 542.

Northdale, co. York. See Rosedale, co. York.

Northesk, Earl of. See Carnegie, D.

Northey, Sir Edward, Attorney General, 90, 91, 156, 192, 198, 214, 281, 303, 306, 413, 443, 463, 464, 508, 589, 619, 633, 649.

Northumberland, county of, fee farm rents, 592.
-, gentlemen of, engaged in the Rebellion, 592.
-, Rebellion in, 48, 191.
-, Receivers General of Assessments. See Wilkinson, C.; Williamson, R.; Wyvill, F.
-, Sheriff of. See Strotther, M.
-, undersheriff of, petition of. 38. See also Potts, T.

Northumberland, Countess Dowager of. See FitzRoy, Mary.

Northumberland, Duchess of. See FitzRoy, Mary.

Northumberland, Duke of. See FitzRoy, George.

Norton, Brice, Deputy Comptroller of Lyme Regis port, 647.

-, Sir Charles, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

Norway, corn for Sweden to proceed to, 190.

Norwich, City of, Receiver General of Assessments. See Mackerell, C.

Nott, Anthony, petition for a lease of houses in St. James's, 286.

Nottingham, county of, Auditor of Land Revenues in. See Aldworth, W.; Receiver General of Assessments. See Bury, J.; Sheriff of. See Hutchinson, J.; Sharpe, G.

Nottingham, Earl of. See Finch, Daniel.

Nova Scotia, Acadia, application to the King for a grant of a portion of, 557–558.

Noyes, Thomas, boatman at Polperro, 551.

Noys, Jo., Navy wages paid to, 167.

Nucella, John Peter, Dutch chaplain, debt due to, from the late Queen, 51, 66.

Nugent, Christopher, money for Port Mahon fortifications, 812.

-, Ignatius, esquire, pension for, 520.

-, -, colonel, in the King of Portugal's service, pay for, 265.

Nun Appleton, co. York, Hall, 198.

Nusa, Jos. de la, work done or materials furnished at Port Mahon, 827.

Nuthall (Nuttal), John, Receiver General of Assessments for part of co. Surrey and the borough of Southwark, 13, 278.

Nutmegs, Duty on [as by 8 Anne, c. 12], 236.

Nuttal. See Nuthall.

Nyborg, Nieuenburg, Denmark, 298.