Warrant Book: November 1711, 6-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 25, 1711. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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'Warrant Book: November 1711, 6-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 25, 1711, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1952), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol25/pp540-543 [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Warrant Book: November 1711, 6-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 25, 1711. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1952), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol25/pp540-543.

"Warrant Book: November 1711, 6-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 25, 1711. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1952), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol25/pp540-543.


November 1711

Nov. 6. Letter of direction for 3,000l. to the Navy Treasurer: out of Contributions on the 2,000,000l. anno 1711: and is intended to be applied to the payment of [seamen's wages] Parliament tickets [under the Act 4–5 Anne, c. 6, clauses 10 and 12] for the month of October last. Disposition Book XXI, p. 177.
T. Harley to Mr. Borrett to report on the enclosed representation [missing] from Mr. Vernon concerning the prosecution he is threatened with about the accounts for prizes during the time he acted as a Commissioner [for Prizes] "and believing that Mr. Parkhurst and Mr. Pascall are only answerable for those accounts as being specially appointed to take care thereof after the Commission for Prizes was determined." Out Letters (General) XX, p. 40.
Same to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Dr. Charles Morley praying stay of proceedings against him as security for Joseph Gyde, late Agent for Sick and Wounded Seamen at Jamaica. Ibid.
William Lowndes to Mr. Granville to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Lieut. Gen. Webb touching his pay for this present year as a General Officer on the Establishment of her Majesty's Forces in Flanders. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Auditor concerned, of the memorial of William Leathes on behalf of himself and the other recruiting Officers of the several Regiments of Foot of her Majesty's Forces in the Low Countries, concerning the bounty money of 40s. per man for raising recruits; the same having been referred Aug. 29 last to James Brydges who reported thereon that he cannot make the said allowance for want of authentic certificates to ascertain the amount thereof, by reason that the original abstract of the Receivers [of Taxes] from whence he had collected the [items of payments by said Receivers to said Captains for recruiting the] same do not remain with him as vouchers for the Auditors for his payments; wherefore Brydges desired a royal warrant directing him to pay to the respective Regiments entitled the sum of 7,490l.: which said report is hereby referred as above, together with the Lord Treasurer's warrant empowering said Brydges to pay into the Exchequer on account of the said respective Receivers of Taxes such moneys as shall appear to have been paid by them out of Land Tax money for the recruiting service as by the two Acts of 8 Anne, c. 13, and 9 Anne, c. 4. Reference Book IX, p. 22.
Subscription by Treasurer Oxford for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for the delivery to Grey Maynard, Yeoman of the Removing Wardrobe, for the Queen's Dressing Room at St. James's of three pieces of crimson Genoa damask hangings, two window curtains and vallance, one armed chair, a Dressing chair and four stools all of the same damask trimmed with crimson silk Arras, lace and silk line and tassels; 16 yards of blue silk lyor, two pieces of blue silk line for the window curtains and sashes for [the] Bedchamber; 11 pieces of crimson silk line and 80 yards of crimson silk lyor; 80 yards of black woosted lyor for sash windows in [the] Council Chamber; three yards of crimson cloth; six pieces of white and six of green silk lacing for window curtains at Windsor: to an estimate of 291l. 11s. 0d. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 325.
Nov. 7. William Lowndes to the Victualling Commissioners to send to the Lord Treasurer an account of all contracts or other transactions between Mr. Ridge and the Victualling Office since 1707 Oct. 1. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 41.
Same to Mr. Borret to attend the Attorney General in relation to the effectual prosecution of Mr. Whitehall, late Agent Victualler at Deal, for the frauds by him committed in the execution of that office. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Auditors of Imprests of the petition of Mr. Brydges shewing that Col. Arnot, Paymaster of the Forces upon the late Expedition, delivered into his [Brydges's] Office an abstract of his receipts and payments, but that [Expedition's] service not being under Brydges' care of pay he conceives the examination thereof doth not relate to him, therefore moving that it be referred where proper: and the said Arnot having drawn several bills of exchange upon petitioner for money taken up for the use of the said Expedition amounting to 33,583l. 3s. 5d. and none of the said bills having been yet satisfied, and of this sum there is 9,365l. 12s. 6d. drawn from Portsmouth of which Arnot says he has received but 2,300l. by reason there has been no direction given for the acceptance of the said bills, so that there remains 7,335l. 12s. 6d. not yet come to his hands, which makes the Troops very much behind in their subsistence: therefore praying that directions may be given for payment of the said bills: and in regard that five Regiments of the said Forces are yet upon no Establishment for this present year and not properly under his care of pay he therefore prays they may be put on the Establishment of the Guards and Garrisons. Reference Book IX, p. 23.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Joyner shewing that he is surety for Mr. Hammond, merchant, for 1,500l. of tobacco Duties for which there is extended of said Hammond's effects in Surrey and London 300l. and about 60l. per an. of land and also he has due to him from the Treasury 1,200l. to his share on account of the ship Worcester: therefore praying that same may be placed to the discharge of the bonds. Ibid.
Entry of a Treasury caveat in favour of Robert Monckton, Esq., one of the Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, against any lease of Pontefract Park in Co. York (lately in lease to Thomas Medhurst, Esq.) until said Monckton be heard as to his pretences to the premises. Caveat Book, p. 63.
Nov. 8. Treasury reference to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, of the petition of Thomas Smith, member of Parliament for the city of Glasgow, in behalf of the magistrates and merchants of said city and William Cockran of Kilmarnock, Esq., shewing that the said city was anciently the place where the Custom House was kept and that for the conveniency of merchants and shipping the said city purchased a bay in the river Clyde about 14 miles distant from thence, where they built a harbour, Customs House, cellars, keys and other conveniences to the expense of upwards of 30,000l. sterling: that Sir John Shaw, deceased, father to the present Sir John (being one of the Farmers and Managers of the Customs of Scotland), did remove the books and Custom House Office to the town of Greenock, but the Lords of Treasury and Exchequer did upon application made to them by the said city order the same to be again brought to New Port, Glasgow: that in July 1710 a commission was issued out of the Exchequer in Scotland to several persons to review and report what were the proper ports and places of discharge in the river Clyde, who reported that Newport, Glasgow, should be the chief port and Greenock a member and that the quay of Glasgow should be a Livering [Delivering] Lawful Quay of Port Glasgow; which was confirmed by the Barons [of the Exchequer, Scotland] in November last: this being a thing entirely without a precedent that two Custom Houses independent of each other should be settled upon the same side of the river scarcely two miles distant from each other, and bringing not only an unnecessary charge upon the revenue by not having a settled independent set of officers, but frequently gives occasion to the merchants to tamper with the officers in threatening to go from one port to the other before the ships are half unloaded, which confounds the accounts of both ports: and that the making Glasgow a lawful landing place is both an inconveniency and an increase of charge upon the revenue by reason of the shallowness of the river in summer and frost in winter it may be five or six weeks before merchants can land their goods, which requires a greater number of watchmen to attend the ships: therefore praying that the said unprecedented innovation may be relieved [see supra, p. 234]. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 274.
Nov. 9 Fiat by Treasurer Oxford for royal letters patent to appoint Thomas Burdickin as Comptroller of Lynn Regis port loco John Cox, junr., deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 362.
Nov. 10. Money order for 446l. 5s. 10½d. to Col. Walter Douglas, Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Leeward and Caribbee Islands, being 146l. 5s. 10½d. for 89 days 1711 April 11 to July 8 (being the day he arrived at Antigua) on a moiety of his 1,200l. allowance; and 300l. for one quarter from July 8 to Oct. 8 on the said full allowance or salary. Order Book VIII, p. 117.
Same for 348l. 9s. 10¼d. to Walter Hamilton, Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Leeward and Caribbee Islands for 1710 Dec. 7 (the date of the death of Daniel Park, late Governor thereof) to 1711 July 8 (the date of arrival of Walter Douglas as above) on the moiety of the abovesaid 1,200l. per an. Ibid.
T. Harley to the Treasurer of the Navy. At Treasurer Oxford's request the Bank of England has agreed to advance to you 100,000l. at 6 per cent. repayable in money in two months on security of a deposit of 110,000l. tallies and orders on Malt anno 1711. You are to make said deposit and apply said sum as follows:
on the head of Wear and Tear.
for payment by Woolwich Yard for June 24 and Sept 29 quarter last 16,852
on the head of Wages.
for payment of several ships ordered to be laid up at Portsmouth and Chatham to ease the growing charge 53,148
on the head of Victualling.
for payment of two bills of exchange drawn from Lisbon to the order of Sir John Lambert and Capt. Gibbons 20,000
for short allowance money 10,000
"and whereas the Bank do insist that the said orders (which were drawn without interest) have interest made to commence thereupon from date thereof" you are to send the orders to the Treasury for the proper warrants to be endorsed thereupon for commencing the said interest accordingly. Disposition Book XXI, p. 178.
Nov. 10. Treasury reference to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, of the petition of the Earl of Ilay in the name of the Court of Justiciary in Scotland shewing that they have been lately called upon by the Barons of the Exchequer there to account for the moneys paid to them for defraying the expenses of the Circuit Courts since the Union; that they find themselves under insuperable difficulties therein, they having already delivered an account of the particular distributions of the sums paid to the Judges and other officers of the Court in the Circuits and they did not apprehend that [in] a matter of this nature such as travelling charges and at such a distance of time as five suceeding Circuits [they] should be obliged to account formerly [formally] before the Exchequer "which the Laws of Scotland being entirely strangers to" they did not foresee they were to prepare such an account: that the expenses claimed by each Judge amounted to 200l. each Circuit, which they conceive to be so reasonable an allowance that it will not be thought necessary to lay them under the hardship of any more strict or particular account: that the Judges in Ireland, where those sort of charges are much cheaper than in Scotland, are allowed each 100l. for a Circuit over and above their fees or perquisites amounting near to that sum "and which the Laws of Scotland do in no case allow of": therefore praying that her Majesty may accept the accounts as they have been already offered and that the future allowances for the Judges and other officers of the [Justiciary] Court in the Circuits may be ascertained [made certain or fixed]. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 278.